Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 27, 1851, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
Notice to the Heirs of WILLIAIl
S2ITZ, Deo'd.
"JOTK'K in hereby iriven lo Elian Soil., Sam
XV lirl Scitx, Jacob Scit, Daniel Scitz, niul
Catharine Soil, heirs ami Irjjul representatives
of Jacob Heiti, dcc'tl. To the heirs of Peter
Beits, ilec'd., brother of tlic snid Win. Kcitu,
ilec'd., to Sarah Scitr, intermarried with Geonrc
Daniel, now in Ohio, to lunar Drumhcllcr, Nich
olas Drunthellcr, David Drumhcllcr, Jesse Drum
heller, heirs and legal representatives of Catha
rine Drumheller, dee'd., jnlo Cutlmrinc Neil.
To Peter Wafrner, Samuel 8. Wniriicr, John
Wagner, David Wafliicr, Catharine Wnp;iicr, in
termarried with Danii'l Gimdinan, Rosina Wag
lier, widow of Michael Ncidig, dee'd., heirs and
legal representatives of Elizalwth Scilr., dee'd.,
who was intermarried with George Wagner. J o
heir nnd legal representative
of Margaret Scitt, dee'd., who wan intermarried
with Jabob Swiucliart, now of Stark county,
Ohio that liv a certain writ of J'nrtilioui Fun.
, issued out of the Orphan' Court of Xor
thnniherland county, to me directed, an Tuiiiisi.
tion will he held oil the Heal Estate of said dee'd.,
in Jack Hon township, at 10 o'clork, P. M., oil
MONDAY, tho 6lli day of, 1851, nt
which time and place you arc hereliy warned to
be and apjicar, if yon think proper
JAMES COVE 1ST, Sheriir.
Kherilf's Office, Suubiiry,
Aug. 5:), 1851 li.
"PURSUANT to an act of the General As-
sutnulv of (lie Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, entitled -'An act reltiliiifr to llie elec
tion of this Commouwealily' approved the
second day of July, Anno Domino, nun thou
sand eiirhi hundred and thirty-nine, I, JAM KS
COVEKT, lliirh Slit-riir of tin? coiinly of'N'or
thuiiiherlatid, Peniisy Iviiniii. do hereby make
known nnd "ive notice lo the electors of the
county aforesaid, shut a general election will
be held in said county of N'orlhiinilieiliinil
IJE't., nt which lime, Mute ami Coun
ty Ollieors, as follows, arc lo hi? fleeted :
One person as Governor of lliis Common
Wealth. One person a Canal Commissioner of tho
C.) nm i.iweallh.
Five persons ns Judges of the Supieme
Court of this C'ommoiiweallh.
.One poison as Picsident Jndue of the Rth
J. i. IV-'ricI of Pcinis lvania, composed
of the Counties of Niiriliuniuerl.ind, l.jctni)
iiifl. Clinton and Centre.
Two p'TSons as Associatn Jinliies of llio
Several Conits of Nortliiimberlaiul eouiiiy.
One pots, hi as Seiialnr of the
11: li Oi-t i ir-1 .
Compised ot .VjilliuuilH'iluuu
and Dauphin
One p"is!i;i to fill the ollice of Member of
the lltiise of Representatives, lo represent the
county of Norlhuuilierland in the House of
Kepresentnlivrs of I'ennsylvniiin.
One p-isnu its Sheiill for the comity of
One person as Protliniuilary lor the comity
of Noilliiinib 'i lai'd.
One p irs-u. as Coiii'iiissioiier for the coun
ty of Niiiiliumheil.iiid
One person ns Tieasiirer for lite county of
One person as Coroner far the county of
. N .iithumberlaud.
On.; pnsriii as Auditor the connly of
1 also h'reliy malie bimvn ami l'1v notice
ilia! the places of 1 1 ' 1 ins 'be a lon'-;t id m-ue-
r. I el'Vl'
land :
Tli- V
li-iroiivb i
!e.' cir.'it
f N'ui'liuii.
..I of 111-
Ti.-' V
t -. ;.
1 1 11
i ;, :. :..
l'ne buit'.s'i "
of Am.Mi"li..- !1
1:1 ill-.'
Il 111
i. ;h-
Wmberland. III" lions. ofllrmj
Haas, in the o).' Norlbniidn-vla'id
The Miliou l)istii,'t, at the boose ol Fred
rick Stieket-. in said buroii",h.
Th-i Tuibnl Dit-lriel. at the house occupied
-y Ahratiam hissuej-'r.
The Delaware Disliiul, at
tbe House d'
llenry Keader. I
Th i C'hiliiqnaipie District, at the hoiif-e uc
Cupiud bv IJ.-njamin Vonlsinan.
The I'mw'u District, at llie house of Mi-!
cbaul Iteadi-r.
Tho Shamokiii District, nt ihu houso of
t'liarles 1,1-isein in-j.
Th I'pper M.diaiioy District, nl the bo-.isu .
of D.niii-I lleim. i
The I.itlle .Mahauny District, at lb-- bouse -uf
Frc-leriek U.ik--r.
The Ldwit M.ihaiioy District, at the house ,
of Michael Spa'z.
The Rush Distiict, at llio Liberty Pole
School H.iuse. i
The Jackson Distiiet, at llie house of Peter
5chwail7.. i
The Coal District, nl the house of U il
liaui M Weaver, in Iho town of Sliamokin.
Skction :). That nil lhal part of Coal invvu
cliip in llie county of Norlliumbeilauil, l)iu:
west -of a line lK-uiimiii" at the line between
aal and Cameron townships, nt a point two
thousand leel westwaid of where llie said
line crosses the west bciuiiilary of a tract of
laud surveyed lo Alexander Hunter Ibetwen
lysevenlh day of October, one thousand sev-
pii hundred ami nmely-loui ; thence noriti
fourteen decrees west hi the lino between
the lownshipsof Coal and Shamokiii-. be, and j
is hereby erected into a separate school and
election dlsliict. and the nualilicd voters re-
siding within the said lionudaries shall here
after vote at llie (jeu-eral vh-vlious at I he pub
lic house of Henry B. Weaver, in the town
of Trevonon, and Edward Helfenslein shall
bo judge, end Jeremiah Perkins and Daniel
Heck ley inspectors, ol tne nexi "enerai eiec
lions, and the voters Itiereol
bhall elect the
inspectors nnd judges of Ihe genetal elec
lion for said district nt the linlo and place of
lion lor sain uisirm hi inn i
holding the general election
The Cameron District, ot the House of
Jacob Haunt.
The eleclion lo open betweeli the bourn ol
A and 10 o'clock in the foreuuon, and shall j
continue without interruption or adjournment
Until 7 o'clock in the evening, wlu'u the
(tolls shall be closed.
The several Inspectors nnd Judges elected
on Ihe 31 Filday of March last, iu pursuance
of Ihe 3d Section of the act of lite. 2d of July,
1830, will hold the election on Tuesday the
14th day of October next.
"That every person except n justice nf llio
1'eace, who shall hold any ollice or appoint
ment of prolil or trust under the government
of the Tinted Slates, or of this Slale, or of
any city or incoi ponded district, whether a
commissioned ollicer or agent, who shall le
employed under the legislative, exenttve or
judiciary department of this Slate, or the L'ui
led Stales, or of any city or incorporated dis
trict, and also that every member of Congress
ami of the Slate Legislature, and of Ihe select
and common council of any cily, or commis
sioner of nny incorporated District, is by law,
incapable of holding or exercising the otiice
or appointment nf Judge, lnspeclor or Cleik,
of any election of this commonweal' h, and
that no lnspeclor, Ju l-o or any other odieer
of such eleclion. shall be eligible lo uuvodico
lo be then voted for.
