SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. t ' 1 t 5 ' Poetry From Ui Ohk Caliivstor. . A Hcm Picture. B Fisher had finished liis hard day' work, ' And be tat at hit cottage door ; Hi tfood wife, Kate, aat by his idt, And the moon-light danced on the floor ; The , moon-light danced on the cottage floor, Fler brain were a clear and bright At when he and Kate, twelve yeai before, Talk'd love in her mellow light. Ben Fisher had never a pipe of day, And never a dram drank he ; So he Wed at home with hi wire to tay, And they chatted right merrily : Rieht merrily chHtled they on, Ihe while Her babe slept on her breast ; While a chubby rogue, with rosy mile, Ou bis father's knee found rest. Ben told her how fast his potatoes grew, And the corn in the lower field ; And the wheat on the hill was grown to eeQ . . - And promised a glorious yield : A glorious yield in ihe harvest lime, And his orchard was doing fair ; His heep and his stock were in their prime, His farm all in good repair. Kate said that her garden looked beautiful, Her fowl and her calve were fat ; That the butler that Tommy that morning churned, Would buy h m a Sunday hat ; That Jenny for Pa a new shirt had made, Anil 'twas done ton by the rule J That Neddy the garden could nicely spade, And Anna was ahead at school. Ben slowly passed hi toil-worn hand Thro' hi lock of grey I brown "I tell you, Kate, what 1 think," said he, W'H'rn thu hanoiest folk in town." 'I knnw aaid Kale, "that we all work . I Woik and health go together, I've found ; For there' Mr. Bell doe not work" at all, And she's sick the whole year round. "They're worth their thousands, so people say, Rut I nn'er saw them happy ret 'Twould not bo me that would take their And live in a constant fret. My humble home has a light within, Mrs Bell's sold could not buy, Six healthy children, a merry heart, And a husband's love lit eye." I fancied a tear wa in Ben's eye, The moon hone brighter and clearer, 1 could not tell why the man hould cry, But he hitched up to Kate still nearer ; He lean'd his head on her shoulder there, And took her hand in his, I guess (tho' 1 look'd at the moon just then.) That be left on her lip a kiss. A STRING OF ITEMS- Wit is the refractory pupil of Judgement. with ourselves is the first step in almost every wickedness. Emerson's Works have just appeared in French, under the title of "Essait de Philos jihic Amcricaine." Who sells his neighbor's credit at a low rate, makes a market for others to buy bis own at the same price. The Bloomer Costume has broken out simultaneously in various parts of Bucks Couuty. A touno woman in Providence has been fined $20 and coals, for appearing in the streets in male attire. Throw i no rotton eggs is a favorite amuse ment of some of the Cincinnatians. Eggs- ccrable. The Press. Messrs. Harper, of New York, the leading publishers of this country, have published 1285 works, comprised in 1686 volumes. Of these, 640 are original, and 745 reprints. The "Hornets' Nest and True Southern" is debating the iniesiion whether the South shall recede, secede, or jucseed. She seems disposed to go to seed, at all events Low- til American. SnuNGE.The Roanoke (Va.) Bacon stale that a hen, belonging to Mr. John Parish, of that county, has hatched a brood of duels from ' eggs of her own laying. Thi is cer tainly the most remarkable produrt of the day. ' HoiTicviTDsi l. One little "garden patch" of our has been profitable, very, this season. The bugs ate up the cucumbers, the chicken's ate up Ihe bugs, the neigh bor's cat ate the chickens, and we era now in search of something that will eat the cats. Massachusetts paper. Patriotic Odb to Cuba 1 Will U B alave for A, Chained to gang iu cluster And C yo ir hopes D K ! Or join the Fillibuler ? Cretinism has been discovered in Somer setshire. In the land-looked villiage of Chiselebrough, with 400 inhabitants, there re four-and-tvrenly of these dwarfed, swollen, idiulio violimi of mental and bodi ly disease. Scoi-DINO Who ever knew a Molding person that wai able to govern a family 1 ; ' "a I""1 ulu. t "cry low jin . , , . ... u .. ces fur cash or city acceptance. What malrasi votIsa aoil.l 1 Harinliaia Ihotl I s ' cannot covern themselves. How then can they govern others 1 Those who govern well, are generally calm. They are prompt and resolute, but steady and mild. Paris Scandal. The Paris correspondent of the New ork Commercial writes as follows : A lady, whose name is well known to the public, has just lost a large sun) of money, owing to s mistake she made in the value of pulio slocks The Siecle stated next day that the President bad paij ba debt. It was contradicted by note communicated to the press by Louis Napoleon, declaring the falsehood of the charge, and tb,a.t "ihe Presi dent has paid nothing for anybody, and has nothing to pay for himself." The "biecle" was wrong, for the debt has not yet been paid. fL - 1 . ll same u.y mis journal was sioppou i iuv p-si outce, anu its ponnurtor muicieu Iji some othei artida ! WI! STUDY TO PLEASE riMIE attend n of BiilLIm ami others, art respectl'iilt' I itivltrd to lltn eatrusiva and well selected fttnrlt m( BWII.DINO IIAHDWAHK Ann TOOl, now offered by the aulorribrr, c.maitlnir In ran a follows: Ameiican Front Isms; I .neks, npriaht, wHh night work, plated or hraee fnrnitnro, of porcelain all rotors, American Front Poor Ixx-kii, upright, plain, with iiiflit work, plated ut brass furniture, or potorsitn nil color. American Front Door trfwka and Store Door, Horleon tal or npriaht, liru furniture, or porrebiin all colore. American Run Lorke, nil sixes and fluidities. While or bras furniture, or porcelain all colore. American Mortice Isicks, all aires, with plated, while or braaa fnniitum, or porrelHin all cilora. American Mortice laitrlies, all with narterl wMW Of riraaa lumitnre, or porcelain all eoloia. American Mortice and Rim Ckiaot Locke, prilled 01 Unas escutcheon, or porcehin ell colon. American Prop, Sfip, Thumb, Gate, and Store Door Latchee. ' Ann, Impnited Locke ami tjitctirnnf everv deacriptlon. Baldwin', and American Butt Hinges, of aU aiaee, fart or looee joint. flintier, Onte, Ptrap, T.. end Bockrlap lliinee, all kinda. Shutter, Onte, Door, Flnah, and Spring