SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. New Advertisements. card To the Free and Independent Electors of Northumberland County. Fbm.ow Citizens : Encouraged by the advice of eevcral of my personal friends, i am induced to oiler myself lo your suffrages at ihe next election for tho oliiee of Associ ate Jcdue of Northumberland county. I canno boast of lining a democrat, nor w ill 1 exult at being a wliiji being of opinion Ihiil if a man havo no other merit than that of belonging lo one or the other of Ihoso re spectable panics, however deniable their countenance und support might be, such a man, I say, is not the best candidate for pub lic support. I am of opinion, with the illus trious J efferent), that iho time has now nrti ved, when the only question, that should ho asked in relation lo a candidate (for a Judi cial office u: least,) is simply this: "Is hi honest, is he capable, is hi' jil These ques tions if is your iimpiesiiunr.ble province lo decide. Under this persuasion of the quali ficalinii for the otiice, it only leniHius for mo lo say, that should I be elected, will en deavor so to perform the duties of Ihe office, its never to inquire, or desire to know, the politics, or religion, ol any suitor in Court. Olio respectable gentleman aheady named for the office, has declined for the present ; lint intimates, that in future, lie may be obli ged to vou fur your votes. My case is not similar as I am now in my sixty third year, there is not in any human probability, any "Inline" lor me in relerence lo tins matter. I remain, fellow citizens, Yours, respect folic, WM. McCAUTV. Sunburv, Aug. 14th, 1851. SHERIFF' SALES. TY virtue nf a Certain Writ of Yen. Exp. to me directed will be sold by pulilic vendue or outcry, nt one o'clock, P. M., on Saturday the 18th day of Oclolicr next, at the Court House in the lmreimih of Sunbury, the following real es tate to wit: A certain tract of bind situate in Hhamnkin township, Northumberland county, bounded North by lands of Jesse beats, Eist by lands of Peter Adams, South and West by lands of Solomon Keely, containing 1G9 acres more or less, wliercou are erected a l.o-i and Frame Dwelling House, a I.osr and Frame Ham, an Apple Orchard, Ci der Press. Ac. sicwd, taken in execution, and to be sold ns the property of Daniel PciTi-ly. ALSO : All the interest of Ihe defendant, supposed to l e the undivided half part of and in a certain Tract ol' Land, situate in Lower Augusta township, in tho Conn tv aforesaid, hounded North by lands of John J"c ninj. K:it by lite same. Smith by lands of Herman Sh'piuau. nud West by lands of Jacob If. Khoads, cniilaiuiinr four acres more or less. Sch-ed, taken in execution, uud to he sold as the properly in' James lioss. ALSO: The umlivi.ii J fifth part of a certain messuage and Tract of Land, situate in Lower Augusta township, in the Coun ty aforesaid, ailj oiii'ui r land late of Christopher Arninrtront, (now in the possession of Joseph Wcitzel.) John Wijjans, Leonard Ilcnninircr and Nicholas Wolf, containing eighty acres nnd sev en perches, the whole, liehnr the same tract con veyed by deed dated Dee. 13th IS 24. Isaac Zeig Icr lo John t!. VmuiKiii.iu, in trust for the heirs of Ksther Albright, dee'd. Seize 1, liken in execution, nnd snhl ns the property of Peter Hrijlit, one of the heirs of saiil dee'd. " JA.MES COVEItT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Otiice, ) Suiibu y. wept. 27, ISol, VALUAI5LK FAKM At Fublic Sale. rjMIAT valuable Farm owned anil occupied by Mr. John McCleerv, deceased, sit liate in CbilisipiaqiiK inwnship, Noi ihinnher l.llhl t'ouutt, on the west side of the West llranch of the Susquehanna liver, one mile below lh; ii.irnuuh of Milton, on tho main mad leadim; from till' hitler place In Nor thnmbfilaiiil, coiita i 1 1 ir IIS'K II V X 111! K D ACIiKS mi. I alliiiaiu-e, will he sold nt Pub lic Out-civ, at the hiiti-e ol lleiny LYkbeit, Iimkf-pir i:i Milton, on Thu C:!rf ihni of October next. As this is a veiy di best lecunimi'inl i 'sirable prupei ly and w ill It ; llinse willing to purcli, i Si 1 1 1 i : of sab The day of ; are rcpn-sted lo call nml the premises previous lo the day j will b' made known cm the tv WM M fLEERY, J "liN WALLS, 4t Kv'rs 'epviiihi-r Vh:h;cCiEl' FARM F021 SALS. riMIE subscriber will sell at public tale, nt the House of Theodore Wells, in the borough of Muucy, Lycoming county, On WEDNESDAY, the 12:hda of NO VKMllEU, 1S5I, A Valuable Farm, situate in Muncy township, Lycoming county, containing 200 ACRES, more or less adjoining lands of Iienjainin Wa ller, Jacob Haines, Janus Rnbb, Samuel Wullis, nud others. To be sold as the estate of Edward liubiu, dee'd. It is within three miles of the liorough of Muncy, uml a half mile from a limestone bank, now worked, nnd that vein of limestone extends into Ibis tract. About 1)0(10 bushels of lime have been spread on Ihe farm within three years past. There are never failing springs in nearly all the fields, and Wolf Run pusses through the middle of the tract. The spring at the house is remarkably large and line. The situation is healthy and every way desirable. The improve ments arc a large sized two story - DWELLING HOUSE, a one and a hulf story frame DWEL LING HOLSE, lutely finished, a large 11ANK UA UN, very well finished, and provided with extensive stabling for horses, cuttle and sheep, a Wagon House and corn crib, with gruinuries above, a Smoke House, a twa story Spring House, plastered, and other out buildings. There is a lurge APPLE ORCHARD gfj of fine fruit, and a large numlvr 2 ""'- of Peach, Pair, Plum, and other -' fruit trees, of a fine quality 011 the premises. About R0 Acres are cleared and under fence, and 1 be fences are mostly in good repair. The balance u ihe land is well liniU'red. The place has been carefully farmed, and is now in a fine state of cultivation. Bale to commence at tl o'clock, of said dar. when the conditions will be made known by CHARLES UOUIN, Executor of Eiivtm Corns, dee'd. Muncy, Aug. 30, 1851. u. ATTENTION, FARMERS' AND MECUAXICS' AKTILLUIUSTSl! "yfJcU are commanded to meet in - Market Square, Sunbury, on SATURDAY, 18th of October, at 0 o'clock, A. M., fully equipped for drill. By ordei of the Captain, BOLOMON 8TKOH, O. 8. Sunbury, Sept. 87, 1851. Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves ! ! ! A S the cold weather is approaching, the sub Ja. scrilicr would respectfully call tho atten tion of the public to his stock of stoves, selected from tho latest and most approved patterns, con sisting of Cook, Parlor, Air Tight, Chamber, Office and Hunt Stoves, nil of which will lie disposed of nt astonishingly low prices. Persons in wnt of Stoves mid desirous of getting tho "worth of their money are invited to cull before purchasing ctsewiicro, , No Stoves kept that cannot be recommended lie also continues to manufacture Tin nud Mi co I Iron Hare in nil its varieties. Iirass Kettles, Dippers, Dish runs, Urittaiiia Ladles. Japanned Vure, Ac N. H. Persons purchasing Stoves of the sub- seniicr, can nt any tune procure y miners. Unites, Eire Brick nud odd plates, to replace such as may nc required. ). M. HRAL'TIOAM. Northumberland, Sept. 27, 1851 3mo. NOTICE. In the Court of Common Fleas of Northum berland County : In the matter of iho account of William Si IviMiben Ft-gely, assignees of Duugler, Haas & Company, liled in said Court, Aug. !), 1851 In pursuance of nn older of said Court, 1 do hereby tiivo notice that the said William d lli'tiben Fairely, assignees of Deugb.'r. Haas & Company, have exhibited and liled mi ac count of their trust in tin: Con it aforesaid, and that said account will bo allowed by Iho said Court, on tho first Monday of November next, (being the fust day of Ihe next term,) unless cause be shown why such account should not be allowed. JOHN KAHNSWORTH, Frolh'ry. Prot.lionotarv's oliiee, Sunburv. Sept. 27. 18iil (it. .Mount Carnicl and Shamokin j'ail Jioad. A nicclina of the corporators of "the Mount Cnrmcl and Shainokiu Kail Road Compa ny," and of the subscribers to the stock of the same, will be held on Tuesday the 7tli day of Octolier next, at the Holed of Win. Weaver in the town of Shamokin, to organize the company, nnd choose officers theieof, agreeably to the char ter. DAVID THOMPSON, WM. WEAVER, WM. JI. MARSHALL, J. (J PERKINS and others, Corporators. Shamokin, Sept. 20, lSol. lit. Notice to fhs Heirs cf PETER STULL, Dee'd. OTU'E is hereby Riven to Peter Stull, Jane lull, Esther Stull, Fanny Stull, Elizabeth Stud, Aaron Gaston Uuardiiin of Samuel Stull and Lester Stull ; heirs nnd legal representatives of Samuel Stull, dee'd. Rachel Stull married to Joseph Jones, now dee'd. Anne Stull, married to Christain Snyder. Elizabeth Stull, married to David Wainpole. Eliza Neville. Jeremiah Ne ville, nnd James Nuvill, ly their (Juardian, Aaron (laston, heirs and le;tal representatives of Maria Stull, dee'd., who was married to Win. Neville. Funny Stull, married te Jacob Lilly. Jacob Stull, Peter Stull, Henry Stull and John Stull, that by a certain writ of Partitions J'aei entta, issued out of the Orphan's Court of Nor thumberland County, to me directed, nn Inquisi tion will be held on the Real estate of said dee'd., in Delaware township Norlluinilicrlanil County nt 1 o'clock, P.M., on THI'RSDAY, the 9th day of October, 1851, nt which time and place, you are hereby warned to be and appear, if you think proper. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Sheriffs Oliiee, Sui.biiry, I August 2:1, 13I ti. J LIGHTNING RODS. rjpifE subscriber has constructed a LIGHT NINO ROD on true Philosophical princi ples, by which buildings supplied with them are rendered perfectly secure nifaiust destruction by I i -1 1 1 1 11 1 1 j . 'J'he couiicclioii nnd iiisuliition of Ihe rod, as well as the preparation of the around rod, is on an entirely nvw plan, making a more per fect conductor than any heretofore in use. Measures have been taken to secure Letters Patent for the improvement. Persons desirous of securing their lives and property from destruction by lightning, can h ive conibictors put up lo their buildings in the most perfect and siilistanti il maimer, by applying ci ther personally or by letter, to the undersigned, at the fillowing prices: For 1(1 It. with a good ili er plated point -fl 1 0,00 For 10 li. with gutit plated point, pluti- i,f;,, 12,.1!t And twenty cents for every additional foot over forty. 'J'. S. MAC KEY. Milton, Sept. C, 1S.11 ly. To THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. BNCOl. RAOED by my numerous friends, I uflbr myself as nn I N DEI' EX DENT CA X Dl DATE for the otiice of THKASUIIKH, nt the ensiling election. Should I be elected, I promise lo discharge the duties of said oliiee with iidelitv and iiupuili.ilitv. JOHN DOWEN. Simbury. Sept. 13, 1851 TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTIIUM- 11ERI.AXD COUNTY. T the solicitation ofa number of my friends, 1 oiler invself to the voters of Northumber land county, as a candidate for Associate J ud '. Should I be elected, I promise In discharge the duties of the oll'ue faithfully, and with impar tiality. JOHN P. DENTLER. McEwensville, Sept. 0, 1831. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fti.i.ow CiTiatKXs: Encouraged by my nu merous friends, I hereby oiler myself as an 1nii:pi:mi:xt Candidate lor Ihe office of County Commissioner, of Northumberland county, nt the ensuing elec tion. Should 1 be elected, I promise lo discharge Ihe duties thereof, with fidelity uud impartiality, JOHN TREGO. Sunburv, Aug. 30 1S51. TO THE VOTERS OF N OTI1U MB Ell LAN D COUNTY, frill E subscriber respectfully announces to his - fellow citizens of Northumberland county, that nt the earnest solicitation of a large numlier of friends be has consented to la-come a candi date for ASSKMHLY. llelieviug that the great interests of the farmers, mechanics and others, should 1 fairly represent ed, lie promise to use every honest elfort to pro tect their interests faithfully, and to the best of his ability. JACOB 6EA8HOLTZ Lower Augusta, Sept. 6, 1851, Volunteer Candidate FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGE. THOMAS 8. MACKEY of Milton, will be Volunteer Candidate for Associate Judge, at the ensuing election. September 6, 1851. IHLLH-Juatiees and Constables re Hills handsomely pnnto on card paper, for aij at llus oliiee. Notice to the Heirs of WILLIAM SEITZ, Deo'd JfcJOTICE is hereby given to Elias ReitJt, 8am 1 el Seitz, Jacob Seili, Daniel SeiW, and Catharine Scilr., heirs and legal representatives of Jacob Scili, dee'd. To the heirs of Peter ieitz, dee'd., a brother of the said Wm. Beit, dee'd., to Sarah Seiti, intermarried with licorgo Dniuel, now in Ohio, to Isaac Drumhcllcr, men olas Drumhcllcr. David Drumhcllcr, Jesse Drum heller, heirs nud legal representatives of Catha rine Drumheller, dee'd., late Catharine Hcitr.. To Peter Wagner, Samuel 8. Wagner, John Wagner, David Wagner, Catharine Wagner, in termarried with Daniel (Sondmnn, Rosina Wag ner, widow of Michael IXcidig, dee'd., heirs nnd legal representatives of Elizabeth Seitz, dee'd., who was intermarried with deorge Wagner. To heirs nnd legal Tcpresentntivcs of Margaret Seitr,, dee'd., who was intermarried with Jabob Swinehart, now of Stark county, Ohio that by a certain writ of l'urtitioiri Fan tmta, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Nor thumberland county, to me directed, nn Inquisi tion will be held 011 the Real Eslutc of said dee'd., in Jackson township, t in o'clock, P. M., oil MONDAY, the Oih day of October, 1851, at which limo and place you arc hereby warned lo be and appear, if vou think proper JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Sheriff Ofli.-e, Sunhiny, ) Aug. 23, 1H51.- li. " ) (iKNliUAIj ELECTION PROCLAMATION. PURSUANT to an net of the General As - senibly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled. "An act relnliii"; to Ihe elec tions of this Commonwealth," approved the econddiiv of July. Anno Domino, one Ihou- aniid eijrh'.'hnndreil and ihiily-nine, I, JAMES COVERT, lliirh Sheiid ol the county ol iNor thumbeiluud, Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that a goiienil election will be held in said county of Northumberland- on iho SECOND TUESDAY (14th of OCTO BER. 1851, at which time, Stale and Coun ty Otlicers, ns follows, are to be elected : One person ns Governor of lhis Common- weahh. One person ns Canal Commissioner of tho Commonwealth. Five poisons ns Judges of the Supieme Court of this Commonwealth. One nerson ns President J111I20 of the 8th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of the Counties of Northumberland, Lycom ing, Clinton and Centre. Two persons 11s Associate Judge of the several Courts of Northumberland county. One person ns Senator of the 14lh District, composed of Northumberland and Dauphin counties. One person lo fill llie office of Member of the House of nomcseutatives, to represent the county of Northumberland in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania. One person as Mierill lor tlio county 01 Northumberland One person ns Piolhonotary for the county of Northumberland. p .-rson as Commissioner for the coun ty of Northumberland. One person 11s Treasurer for the county of Northumberland. One person as Coroner for the county of Northumberland. One person as Auditor for the county of Northumberland. 1 also here by make known nnd give notice that the places of holding the aforesaid genu ral election in the several bnrotifihs nud townships within the county of Northumber land are us follows: Th! Siiulniry District, composed of tho lmrouuh of Siiiiluiry, and Upper Augusta, at the county Court House. The Anonsta District, composed of the township of Lower Augusta, at tho house of CJeorjre Conrad, in said township. The Northumberland District, composed of tho borough nf Northumberland, at the house of Augustus Huutz, in the borough of North umberland. The Point District, at tho house of Henry Hans, in the boionoh of Northumberland Tin? Milton District, nt the house of Fred, eriek Sticker, in said borough. The Tin bill District, at tho house occupied by Abraham Kissinger. The Delaware) District, at tho House of Henry Reader. Tim Chilisiiiniue District, at tho house oc cupied by H 'iijariiiii Foidsrnun. The Lewis District, at the house of Mi chnel Render. Tho Shiimokiii District, at the liouso of Charles Leiseui inir. The Upper Mahinoy District, at the house of flbni'l llfini. Tin; Little Malr.inoy District, at ihu house of Fiedei iek R.iker. Til," Lower M ihanoy District, at iho