Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 11, 1851, Image 2

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    Dn iltagnctic (tclcgvnpl).
For the 8unbury American.
Ntw Yob, Oct. 4.
The ttrimhip Prometheus, Capt. Church
ill, arrived here thia evening, from San Juan,
with fiewa from California lo the 6ihult., the
passage 'having been made in the unparallel
ed inert "rime of 23 day.
WithYeg-rd to the election of Governor,
"the Califortfhx Courier, (Whig) of 6ih Sep
Member says':
The returna thin far, though in the main
imperfect, from the counliei of San Francis
to, Sacramento, Yolo, Nevada, El Dorado,
Solano, Marin, Tuolumne, San Joaquin, Ca
laveras, and Santa Clara, give Reading a ma
jority over Digler of about 1000, and the bal
ance of the State ticket from 600 to 800.
The counliei of Mendocino, Napa, Klamath,
Trinity, Shasta, Los Angelos, San Luis Opis
po, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz, will give
Reading at least 5,000 majority. This puts
his election beyond the possibility of a doubt,
nd the same vote will elect the most of our
State ticket.
The San Francico Herald Dem., of same
date, says "The returns thus far received,
indicate the triumph of the Democratic State
ticket by a decisive majority. The Legisla
ture will be largely Democratic, and al least
one Congressman will be of the same poli
tics." But the Morning Post Whig. also
of the dih ult., remarks, per contra "From
II these meagre imperfect returns, no con
clusion can be arrived at. There in r.ot suffi
cient data to form an opinion as to the result.
We see nothing in all we have heard to dis
courage us in the success of the Whigs in the
State. In fact, we have yet, notwithstand
ing the erowing of the Herald and others,
strong faith that the Whigs will carry the
Nbw York, Oct. 6.
The U. S. Mail Steamship Ohio, arrived
here at 8 o'clock this morning. She had on
board four hundred and fifty passengers, and
f 1,400,000 in gold dust on freight, besides
about 3600,000 in the hands of passengers.
The Ohio brings the San Francisco mai's
of September 1st, brought to Panama, by 'he
steamer Pacific. The dates, however, ;.u
not so late as were received by the Prome
Baltimore, Oct. 7.
The New Orleans papers of the 30th,
contain detailed accounts of tho movements
of the revolutionist in the Northern Stales of
Mexico. Their pronounciamentos pro
nounce death to the tyrants. The following
re the reasons given for the revolt. First
The utter failure of the Mexican govern
ment to protect the Northern Mexican States
from Indian depredations. Second The
unjust, unequal and prohibitory system of
duties which operates most destructively on
the interest of the people of the frontier.
Third The despotic power exerted by the
Federal government over tho rights and
representation of the several Status.
It is repotted that besides Camargo, Meir
nd several other towns are in the hands of
the insurgents. At the dato of these ac
ounH all was quiet at Matamoras, awaiting
the appearance of the revolutionists. It
M thought that no resistance would bo
It is stated that the government had sen1
out 3,000 men lo defend the Isthmus of Te
hauntepee. Don Fernando Ramnez has accepted the
appointment of Minister of Foreign Allaire,
charged with the formation of a new Cab
Baltimore, Oct. 7.
The New Orleans Bulletin of the 2!Uh
ult., received to night, mentions a report
that the Hon. Jefferson Davis has withdrawn
his acceptance of the nomination for Gov
ernor by the Secessionists of Mississippi. He
is now lying dangerously ill at his residence.
It it reported that be has resigned his gener
alship. Fifteen, out of the forty-two persons wound
ed by the recant explosion of the steamer
Brilliant, above New Orleans, had died at
Plaquemines. Mr. Lewison, editor of the
Baton Rouge Advocate, was dangerously
wounded by the explosion, and still lies in a
critical condition.
The New Orleans papers aro filled with re
ports and pronunciaraentos in reference lo
the Revolutionary movement on the Rio
Grande, and the successes of the revolution
ists. There it a famine at Diirango, Mexico, in
consequence of the Indian ravages. Corn
was telling at SI per peck.
Adudsta, Ga., Oct. 8., P. M. Howell
Cobbt will have about twelve thousand ma
jority in the Slate. Six Union and two
Southern Rights candidates are elected to
Congress. Three-fourths of the Legislature
will consist of Union men.
We have retutns from 65 counties, of
which Howell Cobb, for Governor, has car
ried fifty, "d McDonald fifteen. Cobb't
aggregate majority it 12,211, and McDo
nald's 2179, making Cobb't net majority
10,062. The 30 counties to hear from will
Dearly all give Union majorities.
The majority for Cobb in the State will be
from 13,000 to 18,000. Three-fourths of ihe
Legislature will be composed of Union
TasviLna. The Malta timet announces
tbe death of Mr. J i roes Richardson, the en
terprising African traveller. Thif melan
eboly event took place on the 4th of March
last, at small village called Unguiulus, six
days dittaat from Kouka, tbe capital of
Mitt Mxav Leoaie, sister of the for
mer Attorney General of ihe United States,
is engaged in tbe lumber trade at Cedar
' Iowa, and advertise to supply
t( building lumber, bout-
II. B. MASSF.R, Editor fend Proprietor.
To ADVXSTtsKm. The circulation of tht Himlniry
Americnn nmnng the different towns on the Susquehanna
i a not exceeded if equalled by any paper published in North
ern Peiuiiylvania.