And lb-" s.'.i.l Act of As-i-'nibly. putitled
"an act relating lo llie eleciions of this Com
inonweahh," passed July the. 183U.
furiber provides as follows, to wit :
'That the l i-peetors and Ja.ljes chosen its
B foresaid, nhall m."ct at llio respective placet
for holding tha election in lite district to
which ihry respectively belong before nine
o'clock in the morning of llie second Tuesdu
of October in pucIi nnd every Year, and cac
of said iuspectois shall appoint one uleik, who
shall ben iiualilieil voter ot such district.
I uNo hereby make known and give notico
l lint by nil act of Assembly passed on the
i.ll day of April, 184!), it shall bo lawful for
'he nualilicd voters ol .Northumberland conn
ly, from and nfler the passage ol said act, lo
vole lei an llie camlulatcs lor the various ot-
lines, lo be filled at any election on one slip
or ticket: Provided, 1 hat ollice lor which
every eain.ti-.lale is voted lor, thill be dosi-mii
led, as required by llie existing laws of ibis
Section 2. That any fraud committed by
any person votiiiif in Iho maimer above pro
scribed, shall he punished as similar fraud
ire diiecK'il lo be puuisheil oy llio i-xisimt
laws of tins (,'ommouweallh.
''In case llui person w ho shall have receiv
ed the second hiuliest number ol voies lor in
speclor shall not attend on the day ol any
election. Ib.-u lln-n-rson ho shall have re
eeived iho second highest inuiber of voles for
Jinliru the next pi-ecediii!.' election, shall act
ns an inspector m his place, and in case the
neisoii wlni shall have leceived llie hi-'h-
est number of voted for lnspeclor, shall not
ntleml. Iho person uppoluled ,lud"U shall up-
point an Inspector in his place; and in cse
l In; pels; lectcd Judge shail not ultend, the
iiism-etor who received the hiuhest number
I of votes, shall appoint a Judge ill bis plac ;
- nnd i iinv vacancy snail couiinue in nie
i bonid for llie space of an hour alter the lime
i lived by law lor the opening of llio election,
I he (puililied voters of the township, w ard or
district, for which such oliiccrs shall have
: been elecled, present nt the place of cleo
linns, shall elect one of their number to till
J such vacancy.
'It shall be the duly of said assessors re
' spectively lo attend at the place of holding
' eveiy general, special, or township election,
(luring Iho whole time sai l election is kept
open, for the purpose of aiviug informalion
i to llie inspectors and judge, w hen called on,
I in rel.ilion lo tlicri-ilil of any person assessed
i bv ihem to vote it! such election, or such
other mailers in relation lo llie assessment of
I voteis, as the said inspector or jndire or ci
' ther of them, shall limn time tu limo re
rpiiie. 'n person sli d! lie p-'imitted to voleat any
election as afoics.ii l. -ulicr than a while free
: man of Iwenty-oiie ur mure, u ho shall have
resided in the stall! at least one year, and in
, llie election district when" h'! oifers lo vote
at least ten days immediately preceding
j such election, and within two ycais paid
state or county lax, w hich shall have been
1 assessed al least ten days before llie eleclion,
I lint a citizen of the 1 nited States who had
previously been a tmalilicd voter o( this stale,
and removed then from and returned, and
! shall have resided in lb-; election district, and
! p u'd lax as aforesaid, shall be entitled lo vole
'nfler residing in this state six months, Provi
! d-'-l. That (he while freemen, citizen of llio
I'liiled Slates, bel .veen the one of twenty-one.
and tweuly-two yeais, and having resided in
the stall- one year, nnd in the eleclion dis
tiii'llen davs as aforesaid, sli.lll be entitled
to a vole, al;liiu-h they shall not havo paid
No person shall be permitted lo vole whose
name is mil conlaiued In the lis! id Inxnlile
' inhabitants ) n 1 1 . 1 1 1 c , I by the eommissinneis
las alonsaid, unless. Fn-t : lie piodiu-o a
j receipt fin llie ayuieul. within two jenrs, of
! a stale in county la v assessed agreeably lo
i t h' cons! it'll in. i, an. I give sal i.-taelni y evi-l-'iice
t'ithei mi bis own oalh or ali'p illation,
j or on the oath or a:lii -matioii ol auo'her, that
! il j h is p.iid such lav. in on fallen- lo piodure
! a receipt, shall make an o.t'h lo the pa) moid
, l horool : or second, i: ho claim a li-jhl lo vole
. bv b.-lo' an i lecliu between llie ages of
t -.veil I ope ami I enl v-l o veal s. he shall de.
i p ;-e ii- 1 1 . i i i in-ii ie:.t thai he has resid-
! i,. i-i ;,! ii! . a-t one year next beloie
ii.--. :p; ..:: inn. a'.. I make sin h prool ol resi
i -..( i ; !ii' .!i-:iict ::s is reeutied li- this
h d lie 1 1 ' s i-1 iiy l li'-ve fuel, the
;i t il liiin thai he i-id llie age aloie
eive si.rh o lioi evidences sis is ic-
I 'I'll
d b
lliis act, herei, inn the name ol
ill-- poison so admitted lo vole, sbull bu ill
;setled in iilphabelical list by the iuspectois,
and a note made opposite thereto by wiiling
j llie wind 'lax,' if he shall be peiutitled te
i -vote by reason of having paid lax. or Iho
I word '.me,' if be shall bo permitted to vole
on account of bis aye. and in either case the
; reason of such voles shall be called out to the
' cleik, v lii shall make poles in llie list of vo
. leis kept by them.
In all cases where the name j the person
ctaiiiiinir lo vote is nut found on lh list fur
nished by llie Coiiimisr-ioiieis mid Assessor,
or his riL'ht lo vote whether loimd I hereon or
not, is objected lo by any ijuiilificd citizen,
llio lusp- elm shall examine such person on
oalh as lo his ipialiliciitions, nnd if ho claims
lo h.-ve lesided in the stale one year or mine,
his oa.h shall be a proof thereof, but he shall
prove by nt least one competent witness, who
shall be a (..nahliod elector, thai be resided
within Iho distiiel at least leu day next im
mediately preceding lie- eleclion, and shall
also himself swear thai bis bona lide resi
dence, in pursuance of bis lawful calling is
within the district, nnd lhal be did not i
move into said district for tho purpose if vo
ting llieiciii.
Every person qualilied ns aforesaid, and
who shall make proof, if teipiired, of his resi
deuce and payment of laxes, a aforesaid,
shall be n. (milled to vole in llie township,
waul or district in which he shall reside.
If any poison not qualified lo vole, in this
Coinmonaeallb. agreeably lo law, (except the
suns of ipialilied citizens) .-ball appear nt nny
place ol eleclion for llie purpose of issuing
tickets, or inllnenciiig citizens ipialilied lu
vote, he shall, on conviction, foifeit and pay
any sum not exceeding one hundred ilolluts
for every such ollence, and be imprisoned
lor any leim not exceeding three mouths.
