Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 20, 1851, Image 2
THE STATE At.ltll I LTt rt AL FAIR AT iiAnnisui'tio. Wo are glad lo ohscrv !hat Judge Walls, tho President, and influential Renllemen, of ficers of 1 1 10 Skito Agricultural Society, have issued a ci-cular lo Iho farmers of Pennsyl vania, lo the horliculiuralistn, and all olhert who may take an interest in (huse or kindred pursuits, notifying them IhaTthe first Fair of the Society w ill luke place atlhe seat of go. rernniont on the 2!)ih, 30ih, and 31st of Oc tober next. The spot selected for Ihe exhi bilion is at onca romantio and appropriate. On the low land of the Susquehanna, in the lip of iha mountains, with wood, water and mountain in prospect, lies the lovely farm, of which soma twenty acres are now in pro cess of preparation for the purHe. From Philadelphia lo IhU scene is a ride of live hours; from Chumhcishurg of 3; from Wil liamsport of less than 24; from Reuding of b; from Pittsburg and Iho rich intermediate country, loss Ihan 21. and fioni Baltimore of 4 hours; thus presenting a remarkably well selected spot for Iho concentration of visitors, stock, specimens, and whnlever else is calcu lated to give effect to what, emphatically, is "tho first interest" of Pennsylvania. We may probably hereafter allndo to Iho benefits which shall arise from this exhibition, and so content ourselves at present with presenting a condensed list of the premiums offered : For Cattle Short Horns, Hereford, Ayrs hire, Holstein, &c, premiums of 12, S, 7, 4 and 3 dollars. For native, lO, 7, 4 and 2 dollars. Woiking Chen Best. $15 ; second, SS. Fat Cattle, 12, 7 and 4 dollars, aB per quality. , For Sheep Vino wool-Bucks, 8 and 5 dollars. Pens of Lambs, SO. Long Wools, Mid. lie, and Mixed the same. Best import ed Pinck, frit). For Hogs Best, 8G; second 4 and 2 dol lars. For Horses Draught, 12 and dollars -The same for Mules. For Poultry Largest and best collection of Fowls, SS ; Capons and Tuikey, S3 ; oth er varieties, S2. For Tobacco Dost samples, 8 and 6 dol lars. Crops Corn, 5 acres, S15 ; acre S3. The enmo with Wheat. Potatoes and other pro ducts, S3 for best qualities. Agricultural Implements Drills, ploughs( harrows, &o , cc, premiums of 10, 8, 5, 4 dollars. Portable hay press, S20. Miscella neous collection of implements, $20, Dairy Butler, 5 pounds, So ; second, S3 J third, 52 ; fnkin, S$ ; honey, for 25 pounds, 5 dollars. Fruits All varieties from 8 lo 5 dollars; vegetables, from 5 to 1 dollar; Flowers, 8 to 5 dollais; Domestic Wines, 3; best cured Hams, if j ; best quilts and other household manufacture, 5, 3, 2 and 1 dollar; best Porta ble Steam Engine, 25. iJo'i-ng-Best $10; second, SS ; third, S3 ; best ploughman, $0 ; second, S4 ; third, 3. This is a very liberal scale of premiums, and highly ereJilable to the Society. We are only sorry, however, that there aie none for the best blasting process, ami the cheapest and neatest mode of manufacturing and burning bricks. Two aits highly useful to every larmcr in the Middle States. STATE 1(1 LTl HAC FA lit. Chang', of days. At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Pennsylvania Stale Agricultural Soci ety, held at lite house of Mr. llerr, in Har rishurg, on Tuesday, the 9lh day of Septem ber, liu following preamble and resolutions were adopted : WiiKiiEAs, It has accidentally happened that the Pennsylvania Stale Agricultural So ciety and iho Maryland State Agricultural Society have fixed iho same days for Iheir anneal exhibition, which may operate unfa vorably lo both ; and as our Society desire to reciprocate civilities with, and promote the success of, all other Societies that have for their object ihw improvement of Agii culiuro and the Mechanic arts ; therefore, Resolved, That the days heretofore fixed for the exhibition of Ihe Pennsylvania Stale Agricultural Suciely, bo and thu same aro hereby changed, and fixed lo be upon the 29lh, SJili and 3 1st of October, 1S51. Resolved, That the above and forgoing be printed and circulated, by transmitting thu same lliiouuhotit thu Slate, and to all agri cultural periodicals throughout thu United Stales . 1 certify thai the foregoing is a true copy, from llti minutes of the Society. ISAAC G. M'KtXLKV, Secretary pro tempore. Tin: TARIFF OF '10. Winn Secretary Walker procured Ihe pas sage of Iho Tariff nf MG, he assorted thai, in a lew years, il would greatly increase our exports, in one sense tha prediction of iho Honorable Secretary has proved correct. Wo have exported, fur instance, since the 1st of May hist, in a siaU article alone, over thirty millions; of which, a million and a half has been exported dining tha present week. It is true that thu uiticlu alluded to is one, w hich old-fashioned pooptu like !o keep at home. The export of gold used lo be considered, we believe, no veiy desirable result. But our modem financiers, especially treasury clerks anJ tariff' fabricalois, appear to ihink tho contrary; for we are now reap ing the fruits of iheir pel measures, in ibis exoessivi exportation of gold. Meantime we hear nothing of iho export of wheal, which according to Secretary Walker, waslo go forward in such iunnenso quantities. The, it it seems, ara too old-fashioned in shcir uolious to lake com when they can get fc-ul l; what VI' heal they want they buy in tha tie, payinj for it perhaps, with the tery dollars Ihey estrac.i from us. We feli citate our t'itii.eiis, especially jhoso, who sus Uiuod tha Secretary's tariff, ott tiw brilliant result it has produced- If w art doiiij ra ther a poor business in iho cxpomtiun of v.h?iit, wo av operating magnificently j tint way with California gold. Let u Le j'inpeily giUeful. Hurrah for "the good lime" of ltd Tariiicf 'fO Won't some liuly, ihe saiioullunilisU for Aiwibple, get up a turvioo of pUta la Walker, fur the ccia he fiat V:"ught into the country, to jf.j.y for ;ho .it! miinntHuexpoilaU'Ji) of American whot? fk''s. Bulletin. THE AICEPJCAIT. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, EITEMBEIt SO, I9. II. B. MASSER, Editor anil Proprietor. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. FOR GOVERNOR: WILLIAM imiLun. of Clearfield County. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER i SFni CLOY Kit. of Clarion Count . For Judges of the Supreme Court. JOHN B. GIBSON, of Cumberland. WALTER II. LOWRIE, of Allegheny. JEREMIAH S. BLACK, of Somerset. ELLIS LEWIS, of Lancaster. JAMES CAMPBELL, of Philadelphia. County Nominations. Senator : Dr. LE"WIS HECK, of Dauphin county. President Judje: ALEXANDER JORDAN, of Sunbury. 'ssemhty : WILLIAM FOLL.M ER, of Tuibut. dissociate Judges : GEORGE WEISER, of Snt.bnrv. JAMES II. AIcCORMICK, of Milton. Shcritf: WILLIAM B. KlI'P, of Rush. Prot'ionotary : JAMES BEARD, of Milton. Commissioner : CHARLES WEAVER, of Sunbury. Treasurer : JACOB YOUNG, of Sunbury. Coroner : AARON KELLY, of Shamokin. Auditor : J. II. ZIMMERMAN, of Sunbury. THE MAY POSTAGE I.AVT. This law went into operation on the first day of Jul) insl., and will operate lo Ihe fol lowing effect upon the SuNncnv American. 1. Subscribers will receive it by mail, in Northumberland County, fuef. of postagk. 2. For a distance not exceeding fifty miles at five cents per quarter. 3. Over fifty and not exceeding three hun dred miles at ten cents per quarter. 4. Over three liundied ami uoi exceeding one thousand miles, at fifteen cents per quarter. EDITOiVS TABLE. liuslnrsH Notices. Gi.r.ASoVi PicToniAi. Diiawino Room Com panion. No. 20 of this superb publication, came to us with a smiling (aeo, having donned an entire new dress, and underpono a material chanR'". As a literary paper it has no equal in il'is country, and as the price is reduced, it can not l;u' f becoming u welcome family visitor. The lernik trc $3 per annum for one subscriber ; two, $5; four, 59 i eight, $10; and sixteen, $88. The Companion may be had at all the periodi.-al depots throughout the United States, at C cents per copy. A'Jdrc; F. Glcason, Bos ton, Mass. Dennis C. Caul offers at public sale, on the 20lh of October next, a valuable farm, situate J" ChilUquaque township. See advcrlisenient. ttlT5" We are requested to announce that Gov. Johnston will address a meeting at Northumberland, on Tuesday evening next. rjCF" We are authorized to' state that G. M. Yotks, has withdrawn his name for the office of Prothonotary ol this County, and that he intends to give the ticket as form ed by the late Democratic Convention his hearty support. TO THE VOTEHS. The 4th section of the Act of 15th of April 1S51, requires the electors to vole for Judges of the Supreme Court, on a sep arate piece of paper; for the other Judges required to be learned in the law, on a sep arate piece of paper, and the Associate Judges also on a separate piece of paper. This regulation applies to J"urtftumber land County, notwithstanding Ihe law au thorising our citizens to vote for all offi cers on the same piece of paper. 'THE LEWISIIl R(i DEMOCRAT." Some clever waj lias doubtless been practising upon the credulity of the editor of the Democrat, and, if we inay judge from the amusing account he gives of the state of political affairs in this county, has succeeded much better in entrapping hiin than we supposed any one could have done. The question of friendship for, or oppo sition to Gen. Cameron was nut, that we ever heard of, referred to, previous fo our County Convention, in connection with the nominations then to be made; and the edilor will see how much truth there is in the intelligence he has received, when We inform him that there is scarcely a man upon our-county ticket w ho is not a per. sonal friend of General C's. He will also heller understand the extent of the decep tion when we tell him that there was no ejection whatever, of delegates to our late County Convention, field by