SUNBUliY AMEMCAN AND SlIAMOKIN J OUHN AL. New Advertisement!. CARD. To the Free and Independent Electors of Northumberland County. Fci.i.ow Citizens : Enconiogeil by llie mdvice of several of mv personal Iriemls, 1 m induced to utter rrt)sell 10 jour suffrages at Ihn nevt election for I lie ullice ol Assoc! ATK Jruoc of Northnmbeilaiid county. I can no boast of beinu a democrat, liorwill null at being a whig boina of opinion that if a man luivo no other im-iil than that of bclonuii'L' to one or tho olhcr ol those ro- Dectablu parties, however clesiiuhle their founteniuice and support mit'lit be, such a man, t ny, is not tho best candidate for pub lic support. I am of opinion, with the illus trious JeH'erson, lhe lime has now arri ed, when tho only question, that should be asked in relation to a candidate (for a Judi rinl office at least,) is simply this: "Is he honest, is he capable, is ho fit f" These ques tions it is your unquestionable province to lecide. Under thin pcrcuiision of the quali fications for the olliee, it only remains for me lo say, that should I lie elected, I will en deavor so to perfnrni the duties of the office, as never to inquire, or desire to know, the politics, or religion, ol any suitor in Court. One respectable jrentlomaii nliemly named for the office, has declined for the present ; but intimates, that in future, he may be nbli jred to you f"r your votes. My case is not similar as I am now in my sixty third year, there is not in any human probability, any "future" for me in reference to this matter. I remain, fellow citizens. Yum, respect full v, WM. McCAUTY. St'snrnr. Aug. 14th, 1851. S1IERTFF' SALES. BY virtue of a Certain Writ of Yin. 1x). to me directed will he sol, I by public vendue or . wiitcrv. nt one n'ehiek. P. M.. on Saturday the 18th day nf ( telpher next, nt the Court House in the borough of Stinln.ry, the following real es tnte to wit : A certain tract of land situate in Hhainokin tnwnshiii. Northumberland counlv. bounded North by IuihIk of Jesse lhais. East hy lands of IVicr Aiinnis, South nn.1 Went by luiuls f Solomon Fejcly. containing 1GII ucrcs more or les, whereon ore rrceleil n l.oj ami Frame IV.vellino; House, a Log and Frame Barn, an Apple Orchard, Ci der Pros. oV. Sirred, tison in execution, n ltd to be sold as the property ol Daniel Fcgcly. AI.SO: All tho inti-rf-st of the ilefrndant. supposed to b the uu.hvi.lcil hall part ol and in a certain Tract of Lsuwl, 'aitunte in Lower Augusta township, in the Coun tv aforesaid, bounded North by lands of John Fleming. by the same, South by lands of Herman Miipniiin. nod West by lauds of Jacob II. Khouds. containing; four acres more or less. Seized, taken in execution, and to le sold as Hli properly of J', me Koss. M.SO: The llli'liv i.V'il f.fth part of u certain mrui;e i Truer of Lsuul, I ituate in Lower Aieioid-t tvwtehip, in the Coun- ( ty aforesaid, n.lj lining hn-1 ' if Christopher j Armortrout, (now hi the piecs-inn of Joseph j Vit7el.) John Wirtoc. Leonard I Icnninucr and Nicholas Wolf, eoniiiitiin; i' pTes and scv- ! ven pricing, the. whole, being the s tine tract run- veye.l by deed d -ited l-c. i:i'.h IS-J-I. I ane Zcig- j rt to John mill jui in. ill 'ini-t i".r the heirs )f Esther Al'iriIit, dc;-I. I Weired, 1 1 lv o ri in oM-cotinn, ni:il ns the ' iroHrtv of iVu r li'i.i'1. one of tWp heirs ol' suid vjre'd. " JAMES 'COVERT, Shcnll'. j Sheriff's Oll-ec, i Vunbu:y, -cpt. Iv'1..- 1 T HAT valuable (".inn ownu.l and occupied t'y .Mr. J i ill ii .Mel leery, iloccased, mi- vuhi;. Nortlinuiber M M.le i,f thu Wesl miei liver, due mile Miiuei, ij!i the main l-iitei phire to or nK lll'MHiEn v ill l e n.ii at I'ub- land iouri! . i th.. Branch ol l he S i Ii below lhe l?tnxiu ii ol road leadmt; lueu s J j -thumbei laml, eon',ii'i' ACUKS Villi allow. nice lie Out-cry, at tin looi-i-lunkeep'i in .Milton, nu (d lleniy Ktl.bert, Tho tkf :'! ,:i or urlali'r urct. I ...... i A this U a very deir.ilile piojiertv and will best recuninieiid il.-ell ; llios.: u i-biny; to ! purchase, are re pieMed to c;ill and ex- ! amino the premie previous to the day J of sale. , The letnis will le mado known on iho Jiy of ,i!c by WM MiCI.F.RUY, j JOHN' WALLS, ?eplember i", s:,.Jt Kv'rs I Vniti;t!c FARM PCT. SATiXS. nMIK sulnieribi-r will si ll at,. sale, at the House of 'J'heixl U rl, in the lujrougli of Money. l. eientii'' county, On WK.WNKSDAY, tho Uih day of NO YKMUKK. issi, A Vulualile Kurin, annate in Muney township, Lycoming county, centaiiiin 200 ACSES, Inore or less adjoin'ins; lands of Beiijninin Va lier, Jacob Haines, J.iiim h K.iI.Ii, Samuel Wallia, and others. To l e a dd as the estate of Edward Golan, dee'd. It is within three milea of the Borough of Muncv, nial a half mile from o limestone bank, now worked, ni.d that vein of limestone evtends into this traet. About IIUiMI LnsIu Is of Inns ! have liecn hpieud on the farm within three years j past. There are never failing springs in nearly all the fields, mid Wolf 1,'uu pusses through the ' middle of the tract. The Kprimr at the house is ', remarkably lare ami fine. The situation ia I healthy und eery way desirable. The improve- i Dicnts are a large sized two story I DWELLING HOUSE, one and a hull' storv fruino DWF.t.J J.l.-Ntt UIM.SE, lately linislied, a Urge HANK BARN, very well finished, and provided with extensive stabling for horses, catlle and sheep, Wagon House and corn crib, with grainuries above, a Smoke House, a two story Spring House, plastered, and oilier out buildings. There ia a large APPLE ORCHARD jg? of fine fruit, und a large nuuilier 'I-? of reach. Pair. Plum, und otlier "- fruit trees, of a tine quality on the premises, About 1.10 Acres arc rleured and under fenre, and lhe fincci are mostly in good repair. The balance of the land is well timbered. The place has been carefully farmed, and ia How in a fine stale of cultivation. Hale to commence ut 1 1 o'clock, of aaid day, when the conditions will be made known by CHARLES GOUIN, Executor of Euwaau Goals, dee'd. Munry, Aug. SO, 1851. u. ATTENTION, FiBSEEV AND MmilMCV AIH JLLISRIS I SM "yOU are commanded t0 meet in x Market Square, Kuuhury, on SATURDAY, 18th of Oclober, at 9 o'clock, A. M., fully euuipiied fur drill. By order of the Captain, SOLOMON BTROH. O. S. ' Suilbury, fj,t. ?7, 1151. REGISTER'S NOTICE. TVOTICE Is hereby given to all Legatees, 1-' Creditor and other persons interested in the Estates of the following named persona, that the Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates have filed their account with the Register of Northumlierland county, and that the same will lie presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday the 4th day of Novem ber nest for confirmation and allowance. 