It shall be the duly of every mayor, sheriff,
alderman, justice of iho peace, and constable
or deputy cons'able, of every city, count v,
township or distiict uitliin this common
wealth, whenever called upon liy any ollicer
of tin election, or bv any three iiialilied elec-
Iocs i hereof, lo ci. - r an v w indow or avenue
lo any window, to ihe. place of general elec
lion, which shall be ebs'i noted in such a wav
as lo picvi nt
saute and on
volei fiiiui approaching the
neglect or relnsal lo do so on
such toipiisiiioii, saiil ollicer shall lie deemed
gniliy of misdeiiieaiior in office, and on con
viclimi shall be lined in any sum not less than
one hundred nor more I h.tti one thousand
dollais; and it shall bo the duty of ihe re
spective constables of each wan!, disliicl or
township, of this commonwealth lo be present
in peison or by deputy, nt the place ol hold-
Il cleciions in said ward, dlsliict or
lowuship, for the ptuposj of jueseiving Ihe
p '.tee us aloresaid.
Il shall be ihe duty of eveiy peace olilcer.
us aloresaid, who tdtull be present nl any
such disiuibances al an election ns is de
scnbed iu ibis nci, to repoil ihe same to Iho
next coitil ot tptailer sessions, and also the
names of the wiluesses who can piovt lliu
And by lh 4ih section of Ihu net of 16:h
of April, 18J0, il is enacted, -Thai lite ISik
section of iho act, as passed July 2d. 183'J,
euliiled an acl rel.tiiug lo the elections of
Ibis t-ommouweallh, shall not be so construed
hs lo pieveut any militia ollicer or borough
ollicer, from seiving as judge, inspector or
Hoik, al any geitcittl or special eleclion in
I Ins commouweallh.
The Judges are are to make their returns
for Iho county of NortliumberUiid, nl the
Couil House, in Sunburv, on Fiiday, the 17lh
il-ty of October, A. D 1851.
t?hr lis Oilne, Siiul.ury,
isi-iit. 6, I So I Ot.
According lo apmiinlment, ihe Executive
Committee of Iho Northumberland Comity
Agricultural Society, mel at J-'unbury, on
Saturday, Aug. 16, 1851. Members present
James Cameron, Jos. II. Priestley, Jacob
Seesholiz, Geo. C. Welker. Jacob Hilbish,
Alexander Jordan, Jesse C. Ilorlon, Amos E.
Kapp, Peler OLterdorf, Wm, L. Dewarl, Win.
I. Greenniigh, and David Taggart.
Alexander Jordan, Ei., whs called lo pre
side, mid Wm. I Greenough, acted as Score.
On motion of J. U. Piiesllev. Esti., il was
resolved lhat the Agiicitllmai Fair or Exhi
bition, bo held hi Sunburv, on FlilDAY, llie
Kin nay ol October, lo be opened Hi 111 o'
clock, A. Al. on such giounds ns a Commit
tee appointed for the purpose shall procure.
Kcsuli'eil. 1'lmi Sin. in. I llniitiT Alexander
.Ionian. Geo. C. Welker. Jacob Seesholiz.
Win. 1. Greenough, Peler Oberdot f, and Win.
f-. Dewarl, compose lhal Committee.
The following premiums were Ihen nprppd
upon, to be awarded bv Ihu Cominiltee here
after mimed.
For the lies! stallion, mare or peldin
over A venrs old,
second best, do do
best colt under 4 yenrs old,
second do do
For the best bull of any breed, over 2
yen is old,
second do do
best milch cow,
second do
best yoke of oxen,
second do
best bull calf under 2 years, &
over 6 months,
" heifer, do do do
" bull or heifer calf under 6
" steer over 2 years old, ac
cording lo age
For the best boar, 3,00
" sow, 3,00
" hog, 3,00
" pair of shoals iindei eight
inoiilhs old, ' 3.00
" Idler of pigs under 2 mo's. 3 00
ram, 3 00
For Ihe besl
ewe. 3,00
For the best
piiir of Chickens, 1,50
second do do 1.00
best pair of linkies, 1,50
" second do do 1.00
" best pair of geese, 1,50
" second do do UI0
" best pair of ducks, 1.50
" see'd do do 1.00
'' best lol of Poultry, including all
sons. 2 00
or lite best bushel of wheat, 2,00
" " 2 bii-hels ears ol corn, 5.00
" " bushel of oats, 1,00
,! " " " pnlaloes, 1.110
; ,: ,; ' ininips, 1.0(1
" " ' " beets 1,00
For I he Ltest head of cabbage, 1.00
beet, 1,00
fi hea ls of celei v. 1.00
half bushel nl unions, 1.00
peck of tomatoes, 1. 00
head of caidilliuvers, 1.00
3 pumpkins. 1,00
For llie besl half bushel winter apples. 1.00
'' " ' pons. ' 1.00
" . '- " (juioees, 1.00
" " ,; poaches, 1.0(1
" ' 5 lbs ol grapes. 1.00
n.i;;v i'i!ui)i'CT.s.
or ilti" lu-! clici-si- not lc.s ilian L'O lbs ,
2 00 i
Imltt-r " 5 lbs.,
htiiiu--ui:iili; wonh-it ciiqict,
lint h-s Ih til ynrils,
covi-iliil of vvtml v; col Ion,
hiiiin- in. uli- linen, not less
than 20 yds,
in-! citipct mil less than 20
2.00 I
l.ouK- Hindi- cloth : 10 yds. 2. (JU
" ll.iuii.-l " 5 yds, 2,00
I'.tir, knit woolen socks or
.1 it tt u t rrlnves,
" " '' " lint-ii sucks or
" lied tptili,
" " hoiiic nut, le llirciiil not less
llian 1 lb.
To llio best plowman,
" si-coud "
" Ihit.l
Vor the best Ihrc.-hiug iiitichiue,
1,00 (
I 'it I )l ll '
it, t
:i oo
" seed iliill,
' witniou in' mill,
" t'tniu or hay r.tkt",
" plow,
" coin t-hellor,
" straw culler.
2 00
2,00 i
1 . 00 I
1,00 I
1,00 I
Vtiilt-r this lira, I will be embraced, me
chanical iiivculious, tools, lut it inn e, nnd nil
oilier mailers, that may bo lining hi coinlu
cive to the progiess tuul ctinilort of the com
ninnily. l'ries will bo awarded, iiccottliu
lo Ihe means of the Society, ami I Let merits
of Iht; articles nllereil
The following Committees were then ap
pointed :
Houses. Wilson Hutchinson, James Cam
eiou, A. .E. Kapp, Michael liaruhait, Wm
IS. Kipp
Catti.b. Thomas. Johnson, John Ni.von,
James Foriesler, Jesso lleusyl, John Voiis.
Si.ixu Jovpli Vankiik, John Moore,
Wm Dcppeu, Win. II. Kase, Joseph WilZel.
Sii.:i:i-. J inn sStniih, Samuel Lain, Hon.
John Moulgoiiieij , Jessu C. Iloiluit, Win. ll.
Gem hat t.
l,iii'i.Titv.--I)r. Win. McClery, J. II Zitu
mermaii, Henry HA licit) Wiu. T. Fotsyth,
Koberl Wilson.
(Jhaix AM) UooTs, Samuel Hepburn, Jo.
U. 1't testify, Samuel Savidjjo, Samuel H.
Wotul, Jacob Li-iseiiriii-;, (Shamokiii )
Fill I rs l lull. James Pollock, Alexanler
Joiilau, llortilio (. Taggurlj (Jeorga Kverard,
Hon. Ceo. C. Welker.
Al.lllCt'l.TlH.l, iMl'l.r.MI'.NTS. Wm. M
Aulen, II. U. .Masse r. Dr. Jos. Piieslly, J.
Weitner Liyhoti, Aleander Coll.!. Jacob Painter, John P. Heller,
Samuel John, Koberl (iilli'u, Klisha Kline.
