''!W?,,.',',IIMI V"" Y' "" C A Na 3 u 1 IT. B. MASSER, EDITOll AND P110P1UETOP. OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE TOST OFFICE. UHNUMNM 1 jTU!iny sictospatprv BcfcotcS. to jjoififcs, Ziftcwiurr, Slloi'alHy, jForcfittt sn BomrsHc guius, defence nuK the Ut3, ciorfculturr, fSKtrbcts, amusements, itc. NEW SERIES A OL. 1, NO. SS. TERMS OF THE AMEEICA1J. Till-, AMERICAN in puliliMiod every Piitiirdny nt TWO Dol.l.AHS iiiniiiill In lie paid lis ill" yearly in advance. IS.t i:tj.(.'i iliicuiliiincil until M.i. niTeuui:i'ii itru paid. All cniiiiu.iiiirnlioin cr Icier en lunim'H! relating to lb. aiTicr, to insure oueiiliun. iiuiat lw l'o&T PAID. TO CI. U.S. Tnrea conin t-' i"i' uO h-'j". SMIiO cv.ii II. 111 infill Fillren JO i auiHI Five dollars n intvsnce will pny f.tr tlireo yeni'a uli acrio.iotl to Uir AiiiL-ri..-::!!. Ona S.iu-tri. oi" 111 liuei. 3 linn.,, Itrerv mili.-t';i'eiit inn j I inn, One fcouui'.', a luoiillis, fcWx innnMis, tfne vcar. SI no a fl-ni .1 .(1 0: i( :i) Bu"iitPM I'-mls i f Five li Nerclntnin na iiOh'ik. 3 i 1 veur, Willi th" pu i!" p.rr milium, l v lh :--:e .'l' !'!. rt:"ir us wi iy. mot int'ii's, ii per nimH-iumt. " - , ' . :, . .--. e-i . .5 il V A T 1. A w , difl'.arnl ii.lv.!i:iy A T Tin: , Ii usinr ; mi: tkuniltr: hunl, i 10 i'. t, i.nv. t : c'. Soa:.-:' ):( ;. i l. t:t ll.e Counties of Nor- o i.v. v'i.iin uiul Coluiuliin. : 1 ire i.m r .,, 1 S 7 V, 1 aiia: .1 Co., S. Co.. r p nag. (i f 'iff i ',:.'. 11' .1!,'..'. :i!r .. 0. CountIs. J. S3 "B'5 E'.'i'c I'!-' I i.! . V inform h f-ioud.-i awl tli( i'i:l'!i.' tvi.or.illy. tiiut hi' lff ju t rfi't'iv mid ntifiii il ;i li.''. sto.;!; o' j.o.idH, whii-Ii lie Dow olH'.s I'.:.- .il.- on the most miHuimhltt U-riim. IitstOib ronsisl.-i in jiuri ot' may caw. SI AS Clulhn, Cafsimercn, St:!l,n:i!s, M-riimf. (Vr. Ciininrr wi'nr of ! I Uii'! MusliiH, (.'iilii'ors, Citiitliiim-. Clu'i-ks, ALSO: An jsp.ii-tir.out of ITiirilwuic of all Uiiul', most fconor.illv in n-o. Al.Vt): (1 roctTicn Kiisds. jit .Sialic, Cuifne. Ten, Mulatfes, Spirit. f. ALSO; (jiiiriiswari r.iul (.'rmlifry wuro, 11 full fini't!l!"llt. Also silk llati. Chip Huls. ninl Straw Hats. ALSO: An ;iiiirliiioiit nf l.ii;uors, viz: It:t.xi)Y. Wink., Wiiikkv, Ticsiilrn a :.rii'ly ol'o'.ln-r uriiolt'ti, most pencr mlly lli(il unci in wunt hy farmiTs nnJ other per Kns, oil of uhieh lie vill i--(-ll to pini-intMerii at a utiiij of I -1 per tf lit. hy i-idiin 1)11 him. All kiinU of pruiliK-i- l iken ill c'Ai-huiifio for .hU Ht tin- h'i'.lll.-t hlJil.i'l 1 iri. (.'. Hollowiii;; linn, Ap:;il '-'('., .)I. tf. SPRIKQ AND SUIJIiril CLOTHING. EVERYBODY tilioiihl i'iiiln:u-e this opportti. nity to hoy Cl.n'I'lii.Nt; tor Men, Youth nil Lois, nt mii-Ii priers 11s h ive never vet heen known in this ( i:v, ii' ( ; : .1 .!(i 1'. CI.'I.I.N'S CLOTH II N I !-:.--.T.i;LI'-iii:.ii:. I", .-onth-Ha.n ('orner of Mnil.et nn:l Soeoml Slreels, riiihnkl )liia, I'liihiuohi! :i elinireof loe cM, niu.?t ilcsira lr, niul f,;.-liion;il)le EIiECS AHD rr.OCII COATS, Habit (.'h'th ilo., Linen Dii'iiiur ih),, Twrriia, Ac, &e., lu;;e:hei- wilh a n :-.! t vaiiety of Boys' Cloth5'!, Consisiinp: of '.-:n I; Co.'N. l'o!!;;t .!;ie .. i.-. Mon key Jiu-ets, '(.-ts r.nd )h-:niil .lckels iii h! of Tweed, Linen llriilintF. v loth, Alpai'e-.i, Ke.P.i mir, l)iiekin, &:c. tte. I'aitii-nhii- i-are h.ts hei 11 tnhen t;i proeurc the nrw tslyles for Men nnd Lovs' Sinniner Coats. 1'anf ilooiis 'e-t.-, vve., to wh'nh he wmild invite appeial iilleiilion. Fin iiiliir!i;' (Idods, Consisliii; of MiirU. Moi-lis. Iaiii!lserehi( f. Ai'.l all of whi.h avi' olll-. 1 .i at the ;(v. 'o.v.vfti. rn.A J'tjrrs, niul as eheiip as any other Clothing Store in the I 'i;i.i. I'areiiU who iles'ne !!ovs' ( ' i.o rni s n rue ear rifstly inviled In examine the Stoi'k. Country St..ie!.te; eis e:ui he iiei-oinmoilateil at ery luw r.HiM. Cm'.OKC" (TLI.. S. H. Cnr.fr r,f S rmvl ,V .li(,-.'.t'f N.'s J'hila. Aprii l'J, l-ril..- tf. Alden's Ccn'cnicd Ecport? of Psiona- "ni'S'I I'nhli-hi 1), and for sale hy the Hiiiiseri p Iht ti e ,,. Vvhtmr of Aldon'K (lull lienseil l'l'iiio-. I a:ii 1 1 'rj m.-I.-i, i-imlainimr llie lafit thvee vui.i:ni'.- ol Yi'.'U-.-.' iJepoit-t, and two first vrili.iiii i i.f ilhim j',; i.i'p.i.i.,. '1 l,e hi-al vol ume of Ai. 11.. ,-.!;t '.nil.. J.'.i.I-.k' lli puris, l vol uiiick; 1:1:1! Ve ' :.. voiiii.ii. i, U lsu 011 band, nnd ( ... . ..v -; t,u volume are roinph-te v.i.lii.i tla ':..',i ;, and coi.t.di. all of Dullati' lh-pori, '. ..:u:1it-ii. 101. 1 all of Y? lies' Keport.s, d .1 i.n , Ii -r. !-s tit.' iv.o :ii-., voliums of Uiiiiiey'a ii f. 'ie llilr.l ..:utic is ready and will he p..l u : .. I.mn .!. ii..'l. II. II. ..iAsV.K, A .flit, fnnlinry, Arr. 1".. J.-ol. ; 11 a 0 j , fTlIIH suhsri-'i'.ier rif -peitfiil'y inf.irins his friends A and the pnhiic j.