1851. Leonard Kauflman, dee'd., settled by his Ex ecutors, Frederick Kchler. Geo. V. Kull, dee'd., settled by his administra tors, Win. K. inRlo and Oeo. Hiker. Andrew (Jeist, dee'd., settled by his Adminis trators, Andrew Gcist and Joseph Fegers. John V. Boyd, dee'd., settled by his Execu tor A. Jordan. Adam Philips, dee'd., settled by his Admin istrator, J. D. burr. Peter Vandling, dee'd., settled by his Adminis trator, de bonis non, Wm. Reed. Gilbert Voris, dee'd., settled by his Adminis trator, Win, T. Forxyth. Uavid Deppin, dee'd., settled by his Admiiiis; trntor, Alexander Deppin. Chrixtinn Reich, dee'd., settled by his Admin istrator, Jnna E. Reich, R. It. Hammond, dee'd., settled by his Ad ministrator, William C. I.awson, Esq. Tcter Stull, dee'd., settled by his Administra tor, Samuel Shannon. Thomas lirant, dee'd., settled by M. A B. Smith, and Yirnilia II. Smith, Executors of Kciiderton Smith, dee'd., who was Adm'r de bonis non of Thomas (iront, dee d. Jehu UhiHsuer, dee'd., acttlod by hi Executors, Jacid) and Abraham Tllnssner. Uiileon Shndel, dee'd., settled by his Executor, William bhadel. William T. Boyd, dee'd., settled by bis Ad ministratrix, Catharine (t. Bovd. JtJHN P. PL'RSEL, Regiiter. RcLdstrr's Olliee, ) Suubiirv, Oct. 4. 18SI fit. $ Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!!! A S the cold weather is approaching, the sub i seriber would respectfully call the atten tion of the public to his atoek of stoves, selected from the latest and most approved patterns, con silting of Cook, Tarlor, Air Tight, Chamber, Office and Boat Stoves, all of whiih will be deposed of at Htonishiiiry low prices. Persona in want of Sloven and desirous of getting the "imirM of their momy" are invited to coll before purchasing clKcvthcre. No Stoves kept that cannot be recommended. lie also continues to manufacture Tin mid Mi eel Iron Ware in all it varieties. IJrass Kcttlts, Dippers, Dub Pans, Iirittania 1, adieu. .In panned Ware, Ac N. Ij. Persons purchasing Sieves of the sub scriber, can nt any lime procure Cylinders, Grates, Fire Brick and odd plates, to replace such us niav lie required. 1). M. BKAUTIGAM. Northumberland, Sept. 27, IHSI 3mo. NOTICE In the Court of 'Canmon Tlect of Sorthum htrland Cuuntii : In tho matter of the account ol William &. Reuben Fegely, assignees of Dennler, Haas .S: Cumjiauy, tiled in said Court, Aug. 9, 1851 In pur-caneo. of an oidet of said Court, 1 do hereby tfive notice that tho Baid William & Reuben Fanely, assiyneesol Dennler, Haas & Coinpaiiy. have, exhibited ami filed an ac count uf tt.e'ir trtiTl in the Court aforesaid, mid thai said account will be allowed by the said Court, on tho (irst Monday of November ncM, (beiiio the fust day of the next term,) iiules cause tie t-liown why Fuch account should uol be allowed. JOHN FA 1!.S WORTH, Froth'ry. IVethonotary s olliee, 4 Imrv. SeU. "7. 15I (it. Sunlit LIGHTNING RODS. rrMIF. subserilwr hss constructed a LIGHT A NINti ROD On true. Philosophical princi ples, by which buildings supplied with them are rendered perfectly secure against destruction by li ditniii-;. The connection and insulation of the rod, us well us the preparation of the ground rod, is on un entirely mw plan, making a more per fect conductor than uny heretofore in use. Measures have been taken to secure Letters Pulent for the improvement. Persons desirous of securing their live and property from destruction by lightning, can have conductors put up to their building in the most perfect and substantial manner, by applying ei ther personally or by letter, to the undersigned, at the following prices: For 40 ft. wilh a good tilvrr plated point tf 10,00 For 40 ft. with gulJ plated point, ptaii- w lip, 13,50 And twenty cents for every additional foot over forty. T. 8. MACKE Vi Milton, Sept. 0, 1851 ly. TO THE I N OK P KN DENT ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. TNCOI'RAGED by my numerous friends, I -"- oiler iiivhcU' as an INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE lor the ulhcc of tim : a sl im: it, at the ensuing election. Should I be elected, I promise to dih.ire the duties of aaid Olliee with lideli'v and impartiality. JOHN BOWEN. Sunhury, Sept. 13, 1851. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUM BERLAND COUNTY. A T the solicitation of a number of my friends, C si I oiler inyiK'lf to the voters of Northumber land county, as a candidate for Associate Judge. Should I be elected, I promise to discharge the duties of the ullice faithfully, and with impar tiality. JOHN F. DENTLER. McEwcnsville, Sept. ti, 1851 TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER. LAND COUNTY. Fr.l.uiw CiTixtss: EurouragcJ by my nu merous friends, I hereby oiler myself as an Indkpknuknt Candidate for lhe office of Counh' Commissioner, of Nortliuiulierland county, at the ensuing elec tion. Should 1 be elected, I promise to discharge the duties thereof, wilh fidelity and impartiality, JOHN TREGO. unhurv, Aug. 30 1SI. TO THE VOTEItS OF NOTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. HpHE subscrilicr resiectfully announce to his A fellow citixena of Northumberland county, that at the earnest aolicitation of a large number of friends he bus consented ta become a candi date for ASSEMBLY. Believing that