SUNBUliY AMERICAN AND SI1AM0K1N JOUJiNAL. LIVER COriPXiAINT, Jaundice, nvsprcpsiA, chronic or lNEUVOUS DKr.IMTV. disease OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil ilisensrsnrisiiut fnim a dis .nVreil livr or sto tlllK h, such usc.ilisluiilli HI, ilivurtl Piles. I U lucss, or W.l to the Innd, Afi'ltiv i'f the. MmniH-h. Nausea, itenrll.iirn, ilissnst f.-r l-'issl.' fullness or wriirlit in Hi ?tiiui:ii-h.siiirlaiii'l:iliii:S. ninkinc r lliittcrinir nl the pit vl" tin- ST'lirwh. sivimiiiimr of llir hervl. h'lrririlllllililithcull liriiilliiiw, Hulli-riii nt the heart, eh "kins or mifr x-nl i"S sciiKHlious wli.n in M lyins: p-'Slnre, lliimii'ss of vision, rims ir wel hefiirethe 'iriit, Fever mid ilnl! pain in the ln'it'i. ililiriency 'itii'rsniiiili"il, veil, 'Whits of 1lie skin mid eves, p-iin til the. side, ehrst, Minim, ftc, S'liineu flnshc .il 'licit hiimliiit in th" fles'i. c instant iumai"'I,S" of evil, rin'1 arent ili'ireHt'iii of spirits, c an" hi: l'.v v HCTt a m.y ci;tti-.n nv LDP.. ECOFL AITD'S tI.Li:iia.vri:t ;rrtMi iiitti:iis, rRi:rAHKt by n.C. M. JACKSON, AT TUB Ci HUMAN MCUICINK STORE, N". lgo Areli St., I'h".lal-lilin. Timir powrr over llic u!i n-t clise-ases is int excelled, if T1 : ! !. il, I iv mi v other pn-p'iRilioii ill l!i 1'nileil Hiln, s llic enre itttcst, in many cases niter sUillclll physicians li:i-l lailcd. Tln-?e Hitler, nrn wnrlhv llicv nttentiiitl of invalid. 1'osi-iiia emit rirttli'S l:l tlie riviificntiuil of itiF"F-w of thu l.ivritinl lesser frlinuls, excrcisieir the m 'St seiirchint; p iwcr. in wcnkncss nuil airectieus of the ilijri'Stive organs, tiicy nre, withal, s H'o( certain ami pleasant. Ft'im Hie ll.aln Uoe.1 The 1'ititnr niiiit, lire. 'UK. lllillFT.ASn's ClM.llBHATltD fiERVAS MlTIEnS for Die rare of l.ivcr ('oinpl.iinl..lainulire. llspciut. Cliroms or .ervuns l.lcliiliiv. is ilusi-msllv one of the ni'Wt popii mmliciiic. of the.' ilav. These ' Hitler, liave been used l.y tii uaiuls, nnd a fui ml at oar ellmw snys he has linn- k, -If r.'i -. -iveil mi cu'i-ctual unit perm: in cure of (aver T inplnint from the use of thin remiilv. We lire mnviiipiil that, hilic IWU of Ihesn lilM.-rs, the p-itiellt cnnstiiiitly puns etfiinlli nn.l viv- ir n flit worthy ol treat cnnnlc-ra-.i Thev nre pleas Hit ill laste linil smell, mill ran ! nn-il l.v pern '.in with tiiein.wnleiieate sMiniichs with rife tv. innlcr miv rirruinmn We nre upeakinu from ex perience, mnl 10 the ulliii-leil tt-c nilvise their use." 'SroTT'n Wkkki.t." one of tlic licst l.iternry papen piililinheil, sniit. Anir. 'J-j ' Pit. lIoon.AMr (iKltMN HlTTKIt", imilllfaetlireil hy lir. .laektiiiM. are imv ree aiiinenileil hy e nne of the most pp'tiiitient memliem of Ihu faenlty n uu artiele ol niiieh fiTl -aey ill ens.'H of fi-nlale weaknesl. An mien is the ease, irr woniil nilvise nil in.iihevii to obtain n iMittle. mi.l than save tlieinselvm nine!, iekn'. rer-iii of ilehilita tcil euiirlil'ili.Miil will fmil these Hitters mlvnatiiaoail to their health, ns we kit w I nun experienee the salutary rti'ivt they lilivc tipnn week sysleuil." More Evidence. The "riii!:e'etphi:l P ilnr.lay Cnxelte." the best fmnily uewspapel publiiiheil in the I'lliteil Staten. the editor says i-f Ti) ltujjhimVs German Hitters. "U isseld'im tii: wc reeointnenil what nie tenner! Ta lent Meilieines, to (Tie :oiifiiienee nnd paltininn of far reailerw; nntl, llieiefnre, lien we reeoniiiiend 1)1. IT-' land's (ierman Itilteis, we wis it to lie distliietly n-iVr ft n-il that we are iil speaUiiiir of the ii-iplrums of tits il ay. tliat are ii"isvd idmul f.rn lnief peri' d nvtlaie. f'r p .liea nflei Uiey haveil .ne tln-ir .jnilly raee of n ':;1i'i. put 'f n liledieine tontf emahliilie'l. iniiverrilly piied. i;;y' v!iil'!i Iris me' the hearty approval of the I-"liMll'v iti-e'f ' I'.viileaec upon evidenee his lieen reeeived (--' l!-e f..ri ;v,in) It. mi all teeli-.ns of Ilie t'ui n. tha 'a-' lere e '.vs-. un.l the Mroii'jest teftiiii ny in i!s fav ir. that there is mole of it iiM-d ill Ilie praelieeof the regular l'iiy siea:is i f 1'hila '.. IpliM, than nil o!her iioslriouii eouihiaed. n f lei that van enMlv lie ei andjiiily pr ivinir that u f-eieii'nie preiaiai.i:i will meet with tlietr ipilet approval W in il presenled even in litis liinn 'I'ltal this metlieine will enre l.iver Ctnnplaiiit nnd 11y pep: ia, h i one eanii.iulit. after itsint' il as illreeted. It nets fri e. ilieally llp in t lie Ft iilaeh mnl lii er it is pretTerahld to e:il 'tin ! in all liillioiiK iliseases Ilie elfeet. is immediate. Tl" y ran l.e jiihiiiiiisi.i:re.l to l-'emale or Jnfaiil witli safety ttinl rchaliie lionelit, lit any time. is!-:VAi;r. of ((irNTF.r.Fr.rrf. This Illf dieine lias'lleil that hi'.rll ehaiaeler wllieli is lleeei-s a y fur nil tlleilieines I i ill tain I i indilee enuulei fellers t ' pt:t lortli n spnri -us tntiele at the rik of the lives cf tleae ore inn K'ently deaeived. LOOK WKU.TO Till: .MAHKS OF TIIK nKNLIXF.. They have tlic written siirnatlire of ('. :,f. ,1.fKSO lip -il Hie wrapper, mnl the name lilown intlie Ixittle, willl our wliieh they are fpiili"lts. For sale, wii'ilcsnle and retail, at the German Medicine Store, N'V 100 ARf'II Street, one dour lielnw Sixth, (late of 27, Itaee streel.) Pliilailelj hi.i. nad by res;ieetulilc deulers generally thruliiih illt the country. PKicLS i!i:irci:n. T.i einlile till classes of invalids to enj iy the odvuntages o( tneir great restorative powers. Single tfolllc, 75 cents. Also: Fur sale hy II. M.issr.R, Suubury, and M. A. M'l'v. Noithiiiillierlalid. Anijiitl an, P-.'il. Iy. .TUDY TO PLEASE. ri'Ili: nttenli u I ll'iilders nnd dthers, nre respectfully l invited to t extensive and well selected slock f IK II.IMMl ll.. lAVAHi: Axn TOtH.t, now tillered by the PiiusciiUt, e mi- sling in purl t-S follow s: Aiiieiicau Fr no Door Ijcrks, upriijhl, with night work, plated or brass limiituro, or purcclaiu nil eolirs. American Door Licks, upright, pluin, with ii'llil wvrk, luted in liruis furniture, or poieel.iin ull C-'l as. Aiueriean Front P or Lieki and Pwrc Poor, lloriaion tul or uprifilit, brass furtiilure. nr nf 'clam ll colors. American Ititn Licks, nil sizes and qualities. White or bras., furniture, or porcelain all col rs. AincrieSii Mortice I,, cks, nil sizes, with plated, wli't " lirass luruilure. or porcelain nil eoljrs. Au.e ic ui M orliec l.aielics, nil s z -s, with plated whits or brass furniture, or porcelain all e d.ns. Au.c icnn Mortice mid Itim Closet L'teks, pluteil ot brass eseiib h-iins, or porcelain ull col ,rn. Aiueriean Prop, t-t p, Thumb. Oate, and St"" "out iaitelies. A Is i, InipoUfd I,..kj and tiatchesof evetv description. Itil lwinV. mnl Aiueriean Uult Hinges, of all sizes, lust or to (! J Int. . , Slimier, t; it', Strap, T , sad Hack flap Unites, all kinds. Pli-.Pter. I.a-c. )r, Flai-I,. unit Spring Holt, if wrought or cast iron and brass, ever description Screws. St nuT. tilue, S ni l Paper or the best quality. Aineiieaii