Bolt, uf wrought or met iron and bra, everv ilrarripliisi. Bcrews, Hpritr, Glue, rVud Puper of the beat quality. Amcricnn Axle and Hum Axle Pulley, of every variety. American Buttons, pkiin or on pkitce, brats, Iron, or bron ecd. Amcricnn Nolie, plntcd, white, iron, or wood, all alnrf. ftiRh-Cnrtt, common ami patent, with oilit-r erticlve too nnmeroiiM o mention. re- NAM J! and BASH-WE1GIITS at FACTOKY PHICES. Vr All Ooode delivered free or Cliane to env pert or the City ami lliritricte. At this establishment can be found one of the tarscat and beat aaaortmcnle of White and Fancy Nobs for lx-k, Ac, in Ihe City; enme paitcrne, of which, eauiiot be acen, or obtained, at any other fttore. TOOLS. ppeni ft Jnckann'a Hack, rnnel, Hand, and itipp aiwi, imported exprcsstv for Hetnil sales, all ecleeted with wire. Pole agent fin the celebrated Ponies, made by K. W. Car penter, of Incnster, 'n.. being all mnde of split wood, and the Bin ground and tried. Uonttv'a William' mnke of Chisel, Axes, Hatchets, Drawing Knivn, Ac., all war ranted goon. I'nglra and Slack's make of Auger end Auger mils, all Sizes American Pqanrea and Fcvtls of every deacriptlon. Amcricnn Itules, linage, SawKlt. Coiiipuaaea, Screw drivers. Arc. American C. B. Hammer, CIuw and Riveting, all atzea. Anvil and Vices, all sizes. Steel, Iron, and Wooden Braces, with C. 8. llitte, In great vurietv. W. Orenvee V Stm'a, Butcher'e and other celebrated mskee of Chisels. Files, l'lune-lrotis, Vc, Ac. Autlis' celctimleo carving Tools, nil slni)it'M. Mnkiuc one of the liest and most extensive use irtmeitte of Building Hnttlwnre and Tools in Ihe Male. At this cstiibhtthment it is con idered a pleasure to. snow the Good. You are invited to cull and examine the assort ment, and hear the pricce asked, beiore purchasing else where. Come ami ece ue. 1 ours, respectfully, WM. M. McCU RK, N'l SH7 Market St.. between Ttli end 8Ui. uiner side. Philadelphia, April 1, 1B51. ly. S50 FORFEIT. Tn. HUNTER will forfeit $50, if failing to cure any case of secret il incase that may come under Ins care, no matter how long stand ins or afflicting. Either sex nre invited to his Private Rooms, 38 North SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, without fear of interruption hy otlv er patients. Strangers and others who have been unfortunato in the selection of a phvsirian are invited to call. 1 hose who have injured themselves by solitary vice are aUe) invited. READ AINU REr LEU I . The afflicted would do well to reflect before trusting; their health, happiness, and in many cases their lives, in the hands of physicians, ignorant of this class of maladies. It is certainly impossible for one man to understand all the ills tho human family are subject to. Every respectable physician has his peculiar branch, in which he is mure success ful than his brother professors, and to that ho de votes most of his time and study. 1EAKS UK FKAUTIUE, exclusively duvo- ted to the study and treatment of diseases of the sexual organs, ogcthcr with ulcers upon the bo dy, throat, nose, or legs, pains in the hesd or bones, mercurial rhcumutisia, gravel, irregular! tics, diseases arising from youthful excesses or impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to oiler tpttdy relit to all who may place themselves under lus esre. Philadelphia, April 19, 1851 ly, Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. flHE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, JL oilers for sale the following property in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz: J he large BRICK BUILDING in upper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Shop. The building is GO feet front on upper Market street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two stories high. Also a two story BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 85 feet, on the same premises. The lot is on the corner of upper Market and Front streets, and is 6b feet front, and 150 feet deep. 1 lie premises would be valuable tor a Foundry or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold on reasonable and accommodating terms by ap plying eiiucr 10 jauuu UAHl(l(iA, Philadelphia, J. r. V ULUiNULK, Esq.. Milton or II. U. MA8SER, Esq , Suubury. J-Iillailelpliia, Jan. 23, 1851 It- Great Improvements ia making trench Burr Mill Stones. T)Y the use of J K EX DK DISKS improved cast iron Kye which ia buitt into the Kuuuer. en a to all iw for the weu oi tne ntone, and h:ia a moveulilo luiuuice - ryue and driver a:i as to keep the bulnnce of the etoue without tram. nung until worn out. Our etoek of Blocke ia selected in France, end die best quality onlv used. S ilid Burr Slimee from It to 3 loci in diameter with the lower Stone to rim, ao as to prevent the runner cliokiiig in the eye. Bolting Cloths of all nuinliers, cheap fur ceah. Still Iroiieanu Mnut Mucliuiea lurunmed to order, (irindstoues of aite-irted size, euiluule for Country Mer chants, imported and lor aute by j. t.. iui ciir.1.1.. No. It old Yoik Kind, neur the Indiun Pole. Philadelphia, April 11, 1?51. tino. STOVES! STOVES! THE subscribers return their sincere thanks to their customers, for lilieral encouragement for the last year, and hope by strict attention in ulling orders to meet with the same liberal patron age. V e nave on hand the greatest vani ty or patterns of any other foundry in the Lmted Stales, and still adding to their numlier. Hive us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our slock embraces a great variety of Cooking stoves, of the most approved kinds, Parlor stoves lor wood or coal, common stoves, cylinders of all kinds, and odd plates of all kinds to rcpuir stoves. far Hummer use, s small Stove, called bum nier baker, new and suiierior Furnaces for burn. ing charcoal or stone coal, lias ovens of several ditl'orent patterns, lluke ovens, several patterns. hitching pouts, Spout irons, and a variety of arti cle III eutftltior. loo nnmorikiia to mention. 1 lin Hardware trade can be supplied with common 4, A few casks of suierior Caermnn black lead on hand. WARMCK At LI BRANDT. Nohls st wharf, Delaware, PhUaik-liihia. April IS, 1851. timo. L. AV. II. GIESE, (.1g tut for Henry I'mrr,) LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANT, Falls Dock, llalllmore. nr LIBERAL ADVANCES wade on Con- signments. Lsttsss and Cosiusmists should be ad dressed to L. W.;il. CIESE, AgenL May 10, 1851. 