r SUNKU11Y AMEMCAN AND SJIAMOKIN JOUVNAL. i, ,,1111' Subscriber respectfully JL informs his friends and tlir public r.c,.cral!y, "i" continues Hi" tfADDLEKY BUSHIESI, At Iiia olil Sltuid in Karket Street, Suiibur?, two doors above Mnrkct. iuart, wlier h . aturitly kecpa 011 'nr6f sr"'ll"nt ' Ileauy 3Isu.e Harness, (Double & Pintle.) will, f ilvrr, T!-a nl Japaa ticd momilin?. Also Hridl, 1 ". Valicc?, Whips, Collar. All kirn'" of wink in Ids line mn.lf tn order. In a Iirul n si vie as ran he K"t 'o' '" country. Persona v. iliiiiLT to purchase wiil pleas r!l an examine his stock lei'mc purchssins elsrwli!-. N. P. Tho subscriber has juat opened a nw and splendid Asscrtacnt cf Eft'ldlery, Bueh ss f-'Ilvrr. II rani and Japanned mountinj, Pclcnt f-'rll-Adji'Klinj Trees, Patent RotUr Hits, 1; iiUnex Eridle Did, Trunk n Valicc Locks, Trunk Hoard, Trunk Nails, Haines, Traces, Trim mi!!; Lnccs, T tills. Sad dle Well, S',iie,lo and Double. Whito KnnnieVd T.crther. Patent Leather, Oil Cloth, Rn-otts. Tasscli, Fancy Erovr-Eands, Sadd.a Trees, Deer's Hair, PATENT ELY 17ET3 of all kinds. All of which will !e sold a hea if not cheaper tlian they can bo got elsewhere, lor cisli or im proved rredil. A.MiRCW'J. STROH. Ruiiluiry, April 20, 1 85 1 Cm. VL . iUI Y TO rLEA.E. r Handera nml oilier... nro respectfully I tinned I i . . u inive unci will selected st'sk el III 11.1 I.VI UAl.. .1 Altl-1 n TH'I.S, ",,w oUertd hjr tin ml'sei ilirr. c in in art lis f 'Hnvia: Anieiieiin l-'r'nl I r, i I, '., ui'iiahl, Willi night with, I'lni"! . r I.iiim In : i: ..ir-, or porcelain nil r .l-r. Ami.-rir.iii Ir. nl Dor le d'H. I'liraiM, plain, Wll l liitrlit vv rlt, j lmrJ m ln-an furnllllie, i.r polccUll all C"l 1S. Aiiierieim Vr-nt I) inr T,.icl.s and Flnrc Dior, llnrilon till it iipiiidit, I ins fic-iiiuirc, or porr-cliiui ull colors. Am, l it- ill Knn l.fif-'.H, h!I si.. B ntitt qilitlilic. Vliito or lints, furniture, i r I'lircelsin ell e-t. ri. Aimiiivid Mortice (.neks, till sin-., willi plated, white cf l.rii.n Tin niliir.', nr )ircp,iln nil v .1. ,rr. Anii-iii'iiii M.'Ui -i- l.uivlicn, nil n!;!i. wilh plulnl wnila or lirm-r I iirni n . or mii nl! I i. Ami h i ii .11 .in,-,, nml Hun ( I j-t lif, plutia) t tniMi en-uii I1.11H, "i- ii..ri-1'tiiii ull lorn. A in- ri- :n l'r. p, si 'liiimiii. Rnlp, anil Store Door IIALLLE MAirJEACTOKY, CITEAI' Gil AV13 STONES re MIK piilisrril-or infornm Ids friends and tha " imlilie. that lie ronlinue.i to earrv on the MiirMe lluniueKfl in ail in hranrhes, at his ol Ftnnd in Miilan, i'a., and is prepared to miau farturo Mominiciits, TcaiLs, Gravestones, &c, of the Test materials, and most finished work mnnship, and at the lowest rriee.-i. Letter t.'ullins, Kniflish and l!erman in tha ino?t modern and elegant style. l)rsi:;ns lor Monuments, Ciravo Stoiien, A., alwnvii on har.d. K. D Orders for llie East sida of tha rirtr tiromiitlv executed hv Icnvinn- t!a earn at tha oliiee of the 'Ciniliiiry A ineriraii." A A' Til ON Y HirP. J.Iillon, May 10, 1P51. iiit.vl lA-vUt nml IjoelTi of i-vi'iv ,lwrl ll"li. Mial A1111.TKM11 llii't lliiif- i', "I "II n-M-n, liiBl r. nil kltiila. i f wroiiulit I Ji.-wtrnr.u fitiiwriin; wo.xjnit. PEPSIN! MJ 111 NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOK. TIOMPilKHENSIVE summary of T'niversal x- .Hiiitury, together with a Uiogriipliy of L)i tincuished Pi rsoiis, to w hiih is ajipendcd an epi tome of Heathen Mythology, Natural rhilosaphy, Cea- eral Anlronoinv and Phvsiiilopv. Adonted and used in the I'uldic Se.hoali riiii.ide'.nhia. K. S. JONES &. Co., Publitdiara, ,S. Vr. Corner FOl'IlTH and RACE Sts., Phila. Teachers and fx-houl Coniinittees addrcssin letters to us post paid, will he furnished wiib copies for examination, I'lf A I' nil and Comp'et Asforlment of HOOKS and STATIONAKY, fur Sala at tha lQV'Ct Prirtxt May I!, 1S51. ly. TohjTca hE RLE Y, ITS LSI ICOuLDS, A'.i. II 0 ll.ice, (Sassafras,) street. Al off TliifJ, oppofile Ike White Swan Hottl. Talio'.v Chandieis and .Manufacturers can ba aupplied willia lirst rate Article of Candla Moulds, ol ftipcrior I'xccllcncc and finish. N. li. The .Moulds are made of the best Metil and polished by a new Patent Machine, whira !;ives tlum an extra liiiish. They me al'ier tba Eu'tlis'i Blyle the lips to screw mi the pipe, ana the pt i! to m row tiht in the bench. V7" V" Aim a :.-t 1. n to be far superior to aay other now in usc.VJ He ids.) niainilji lures Surgical Pumpa aaa Syringes. A j r.l i :, 1 ST, 1. n.11,1. ;;cv,- .Ir.st Pu Wished. j-a & vai,i:ei:. n. ica chrsnut at. li'nia; and receivinj, TT arc coint ::,l!y I l.c'.v and bc:,iitiful musie fiom the moht disli tuihed eoin'iosors. 'i'lie fol!ov.in:r list eontains tome of their choi cest and most popular doners, Waltzes, Polkaa, &e. A'ow, thou art Clone, a beautiful song, words hy Thomas J. Uiohl, music by Ilaiiibridge. My New 1'uK'aud Home, words and inusis ky Mrs I,, 'lllie. (irjbe's Omnibus; by C. Orobe a collection of Duetts. Sounds from llon'.e, piano and violin, by Jee. Guiiii'l. I'reltv l.itlle P. lkas for TieHy Little People, by J. l.in.i. All tho 'i;ids are Sleeping, by A. S. Won ecy, Omirdiaii Ansel, bv the author of "Love Not." Ilouschiiid Words, written by (.'has. Young, do. 'i'lie Adieus, wonlm by Thomas J. Diehl, m-ti.- by llorr. LEK W'ALKKK have constantly on hand, fuporbr Pianos, and a supply of Marliu"a Cele brated (iuiiars. which together with a line aa Korlmeut of Musical Inutruuieuts and Merchan dize in pcncral, eompriso a stock not to be sur passed by thut of any other establishment in the country. " LEE & WALKER, 1G2 Chesnut street, fcwuim'c Huildinf. Philadelidiia, June Srt, 1S31. ly. . Luti'lii AN .. 1 Til Hil.hvnr: 1 1 1 j Mt. Mnifer. Ca'c. Simp, T., suit II .iclitl ii I'm': Slimier, time. Dour, Flush, 1111. 1 Scrinir li. lt or r:'8i ir: 11 yinl tmii., pvrrv ili-iifriplcn. hrrews, f-',rM;i. (line, S mil I'lipi r ol' Vr best quality. A 1111 iir.ui A ils una !-i.ain Ail rulievs. 