the democrats of this Borough. Thu delegates were agrired upon, in accordance with the usual custom, by ihe candidates for the different oOicea residing ia the borough, and conse quently, no videjie was furnished of any person's popularity, or want of popularity. The Democrat would uot intentionally misrepresent, and will, of courae, correct the error il hns committed, SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL THE CHRISTIANA TRAGEDY. Patriotic and loyal to the Constitution and laws of their country, as (he great mass of the sons of Pennsylvania uniformly are, it has for some time, been but too painfully evident that we have within our borders, a few discontented and reckless spirits who, having themselves neither character, repu tation or properly to lose, and consequently no interests at stake, are constantly striving to agitate the questions of slavery and abo- itionism, in the vain hope of inflaming the minds of the people of the North against Ihe South, and of adding a few more mis erable converfs to the inlamons doctrines of the ''higher law" parly. One of the tuvonle themes of these agitators is a de termined and unqualified opposition to the 1'ugitive Slave law, and there are some persons lo be found In our lower counties we rejoice that we have none of them here who strenuously advocate an open and forcible resistance to its execution, with an earnestness and zeal that shew their determination to persevere, regardless of consequences, and with a rashness that argues the existence of an intellect both wicked and depraved, or a heart most fear fully bent on mischief. If they alone were to be responsible for Ihe consequences of their acts, and ''sow ing the wind," could be compelled to "reap the whirlwind," without dragging the in nocent and unsuspecting victims of their deception down with them, hut little un easiness would he felt, and they would ex cite no other feelings than those of con tempt. But in this, unfortunately, as in loo many cases of infractions of the law, the deluded "catspaw" is made tosuflerthe penalty, while the more crafty and far more guilty projector of the plot escapes unwhipped of justice. The murderous affair at Christiana, Lan caster county, which took place on Thurs day the 1 1th insl., seems, from the best in formation we can gather, to be a! en tirely attributable to Ihe unjustifiable inter ference of these self styled philanthiopistt, who would involve this nation in a civil war, trample upon the Constitution, and dissolve this Union, rather than yield a pitiful theory which Iheir morbid fancy has set up as the law, higher than that which is written. It is most sincerely to be hoped that no effort will be spared, no means left untried, to ferret out the guilty advisers and abet tors of this most deplorable affair, and that whenever they are found, no sickly sym pathy will be excited to prevent them from being brought lo that punishment which they so richly merit. The holiest feelings of patriotism and the most sacred claims of justice alike demand it. We glean the following fads from our Philadelphia exchanges: Mr Gorsneh, the owner of two fugitive slaves Irom lialtimore county, accompanied by his two sons, iho Deputy" United Slates Marshall, from Rallimore, two officers from Philadelphia. proceeded on Wednesday evening, lo Christiana, about 21 miles below Lancaster, for iho purpose of arresting l tie fusitives. Alter n consultation between iho officers, il was deemed inexpedient lo make Iho ar rest until Thursday morning. From the best reports, wn learn, that Ihe colored pop ulation in the vicinity, having been informed of ihe nature of the visit of iho officers lo Christiana, held a meeting, and asked the opinion "f several leading Abolitionists as to what course Ihey should pursue. The answfer was, as one of the most cur rent reports stalet; 1 hat Ihey should stand their ground. Accordingly, about eighty negroes assembled, unci with aims, &c , se creted themselves in iho neighboring woods and corn fields. The signal of attack on ihe officers was the blowing of a horn. When Iho officers came upon iho parly, they were surrounded on all sides, nnd a deadly fiie poured upon them by luu na nnies Al lh) first lire, the owner of the fugitive slaves, an eldeily gentleman, was inslaiilly killed, and one of his sons moilally wounded. Another nf the parly, said to he a United Stales deputy ollieer fiom Hulli more, was also much hurt. A Philadelphia officer was fired at five times and mied. Ho was in the midst of the Unlit at Ihe time. The information lo the fugitive slaves that their master and thu ollicers were after them, is believed lo have been given by Iwo uegioes from Philadelphia, who dogged the puisuing party to Christiana. In addition to what is already known of this allair, which occurred on Thuisday, wo learn that Ihe scene of the murderous riot was in tho vicinity of Christiana, in