V. B. PALMER la our siUh'imed agent to receive sab
acription and advertising at hit office, in Philadelphia, New
York, Boston and Baltimore
of Clearfield County.
of Clarion County.
For Judges of tbe Supreme Court.
JOHN B. GIBSON, of Cumberland.
WALTER H. LOVVR1E, of Allegheny.
JEREMIAH S. BLACK, of Somerset.
ELLIS LEWIS, of Lancaster.
JAMES CAMPBELL, of Philadelphia.
County Nominations.
Senator ;
Dr. LEWIS HECK, of Dauphin county.
President Judge:
dissociate Judges :
GEORGE WEISER, of Sunburv.
Frothonotnry :
JAMES BEARD, of Milton.
Commissioner :
CHARLES WEAVr.n. of Sunbury.
l'rcasurer :
JACOB YOUNG, of Sunbury.
Coroner :
AARON KELLY, of Shamokin.
Auditor :
, J. H. ZIMMERMAN, of Sunbury.
Viisiiicss Notices.
Conn's Lady's Boon. The October number of Go
dey's tally's Book has been received. Mr. (iixley innnn
ges to keep the lead in tins department of I.ilemtare, find
the Lady's Book is becoming every day more and more
BIVALVES. We refer the lovers of good things to the
Advertisement of Sir. lf. Shtiy, of Northumberland, who is
in the daily receipt of excellent Baltimore Oysters. Mr.
Shay's reputation is so well established that we must only
say "try them," the oysters, we mam.
Ci.oyiuxo KsTABMsiiMKNY. Our routers will find in
our columns, the advertisement of llockliill & Wilson,
who keep on hand a huge nnd excellent assortment of
clothing Mi. Wilson has the reputation of being one of
the best cutters in Philadelphia.
The card of M. L. Jihindcl, Ksq., who husoM-ued a Uw
Office in this Borough, will lie found in -Mother column.
BELL. We call upon every good citizen and
democrat, whodesiiesto elect an honest
and competent Judiciary, to vote no ticket
with the name of James Campbell lor Su
preme Judge. We oppose Mr. Campbell,
because we know him to be incompetent,
and because his incompetency, is notorious,
and acknowledged in Philadelphia where
he resides, by whigf and democrats. Be
cause not a single individual, capable of
judging of his qualifications, or a single
member of the Bar in the City, of any
character or standing, whig or democrat ;
has yet dared to endorse his qualifications.
Because he was nominated wholly upon
the grounds of his being a Roman Catho
lic, and now drags in his religion as a shield
to protect him from the charge of incom
petency, by crying out persecution against
those who dare to question his qualifica
tions for the office. Because he procured
his nomination by fraud and corruption, by
the aid of unnaturalized foreigners. Be
cause he has been on the Bench about 12
years, and never delivered what might be
called an opinion, until he was a candi
date, which opinion it is openly asserted,
wat written by another person. We nev
er opposed any man on account of his re
ligion, but when a man is utterly unfit for
office, and attempts to elevate himself to
power, solely upon his religion, by appeal
ing to the prejudice of a sect who have
ever been untiring in their eflorts for place
and power, it is time for plain republicans,
who make no distinctions, and look upon
Lutherans, Reformed, Fresbyterians, Meth
odists, Baptists, &.C., as belonging to one
common family, to pause before they ele
vate to power any man who relies upon
any tect whatever, to sustain him for office.
Mr. Campbell himself, has already seen
lit to degrade that high oliice by election
eering, and his eflorts and his arguments
since hit visit to this place, are already visi
ble. The light which has suddenly beamed
upon hit eulogists, is truly wonderful.
Let the people ponder, and if party pre
judice! should be appealed loo, let them re
member that it it not and should not be a
parly question. Judge Coulter and our
neighbor Joshua W. Comly, both excellent
men, will be supported in place of Mr.
Campbell. Those who prefer voting for a
democrat can vote for Judge Coulter, and
they will want no better evidence ol his
democracy than the fact that lie wat ap
pointed lo the Bench by the late Governor
ct.a, ;
The Sunbury Gazette has suddenly be
come the eulogist ol Judge Campbell, and
in the extravagance of his praises, maket
him out a Solomon or a Very Daniel come
to judgment. It is strange thai Judge
Campbell can find no eulogists at home,
but must go abroad where he is necessarily
unknown. The Gazette has had but little
opportunity of knowing anything about
Judge Campbell's qualifications, except
through the Pennsylvanian, the only demo
cratic paper in Philadelphia that supports
him, and as the editor of that paper de
nounced Judge Campbell as unfit, when he
wat appointed to his present station, we
presume his endorsement will not amount
to much.
The Gazette of the 27th ult., which we
did not see until our return from Philadel
phia, says that the democralic opposition
to Judge Campbell is limited to a few Who
envy his success and lalent. Now we
have only to say that the charge is wholly
without foundation. What we say, and
have said of Judge Campbell, it mostly
from our own personal observation, and
knowledge of the facts. IVe are pretty
well acquainted in Philadelphia, and have
spent not less than two months there, since
Judge Campbell's nomination. Wc have
made almost daily inquiries in regard to
him. These inquiries were made from
busiiif?? men, mechanics, merchants, manu
facturers, lawyers, &.C., men who are not
politicians by trade, which is the case with
every one of Judge Campbell's endorsers,
and we boldly assert that out of a large
number of democrats thus referred to, we
found but two who intended to vote for
him. The Gazette should not therefore
presume to talk about such matters and
make such charges unless more fully in
formed. Our assertions will be backed by
no less than 8,000 or 10,000 democratic
votes which Judge Campbell will loose in
the City and County of Philadelphia.