Axle si, J Slum Axle rullejs, of every variety. A mei loan Buttons, plain or on plates, brass, iron, or ., v,.l.. rliicd. while, ir ii. nr wood, all kinds. l. email il uinl patent, with other arlielus too nuiiieri.iis lo mention. v r9- Ml I unit BA5il-vt.iuii in at r.iviw... tr All Ooils delivered flee of Churge to any rart of the rilv nnd Disiricl i. ai ooabliMlinii.... . ii be found one of the latgest min bet ass irlinculs of White nnd Fancy Nol for Imcks, sc., in lliet'ily; s e patterns, of which, cannot be seen, or Sneul A Jneks oil's Hack. Panel. Iliind. and Ripp Pnws, imporled expressly f.,r Helail siiIik. nil selected wi'ii cure. i ole ni-ent lot Ilie eelelirated Planes, mane n r.. . v center, ol I rfinciisler, r., Iieniir all niane oi fi'm w".. nnd Hie Hilts irronnd nnd triorl. lieatty s .V illlams' liniKe f Chisels, Axes, Hull-beta, Drawing Kiuvra, c., all war- milled P'NSt. I'msh's uud Slai k make or Augers anil Auger ijiiis, mi sizes American S-ptares nnd IJevils of every description. American Hules, liaugca, Sawsetts, Colnpiisai-s, Screw ;lri ers. A e. American C. S. Hammers, Claw and Kivttiug, all sizes, Anvils uinl Vices, ull sizes. Sleet, Iron, urni Wooden Unices, wilu C. a. urns, in great variety. . Ijreaves x e in s, iiuicner s au-i ouiri ,-cici'in,L. tnukes of f'hiselii. Files, I'laiic-lroiis, A c., Ae. A-.l.hs's ce'.cliraleil I'arviim Tools, all Bhapcs Mallius one of Uu- best nnd most extensive uss irtmellts of lliuldinir llaldwnre and T.sils in the State. AI tins etahlis!iin-ut II is con idcred a pleasure to show the Goods. Von are invited 1 1 call and examine lh assort ment, nnd bear the prices nsked, before purchasing else where. Collie nnd sec us. Your?, respectfully. VM. M MeCl.t. P.T'. No. ST Market st.. between Tib and 8th, upper side. Philadelphia, Aplil li, IrOI lv. . jafjlJbsAiiii.isB Jttit --wat CHERRY PECTORAL: For 9hm Cure mt COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROlf. OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH TrlA, WnOOPIMO-OOUGH AND OONSUlVtl'TIOIir. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At 11m t'ulilnrt Ware Hoom of SEli'N UOUPT & CO. Market Square, Aho at the corner of Fawn ttreet tr the Railroad SUNBUKY, PA. Thnnliftil fur llir" patronatre of liia fricrnla nnil fustimtrra ilnrinrr tlic 17 ycrira lie Itaa lirrn in linsi- nr Rt lliis place, lie solicits from tltr public a con tinuance of llirir favors. Pining; lliis pcrioj he lias e mlritvored to keep up with the iniiirnvrmriit nf tlic dnv, lias oivordinirly txtendril liia lmsi ltess in every lir.inilt ntul vniiely. 'J'lie ptihlir are llitTofoic invited to tlic ulloiition of. tlio iiresclit alook of ' '1 ji.votiii:u Ki'iicjvriFiv woammu PEPSIN! T II E TIIUI! DIGSGTIVB FLUID O Ik GASTRIC JUICE ! A CKEA riTSPEPSIA CUBEH, Prepared from H FNNIIT, or tlui fiairth Pi munch of lha Ox, niter diicetions of PAR OX l.ll'.IIIO, the grenl PhysloliKiical Clieiuiit, by 1. S. IIOL fillTON, M. D., No. II, North F.ielilb Prcet. Pliilade!,liia, pa. Tins is a truly wonderful remedy for INIllnF.STION, DVSl'F.V'.MA. JAl'XrilCI.. MVIlll COMPLAINT, CONSTIPA TION nnd IIFIIII.ITV, Curiiijr nftcr Na ture's own method, by Nature's own aRi-nl, the Ciwtric S50 FOUFJIT. iii;.vn:R will r.-nv it sr r urc :ii v c.i - -jt t.-. rrt i r i Ni-w York Importers ami Jolilirrs EKEEHAN, HODGES & CO., 63 STBSBT, Jh'twccn HrouJinuj and Nassau-Street, Kear the Post Office. nAW3? ea v5rn t ? s-e.? , "VJE arc rcrciviiio;, liv daily arrivals from Kit rope, our Vull ntnl AVinler nsortment of KICII FASHION ABLE FANCY SILK AND MII'MNEHY ;ooU. We respei-lfullv invito all Cnsli Tnrcliascra IhoroitRlily to exnniinc our Stock ami Prices, ami, as uteiimt hovkiixs, we fi-i'l ronfiilrnt our ('ouils and Frioe will induce them to select from our c.-tiililisliineiit. Paiticul ir attention is devo- ted lo MlMiINKRY c;()OIJS, and niutiy of Hto urticlcs nre lnumil'uetnred expressly to our order, mid entinot lie Hurii,SKcd in beauty, style and ihfapness. lientitiful Paris Ribbons, for lint, Ca, Neck, and Holt. S.iliu nnd Tufl'e'.a Rib'jons, of all widths and colors. Silks, Putin, Velvets, and uncut Velvets, for Hut-. Feathers, American and French Artificial Flowers. PuliiiiBs. mid ("up Tritnmius. Jlress Triiniiiintrs, lurje assortment. Kmbroideriea, C'.iiics, Collars, Undersleovea nnd CulV. Finn l'mbi'oidered Rcviero and Hemstich Caniliiic Handkerchiefs. Crapes, hisses, 'J'uiiitoDs, Illusion and Cap I.iiccs. Valencirnca, Brussels, Thread, Silk, and I.islo Threail Lures. Kid, Silk, Sewing Silk, Lisle. Thread, Merino Cloves and Milts. Figured and Plain Swiss, Dunk, Uishp Lawn, and Jaconet Muslins. ENGLISH, FUKXCII, AMERICAN7 AND ITALIAN STJIAW CiOOD.S. August 30, 1811 3mi. r'.itt.e ttinl. r li:-i c.i: no : iio' or otllti tit !:i'.';:.t v ;te IIo-.i-i i-. i. ,;..d,-ip!,it,. 1 1,-. .u'.io:i!. r!lJ'-;.TS n en lii.toruilian-. ill tlo' are in. ifcd to cad. I 1 tlicinclvi-s bv K.ililarv i- n r to that in..;. lone uaiid- rri ktc invited to his in s:vi:nth wwt, r of inleri tip'.ion by otb titid (il'.irrs who have si-leclioii of a pbysician iiHii who have injured i'e are !.-- in ited. Rl'.Al) AN I) REFLECT. The alllicted would do well to reflect before trustins: thctr ultli, hapi'iness, and in many cases their lives, ill the bunds ot physicians, ignorant ol this class of maladies. Il is certainly impossible for otic man to iiiHlerst.iiid all tnc ills the luniily nre subject to. Every rcspcc.bihlr. physician has bis peculiar branch, in which ho is more succcss- J il 1 than his brother professors, and to that ho de votes most (if hi. time und studv. YEARS OK PRACTICE, exclusively lvo- ted to the study nnd ticattnent uf cli. eases of the sexual organ, octhcr with ulceis upon the bo dy, throat, nose, or lc-s, pain in tlio head or bones, mercurial rheumatism, crave!, irrccuhiri- tics, diseases arising; from youthful excesses or impurities of the blood, whereby tho constitution has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to oiler spetily rclirf to all who may plato themselves under his care. Philadelphia, April in, 18.11 It. V: liable PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, offers for sale the fullowiin; propt-riv in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz.: The large BRICK BUILDING in upper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Putteisoiis as a Carriage Makers Shop, The building is (13 feet front on upper Market street, nnd 40 feet on Front street, and is two stories lunh. Also a. two story BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 25 feet, on the same premises. The lot ia on the corner of upper Market and Front elrects, and 18 lib feet trout, and l.)0 feet deep. J lie premises would be valuable for a I- oundry or other manufacturing purposes, and will he sold on reasonable and ar.comtiiodalinir terms by np plyimr either to JACOU CARRIUAN, Philadelphia. J. F. WOLITNfiER, Esq., Milton or II. 11. MASSER, Esip, Suubury. Philadelphia, Jan. 85, 1851 If. Crnit lniprovcnif nlsjn' making French lJnrr Mill Stones. 