r SUNK U 1 t Y AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. LIST OF CAUSES 7 OR trial in the Court of Common rieaa I ..r ,t....i f'tintv. at November M A. VI l..,,,lll '...liU - Term, A. 1)., U6I. I'LAINTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. Frederick Keener Win. Ayres Laeh tstroerker va Jacob Hoffman Win. & K. Kejrely & Co. va John fshiasler Jacob W eiincr s Ira T Clement Jacob Philips va Oenrire I.. Wciincr Charlea II Frirk xs Eli Mifur Thoa ('uinmin et nl va J 1'aike ADR Itialicl Chas. A. Anilro is E. Matthews Daniel llaumiharh va John Conrad Samuel Scuman x I'l.ilip fcpnytl same 8. A. Jordan rt nl Green eV bro-. !' J 1 Miller A . lio!ja oi Co It 1) t.'iimiiiiiiss i" (ten bowman va John AruolJ Tiiv,irdta Henry I.antf xs J Stvenv & Son Moiitronicrv iV Mastvller x Samuel I. l!eck Jacob St,lel It K Kosc Geo A psley v Jamca l.'ie''. :' p ii irver oV V '! . .r Wm'.M At.i-u Daniel i' Citu! Aaron U 'ppurt Henry C.iU I J K Hoffman V wile v Joseph .vnyi!cr Hugh M :i run John Met 'orniick Martin Irivina' udm'r l''oilmrr for Caul l.'ixon nth, v i: i Motitajre i 'i. iin nt v v.; V:;t Met 'any Ii Ktilutts. Mct.'arty ct nl va J iscjii) Diuunii; va Kciil.in Tro el va Is:tae JSli.tfli-r va Ii Yoxthoimcr adm'r vs II SttinmcU, rx'r. va Henry Yoxtlicimrr va (iporsp liohrhiuh Henry Kt-i-er Ira 'J', I'.i-nicut Conrad Needy va I Ionia. Kej li'r A- Stou-rlilon Win tin,-: t r San. I Cillii'it vs J. J. I'pde.jra.'.' J. bowman Inilm-sec j. c va J C IYiliii Elijah l.'.irt.i Thomas J .Sd.li I.nwcr A 1." jiiuii Jacob Kline Thomas Sett vi 'upar llivkart Nichi'lua 1 lower Dunirl II 1), irihac John I. li-is Ira 'i' ( " i . 1 1 ii.it a f'haile. Sailor x Itailriir (,arnliart xs Ira T. I'lenient va Joseph K ines' adm'r vs lleiij V & .1 W c-'t.iiiiin va I'rcilrrii'k Herkart va J icoh Hotter va A IP.Irtinan is LoiiarJ K ladarmcl et ol va J II l'ur.ly vs (ii'o 1! Voiiii'inan John V IVal Tinhrook fur A; n'rUin i .1 imic l!iaa Hickok ('antiiiL1 s CIuo " Arinstrontr Koulii'ii Faqi'fy va Ki rshrer it Clement Jacob Kclr va llank nl' Northumberland, J'wncv Houarl David HouiicU' adin'r Jjiiib '..irliiinn'a Henry Ivlaze iV Eie his wife va ' ndininir irjtor William "liC.irly va S.unui'l Unnler Mary J.1 ne i; rimer rl nl va William Wilson llerker iV Weiller s Ii l) ('ummiuir-i. fieore Sliiley s Ab "in Duiikivliererji admr'x !arv Martz va Win II SpiaTtt vs .I ohii ( 'ampli ll & wife !Su:!.e Jollll l.iOMjl 5ml Kii'.ri :.r n J..'.;i;i a.n.- s ei r irr 1 i l or.K-fi i-ne s' adtn'r ' -Jaitii'a J n! t n t l'lijal : III K !! I'onr.nl ulli.i 'ii'r V' Ii tm' Datrel Li tic i1. t- l.;,vr i.ec j O-irie iliiii-.i.t vr. SKn'.el 1( Wood Ilen.v lliihinT Mary I?oi;j:a.!' Win .Mr!). V." C .,. Jr.1,1, i:... ;, ';t e: at i'a, e: oi.'!iir ' va Joan J a.-ks in rt al is luaa.- iilvr i. A 1:1:1; I u rl id Com I.T Wi'i unp tor V.'m William Da'ii, Itfitiemni vs Cavly v- Siimf .-i IIS Kauouan v damn lu'toiy Jr tfiHirpe (.' iiair.n va U II Iloneil et al Job'n .lac! a -rt a .1 ami a leard et nl li.iliiet tor i u 1 1 : A. Savid;ti vs DaaiH lialiiet fjeore laiwrriar Diilinjl hi lor 11 imter A; linvrra i V Man' A I iirovvn usaii iV Sarah !!ciJ Jaenh liuaa Same John Jackaon Jr Jolm I eih'a ndm'r Conrad Wolf million Simlrr A W t'on'ov Croinli ia A Brother v ('harlca Alrxaiiorr vs Suine A: Wile a A W Coinly s Tiumiaa Allen (iCure llei'kait vs Cifore Su do." vi ' VMr-ji' lien, va It V I iiininiii'-a Dultzar (iarn'.iait Albm New! errv admr's 4 It Piiuua admr is 'riunii.is l-oiwir Craudail l r J C Morgan is Geo Miller' a adin'i JOHN FAKNSV. (lit I'll, lVvdi'v. rnt'.iou .tirj'a (Mice, ) (iunbiiry. (.l."l 1, IS0. I A: i: n."s 1 '.. lily f r .oicmi.fr ' 'i t-I ll :i'OS' llH.lr :;. ii.-! :!n i Cii'i.i- M.t; , Di:i Job . i: 1.1AM U'a,h;. o I.OIV t '! tiani i- W llL'll -ll'Mt Deal Don of,,. I. .loll - .1 I." I. -. D . J I-. It. Kp! SlU .InKl S .1 I'l'i'KIt M Ul N I. iVK:t '.i J l Ki)N. M in .1., !. li it I Ti r, ,. Nun Tin I iiitiii.AMi ... . Hem aas, William It I'MI I Milt. in Tims S. Mac t'llll Mi ll II U. II. Ti n lie r liofioi; li .i D e k- I, N itll.'i.l.-l li.illcii , .1. tinea Moil,, si Ui'fiet. John L.tsvis -.1 ' h 1 1 A Co I livell, Michael llii'iy Dtl.AW.'UE I), ill, el Werliiian, John Wil. Hon, I) iiiiel N irli ula. IK'iny Culp Cilil.lsQL'nrt J. lines J nil. til, !aae B.ii len. Pclei V.iumlv. J.init' 'I'm k. Point Charles Paiks, Jiiiick "Vbit, Georje I,e!,er. Ul'l'KH Atci aTA. Do, id WtilvLMtmi. Geo Obeiilinr. Low BR l?n .l lhil Wuin, Jacob Krebs, Peter Tociitn, John l.mis. Hush Joiiii Wolf. James F. kiii.'iit. Sua. Musis. John Hm, Win. Knckbauirt. Coal. Joints (Jiler. I'fi'F.u MAiiiiMiy. B-nuevillB Ilolaboe, fleriry H ia, Jollll lb-Inch. Lower tlu Jacob Sp:ii, Jacob Bailuian, Philip Messner. John Iiiinel, Jr. Jacki!4. David StiHil, John Wenael. Daniel Zaiiman, Siiinuel .Mailed. Jacob Seilor. Levi Diuinheller, Daniel MulslMe, John F.igely. I't'lil .Juror. Sl'NBiiiV. -David Ilitnpt, Daniel Hans, Klia B tisiuiiM'. Null TIIL'MBRIII.AM) - J llll Wiieilllev.' , Mii.tos Joliii Fidlei, Chnsiiaii ' Sline, AHen S. brni er Ti'kbtt Joliii Ilofla, Jobn Kiaaiiiyer. Abrllhiim D 'Hat. Lr.wia W IIoiiti S. MontaniTifji y. n... ........ ii .. i, ... i I V tt'r . I'ra.nwAiti. tii'iat iioititer, . joii't iieii., nmu, iiui'eii :m, iyej, E,ni.iti i.iass iiini. Ii.ivnl Wil-m Cilll.i-'. .' it Paul Lali., fbos. KWf. Point - I 'in'ip Gibbi fppr.it Af'JlsTA.-G oij.'e Forienter, lien tfjf Hum a-. Sua .fOKi ihn Moore, Daniel J. Both, JsiVhuol M. Sober, William Shnll. Coai;. Josepli Jem. Bt-nj'. McClmiari. I'lTKR MAllotfoY. Solomuii Folk, Daniel lline, Jacob GeUl, Jacob Kaufman, David Wall Lowfr ilo Hugh Seashuli, Geo. Horia, Jobn Beiifer. Jackson Dan it! Ililbish. 4 KNOLD'S WKITINO KLI II) and Adb. I-- siv and legal envelopra, for aale by H B MA?TB rauulun, Anl IXV. I Of cttCV5 I. HEIIAIMiU 11111; I'OST OFFICE AT friYiiiuv, sept, ao, ism. B B.uaer Elizabelli Kirkarilc Jacob Bi'ikain-aaer Mr Uoika Win T c Colilien John Clair A Cumjibull Simeon D Dinkli'l'iiioiT I't'tnr D.twaou Dinii'l F Kariifawoilti Fiirnian K.ina i I J acili Fioi a IIiIim'i Ucirl It il .hi'i i:ii.,ilu-rh ll.lljl : l TillHt X Kaubli' Jacob Kae J Mai I ha Knhn A nl h Kenihan John M MvCanalaml J C 0 Overdorf John E Hoi! Pflcr lloa.l.iniier Jmly Ki'P?ln;r lVler s S.niili Samiifl tMlliliaoll A C u Ui.uVII Win i IV Wi'iir I' lZA W.iui-T IVi. r W .iiumia A l.tm Wumi J Ii i ii n. I'acke::, i. Al i.,,1 J Jill m LIST OF LETTERS Ki:M.t:.MMi ix Tin-; rntr ot ritc A.t 2i oi'tauiubei'lr.nd, Sevt. 2D, 1951. A, Dr M Man David Mailiu D.m'l Mahni) Sii'jihen Manila II MoyiT Jno Maauu Warillillglon Mmran lli'iiry M) i tlu Win 0 O'Clllllltll (il ifTilll p I'lii-k.