SHIN BURY AMER A 11 110 IT. Ij. massek, editou and phopiuetok. ggy8 OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. 1 jFimfli ilcuispnpcr-DctJOtrJ to iJotUfrs, ftftrrnturr, iaoialfiy, jFowliin an) Domrstfc Sinus, Science nun the 3vts, 3flitculturef jfiiniuris, Amusements, arc. NKW SKIJIKS VOI.. S. NO. :. MiMU Y. NOli rili;!IJK.A.M) COl'NTY. I'A., SA'l t'M)AY. IS. 18.11. OLD SKIIIKH VOL. IS. NO. 1. 1 ' ' A.vli!ii.X,ivA.-i. TEitHS OX i,L TIIK AMKIllrAV TWO I)tl,t.A.,M i. Ki!!il I .-rv stieiitlnv nt l r .hi I i f .w-iu'n in advance ,u nit... l,r .!(' in.: ll Until A I.I. i.lTril.iii I- .if . ii i ...-: !-- '.'ll ins 1" ...l io i T ) Ail) All pnniiwfi'' lt ailii.?. I' it. s Thrs .,.1-3 i Vrv.n I'lvs ,1 '::. I i .ri(i: i.,ii : r. h',v r v t Kf tiimii.s Miinitios. ' .i.l , Mrriinti; u-. svivx . ; lii- l.ary.-r A.i A TtV i.- - i: V T LAW, . 11 tismt is to in tlie Counties of Nnr INuiiil.ei laud, I'niuti, l.v ruining and Columbia. ICt'f'f'l- 1.1 1 1'. ft A. 1 ,..vv. llarron, !gra, 7VuiW. 1ii.ii!j, M i I'm rtuml ft Co., fj.irin. (iouii V t"o., J NEYT STORE AT HOLLOWING RUN. .-fi (.'if CV..S llo.-t.ts. tj.-m- J. 7J. ConraJs, .1. I!. K.W mi AX T1'.T "TIEEV inl'.-r.ns his friiMiila nut the puhlit" irnuiTiiH , that lie lias just rcceiv i on J npniu'il nmv siircU ot tjoMtls, whirl, he nw olVe 1 r on tin tnost reasonable tcrnu. )Ii itorU raii-ists in p.irt of si m a- Cloths, Ccmiinrrcs. tV'i.i'll.i. .Vm'.ioj. i'c. fa-.r.!.-r w.r i.f ?!! kimU V.iitins Caliroi'j, lii:'j'iui:i. I'l.i'iks, ftr. I,M) : Am iiift'iiii.i-'ii .'I Iii.'-iluii.-.' of ull kiiuls, niot i';ii'r:i!!v iu ira. Tic Jit fitiya, Cnft!. T'H. .irt55M. Spirit. Sr. AI.l) :-.CJurrnsiYiift mi l Croi iirrv ware, a foil aNti:iiuM.U Al. II. A1,M:- Ai 1?.:N-:.V. n.-.i: tun nf iii jii'-rs. !. : Wink.. Wm-Ki.Y, .Vi'. llcsi.lf a ;i;-ir:y ul c-Iiit aiiir'fs. i:uwl !;iMicr ally ow'.l nml in v -nt i v liiniu r ami other r n, nil .if ttliirh lnk In j.iirc!iaHi'i'H al a auvingr "I' l'ii er rriit. Iy calling 11:1 liitti. AH Uiih's nt" ir.nmi.- I:!'ii iu i'rli:iuo for fauils Ihr Kiii'iio.-t liurk. I n-i.'r. llulliiwiiiS liin..i:.i! "Ii, KM. II'. sip.:g and EOiim clothing. E. 1 nliv t ! vs C!.i) i !!IM Mri:. V.mhIi aru A. "-'-i, at fiu. u jm.v. ;f. i' lit- , it rl lu'l'll Iviiu'.v.: ll,;. iu. ..t i ' Ln'i'1 . i Nii ! iv.::: i I'liriK-r ul MjiKi-l uii.l i ihia. m!;ra i.i a rli.ii.-i. aii'l i v liimr "i.'-p ;::o;i.i; cri.i.x's i.u.1 iitLs. i'liiiaiicl-I't'i.i- '.n'st. most iVii.'a- DlS .-III )!a!'it t I.Ci i!'-.. I in. Ac, ft... t-.,-.-tU.T u: "il'OvK COATS, s Ih'iuiii; i!.i.. Twi'i'i!, 7 !. V.'l V.lli.'tV 11' Coni-i'i ; "f '.e'. I'"-'.-, i'. lev J t'-. '. V-!-- ,:.,:.! Tiii i-i. t.i a i- D .. r:.,t: miT, 1; i'!--tn. ftf.. i'-- I'mIi-i.'... i'i'. i" I-.-.-U t i new sn'i' l';..-.t.-n a:,! 1:. i I'liilr.'""!:.1. W-.j., to . i J.n' .. ii. Moil J.n kr: io n'.f ol , . . 1 4:, r. s t- Mli f ro.'it o t'u ''.iinnirr "I o it pe.-inl a'.T!..,.m. ''in ' 1! ol' whi.-h ft-loie in ' iv . ' ' . : S. A. . ". . -. l-r-l;:r .v tic I r. I IVhti-o, ; i i last li iv ;;::. rt i i i f rit ou int-s a'.' lit.u.f, .s nine of ! 1 . (:'. I .inji..; lim-ft; ni.1 rtUs' iit-ji.ii limitl, uiiii lor K.i.r. 'i'l.i' rontiui i.- uiiiiin tl.niiM , ! ' ' l l.iC il!': t.I f l'l .lilll'tl's I'ou- t,:;i ; l!u : ;. i. i ;.r hint vol- i' IN utri-4. 4 ' i. i U 1 1 1 1 . 1 , is u I m nil :.t-of t..j voluiit! arc iiu.l rout, no nil of Dullub I'rporlA, 1 voit;nti'S anl ittl uf Vealm' Iv-fportn, 4 viilumt, lu'Hih'it thp two fust volumcii of llinm-y's Kfjuots. T.ic tliii.l vohutio i it ready and will hi; jut tu vv imnii'.h iifly. ftunhury, A 115. Ifi, 1 ... 1 NATION AI IIOTHL, SHAIIOKIN, Nortliumbei-land County, Pa. flIin Huliscribcr respclf.illy iiifnriiia bin ft inula -- ami tin; puliliu (.'.'iicrallv, tiial lie liaa iipcn rj a ai'vv llutcl in the town nf iSUaiuoUiii, Nor t'liunty, on tlui turiier ul' Mi.iniukin ami Coinincrct! wticrls, nearly nppo.-iitt In lliu llouiie be lonnerly kept, lie is well preparetl In arroiniiniilatu bis quests, ami u nUo proviiletl with ii.k1 st.iliiini!;. i!e Irtistit bis exiKvieiiee, ami utiiet atteiitimi to Iiiimiics.s, will iiiiliiee per anna vUiliii the reinu Iu cuiilinue the lib ral patronage be bas beretofare reieiM-il. WILLIAM WEAVER, fslinmokin, April 10, Is.MI. If. "JAMES II. MATTKiT"" I AS 1'i.ini liin olJ.Mainl, .No, HH ii.e street, to So. 52 DUtwyn St., t,',i ru7ni7 ,y Willow,) where be lias cmixtantly nil ban 1, BROWN STOUT, PORTER, Ale ami Ciller, FOR HOMi: CONSlMrriON OR ?iiiitixo. N. B. Coloring, Untiling, Wire ami Coltlra, Vinrcar, ftr. Eor aale ui uliovr. 1'biladelpliia, April VI, 1851. ly. Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company. TR. J. D. MAfSSEIl ia tb local aRcnt for the abave Imiur ime Cuinpuuy, in Nortliunilter litnil county, ami ia ut all timea re,ly t0 atr l Inauramea against lire on real or personal pro. prrty. or renewing polit-ira for the aaine. Sunbury, April 6, 1851. if. .9 USTICEjj' KEE UILLis. j-'or a ile by H. B. M SEH iin'.iurt, Ajtiil 'CH I fi I . - .SELECT POETllY. l'li'iti the J.iarinil ul C'tnimerce. Hie liu3la:)d'3 Dream. Laii nijlil I li.i.l a, my lovp, 'J' )imi aho nut my, 'ii.ii I r .'iiiii.'.l ii Imy Hi;iii'if I i ' i 'in "ii liliil ii i . I e . 1 i: i: I of 'In: v i ! i .yr, ns it was I I ii:. ii Ml i .iiimi.' ililN . i); i;..- i. I i 1 1). 1 1 1: iii i!i'i'n iiihI w ill t, A.'nl iiin;iii!ii;lit niylii io plfjy. Fife n. nil I ulailly clinyi'il K. i up i fit kiioh ii lull. Wli.rli iivi-i li.nki il iln mi'iiilnvv laiul, Tin' iv ui cr fuiiisu mill iniil. 1 ituMllll (if llli! til. I l,ll(lo-lll)liPI Allll lli'll tilt! .ullllil til bl'lt, K.u'li jnyin.a r-tu t iiiul I'iife cunit) back (l iliuf I kiifw so vi'il. Tim villiiiti" flmrfli mo, tln-re it stood As wlii-ii, in by yoni ilnj. Wi'liin, v lii'iml ilu iiini t). I man I. ill his i-ii 1 f It 1 1 piaisu. I minuli'tl wiih ilciir fiifiuls once more II. 'liuiiti'il vi;h i, cilk, IJni now, Ahi., itif "vi' tliiiippri?J 111)111 eai-li n ini'iiilii'rt'.l nlk. Vriir liavc Ijuvrii y)c ilit-ti, my love, I. miy ji'.tin ol luisy sliili. I!hI ilifii' my lii'iirt till Imitlly turn ;.Mi I M't'iii .-. nf fin ly life. Thi'ri' 1 wixicil iht'i', dfiirest one, A in. n. I. 'ii yonim iiiul cov : U'liili- iniicli niniiiiil rfiiiiii.i..J me ( 'I lit'ii I was a buy. Willi youthful ar.liii in mv suit, I all Inn vaitnl'i picscil ; H it Mm oil. I t-aiiMit sav il : Tivas I lliat slmij conlt-sst'il. if In flid-.v th-ii bmli wcif rialil, Tnr.o Ii iM iiiiccaini' prove ; Tlwiii'li IIhwims faili1 in fnrost glaili", Fnit'Vi'i bliinms tmr love. iMtcravn '-VncciiotCD. Troiil Arviiio'ii t;rl.ii;e.l:a of Aliccrt lt. HABITS CF AUTHORS IN COMPO SING AND CORRECTING. I-orr.A its. Vi::;ii., a.n (.'assii s. The anr ienls were H Tiinaciiins in their cnrrei tiiiiis. Isocraic., is s.iii!, was cmployctl lor Icti year on 'nc- til bis works: anil, to appear natural, studied with the most re lim il ait. After a labor of e!.'ven years, Virgil pro nounced his ,1'n. id imperfect. Din C'avsins tievob il twelve years lo the composition of his hisloty, and Diodorus Siculns, thirty. Tin-re is a inid ll between velocity ami torpidity. The Italians say, it is not ne cessary to be a sla";, but we ought not lobe a lortiiise. Nor so had a Fai'LT. An old French w riter, more remarkable for originality of'bt than lur "race of style, was once r pr mi h- il by a liii-nd with the I'rwjueril r-ieli!ions Io be lunnd in his works. "N'ani" lb. in to me."' said the nntlior. l it" i ri " i i", with ri'iliin-' pret ision, men-lime-. I all III" id-as which had most fre quency r-eiirr.'d in the bf):)k. " ail) salis- fl.-.l." r-plie, m"'ii!ier iu v ill. iiori'st iitithnr; vou r ii! ;is. I r'-pn.iti'd them so ofien mi inn p is" lo prevent von from for- r"tii;i,r lb Mil. Without my repetitions, I s'-o i'd never have succeeded." S.W.MA-irs AND MolillKS. SallTiasillS Used to ri ii ! and wriv in the company ol" his wife, and a, i. ids! the noise of his children, j Without incoiivcni"cce. II 1 . - .fll.' nil. 'i! to sliut hiinself '. i ' j ' 'io "-'I i" i 'l ii.' i il i ' I'.vt.MMA. Aubrey has inin , '.'e' v pr. i; rvi ii lor us the manner in which couipos.-il hi L"viaihan. Il is ve ry ci.ii .us lur hierarv studi nts. ';He walk ed u.ii. h an I contemplated ; anil he had in the bead ul' his cane a pen and inkhorn, and carrii'd alw.ivs a note bimk in his pock- ind as so in as a thought darted, he pre- senily entered it into bis book, or olher w 'ue be ti.ibt have lust it. lie bad draw n the of the h i'ik into chapters, jtc, and be knew wheraliouls it would come in. Thus that book was made. I -i it:i r.icn ti:s. Anion'; lilernrv men, some have been eccentric in lln-ir method of coiiipoMiv' anil s'udvin. l)e.s Cartes used lo lie in bed, very fre quently, for twelve or fourteen hours in the day, with the curtains drawn. Thompson sometimes kpenl the whole day in bed. lliiiisM-uu and Tope procured some of their best thoughts in bed. M zer.ii, the historian, always composed by candle light. Much of this is folly. Nature has con stituted human beings so similarly, that what is consistent with common sense, and suitable lor one man, would be found adapt ed for ail, if they would but accustom themselves to it. Eccentricities are nol only productive of no advantages, hut thev are ii equently Ihe occasion of awkward ness and unpleasantness. Pascal, Milton, Sin:rnr:r.r, Tiicaxus, ami