Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 27, 1851, Image 2

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athai is of i.kttrr from
Ton, lAtl l
KknKVA, N. Y., )
September 14, 1851. J
Having arrived ftt lliis beautiful village
last eVeuiinr, In company w ith my friends
mid travelling companion, I), flrautijjam,
David Tnoirart, and A. E. Kapp, Esq. I
thoii?ht I conlil no belter employ a few lei
sure moments than hy jotting down n few of
our "incidents of travel." Geneva is ono of
thnso lr i To I towns of which there are
tiiitc n number in lliis Stale. lis location is
at the foot of Seneca lake. Tho population
is about nix thousand. In thoir buildings and
their gardens, the Genevans show much good
lasle. The lots are large, and ample yards,
filled with thrubbery and shade trues, are
common in almost every part of the town,
except iho business portion near tho Lake
hhore. Tho Hotels are large, ami cotnfortn
lile, ar.d judging from Ihe Franklin, in which
we are (jnarleied, well kepi. Indeed com
fort and cleanliness is everywhere apparent.
. The contrast in travelling facilities between
this Stale and the northern part of Pennsyl
vania is grenl indeed, and places our neigh
bors of New York, nt least twenty years
ahead of us in impiovemenls. The H ip from
Northumberland to Williamsport, in the
P.ickel, ufiord but few incidents, from Wil
liamsport lo Ralstor, twenty-five miles, there
was norning peculiar excepting that we were
towed in a ear by a rope over one of the most
rickelly rail roads ever used, though we are
pleased to learn that this load will be relaid
with an iron track, bv January next, and we
trust ere long that it will bo continued to El
miia. Having arrived at Ilalslon in the eve
111112, we were of course regaled with what
every traveller arriving there expeels, us
naturally as a waterman does his ham and
eggs, I mean a supper of liout, fiesh from
tlui brook. My friend D.tvid, whose know
ledge in the science of gastronomy is im'
confined alone to the flesh of SlmiijJ'ae aim
Chittagong fowls of ponderous vveu-hi, view,
ed with epicurean delight a well heaped
plate of this delicious fish placed K-fuie us.
That we all did justice to the ample fare of
our host, is most true, anil if fiieud David
look the lion's share of the speckled piscato
rial, it was conceded to him by ihe parly,
as a mailer of right, as no one was belter cn
tilled from si.o and corporal capacity to
maintain tho title, but 1 should not wonder
lu 11 1 nl in the next Milloinan, a dill'eieul ver
sion ol lliis story from the pen of my imagin
ative friend in defence of himself. The
Landlord, generous fellow ! rhaiged him but
live cents extra, being the first cost of the
half dozen additional trout of w hich I paid
ill making change. Tho great products of
t Iii -s narrow valley, almost all the way to El
mira, a distance of seventy-live miles, is
lumber, which, with the iron ore and bitu
minous coal won! I, of itself, mislain a rail
road, independent of the immense travel
from tho lakes, and thu West. Next morn
ing at 3 o'clock, we set out over a rough
road in a sterile narrow valley, to Canton,
fifteen miles, for breakfast, and if 1 did not
enjoy codfish and stewed chickens in close
proximity, as well as some of the party, es
pecially when the same unpolished knife and
fork was used in both dishes, I at least made
ample amen .Is at the elegant supper tablo
on board the steamer that conveyed us from
Jefferson, at tho foot of Seneca lake, to this
place, at its head, a distance of forty miles.
At Troy, in Bradford county, fifteen miles
further, we found a small town with a num
ber of elegant buildings, and greatly improv
ed, since its destruction by lire a few years
since. Near this place, a most cruel mur
det was committed a few weeks since, on
the person of a constable, Mr. Pomeroy, who
had arrested a man named Peters, for ob
taining goods undei false pretences. Peters
having been tied, and placed on a wagon
was cut loose by a man named Henson, one
of his confederates, when Peter plunged bis
knife into the heart of the constable, who
only lived long enough to exclaim that he
was stabbed. Peters and Henson were both
immediately arrested and conveyed to jail.
I trust no false sympathy will prevent this
wretch from expiating his crime on the gal
lows. From Troy to Elmira, twenty four
miles, them was no:hing peculiar or attrac
tive, excepting tho numerous dog-power
churns, and a most unique, durable and nes.
tic looking fence, made of pine stumps laid
nil the sides, the long spreading roots inter
locked, firming apeifect barricade. Within
two miles of E'mira we struck the plank
road, ihe first wo ever travelled over. This
roail is about four years old, and is much
used. The fact is, these loads are in hiuh
favor in this Slate, and the slock is of the
most profitable kind, yielding from 10 to 55
per cent, with a reserved fund sufficient for
renewal every six or seven years. The
jilank are laid, or lather appear imbedded in
the ground, and the road ilself is hardly dis
tingnishable, at a short distance, from a coin,
moo road.
Elmira is but eight miles north of the .-;;.!
line, and although previously a () .l.i i.-i.i, -loan,
is now, since the consliucti. n m ;!';..'.
eiantio modern improvement, the Sea
Yuik and Eiiu Kail Itoad, one of tic: i.mM
thriving towns in the Slate. Ii i h.uaieoiuely
located, on a large Hal, surrounded in evety
direction by feitile fields in a hili statu of
cultivation, lint in this, us in almost every
prosperous village, manufacturer and me
chanic, were busily employed in various
branches of business. Some of I ho Hotels in
lliis, in p. )int of style and capacity,
svouM Jo credit lo any of our largo cilies.