We repeat that Jude Campbell has thus
far failed to get a single member, of any
character or standing, connected with the
Philadelphia Dar, that would endorse his
qualifications for the office. The charge
of Judge Campbell's incompetency is not a
recent thing. He has always been consid
ered as a weak and inefficient Judge. For
the truth of this, we appeal to the whole
community in which he resides. We have
never said any thing against his private
character, and we are prompted by no mo-
, . , , ' , ,.
tive whatever, except that of the public :
good, in our opposition to his election, and
we presume no sane man will ever accuse
us of being actuated by personal enmity. )
CCT" The contest at the elections in this
County m Tuesday next will be warm,
and wc presume the turn out will be as it
should be, a good one. Col. Bigler whose
worth and qualifications are well apprecia
ted by all true democrats, will therefore
receive one of the old fashioned majorities.
The contest for Senator will result in a
handsome' majority for Dr. Heck, whose
popularity at home, speaks well for his
character as a man and politician.
ET" Aop.KLLTirtAi. Faik. Recollect
that the County Agricultural Fair will be
held at Sunbury on inday the ltll mst.
Let all attend and all bring something or
Df" The New York Journal of Com
merce contains the names of about 10,000
individuals, and firms pledging themselves
to sustain the Resolutions of the great
meeting in 1850, opposing all measures
tending to the agitation of the slavery
Df" The following communication was
handed to us by a friend of Mr. Weaver,
requesting us at the same time to inquire
into the facts. We did so, and must do
Mr. Weaver the justice to say, that both
Sheriff Covert and Esquire Martin, corrob.
erated the facts as staled by the writer.
Kor lite unlmr) American.
H. B Masskr, Esq : The Sunbury Ga
zette for the last two weeks has nnsailed
Chaileg Weaver, the democratic nominee fur
Commissioner. This is ralher extraordinary
fur a paper lhat professes to be governed
par txcellente, by pnrty usages, and cau only
be justified by most poweiful reason. Mr.
Weaver is charged with neglect, in hi of
fice, and inleifering with the duties of the
Treasurer, and has been accused of staying
a writ for the collection of money against
(he Collectors. Having inquired into these
matters, I find from the record and from the
Sheriff, thai Mr. Weaver did no such thing.
The writ was not stayed by him. In regard
lo tho appointment of Collectors, Mr. Wea
ver is also exempt fiom cenrure Mr.
Leineuring and Mr. Miles were returned.
Mr l.eiseiiriug was appointed, but wat no1
able lo get Iho required tecurily. The rea
son Mi. Miles was not appointed, was be
cause an act of Assembly had been passed
uliich prevented an Assessor from holding
Ihe office of Collector.
The Gazette also charged Mr. Wearer
with having reduced Mr. Kays tax upon hi
sole aothorily, constituting himself and Mr.
Kay the board for that purpose. Esq. Mar.
tin the Commissioner's clerk says that Ihe
charge is not true, lhat he wit present at
Ihe lime and lhat Ihe Commissioner! had
been consulted, and that the same action
was hold on that as on other similar cases.
Now such charges might be overlooked in a
whig papor, but when they come from a pa
per that profetsei lo be democralru and it in
favor of democratic nominations, they
should have a better foundation than the
meie assertion of ihe editor who suffers bis
private g'icfa to interfere with hit public
Q? Alexander Jordan, Esq., our candi
date for President Judge, will have no op
position. This speaks well for Mr. Jor
dan, and is the best endorsement of his
qualificat ions that can be asked. How dif
ferent with Judge Campbell t In Phila
delphia where he resides, but few intelli
gent democrats will vote for him, because
Ihey know him to be unfit.
K7 Governor Johnston passed through
this place yesterday (Friday.) He stopped
but a few minutes during which time he
was called upon by a number of our citi
ten without respect to partyi
QF Mr. Mills who has charge of the
alteration and extension of the Rail Road
between this place and Poltsville, has open
ed an office in this placet
A respectable meeting of Ihe democracy
of Upper Mahonoy, was called together at
the House of Daniel Heim, on Wednesday
evening last, when on motion PETRR HOW
ARTER, was appointed President) and John
Malllck, Esq.) J. Strawser, Jacob Kaufman,
P. Beimel, Solomon Folk, Moses Bei.ssel,
Samuel Smith, Peler Smith and David Mal
lick, were appointed Vice Presidents, and
Charles S. Weiser, and Reuben W. Zartman,
Tho meeting was addressed by II. B. Mas
ter, J. R. Packer, C. A. Kulz, John Porter
and Wm. Fullmer, Esqs.
Heavy Telkomapiiic Business. The
Morse American line of telegraph, between
this city nnd Bulfalo, sent nnd received yes
terday neatly fwe hundred messages, in
addition to two long reports for the press;
occupying two hours in tho tmn.imisiion.