Lancas ter county, near thu borders of Chester. Tho persons killed were Mr. Edward Gor sneh, an old gentleman who resided about nineteen miles fiom Rallimore, Md., and his sou, Dickinson, a young man. The father was shot dead by one of ihe fugitive slaves, of whom he was tho owner. The son wag moilally wounded in the bhmdy affray, and survived but a shoit lime. Tho slate who shot his master was himself wounded in Ihe lelt aim. lie is described in a despatch lo Police Marshal Kcyser, as a tall slim mulal !o lellow, with full round faeo, and good looking. Tho assailing parly was headed by r.n old negro pieaeher. When he saw the fallen bodies of Mr. Gnrsueh unci son he rushed forward with his arms esleiufed, saying 'Foi bear, men, forbear. You'll all bo hung ! 'i hey are dead !" There is no great excitement in the vicin ity of ihe scene of tho murder. No ouo has taken any interest in tlm horrid occurrence. Wo must add that Mr. Gorsuch ihe elder was not only Initially murdered, but robbed by Ihn blacks afler be was dead, of StOO in money. When our reporter left Ihe scene of the outrage, )outig Goisueh was yet alive, us was also the nephew of the elder Gorsuch, hut there, was little hope of Ihe recovery of iho former. r7 Gov. Johnston has issued a procla mation, wherein he offers a reward of One TiiorsANn Dollars, for the arrest and con viction of the person or persons guilty of the murder and violation of tho peace in the late tragedy in Christiana, Lancaster county. rXT" Judge Campbell visited this place on Thursday last. GENERAL CASS. Since our last number, the Conferees of Blair, Huntingdon and Cambria counties, have met and unanimously instructed their Senatorial delegate to the fourth of March Convention, in the most emphatic mannerf "to use all honorable means to procure an expression from that Convention in favor of the distinguished statesman, Gen. Lewis Cass, and to vole for no man as a delegate lo the National Convention, who is not his steadfast friend." The Representative dele gate had been previously elected with simi lar instructions. Franklin county, the birth place and old home of Mr. Buchanan, has also elect ed her Senatorial and two Representative delegates in favor of General Cass. HON. RICHARD HROADIIEAD, Our U. S. Senator elect, has always been a warm friend of Gen. Cass. But as Mr. Broadhead, has taken a decided Stand against Mr. Buchanan, the Pennsylvanian, Mr. Buchanan's shrewd organ, Is down upon him, and now denounces him as much as it eulogised him a few months since. We copy the following extract from the Harrisburg Keystone, on this subject : We challenge the Pennsylvanian to point to the principle, mensiire or usaae of the party that Mr; Brodhomt has violated, or failed lo sustain since his election lo the U. S, Senate 1 We remember well, that nt the time of his election, Iho Pennsylvaninn was most cxiravagant in its encomiums upon him aye, many an honest reader was fairly sickened wilh its iiausenns flattery ils con stant parasitism at the feet of ihe newly elected Senator ! Rul how changed mid why ? Mr. Urodhead and lh(! Keystone nre brought under Ihe displeasure of this nncan did edilor for no other cause Ihan that they daro to prefere Lewis Cas for Piesideut ! Is Gen. Cuss ':iul'amous'' in the eyes of Ihe I'enr.sylvauiau, thai it is a crime to favor his nomination for Ihe Presidency 1 The pa triot who in early life forsook civil olliee and ease, bared his breast lo tho common enemy and gallantly fought I lie battles of his country the favorite cabinet officer of An drew Jackson the bold nnd intrepid diplo matist who, single handed, tneeesslnlly con tended against the most powerful cabinets of Europe and compelled them to relinquish a project dear to their henrts--the Senator of) manly nerve, of powerful mind of undaun ted patriotism who, defying all factious and personal consequences, stummed the tor rent of di''ort and violence which so fear fully threatened the very existence of this Union ! Every man w ho dares lo advocate tho selection of this noble old palriol is de nounced and will continue to bo defamed by this most impartial democratic sheet, while the most unfaithful politician nol only ob tains forgiveness, but receives a beautiful wiitten puff, if he favors the vulnerable candidate of Ihn Pennsylvanian. This is the only standard of democracy wilh that paper. All men and papers are measured by it, and denounced or lauded as Ihey meet its despo tic demands. Those who support the favoi ile. no matter how bad may have been their past political conduct, "nro received into close fellowship, and all who oppose him aro de nounced as abolitionist in league with or be longing to Simon Cameron ! Subiriisison lo such arbitrary ladies will not be found Ihe characterislio of iho high-spirited, patriotic democracy of Pennsylvania. Tho Petinsylvanian characterizes nn arti clo in Ihe Keystone of June 24th, under