Another u in fin) cmn.-e of erection, ut a cost
ill' JOO.OJO which, it is said, w ill uccnmmu
dale 601) pennus. These improvement are
tin result of 111 Erie Uail Head and may af
ford some idea of the gruat iinpoitance of
the completion of the Buiibtiry and Erie rail
ruiiJ, vtbicli iu point and gruje, distance and
-.le!y, would have iivnneiiifl advantage over
the New Yoikroud. At FJirjUa ua luok the
ears for JeileiMjn, at Ilia head of Rt.'iieea like,
ii mile. 'l liis road like the Kiie road is of
the wide guage, the rails being laid kix feel
opart. The ears are about ten feel wide in
side, and will comfortably accommodate 3
ju each seat. We reached Jeljursou in lifly
minute s, and were soon on boaid the lieu
l.oder, a l.-.rgH vessel for to small n like, and
built at a cost of about f fiO.OiJO. liul the
lake travel .v ill be grcaily diminished, as the
rail road l i .1 (fersnn, Is already extended to
C'annndaignn, and will be formally opened
for (ravel lo morrow. At Canandaigna it
connects with the line of road lo Buffalo.
The competition for tiavel is great, and Ihe
fare is necessarily very low. Our fare from
Northumberland lo Elmira 115 miles, was
five dollars; from Elmira to Jefferson, 82
miles, fifly cents from Jefferson to Geneva,
by water, 40 miles, fifty cents; from Geneva
to Rochester, nbonl 50 miles, fare 81.25.
If the Williamsport and Elmira road was fin.
ished, and the road from Harrisbntg and Sun
bury extended lo Williamsport, Ihe whole
distance from Harrisburg lo Rochester could
be accomplished in ten hours, at an expense
of nboul six dollars. With such facilities nnd
at such rales, it would be impossible lo pre.
diet iho vast amount of travel t lint would
lake this route front the great nnd growing
West. To morrow wo shall continue our
journey to Rochester, nt which place the
ireat Agricultural Fair will be held for three
days, commencing on Tuesday ihe Ifiih iust
The concourse there will be immense and is
estimated at no less than 200,000 persons.
The sudden transition from heal to cold on
Saturday afternoon is most uncomfortable.
Though sweltering with the heat, in a few
hours afterwaids we were comfortable with
cloaks nnd overcoats. In my next letter 1
will endeavor to describe some of the many 1
interesting sights of this great exhibition.
K.ietiKsTF.R, N. Y , ) j
Sept. 18, o . ) j
This city probably never contained within '
its limits as many strangers as are now here, j
attending Ihe great Fair of Ihe New York j
Slate Asiicultniul Society. The Hotels are all ,
crowded and literally overflowing. Our party
was foitunate in secuiing comfoi table lodg- I
inirs at O'oncrf'sj Hall, a new Hotel near the ,
Depot, not so lame, but I think belter kept
than eiiliei of tho clheis. The- ground epou j
which tho Fair is lr:!J, is an enclosure with j
beards, ol twenty l.ine acres, about a mile
and a half fiom tlio city. Probably not less ;
than 300 vehicles of all kinds were employed j
in carrying visitors to and fiom the Fair
ground. The road has been enveloped in I
one continued cloud of dnsl, so that one cuuld
scaicely distinguish nn object twenty yaids
ahead. The first two days only members
nnd exhibitors were admitted, each member
and exhibitor being provided with a badge,
about eight thousand of which weie disposed
of, at one dollar each. On Thursday the
doors were open for all, at one shilling ad
mittance Tho receipts were about 1-1,000.
This forms part of the funds, out of which
tho premiums are paid. We were politely
leceived as members of tho Pennsylvania
Society, and presented with badges, &c.
Mr. Kapp, one of our party was selected as
one of the Judges to award premiums for hor
ses. Quite a uumbei of these valuable ani
mals were on the ground, and it was soon
discovered by the knowing ones, that Mr.
ICapp was well posted on this subject, and
hence his appointment, which was unex
pectedly conferred upon him. The array of
fine cattle was said lo be greater than at any
previous exhibition. The Dm ham short horns,
ssem to be most in favor, and areally pre
ponderated in number. In size they are cer
tainly ahead of all others. Tho Devonshire,
with their uniformly daik red color nnd curly
necks, were much admired, but in size and
weight they are small when compared with
the Dm hums. A noble Dm ham bull, the
property of Mr. Ferguson, a member of Par
liament, of Canada, was sold lo a farmer of
Seneca county, for $150. Canada West lur
nished some of the finest stock on the ground.
There are probably 40 or 50 of these valua
ble animals exhibited, one amo-ig ihem be
in;; valued at $ 1,000. One from Ihe State of
Maine was perfectly while, and was much
admired for his strength and make, lie ap
pealed to ho as savage anil test less as a Men
gal tiger, and was, ns most of them were,
secured by a ring in the nose, nnd led by a
slall' clasped to the ring. Amon tho furi
osi. ics was u Hungarian bull and cow, of the
color of a stray squirrel. They are of tho or
dinary size, unit were imported when calves,
a few years ago. Tho tail of the bull almost
reaches the ground, and terminates with a
line largo tuft or bunch of hair, which must
prove exceedingly serviceable in fiy lime.
A yoke of mammoth steers, weighing 2,500
pounds each, attracted much allention. The
skills or sheds for horses, numbered about
lot). The cattle were mostly in open stalls.
The slock of swine was not so large, but
there were some lino porkers of the male
species, neaily as lariie as nn ox. A Chinese
sow with 13 pias were exhibited by the
President. The stock of sheep 1 did not
much admire, except a few Sonlh downs. A
pen about sivly feel in length, contained eve
ly variety of poultry. Some were large and
line, but I am inclined lo believe that David
Tag-jart, Esq., of Noithumberland, could
have taken the premium with a pair of his
'Miillayonts 111 'h" eeiln- of thu field is
Mechuiiie's I lull. : a luiyc trie; -i.iti iv I 111! I
i ; 1 3 ft i ail t.iietsot' Ut.r.Vmc,.! and iuvi n
amis. .l,u:i.!.i"i'u i s Hall'' m another
hwildiii:-, tilled w t r i domestic inanufuctureis,
such us qui. Is, one ineiinos, shawls, clolh,
needle work, carpets, hats and a great variety
of articles. ' Floral Hall-' was covered wilh
canvass, and was constantly crowded with
ladies. The show of flowcis weio mostly
Dahlia. Thu exhibition of fruit was much
the most attractive, ni least to my taste.