4 mo. RAISINS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper aauca, .c for sale by J. W. KRIL1NU Bunbury, Dec. 8, IsHat pt'RE WHITE BRANDY FOR PREHER- V ING, just receive! and o aula by H U. MA0SER. Sept. 28, 1850. wmLANK NOTES, w.ivif th. tiemption bjj jp uw or aisuu, lor sale hy I April t, 1951- . B. MASSEB. i-rr iSSC CHERRY PECTORAL: Far Ihe Care ef COUGHS, OOX.DS, HOARSENESS, BnoiT ' OHXTIS, GROUP, ASTH. 1ZA, WHOOPIWO-OOUOH , and oosrsunxpTioza'. The nniform success which has attended the use of fids preparation its salutary cfl'eet iis power to relieve and cure affections of the Lungs, have gained for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. Wo offer it to the afllictcd with entire confidence in ils virtues, and the full belief that !t will subdue and remove the severest attacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs. These results, as they become publicly known, very naturally attract the attention of medical rmen and philnntropiula everywhere. M'liat is their opinion of CHERRY PECTORAL may bs seen in tho following : VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prof. Silrgiry Mei. Collrge, iV Tori, tnyt : "It gives me pleasure to certify Ihe value and efficacy of Ayer's CHERRY PECTORAL, which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure discs, scs of the Throat and Lungs." THE KT. REV. LOUD BISHOP FIELD. writes in a letter to his friend, who was sinking under an affection of the Lungs : "Try the CHERRY PECTORAL and if any medicine can give you relief, with the blessing of God that will." CHIEF JUSTICE EURT1S, of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks of Croup by the CHERRY PECTORAL. ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. Tt,t Canadian Journal of Medical Science states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, hns yielded with surpri sing rapidity to Ayer's CHE SKY PECTORAL and wc cannot too strongly recommend this skill ful preparation to tho Prolession and public gen ernlly." Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself: Ha m ro it ii, Jan. 20, 1847. Dr. J. C. Ayer -Dear Sir : Having been res cued from a painful and dangerous disease by your medicine, gratitude prompts me In send you this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you. hut for the information of others in like ulllic lion. A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected nt first, became so severe that spitting of blood, a violent cough and profuse night sweats followed and fas tened upon me. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, und a pain through my chest, and in short hud all the alarm ing syiiitoms of quick consumption. No mcJi cine seemed at all to reach my ease, until I provi dcntially tried your CHERRY PECTORAL, which soon relieved and no'.r has cured me. Yours with respect. E. A. STEWART Alhast, N. Y. April 17, 1848. Dr. Ayer, Lowell Dear Sir . I have for years been afllicted with Asthma in tho worst form that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the time, being unable to breathe on my bed. I had tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until my Physician prescribed, as an experiment, your C HLIiKl 1'btIUKAb. At hrst it seemed to make me worse, but less than a week I begun to experience the most gratifying relief from its use; and now, in four weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a state ef health which I had never expected to enjov GEORGE 8. FARRANt rniPAnr.n iii.c.iuh, chemist, low ell, mass, l tr Sold by Henry Masser, Sunbury ; Mary A. McCay, Northumberland Dr. liearliart, 8c, linsgrovc; Dr. Bickly, Danville, and Druggists generally. Feb. 15, 1851. Iyc3in AMERICAN HOUSE, P0TTSVILLE, PA. 1RS. MARY WEAVER respectfully infonm L'- the public and travelling community general ly, that she has opened this large and commodious HOTEL, furnished in a sujierior style. From her long experience in the business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may dcM?nd on being supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. 15. 1851. tf LAWPENCE HOUSE. SUNBTJRY, PA, THE subscriber respectfully informs her friends and the public generally, that she has taken the above well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. j. C. Per kins. She trusts that her experience in business, and her efforts to make her guests comfortublo, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1851 tf. TRBVORTON HOUSE. TREVORTON, PA. riHE sulwcrilier resiectfully intorms the puU'. JL that he hns opened a Public House, in ti t new towu of Trcvorton, Norlhtimlierland rounty and that he is welt prepared to accommodate his gucets in the best manner. His house is locstcal nearly oppniiita the Company's Store. He is also provided with gond sUibling sufficient for 20 hor ses. He InisU by prompt and careful attention to business to meet a sbure of the public patron, age. HENRY 11- WEAVER. Trcvorton, Jan- 11, 1850 tf BOUNTY lAD AMI PKNSION AGKNCY. The alteiition of the public is called to the ad vertiacineut of Mr- Churlcs C Tucker, Attorney and Agent at Washigton City- Persons hav ing claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in formed that the subscrilier has made arrangements for the requisite furms, and claimants calling at his otliee, can have their papers prepared and forwsrded to Mr- Tucker at Washington, and by him be properly attended to before the De partment there. II. B. MASSER. Suubury, Juu. 18, 1831- ESSENCE OF J A 31 A 1 C A G1NG K It . MAIM- from ihe lies! Jmimica Giuirer, all the valuable iiiediciuxl properly i" which it will be found to oa-ai-a in a e iiivenn-ul ami concentrated f.iriu. It is a luwt ellu ient ami ul Uie Kilue lime Iniiiiileaa, eeitll) sliiuuLniiiK I' line l r the Moiim-h, and will lie found very himelii-iul in relieving the puiulul and Uiatressnig leellii); uciviaimied hy Ihe iiu:irrU ucli-.ll of thi iuiorlant itrnjii, r row null loft wllllle iuh-sjhhhiiiii uikcn in a wiue-gaiM-ful of wueleiied will iiuuiolulely reiuove the Wutu leucy amloppresaiiHi resulliiig I'roul