-ncrally, that he Inn oien d.a new liutil in the town of Sh.iinokin, Nor tliuitihprl.in i county, on t!io ea-ner of r.dutuokin and Coinnieree st eels, nearly opposite to the Home he formerly kept, lie is wed prepared to accommodate his giu-sti, and is also provided with good Htihlini;. He trusts his isperieneo, and utrict attention to business, ill induce per aoua visitimr the coal region to continue the lil). ami i)alioiiuk'i he lias heretofore received. WILLIAM WE.Wr.H. Shamokin, April l'J, 1850 tf. JAM ES II. MAO EE JAH removed from Ilia old fclanj, Mo. 118 hie struct, to JVo, 5-1 rhtlu-yn St., (bct'it Cul' It ill II 'i'ow,) where tic has constantly on hutnl, BEOWK STOUT, POUTER, Ale and Cider, FOR HOME CONSUMPTION OR 6Q1ITING. N. B Coloring, Holding, Wire and UollUa, YinoRar, &c. r or eale an altovc. Philadelphia, April 13, 1851 ly. Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company. "TR. J. B. MASSER is the local agmt for the above Iiinurauce Company, in Northumber land county, and is at all timet ready to Hect Insurance against fire oil real or pcmoiml pro. peny, or renewing pouciea lor me same. tSunbury, April 2C, 1851 tf. JUSTICES' FEE HILLS.. For .ale by U. B.. MASSElt flunburjr, April '28 1851 sj:lect poetry. l'r .111 li.p Ji II.th 'itiiiii. Cut a Vill to Free. i:v n. r. t. Tin" CiiKmi Pun of li'i'cJmn nmv, M.i rrnM In siii'il il lilit ; And (Vli.i'i's goMi'ii li ip.'s Ii:ivi sunk, liiMli'.llll llie IVIillll'rt lllijtll ! Hut t If v wlin foiijjlit. 11ml 1 1 1 - y who bli'il, 1'i.K'laitiu-d lliin (nil, I dt'Creo : Tlial 111:111 will I 'iiiii 10 Kiuiw his riglilf, Ami C'iiIki will lie lire ! W.ii'K I'vcr h.is iN I'lilw jiinl (!ov. KlMIT f'llll liui- r- m . k III riulli, Hi'l 'i'r.r ril l.iii:'i.ir.inl i:i Iut i'imiisc,) 1 1 i.'ii 1 1 1 1 s jii-:nv 1.1:0 biiih ! And ih 11;. 'Ii tin.' iurini's I'liusu liiis fttilM, ( 11'rr ill.- 1 nil in;: w-;i, And -nhli',1 d.iv mi .!! vol -irii: forth, ii..: Ii' I VuUl live ! 1 II "I ,V'1'i If.! Ii.:,.' lh" hiiivi's Oh ! liii-iii-h mi: iln ir I'ltmo I'"l' lll 'V w!i f.mthi for Cn!)!t I,!?, 1 -r,v - ; !,",.. - r .. A"d t : 1 1 : -j m ih .y trr.oi; lin" hlnw loo wioti, 'i'li-'V i-'ri:i'!; !o:' Id'i- I v, Ai; I IbV If. :l.o;. ..:.v lv fo!', 'I'u iiiai.' : ii.' C.;l.;i.':-i I n'l' ! Hail t. "!" n'l. I !'! V lia'i! hand. Tri.m-.phM i-i C,'.. Til i.fiv.'isal lo ,.(. Would r::r :k-i, Rut If who fail-, in ! I S CM - ' o! pt; :;n'!il : n-odo'l Thi' raiio lo fri'i'f u ii d.'i'r. D.'.soi vi.'s ihi uai-i' ol jiaiiiot's toiijjiir?, D iMTVi's n pal riot.- tear ! And oh ! I onvv not the lip. That shunt when h' pi s ::iv hriidit, Thai only know s in rlioor loo liaiiil, That triumphs in ilio fiirn. Xor 0:111 I have a Ifart to live. ( N'or couid ( wish lo ho.) A 1-! 1.1 1 0 pi 1 ir 1 nf a oowaid shivp, Who loved not lo du froo ! Wh it tlfoih iho Cuban pn!iio! lilod, Whih- liiihlin fi'i'i'.luuf s war.! : Whal l!iuu::h Ih" Cuban patriots full, And puvoi'd with Ihi'ir ?lars ! Oh ! lh"y havi fouL'ht and thoy linvo full, To (ill ihoir dosliny To waUo the Cubans !') their rioht?. That tell them lo Im fioc ! !ut iiiuhl has novor boon fo dark, That day did nol loluin ; Km- inanudi'd juslici' bled in vain, Whih tii'pdiiur.s liri's burn. And lii.:hl shall sprino ulri-sh from Kartli, 'i'u jus'ify hut- raui. Whih' '.11111.' Ii iuuip'ii 'i-j i i 1 1 r-r strondli, 'h.ill spuad llu id u ppl.u.st! ! Tho blood of mttr.ii" 1 'd froonicn now, Mas Maini-d that lovolv ih, Til" hl iod-h innds olui th.-msi'lvofi on gnro. And lyiauls ruh' th" ( liilo. llul a million voiei's will nnito, And uiilliou tou'iii's docri'i'. Tha.t I'roi'iloin's sous will loud their tniylH, And Cuba shall be free ! 3. fjistorical Okctcl). TIUJ TEAiTOG BOY. AN IMIllCW or 'I'll!; Ill; VOLITION. writer has been i'bb'd to his friends for many of the incidents winch he has given to the public : and among those which have been kindly furnish. d him is the following. It cannot fail to inhrrest the reader on more accounts than one. To see a boy, int able lo wield the rifle. engaged in the defence of his country dn aing the American evolution, was no un common occurrence. But it was a most extraotdinary cirentr.st jiice to find one not yet arrived d the age of maturity, lighting on the side of 'liberty, when his parents and all bis relations were zealous and ac tive partiaiis on th" opposite side. It may with truth be snid that the hun dreds mid thousand:; took side during the American revolution, fioin accident or interest; while iti; not denied that the great mass of the people were actuated bv principle in their resistance to tvrannv and o;eii-'--s:n!i. l.'ot it would seem (bit .l(i-.!a:i .ilo.'ilj.jy espoused the Cairo of his c.um'i v in the same manner that Sir John I'alist. :" i - al.'eg -I I hive known Prince I Lil, in his encounter with the robbers. It was not i.