house of Michael Spilt z. The Rush District, at tho Liberty Pole School House. Tim Jackson Distiict, nt tho house of Peter Schwartz. The Coal Dis'rie!. nt the hoi:s; of Wil liam M Weaver, in the town of Slianiokin. Section 3 That .'ill that part of Coal town ship, in the county of Noitiiumbeilaud, lying west of a line beginning lit the line between Coal and Cauienni lownships, at a point two thousand left west waul of w heiH the said line crosses I he west boundary of a trad of land surveyed to Alexander Hunler thelwen-Iv-si'venth day of October, one thousand sev en hundred and ninety-foui ; iheuce north fourteen degrees west to the line between the townshipsof Coal and Shamokin, be, and is hereby erected into a separate school and elccliuii 'district, and the cpialilied voters re siding within the said boundaries shall hen?, after vole at the general elections at the pub lic house of Henry B. Weaver, in iho town of Trevorton, and Edward llelfensteiu shall be judge, and Jeremiah Perkins and Daniel Beck ley inspector, of the next general elec tions, and llie voters lhreof shall elect the inspectors and judge of Ihe geneial elec tion for said distiict at the time and place of hid. ling the general election. The Cameron District, at the House of Jacob lliupt The election to open between iho honrg of f and 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. Tho sevHiul Inspectors find Judges elected on the 3d Fnday of March last, in pursuance of tho 3.1 Section of the act of the. 2d of July, 1830, will hold tho election on Tuesday the 14th day of Octobet next. 'That every person except a Justice of the Peace, who shall hold any oliiee. or appoint ment of prolit or trust under the government of the United Stales, or of this Slate, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned ollicer or agent, who shall be employed under ihe legislative, excutive or judiciary department of this Slate, or the Uni ted Slates, or of any city or incorporated dis trict, and ulso that every member of Couyress and of the Slate Legislature, and of the select and common council of any city, or commis sioner of any incorporated District, i by law, incapable of holding or exercising the oliiee or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk, of any election of this commonwealth, and that no luprctur, Judge or any olher officer of tuch election, shall be eligible to any otiice to be then voted for. And the said Ad of Assembly, entitled "an act relating to the elections of this Com monwealth," passed July the 2nd, 1833. further provides as follows, lo wit : "That the Inspectors and Judges chosen as aforesaid, shall ineel at the respective places for holding tho election in the distiict IS 1 which they respectively belong before nine o'clock in the morning of the second Tuesday of October in each and every year, nnd each of said inspector shall appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of such district. 1 also hereby make known and give notice that by an act of Assembly passed on tho 9ih clay of April, 1849, it shall be lawful for he qualified voters of Northumberland coun ty, from nnd after the passage ol said net, to vole foi all the candidates lor the various of fices, to be filled nt niiy election on one slip or ticket : Provided, That oflice for which every candidate is voted for, shall be designa ted, ns required by Iho existing laws of this Commonwealth. Section 2. That any fraud committed by any person voting in Ihu manner nbove pre scribed, shall be punished ns similar frauds are directed to be punished by the existing law of this Commonwealth. "In case Ihe person who shall havo receiv ed the second highest number of votes for In spector shall not attend on Ihe day of any election, then the person who shall have re ceived Ihe second hicdiest lumber of votes lor Judge ihe next preceding election, shall act a an inspector in his place, nud In case the person who shall have received the high est number of voted for Inspector, shall not attend, the person appointed Judge Blmll ap point an Inspector in his place; and in emu the person elected Judge shall not attend, Ihe inspector who received the highest number of votes, shall appoint a Judge in his place; and if any vacancy shall continue in Ihe board for Ihe space of an hour niter the time lixed by law for iho opening of the election, Ihe qualified voters of the township, ward or district, for which such olficers shall have been elected, present nt the place of elee lions, shall elect one of their number to fill such vacancy. "It shall be the duty of said assessor re spectively lo attend at the place of holding every general, special, or township eleclion, during the whole time said eleclion is kept open, for the purpose of giving information lo the inspectors and judge, when called on, in relation to tho right of nny person assessed by them lo vole at such election, or such other matters in relation lo llie nssessment of volers, as tho said inspector or judge or ei ther of them, shall fiom time to time re quire. "No person shall be pormilled lo volent nny election as aforesaid, other than n white free man of twenly-oue or more, who shall havo resided in the state at least 0110 year, uml in the election district wheio he oders to vote at least ten days immediately preceding such election, nud within I wo years paid state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before the eleclion, But a citizen of the United Slates who hud previously been a qualified voter of this