The display of peaches exceeded any thing
( ever saw. The Crawford early, Royal
Kensington, and Honest John's, weie univer
sally nJ mil oil . The largest and finest of
these were from Canada West. The collec
tion of apples was equally fine. Another en
closme contained a large assoitnient of arti
cles fiom Ihe Dairy. Another a vanety of
all kinds of vegetables, fanning imple
ments, such as ploughs, threshing machines,
straw cullers, McCormick's und ilusa)'
reaping machines, grass cutting machines,
&e., coveied a large space of ground.
The number of pcisous present on Thurs
day, was variously ('Militated al 50,000 In
100,000 pernios, of nil st xes, sixes and con
ditions. Though what was surprising x
some Europeans, nut a rugged man or beg
ear was lo be seen. A number of Hloomeis
alu made llicir .ippearaucv on the gioutid
and attracted, probably, mors attention than
tho finest cattle, though some of ihem v ere
not as much admired. A pretty gill, not loo
far advanced in life, with a good figure, en
cased In the Bloomer costume, is certainly
Very attractive.. Two such appeared on the
ground yesterday. They were dressed alike,
and were probably sisters. They wore hand
some straw hats, trimmed with green ribbon
falling back on the shoulders, brown satin
short skirts, with black satin trousers, very
wide, handsomely trimmed with lace, and
lied at the ancles, patent leather shoes, and
a green silk sash thrown over the right shoul
der and tied under the left arm. In the ere
niug I met an interesting, bill distressed
young giil, of about sixteen summers, in Ihe
Bloomer costume, nt our Hotel, who had just
arrived with her brother from Wisconsin
As the landlord could not give them lodg
ings, he had gone out early in Ihe evening
to hunt lodgings elsewhere, and hud not re
turned at 10 o'clock. The poor girl was
weeping, and could not account for the long
ubsenco of her brother. The young ladies
in the room were endeavoring lo console her.
There are rpiile a number of distinguished
men in attendance at the Fair. Among
them are Ex-Piesidenl Tyler, Gen. Wool,
Governors Hunt, Marcy, Morton and Wrighf,
&c. Judge Douglass of Illinois, will deliver
the ndd'oss to morrow. Many are already
leaving. This evening a train of twenty
one loin; ear left for Buffalo, all crammed
full. The landlords, the hucksters and the
hackmen, have had a glorious time. The
lumij,,,,! k iml souls, had agreed not to
charge more than two dollars per day. Even
.ie p,00l black charged double price, and the
Barbers in some instances a quarter for a
THE .lE?kIC.lT.
II. It. MASSER, i:.lllor nnd Proprietor.
To AnvKRT!EB. Thr ciri'iit:iliiii of lite Suitltiiry
Amtrir!iii nrnting lite ilinVrmt liiwim on ihe SiiwiucIihiiuii
if net exciM'ttril ireqtiiitk-tl liyniiy jmpcr jmtilialiei ill Xortli
rrn l'cmisylvnnin.
V. It. PAI.MI'U is our nitllt-iruEtMl fluent lurereivl miti
Sfiiptiou mnl lliU-.TIiiiiS :il hianllifC, ill l' Xew
York, DoMon and iliillitiiore.
of Cleai ij. Id ( Yimt .
FOR CAN A I. C...M.MIS!i'XFi; :
sirni (.lovkij.
, of Clai ion Count) .
For Judjes of the Supreme Cot.
JOHN' U. GIBSON, of Cumberland.
WALTER II. LOWRIE, of Allegheny.
JEREMIAH S. BLACK, of Somerset".
ELLIS LEWIS, til Lancaster.
JAMES CAMPBELL, of Philadelphia.
County Nominations.
Senator :
Dr. LEWIS HECK, of Dauphin county.
President Juile :
fssemhly :
1ssocirite Judges :
CEOROE WEISEIt, of Suubury.
WILLIAM Ii. KllT, of Rush.
Prothonotnry :
JAMES HEARD, of Milton.
Commissioner :
Treasurer :
JACOB VOl'XC, of Suubury.
' Coroner :
AARON' KELLY, of Shamokiu.
Auditor :
J. II. ZIMMERMAN, of Suubury.
Business KotU-es.
1). M. llrniitifnin of XorilmiiilH'rtHiiil, nilverlltes in our
c"luiiiiw. ii ir-ml .-l.--l e.l Mm-k of stores, ftc Pnreluiaen
woulil .1 well to fall uu him, before iuieliiiiiieliiewliere,
Tlie r.xu-utori of Jcilin Met'leery, ilre'il, ilrr lor aula
Die vulunlile t'urill, owned ly K.ld .Ui-'.l, siluale in riiiliie
tjiiii'jiie township, and eiH.tuiiiiii lull uerel. See utlver
lix'int-iil in anotliei t'oliunn.
Tiik Dagikkrux Juiiiml No. 0, baa been reet'ivrd
uik! by a hasty Mruiial of the Kane, we find it well filled
Willi UHeful ami interesting umtter. rubiialiiilM'ini.lii'Hitli
ly byS 1J. Jlniiiiilne, :)ll lltnuilway, New York.
Dirnovmv or XIei hmi -, i. 411, ! Iliii work h uIktii
r.Tfivt-il, wlit.'li i-..iiiitt'i'v ti.:: s.iine. Tina work ought
to be taken by every it-rwii, in order lo keep iee with
the jT'resa of art uihI aeiciire in every on of lb bihors
iH' civiluieil life. Ilia one of the in sit useful und tinM.r
ti.ol piihli.-utioua of theatre, ll ia just Ilia work for a
uierliutiie. Adtlreaa D. Applelon &. C"., New Yolk.