-it G F I'.ici-1) l'olli-r Urv Aloiizo IVirin Calvin 11 Ilmin (' Ki'inicr ifam'l A II wale , B I! ow ii On ixiinti H -ll-uian i;,.v II W iloiilli'tt Win lloiitnaii Jim lillll.Mliolll K I" Barclay Ci A Bntiur V c Cuo!idj;e I'liif. D David Frank A F Fiv Aliraliain F .'.I.I.t F.dly Fnraman Ji:o C Fadi'it Fri.'dri ii-k Fisillfl Cilas R (Ilo-f,.:,-r I-ra.-l Gibtions Phillip H lliiboliriie (ico W I ! 1 1 n i mi i ' 1 1 S lli'llill'lanil & Glfllll llnoha ( lias Hoover Win J Jonca Uii h ml K .Ii i r'h K -v-.-i J J. l.-ltli nnri" Molly All I.MIZ Nll'liol.l'i Ll.nd Joo A s Sumner Pi J N Samleia Thoa B Sieinrnck Ann Stuck Levi Skay Fleas Snpnr J. in Sn del C li.'ia S. nnien Zacioui Somen Peter S: roiib A V Vaiil.v.r Win Vv V nknop ll oirv W.mvci .1 nob ' Walker I'M a aril I Wol!i.jet J F Wiiliainx S.uali MAi;c!.i;i"i' wiiiMi'.n, r. m. iAMK 1 1 the premica of the fiibaerilier, in y Point toiviinliip, nliont the. first of Auiiiial !a-t a dark lirind.c Cow, with u while fare, while on the. belly, white on her hind lift, mid wo. Ic on the lip of the tail. The owner i rc-'j'j'.'-ti-'l to come fo:thv. itli and prove properly, pay rh.iri a and take her mvsiy, or hc will be cii.jio-.cd of ureuidiai; t i In'.v. s..MI'i:i. W II.LYAKl). Toint to., Oct. I I, 1651 Ct. PHI MLS OYSTERS. 'TT'Iir. undersigned is in ihe daily receipt of fre-li ami twcellciit Ol stern fmni tlici elo hraled i Klahiisliiiient of .ir. Field, No. U.'Jl Wi'sl Iamihanl street, Baltimore. All order will be prompt's' attended to nnd forwarded without delay. Apply to the aul aiiihiT ut I.ee'a Hotel, Northumberland Pa. Pilll.II' SHAY. Ts. U Oiatcrs of common ipiality at '$1,00 per can. O.toirr 11, 1?5I rmo. OYSTEUS! OYSTJSIiS!! STtjAViNO aeltled at Nortiiumberlaiid, I am ii. li "''v prepared to furnish Fre-h anl Oyterj !tu:ii'7 the v.ho!e season at the redured price of o;.e ih. liar f.r while and filly rents per linlf can. Voli till: i:r e:-d up-ai lla-m beilif: besll, at I fd Itri ii v, (Stuhl.iva excepted. ) d i.ci I., "i" s!,e!i. cd la :e I lies aie onlv 10 hauis out ,a v tm are in want of the above arli ri Inw l';fai aci.t por .loieii V a'tMlS. li'--'itior mi, il :tl. '. I !1U I . Iti:toil': at i:p ..." I! Hi'' ()::. . 1 :. MtlttS ! ! :ti'.,1 CS locs 1 1 1 : t'a c !.l sm .the is j HT ul.iri;. the aid j - .' :' Cr '.u.iil'l i " n tu.i.s call tin' utten ii ,ii of ll.r u1 he to lo. k ol rove', keleelcd Ir-'in toe ht'a-.-H utel mor.l upprjitd patlcrua, eon sisinijr of Cod1:, T&ihi; Air Tikut, Chariil-cr, Office and lloat stolen, till ef whii h wid l.e dispoaetl of al : atoiiisl.iiialy It'iv pricea. 1'crsoiia in want of r-ljics aiul iloiious of ctlili too '-worth o tiri:- t'ionry'1 t;e iiiii'.cd to call bcfoie purLli"iuu . claew lii'io. No So s-.'s kepi that caiiiiot be recommended lie also contiiiiies to mauiihicturc I lti ti? MitM't Iron Ware in nil ila varieties. Drasa Kelllva, Dipprra, Dish Pans, liiitlai.ia Ladles. Jajijiined t are. Ate N. li. Persona imn h isiu sti-.r of the ai,b- acrtocr. t an at any time procure Cy lindeis. j (iiaK s, Fire lirirk iti.d od I p'aiea. to replace aia h ! u in iv te nipincu. D. M. BlIAI.'TICiA.M. Norlbimiberlaiid, Sejit. S7, Isol. :j,m. NOTICE in tut Court r,f tVntnioit l'lec.s r,f ftorlhum herh,itl futility : Li the niiiltet of the accouiit ol William ft Keiilieii Fi-celv, ussiKiiet nf Denyler, I laas & Cuuipi.iiv, tiled in Mini Court, Alio. i, 1X51 In pur-iiiinre of nn (infer nf said Court, I do hen by L'lVe nolfce lh.it I be said Witl'aui U IbliliHii Faoely, iis.-inees ril Deuuler. I Litis ii Coinpai-y. Nii'e I'.vb.bited and liled un ac cr.iinl ol lle'ir linst in lb" t'ouit iiforesniil. ii t it I thai i-iiiil aeciiuiit it ill be allowed by ttie sai l Coiiit. on lb" fust Monday of November neM, (beino t; fjiji 1 1 ; i y of ih lerin, unless cause be shown why auefj account sHuftl.t not be allow ed. JOHN KAK.WOKTIL ir0Vy. J loUioliotarv a ollice, t K-uiihurv. Kept. .7. I SSI lit. ) i. i- iiiii:i. ATrCP.lTST AT L -'-. OJtce in Jtlarl.rt strict Stnihury, oppoulr tl'eunr'i Hotel gt;l"HI.FSS will promptly attended' to in U I the Coiinlit a of Nortiiumberlaiid, Luion, Columbia and Montour. RtFKR to : A, Jouiua, C. J. Bui aia, SiniiMry. C. M- Wi..,Voiiit ilU. D. Blair, Sit. Vernon llouae, Sd atrect S. BoxxAFrua.O Mar ket at., rhilaJt!rkia. Sunbury, Oct. 11, lfiol ly. JATENT BR FIT A MA STOPPERS for bar Domt'i ior aate ny H D. MAtFR. SHERIFF' SALES. BV virtue of a Certain Writ of tw. I'W: ,0 mc directed will be Raid by public vendue or outcry, nt one o'elork, T. M., on Saturday the 18th day of October nrxt. nt the Court House in the borouqli of Simbiiry, the following real ea tatetowit: A certain trnct of land ajituntn in f-'bamokin township, Norlhiillll'erland county, bounded North by lantla of .lease Dcrtla. Eaat by lamlf of Peter Adams, South and West by Inmla of Solomon Fcaely, contiiining 1G9 acrca more or laaa, whereon are erected n Lny nml Ft.ttne Divellin llouae, Lot; and Frame Furn, an Apple Orchard, Ci dar Presa, Ac. Siezetl, taken in rvcntlmi, and to be fold a the properly ol Daniel Fcely. ALSO: AH the interest of the defendant, suppusJ to i bs the undivided half pirt of and in a certain Ti'iict of Lsiml, j (ittutte in Lower Augusta townsliip in the Comi t afoictiid. beiinde.l North by lauds of John r'iemin?. Fust bv the since, ;.,ntr, by lunds of : llerniriti Shipman, uiitl West l y l.ttuls of Jacob i II. Klioads. routniiiiii four ariea imvp o le-t... I Seic I, taken in c .tvu'.i o, au l ti be sold us ; the prcf city it Jaiiics i'.eaa. j AT.S'0: ! The tinJivi !e..l fifth put t.f n re. tain liicss::R;e and j Trn.'f. of I.nntl. j aitust in Ii lvi A n ;:st i toivi-Itip. in the Coun tv aforca.iid. nil 'ininr 1 tnd bite t.f Christopher Artnorirmr. (n.nv in the p.isseion of Joseph '. t i rrl) John V.'iuana. Lroiuird 1 leuniiiKcr ami , Nio'.olns Wolf, cont.iiniii!; einhtv nitres ami sev en perches, the whole, beiiei the same tract con vet ed by deed d ttcd Dec. loth IfSJ. Isnc Z.'i, ler to Jehu (1. Voiimtm in, in tiust for the heirs 1 of Esther Albright, der'd. j Weired, t i'.e:i in evcculion, and sold a the prnnerlv of Peter Hi ijht. one of the heir of said dee'd. ' JAMES COVEKT, Slierill'. Sheritr's Oli'ire. f iinio.i y. Tpt. 57. 