Vr.t;tTAiti.t:s Jiicnb Seesholiz, Win. I..
Dewarl. M.J D. Williinulou, David Marlz,
Dr. J. W. Peitl.
John TitUL'ail, Jacob Hilbish, John Wh-alley,
John Frank, John P. Purse I.
Mist f i.LAM.nls AnTii'l.tU. Wm. Fmsyih,
David T.i!!!iirt, Peter Obetilorf, ditties
Pleiisanls, Klijah Crnwfoiil, R. M. Ftick,
lien. K. Voungiiian, lie v. Jus. l. Oaiiiheud,
J F.
The Commillea regtel lhal their limited
means, for llie present, prevent I heir oiler
in? hiiiher premiuns. They nevertheless
rely on the good will and zeal of iheir fellow
citizen In make this fust effort, what it ought
to up, an iniincemeiu to lurllicr progress,
and an honor lu the County.
They most cordially invite their neighbors
of other counties to coma forward wilh their
slock, their products and Iheir handiwork,
forallhouj-h by the Constitution of the Socie
ly, they w ill not be euliiled to immediale
pecuniary rewards, yet all w ill be fairly re
ported iu Ihe older of iheir excellence.
Sunbury, August S3, IS51. tf.
Siisquclianna ITiiiun Bridge
Com puny.
A meetinir of the suhserihers to lite stock of
the sntd eompnny, will he held at the Tre
vorton Home, in the town of Trevortnn, Nor
thumberland county, on Tuesday the 30th day
of September.
and oilier, subscribers.
Trcvorton, 8cpt, 30, 1851. 2t.
Fall jriillinVry ool.
Silks, ItibhiMin & .lllllliirrv Good;
No. 45 South Second St , Philadelphia.
4 HE now prfarrd to olfcr to their customers
and the trade Renerally, a very large and
liaiidoine assortment of
Ilonnet Salina, of all colors.
Corded and Plain Velvets, of all colors,
Fancy limine! mid Cup Kihhons,
Paris Fnncy Feather,
French and American Flowers, Ac. iVe.
( 'onlhiiiiir themselves rxclusivclv tothis Itransli
of the trade, and importing Ihe larger part of their
stock, enable them to oiler an assortment unsur
passed in extent and variciy, which will be sold
at the lowest prices.
Sept. 13, 1851 4U
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Vini.f. attend faithfully and promptly to all
professional business, in Xorthuinherland
and l iiioii counties, lie i fiiiuiliur with the
German lniniiinue.
Ot r ICE :- Opposite the "Lawrence House."
a few door from the Court House,
imliury, Auit. 10, 1851. ly.
20 per cent saved.
Country Merchants Buyiiir
can save 20 per cent by
calling on
No. 46, N. 2,ni St., (h'toir Arch irest tide.)
"VSrilERE can be found a large assortment of
' the above ntnned articles, just received
from the iiiauufucturcrs.
August S3, 1851. ;jino.
Fcvrr and Aui Powders.
Fur the permanent Cure of Chills If Fever,
Frvir A" Afiue, Dumb Aifne, or any
mill of Iitlrrmittrut Ferer.
'I Ml EKE are no disetise so dcl.ililattmt in
their etleets upon the constitution a the
I above, and none more ilillirult In cure by the umt
I al nioile of practice. The Kever and Ague Pow-
dcr will cllrcl n cure ill cases of the longest
! standing, as well a prove a preventive in the
j funning stages of the disease. II. -nig purely j
i vegetiilile, they act with certainty on the disease, j
' totally eradicating it from the system, and pre- !
j venting a return al any future period. j
I Eur sale bv C. Wrnek. Xortliuinlierlaud.
j September 0, 1851. 3i. I
A Select School for Youn? Ladies. !
E Mrcl.Hiiicthur;
Institute is pl.-annilllv
E liHtilcd in llie hciilthv illauc if .Mrcliani.
I'tirir. ('iiuilierl.ind roinity, nine mile west of.
llartisliurii ; H villa-.-e noted I'nrnuuhittit the sur- '
riiiiuilim; CniiiilieK the Humility of il i-ilijcn. j
It is ne. essililc liv rtiilrnad, lite ( 'uiuhf rhiud Val- '
ley Haiima.l pitssiutr ihrottuh the place.
J he enurse of i such a is pursued '
III lite lM-st Seninniiic in the country.
ll is the il.-si-'ii of the l'rin, lo iti.- truet ilia
i inti'lli'.liiiil power, to culliate lii-iiiiiiiii-r man- :
j Iter, iiml lo r.lin-iiti- in sin h u m.iiiiii-r, u nur 1
I prove irai-licii'ly useful. !
The sell. ml year is divided into two seiui-an- '
1 1 mi I sessiniiB, each of live calendar in. null. i
j The summer session coniiiicuees the first week '
III April, anil close iliirni tne last week ol Au- ,
I 1 ,U, 'I I.A ,,,.ln. ....I..n ........ .1... 1. I
week ill t). -tnlier, and tcriniiiiites the last week of
At Ihe close of each session there will he pub
lic exan inations.
Hoarding, including lights,
iter session o tin). $50,00
Tuition", " ' 10,00
MiMlern lanjrtia);e, " " 10,00
Drawiti);, - " 6.00
.Music, Piano, with use, " ' 15,00
Or, if preferred, ht sessiun of 5 inn,
includim; the aUive items, 85,00
Payable in ndvuntc balance at the closs
of the session.
Hooks, Klatiniterv, ttiiisi.-, Ac., furnished at
Philadelphia prices.
Pupils will lie. received nt any period during
the session, anil char ceil iti'i-nr.liimlv. !
For further information, please address tha I
Principal for a circular. I
F. M. L. (ill.LEI.EX,
Mcchaiiicshurg, A us- 0, 3tno.
HE of the Puhlie is invited to this
improvement in COK.V tH ELI.EKs. which
is iii' in lie for superior to nny other,
Ileitis n entirely new principle, shelling tha
Corn Icnulhwise of the ear, the Cult passing
atrui:ht Ihrouuh without revolviutt thereby re- j
ipiii in-4 no ceariiii; to iin-tr ise il s-,-,, wliirh
adds so imilerially lo the cost of oilier machinery. :
Il turns easier and shells eletiuer lliiin Buy other, I
nnd is portililc in size, and in construe- 1
ti Persona iu'eresli d are in it.-.l lo call snd ;
si-e it iu opertiliiiu. The rit-hl of thin and other
lunutir or sule. I-or further particular ad
dress or apply to
N. W. Cor. 2d : Dis k SI., Ild stories.
Philadelphia, Alt:;. 0, Smo. i
1 lie l(r llrlp and llutband'a Jar I
IOE.S away entirely with that laborious task !
of ruhhinn the Chillies upon the wnshboarj. j
It coiilaitia no iiiRredteiits whatever, injurious to
the finest fuhric or Ihe fieh. The proprietors
wish every one to give it a trial, and if it does
not prove tu he a recommended, Ihe money, in
every audi ease will bit refunded. Pull diree
tiitita accompany rneh bottle, b't iail price 18)
Ceitta ter Holtle, atitlicienl In do tuo ordinal y
icnl,iir, and saving the Cltiilit more liy not
rubbing litem, tint n the cost of six bottles he-
sides removing slain of fruit, cVe., if Ihere Is?
any, and Ihe lime and luhor saved.
Prepared only by
I. P. HOYT (c CO.,
P. A. Fes. McEwensville, soli! attent fur the
Counties of Union and Northumberland.
Philadelphia, Aug. 30.
bar bottles for sale by
Sunl.ury, April 13, 1851.
sive and legal envelopes, for sale by
Punhury, April 26, 1851.