(UT" The h'.-avy run of advertiain fur
Ihe hist few weeks, has taken up a large
portion of our paper. We ask the indul
gence of our friends, as in a lew weeks
hence, we will be again enabled to give
the usual variety.
(TT Gov. Johnston addressed a meeting
at Northumberland, on Tuesday evening
tC" The proceedings of a democratic
meeting held in Jackson township, , on
Thursday last, came too late for publica
tion. They will appear in our next. The
meeting, we learn, was very lata;e and t-it-lliutiastic,
and was most ably and cluij'n iit
ly addressed by Geu. Kase, John J'urter,
Esq., Dr. Lewis Heck, the democratic can
didate for Senator, and J. B. Packer, Esq.,
in the English language, and by William
Follmer, Esq., the democratic candidate
lor Assembly, in the German language.
The many friends ol this gentleman, in
Ibis County, are proud of the nomination
which has been tendered him, by the de
mocracy of Schuylkill county, as their can
didate for the elevated position of Presi
dent Judge of that district, and are highly
gratified to learn that the prospects of hit
election are to flattering as to render his
success almost morally certain.
Mr. Hegins is a native of this place,
where he resided until the time of his re.
moval to Poltsville, a few years since, and
we know we hazard nolhing in saying that,
perhaps, no genlleman of his age, in our
community, was so well and favorably
known and so universally esteemed as he.
Ilis high moral character, unbending in
tegrity, peculiar boldness and independ
ence of thought and action, and uniform
courtesy of manner, secured for him the
confidence of the whole people ; while his
powers of reasoning always clear, logi
cal, comprehensive, argumentative and vig
orous, his soundness of judgment, clearness
of perception and thorough knowledge ol
the principles and practice of the law,
gave him a commanding position at the
bar which it is not the fortune of many to
attain. There are but lew, if indeed any,
within the range of our acquaintance, bet
ter fitted by nature and education, to wear
the judicial ermine, and if our enlightened
neighbors, the people of Schuylkill, have
as high a regard for their own interests and
as correct an appreciation of true merit as
they should, we have no doubt of his tri
umphant election. Such is our confidence
in his ability, honesty and uprightness, that
we know the position cannot honor him
more than he will adorn it.
California Ccius.
Tho steamer Cherokee, Capt. Windle,
arrived yesterday moininj;. ul New Yoik,
from Havana and New Oi leans. She left
New Oilcans on the 13th and Havana on
the 17lh.
On ihe 15th intelligence was received ut
San Fiaiicisco of the execution uf notorious
horse Ihief, at Monterey, named Otis, who cts., and ol h!i l. Sl c;.. Sales of lialti
was one of ihe !nnf arrested and condom- j more bbl. at 23 cts.
licit tiy l.yneti law to tie iinna, tun reseneil t
by Ihe sheiifT, and escaped from prison, lie J
was a'jaiu arrested in the hitler part of July,
j and mi the liijlit ol Sunday, Au. 10, was
l iken icit m" prH-m and hung by the vii- ',
!. moo rnti:mil!e".
fir t'aii" is now neaily bieljoe up. One
I in ihe hands of the viuilaiice coui
I muter, iwn olhcis are in prio,i, and ill- re- :
! maiieh.T have !lrd,
I Al n meeitu:! oi i:ie war-n-i r -ii :iii : i-.n-
: eiseo. eaov.t i:t.'s iei' -leclaied i 1 1 p-it t t.nd
1 oi.l n .1 lo be .einoved.
The b.nk Calalpa, while beating mil ol
San Fiiiueiseii harbor on the I5:h of Anoiist
missed stays ami wejit ashore. Slin would
be got oil' by Ihe revenue cutter Polk wilh
the next tide.
A public meeting was held at Sail Fran-
eiseo on the evening of the 15th till, "lo
I take measures for the protection of the
city." Whether in conjunction with, or in
opposition to the violence committee, is
not said.
imKAIU'll. NT i: 4 VI IIO AT Al (TI)KNT,
Thirty Five Persons Killed und Wounded,
Evansvii.i.r, l.N'D., Sept. 52.
The steamer James Jackson exploded yes.
lenluy, just as she was leaving Shawnee
town, in Illinois.
A dreadful and heait-rending scene ensu
ed. Tbirtydive poisons were killed and
A'ouiided' The shiieks of Ihe wounded and
dyiii caused a tin ill of horror in eveiy
We received the sad news here this morn-
in;, by the steamer Summit.
The engineer iu charge of ihe boat, im
mediately alter the explosion, is repelled to
jumped overboard and reached the shore,
when he look to the woods.
A lady, who got aboard ut Shawneclown,
was killed before getting out of sight of her
The Steamer Cumberland Valley wah bul
a shoit distance below the Jackson at the
time of Iho explosion, bul immediately re
turned, and the ulficers rendered all I ho as
sistance in their power.
After taking on board Ihe wounded, the
Valley towed the Jackson nu shore.
The Jackson was completely torn to pie
ces fiom the fore lo the after part of her ca
bin. Dei boilers are smashed Hal.
F.very assistance that could be rendered
lo Ihe sufferers by our citizens was cheer
fully done.
In the confusion of the moment it was
very difficult lo get a eoirect list uf the kill
ed and wounded.
An immense procession of Free Masons,
Odd Fellows. Fiiemen, Horse, Fool and Ar
tillery, paraded the streets of Chicago, llli.,
on Fii.hty, the 12th iust., on the occasion of
laying the fiist stone of the public buildings
iu that city. It was a gala day.