1S.11. '-' Fimiii u Tito rt't (OKiti i:b:.iib:iv MacV ynr of t-r; crip'.rf, bi:iI innrt? Ilimi luintrei4 Tliuniiind 'nrr ' i 'oiitiiniiiiivr C'tJiiiDiant'i, hv j.ti.v.-.l lit tiir ut-lti,i!.:i ii tf i'ut:!ii'ii ( rTr"ins Vrlial liUVH li--rtii:tr art; jsitt.'tl with tti tt H.Urf;il i tmtdy, that it U realty tit(cri4r, I" fim H t wtJi'j ml ht.ni, ru.l miarr' r' riu in hi t'nre initpi fun of t,ung li'Hi mi ii.si llfiiii-iy in Ih" wmul. know, t..rvtT. (lt:l( It I M I -1 I.V ttilttf tldlt ( tll 1 11 pi lotl Can lid br riircd. Il Hint Hit drl'iion uf tin- tunny ir U-w, t iia;! lint hPs-mpt U nii h" wnlt mcli. l-iii lint eiU t-ty, mill do atirtt a ft (ii'-l, i it !i run U- prtXiit in I tin linn nlst of cni'-i. ifutt UiK nifilicm.' Ii in t'lirrd (''U;ti m,t1 't w.ivli, if.ir tin' cilir wrii-i tt. i tf l. rerrt t ;ivl rcnl IMlNllitipl itt, hu, .l.,rh wi-re wi!i t.tinf(tm,t Cidt i-r-r!,iicit. tin 1 wtTM III llfl rrfft likr I ho yrniiliinit .if li 'if irh. ti e. ti'i t t.-.V i nI rr Hi'i) IV h.ivn rii'i wnli I hat I frii-tl .ii' f ('oiMlllllplilMI. H iHTu tfi'i'tt iit'U nl in-: iiii v. .-ii- 'i t 'itipelfat-sly il.ri- W,o li'il A..( dry. r-nk1.- t'tlUltll- C'HM hi lis Itrrnof. Side, nui t:.k - iilliiiliy ! Itrtichlita I'VU'f.t F.J fet tit lt !u-l ' hrtf A t;7li-lr tl It Mild tV lrsltl IIWIIT ( Hi" M(i an I Klotlll. Vra..u l.a.ii),! mtfti CMjiii.Ui n'.aj iiv hriii cur.'ti i.Urr K :(J tiifv cuttiti nt v wi'i'U luu-r-r. TIm Me.l cn. Ima Ciu'tf.l .iiit lititfiiiiiiiir l In t.i- til m ilyltiK Mt4lie Lilt, liv ur ft t i lt..Y IIU.V liv, htiA uiij., l 1 I't-'atlt. ' 'I'llU ll.llMMITt r',r''V Ttm!t.tbl srVsTIfMtmrf. Il l p'v i: It i likm. a.ni rl.-ci i.m' ci ii. any tlttuir "f (l (ir ui-t(r nuar ci. .iii:;i-nnrft. Ir crl-i-ia i! 4y4llli4rrf III .! u!mn mlr Viiloi; t m i' I t I'm ilyhiu, siitrti sniifiy. a-nl ltt Ia4iritliiH tit- wno.e l.y iiaii. in tnt ei'iiilutv,,, till-1 j.iodi.rinr a hrtll?ty aftiMil Iteu tttLiyu,y 4,miKi-"' O.iny Vit I't'Vt tn.1 aidmy and t.irUttii'linij t.xirrtiiratluu It Cuita ir.u luilu.via; d. caact, v.it. : Consumption, C'Or;il 'i l ('"It. -(! Mli: .Ur'tm,!, Sp'tting of Hlood, i'.lrt.liiio ttt t e i.ntt-m:t. I'-n-i i the Ute-i'. iW. isl ( httt. irn'';.rf. A irttiti.m J tit Hnut, hnti ail l-'i:.'l. NVi!AI ,si;n aiu Cjitt'it fcritiUf t-,sn ft imi. ('ii.- ti I nt i in ii in, ic. fr" I'nr ..' t i-iii'i cm.i- of Ciirt, our I'liinnlilt-in ana tl nutUi$-tA tur Agvuta Uav Uieio v t vii ittiy, i'.'h t.k i.y f . W. I'riliif-. Sjiilmiv: .Mitv A. Mr Civ. .V.it.iiiNi: rl-tn.l ; .1 JI.Kiuci, Si liuui ; Ila c & Alt-C Miiiu-I., Mi-1- r,-iiM il.e. .M:iyl', I ?!, eiw i;. YALUAliLiri-AlOL At I ullio Ed-?. CJIIAT valuable Faun owned anil nceiipieil by Mr. Jiihii MiCleeiy, doeeuhcil, sit uate in Chilisijuaipii! tow n.-hip, N'oilbtiinbei laud eiiiiuli, mi the west side nf I lit; Weal Biauch of the Sii.-..;iieh.itnai liver, tine mile below i he U nniih "I Miltim, m Ihe rnalii ion. I h'.nliii Iiiiiii Ihe laiter jdaee to Noi-Ihllillb-il.iliil, e. in!. lino U.M-; UL'NOiiKI) ACKKS I'lnl allowance, will lie sold nl I'ub liu t lot t ry, at lb- bon-e of lbmiy EuLbeil, lnlikeep.'l' in Mliloii, mi J A. ( i jj.ii, fi JUa1 111,7 cf Ocli-btr vrxt. As this is 11 very .1 i,ir.,b!e properly mid ss ill best recoiiiiii.'i. l i'- -ll : those uishii t; lo piireli is", are ie.pn-Me.1 In call mat r. i in i Ihn premises pri Sioi.s to tint day The .lay of lei ma a!.- bv it'll be nude known 0:1 the WM M 1 f FF.iiV. J';ll WAi.'.S, I'M - It i' it rVy of Mi. Ci. II sui scril.'- r w '1 !!. ft' "'i.e...!. . v I.' c. ei.-i : , WM1.NL-! ..' a! p'.il.lie sale, al tl.i I. I. ,l..y o, I Sol, I'iii'in, .o. a -f - 1 1 aitiiste in Mu Clllltall.ill ' y township, l.tvomiiii county, C0 ACP.E5, n.ore er Ic-s - inin- liM'Isof neiijanii.i Wa- : iie;-, J icoh II. tint -. .1. tines I, . Saioiiel sins, j and others. To I e s .ld ,u the e tatc uf Ktlivcid (iiil'io. dee'd. Il is within three miles nf the Iioroujli of Mina'v, ."lid a hall mile limn a limestone hank, 11 i,l worked, and thai vt in ,,f limestone estends into this tract. About !liu)0 bu-hils of lime hue lien sj.iea 1 on the farm within tlucti scars pa-t. There aie never f.iiliier sprinua in nearlv j all t' e f'i'lth, ni.d Wolf b'un pusses ihrouh the mid. be ol the Irict. The sprine nl the house is I reniirUably laru u 11 I lino. 1 l,e situation is hi allhy mid tirry way desii ible. The improve ments arc a larie si.etl two story f L .VELLIIO IIOTJSE. J-.J- a one and a half Mory frame DWKL. LING HOI 'si:, lately finished, a larcc I5ANK UAKX, very well finished, ami proiided sviili extensive stahlim; for lio'sf s, entile and sheep, a Wui;oii House und rorn crib, with Rriiiunrie abo c, a Smoke House, a two story Spring llour. plastered, and other nut buildings There U a larac pf buit, and a lare iiuinbrr '" '" of l't at h. 1'air, I'linii, and other fruit trees, of a line quality un ir premises.' About 1.10 Acres nro denied ami 'under fence, and ihe fences are mostly in pood repair. Tim balance i f the laud is ssell liiiils ied. Tin1 place baa I ecu carefully Uimed, and is lio'v in a fine stale of t ullii.itio.i. S'ulo to commence ut II o'clock, of said dar, when the conditions will I made known by CIIAULLS GOHIN, Executor of Kiisvauii Gobin, dee d. Sluncy, Aug. 30, lnol. la. tMLVKU WATCH A few double cases llnulibh fcilver W at. ilea, for sale at very low pri.es by 11. 11. MASSfli. rtunrmrv, April li. 1.11. SMIT1F.S F CUU, u n, sale bv snxcu ok Jamaica: gi a! supply just received, ami for U. 1). MA S3 Eli. April 12, IS.11. rjOLD PEN 3 sviih" and without silver caies just received, and for sale bv II B.MA?F.K rimbury. Anril 18.M t'l.- mi 1 a 1 ..... 