Ni.wton. Pascal subjected his iellers lo the inspection of Ihe members of his college, and every advantageous alteration that was suggested was introduced. This method occasions much correctness, hut il destroys Ihe originality of the author's thoughts and style. Sometimes Milton woulJ dictate a cer- alin number of lines, and Ihen reduce them to one halt ih- quantity. Sheffield, link.? ol Buckingham, wrote an essay tin satire, which was altered and amended so nun Ii, that at last, like Ihe stocking of Aristotle, it became a new thing. The commencement of the History of Thuanus is said to have cost the author an immense deal ol labor. , Sir Isaac Newton informex) Bishop Pearce that he had written his Chronology 'of Ancient Kingdoms sixteen timet. Pascal. When Pascal became warm in hig celebrated controversy, he applied him self with incredible labor to the composi lion of his Provincial Li Iters. He was lr. qiienlly occupied twenty days on a sin.'li lellt r. lie recommenced .ome above seven or t-ijht times, iintl by- ibis means obtained I hat peii'ei Ii. ii which bas mode I i work, as Voltiiire says, one ol tke best books t-vtr puMirhed in France. T'ie Qiiintus Curtis of Vanrelas occupi ed him thirty years; generally every peri od was translated in the margin five or six several ways. Chapelnin and Conrart. who look Ihe pains to review Ibis wmk critically, were many limes perplexed in the choice of passages; they ireneral'v liked best that which had been first com posed. Uossl'KT. Whenever Hossltet, Risimp of iwoaus, liail to compose a luiu-ral sermon, I he read Homer in the original (Jretk, lo raise his style of composition to the due elevation of his subject, "and I lilit my lamp," bait lie, "wiih the rays of the sun." Hai.xac. IJalac, the first writer in French prose who ;rave majesty and har mony to a period, it is safe, did not gnul-re to bestow a week on a pae, and was nev er rati.-fied with his first thoughts. MalkhraNi hi:, I Thomas, and Diti-o.v. Some profound thinkers con I J not pursue the operalions of their mind in the distraction of lij;bt ami noise. Male branche, llobbes, Thomas, and others closed their curtains to concentrate their thouohts, as Milton says of the mind, '-in the spa cious circuits of her musing." A secluded and naked apartment, with nothing but a desk, a chair, and a yinjle .sheet of paper, was for filly yeais Ihe study of ljufi'.m ; the single ornament was a iirint of Newton placed before bis eyes: nolhincr broke into the unity of bis reveries. l-i:.i:r.oN and (.iihio.n. ullaire I. -lis us of Fenelon's Telenuchus. that the amiable , author composetl it in bis rt-lireineut in the short period of three months. I em-Ion ! 'mn'r had, before this, formed bis style, and his I "iiiibl mind oveillowetl with all the ppitil nf the I liom a cab, in the peculiar .lies s i nfti u de ancients. He opened a copious fountain, n-ribed of late, a i l, p:oeeeili;i Iom ai Is tin; ai'tl there Were not ten liasures ill the enliaiiL-H lo the Uieen p'l'k, dislribnled in original tnantiscript. The same facility ac- ,1,,, vv;iv hamlbiils, containi:)? a spirited compaiiietl Oibbon a.'ler Ihe experience of his lirst volume. J.ti:u.k.ii;imty. It would be Well, bulb for the public and the writers them selves, if some authors would but adopt Lord Falkland's method beliire publishing his works, w ho, w hen he doubted whether a word was pirlecilv intelligible or not, used to constol one t.f bis lady's chamber- maids, hint the wailing woman, because it j was possible she might not be conversant ; iu romances,) atitl by lu r judgment was j guided Whether to receive or reject it j SU'ill i, il iL ca!.l o lit., it,.. I It.. I ..1' i ' '. I""'; ' " ' "" " in . reading his works lo ihe unb-arned I Ioissi:ac ami Purr,. Roossinii, was full of enthusiasm, tb voled to th wb i j s-i!.- ! jei t of bis thoughts the long, sl" pb-ss i'i li rva!s ol bis ni-'bls, ami ineililaiing in bed, with his eyes c!n.-i!, he turned over bis periods, in a tumult of ideas ; but when he rose and bail dressed, y'l was lanisbi il, ami ! when he sat down to Lis papers I e bad I nothing to write. Thus genius bas its v s- P'-rs and ils v ii's, a well a- i's mati'it, which we have been so olten lo'd nr.