the greut interest of the farmer, mechanic and other, should be fairly represent ed, he promise to use every honest effort to pro tect their interest faithfully, tn& to lne best of hi ability. JACOB 8EA8HOLTZ Lower August, Sept. 6, 1851, TCKSING BOTTLES Breast pump, and 1 nipple tube. A aupuly of the) useful arti. cle just received and for sale by JOHN W FRILJNQ ftunhury, Jan. 18, 1851 if P EE BILLS. Justices and Constable Fee Bill handtomelv print on card paper, hi i at inuotttc. PltOCLAMATION. TM 0T1CE is hereby given that the several courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Runbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 3d day of November next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for tha county of Northumberland, are requested to he then ami there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those thing to their several olliees appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persona to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Juror are requested to lie punctual in their attendance, at tho time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hands at Sunbury, the 11th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-one and the In dependence of the United State of America the 70th. JAMES COVERT.Sh'ff. God save the Commonwealth. GENERAL EIjGCTION PROCLAMATION, TJURSUANT to an act of the Gcnernl As aembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled "An act relating to the elec tions of this Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, Anno Domino, onn thou sand eiuhl hundred and thirty-nine, I, JAMES COVEIU , lli-rli Sheritl ol the county ol INor- ' thuriiheiland, Pennsylvania, Jo hereby make j known and uive nolice to lhe electors of tho comity aforesaid, that a general election will be hold in said comity of Norlhumberhuul- i on thu SECOND TUESDAY IUth of OCTO- nt?ii ..- I.:.. u.: I f IO.I1. ut Wltieil utile, ciair? aim utili ty Ollicers, ns follows, are to be elected : One person ns Governor of this Common wealth. One person ns Canal Commissioner of the Commonwealth. Five persons as Judges of tho Snpicme Court of this, Commonwealth. One person ns President Judse of the Slh Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed ef lhe Counties of Northumberland, Lycom ing. Clinton and Centre. Two persons as Associate Judges of the everal Courts of Northumberland county. One person as Senator of the 14llt District, composed of Northumberland and Dauphin counties. One person to fill the office of Member of the lI'MisHof Representatives, to represent the county of Northumberland in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania. One person ns Sheriir for the county of Northumberland One person ns Prolhonotary for the county of Northumberland. One person as Commissioner for the coun ty of Northumberland. One person as Treasurer for the county of Northumberland. One person as Coroner for the county of Northumberland. One person as Auditor for the comity of Northumberland. 1 also hereby make known and sivo notice that the places of holding the aforesaid genu ral election in Iho several bnronchs ami townships within the county of Northumber land are as follows: The Sunbury District, composed of the borough of Snubury, ami Upper Augusta, nt lb" county Court House. The Auansta District, composed of the townshipof Lower Augusta, at tho house of George Conrad, in said township. Tho Northumberland District, composed of the borou-ih of Northumberland, at the house of Augustus Houtz, in the borough of North umberland. The Point District, at the house of Henry Haas, in the borough of Northumberland The Milton District, nt the house of Fred eriek Sticker, in said borough. The Turbut District, at the house occupied by Abraham Kissinger. Thu Delaware District, at the House of Henry Reader. The Chilisqnaqiio District, at the house oc cupied by Benjamin Fordsman. The Lewis District, at the bouse of Mi chael Reader. Tho Shamokin District, at the house of Charles Leiseurin. The Upper MahaiioV District, at tho house of Daniel lleim. Thu Little Mahanoy District, nt tho house of Frederick Raker. The Lower M.ihahoy District, at the house of Michael Spatz. Iho Kush District, at the Liberty Pole School House. Tho Jackpuu uistiict, at the house of Peter Schwartz. The Coal District, at the house of Wil liam M Weaver, in Iho town of Shuinnkin. Suction 3. That all that part of Coal town- ship, in Ihn comity of Norlhniiibeiland, lyino wesl ol n hue tieoiiiiiiuu at t tie Hue between Coal and Cameron townships, at a point two lliousaiul tcet westward oi wncre tno sau line the west boundary of a tract of laud surveyed to Alexander Hunter thutweii-ly-seventh day of October j one thousand sev eu hundred and niiicly-foui thence north fouiteen degrees wesl to the line between lhe townships of Coal und Shamokin. be, and is hereby erected into a separate school and election district, and the qualified voters re- siclniu within the said boundaries tball here after vole at lhe general elections at the pub lie house of Henry B. Weaver, in Iho town of Trevorlon, and Edward HelletiMein shall he judoe, and Jeremiah Perkins and Daniel Ueckley inspectors, of the next iieneral elec tions, and lhe Voters thereof shall elect the inspectors und judges of the geneiul elec tion for said district at the time und plaCo uf holding the general election. The Cameron District, at the House of Jacob llniipt. J he election to open betw een lhe hours of A and 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. lhe sevpral Inspectors anil Judaea elected on the 3d Fnday of March lust, in pursuance of lhe 3d Section of the act of tho Sd uf July, 1830, will hold the election on Tuesday the Mill day of October next. "Thiit every person except a Justice of the I'euce, who shall hold any olliee or appoint ment of profit or trust uuifer the iiuvcrniiient of the United Slates, or of thia Slate, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned ollicer or