This is the largest day's business in tele
graphing that has come to our knowledge.
Sen) York Commercial Advertiser, Oclo
her 2.
We learn from Ihe Harrinburg papers that
Mr. Pomeroy, Deputy Sheriff of Bradford
county, Penmt., nnd four others, a few
days since, undertook lo arrest a man named
Peters, at tho Columbia Cross roads, in
that county. Peters drew a knife from
his pocket nnd stabbed Pomeroy, who
died instantly.
Mr. Heai.ey's picture of Mr. Webster in
the act of delivering liii jrrnal speech in re
ply to Il.iyne, of South Carolina, on the
Foole resolution, was opened to a private
party of artists and critics in New York on
Thuisdny. The sizo of tin canvass is 28
feet 8 inches, by 15 feel, and there are 13 0
,'enep' "e "m " '" "
benate chamber ul ihe time(
Tub weather continues very fine ; the
air is rather mild for the season, but the sun
is shorn of his summer ferviduess, and the
heat is only just agreeable.
An Evergreen. A man who does not
learn by experience.
The electric telegraph is to be established
throughout Turkey.
Pkince MKTTEitNiru has lately invested
i. 40.000 in American stocks.
I' or tlie Ainrrirnii.
Il has been reported in mii.o parts of our
County I am favorable to a division of
the same, ami, if elected to Iho Legislature,
I would make an eliort lo have a new County
formed by attaching several of the upper
townships to parts of Union, Lycoming and
Montour. There is no acl of my life, noth
ing that 1 have ever said or dune that would
juslily such a report 1 havo never maui
lesled a desire for an alteration of ihe pre
sent limits of our County, nnd when many
of the citizens of the northern portion of it
were making an eliort lo have a new County
formed, 1 did not participate in their move
ments ; as 1 Itiink any ol ihe liieuds of the
project will do me the justice to say.
In order that there may be no misunder
standing in relation lo this matter, and thai
my fellow citizens may know my views
with regard to it, I hereby declare that 1 am
now, us 1 have always been, opposed to Iho
proposeu new iouiiiy, .urn 11 eieuiKii win ue
my inllueucH to delual any attempt lhat
might be made in favor of it. I would op
pose il not only bi cause I know that a large
majority ol our cilizons are nulricmlly lo It,
but because my own inleiests would be se
riously ullected by it. The organization of
a new County and iho erection of public
buildings necessary for it, would moro than
double my taxes, which are already sulli
cieully high ; and this increase of taxation I
would incur without being beiielilted in the
least. I am now us 1 have always been, op
posed to the new County, and should I have
ihe honor of representing you in Iho Legis
lature, I promise you 1 will oppose it to the
best of my ability.
Respeclfnllv, Yours,
TuRBl'T, Oct. 4, 1851.
Dr. Hooi'LAnd's German Bitters. That
this medicine will cure liver complaint and
dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using il at
directed. It acts specifically upon the stom
ach and liver; it is preferable lo calomel in
all bilious diseases; it nets as specifically
upon Ihe liver as calomel; calomel prostrates
the system the bitters strengthen and nev
er pi ost rales the patient, and will give re
newed lifo and health to Ihe delicate invalid,
and restore the liver lo its functions, and
give digestion and appetite in those severe
rases wherein ihe ordinary medicines fail
in producing any efTecl.
PEPSIN, fi True Digestive Fluid, or Oastrit
Juice ! A great Dyspepsia Carer, prepared
from Rennet, or the fourth Stomach of tbe Ox,
after directions of Baron Lielris, ihe great
Phviological Chemist, by J. S Houghton,
M.'D., No. 11 Noiih Eighth Street, Philadel
phia, l a. This is a truly wonderful remedy
for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver
Complaint, Constipation, and Debility, curing
after Nature's own method, by Nature' own
agent, the (iuslric Juice. See advertisement
in another column.
M A II It 1 E U.
In Northumberland, on Tuesday last, by
John Cake, Esq, Mr. William Tsats, to
Mrt. Maia Clark, all of thit place.
On Ihe 23d intd., by the Rev. Charles
Wadtworth, of Arch St. Church, Oacsa F.
Moon, of Potiaville, lo Mia Mary D.,
I daughter of J. V Oliver of Philadelphia.
In Williamsport, on the Sd Inst., at the
residence of John F. Cowan, Etq., by the
Rev. Mr. Heberton, BctOAattR C. BachmAw,
Esq., of Lancaster city, to Mis Mat Stew
art, of Lycoming county.
On Sunday last, by the Rtf. Mr. Leistz,
Mr. Benjamin Halmak of Lower Mahonoy,
to Miss Elizabeth Daniel, daughter of
Henry Daniel, deo'd., of Jackson tp.
At the tame time and place by the tame,
Mr. IIalman, of Lower Mahonoy, te Mist
Eyster of Jackson.
I I K l.
tn Upper Mahonoy, on the 3d Intf.. Mr.
JOHN BIESSEL, aged about 60 years.
In Cooper tp, Montour co., on Ihe 26th
nit., Mrs. ELIZABETH, wife of Robert
Kicharl, aged 69 year.
Sunbury, Oct. 9, 1851.
Amount of coal brought to Sunbury, over
the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, from
the Shomokiu Minet: Tons.