1 ...j r ,.1.1 l isliu uaitl ca vim vviiiiamn I cat 1 bids liandsnnicle print on card' paper, fee it tin ofbri rJtOCLAMATlON. VOTICE ia liercby Riicn llmt lb" aereral A ' Courlaof Common Pluua, General (Junrter beasiona of the pence, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, In and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Kunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 3d day of November next, tinJ will coiitinua Two w i;i;Ki. The coroner, Justices of t'.ie Peace ami conitu blca in and lortbe county of Noilbtmil crland, bis reipicaletl to be then ami there in their proper per sona, with their tolls, records, iiupiisiliona, anal other remembrances, to tin those thing to their several ollice appertaining to be done. And all witnoscs rosccuiiiij in behulf of t'.ie Common wealth atiiiist any prisoner arc also requested ami eoiiiiii.tliUrJ to be l..cii and there iittciidm in their propir piiaous ti protcvuie ajjaiu-jt him. as shall L just ai.d not to depart without leave al their peul. Jurora arc ii'qi:c.ittd la be piitit'lunl in their aUciuianic, at the tunc appointed ubuc,Mo to tiietr uotiLcM. Clieii uiniir my hand al Suiibury, the 11 to day ol U.ti. ,:r, in toe icar til oi.r l,ui.i one thoo sanu ti.Jil j.i.inlittl ii ml I. :ti -out and the In tlcpf n.ti n. oi the I. niit d btaiei ol Ameriia tuv , Olio JAMES COVERT, Wt'lV. Gu ! save tb" Ciiiiiniiiiiwealib. IlJLGibXLIfS IsOTiCZ. t' O l ICK i ht'ichv uiven lo ail l.ejnteea, Crciii'nrs mid tcber cif.oin inteiestrd in the l'states ol the fellow ini; named persona, that liie Kxecutors. Administratics. and (itia ilians ef said llsliitca base lilttl llieir 111 counts with the lUjjister uf Nuithiil'.r.H'il.iiul county, und Hint the same will Lc prfai eled to the Orphans' Court of said County, tm T1.crd.1y the -J til day of Novem ber i.e.t for coi.l'iimalio.i and ulloivauce. IS.11. Leonard Kaullimn, dct'd., settled by bis Ki ectitorn. I'rrderii k lieiiler. Geo. I'. Kuil. tlee'tl., sttilrtl by hi administra tors, Vt'in. K. .Niijlc and Ceo. liakcr. Andrew (jeist, dec't!., settled by bis Ailminis tralnis. Aiitlnsv (,'tist nnd Joseph l'ejers. J.il-.ii C. Ilosd, ilcc'd., settle J by bis Kceu tor A. Jordan. Adam Hiilip, t'ee'tl., scit ej by bia Admin istrator, J. 1" Ijarf. Peter Vanillin;:, dec 1,., ic'tled by bis Adminis trator, dc bonis 11011, Win. KceJ. Gilbert Voris, div'd.. settled by bis Adminis trator, Vm. T. l'orsslh. L'asid Uepp'iu, dic'd.. Mttied by bis Admiuia trator, Alexander Dcppin. Christian I'eich, t'ee'd., utiled by bis Admin istrator, Anna 11. Keirh. I!. II. llamniond, dee'd., settled by bis Ad luiiiisliater, '(Viliiam ' '. I.asison, llsp I'ctcr Stub, dee'd., selllcil by bia Administra tor, Samuel Shannon. Thomas Grant, dte'd.. settled by M. A II. Smith, and ir.rili.i 1!. Smith, llxecuton t.f Kenderloii Sunlit, tle-'d , who was Aiiiu'r t'e holds non of Thoiinti tirant, tlec'd. Jehu Ul.issiit r, tlec'd., si llied by his Ilxecutors, Jacob and Ahrabam Hbissni'r, Gideon Sbadel, dee'd., added by bia Uiucutjr, Willirtiu Sliadel, William T. ISoid, dec't!., srtt.ed by bia Ad miiiis'.iatiix, Catharine G. Hovd. JOHN 1". TI ibSilL, Kejiatsr. Iieaistrr's tl:iiie, ) Stiiilniri, Oct. 1. ls.1I. M. J rgio the iiii.-a of i.roNAiti) rrocT, ,e- I - erased. Notice is hcrel.y fiicn to Robert rfout., .Met cy, iiitenuarried with Joseph K. liitrus. Mary Aim. widow ef William Iioiisel, I Isabella, iutt rmarricd with l'aniel l.atsha, .an- ry, inti rniiirrii d with Daniel l.aicock. the said j Nancy having since died, leasing a ehild who is oNn now de.iit. ita.l l.c!ie,ca r toetz. Also rnnd children the ehii.heil of two D.iterliters to wit: J.tcoli I'uisel, .aiii v Jam', Mercy K. liobrrt. 1'. Leonard. William and Anna Purscl. (allofv.hom eteept the raid Jacob ale miners.) t bildie n of hi third daughter, Sarah, who was inlerm nricd with Jonathan riirsel, nnd Kachel Arm l.emoii, ibitih ter of l.ueintla his fifth ibiushter, svho was inter married is itli the late 1 1 1 1 11 1 Lemon, the said Ktclicl A, l.eiiiini, is also a uiimir, and bin for her Giiaidiaii, Jcse (.'. Ilorluii. heirs and distri butee of Leonard l'i'oiiu, tlec'd., late of l'uiul toivu.sliip, ia the i'eur.ty of NorlhumlierUiul, lo appear at our licit Orphans' Coinl. to he held tor said County, 011 the 31 d ty uf Noieiuher next, in the IJ oroiiii uf Suuhiiry, and accept or relu.-c the Keal M. state of said dee'd., nl the valu ation fixed upon the same. 1 y no Impiuitiou duly held tiir.eoli, tir shall cl'isf w liv the same shoin.l 11 it be said. isy fin: coCKT. All of whic'i lbs nforcsaid parties are hrrehjr r ipiired lo l.il.e u-.-tice. jamiv covn:; r,?hr'iT. .'l.ifl"s Of'n'C. funburv, ) apt. .11, IN.'.I. It. E-'nl! iliSliiM-i y (!; Jr. jours roxj-: ?: no?,s, iMiMi'-iiit.- ami iii:.:.t::s iv HLiHsi !!i'i ii;ij. '1 ;!ifift 4.'n't4, Vy. -lo '.! 7 .SVcoiii St , I'hilii.lelp'iiri. I 1.1, lo xv ) re,. arid to 0.T1 r to their cutomrra i - f.inl I j ban.'.:: 1 ie trii.ie eel era.! , a acrr lir&e and i.ei lil of llc.i.itet 5-'a:ios. ef all cii'or Coi. led aid 1 lai 1 Velit t i. ef nil colors. l a i I'anev I'call 1'rern h iitid Aiiiericaii I'lowera, Cvc. iVc. ( 'onlliiii.i; tin iiifc!i es e.xcb'f.i'.eli to thi I ransh of tl.e li.i.ti", and ihij'firtii.'? the lamer part of their slock Cli..,.t(a tat. lit lo 11!!: no o i ,rt .i,.fit iin.ur. ju ,., , lt(l)1 va.av.-. which will la sold ... ... I,,.. ,. .. ,.;...., Sent. 1 !, 1.11. It. Attorney end Co'jnsell-r at Law, tlTITBULY, IA. .1. nt:e.ul faithfully and promptly to all 1 . 0:1 i-i.'ii..l l-us, ne. lit .Noilhtiml'crlaihl nnd ( 1. ion iMiiuins. l.'c is familiar with the Gemini) lfttiiu t:c. OFI-'IC K : Opposite the "Lasvr'uca llouas," a few daors from tin' Courl House. Simhliiv, Alii;. 10, lol.- ly. TO C0UIITKY IIEnCHAWTS. 10 pel ceul s.ivetl. Country Ilorchantj Bttym IIOO i StJc S1IOKS cr"y; ..xum-i 011 :-ta. VTRT. I. ICING, NV 46, S. iml St., (Mute Jrch u-tst tidt ) rZIILADEtiPIH., Iim;i': can be found a laif araorlment of ' the obose named articles, just received from the manufacturers. August .3, IS.11. Ilino. LIGHTNING R0D3. rpIIF, uburihir bis re.iiait ut tr J a LIGIiT A NI.MS I!OI un true I'hilesophical pi'inci- pies, by which b'.iililinga supplied w ith them are rendered perltelly secure against destruction l.y blilniii'j. The rounrction and insulation of lbs rod, as ssell as the preparation of ihe (jround rod, ia on an entirely 11.1v plan, making a more per fect coiidui'lor than nuy berttofore in use. . Measures base been taken to aecuie Letters Puteut for the improvement. Persons desirous of securing their lives and properly from destruction by hcjilniiiu, can hae conductors put up to their building in the most perfect and substantial manlier, by applying ei ther raoiiully of by letter, to the undersigned, at the following prices : For 40 ft. xsitli a good m'esr plateJ point $10,00 For 40 It. with gaiJ plate J point, plali. uo "';' . 