01 evtry Vsrirte. Aini-iifriii lltiltiilis. elain fir oil llrit,'J". Iirul"?, ir'1!!, or lTmizt'.l. Arncrii-nn N'll-s. i'1-itetl, wl.it. ir-n. or wocii, c'l knn's. I I'li-l' .nl. r.:ni:iH:i awl ealnil. Willi olliT a'rtielus too ninio.T;rti?t !, m. iai n. fV" N.llH nml SASH-WI'.IUtlTS at KACTOUY I'llirKs. IV All H iMiverril fice of Cliaree t ' say part of tlie 1 'ity nit.l l!s!riclu. At H is il.!ilii!vi, nn lii f i'iimI one of t' e lanrest nml ln'jo ti-s -rdii.-iil. i White nml riinr-y N..bftl".T !."i'l.' , .Ve , ill IhnCitv; sop.ir ri'tlrrnr, ol' wliicli. cannot liu si-iai, or ol,!liil,r(l. pt iipv t ll'.i T M'.li.'. TOC'.S. ii-in .". J-il.s -iiV ilii.-i;. PiiMi-l. II .. nl. rml Hipn Pa". .rii-'U'.l.r:.!. 1. r l.V'-.tl l.-v. rill fii-!"ciisl v illi mm. I- 111:1-111 1' .1 t'n- !,:.! mini I'lniif". iimili l.y li. XV. t'nr- peiil'-r, 1. 1 I .uiumM'T, r.l., Ij.iii' a-II urn e ol Fil:t v,-o.'il, nn'l I'"' l.iltK trrniiml nml nii il. r.i-t;ly'9 .V Willi-iniK unil.f i f rl-i--o!.. Axes, ititi iu Ik, llrawino Kr.iy .-., A.C., nil wnr- r.inii' l ir oit. t'ni;h'! anil SInt'.'a ni:il,o of Angr? ami Aucr Hi!ln, oil aii'.s Aiiii'vi.-nii So'nrrr. nnil llrviln of rvt-ry ilescriplion. Aiii. ticall Itules, Ijiiiii;!.)', Saw?''!!!!, (Jiilnpassi-a, StTPW ilriv, r:'. .Vc. Atin-ricnii C S. IT.itppiits, Claw luul Itivctinp, nil aizrs, Anvils iilnl Vin . nil -izrn. Su-i-i, Ir-'n, uml 'iMiji?n Ilrncer, wilh C. y. llitis, in gn-it vnri-.-lv. V. lir nvrs f -n. I!n!'.'icr ami oi'i-r celebmtM nmlo'S 1 I'Cliis -!s. I'iliw, Pliiin'-lrop:?. Ac., ,.c. A lilii 's r. l. Ijr.-.li .l Curvics T If, ail ai jMnliini one ol" il. c l.i-t nml in mi cx'.-ir iv ana irtmenta of MtcMing Unnlwiirr tnul T.u.Ir in llie Slale. A! iliiii cliiMlflmiriii il is e,. '.'..fi'il a flrasnre t "liow Die ii'!s. Vim nic invitivl lo c iil ' ' ex-ilin- the nwil- 11., -pt. 11. 1 1 l."nr !. rriit nslie-l. I flue nurclmsiiai else where. Com mid M-r n. "i'our.i, resiieclfaltv. vm. m. M-ri,i:nr. N i. 57 Miir!vi'l t'.. Idn-wn ?tli and Slii, upper aide. riiilaiWphin, April I -J, l.il. ly. S 50 FORFEIT. KT'NTl'P. will forfeit $i."0, if failins; to me any ease ct scerei (useaso nun may come under his cue. no matter how lon(r stand inrr or iilllieliii!;. Either set nre invtlcd to his Private Rooms, ;1S A'ortli SEVENTH Street, Piiil.idi lphia, v. itlioiil I'c.r of inleri uptiou by oth er piitienls. t'lraiifrers and others wl'.o have been unfortunate in the selection of n physician nre invited to call. Those who have injured themselves by solilary vice pre also imitcd. READ AND REFLECT. The alllirtcd would do well to reflect before trusting their health, happiness, and in many cases iheir lives, in the hands of physicians, ignorant of Ibis class pf maladies. Il is certainly impossible for one man to understand all the ills the human family are subject to. Every respectable physician has his pec. 11: .r branch, in which he is mure success ful than his brother professors, and to that he de votes most of his time and study. YEAR;:i OF l'E CTIC!:, excliisi-.e!y davo led to the. study and t.eat::ieiit of diseases of the seu i! orsnns, oelherwith ulcer upon the bo dy, throat, novo, or lo;.;s, pains 111 the heail or bones, mercurial rlieuuii.t;.-crave!, ii regulari ties, diseases nri.-du; from yo-.la.ul excesses or impurities of the blood, u hereby tiie constitution has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to oiler iptfiif relief to all who may place themselves unilcr his euro. Philadelphia. April 1'.), US ly. PROPERTY FOR S ALE. njlll E Subscriber who resi les in Philadelphia, JL olfir.i for sale the follow'..!? properly in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz: The largo PRICK ETJILDIIT3 iii mairr Milton, formerly occupied liv Messrs Patlcrsoiis as a Cnrriaire Makers Shop. The buibliiiar is (ill feet front, on upper Market street, and .10 feet on Front street, and is two stories hi:rh. Also a two story liUlCK 1ILACK.SM1TII SHOP, '10 by "j f. ct, on the same premises. The lot ia 011 (lie curlier of upper .Marlict aud Front streets, and is (ili feci front, and loll feel deep. The premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other uiaiiiif.icturino; purposes, and will be sold on reasonable mid accoiiiiuodalin j terms by ap plying cither lo JACOU CAlilMfiAN, Pbil.ult lphia. J. F. WOLFINCER, Es j.. Milton or H. H. MASMOI!. F.s.p, .Suii'iury. Philadelphia, Jan. r, luol tf- Urnit Imjirovrmriits in making I'reneh IShit 31 ill Stones. CHERRY PECTORAL: Far I he Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSEIJESS, BnOW OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH" TaA, WHOOPIIJG.OOUOH AITS COHSUMPTIOH. The uniform success which has attended the lire of this preparation its salulnry effect it power to relieve and cure afi'eclions of Ihe I.ltntrs, have cained f.ir it a celebrity cipiulled by no other medicine. We oli'cr it to the afflicted with entire confidence in ils virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and remove the severest attacks of disease upon lhc tliroot and Luns. These results, as they become publicly known, very naturally attract the attention of medical men and hilantropi its everywhere. What is their opinion ol'CMEIIiV PFXTOKAL may be seeni li the fol! -.winy : VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prnf. .'-'. ; Xe!. Co'! S,v V,,.-., ..,.:. 'Il cive"s ii.o pie; smo to oovlifv the value p.nd eflieney of Aver's CJlEI'.'iV' I'ECT'l 1i'AL, which I ci'iisi:!er pec uliarly ::.l.i;.led to cure disea ses of the Throat ami Lui"rs.'' the rt. rev. lo::d lii.-nnj' fijh.d. writes in a Idler lo hi- IV'fn.l, who was siukiiij under an iii.c'ltoii of the I.i.m.s: "'J'ry tlie CllEAMlV PF.CTOJ.WL iue.1 if any me'dieinc can Give vou rciief, with the blciaiii; of Cod llml will." chief jr:--TicE i:i:stis. of Louisiana, v. ii'.ei ' 'i ii.it a vueii,' dau-hter ol' his was cine. I of M'e:al eevi- by the Ciil',V.': V i'E'.'TO;.' Af-nc.iA and 1:;;: 'J.V19 (t:.f.'ii ! Juttm::1 i.7' states. "That Asthma a::d r". in this iuelciuei'.t dim i',e. Ins aim; rapidily I.) Ayer'n C'HIE and wo cnimol to i sir. no iv re ful prr erabv. Let the e a'.laekd of Cnu p !.." :.( :: rri.