New Advertisements. Notice to the Heirs of WILLIAM ' i : SEITZ, Teo'd. . TfcJOTICE ii hereby given to EliasSeitz, 8am ucl Scitz, Jacob Seilz, Daniel Seitx, and Catharine Seitz, heir anl legal representatives nt Jacob Seitz, dccM. To tlic heir of Peter Hcitr., dee'd., brother of the said Wm. 8oite, dee'd., to Sarah Seilis, intermarried with George Daniel, now in Ohio, to Isaac Drumheller, ola Drumheller, David Drumheller, Jesse Drum lieller, heirs mid legal representative of Catha rine Dinmhcllcr, dee'd., Into Catharine Seitz. To Peter Wagner, Samuel S. Wagner, Jolin Wagner, David Wagner, Catharine Wiigner, in termarried with Dauirl Goodman, Rosiua Wag ner, widow of Michael Ncidig, dee'd., heira and legal representatives of Elizabeth Seitz, dee'd.. who waa intermarried with George Wagner. To (.'.. heirs and representatives of Margaret Reitr,, dee'd., who was intermarried Willi Juhob Swinchnrt, now of Stark county, Ohio that liy a certain writ of Pnrtitiuiii 1'ticf ruia, issued out of Hie Orphan' Court of Nor Shntnbcrlnnd county, to 1110 directed, an Inipiisi tion will ho held oil the Real Estate of said dee'd., in Jackson township, at 10 o'clock, P. M., on MONDAY, the Ctli dnv of October. 1S51, at which time and place you ore hereby warned to Ijc and appear, if you tliir.k proper JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. herilT' Office, Suubury, ) Aug. S3, 1881 ti. ) T " ( k X K HA lf"KI , KCTI ON " ' PllOCLAMATIOX. "pUUSUANT to an act of the Gem-nil As sembly of the Cninmmiwcnllh of Pennsyl vania, frit it led 'An' act relating lo the elec lions ot tins t-oinmouwealili," approved the j second day of July, Anno Domino, one thou, i wind eishi hundred and thirlv-niue, I.JAMES COVERT, llih Sheriff of iho counly of Nor- thuttibeiland. Pciiiisylvnnhi, do hen l-y ninkej : known ami giro notice to the electors ol tun eonuty nforesaitt. that a ireiicnil election will bo helil in s;iid etiiuily of Norlhiiniberland oh the SliCONI) TUESDAY 14ih uf OCTO JSEIv, IS5 1, nl w hich time, Stale uml Coun ty Ollicers, us follows, arc lo liu elected : One person ns Governor of this Common wnhli. person ns Canal Commissioner of the Commonwealth. Five peisons n Judires of ihe Snpieine 'Court of this Comnionvvealili. . One person lis Piesidenl .Indue of Ihe Sth .'Judicial Distiic.t of Penns Iviiniu, composed nf the Comities of Norihiimbei lainl, Lycuin ing. Clinton and Centre. Tiki persons as Aociale Jinloes of Ihe several Courts of Xoithiiuihorliitiil cnumy. One peisiii us Senator of ihe II1I1 Di-niiel, composed ol Niiilliuii.bcilaiid and Dauphin Comitii-H. On- person to (111 'h; ofTien of Memb-r of j the 1 1 uise of Jt piesentatives, to represent ihe county of Noilliuinbi-rhinil in llie lljuse of Repn senli, lives d Pennsylvania. One. person is bherill' lor Hie cuunly of Niif, il One person as Piothonotary for the comity of Noillmmbetlai'il. p'l'sou as Commissioner for the coun ty of Northumbei laud. persoo us Treasurer for ihe county of Northumberland. "Ooii p-ison a- Coroner for the county of JVtilhuairiiMl.eiil. One person 11 a Auditor for the county of .Northumberland 1 also hereby make known nnd givn notice that the places of holdieg the aforesaid genu r d elect ion in llie several borouuhs nnd townships wiihiii the county of Northumber land are as follows: The Suiibnry Distric', composed of the Imrougli of Sui.bnrv, mid Upper Ai gusla, at tlhe counl y Gun I House. The Ane'ista District, comprised of the iwnsliiji of L v.vcr A iusla, at the houio of eoie;(; ( ,i:nad. la said lownship. l li NorUimiiberlaiid District, compos d of ..1- 1. ..r v ....1 1 1 1 ... .1... l the'rtjrooali nf N.nlliumbei laud, at llie house Mif Auatislus lloni. in the borough of North umberland. The Point District, nt the liousn nf Uenry Hairs, in the b ironeli of Northumberland The Mil:ou District, ut the house of Fred, eriek 'Slickei, in sai l borough. 'The Tiii bul District, at llm house occupied Iby Abraham Kissimrer. The I) liuvaru District, al tho llou.o of llenrv Kefder. Tho Chiiisquamie District, at the house oo- I cupied bv Benjamin Foidsman. ; 'Tim Lewis District, at the house of Mi- 1 K5haol f! . . ' I 'Tim f.lijinoki.i District, at the hnnsn of I Charles Leiseiirius. ! The'U.pper Mih.inoy District, at tin; house j of Daniel lleiin. . j 'Tho Liille. M.ihanoy District, at the house j of 'Frederick B iker. I The'Linier Mahanoy District, at the house j of Michael 80 ii. ' The District, ul llie Liberty Pole i School II inse The J.ick.-on Distiict, at the house of Peter Sehn ariz. The Coiil District, at Ihe hons of Wil Ham M Weaver, in Hie town of Sliarnokiu. Suction 3. Thai all that part of Coal lown ship in the county of Nortlnimbeiland, lyiic' west rif a linn beginning ul llie lino between Caul uml Cameron townships, ut a point two .tioiisaid Icel westward of where Ihe said Hitre crosses the west boundary of a Iracl of Wild surveyed lo Alexander Hauler the twenty-seventh day ul Oe.lubei, one thousand sev 'tl hundred and niuely-l'oiii ; ihenco north louileeu deal ecu wesl to Ihe hue between the townships of Coal and Shamokiii. be, and is hercby cieclcd into a separate schiwil and election illsli id, nnd the qualilied voters re imling within llie said boundaries shall here after vole al Ihe general elections ut llie pub lic house of Henry B. Weaver, in the lowii nf Trevonou, and Edward llelfeiistein shall be jnilee, nnd Jeiemiah Pel kins and Daniel Beckley inspeclois, nf Ihe next general elec tions, and I tin volers thereof shall elect the inspeclois and judges of Ihe eueial elec tion fur said district ut the lime and place of holding ihe general eleclion The Cameron District, at the House of Jacob lluupt. The eleclion to opsn between the hours of It and 10 o'clock in Ihe forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. The several Inspectors and Judges elecled on ihe 3d Fnday of March last, in pursuance of the 3d Section of the act of the 2d of July, 1R30, will hold the