1 Y Ilia usa of I llKMlF.KlUNC.s I'lll-roieit cast iron I'.ye wliicb ia built lalo the Kuuiter. us to allow for the we ir of the Stone, and has a moveable h dunce ryne and driver si os lo keen tlio balance of the stone without trum lieair until it is worn out. Our stock of Ulocks is srt-ete.1 in France, uud the best quality only used. S -lid IJitir Stones from 2 lo .1 fe.-t in diaiiKtcr willl the low.'i Seme to run. si us lo pre, cut the runner choking inlheeye. ll-'tliu i'loilis nf ull mi'iilicri, cheap for cash. Mill Iroui suit Muiit .Machines lurmshed to order. (iriiidctoues of nss Tied sizes, tailauls for Cuuutrf Mer- ehuu'.i., imported und for tale by J. Ii MITI lll.l.l., No. 14 old Yolk ltoad. ner ItlS ludlilll Pule. Philadelphia, April 1'., 1-al. 6uio. Tho uniform success which has attended the tire of Ibis preparation its salutary effect it power lo relieve nnd cure affections of tli Lunrjs, have piilird for it a celebrity rqunlled by no other medicine. We offer it to the afflicted with entire confidence in its virtues, nnd the full belirf that it will suIkIuc and remove the severest nttaeks of disease upon the throat nnd Lungs. These results, as they become publicly known, very naturally attract the attention of medical men nnd philntitropists everywhere. What is their opinion of C1IERKY PECTOKAL may U seeni n the following : VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., , Prof. Fiirgtrti Mrrl. Collrpr, Kric Yort, fnts : 'It (rives nie pleasure to certify the value and eiriincy of Ayer's CHERRY FECTOA'AL, w hich I consider peculiarly adapted to cure disea ses of llm Throat nnd Lungs." THE RT. REV. LORD 1IISHOP FIELD, writes in a letter to bis friend, who was sinking under nn nli'ection of the Lungs: "Try the CHE'i'RY PECTOKAL nnd if nny medicine can tiive you relief, with the blessing of (Jod that will." CHIEF JI'STICE F.I STIS. of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks of Croup by the CIIEA'.'Y PECTO.VAL." ASTHMA AND URONCniTIs. T!:t Caimilii'ii Journal of Mnl i ml frifiirt states, "That Aslhnia and Bronchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, has yielded wilh surpri siiit rapidity lo Aver's C11EXRY PECTORAL, and v. c cannot too stronirly recommend Ibis skill ful preparation to the Proli -.-ion und pubilc gen eiaiiy." Let the relieved sulVerer speak for himself:--II aui nmii, Jan. SB, 1817. Dr. .1. C. Aver -Dear Sir : Having been res cued from a painful nnd dangerous disease by your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send you this acknowleilgmeiil, not only in justice to you, but for the insinuation ol others in like alllic- tinn. A slicht cold upon the lunirs, neglected ot first. became so sccre that spitting of blood, a violent eoitsh and profuse night sweats followed uud fas tened upon me. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain through my chest, and in short bad nil the alarm nig syiiitoins of quick consumption. No medi cine seemed tit nil to reach mv case, until 1 provi dentially Hied your CHEi'i'Y PECTOJAL, which soon relieved and no'.r has cured me. Yours wilh respect. E. A. .STEWART Ai.iunt, N. Y. April 17, ISIS. Dr. Aver, Lowell Dear Sir. I have for year been nlliicteil wilh Asthma in the worst form ; so that. I have hern obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the lime, being unable to brenthp on my In d. I hud tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until my Physician prescribed, as an experiment, your CHERRY FECTOR L. At fust it seemed lo make nie worse, bill in less than a week I hciran to experience tin- most gratifying relief from its use ; and now, in four weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my lien Willi coiniorr, anu enjoy a sunn rf health which I had never expected to enjoy. tiEORCE S. FA RYANT. 1'iir.riitKn iiy i.e. unit, ui-.-tsr,i.owKLi., mass. IT?" Sold by Henry Masser, Siuibury; Mary A. Mi-Cay, Northumberland- Dr. d'carharl, Se-lius-jrovo ; Dr., Danville, and Druggists generally. Feb. 15, 1851. lyceHiii CA1UNKT M'AH K AND CIIAIUS, M AN-PACTt ni-.n nv " SEBASTIAW H0UPT & CO. At the Old Wand. Where in addition lo their former stock of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, "YValnnt & Cane-Seat Chairs. Lrrrre Rpriwt Sent Rocking Cfinirs, Dressing liureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top IVash Stands, and a variety of other , new style and 1 'ntliioiinMc Furniture. Having secured n Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they nre now prepared for I'ndertnking in nil its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids und mistresses, mid litisbands too, Here's furiiitsre of every style nnd hue, From side bonrds dow'll to kitchen bibles, From roekinir chairs to tockiiiir entitles Should yon not liave the rendy Jotix to pny, We'll wuit nwhilc for n briiihler better ilny, Or tuke potulncs, oats, corn, wlient and rye ; llurk, hoop poles, slaves, or lumber wet and dry, Or nny thing but yokes and threshing flails, From pics nnd turkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one and nil, Keep triule a moving, so "goes on the Will." IT?" Orders from a distance promptly attended to nnd work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. .Sunbury, March 1), IS.'iO. tf JUNK NOTE TABLE. COMIECTED WEEKLY, PI'.Wsivi.VAMA. CITY or HIII.AIIKU IUH. It. r. Hank notes 15 (r All solvent hanks p., rofXTBT. H111X of rliimilicrsleirg 1 di H ink of Clu ster Co. ,r Hank of I lei. Co. Chester par I1....1 ..r: 1 .. ...noi . n-i iiioiilowil Malik of tiettyslitirg liailK Ol licivislowit MASSACAI'SUTT?". All solvent bunks (lis ltiionr. island. All silvi nt lnuks dis CONM'.CTICC T. All solvent Links dis Ni:V YOKK. CUT. parl.MI solvent tvmks 1 dis 1 (lis r$ Itk notes under 93 J dis coi-NTnv. litis A, XSOTSST'JS AND VtTATCH ESTABLISHMENT Ia SelinsgTove, Fa. C'iocIiH, tf-;ifi MM and .Icwrlrj, 1. EPAIRED in the best manner and warranted to perioral well. All work intrusted to hi j euro w ill be strictly attended to. Scliusgrove, Nov. 30. 1S.'0. tl. I'll I I, A 1) V E E' El I I EIDDIOA-EL. HOUSB, KSTAULISHKD 15 Yli.VRS AGO BY mi. KIN.KELIX .111 IV fiT llttlf a tnuetpnunfn I nf tins Tluiil, infused hi wnt-r will iIikcsI nr clinmiU'p, Five PkuihH v( Htmul Uecf in abnul (wd h 'urn, nnf of tlie flnmncli. DIGESTION. "pvlfiKPTlON m rtni'Hy iwrlnritin) in tho nt .mncli 1v llio I uil r n niiil wliiclt Irwlv cxixl fr'mi the inner rmii il IliHt i'iuii, wlictl in ii nt;iU; n ludlilll. cnltnl the fritfttrir Jiiii-r. Tim limit intlie lin .it S ilvent of h h'tM-iL ttiti Purifying, IVtrnrvin'r, mv Sliinnlntiiifr Atrnit f tlie t- I mwi nntl iiilr!mrR. itli nit it tltin will hp im titffM tint, iit t'l'iivtTHi'tn of (. tnlo lil rTitt, tnid ii iiuhili'iii i( the IkkIv ; intt mihrr n ft ml. turpitl, piiinini, nmlilfslriic tivr rt'Htliti.tii of the vlntr (li;inive iippnriitiin. A wi-nk, linlf di'iiil. r itijiirt'd Kt'iiiiiicli priNluccS nn ft (iuotrin Juice, uiM liL'iK'utlie dincaHe, tliKtruMif mid debility which ensue. rEFSIN AND REX NET. PKPSIN i Hit Hiiof L'!eint'iit. nr print Dip. stiiHT Pruiri pie tlie (iiiKirir Jitici, it in lumid i-t lrrrat iiliinitliiitce in the Mid KirUMif ilipliniinn el tintii it .. , , .ItMth, mnl nit tiiin'S i-:uiri the tnn:ifh to ilii-rl :' , . or it itnelf tip. It ia nl i f-nuid in iliu hLoiu.k'Ii t-f iiiiiiiials, im lite ox. culf, JVr. It is thrt nt;iu:ii:il iim-.I hy frirnirrit in iiiiikinc flii'tui', itilU'd li timet, tin e.ft of which hm U'rn llti- Bptriul wontlt-r of t hcHniry. Tin cnrdluiL' of milk m the lirt pro (bs of itiiri'stit-n. (t'-niH't iiMi.niiKhiiiii vwrr. The itoin.