Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 30, 1851, Image 2
iro reign New 2. LATE AND KXLITISn UfTELMOEKCE FROM HAVANA. rifir Loan's prif ritri r paniih ajtcamrr and Shot. AMHnicjxf jx&ui.nw ix havaxa. THE FALCON Flit ED AT. Too and Thrrr-qiinrtrr Militant In Gobli 1'IKiHAlll.i: DKFKAT OP GEN. .OrV.Z. L'xctlrm'nt la Havana, lie. New York, August 21. Tho Steamship Cherokee, Irom New Origans mid Havana, arrived this evening about 8 o'clock, in four clays from Havana, with two million fix hundred and forty thou wind six hundred and eighty nine dollars on freight, and one hundred nnd sixty-five thousand in the hands of passenger?, of whom there are about 200. Sho brings the California mails and San Francisco dates to the evening of the 1 5th July, being one day luter than tho advices by the Prometheus. The Cherokee passed the Empire City going into Havana. j The accounts from Havana nre of the ; most serious nature. I We are indebted to tho Purser of the J Cherokee for the following fearful narra- j live : I The steamer Habanero, while cruising; off a place culled B.thia Honda, forty miles west of Havana, captured a pa ity of 50 of the patriot?, who were in four boat.', unarm ed, and reports says, were steering for New Oi leans. They were brought to Havana by the steamer llobaneio, on Saturday morning, the Itilli hist., at 1 o'clock A. M., und were placed on board another Spanish fiigato lying in port, and were executed at 15 min utes pjt lithe same morning, by being shot on the public road in Havana, and at the least calculation in the presence of 20,. 000 spectators. After they were shot they were dragged by the feet by negroes, and then left to tho mob, who commenced strip ping ofT their clothes, and carrying them on sticks through tho streets, yelling like so many demons just escaped from tho bottom less pit, and seeking to wreak vengence on they know not what. Many of tho passengers of the Cherokee, who were on the spot and witnessed the ex ecution, were pointed at with a sneer of contempt, and were stopped in the street and insulted, oftentimes in a shameful man ner ; being told that they were Americans, and that they were one and nl! of the same party : that one of these days they would be s.'ived in tho same way. It was dangerous at night, such was the state of feeling, for an American to be seen in t!i street alone. The following is a list of the executed : Col. W. S. Cleudenen, Cap. G. F. S. Sew cr, Capt. Victor Kerr, Capl. T. it. Vency, Lieut. .las. Brandt, Lieut. J. U. Biiee, Lieut. Thos. C. James, Dr. John Fisher, Dr. T. K. A. Tnurni piet, Sergt. J. Whinws, Sergt. A. Jf. (V.rhett, Ailji. . (J. Slandford. Piivules-M. II. Howes, Samuel Mills F.l.vanl' Pulman, (Jentge A. Arnold, It j! Wre-'j. Win. Niscman, Anselmo Tunes 11-T..:.;: li ii k Dillon. Thomas II aisev. v , I. U. T. Maavil!..-, . Colli.,, N. a. a. c.-ii -. limit, l!u ii'h, A. Pus Fiuue, .M. Phillip, M tils. en, J. Salmon, 11. Fi-ln'i-, William S. IV Jones, M. II. .'it Caldwell, C. C. , It. liiomke, Juhn J.-... v.. ... Chi': n, , Wm Joh-.l L jti'es, Wm. 1!. Li f!. Saoka. .I.ritcs S '-v. V..-1! '. .1 -h ! . i.i ... 1 1 ; : I ', IJohoit Caiitloy, an'nn. Thomas lltr" Slid.!.. Jus. Klii , A. liobinsnu. "i r.p lit.' eri i. w;.: .; a. ..,:.!: Pn'onii, hi1- (i.i her way i .--t nf Ci'li.i, ti'.'in ('Ingres, was u i ii i ! times by the steamer Italian and war. i.b'.iged to he:.e to, when she i.oa' le I i v the oliieers of the I labanero. Afler the Falcon slopped I he oliieers of the Dabaaeio cheered an if they h i I liained a jitotiutt victory. This is the third lime the Fa'.iun has been served in the Hiina man ner. The 1". S. sloop of-war Albany, was at Havana. THE CHASE OF THE FALCON. We learn from passengers by tho steamer Falcon, from Gentries to Havana, that on the morning of tho 16ih, when nil" Il.ihia Honda the Falcon discovered a largo steam-fiigate in chaso of her. When first seen, she was standing directly across her bow, evidently intending to cut her olf. The Falcon, how ever, kept on hei course, and soon left the frigate eight or ten miles sislein. This ves sel was !hu Isabello Calholiea, fmmeily the Cuiiard steamship Caledonia. While she was Mill in chase, another steamer hove in sight, and giving chase, succeeded in head ing olf the Falcon. She at first fired