-. ?.ulieiil i'ei. iiet n-'dlis s- vn v.d' ut '. ie'. led w il!i sio ja i- ;i,V PEI'TOE-M,, ommei.d this kill- trillion to ti;e 1'roils -io:i and puhilc ;;en- relieved A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At tho C'uliliirt Vni e Ituoiti of SEirN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, AUo at the corner of Faint flrcct 5' the Railroad !L'NRL'UY, l'A. Thankful for tho patrnnaie of bis friends and customers durinir the IT years lie has been in busi ness ,i this place, he solicits from the public a con tinuance of Iheir favors. Durinir this period he has cndeiivored lo keep up with the improvement ol liie ilay, uml lias accordingly extended Ilia busi ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore, invited lo the utlcntion of the present slock of CAIIIXF.T YVATIK AND CHAINS, 3H N'TArTt e id nv CEEASTIAN IICUPT & CO. Al Ihe GUI Shuvl. Where in addition lo their former stock of the establishment ihey now- manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. L'irse Sprhfr Scat Rorlan Choirs, Drearim Harems, Cent 're Tallies, Mirhlf. Top Wash Stitnds, itml n v riicfy of oihvr new style and E'ttsEcisaMe ftirnif urr. ILiviii'T secure 1 a Hearse and made the neces sary ariiiio.rriiio'its lor li e purpose, they nre now prepared for I'mlerlukin;: in a'l ils branches, in Ibis vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye iTiHv and ini'.'ri sr.i-, mid Imskindu loo, H.-re's fnmitore ,.f every i-iyie nnd line. FY .in side li ..lids d mil to kitchen t-d.les, prom r. eK'n.ij eli iirs to loi-'iinc r: -nil. s Plionld y.-n n -t l-nvr- 1 1,,; t.ndv ,I,.N t-i pe, We'll wait e.wlnle for a In iy'iter !i. !' rr il-iy, (li lido- pnl iti en. nuts, c rn. wlieul nnd rye; 11-irk. I. ..op p ..-. w: e, ,ir l iinli-r w-t and dry, Or any lliiie.' !-!it y-l-.es SiiiI fir- sliiiu flails, I'l-in i-i an.' t'lr! a iV.wn t- lit!'.' q.i.iiis. Ci ait on tlien friends, c nnr one nnd n!l. Keep Ir-.'!,. (i n-.vi,i!f, Sll'ir ieson telvl!!.,, J"?1' O.-ilcrs fr.-.m a i'i--t.iiee promptly attended lo n-.d wo-k i.firl kio.'s do ivered wilh dispatch. Snnbiiry, .March !), lHoll tf GASTRIC JUICE ! ' Prpjmrpd from Ft E..ETt or thn f-nirth Pl'Hnnrh of (ha OxT nller iMiTti ni of HAIU I.IKHIO, that gril 1'hyw l'iKii-Hl i hrniidt, hy J. $. IKU OIITON, M. ! No. 11, orili Eighth SrvI, Vhilrulclphin. Pn. Thii in n t ri 1 1 vn !i'rr.il rviwAy f-.r lMMr.K TlO, l)Y!Pi:PI.. JAlMJK i;, MVKR COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION hikI li:iilI.ITY. Ciirintr niter Nn turr's own ihmIkkI, hy Nnluru'a own ugunt, the (itixtrie Jturrt riT Hail" & tritf MM-nifii I of tlis I'luitl, infused in wnu t will iltcet or i!iw..lvu. b ir 1'u nnls of llonst Hecf in uhimt Iwi li mrs, out of tlir rntn.tch. DIfJKSTlorr. 1 Ui7:TI(t riiit-il; nri irnifd in tl:- Ft nnirli liy tltft I w m I ol u ti'itil wliicit lfi-c:y cxiiif, iiotn (ho imuT ril Ir.-iit ci lliff I. h f, the iiilMiiit-: A'.'i nt of the ft t lit it' iliiri-i-tii'tl n miMtiiiii intm. :.mhlcHlnic- :ir;1ii-. A Wfii'r. til UiOfl (illll'K! .iiiti wlm li I U'llil !l I ol th:il iu ii-iti, v;'ci in (, .Inii'f. This' tiiiri if tin; (ii.vi! Piiril yimr. lrcfi'tvii!!!. n:nl Sii lurtrli mill hilrfliiicw. W'j.li u: il t!n n litn. M.) r. inter ii n of fhiil into li! u of the hntW li;) r-liier ,t f-'t'l. tiriii:t. ). tivf r'iiiiiiiim f Hit wh'ilc t)iii i-o up J'Oer. uml iirntTlhe (li;K-:ii', tl.ii.c enntie. f EIVIN AND KEN NET. PKt'SIN tli.Tiji-'.' rle-iirnl, or n. p-it pi-ji-fstiM!? PuiK i plC of t lt- (jUCiliF. Jiiicr, )L l.s 1 1 .-1 1 " I 111 irtcil IthlHIil til'" in t!.- n tint p:Tit:i tn' ilj.; Inini hi .m, ,.!. , !!, , i;,-.i)i, mi-! s !! tittlff. l-.ltiftp the St, i.t;i(. ! ,i,.r. v) i.:..- ,,r-.( H n. It Ift .i!n . fiuit-l m llie .iii,.; ;t . f i..,ni.;i: -. u.h tl.u ox. fill'. At, h i tV nvii-.tMl l. f;,:,,i(vH in iM!inrr ni.-mf, c-illc.t Id inict, l!i- rit.c- i i v. l i'-'i h i.s I-.hu Sn- H Hi- rjn-i-i.il W 'inli-r .j I ' liry. 'M u ri,.- i.'. i r , ( is (,,,. iir:i pr:. I" "f irj-.'.-ll. !l. . ., ; l.'illf. 'W'T. Tin- rionn.rli i if iiH l' wi'i ror ut-vy, u t!- --ni.1 titni-.i JUNK NOTE TAPLE. conni:cTi:j) weekly. TVS X ; Y I . V A I A . M. SSA (.' A I'M "rT!. eii-v or emi.At.Ki.riiM. All o-leeni luniks I ilia .;. .' ,"""',,e l.ldn. I!ll(l,i; ISLAND. All a-lvenl l.ni.l.i, iin All adveiil Irmks i ilia eoiNTiiv. CO.N.NCI i:cl'T. Ilnnlt or th iMTslMirjt I ilii All solvent Imnks ! dii llnnk o! Clil Rler Co. i:n iMHV VOllK Hunk of Del. (J.,. CheMcr i ir , ,TV. H ink of (iei uii.niiMvii inriAII s dvenl Imnks dia Hunk of (i.-llj 1 ilip Ilk n .ten under S-5 I ilia Hank -f I ewifiloivii eolMliY. Hunk of .Miililletnv, II 1 dis All s-lven! r Imnks 1 c!i M -lit if -inery Co II., iik nir MIW .1 1'.UT.Y. Hunk ..f . r! !:n pi lie i I'll.!. n j llelvnlere Itnpk dis It-inkof I'itlst.inir 1 ilir l'i.iiiiiiereinl Il;ink dis M ink ol r.aiwilli iiinl'iir. II. nk M..ut .,'v j.:ir "il lis!" Il.inli 1 ill." I'..k M.,.li.lillet.nvil'l'l. mr ('..liini'.in li'l; A; Il'e Co i .or M i-c-lmi . ies' Ilk. Newnrk far I .yelrl-wn I:. ink m Meeli. I'.k of Hiirlin..M .n .nr Kn,!,iii ll ink ji-irlM-eli. A- M:m. Ilk Trenl ear lOrie Hunk 2 di.Morris Co llnnk J dis r.xelinn.-e ITk Pillsl.nrr I di.eN.-u nrk Kk't A Ins. Co i d'.8 I'.xel,.,,,..,. li'k. Ito.n. li I ill.' I 'i, n...e I'. ie.k KurnterN' I' k. llii"k-.'.i (-nr l'e .pl.-i. Ilk r.illerin.n I'm in. r' l-.k. tiii.-nsler .in l'i ine.-lon llnnk l-'ni-ner-' 11. lie-idiny i nr.S il m liii'lkltie I'", Ktirtlt. 1: :,..lt Cr, niir :-ii:i' ::. ! (' i llat.k "aHilCOIIa'ilge Ymii' Mvn!" HA AS &IJENN. FASHIONABLE MARK OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'T'HE suliscriliersrespceirully eill the attention of Ihe public lo their lanre nnd splendid assort ment of every quality and prirc of C' A EE & V. l mt ZZ R. which e.ninnt fnillo rcommrnd ilfelf toevery on who will cMimiiie it, on account of ils durable workmanship and splendid I'uisli. made up of th best st ii k to be liu.l in t!in rj!v, x r(j-rt j, spaied in the manufacture of their ware, and th stihscrihers are ileiermhied lo keep up with th many improvements v.hich lire eoiislaully Peine; made. Their Mock consist of Mahogany ' din -..ri., illlll B.UCIIltfC.V. .p-ir MIFA, IMil'.UinsT AM) IiIMNG TADLfv. I I I). Ilk Wtiwn s-i.V li l-'r.iii!,li,i lll. W.isii'ii lid lirirrislinur I'.nik II. .11. -Siliile tl-nk 1.1'lie-oler I! r'i l..d.l.ll- I'.p.ii iMereh. 