Ihe caption of liMr. Buchanan nnd the South." as infamous." Quite piobably it did con tain some infamous matter, inasmuch as it was principally made up of extracts from productions of Mr. It., deliberately spread befoie ihe public, us his solemn opinions and fixed principles. Dut that it is infamous to re-publish, wilh respectful comment nnd announced opinions and principles of any man, we do not believe the public is pre pared lo admit. Will Iho Pennsylvanian in form ils readers what part of l ho article re ferred to it thinks infamous, Ihe quotations or Ihe comments of the Keystone 1 If Ihe hitler, then whether it endorses Ihe senti ments of tho former 1 A little explanation may enable us lo come to a belter under standing and induce the Pennsylvanian lo use softer phrases. 05" We learn that Maj. Dewatt receiv ed a letter this morning, informing him that the Delegates to (he Sunbury and Erie Rail Road Convention, which meets in Philadelphia on the 25lh inst., will be pas sed over the Reading Rail Road, free of charge, on application to Mr. M. Cochran, the agent at rottsville. It will be neces sary for the delegates to have a certificate of their appointment. Catiiauinf. IIate.1. A large crowd of per sons, Ihe Tiibuna says, welcomed Miss Hayes on her lauding from the Pacific. She pioceedod directly to ihn Aslor House, wheie sho now slays. Miss Hayes is accompanied by her mother, hersisler, Herr Mcngis, bari tone ; Aug liraham, ballad singer; Si. Lav enti, pinuisi, nnd Dr. Joy, of Dublin, general manager of her Concerts. During ihe voy age a concert was gim, from which 4200 were realised nnd pre-enled fo the fiiemen and eiew of iho Pacific. Death or Jves F Cooi-kk. We learn from Cooperstown that James Fennimore Cooper, the distinguished novelist, died at his residence in that place, on the 14ih inst., al one o'clock, in the C2d year of his age. A Loudon loiter bys : "It is staled thai your countryman, Mr. Hobbs, has just suc ceeded in opening the lock of Messrs. Bra m ah & Co., on which he ha been no long engaged, and that he has claimed iho reward oj 200." Hon. Luke Woodbury, Democralio can didate for Governor of New Hampshire, hung himself at Id renidence at Antrim on the 27th ultimo, i3 iltttgnctic Cclcgvapl). For tho Sunbury American. A MAX SHOT t . McNcr, Sept. 17. An old resident of this place by Ihe name of James Fowler, wns shot yesterday after noon, cither bv accident or otherwise, about 4 o'clock, Ihe contents of a pistol which whs loaded with shot, laking effect in Ihe upper part of Ihe left temple, and which was said to have been in ihe hands of Mr. Edward Wilson, also a resident of ihis place. Wil son was arrested, and nn investigation held this morning before Justice Schuyler, but nothing was elicited lo warrant his commit ment, tie has been held however, moil i. morrow morning, when a further investiga tion will bo made. Fowler is still living, but in a very crilicnl situation. DEATH OF JIDGE WOODRI'RY. The Hon. I .evi Woodbury, Associate Judge of tho Supreme Court of ihn United Stales, died nt Poilsmoulh, New Hampshire, on thu 4111 insl. For some thirty yeais past Judge W. has been a veiy conspicuous pub lic man, in Congress, in tho Cabinet, nnd on the Bench. Like Jackson, Polk, Calhoun, nnd others who have been identified with Ihe political history of the United Stales for some years pat, Woodbury, loo, has now departed this life. The Washington Union notices iho character of Judge Woodbury thus : "All who knew him, nnd who did not foi ho has been nn active, prominent, nnd Useful public man for Ihe last thirty years will deplore his hiss. We knew him inti mately as a member of General Jackson's cabinet, nud had n personal kuowl idgo of his wonderful capacity for business, his de voted attachment to ihe interest of his eonn trj'i nud his inflexible adherence lo those re publican doctrines which were illustrated by Ihe lives nnd services of such statesmen as Jefferson and Madison. Possessin" sin ex traordinary memory, he put Ihis happy foe-! Ully lo its noblest uses in treasuring up ihe ; wisdom of others, and in thus obtaining a guide in action which enabled him to avoid error and guard against prejudice. Uniting besides, lo a vigorous and ptlweifnl pereep tion, habits of grent temperance and patient industry, then; was no station in all Ihe te- Ulions of life which he did not adorn. Hence, whether in private life, in the sen ate, in the cabinet, or on iht; bench of our Supreme Couil the must elevated judicial position in iho world he has left u diame ter which will to ab.vays remembered with pride and satisfaction bv his coun try." The wukos of Cot.. Crittexdrn. A private kuter from an American gen lleman in Havana stales nn incident as oc curring al the execution of the 50 expedi tionist, which is interesting if line It is, that when Col. Crittenden wiifl lold lo lorn buck iin,l kneel, lie impatiently exclaimed : "-Vo .' J tend only to (,'o,l, and nevrr turn my hack to the enemy:' The guard stepped back, and he was left to face ihe almost in stant (ire of ihe platoon, which he did with utmost coolness. An American is usuallv a moil, whether as a bravo, a patriot, or in almost any other phase of life Debt is a horse that is always throwing its rider. Fools ride him bare back, and without bridle. Dr. Hoofi.ami's German Bitters. This celebrated medicine is one of the very best in Ihe country, and ils good qualities only need In be known, lo give it precedence over all otheis now in use. We have seen ils good effects lately, after 1 lie total failure of many others. This is saying more than we can say for any oilier medicine within our knowledge, and we feel it a dutv to re commend the Hitlers lo the notice of our friends. The g'uniuo is pieparod by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Phila. 91 1 It It I I' I), In Northumberland, on the Ulh inst., by Ihe llov. William Simonlon, Mr. Jacob lii.oo.M. lo Miss Elizabeth Yandvkk, all of thai place. By Ihe liev. H. A. Fisher, on Ihe ll'h inst., Mr. John Maiitz, to Miss Kaskman. both ol Shamokin. On Ihe 31st nil., by ihe llov. Mr. Borne, Roiikkt Latimokr of Trevorlon, lo Miss Julian Gass of Augusta tp. - i . . . T-nrriiTinTMiiriMrrrmMn!rMDi i) i i: n. In Noi llliiiiiberland, on the 3:td nil , a chihl of ClIAULES HAKNHAUT. In Ihe same place, on ihe 31s'. nit., infant of SAMUEL El. LET. In the same place, on ihe 4th inst., AL LISON FiSHEli, infant sou of William Geiger. In ihe same place, on Ihe 20th ult., JO SEP1I, son of Dr. Joseph Priestley, aged about 4 yeais. In ihe same place, on I he 19 h ult., a child of Henry Elston Coal Svadf. Suubuiy, Sepl, 17, 1851. Amount of coal brought lo Sunbury, over tho Philadelphia and Sunbury lluilroaili fiom Ihe Shamokin Mines: 'Pons. For the hist week,- JSH7 Per last report, IS.OHj Ton f.VPl)3 1C iUcivkcto. Thiladelphia Market. Sept. 17, 1331. Fi.ohr and Mkai.. The maiket for Flour is dull again. Standard brands, old stock, are held at 4, Hi per barrel, lor export. Sates for city use at $3,87aS4. Extra Ifour ii held nt 4 60. live Floi'h. Is very dull. Penn. is held t $3,25. Corm Meal. Penna. U in demand nt $2,871. Wheat Sale of Peuim. red at 83c j prime while at S00a9l. HfE. Is in demand, sales at 65 cts. Corn. The supply about equals the de mand ; jellow commands 64 els. Oats. Are very dull ; a sale Penn. at 321 a 34 cis. WmsEBV. Sale of bbls. nt 221 cents. Hogsheads are held at 221c. Baltimore Market. Sept. 15, 1851. GRAIN. Wo note sales or Maryland nnd vrgmia Wheats lo-dny nt 60 n 7d cis. for good to prime reds and nt 75 cts. for good while. Two leads . of Pennsylvania red were sold lo day nt fi!i a 70 els Sales of Corn nt 50 a 67 cents for both while nnd yellow. We nnnle OnlH nl 3) 34 WHISKEY. Sales of Pennn. bids, nt 23 cts., nnd of hhds. 21 i ets. Sulcs of Italli more bbU. ut 23 els, CARD. To the Free and Independent Electors of Northumberland County. Fei.i.ow Citizens : Encouraged by the ndvien of several nf mi- ,,e, I r,; 1. 1 nm induced lo offer myself lo your suffrages HI Ihn next election for tho olliee of Associ ate Ji-ijub of Northnnibeiland couuly. I canno boast of being a democrat, nor w ill 1 exult nt being n w hig being of opinion thai if a man have no other merit than Unit of belonging to one or the other nf those re spectable parties, however desiinblo their countenance and support might be, such n man, I say, is not tho besl candidate for pub lic support. I tun of opinion, wilh the illus trious Jefferson, that iho time lias now nrri ved, w hen Hie only question, Hint should bo asked in relation lo n candidate (for n Judi cial office a, least,) is simply Uii: "Is he honest, is ho capable, is he fti These ques tions il is yniir unquestionable province lo decide. Under ihis persuasion of the qnali ficiitious for Iho olliee, il only remains for me lo ay, lliat should I be elected, f w ill rn deavor so to perforin the duties of Ihe office, as never lo inquire, or desire to know, the politic1?, or religion, o any suitor in Court. One respectable gentleman nheady named for ihe office, has ib't lined for the present ; but intimates, thai in future, he may be obli ged to you for your voles. My case is not similar ns I am now in my sixty third year, there is nol in nny human probability, nnv "future" or mo in reference lo ihis matter. 1 remai". fellow citizens. Yours, respectfully, WM. Mof'AKTV. Sunbchv, Aug. 11th, IS51. New Advertisements- Mount C;ir;iK'l nnd Khsimokin Kail iio:id. A meeting of tho corporators of "the Mount Carincl and Shaiuokin llitil Koad Cnmp-.i-ny," and of Ihe subscribers to the stock ol the same, will he held on Tuesday the 7th day of October net, at the Hotel of Win. Weaver in the town of Slinniokin. to orLr ui'c.e the company, and choo.