- lb- i true hours ol its inspiration; but every! hour may be full ol inspiration for bun i who knows bow 'o meditate. No n an was more practised in Ibis art of 'b- u ind, i than Pope, and i-un the nihl was m.i an unregarded portion of his pmlital xit-j ence. I N. a vt teiaii sai'.n, Ji. .1 ; it. 111" V . S. Ki'i'l'iv. j .liseasi! of the he.ul, utter iilteen mimiles. K ilisnu (i'ki r.e.K Fi ri on the -I", h oh , t ing Mup Oliio. ol in illness ol only I i .... ll I ----- " ,, ,i . b it, i it ,l nil llllj. l.l l l- l l-l l ship on Lake l-'.i ie, pnllt-,1 an tai in the ! boal which can ic,l Comniodoie l'erty flam ! ihe Lavvieiice lo ihe Niagaia He vv as a !mi 1 wiih C'omuio.ltiie .Ab U.iiiough on Lake l liau - plain, and has been folly veins iilmes! con- ! luiuauy III Ihe neivice. lie was a I I" iiiul remained some lime at ihe Naval A-y I um in Philadelphia, and was tiai.sfi i red by Secret. oy Mason lo Ihe leceiving ship on lln; New Voik elation iu 1 IS. al hi- (,vvn icrpiest. Sam i; says, wiiting fn.m F. ii.ui.I : ' Alter all, ibey b.iinl uul no Lnl"iii coin beie; they can't raise it, nor piuikin pies, i nor niiiiices, nor p.-a-uuU, nor si.k-woims, mil 1 1 ' ' tin! ll in' Tlii-i. m In ll.eir I ml. ill' li.i.ll iioiniu . I lien, as to tin ir union i-nui i . only looK ill live "ical elepliaul-loiikui ln-asis , in one plough, wiih liimmokin' fid low lo bold Ihe handle, and another lo cany ihe whip, and a 'joy to lead, uim.-e lumis have more iioi) on V-m lhu linises bbilt have, all crawlin' as if Ibey was a-goiu' to a funeral. What aorl of away to tin wmk? Il makes me mad lo look ut em. If tie r.- is any ainhly clumsy fashion uf d 0:1' a thing, that's th" way they are always suie i to git here. The aie a benighted, ohsiiuuie bull-headed people, the English,'s a fact and alvtuys uas." A (JoudOne. Davy docket happened lo be present al an exlubitinii of animals, some lime ago, al least, iu the city of Washington, where a monkey teemed to attiact his pai ailenliou, and he nbslracledly observ ed, '-If thai fellow bad on a pair of specta cles he would look like Major Wii"Jit of Ohio." The Major happened to be just be hind Crocket and overheard ihe observation, and gently lapped Davy on the shoulder, when he, Davy, very formally remarked, "I'll be banged, Major, if I know whose pardon le ask yours or the moult y's " Thk fare on Ihe Hudaoti river Rail Road is a cent and a half a mile. The length of the iRoad i 1 4 1 miles. lll.tlll.Ml'nliiM IN I.OMtDN. Fur -ivirnl ilays past lllii-o yonnu; unit bed ul i fill la. lies havi' inloiiislit'il llie 'im- lives 1 i nf P....n.r.i.i s ,...,r.. it.. bniliotiil by appeirinr in tins full HWiner ros.'iiMii'. Tbi tlii1'' fo-isisti'! t.f .fiirieiliia't belivrfii a ipv hit at il a " nu-ake'' of 'rav ; a wliili" cillar tnnp-il il.iun upon a vt iv. t cualt'o nf Lincoln jfit'en, bullnniiii; liylil inntiil ;h" Wilis', but open, nml s!l'nillL, a frilli'il tf i i ft front al ill, Ul" slrcvr lillins; lb'" iirin closely, n'H tbc !;ir!! lb'?-nni-l to tb" knee th" '-H'o. liners'' arc cx pppiliimly full b tin1 knee, but liulit from tlienec Io Hie mifilc, w lien- I IIP v arc tliawii p'osc. Tin- base of tic' la. lies were p!en ili.l'v rbcviiic:!, an. I Ib-y wore patent leather ball ancle ilioe wi'h silver buck- .-s and biilliaiils. So fas the '-Mji ninu' IW." On Tbuisilav, two ladies, ailiird in short black silk pellicnaN, reiicbinu' below the knee, lone cniy silk titnisers. faslened nt the nnrle, blown rnshn-ere boot.", wiih a short jacket for the upper i:anneiit, over which was worn a M-aif, the hea l tliess beiuu the bonnet usually worn by females) i-.ppcared in I'iceiulilly, St. James's S.jnaie, I.omliin. nml vicinity, their unusual costume i itllr.ntjtiiiji considerable ciniosly. They bad a number of email handbill", addressed to "Mother!", Wives, D.tnhlers," inviiin; lliem lo the tank of '-dies reform." and to join the of Iilonnier., Imiiitb d near Filzroy Squaie, (Liierary liislilntion, John streelb These weiebllnl miilineis. dreff makers, . Tlu leader of ihe move iiic-nt is sai l to b-J a .Mis. Pi.ier. in.; u:w.i .--fS saj.s, -un r.i.i.iy j noon a I'miher w... r.i -de in IWea- dilly to fami!iariL- the inliahilaiits of Loudon j with Ihe of the new female cos- , . . ' i . r I f "1"ui lately la lie have ii.tni.liu-ed in America. T o , ilb Ino c.)inpaniini, who been t i i i c neitheis. niiuhli'd appeal lo the women of F. inland to llnnw off the yoke of iheir uufei-liiig a:,d ep-p:e-sois. ami adopt an alliit; beller suited lo the dignity in Ihe etpial of man. I i a slnnt lime lilt! pressure of the t'lowd became so yieal lliat the inissiuua i ies fmi-.d il t-nnveei-cut to call a cab. which Ihev ei.ten-d - - f - - i t I much liiuahter, mingle, wi'h chciing." The Sim, of Monday, s'ai -s iliat. on ll.e prcceo.img day (Suud.iv.) ' -t'l'ii-ideiable .;,.;,, .,,,,1 aniiisem"ul t-ir- t.ei asi.eie.I , ,j. , U!I,elolw V1,i:.s in M. J ones's l'aik ... ....... auiva ii a cemi icte l.alcli ol liloo- a cem'! meis, g of live b-m in. i Ies. t i idem l mm ii:g in 1 1 is and lo upper class nt Seciely. 