11-in. H m1 .Mineis' ek. . -:i- i Al-n iir-.ln : I.' ., , Tavl-rn e IV! Ir- c W . s' Itrmei, i:.-t Wvinii : I:!,. Wiiki Y-'rkn-k, ' us oi a wei:.:.! oi mi I iert ol IVy, v, d ice I I'l.it I! I-Will . I . I... . Ilir ii I, oi i:' i.l.ii.- llin!. -Hue diliM.V tii.l.-lil'l IM.I ol M'.Cei I. r f- I " 1 'I-- , i ti'-i; IVi.d: V, re Al! . All s l: I Alls It.Ml'." Mt C:iMllh'll .Sintr l! r.!iz:i! rllitnii S ift- II. ml; Nrwir'i dt t M il; I.';. V lliiiiirnii priSti" I -ni. i' '"ii p-t.-iTf nt -n l:i'-h Co I .1: li M 1. ! . . -r r. ...y...,":.yy-r fit I r r-, 1 t'l --'i'ff ' ll- M '1 ' f IIM I'T "l i;. ! Pi;i,v.r(i:. p ir l' i:.!; oi 1 .f:iv ir 'r I'-M', 1 1 ili'-i MnVll'it I I .. iv-.-mip CM-.- !!-Mi!i j lit; jiiir 3 di .J ''is k per J.lis .'.r: I. "sill e.H'l e-i r V,': !,'.'.! : :,' 11 i !v.. i. VI. i' f .- A! .h'. ! h. ami also ,?, m.y HLLXDS, c.pjal to r;.,; ile.li i !-i mannl.icliir, P.El'STE AFs. AND .pl'i-i niaiiui.iciure. 1.1 I'Vi-.-y lia!!p:ti nnil n'e. crpllOAIUlS v.i!!N- AND C.WDLE- MAM. TOILET TAELES EXTENSION TAiH.l'.S, par .ir nnr edyw. p:i! I ,!'. ..... .(m l-kiw i'.r 1 '. : " 1 : .' . V. in. unit ni (- ir ; r I'm1' .' sir, j .lit l.illO. t ''. ..' I -,.'..s 2 d's :' ! ' r .V I ilis j '."K i ! i'AI;m.i:. I -A I - ''. lit l n.ks .ii. ;,;.'l'.: re s, si .I.k in short, evrrv Till v n!. o i of l tide inini!'. in tl.is !!.,- of their businesa, ' I'oe i.'.l kinds am) iiualilie ! iiielmlrint CM A I I . 1 , :- I.;'- ' ll!l. il! . SI . ' n r.t n ,1 v r. ( ; (il.' la! 1 1 1 . v I; .Ii. .s went In iv lie TC1FNTI j llMldN' l.li'.i j l'!u,m..-irv. hi- r: to tlie (instrie .Ini HI. 1:1 "An A: IC EVIDENCE a .e,, pro- 'I I hil -W j li.r 1 -I- i -i Ah' ii-iI i r7;u: :;'..--.::'.-, i:. c. The 1 e ij-i , I'll- e'.t: I ! 'i i b. I... I led' iii !: I In I Piet." e.l' (I li . s 1 I. el .'i l-l- rine ..i i:-.... ': 1. es : 1 i M' .1. ji-t in l m t.ia. h.'' r.'i.' . in k... :'!! i .- i-.- ie I -Kile ... - I , V t I . n i-.li. '1 li. rva i. no cum: no vayi Hugiies' Fever and Aguo Pills!! A PERFECT and speedy euro for the Fever and Agui is guaranteed to any one wh may Uec the Pills, 'i hey have been used for the ... rr,i i'.'i., and have never been known to fail iu a r:lli;!c ilislancc and in cases, too, where persons have had the diabase for several years, without intermission. ihe proprietor challenge the vorU to produce an article that will cine iu as short a time, without leavinz an? ili'loterior.s cllecla from llio use of it. If Ihe Pills do not pei I'm in a siieedv ami in'ifeet cure, th proprictnrv, ill irturn the money. Forsalo by Jacob fci. Lawrence, Mincrsville ; E. Hellas tcm, Ircvorton; H. R, Dixon, Nehnylkill Ha ven; John W. Filling, unbury; Mary A. Me Icy, Aoithuudieiland ; Dr. lleekly, Danaille ; John Sharpies, Caltawis.u j Dr. Judd, illiama- p orl j John Uaser, Mdlon, and by respectable irni'i;ii-is uiioi.iiuoui me rotate. J. CI 1JT1.S C. Hl liHES, Proprietor, Pollsvillc, June SS, 1B51. ly. T X tlia iim f I KkmikR!iii:s inlpl-ved east iron I'oe wliieli in built into tlie Itiinni-r. st, n l i till w l-.r lhc weir ol t!ie St. ne, oi I lios u ni'ivenMt.' '.ilnnee - ryne and driver , US 111 keep 111 ! I. d ai-p of tl.o i; ne willi "at tmni linnit linlil it ia w-ra out. lint .1 .ek of III rka ia Fel-cted in rrniee, mid tlie !.ei! qnn'ily i-nlv nvetl. ! lid l.arr 'n.-s ir-lll to II feel in ilri neler with (lis I w- i S: ne t- rinl. s.i n. I prereat tin- runner ehokini; in (lie evil. II llin- CI itl, nf nil ipiniLers, ehen), for Crfj.li. Mill 1 1', 'in. and Sin in M noil i nrs i impelled lo order. ii. n of to- ri-1 si. .--, fniea'.i'.s for Cninlrv Mer- elniti.s, ini.ii.rird and lor fc-ile l.y j. i:. mik i!i:i,i.. No. 1 oi l Yolk It.ni I, near l!.o Indian Pule. J'liiladelj.l.ia, April 1-.', 1: -Jl. (inni. STOVES! STOCKS! 1I1E siibscriliers return Iheir sincere thanks to their cusloiaers, for liberal encouraaenieiit for the last year, and hope by strict attention in mini; orders to meet with Ihe same liberal patron age. c have on baud Ihe greatest vatielv ol patterns of uny other Foundry iu the I'nited Males, and still inkling to their numiier. liive ua a call before pitri'liasiuir I'lseivliere. Our stock embraces a Rrcat variety of Cooking stores, of the most approved kinds, Parlor stoves for wood or roal, common stoves, cylinders of ali kinds, and odd plates of nil kinds to repair stoves. For eminmrr use, u small Stove, called 8um mi r baker, new end stiieiior Furnaces for burn in.; charcoal or stone coal, this ovens of several dill'orent patterns, D.ike ovens, several patterns, hitching po-ts, Spout irons, and a variety of uni fies in castint;, too luminous to mention. The Hardware Imdo can be supplied with common 4, S, (i, 7, and 8 ipiart Tea kettles, al very low pri ces for cadi or city acceptance. A few casks of superior Herman black lead on hand. WARNICK cV LHIP.AXDT. Noble si. wharf, Delaware, Philadelphia. ( April l'i, 1351. liiuo. rcr si i .il; for him.-clf : - H um e;i :i, .Ian. SI), is 17. Dr. J. C. Aver -Hear Sir : Knvi-- been res cued f'om a palofol -c-l i' m-, too s diiva.ie b-y your medicine, tira'.itu.'r prompts me to send yon this Bi knowieil-meiit. not only in justice, to ynu, but for the information of others in like uiliic lion. A slifiht cold upon the In net, ner.leeted nt first, became so severe that spill'ino; of blood, a violent eouuh and profuse ni-hl sweats followed and fas lened upon me, I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cousli, and a pain throuuli my chesl, and ill short had all the alarm iifT sv mtoms of ijuick consumption. No medi cine seemed at ail to reach mv care, until I provi dentially tried your ClIHi.Y PECTOiYAL, which soon relieved and no'.c has cured me. Yoms wilh respect. E. A. ATHWART Amianv.N. V. April 17, 18-1S. Dr. Aver, Lowell Dear Sir . I have for years been ufdictcd with Aslhina in the worst form ; so that I h ivc been obliged lo s'eep iu my chair for a larger pari of Ihe lime, being unable to breathe on mv bed. I had tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until my Physician prescribed, as an experiment, your CHERlvi PECTORAL. At lir.