INK lioureau's eelettrated ink, and also Con
Rres ink for sale, whulcsals and retail bv
lleeeiulr 28. IS50. H. Ij. M Afci.S'KH.
ITEK UlI.I.S Jusiicea and L'unsuhiea fee
Uills liandsoniclv printo oil raid paiicr, for
k at IhuolKvv.
'IM1E subscriber hereby offers himself to the
I electors of Northumberland County, at the
ensuing eleclion as a VOLUNTEER CANDI
DATE for tho ollice of
Hhotild he lie elected, he promises to discharge
the duties of the office, in such manner as lo
give entire satisfaction In all concerned.
lTpir Augusta, All). 0, 1851.
H E siibscrilier hereby Inform the independ---
cut voters of Nnrlhuinlierland county, that
olucc of
County Coiuinissioncr.
Should he lie elected he will use every cfTort to
discharge tho duties of the office in such a milli
ner as will give entire satisfaction lo the commu
Northumberland, Aug. 9, 1851.
THE suhscrilr rcctfully informs his friends
and li'llow citizens of Northumberland coun
ty, that he olli-rs himself as a candidate for
County Commissioner,
at the ensuing eleclion. He solicit from hi
friends and fellow citizens a support, and promi
ses should lie I c elected to discharge the duties
of the ollii-e with I'ulclilv.
Suiihurv, May 24, 1851.
Fki.uiw Citixkxs: At the earnest solicita
tion of muiiy of my friends, I hereby announce
myself as a
for the ollice of
County Commissioner
i tne npproiii'iimg eieenon. tsmiuiu i lie eleeteil i
I promise to discharge the duties of said ollice !
with I'ulclilv nnd iiiipnrtiality. I solicit the sup
port of my fellow citi'.en.
Lower Augusta, June 14, 1851
Guld and Silver Pen and Pincil Casts,
Nt). 2, Maipkn Lank,
One iloor from corner of Broaiiway,
New York.
Hvcrv prn will 1 wnrnuitoJ for one year.
X. I). TIip above firm wrrr awarded (Jold nnd
iler Mrduln, for five consecutive yearn, at the
Fair of tho American Institute, for the best UoU
!fi, IJino.
renpectfuily inlbrin hi friends nnd
" customer thitt he hit returned from
Philadelphia, with mi excellent assortment of
New Spring Goods,
which he olVer for sule ut hi old stand in Mar
ket street. These awul will lie sold nt the low
est price, lit stink consist of everv vurirtv,
! vix
!lrv (odds
Such . Cloth:', Ciiffimeris, Muslins, Culicoes,
(.iimmiiM. Liiirns. Chintzes nnd La
dies Dress mid Fnncy Goods
pi'iiertill i.
AIo an nsHortment of
Fabn leaf Hat, Cap3, &c,
Hardware. Iron iiml Stci'l, Nails, 4t.,
A general assortment of Groceries, Sugar,
Collee, Tea, Cheese, Mo
lasses, Spices.
I"? Produce ef nil kinds taken in exchange
t,e li(,.Bt llliirk,., pri(.M
... - . . 1
Munhurv, Mav 21, 1851.
ouarKei, oireei, auiiDury, ra.,
''MIE suhscrils-rs hereby inform Iheir old ens
tomers and the public generally, lhat they
; have just le.-eived a lari- and extensive assort
! incut of all kind of Merchandiu", which they
, oiler to purchasers at such rates, that they ran
! not refrain from buying. Their assortment of
)py (ioods,
i is large, rmhracing all kinds of
t Cloths, Cassimcrs, Sattinetts, Ifc.
A general assortment of Summer wear, of
Staple, and Fancy Goods for Ladies,
of all kinds, such as Calicoes, Mous. do Lalnes,
Lawns, (iiiigliams, ce.
Also nn excellent assortment nf
niifiis and .MKi)irit;5.
Fifh, Salt and Piaster.
CV C.tunlry produce uf till kinds taken iu ex
change at the highest market price.
iSunhurv, May 10, 1851.
7II.MAM HOOVER rcstiectfully informs
Ins tri.'iiils atut customers that he has
. just relume.! from Philadelphia, wilh an excellent
assort incut of
j winch he oilers for sale at his new store at Mas
ser's Mill, Hollow inti Run. These goods will
, 15 sold al the lowest prices.
Dry (ioods, fjc,
$uch its Cloths, Cussimerts, Muslins, CalliioeSj
(iintiliums. Low ns, Chintzes and
Ladies Dress (ioods eeuerallyi
A LSI) 1
An assorluient of
Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &e.,
A general assortment df Groceries, such as
Sugar, Coftve, Tea, Molas
scs, Spices, &r.
Also an assortment of I.iipjors, such St
Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, tVc.
VW Produce of all kinds taken iu eichange at
the highest market prices.
Hollowing Hun, May 10, 1651, ly,
QII.VER WATCHES A few double cases
EiiKlisb Bilver WaU-hes, for sale at very low
prices by H. B. MASSEK.
Hunhury, April 13, 151.
GEU. a fresh supidy just received, and for
aale by
hi. B. MA8SER.
April l'J, 1851.
GOl.D PEN'S wilh and without silver eases
just received, and for sale bv
funbur-, April! 15
V i at: i uri.r,
n R K 1 M ( S , F K I K K I K I , I ) & C ( ) .
Ao. 187 Aoi(i Third Street, 1'hUadrlphitt.
'"IIIS .nv.l.;r I eiitilli-,1 liy tin, iiuili-fl I. -.Inn ,y ,, n
WJ'hwve itsnl it lo Hi,.- lirKt rtuik nf nil Us we CAT-,N,:!'-
l",v" '-' H"H Priitr-
W.-Tlliy fir linn,) ),r. lii.!,-.-,l wn ,-l,;,lln,ri- iinv iirrn n
"l" ""r, ot nny -.-.l. r llmt in - rtuir
m. inner. If ihe aimnnllHt -rfe., ,t.,,v i, M .-ill.. r
lii.TO,ll,e .,n-..i,tr milk r ,., :-, ,,.r: ,,!.
aitiiniil will inipr.ivn. riipiilly i r:1(. j, wiM .,-, ip,
llllte I..- eiililere.l we ,, mI,,U ,. ,., , .,, r.
l.....f rvrry P,,,-,m.r. wli kr,-,.. ,i ,rv . , ,- ,vrrv
AllttTUtR Hint m.-r.-ly sw.-ll in, n,nl ,, f, a ,, ,rt
1 1 I I I llll. Al II) (wl,l,-h IX. . .11,-ti. ,:,:.,-) , I,,,-.
in,.it.'rlr,"r "'',.,N"i ;'' "'' """"lit "I
tniim r In lie li-om the , f ,.
pownhly e..iil,l l.e, were the neliie priiiei,,!.- f i,iriii,,
Vi-'T" "'" '" ""' stem h, the l-ini of IIiiti-iih- An
" e have livei,-, , Iiim.le f ,., jihuee ( ,r.,j ,
We hnvr Rml al, ve. Sli.ln i; In wiy :
Ve lime niixe.l Ihe netive ii(. ni, will, picat MiuiiUr
"I KiiKTim.K -t.iiil imil hcil-s. whieh lime nii.l iihf Imve
ir,iye,l to . ,i,.. ii,,ri , u. iiip,. i te iiml rr, iin innr
'., 'T! ""' '" ''' : vine ii li.nllliv eo,i,iU,,
he I,I.hI. Ir.itn whi.-t, the Mii.k iiii.I I'at lin'inl lie ,,r.n..l.