two shot, ted guns to leewaid, of which the Falcon took no notiico. She then tan down alongside nnd fired a i.lrd gun directly across her bow, although tho hjd the American colon flying. The chase then tiered the Falcon to heave to, which was dune, when the oliieers on board the SpajiiiU ctmmer gave llnee cfieeis. An ollicur from tita Spaniard then boarded the Falcon and behaved in a very insolent manner, impiiing parliculurly- for Spanish passengeis. He toon left, and the Falcon pioceeded on her course to Havana, where we learned that the Habanero hag the night previous lauded with fifty prisoners, taken in four launches off Bal.ia Honda, and that they were ull shot at 12 o'clock ou that day. Forty of these men were Americans, and were part of the Lopez expedition, which had a few days previous landed near Ha vana, fiom the steamer Pampero. The greatest excitement prevail in Ha vana. 1 All American are beset with spies, -Mid none of (hem foel safe from ono day to ho next. Very little of the various statements can bo relud mi us to lha position of the oveniuients troops and tho revolutionist. Tho Captain General had lent but about 600 men lo inset Gen. Lope, when it wn ascertained that ha had landed. They iiad advineed to a certain position, nnd would advance o further without reinforce ments. Seven hundred more were then sent out. This was about two days before the arri val of the Falcon at Havana. During Satur day, the 16ih, the report wa that Gen. Lo pez had cut off all communication between the Government force and Havana. And the fact of the Captain General having re ceived no despatches from tho general in command, seemed to give strong proof of its truth. Nor had the steamer cruising on the coast any belter success. ANOTHElt ACCOUNT OF THE PUIS ONERS. On the morning of the 16th, at 8 o'clock, the Captain-General despatched a steam fer ry boat to Bahia Honda, to gain intelligence and return the same night. The boat, allei cruising about without obtaining any news, returned to Havana about 7 o'clock tho next morning. Soon after this the steamer Habanero came into post, bringing about forty or fifty wounded soldiers. What these fifty men were doing among the Cayes, where they were taken, is a mystery. Some suppose they wore proceeding to a village on tho coast, near to Havana, nnd that they ran in among the Cayes to hide from .the cruisers. Whether they were armed or not could not be ascertained. A fisherman first saw them ami cave the Government information, when the Habanero was despatched in pursuit. It is said she ran the boats down and then picked up the men ; bm nothing positive can be learned, as no intercourse was allow ed with the prisoners, and the Government discloses nothing but what answers their purpose. The prisoners, nfter being brought into Havana, were led nut ten at a time nnd shot from behind. Not a sign of fear or a mur mur escaped from one of them. The bodies were thrown into hearses six or eight at a time, and taken away and buried. Many of the spectators of the execution possessed themselves of tho hats nnd differ cut portions of tho clothing belonging to the victims, and placing them on sticks, march ed through the principal streets of Havana with a kind of savage joy, and uttering the most bitter curses on the Fillibusteros," accompanied with shouts nnd vivas fur the Captain General. We learn from another gentleman who camo passenger in the Cherokee, that infor uialion had been received at Havana, a few hour before the sailing of the steamer, that Gen. Lopez and his parly had been attacked by a body of Spanish troop-., and, after a hard fought and bloody battle, had been completely looted. Gen. Lopez and a few of his followers es caped to the mountains, an. I it is supposed that the parly executed at Havana got sepa rated from their companion and look to the launches. Fiio.m California. The advices from California, one day later, possess no in terest. nn'ottTAvr tiiun Washington THINGS AT II V A N A . The Government have sent oil' a special messenger to Cuba the Commander of the Home S jiiadrou lo make inanities of the Captain-General of Cuba as In the country j of the men w ha were shot at Havana ou the Mill iust. Il Americans, the messenger is instructed to obtain information as to the 1 ii:cnmstai:ee.s attending their execution, I i' 1 (he icasnus fer this ex! remel v si vcie ! fiislrneti'irx have also been prepared, ami i ill go lo Havana by lh first opp.