-l it scenic.! to make me wor.-c, but less lhaii a week I bciriin lo experience the most irraliiying relief from ils use; and now, in four weeks, Ihe disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed wilh comfort, and enjoy a state el ncallli wlncli 1 kail never expected to enpiv. C. FORCE H. FA UW ANT. r nr. t'A nr. n nr j.e. ti:ii, ciibm ist. low ki.i ., m ass. rr5 Sold by Henry Mnsscr, Sunluiry; Mary A. .MeCay, Norlhiinibei'land' Dr. (iearlmrt, So- liusgrove; Dr. Ui'.k'y, Danville, and Druggists generally. Feb. i:, 1S51 !)'cr3,n I CITSVILLE, PA. T lis. MARY V.'EAVFR respectfully informi T tiie public and travelling community general ly, that nhc has opened this lare and commodious HOTEL, liii.ii'ied in a superior style. From her long csiieiicnce jn ihe business of a Inst ruto Hold, and well known reputation to necommo- dale, her ciislomern may depend oii being sujiplied wilh every thin conducive to their ronil'irl and convenience. Feb. 15. lS.51.tf LAWJiESCK HOUSE. SUII2UHY, PA. 1HE subscriber respectfully informs her friend 1 and tlie public generally, that she has taker, the above, well known stand nearly opposite lhc Court House, lately occupied by Mr. .1. C. Per kins. S'.ie trusi.s that her experience iu business anil her e!. nts I m ike her diets coniforlaMe. will give entire satisfaction In those who limy fj vor her with the!.- custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1-5.11 tf. TiirAouriiN, pa. FpilH suliicri'.'er rc--i.'.ifo'!v intorms fie pub!!. X thai he has opcui d a Public House, in II i new town of Trevorton, Norlliuniberlaud eminlv and thai be is well prep.arcd to accommodate hit guests in the best manner. His house is locales' ucariv otipii-dte the Company's Sluro. He isalsi) provided wilh good stabling suli'i.-ieiit for -II hor ses. He trusts by prompt and careful attention to business lo meet a share of the public pa Iron age. HENRY li EA ER- Trevorton, Jan- 11, ls.itl if a:td VAICII ESTABLIS2iSlTT I;i fJcl-;;-roVv?, Pa. C lot-lift. i'sifc-tuK st:! ,3i'.-.vrlr.v, LPAIRED in the best manner auJ vvarrautrd i .lor.), we.!. mtrii ged tj lus eara wiil be airictly ( (iIHI. inlii. of !,-. Ail vv attciidcd to. -'elinsgrove, Nov. no. isoo ii. zninzo&ii nous's. ESTAlU.lSilED is YEAPvS AGO BY 1)11. K1NKKLIN, AT. ff". Comer of Third and Union N.'rcf.-?, BtTWKKN SI'lUTi: AND 1'IXB STHKLTS, IIKTl.KN YilAltS of cxtcmiYR nml iniinternipleu prnriict? pciii ia Ihitt city huvr rrn.l-ml Ur. K. the in M ftpert nml snrri'BM nl i.r:.ilili. ncr f.tr ioi.I niir. in tht ti-;ititn:iit o nil tlisousrn oi ti private ititnre. FiT8.n fiillit-tr.l wuh til ith upon il:e l ly, ttironi, or lri;.4, pauiR iti the hcii'liT Ii MH-:--, nu irmiiit rlu'iniiatitiii, s' rit-tnn-H. Kitivl. ili'itN nrii-Mia; ir.'in vi mt lit nil t,X'',ri'H or nnpuntirn of the I l hkI. wln-iehy inc i' institution Inr int; cnicchlcd, lire ull trr.-iicti v iih tsin-cic. lie who pl:ic(- hiinerlt nndfr tho enre of Dr. Iv. ., miv rr- liii nsly t'.infi'lr in lutt Ihmi r iik :i i-iitlciiuni.iiikl tvuhileiit ly rely u;"n his nKiII iik u pliysit-nui. TAKK PAUTICri,Alt NOTICK. Yonnr Mrn wli'i Imve injnrtij thfinvlvm hy n cr!uin pKictirc ili'Iillui'tl ill :i linhit frripn-nl I V IrMrnn! triMll evil nnnjmiii.'iis or nt whool the tl'tn ot whirh nre nii,rl;ily frit, t-vrii wlirn nslrt'p, nnd tlriroy Ii ni miiitl nml h xty, Khinitd npply ininicluitrly. W iutkiiDM uml Mntitnlionul itelility I 'Ks of niti'-nl-ir rscryy. physic il lail tulr nnil jrrn eral pn9tmtin. irriluliility nml nil nrrv nn nfTt-rttn indi prut inn, flluuirishncpji nf thr. livri, nntl every ilieH-nscin uny wiy roimrrh il wilh the ills n!rr of the procreutive fnuc lioni enrtd. n:n! full viL'"r n-stortul. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a prunialure death. KI.NKCUX on Self Pr. sirviition. ONLY 25 CENTS. Thin tt oU Mint pnMichoil im fi!!H witli ni'fiil inf irmntian nn the intirmiiit uml liftrns.M nf thf CiiMfrntivo 'rffniin. It mlitrefif -t nvll nlikr to YOl'Tll, M AMHX U) mid )AJ A-K, ami fch.iiild W ir;nl hy all. Tlie vnltt'ihjr mlvicf mil i;n;irr:flve wnrninz it (jives, will prevent yvirnol mieiy mui stuf-r ing ami m-ive shiiikiU ly ThoiiKiit'lM of laivrn. lVirmis hy n-aflin-.' it will loam how to prevent tli dei tnirtion of thrir children. a.A ifiiilTt iniT of rri,8, enH iMl iii ii h-ttrr. d-.IrcM-rt to KI.NUr.l.l.N. X. V. c.mer of TMIltD ft I'XIOX Stir-'t. hrtwrrn Spmrr K Pine. Philmlrtjilua, will I'limire n l nk. nn'hr rnv. l !, prr return ! mtul. prrri 'iifnt a diHtMnce m:iy tnMrcss Dr. K. hy lelltT. (Mitt iviifh) nml hr i-nir l at h n-. pack (.i:s i- Mr.iirixr:s. TmtF.rTioxs. e.. forwnrdei! hv 8'-nlinir remittance, ami nut uptiuie fnnn J.MA(ii: or I I KHISTV. It iK-e'. iK'rl, .M'W .'j:-inn, iniiiits. i ,ui .ismt-i h. nun mil others t;;'pid wih the nUivc work at very low rales. Srptemh.H G. ;-vra 1. vm. :rcAiTY, ii o o k s i-. i, i. i; it , rout! trail, SUUBURY, PA. f .I AS recently received, among other articles, great variety ol .New, ing )iublii'atinns such as I Per,-. I In. ! Oi' e j ley .. I e npi.' t r !-. .r . .. i... . i....:,. , l, I Kl V.-lil lV e !! .lie. I' ri -ll-K.- I . I':- li ..'i..- !..( ... lienor a :: r, , c. wineli : e. ei Jir. i;i;.ll..',i. .....!. a- . f tn'.-. !! -.- -.. .... o, I'l-ll li ' ' . , lo lin i'.io. i ire pi-n :(.- ! I f- .1. j:.d ,.f , V,K .i M1: ! Ill 11 I Wl.e i.'i....i,t IV,.!,! On- lir. Si l;i s t-.-i-.i w . (I.eu , Heine!,:,,,!, pi,,!.,, p. every .1 PI ;i'.-i' f ,. ;t of i.-.. Mi-n. I r.ni re- ic. food ii dis-fileed ns r.ij-iliy i prei:ired Irolll Pi;ii;n, lis ti rtself,' h.if.sv.r ni'fll,lie; . de!ji!ii;i. in Lie. -i .-it w-r'i oi in-.re lli-.n la:.. ;i: -es I . in lin eN I .en. n 'i .! s wil'i lir oiililliil II i. t:ie II I ill .- iiiPil-i nre vv-,-l k.i 'o n. "In ni. .v., red n jier;'eel in t'.