Maukix.s NewsPAPKRS. The I'osi master has decided thai it is lawful for
publishers of newpapen, or others, "to
draw a inaik over un udvertisemenl for ihe
purpose of directing attention lo it."
Hundred of our citizen complain of de
bility and lantiour uf ihe system, derange
ment of the liver und stomach, want of up
petite, &e. ; ihey are frequently the result
of too close application, and it Ihousand
other causes we cannot heie name ; bul we
woi.ld my lo al) so allliclcd, do as we have
done gel a botllw or Iwo of Dr. Hotriund's
(.ionium Hitlers, prepared by Dr. Jackson,
and, out wind lor it, you will be cured We
recommend ihis medicine, knowing from
expeiieoce thai it is much superior lo ihe
generality of patent medicines. We Mould
say lo our leadeia, purrhase none unlets
prepared by fr. C. M. Javksou, 1'biladel-plna.
PEPSIN, Ihe True Dilutive Fluid, or Ganlric
Juice I A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared
from Rennet, or the loin lli Stomach of the Ox,
after directions of llaron Liebiir, iho preal
I'hysiolocieal Chemist, by J. S Houghton,
M. D.. No. 11 N,th Eighth Street, Philadel
nhia, Pn. This is a truly wonderful remedy
for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver
Complaint, Constipation, ami Debility, eiiring
after Nature's own method, by Nature's own
spent, the (Jastrie Juice. See udvertisemenl
in another column.
i i i: it.
In McVeylovvn, HuiiliiiL'don enniily, some
time since, Miss AO NES EW1NU, aired
ukitiui years.
In Northuinbeilanil. on Wednesday last
air. JIIU.MA5 (JASkINO, utred uboul 60
Coal (tva&c.
Suubury, Sept. 25, 1S51.
Amount of coal broiiilit In Suubury, over
the Philadelphia and Suubury Railroad, from
the Shamokiu Mines: Tons.
For the last week, 6:19
Per last report, 15.6(13
d)C illavkcts.
Philadelphia Market.
Sent. 24, IS51.
Fl.oiB xn Mkai.. The niiuket lor Flour i
is dull auaiii. Simulant liinnds, old slock, I P"IIH, lirittunin 1, miles, .Inp.i lined Wure, Ac.
are held at $J,12i per barrel, for export. i N. H. Persons ptin h isin Stoves of the suh
Sules for city use at if3.S7a54. Exlia llour is i Bt,'ri'"'r' 'aunt nny lime procure Cylinders,
held al 4 50. ' Orates, Tire lirii k unci oil, I plates, to replace such
R V K Fl.oi ll. Is verv dull. Peon, is held ns '""' hc required.
I a-3
Corn . Mkai.. Peiina. is i
Whkat Sales of Pcinia.
prime while ut 90.i!l.
i demand ul
red al 85c ;
RvK. Is in demand, sales al 65 els.
Cons. The supply about equals thu de
mand ; )ellow commands 63 els.
Oats Are veiy dull ; a sale Peiin. nt
324 a 34 4 els.
Wiiiskkv. Sales of bbls. al 24 cents.
Little coniiiiir in.
Baltimore Market.
Sept. 22, 151.
fiRAIN'. We note Kites of M n vland nnd
Vrinia Wh"!ils io-dav at 71' a 7-1 cis. for
you. I lo prime, reds sou
white. Two load-: of
were suld to day al 65 a
al 75 cts. lor
Peuiis) Ivauia
70 els
Sales ol" Com nt 56 it 67 cents for both
w hile and yellow
W.' at 31 a 31 cts.
ll'lll. I-I.l- .-I .' Ill . rt
I u urKM . .aies oi l eiiita. inns, in .i
si'Mii iiv r:;uT. (tuk::.v:.-
Wiihi. - - !!
I!i:. - - - "
ClIIIN. - - - 5U
0rs. - :i7
lll i I I. It. - - - 1 .1
Luis. s
Tiii-'k. ..... 7
Ki.iv,,i.i-. .... r.v
'I' d i... w. - 15
1 1 1 : k a a. - -5
1 1 l ei; t. cit I t, 4 v . - - - I II
llli! i. ii A :-,i.i.s. 75
IO tiic I'r'jj a.vd lu-.lcpanJIent EleotovD of
Kui'.Uumbcilaiid Cov.nty.
Fki.i.ow Citi.kxs : F.uciniiaed by the
advice ol seveiiil of my peisuual fiieuds, 1
am induced to oiler iiim-II In Jour siillrages
at tho next el i
ATK Jioiii: o I
canno (mast ol
ion for Ihe olliee ol Assm l
Nor: liiiinbei laud coiiuiy. I
beiu a ilemocial, nor will I
exult at beuii; a u!u- beio ol upuiioii that
if it mail hive no otlnn' iin-nl lliiu ih-il ol
beloititin lo o,ie or the nth t of ilium re-
spectable panics, however deniable Ih. ir
eounlenaneo and supporl nielli be, such a
man, I say, is not the best for p,d,.
hc suppo.l. I am ol opinion, with the ill,,s-
liious j.'lferson, that lio lime h is nine uni
ted, when the only ijuesliou, that should be
asked iu itdalitni lo a candidate (lot a Judi
cial oiliee a', leasl,) is simply Ibis : 'ls he
honest, is ho cnpalte, is he if These iiies
lions it is your uiupiestionable province to
decide. Coder this persuasion of the ipiali
licalions for tho olliee, it only lemaius for un
to say, Ihat r-liunlil I be elected, I will en
deavor so lo perlorm the duties of the olliee,
as never to impure, or desire lo know, the
politics, or reliiti'iu, ol any suitor in Court.
One respeclable gentleman nheady named
tor the otfioe, lliis dei-lined for the present ;
but intimates. th;ii in Inline, In may be obli
ied lo you for your votes. ?.ly eae is not
similar as I am now in u, ity third year,
Ihere is not in any human probability, nnv
'future" for me iu refeienco In this matter.