agent, who shall be employed under the legislative, excutive or judiciary department ol this State, or the Uni ted atatei, or ol any city or incorporated dis trict, and also thai every member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the select and common council of any city, or commis- : r : .. i . . aiuiieroi any incorporate", jjisinci, IS Dy law, incapable of holding or exercising the olliee or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk, of any election of thi commonwealth, and tnai no inspector, Judg or any other ollicer of such election, shall be eligible to any otlice to be then voted for. And the said Act of Assembly, entitled "an act relating to tha election! of thia Com monwealth," passed July tha 2nd, 1832, further provide aa follows, to wit : "That the Inspector and Judge chosen as aforesaid, shall meet at tha respective places for holding the election irt tha district to which they respectively belorj before run o'clock in the morning of lhe second Tuesday of October in each arid every year, and each of said inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of such district. 1 also hereby make known and give notice that by an act of Assembly passed on the 9lh day of April, 1849, it shall be lawful for 'he qualified voters of Northumberland coun ty, from and after the passage ol said act, to vole for all Ihn candidales for the various of fices, to bo filled at anv eleelion on one slip or ticket: Provided, That office for which every candidnte is voted for, shall be designa ted, as required by the existing laws of this Commonwealth. Section 2. That nny fraud committed by any person voting in the manner above pre scribed, shall be punished ns similar frauds nro directed to be punished by the existing laws of this Commonwealth. "In case the person w ho shall have receiv ed the second highest number of votes for In spector shall not attend on the day of any eleelion, then lhe person who shall have re ceived the second highest lumber uf votes for Judfje the next preceding election, shall set as nu inspector in his place, and in case the person who shall have received the high est number of voted for Inspector, shall not attend, the person appointed Judge shall ap point nu Inspector in his place; and in case the person elected Judge shall not attend, the inspector whn received the highest number of votes, shall appoint a Jinliru in his place; and if any vacancy shall continue in the board for lhe space of an hour after tho time lived by law fur the opening of Ihn election, lhe qualified voters of the township, ward or district, for which such ollicers shall have been elected, present at the place of elec tions, shall elect one of their number to till such vacancy. "It shall bo the duly of said assessors re spectively to attend at tho place of holding every general, special, or township election, during tho whole time said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the inspectors and judoe, when called on, in relation to Ihn right of any person assessed by them to voto at such election, or such other matters in relation to lhe assessment of voters, ns the said inspector or judge or ei ther of them, shall lioni time to time ra quire. "No person shall be permitted to vole at any eleelion as aforesaid, other than n white free man of twenty-one or more, who shall have resided in the state at least one year, and in the election district wheio ho offers to vote at ieast ten days immediately preceding such election, and within two years paid stale or county tax, which shall have been assessed nt least ten days before the election, But a citizen of the United States w ho had previously been a qualified voter of this state, and removed therefrom and relumed, nad shall have resided in the election district, and paid tax ns aforesaid, shall be entitled to vole after residing in this state six mouths, Piovi ded, That the white freemen, citizen of (he United Slates, between the age of Iwenty-one and twenty-two years, nnd having resided in the stato one year, nnd in lhe election dis trict ten days ns aforesaid, shall be entitled to a vole, although they shall not havo paid taxes. Nu person shall be permitted to vote whose name is not contained in tho list of taxable inhabitants furnished bv the commissioners as aforesaid, unless. First : He produce a receipt for the payment, within two years, of a stale or county tux assessed agreeably lo the constitution, and give satisfactory evi dence either on his own oath or nlliimalion, or on the oath or affirmation of another, that he has paid such tax, or'oii failine lo produce a receipt, shall make an oath to the payment thereof ; or second, if ho claim a riiihl In vote by being an tdeetor between the ages of I wenly-one and twenty-two years, he shall de pose on oath or affirmation, that he has resid ed in the stale at least one year next before his application, and make such proof of resi dence in the district ns is required tiy this act ; and that he does veiily believe from tho accounts given him that he i of the age afore said, and give such other evidences ns is re quired by this act, w heretiu the name ol tho person so admitted to vote, shall be in setted in alphabetical 1 1st by the inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto by wiiting the wind 'tax,' if he shall be permitted te vote by reason of having paid tax, or Iho word 'age,' if ho shall be permitted to vote on account of his age, and in either case Iho reason of such voles shall be called out lo tha clerk, w ho shall make notes in thd list of vo ters kept by them. In all cases w here lhe name of lhe person claiming to vole is nul found on tho list fur nished by the Commissioners and Assessor, or his right to vole whether found thereon or not, is objected lo by any qualified citizen, the Inspector shall examine such peison on oath as to his qualifications, and if he claims to have lesided in the stale one year or mine, his oalh shall be a proof I hereof, but he shall prove by at least one competent w ilnoss, w ho shall be a qualified elector, that he resided within tho district al least ten days next im mediately preceding the election, and shall also himself swear that his bona fide resi dence, in pnij-uance of his lawful calling is within the ilisliiet. and that he ilid not i inove into said distiict for thu purpose f to ting theieiii. Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make proof, if icquired, of his resi dence and payment of laes, as aloresiid, shall be admitted to voto in lhe township, ward or district in w liieh he shall reside. If any pi'ison not qualified to vote in this Commonweallh, agreeably lo law, (except lhe sons ol qualified citizens) shall appear nt any place of election for the purpose of issuing tickets, or inlhieueing citizens qualified to vole, he shall, on conviction, loileit ami pay any sum not exceeding nun hundred dollais for every such olfi'iice. ami bo imprisoned for any term not exceeding three mouths. It shall be iho duty of eieiy mayor, kheiiff, alderman, justice of the peace, and constable or deputy constable, of every city, county, township or district within this common wealth, whenever called upon by any officer of an election, or by uny linen qualified elec tors iheieef, lo clear any window or avenue to nny window, to the place of general elee lion, which shall be obstructed in such a way as to prevent volets fiom approaching the same, anil on neglect or relnsal lo do so on such requisition, said ollicer shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor in office, nnd on ion vicliou shall be lined in any sum not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollais; and it shall be lhe July of lhe re spective constables of each ward, district or township, of thi commonweallh lo be presenl in peison or by deputy, al the place of hold ing such elections in said ward, district or township, for the purpose of preserving the peace as aforesaid. It shall bu the duty of eveiy pence officer, as aforesaid, who shall be present at any such disturbances at nn election as is de scribed in this act, to report the same lo the next court of quarter sessions, anil also lhe names of the witnesses w ho can piovi tha same. And by lhe 4th section of the act of 16th of April, 1840, it is enacted, 'That the I5ta section of the act, as passed July 2d. 1839. entitled an act relating to the elections of this commonweallh, shall not be so construed as to prevent any militia ollicer or borough officer, from serving as judge, inspector or olerk, at any general or special election in this commonwealth. The Judge are are to make their returns for the county of Northumberland, al the Court House, in Sunbury, on Friday, the 17ih day of October, A. D. 1851. JAM EM COVF.HT, Sheriff, fthr'ff Office, Sunbury, 1 rVpt. 6, 1 8a I 61. u'ai 1Mb vuMvoawf.4i.jii. NOTICE TO the Heirs of LEONARD TFOUT7., de ceased. Notice is hereby given to Roliert Pfoutz, Mercy, intermarried with Joseph K. Barn, Mary Ann, widow of William Houscl, Isabella, intermarried with Daniel Latsha, Nan cy, intermarried with Daniel Laycock, the said Nancy having since died, leaving a child who is also now dead, and Rclieeca Ffoutx. Also grand children the children of two Daughter to wit t .lucoh Pursel, Nnnry June, Mercy K. Roliert, P. Leonard, William anil Anna Pursel, (nil of whom except the said Jacob are miners,) children of his third daughter, Saruh, who was intermarried w ith Jonathan Pursel, ami Haehel Ann Lemon, daugh ter of l.ueinilii his filth daughter, who was inter married wilh the late William Lemon, tho said Rachel A. Lemon, is also a minor, and has for her Guardian, Jesse C. 1 1 or ton, heirs and distri butees of Leonard Ffoutx, dee'd., lute of Point township, in Hie County of Northumberland, to appear at our next Orphans' Court, to lie held for aaid County, on the 3d day of November next, in the Borough of Sunbury. and accept or refuse the licul Estate of said dee'd., at the valu ation fixed Uhiii the same, by an Inquisition duly held thereon, or show cause whv the same should not be sold. BY THE COURT. All of which lhe aforesaid parties are hereby re quired to take notice. JAMES COVERT, Shr'ff. Shrll" Olliee, Sunburv, ) Sept. St I, IS.'. I 4t." J fall .llillhtcrv (uoil. JOHN STONE SONS, IMI'OUTKrt AM) iii:.i.i:ns IN SHUN, IMIi!iiN St. Millinery C.ooils, So. 45 Sunlit Second Si , l'ltilmttlphia. A RE now prepared to oiler to their customer L- and the trade generally, a very large and handsome assortment of Bonnet Siilins. of nil colors. Corded and Plain Velvets, of all color, Funey Bonnet and Cap Bibhous, Paris Fancy Feathers, French uinl American Flower, Ac. &c. Confining themselves exclusively lothis branch of the trade, and importing the larger part of their stock, enables theiii to olli r ail assortment unsur passed in extent and variety, which will b sold ut the lowest prices. Sept. 13, H51. It. JAESES J. NAXLLE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, SUNBURY, TA. VITTLI. attend faithfully and promptly to all " professional business, in Northumberland and I'nion counties. He is familiar wilh th German language. OFFICE :- Opposite the "Lowrencc Houi," a few doors from the Court House. Sunbury, Aug. Hi, IS51. ly. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. 