- -t" ;';--n! Villi ..is al l ,.- ..1 mil '. il -I I -i 'I i . i.li.s l!..n In. : lie lad in W A! HOT V!eao i a re of .celled U " ic-e. :' 'if s':ll .:ii..i.ie in . i: e.tuiuad v.aic and " r-: ;:.ibJ .e. I ouu- ; provided . they are lu- . ..:i o'. dis- '.e f;,rai, : o-po-dl ii Art. i;::nn. i . i I 'in arlilierd ds i ill '..... n itnrnl t 111. .II "of Mm,.-! : "'I'lie ilis-i-'-il lii:-ry I.. i .vv nl 'live lllii.l. isllic Jlliee nil Mil . I ;im- I'e niivo- : i.. ai.il ii il pr.-M I'lSIS n'.lci 'I tl Ml "I liilet ti wi'h .! fT-le li'MI 11 idFlti HI !tc:n;ui nt, . Pi i r ,11,-, ni 1 i;v. ;' this HUt-'rrt., i .In- 'i is'.rir .Itti!' t 111 !i nn t in r-.c in ti nt, t; AS A DV.SI'KPMA (TKi-:!!, lr. IKH'liliTON'S pnv,n(ti n of Pl-'.PSIN I ertt ihe in r: svirvcii i- el : i r;iirr rtifcs i i:nin?i;iti'M. .-rv .11 -' P-flnn. :"i ! )-. -y.ifpt i1' ( 1 Silpp. sru to l-r t-... vrv V. . the yt-ivr. p '.sm!.Ic t i pivc tlr E-u! .,1 c-...- s 01 th. linn r!l;'rM li'- !i:H ' t 1 1 ir; : 1 11. 11 in.rr 11. m two nrxr rritt:. m phiini.-it inn, v-w Thepc wen- n-Mitv il. -iir- t lint oulv r:i;-ii! to'il w in.I'-rfiil. -.1 niiini.'U ;;t ;:ini. ' rit- v. iti ti ti ns to U- Irrrinhr , 1 -.vl.- I ti- ir empii- n-ili n of fri'-nif in ihr 1 Ml I'm n-nvirnhr kn-'v ni it- 1 -ii tr, mi l t ti. i r ct i.-'unt ( i in hi. Ail r -iinnii'iiei .i ;(.' !.i'-'- I ( ) V. o.) W'nshhr.-i-t.,. l. c. It inn urrcit Kit '( lisrlul f T t"l'!"l!C 1 t l'ever ami Ai'ii". t-r h:rl evil fir 1 m 1. 1 I jt;ti:f iJi.irstivu nrrnn, ii'"ici in r;ttMn.'. ii'i.l tin- t : pr v l'.i I i-!i ; it y. .M,-. ill Ml. It nn 'l' this ii !- tif-iviti-y h.'.v.-l-!-!-. ajtwri ;i d 11 it k. iti.i-; rk, Hlft I! ' ii I'i'tur. !!. rn.l l!n- c:iri-s were t 1 t- i s t'i)('l'i:, ;i:i l pnrlicnl:irlv h.h !!. ti" 'o,-t, r.iv.r f ifn;.-.i..t. !v ir.nVil I-'.-v-T ! A-rne. ! th-.M.-r.-niy. am! 1 'no d.-ns u;--(' lhc a I -t ir!i n ..! f -r i i'in t iii'lt nt n, n it.-'. It .-il.110.4t mure. rcL'oncili-n M.-tllti wilh In OLD STuMAfH COMTLAINTS. Thrre f no firm t.f (II.O S'IV',I CtMi. A I NTS Which il (h.i'K 11 it M-i-iii In irneli anil Irbui.'i- nt onrr. No tnttnr h.-w i.:r ih- y i.ny v. il I.IVI I.VTAN'I' liK I.IKP ! A Kinvlr iTif.. r-;mi.'. i;;i nut. !-.!' mt fynip. Imiis. nml il oniv n"''(Jri l. l.. r.-pr-iif-l. f r n hh t! I :in. t.i IHJki- lhrf ..!. ff-eis n-n:..i-..i. iM'KlTV iV lil.H) ami YH.O't U' fiUKV. f .li .w ;m 0:1c. Il pariienlnrly PXcrltiMit hi rn'cs nt .i"if-''!i. 'i ) oil iiur. CrjitnpH. S-nene-'s of the pit "f thr Si inim h ili!n i-i mi-r i-'tm-j, low. i-.tl, stale ol thr Hi !. !!. n iiu-ss. ( , ?vii-.s m' Si 1: ii. Ursp tt- (trncv. Knrit'Uiti '-It. ,."i':iiiK-. lr:i.!-".ry t l;iNint!V, ei.lc.'Ar. Price. oK DOI.IAil per h !:,. hvl ,ttle will often elfcct a t.ni imr nre. PEPSIN IN PiUVDEnS. tr sr.vrnv mail, pki:;: m- i'(isrnr.. For e-nve'il. nee ..!' s.-nil'i.... t- 1, 'I p. .ft. of llie e.-nntlv, ihe iui;i;s-i'i i: .m vi'rr.u m- -nn; i'i'.rsi ispm i.. ill llie !' .nn "I l',.wl- i. vv Oil diiei fi-ns to lied.ss.lv.il il wuler or hvrn;., I,y t':: ;::-!:,'.. I. Tli.-e ' 'W.l -is e intiili, JUS! lite fame m-illel lis llie l.-i:;. --. Lip twice lie- .jannilly for Iii- Winn.. i nnd w ill ! e s. :it 1- mill. I'Klili IIK PUSTAlil-:. I 1 UNI-; linl.l. VII , ni V,, .ht-inOil) to lir. .1. IIOU-iHTO'v, No. !l oa;i -;y!nli street, Pliilnilfliiliiii. I'v MKASSIIP Tin: PlU KIr ' ' r.sci i.vi'!i s, nr. Every one his own Plivsician ! iliini- -a elh edition. v illi upwards of .' -! a liiiiidied engraving, shovv- -, ."ii in- 1 ectiliar disc ips i:i cve- 'i- :i'.iie and firm, an.1, inal- I'tri s y t -y f - ,vvi- ' Icra. l.i..!..j rcstcce lean years of p tain cove !.. Fvlra Tie e,: miia.-iiip tlie oi- si lo Iroo! t!ie '..-...'- 1 : p.ovi r 111 v as j - n : 1.1 I n- i.'l ,p .-v A ; I'in-.ip and Entertain- e: f r live il ' 1,1 evrrv 1 .d-IMil .M, I Six piieloi lienr. llie vviil'i aole Pr .prie..r. Sold l.yiiL-enl l.v les.ie.ei.l.le .! run sAt.i-: i:v j -im vv. Snnl-iirv. I'n. Marv A. Mel'iv J-hii 11 Hi" r ' Haves A" .Me!'.irili:e!i, H. j. I 'Mas.', .1 dm (. Ilena. W'llllion 11. ;'; 1.1. Sanlinry, S. H. I till. ls.;n.. -f. I'.verv p-i f j. s. mu i - -.,i i, .UI-uN. .M. en in tlie l'nit. 1 it-iiief m-neinlly. I'riii.iL', and fie i Stnte., nnd -e llrii-M N. .rlliniiil.eraliid. Mill -n. Mi-Dwnsville, S.-!iii..-r iv e. f-eier !.l!::ia':in;. AI.ilo ie.) . Coopers novels, complete or separate. Herberts Do Rodwell, Dumas do Trollope, Sue do H illiburUm, I'eyiidols ilo Marryalt, (,'ni ktuii do tirey. Maxwell ilo .Marsh, Jeuold do Ainsvvorlh, Morris do At the low price of from '. tooUits per volume, tuubury, Sept. S. ti. PHILA A't.lD P.1jlDI-Ta RATLmAD. St '.l Mi lt A'i:iA?.K HKVr l ii.M piiii.viii'.i.piiiA a: i'iitts'. ii. i.r.. I' r. r r s ii c ti 11 red. VfH v-'fji ('?".:? fyl.Q loiiii-.iii-iis of the generative a;, stem, s ; . -. ' nv vvvi. vo; m. r. ; . 'i'lie lime has now arrived .' ' to u persons Hiillcriug li.un secret iIimmics, nce.l no uniii! l.econie llie vii dim oftjuai l.c-.-v, ns by i!.e pr.- : ri ti ins contained in this book any o-.ie may cure l-.ir.i.vlf, vvilaoul oind-raio-e to .iii..'-i-i. or t!ie kuowled e of any nne, and wilh one tenth lhc listed expencc. In addi tion to lhe '...cner.il rol.t'-e of private disease, it fully explains tl.e ete.-o ol manhood's early .k-elinc, with oliscrv at'p'iis on inairi.iio l.t-siil.-s many other derauciiicnts whit h it vv ouhl not le pro per to eiii.iiii rale. 'JTTAnV person rt"l ting TWCVI T-IOVt I I1STS end im"! in a b Iter, w ill revive oi.e copy i f this book, bv uinil, or live copies will be scut lor one dollar.' Address. 'DR. W. VllI'MI, .So. 1.52 M'RI'CE .-!re. t,PlllI,AI)-.I.,l! A." I'.i. t-j nid. 't""DR. YOl'NH e.tu be eo. isi, In. I on any of (lie Diseases Licscl il'C'1 iu his dil'lorcnt itililic;,liolis, at his Oliiee. 15-1 SPRITE Street, every day be- ween '.I and li o'clock. (Sunt! y. :-Vce,;cil.) Phila. Icln'iio, Nov. !!, 1-,."I. Iv. j lioiluts-d bv l!: j if it vv eie. l-lie'-p i faeully, ns all di I inl .-irle ol i'ii! siTilig ol the V and belli I !'' i: I'ol.l' liuill'l' diuai'y ea.