eleclion on Tuesday the Uih day of October next. (iThat every person except a Justice of llie Peace, who shall hold any ollicc or appoint ment of profit or trust under ihe government of the United Slates, or of this Slale, or of miy city or incorporated dislrict, whether u commissioned oflicer or agent, w ho shall be emptoyed under the legislative, exctilive or judiciary department ol this Slule, or the Uni ted Stoles, or of uny city or incorporated dis trict, and also thai ev ery member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the select nnd common council of any city, or commis sioner of any incorporated District, is by law, incapable of holding or exercising the ollico or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk, of any election of lliis commonwealth, and that no Inspector, Jodjja pr any other officer of such eleclion, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for. And the said Act of Assembly, entitled "an act relating lo the elections of this Com monwealth," passed July the 2nd, 1832, further provides as follows, lo wit : 'That the Inspectors and Judges chosen as aforesaid, shall meet at ihe respective places for holding the election in Ins district to which they respectively belong before, uiae o'clock in tho morning of tho second Tuesday of October in each ami every year, and each of said inspectors shall appoint oneclork, who shall ben qualified voter of such district. 1 also hereby make known and give notice that by an act of Assembly passed on the Oth day of April, 1849, it shall be lawful for the qualified voters of Northumberland coun ty, fiom ami after the passage ol said act, to vole for all the candidates lor tho various of fices, to bo tilled ul wiy eleclion on one slip or ticket : Provided, Thnt ollico for which every candidate is voted for, v-h.ill be designa ted, as required by the existing laws of this Comtnonweullh. Skction 2. That any fraud committed by any person voting in the manner nbove pre scribed, shall be punished as similar frauds are diiected to be punished by the existing laws of lliis Commonwealth. "In casii the person w ho shall have receiv ed tho second highest number of votes for In spector shall not attend on the day of any elecliiin, then the person who shall have re ceived 1 he second highest lumber of votes for Judge tiie next preceding election, shall act as an inspector 111 his place, mid 111 case, tho nerson whu sh:ill have received the high est number of voted for Inspector, shall not iitleuil, the person appointed Jml8 shall aV point an Inspector in his place; and in case the person elected Judjje shnll not attend, the iuspeclor who received the highest number of voles, shall appoint a Judge in his place; nnd if iinv vacancy shall continue in the board for I lie spaen'of an hour after the time Ii veil by law lor me opening 01 1110 election, the qualified volers ol the township, ward or dislrict, for which such ollicers shall have been elecjed, present at the place of elec tions, shall elect one of Ihuir number to fill vncnucy. , , i)t,'t, ,uly of said assessors re p,,c,jv.H.. 0 attend ut llm place nf holding rvt.,.. jj,.em special, or township eleclion, duiinij lh whole time said eleclion is kept (l,t fr ,,a putpose of giving inlormntion lo the inspectors and judge, when called on, I 111 relation lo lint rmlil ol any person nsscsseu j by lhem to vole at such eleclion, or such : oilier mailers in relation lo the assessment of I voters, as Hid said iuspeclor or judge or ei j ther of them, shall fiom tituo to time rc I l"ite. j No persnn shall be permitted to voleat any I election as al'orcsaiil, oilier than a while free ! man of Iwenly-oue r more, who shall have ' resided in Ihe slale at least one year, and in i Ihe election district whcie he offers to vote at least ten days immediately preceding ! such eleclion, and within two years paid I state or county lax, which shall have been j assessed at least ten days before Ihe eleclion, j Hut a citizen of llie United Stales who had I previously beim a qualified voter of lliis slale. i and removed therefrom n'ul returned, and I shall Ii.ivh rest. led 10 the eleclion district, and p:t j, tH ns n foresaid, shall be entitled lo vole alter resitlitia in this slate six mouths, Provi ded, Thai llie while freemen, cilien of the United Slates, between the ane of twenty-one and twenty-two yeats, mid having resided in llie stale one year, and in the eleclion li tiicl leu days as aforesaid, shall be eulitlad to a vote, ullhouyh they shall not have paid taxes. No person shall be permitted lo vole whose name is not contained in the list of taxable inhabitant furnished by Ihe commissioners as aforesaid, unless. First : lie produce a receipt for Ihe payment, within two years, of a rtute or roiiiitylax assessed agreeably lo llie constitution, and give satisfactory evi dence either on his own oath or lUfiiuialiuu, or 011 the oath or affirmation of another, thai he has paid such tax, or on failuie lo produce a receipt, shall make an oalh lo Ihe payment I hereof ; or second, if he claim a right to vole by being nil elector between tho ages of Iwenty-oiiennd twenly-l wo years, he shall da pose 011 oalh uratiirmalioii, that ho has resid ed in the !ale at least one year next before his application, and make such proof of rcsi- Icnce 111 the district us is required Dy lliis cl ; and that he does veiily believe from ihe :ief'iiiiiilA 'riven liim tlint In ifil I lie in-ie ultiro icciauils yiven htm that he isol tlic aye aloio- said, and pivo such oilier evidences us is re quired by this act, whereupon the name of the person so admitted lo vote, shall be in setted in alphabetical list by ihe inspectors, and a uole made opposite Ihereio by writing the woul 'lax,' if he shall bu permitted le vote bv reason of fiavin: paid lax, or lho ! word 'aye,' if he shall be permitted lo vole 011 account of his age, anil in eil her case Ihe , reason of such voles shall be called out lo the clerk, who shall make notes in the list of vo- lei kepi by lhem. In all cases where the name of ihe person ..1..:...: : r I .. .1... 