-iHi of n m; f will ciinllc ntnilyoiio HmmimuhI time iuown wtMiriit of mi:k. H:ir.-n l.irhiy mtiti th:it. "tne jutrt oi VpKiinlilvi-il in rixty th"ifinnl piirt of wtint, will dit-m tntMt ii nd ofhor fo-nl." DiHrntied ntnmnrlin pro-ilni-f! n i sod (hiNlrir Juice, ttcimt or Pepsin. To lrw tint this U'.int may lie pet feet Iy mippliett, we quote thu fol lowing .SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! RAKO Mi;i!l(i. in hif n-lehrntiHl w-.rk on Animnl i;iKnii(!tiy. n-iyn: Ait Arlitieinl Diuntivn l-'lmd mrihiL'ou to the Oaflrie Juief. inav ! readilv nrcMnruil froin tlie inu v ms iiiein'irMiie nf t,- totiiTieh f tlirejilt. in wliieh varh-n urlietesoi hunt, nn iiii'l V-', will l R l telied. ehani:- eil. and ditresieil, ju.! in t!:e same manner uu llicy W Mild Ik1 ill the hniii in nfmiiaeh." Ui. Pi;iti;il., in his fin. ns trentip- on 'Fnml nnd Diet," pulih.ilK-d hvI'owhiK.V WelU. ew York, pane ,if. states lae mine tael, uud drynSen the niellnnl o nrrparati n. Theie rue few higher uuthoritiea than Di 1'eriMia. IH. nMI)l'. in his valu ihlr writiiiu'son oi iiiiresiiii."niir.t?rviit that ilininmi ion oi tlicilue tpr'ti- ti'y of the (iaslric Jinee in a prominent und ntl-prevailtin eiitif'oi iysot.Mu " uinl lie Milieu that ilintiniruiFMiil profiH ir oj iru-dieuie in IjoikIoii. wlm wiib severely alfliet cd with thii c mpl;iin!. fiu-liii"; every thiinr rise to fail, had lee ninc t . ilie (i-i.-trrie .Iniee, ohiuiued iroai the st 'in-ieh of li i i ijt Hnini ilf. witieli proved e tinpletely wirccffi"ut." Dr. tilt M.M. n ttli -r of llic fain mg w alis on "Ve-je-laMe Jhet.'- mvh: 'it a remar!;;ille i:tet in phyni, thi! (lie yi 'in ic'tn of uiiiiiials. itneerated in wao-r, itnj-Jiit 1 the (iuid (lie . .-t ;i- nf t- ., iic vari-nis iinicles of fvnl. und tif ' dei Mii'.' a Kind of tuttiii-i tl diui j-M"ii "i them in il i wi: f I'lfl-i i-nt fr.iM lae ii;-, ural dLo-stive priH -ss.M Dr. SI MON'S trn- il w v';. !he ( 'i.-atis: i v "I Man1 (l.ea& li; ii.t-h o.J. I'l-.l i. t 10. pp. 0-3 !-.) n iv: "The ihs e ivry o 'l'A M 1 w w i-r i til I he eiieii-v-iil h;:.tMj of DlLfSh ill. Finn -:- i : T e !fi'.'''l.!i w: kit V !i 1 is .I-t d uK niu'-h ia -hi aT'iTn-id di.' -;tiv ll'.id. it it M iu tlie natural (ivtiic .luii-e Hank tif.MidtlleP,,i 1 din All ftilvenin Imnkii .lI'Mitjcunery o D:mk par M1W .ll'.UWKY Lank of orlhnnitierrnd. Kit1lMvii!ir Hntik J h" Uankof itlMiitr nVOnnmcrriul Itmik j (hi Dank if Duuvillu par Fur. It ink Mont Holly pnr Carlisle Ihmk 1 ilhVr.A M., Miihlletown Pi. pur rt.litml.iu IVk A: H'gcCo piir!Mccltiniies' Hk. Newnrk ir Doyi lstown Hunk par Aleeh. Hk of lliirliinrtoii pir I'.afloii If ink ir'Mecli. A- .Man. Hk Trent par F.rii l.ank 2 iliMorri9 Co linnk j dm Kxehanjie M'k Pi(tniri( I ihlNewiirk Hli'ir. A Ins. Co i dis Kxehiuuie M'k, l.ntneh 1 ilis'Oriiuue Dank ? dis l aniiers' H'k, MueksCo I V'ple's Itk Patterson J dii Farniern' Hk, l-amnsier p:ir'lriiteetoti Dank pnr FnnnerF' Hk, Iteiulinir nnriSilein Hankiuu Cr, nur Fann. Itk S hnylkdl Co parjSeincrret t;.i It uik dm K Ac D. Itk Vii"vneiirir 1 idis Stnte Hank nt Cumden pnr I ninkliu Ilk. Wnsirn I Id. a Suite Hk Khzahelhtoii ilis Miirrivl.iirfr Hunk Tilis Stnle Hank Newark dis lloneFilule (link 1 di-State Hk. . . Hruuswick par Isniieitfter It ink par.SufSex Hunk. Newton J dis I.elHiuM), Hank p-irlTrenton Hanking Co pttf Merch. A .Man. Hunk 1 di l iiion liank. Dover dis iMiuers' irk. PoMsville. p.-r Ynr.llevv'le A Del Dr Co I.Vlis Mon inirahelu Htnik din TF'iJk 'wili'i under 5 1 dis Taylorv'e Del HV Co 15 din UF.I.A WAUK. i.nnieh Hrmk n;ir Hank of Delaware par Yyorninlr Hk, WilkenhV par ork H tnk, IV'HiMii'f notes 1 (Jii .MAIM-:. Paukf f AVhetl.M-k Sdi' Meutintile Hk. Hanrjor lliili: Alt s ilvent hunks 3 di, m;v iiampsiiiiu!. All solvent L inks J di l ili .MII.M. Hank of st AlUms AU solvent hanks Hank of Smyrim pnr Delaware Ciiv Hank pr Hk Wihnti'ii A Hniutlyw. wit larTinTs' Hk St Delawure par 1 toon Frank. AYihniitplon p-ir tf Fnder dis OHIO. All dvent I nnk 2 dis tV Hk not u under Ss 4 (lis NUKTll CAHOI.INA 2 dial All dvnit Umks 3 dis t V L'nder .Vs. idis 2 dis Eounty Land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, D. C. fpilf; liuderpiLMiiit Attorney nnd lienernl Airent ttl the .L Ctly of Wufhinirliiii. oll'erg his services hi prm-urim h .mill- I jii ii I mnl I'.iii,v.ln i..r ii.,...,. ....t;n...i II... r. inauiiiilv . eated ai the it of ii-iveniuieiit. with u thor- I ll'.V IVmltirp laKi'ii in pa tiiniit for work i(i;ucotirnc Yckii tMrii! HAAS &R13NN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CIIAIR& 'T'lIK attlisrrilirrarrsprririill c.ill the atlcntiort of llic pulilip to thoir lurirc and silcnilidaaaort nirnt ofevcry qimlity nml jirtre of . . ii:ii; T-WARR. wliii-h rnnnot fnillo rnommrnil itself lo every on. who will cxnmine it, on appount of its durobls) orkinntnliii ntul aplrndiil linisli, niadp tip of th. hrst rtork to he lm,l in tlio rity. No eTort i. lnreil in llio iiiitimnirtiirc of their warn, nnj tilt) stilwrilins nre ili-lrriniiird to keep up with th. ninny improvements wliieh nre eonslantly being niade. 'J'lii-ir' stock consists of Muhognny'.m, Dlvniis) mid I,oungc, Uurraus, Srcrr tarfes, smrfioarbrJ, SOFA, BKKAKFAST AND DIMXO TABLKS, and also LA El IA BI.IMJS, equal to Phil.' ilelihin liianufiii-tiire. BEDSTEADS, of everv pattern anil pri. tUPHOAIlDS. WOliK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOII.KT TABLKS AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every nrlii-le in this line of their linsintss. ' They nlso ninnuructurc all kinds and qualitit. CHAIRS, incltiilinc! viin, tlrs nrver to lie had in Siniluirv, anrli n M aiiiio is , Bur a WitstT iniCrnun.MimUuiii'uxj ami Wnnsc CIIA1US, s ii rsxrr Pmxo etTOoi.a, which reof the Infest styles, nnd warranted to lie excelled Wy none niaiuil'in-liirod in the (Jitiesor elsewhere. The snhscriliers nre ili teriiiineil that there shall he no excuse fur persons to purchase furniture in tl-.e cilicn, as every confidence enn ho entertained about the uunlity and liuish of their ware and (Jhnirs. Tin -ir nrtiili-s will be disposed of on as terms ns tlity cnll be pnri-linm-d rlsvwhere. Coun 1 Streets. I E'l'tlll I'l psiii. AMERICAN IJOU3B, P0TTSVILLE, PA. TKS. MAHY WE AYE It repiwclfully infornii.1 i,J the public nnd travellinir coiinniinity general ly, timt she has opened this larRp nnd conimodious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style. From her hull? evpcrieiico in the business of a rnte Hotel, and well known reputation lo accommo date, her customers may dc-nd on being supplied with every Ihiiijf condueie to their comfort anj convenience . I'ch. 15. 