iudiuestioii, uial il tuken two or ihiee limes iWily, as required, will be found highly useful azainal Ilia luMllude aixl acuae ol sinWiim ul Ibesbilll- auh and U-oilcin-y tu iu disordered ucniou ovciuiioiuxl by the euervulin edeel of the summer lieuts, or fill iwinaruller ia diatiuaiiiuii, and lor ervreeliug Hie incipient sUges uf dian hrpa, o. It i aleo an excellent medicine for those who hove in jured the toue o( their st outsells by the iiuiik derate use of iiiuuucaiiiig nuuora, ny Ha augatiy etiuiuaiiiinr eunri unm la aUHiuu-h removing the craving for stimulant, while a) has no iuiurioua avli.iu ou the brain, and ia uot euoeeaded by fueliuxa of depreaaiuu, whkh alwuys follow the lua of enxrieiHO auuKlBUHe. A few drop aifclnd to magnesia, rhubarb nr other purga tive medicines, will render Ihenl more acceptable lo Uie cwaca ami prevwu the griping whieti ia apt lo aeowapau lac eMu. i PREPARED ONLT l)T AM BROS K SMITH, uuucumr and ciikmist. N. E. toner of 1th and Chestnut Sheets. rkuatktukia, Auril U, USt -If A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS ' At tlio Cabinet Ware Koom of SEB'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Bqaare, Also at the corner of fotrw street If the Railroad BUAbUllY, PA. Thankful for the patronage of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness ki this place, he solicits from the public a con tinunnce of their favors. During this period he hns endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and hss accordingly extended his busi ness in every lirancn and variety. The public are therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CAIUNRT WATIF. AND CHAINS, MAN'.TAcTunicn ny SEEASTIAN H0TJPT & CO. At the Old Stand. Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogony, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs, Larsre Sprinir Seat Rocking Chairs, Vressinir Bureau, Centre Tables, MarbU Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style und Fashionable .Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made the neees- snry arrangements for the purpose, they are now preparen lor undertaking in all its branches, in Ibis vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maid and mistrcssr, and Imshanils too, Here's furniture of every style and hne, From side boards down to kitchen tnblrs, From rocking clmirs to tockiim cradles Slionld yon not have the ready Jobs to pay, We'll wnit awhile for n brighter better day, Or tnke potiitoee, oats, corn, wheel suit rye j nnrk, hoop pr.i , slave, or lumber wet and dry, Or any tiling but yokes nod tlircrtiiug flail, From piir and lurklce down to little qnaila. Come on then friend, cinne one end ell, Keep trade a moving, so "pice on the hull." I v" Orders from a ilialiinconroinntlv attended lo and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunhury, March 0, 1850. If T. S. EOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgrove, Pa, Clocks, Watt'livi mid Jewelry, T EPAIRED in the best manner and warranted --'to perform well. All work intrusted to his care will be strictly attended to. fcclinagrovc, Nov. 30. 1850. tf. PHIIiADULPIlIt RXSDXCAIi HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO BY DP. KINKELIN, A W. Comer of Third and Union Streets, BETWEEN SPRUCE AND PIN K STREET. PIIILADELrHIA, IJMFTKKN YKAHS of rxteiuuve Bin) uninterrupted pruciifsj lR-nl in On cily Imve rendered Dr. K. the mt cjirt and ucc(uiul pructilitmer fur and near, in the treMtiieut ot itll discuses ul'a privute nature. Peranui 111 ic ted with nlceia upon the lxdy, tlinuit, or leg if, pains in the heudnr nunes, iituienriid rheumatism, mrieture. grnvel, disease arising inmi yniithtuH excesses nr impurities o tho blood, whereby the constitution 1ms become cuReblud, are all trenled with success. lie who placet himself under the care of Dr. K.. mnv re ligiously confide in his honor us a gentleman, and coitbdeut y rely upon bis skill us a thysirimi. TAKK l'AIlTICLXAR NOTICE. Young Men who have injured themselves hy a cerlnin pi notice indulged in a habit frequently hunted from evil companions or tit scli'Kil -the effects ot which are nifrhlly felt, even when its lee p, and destroy both mind and body, should apply itmneduitely. Weakliest, and constitutional debility Ions of muscular energy, physical lassitude and (ren end prostration, irritability nud nil nervous affections, indi gestion, sluguisliness of the livei, and every disenseiu any way connected with the disorder of the procreutivt func tion cured, and lull vigor restored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature death. KINKEI.I.X on Self Pr. serration. ONLY 85 CENTS. Thi D k)st published is filled with useful ttifurmntion on the iiiliruutics aurl liiciir if the trciicriitive Orenu. It ,Un:in nu ll alike to VOI.'TH, MA.M1UUU and OLD ACK, and should be read hy all. The valuable udvice and impressive warnine; it gives, will prevent years ol" misery and suUeriug and save annual ly Tliouminda ol' Lives. Parent )v reading it will Icurn how lo prevent lite des truction of their children. A remlttimce of cents, enchised In a letter, ad dressed to 1)11. KIMvKUN, X. W. corner of THIRD I'XIOX Streets, between Spruce A: Pine, Philadelphia, will ensure a b"k, under envelope, per return H mail. Persons nt a distance limy nddress Dr. K. by letter, (post paid,) iid becureil at home. PACKAUKS OF ,MK.DIOIXr.S, DIRKCTIONS, ke., forwanled hy aendine; a remittance, aial pul up aecuie from DAM AUK nr L'l'KOITV. Buok.aeller. New Aeents. Pedhirs, Canvnssers, and all others supplied with the above work at very low rates. cepteunier , ikvi ly. VM. M'CAKTY, BOOK8KLLKH, Broadway, SUNBTJRY, PA. TTAS recently received, among other articles, s great variety of New, Cheap and Entertuiii- ing publications such as Coopers novels, complete or separate. Herberts Do Rod well, Dumas do Trollope, Sue do Halliburton, Keyndols do Jlarrjutt, Cockton do Orcy, Maiwell do Marsh, Jerrold do A iusworlh, Morris do At the low price of from 25 to 50 cts r volume. ISunbury, Kept. VS. 1WU, u. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, jisncK or Tim rcicE, Sunbury, Pa. OlTice in Deer Street, immediately opiiosite the Public NmiooI Houae. 