-hmki or red -ctiou winch lauo it liui that right and ju- tiee wore on the side le took, for he was too votiog to reason or have pd'ei tion on the nvitt'-r. Nor was governed in his choice bv interest, for thii would have prompted him to have taken tlie si le of his father and relations. Me must then have known by instinct that l.nifii ry w as the true and lawful inheri tance nf bis countrymen, and (h it duty re quired bun to forsak.' father and mother, and cleave unto it wilh ardent and insatia ble feelings of love. The parents of Jordan Montjoy Were tories of the deepest dye, and their house was a place of common rendezvous for the 'bloody scout' when in Spartanburgh Dis trict, All the meetings of the tories, in that part of the country were held there, and their schemes and plans of murder ami devastation were there lormed and concoc ted. No Whigs ever visited the house through social intercourse or deemed it prudent so to do, under any circumstances unless with a strong escort. Jordan asso ciated with none hut the friends of his fa ther, and seldom saw any of those who were opposed to him; yet" Im felt a secret partiality for those whom he knew not, and whose principles ha never heard men tioned except with execration! lie was thought by ids friends to he too young to be of service to them, ami was therefore suffered to remain nt home in peace and quietude. Their schemes and plans how ever, were not concealed from him, and he had free access to all their deliberations and meetings. - It was during one of these meetings of the 'bloody scout,' that he became cogni zant of a deep-laid scheme to surprise and capture a company of 'liberty men,' under the command ol Captain Thomas Farrow, SUNlilJiiY. NOUTHirMUKIthAM) COUNTY, 1'A., KA'l l.'JiDAY, UUTOUttll 4. IS.-Sfl. w iTvaTva.ra of Laurens Jlisliicl. No sooner Inn! he heard of all their arrangements thtin he. mounted u llect horse, nnd put off post haste t infill ill thi' Whios of their danger iitirl conteiiiplaleil destruction. Cnptattl Far row immediately ileterniini'tl to lake nil vaidaire of the timely waniitiir, tmd sur piise the lories by 011 nllaik thai I'.ioht. This lie did successfully, and thereby turn ed the scale noainst the 'bloody scout,' to the terror and contusion of their friends in the neighbor!) ioil. This traitorous act of young Monljiiy became known to the tories, and tin v Ilii-'-ali'tied his death on siirht. In cons, (juence of their threats and hih ilis !i n-f re of his parents and relations", he hud to h ave horn" forever, and lake tip his alio.!,' in 1 he American camp, llehecatne in a short time one of the most active, cr,-ti'i-pi i-in-r, nnd daring parlizuns of whom tlie Whirs could boast, lie wm always sui t to reconnoitre and spy out the niov. -me:d:j o(' the lories'. n one of these ad ventures, near I:h father's house, he met a company ol lories, under a noted leader by tin- nutiie n (Jray. With the speed of an arrow lie dashed by Cray, fired hia pi-dol in l is (ace, am! made his escape in safety. l"i-r some time during the latter part of the lievulutioi!, yotiii iMonljoy helonjed to an American puri::on on the frontier of (Jeoro'.i. On one occasion, while there, he volunteered to eo w ith a small detach ment in peifiiil d some Indians, who had been fteaiiti-j horses in the neiL'hborhood. The ui-tachmeiil was under the command of a Lieutenant, who did not exercise that precaution which is absolutely necessarv in a pursuit of Indians. Tho 'detachment was surprised and all killed except Mont- ply ami one other, rtlonlpjy did not leave the proimd until lie had tired his ride and two pis'ols, and seen all his comrades, save one, fall side by side, ife escaped unhurt, iillhouoli s"vcial balls had passed through his coat and pantaloons. On another occasion, while in the same garrison, the Indians became so trouble some that it was dangerous to vrntnre out at all. It was at the' hazard of one's life to go to the creek or branch within sioht of the fort. There waa an old lady in the garrison who had a horse about this lime which she could get no one to ride to wa ter for her. After making application to several, she asked Montjoy if he would be so obliging as to risk bis life in riding her horse to water. Without any sort of hesi tation Jordan complied with lite old lady's ri-ijiii sl, look his pistols, mounted his horse ami rode to the creek. While the horse was drinking, he discovered an Indian slipping from the hushes nearest the fort and before he could wheel, the savage had his bridle reins in his srasp. With quick ness Jordan drew his pistol nnd lodged the contents of it into the bosom of his assail ant. Such boldness and