1: . r.. 1 laioini 10 vou: is inn ioiiiui on inn iim iwr- ui-hed by Ihe Commissioners and Assessor, ,,r ''' r'-'1' to vote w hether found l hereon or is objected toby any ipialified citizen, 'be Iuspeclor shall examine such person on 1U' a b'" qualification, and if he claims t have lesiiled in lho slale one year or more, I'' "alh shall be a proof thereof, but he shall prove by ut least one competent wiinuts, who shall tie a qnalilieil elector, that he resided within Ihe district at least ten days next im mediately preceding the eleclion, and shall also himself swear lhal his bona fide resi dence, in pursuance of his lawful culling is aii bin the dislrict, and lint he did not m rnove into said district for ihe purpose kf vo line theieiii. Every person qualified ns aforesaid, and who shall make proof, if inquired, of his resi lience ami payment ol taxes, ns nloresaid. shall be admitted to vote in the township, ward or district in which he shall reside. It any pcoou not qualified to vole in Ibis Common wealth, iigrecably lo law, (except Ihe sons of qualified cuizens) shull appear ul any place of eleclion lor the purpose of issuing tickets, or iulliieuciue; citizens qualilied lo vole, he shall, on conviction, foifeit ami pay any sum not exceeding one hundred dollaia for every such oHencp, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three mouths. Il shall be Ihe duly of every mayor, sheriff, alderman, justice of the peace, nnd constable or deputy constable, of every cily, counly, township or disliicl within Ibis common wealth, whenever called upon by any olfirer of an election, or by any three qualified elec tors iheienf, lo clear any window or avenue lo any window, to the place of general elec lion, which shall be obstructed ill such a w ay as lo prevent voters fiom approaching the same, ami on neglect or refusal lo do so on such requisition, said oliicer shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor in office, and on con viction shall be lined in any sum not less than one hundred nor more than ono thousand dollais; and it shall be the duly of Ihe re. spedive constables of each warn, district or lownship, ol l his commonwealth to be present in pei'son or bv deputy, ul the place of hold ing such elections in said ward, district or lownship, for the purpose of preserving the pence as aforesaid. Il shall ba Ihe duly of every peace officer, us aforesaid, who shall be present at any such disturbances al nn eleclion as is de scribed in this act, to report the same to (he next court of quarter sessions, and also the names of the witnesses whu can proro the same. And by Ihe 4lh section of the act of J6th of April, 1840, il is enacted, 'Thai the 15tk section of the act, as paesed Julv 2d. 1839. entitled an act relating lo the elections of Ibis commonwealth, shull not be so construed as to pievent any mililia officer or borons h oflicer, from serving as judge, inspector or clerk, at any general or special election in this commonwealth. The Judges are are to make their return's for the county of Northumberland, at the Court House, in Suiibnry, on Friday, ihe 17 lh day ot October, a. u. teai. JAMES COVEKT, Sheriff. 8ur 'ifr Office, Suubury, ) Sept. 0, 1851 01. i God ive the Commonwealth. SUNBUUY AMEJUICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOU1WAL. AGRICULTURAL FAIR. According to appointment, tha Executive Committee of the Northumberland County Agricullurnl Society, met at Sunbory, on Saturday, Aug. 16, 1851. Members present. James Cameron, Jos, R. Prieslley, Jacob Seeshollx, Geo. C. Welker. Jacob Htlbish, Alexander Jordan, Jesse C. Morton, Amos E. Kapp, Peter Oberdorf, Wm. L. Dewart, Wm. I. (jreenoiigh, and David Taggart. Alexander Jordan, Esq., was called In pre side, and Wm. 1 Greeuough, acled as Secre tary. On motion of J. U. Piieslley, Esq., it was resolved that the Agricullurnl Fair or Exhi bition, bo held al Smibnry, on FIUDAY, Ihe 17lh day of October, lo be opened al 10 o' clock, A. Al. on such crnunds as a Commit tee appointed for ihe pnrKisH shall procure. llesulrat, That Samuel Hunter, Alexander Jordan, Geo. C. Welker, Jacob Seesholiz, Win. 1. Greenoiiuh, Peler Oberdorf, and Wm. L. Dewart, compose l hut Cominillee. The following premiums weie then agreed upon, lo be awarded by tlw Cominillee here after liumed. HOUSES. For the best stallion, marc or gelding, over 4 ears old, $8.00 '' second best, do do 4,00 " best coll under 4 years old, 5,00 " second do do 3,00 CATTLE. For the best bull of any breed, over 2 years old, " second do do " best milch cow, " second do " best yoke of oxen, " second do " best bull calf under 2 years, & over 6 months, " " heifer, do do tin " " bull or heifer calf under 6 mouths, " " steer over 2 years uld, ac cordins to n yo. SWINE. For Ihe best boar, P,oo 4,0.0 6,00 3,00 6.00 4,00 4.00 4,00 4.00 5,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 hou, " " pair of shoals umlei fight moulds old, 3.00 " " litter of piL' under 2 mo's. 3,00 SHEEP. For the best ram, 3,00 : " ewe. 3,00 ponrrtY. For tho best pair of Chickens, I,!i0 " second do do 1.00 " best pair of lui kies, 1,50 " second do do 1,00 " best pair nf geese, 1,50 " second do do 1.00 " best pair nf docks, 1.50 " see'd do do 1,00 " best lol of Poultry, including all sorts. 2 00 GI1AIX AND KOOTS. For the best bushel of wheal, 5,00 " " 2 bushels ears of corn, 2.00 " " bushel of oats, 1,00 " " " " polaloes, 1,00 " " '' ' turnips, 1,00 " " " " beets 1,00 VEGETABLES. For Ihe best head of cubbage, 1,00 " " beet, 1,00 " " 6 heads of celery, 1,00 ,: " hall bushel of onions, 1,00 " " peek of tomatoes, 1.00 head of cauliflowers, 1.00 3 pumpkins. 1,00 FhTIT. For the best half bushel winter apples, 1,00 " peas, 1,110 " quinces, 1,110 peaches, 1,00 5 lbs of grapes. 1.00 1. 