1 remain, fellow citizens.
Your, resivetliillc,
Si'snriiv, Aug. 1 -Ills, IS51.
New Advertiseinenti.
virtue of a Certain Writ of Vru. to
inc directed will lie sold by public vendue or
outcry, nt one o'clock. 1'. M., on Saturday the .
1 Sll day uf OcI.iImt nek.t, at the Court House in i
the burouirh of Siiul.urv, the iVilKmiujj real es- i
Intutowit: A certain tract of land situate iu
Sliantokiii township, Northumberland county,
bounded North bv lands of Jesse Deals. Last by
Iniiila of I'eler Adams, South and West by lands
uf Solomon l''c).fly, containing 1GU acres more- or
leva, w hereon are envied a
Lot! and Frame Dwelling House,
a Log ami Frame Haul, an Apple Orchard, Ci
der Tress, ite.
Siczcil, taken in evceiiti.ui, and to be void as
the property ol Daniel redely.
All the interest of Ihe defendant, supposed to
Ik- the undivided half part ol'aud in a certain
Tract of r-aml.
aituutn iu Lower Aoirustn towiidtip, in the Coun
ty aforesaid, bounded Nuitii by I. in Is of John
t'leiiiinir, Kast by Ihe k.nne, Soulh by lands of
Hoimaii Shipmaii, and West by lands of Jacob
II. Khiiuda, cilitaiiiiuir four uen-a more or less.
Seized, taken in execution, und to lie sold aa
the property ol' James Koss,
The undivided fifth part of a certuiu messuage
Tract of Land,
situate in Lower Augusta township, in tVe Coun
ty aforesaid, adjoiniiij land late of Christopher
AriiioTtront, (now in Ihe possession of Joseph
W eityel ) John M iirin. I.i oiinid lleniiiiiiter aiiil
ISirltoles Well', rm.imui!( i iiiii.v acrea and sev
en perches, t!ie wluile, hem:; lue liui'i eou
vejed by deed d itfd J'e-. Mill ISiil, Isaac 7am
ler to Joint (i. Yoiiiiginaii, in trust lor the heirs
of'Ksthrr Albright, dee'd.
Keuitl, taken iu execution, nnd sold aa the
property of 1'eter lliiht, one of tho heir of said
dee'd. J AMISS COY1SUT, Sluriil'.
Sheritr. Dlliee,
funbuiy, "i l.t. 'ii, ISol
At Fublio Sale.
rTWAT valuable Farm owned and occupied
by Mr. Jiilin McCleery, deceased, sit
ualo in Chilisquiupio township, Norlhnmber
laud county, on tho west side of Ihn Wesl
Rianch of ihn Susquehanna, river, one mile
below the llorough of Milton, on Ihe main
road leading from tho lalter place to Nor
thnmberland, contning ONE HUNDRED
ACHES vinl allowance, will he sold at Pub
lie Out-cry, at the limine of Henry Eckberl,
Innkeeper, in Milton, on
Thursday, lh' !3d riif of Octoher next.
As this is a very desirable property and will
best recommend itself ; thoso wishing lo
purchase, are requested to call unit ex
amine Iho premises previous lo Ihe day
of sale.
The letms will be made known on Ihe
day of alu by
September 21, 1851 . -It Ex'rs.
Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!!!
A N thr cold weather is approaching, the mili
sorilirr would respectfully call tho atten
tion of the pulilie to Iii ntock of stoves, wlcctrd
from the latent nuj approved patterns, cou
siitini! of
Cook, Parlor, Air Tight, Chamber, Office
and l)o:it Stoves, nil of wliu li will lie disposed of
at nHliinisliuii;ly low prices. lVrsoiiH III wont
of Stoves unit ile.-iious of ictlinr the "vmllt of
Ihrir miinry lire invited lo cull hefore purchasing
clsevv here.
No Stoves kept thai cannot be recommended.
lie also continues to manufacture
Tin nnU Mirct Iron Ware
'" "'1 its varieties, lirass Ketllvs, Dippers, Dish
11. ,11 . Ijlv.l i j n . A.M.
Norlhiiiiilierl.incl, Sept. 27, 151 3nio.
1 Zn Ihe Cn'irt cif Common l'leus of Sorthum-
berland Count v :
j In ihe mallei of Ihe iiccoiml ol William
& Reuben Fepely, assignees of Denyler,
Haas .s. ('oinpaii, tiled in said Court. Any.
: II. 1 85 1
In por-nance of an older of said Court, 1
do heirliy L'lve notice thai the said William
j l!i ubi o Fancly, asi-imioes ol Deuuler. Haas
. .V Company, have exhibited and filed mi iic-
cuoiit ul their liust in the Couil iilnicsaid.
and thai said arc, unit will be allowed by tin;
said Court, on lh.; Iiii Monday ol November
next, (li'-lna the Insl ilay ol the next term.)!
uiilos causi! be tuiowu why such accoiinl
slliillil i.ol be allow ed.
' JOHN KARNsWOliTH, y,,Vy.
; 1 rotliotinlar, s otli
Suubury ,
.pi. ii. 1
So I. lit. )
Ain iM.IClMS I 3 !!
A DC are c.iiiiiniitiil. d lo meet iu
- .Market Sitiare, Suubury, on
SATl'KDAY. 18ih of DeU.ber,
ut !l o'eloek, A. M., Iii 1 1 x rip.ij.peil
lor drill.
l! v o iler of the C;i tiiiu.
NDLOV.ON t-Ti.DII. (). S.
Si n! ri . l- ep. 'i . 1 -" t .
i 'iirniel :uil i J . : 1 1 1 i t K i i
Hiiil ttnM.
t ariiit! tiitl .Ii.Miitl.ii 11. ill llmiil ('uiiijm
iiiit! ..: Mi'tsi rt'it'.'K t tin k ol l.-.v
s.i!:n v. in .