slate, and removed therefrom and returned, and shall have resided in the election district, and paid tax ns aforesaid, shall be entitled to vole after residing in this state six months, Provi ded, Thai Ihe white freemen, cilien of the United Stales, between the age of twenty-one and twenty-two years, nnd having resided in the state one year, nud in the election dis trict ten days as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a vote, although they shall not havo paid taxes. No person shall be permitted lo vote whose: name is not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the commissioners as uforesaid, unless. First : He produce a receipt for Iho payment, within two years, of a state or county tux assessed agreeably to Ihe constitution, nnd give satisfactory evi dence either on his own onlh or alfirmation, or on the oath or alfirmation of another, that he has paid such tax, or on failuie to produce n receipt, shall make nn oath to the payment thereof ; or second, if ho claim a right lo vote by being nn elector between tho nges of twenty-one and twenly-two years, he shall de pose on oath or aliirtiialiou, that he has resid ed in llie state at least one year next before his application, nnd make such proof of resi dence in the district us is required Dy this act; and that he does veiily believe from the accounts given him that he is of Ihe nge afore said, and give such oilier evidences as is re quired by this act, whereupon the name of tho person so admitted to vote, shall be in serted in alphabetical list by the inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the woid 'lax,' if he shall be permitted le vote by reason of having paid tax, or tho word 'age,' if he shall bo permitted lo vote on account of his age. and 111 either case the reason of such votes shall be called out lo the clerk, who shall make notes in the list of vo ters kept by them. In nil cases where the name of Iho person claiming to vole is not found on Iho list fur nished by the Commissioners and Assessor, or his right to vote whether found thereon or not, is objected lo by any qualified citizen, Ihe Inspector shall examine such person on oath as to his qualifications, nud if he claims to have icsMed in the stale 0110 year or more, his oath shall bo a proof thereof, but ho shall prove by at least one competent witness, who shall be a qualified elector, that ho resided within the district nl least ten clays next im mediately preceding the eleclion, and shall also himself swear that his buna fide resi lience, in pursuance ol Ins lawlul calling w within Ihe district, and thai he did not it move into said district for iho purpose wf vo ting Iheieiu. Every person qualified ns nforesaid, and who shall make proof, if leipiircd, of his resi dence and payment of taxes, as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vole in llie township, ward or district in which he shall reside. If any person not qualified to vote in this Commonwealth, agreeably lo law, (except Ihe sons of qualified citizens) shall appear nt nny place of election for the purpose of issuing tickets, or influencing citizen qualified to vote, he shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding one hundred dullui for every such ofi'euce, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three mouths. It shall be llie duty of every mayor, sheriff, alderman, justice of ihe peace, nnd constable or deputy constable, of every city, county, township or district within this common wealth, whenever called upon by any ollicer of an election, or by nny three qualified elec tors theieof, to clear nny window or avenue to nny window, to the place of general elec tion, which shall be obstructed in such a way as to prevent volers from uppronchiug the same, und on neglect or refusal lo do o on such requisition, Kiid officer shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor in office, nnd on Con viction shall be lined in any sum not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollais; uud it shall be the duly of the re spective constables of each warn, district or township, of lhis commonwealth lo be present in pei sou or by deputy, nt Ihe place of hold ing such elections in said ward, dislrict or township, for the purpose of preserving Ihe p 'nee as aforesaid. It shall be Ihe duty of every peace officer, a aforesaid, who shall be present at any such disturbances at nn election ns is de scribed in this act, to report ihe same lo tho next court of quarter sessions, and also the names of the witnesses who can provi the same. And by the 4th section of the act of 16th of April, 1840, it is enaoted, 'Thai the 15ia section of ihe act, as passed July 3d. 1839, entitled an act relating to the elections of this commonwealth, shall not be so construed as to prevent any militia ollicer or boroogh officer, from serving as judge, inspector or clerk, at any general or special election ia this commonwealth. The Judges are are to make their returns for the county of Northumberland, at the Court House, in Sunbnry, on Friday, the I7lh day of October, A. D. 1851. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Shr'fla Office, Bunbnry, el. 1851 t, $ Goo tin tut Common wEAiTi. AGRICULTURAL FAIR. According lo appointment, the Executive Committee of the Northumberland County Agriculturnl Society, met at Sunbury, on Saturday, Aug. 16, 1851. Members present. James Cameron, Jo. R. Priestley. Jacob Seeshollj!, Geo. C. Welker, Jacob Hilbish, Alexander Jordan, Jesse C. Horton, Amos E. Kapp, Peter Oberdorf, Wm. L. Dewart, Wm. I. Greeuough; nnd David Tuggart. Alexander Jordan, Esq., wus called lo pre side, and Wm. I Grecuough, acted as Secre tary. On motion of J. R. Priestlev, Esq., it wns resolved that the Agricultural Fair or Exhi bition, be held nt Sunburv, on FRIDAY, Ihe 17th clay of October, lo be opened at 10 o' clock, A. M. on Biicli grounds as a Commit tee nppoiuted for llie purpose shall procure. Resolved, Thai Samuel Hunter, Alexander Jordan, Geo. C. Welker, Jacob Seesholtz, Wm. I. Greenough, Peter Oberdorf, nnd Win. L. Dewart, compose that Committee. The following premiums were then agreed upon, In be awarded by Ihe Committee here after named. HORSES. For the best stallion, mure or gelding, over 4 years old, $8,00 " second best, do do 4,00 " best coll under 4 years old, 6,00 " second do do CATTLE. For the best bull of any breed, over 2 3,00 years obi, " second do " best milch cow, " second do " best yoke of oxen, " second do " best bull calf under over 6 months, " " heifer, do 8,00 4,00 5,00 3,00 6,00 4,00 4.00 4,00 4,00 5,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 3.00 3,00 3,00 3,00 1,50 LOU L50 1.00 1,50 1,00 1.50 1,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 do years, do " " bull or heifer calf under 6 months, " " steer over 2 years old, ac cording to age SWINE. For Ihe best bonr, " " sow, " " hog, " " pair of shoals under eight months old, " " litter of pins under 2 mo's. SHEEP. For the best ram, " " ewe. POULTRY. For Iho best pair of Chickens, " second do do " best pair of lui kies, " second do do " best pair of geese, " second do do " best pair of clucks, " see'd do do " best lot of Poultry, including all sorts. GRAIN AND ROOTS. For Ihe besl bushel of wheat, " " 2 bushels ears of corn, " 11 bushel of outs, " " " " potatoes, " " " " turnips, 11 c II c b,.,, VEGETABLES. For the best head of cabbage, 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1.00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 beet, 6 heads of celery, half bushel of onions, ieck of tomatoes, lead of canlilluwcrs, 3 pumpkins. 11 ti FRUIT. For the best half bushel winter apples, " " " peas. " " " quinces, " " " peaches, " " 5 lbs of grapes. 1,00 1,00 1,00 AND DOM ESTIC M A X U FA CTl ll ES DAIRY PRODUCTS. For the best cheese not less than 20 lbs., " " butler " 5 lbs., " " home-made woolen carpet, not less Ih in 20 ynids, " " coveilid of wool & cotton, " " home made linen, not less than 20 yds, " " rag carpel not less than 20 yards, " " home made cloth '' 10 yds " " " flannel " 5 yds, " " pair, knit woolen socks or 2.00 1.50 2,00 200 2,00 2,00 2,00 1,00 stockings, 11 11 cloves, 1,00 l.on 1,00 1 00 3,00 2,00 " " " " linen socks or stockings, " bed quilt, " " home made thread not less than I lb. PLOWIXG MATCH. To the best plowman, " second " " third " 1,00 AG RICULTUUA L IM PLEMENTS. For Ihe best ihreidiiug machine, 4.00 " " reaping do 3!oi) " " seed dull, 200 " . " w iniiowing mill, 2,00 " " grain or hay rake, 1,00 " " plow, 1,00 " " com sheller, 1,00 " " straw culler. 1 00 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Under this head will be embraced, me chanical inventions, tools, fiiiuiiiiie, and all other matters, that may be thought condu cive to the prngiess and comfort of llie com munity, l'ncs will be awarded, according lo Ihe means of Iho Society, nud ihe niuiits of Ihe articles olfered Tho following Committees were then ap pointed : IIohses. Wilson Hutchinson, James Cam eron, A. E. Kapp, Michael Buruhail, Wm B. Kipp Catti.k. Thomns Johnson, John Nixon, James Fonester, Jesse llensyl, John Voris. SaInb Joseph Vankirk, John Moore, Wm Deppen, Win. H. Kase, Joseph Wilzel. Siiekf. James Smith, Samuel Luutz, Hon. John Montgomery, Jesse C. Horton, Wm. D. Geaihart. Poui.tkv.--Di. Win. MeClery, J. II Zim merman, Henry Eckbeil, Wm. T. Forsjlh, Robert Wilson. Grain ami Roots. Samuel Hepburn, Jos, R. Priestley, Samuel Suvidge, Samuel R. Wood, Jacob Leisenring, (Shamokin.) Fhiits Hon. James Pollock, Alexander Jordan, Horatio G. Tagging George Everuid, Hon. Geo. C. Welker. AiiRiri'LTt-RAL Implements. Wm. M Auleu, H. li. Masse r, Dr. Jos. Priestly, J. Weimer Lighou, Alexander Cult. Plowing. Jacob Painter, John B. Heller, Samuel John, Robert Gilfen, Elisha Kline. Jacob Seesholtz, Wm. L. Dewart. M.J D. VVithiugtoii. David Martz, Dr. J. W. Peal. Dairy and Domestic Mancfacturehs. John TagL'art, Jacob Hilbish, John Wheal ley, John Frank, John P. Purse). Miscellaneous AaTlCLEs.-Wm. Forsyth, David Tuggart, l'eler Oberdorf, Charles Pleasants, Elijah Crawfoid, R. M. Frick, Geo. B. Yonugmun, Iluv. Jjs. G. Ciaighead, J. F. Wollinger. The Committee regret that their limited means, for the present, pievent their offer ing higher premiuns. They nevertheless rely on Ihe good will und zeal of iheir fellow citizens lo make this first effort, what it ought to be( an inducement lo further progress, and au honor to the County. They most cordially invite their neighbors of olher counties lo come forward with Iheir stock, Iheir products and their handiwork, for although by Ihe Constitution of the Socie ty, they will not be entitlod to immediate pecuniary rewards, yet all will be fairly re ported in the order of their excellence. $Y THiV COMMITTER funbury, August S3, 185 f. tf. NOTICE fpo the Heir of LEONARD rFOUTZ. dr cenivd. Notice is hereliy nivcn to Robert Pfoul., Merry, intcrmnrried with Joseph K. Urns, Mary Ann, widow of William Unused, laaliella, intermarried with Daniel Latslin, Nan cy, Intcrmnrried with Daniel Laycock, the id Nancy