For the last week, 75 1
Per last report, IB, 911
ljc ittarkctc.
Philadelphia Market
Oct. 8, 1861.
Fi.oua am. Mm,.-The msrkel Tor Flour
is dull miain. Standard brands, old ttoct,
are held at $4,121 pur barrel, for export.
Sales for city use nl 3,S7aS4. Extra Hour it
held at S4 50.
J!ve Flock-. l very dull. Pelln. it htlJ
at 3,25.
Corn Meal. Penna. is in demand at
Wheat Sales of Penna. red al 81c:
prime while at $84aft6.
Rve. Is in demand, suleg at 08 cts.
Corn. Tho supply about equals the de
mand ; yellow commands 821 cts.
Oats. Are very dull t a salt! Penn. at
35 rls.
Whiskey. Is dull ; sales of bbls. at 99
cts, and ol hhds. at II a 22 cts,
Baltimore Market
Oct. 8, 1851.
GRAIN We note sales of Maryland and
Vrginia Wheals to-day at 73 a 75 clt. for
good to prime reds, and 76aR0 els. for good
white, and 80a85 cts. for family flour white.
Sales of Corn at 00 a 61 cents for both
white and yellow. A lot of very prime new
White, in superior condition, the tirst of the
season, Was sold on Saturday at 75 ctt.
We tiiolH Oats ri 32 a 35 els.
WIIIMCEV. Sales of Penna. bbls. at 23
els., and of hhds. 22 cts.
SUMll'llY I'lUC'C CU 11 RUNT
War. at. . 90
RrK. . . SO
Con. . . .50
0t. - 7
II l'TT Ml ... IS
1'iiiis. .... 8
I'll II K. . . . 7
Fimnii, . . . 1S0
Tallow. . . 15
Di.ksWax - 23
HKt-KLt.n Fm. . . . 10
DkiUI Al'I'I.KS. .... 75
Do. 1'ruiin. . . 2(,o
Flax - . . . .g
New Advertisements-
rjMlK period for the fall and winter's supply of
fashionable clothing has arrived. To meet
the. extraordinary increase of busineaa at this
lime, Mesara. Rockbill A Wilson, of Philadel
phia, have made the most extensive arrange
inentH, and they now haxe the largest, best and
cheapest lot of fashionable clothing to be found
any where in the city, at their atore, No. 1 1 1
'liestnut atrect, corner of Franklin Place.
Octoler 11, 1NS1.
JV'OTICE is heiehy given that a Special
' Court of Common Pleas, in and for ihe
County of Northumberland, to commence at
the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury,
at 10 o'clock, A.M. on Monday the 57ih
day of October 1851, and will continue ONE
Jurors are tetjtiesied to be punctual in
their attendance, at the time appointed
agreeable to their notices.
Given tinder my hand at Sunbury, the 11th
day of October, A D. 1851 and the In
dependence of the United States of Amer
ica Ihu 76lh.
James covert, sheriff.
God save the Commonwealth.
List of Causes
IOK Trial ut a Special Court of Common
Pleas of Northumberland county, to be held
Oct. S7, A. I)., 1851,
I'L A 1 N T 1 F Ks. I nir EN I) A S TM,
i Pontius V Thompson va Samuel R Wood
., , .. , ,. I) Jordan, S Hunter
Com.forSan.l f union va A,., JoriUll
F O'Donnell for Win F Naj?le va John Divers
Christian llollinger va Charlca H ousel
Mosea Hower va Kichitrd Goodman
G P Tyson for Job Tvaon va Dai.lcl I. Si hnerk
I Jacob Niltraiier va Samuel Jarret
i Wm McClery va It 1) Cuiuiiiiinsa
Plult A Plait va Henry Maaser
Molt A Shobcr va Daniel Drtisbach
W illiam Welch va Jacob K Trego
George Eckerta' adiu'r va John Kohr
Geo C MrKee va Joseph Iom
Sarah Slilzel va Samuel S Sheddon
Same va Jacob .Vtiticl
R D C'ummin;s va Thos t) Mackey
Raker A Co for Jacob bloom vs Henry Conrad
Georue E. Gehrig et al va Peter Wgrry
Isaac Tyler va It M fteydel't adin'r
S ha liner A Zeiglcr etal vt Thoa 8 Mackey
Geo Evster for Mar- ., , r, . .
;,, . vt Eb xer Oreenousll ex ra
tin Weaver
Win Metier vt George Forrealer
Pi otlioiiotary'a Otfice,
Sunbury, Oct. II, 161 j
Special Jury
IO U Special Court, October 37tb, Anno Do
mini, 1851.
Sosacat. Henry Hailnalwrh, William
Noa-nifxaiRLisu. Geo. Evert.
Dklawark. Samuel MeCarly, Peter Kuhnta,
Jacob Nlilxcl.
Lewis. Samuel Shannon, Michael Shade.
Ti'RHt'T. Charles Riddle.
Pol ST. John Vtndevender. Geo. BenneL
Crrxa Acoubta. Jacob Eckraaa, John
Coorier, John Smith.
Lowkb Ausvbta. - Wm. V. Silvarwood,
Wm. Furman.
lit n. Wm. Vaatine, Henry Weaver.
riaAMOKi. Christian Bouslagh, Jacob No,
ker, Jamea Yoeuin, Robert Me Williams.