1 j',50 And twenty cents for ever? additional foot oer fo'-tj. . . . ... '7.Z. MACKUV, INSTITUTE. A Select School for Young Ladles. r-MIE Merhoiiicshurp; Inatitutc is plenaanlly I located ill the healthy villarrc of Mccbauics bnrir, Ciimberbind rounty, nine miles xsest of Harrishurg ; 0 villneo noted thrptighout the sur rounding Counties for the inornlity of its citizens. It is nccessihlc by railroad, tile Cumberland Val ley liailroad pas-lne through the place. The eourre of instrni tion is such a is pursued in the heat Srmiiniiiea in the country. It ia the design of the Principal to instruct tbt intellectual powers, to cultivate becomina man ner, and to educate in auih a manner, as mar prove prat lie Is useful. Sessions. The sell ml year is divided into two semi-an-111111I session, ea, h of f.ve calendar months. The summer session commences the first week in April, and 1 loses during the last sveek of An nual. The winter seaiion commences the 1st week in October, and terminates the last week of I'Ybriiarv. At the rbt'C f each aissicit there will bs pub lic ctan illations. TovM, : Hoarding, including lights, psr session C mo. $150,00 Tuition, " " 10,00 Modern Innue, " " 10,00 I):.isvin.r. " ' 6.00 ?.i n:e. Piano, with use, " ' li,00 Or, if prefcrri d, er aessi.sri of 6 mo', iiiclu'litig the above item, P5.C0 Payable in rdv.n.rc '.'...'. Laljiirs at tin) close of the aeaiion. Pooka, sl.itinnr-y, niinic, Ac., fiirnialicd at Pltt'nilc' j.ltin prices. Pupils will be received at any period during the session, and 1 barre l accordingly. For fiulher intorai .1: in, 1 lease address t'na Priiieipil for a ciictiln. 1'. M. L. G.'LI.r.LKN. Principal. Mechaiiiesbur:;. Aupf. P, IS11. limn. The lloltaeis if' ltrJi nitil I! ttsbaiitt's Juy I THE CEnUAN WASHING FLI7ID 9011.S nsvav entirely v. ilh that laborious tasl; of ruboiin llie ('billies upon the svnsnhoard. It coiilain no iutjri dietits whatever, injurious to the lints.l falnie or the jink. The proprietors wi-b every one to sive it a trial, and if it J(,s not prove to be as rt f omiiieudid, the monev, in tiscry such cas will be n Tunued. Full tliroc liona acconii nuy eiuh bottle. 1,'elail price 12J (,'cnts per L. title, sufficient to do two orJiitary wnthings. nnd miiiir the Clothes more by not rubbing them, limn tl.e cost of six bott'es be sides reinoviii tc Mains of linit, Ac, if there bo uny, and the time and labor saved. Prepared onlv by I. P. novr A CO., P. A. I'm, M.'i'.'.veiisii!;,.. so'e neent for the Counties of I'nion and N 01 thumbi rUnd. Pbliailtilpbia, Any. VV SrEKCEil & RbisiDELli .M Wl l-'ACI'I b'l'.HS (If Ciild ami Silver Tim mill I'i licit I'asn, Nn. 2, M.unt:N' Lsrr, Otif door liii:ii c irnei uf Ii ajud iv?ty( I.Tcw V01L-, fllvery pin will be wananlcd for one year. N. II. The above firm sver.- awarded Gold and Silier Medals, fur live consecutive years, at the Fair of the Amrri. au Institute, for the best Gold Pens. July sr., IS.11.- "mo. "ET GGOrS. AT Till, STOHECF .jo ik Youxis, iJJTHO re.tpeiii'.tlly iuforuM l.ls friend and s 1 iistome.'a tliil l.e h rctiiined from Philadelphia, w ith an cice!!, i:t assorimeul of Isc.v" Ccccls, which be olf, ra for sale at bis old a'.nnd in Mar ket street. These pood n il' be aold al the low est piices. li:a sleek eouaisis uf every vaiiaty, vix : Hrv (soiids. Such i Ci-lh. CiL'titmrrs. Muslins. Cilieofs, liiitehtnn: I.hwiiS. C'i:'o,':,-x m.l La dttf. Drrts a il l'.n;,- (Sujli v;.' win! 1 7. Also an asMii tioent nf Tain I.raf lint-.. Cr.u,, C.c, GUELls:3T7ARr. lltinlvTarc Iron 1111! Sb'cl, Nails, Sr., ai.-o : A general ti''irtmetii nf Cr.ieeries, Su'ar, Cn.T'e. Tin, Cli-ese, :,l. Ia-cs, Sj.ic.'S. IT" Produce t f nil I.01. ' taken in 2chaiif al tlia highest mo r 1, t p..:cen. fuii'tiirv, !av SI, H.'iI. OF.rAT AEILIVA L GF n v: vr (; o o i) si at Tiitt svons or LlrtiLc-t fitrr-ct, Siiulury, Pa., ',!!:; su f. ii'.c s liereSy info: 111 their old eus- ! aie is an I t ie public senerilly, that they bss-e j-i.-t le tiit-l a lc ;r a',,,1 f, tensive assort incut of nil kinds nf ..eic!.:iudiv, which they olli r to uiu hiiiii'ri r.t such riirs, thai they can not refrain from buying. l.cir a.'s.irtmeiil of IIpv (1 ;) s, is laiaje. eiuhraciur; a l kin.! of ( '.;. Ciiff-imtrf, S-itiihf.'ts, v't. A general nsaortmeut t.f Stieiir.ri wear, of LINEN, WOOL ami COTTON; Staple, and Fancy CoorU for Ladies, of all kinds, attch a Culicees, Mous. de Laities, LasviiB, (liiinhnms, Ac. oroi'i:ri!:s an,! Q!'Ki:Nsw.nr. Also nn excellent nssiirtmrnt of HAEBVAIiE A1JD CTrTIEPwY. MM IIS AMI Ml.lill'INKS. Till, Salt ainl riaster. tV Ceuiitu pirtdiice nfal! kinds taken in x chsnpe al the I ih. .i maikit p.l.e, Suiiburs, Mas lib l.ll. W"KTII.I.I.M IIOOVIIU respectfully informs V V bis liien.ls nml 1 i-t.uneia that be has just returned I'om Pbilatleipbia, with an excellent nssoitineiit of WEV tTTllKO GOODS, which be oilers lor sale st bis new store at Mns ser's Mill, Hoiloniui; linn. 'J hese goods xvill lie sold nt the l.ss-e.-t pricta. ill? sr('LKtci.sisiif i vt.itv vtntrTV, v: l)pv (()()(!. .Sp S 'i ch us (b-'hs t'tjysini'fs, Muslins, CnllrMS, tiiHtiiams. .(.'!.'. L'k in ti($ uii Tu 'ici Ihnss (,'ej.i'j "utrull" All a-s'iftineiit of Talu Leaf list. Caps, &c., CUEEITSV7AEE IIAHDWAiai, IliO.X and STEEL, NAILS, &6 A general assoitment of Groceries, such a Sujur,' t'ollee, Tea, Molas ses, Spier, Sc, A!o an assortment of Liquors, such at Brandy, Rum, H'mAry, If'tnt, tVc. IV Pioduc of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Hollowing Kuh, May 10, 1S5L-.1t, 1 NIC Uoureau'a cidi'bruted ir.lt, and alsi Con. g:i$ " for sals. th'olar Slid retsil iy J--Mtai v't. IS?. H R MAesiEF. vi (ari'Aitt.r, CATTLE POWDER n:i.rAKi:u ny nKixi,j. liJOM.rir.M) & co. Ao. 137 Xortk Third Strtet, Philadelphia. rritis p.Vlr , ,(!, ,, , !,, trim.,l,y r .ii TI l " S,','',".1,'."