7" Monica collected and ail business nioinullv and care fully atleiultit lo. April SO, 1850. TJROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN- 1 1 (JER, an excellent article. Rah wax's Medicated Soup for sun burns, tan, tetter, eke. Hadway's Circassian llalm, for the hair dand rull'Ac. liadway a Kcady Relief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera .Morbus, etc. for sale by II. li. MASSER. Sunbury, ug. 3, 1850. CJTONK Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al- pj) monds, V unca and Cream Nuts. Pluues of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Juat received and for sale by JOHN W. FKILINU. Sunbury, Dec. 29, 1819. BOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, and also a numlier of gold pens which we will acll at Uie Philadelphia prices, f or sale at tills ollice. fr ENNEDV'S PATENT SA.S1I FAS SL TE.MNUd. A cheap and excellent arti cle lor fautuuiug sash for sale by J. W. FRILING Sunbury, July 7, 1819, ILEY'S COVGII CANDY. An excel lent remedy fur cougba, colds. For sale at this oilics) fi ISSUE PAPER Yellow Tissuo paper for 1 covering glaaeea, ic- for sals at the olfiee oi the American. fURSINQ BOTTLES B reast pumps, and nipple tubes. A supply of these useful arti- cles just received and for sale by ' - JOHN W FRIIJNO Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1851 tf BLANK DEEDS printed on the best quality cf parchment'paper, sold at the lowest prices l this oJlu-e, liy wuolesale and reUU. AJYOTIIE n SCIKA'TIFIC WOJWtEU. PEPSIN! TIIETRUE j DIGESTIVE FLUID, I GASTRIC JUICE! '? A ORE A DTTSPErSI A CURE It, Prepared fromTtKNNKT, or the fonrth Womnth of the I Ox, after diiectinn of BAftON I.IKIlln, the grent Physiological Chemin, by I. S. HofOIITON, M.D., No. ll, Nnrth KlghtJi Sreet, Philadelphia, Pa. Tnis Is a truly wonderful remeily for lNDIOEclTION, , DYSPEPSIA. JAUNDICR, I.IVKR COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION and DHBIUTY, Curing after Nn- Inre'a owo method, by Nature's own sjent, the Unstrie Juice tr Half a teanpnonful of thi Fluid, Infused in wnter will dtgeat nr dissolve, Five Pound of Huuit lleef In about two hoars, out of the (toinm-h. i ' DIGESTION. . DKiRSTION is eliieily pen'ormcd m the toinnuh by the aid of u Hiiid which hecly eiuih from Ihe inner pint ol that orgun, when iu a utile ol health, culled Ihe Ijiirtrio Juice. Tin fluid in the (Jreat H ilvcnt of the Fl, the Purifying, Preserving, and Sliiinilnting Aceul of theski- mncn uiul Intestines. Without inhere will he no ilirjes tirn. no conversion of into litmxl, and no niiliilion of tlio lirnty i but rather n foul, torpid, puinliil, and ileeiruc live ol the whole digestive aip,ir.iti. A wiaik, half dead, or injured utoiuich pmluc-s no gil tjnstric Juice, audhencethe diseuse, distress nud debility which ensue. PKPSIN AND RENNET. . TKl'SIN is Ihe chief clement, or grout Digesting Pnnci pleol the (Justric Juice, it i liiuud iu great nliiiiiibnce Iu Ihe uli, I parts of the huinnn toittm-li alter dentil, and s ime times cnusi-a Uie stomach to digust itself, or eal itself up. It is also found in the alomiich of nniuuds, as the ox, culf, i,' i i" t,,a ,nate""l uswl by farmers ill iimkinir eheeke, e-llleil Keiinet, Ihe effect of which has l.nnr lieen the Bieriul woniler ol I licvlalry. The cunlliug of miik is the lirrt pro cess or dirrentiuii. Relink p ,..,-,,,. antonicliiiiir p,iwcr. 1 he stomach of a eslf will nmlle nenrlvone ihinneunl times itsmni wenrht of milk. Bar.. ,jei,jK ,,,, ,,t, ..() pnrt of cpiu diw.lved in ainv II snnj ,.,ru of water , will digest nnd other f, . Dicunl noiiuieh pro. duce no ifr,,l Uuatiie Juice, Hcinii-t or lepsin. To , ,w hnl Ihis want may be perfectly supplied, we quote the f .1 lowlllg SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! HAIION MKIlin, in hi cclehratcil work on Anlmnl Lhemntiy, says: "An Arlilicial Digustivn Plaid uunluirou In Ihe Umlric Juice, may be reuililv prepurcd from the iiin coii ineiiilirnne of . stomuch of the calf, in which viiriou. articlesof ikI, na meat nml ep-,rs, will 1 soiieual. chuie- eil, ruin uigested, just in the same manner Ms they would lie ...U .M.iii.ii, Cl-Mlllll'll." .",;.','''"'.''"' '" ls fain ii Ircntise rn "Pox! and uiei," pulilialiul by Fowlers .V Well. New York, imee .a. states ihe anmc fact, nml dcscrilcs ihe nii-thtxl of nrepnnuion. j Here uie few lugliur uutlioriiiue Hum Di Perelni. 1)1. COMBR, in his valuable writing on lhe"Phviologv V'Sc""""-""1'a,:"',,l that "a diuiiiiution ol the due tpian- ... o,c ...iBinc juice is ti prominent and nll-prcvniliue cause ol Dyspcpsmj" nud he stale that ' tliaiingtiisheil professor of medicine in lni,l,iii, who was severely ulllict ol with this complaint, findiiif every thimr else to fail, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, olilniiied from the st utiach of living animals, which proved completely successful." Dr. till A II AM, nnlhorof Ihe famous works en 'Veire bible Dili." sayat "il is a reiunrkahle fuel iu physin.,v. that the stoin-iehs of imiiniils. maccmled iu wider. iiiiia'rt to the fluid the ptopeity of diss .Ivins vnrimis urticles of fiaal. and of eileciiuir a kind of urtilii-iul digestion of them III no wise dillerenl from the natiind diirestive proce ss " Dr. SIMON'S great work, the "f 'heuiiiarv of Man," (I.en4 Blaneli-ud, Philn. IMO, pp. 3SI-S) piy: "The dis covery of PKPSIN forms n new era in the chemical history of Dnreslion. From recent rxpctiuients we know th it fisnl is dissolved ti rapidly in nil nrtifieinl ili-.-eslive Mi, 1,1. prepnteu iioin rcpsin, us il i iu the natural (JuHiic Juico Itself,' Pinfcss r Dl'NOMPON or the Ji-ITer in Pollegc, Phi'.' ilelphin. in hi grent work on llainnii Phvai-il-nrv. devote more lliiin liity pupes t nn exaiuiiuilion of this siibjeet III eXienmeiits with Dr. Ilenum nit, on the i;aslrie Juice obuiiiu-l from the livina hiiiii in htomach nn I from nuimul,, are well kiaiwn. "In nil r-iara," he says, diircstiou occur, red as pen'eclly in the artificial as in the iiatnnililistions.'i AS A DYSPEPSIA CIT.ER, f)r. IIOHmiTON'S preparation of PKPSIN hn ppxlu cihI th -nost iiiurvell ma irTi-c-lB. curing casm of DehiMlv. Kmaci on. Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Oonniinpti m, supposed to be on the very verge ol the crave. II is im rmeaible to give Ihe details of ease in the limit of thi ad vertisement hut niilheiiliealeil certificate l-nvc been given of more linn TWO lll'MWKD Itl-'.M MtKAIll.K CI RKS, m Philad. lpliin. New York, und 11 st -n alone , nvwc weie iieai iv nil ilespernte caeee, and tfiu cure were not only rapid unit wonderful, btit permanent. ll is n L-reut NliltVOIS AXTIDOTE, nud pnrlicul irlv iiicful f. tendency M ms di-irder, I.iver Comol-ii .l. t-'rTeV1""1 Arine, or hudlv trjnliil Fevi-r nud Aiuc. und the evil efleets of (Jiiiuine, .Mercury, und oilier drug iifioii Ihe Digestive orinius, nl'lei n long siekuefui. Also, for enees in cutme;, nnd Ihe loci free uc of uidc-ut iplrii. It almost reconcile Health with liiteinpcniiice. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There i no form of Or.n STfir ifir rrixnii. u-N which it diK not eem to reneh nml r ova nt once. No mailer how lad they mny Iw. it JIVI-:r INSTANT III-:-I.IKF! A siii'iledoe remove nil the unpleasant svuip toms, and it only needs to lie repeulnl. for n short time, to muke lliewg-skletTeia neniianeut. Pl ltlTY OK lil.OOl) and V1UOK OF HllDV, follow ut once. It is pnrticularlv excellent ill cases of Nioisen, Voiuitine. Cniiuns. SoieiieKS f the pit of the floniuch distress nfler entniir. low. cold. late of the IJI. ami, H.-uviiies. 1iwuuss ol ."..irils. Desp hi tlcney, Kinaeiatii.n, Weukiica, tendency to liucuiilv, Sui cnle, Ac. Price. ON R DOLLAR ner b litis. Hoe 1, .III,. v,ll ol'len effect a luslimr cure. PEPSIN' IX POWDERS. CT SF.NT HY .MAIL, FllKK OF POST A OK. For COIIVCIIietlCP of Seitilii. lo nil nnrls of lli eoitMliv OF THU PF.PSIN is iil ii. in the lorm of Powders, with directions to be diss lived ii water or syrup, by the patient. These powder contain juat the anme matter na the Is.llles, but twice Ihe ipiuuiitv for the snine puce, nml will lie sent by mail, FltF.K OF 1-iir.l .M.f. , lor tlNK Dlll.l.AH sent (p osl-iwirl) ti Dr. J. U10fUU I'ON, No. II North F.ighih street, I'liiladelphia. Six nnckaires for five dollars. Kcerv auieW-no-e nml t an lieur Ihe wiillcu signature of J. 8. HOL'liiiTON, .M. D., sole Proprietor. Sold bv iitfenls in everv town in the I'xiieil fti-.ies n,ul u) "I'eemoic ui.-:iiers iu iiieiiieines generally. FOR SA1.K BY John W Frilinif, and Georj;o lUiclit Suuliurv, I'u. Mary A. McCny John II. itnser lluvc & McCnrmicli, . J. l'roue, John ti. Iteiin, Williiim Deppin, Suubury, Sept. 14th, IBM Norttmmlrcraliifl. Mlih'll, Mi-ICwi'iinviHe, Si.liiiirrivi,t l'lpvr .MahauUiit Muliutiu) . PHILA. AUD READIN3 EAILR0AL, Sl.MMI.Il AI!HAMiEMi:T FROM rillLADF.IJ'lIlA AND PO TT.SVIL,1.K. Fares Ueduecd. rqr: JiUZl.JjSFmi. Iti Office of the Philn. If RcmliHg Railroad Co. I'imadelplna, March 2t, 18ol. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ON and after April 1st, 1851 two trains will lie run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Poltsvillo MOUXIXG LIXK. Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except ftuntluys. Leaves Pottsville at 7 A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTERXOOX LIXK. Leaves Philadelphia ut 3J o'clock, daily, except Sunduva. 1-cavca Pottsville at 3J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FARES, Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, 3.75 1st class cars und fi'i.'iS 2d class cars. Between Philadelphia and Reading, St. 75 1st class cars and !21.45 2d class cats. DeHt in Philadelphia, corner of Broad ami ine Streets. Passengers cannot cuter the cars unless provi. ded with Tickets. NOTICE Fifty pounds of baggage will be al lowed to caeil passenger lit these lines : and ias- sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any. tiling as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will beat Uie risk of ils owner. By order of the Board of Managers. B. BRADFORD, April 19, 1851. Secretary. " "I1TE! I1TE! I1TE! BOUREAU'S Indestructible and Indelliblo WEITINO INK FACTORY. No. 1 JSoulA 3'AiYiJ street. j 1 ERC1IANTS and the Writing community are requested to call and examine this INK, which Is murrautej not to eorrmJt Metullie J'rut, nor change its Color. Vt lioleuale and Retail, No. 1 SoulU Third street, Philailclplua. A liboral discount made to Merchants and the Trade For sale by II. B. Masser, agent for Sunbury November 9, 1850 ly. Valuable Ifoolia. LIFE or CiiaisT, handsomely bound, D'Au- iVa Histoit or ths IttroanATtos, Blask Dai-souks asb Lioesas, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by li. B. MASSER Sunbury, July 14, 1819 PANIC NOTE .TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. CtTT or PHILMIELNH MArWACAfSETTf. All solvent hauka dis KHODK ISLAND. All ,lveut Imuks di CONNF.CTICUT. All solvent Imuka dis NEW YORK, cirv. u. S. Jjnuk ikhc lAdis nu varein nuiiKS m colrKTav Hitiik of Cluimlicrburg 1 di ......n ... . nenier O. par Hunk of Del. Co. Cheater Jmr ...Minoi iT,nirmiuowil Hank of Gettysburg Hank of Lcwiitown Hank of A iddl.-tou n imrlAtl solvent Isuiks dS 111 Lff UK notes under M I ms t'OIIXTBV 1 di All solvent Ismks 1 di M'nilgomery Co Hank par NKW JKIIBKY. Hank of Northumbcrl'iid. pnilllr Hank nf Pittsburg 1 dis'tle Ilelvidere Hnuk 1 f?omm..reial ll.o.b- I diS Hank of Dnnvilla purl Far. Hank Mont Holly par Cnrhsle Ilnnk 1 di F. M.. Mi.ldlctown PI. pur Columbia H'k ffge Co trMeehiinle' Ilk, Newark r Doyelstown Hunk pnr;Mech. Ilk of llnrliiiirton par F.iioii R.nk pnrl.Mi-ch. A- Man. Bit Trent pr K.rie Hank 3 ilisj.Morris Co llauk I di Kxehairje H'k Piltstinrg I diNewnrk llk'g & In. Co J di H'k, Itriiiieli I disfOriiure llnnk Jells Fanners' H'k, Hacks Co nur'l'e iple's Hk Pntlsrsnn j di i-ariners' hk, l jiiic.-tRter par I rlncelon llnnk (sir Fanners' Ilk. Rending pnr, Salem lliiiikiur Co, pur Fnrm. Kk Hchnvlkill Co p-trlSeincrret Co ilauk dis F At D. Hk Wiii nesh'g U,lis State Hnuk nt Cumdcii imr Fmiiklui Hk. YViish'u ijdi Slide Ilk Klizalslhton 1 dis llinistmnr Hnuk 1 dis Pmtc Hunk Newark J dis Hnncwlnlo H.-oik , I di Suite Ilk. N. Hrunswick pnr Ijincaslcr Hank nnr.Suns x linuk. Newtiai I ilit .elwiliou Hank rrroitoii Itttiikhtv fii nnr Mereh. A Mun. llnnk 1 disll' nion K-ink. Dover I dis Aliucis' li'k, I'ollsville perYnnl!evv'lerDell)rC" isdia Moiiong-il.elu Hnok I diiiyllk note under f,1 1 di I'nylorsvV OelH'eCo lo disl DIM-AWARK. Wesl Ilrnueh llnnk pur nnnk of Delaware pnr Wyoming Ilk, Wilkcsb'c purlltniik of Smyrna pnr ,-!,., .' 