(I limy ke iin,-,l l rlloti.v.. cw, aiiillluujlorlho follow.
lug Coin;, Liliil, U.I.I ilii , ;,,,
VKI.I.OW WATi:il. n Itmr-.-rnns vlcknrss. whi.-ltile-iroy
mmiy vnhliihle limsm every vein-. , verv ofien
entirely enreil liy the lie,, , t ",,v,,.r j uj eu-
It Will prevent the ill-,..- : i . n, eotiiiin. ,,n.
I lli .lineime m iiwmiitr ton iiml iiiii,-verinlie.l mats
enl'Ir' ' k'' W '"1''1 lltc ry nmi ot nil y ll,,v
Tlii Miw.ler l,v iniiiroviiin II... t ,nn,li mill ffivinir to
the hl-.Hl ii (-miter .mii,tv of r.-.l pnrtiel. . ml -i-.ln the
l-il ami mily oMihle i-ln of r, err. If the h'-n-e
.n n.r k nie, Hive III irilllii mill lilL-ht ii till,!. .r.,,ini in wel i
. . V .'" ,lK "lie-- a .hy nt n on, il only I i pre- I
' " I' e ii w eel, .
li' J;'''1''-'-- This l Ihe lliiiirittoii of tn-.iiv v;ttn:i.
lite lion..-. ,y ,.BIii, ,y ii e,,i,M,.i.! ills, li.u . '.,
... n.ii.-.. .ii.,. l..,.,,,, h,. ..-I, t . h,i ,!,u..,ji ..
H in II iveei, ,. ,,l mlivuti,,,, ,.li. i,r .,h-,.i l v IMM IN Tn.
Kieeo in ihe ,,. cmil A tl.,...ill
three llineii h week will I r.-,ii.-iil I .- nrrest Ihe II,. w. il il
.lies not ilep.-iiil.nlhi.-r,,,..,,,.., ,,:. r;.. ,. M.,.r .,,
ClrM,"."e " """ l- l--t in the w-.Me
Dll I.MI-I.II Il !. p.w.i.-ri: i-iiilv Ir.elv ll.eil.
ll-.Hher r.-n,ly ,,.,! I,r ns.,1. i, ,r,,,v ,.r,., ,,.
.I..- i. ol llimsK, ol tins Ii- .i.;, ,.,., ,. Vri,-
"t III W Wl. 1 II ..-.I II. If , M -,l e .,1,-. I., I' . I.. - ,.
,,i, ,i il. I in- necK if
until tl,.- nun, -i- n. .l,,.
a-t.'li a r.-na. A T.ihl,
iiiiiiiml pfii
-:iri I'ti'l ir.-i'
"r twiiL- a li
111 Ultfli
1H;r T!r .iu.
(iii'c iI.ik v..-r ii iVir tt
thin i.ikI IiiiImti.i in,
nl' "l iii.'nril y VHir-tn ;n
ill 'ie ci s ;i 'I'.t! nif.
r lv '. ill r.'tis?:mi u , c.
i!'Z.-n rfli-rt ii ("ire. if In l,
(..'ii:ii! mi I fli i ; ut-s
lutir.-s. ii T;i'.!.;i.. m. tit :
ti I.- :', i ; ii r.itn.Kni. ;
il mii'I ii will t w.!i'l- r?t mi ''l- i;::il;i;iy It IS II ill" im !
i-; '! lip I'V I Mtpi-rf"-rt IlilliHi.iii. '
- ". i-y il iv fw:ff t t a in 'nMi J
i. i I in uim- c t.t.l nl' a
ii iii'ly fwir I !
ilr':ii!i ifcpt ii. In!;; 'n Wfak i
- Hi- i ni,; ; li it iji.rifd ini.-t- j
or t wu-r n we U
mult i.w-Mu;i'r!:: iKurs
nny iviii'iimh n l-'."inri-r nr s iiin -II
Mfcc will ii it i iiti-n. or wli. i.- i
W.-tlirlR fir.Mi-lpI Ut, I'l" . .. fi -'i'ii iir :.laiv8 nl-nr.Ft i i...i,it
;. ' r w'u-if- tli-n in j
t' III 'li mi, niul tliu j
linir i- i mi-j-Ii tni'J i
i: t tl.i in. ,h. il.u '
lMi;.r.M"!ii"i.t n' Ihe I
tuiatril ; tin- ili
jrm.i-i-.-i Hi
.i'tii iiiip
mi1! vi
TH. I.,-.
ii ii -it;
111! 11 I
aaiiinl !i.i
k !!:;-
-!!: .th I
row s,
l'"r Mti.sivn I'imv. w nn- fn
.'iity ,-,- tl,.. , ..,;,t ., i,. t r .
nl' lllii. fc.-Hil i.n.l Hi, it,. . . ,.
iy f in
1 II litl-l
.! tV
I. in. it
I li..- .-I- ,
l, rilllL-ii! ,y .1 I'.mi,, I a v,,.. ,.
U'lnli. ,.in- i,.-i , ii,.ii,.-i ,m lt ,i,
in ,rc it wi-,-k i n mi ...n l, ( -., . W
I" It Vet l II', III ;l ..,, mi ,.,mii.I
It th,- C ni nr.- p.-rn.-ilv li.'.-.linv.
Iiii:i.Ii ti t!. c ..ivi-isi.'.n ,i-,.: Hi
Ii, 'is s,y ii:i!i tt ji i,i;i.I 1
; I ll- lll l li- tV' -"ll!llls
i!iin!, it win I. ' iiiini.1
,T Mr.-!, tM'-ll t'nw. 1
Tl,i. :ii!-liliiin:il :nir ihi.i .
'-i,t in--1 Nitr...
.. .,.,, i.iii. ,- ,mi;i. iiii:h : :,ls. l,v
ll,- nil.
i- -"' - iiiu.'s. , i;u in,- t-l,-ti.,-i,. ,, r .;
i.-ll-iii ;
... .. . '-'""i; t"iy '-t tlir .Nilr.-u,-,! ,u.. ii mm mil;,. i,.,.,l
uiM.i.uw iiit!t r viii,-: mini.- isi:si-'
HI..I .ill ol,.r lllf, ,,- -:, ,..,;J,. ,,.. !,,. ,,.,
t:it.' nl ll. ilnuli. ri. ri,iu ,v,, R, ,,v .,. , 1In,,
I (.'..U-. H-ll,.s.. mi, I, i !,,i,-. tliiu nmi n:,!,.v in: I wll.rr il
il. m-k ll it yi.-'.l iii'ii-li .T.-iii,,. ,,r win-re -,,v .jiv 1,1,, H
j mill,. ir vviii.-li nr.-MK.-.I I.. k'iiiiiI i.iii-.' il. v. il I..-f h.h.i
nil nllll.isl n,f illil.j i-,....,lv, l i, ,vi;i ,,. ,. .,;,, j ,
, ... ,,,.. .-i.-riMiii; ii li,-ill r:y ilr.,,-sfi , ; t, -.,l
nil everj tiny or every nllirT ili.v it uu
i'- 'ti-
llt-.-i-a.-ji y
imt.s. ;
i Ji-r niltii' s.nniii -r .ft. o ..v.-iti.-til lli.-ais-lviM. n-rl v.-t- I
, l.-il n.-eKn. ...i..,s, u'a.t,rH lu III.. t,iii,s iiii.I l.iv, i. !,;.-li :
fans..- llirin t . ,. v,.r) , l,,.h-. .-. ,:,v ,e .,.4 ,.,,,(
I eiitin-ly liy p.m m-i n t n,,. m a I, ,. j; ir,-,. ,,, u.i .