..1."'."1 ' '" "l" 'nvsl rank nf lilt 111 .c CAT ii'iVVl,. ' ,v,,i1' h'te li ttt ausr lit praes to m, k. . . V ,rur"' 1 '', elKlllenpe lll.v et-rs HI ,, , e.?''f''r",r' ' any .,.iv.l, r tlml nets in tl.e ! rune r. "'"' t p.rr.cll,' henlthe it will tilli-r ,i a iv',, """ "f "I" ' ''ea... a.t Mint 1 or tl,e " 1 ."''I'e-ve r, Hy ft wnl ,hrr,.fl, , nil! Is- r .,-l. rcl -e ,avi. ,,,, ,, 10i, f , . les ol evere I ii,'i. r, win, k, v,., a ,, , . M, ,.'f rvprr i! I, ',. ""'':'.'". " i1," " " "' "nui ..r .nisi ,m,s tint iiM-iel,' i-ivrll im t,iinl tit. ,.r u short ItllTl It tc" ACIIJ (iviii.., is 1111 t-ll'.'le imiltrr) into lc. Til" acid or ol.'ink; enese n err alT nnn'iMit of nniriti.iiji muller lo Is- I'Stoietfrt fr in Ihe same niitotnit el lonil. ttnu passiltly ciitl.l I .e, were llie neticu priiiripl.. of inetaion t tjinss out ,.f the si sn-ni in tlie form nt Ilin euie At it, tVe Imvp tcci'ii-'ft a tnViitinle of fi-nlc'iec lo rr.ls wlikl ll'e tt'ti't- said :,l, 11 ,;. jMi.fi'.ti t spy t SV tiave iiibfi.-.i i'.c iH'lltc iil'mi. Willi a flaem tiiitnlicr "f 'K.ir;T.im.i; i-l.itus nml In-rlis, ivliiett tune innl ess linva proi-,.,1 in I,? utii l'n!, iitinroviiif, tbn Hppi'lite nml pr'.m 'tniff iliiril 'ti of Hi- lo a! ; ihus S' lMiri'lli n In-nltliy e 'iitlitinn of the tilivst, frotn tehieh tt.e Mil. a r.ti.l I-'aT rnist In bTmett. It nny s.. n.,.. 1 ,r llniistu, t'ou a ami lloua I jr ilia I 'lioie Ing e'.tl'..-.!aiiita unj ilist'iiscs. IIUltSI-.H. Yl'.t.l.OW WATKlt. n ttwenms ieitneas, vl...-l. .! r.'ta iiiiii)--v.-li"il.'.. h .i-s e'r-v v'ar, is im 1 ftcu niliri.-lv ,-,ir.,l by the fi t.' ii---..t tin's pmcler, ini.il eases il y. ill .ri.','iu Hip .la., .,,. cviinnii l'lns HtHeose is 'it'iiinjj t , n lia.t nn 1 ill verisl.sil slats ol I ho IiIojU iiiiicli Uc tines thin syulcry unit ol nil ii-ll nv e .1 r. ' 'J'illS liaivIlT ).'.' ifilnr... I.... ,1.- . .....1. ! ... ii,.i,i,,i ' "":.;rr: : m tiie ""'I "' P 'S iW,. ,.:,..,c ,.f rn-.n-ry. If 111- h rse ,it, k "ir, su e in .riitn Fiiitl in-lit a titMesji fi'i'il. ii In Ihr l.iri,e.ii,ir once n ,lay ,.t ,un I't'MI tin! fits, asc Hi n i-....l- iifi.il in ie.t nui)' I . pro- !I..MIIIKItlNii.Tnis is the ruin i; i-.n of in niv vr'lan hlo 11 ns.-s l.y ,'X'i:im.i;.,i, ; ,v eo,,.1;,i,t ilischar.;,- nf ,,. tm ss i.n li ouu'ie io,. , M ,,..., ,., ,K,.a. t is i, s.'eon s nl si,'vt,. ,,.'t,. .r.l iccil I v Imiiss 'I'.. me,.., enisvinr m ll.e ,,,f.p,. t,r.,,,j A r 1 ,,....,,,, M.r.ailiin.'s n ivc.ai nail rf i,. ll, l.rr.st the II nv. if it il s-sii .t .lepeml on the Tomer., in t!..- ao-ss, t'.mlcr sat h ,,V","",'": ' Ute a.it.ti',1 mas- ! k. ; i h, the stal.!e ii.-ii.aii i.ii.n e,.. p .ii- ;,.r is. ,.!, nu t in i.""ll,-i ri-.an'iiy nia'.l In liMal, n h ih'i'.ls of Hoieo;. ni 1,,;., ir,.i f iflH' tlin.-,"4f l .lln iiiirnrm,. ol Ih 'Ha xv! i ns.-il it. i.tiik',1 iii the i...i, il until lh in in.jr is il Ii'ii i. lu.'tt -:iiJy. Ik-i rr in ttt.-r tnn '-niiii't r-'ht'To Mu immi'il prilirily iiR; l. iim il nn, nml liff-viil .. . ...... , .iii.i-p .o .,niii nui;,; nr twice Q nai- i;i,tI US This .li-.-r.P- (ut 1.r.:fr1 nil IAnmrn hi , .v. ::n :i Uf n I'll li:l II Wl.l ti UMb'll III Hum NTr.l !,-fnlh.Tt'( iii. tiriil'!.' in-i!-..y It is h lc ihv j : t if p! i-i-i'inil -s.-i:i rri-t t.-.i hv iimmiti'ii t ti'itnit -n. in i- ii p is n ,i T:il,! i;tti niiiil rvr' it iy t V:c C r a in m!i -T tV , :i ' H'Triit t ffs-si iM, V tlt j,, ciSl'S i-Ut t f ft ' i--'i.'ii nit'.'i :i p.;rf. iT fi im It ( tir'V tttcl. ' itijlt.- m- s'i iTti'-' m' KnnLli id -cii !iii5 nn rv-ik Imti,". ii 'J':.1'' uiul cwiy in-.ruing j it it ulmU'ii ik- oi ( .vice n . ,u nuy i.'i'rus it" V-.n.!'r it 4-.s .,, llt .,,,. ti,. j 1 II !!. will n n itrtuii, nr w1!".. t 1,.,-r h r "t-'i ph.. HUUM 'r;.'.!!l i-lll, t!i- ,i.v. ., t , f , ill U ii i ', t,u ! ' l'Wii-f pr ;hirH f i-ipi),. '.. , r ,.' jl nniin-tl; f!r J-j-htim;, ip,-r iv.i , r,t; t'-e ':. ' ' Kl-.I-n.-H nf tf.. Oiii f'f 0 i:. .--y ItVK-lj f.: ' BjJIlilC 1, U:i 1 li.C .a- B.,J . til ."!:- ! i I ' lows, ; , P-r Mir.Kiya Cow, mv fu'iv c iivinrrj ihnt it ml j onlv iniiir -vom t!i n nt.ty, !ut llmt it i;i -r- i.itM tit.' nni nml M.iK, Lrvini ti;i. IM'.tci ; ! iiuij vh ' invt- trtiil the c.x f .fiitnfiil :iy r -iiiilii Wi'f!;, vMwr viv hi't a p niid u hiie "hi pi-rtt it iu,isr.: I ii;ni it Hint II: it -,r I wm .uniis ' 'f H 1; ii-i'in imi-Ii L 'vt. - iJui.I, j; m nl ..; tound , t nv'-Mj.' ir 'in a li il.' t i ;i p .ni'i p.-r w.-.-k .(I r;t. (1 t ,..v, il th..' tVws :.rr p.-ti.--fl I, ,!;!.:'. Ti. f n-Miri vi .1 ;mi '11111 . is lti;i ! l.y t!;.- r .iv. :.si Hi rl'tiw' Mt UfH- A"u! Hit 1 .itrn- J r-mi in. :tm! ''y v .iu;i un't? ; c!fi l.y nppi; iuj; tliy t.,y- I t ."ii rn-s-.m 11 i.j ti'. iiiti :-, wt h hv tl iii.-n's 1,1 r.'-if lion ; Wll'l M.t t-tklULr fniv .'I' W i;r..n-t..'.r .iTIlMil nf t!,.. tt'.-'i ii'ii. low j 1 i 1 nr woi.r; iiuni-' iusi-:asi an 1 nil 'Omt iI'.'.'hsj.-s 1 if n;:.t (vtittt-ili-j'fiiilinir uii.-ti :i Iuj ft itc "I tin- (iHfli. nru rein vc I s;:-i- lily m:ii t (I -f 1 n li y . L iwi, vh.. im:k is ! In.-, linn nnd wit cry an. I wlirt it t''.-s.ii t uiin-li rr.-: nr u'lic't; V jjive hi.. -ih' miiX. nr w!'.-'i Tf n-'-I tn xMii'l ! 'Hi? t.rv. if will 1 'uiu mt itliii-,51 I .if:-.ltufl's r'jt:ii.-.;v. Iv linprnvink Hie ."i::liti ii t,f O'f l.l M-l II llil .'ii-ai.i;r 11 I,,' ,'i,y .iiiT.-fcl,..,, ; ' ';t ! tt 'Apt i . fu! t-vcry d.:y . r every utlirr At'y r.a it may tu iic.'ci.s-i jr lux;?. 1 i-r lut.if B nnMir niten ovorliit t h"m !ff, ffrt nwl- r,l i rs in tlio Is'iii'.'t, pii.l l.ivt-r, w lm-h c i i-it 'iiy. fi.tff in tv lie nrr.-fiiieil runs." tltrni I 1 il;.? enttrt'ly l-y t ntt,-.; - ; "l'i. ' r :i Irtli tut 1 :t Jl irn I f nwill ; n.ie I. Uii c nisi icia:.; hu-tn tj.c iattt-ii- iiii-J it wiil -il U: rbH. .N . II. 1 11 mi nnim.'il rh is clviirr in!!1; nm! vu nro ! : iino tun-.', y -,l rJi u'A n t cive 1. tnl '-ncf 11 wr.-k nr n -: t n im.i il.e I-nnriii' fi ni in! I.) in. 'ii': t!u 0:11 nnt nt Milk. ! 1 :l..'!n f.r liniiM'h' int.) hi will VHil'.nil (jn.iliii 4. nnj t...,t uj I ,i' r-ir'i .it, .)i ; I lll'l I ' in i hii I'-T t' jnativ v ruin.!