'I vtoul the lade s ueie I'm ii.'h tumii'!., Thev v.eie cei:,, un'sl ele gantly at'.ne.lj all ihe !.,.!i. s b.-m-j dtesed alike, with the exception el 1 lit- I' n. men, who wme blue hoiisers. wbil-l tb"se of nnr i-ounti w "inen woie r.ii.k. The epper dll-ls, (.'oa's. Mt-sepfM..'- tin V call I hem ) win; of lich .-:.tla, iiiul Ml" env.-iii.g' fur the bead a of eiti-s be-i-'t-en a bonnet nml bnl. es it did lot pal like nunc of one nil fie than tb" o'h.-r '1 he thir.-iei'.ee i b-ervi.b!e, in lln- yen-le-men's unite was very r-hml eea's. f.i.n.e w hill resembilt-J I'lieee A 'bi it's -tn-ll j.ick i". The new tyb of diess Ji ( i ni iipn-'m i i 1"- a.-n-eab'i- lt lb" mi'!-, lei Ml" li. tunnels !i i-l M';.:re oa.le their n "'a t it-fi- h"l' te thev i-t-ie ii--ai!ed -vidian e;'l:;-.i'el i.ltm-l-y of loalse j..kfs flil'li ill" b-sun:. lets, vv bn, iif:er inqnit -1 1 1 betb"i iln-.r n.'-'ln'is I ....... il..,.- ....... t ,.. ...I,. , k;,,l,,, i it ' . salnla: inns, caused '.lie LVi n.i i m beat it h..s'y lelreat into Wateilno p'ace. w beie ll.e I id ie entered a eai.i.iae lliil was wai'mg ! ' 'hem, and ihe walked nil. 'l'lie ladies were between aii'l ibitly veins ol .12", ami ol very p.ep. -sesiii appearance. ' On Monday cvet ing. Mis C. il. PiMer delivered a lecture i n H't-omerisni, at the I.itetaiy lustitulion, John streel, London. The loom vva ciowde.l l y individuals of both sexes. -Tiii' eosiiune nf the lecturer,'' s.tsthe (liobe, 'vottsined of a black satin ti"hi-liiling iviU.a, w i: h a unall w bile collar j p-'"i''oat, falling hall" way il.nvii il... t ill ,,l ili.. l.t-r :i.,. Liber thii Ms' nl 11 - '"-r inn pi oi i . i n r ti ii, i ,- i i , ,i b'lek l k, ill, .'I'll a-tl-lie.l tlglltat I l.f 1111- . ' I ,.!..; ..... I. ...L- I... .I. ll... I... .1 it-, rv 1.,.1'K. i.f cles, and black boots lln1 'military hei-U of which we did not peiceive completed the costume ; llie. geneial f-lit art being no morn than that of a it-spot-table, female du-ssed iu black, with ehtiit peliieoais c'ii."ii.n rather closely lo her legs. lb-bind lin) lady we ob serve, I what we suppose !,;:i-l be cbai.-iclci i s"d as the male of the species 'Bloomer.' lln wore a i-ilken caisoek with sleeves, deep culls and ruliles, embroidered lound lhu j throat had bis collais tinned down a la Ri- "ii, ami lus ue.i outsell! ins coal, llie bows julling out from each side in the mod- em fa-liioii of ("heap-i le, and ihe ends fall ing down ill a catar u-l of silk to i.boiil hall ti yard ovei his ir.anly buii-mi. We could not fee his iielher extremities, lo tliline what alternations had been theie t-d'ected but his checks were fiiuged with a thin whisker, , and his upper lip maJd moie pronounce by a lim ol spaie woesucf." The fair lecturer, after an intiothiction on ancient female costume, nul a abatement l hul pantaloons are worn by millions uf la dies in ihe east and west, consequently no novelty, said, "There is no danger of .ny landing a solitary monument of such re form. Il ia only iu Emopo that the men have menopolised those blessings iu which llieir beller halves ought lo have partici pated : neverlheleii I am moio afiaid of the diffienlly in prevailing upon the latlie to iitlopt this chanae in costumo tban of intbi eiiijjf their linsbaml:! In prevail upon them 10 do o. The movement has already com menced here. America is tipe already for Ihe change. In I lit; dress in which I am en d -aMiiii'p lo interest on there is nothing inconvenient, nnbecoiiiiii, or unsightly. Il.-io the lady stepped out A few pares, amidst loud applause. j Of its comfort 1 ran speak from e.Xpei ieuce, Tbrt step I have taken is a hold one. I was the first to wear it London hem ; whether adopted nt not I intend lo continue it. Applause But 1 have yet to learn thai boldness is indecency iiemcntlotis enthusiasm or iinfeminine. Lood cheers. J Tle rt; is no indelicacy in Ibis dress ; those who say to the contrary, speak from piejndice. l's ureal rerommcri tlalion is ils superior delicacy. A yonns lady, in a ball room nt New Yoik, when laiiL'hed nt for her Bloomer costume nud short petticoats, said to those iironnd her. ' If you tvcie to pull your dresses ns hit-h up on your necks as mine, jour skirts would be as short " Laughter. "Those ladies who fpeak ngaiust lis show a want of iiidependenee of llioupbl I appeal lo any gentleman wa'kinii behind a lady weariiiH the present cosiiitne on u muddy day, whether this (pulling forward her left fool sliiihllv) or Iiiul, elevated as it some limes is, has the superior claim to delicacy, as regards the public display of limbs in the i public slreeis. And th'-n look at the incon. cistency of nio'hois tlrefsing llieir yoitnff daughters in frocks and trousers up lo Ihe of fotirtect