-irtuiiity. to i obtain i 1 1 lir. n :. t ii i ; i us In :lie idiot which; ii Inch were fired lit the American vessels going iulii Havana. Th' A I in i ii ist in linn will not tolerate th ' least dive I lo lie I American n.ig, or tin) least ihseiiurlcsy hy thu Spanish or any other power. Hence these instructions. The instills yen have seii repotted as committed towards those ou board the stea mer Vixen and the tdoop-of-war Albany were disavowed on the instant of complaint by the Ameiican Consul at Havana to the Captain General. They were popular cbnl. litione, resulting from the excitement against the Ameiicaus. The Pampero, it its known here, sailed from New Oilcans fur Cuba without any papers. Tho collector at that port, I fear, was fearfully culpable in allow ing this departure, as he probably had a right to call upon the Fiiiled States troops to ! prevent it. It know that ho had thisaulhoi- jily when previous expedition were fitted out, and llieio is no probability that the I President rescinded it. Il tho Pampero ; sailed without a legular clearance, a it said j she did, she was lo all interns and purposes i a pirate, and all ou boaid who sillier become ! tho victims of those who directed this bloo- ly expedition. To prevent such expeditions hereafter, the Government of Washington have given ope- cial instructions to thu Home Syndrom They have stationed a revenue culler at Foil Jackson, nuar New Oi leans, with special instructions to allow no vessel lo pass w hich has not been regularly cleared. Everything that due diligence can accomplish lo pre vent such expeditions will bo done, and lo that end fiesh instructions have been trans mitted : but Spain must bo careful to keep with the bound of law, and to show respect which is duo to this Government. We have two vessel already off Cuba, to prevent the abuse of the American flar, and there i no doubt that, so far a the port of Havana is concerned, they will not ullow ils abuse ; but tho island of Cuba covers a vast tract of land, und it would not bo eay for any government or for several squadron to prevent the landing of hoililo steamers. They must take their ohauce, and reap the reward due la their rashness, E. 11. Cor respondent! N. Y Express. Isdiina Exection. It appear that the Whig did nut ulfcl their candidate for Con gres in the first district of Indiana, as has been heretofore alaled, and that they have been successful in I ho tenth district which ha been conceded to lha IV'mooral. The Delegation in the next Cutties will consist of two Whig on J eight Democrat. 3 U U U 11 Y AM THE AMEPsICAlT. StTNHURY. SATt II DAY, AlCilST UO, 141. II. It. MASS ICR, Editor anil rroprltUr. V. II. VAI.MKIt Ip our nullfirizPil nnil terwuvs tuli srriptiini siid nttvrrlifting nl liinoflire, in lliitiulptpliist Nrw York, lloai'Ul nml llullinsirr. To AnrrnTisKRa. Tlir rirpnliilieri of tin sttmhurr AirnTiiiin nmenjr the ililhTi'iit towns mi the Htirtirlismiii i wA rifpriti-il If eqnntkd lr any pnptr pnlititlied in North etn IVinipytrtniin. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. FOR GOVEItNOU: WILLIAM liKSLKi:. nf Clearfield Ccunty. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER : sirn CLOYKIt. of Clarion Counly. For Judges of the Supreme Court. JOHN n. CinSOX, of Cumberland. WALTER II. LOWRIE, of Allegheny. JF.RE.MIAII S. BLACK, of Somerset. F.LLTS LFAVIS, of Lancaster. JAMES CAMPBELL, of Philadelphia. County Nominations. Senator : Dr. LEWIS HECK, of Dauphin county. President Judje : ALEXANDER JORDAN, of Sunbury. Sssrmbli : WILLIAM FOLLMER, of Tuibut. .Issorinle Judges : GF.OIiGE WEISEItj of Simbnrv. JAMES H. MeCOltMICK, of Milton. Sheriff": WILLIAM II. KIl'P, of Rush. Prolhonotiiry : JAMES ItEARD, of Milton. Commissioner : CHARLES WEAVER, of Sunbury. Treasurer : JACOIt VOt'NG, of Sunbury. Coroner : A A RON KELLY, of Shamnkin. .Jtiililor : J. II. ZIMMERMAN, of Sunbury. Minnies taiii.i-:. llllslnesii tiuticr. Wii refer our renders lo the advertisement ol I. P. Iloil ic Co.'s GtTuiiiu Washing Fluid, in another column. Persons, wishing to buy n iooil farm, will find two rxcellrul ours intvrrtiscd in our roliiimis. One situated near Miiucy, ns the properly of 1'dwnrd (iohin, dee' t., ami the nthrr the pro perty of John Klli.s, of Rush, in this County. The August No. of "The Flower Casket," is upon our thle. It is n vuhmhte utagaziiic for tor miiiii'. Puhlisheil at I'itlsliuri;. nt .') rents per iiniiiiiii. 