Con. Stephen Eiauuhart, Philip Statnb-ch,
Falix Lerch.
Lewaa Maonor. Nicholas Bingaman,
David Hain, John KeihL
JiCKsoa. John Wert, Peter Fersler, Daniel
Zartman, Daniel Swartx, ' Henry I.ataha, Jr.
Cliaa. Kotharmel, Geo. Ilarmer.
I rria Miaayot. Jacob Holla.
trial in the Court of Common Plett
. of Norlhumlierliind County, at November
Term, A. D., 1P51.
Frederick Keener Wm. Ayret
Lach fctrocckcr Jacob Hoffman
Wm. & H. FcRcly & Co. v John Rliisnler
Jacob Weimcr vs In T Clement
Jacob Philips rs Ocorfje L. Weimer
Charlet 11 Krick vs Eli Slifi.r
Thos dimming! et al vs J Parke ADR Rishel
Chs. A. Andra vs F. Matthews
Daniel Haminuarh vs John C.uirnd
Haniuel Seaman vs Philip Spsyd
me vt Geo Do win an
8. A. Jordan rt nl vs John Arnold
Green & Bros, for T Howard vs Henry Lants
J P Miller Assignee of . a . .
Bop. & Co " 1 Swcny & 8on
R D dimming vt Montgomerv A Maateller
Jacob Slitzel s Samuel I, Beck
U K Kase vs Geo A Dixon
Uco Apslcy vs Northumberland county
Jamea Dii'lli'iilmcli vs sume
K Fryer V Win Mover va Eliaa Gnrmtn
Wm M Auleu vs Thorn aa Itascr
Daniel P Caul va Denllcr k MonUgu
Aaron Koiipnrt va Ira T Clement
Henry C, Vs Win MrCarty
P K 1 1 oilman A wife vs H Kulmls, MeCarty et al
Joseph iS'nvder
vs Joseph Diminig
HtiKli Miirliu
John McCormiik
Martin Irwins' adm'r
Follnief fr Caul
Henry Keiser
Ira 'J'. Clrmi'iit
vs heulicn J roxel
va Isaac Slinller
va H Voxtlieiiner adm'r
Va H Ntcinnictz, ei'r.
Va Henry Yoxtlicimcf
va (iconic Kohrliarli
Conrad Ut rily Va Honls, Kepler & StouirVitnn
Wm lirosa fur Kami Gilbert va J. J. ITpdegrafl
J. ISowmaii Indorsee Ac vs J C Perkins
Klijuh lt.itto
va Charles Sailor
va l)alt7!ir Garnliart
Va Ira T. Clement
Va Jonrph Klinea' adm'r
va llenj F fc J W .Stamni
vs Frederick Heckart
Va Jacob Hower
va A 11 -trtinnil
Va Leonard Roadnrmel et al
va J II I'urdy
va Geo H Voiinman
Thomas J Aildia
Lower A Unrrotl
Jacob Kline
Thomas button
Caspar Herkart
Niebolaa Hower
Danii l II Diiesbarh
John I. Itosn
Ira T Clement
John W Peal
1 inttrock tor Appleton va James Uiaas
Hirkok V Cautine va Geo W Armtron;
Keiilien Fagc ly va Kerlinar eV Clement
Jacob Keller va D.uik of .N'ortlininlicrlanrl,
'aney llouael va DuVid HiiuaeU' ndlil'r
Henry Klae oV Eve l.ia wife v. Jo "h . Z"',n"'
Willi.1111 MeCarly va Samuel Hunter
Mary Jane Kroner et al va William Wilson
Hecker A Weilb r va R I) Ciiminingi.
Georyc Sliiley vs Ab'm Dunkelberger'a admr'x
Mary Marts va W'm H Npratt
Sume n John Cainplicll Sc wifo
John llrotvn va John Oyster aenr'B ex'r
JiioKuorr for II. Knorr va Knoeb Hrnvcrt' adm'r
James T Sutton C Co va Samuel Kyle
Kli.alittli Kriee va George Lawrence
Conrad Wolf va George Herkart
Catharine Snyilera' exr'a vs Samuel R Wood
Daniel Gonaert va Henry Uolmer
Hank of Mortliuiiiberlanil va Jno C Lloyds' adm'r
Same va Same
Mary Putti'rain va George. He.ckert
lloui'purln Thompson ct al va Casper HI Clair
Win McDunicl lor A , , , , , . ,
W Cooily v" ,ulm lacksorl rt si
John Reynolds tj Uaac Reader "
Com for Win I. Heinemsn Tl'" A "'"'"B"
ton ct cl
Same for Win MeCarly vs Same
William D.iliua va H S Hautman
Robert Philips vs Jamea licnny Jr
George Garinau v 11 H Howell ct nl
John Jackson vs Jamea Heard et al
lf.illict fur Kami A Sjvid -e va Uaniel Halliet
lieorge Lawrence
Uillintoti for Hunter
& Itinera
it U M.irr & I Drown
va Sukuii A Surah Reid
Jacob ll.i, is .