id then in one day, by ? peitieoa?!., coiiver'ii.jr Ihem into womn ?ll f(ir m,,,!,.,,. j- The leclurer Ihen t,jmty Mtm?K bs i,at be sboul.1 like lo see .' i., r ,. ,i,;i,nh.. onnli..,! in I male ilr-s? bnl would not touch the subject that ni'uht. '-In enmiiin forward as ihe prac- tieal advocate of this dress reform, I have been exposed to jeers, sometimes malicious, sometimes mirthful. One young man I ovei heard telling another that he knew my plan, and that il would be a failure. He said I should finish by appearing iu whisk ers. (Laughter.) Mrs. D ihen observed 1 1 in 1 her paliiolisin made her feel humiliated lhat F.ngland had t.ol taken I he first step iu ibis gland moial agitation ; ''an American had snatched ihe laurel from the blows (we presume r.'.s were meant) of Chubb and r.-auirih ; an American machine would -hoilly reap ail our harvests ; an American had reduced llie pri.l" of onr once famous xacht club, and now an American lady h id come It) lake off our petticoats ! ( I'.ntrin-i- j a-tic cheers.) We have been robl ed b ' fashion of our privilege, of onr right of choice. We must rcisseit it. I do not sup pose long skills will go nut uf fashion. Lel the la I y wear I hem in her thaw ing-rooni: where she has only the carpel for her robes 10 sweep, or in ln-r carriage, where she is elevated nbovw tun. I and mire ; bul let me, an ordiiiaiy peion, w ithout drawing loom or caiii.ige, xxearlhia convenient, ami becom ing, and neat, and modest co.ilume. Cien tlemeu, 1 call upon )ou to rrgaid ns as Ihe mothers of your cliil.lien, and lo promote onr h-.i 1 ; ll a nil geneiiil serenity, as onr luiluial proti-clois, and advi'e ihe adaption of ibis co-tuine ami pmlcct n f i .tin ouiselvi s. For nivself, I shall not icsist from my exertions until I have rniried thiough the length and brea.lirt of Ihe land Ihe intelligence of the coming change to all ihe females of Great 11 l ain. TIIK R VI IV DAY. UY II. W. L'.'SnFKLI OW. The day is c. I.f, and find ibeaiv J Ii r.iins. and ihe wind is never ; Tbe vines sill clin-s lo llie uiouldei ing "ail, H i', at eveiy j.Mil Ihe dead leaves fall, And the day is and ibcary. My life is col I, iiiul daik, and dreary; Il liiius, nml llm wind is never weaiy ; My I'lioiighis s'lll cling lo ihe mouldering p.isl, But the hopes of vni,;h fall thick iu the bias-, And ihe d.ivs are and dreary. He still, sad heail ami cease lepnung ; ) lb-hind ih" is Ihe sun slid shuiuig ; I ' hv tale is ihe common l.iie of all, . - . , ' '"lo cacn lile stiuie lain innsl lull, w , .III i i Some da s innsl be il.ti k and dreary. A Pa i in a m ii Th.; Richmond Despatch says there is a lamplighter in lhat city ho bas had between 55 and 30 children, and i raised I lu'iii nil. He ha t live sons w ho fought through llie Mexican war, nml ennie I back sound and well, lie lives happy will) ' bis second wife, teaches bis numerous pro.! geny to rem! ami wrile, lamps at u dollar u day. mid cleans the The Paxymiuoki-r's IliHvr.sT. A Welsh pap-r i..v.-its jO,Pi)il watches have been pawned and ol. in Wu!e, for Ihe purpose ol finding funds to pay the expen ; of a journey lo and fruni London lo see the great Exhibition. In some cases even beds have been disposej of. DttTRicTio.i or DtAu Lett chs. On Wednesday morning, Mr. Swarlzeman, of the Dead Letter ouV-c, destroyed one bun dled and sixty-four five bushel bag of dead letters, Ihe accumulation of thtee mom hi. They were all emptied into n ratine near the Washington Nutional Monument and giveu to the flames Nomina can be more foolish than an i lea which parents have, thai il is uul reaped p -t their children to work- Ay i i.i.i iio.M:i.itlo ui.m. One of the yreutest electioueereis of the nge is u Mr. Daniel It. Russell, n nandiduie for nutlilor iu Mississippi. His modo of eleclioneerinir is lo deal with the "sover eigns" with lhu most blunt fiankness, dis carding every particle of blarneying hum bng. The following skelch of a lule speech tleliteied by him must have puzzled his op ponent to reply to : Ladies mid Gentlemen : I rise but there's no use of telling you that ; you know- I am upas well rts I do lam a modest man very but 1 have never lost a picayune by it in my life. Being a scarce commodity among candidates, I thought I would men tion it, for fear if t didn't you never would hear it. Candidates are generally considered ns nuisances, but they are not ; they nro the politest men in llm world, shake you by the band, nsk yon how's your family, what's the prospect for ciops, ftc, ami I am Ihe politest man there is in Ihe Slate. Davy Crockett s;u the politest man lie ever saw w hen he asked a man to drink turned his back so that be might drink us much us he pleased. 