-e officer t'.irieoi', airr,'cublv lo the char ter. DAVID THOMPSON. W.U. WEAVER, W.M. 11. M Ah'tsil A LI., .1. V, l'KKKINS ud other. Corporators, f-'hiiniokin, Sept. CO, .'It. S;is(juo!i.MHiiuS' b ilion ilrii!;.- Coin ;;my. A im ctiier. of the suhcii'icn t.i the slock of I'lc said company, will be held nt Ihe Tic vorton HoiiKC, in the town of 'i'rrvorioii, .Vir thtiinberl.iinl county, on Tuciihy Ihe. I'Miidiy uf rM'ptcmbiT. WM. ATWATl'l! iind of.'.ie , sul'i. riliei'?., Sept, ".I), H.11. gt. xotici: rjpo the H.-irs of LEONARD Prot'TZ, ,!r ceased. Notice is hereby c.U'cu to Robert l'l'ont, .Mcicy, intermarried with Jucpli K. Barns. Mary Ann, widow of William lio'i iel, Isabella, intermarried with Daniel Latsli.i, Nan ev, intermarried with Daniel Lavcock, the s.iid ; Nancy having since died, Iciviic; a child wno in t also now dead, and Rebecca Flout.. AlsoeraiM children the children of two Diuiu'htciS to wil: Jacob I'tirsel, Nancy .lane, .Mercy K. Robert, 1'. Leonard, William mid Anna l'ursel, (all of whom except the said Jacob' are miners.') children of his third d.iuirhtcr, Sarah, who was intermarried with Jonathan l'ursel, and Rachel Ami Lemon, daugh ter of Luciuda his fifth daughter, who wa intT married with the late William Lemon, the said Rachel A. Lemon, is alaj a minor, and has f.,r her (iuardmn, Jesse ( '. llorton, heirs and distri butees of Leonard lTnttt, deel., Lite of Point township, in the t'oini'v of Northumberland, to appear ut our next Orphans' Court, lo he held lor said ("uunty, on the '3d day nf November next, in tho liunmuii of Sunbury, and accep: or refuse the Real Bstate ul'taid dee'd., at the valu ation 1' upon the same, by an Imposition duly held thereon, or show c.uie whv the sa lire should not he sold. BV T 11 K t Ol 111'. All of which tho aforesaid parties nre hereby re quired to take notice. J A M ES CO VK UT, Shr'lT. Shrlf's Olliee, Sunbury, Sept. 13, 1S,-,1. It.' i Notice to Contractors!. r"HIKRR will be a lett',:i,' for the building of a luid'.'O across Mahanlany" t'reek. on lauds of Samuel Fetterolf and Samuel Jioffucr, at the house of Philip Spatz ill (!eorctovu, on 1 TL's DAV, the :$)!! day of September nest, where propoFals will he received and specifications ex hibited. The span of said bridge t ) he 1 IS feet, ami IS feet wide ill the clear; the abutments IS feet hidi from low water mark; win.: walls I'i feet hnrh on both sides ; height of bridge to the Siju irc 13 lii't ; liridt'e to be completed on or before the 1st dav of Julv, IS.".!. J. 1). 1IOOK.MAN, and others, ''iininissioners of Dauphin countv. ('HAS. WKAVlHt, WM. WILSON, ClIRIsT'N ALUERT, Commissiolif fs of Norlluunln rUnd County. Sunbury, Sept. 13, 18.) 1. 3t. TO THK I X 0 E P K N D E N T ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBERLAND COI.'NTV. E NCOCRAOIjD by my numerous friends, I oiler mvscll as un IN DEPENDENT CA N PI DATE for the olliee of TiJKASCiJKI!, at the ensuing election. Should I be i lecteJ, I promise to ihsi har re the duties ol'tai.? ftliicc with fidelity and impartiality. JOHN DOWEX. Sunbury, Sept. 1.1, 18.1. TO THE ELECTORS OF NOKT11U.M- I5F.ISLAND CDl'.NTV. T the tolicitatiol of a number of my friends, 1 I o'.ii r myself to Ihe voters of Northumber land County, us u candidate for Associate Jutlc Should I be elected, I promise lo discharge tho duties A the oli'ice faithfully, nnd v."ith impar tiality. JOHN V, DEN'TMJR. McEwcnsville, Sept. 0, lti.1l TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. F:tiow CiTitKN : P.ncouraied hy my nu mvrous friends, 1 hereby offer myself as an Independent Canuidate for Ihe ollicu of County Commissioner, of Northumberland county, at Ihe ensuing clee tirui, SbouU! I lie elected, I p oniise to discharge Ihe duties thereof, with fidelity and impartiality. 10)17! TREtio. Sunbury, Auj. 30 IS51. A Valuable PAP-IE FOE. SALE, IHE subscriber will sell nt public Sale, on the lireitlisrs. ill ChiliitmiilnnA t.-n.M. MJ.. tliuvnbcrlmul county, On THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2. lAfil A Valuable Tni-m situate in Chil township, Northumberland county, containing 110 ACRES, more or less, Adjoining hinds of Henjamin Fords: man, John Cnul, C. Caul, John Vincent, and the farm known as the Jacob Sprimr property. To he sold as the estate of Henry Mrf ice, dee'd. It is within nlmut five miles of Milton, six miles from jN'ortliumlwilanil, nnd one mile from tlm rutin I n nil river. Tlmrn , vA nA. r.;i: - ,i, llrYvt iniiiiiB; springs of water on the premises. The situation im lin;iltliv nn.l nr.r.r ....... .1,.,.; ... l.t I'l ' " ""j iiwiiuuii-i ue im provements arc two two story iff friiine Houses, fi nnd two rrooil Hitritft. The above property is well calculated to he divided into two funu. 1 acre arc two fino o is c sa a tt s 9 on the premises, hcniilrs all kinds of mill, Also nt (lie same time and plnre, the following personal property, to wit : one Horse, 3 Cows, iiiinilier of Sheep, Unas, and a lot of harness, be sides n number of other