- s. I AMI ;:!:sr(n:A'i-!VK. v.-c t,v a 1 i--: - a!! dio-es of Neuralgia, . ..nv,,!,- ile.i.lj.-l,,, f,n '"'' '''l e-uiv i:Ni,nu ; will I ... (j.,,. M-.ir. i vrn after li'.e ooly l.'.o'.vu and car- .- !::. ni l! iii-Liliv . Yin !; .''.ui. (!.. t' :i, ISO. I mi. v. '.i.-ii talking of the nits' ?,'i ..,oi Antidote,'' ::i:i. ', i'v Ir. such a vahia 's a!'.' cti-.-s u.is not in-. :.p:l .XC'l 'r V. , ..I' '-V . iios HULL.,!' -('I.D HY Win. McCARTV. lir., .''rpl.-iii! or. -J ', is;,;' c, j. yal: Sii. i l!-. M,rKf'. ft., h In-(c-.oi !i s'.'e ' he il l.i-iUv !" replied, That vvo'il.l ic Io'i-r r I e any ti.-r for a si ;,-c.i or; riii. i',.", I lrom a dism-ran-i.e.v;..; ; ;'ic nerve. i;)P maia hole rH in Kep tins in order, is:-! an.! !-.h!v mils! be." o ill for d r iid-.niv, Sunlnrr. i" ,1 rnfe en 7 ; ) .tf., Tin 1 and ..i! cilv. a ham l-.s. .1 cr has i i s lo trad -rs on;,' u-snrtn PATBMT JAPAi'I ULACKIIiG. M:t,:i'ftvinri, No. rm C'liESTNl'T Siioei, Mill! I !.vv..,,!ed Iv i'ic FRANKLIN IN S'iTJ'l.'l'i; f Phll.idi 'li'hi.i in Uctober, AMI TIIK I'iRsT rri'Mil'M !.v the MARYLAND IN s'J'l iTTE. ci lla::imore. .Nov. I.-: is ami 1-.'. t'l.:i.,.i. ,, (.,. i -ii:., 1SH. I have u i'.! .1. V'el'ar's Pali i.t Japan Liquid and Pa-le i;i:u'!:i'i- for some nine months, and inn hi'ppy lo say thai it sii,pasie any blacking thai I have l. ic.l lhc e t ,v. i ;v o.id veils. I find il holds t'lC poll- ill r tloiu a::v I !.i pemd a new hut etor nt d others vv ho visit the out o! ii;it-i, cai.s. of eve ry v.irii-iy. iii iile up of toe In . I material, and in tin' lalesi au.l i .i- t si vie. and on tcniiKa reasona ble as can be bad iu a:iv e tabit-'iinciit in I'lula-ili-lplda. viz: I'me si.k bus i,t .--v:..1: ; Im.oiI d do al H lnu. 1', ,.-..us In ;u i';,. connii;, who pur chase of him, can rely, a! nil imp. s. mi getting a --ood article ilia: will p . n-.- d.. m, and one thai is fi.r.v v,.-;!i ii money p,.i,i. C. .1. WALTON. l'i. i!-d. !p!o i, Nov. II, 1 ion. ;T. :.i.:l p; a- Ilia il.u v '-. nn X i hue li. I 'l! : . tV, Ch. d. .e le .lll vcr Iii. I It 1. l:s. sl'iti! strcii 'i .'ore," let t orr-s ! .l KA! il.- i ; a t w. r k-. ...-.: j Traveller.) I ; -T.r.l v. :. , I vv ,s 1....I. I l.iiv. l: .u i . He laa nam (,. r :il. I.lft. .. e..:., out n ' nv Ineed nil . r.vlena (i.ri ..f hv it C'litinura I v. mel, l.,e ,!e.,,.,.. ful .el . mail I ee a-r i.f il, .1 H,' i.Vm- 0 I r r-i ,!l C UNION IIOTKL, EliUBTJEY, PA. rilllE MIP.S WEITZEL'S resjHfully infnrm JL the Public that they still continue to enter tain travclhr.und others at their old e,tablii,J alsnil in Market slrcet, west of the Court House. Tieir io'.ng experience iu the husinrsa, and (In well esiaiiUiiv'J reputation of their House, will, they tiut, be a sulii.'iciit guarantee, thai their cuslomers will be well accoiuinuJaUtJ. March 8, 1R51 tf. wi'NM5ir.'.Nn's:?RLNa MORTICE LAT- CHErl Aii excellrr article, for sale l hall lb usual price by J- FAILING, Suubury, July 7. 1819' I ) LAN IC Parchment Puiver Deed and blaak Morlgjuea, liuiida, Eecuiiona, flurnmeae, &.c.. fr sale l.y il. 11. MA'M. bmibury, Apr'd t8( 1851,, I . ALSINjv, currants, cilron, cheese, irin?r sauce, ce. Fur sale by J. V. FlilLINU Kunbuiy, Dec. 3. 1R4S. i'IHTE 1! RANDY FOR PREsER- , just receive! and or sale by II U. -MAUSER. Sept. 2, 1S.50. pi RE Wl VlNO.ju ijpLA.NK NOTES, waiving th exemption 13 i law of :ioo, for sale b jpril .. 1851 D. 1. MASTER. 5 Ylfl''LN(! FH I1) anJ self sealing EuvT 1 lopea, just received aud for Bale bv j5UII!.v'rV LlI) AND PENSION' AC i:CV. The altention of lhe pnblie is called lo the ad veitisemeiit of Mr- Charles. C 'i'ueker, Attorney aud Agent at U'li-lii-mii Cite- Persons hav ing claims lor homily Lands or Pensions are in formed that I'oe subsci iber has made arrangements for the reipiisitc forms, and claimants calling at his oliiee, can have iheir papers prepared and forwarded to Mr- Tucker nt Wuliiiigii,n, and by him be properly attended to before tho De partment there. U. 15. .MASS Kit. fduuburv, Jan. 13, 1S51 April 11), S51.- 11. U. MAM.SF.R. "fOlt sale at this office, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at S3 eta, Pur Eseuc of Hinger, K5 cents. EXTRACT CF HINGES. A freah auppiy just received and for siaI at this office. Piice 25 cents. funbury, July It, 1851. "3-1" ciiJ tSaJiWCE OF JAMAICA CJIXUKH. MADI-'. ffU.I the Ik t J:un:iiril filacer, all tli vuluuU inr ticiinl piMperty I whn h it u .11 he tounU lo jvj ztr in u e ni cno-m ami c iiccuir.itt-il i inn. Il is n in il i ilici' tit u nt 1 at Lite rune Inue haniilcKV, ifentlj sttintilillii-j t mho if tin Kt tin fli, uml will he l-uml vi.ri liriuli.'i il iu icliL'vni:i the painful ami lietrtK,inPx luvlinyg otiMkloiu-tl I y tlie ini':orti urti i ol this iuiprLaut tirjtuii, l'n.ui K'iIi tou wttole h-u-iy louftil tnkeu in u witie-gijws ful o Kweclrncri WMttT will imtiat luitcly re in ve llie tUlu lenc uiht oinin taMion rrsultui" fiom 1111112 1 Mi aitrt if tnken two or three time il lily, us rcipurctl, will U-iouiul liiithly useful it'jinst the lahsttinleuntl sense of sinking of ihetjiiiju. acli uml M ntlrncy to ns dis nlcretl uetion oecitsi'inetl hy lhe euervmiiiK til ret 01 the sunniur iu-;iis, or I mowing niter 111 disposiiioji, uiut fur corrccliug the naipuiit status ui limri hu'u, d.e. It is also an excellent metheine for Ihse who have in- jureil ibe l"ne of llictr atouuu-ha hy the ininuxlcnite utt of mltiinutinij lujuorat, iy us vljjtitliy sliuiuiiitiiiK t ueel uoa lliv utoiiuu-h removing thcernvintr for Bliinutunts. white it litis no injurious uetitui on the hruiii. Mini is not aueeeetled hy lf.elhts nf ilepressioii. which uhvuya folkw tlie us of ule-'h ilic atiiuulnnts. A few drops uttth'd to imiffnesin, rhnUirh nr other purer tiv umi lieu kui, will rentier ilnm mora aeetifitaM to the Kiouuicfi aiiu pieveiu lite yri(iuy whicu Ut Oj.l Lu awuuitfuay PREPARED ONLY BY AMTiROSF, SMITH, DUUOUIbT AND CHEMIST. . . N. E. corner of llh ami Chestnut Struts. : ra.lmUlcdua, Apiu 14, 1M1 v . i i . jisisii: or Tiui: t'ntti:, Enritr.ry, Ta. Oflicc in Deer ? I reel, imme lialely oi'positn