1'iiitcd .y J. J. Uiichaiiuu. Tut: 1) nit 1. 1: it it .In nut., Nos. 6 and 7.. have been received, mid nru tilled with much j ireful mailer, relating to t'ae llancrreiaii und j I'holoiretiie Arts, also omliraciu lltr Scirurt's, t Arts, and l.ilcialuie. l'uhlishi'd No. Hit, Broad way, New Veil;, ut $3 per annum. THE NLW I'OVI'AOK I.AXT. This law went into operation on thu first day nl J ii It, i .st , and will nperate lo Ihe fob lowii i lied upon the Si.'.Micitv AMi.iticA.N. 1. Snbseiilii is wiil receive il bv mail, in Noithnntbei land Cotiniy, free or costack. 2. For a distance not exceeding fifty miles al kive cents per ipi.nler. 3. liver tifly and not exceeding three hun dred miles al ten cents pitr ipiailet. 4. Over throe hundred and not exceeding on thousand miles, al iikteen cents per tpiatter. rr?" The et'ilor's absence at the Centre Countv Court, will, we trust, be a sufli- cient apology for the dearth in our edito rial columns. K7 The Democratic Convention of Centre county, instructed their Conferee to vote fur Alexander Jordan. James BmnMilc having declined. fT" CoNrnn r. Mr. Charles Kalistlic w ill give a Conceit, at the Court House on Tuesday evening next. Mr. KalUche is a very skillful performer, and a rich musical treat may be expected. 017" Cvorge riiarouli, now under sen tence of death, in Ihe Chester county jail, for the murder ol Miss Rachael Sharpies, w ill be hung to day, ( Friday,) in Went Chester. The Democratic County Conven veiition of Schuylkill, nominated Charles W. J If "ins as President Judge. m:v arii r. We leant Irom that obliging gentleman, Capt. J. D. Murphy, that after the 2Sto iust., the Boat leaves Northumberland for the Junction, at 7 o'clock, in the evening, and arrive at the latter place, at 5 o'clock of next morning, where the passengers lake the car and arrive at Philadelphia, at 11 o'clock, A. M. The Doat for Williamsport, leaves Nor thumberland at 11 o'clock, P. M., and will in no cane await the arrival of the Potti ville Stage. The public will be happy to observe that Captain Murphy lias more regard (or their convenience than the Proprietor! of the boats, who on this occasion, and on every previous change of hour, have failed to give them notice. The arrangements lor public travel in this section, are aj Lad , as they can be. Kiuu AIM AM) SHAM0K1N JOURNAL DEMOCRATIC COUNTY C0NVEN TI0N. The Convonllon met at 10 1 o'clock, on Monday morniiur, Ann. 25, ISM. On mo lion, JAMES ECKMAN, Esq., of Rush town ship, was elected President ; Joseph Nu-ctr and Jicoa Horrs, Vice Presidents; and C. . limner and hnat 1). Raker, Secretaries. Credential were presented by the follow iug named gentlemen : James Young, Jacob Hunsicker, Joseph Nicely, C. Haughenbach, William Hood, Abraham Kissinger, Charle Hotlenstine, James Ituoy, Samuel ISIair, Cornelius Mc Ginley, David Ris'iel, Chnrle Morgan, Wil Ham Hummel, William Wilson, William El Mot, William L. Dewnrl, Charles J. limner, Isaac Eckmau, John ?.. Haas, John Vordy, Geoige Fnssold, Samuel Ent, Samuel Hum mel, Valentine K lase, James Eekman, John Oberdoif, Daniel Kernel, Solomon Buyer, Isaac D Raker, D. S Drumheller, II. D Hollinnn, Michael Treon, Jacob Holla, John Hellrick, George It. Weiser, Michael Hilling. Jonas Gilger, I). W. Dunbangh. Tho Convention then adjourned till one o' clock, P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Convention m,;t agreeably to adjourn ment. On motion the following resolution was adopted : j u...,i....i -i i.... ii i... i i ...r- ............. ii, -i .Mini, in, i-,-i.. in, unanimously recommended by this Couven- lion, as the nominee tor lhe olliee of Prcsi- dent Jndoe, of the 8th Judicial District, of Pennsylvania. n motion of William I.. Duwarl, Alexan- der Jordan, Esq., was authorized to appoint the Judicial conferees, On motion of William Wilson, Gen. Jesse C. Ilnrtou, of Point township, was unani mously nominated for Senator. A letter was then read to the Convention, from Gen. Hoi ton, rcspecllully ilecliuina the nomination. On motion of Win. L. Dewart, Ihe follow