-''! I . 'A .1: r t: 1 U.I .-f i 1 1 l-t Willi "t 1:, p'.irp nt li'; 1-!' -nf riiii Iri'. l CATTI.i; I'ilWI,!' niiT li.iw fir nnr ' .n ui-i t tl f . iiii in'i.ili. 'il pr.i; 'A ::.'? nf Mi. li: .: :V we tiuv a.'.frtv.iril 1 :. v. iit rr nur l'nw v fmni ilii- ft le-nrsf nml Wf iiicmIiIo 1 lltus I,,- .111:. t l.-;niri:i. t iifsnrc y l-n.-mer. lu.iry iir 11 un 1 fI--r-ni ni, tvit it )n9 tinn tr yny innc.'i i--Cc-.li-l n" l,l ! ffMiiin- rXprct-i'i 'M. Willi tii' .'l.Miii -ii'l kiiMvli'i'! tlmi f-ir 1rn i ntil, Wit llni K we win pii thit-.l to niriKi? 1. .,.t mul til it prr ff'l rAiTt.tr ..i;nirLNi: cv-r yet iV.t. ti t 1 1 dmitTnir V 'l '1 "-t a ni-ililt; r.mni l.-i i f 1.tf. nu m. im-f-r vf ) ? ipn'ity vf Mie l n-i- tJfsj ,,-,-, t,e .m.v.itit "I fi '..T .Mm; m,J ci.'-p(.it-nu- ol Ujlier Kvm in ti'.- ! .-t'Miv Ait;:i;:rl H-wiri of I .iiT'tt-rfrit 111 tTic px'onnlve tt-i' of mtr pnwv! -r Inn in.liift ii nM,,raj 1 m.k. iinitiili mi of II Ha-vi pack l.i cvir -rntn Siirituhirs r-n tin ru! I'MIIXHi, l'ltui;ri!,.l) ,v CO. rinl-i V'j,' 'ft, Jii'y Jrt. KM . Iv. 1 tiu iit.i.. ri;r:Htl have LMiti-rrd mil, C'u n-M.sItip tin Jtr 1 hi- f nn tt( to rAlltlV DM TI1C Taper d Eaj Eu.sineas, At Sn. 5, Ai'i,))- Street, Philadelphia. T lTHili;il tlifv intotiil lirtriin;; a luritt- naa.irt ' ' liirat ol I'urers, &f., c nisialiug in jart as fulloivs : Writing 1 at-rri ; wovo ami laitl, American enJ IlllKlisli. Until I'tstts mil Nolo papers; wove anil bid, gilt ami 1 '..tin. I'ulii) l'osin, Flat Claps, l'liiitinj Papers, all size1 a. II ir.livarr papers. Cum 10 by 51 to 40 ly t'nWi'il mu! ivlitli- tii-i:t pajit-ia, Anit-riraii an 1 llniiaii. )lo'.lin:'aii jilli'v 1'aitiii Mjniiia pitpt-ra. t'uloreil uii'l v.littr- t-'lior paiirr, coiniiion anil extra ai.L't. iliill" iliiit-lii) t puperi-. t'.ilorcd rriiitin; itnil (,'u.er p.tpi'ra. M.ini;l.i papi.'i-M, nil siic, (JUt.l floynl, all co lora. rrii;-u-it. lilii!" Miiliimi ei;,l l'i'.tcriiiT papers. 'I'va, ."-fri'irl auij L'uloieil jajcra for coinootiiJii- Cl. li .17 . M.-n:i!n nn.l Straw Trrappin; pny.era. ll ttiin't, IJniili-ra, l!ox. Cap ami I'rtiiili lioanla. Wliitr mul UtilV Uiiitlopia j l.til, 1. titer, Nolo and Card sizes. A in nl.i fur llliss, Potter $ Ccs Trusters' Card3 in pai'Us erJ a'.n ita. viliite and r.ilored o,l.l si ns, cnl t.) or.lt-r. Aia.i, ti'.eir Oil!, 1'iymid and rijiii tiiit'ii piipi is. .Hb'HI'll K1MI1V. lute of N. Tliird st. N. IS. 1 AWIiLlMH, lutf nl .No. 'J Minor st. N. If S00 Toiu of K.13H wanti'J in cxcliana fvir rush. I'liil.iil.-lpliia, July S'-t, HSI.fimo. ji lsmt'ii' 'I'tiH? .ttlcj.' .toiix km im-:.'... X.nth Vaft e.r. TfV.'.-f .'r,;:l Strctts. BSS f)N II. XII r. 1 . . , j.i. . , r, Assortment of r-iliot dins l oivtlcr V.-i.lsi . r:., it-.... .. 1 ........ :.. 1.... ,'"", 11 T""'3 .-PPaiatus ol the l't-st and most nniirovi-d ittcrns. ir. t .1 . , . 1.1- li.l roii.iamiy oil nulla Spoi l- nr. .i,,,,, nf an tit'scriitioii, i cniisMoii I ui tu,i JJidlet Moulds, ll.ill and blank Caif.K!j.ea. inula L-fti-eral itasortmi nt of niuleriila '.,r (, Mai,,r, Ac. Mm rorcusi.10., Caps ,ulx.ril,r fiaaittv. arsinetl evirei,ly for C, s. Iliilea. An Asstirtiuctit of I ishin- Tackle tlsivi 011 hand. Al! las ohovo. ai,H anv ntli-r articles in hi lin., tne tjulisf.,her will fell s low as anx- other estnl-iisliiiiuin, m t,6 United .State. In -1 .,. ... -.iiiiuv o. inp cut u.s tiittuuinctiirer, ina frni'U'iii Institute, in the veais 18i0 and 142, .... .1.. . .. .:.- . .... , : .. xxa.iied to fun, tWo cerlilicaU.- -and in the var .U, 1S1G, I S 17, 1 8 13 and IS.'iil, live sd. ver medila, all of which 111 iy Le seen at hia place of Ln.inc.a. JOHN KRlLinii. Pliiladi'lpliia, July 10, lol.- 3mo. 100 LAE0Iti:il3 WAiriED MMIOUIA'l'CI.V on the 'I'tevorton Kail Koa l. fitctjons 51 & 5? ; at the Mouth of tl.e M..' I ottoy Cteek, to whom lihcral waqes will ho (,ajd, IRA T. CI.K.ME.NT 4 Co. Sunhury,' July 5, I60I tf. I JAZOKS A superior article f,.r aair7t"tU sloaof IIEXItY MVrvSVWV JAUNDICF.. t)VSIF.r:;IA, CHOMC Oil m;:ivu!s dkhimtv. ijisiiak of tiu; kidneys, NPmP ilinvinrPftri' frntn t -r-VrcJ Y.vt nt wn tmvh. Nitch Tine i kli uli n, i'lu'-ntl I'iU-s. I' tMu'H. !!.. Ml t- 1 h-n1, .VfL'ifV The SI -mir!', """. Ilnnrtl.urii. difrn-i .r ti vr vcictlit In 0h St iinm li, ,iiri;inciii!t iii. Mi'-ii'iC "r A'ifNMii'ir n H pt of Hi- Si nn ,(, fxvnnmiiij'''f l!..-lnii'. r,frici1 it.pMt'ciil? lirc tM-ii'. fl't:tffiiiT i.t the l-nrt, cliHc.? nr t vT ct tin!; tccfntriim v hf ii inn Ivtittr v ?ti!r". I.iin'',i vli "t, t 'IT 'i'!S l't? TP 1 l-r Vif! , I'M ' T'"1" " t'" IlsNiiI. f'i-cic:if " i( pisfwjii-ji'i -ii. Vi-.' .vl t !"' sVim HU! fv. -? jii ti? !: V . .'i"f. r-'.t, & r , f i'!t!-'l tliy1 f y .. l'c.it I) irni-iu i-i I1!" fl- r't, eiiftUii! lULiuingi ot" ev il. i'lnl j:rftt lp'"(T"'i'n ( !,,'n!m, r.v iii; i:r ri:cTi:Ai.iaV cunrr) kv tIXLWH.t lM t:i UM N 111 I j i Li: V It . C . M . J A (' K -3 0N, At THE CUiRMAN MHUK-lNi: STOUK, l'JO Arch St., tV.lattf.plila. piiwff over tl.e t1i v ilifc m. h imt fxccil. if t-'M.i!;.:,l, (,y Wiy uiit.r piuiiar-ui-'ii in Hv l.'nite.J b'atrg, j. ihrt-i.rkutKsi, in iiuii.v cjbi. u.ur ..IJ.al (hyic.i. Ire! MlVd. 1 )' J.vr-t ht. W"r!..v tVv I t'K.-.-.-s.lt; V'Ttttt S m ie rr-:. t!ie lali t r .-.ii-) t -.t r m iN, t p evil's in vt .ii.i,'f. :n:l i.iliftr: s t Ir If ! "f iiiviit.ill. t I -II i't' tll""M.'i i f lit.- in st viiTi ii't i iiic.-i.Li'. y u'f.Jti, H;iut. uwy nr-', wati.iii, y ti - t- nmu ntnl ri'i'-ni Mi.' II y.t ii lli" 1 Tin' IM'lnr wimI. We. M ! 'Jin. lln.iFi.AM-'s ('r.i.itiimrrn t.mnn r.itrTf f-r t'.ir Mire nf r t'im;.!.nnt. .I:uut(lu . ) n,i.-pii. t'iir 'no i'f i-rv"i:s ln l.!itv, irt ilcF',riotiv ' itf. "t tt-e in rft p.ipu- lltr n..-if"H's nf 11,,; ,1-iy. 'ril-!f Hi'Mf lV l'-- ll-ft. 1-y H i!i';nii'-, fin.t ;i f. icn.' 't ' in r-'"W ! Iif 1,-m Iutti-fi'-'X rt'M-iv.'rl tin i-I'.Tfti;i! : M'l piirnu'n t me "f I ,u-rf C tnp!:tiii' ir m tlir ipo nf t!1 ts rrnvti;. c rrr v iv:i"t llinl, itle use nf tlif-r Hi t'-"-. 1'" i-H H'ri-iliy Rniin P'.H'ttpth ri)it vi T n f i't vTt;-y'f ji.i".' C iiiiit niM 'it. 'l ii.-v lire f!i,-,'jnf iti tn-t.