1851 tl Joui-atai ol the V It AN K LI X IN ST I T I JT Ii, or tue niitot r.xxavLvaiciA roa nm rnouoimK i Till7 MUC I14MC UiTS. THE oldest Mccliaiiical Periodica! extant in America, is published on thu first uf each month in the City uf Philadelphia. It has been regularly issued lor upwards of twenty-live years, mid is carefully edited by a eoiuinittie of sciiiitil'c gentlemen appointed for llic purjio.-H', by the Franklin Institute. The deservedly hi'-'il reputation, both nt h' -urn nnd nbroail, which this Journal has ui-ipiircl anl liibtaiiied, has given it a circulation and exi lair;c aistof the best character, which enables tho I'liiu initlce on Publications to make the best selections from I'liii-ign Journals, and to pita i ir.-ii'.iiti. m lo original eoiiiiiiuiiicatiotis on nu chaiiii nl un.l s i eotii'.r subjects, und notices of ni--.v iiivi iitious ; notices of ull the Patents issued ut the Patent Of lice, Wa-'.iinglon City, are published in the Jour nal, together with a lare umoiiut of inform. iliou on .Mrcliiinics, ( 'hciuistry, and Civil Eninccritig, tlerivcd from the l.ilest and best uuthorilics. This- Journal i-i published on tlie first of each nio.ith, each number containing lit least seventy two I'.i'-'cs, uud forms two Moinrs annually of about i.i'i pages each, ii lust rated with engravings on copper and on wood cf those subjects which roiii.c iliei.i. 'J'hc cubscription price is I'ivo Dollars per an nuiii, pnv.ible on the completion of the sixth num ber ; and it will lo forwarded free of postage when fie dollars ate remitted to the Actuary (jiostagc paid) in advance for one year'a aulcriii-lion. Communications and letter, on business must I directed to "the Actuary of the Franklin Insti tute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," the postago l'J'. WILLIAM HAMILTON. Actuary, F. I. Anril 12. 1 85 1. Onto. II O.SK OINTMENT. A fresh supply of Ihia 1 1 , excUeut article for Tetter, i f., just reeeived td for sal. Ir HENKY MASSSEK. (sunbury, July 28, 189. STOVES! STOVES! rilIK subscriliers return their sincere thanks lo -- their cusloiners, for liberal encouragement for the last year, nnd hope by iitrict alteutiou in filling orders lo meet with the same liberal patron age. We have on hand the greatest vatietv of patterns of tmv other Foundry iu ihe I'uited Slates, mnl still uilding to their number, (live us a call In lore purchasing elscuhere. Our slin k embraces a grcjl variety of Cooking stotes, of the most approved kinds, Parlor blovi-s for wood or coal, common stoves. c liudcrs uf all kinds, and is' 1 pi. id s uf all kinds to repair stoves. r Summer in-, a small i.ivc, called Sum LAAVliElSCE HOUSE. SUNBURY, PA. FlIIE Ktil.rfcriliT respectfully inform herfricniU i uinl tlie public generally, that she htm taken tlic nlmve well know a etuml nearly opptwite the Court Houso. lately ooeupinl hy Mr. J. C. IVr kill. ISlie trusts that her experience in huMuena uinl her elK.rU to muUe her cuer-ts comfortable. will give entire tsatiffuetion to those who jtitiy fj vor her with their custom. ANN C. MOKKIS March 8, 1P51 tf. Ar. IT. Comer of Third ami Vnion BETWEEN sriU'l E AND I'tNK STUKUI''. IIFTMI'.N VKAHS of extensive ntul mmitcrruptrnl i .r;irtifj Hjirnt in tin my nw r'i;ilrrrfl ir. Iv. tltc lip ')-t i-.tpt-lt in i J Hl.vrs.-i'ul ni;u'l ttl-'1MT l':ir UM-1 lir;ir. in the trt';itiii'iii di nM ilixist s i.t n j.nv t 11 iture. Fcrs-Mm hIIim UiI wiili u!'r up hi the ! riy. tUr nt. or I-'uh, vui!i nt the ln'iulor Ii nn'n, iijf.fUK ii rlu'iiiu iii-ni. fru-lun-. crav.-l. tliMM.w nripimr Ir-.m y.nil liln'l t-n-i-sf s nr iiii;ii:itii s l llic IiI.vkI. win-rciiy tin' v m U. iter nc. iMil'fclilftl, ore fill tie'iti') wiilt h.u'im-kk. Ik' wli il;:e !h'i..- ll' nudiT tlie ra;t :f Dr. K.t nny r1 l'i.'iisly r 'iili'lf in 1 11 li'n r a ;f ntli'iimn. :uil cnlitlpnt Iy rely ii; n Iji" Hlolt im u pl.yMci,;n. T Mils 1'AltTH t'l.Alt NOTlri;. Vtiiiii?r Mm wh have initiri':! :h jmn.'lvi'S Ky rt certain iiai-tie ui-l'iiji-1 in n'it lri' ii'-m iy Ir.irin-il Ut'iii v il r niiini ns or at Hclinol !ln" I'llii'! of yhi'-li titfi ui'ilitly tf!t. even wlirti :istt'.-p, mnl roy Ii 'tli iniml nml It ny, nlmiiW npa'.y iitiin.'.liatt ly. Wi'iui '; :ukI e uiwitiiti'iial ilfl ihtv 1 s tt" nax'alar t:n nrv. n!i's;r i! l;i.;sit:i.lo attl irii cr:t nr ftr:iti n. irrit :i i : i v t:.-rv nis .iK'-.-ti-ii. t (trstl'ill. t!'lirts!i )" of t!i" live! . tllnl el'tiry iliffiveiu unv w.iv iMiin'li-tl wiui ti.: ti.f" t-I r oi' Uu- jirocrtrativc linc tt'in cuietl.anJ lull viir-T rt s!-rcj. YOVTll AND MANHOOD, A vi-otoiis life or a priinatuto dt'ttth. KI.KEI.IX on Si If Pr, s; n ation. ONLY 25 CKNTS. Thin Hok jiiFil pulilislu-d m fillt-l witli useful !uf.riiiatioii on tin iiinriiiutrii :uiii ihscjisfrt tt" tli-' I .' iif r:ii ive Orj;iia. It n litn'Mcf itneli uliki t. YorTlIsMANHOOOuml (H.U A I1., ami uhntilil It' te til ly all. Tlir vulaahlr mlvii-e unit' impressive wnrnine it piven, will prevent ycum of misery uudftairciiug and a-iva auniinU Iy Tli m mi tits ol laviM. Pnrfiits ty railiiiT it will learn how to prevent th dci trurtion of their ehiltlren. ,A remittance of ''i een. enH.Keil in a letter. nH-dren-il to Dlt. KINKK1.1X. N- W. r Tiier ofTUIKHA l'MON Stie.-m. Spruce run-. l!iiliuh'lphia, will rnture n l nk, mul-T envel pe. pir return of mail. Prtra aiKtit u dif aire nny uddica Ur. K. by letter, (ott piid,) anil lieeuivil :it h i i . i.rK.iii:s ok .Mi:ii!rii:s. ihiuxtions. kc, fnrwanlcri liy K'iilnitr n rciiiitumee, uinl put upBccuiw from lA l.tiis or t i it u ir i i . HiMik-Rfllfru, .'v Aui-ntf, Peil! nn. rnnvnMfrsi, nnt. nil othera mippliei with the ulwve work ul very low rate. S-eptemhiT 6, 1-;"1 Iy. prrp'it lts.-'l ..eM ' r 1)1 deiphia. in )itr. in te firm I'll v Mm f.xperinii- i'v iil.liiiii.-il fr;n tl weil n t w -i '. i .t. lie's it t i I ! mrm 11 t .-i i i "t t ;iu eMviUMii'i in t'i wuli Or. ll. ;iuui nf. on iIm- i !i iirr lt'im iii t-t li-n'll ap I l' "In -ill i-i",' ,. n:tv, 1 i ? rj i)"'v . w ill I I -V. il.-IMI.'S mi!j '. . asllli- .luii-o, ...ii iiniii-ils iysrvi 'i ii, . ..-.-nr- ' w s- .s Vj-, .1 III ll;l- luilllllt! illi;i-Htioiis.'' j C ma critER, j :T. :vi-ifi mi '.i ri.r.-,N pr '-In- 'ri-X !! iisi.-ii.vh, furii.f Pii;- 't DrSijtv. ! y-V :" l l)r-!::i.-. mhJ IU m-, t,e C--i!;-:i -n. ; J S' I t:ie V'TV Ver.f' l-I !ir !VP. It i ml- . e .'.-f.iU ..!...! in tl::- li'i;i -f lM- ! jJ v . :- :rt!'- ; ti!:e.'i I reili.tiMliU !M r l.i i I' ' ti II , f ' - ' , A. twii t.rvntft i. im:h!:ki:i.i:: M i-r m.. .".' i, nil., ran i; f" n ,- 'tie, , i-- v .. - Thebe w i:e i - Iv ;lI I ii'.