11 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES AND DAIRY PRODUCTS. For the best cheese nut less Ihuu 20 lbs., 2.00 butler " 5 lbs., 1,50 home-made woolen carpet, not less III in 20 yaids, 2,00 coveilid of wool & coltou, 2,00 home made linen, not less than 20 yds, 2,00 in carpel nut less than 20 yards, 2.00 homo made cloth " 10 yds, 2,00 " flannel " 5 yds, 2,00 pair, knit woolen socks or stock itiL's, 1.00 " " " cloves, l.tio " " linen sucks or 1 stockings, 1.00 bed quill, ijoo borne made thread not less 1 Ihan I lb. I 00 r LOW ING MATCH. To the best plm man, 3,00 " second 2.00 " third " 1,00 AGHICULTUUAL IMPL E .il EN TS . Fur the best threshing machine, 4,00 " " reaping 1I11 3 00 ' " seed diill, 2.00 " " winuowiiii; mill, 2,00 " grniu or bay rake, 1.00 plow, 1,00 ' " corn sheller, 1 00 " sliaw culler. J,00 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Under this head will be embiaced, me chanical inventions, tools, lurniluie, and all other mailers, Ihat may be thought condu cive to llie progiess and comfort of the com munity. Prizes will bo awarded, according in the means of the Society, and the meiits of ihe articles ulfeied The follow fin' Committees were then ap pointed : Hoiisks. w iison iiuicniuson, James Cam- eiou, A. K. Uapp, AJichuel liuruhart, Wm. B. Kipp Catti.b. Thomas Johnson, John Nixon, James Fonester, Jesse Heusyl, John Yoris. asinb Joseph aukiik, John loore, Win Deppen, Win. II. Ease, Joseph Wil.el. Mikkp. James Mniih, rMniuel l.aulz, lion. John Montgomery, Jesse C. Hoitou, Wm. D. Genrhart. Pot'tTBV.--Dr. Wm. McClery, J. II Zim- merniun, Henry e-ckberl, Win. l.foisylh, Robert Wilson. Chain and Roots. Samuel Hepburn, Jos. R. Piieslley, Samuel Suvidge, Samuel R. Wood, Jacob Leiseiuing, (Shamnkin.) flairs Hon. James Pollock, Alexnrtlar Jordan, Horatio G. Taggart, George Everard, noil. Ueo. U. Velker. Ar.Kici'LTi'aAt, Implements. Wm. M. Auteu, II. 15. Maser, Dr. Jos. Prieslly, J. Weimer Lighou, Alexander Coll. Plowinu. Jacob Painler, John B. Heller, Samuel John, Robert (iifl'eu, Elisha Kline. V i:oetaui.i:9 Jacob beeslioliz, Wm. L. Dewart. M. J D. Withington, David Marl., Dr. J. W. Peal. Daihv and DoMKSTIC MANl'rAC TUKEns. John Taggart, Jacob Hilbish, John Wheulley, John Frank, John P. Pursel. Miscellaneous Abticles. Wm. rnisyth, David Tugimit, Peler Oberlorf, Charles Pleasants, Elijah Crawfoid, R. M. Frick, Gen. B. Youninan, Rev. Jus. G. Ciaigbead, J. F. Wolliuger. 1 ho Cominillee regret that their limited means, for the present, prevent their offer ing higher preminns. They nevertheless rely on the good will and xeal of their fellow citizens to make this first effort, what it ought lo be, an inducement to lurlber progress, and an honor to the County. They most cordially invite their neighbors of olbur counties to come forward wilh their slock, their products and their handiwork) for although by the Constitution of Ihe Socie ty, they will not be entitled Iti immediate pecuniary rewards, yet all will be fairly re ported in the Older of their excellence. BY THE COMMITTEE. Suubury, August 23, 1851 if, Notice to Delinquents. A I.Tj persons knowing themselves indebted to iA. Mrs. E. Follmcr, will please call and nettle llieir account, lo save further trouble, as in a few weeks the books will be put in the hands of a proper person for collection. Hunbury, 8ept. 6, 1851.- 3t JAMES J. NAILLE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, SUNBURY, FA. "ITTILL attend fuilhfully and promptly to all professional business, in Northumberland ami Union counties. Jle is fnmiliar with the German language. OFFICE i- Opposite tho "Lawrence House," a few doors from the Court House.. funhury, Auir. 18, 1851. ly. Estate of MOSES RICHIE, Dee'd. NOTICE is hereby Riven Ihat letters Tes tamentary hnvo been granted to tho suli seribers on the estate of Moses ltiihie, dee'd., late of ghainokiu township, Northumberland county. All persona indebted to said estute, or havinst claims aeainsl the same, are requested to call nn the subscribers for settlement. They will meet at the house of the dee'd., on Saturday, the S7th Septemlier, for Ihat purpose. IiAAO niCHIE, AUNEIl T1IAKP, J Executors, Sharaokin tp., Aug. 10, 1831. 0L TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. 20 per cent saved. Country Merchants BuyLnj ri&fc BOOTS &SHOISS m ran avo i' ccn' ''y WOT. I. KING, Xo. 46, N. 2nd St., Inline Arch tttst side.) PHII.ADBt.PHXA, "YTHERE con l found a large assortment ol t l,o above mimed articles, just received from the manufacturers. August 23, 1851. 3ino. ! FrSECHANISSBUIiG INST1TUTK. j A Select School for Yoon? Iadie3. 1 FBMIE Mcclianii-Hlinrc Institute is pleasantly' J. located in the healthy village of Mechanics- i burir, Cumberland county, nine miles west of Harrisburii ; a villain 11 olid throughout the sur rounding Counties for the morality nf its citizens. It is accessible by railroad, the Cumberland Val ley Railroad passing through the place. The course of instruction is such as is pursued In Ihe bet Seminaries iu the rountry. It is the design of the Principal to instruct tha intellectual powers, to cultivate becoming man ners, and to educate in such a manner, as may j prove practically useful. Sessions. The school year is divided into two semi-an-nnnl sessions, each of live calendar nioiuhs. The summer session commences the first week in April, and closes during the last week nf Au gust. The winter session commences the 1st week in October, and tcrminutes tho last week of February. At the close of each session there will bo pub lic exun biatiuns. Terms : Hoarding, including liidits, per scwion 5 mo. $50,00 Tllitioiy ' 10,00 Modern languages, " " 111,00 Drawing, " fi.OO M usie. Piano, with use, " " 15,00 Or, if preferred, er session of 5 1110, including the above items, 35,00 Payable in advance $35. balance at the close of the session. Hooks, stationery, music, Ac, furnished st Philadelphia prices. Pupils will be received at any period during the session, and charged