John Jackson Jr
vs Charles Alexander
vs Same A Wife
va A W Comly
ii Thomas Allen
va (ieorge Heckart
vs George Sn dc..
vs Ci-orgo Hertz
vs R 1) Cummings
j John I.eili's adm'r
j Conrad Wolf
I Simon Snvdcr
i A W Con'itv
Cromlcin A Urother
Dultzar Garnhart'a admr'a vs K W Dunn's admr
A Itin Newberry s Thomas Kasvr
Crundall for J C .Morgan vs Geo .Miller's adm'r
1 rothouotiry s Olucu, )
Sunliury, Oct. II, ISM. J
List of Jurors,
F Northumberland County for November
Term, A, D. 1H."1.
(rand Juror.
Mil. TON ('has. Dotts, Daniel Dougherty.
('iiii.isijr AtiiiK John U. llelierj John il.
MeGee. Wm. Kramer
Dki.awaiik. J.uues Rryson, Isaac Milliard,
John Bi easier.
Lkwi. John T. Shade, John Dimm,
Washington P. barr, Win. Savide.
Low Kit Ai'-I'sta. b.unuel Kaufman, An
naniaa Wynn.
Rfsii. Luther Basset, Joseph Kelly, Oil'
beil Deals, David Mnteliler, John llur.-li.
Siia.Mukin. Joseph Citsemau, S.nn Epler.
I I'l' M.uiosoy. lii'iijainm M.irkel.
l.uumt do Alnaliuin Lliiiaman.
j Jackson. Michael Treon.
' 'I' ra verse Jurors.
' NiiiirtifMiiKiii.Asn. Henry Haas, William
' WiImiii
Mii.tiis. Tims. S. Mackey, James Mont
jgomei v, Henry llinen.
i Ti'unrr. Uoherl ll.iyes, Asa Everet, John
! Dilokel, N.itlianiel Uritt'en.
Lkwis. John A. Lal lwell, Slicliael Iluoy.
Dki.awaiik, Daniel Werluian, John WiU
sou, Daniel Nicholas, Henry Culp
(.'liil.lsijf Aul'K. James Jordan, Isaac Brit
ten, Peter Vauady, James Tuik.
Point. Charles Parks, James Netbit,
(jeorgn Lesher.
I'i'i'KR Ali.ista. Dennis Wulroitou, Go.
Lower t'n John Wain, Jacob
Krebs, Peler Yocmn, John Lons.
Hush Jonas Wolf, James Eckman.
?haM(ixin. John Hull, Win. Krickbaum.
CuA!.. Jonas Gilger.
I'lT-ii Maiionov. Benuevillo Holshoe,
Henry Haas, John llelrieh.
Lou i;a do Jacob Spain, Jacob
B.idiiian, Philip Measuer, John Hunel, Jr.
Jackson. David SwartZ, John Wensel,
Daniel Zartman, Samuel Malich, Jacob
Seller. Levi Drumheller, Daniel Holshoe,
John F.igely.
I'elit .Turorn.
SfNHfRr. Davi I llatipt, Daniel Haas,
Eliaa Biosious.
NoiiTiii'Mnritl.ANO John Wiinalley.
Mn.To.i. John Fidler, Chnslian Stine,
Allen Sehroyer
Tcroit John Hoffa, John Kissinger,
Abraham Doiiat.
Lewis W.lliam S. Montgomeiy.
Delaware. Henry Reader, John Wert
man, Robert McKee, Elijah Crawford, David
Chii.ivII'a .(lit. Paul Lahr, Thot. lUser.
Point. Philip Uibbiut.
Upper AucttT. George Forrester, Hen
ry Burnt.
Siiamoki John Moore, Daniel J. Rolh,
Michael M. Sober, William Sholl.
Co. Joseph Zern, Benj. McClough.
Upper Mahonov. Silomoii Folk, Daniel
Hine, Jacob CJei.t, Jacob Kaufman, David
Lowra do llui;h Seasholti, Geo.
Horit, John Beiger.
Jackson. Daniel Uilbith.
TEMNOS. A cheap and excellent arti
cie lor fasleiuii. aask for aalc by
i vi' eun ivn
Sunbury, July 7, l4J.
Volunteer Candidate.
Fxilow-Citi .... . V--.. ...
-...-.n . . i uu are aware mail
am a VoLisTrm Casiiiat for
tt tht i enauimr election, simulj you deem me
qualihed and wortln- n.i -i... t .t
i..i r i . -.' " r" ' 1 "lr' sunn iesi
thankful lo you. and will endeavor to discharge
m Hniv r,i,iiir..ii.. i : ,, . ,n
j v .j iiu impartially as the Jud.t
ever ought lo do. 8
Milton, Oct 11, 1651.
''piIE undersigned is in ii.,. daily receipt of
-- fresh and excellent Oysters from the eele.
brnted establishment of Mr. Field, No. 3.11
West Lombard Mreet, Ujllimorc.
All orders will be promptly attended to an i
forwarded without del.iv. Apply lo the aulx
acribcr at Lee'a Hotel, Northumberland, Pn.
N. n. Oysters of common quality at $1,00
Octolwr It, 1851 3mo.
iiTc i Ki'iutini I'TsiTi.wo'V,
l:q., Dct'd.
"V"OTICK is hereby given that letters Testa
mcnlary have been grunted to the aubseri
bcrs, on the estate of Kphruim p. shannon, de
c'd., late of the Ilormifdi of Nurtiiomberland.