articles to0 numerous td mention. Nile to commence nt one o'clock, P. M. of said day, when the terms will be known by UE.NNIS C. t:At;i H,,rv"'S kxc tor of Henry MKicc, dee'd. Chihsiniaipie, tcpt. la, 1851 3t. S'atJ ITlitliiici-y ;ool. f(MIN STONE tS- SONS, i.ui'oitTKim and nr.Aij'in in SMIiM, I!!lttttiiN & Miilim-i-v r;oN, No. 45 South Second St , Philadelphia. i''1' now prepared to offer to their customrrn and the trade, generally, a very large and handsome assortment of Uonucl SaliiiH, of all colors. Corded nnd Plain Velvets, of nil colors, Fancy Honnet and Cap Ribbon, Paris Fancy Fralhers, French nnd American Flowers, fer. fir. Conliuiii themselves exclusive ly Irttllls l.ranrtl of the trade, and ii)ortir the larger part of their stock, enables Iheni lo oiler nrt assortment unsur passed in extent nnd varieiy, which will be sold lit the lowest prices. Sent. 13, iriol. It. Yii23i;ihlc FAIIM FO& SALE. npME siibseiihcr v.iil sell nt public sale, nt tho - House of Thco.h re W i lls, in the borough of Money, Lycoming county, On WEDNESDAY, the li'li day of NO VEMISF.R. 1T.1. A Valuable Farm, s:tua cont; M alley (. ; n-l:ip, Lvcjming county; 500 ACIILO, lino ner, and - a lou::ii; Hail."-, Jaoi bind i of Reiijaniin Ws- .'viinnel Wnllis; as i:e estate of Edward of tlm 1). rou nil of : linu 'Mone hunk, ii uf--u-n iwtriiiU '' hi U ol' Jiinr .M i t!i;rt j: iiur-s in nruriT i -.-t's iliruuli tho ir t.t tlic imuse U inm i have It pa'. ' a! I the id' healthy ami Uo iits aie ; ; v;m iir-ir.t!:. o. 1 ue iinju'oT- 1 Y dwelling: house, one and a hall story frame J) WEI.: LINO IK)', SR. l ,t, !y Mulshed, a Urge HANK HA R.N, very well i'li'hhei', and provided wilh extensive viiiMing 'or horses, caltlc and tdicep, a Wilson House ami corn cib, with p,r:iiuiiri above, a Smoke House, a two story Spring House, plastered, and other out buildings. There is a la rue APPLE 0SCHARD if fme fruit, and a In rue number S of l'cai h, Pair, l'luiii, and other fruit trees, of a line ijuaiily u the f remises. About loo Acres are cleared and under fence; nnd ihe fences are m-jflly in frood repair. Th ba!.ii:,'v of the land is well timbered. The has been carefully farmed, and il' uoiv in a line state of cultivation. Sale to commence a! II o'clock, of Raid day; when Ihe conditions will he made known by CHARLES (iOUIN, Executor of En win n Uonix, dee'd: Money, Aug. :itl, Itiol. is. Notice tn the Heirs of PETER STULL, Dee'd. TTiTOTICE is hereby ii'uen to Peter Stull, Jane Siull, Esther SIi.'H, Funny Stull, Elizabeth Stub, Aaron C'aston Cua.'dia'n'of Samuel Stull nnd Lester Sfull ; hirrs aud l'isal representative!!' of Samuel Stull, dee'd. Rachel Stull married to' Joseph Jones, now dee'd. Anne Stull, married to Christ, on Snviicr. Stull, married to' I Davrd W.iuip, le. 1'li'a Nev.'ile, Jeremiah Ne ville, and tafius Ncvill, ly their Guardian,'. Aaron (laston, heirs and N'ljuI representatives of Maria Stull. dee'd., who was married to Wm; Neville, fanny Stull, married te Jacob Lilly. J; b Stull, frier Stnll, HMiry Stull and Johij Stull, that by a cer'aiu writ of J'uriiiioiii I'nci cin';. issued out of the Orphan's Court of Nor thumberland County, to ine directed, on Impiisi tion will be held on the Real estate of said dee'd.; in Delaware township Nrrthfimberhind County; at 1 o'clock, P.M., on Till RsDAV, the Hlh day of October, 1851. at which time and place; you art' her-hy ivarned Ut he mid npcar, if you1 think proper. JA.MKS COVERT, Sheriff. 'In-rifTs Ofliee, Sunbury, August 2:t, 1S5I. ti. J TOIM IE VOT EllS () Nl f HUM BER-" LAND1 COUNTV. fffl I E subscrilier respectfully announce lo hi' -"- fellow citizens of Noitliunilierhind county; that nt the earnest solicitation of a large number of friends he has consented to become a candi date M ASSEMBLY.- Ue'icviiif; that the otreat interests of Ihe farmer; imchaiiics nud others, shouM be fairly represent ed, he p.'oiiii.svs lo use every honest rfforl to pro-', led thrir iutoreals faithfully, and to' the beat of his ubilitv. JACOU f?EASHOLTZ. Lower Ani)lu', Sept. 6, 1851. rolun(ccv Canditlatc FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGE; 'NinMls SJ VW'KfiV ,.r Miltmv AWf h i Volunteer Candidate lor Ajrwinte Judse,' all ihe nnVnir eleelion; Scnteiiitir fi, 1851 I't'vcr nnd Aite PoMders, For the permanent Cure C-f Chills If Fevert Fenr !f J:.''ie, Dnmh Astue, or any f nni ol" Intermittent Fever. rjWEUri are no ih-csis so debilitating' irt - tiicir cl . vts i, pon t', . onstituiioii aa tiro above, and i. :; n,.,v ,!iiln -oil to cure hy the usu al modes ,.f prai ta e. 'J oe Fever and Agu PW u'.ll ,.:V....t n ..,,r, ;,, of tint lonaeit siaiuliiii;, as well at prove a rrevenkive til tha tunning kiatrc oi uisease. ic-iig kmivv vegetable, they act with certainty on tha diaeaae, totally eradication; it from the system, and pra- Tentinj a return at any future period. f ur Mle bv C enea, :uriiiuiiuH'iiaiiu. , Mepteiiibi-r 0, 1S51. 3U