accordingly. For further information, please address the Principal for a circular. F. M. I.. GILLELEN, Principal. Merbaniesburg, Aug. 0, 1S51 3ino. Alden's Condensed Reports of Penna- Tjl I'H'I Published, and for s.ile by the subscri ler the Fremiti Volume of Alden's Con densed Pennsylvania Reports, enntiiining the last three volumes of Yeutes' Reports, and two firrit volumes of Iliuney's Reports. The first vol ume of Allien, containing Dallas' Reports, 4 vol umes; nnd eates heports, volume I, is also 011 hand, and for sale. The above two volumes ara complete within themselves, and contain all of Dnlliis' Reports, 4 volumes, and all of Yeatcs' Reports, 4 volumes, besides the two first volumes of Uinuey's Reports. The third volume is ready and will be put to press iiuinediulclv. II. Ii. MASKER, Agent. Suiibnry, Aug. 1G, 1851. IaDRIDGGS PATENT CORN SHELLER. attention of the Public is invited to this improvement in CORN SHELLERS, which is acknowledged to be for superior to any other. la-ing on an entirely new principle, shelling tha Corn lengthwise of the ear, the Cob passiuf straight through without revolving thereby re quiring no gearing to increase its sliced, which adds so materially to the cost of other machinery. It turns easier and shells cleaner Hihii any oilier, and is porliblc in size, and durable in construc tion. Persons in'crested aie invited lo call and see it in operation. The right of Uum and other CoiiiiiitM iat side. For further particulars ad dress or apply to DAVID ELDRIDGE, N. W. Cor. 8d ct Dock 8U., 3d stories. Philadelphia, Aug. 6, 1861. 2mo. The Housew ife's Help and Husband's Jay THE GEEMAN WASHING FLUID DOES away entirely with that laborious task of rubbing the Clothes umiii the wasidmard. It contains no ingredients whatever, Injurious to the finest fahrie or the Jni. The proprietors wish every one to give it trial, and if it does not prove to lie ss recommended, Ihe money, in every such rase will lie refunded. Full direc tions arconipauy each bottle. Retsll price 12J Cents per Bottle, sufficient to do rieo ordinary vohig, snd saving; the Clothes mure by nut rubbing them, than the cost of aii bottles lie sides removin g stains of fruit, Ac, if there be any, and the time and lulior saved. Prepared only by I. P. HOYT & CO,, P. A. Fox, McEwensville, sole agent for the Counties of Union and Northumberland. Philadelphia, Aug. 30 PATENT BRITTANIA 8T0PPEU8 for bar bottles for sale by II. B. MASSER. Suubury, April IS, 1851. A H.OLD'8RlTlNa FLUD dTdh sive and legal envelopes, for sale by II. B. MASHER. 8unbury, April 26, 1851. JNK Boureau's celebrated ink, anil also Con gres ink for sale, wholesale and retail by December S. 1650. ti. B. MASSER. IEE BILL8Justices and Consts.Ues Te Bills baudsouielv nrinla rninr,!.,.,.. r... a.U .. .!.:.. " l-l' "lyRITINO FLUID and self sealing Elive ' ' lopes, juat received and for sale br April 19, 1851. H. B. MASSER. TOR sale at Ibis ofllce, BUperlor Black Ink, -- CktUe Medicine at S3 rts, Pure Essence of Linger, 83 rents. EXTRACT CF GINGER A fresh supply just received and tor sale at this oflice.- Price 35 cents. Suubury, July U, 1831. TO THE 1NDEPENDANT VOTERS OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. rtMIE subscriber hereby offers himself to the a. electors of Northumberland County, at the ensuinj election as VOLUNTEER CANDI DATE for the office of Sheriff. Should he be elecled, he promises to discharge the duties of the office, ill such a man nor as to give entire satisfaction to nil concerned. SAMUEL 8AVIDGE. t'ppef Augusta, Aug. 9, 1831.- TO THE INDEPF.NDANT ELECTORS OF NG RTI1U M H F.R I. A N D COUNTY. jHE subscriber hereby informs the independ - cut voters of Nnrtliimilierlnnd county, that he is a VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE lor the ollico of County Commissioner. Should he be elecled be will tise every effort to discharge the duties of the nllice in such a man ner as will give entire satisfaction to the commu nity. JOSEPH WAI.L1S. Nortlniinlcrliinil, Aug. 0, 1851. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and fellow citizens of Nor'liumlicrland coun ty, that he offers himself as a cundidato for County Commissioner, at tho ensuing election, lie solicits from his friends and fellow citizens a support, and promi ses should he I c elected to discharge Ihe duties of the office with fidelity. CHARLES WEAVER. Suubury, May 21, 1851. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Citixisvs: At the earnest solicita tion of many of my friends, I hereby announce myself as a VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE for the office of County Commissioner at the approaching election. Should I le elected I promise to discharge the duties of said office wilh fidelity and impartiality. I solicit the sup port of my fellow citizens. CALEB BARRET. Lower Augustn, June I I, 1851. SPENCER & RENDELL, MAXtTi'Acrriti.ns of CSa-CD' T r j LPl23S3e3 b'ulil ami Silver Pen nnd Ptnril Cases, No. 2, Maioi.n Lane, One door from corner of Broadway, New York. Every pen will be warranted for one year. N. 1). The alinve firm were awarded (Sold and Silver Medals, for five consecutive years, at the Fair of the American Institute, for tho best Gold Pens. July 20, 1S51. Smn. NEW GOODS, AT THE STCRE OF JOHN YOUNG, "THO TFSiectfully informs his friends and customers that he has returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of New Spring Goods, which he offers for sale at bis old stand in Mar ket street. These goods will be sold at the low est prices. His slock consists of every variety, vii: J)i'V (looiln, SticA an Chtlts, Cussimercs, Muslias. Calicois, Ginehtim; Lturn.t, Chintzrs mid La dies Dress u,id Fancy Gooils gcneiulltj. Also an assortment of Palm Lenf Hat?, Caps, &c, aUEENS7ARE. Hardware, Iron nml Steel, Nails, it., ALiSO : A general assortment of Groceries, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cheese, Mo lasses, Sjiices. W Prndueo cf