presence of mind, such period command of himself, under a circumstance so well calculated to trv the nerves nf a lad, acquired for him, very de servingly, a high character among his asso ciates in arms. Till" MISSISSIPPI 1!Y NK.IIT. fly niyht tin? scone, is one of startling in terest mid magical splendor, lluiulieds of liuhts are thiucing in dill'ercnt directions, from 1 In villages, towns, farms, and planta tions on shore, niul from thfl mayuilicetit "lloaliug palaces'1 of steamers, dial frequent ly look like moving mountains of light and llaiu,', so In illianlly are these euoniion.s river leviathans illuminated, outside and inside. Indeed, the Kpectaeh; presented is like n dream of enchantment. Imagine stiamer aller Mennier coining, sweeping, soniiding, ihunilering on, blai-.ing with lhefe thousands ol bghfs. c.isliiig long biiliiaul reflect ions on l!e lasi-rolliiig waves beneath Tiler oH"!! a number of them, one after mint like so many cornels in Indian lile. S is 1 or, me of t he-e are so re an ellnusly nnd dii.huulv li 'h'e.t, they really look like Aladdin's pal ace on lire, (which il in all likelihood wool. I be in Amoiiea.) sent s!:iirring nnd dashiuo don 11 the Mienm, while, peibaps, just ihen all else is daikness tiround it. 1 delL'hied. !our in seeing, as ynn very frequently do, die twinkling 1 i o J , t in die numerous eotlages and hoinesleads dotted here nod there ; ind you olteii observe. I.nu wood lires lit on dm banks, looking like merry. making hniilhe-i. Those, I believe, ere usually signals for die dil!."-enl steamers lo stop lo take op pass"ii geis, goods, nnd nniinnls. l.mhj '. S. Il'urt try's Tmvh in the V. S. in 1S",0-"5. AMU'lil.Il M.W M ATE. Hy the late, tiealy with die See-see-luui uu l Wnli-pay-loiiu bands of Sioux Iniliaux, die L'oiied Stale obtain over tirciity miliums 11 f acres, lying east of ii line drawn fiom die head water- of the Hod Kiver to dm noilh, to intersect Iho nui ih-weslei 11 curlier of ilia Stale of Iowa. The purchase includes pail of iha iiiagnit'a-enl Llu: LVlh River cuimliy, an. I liui around the head waieis of the Des Moines and St. Peters rivers. The Indian are allowed lo remain on iho laud two years. Tor I his cession Ihey ure to receive tt Gfij.. 000. I'liu U.ileua papers proposa that tha uunie D.ioola, bo given to din new territory, and Mich may yd bo Iho name of one of die Stale of tho I'uioti. Amkuican axo English Telegraphing la the way of telegraph lines, Michigan alone has now already more miles ooniplo led than has dm whole of England. From Detroit there are six lines, and in (he State thirty stations, utid tha whole number of miles in operation in tha State is C83 Prelly well for one Stale, and that so far West. As editor out west has married a girl named Church ; he says be lias enjoyed more happiness Bince he joined the Church than even Ue did iu bis life befoto, iirawMii.iir.ii,Htf I'VTKI AS AMI DAMON. When Damon was sentenced, by Dionysi 11s of Syracuse, to die on a certain day, he begged permission, in the interim, In retire lo his own country, lo set dm ullaiisof his disconsolate family in order. Thix the ty rant intended pi'reniptoiily to refus", by giniiliug it, 119 lie conceived, on the impossi ble eoudilioiis of bis proem ing same one to remain as hostage for his return, under equal forfeiture of lile. Pythias l eard the condi tion and did not wail for an applic ation on the part of Bunion ; be instantly otl'eted himself ns seemity fur his fiiend t which being .leci'i'ted, Damon was immediately scl nt libeily. Tho king and nil l!io coin tiers were nstonihed at this notion ; and iheiefoie, when Iho dnv of execution drew near, his majesty had die cm it.siiy lo visit Pythias in his confinement. Ai'mr some conversation on the subject of fi ien.l.-hip, in wind! Hie tyrant ilolivcroil It us Ins opinion, that self-interest was the sole mover of hu man aetious ; as for virtue, L ieml.-hin, bo- ncvolence, love of rue's country, ui-d the like, he looked upon them as P-nns invented y llie wise to keep in awe niul impose upon the weak. '-My Lord," s:-ys Pylhias. with a firm voice and noblo itsp-.c-t, 'I would it were possible l hat I might suffer a thmis.nd deaths, rather than mv Liend lould fail in any article of his lienor, lie cannot fail lheiein, mv Lord : 1 cm nn crn:f;- dent of his virtue, 11s t am of my own exis tence. Hut I pi ay, I beseech I In? gods, lo preseive the life nnd integrity of my Damon together : oppose him, ye wind', prevent tho eagerness and impatience of his honora ble emleavois, and sulTer him not to arrive, till by death 1 have redeemed a life a thou sand times of more consequence, of more. value, diaii my own ; more estimable to his lovely wife, lo his precious lillle children, to his fiiends, to his