1 ills Uelinvnro Ully IIiiiik par VV Ilelicf Holes t .li. Ilk Wilmir'n A llraiiilyw. pm Farmer' Hk St Delaware pnr MAINK. Dnnk of Whel,K-k ft dis Mercantile Hk, Hangor, All lveut hnuk 3 ujH NKW IIAMI'SIIIRI-!. I uiiai Hank. AViliiunglon fiar IV t'nder W di OHIO. All Advent lunik 3 di All lveitt Iwink di ttHk note under fi' 4 di t i-.ii in i.n j . Hnuk of St A IK-iiia 3 ill NORTH CAROLINA. All odvciit Isinka di I y Under 3 s, SJ dii All a il vent bunks ) dis A VI J IS T E S 13 TS E3 T Bounty Land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, D. C. rpilK iindersigiiHl Attorney nml Uenenil Agent at the J. Cily ol ushuigloii, oiler hi. .ervice. in prururiiig llolinty l.-uid and Peusi-m fir lli,e eulilkil. Ileing ficr iinueiillyl ll,es, of li .verinneiil, with u ti,.,r ouahniid laiiiilmr neipiuiutanee with the necessary forms, am loutiue in business, nml having ucecss to Iti-gts'tcra nud Rolls filed in the I . S. WW Olfiee. he presses iMe'llllies f the apiwlj. mid a-llislaitory adjustment ul U ivorilincnl cUiiiiis ol every kind. Hy n late Act ..f Ciliitreiw, Homily ld is grunted In the . -triecrs mid soldiers of the war of IMS. nnd of ll,e vnri ri ai Indiun wars, since 1714). To those who served nine in-'Ml l,s 10,1 ueresj to III -sc. tvl servetl four liloiitlis bO ucre; untl to 111-.ue who Merved one m-nilh 411 acre. Arnmgeineiita Imve bee ude wilh gentleuien of Ihe lgnl prolession imbirercnt sinlioii of Hie Coimlry, for the hs'.-iliou of wnrrunls, nud the sale of the putciils, when issued, on the most udvniiUiguous t.Tins; for the payment ol tines, redemption of land, ild fir luxes; c llecliou ol debts: und for the transaction of general Imw hiuinesa, iu the dillerctit Slates nnd 'i'erritori, s. ii it-iioeis ms sen lees I , lucuiliers o tile profi-ssloll ot a iliilnnee. and when claims niraiusl the t'iveruuieiit. nre pre pared hy u l-s-ul Agent, will ulnle one hall his usual fi e. i nc neeesKiry lorms nml lutriictioiis, und luioruiatiou on nu siinjii'TS apperiuioliii: I u u resfli,l prosecutioii ol this business, will be furnished to regular C'orresp, indents with out i-hurce. Persons ilcsirlmr informal! m of fri-ml in thennuy or navy, will forward to him nil the particular known of their seiviec, together Willi il fee of one dollar, nml their enqui ries will he reolied to l,v return of unil. All cumin, lions to be (IMtKt'Ain.) und uil-lrcssed 1 1 (.'HAKI.I'.S C. TL'l'KKR, (II s 167, P. O.) Wnshinato,!, o. c. Dei-eiiil,er S-, ll-.H). DCCTCP. TC'JP.SELP I I I'K 25 C i:TS II! I! T MKANSOP TI1K PotKr.T Esei'Lipit s, or, Every one liis own Physician ! thirti eth edition, with upwards of liuinlietl engravings, show ing peculiar diseases iu cc ry shnpc attd form, and mul formatious of lim gencratie system, by tut. Yorxn, si. n. The time has now arrived that peisnns stillering from secret diseases, need nn more become the victim of Quackery, as by the proscriptions contained in this book any one may cure himself, without hind rance to business, or the knowledge of any one, and with one tenth the usual ex pence. In addi tion lo the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early decline, with, observations on marriage besides many other derangements which it would not be pro per lo enumerate. Any person sending Twnvrr-rivE rt:tTS enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy Uf this nook, by mail, or Uc copies will l c sent for one dollar. Address, "1)I. W. YOUNG. No. l.VJ .SPRUCE Street. PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. tfDR. YOUNG can bo consulted on any of the Diseases described in his dill'etent publications. nt his Ollice, 152 SPRIX'E Street, every day be tween !) and 3 o'elo. k. (Siindavs'cxcepted.) Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1S50. ly. PATENT JAPAN E1ACKIN0. Manufactory, Nn. 50 CHESTNUT Si reel, MEDAL, awarded by the FRANKLIN IN STITUTE of Philadelphia in October, AND Till'. FIltsT TREMIUM by the MARYLAND IN STITUTE, tit Baltimore, Nov. ISiSand HI 9. J'hiliu.ljfn'a, October SfiA, IRIS. I have used J. Wcllur's Patent Japan Liijuid and Paste Blacking fur some nine months, and am happy to say that it surpasses any blacking that I have used these twenty odd ycarj. I Hud it holds Ihe polish and preserves the leather bet thr than any blacking that I have ever tried. A.XU1IKW R. ClItMHKIIS. No. C7 Chestnut Street, Win. CUPJIEY, Manufacturer. Successor lo J. WELLAU, No. 50 Chestnut .Street, above Second. November, 9, 1S.10 ly. AND BOO T-T REE MAKER, So. 95 Race Street. Second door below Third, rHILADKLPIIIA. VV HERE ull kinds of lasts, &c, of the latest style and best material, are manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually uttended to. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850. ly. LIQUOllS, WINES, kC. 'PHE subsi-iilier has just received a new supply - of the best liiptors that ever came to Sunbury, consisting in part of Superior old pule Brandy. Fine Coguiae U randy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New England Rum. Fine Holland tiin. Superior Old Vhiskey Common do. Superior Mudciiu Wine. Lisbon do. do. tVupcriur Port Wine. Hurgundy Port do. Stvcet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, May 26 1840. CHARLES V. HEGINS, sk Wk s a. at. l'otlavillc, ku. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi lies entrusted to his care. June 16, 1849, STONE WARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and I'itehers, and other articles of alone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury, June S3, 1819. rpEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin JL Tea Company. For sale bv J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dee. t, IS 18 AY RUM. An excellent article for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury Jan. t7th, 1849 tf. ('i:iicourng:e Your Own!'r . HAAS &KENN. : 1 FASHIONABLE MAKE OFT FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. . HE sulisihsrsrwrpprtrully call trw irnirrition of the public to tlirir InrfTn anil splcmIiJaaK)rt ment of every quality and" price of AIi; f.WAKE. whlcll cannot fail to rci ommcnil Itself to every eras'1 who will cxatnino it, on accmint of its durabiV ' workinsnaliip an.1 splomlij finWi, mailn up of th best stock to be ha.l in the city. No .