20 per cent saved. Country Merchants Buying HOOTS & SHOES JT can save 2D per cent by calling on wm. i. saw a, aVo. -Hi, X. Hud St., (b'lutr Arch tmf side.) PHILADELPHIA, "ITIIEIiE can be found a large assortment of the above named article, jut received from the mauuliiclurcrs. Almost 'i'J, IS.') I. It mo. mSCKANXCSEURG INSTITUTE. A Select School for Young Ladic3. rgtllE .Mcchauicsburr; Institute is pleasantly 1 located in the henllhy village ol Mechanic burg, Cumberland county, nine mile west uf Harrisliuri: ; u village noted throughout the ur roiimling Counties for the morality of its citizens, II is accessible by railroad, the Cumberland Val ley Railroad pssniug through the place. The coiirsi of instruction is such a i pursued in the best Seminaries in lhe country. It is the design of lhe Principal to instruct th intellectual powers, to cultivate becoming man ners, anil lo educate in such a manner, as may prove practically useful. Sessions. The si'hool year is divided into two icmi-aii- j nual sessions, caeh of five calendar month. The summer session commences the first wefk I in April, and closes during the last week of Au gust. The winter session commences tho 1st w-eek in Oetols r, and terminates the last week of February. At the close of each session thure will b puli lic ezau illations. Terms ! Boarding, including lights, per session 5 mo. $50,00 Tuition, " :' 10.(10 Modern.nngiu',r, ' " lll.tltt Draw ilia. " " C.00 M usir, Piano, with use, ' " 15,00 ( r, if preferred, per tension of & mo, including lhe above items, 85,00 Pun able in advance ,15. balance at lhe close of the session. Hooks, stationery, music, Ac, furnished at Philadelphia prices. Pupils will be received at shy period during the session, and charged accordingly. For further information, please address th Principal for a circular. F. M. L. (ill.LI'LEN, Principal, Mechanics!. in;;, Aug. 0, 151. Hum. F.I,DRXHG3 PATENT CORN SHELLER. riHE attention of the Public is invited to thi -- improvcliieiil in CORN SlI KI.I.LKN, which is acknowledged to be for superior to any other, being on an entirely new principle, shrllitig th j Corn lengthwise of the ear, the Cob passing straiulil through wit, unit icvomng tliereliy re quiring no gearing to increase its sfs-cd, which adds so nnitei iallv lo lhe cost of olhcr machinery. It turns easier and shells cleaner than any oilier, and is porlible in size, and durable in construc tion. Persona in'eresied are invited to call and see it in operation. The right of and other Cbiintirt lor sale. For further particular ad dre? or applv to DAVID KI.DKIDOE, N. W. Cor. 2d A: Dock Sts.. yd stories. Philadelphia. Aug. !, In.'jI. 5mo. The llunsrw lie's llrl and lliihliaiiil t Jor ! THE GERMAN WASHING FLUID DOES nwsy entirely with that laborious task of rubbing the Clothes upon the washboard. It contain no ingredients whatever, injurious to lhe fined futirtr or the fir A. The proprietor wish every our to give it a trial, and if it does tint prove In be ns recommended, the money, in every uch case will be refunded. Full direc tion BrrompHtiy each bottle. Retail price 12$ Cents per Bottle, sufficient to do fico orJiiiary i.(i..Aiir., und saving the Clothe more by not rubbing them, than the cost of sii bottle be side rcnioy in g stain of fruit, Ac, if there be any, cud the lime and labor saved. Prepared only by I. P. HOYT fc CO.. P. A. Vox, McEwcnsville, sole agent for the Counties of Union and Northumberland. Philadelphia, Aug. U0 PATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS for br bottle for sale by H. B. MARKER. Sunbury, April 1, 18il. KOUnTwRrriNO FLUID and Adhs sive and legal euvelopea, for tale by ,H. B. MAbSEE. Sunbury, April 26, 1851. rNK Boureau' celebrated ink, and also Con t gie ink for sale, w holoal and retail bv Dts.mbai 2d, I SO. H B MAER. I TO THE INDEPENDANT VOTERS OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. piIE subscriber hereby offer himself to th I elector of Northumberland County, al th ensuing election as a VOLUNTEER CANDI DATE for the office of Sheriff. Should he ha elected, he promise to dichrr the duties of the office, in such a manner a la give entire satisfaction to all concerned. SAMUEL 8AVIDGE. Upr Augusta, Aug. 9, 1851. TO THE INDEPENDANT ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. FVIE subscriber hereby inform the indepand ent voters of Northumberland rounty, that he is a VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE for lb office of County Commissioner. Should he be elected he will use every effort to discharge the duties of the office in such a man ner a will give entire latisfHrtion to tho commu nity. JOSEPH WALLI8. Northumlierland, Aug. 0, 1851. TO THE ELECTORS OK NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. PIIIIE subscriber respectfully inform hi friend m. and fellow citizens oWonhnmlwrland coun ty, that he offers himself as a candidate for County Commissioner, at the ensuing election. Ho solicit from hi friend and fellow citizens a support, and promi ses should he be elected to discharge th dutie of lhe office with fidelity. CHARLES WEAVER. Sunbury, May 24, 1851. TO THE ELECTORS OF NOUTHUM BER. LAND COLNTV. Fsi.miw Citizkns: At the earnest olicita lion of muny uf my fiieuds, I hereby announce myself as a VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE for the office of County Commissioner at the pproaehing election. Should I lie elected I promise to discharge the duties of said office wilh fidelity and impartiality. I solicit the sup port of my fellow citizens. CALEB BARRET. Lower Augusta, June I I, 1851. SPENCER & RliNDELL, MANXFAC'rirnKits ok Gold mid Silver Pen nnd Prnril Casn, No. 2, Maiden Lank, One door from corner of Broadway, New York. Every pen will be warranted for one year. N. B. The above firm were awarded Gold and Silver Medals, for live consecutive year, at the Fair of tha American Institute, for tha beat Gold Pens. July 2(1, 1S5L 3mo. NEW GOODS, AT THE STORE OF JOHN YOUNG, yil'-1 respectfully informs his friend snd- T customers that he ha returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of New Spring Goods, which he offers for sale at bis old stand in Mar ket street. These goods will be sold at th low Cit prices. His stock consist of every variety, viz : Dry floods, .Sttcn ns Cloths, Casximerr, Muslins. CaUcott, Gtnsnmn'. Lawtis. Chintzes und La dies Dress and Fancy Goods generally. Also an assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c, aUEENSWARE. Hardware iron nnd Steel, Nails, Ae ALSO: A general assortment of Groceries, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cheese, Mo lasses, Sitices. fT" Produce of all kinds taken in sxchstlgs at the highest market prices. Sunbury, May 24, 1851 GREAT ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! AT THE STORE OP FRILING & GRANT, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.