- c... , un I ht r.r, .1 werr : VT - y .VU7 !-ii' It t a -r-.' MiKVOfS ANTiltU'l'i:. nntl rr:-t.-il irlv J '. .' n.'liil f.r i'iv!.'U!'V t --It ti ..i. i. I.iv i: .;a.-lai .t. . ' I-Vn-r h.i-I Ar.i. v ..u.-l p.- an I V wti' ';? evil ell"i-'S . I t :ui;tt , M rv. :mm1 -'Vr -! r ii 'ii I he j V. ''. in (v.tiny. i " I h- ' ' " iv- t ..'t! ,: (ir;;;-. Ii al.iiort j fiefret tii-t' i-reeoiu:!- r I l."i!i ii . i'!i ln: ftp. mi'it. j (,f t Ju;-Ii 'v, Ol.l) STOrAf'il ( O.ViiM.AlNTi?. ! this !.'. .! r:tii'e to lut itlhl Willi Ol!t 1jH tl !lif ! i 1 i : IV I t ;'l..llis l: I u n!i-f,-7. X.- niiu-r lie,;!:! . p;. ! ;er l- etuiiti' r.i: '.v tier.-) '.- I ml as pi i.e. l!v in '.In :irtitie:il as" a nvsi-K. Dr. II'.ri;!i ru'S prr rt I '!' m F n:;i; , ! !nriei:t: i vc mipp'-feit t'i I,.' . p.S'l'. t ftv- tl vertifi'iiieut I'iit I'f lll'H'l ti'!. I ti rj:.i. iii i There ii . i r.u r.f t.)t ST M t"H ('( 1 .1 I NTS w'n.'Ii it i I-f.- n t 'f-i l-i i 'i ii-! ! n- ;-t .Vi in Mi-r h nv t.i.t ilt.'v may 1,.-. i; i-iVI.S l.NT.NT III'. 1.11. 1 I .i ;!e .1 'se i i-i.i v nil I'l-- in; !'-:s in' fv :r -t-.;n. tii: -I it ; r.-iU to k- i -r.--tf -"I. l' ;i ii 'H Tint . t ' in :k- il . n n t.:r -eiM p-n.i:in :ut. iTKITYOK lil,i)(0 mnl VMM ;I Ol hOl t V. t !! it 'ne--. it i p:utieti; irlv e!ti'e!jent ill ciM-i-'l ;ti- -I. 'i ! , ' i i t"rn::i;':i. S 'lflie.-v nf thepit 'I' 111:-Sl-Mineli ilii:r.;;s I'Ki-r fitin-r. I 'W. r tM, m:i(e ui 'v t!l ' !. 1 1 " i i inf.-.--. l.-iwiit ss ol :' i- i'V Dexp iu- fleney. !'.i!l ir'i;iti n, NVeakne-s, I eiiih ni'y t I iis:ini; V, Hill- I l-i.le. Ae. t 1'riee. noi.t.Mt per h.ttl;. Onebofllu will often elTect a l;:f!ini' are. I'KiVMN IX POWPKKS. tr si: r v :.u , run: ok imstaci:. Por e-tnve nt -;i Iiej to t.!1 pnlR of tl.e e-umllV. the ll(ii;STVi: M T I'lll? OK Till'. IT-ilN i i in the foim if low.l-rs. with .lin- n .n t he h.-s .Iveil u ) water oi Kvrup, hy u'e p.ii.e;,t. j in p iK ntaih just uie Kitne mriTler iif tin t.oiU' t. I'WT iwicc i- h ijirtiiinv for ttl.' F-inie pt .. jiti.l v. i!M:; rent lv ttl'' it. Kitr.l. Ol- OS''At;i: i r ON K lOt. I. It si-m in !-i-ai.l) t Or. .1. .ill TON, N.. UNor::i r.irh;li fclreet. llii!;i.le!phi;i. M'CAHTY, ii o o k i i: 1. 1. i: it , Hroudirnif, SUNBUUY, PA. HAS rercully reeriveJ, amotir ollirr prtielM, a jjreiit variety of New, i'licai and Kntcrtain iiiR puhlientioiirt sueh an Cootierti mely, complete or beparate. lCtxIwell, nuti and .uiMli:ir a(nu.tinl;iiie- wnli tin iiee'-Ks:iry lorinri. ti hi I l 'it! ine f I'liciiirfl. tnitl h:t inn tieevn ( Kn.'iFlt'rf mnl Ko!ln tiled in the t". S. war oltie-. lie poe8esiieK lueiltlu-ft fm the dpeedy in tt I Kit itifavt. ry ajii-;tiiiuit ot (jovortnnenl (.l.iiiim of every !.iii'l. My m I'll Act i t' Cinrrfr;. Ilniinty IumI in (jrantrd lo the i tV;eer.-t nntl fil liei'H ol the v?ir of l-I'J. mnl o the vari rioim lnli:in watH. sinee i;tto, T tlmpe who served nine lll-Hllhfi llitt iiereit; ( wlm nerviil f mr 111 mi lis 60 iien n : ntul to th re who ervfl one m 'inh U ncres. Arran-ji lueilis hae heili nrnle With jr-'iithiuen of the lie-rnl proV,si n in iliil'''t'eni ntcijoiis of the t'lmntry, for the InfMiiuii of win -nails, ami the 5 He nf the pateutM, when iswm-il, 011 the tn it mlv;in':ieoiii t'Tinw; for the paynienl of iiiAin, n lenipii 11 of lit id If, h 'l. for laxep; e-lleetiiti i( ih-litf : .'mil 1 1 ,r the ti.uifieii.ii of j;t-ut-ral Iiw Lusinefn, iu Ihe h:r.n nt -"ta!r-.- nntl T.-rriloiii f. lie tt-ii'leit. Inn fi.r ie.-s 1 1 titfiiihi-! . f the profettsi m nt a itistfiiet". ini'1 when I'l.iini"1 aiMin.-. I la-1 i eniiin-nl. are pre-jvin-.l hy a 1 mmI Aiifiit. ill i.i.i'e one hull his iiminl fee. Tli' neets iry f-riuM nml liii:ri"':ioiiJ. ntul inloiuiiil i. n on nl! u!,ji-el8 a;; i'r:;:ii'iii'' I u ;ilee sl"ul proseeut ii n nf ln li;,:-,n -.'. w.'.l n: l'iiiii...el I n-tilar Corri:sj 'nileuts vi;h OH! e'lnt'-'e. i'rtt!' nil 'inrifi n 01 tn-niif in theitrtny or w 11 It ht.n u'- t in 1 -nl i. -ul. ir ku 'wu .'t' their . -ice, 1 'hei wi'h :i it I i ee il ll ir, mnl their euoni- tii jt will 1m- t. 1 1 l.y r.-iaia of nnil. All c niiuauiica ti iis to he i I'uri'vin.; un.l :n' h. 1 1 ( II i;i,!',S i tkckk.i:. (H iX ?i7. 1'. O.) Wahliinjttoii, 0. O. lJVciMlihrr "J-, !"")(). a.i .;r.;4'-s::i J Dot i: NSIIK TII C lOI'KliT K-o 1 t. i'i t s, or, Kxerv one hi-i own pit't.iii ! Iliirtt- niiniinnii, www upwauM 01 a on-. r. 1104-, simiv- ," lll ".'M!ti;ir ilt-t-,,s in mv- . rv 'iaiH1 :uiil t inn, titi.l tti.i!- , inmijiis ot' the irem rntive '- M sU'ill. i;v y, vot x( i. r. 'J'he tiiiie has now uiTiil la'i's.-n-i Huiierin i.-oni jiei 1 in Jiime lu' the id i;n !iy t'te j.revT't'li ms r-Hilaiiit :1 tit i" max; riiii- In. 11 vv j 1 : 1 . ; l Itijttl nr ilie 1. now: ilt dl" iiny one, .oil tin' UMtal e. t'ne. l.i ;nl;li er.'l roi ti o' ol' . ivate -. it ,iir e ol niaitliooil s crly ih itite, 1 on iiii:ria;r hesi.le. in.u.y Is whit, hit wmlil not he jiro- i) srii 1i:i:r tv kntt-i i v t. i i:ts enel.isril iu a lein r, will reeeive one enpv ol" this hook, hv mail, or iv cepies will he sent tor one dollar. A.hh-es -hl. W. OI (t I.VJ MMM'Ci; ;lr. ei. I'iULA DKM'JIIA." lVst-j aul. CI'liH. tM'Nfi e.:ti he eoiiMiiteu tut any of the l)i.-eaert (lervriheo1 in ht.-j ihiii'reiit puhlieations, at hi U.!iv, :i SlMMCi; Street, every ihiy he iween ! anil o'i'!t), k. (um! lysVxcri'teU.) JMiilailelphia, Nov. 'J, Iy. I MKIJTAKL(i. - Havintr nroviJed I theiiiKelves with n liamlsotne IIiuiihe, they arc ! now jirerareil lor l-inlertakiii:?. nml aUen.ling fu I neraU, in I li is" ieiuiiy, or ut tiny eonvcnieiit dis 8trt tanee Irotn thi jtlaee IV 'i'l.e Ware Konm h in Mark opposite .1. Voting's utore, nnd nrarl Weaver's 'J'avern. iAircr, ii a ah. Stmhvtrv, Dee. 1 1, 1 -.50 tf. AVA'ITS' KSUVCrS ANTIDOTE AM) PHYSICAL UKSTOItATIVH. Tiju i.iSDict. "0r73Z.n. or Trf 'Il.l. i n-lilvi-lv cure nil hIhcps of rural;iai 'i ii- iJuliiniiiv. .rvniis lliMiliit-hr, Clio U rn, l.ui-kj t-.v, 1 1 M!rii.liii!iiii ronvnlsinns j wilt ivsinii-niiiuiiihul in itn 'irrniiiic vip,or, rvfn afirr M-uis i.l' ir "-tiiiti.ii., mnl tilt only known and c.r t.iin f-in-i' for I. i.v s;ii.iiM or iiiriitiil ili-biltv. KMini t tr.nii tin- .rvv V111U Nun, Oi l! II, 1849, T!.er.l,'.l..,f.l It wlii-n tdlkinp; of tli. niii-.u-iil iii-i jiiiwrr of " nitn' .Nervous Anliilole." I'll ijiu-'ii. i;i v.ii-i -.i.t to liitn. ,'liy nurli a valiti l.!o l'ir ull iu rvoim ;iili-i-ii.i:is wja not in tunhunl I v tin- iiii' f.ui.liv !" n-ilii-il, "That if it ivi-ri', tin iv wiiuiii no Immrr Iu' uny nsn fur a f.i i;l!y, us w'.l o.-i-iiiiai.-il froin u iliskirgmn ii.eil stiio of tlie ih'iai's ; t!ir. iii-rrs are tlie utaist l'rinL'. nf tl i- w I nil- sy.-ti ii) Krci tliis in ordM) Hiiil I" Ml tlio miml un.l iiiust Ue." 1'iiiir niinrp li'i; il. Ii il.i.-i-, i;h for all .r, i.M: il)l,l,. i:. Mil,:) !iV ' Win. "I !' Ail'l'V, tlr.iailwav, Sunburr; i-f-. . 1 1 - -1 - i . - -.-. -,-. i ti; Tl r- ' 1 li.l'll- M. I) , nml S. 1U)1 I'll Six vlrl.:llTi'.