country. Oh, leave me not lo die die woist of deaths in my Damon." DionvMiis was awed mid confounded by the dignity of lliese seniiments, and by die manner in which they were uttered ; he fell his heart struck bv a slight sense ol" invading truth : but it served rather lo perplex than undeceive- him. The fatal day arrived. Pv- thins was bioiioht foilh, and walked nmiilst the guards wilh a serious but salisiied air, to tho place of execution. Dionysius was al icady there, In; was exalted 011 a moving throne, which was drawn by six while horses, and sat pensive and alleetivu lo the piisoner. Pythias came, he vaulted lighly 011 the scallohl, and beholding for some time tin) npparatus of bis dealh, he turned wilh a placed countenance, uiul addressed the spectators : 'My prayeis are heard," he cried, "the nods are propitious ; ye know, myfiieuds, that the winds have been con. 1 1 ti r y till yesteiday. Damon could not come, ho could nol conquer impossibilities; be will be here to morrow, and the blood which is shed to-day shall have ransomed the life of my fiieud. Oh, could I ciase fiom your bosom every doubt, cveiy mean suspicion of the honor of the man lor whom I am ;Lout lo fuller, I should go to my death, even us I would to my luidal. lie il sutiieieul in die menu lime, dial my fiieud will lie found no ble ; dud his truth is unimpeachable ; that lie w ill speedily prove it ; that he is now on his way, hurrying on, liccusiug himself, llie adveiso clement mid the gods ; but I haste lo prevent his speed : executioner do your ollice." As he pronounced the l..st wonls, a buzz began to 1 i-e among iho leinoiesi if the people ; a distant voice was beaid, the crowd caught the won!-, nnd "slop, slop the execution : was repeated bv tho v hole as- i-i seiubly ; a man came at full speed: lh dining gave way lo his approach : his was mutinied on a steed of foam: in an instant he was oil bis lu:e, 011 die t-calloM, and clasped Pythias in bis in ins. 'You lire safe," he cried, you nie cafe, my fiieud, my beloved friend : die ends be praised, you are safe, I now have nothing but death lo suf. for ; and am deliveied fiom the aiignied! of those lepuiaches which I gave myself for having ei.ilai.gi'ieil a li:' ,. much dearer Ihan my own." Pale, cold, an i h i!l-.-peech-hss in die arms of his Donor, Pythias re plied in broken accents, ' Fatal b.is'e ! Ciuid impatience ! What envious powers have wrought iinpossibihies iu your favor! lint 1 will not be wholly dii-appuintt'd. Since I cannut die lo save, I will not survive you." Dionysius heard, hclu kl, nnd con sidered i.ll with iisionishnient. His hearl was lunched, he wept, and having his I 1 I 1.1 .1 v t 1 ... iiiiuoe, no asceiuieo 1 1 1 1 , seuiloul : "Live, live, ye iuiompaiablii pair !" uiied he, "ye have born iniqueMiuiiuble testimony lo din existence of virtue j and dial virtue equally evinces the existence of a Gjd lo reward il. Live happily, and with renown and, Oh ! for me by your precepts, as ye have invited mo by jour example, lo be worthy of die participation of so sacred a f . ieu-.l.-hip." RenBMur.s on tiik Pk.nxsvi.vjima Wonns. Tho Pillsbiirg papers of Saturday Male, thai from circumstance (hat have cnioo to tho knowledge of Ihe authorities, in and about Johnstown, Pa., (here is a large and well organised baud of robbers, cotibisliug, ns alleged by some of those arrested, of over a hundred, whose head quarters are in Chi. ciunaii ; and they have for some lime past been committing depredations to uu alarm ing extent at Johusluwn and vicinity, in breaking open the cars and taking the goods which ore passing to the West, Lust week, eleven of these men, belonging to section boats, pricipully, were arrested and itupri. oueJ. Great quantities of goods and money were found secreted. , ivg r?s m ifrr, t 1TM11 ifc-.i.r-i.i amTa'T-ffri 'i it-tit M LUTTIill FltOM Mil. OWES, THE AMERI CAN t ONSI I. AT HAVANA. Mr. Owen, the U. P. Consul nt Havana, linn addressed h nolo to the Washington Tto public, in which he says, ho will satisfy ev ery impartial mind tint ho is undeserving censure, and thai he had no opportunity of doing anything in behalf of Iho unfortunate men who met so sad .1 fate. The explana tion is ns follows : I reside about four miles from this place, and, not being well on the morning of the 16th, did not reach my ollico till some lime after 10 o'clock, where, for the first lime, 1 heard id die rapture of about fifty of the men who had come wilh Lopez, to thi? is land in the steamer Pampero. 