having since died, leaving a child who i also now desd, and Rehrcca Ffoulz. Also grand children the children of two Daughter to wit 1 Jacob Purse!, Nanry Jane, Merry K. Robert, P. Leonard, William and Anna l'ursi l, (nil of whom except the said Jacob are miners.') children of bis third daughter, SSaruli, who was intermarried with Jonathan Pursel, and Ktiehcl Ann Lruion, daugh ter of Lueinda his fifth daughter, who wns inter married with Iho lale William Lemon, tho said Rachel A. Lemon, is also a minor, and has for her Guardian, Jesse C. Horton, heirs and distri butees of Leonard Pfoul., dee'd., late of Point township, in the County of Northumberland, to appear at our next Orphans' Court, to be held for snid County, on the 3d dny of November next, in the liorough of Sunbury, and accept or refuse the Real Estate of said dee'd., nt the valu ation fixed upon the same, by nn Inquisition duly held thereon, or show cause whv the same should not be sold. 11 Y THE COURT. All of which the aforesaid parties are hereby re quired to take notice. JAMES COVERT, Shr'tr. ShrfT Oflice, Punbury, 1 Sept. 20, 1851 4t." Fall illiliinci v Goods. JOHN STONK cj- SONS, l.MPOnTKRS AND DKAI.KR9 IX Silks, millions &, Millinery C'oofla, No. 45 South Second St , Philadelphia. RE now prepared to ofTcr to their customer and tho trade generally, a very Urge and handsome assortment of Honnrt Satins, of all colors. Curded and Plain Velvets, of all colon, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Paris Fancy Feathers, French and American Flowers, Sec. Ac. Confining themselves exclusively totbis branch of the trade, and importing the larger part of their stock, enables them to oiler sn assortment unsur passed in extent and varieiy, which will be old ut Ihe lowest prices. Kept. 1H, 151 it. JAMES 3. NAIXiXi33? Attorney find Civin-Hor at law, So'SSUEY, ?A. "VS'ILL attend faithfully nnd promptly to all ' professional business, in Northumberland and l uion counties. He is familiar with the German language. OFFICE :- Opposite the "Lawrence House," a lew doors from the Court House. Sunbury, Aug. 10, 1S51. ly. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. 20 per cent saved. Country Merchants Buying IIOOTS&SIIOUS can save 20 per cent by calling on WM. I. KING-, No. 46, Ar. 2nd St., (below Arch west side.) PHILADELPHIA, THSTHERE can be found a large assortment of ' ' the above named articles, just received from the manufacturers. August 23, 1851. 3uio. XVIECHANICSBURG INSTITUTE. A Select School for Young Ladies. FflMIE Mecbanicsburg Institute is pleasantly I located in the healthy village of Mecbanics burg, Cumberland county, nine miles west of Harrishurg ; a village noted throughout the stir rounding Counties for the morality of its citizens. Il is accessible by railroad, the Cumberland Val ley Railroad passing through the place. The course nf instruction is such as is pursued ill Ihe best Seminaries in the country. It is the design of the Principal lo instruct ths intellectual powers, to cultivate becoming man ners, and lo educate in such a manner, as may prove practica'ly useful. Sessions. The school year is divided into two semi-annual sessions, each of live calendar months. The summer session commences the first week in April, and chvca during the last week of Au gust. The winter session commences the lt week in October, alid terminates the last week of February. At llie close of each session there will be pub lic exau inalions. Terms : Hoarding, including lights, per kcsmoii 5 1110. $50, 01) Tuition. " ; 10,00 Modem languages, " " 10,0(1 Drawing, " ' C00 M usic, Piano, with use, " " 15,00 Or, if preferred, per session of 6 mo, including llie above items, 85,00 Payable in advance if 35. balance at tho close of the session. Hooks, stationery, music, Ac, furnished at Philadelphia prices. Pupils will he received at any period during the session, and charged accordingly. For further information, please address lbs Principal for a circular. F. M. L. (1ILLELEN, Principal. Mochanicshurg, Aug. 9, 1851 3mo. ELDR.I2GES PATENT CORN SHELLER. P1"WE attention of the Public is invited to this -- improvement in CORN MUELLERS, which is acknowledged to be for superior to any other, being on 11 n entirely new principle, shelling the Corn lengthwise of the ear, the Cob passing straight through without revolving thereby re quiring no gearing lo increase its speed, which adds to materially to the cost of other machinery. It turns easier und shells cleaner thiiii any other, und is portible in si.e, nd durable in construc tion. Person interested are invited to call and see it in operation. The right of Mm and other CuiiMiirt for sale. For further particulars ad .1 1.. . . 1 111C8B ur atiy 10 DAVID rM.iu;inr;i- N. V. Cor. A D...k Sts., .'Id sion. Philadelphia, An,;, n, IS.".!, -'-lino. 1 he lluurwife'ic Help mul llusPaml J.,, : THE GERMAN WASHING FLUID VOES away entirely with that laboriou tusk of rubbing the Chillies upon tho washhourd. It contains no ingredients whatever, injurious to the finest fabric or tho Jteh. The proprietors wish every one to give it a trial, nnd if it does not prove to lie as recommended, the money, in every such case will be refunded. Pull direc tion accompany each buttle. Retail price 1 2 i Cents per Ilotlle, sullicicnt lo do two ordinary '(i'm', and saving the Clothes more by not rubbing I he 111, than the cost uf six bottles be side removing stains of fruit, Ac, if there le any, and the time and labor saved. Prepared only by I. P. HOVT &. CO., P. A. Fox, McEwensville, sole agent for the Counties of Cnion and Northumberland. Philadelphia, Aug. 30 J A TENT 131MTTAN1A STOPPERS for bar buttle for sale by II. B. MASSER. Banbury, April 13, 1851. 