Del.ii.rr nc
the town of :
and rh.iosc i
i. '!.! nn itii-.tiliv tlu il '
at tlif iUW of Win. Vhmmt iii
Mllinkill, til iHtr.Hii.O 1 110 l'ti!IIi:ttl,
iivrri lltni'ot', iitirci'alilv tu tlu rli.u-
WM. li. MAUMIALL, J. 1'KltKIXs und
othei. Corporators,
tshiiiiiokin, Sept. Sl, I.S"t. ot.-
Xolii't' lo Coiili'iiclors.
j a-,-,,, wi, ,. rnu,, ,-r l0 Imildin, of n
1 iid,e across -Mahanlaimo Creek, on lands
, ,-s,.,,,,,,,., Ketierolf and Samuel llollner. nt the
, , ,,. s , m , ,ur,,fl,vl, 'Ml.
DAV, tlie I.OItl day of Sepleniber next, where
proposals wilt l.e reeeiveii nun
The span of said bridge to be 1 13 feet, nnd IS
feet wide iu the clear; the abutments IS feet
binh front low wa'.ir mark; win-' walls l'i lict
liudi on both sides ; height of bridge to the sipi-trc
1:) feet; lliidL-e lo be i-imii d.-li'il oil or before the
1st dav of Julv, 1 So .
J. D. HOOr.M AN,
and olhers, Coiiiinissi.niers of Dauphin e.iuulv.
I'll As. WKAVEi:,
Coniniisf-ioiiers of Northumberland County.
Suubury, iscpt. l:, 1S51. 3t.
JLVXCOrU .MILD by my liunierous friends, I
-' oiler myself as an
for the olliee of
nt the cnsu'uur election. Should I lie elected, I
promise to discharge the duties of said otiice with
fidelity and iinpaitiulilv.
Suiibiiry, Sept. 13, 1H51.
A T the solicitation of a number of my friends,
Q 1 idler myself t ihe v olors of Jx'orlhuinU-r-1
u i ul county, as a candidate for
Associate .Jiitlc.
Should I be cleeled, I piomiw lo diseliartre tho
duties of the olliee faithfully, and with impar
liabtv. JOHN K. DF.NTI.ER.
M. Kv.ensville, Sept. 0, 1.-51.
1'ki.i.ovv Citi.ks : Lneouriied by niy nu
melons friends, l hereby oiler nil sell' aa an
for the olliee of
Count v Coinniissioiicr,
of Noithiiinl erland county, at the rnsuiiiR elec
tion. Should 1 be eleetnl, I promise to discharge
ihe duties thereof, with lidelity and impartiality.
Suubury, Au?. 30 IK5I
rilllK sul-M-rilier resieetfully anuouiieea lo bis
JL fellow elllAiia of Norlhlilnberlalid county,
that at Ihe earnest oli.-italiou of lure number
of friends he has roioK iiled ta hecomo a rauili
dute for
lielievim that the grvat interests of the fiii-tnera,
niechaniia and others, sh.iukl Is? f.iitlv leprt-seiit-eil,
he pioir.iies lo use every honrsl i ilbrt to pri-U-i
t Iheir iuUie.u faithfully, and to the beat of
hia abiiitv.
Lower Aususta, Sept. 0, If 51.
rPl'I' subscriber will sell at public shIp, on the
premises, in Chilisqimquc township, Nor
thumberland county,
A Valuable I'll rill situate in Chilisquaqus
towuriiip, Norlhuiiilierliinil county, containing
110 ACRES,
more or less, ndjoitiiuii lands of Heiijiniiiii Fords
msn, John Caul, C. Caul, John Vincent, and the
farm known as tin Jacob Spring; projwrty. To
lie sold ns the chile of Henry MeOee, dee'd.
It is within about five liiih-s of Milton, sit
miles from Northumberland, und one mile from
the canal and river. There arc never failing;
springs ofwaler on the premises. Tho situation
is healthy and every way desirable. The ini
provciucnls arc two two story
Jdj Frame Houses, jf
and two pood ttiirilS). The above property is
well cnleiilnted to Iks divided into two farms.
There arc two fine
S " " t K I S
on tlic preiuisrs, besides all kinds of
Also at tlic siiiiir lime and place, the following
personal proicrty, lo wit: one Horse, 3 Cows, a
number of sheep, Hos. and a lot of liarneu, be
sides a number uf other articles too numerous to
Sale to commence at one o'clock, Y. M. of said
day, when the terms will be miide known by
Surviv im; Exc'lor of Henry MeUee, doe'd.
Chilisquiiqiie, Sept. 13, 1S51. 3t.
'Tlll'. Hiibseriber will si-ll nt public sale, at tha
House of Theodore ells, in the boroiiih
of Muiiey, Lvcoiniuir county,
On WLIN'KSDAY, Hie 12ih day of SO
VF..MHEI., 1151,
A Valuable l'iinn,
sitieile iu Muiiey towtiship, Lyromin,; roiuilT,
I'linl, lining
200 ACRES,
more or less ndjoininir lands of Ueiijanibi Wa
ller, Jneob Haines, James linbb, !Saintnd Wallif,
and others, 'f'o be sold ns the estate of Edward
(iohill, dee'd.