ing preamble and lesolulioti were unani mously adopted : II Iterant, Jesse C. Ilorlon, Esq.. having de clined thu nomination Ini- Stale Senator in ; this County, nnd having conceded to Dauphin : Ou motion it was j county Ihe right to thu Senator for the next! liisoli-rd, That the Chair appoint a Corn term : therefore, j millet of five, lo draft resolutions expressive llisiilrid, That this Convention heartily ' of the views ol Ihe meeting. approve t. llie course puisne,! ,y Mr. Hr. (;,.. i. Yoim-man, Chas. Pleasant., II. It. ton, ami dial Dr. LEWIS HECK, of Dauphin ' m i , ,, ,, , i ; ' , I ,i .Masse r, C.J. Itrmier, and John P. Purse couiili, he iniaiiimouslv noiiiiualed as the ' . democratic, candidate lo'r S ilor, and that as J w,'r,! "Pl'i'iuled said Committee. Dr. Deck has received the nomination ol j Alter some lime Ihe Committer reported both Counties in the District, any meeting of j ihe following resolutions, which were unani Conferees ,s deemed unnecessary. Im,,v (.(J . Oil motion, Ihe Conven.ion then proceeded j ;,V,,Y,, Tlil, we rPiral,, pr.10,,( !5J r U Ca'"lill;"l! fr n'"",b0r f iU 1 S....l..,ry and Erie Rail Road, to the impor Lri' m "rt" t- lance of which public attenliou is now be- w!!!;::: Si: 2 v,r- ; r D. It. Moiitgomeiv. ' 7 " ' '"x I't-'iiusylvania, as a gieat Pennsylvania Wm. Fullmer haviuif a maiorilv of all the ! ''"pr'-veineiit. cot cling as il w ill, ihe bar- voles cast, was dcclaied nominated. The Convention proceeded to ballot for Associate Judge on lite eastern side of the river. Ist bal. 2d bal. 3.1 Int. George Weiscr, 1!l 111 2;l , (dirlsliait It.insehlag, 12 14 II Frederick Haas, 7 5 4 I Geoige Weiser, was ilecl.tred duly liomina j ted on lilt third ballot. j The Convention then balloted for A'soci- ate Jtidoe ou the western side of the river. , Jmes II. McCormick, had 55 voles. I John Cake, 13 ' J Jollies II. MeCormick was declared iionii- nate.l. I 1 he Conveiitioii then proceeded lo noini : tl it. a candidate for the oifice of Mieiill'. ! The fol low ino ballot was taken. I . Ill tut 11. Nipp, Inel 51 votes. D.ivi.l .Man, ' m i; Jacob li.iker. " 5 i tieoioe ( onrad, " 2 t; William It. Kipp having a majority of the voles, was declared duly nominated. A ballot was taken lor I'liithonnlary. 1st bal. 2d bal. .l imes Iti-ar I, .1 21 Gideon M Yoiks, IS 17 Abraham Ship n in. 6 James Reatd was declate.l nominated for Prolhouotai v. The Cuuveiii ion then balloted forCommis sinner. ' ' Charles Weaver Elias Itio.ioos, iGeoigr Itrjohi, ' ,,i,n" Eisher, 1st, 1!) l li 3.. I, 4'h, 1 7 23 13 13 i I in 10 li 3 Charles Weaver was declared nominated for Commissioner. Balloting for Treasurer. 1st bal. 2nd bal. Jacob Young, 19 23 Jesse M. Simpson, III 15 Jacob Young was declared nominated for Tieasuier. Aaron Kelly, of Shamnkin township, was unanimously nominated fur Coroner, balloting for Auditor. J. II. Zimmerman, 23 votes William C. Wilson, 15 J. II. Zimmerman was declared nominated for Auditor. The following resolution, offered by Wil- liam Wilson, of Northumberland, was unani mously adopted. llesnlved, That the democrats of this Coun ty, bo letpiested lo meei in Delegate Conven tion, on lint liisl Monday of December next, for the purpose of electing delegates !o tho nevt Stale Convention. William L. Dewart, thou moved that John P. Pursel, Majoi John Itousli, Daniel P. Caul, William L. Cook, John .. II ass, Reuben W. Zarlinao, Valentine K lase, Dr. (ieorge B. Weiser, and James Kekman, In be the Dem ocratic Standing Committee of Northumber land county for the ensuing year. William Wilson moved to amend by strik ing out the names mentioned above, ami in setting tho name of F.I ward Y. Blight, James Cameron and others, which amend ment was negatived by a large majority. Thu question then was taken upon the or iginal resolution, which was carried, and tho gentlemen named in Mr. Dewait's resolution were declared the Democratic Standing Committee for Ihe ensuing year. The delegates then pledged themselves unanimously lo support the ticket just made. A resolution was passed unanimously to support the nominees of the Reading Couven lion. A resolution was also passed pledging the Delegates to support Ihe nominees ol Ihe Ju dicial Convention, which met in Harrisburg. Ou motion, Convention adjourned sine die. (Vapid by tlit Ojjxttrt ) SUNBURY AND ERIE RAIL ROAD MEETING. Pursuant to notice Riven, the citizen of Sunbury, friendly to the construction of the Sunbnry nnd Erie Kail Road, met at the Washington House, in thi, pnCe, on Satur day evening, tho 23d inst., for tho purpose of appointing Delegates to the Sunbury nnd Erie Rail Road Convention, to be held at Philadelphia, on the 25ih of September next. The meeting being called lo order, the fol lowing ollicor were elected : PRESIDENT, ALEXANDER JORDAN, E.q , VICE PRESIDENTS. IlKNiAMIN IlK.MlBICJS, ClIAHl.t: J. IlntNr.R, William L. Dew-art, Pliasants, John P. Pi rskl, M. L. Siiimii:i.. SECRETARIES. If m. . (,'rtnioiiph and (ten li. Voimgmrm. The object of the meeting being taled, it was ou motion, Ucsoh-rd, That the Chair appoint fifty I.. egates to attend tho Sunbnry nnd Erio Rail Road Convention, to meet at Philadelphia ou the 25th of September next. Wheieupon ihe following persons were ap pointed Delegates : Hnoll Itellas, Esq., J. II. Zimmerman, Geo. It. ounsman, A. Jordan, Esq . W. I. (ireeiiough, II It. Master. Jacob Painter, Wm. I.. Dewart, J IS. Packer. M. L Shiodel Gen. C Welker, E. (J. Marklev, El. V. Itibhi, .1. P. Pmsel, N. S. Thompson, Reuben F.ioelv. Dr. D. W. Shiiidt-I, II. I). W ha i ton, (Jeo. Weiser, James Covert, Jacob Rohihach, Jacob SeasholtZ, Ini T. Clement, Geo'C Martin, Chrisiniii Rower, Jese M Simpson, E-1 ward W. Origin, Jacob liiiiilit. i " ' lien llendiieks, (. inn. t'leaanl, ' ( J. limner Wm. Rockefeller I t V Frilimf ' Peter' L:.ars, Heiny Donnrl, I r)r' J )' Masse r, 'iiiil:iii.iii, i in liiant. Fiancis liiieher, Dr. It. II Awl, (i. M. Yoiks, John Itnyers, John Itourue, Frederick Lazarus, Samuel Vming. Samuel Hunter, Thomas !nbjn .I.J. Miller, Jacob Viiiiiil', j John Farnsworth, bor of F.iie with the city of Philadelphia, in ; bose gtowth and prosperity we, as Pciin ylvaiilans. must ever fee 1 warm and abi- 1 , 1 tlmg Interest. i llesotred, That while Phi delphia is be- ing em iehed by drawing !o ilsell, through j the piojecled road, a huge poitioii of the commerce of the Lakes a commerce which it is estimated will this year it to 4 200.ntltl.oml we are nf tin opinion that J llio region of coimliy ihiougli which this impioveinenl will pass, will nlsn be very fa- i voialily ellceted by It, ill opening a market j lor its agi u-i.l'.' j u ii 1 1 c : in biinging into . npeial ions licit beds nf coal and itou that j , ate valueless or itie waul ol an avenue lo . imaikel in liiling with active, iodnsl i ions . j inhabitant, laign districts of country that I are now unimproved I litis multipUii-g the i number nf our citizens, and gieally iuerea- , sing llie levtvnie of lh" Conniionw eahli. i j llfsnli'rd, That Irom llio several reports , made upon lint subject, il is very evident this i iiprovemeiil possesses great lulvan- , j la-o's over all that have yet been made, or ' l are i i contemplation, connecting the All, u, -j tic cities . ill the great Lakes of the North j I i point of distance il is deei ledly preleia- ', j Id -, placing Philadelphia only 4l miles , from K ie. and B i It imore aboin the same dis tance, wluie irom New link lo Ilnnknk. the .shortest load of the Krnpiie State, Irom the seaboard to the lakes, it is 470 miles, ma king a di.'ii ienei! in favor of Ibis toad of ;il miles ; and as respects grades and facility of construction, it possesses great advantages, no grade on il exceeding 52 8-10 leel, and are iwo-thiuls of it not more than 12 feet per mile, while the New Yoik and D.iukiik road has many heavy grades ami high embank ments. Nor .should we lose .-ighl of the ad vantage posj-et-scd by lint baibor of F.iie, llio greatest of which peihaps is that it is open to navigation eaihei in the spiing, and I. tier in the fall, than those of Dunk it k and liutialo. iV.ioiVii, That, when we consider Ihe large amount of revenue alloided by the New Yoik improvements, which derive tin; g i eater portion of I heir business fiom lite com- i , merce til the Lakes the Kiie canal havite- ! ri.V(.ul0 .s-0 , 410, and llie rail road fiom Albany to Bulla j lo, $1,431,871, wo cannot avoid legarding this contemplated Suiibuiy and F.iie road, its j being one of tho most prnfitahlo improve. menlrt in the country, especially when we take into view the cheapness of ils construe. lion, tint estimated cost