- l'ir flit-il .1'iirs r.V'i-rv pii'-kriL't ill licnrs llm wi iili-u kL'iinnire of J. S. II I t 1 1 (I i'l IN s.ile l'r irn-t',r. Sulit liv nci'iils in evrv t'lw n in tin' Tnili'il Sluti'S, liy icsitt'i'liiiili' ili'iili'i-s in Al'-ilu-iiit'S (,'eiieialt)'. Ft ill S.W.K ItVJnliii V. Friliiig, ami (Jeorao llrielit Simliiirv, Hit. Wnrv A. MiCiiy J 'I, ii II. Ii:i.'i llaii-s .It .Mi-t'.iniiii-k, H. j. ("r..'ii', J .lni Ii. lii nn, Witlruil l.niin, fSiiniiurv, s.-i.i. i nil, is.-;o. N'irtliilmlieruliiil. Millni, M'-Mwi-iisviili', SllllLlLT'l. I'l'lii-r Muliuiitiini'-i Mali'iiiny. HATS. C. :-. YALTO.'J, j y.i. 1 Hi .Vv.'.-,' ft., I, :;;,: ; Sth St.; i (.-.H'lll -.1 ; j?K-'AUnx.i?rxzJa.. I 'J'tll' Sts'wriin-r li m r;u'iinl n m-w liat ator'4 nil' rs to tnuli is nml oiln-rs who visit lha 1 illy, a liiiiiiif.Mm assort ! : !. N, caps, of cvt'- : ) ol i'.i iaU-1-iul, ami ill , aim uu ii-riiis as rrusona y .ii! lis'iiiiiont in l'liil.: i, ,'i ul .i.,!) ; (iood ii hiiiii llic t-tiuntrv who our .it nil Limrs. on getting ft l!i,' l.!r in:; il.iV ila 1'iktT, ni' . liarriia! i'l n ut ". 1. 1 i !:ili 7 post: , i i tllstill , .l-..nv tr;:.i il r i ; l.;.l:.' '-.:t I." . .1 ll'Wi. i-s lor li'.iln- i :.!' vi..-. .i 1'attiTiiK, ii i.l niii'ty of urti- 11.1 to iiiriition, 'I'lio lii'il u iili toiiiinoii 1, (i, 7, mnl H iua.l 'i r.i lu'ttli-;, .t n ry low iri- icn lor ra.--.i or ctly ui-ci'ii.iiro. A f.-w taaks of suii'iior lii ruiau blaik U'aJ on hiiiiil. W'AUMCK & MHKANDT. IVuMo st. wharf, Dt-Uwarr, lMiilaJi'liihia. Ajiril ", lHol. Gmo. TEiSSVORTOrJ HOUSE, TKEYOUTON, PA. rjHR sulisi'ii'.ipr reniKvtfuIly intorma the puU'.. J. that ho haa opened a I'ulilic llouae, in lit iipw town of Tri'vorion, Northuinlirrlaiid county anj that lie is well prepared to accommodate his ("ucsts iu the best manner. Ilia house ia lorate. lieariy opposite the ("oiiipany'a Store. He is also provided w ith good stalillllil slllni'ieut for SI) hor ses, lie trust, by prompt und careful attention to business to inert a share of the public patron ayo. HENKY II- WEAVEK. Trcvorton, Jan- 11, 1850 tf AM) IM'.NSIOX Al.KNCY. The attention of Ihe public is railed to the ad veitist-ineut of .Mr- I'bailea l". Tucker, Attorney and Audit ut asbilon City. IYrsona hav. iii'4 i lor Uiuuty Laud, or Pensions arc in fornii il that llic sill, s, nlier baa liiailu arraiieiueiits for t'.ie H''iiii-ite foruis, uud elaiuiaiiU calling at bis, cnu have lln ir papers prepurcd and iiuwardeil to Mr Tui ker ul Washington, uud by him he properly attended to befuru the lie paitiui'iit liieie, , Jl. U. .H.liStllill, ii.i'.iurv, Jan. H, 1851 iAIl.S, currants, ritron, cheese, fiepjirr same, Sir. For sale by J. V. I'KII.I.NU Sunbury, 1'rc.S, Ib'ifl. IJl liK WHI'J'K H HANDY FOI 1'HEsEK-- 'INU, just rceeivci! and or aale by II U. MASSER. Sept. 28, 1850. flj&I.ANK NOTES, waiving th. exemption J law ol o-t)u, lor aal. Iy AprU.JH, 1851. II. II. MASSER. TlfHITINli Fl.riU and self aealing Enve- ' lopes, just reeeived and for aale by April 19, 1S51 H. II. MASSER. TCOH sale at thi. ofi'ii-e, Superior Olark Ink A (.'utile Medicine at S3 cts, I'uro Esuenc. of liingrr, 85 tcnU. EXTKACT CF GIMiEH. A frc.U supply just received and for aal. at this oflic Price S5rrnU. unbury, July IS, 1861. LSSEKCE OF JAMAICA i; IX UK 11. Alll fti'lil tlie betl Jaiiiaieu Ointri-r, nil tli. vuluubl. iitc.tK-iiiiil ir'i'etty r wim-ii .1 win u. iouihi ia hw- sesH in a e in i-nii-iil una e iurciilr.iU'ii luiin. Il is u n."M iMii'Knl unit ul Uu-miiit lime luiimii-ss. s;cuii sliiiml niiiir i nne l ir tlie. st iiaiieli, unit will lie l.muil vrry Immlii' in u-lievilia Ilie l.aiiilul ulsl itisl niwi 115 lefliiius oi'i asiiiiHil hy tl,. inq uired uoti'iu 01 Una iiiiiiiilaat ora-iu, 1- r.illl I1.1II IHU Wlinle U-a-SJI Hlllllll mseii 111 u vviiiv-lliiiss- ful 111' ii i-i-twn-il wilier will iniiiH-iliuti-ly reumvo lli tlalu li'iu- unit oi'jnvstii. 111 ri-suUiug irom iiuiiuiisti tnul il' kikca two nr ihrce liiu. s iluily, h wiuinsl, win 1 I'ouiiil highly list ml Bauisl Ilie uinl S.-IHK- ol sulking oi inrsloiix atih uisl itiiih-ik-y In lis ctis inli-rrtl aetlull is-eusiiiiiol by th. enervating ctl.t-t nt" tin- suiima-r lniils, or ( ill winiriiltsT iu ilisMisili'iii, uud for oorrecliui the mciiiien! atig;ea ol' duiri- liu-a, Ac. Il IS ills nil excellent niisl.rilie, fur those who liuv. in- jur-tl the lone of their stonsu-hs ly the uiMihirtVrule use of inlitKieatiiitf l.Uurs, by ns sllghlry sllliiulaliii.- euoel Uin. uie sliiusieu ma sliig tli. eru lnj( i .liiiiuiaiiis, iiiiikhi lius 1111 iuiiirious iien n 011 the lirain. nisi is ti-it siieetMHled by t'i't:liiiiS nl' iU'irt'aiiiii, which ulvvays follow Ul. us. of ulenleilie sllinulants. A few (Irons muted lo nvuraesia. rliulurb or olhrr rursa. live medicines, will render llieiu lu-ire ueeentuhl. to Hi. stoium-li uud "revuiil Uie gri(iiiir which ii ant to aueoinuuay men ueiiou. PREPARED ONLY BY AM DUOS R SMITH, DUUliUIMT ANU CI1KMI6T. N. E. torner of 7th and Chtstnut Struts. raiksJelphi., April W, 1H1 -ly Herbert. Humus Sue Kryiiilols Cockton Maxwell Jcrruld Do do do do do do do Trol'ope, Halliburton, Murryatt, irry, Marsh, Aiusworth, Morri. do At the low price of from S3 to 50 ct per volume. Sunbury, Sept. 28. 1S50 tf. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Jt'STll'K OF Till: i'KiCE. Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, iiuineiliiitely opposite the Public School House. CW Monies collected and ail business nioiniitly ami care fully uttentletl to. April SO, 1850 nUOW.N'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN- (il-!H. uii eiCfllcuL urliele. Kiuwit'i McdieuUd Soap for sun burns, tan, tetter, V;c. ltadwuy Circassian lSalni, for the liatrdaud- ruir&e. liudway a I'eaily Kelief for Cramps, Cliolic, Cholera Morbus, Ac. For aale by H. li. MASSJSK. Sunbury, lutf. 3, 1850. tptTONE arc, Earthrii are, Itaisins, Al i) iiioiuls, 1 lines uud Cream Nuts. I'lanes ot nil kiinls. JSull and I'laslrr. Just received and for sale by JOHN V. FK1I.1NU. unliury, Dec. su, IM'J. IIOOK.S and (Sold IVtia. On bund several cop ' iea of the life of Christ, and ulso a number of gold pens wliieh we will sell at the l'iiiladelphia prices. For ale ut thi. ollice. ENNEDY'.S PATENT .SA.SII FAS TENINISS. A cheap and exeellenl aril eie lor iasu mii;; sash lur sale hy J. W. FRI1.IN0 .Sunbury, July 7, 1819. r'lII,EY'S COVGJI CMNDY. An eiecl- V I""1 reiiwrily tor coughs, cold. For aale at tlii" ollice M'lSHI'E PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for 1 coveriug ((lassra, &c., for aale ul (It. ulliec ol the American. "IFRSINO BOTTLES Breast pumpa, and - ' nipple tulw A aitiiply of theso useful atrti cle. just received and for sulc by JOHN W- FHIUNQ Bunbury, Jim- 18, 1851 tf LANK DEEDS printed on the best quality cf parchment par, .old at the lowoat price, at thit olhce, Is wholesale and retail. PHILA. AI7D USADHia EATLE3AD, mmmi:ii Atif.Aiii:Mi: it irou l'lIll.AUl-'.l.IMIl.V AD I'O lTSVIU.i:. F u res lit il ii cftl Ujjiceof the i'hita. Uca.lin" linUrnad Co. Philadelphia, March SU, IS51. Two PnsseivJer Trains Daily, (except Sunday.') N and after April Int. 151 two train, will lie run each wuy, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville Mt i t:rxo hixn. Leaves Philadelphia lit 7 A. M., daily except Sundays. 