( nnHE subscribers hereby inform their old rtis turners and the public generally, that they have just icccived a large and citensive assort ment uf all kinds of Merchandize, which tiny oiler to purchasers st such rates, that they can not refrain from buying. Their assortment of Dry Goods, is lare, rinbraring all kinds of Chillis, Cassimers, Sattinelts, S-C; A general assortment of Summer Wear, of LINEN, WOOL and COTTON, Staple, and Fancy Goods for Ladies, of all kinds, slieh as Calicoes, Mous. d Laine, Lawns, (iinghams, cVt. GROCERIES ami QtEENSWARE. Also an ricellent assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. DitriiS and Mi'.iirii;n Fish, Salt and Plaster. IV Country produce of all kinds taken In change at the highest market prir. SunburY, May 10, 1851. LCCX EEA2j EfOaS4 C3.X)vX)03a3, "flrWTILt.IAM HOOVER respectfully informs V his friends and customers that he haa just returned from Philadelphia, with an eiceltent assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, which he oilers for sale at Ilia new ators at M ser's .Mill, Hollowing Run. TlirM good will lie nld at the lowest prices. Ill f rot K C INSISTS (IF KVERV VARIETY, Vis: Dry Goods, 05c, Such as Cloths, Ciissimercs, Muslins, CallicotSj Cinalwms, Lawns, Chintzes and Ladies Dress (ioods generally. ALSO : An assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &e. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, NAILS, ie: A general assortment of Groceries, tuch ss Sugar Coflee, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, &.C. A lo sn assortment of Liquor, uch ss BrunJy, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, Se. 117 Produce of all kinds taken in eichange St the highest market prices. Hollowing Run, May 10, 1851 lyi SILVER WATCHES A few double ease English Silver Wstchr, for tale at very low price by H. B. MA 88 EH. Sunbury, April 13, 1931. S MITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN OEK, a freh (upply just received, and for ale by U. B. MASSE R. Apiil 12, 1851. riOLt) PENS with snd without ilver esse jut received, snd for sale bv H B MASKR "uiibur, Anril ti ;i:tahm: CATTLE POWDER I'lll'.rAllKI) BV niiEiNir., FRoxKKiP.r.i) & v.a. So. 187 Sorlh Third Street, Philadelphia. 'pma powder I entitled by lbs imiirit testimony of lf I who hnve it lo the first runs of nil those CAT--TI.F. MKIIICINKP, whirh hnv ln'i thought prsile w irthf f-tf nwuy ynir. we rhnllrnire nv pernir to inali ttinerior. 01 nny powtkr ttott nets in the won manner. If the nnimnl lie' perfectly ttenlihv it will either inerense the ntnouiit of milk or 1 fenni end Isitier ! or ll nimnl will improve rnphlly in nil. It will therefore, in time he considered we hnve no donM ine ,,f the sfni'le nrli elesof everv Farmer, who se''.s a riinTv : nnd of eeerv . per ft owning a lioiau. It is ii"t one uf llt'.sn hind of Miitiirks thst merely nvvll sn nnimnl np for a short time, tint it will liy lhe enisirily whirh it hns of roiiTerliug HIHIM'RIC AClfl (wliieh is nil i tfcte mutter) into l,c tic acid or olkikr; cminen trmiter nnionnt of nnlriti'.u mstter to he extraeleil from the mime amount of lisst. limn pomihly enuld he, were the active principles of nutrition to pnsa out of the system in the form n" Mirrrme Ann. We hnve ireeived a multitude of evidence to prov whl we hnve n,i, Htne. Hnlnee to snv : We hnve mixed lhe active ngeni. with a trteot nnmher of V kuetam.k plnuts nnd hrrhs. which time nnd line hnve proved lo he im ml, inmnivinir lhe nppelile nnd pr 'tnotinr digestion of the f ,1 . r,.urj,T In nlthv e mdltion of lhe Mood, from which the Mn. nnd Fat must lie formed. It mny e used f.,r llon.m. t'uvvs and IIous for 111 fallow ing eoinplaitils and discuxr. IKIRSK.4. VK1.I.OW WATIUl, a damremu sickness, wtiicti de stroys nmny Vfllunhle homes every yeur, is verv olieil entirely cured hy lhe free iikc of thui (wiwder, in (II cusc it will prevent the disease from cumins; nn. This diseitse ia owning- to a iKid and impoverished C(t( of the blutHl which becomes thin, wutury und vi all yeltuvv color. Tlii powder by improving the stomnch nnd (ivine to the bl'ssl gicsiter iiimnlity of red ptirticlcs, nlfunls Ilia liest nnd only pussihle chnura of reenvery. If the h-jrso is fnr g'lie. aive morning nnd nurhl n tnhlrnponurtil in wet feed, if in the tteirinuiitg once a day ul ll-sni, if olliy to pre vent the disease twice a week. m.AHHKRINli. Tin's ji. the ruinnlion of ninny viiliev ble II trses t,y exh:uistiu ; t.v a e-.u-tunt ilis-ti:irie'i,' siili. vn which niflit ! ,. into the Miinncli to itiireiti'-u. It is a species of si.livnti"n ui'i.-ii pri'iliict'd hy Jnhias To hnce,, rriiv-ititf in the prislure er. und A TriMi-sp'K'tilul three tunes a week will Ire iicnll, nmst the H if il d es not depend on lhe Thrm-ck tii tlie urns, under such circiiin'inces the nciitinl must l.e kept in llie WSTF.M I'l'.lt. It the p.,vvcr isinrlv nnd In ch used, no othet remedy need he llse,l. it h:t all i futy citreil hun dreds of Horak of tliis Iroutilesoinc diseiiH,- t'.tlic nrpriMU of those w-hn lists! it. If n t used eiirlv. before umuvr hns formed in the neck it ennuot restore I lie nnimnl perttcllv autil the mstter i discharged, iimi it curly nnd prevent uch a result. A Tublcspouiuul uuuc or twice a Uny i ettsiph OI.ANDKR9. This disens hi IsitIM nil FaMhkss, liive this powder a fair trnd and it will do Wonders m this terriule mst hitherto inenrnhte uistudy It is n discilfn of the glnnditrol ivilnn nnd kept up hv imperfect nutrition, ill uch esses a T:d,eWH)uful every day tvvtec for n month or two, in constant succnxioil. will in nine case out uf a dozen effect n cure, it has been fairly trtcd. Coughs nnd short n".s of llrfiuli deprn.tmtr on wenk tunes, a Talilespooiu"ul every iiioiuiuu ; il it uUitcsniua or twice a week. I'flOH