, nii.l it will hi ll, a.ur tu,. ,. ,i,,.,-:i,!l. I,.,,,,.,, u. -:,.n,;
i lie- pr-w.s.
i X. H In an i-iiiiii-.l wliii-li i "iinic null, nml v.-a nr.
I .lesinin l i l.i:l.-i, in ll:.- ,-,!,. i.;., v ,,i l, ,,,!,! ,', i
I ''" iium h i-ii.i. i i
t.iri,.:,! ti , .,: i ., ........ .
i w ,-, I, ,,r it M ill r.MiiKi :ln
.. , ,., ... i .i.
' l"'i ii try lis , l,.,-i, .,,- hiMi.i li ;.i. I !;u will
m K.l.F:inl ,, ns ..M-fili-ni .;. Winn, uinl ll.i.l i, . r.,r-
ItKT s!.,,l; I,.- Willi. . if.
l'.-r tl,,. .-i.i ik. .,1 ii:i,liii,r .i! t'lirilrr ! v i'ar . .ur
JIISIK- l,i.,l,-. C --l',; '.) ;!-. , , ,:,
. : ' ' '" "
I r uilult'ticp tu ;ni ntt' !;i-ii!
1 I..Mirrs t 1 nil iiiiris m f..- ( '
': vr liiivi ii.ltti'.nM-.j
tnU S, Win-!" 1. Ill I't.W-
n w iVniii I'm- fviil'pe
i v .-. y l :.iii!-,-i . lcn v -II-:
lilf .1 y lililf'il f.
1T li.'i li-rii iiki .1. .tii.l v,. III )'
1 limn !r iij lit l.i ituo us. I i n
111:111 utiil 1 Tti t!.:i( il I
i'.'i"1i-(! 111 mi sum-HHi' t'i
Wit!, ll.i- in! )iti..irit kn .w;.
j Uovh wn w ill ni.iMitf im 1
j le-cl t'Arn.K Mi:i:ciSK i-v.-r
' l"' 'i'i'- I' M 11 viil-Kil.N-
I'. ..ft l ir vK
lilkr t'ii Id t unit Ml iHl pcr-
Vl I'll T..I Pi .-1 0""''inii.
I pr-ivri hi j:,:i!it i.i" .' I;
pn.iti -I. r Mi tViotwit. mi-
tlli'fi i'i'-H-;isi-ft tin-
tn-nJlj .1 liutirr
: mni.iiiit ! ii'i. r I ir. :hi r
' Kv.-n 111 lit.- li.;,:Miv Amniil
, IJf-w.iif f '.HMitiTlfi.!i :i; t)i cx'.-iisivf sale .
! P""l.-r lit.n iii-itif.-.l i.flii-is i. tnik.-HM iiiiitiitifH 01"
l..iu!i 1 Kiel. Iris tmr wriiu-n Signiiiine mi i!,r rh..
! rtill:iIHilii;i. .Inly I , I y.
TUo uinlotfi-iitftl have PtitrrtI into Cu-p;uW
nei.hip uiilKt llttr (inn of
m.MHv i.vui;i:ck,
TO CAllllY O.N tiii:
Paper & Raj Business,
At So. 5, Minor Street, I'hil.idctpliui.
TTIII':iil-: lln v intend kecpiut; it lar-c a-s,irt-llicut
ol papers, iVc, ci.ti.-istiujr iu plu-i ns
fnll.iws :
riling papirt ; wove mid laid, American and
wove and laid,
H.tlll Posls and Note papers
gilt and plain.
Polio Posts, Plat Caps. Printing Papers, all
Hardware papers, from HI hy 21 to 1(1 hy 4S.
j Colored and white tissue papers, American
and Knt-lish. Holliii.,-sworth'a Patent Manilla
' p;iiers.
Colored and while Shoo papers, conlinini and
etrii Dull- Cm dope p ipers.
Ciilorcd Priutimr and Cover patters.
1 Manilla papers, all siies, l.'larA-'d licva!, all en
lors. ; HritL'ist, lilue Mvdiiini and Pi'.teriuir papers.
I Tin, Secret and Colored papers for conlci-tinn.
, CIS.
! I!aj, Maniila and ,Sr;lw wrappini; papers.
I 11 .tuu l. Hunters. Ho. Cap and Trunk hoards.
While and liull" i: elopes ; l.e-iil. Letter,
Note and ( 'ard sizes.
' Agents for li!is, Poll, ,- iV Co's
Frktcrs' Caitb
i in packs and sheds, white mi l cilored ,,,1,1 ti
cck, cut to nr.lcr. Als.i, linir (iiil, I'tirutcd and
' Plain g'.n.ed p..pers.
,' JOSEPH UIillV. late of HS X. Third si.
N. K. LAWRENCE. Lite of No. i Minor st.
i N. II. 500 Tons of l!.i-4S wattled in evchane
lor cash.
1 Philadelphia, July SU, IS." 1 . limn.
l;jrliiiiiieii Ta'tP Xolicc.'
I North Fast cor. Wiilunt ,V Second Streets
! rmr.A.i-i.rHiA. i
I jAs ON HAND, just received, a complete
Assortment of Shot Onus. Powder flasks. '
I Game Hans, and nil other Sporting Apparatus of
1 the best and most approved patterns. j
i He has constantly on hand sportiii'; powder nf
all descriptions, I crcussioii Caps, Shot. Hnllet '
Moulds, Hall and lllank Cartridge, and a lien- '
cral assoitiuciit of iiiateriuts fur (iutt Makers, Ac.
Also Percussion Ca pi uf a mperior ijuahiy,,
designed evpiessly fur 1". S. Killes.
A 11 Assorluient of fishing Tackle always on '
hand. ' !
All Ihe alsive. nnd tiny ulhcr articles ill his
line, the Subscriber will sell in low a.i any 1 ill r
establishment in the I'tiiteJ Males.
... ...:.... r l.l.. .1 :;l ...f....... r .k.
ill .. Nlllllllllf III III, PMil 11, 1. ntai.., 1,,.
Franklin Institute, in the year. 1810 and 113
awarded to him two ccrtiliiales -and iu tie
IS1.I IKIft. 1SI7. ISIS iiii.I lSSil. fi,-- sil. t
er medals, ull of which may Is? seen ut his ;
place of Lusiitcss. '
Philadelphia, July 1!', 13. Uino.
IMMEDIATELY 011 the Trcvorton Rail I!.,d.
Eiecltous 51 V i'i; at the Mouth uf (he Ma
ijouoy Crick, lo wliutii liberul wat'es will be paid,
Sutibury, July 5, IH.'il. If.
1JA.ORS A siipi-,i,ir ariu-lit for sale Hi llie
lK '!"' !' HENRV MVssER.
S-Uul.UI J , fe'.i. !!'., IKoO,
M K Niit'KTilier reieetfnllv
Jl- till',. rni h' fiiends snd tits
jwlilie. Ki-nei-.tllv, that he still
A entilintie the
At hi old ftnnd in
Market Street, Sunbcry,
two doors nlmve Mtirket .surtrc, wlier hs eon
slnittly keen on luind, Hrv,. Bsorlinoiil ol
Hv.uh Mntlc llnnicss,
(Dtiulile & SinBlr.) with Silver, Urn, and .tspait
lied lnountinir. AIko Smlille. Ilridlc. Trunks,
Vnliccs, Whip, (,'ollurs. '
All kind of work in his line made to order, in as
nent ti style tt enu he Rot up in this country.
lVrsoiH wisliins to purchase will plr.xe calf ami
exitinine hi ntoi k hefore pun-lmsing elsenhera.