-- mm.! ftp' II, nit'l fiii 1m j nr'. l,v pt-rs iitf wit!i t!i inn-i ili-in-U' f-t m f!s wiMt f.iic j tv. nnil'.r nnv nn!ir:,.'"n:'fi. c uvc ."' -iV nr? tV nn .x ' i'L-ricii'.n, nii'l 1" iti" ji if ifi- tl we n tli'.nr lire." I 'TT'. .rKi,T.' piil-iiM t,. r-ii I, Anif. v ne ni ti.o Wii Li.trnry jtO' I "Jin. !! rLM rr.-Ti V'.Tt-.x, in '"i".,' ' irM y j Or. J-i.'sfi ni, in 11 v r in no:. Sv s in" n' ( I; ? m- f I pr 'tinnr.it iii.'hi:'': nl tin- tm nl'V tin :: ! t tti""' j PiVuMfV" in ns.h nf (.nil,, wc-fl.nci?. A ni-fi f )h e wi w 'ill I :i.H-ift f,f! m "tier t 1 1 'n : n !:;t.l tlniM mvi' tlii-m-flv.' inn h te'nv. )'- .. --ii --f ii m t'tl Cnttst Pnti ij,tt will tin I l'n.- Ki'ti-rn ;i !viin;-i.-.; .ni t' j tll-ll tli:;i, A . il-U' iTMill f1'fl-J;';t ...t; Eiist.lfjr hue Linen wvk ivvf i.i'.i.!'-! iim S-t'iT. Vr.- Cn, .it i ;t.- U 1 e.l.t.C aaj iflti td's Ccrvutn JUltcrs. It ; titt .M rat' 1 in i', t ii-il, 11. ft .. r.'p Miirnfn-1 vli; 1 I'. CrMi:;'.'! nf nilf t,".nl )l. Hi t- : m. t!y niiil"! 1 -Ti;t.i i f tl. I ru t tiifh f.r. - nf nns-lmv. t'i " 11 -I : n u r iii V.- r,- A 1: n IV t 1 . In- !;;: t Mi. r p ! id j c 11 ;j -i-it-:!-' 11 'if. v -it, t'i ' ' '. niij !:, 1 1 1 1 v it mi :f " ..CiV.-.l" (n!n: tin "i.. i;t-l tiiro rt t u n, i?. lh.it f t ' . 1? i-tviilur pin m r :is c 'i'i!'in'? ! .i l nr - in-.' linit ie.r '.ai-.-t :ipi,n: al !lt.?:!il't Hll.l .- :r m prfil-'iviiilo fc".-.'t i-; i 'f.l-'linlH. 111! 1,11 V.'Uil H HC'.f In- ti l v ;i pi n .ti rvi.l.-i.c'- In-, l.i I "'' i 1- - f Ihr n ni'tii trtiin 'i," ii?'1 I in '!i-.' pr if ; ! 1. tli m t.1! "' ;:y I.- .-rtl ! '.I i n w:M n;- v., .11 in t 'iim t .rni i"- wnl i-mi; I.iv "i 111- tin '.I '. t'l'i' 11 1 tinr !i :nvl t fit in. 1 in TUrV fill !-e. .)1'M-.'il t 1 i Vll nl npv lin.c. iiitl firiu 1 orient, vat:t: ci coi'X'i T'l'.IT. TirSTi.-V-tn.' hr. :.?.-i :r- l I' .r llei"rt..i.-y I il' nn- ii'-in. ie I 1 M I . ii t pi t ! r:li n ptu i it .-rt'i-i'- nt t;.t r; lll 'Se tiix inn k-. nt'y ivnl. tri lilC in-1 nf look wj.i.ltu Tin: m.i;k Tiirv lirtv. t!;o wril'cn dirrt ur. up hi t'i- Tt't'.ipp. r, nu.l Il.e nimt ', on'' wT.lcii t!nv nrc f;.ni 1 ..if (! Tin. nr.Mir.. nf r. M. .T LKS( 'ii in tin U'AiIr, vuU lt r-. , Wii !cs;i!x,-iiiul r.-;;i;l, nt tin G'''ii'lil MiUiinc Slort. S . Win: -":i.-' f 0111. .!..T u v y 2 It-.-. -ir.-r'.t I'hr, l,.;.t.ji.:.:. I l.y r-. r t,.j!(.T.;.;. ii.i.tti-ii n! '.!.. i,. 1 r - T pi1.''1 ft"! (';"!, .f in'-i:! t . t , - t ! of t.ittr yrf.i; r. si r.iia r j..iv. e u:.rtntngri 1.1 r. 4; VCaX. ;-!' -'e-rl.-mi. L--Iv. t - 'itvi- Villi I:;ir..irtfrs ;i.il UVrn rKEZIIAN, IIODGi: fT;C0., C3 ZmI JxI M vsr S rU3Ta-i', iffi'ct'i Hrui.luwj nn i S'l'siLt-Streef, 1'cr.T tltc Post' Cflee. "v-JIT Li 'J 'o-' j?T v!L LIjL VI'-. sa TI" nrt- rri'i'Mni, l,y il.i'ly nri'iv.il f.nni llu- r t-. 01:1' I'ull nml W'iiit". i- iis-m t.noftt of KU'I! r's!H)N Mil t; KA.NCV -Sil.lv AMI MlI.l.IMlKV t;t)t 'lis. '.r ii-:pi-"'iiii'v intitp nil Cia'i rurrlinaeri thoroughly . t-x it 1,11:10 i,t;r t-'r i.-l; nial Trice, ami, 11s h it:: i -t .... .1 - . , i el e.nifi h-nt our 1 Coodf and r.ii't'R mil inil.i, ,' tln-m to acli-i't from our t"'I.:l hsa:i.:-:it, lht: li.-nlar nitonri.an fa Jovo tel to Mll.I.INi.KV t,;Hiii., mul many oftlia artii-1. a srt! iiiatitifiirtiii'e.l i-piv-ly to our order, and i-Hiiiiot aiiri'R.i.J in hfniily, style and elirnp'if -a. I ittd'll I :ir Kiiilniis, Or II.it, Cap, Neck,' and I: .. : fiili-ra. t-ri:. It. 1. m:d Tan;.t.i T. l-o:ia, of all xvidths Slid a, Vi'lt,'!., ar.J uncut Velve's, fie American and French ArliScial ll.-'ti-. I i-athi r, n.ni.'is. I'nti'n.;-, and Cnp Trtnnriinna. I'l'i'.-.f JVlmmitiffs, l.tr -c assoit'.iK-::L llm'ar. and t'i 1: Kinc thtillhl i,' Cure 'itj.es. Collars, I'mlcrslceies r.iiiliiniilrred Reviive e.nd Ileinsticti ll.indin:ri'!ii,-fs. 1, Lis,'., 'I'jrlctoii.a, Illusion and Cap l.ncc. Nitli-ivien Urnasi'la, Tlirra.l. Silli, an J T.ia'.o Tlrcid l.-it.-i-. Ki I, Sid., ."-ciii CI ,ns and M .,:. k, Lii-lo Tlucs.l, Mevitto I'iiitirt .1 nn. I l'liiin fewii-a. KooV, Ei and Jiiioi.ct 1 1 1 ip Lawn,' KXGI.ISIt. l'lUvVf'II, A!.ll'7'f ITALIAN STU.'.w 'jooo.s An'ii-; :;u, lSjf 3 n t. AND I-UXXK..1V ixs'.TITTR. '" ,HE ""0- V"...t.VM .oil IM.C f.'IOIMT, : o, 't yAn i3iic miTsi. r-jlll' o .lo ,, .Vrcliaiiii.il lVii.i.llcnl extant in ti Ainii'.ca, i, pi.l.li-licd 011 llio first of each "" 1 if :,.- fiiv of l'liil.idilih'.,. It iLisheei, rt;rt,l.ii,. j,,r t-, iiMl!, 0 iiv.nty.fne years, an. I is e.irciiJIv t'.li:. .lliy 11 cinmitti r of scicnlii'ic ,''-a t ti.e-:. ai.iniititt.-J tjr lao 1 ui'i.-om;. In- tt,.. I ' . -11 k 1 1 ii i'i c ill ' rtv' .1' 10 Illstitll'. .eivt-dly lii-.'ii rcptitalinn, l.otli at li.-.'m(t d, xihi, li tins Journal lias ut-utiiii-1 and .'.' .1: . al, I as anon it a liicu'ution a:tJ vxi-Uaiitr s'. a, l. r 1 c.iaiMt tcr, xvlii.-h cii.ililt j '..'ic Ct.in 1.1. lift- oil i't l.lii'.itiona to iii ilio the lit-f't clivtious ; Irom I'oii 11 Jouriiiils, nnd !o y .v,- cinuliiiion to nimiinii-niinns on n.-a. 1 'mical and s.-j. j.'. ts, nn.l noticfs t, ucv inventions ; all the 1'ateiita i-.-ucd at the 1 . ...... nr. original ci enutic tnl nonces uf fice, Wn.inaton City, me puUiMitd i:, ilie Jour I 1 a., to.'clh-r mill a !ara. ainouiu of infurioatiot. . .. ...,.:,.. .. .emistry, and Civil lliv.-inceiiiirj. dnned 'loin the latest ,,J f,,-.,, autlioi .li.ss. I 1 J"1'9' ' l't'l'lislifd on ti.e ilrat of enrli moiiih, each untnl-er t-oiitainiu- at least n'veuti- I I ' ,". 'orins uvo xi.lt.n.is aniuuliy of . Slli.'lil 11. iliaes flic 1. 1 ustralnl II ill, i'iic,i'.nini;s l-'P 'L'r "'! "Il XXuiaJ ol I los.il lulitecU ultu-.l-' ,t J I !..,. ,.' I 1 hC Slllw ription price ia J'ivo I) -I!ais per an. mini, j ,ii aide un ihe t-ompleti .n of the sivlli num. her; und ii ill U- I u x. 1 f.,t- of p.tolage tvhrii fue 1loil.1i' are rt-in.ttid to the A tnary (l osta.;e paidl in advance fur one n-ai'.. buh-eriiH I1..11. ' ' Communications and htrca 011 hu .ine.-a iniiat I diiectt d In -I .0 Actual uf tii,. Kni.tl.tin Insli tute, 1 hil.oli'ij!i..i, I'tiiu.-i 1 atiia," ilui oatag psij. WlI.l.HM if W'l.TO.N, An.iun- J-. . April li, 151 6.110; Hit um; in a iwi:-: nt. t:,. It fc.ii-i.lv of ihta UU. i'ie.ieittai;t.jeior I . din. , .... u,i io,vixo. aim ior saio i-v Ill'.NiiV M VMrtLK t'Uil. ji-i, Julj r, iin