1 beat lhat all hollow ; I give a man a chance to think twice if lit! wishes, for 1 not only turn around, hut shut nr.) eyes. I ii in not only lb" politenl man, bul the best elcclioneerei. Yon ought to see nits shaking hands with ihe vaiialions the pump-handle and pendulum, Ihe cross-cut and wiggle waggle. I understand the science perfect ly, and if any of the county candidates wish instructions they must call on me. Fullovv-cit izens, I was born ll I hadn't been 1 wmild'ut have been a candidate : but 1 am going to tell you where ; 'twas not in Mississippi, but 'twas on the riidil side of the tu gro line ; yet that's no compliment, as the negroes are mostly bom on the ainc side I starletl iu Ihe world as poor as a church mouse, yet I came honestly by my poverty, for I ii.heiited it ; nml if I did statt poor, no man can say but that I have held my own remaikiibly well. Candidates generally tell you, if you think they me quablieil, &C Now, 1 don't ask your thoughts ; I ask your voles. Why, there's nothing lo Ihiuk--!, except to watch ami see lhat Sit airs, name is not on your ticket. If so, think lo "ciatch il off and put iiiiiie on. I am c.eitaiu thai I am compi'lent for who had ought to know heller than I do Nobody. I uilli.l'ovv that Swan is the b"st Audi m i i lie- S'nN- th at is. lill 1 am elec ted : ili -'i it's not proper for me In in stoy :hi g n.n:". Yet, as an honest man I a n b'-u.t l lo say lhat 1 believe it's a giieiMi-s in t i hide any thing from my fellovv-ci'izens ; therefore, 1 say that it's my piivaio opinion, publicly expressed, that I'll make thf best Auditor ever in ihe United Stales. 'Tis rot for honor I wish to be Auditor, for iu my o a n cuiiiily I was olfeied all ollice that was all honor Colonel . hich I re spectfully declined. The Audilm' uflice is unit h some S-j ('00 a year, and I am in for it a thousand of Inick. To show my good ness of, I'll make Ibis oiler lo my competitor. 1 r.m sine of being elected, and he will lose something; by the canvass; thenlure I am w illing to divide equally with bun, uud make these two luTei ; i ll take the suiuty, and he may have the honor; or lie may have the honor, and I'll lake the salary. In the way of honors I have received enough lo satisfy me for life. I went out to Mexico, eat poik and beans, idept in tin; rain and mud, and swallowed every thing except live Mexicans, ll" ordered lo "go." 1 went;" "chaise," I chaiged ; "break for the chap anal," jou had better believe I beat a quar ter nng in doing my duty. My compeiiior. Swan, is a bird of golden plumage, w ho bas been swiminii g for the last four jeais lit Ihe Auditor' pond, al J5, 000 a jear. 1 urn for lotatiou. 1 waul lo rol.tte him out, and lo lotale myself in. There's plenty of room for him lo swim out side of that pond; therefore pop iu jour votes for me j I'll pop him out, tnd ;c my self in. I am for n division of labor. Swan sajs be bas lo wuikalllhe lime, wiih his nose 1 down to i he public gi iudMoiic. Four years 1 lin, si have jruiiiid il lo a pinf. Poor fellow; j the public on-ilii not not lo insist on having I the handle of bis mug ground lit an vff. 1 I have a la'ge, fuil-gioiv ii, and w ell blown nose, ' red as a b"t t, nud tough as sole leather. I j rush to ihe post of duly. I tiller it up as a t sacrilice. 1 clap il on the giimUtone Fel- ! tow cii izens, gi ind away giind lill 1 holler rnoiigA, and thai will be soiuelimu liisl, fur I'd hang like ytiin death to a dead Aliicau. Time's most out. Well, I like lo forgot to lull )uu my name, lis Daniel for short, Dan. Nol a handsome name, fur my parents weie poor people, who lived where llie quab ly appropriated all the nice names ; theie Ion) Ibey bad lo lake what wus fell and di vide louud among us; bul it's as handsome as 1 am R. Kusaell. Remember fiery one uf you, thai it's not S.van. I inn suie to be t-lecteJ ; to one and all, great and small, short and tall, when you come dow n lo Jackson, alter the election, op al the Auditor' ollice ; the lalch siting alway hangs mil ; enter wiibout knocking . luke otr your ihing and make jourself at home Dan crnvt li-hi I onl uf lhu stand, bobbing b. In ad lik-t a lip-up, Moid ihe cheers for 'Pan," "A D m Russell' and Young '-Duty Ciockell '' Some thirty ladies went on a picnic excur sion al Ciiit iiiiiaili, last week, all of ihem drestK'd in the Bloomer cou'vov.