I.OW-SPIUrrr.I) llotlSI'.S. or nny remains of Founder or sT ui'u. ks of m 'ti m, umt the Horse will not fatten, nr vvlier,, ill imr round nnd stands straivdit out, the fo-nl seenie-e to do no good, tlia Powder produces almost iitlinritialc ini'Tovein- iit of th., animal : the diu'eslion improves nnd with 11 till the iluc frislinesi of lhe itisapprtrs. tiee online; lively Slid spirited, and the hair smooth nud sllcU. COWS. For MtLAlxa Cow, we nre fn'ly e .iiviuecit thnt it not onlv improves the iinality, but that il iilerenxes the nm ni"l of Al ilk . rreaiii unii Itnlier : s one vvtlo have tried the ex periment say n Pound n Week, others sny hall'n pound While one person insisted upon it that he made two pounds Inore n week from each Cows. Wc think it wilt lie found to nvenure from n half to n pound per week on each Cow. if the Cows nre perfectly henlthy. This ndilitioun amount is made by the conversion of the llippiiric Aeld into .Nitro genous mid fatty compounds ; also hy mipplvini; ttie oxy gen tnken in hy the Itnies. w-ith the elements of renelinit ; without taking nny of the NilMcenouA portion of the ted. IIOI.UW IIOP.N or WOI.F: HOOF lUSKASi:, and nil other discuses of ncut cattle depending upon n bad suite of the fluids, nre reuvved spce,bty nnd effectuallv . How, whose milk is btuc, thin and vvatetv nnd where it dives not yield much cream, or v here Cows give b'oodv milk, or which ure ued to stand tone drv. it will be found nn nhnust infallible remedy, bv iuiiiovine ttie eomtititn of lite bliHHl mid creating n healthy ilicfesti on : n I aliles(Ksn I'ul every day or every olticr diy ns it may lit! ueeessaiy. HOIIS. 117 III the similiter often nveiheat tlicini-lt es. get svvet. led neck, coughs, ulcer lit the I.unirs and l.iver. which cause them to die very suddenly. Ihexe mny Im prevented entirety hy putting n pound or 11 half into a Harp-! o swill j ami it wilt at the mime time coiisidernbly hasten the lutleu- mg process. N. II. lunn animal which is giving milk nnd mu nra desirous to fatten at the sailie time, yu should n it giva more man a uiniesniMuiiui once a week or it win retain la formation of fnt by inerensiiig the niiiouut of Milk. l,et each perem try its effects for himself nud h will ihtii be sntisfied of its excellent qualities, ud tiiat no Far mer should be without it. For lhe purpiVSe of finding out stilt further liovv far our justly celebrated CATTI.K' I'OWDKR. is entitled 1 1 the eivnfidenee of nil intelligent people; vvu have addressed letters lo all parts of the I'nili-d Slates, where our I'.ir der baa been used, nnd we nre able now from the evid' nca lhu brought before us. o nssnre every Fanner. I'lary man und Horse-mall, that it lias thus Inr veiy lliui II va ceeitnl our 111 1st sanguine expei'tiiti--ns. With ttie nililitioirti knowledge thus far obtained, Wa llopfc we will lie enabled 10 make the IfKi snd uiosl per fect f'ATTLIt Mkiiicink ever yet I'tf'-red to n dis-criiiiig pc..p!e It nels ns a valuable prom it.-r of digestion, im proves the (ptulity of the hl-nul and thus inerense the smotlnt of eitlier f'nt. Milk nnd consequently of Uutter. F.ven m the henttlty Allitu.-d lteware of INnintertVits ns the extensive snl of oar fowder hns induced otheis to make nu uniuilioii of it. acIi pack ha our written Signsture on the end. BIIKINir., FRONF.riKIJ) Jk CO. Philndelphl. Jilly 1, ly. The undersigned have) enterml into Co-partnership under the firm of M.MI1Y rv. LAWUKNCK, to csnnv OS THE Paper & Eag Business, At So. 5, Minor Slrcet, Philadelphia. "IITHEHE they intend keeping a large assort ' ' incut of papers, Ac, consisting in part a follows ! V riling pttprrs; wove and luUl, American und English. 11 .atli 1'i.sls uinl Note papers; wove and laid, gilt and plniu. Folio Tests, Flat Cnps. l'linling l'apcrj, all sixes. Hardware paiers, from 19 by 24 to 41) by 4M. Colored nud white tissue papers, American and English, llollinsworth's l'utent Manilla pnKTs. Colored ami while rMioc papers, comniou and eitru siies. Bull' Envelope papers. Colnicd Printing and Cover papers. Manilla papers, all, Ulazed Koyul, all co lors. Druggist, Blue Medium nnd Filtering pnr. Tra, Secret nutl Colored papers for confection er. Kng, Mnnilla 11111I Straw wrapping paper. Boliiiet, Hinder, Box, Cup uinl Trunk boards. White and Bull' Envelopes; Legal, Letter, Note and Curd Agents for litis, Puller !f Co's Printers' Card3 hi pcl Snd sheets, white and colored odd i ees, cut lo order. Also, their Oil), Figured and riaiil glazed papers. JOHEPH RIM BY, late ofSS N. Third st. N. S. LA WHENCE, late of No. 3 Minor t. N. B. StK) Ton of Rags wauled in exchange, tor rash. Philadelphia, July iifi, lS.'i 1. fiiuo. "SUorlsmt'ii Take Xollcc." JOHN KlilDKIi, iVuiA Kast cor. Walnut !e Second Sh ells. nilLADEtrHIA. HAS (). HAND, just recci-eil, a complete Assortment of Shot (inns. Powder Flasks, Game Bags, and ull other Sporting Ajipuratu uf the best and most approved patterns. He ha constantly on huud sporlinz powder of all descriptions. Percussion Cups, 8I10I, Bullet Mould, Ball and BlsnW. Cartridges, and s gen eral assortment of muleriuls for Gun Makers, Ac. Also Percuuion Cap of a superior quality designed exprely fdr I.. S. Kides. An Atsortment of Fulling Tackle slwav oti hand. AH lhe aivove, and any ollitr article in hi line, the Suhcrils?r will w-11 as low st any other establishment in the I'niu.1 Pistes. In Utstimony of hi skill as a manufacturer, ths Franklin Institute, in the year 1 (till and 184a, awarded to hinl two cerlitleates -and in the year 1814, 1848, 1847, ISIS ami 1K.V1, live sil ver medals, all of which may bo een al hie place of business. JOHN' KIUDEIt. rhltaddphla, July 19. 18SI. 3mo. 100 LABORERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY on the Trevorlon Hail Road. Section 51 A S3 1 at the Mouth uf the Ms I qonoy Creek, to whom liberal wage will be )aid( IRA T. CLEMENT & Co. Sunbury, July 6, 1851 tf. "OATORS A aurerior stttrte for aale t thtj JVstor. of HENRY M ASMIR. Buhhury, Fh. 16, 1H50,-