(fort s ' spareil lit the manufacture of thrir ware, anil th suliscnliors are determined to keep up with fh many imprnvcmcnt which are constantly being:' made. J'hcir stock consists of Mnlteagany Softm, nivnitM nnd Lounges, ' ' Uurc.ius, Secrttntfcs, sretboarTrs. S0F1, BRliAKFAST AXD DIXIXQ TABLES, ' and abo VENETIAN IJI.INUR, equal to P.nla-' ciuiia liianuliictiire. . . , UEDSTEADS, f exvry paUfTn ,nj nxc,. ClTPnoARPS. WOKK AND CANDLji- , STANDS. TOU.ET TABLES AND EXTENSIDN TABLES, in short, every orliclc in this line of their business. They bIm manufacture all kinds and qualities. ciiaihs, : ineluihiirr varieties never before to be had lit Otinbiiry, such as M uiooant, Ulsck WststiT " M",,E(iK'U'; AXIl WlXIISOSi IHAll.H, 4xi,P,,PT Pi- Stools, which art) Of the latest stvlcs, and warranted ta lie excelled by notie manufactured in the Cities or elacwhere. 1 he subscribers are determined that there shall l no excuse for persons to pim-liase furniture in . uicciiicH, a every conlnicnce cult lie cntcrtainerl nbotii tho quality and finish of their ware and (Jlintrri. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. Pi UNUERTAKINti. Having provided themselves with a handsome Hkihsf., tlicy are now prepared for Undertaking, and attending fu nerals, iu thi vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. UT The Ware Koom ia in Murko Mtreei, opposite J. Young's store, mid itearl opposite Weaver's Tavern. DANIEL HAAS. liEOIiUE KENN. . Sunbury, Dec 11, 1850. tf. i "WATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE AMJ PHYSICAL KESTOHATIVE. ' THU MEDICAL V.'OPTOHK Or TH V57ILL positively cure nil strides or Neuralgia, Tie Dolorous, Nervous Headache, Chrv ler.t, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions ; xt'.' restore mauho d lo ils prcstiue i;;w. even after years of prostration, and the only known and rsr tain cure for low spirils or meitlid ilebilly. Evtract from the New York JSun, Oct." 3, 18-S9. T' e celchiatctl lr Wiitsnn, when talking of the miraculous power of "Watts' Nervous Antidote," Ihe tiiesiiou was put to him, '.Why such a valua ble remedy liir nil nervous tillectioiis was not in troduced by the medical faculty 1" replied, "That if it were, there would no longer bo tiny use for a fueiilty, us nil diseases originated from Ii disorgan ized slrle of the nerves ; ihe nerves are the main spiing of tho whole system Keep this in order, and both the mind and body must be." Four ounce phial, li doses, enough for all or dinary eases, ONE DOLLAR. 'OLD BY Yi'ni. MeCARTY, Broadway, Sunbury. September, 'S, Isod. tf. FAsr-noHABLi; uats. C. J. WALTON, So. 210 Market st., brtircen 7 !f 8:k si., (.hm'Ii side.) PSIILADELfriXA. ""THE Stil-sciihef has oiientj a new hot store and niters u traders and others who visit the city, n huniUoiiie assortment of huts, caps, of eve ry variety, made up of tho best material, and ill Ihe latest and best style, and on terms as reasona ble as cut be bad in any establishment in Phila delphia. iz: Pine silk hats at $3,50 1 tioud do do ut fjillU). Persons from tho country who pur chase uf him, can rely, ut all limes, oti getting a good article that will please them, and one that is hilly worth the moiiev paid. C. J. YVALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850. ly. ROSE OHJ ililZViT, FOH TSTTiiisU IKAD the foil iwinc criiificntr from Cit. Urv.ic, tha well known ami ji ,.ular Phalli Uoal CiiltUiu (of tha Traveller.) K l'iun:,Ki.i-niA, rictolirr 31, si. Several years since 1 was mt.icuc.l willi a tircakiiiff out on lay nci k in ihe i' uiii of Teller, which I am eminent wa c ntniclcil at llie llarlicr'sMmji. ll t;rMiiiluallycAli;nil cil over my face mini it re-ichcil the u,r irl of tha checks. J ,i i i,t-. the Bcvernl 111 aillis that it coiitiuuait Biat-aitiin;, I usi-il iliilcri-iil upplicnlioii. s aur of which had theclM-ft, nij,rcnlly nt leant, ol" Incrcusiin; the iliscase, hut from n-iiie ol tticin iliil I Mi-ccivi3 llin least benefit until I lip.lleil Ihe IJINTMCST. liy ihe use of one jsr ,hT it, I w.i lu-n'cclly cmed uml have remained I'ree ol" the aflae tiou. I hare iui e used the Ointment, liiditU niJiet forronch. lies ol' the lace, hi ilches. chapiieil Imails, ir, Willi per-I't-irt siicce.. I have no heaiiiiM-in iu rnMuliueudliif il ia the strongest mtnaier lo the piililic. J.Mi:S DKVOK. A-renl Henry Masscr, riiiilniry. July ils, 1-in, PATE1TT XCEEICJI1TES. (iieen's Oxygenated Hitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Tuwuscnd's Sarsupurilla. llukir's Sarsuparilla. Swayne's Syrup of Wild Cherry Sway lie's A eriiiil'ugo. Ay re's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Ctillcn'a do Tibl-ii's Puin Killer. Dr. Hooflaml's (iermau Bitters' Indian Ycsretnble Pil Horse and Cattle Medicines For sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1S49. tub rroPLZ's vade-mecum UOMl'lUSINQ A COLLKCTION OF OVER 300 VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple, and Curious EvperiuirDts iai Cllt.MISTIlV I I NCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Faniery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 6); cts., foe sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. Htmi: iE2 YV 4ilOE ! Just received at the store of HENRY MAS. SER, a lot uf Caps, Cum Shoes, Almanac. jucenaware, Llquoi-s &c All of which will be sold at the lowest price. Dec. 11. 1850. " INERAL WATER, from tli Oak Orchard Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di seases, and tonic rcmcuic. Ssrsule HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, JuooS!, 1850 if I'lAl'S. An assortment just received. Also. v silk HATS at for sale hy H. MASSE Rx ' Suuburv, Dee. 84R. PATENT Truss of all kinds, Harrison' writing and indellible ink, Cotton, y a1 4 laps, just received and Cut aaje by J. W, F RILING. . Sunlnjry, Dec, S, 1&48. BLANKS. of every description a HP LANKS of every description can be had by P-l)'iug at tlie ollice of the American. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi 9 ne for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. S7th, 1849-.' " '