- 'I- Tim Mibmrilicr has just ujiened a ntw
ml splenilid
Assortment cf Saddlery,
Such a Silver, Dm nnd Japanned mounting-,
I aient H. lf.A.ljnHtiiisr '1'rce. I'uteut Kollsr
Hit, liiiliii-r Uii.ii.. m, Tnlnk M1j
ul!r'; I k, Trunk Uoard. Trunk
Aail. lliiine. Truce. Trim
liiinir Liter, 'full, Sad
dle W'eh, Siuule and
ItonMe. White
Kn.'ilne'eil I.cnthcr. Patent Leather, Oil Cloth,
Hofclls, Tas."ls, Fancy Hrow-UaniU, SadJls
Trees, Deer' Hair,
of all l.iinl... All or which w ill he sold a cheap
if cheaper than they can lis g..t clscwliers,
fo.' cash or approved crnlit.
A.M)Ci:W J. STliOH.
biinliiny, April 21!, H.', 1 t:m.
i ll K V ( ; n X K STONES.
iilis 'rilier iiif,i. i:ii his ftiend and tha
pt.Mir, tint ho coiitinur to carry on tha
MarMc lliisiiies in all it hrani-hcs, tit his old
"land iu .Milt in, I'a., nnd i.-i prepared to manu
facture Kouaic:its, Totals, Cravoatoncs, &c,
nf the Iv.t inntcriaN. ami in,t,t llnished work
niaiisliip, ini.l at the price.
Lilt.',- 'iiitinrr, Km-iis!, nnd (iermati in tha
Ino.-I luitilevn nii.l i-le-jaitt style.
ItccuiiH fur MoiuiincnU,' lii-itvc Stonei, t!tf.,
always on lian.l,
A. 11. Onli-rs fur lltt- Kat side of tha rivar
pmnipllv eyci nle.l .y leaitnr lite saina at tha
nlii.-e of the "iSunhurv A iin"
A.vnio.Nv mri'.
Milton, May 10,
"MIM:KHI:.sI i: sumniary of l itiversal
History, together with a llingiapliv of t)i.
tiiiguisheil Persons, to which is appended an epi
tome nf
lle.tlheii Mythology. Natural Philosophy, Gen
cral Astrmi.iinv and Pliysiolosv.
Atlopted itnd used in the Public Schools of
K. S. .IOXF.S & Vo., Puhliahari,
f-'. W. C.rner Ful UTH and HACK Sts., Phils.
Teachers and N'liocil Ciniiiiiittees addreising
Idlers to us post paid, will be furnished wilh
ci,jiiis cxjiiiinutitni.
i V? A Full and C.miplcle Assortment of
HOOKS and STATION All Y, for Sale al the
Lnli't .1 V 1 tees.
-May :i, 1S51. I-..
M:sstj3'.tttsicr of
P.n-e, (SassalVas.i street.
v', t'wusitr the While Sirnn Until
nili, ASDIiFHlA.
Tiill.i-.v Chandlers and .Maiud'aetitrers can ba
supplied wilhti lust rale Arlii-lc of Candle Moulds,
of Stitcri'..r f.i .'la n.-e ami liui.,!i.
N. I!. 'Pin- Moulds lire made nf the heat Metal
and p,.li..!ied hy a new Palcnt Machine, which
dives lln'in an extra (hush. They ore alter lha
Lui'hsh style ti.e lips (,, screw on the pipe, tut
the pipe to tijjlit in the hi-iieh.
H' v AiuiAXTKii to be- tar superior to
outer now 111 use. . 5
lie als.i iitaiiulailurcs Surcical Puinna
April l'J
Xew .Music .lu J'nblislied.
KK A U'A I.K KK, Xo. 102 Chesmit st
A tne ciiiisi.inilv pulilishiii; and rcceivinr.
new and l.cautilul music from the most distin
Kitislied c.intpiiscrs.
The follow in-r list contains some of their choi
cest and niiisl popular Suntis, Waltzes, Polkas,
.Xi-w. thou art Cnne, n lieautiful sonjr, word
'')' 'I'h'.mas .1. Uiehl, music hy Hainhriilge.
My New Ihiuluiiil Hoinc. words and music or
Mis Ii. W'a-le.
(irolie's Uiiiiiihus; hy C. Cirohe a collection
of iHlells.
Sounds from Home, piano and violin, by Joe
; Gunu'l.
j Pretty i.itlle Polkas for Pretty Little People,
; hy .1. Liny:.
; All llie Winds aae Sleeping, hy A. S. Wor.
Gilardi.111 Ansel, by the author of "Love Not."
I I l.i-iseliold Words, w riilen In Chas.
J The Adieus, words by 'i'ltoiiias J. Dieltl, tnu
i sir by I l oi r.
j I. EE A WALKER It tve constantly on Itstul,
1 sti eri .r Pianos, and a supply uf Martin's Ccle-
lu-.itid (I'-.tilais, wiiieti together wilh a line as
sortment of Musiial liisiriuueuls and Merchan
, ih.e iu m'licral, .'iiinpiisc a stock not to be sur
passed by thai of any other eslalilishinuiit in the
j count y. " LEE & WALKER,
lii'J Chesmit stnet, Swaim'e Huildinj.
Philadelphia, June 5S, 1S5L ly.
i IIu;?:e3 Fever and Ague Pills ! !
4 PERKECT uinl speedy cure for the Kcver
j u 1 nl Aiiic is ptiaratitccd to uny our whi
' may use the Pills., They have been used fur the
i Ittxi t ri a ',;,( and have never been known 10
! fill iu a simile instance and iu cases, loo;
; wlicif persons have had ihe disease for several
' years, wiiltout intermission. The proprietor
1 that'll nit the vmlil to produce au article that
will cine iu it" short a time, without leaving any
ilelelerious cllivls from llie use uf it. If the Pills
, th. n it peifonn a speedy nnd perfect cure, the
proprietor will leliu.illie luoiiiy. for Hale bv
Jae.iti s. I.awreiii p. .M inersv die ; E. lielfen
stein, Tievii. tou ; S. R, Dison, Schuylkill Ha
ven ; John W. f riling, Stinhiiry ; Mary A. M
Coy, Norlhuii'.licrland i Dr. Ueekly, Ilanville ;
JolinS!-.ariIess, Caltawissa j Dr. Judd, Williams
port; John R.tser, Milton, and by respectable
lru(,",-isls throughout the State.
J. C CUTIS C. Dl lillEM, Proprietor.
Potlsiille, June 2S, 1S."1 ly.
... I, .. ,i .
'B t ic u ' f'U' "j1. ,full' mfor'
' I uhhe that they sttl continue to enter-
wi'veticrs him otuers ui nieir ihu e.umiisnsu
stand in street, west of the Court House
I heir Ion.; e vpeiiciietf iu the business, ami the
well c-lah:is!ie.l repuli.tiuu nf their House, will,
tliey Irii.t, tie a milliiienl guarantee, that their
. u-tonti'is will lie well accommodated.
March S, 1S01 if.
CUE". An excellent article, for sale at
half the usual price by J- W. FAILING,
Sun!, ut-y, July 7. ISI'J.
TI.ANix Pan lnueiii Phm Deeds and blank
' M uiiam-s. LI0111U, Eveeutions, Suiiininns,
eVe.. f.11 f;t!e by II. II. MASE(S. cry, April if, P5JI.