4 RN OLD'S WRITING FLL1D and Adb - ive and legal envelopes, for sale by M. li. MAfcfER. Bunhuvy, April 2ft, 1851. INK Dmirsau' celcbraU'd ink, anil also ('pit ' I .. I. f .... I . ...1. r . 1 . 1 ' I in nn im witnietfgi nw rritm uv December 2S, I860. 11. 11 MAS.VF.R TO THE IN DEPENDANT VOTERS OF N 0 RT II U M B E R L A N D COU NTY. fjHrc subscrils-r brrrby offers himself to the 1 electors of Northumberland County, t the ensuing election n a VOLUNTEER CANDI DATE for the oll'ue of SlimlY. Should be be elerted, be promise to discharge til dntie of the oflice, in ueh a manner a t give entire satisfaction to nil concerned. HAMLKL SAYIDGE. Upper Augusta, Aug. 0, 1851, TO THE INDEPEN'DANT ELECTORS OF N G RT H U M B E R L A N D CO U N T Y . r'l'VIE subscriber hereby informs the indepetid- fnt voter of Northumberland county, that be is VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE for the oliiee of (-oiuity Commissioner. Should lie be elected be will use every cllbrt to discbarge the duties of the office in siich s innn ner as will give entire satisfaction to the commu nity. JOSEPH WALLIS. Norllium'irrlaiid, Aug. 9, 1851. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. rjlIIE subscriber respectfully informs his friend JL and fellow citizens of Northumberland coun ty, that he oilers himself as a candidate for County (Jommissionoi'j at the ensuing election. He solicits from his friends and fellow citizens n support, and promi ses should bo be elected to discharge the duties of the otiice with fidelity. CHARLES WEAVER. Sunbury, May 24, 1851. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fellow Citi.kxs : At the enmest solicita tion of mnny of my friends, I hereby announce myself as a VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE for the oliiee of County Commissioner st the approaching election., Should I be elected I promise to discharge the duties of said office wilh fidelity and impartiality. I solicit the up pot of my fellow citizens. CALER BARRET. Lower Augusta, June 11, 1851. SrENCER & RliNDELL, M A X i: F A CT v it 1: 1 1 S C J F Gold uml Silver Ten nnd Pencil Cases, No. 2, Maiden Lane, Ono door from corner of Broadway, New York. Every pen will be warranted for one year. N. H. The above firm were awarded Gold and Silver Medals, for fivo consecutive years, nt the Fair of tho American Institute, for tho best GolJ Pens. July 20, 1851. 3mo. NEW GOODS, AT THE STORE OF JOHN YOUNG, "VMIO respectfully informs his friends and customers that he has returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of New Spring Goods, which he oilers for sale at his old stand in Mar bet street. These Roods will be sold at the low est prices. His slock consists of every variety, viz; Dry Goods, Such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins, Calicoes, Giiismim, Lawns, Chintzes and La dies Dress and Fancy Goods generally. Also an assortment of Talin Leaf Hats, Caps, &c, GTJEENSWARE. Him! ware. Iron nnd Steel, Nails, &e.. ALSO : A geneial assortment of Groceries, Sugar, ColFee, Tea, Cheese, Mo lasses, Spices. 1""" Produce of nil kinds taken in exchange at the highest murket prices. Sunbury, May S-l, lS.'l. GREAT ARRIVAL OF NEAV (M)O DS! AT THE STOItE Or FXIXLXNG & GRANT, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., ri.'IE suhscrihers hereby inform their old cus toincrs and the public generally, that they have jut icceived a larjjc and extensive assort ment of all kinds of .Merchandize, which they oiler to purchasers at such rates, that they can not refrain from buying. Their assortment of Dry Goods, is larye. embracing all kinds of Cloths, Cassimers, Saltinetts, fyc. A general assortment of Summer wcor, of LINEN, WOOL and COTTON, Staple, and Fancy Goods for Ladies, ol nil kinds, such as Calicoes, Mous. da Laines, Lawns, (liiihains, iVc. GROCERIES and QUEENSWARE. Also an excellent assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Ultl'US AXD MKDICINKS. Fish, Salt and Plaster. IV Country produce of all kinds taken in en change nt the hiirbest market pried. Simhury, May 10, 1851. LOOS HEPsE, TFAJILf.IAM HOOVER respectfully inform W Ins Ineiuts and customers mat lie ha just returned from Philadelphia, with au excellent assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, which be oilers for sale at his new stor at M ser's Mill, Hollowing Run. These good vtifl be sold at the lowest prices, li IS STOCK CONSISTS UK KVKRV VARIETY, Tu: )vy CJoods, fyc, Such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins, Callicoes, Giuehams, Lawns, Chintzes and Ladies Dress Goods generally. ALSO: An assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IKON and STEEL, KAILS, As A general assortment of Groceries, uch Sugar, CofTee, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, iiC. Also an assortment of Liquors, such a Drandy, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, Sec. 1T Produce of all kind taken in eichang at the highest market price. Hollowing Run, May 10, 1S51. ly. 8ILVER WATCHES,-. few double rase Emilish Silver atches, for sale at very lour .,ril.,,, Hv H.1J.MASSER. kiuubury, April 12, 151. SMITH'S ESSENCE OK JAMAICA GlK O GEIt, a fresh supply iust received, and for M0 by U. B MAS8ER. April li, 1851. GOLD PENS with and without silver ease just received, and fur tale hv It 11 MASflKR runbur A-iril I I8J