all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Munbury, May 2 t, 1851. GEEAT ARRIVAL OF NEW HOODS'. AT TUB STORE OP FXlIIiXNG 8c GRANT. Market Street, Sunbury, Fa., rwiH E subscribers hereby inform their old cits tnincr and the public generally, tluit they have juat leccived a l.ire and rMcmdve assort ment of all kinds of .Mercliundise, which they offer to purr hascrs at such r.itcs, that they can not refrain from buying, 'i'hei,- annul Uncut of Dry Goods, is large, embracing all kinds of Cloths, Cussimers, Suttinelts, let. A general assortment of Summer wear, of LINEN, WOOL and COTTON, Staple, and Fancy Goods for Ladies, of all kinds, such as Calicoes, iMous. du Laines, Lawns, Ginghams, Ac. GROCERIES and QUEE'A'SWARE. Also an neellent assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. DlitT.ft AND MHI)lCIM".t. Fish, Salt and Flaster. CV Counlry produce of all kinds taken ill ex change at 'the highest market price. Suubury, May 10, 1H51. LOCK HEP.S, W-K7ILLIAM HOOVER rrrtfti1ly informs y V bia friend and customers that be has just returned from Philadelphia, wilh an excellent assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, which lie oiler for sale at his new store st Ms- ser's Mill, Hollowing Run, These goods will lie sold al the lowest prices. HIS UTOCK CONHIrvr OF KVKH V VAIUETV, Vu: Dry (loods, tSjc, Such as Cloths, Cassimerts, Muslins, Callicoes, It'tnghums, Lawns, Chintzes and Ladies Dress (lootls senerallit. ALSO: An assort ment of Palm Leaf Hata, Caps, &c, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IKON and STEEL, NAII.S, &e; A genrral aaaorlmrnt of Groceries, such ss Sugar, CofTee, Tea, Molas ses, Spites, Sic. Also su assortment of Liquors, such ss Brandt, Hum, VV,Ukey, Wines, ic. IT" Produce of all kinds taken iu exchange at tae highest market prices. Hollowing Run, May 10, 1831. ly. SILVER WATCHES A few double eases English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by H, B. MASSE K. Sunbury, April 13, 1931. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF ' ' TT-TTTl-GER, fresh su.-1 . ;-'MAIVA G u , , just received, and for AP.'-'L. H" MA3SER, f0i' PP-' Vib ! iljll silver case t r nsin. i . . . q, McjsiR i funbury, April 1 . ' ' ' CATTLE POWDER PKEPARFD BV IMRtNin, PltONKKIEM) fe CO. No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia. THIS p m-,lf is eiiliitr.1 bv tlie united tcstim-uy of all wh:i hnve unit II to the lint rank of sit lh we CAT ll.h MKlHCI.NKf), which Iihvs Iwen OmurIiI ir.ii. worthy for many years. IKlml v rluillei)ri imv pers m lo iimke a superior, 01 any mvilrr ihnt nrin in Ihe mine rmnnier. If the unirnnl he peirlly henllhv it will eltlier inrreiisolho amount of milk or (reimi am) l.o ti r i or tin niiiinnl wilt lmpr.iv rspiilty i r,ii. h Wl , ro,-, in time lie e nisi.lereil we hnv e no tlni'ilil "nei.l llir a'Hi h' iirii clwi every l-'urmer, who k., n ,ymy . , ,v,.rv persin nwimiH a Inntc. It ii ut ., ,;f (i.m kiiwl ol ".""" " inrruljr swell mi niuiinl up (, a dlTt !n"pi.i"o I'i,',''."" rnp:";', "' "fr..,iyerlii'r HltM'l HIC ACIi) (whiehifiiii nr.-te mntirr) into 1,e TlCACiDor olsise; cnns'S pnM aiii"iinl of iimri'i "lis nnlli-r to lie rxlrnutetl frnin llie siiiiic niii'-iuit nf fm. llinn poMihly eoiilii he, were the nclive princiiitnn ,,f nutriti n to pun "in ef the syatem in lliu I'miii of Ihrrcsie Acid . We hnve leceiviil a iniilliiuilo of evuleuec lo prove whut we hnve snitl nhive. fmOee to uny i M Imve mixt'tl llie nciii e npi-ni, wilh a Biit nnmVr of aw.k plants mul In rt'S, tt liicli time unit ue hnve provinl to lie ntel ul. iiiinniviinr I lie ennrritu anil nP'innliiiir iliireni 'ii nf ihe fo i ; tliitsj wi'iirinir n hetilihy e 'lulitiim i.f me union, i rein which ine niii.s nun r at innal lie l.irinrfl. It irmy Ih naeil f .r II.ib.hh. Cows nnd lloos fur Die follow ing cuinpluiuU and iliseuxi . IKlHSKf". YEI.LflW WATER, a ctuoperons irliiiea, which di- tr.'ya many Vti)tr.itite Itolara everv vt-ir. ! verv til'lti ciiureiy enriii iy ine iree llac ol una powJvr, In au Viktv it will prevent I tic iliflwiFe from roinillic nil. ThisilisetiKe is owning t s lliu qih! iiupoveriahnl stale " uioou winen oecomi's iiiui, walcry auu ul nil yellow color. 1 ma powncr liy inipr ivine Ihe alnmneh nnd giving to the hi Kid a gienler qunnlily of red mrtu-le, ell'inls the lieatnml only rxmiljte rlinnrs of reeuvery. If the horse - .'.. b iir, iv morning nnd niiilit a Inbleeponin nl lit wet feeil, 11 in the tginniug unr;e a dur st n on, il only to pra vent the iliin-nelwieen week. - fM,AHUi :it IMi.Tiiia it 1I10 riiiniitlon of ninny vultia lile llorsrs liy exIiailRtiini liy a conMaiil diw hlirge of suli vn which nnKht 1 go into ihe atoimeli to uwist iligrsiion. It la a aieie ,,f .livio often proiliaeil l.y Im.ias Til rieeo growing i ,ho ,,turc rr,mllli A iaLlciHieiiliil thri-e limn n week will frequently nrrrat the How, if il d.-. n it deiiend on Ihe Tob.cco i t ,niM, msler auch C,7'.V7.."',,'!o.' 1" V"""1 lw ' P' ' Hio " '''le lll? 1 1..V1I hit. 1 1 Ihe powder ia early and freely naed, IS. other renieily lie nueil, it Inn. alrendy rnml linn drnta IIoriiks ol this troublesome ditune lollie mriiriac of Ihose who IH.-.I il. If le 1 uanl ratly, hrforo mutter tins lonne.1 in llie neck it e.mnot restore llie aniiiml pert'eellv linlll tlie m iller ia din hmgeil, lire it nirly nnd preven'l neh a result. A Tublenpooiil'id once ir iwiee a Uny in en nigh. (lliANPI'.RS, Tliis diamine line Imllled nil t'AnaiMia, (live Hi la powder h fiiirjrlnl mill it will do womlers in thi lerrilile mid hitherto inrumlile nmliiily It ia n itiaenae of the ayWem ami kept up liy imperfect nutrition, in audi cnaea a Tuhleajioonfiil every dny twice lor a month or two, in consttml aneresaiini, will in nine aiaes out of a dozen cflcct n cure, it (ma Im-.mi fairly Intnl. Conglia mid ahortuera of Itrenlh ilepcnding on wenk liuiga, a Tulileaonoiiful every ineriiing j if it ubutrs once or twice n week. PdOll I.OW-SPiniTKD IlcmSKS. or where there la any remnina of Foamier or atiirneas of motion, nuil the llorao will not fatten, or wliere Ihe linir is roiurli mid Manila almiglit out, tho fiaal aeemiiig to do img-md, tlia I'owiler pr aliieea alinoat iiniueiliale iinprovement of Ihe animal; the iligeation iniprov.