-. "I XIAUKAIILi; ALIOV1ATON Till. 1-:. We had nn opportunity, says the. Wolver hampton llcrahl, (Rug.) of inspecting, at the bazaar of Mr. Cheelham, on Thuisday last, automaton, as novel in its action ns il is beautiful In design. This remarkable piece of mechanism consists of a hawthorn tree in full bloom faithfully copied, ihe crusted or semi-perished bmk on the trunk, and the fo liage, being most naturally imitated ; and an several of the branches stutTed humming birds are percl.ctl, w hich, now waving t,eir wings and anon hopping from spray lo spray and pouring forth a flood of music, almost charm Ihe spectator into the belief that il is a pleasing reality, ami not a illusion, which is presented to his admiring view, Ooe t,f the tiny creatures jumps from one branch to nnoiher in pursuit of flies and insects another lies basking nn one of the bawilimii flowers, a Ihii.l sits on its nest, whilst scve. al others lire tlisposed is difTeient pails of Ihe tree. Thu singing of the birds is not only accurate und natural, but Ihe motion it also admiiable-ouo of ihem flying from one branch to another, a distance of about eight inches, wiih the greatest possible pre cision, and alternately turning completely round iu going or reluming, and anything being observed lo cause si.cli an effect, oi even to discover the motion of this unique stud elegant specimen of industrial ait. On lhu base or the tree, which abound in moss, tufis or grass, and the concomilanl heibage (composed of a material which, above all olher, appears least suited lo llm purpose,) with a number of shells. &c. ,r., are a tanigar ami Cninese llycalc her, both birds of beautiful plumage, and Ihe hitler is incessantly pecking the carcass of a golden beetle amongst ihe moss in the foreground, now and the stopping in swallow, what be may have managed lo cull wiih bis slender beak. The nilisl has achieved a wmk of which he may be justly proud, the ensemble being such ns lo strike the beholder wiih involuntary wonderment, whilst tho most erudite ornithologist or professor of botanv would fail to distinguish Ihe imaginary from the real al fiist sight. Tbe whole is enclo sed in a glass case, and has been produ ced by what renowned Parisiun, S-ty. venal d. Cov. Maiict. A new candidate for ;!., Piesidenlial Chair appeal in Governor Mar cy, who has been named for thai ollice by some of the New Yoik politicians, on llie ground lhat bis political creetl is not uulv sound, bul thai his services as Secretary of War, under Mr. Polk, will bear the test of public examination. This nomination of ihe Governor is a "fire iu Ihe rear" that Gen. Seolt's friends scarcely expected. The Mexican xvr will have lo be fought over again, nml more ink will be spilled in the campaign, to prove who was Ihe real beio of lhat war, than theie was blood shed in the field of bailie. A Gnsr The Ohio Slate Journal gives an accuunt of a huge specimen of humanity, a giant, w hich il aveis is a giant, and one of tiie greatest living curiosities extent. He stands about eight feel high, weighing over four bundled pounds, wiih pood proportion, and ) el be is a beardless boy, and is still grow nig. He is a sight worth seeing, as it is only once i i an ngd lhat such a person is permitted to rovv. Hisi.Ai.iAN Exims. Eighty-one IL:u(,j lian exiles, lecei.-tly arrived in this country, lelt New Yoik on tSatuiday morning for their future home at New-Buda, Gov. I'jha zy's settlement in the wilds of Iowa, whi ther they pioceed on ihe lecommendaiinn of Kossuth. The Kiie Raihoad ponerou.l , granlcd ihem all a free passage to fV-lioit. A Fi.owi.ii ion a Lover's Bctton-IIol;-.. A lady's cheek is described as the poeti cal abode of l lie Rose; bul we are not told w bat kind of Hose. When an ardent lover sieals a kiss, we suppose it is a ' C.ibbujj-j Rose !'" Ptii.cri. Low Pkicx ok Graim The S.lcm (V. J .(Standard complains of the low price of gram and the scarcity of money in that co., and asciibcs it to the absence of manufaclo I ies there. Tdr lto:i. Daniel Webster has written a beaulilul lelter to Miss Catharine Hayes, in acknowledgment uf a letter of introiluriitni which Miss Hayes brought to Mr. Web ster fiom a distinguished lady iu England. Haum'M being asked one day Ihe se cret ol bis success, (says a coriespondenl of Ihe New Yoik Express,) simply laughed, and said : "Piiuteis' ink." Ar Beaufort, S. C-, is cultivated ihe olive tree fiom plains procurred iu ihe neighbor hood of Floienre, iu llally. The planl is of slow growth anJ very hardy. A way aruse fiom hi bed on the 3 1st of last August, and exclaimed -'This is tlia lait rose of summer." Shocking. Convey us lo bed. Never purchase love or friendship by gift; when thus obtained, they aie loci us soon as you stop payments. Mr. SrevussoN, of Virginia, is lo dei.n-i the address at ihe Peims) Ivania S ale F.-n at llairisburg, on Ihe 8aih. Sweden and Pm iizerUnd are the only Euiopcan powers not owing a naiit,-..' debl. The Stale dtbt ol California r acred. two :f dollars.