being only about jti.. 000,000 ; and therefore aro of opinion that I tho money invested in ils coiistiuctioti, will give a handsome percentage lo the stock holders, placing lha ktock above par soon after ils completion. Hesolrcd, That we are gratified lo see the spirited und substantial manner in which F.iie. Klk, Warren, nnd other Counties on 1 1 in line of this impiovcmciil, aie uigiug ils construction ; ami that we will rentier every assistance in our power to further this gieat project. On motion, it was resolved that the pro ceedings of ihe meeting, be published in Ihe newspapers of the County, and all those friendly to tho proposed improvement. On motion Ihe meeting adjourned. (Signet by the Officers.) ICT" Our Methodist friends, intend hold ing a Camp Meeting, on the farm of John Farnsworth, Esq., three mile from this place, commencing on Monday next. Cot.. Fremont, it is said, has sold hi California possessions for about f,uoo. J3n magnetic clcgvapl). For the Stniliury American. Lr.wisBcRu, Aug. 27, 4io'clock, P. M. The Democratio Conferee of Union, Mif flin, and Juniata Counties, met at Beaver town, yesterday, and decided to make no nominations for Senator. Wii.LiAMseoiiT, Aug. 27, A., P. M. The Democratic. Conferees, metal Lock Haven, yesterday, ami nominated Robeit Fleming for President Judge. The vole stood for Fleming 33, Maynard 12, Jor dan 4. Pittston, Aug. 28. 3 o'clock, P. M. Geo. W. Sickler and another person, two of ihe Elmira counlei feiters, broke jail ou Saturday Inst, they were seen bv John M Drum, on Tiout Run, near Williamspoit, on Wednesday last, on their way towards Wil linmspnrt. The companion had no shoes tin. They must be somewhere about Williams port or the West Brunch. A laroi reward is tillered for ihem. Sick- ler has sandy curly hair. When he btoke jail, had tut a small sengrass bat. linen coat . . .. .. II.! 1 I. .I .., s... s i ,,e very ami ta.u- cr ti.isuy. lilt. 111. T llll'tlll l AM I IUIXI C I 11 1. New Ohlkans. Aug 21. The Pieayune has letleis fiom Havana by the Einpite City, which stale that General Mailzeiia, in command of the Spanish troops sent against the patriots in the East, had ie lurned to Santiago, abandoning Ihe lield lo Ihe patriots who retained entile possession nf the country sui rounding Puerto Piineiiie. Gen. Lopez has advanced from his first posil ion lo San Dieim de Nunez, lo cut tilt the retreat of the Spaniards, and would then po,. sess himself of Ihe foils al Cnbaiias. The people were tisino in it, any places, and about .101) had left Havana to join Gen Lopez, SO of who n had been taken prisoners. There now remains only about itiO lumps in Havana, and many of these nre suspected of defection. The Spanish war steamer Piz.n rn was ashore at Bahia Honda, and Geneiul Lopez expected lo lake her. New Aug. ;-.i, Loiters have been received in this city from authentic correspondent, dated Ha vana, August lSth, w Inch stale that Gen Lo pez, has loiiohl only out; battle with the Spanish troops. The latter met with a ie pulse. Slim t ly alteiwatds I lit- Spaniaids !iv ing succeeded ill receiving teiiifnieeineuls. w ilh cannon, &c., ti loined to Ihe chaise, succeeded in reallv routin; the Patriols, and captnriito neaily every one, including (' Lopez. This battle ncenried alniusi ininu dialely aller Ihe lauding of the forces. The loss 1111 the Spanish side in the t j t en gagement, was between four ami live bull 1 tired. Everything was iipparently tjniel nt j the dale of the letters, an. I no foriher dilli j culty was iinlicipalcd until llf) aiiival of moil fillihi'sters. I New (Iiii.ein's, Aug. Cli. 8 o'clocl., A. M. Steamer I'loiida jo.-t ar rived 1 1 1 1 1 1 Havana. On S.ituidav la.l. she spoke the steamer Pampero, south ol Savan nah, and that she w ill be in this cil v on Sat- ! urday night, w here (die w ill lake ou boai.l a ! huge number w ho wore wailing to cmhaik for Cuba. Gen. Lopez look the steamer Piz ' .aro, killed dil:l men, and took 2'l:l among whom w is Gen. I' io. i rr.iMin.i: itioi i m:v ti:i. i:ns. - Tin Sp wish Co, mMi'J n:id ddi-zed lit'.i' rifiK'i: in I'risiii. i liAl.TI ItoltK, Aug. '.'" The Charleston pipers ol Satunlav, teceiv , cd lo night, have despatclies from Now . (litem. s, no.ior d.i'e i 2UI lost , . ; that a pally of Cohan Liheralois, i iWesleiii meii, hi I