the Public School House, XT Monies collected nnd all l.aainess ix..ir.iit!y and eare- f.lllv ntlendnl lo. April Si), 1K50 piiOW'N'S lis ENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GER, an excellent article. RvnwAi'a Medicated Soap for sun burns, tan, teller, i: Railway' Circasbimi Dulm, for the hair dand- mil etc. Radway a Ready Relief for Cramps, C liolic, Cholera Muibus, Ac. For sale by 11. li. MA.Ss.EIl. Kunbury, -tnir. 5, 185(1. f.:.TONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al- moons, r ones aim t. ream .n uvu. Planes ot all kinds. fall and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRIUNH. funbury, Dee. SII, 1R4II. I5 0U1CN and (iold Pens. On hand several coji- iea of the life of Christ, nnd also a ninuU'r of gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. Fur sale at this oliieu. TfT" ENNF.DY'.S' TATENT .SASH FA.S JTENINGS A cheap and excellent arti cle lor fai.teniu3 sash for sale by J. W. FRILINC Sunbury, July 7, 1819. ILEYS COVUir C..NDY. An excel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this oliiee Oficetf the Phi: a. .' rinii.di Two I'lis-eii-cr Trai ts and afier A..:! ! rim each va-, , i p.iia and Pollsv t'.'e Mt;: r Leaves Fiiii-.lv 1-i.i.l ai Sunday . 'li'l, s D. Voir ; o'i-o,,; c. March I-.51. S ti'v, (cxci pt Sunday is.;! u.'i Ii itus v.dl iv, la'l.v ecu l'lili.oM- .' 7..V. ; a. :. Lcavi-s days. lV.lsvilleat 7 A.M.. u.i.'.y cxci il..- CM-ejit fi'.i'.i- N.v. r J.-,,- "nl'lUl '.I I , I i .!. WEI. I. AW, Mrecl, above f'-ec lid. m m, - ' -'l.-Ul'Jj ' ..J. IMI c. I-I Ii I Sv. .1 1 1 ta- e. vv llh per. ui-MtiJ II l u:vik. : es. T , T T' T !' A ",' lol.i.l. Leaves 1 rtutitlays. Leaves Pollsvioc Sundays. i:r:xit v lphia at " at ; r.rxi: c'.j.-k, clock, d , excej I J". I A' .'', !aih bona e.u.l Poils'.i! s ears. ca.'.i.i .-, te, i .) 5 -J.l el, ia a' id i I el , is ca. . iia, conn r of llriind and 1st rVILE PAPER Yellow Tisau paper for 1 covering uluaaea, &.c, for sale at the oliiee ol lie A uieru-u. Nl'RfING UOTTLESUreast punrp, and nipple tidies- A sujiply of these useful arti cles just received and for salu by JOHN W- FRILING Sunbury, Jan- 18, 1851 tf LANK DEEDS printed on the beat quality cf parchment paper, sold at the lowost price t tbja office, by holelo and retail. Ectween 'PI 1st class cars and .; llelvvee.l P! i!a l-l;.' class cars ntu! I. '5 V Depot in Phil.i-.ii Iii Vine Streets. Patseii'iers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTK 'E l-'ify pounds of ha 77 a-e will be.il- lowed to eaeit 1::... a iii.cr iti tliese liue.; and ias- scuizers are ex-res!y prohibiied frotu taking auv- thinir us luiTjatie but their wearue; aj jiarel, which will beat tiie risk of its owner. liy order of the Eoard nf Mauti rirs. S. LRADFORD, Ajiril 1 0, 1S51. eerelary. V ia;. 011 renin: A!! on Phi 0 T-T r. E No. Ho ;.',frj Sir: it, vT.)f, I il.rir i !!. xv Thinl, 5? ir : I, atj -.T'4r zx I A. !. a" kinds i.:' 1 1 s. c. c, of the latest r a 1 I I.e. I 111 I'.crial, ;;:c l.ltiu'.lfaelured Dr. h In. C I'.lll! CIS hiiaih'lphi a:i ;n-t 1 1 a.- Iv Iv i.llend, 1 io. E17. !d:i 1, .Nov Lim'OPiS.Vv'IXKS. kC. 1 ! nw.w.l a iir : ;:t ci' i:ie tn I1TK! mz.1 I1T1"! EOLTvSAU'S Iri.lo., 'rcctiWo and IudelUMe WniTIIIQ IIIK FACTORY. No. 1 South Third street. VTERC11ANTS and the WriliiiK community are reipiesled lo call and examine this INK, which ia wtitrautetl nut to corrotTi MetalUe JVua, nor chattel it Color. MVIioleHmle nitd nrfnll, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A liboral discount made to Merchants and the Trade For sale by H. U. Masscr, agent for Sunbury NovemU-r U, 1850 ly. Valuable IJooUn. LIFE or t'uaisT, handsomely bound, D'Ac aioxi'a HisTiinr or tkk Riroa matio,, Blask Dat-book tin LcncEiis, full bounded. For sal at tlie publisher prieee by Sunbury, July 11, 1843 II. 13. MASSF.R HE ..bvilbcr !.a of lhe lie-t li.ii!,.,-; eoni r.ii t in part of rSiii:er':,.r old pale Prtuidy. Fine ( 'o -id :,. li.a.t,;.. . Superior I tid .iauiai.-a Spirit.'. New En kin 1 Rum. l ine !l, :;.,i:.l (i.n. Superior ( lid Whi-key ( :.;lllil! Ml d 1. Sujicri. Mii.k'lia Wine. Lislion do. ilo. .vi!pciiar Porl Wine. i:ur-.!ii'i.fv Port ii.. Sweet Mala- t W ine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles, Chanipa-iio niipply 'inoui v. i . tlo. do. HENRY 2(1 IS 111. MASSER. S uuliiiry, May C II A li L E S V 1 1 E (I I N s", "" i-TTCPslTY AT L.VV, Will promptly attend to collections and all busi 1 icss entrusted to Ilia care. Juno 10, 18-1U, STONES WARES, STONE milk Pans, stone Ju-s and Pitchers, and other articles of stone wnre just received ,d for sale bv JOHN W. FRILING. Siuibury, June 93, 18111 TINEAS, from the New Yoik Canton and rekin X Tea Company. For sale bv J. V. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1848 BAY RUM. An excellent article for sal by HENRY MASSER. fcuubury Jan. t7(Ji, 181Sf tt !NCL 1 . .. . xtim or nv r.ii "Ui I I' ES, ! irilit a few I'Klsl si: A i :.i.!'.t 1 : ' v VA LI' A !!!. : 'A EC IS f;,t . ,.. -n. -.',.-o- Oll'le llll l (lli-ioli- Kx-ertiileul. In 1 l.l.'.iis 1 .:Y : DING M oh 'i.e.i. Peifcoery, Cliemislry Co. I.erv, Farriery, Dvitur, Coiifectionarv, Do- nicsiie l'.coiioitiv. vie. etc. 1 to. Price lij ct,., for sale bv ' I ! E N R Y .V. A .-E R. Sunbury, Dee. 8, LOO. Ju-t rccei-.e.l at Ihe store of HENRY MAS Sl'h', a I d of Caps, (,'uiu shoes, Alininaca, (aivii.svv.ire, Li.piors Ac sold ut the lowest price. Dei'. 1 I. 1S.50. All of which wilt b chronic di- "MINERAL WATER, lion, the Oak Orchard O Acid Springs, lii'jldy valu.dile iu cbl seases, and Ionic rcmcuics. for sale HENRY MASSF.R. Sunbury, June 15(1 tf c Also. silk HATS at 3S5, for s.de hv H. MAS6ER. Sunbury, Dee. 81. t PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison' wrilin- and iudellihle ink. Cotton yarn ami lajm, jii.i received and li sale by ' J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Th. 5, 1818. LLANKS. W TLANK.S of every description can bo luxlbjr tl) aj l dying at liieollice of tho American., ADD'S celebrated Horso ami Callle Medi na tr aale by HENRY MAS.SER tSuiihuij. Jan. Tlh, 184'J