All persons Indebted to said estate, or having
cluims against the name, arc requested to call
on the aubsciibera for aetilementi
NoitliuinlwrlHiid, Oct. II, t S3 1. (It.
SS3 r53? IXi .. o-c r-,)
AME tn the premises of the sul'scribcr, in
Point township, nliout the lirst i f Aurust
last, a dark Mrindle CoW. witli a hi'e fr,
While on the belly, while nn hrr hind lirl. and
while on the tip of the tail. The owner is rn
ipiesied to come forthwith nr.1 -ne property,
pay charges and take her twny, m he will Ix)
disposed of according to law.
Point tp., Oct. 11, 1S51. t.
iMitViKT il tltS!t
"V Ol' are commaiub-d t.j meet in MaN
- ket Siii:ire. Simimry, on
Monday, -otu ot iwo'er.
at 10 o'clock, A. M., fully eipiipped f.f
drill. 15 y orib-r of lite Cnptain.
(ii:o. OMPHANT. O. 8i
Sunburv, Oct. 1 1, 13.
4 1.1. orjriiieil I'liiCinn Companies in lha
first Uriuade of l!ie Mli Division of the Penn
sylvania Militia, nie requested lo inert at their
Armories or their ususl places of Hireling, on the
COtli inst.. t elect by lull it. u:io j cr-on to send
at Unmade Inspector, for Ihe Ij.d..i;cc of the p'tf
Bent arrangement.
Iiv order of the Major (iruerid,
' (-'. C. WATSliN, llr'.gi Gen.
October 11, Hot. Ut.
Ojjtte m Market strcr' friiii'mry, opposite
HViirei' s llnt'l j
IBI'SINKSS will be promptly attended to in
5 the Comities of Northu.i.l .il.ind, I'uiun,
Columbiu uud .Moiitour;
:u to :
j D. I'.i.Mii. Mi. YernnM
I 'ci.fe, '.'d stiri-t.
A. Jolt n i s , I'.sii.,
C. J. itii-,:ii.
Furiliirii. j S. ilov.M n o, ill
C. M. 11 ll.L, I'vtlil dir. I l.rt Ft., l laUiiirlfhlx.
Sunliury, Oct. I I, 1S31 I v.
ist of t ctt cvs
iti.MMMvi; in tiii: i'iim' omttx at
K.illMe Jacob
K..-e .1 Marti.ii
Ki-lnl ,l:lii
K' ! : iiitu John
Me('uu!an. J C
Oterdorl John
K-1-.7 W -ier
Ko.rl.ii ,uei Judy
lJepher l'eter
Harder Eli..1eth
liii kanli! J.ieoii
Heikslresei Mr
Reiki Wm T
Coldieii JjIiii
Clair A
Cit m jibe II Simeon
Dunkleh:irer Peter
D.iwsuu D ir. ii I
Farneswonh .'urm.tii S,;ii:li Sa
Fansoltl .Insepli
Freeae Hiblei ien
Hobuit Elizabeth
lMlD wii A ( )
I'jIUt'll Will
I Harper Tho
Wei-er I'll i
W iL'ner I'c-t. r
Woliojng A. lam
Wren John
Ivriim John
ni MAiMM; is tiii; rovr oirni:
At Nortliumbeilr.nd, Sopt, SO, 1351,
AlHvaler Dr
Hiirwn Chn.-tiiin
Relleniiin Rev 11 W
Dennett Win
linwillllll Jno
Rutlertieid E F
Man D.ivi.l
Mailiu D.m'l
Malon v Sleidieu
M.nlha II
Mover Jno
.M. twin Washington
Mnraii Henry
My I lie Wm
O Conner tiiilhth
Pricket t U F
Pi ice l
Pott 'r l'-'v Vlonza
Pel riii Cuit.ii
Renu (Jen
Reniicr aui'l
Pnmner Di J V
Sanders Thot K
Steiiirock Ann
Stock Levi
Skay Eleaa
Supor Jno
Snyder Chat
teamen Zaciout
Some Peter
Siroub A
Yaiilvar Wm
Wynkoop Henry
Ha re lay i A
Butler C
Coolidgn Prof.
David frank A '
Fry Abraham
Fedder Polly
Forsinail Jr.o C
Kadeii Frederick
Fischer Chat
Qtotfeller Israel
Gibbout Phillip
Hilbotirno (Jeo W
Hummell S
Henderson & Glenn
Hughs ('hat
Hoover Win
Jonet Richaul
Kuhii Arth
Keyser J
eaver Jacob
Lattimore Molly Ann Walker Edward I
Lulz Nicholas Wnltinger J F
Lloyd Jno A Williams Sarah
Ti rTia jTysi7r ii si! "
nAYING nettled at Northumbrian.!, I ana
now prcpurtd to furnish
Fresh and Spiced Oysters
during the whole M ason at the reduced price of
one dollar for w hole and filly centa per half can.
You ran depend upon them being freab, at I
shall receive them daily, (Sundayt excepted.)
and when landed here they art only 16 bourt out
of the shell.
All persona who aw in want of the above arti
cle, at a distance, can have them tent Jr doieai
or tingle can by addressing
J. H. Persons raMoii; on tbe sulwcrilar aity
find him either at Burra or Haas Hold.
Noilhumlfriund, Oct. 4, l'il. . -