1 at the same time heard lh.il the prisoners had been tried, found guilty, condemned, ordered to bo exe eiiled, the order for their execution sent for ward, nnd that ihey were abuul being remo ved from the haibor, w here they were, to the p'aco of ex ecu! ion. Shorlly 'i w ards, the American residing here, who, it is said, called on me, came and mentioned the subject to me, when I s-ii ! lo him that il was loo late, and that I coul I do nothing that I should not have time to get permission to sen die prisoners. Of lies I felt perfectly satisfied at iho time and 1 have since been confirmed in Ibis opinion by ibe highest authority in the is land, who informed me that the execution, which bad already been ordered before I reached the city, would not have been post poned for me to have an interview wilh I he. prisoners, inasmuch as all I could have asked to be permitted to do, had already been done by a gentleman known to some of llie prisoners, and for whom they had sent. Soon afler the American referred too left my office, I received die. information that n gentleman known lo some of iho prisoners had been sent for by I hem, and to him they had delivered the articles and messages they desired lo be conveyed to their fiiends. It was but a short time afterwards that 1 sent to the palace of the Governor and Captain General, and heard that the prisoners had then been executed. Yon will thus see that I hud no lime to net, nnd that il was not in my power lo do anything for the unfortunate men who had been induced to invade Cuba, wilh die ex pectation that they would find die w hide is land in a state of revolution, and that Ihey would be received wilh open arms by the whole native population at least. The charge, of indiiicrence to the dreadful condition of such a number of men, iho bit terest enemy 1 have on earth will not be lieve ; and ail must believe it a base faltc hood and an unfounded calumny. If it were allowable on such nn occasion. I would most solemnly declare before God that, in my judgment, at the time and under the circumstances, it was not 111 my power either lo have 1111 interview wilh die pris oners, or to have done anything in iheir bo hair. How tiif.v Piutsritvt: OtuiKR is Acstrm. The Vicuna correspondent of the Loudon Xeirs describes die following shocking affair as having In ken p'ace at Szent Mario, near Gross-Wardien, lately : 'At a peasant's wedding, when tho pro cession of iho brotherhood was moving to wards die church, the gendarme approach-, ed Iho biideiiod summoned her immediate, ly to divest of the red, while, and preen ribbons which she had in her dress, accord ing lo die cusloiii of die country girls, sav- :.. ,1,.,. ,i, ...... !.... ,..,.ii;,. 1 The bridegroom objected, savin" that after J ,)n ,.,.,,.,,, y the birdu would comply with j dm desire of tho gendarme! but dial now I ihey could not keep the piiest wailing at the j altar. The gendarme reti.vd, the procession proceeded to the church, but at the moment when iho biide was kneeling at the steps of the altar lo receive die benediction, the gen darme rushed forwaid and cut her tresses and ribbons wilh scissors hum her head. In Hungary it is considered a great insult 10 a female lo cut tier hair; it conveys a notion of infamy Xalnriifly an affray look place; die gendarme wax assailed by iho bride groom, oilier gendarmes arrived in aid of their fellow official, rhe people, though with, out arm, rtis!i"d upon iheiu, and Iho result was ihe slaughter of seven men, three gen darmes mid four peasants, among them die bridegroom Mid Ibe hiatal assailant of the biide." Mr Hoiii'S, who has acquired fo much renown in London us dm picker or unpick uble locks, i tho agent of Dy &. Newell whose "American bank lock" has gained as much credit by his success as those of Chubbs and llramah have lost. We do not know, however, but dial it ileserves- ils good foilune, as a proof of which most be re garded its sclecliou by the Hank of England lo take the place of the dethroned Bramah's in ils golden vaults. It is, iu reality, a most rotuaikuble and beautifnl piece of median ism, as we elm toll from having inspected one intended for the safe of the Slate Trea sury at Harrisburg. It is furnished by Oliver Evans, 61 South Second street, who is the agent for the lock in Pennsylvania. Fiftv persons are now engngsd in digging for golJ at Ptralford, Ct. Thoy expect to find treasure to the amount of from $7,000,. 000 to $10,000,000, said to have been buried at Strafford by a Spanish captain 1 CoV. Means, of South Carolina, discards all hope of co-operaliou, and recommends separata State action, at all hazards. WOMEN A Nil I.EI.IOION. A man without some sort of religion is nt best n poor reprobate, the fool-ball of desti ny, wilh no lie linking him lo infinity, nnd tho wnnib'tons elernily that is begun wilh him : but a woman without il is even worse a (lame without heal, a iiiiubow without color, n flower without perfume ! A man may in some suit tie his frail hopes and honors, with weak, shifting cround-lncle to businrss or to 1 tin world : but a woman without that anchor which they call Faith, is adrift, and a wreck ! A man may clumsily contiive a kind of moral responsibility, out of his relations of man kind ; but a woman in her comparatively isolated sphere, where affection nnd not purpose is die controlling motive, can find no basis for any system of right nction, but that oT spiritual faith. A mini cnu craze his thought, and his brain, to trust fulness in such poor harborage, as Fame nnd Reputa tion may stretch before him : but a woman where can she put her hope in storms if not in heaver. 