-a mat wilh it nil the aline giahneaa nf llie mil (iNiiieiira. Iiecomillg lively and spiritcil, and the lmir ainiHiili nml slick. COWS. For l no Cow, we nre fully convinced that it not iinly improve the finality, hut that' it Inorraaea tlie amount ol Milk. Cream uikI lluttcr ; a nue who hnve tried Ihe ex periment any a Pound a Week, otliera any half a pound while one per hi inaialnl iijx n it that lie iiiiiile I wo piinnil more a week from each Cows. Wc think it will b- louiiil to Hvernge irom a hnll to a ponnd per week on eneh Cow, if the Cowa arc pvrleetly hcnlihy. Tina ailililional am unit I made by the e.niverai oil ef Ihe llippuric Acid into Nilro geniHia ami fully e.impnutsta : nla i hv aupplying the oxy gen taken in by the Innga, wilh the elemunl'a of reaction; willrout taking miy of the Nilroseiioua portion of the lent HOLLOW 1IOIIN r WOLF; HOOF D1SKASK, oisl all olhcr diaenae ol" neat entile depending upon a laid stale ol Ihe Hiiids. are rem iveil apeeihly uml effectually. Cowa, whoae milk ia blue, thin nnd watery and where it (I'H-a not yield much cream, or where Cowa give bliaKlv milk, or winch nre naed lo atiind louir dry, it will be found nn ulinoat infallible remedy, hv improving the condition nf the bl al and ercaliiig a heahiiy tlisreatioii ; a Tuhlesootf ol every day or every other ilay a il may be mxeanarj- Pig III the summer oflen orerlieat themaclves. get awel leil nerks, emigha, nicer in tlie Limira and l.iyer, which cause lhem Iodic very suddenly, these may ! prevented entirely by pulling a puml or a half into n ilarrel of awill : ami it will at the same time considerably liaslen the fallen lug process. X. It. 111 an nnim'll which is eirnifr milk m..A ... desirous lofnlleuat the srmie lime, vnn should 11 it iriva more than u lubli-apiaiuful once a week or it will retold the formation ol" I'm by inerenaiug Ihe niuoiiiit of .Milk. IJl oue! per m try its efferle for hiuisetf uml ha will oni, lie saliatieil of its rxeellent illlliliee, and that no Far mer should lie without it. For the purpose of fiiulinsr nut still further how far our Jlially celebrated CATTLI'l POWIIKR, is entitled lo the coufideucc of an intelligent people; we have addressed letters lo nil purls of the Tiulcd Sialea, where our Pow iler haa lieen oae.1, mid we are able now from tlie evidence thus brought before us, to naatire el'erv Farmer. Dinrv. man nnd I lorseoiiau, that it has thus far vefy much ex ecedetl (Hir muit sangniue expertaliotts. Willi the n.lililioieil knowlnlge thus far nlsaiueil, Ws Hops wc will be enabled to make tlie last and in ml per feet Cirn.E Mkdicink ever ret oftererl M a discerning people. It acta ns a valuable promoter of digestion, un lOives Ihe ipudiiy of Hie lilo,K nnd thus inerinaes the amount ol eiiher Fat, Milk ami c niacipieuily of Uuller. ICveii m the healthy Animal ileware of Coinilerl'eila ns the extensive sale of oar powder has iudiieeil olhcia lo m ike nn linitnlioit of it. Kaeli pack has our written Signature on llie end. 1.1 , i , , ""'W. .r'ROXKr'lKIJJ A CO. Philadelphia, July SO, ISil ly. Tha undersigned hnve entered into Co-partnership under Ihe firm of . HIM BY LAWRENCE, TO CARRY OS Tilt! Fapcr & Ra Business, At JVo. 5, Minor Street, Philadelphia. "lT"iIKlE they intend keeping n large assort ' ment of pupcrs, &c, ciinsUting iu part as IOIIOWS I Writing pnpcrsj wove ond laid, American and bllgllMI Until Prats nnd Note papers; wove and laid, gilt and lilain. Polio Pota, Flat Caps. Printing Papers, all sizes. Hardware pajicrs, from 1Q by 21 lo 40 by 4H. Colored and white tissue pujers, American and English, Holliugsworth's Patent Manilla pajiers. Colored and while Shoe pnpers, common and extra sine. Hurt' Envelope pujicrs. Colored Printing and Cocr papers. Manilla pupcrs, all sizes, (j lazed Royal, all co lors. Druggist, Blue Medium and Filtering papers. Tea, Secret and Colored papers for confection ers. Rag, Manilla nnd Straw wrapping papers, llonnet, Binders, Uox, Cap and Trunk hoard. While and Unit' Envelopes; Legal, Letter, Note and Card sizes. Agents for Bliss, Potter $ Co's Frinters' Cards in packs and sheets, white snd colored odd si ces, cut to order. Alo, their Uilt, Figured and Plain glazed pupers. JOMEPH KIMBV, late of 88 N. Third st. K. S. LAWRENCE, late ol No. 3 Minor st. N. B. 500 Ton of Rags wanted in exchange lor cash. Philadelphia, July 20, 1S3 Cmo. "SiHM tsiiicii Take Xotlce." JOHN KJUDEU, North East cor. Walnut If Second Streets. PHILADELPHIA. AS ON HAND, just received, a cor, .,cte Assortment of Shot Guns, Powde, PiLu- Game Uags snd all other ciportinir Apparatus of the best and most approved pat,.rn. He has eonsUiitly on h,J, .porUng powder of all descriptions. Percuio Cnp. Shot, Unllet lniilltf Hull .n,l . n . . , . own, Laruulges, snd a gen- eral ssortmcrA of material, for Gun Makers, Ac. Also , crcussiou Caps of a superior quality, des'frncd expressly for U. 8. Killc. An Assortment of Fishing Tackle slwsys on band. All the almve, and any other articles In hi line, the Subscriber will sell a low a any other establishment in the United States. In testimony of his skill ss a manufacturer, tlie Franklin Institute, in tlie years 1840 and 1842, awarded to him two certificate -and iu the years 1R44, 1846, 1847, 1848 and 1RM), five sil ver medals, all of which may be seem at Iti". place of business. JOHN KINDER. Philadelphia ju,y 9) i85i,3mo. 100 LABORERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY on Ihe Trevorton Rail Road. Scolions 81 ik 5- at the Mouth of the Ma uonoy Creek, to whom liberal wa will be paid, IRA T, CLBMBN'r Co. Sunbury, July 5, 18M it UAZOItSrnJk superior article for sale at the stow of HENRY MASSER. Buubury, Feb. 