1, raves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. Arrr.tixoox r.ixi:. Leaves l'iiiladelphia ut :JJ o'clock, daily, except Sundays. I.euvea Pottsville ut 3 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, $3.7.1 1st class curs and SS.t'o Sd class cars. Between l'iiiladelphia uud Heading, 1.75 1st class curs uud -iM.15 Sd class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and Vine Streets. Pus-u'itacrs rnnnot ruler the ears unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baLra;-.itfe w ill he al lowed to each passeuiter in these lines j mill pas sengers uru expressly pioliibited from taking uiiv- Ihinil us biiKua'.'e but their wearing ujipurel, which will In-ut the risk ol Us ow ner. By order of tho Uoard of Managers. S. BKADl'OUl), April 19, ls.1l. Seeietary. PATENT JAPAN "SLACKING. M.nuifttrlonj, No. 60 CIj'ESTMTT Stii-i-t, MEDAL, awardnl bv llic FHANKLIN IN STITL"i'E of Philadelphia in October, AND TH K FIH-T PREMll'M by t? MARYLAND IX SsTITl Tli, at llalliiuore, Nov. lKISimd IK-IU. J'hihi.hlylti , Orlohr'-tili, lis-18. I have used .1. Wellar's I'aletit Japan Liquid and Paiiti llljckimr for Home nine months, und am happy lo say tout it ntirprissrs ouv blnrkinpf Ihat I have useil t'tcse Hveuty odd -years. I liud it holds the polish and preserves the leather U-t tiir than nuy hlaekin; that I have ever tried. Anuih. v II. I ill Mill. us. No. I! 7 Chestnut Street, WE. CUrJlEY, .'nii'i'm'ircr. Sueeessor lo .1. ELLA li, No. CO Chestnut Street, above Second. November, 9, ld.10. ly. 'fiely, made a'.f.-t tiil'l I..' t .-tv s eaa I t bail in : ib Ij.lii.i. : : i 'in, I do ut i)H. l'er.,.! ! chase of him. can rel , I in""! inli.-le tliat wiii p'lase them, and one that ia I the im. nrv pail. CI. WALTUJT. Piiila.le!;,bia, Nov. 9, IS.Iil. It. iuilv 01NTI13PJ7, TCJl TETTBBj miar tsiiaui H.'tu I'ltiiluill (of lM "t t.AP t!i.' I'll! iwliiff eeititl'-iite I' Ciiiit. Ilevne, ia. X t wi-ii sii. 1 kll 'W'il llll'l i irr: m! zirzi E0UPEAUS Inclcstructitlo auil IndtUible WRITING INK FACTORY, No. 1 South Third street. I EHCIIAN'l'S nnd Ihe Wiiliiiu: communiiy 1,1 are rcituesled lo cull uud examine this INK, wliieh is wariautfft nut to corrode Metallic iVn., nor ciauge it Color, Mltolt'Kiilo anil lUlafl, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A liboral discount made lo Merchants uud tho Trade For .ule by II. B. Masaer, agent for Sunbury November 9, 1S30. ly. Valuable IIouUm. rlKE or ( ii it i st, handsomely bound, D'Ai' HU, M.'s IllSTOlir OP THU II 111 It M THI V Hlank Di-uooi; IN" L:nr.Kiis, full bounded. For aale at the publishers prieca by II. li. MASSF.K I Sunbury, July H, 1849 ruii.Ai ki i'iiia. Oct-iiiiT ni, ii4. Si-vrrnl ye ns fim-e I was nii'ieknl wilh a hrnikiiiK out nil my ii.'i-s im lln I' .nn nl' 'r.-il.-r. vliii li I mn e inviiieed wisi e ,i!rii. r-l m ihe tl i-l,-r"Mii-ri. i irraii.liiiilly extenlt r,tn ' i my iai-i' u.ilil II re'it'lit-il ihe lii er Kirl nf th. clii-i ks. linn t - s- i eiiil iii oi: In. tint ir c uitinued t-piniiiiii':. I iim'.I il,lli-r,-ul n,v licntiniis. s e nf which h4 the i ltt-i-l. it-.'i.r.-iilli- :.! Ii-i..-i. . i' iiieii'iiviinr Die itiNraise. hut in, III llio.e in ti.i iri tin 1 ifi-ivn j. IIts lieiit-tit until I iil'litmi lin- Itn-K i Iixthk s r. liy Hie use i,f.iiiejsr ol it; I w m l t.'l'i-i'i!;. Clued nnil l.iivc ri-llliiliieil tree oi lh. .II'm II. ill. I have sini-i' iim-.I Ilie ( lintineiii. liuhily tiiilieil f-.irroul. IH-ss nl lln- iai-e. Iii !'!., -ii. -l,ti: -p.! I'unils. ,Ve. With ier (. et K.ieei'Ks. 1 imve nn hritifii !i iu reciiiuiueutluf il ii Ila- slii'iii-sl II1.IIUUT In the nuMle. JAMI'.f DI.VOK; Acreiit llsM-.v Mas-iku, Isiluhiiry. JnlJ -J', l.-4i; BOOT-TREE Ii A K E R, .Vo. i)5 Kmc Street. Second door l'!ou' Third, PHtliADnLPIIIA. 'HEHK nil kinds nf lasts, cic., of the latest i v Hlvle uii I best material, are mtiuufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly und punctually attended lo. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, IS.'iO. ly. (Ireeiis Ovyucnateil Hitter, price reducedi Old Jacob 'I'uv. .isi-ikI'b Saisapaiilla. Hiker's Sursiipurillu. Swayne'a Syrup of Wild Cherr , Sway tie's Vcrinilu;e. Ayre'8 Cherry Peeloral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's di) - Tibbit's Pain Killer. Dr. 1 loiill, ili:l's (I'ermaii Bitters: Indian N'eirelablo Pills Horne und Calllc Medicines For sulo by HENRY MASSElt: Sunbury, July 11, 1SI9. LlQUOliS, WINKS, kC. 'PHE snbserilicr has jut received a new supply of the best lupiors that ever came lo .vutibury, roiisistinu; in part of Superior old pale Brandy. Fijif Civilian SiipA'rioi' Old Jamaica tSpiiiU. New I'ul.lii.l Hum. Fine Uoi'.ind (iili. Superio' Old Whiskey Comm. n il.. Superior Mudeiia Wine. Lis'.ioii do. ila. .Superior Port Wine. Burnii ly Port d . Sweet Maln'ia Wine. Siiiu'iior Claret Wine Clianipagne '- TH3 PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM fli.Ml'ltlSINt: A COI.I.KCTIOS OFOVKIl 200 YALUAIILE HECIPKS, the Useful and Interesting Arts icith a ftvi Sliujile am! t'urinus rieriiiieiit. Iu l lll'.MISTit V : I NCI.l'DINfi Irdicilll'l, Perfumery, Chemistry Coekery, Furriery, Dyitu, Confectionary, Do; Inestie Eeouoinv, ele. etc. etc. Price 6 els., lor rale by HENRY MASSER; Sunbury, Dec. 8, LS I!). b. .1,.. HENRY MASS EH. sS'iuibury, May SC 1819. C 11 A 11 L V. S W . 1 1 Ell 1 NS, -TTC?.1TS1T i-T Li.?, 1'ittlMiile, a'a. Will promptly uttend to collections and ull busi tu ss entrusted lo bis care. Juno 1C, lbl9, STO.NK milk Pans, stone J n ; and Pitchers, and oilier urliele. of stone ware just received and lor .ale by JOHN W. FHILINli. tfuuliury, June 83, 1819. tEAS, from the New York Canton und Pckin J. W. FRILING. I 'I'ta L'uiiiii.riiy. For sule hv Sunbury, Dei. 2, 1818 T! BAY fill by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury Jan. 17th, 1849 If. Just rec.ivtd at the store of HENRY MAS- SER, it bit of Cups, (Sum Shoes, Almanacs, ijitcfusuarc, Liquors Ac. All of which will Ut sold at the lowest price. Der. II, lri.lOi MINERAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard Acid S'prius, biijlily valuable in chronic di' seases, uud tonic rcmeuies, for sale 1 1 EN Rl' MASSER. Siinbnrv, June 29, 18.10 tf CAI'S. An KssorMuenl just received, ' silk HATS at r-J5, for salebv Suuburv, Der. P 18. Alatf IL MASSER. tJJATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison' writing and iudelliblo ink, Cotton yarn nd) laps, just received and for sale by J. W. l'KILING Sunbury, Dec 3, 1818. BLANKS. EBLANK.S of every description can Iks had try 1? n; h ing ut the ollice of the Aiueriean. ADD'S relebraud Horse and Cattle Mesii ne for sale bv HENRY MASSER fcuiibu.y. Jan. S7lli, Ul