1 And thai sweet truthfulness that abiding love that enduring hope, mellowing every page and scene of life, lighting them with pleasantcst ladiauce, when the world-storms break like an army with smoking cannon who can bestow it all, but a holy soul-tio to whal is above, the storms, and to what is stronger than nn army wilh cannon ? Who that has enjoyed the counsel and the love of .1 Christian mother, but will echo the thought with energy, nnd hallow it with a tear 1 A coot. Ofkkndcr There was a lime, many years ago, when no travelling was permitted on the Sabbath, in Connecticut. The wooden-nutmeg justices were careful, as it were their dnty, to fine all transgressors against llie statute "in such case made and provided." On 0110 occasion, one of the fast men of thai day drove ten miles, on Sun day, to visit his family, who weio living leu miles distant from tho town where ho was engaged in business. On his relurn, he was arrested and bioughl before, his Honor, a Justice of the Peace, who oi-.h-red him lo pay a fine of five dollars, and costs, amoun ting to live more. The hardened ftdiow thereupon drew forth his pocket-bonk, and entitled die eyes of ihn astonished justice to dilate feaifnlly, by presenting him a Iwen ly dollar bill, with this coul remark : 1 here, squire, 10 save ironuie, you may give me a receipt for this affair, nnd credil me ten dollars 0:1 account, for, if nothing happens, 1 shall ride home, again next Sun day. ISustun Musiitm. vnor.rsoME An vice. is much -x holesomi! advice There tamed in the followiu few lines : F.al only what is proper food, Drink only that which die's you good, Spend only what yon can allori1, Lend only w hat will be restored Thru you will have no cause to say, "1 was a fool oil yesterday !" A Girl who workf.d in a Printing Of fice. A Cincinnati paper states that Ihree years ago a poor orphan gill applied and was j permitted lo set type for I Lai paper. She woiked two years, dining which time she I earned, beside her boaid, about S?20t, ami I availing herself 0! the facilities which Ihe I Printing Office offered, acquired a (mod edu- caliiiu. She is now an nsiociatn editress of a popular paper, nnd is engaged lo be mar ried tn one of Iho mnartesi lawyers in Ohio We should be disinclined lo credit the above if wo did not have so many evidences of die elevating influences of die Printing Ollice. Samvkl Joiinsck. Carl) ie says of him that hu was "the largest soul in all England." Why should such men share the f.ito of po ets poverty? In 17aC, the year after pub lishing his dietiouoty, Johnson wat arrested for a debt of live guineas, but was relieved by Iho interposition of friends. Throughout his w holo lifo ho seemed to bo regardless of monetary matters, and, indeed, this seems to be Iho characteristic of most of the great minds thai have lived, or nro still living. Destkittios of Maine Timueh I.aniis. HostiMy Sept. 24. Wc have accounts from Cherrylield, Me., stating that llie fire in the timber lauds of lhat section of the Stale condones lo spread, destroying everything iu its cuiise. Il is sweeino over Ihe whole country, and scarcely a green afro of laud is lo be found along the seaboard. Tho fire has swept over Mount Desert, destroying several Itouses. Hancock is also suffering severely, and the roada in many directions, for miles together, are most impassable from smoke and (lames. Tho limber lands owned by Ihe Colter Company, have bpon damaged to the extent of 8160,000, nnd tho aggregate loss will amount lo millions. Vol' ng man, do you know what relation you fciistuiu in this world I said a minister of our acquaintance lo a young member of the chuich. "Yes. sir" said the hopeful convert, "two cousins and a graudmuiher ; bnl 1 dou'l intend to sustain them much Ion- A Black General. General Avalos, die Commander-in-Chief of the Mexican forces in Tauiaulipas, is about as black as the pre sent F-mperor of Ilayli. Dr. Miller, our Commissioner lo sdlle tho land claims en Ihe Rio Grande, jocosely lo!d Avalos lhat if he were caught east of die Colorado he would readily sell for a prime negro, ana be put lo work iu a cotton field. OLD SI.KiKS VOL. IS, NO. 2. the