16, 1850, L OOK JLKltElll THK Bulsieriber reapcrlfnlly biforms his friends anil the public generally, that he alill continues Hie SADDLERY BUSINESS, At his old Inland in Market Street, Snnbury, two doors nliove Market Square, where he con stantly keeps on hand, a larye assortiuent at JJcncly NftAo llurncss, (Double & Simile.) with 8Hvrr, Trass and Japan ned mountin?. Also Saddles, llrldles, Trunks, Vallccs, Whips Collars. All kinds of work in his line ninde to order, in ss a style ns run be trot tip in lliis country. Prmoii" wii.binri to ptircbns will pleiae call anil cxnniino his stock before pun liasing elsewhere. , N. 11. The subscrilrer has just openoil new and splendid Assortment of Saddlery, Surh ns Piker. Brass and Jnpanncd mounting, Patent fceir-Ailjutiii!i 'J' rres, Potent Roller Hi's. Kidiini Bits, Trunk and Yulicc Locks, Trunk Hoard, Trunk iV'uila, Homes, Traces, Trim ininu Laces, Ttn, Sad dle WeK Single and DouMe, White Knameled Leather. Patent Leather, Oil Cloth, Hose It a. Tinsels, Fancy Urow-Banda, Saddle Trees, Deer's Muir, , PATENT FLY NETS ' of all kinds. All of which will be sold essliesp if not cheaper than they can be got elsewhere, for cosh or approved credit. ANDREW J. STKOH. Snnbury, April SO, 1851 Gin. MARBLE MANTJPACT0SY, CHEAP GRAVE STONES. rlIE anbscrilier informs his friends and the public, that ho continues to carry on tha Mnrblo Business in all its branches, at his old stand in Milton, I'm, and U prepared to tminu fueturu Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &o., of the beat materials, and moat finished work manship, nnd at the lowest prices. Letter Cutting, English and German iu the most modern and elegant style. Dcsijjna for Monuments,' Grave Stones, eve, always on band. N. B. Orders for the East side, of the river promptly executed by leaving the same al the ollico of the "Suubury American." anthony mrp. Milton, May 10, 1851. NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOK. COMPREHENSIVE summary of Universal History, together with a Biography of Dis tinguished Persons, to w hich is appended an epi tome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy, Gon crul Astronomy and Physiology. Adopted and used in the Public Schools of Philadelphia. E. 8. JONES & Co., Publishers, S. W. Corner FOURTH snd RACE St... Phila. Teachers and School Committees addressing letters to us post paid, will Ik) furnished with copies for examination. ly A Full and Complete Assortment of BOOKS and STATIONARY, for Sals at the Ijowest Vriers. ' May II, 1831. ly. "j6hxc a lvekle w nianiir.tcturi or CAUDLE MOULDS, Ko. 109 Race, (Sassafras,) street, Above Third, opposite the White Stean Hotel PHILADELPHIA. Tallow Chandlers and Manufacturers can ba supplied nitha first rate Article of Cuiidle Moulds, of Superior excellence and finish. N. It. The Moulds are made of the best Metal and polished by a new Patent Machine, which gives them an evtia fnii.-di. They are after the English style the tip to screw on the pip, and the pipo to screw tight in the bench, V W'tiniANTKU to be far suierior to any other now in usc., l He also munulactures Surgical Pumps ami Syringes, April 14, 1851. f.ino. Xew Music .lust Published. EE & WALKER. No. ICS Chesnut U A arc constantly publishing and receiving;. new uih! beautiful music from the most distin. guisbed composers. The following list contains some of the:!-choicest uml most popular Songs, Waltzes. Polkas, Ac. Now, thou srt (lone, a beautiful song, word I ''' 'i'boimis .1. Uichl, music by H.unbridge. My New England Home, words and music br Mrs L. Wade. (Ir ilic's Omnibus j by C. Groins a collectioa) of Duetts. Sounds from Home, piano and violin, by Jo. Gung'l. Pretty Little Tolkas for Pretty Little People, by J. Ling. All ho Winds oj3 Sleeping, by A. 8, Wont soy, Guardian Angel, by the author of "Love Not." Household Words, written by Chas. Young,d The Adieus, word hy Thomas J. Diehl, mil. sic by ilorr. LEE fc WALKER have constantly on hand, superior Piano, and a supply of Martin's Cele brated Guitars, which together with a tine as sortment of Musical Instrument snd Merchan dize in general, comprise a stock not to be sur passed by that of any other establiahmont in the country. LEE & WALKER, 162 Chesnut street, Swaiin'e Uuilding. Philadelphia, June 38, 1851 ly. NO CURE NO PAY I Hughes' Fever and Ague Fills ! ! A PERFECT end speedy ciue for the Fever 1 and Ague is pusraMu-d to any one who may use the Pills. Ttey have been used for the rjt ttrnt yrurt have never been known to. fail iu a sin'ie instance and in rases, too, wUero pe-von have had the disease for several years, without intermission. The proprietor c Jiensrtt tlf vorld to produce an article) that will euro in ss short a time, without leaving any deleterious effects from Ihe us of it. If the Pills do not perform a speedy snd perfect cure, the proprietor will return the money. For sale hy Jiicoh S. Lawrence, Minersville; E. Helfen stein, Trevorton t 8. R, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha ven ; John W. Friling, Suubury Mary A. Mc Coy, Northuuilierlaiid t Dr. Ueekly, Danville ; John Sharpies, Catlawiasa Dr. Judd, Williams port John lUaer, Milton, and by respectsbbi Druggist throughout the State. J. CURTIS C. HUGHES. Proprietor, Fottsville, June 88, 1651 UNION HOTEL. STTNBTJSY, FA. npHE MISS WElTZELia re-pectfulfy iufoms M. Uie Publi- that they stilt continue lo enter, tain travelers and other at their old etrUhliatteJ. stand p. Market street, west of Ihe Court Hooae. Tb.iir long eiperience in the Imiineaa, and th well eatahlished repulation of their House, will, they trust, lie a aulKcicnl guarantee, that their customer wilt lie well accommodated, March 8, 1851 tf. Knob "an d spring Mortise lat CUES. An excellent article, for sale t( hall the usual ldtm by J W. FRILINU, Suubury, July T. 1840 T1LANK Parch neat Paper Deeds and blank MorlgagM, Uonda, Eieculiona, Summons, ftw sale by II. u. MASSER, Suubury, April SO, 1851 1