It is within three miles of the lloroURh of
Mtincy, and a half iniV tr.un n lime-done bank,
now worked, nnd thai vein of limestone extends
into this tract. About Unon bushels of lima
have been spread on the farm within three years
past. There ure never fiilinu springs in nearlv
nil the fields, and Wolf Kuu aasr through tho
middle ot Ihe tract. The spline at Ihe house ia
remarkably birire and line. The situation is
healthy und every way desirable. The iinprova
ineiils are a hir::e stt d two ht rv
one nnd a Imlf slorv frame 1WKL-
.yi r.DI'Sl-'.. lately llnishe.l, a lare HANK
DAIJ.X, m rv m il lini-bi d, r.ud provided with
extensive stablim; for bor-es. .utile nnd shep. a
Wti'ion House nnd corn crib, with (jrainaries
above, a Smuke Hini-e. u two slorv Spring
House, plastered, nud other mil biiilditiiis. -'J'ln
re is n lan:e
of fine fruit, nod a lar-e utio.her J't!'-;-
of reiich, i'iiii. rbiai. and i;!o-r 1
fruit trees, of it line .puhty on tiie premises
.i-'it:t I "11 Ai-res are eii -'.ri.'
and ihe femes a.-e ui.isil-. m
i';l Ul ! r ietiee,
! ifpair. 'J'ha
'.rit.ed. and ia
. : r.;.i d,e,
of the lend is w e
11 b'l.Ks (i(;i;.
r r.
:n t:
ItM. l!t-c'd.
I.J.'., v-i
t t. i l-1
M.'.; I,' lli .hi true
iiiluea! prinei-
p!e., Il v. iH.-.l la.l!i!ili.-s slipj
I'bed itii ibem ara
leii.lcii-d perl'.-elly .-i'.-ere
li ditnioir. 'i'be eoi.iie. ;t
rod, ns vi ;i us (lie prwi ;;r..-i. :
is on nn entitel-, n.iv plan. -feel
eoi;d:. th in ai.v tier t
a destuetion by
i iu . ulation of the
..f the arotied r.Ml,
l i...,' a more per it. use.
Mcasnres have i I .ken to si cure Letters
I'ateiit liir l!ie ioiproxeiiiiait.
Tersons desirous ot' seeiuiii their lives ttnd
property from di-s! by tl hi 1 1 i 1 1 . can have
conductors put up lo their building, in the most
peril et and isi i ! .1 a n I i;i I inanner, by iipplyin; ei-tln-i-
personally or by letter, to t'.ie undersigned,
at the 1ol!o',v iuj- prices 1
For Itl It. wilh a irood j7eei- phi ted point !ji 111,0(1
For -III li. wilh ;',, plated point, ji,ilt-
.'-. 12,511
And twenty- cents for evcrv iidditinnnl foot over
fiirly. ' "T. H. M ACKISY.
Milton, Sept. C, 1S5I. ly.
Notice to the Heirs of PETER
STULL, Dee'd.
OTIfl' is hereby given t,. Peter Slull, Jn,e
stall, Ksiher siull, Ki y stud, Klizalwth
Stidl. A a. .ii (I'astou (iuardian of Sumuel Stnll
and Lester t-lull ; heirs and le-j:d representativea
of Samuel Stnll, dee'd. Kaehe! Slull married ti
Joseph Jones, now ilee'.l. A line Stull, niartied
to Clnisi.itii Snyder. Elizabeth Stull, married lo
David Wampole. I'lia Neville. Jeremiah Ne
ville, nnd James Nevill. ly their (iuardian,
Annul Oasloii. In irs and leuid represeiitntivea of
Maria Stnll, ilee'd.. who was lliairied to Wm.
Neville. Kaiuiy Stall, married te J.n'oli Lilly.
Jneob Mull, I'en r Slull, Henry Slull and John
Stull, Ihat by a certain writ ol J'uiiilioui J'aei'
niilu. issued nut of the Oipbaii'a Court of Nor
thuinhf Hand County, to lue directed, an Inquisi
tion will be held on the Kcnl estate of said dee'd.,
ill Delaware lownshiji N'orthiunberland Countv
nt 1 o'eloek, 1. M .. on Till KSDAY, the Ut'li
day of October, 1S5I, ut which time ami place,
you are hereby warned to be and appear, if you
think proper.
Sheriffs Olliee, Suubury,
August 2 i, 1S5I. ti.
rpt) the Heir, of I.EOXAUD rFOCTZ, de
- ceased. Notice is hereby iriven lo Knla-rt
Pl'oiit., Mercy, it 1 1' ii it a n icil wilh Joseph K,
llarus. Mary Ann, widow of William H ousel,
Isabella, intermarried wilh Daniel Lalalia, Nan
cy, iutt rmurried with Daniel Lavrin k, the said
Naiiey bavinii since died, leaving a iliild who ia
also now dead, and Kelieeea Flout?.. AUoiaiid
cliildren the children of two Daughters lo wit i
Jacob 1'iirscl, Nancy Jane, Mercy K. Ifols'rt, P.
Leonard, illiatn and Anna I'ursel, (all of whom
eveept the said Jacob are miners.) children of hia
third daughter, Sarah, who was inleiiiuiried ilh
Joiiathai! I'ursel. and itaehel Ann l,rmon, dauirh
ter uf l.uciiida Ilia tilth dituhu-r, who was inter
married Willi the late William Lemon, the saij
K.iehel A. Leaioii, is ulaj a minor, and lias for
her (juauliaii, ('. llorloii, heirs and ilistri'
bulei a of Leonard l'fout7., dee'd., late of Point
township, in the Comity of Nonhtimtarrlaud, to
appear at our next Orphan' Court, to be held
lor said County, on the ii'd day uf November
next, in the lloroim'n of Suubury, and accept or
refuse the Krai Estate of aaid dee'd., at the valu
ation lived upon the same, by an Inquisition duly
held thereon, or show cause whv the same should
not be sold. 11 Y THE t Ol'KT.
All of which the aforesaid parties-are hereby ra
iiuiied to take notice.
iuii'a Dflae, Stnbury, I
."ept. W, -It.' )
oiwukiT Catuliilatc
'IIIOMAS s. MAI KEY if MiltMi, will he
a Yolunterr Can li date forAsau.iate Judge, at
the ciisiiing electioK.
Scpleiuber 6, Hi I.