ciiiuvriAN. Tho renl Christian is die only prudent man, Hu has laid up in store for Ihe. winter or the grave. Ho has sown for elernily. He looks Ihrnugii all ih future and provides fur it all. Ho sees the evils that pre before him, and from all of them hides himsrlf iu Chris!. lb; is prepared to die, to be judged, and to he glorified. The presence of Christ will be wi:h him in dealh the righteousness of Christ upon him nt the judgment, and the Spiiit of Christ is sanctifying him for glory. He may have 110 treasure on earth ; and no matter if he has or not, he is only passing; rapidly over it; and if he had, lis could not lake it wilh him : but in heaven, his goal, his home, he has a Ireasme. It is where he is lo be where ho will want il where he can use it. 1 his is the prudent man, Mark him. Imitate him. Xcriiis. (mv. r.iiiA.v. The llnilington Ilawk-eya lent ns dial there is soni" dissatisfaction among the Hungarian emigrants ns to tha place selected by Gov. Tjliazy for the loca tion of the Hungarian colony. Many of them consider it too r'.'tnnto from the settled communication with tho world. Accounts from the Colony represent die Governor as living the life of a true philosopher. Far from the luxuries and refinements to which he has lung been accustomed, ho passes hi time in the backwoods, remote from the noise nnd stiife. of tottrts nnd camps, as an independent Iowa far nor j dividing thtf lime belween his fields and crops out of doors, and study and reflection wilhiii, di versified, 113 occasion offers, with such nun ling nnd fishing, ns iho forest of Grand River and ils quiet waters a fiord. Six hula ti l.NcinrjNT. Dating tho battle at Fort Dunne, Florida, in 1847, a soldier of the name of Jackson, having just fired, re ceived a shut from a tall Indian, not twenty yards distaui, which bioke through the outer part of his pantaloons and lodged in his righl hand pocket. Feeling the slight sting of din spent ball, ho I'lrurt his hand into' bis pocket, drew out the bullet and dropped il into llie barrel of his musket Upon the ch-iigo of powder he had just before put in tiien, wilh dm unerring aim of a Irne uuiiksin.-.u, levelled his piece, and ns quick as lightning his adversary was measured upon the tho ground. The wonnd was fatal the warrior survived the shot but a fe minutes. j.'usoi Pes. Spkak 1 no. "Fellow-citizens," saiJ a stump orator we have the best country 111 the woild, and the iest government. No people on lie! face of this globe enjoy mora liberty than we do. Hero we have liberty ofspeec.il, and liborty of the press, without onerous despotism. What, fellow-eilizens, is more desirable Ihnu Ibis? Do you want anything more, my countrymen V 'Yes sir-ee !" sang out a red-faced loafer, "this is dry work. 1 want a suck out of that pint il.isk sticking out uf your coat pocket behind." Our orator was completely w inged in his lolly (light, and camo down floundering. Ilo suddenly vamoosed from t hut neighbor hood. What a haired the old Romans must have had of kings ! We read that, nfler Ihe ex pulsion of Tarquin, a law was passed through the influence of lLutus, lhat no one should be king nt Rome, and lhat any one who should foim the design of making him self kin.", might be slain with impunity. At iho same lime, die people were bound by an oaih dial they would never sutler a king to be created. 'I find there nro half a dozen partridges in the letter, said a geiilteman lo his servant! who replied, "Sir, I am glad yn have' found them in I he Idler, for they all few out of the' had-el." 'd see you are in black," said a friend of ours I'ne other day. ,:Aie you in mourning' for a friend, Thomas?" 'No ; I'm in mourning for mv sins." :l never heard you had lost any," was the instant and keen reply. A t'Ti'i'F.NT of Mr.niciNF. out in Mi chigan, having courted a girl a year, anil! got the mitten, has turned around and sued her father for "die visits" he had paid her. Giikkn and red candies have been ascei taincd lo contain the most deadly poisons iir the coloring matter. Let mothers and nur ses beware of givlurj diem lo children. fr is said that whesi a Russiau husband neglects lo beat his wife for a moulh or two,' she bcyins lo be alarmed ut his indiffer ence. Tiu-st him Kulo w I'm praises all ; himl less whu censures all ; und him least who i iudiliercnt about all. A.moivion- is liko a wild horse, which prance uneasily until it has thrown off il lider. Kvlrv man ought lo endeavor to sbiehf oiheis fiom iho evils ho bus experienced1 himself. Tiif. most ignoruul have sHllicieut know ledge to detect the faults of others ; lh mosl clear sighted are blind lo their ownv Who cannot keep his rtWiv svoreV r not to complain if another tens ii. Tub greatest truths are the simplest, ami ho are the greatest men.