pioe.e.b'd U'rain , Spanish paper, ''La Patiie," for its i ling st'.y in i relation to Cuba, on the all i day attacked the nliiee, bmk moon of that in llio .1. ins an I windows, and then tluew the pi esses. Cases, u pe nod luiniiure join the street, and destroyed eveiy thing belonging lo the o. lice. Then was no intei leienee ou the pail of the police. The mull then, after demolishing the I'ui on olliee, proceeded lo llie cigar store, coi ner of St.Cbailes and (iiavier stieels. and breaking in the doors and windows, destiny, cd all thu mock and furniture, which were veiy valuable. At 7 o'clock, the rioters proceeded lo lln oliiee of ihe Spanish Con sul, and attacking it, tlesttoyed the desks, olliee furniture and properly of all kinds. They also broke down signs over 'be stoic and oliiees of Spaniaids, w hich Ihey cariied in 1 1 in in ph to a large meeting held in Lafay ette Sipiaie. Another despatch fiom New Oilcans, da ted lint 22 I, slated that two thousand men bad that morning siiriouuiled the City Piisou where the Spanish Consul had taken refuge and thicaleoed to demolish it unless the Consul was delivered lip lo them. There were about 50 policemen on the ! gtound. j The cigar shops kept by Spauianls weie : neatly all destroyed last night. i Minnie guns have been tired since suu- rise in honor of ih mnnlcied lib.-iatois. The bodies of Col. Ctitteudeu and Capl. Victor Kerr, w hich havo been brought here from Havana, attract many visiters and pro. duct) much feeling. The military had been ordered out to (.op press the riols. Three or four of the Span ish coffee houses have also been des troyed. The excitement against the Sianish Con sul arose chiefly from his refusal lo deliver up a number of letters from Ihe prisoners shot at Havana, and which had been written before their execution, and forwarded to him by Ihe Cuban authorities. lie wa called upon by a commilte for them, and refused to ilobver them up Subsequently he was forced to sui render thorn. Tho Cuban new ha created the gieatest excitement. Tun wrsteru grape ciop i abuiuUiiit this year. A Rad Spell. A man attempted to spell crockery yesterday, and proceeded thus : Kit.U'i:iiKi:Aitii:ii;m: but expired "i a spasm before h could mikq a vi: with which ho intended to end the word. New Advertisements. to the electors of nortiii.'mijer. land countv. Fr.t.t.ow Citixkxs : Eurnumirril hr nty nu liierous frieeils, I hereby oiler myseli'ns'ail ' Jxin:fi:.r!:T ('amiihaii: for llio oll'n e of ('ninth roHiiitisMioncr, nf Nnrtluiiiilirrlanil county, nt t!ii- rnstiiiia ctrr tioil. Mioiild t lie e!fi-trii. I proiiiiso to ilisi llnr-.-i lliu iltilii s thi-mif, Willi liilelily nnd impartiali-r . JOHN Tltl'.f.d.' Piiiilmrv, Auat. ts.1l. Viiltiiiblc Fanti at riilYATJ: SALE. riIIi'. sntiscrilMT nIltTs at private mile. Inn farm, X situate in limit township, Northumberland county, iibmit t mil,.,! from llainille, iiinl ulmul lull' it inilr t'rmn li e I jburty Pole, tuljoiuinu hinds ot Joseph- Keliv, ,,,sl.,!, W ooK ei ton. I I.rl'. fcrd IloiC'liawont. t out lining 1(0 4,ZJE0i;S ' ; ml(, l,llnvilllI.r, , KJ) U'C i-Iraie.i. nil level hiinl. tfood noil, cunt can all he The laiul is all nmli r i:ooil Iron-, ami in u lino s-;ite ol' cultivation. Ti c inij.rowint-'.il.s con.-i .t el' a new IV. inie CIucIS!::;; r:a::c, with a l.a-L'.- i -.n-ii. nn-l I cellar, a larj-e I'raine Hum, io moh.1 reoair, a IVaiue Spi'ua House. s..;io!.e I i . i..i. ami i,i,( r out huilihnirs. Tliere is ul.-o a m-, i-r t.-.'iio : j,iinf; ot' cM-el'.ent M;:tiT liaal- 1 1 If iloiij-, mill lii.ev.isc u fine M!( i I A K l of choice IVoit. The r. m.iiu ilcr of liir I.i i . 1 1 is r.iM'i'cil u ilh line tiaibi r. It is l!ie ..line tract liiniiciK o.iiit-u !v the widow ', Kcliy. II the atinve I' ariu i sale until the I ol' lion!, I n it be sold at priiato rVp'cmhcr. If.o I. it will on l li! lie .-.lie, nil loe premi ' that , be c lie.-cd I ses. I iwsckmoi. vuil !.e ucii.cdi itt !. or no Ihe t'n.-td.iy nf March l;-o :, nl Ihe oplioii ,,f Ihe pnrch.isei. Pits uts ilcsiroits m' pnr.-ha..iu-r, ure invited lo call and sic I'u- tract. JOHN l.l.l.l.S. I!ti-h i p., A ii--. :b). I- '1. -:a. V:s!t3;!!5'; ri ft T ? r rvi tin. . . i i . sue cri; c will s, :i .it p. od.-re ,1 ,. !.!ic sale, at the in the l.-J.-Jtlll House of T! ol'.Muacy. l.veoiiun;- coiuitv, (hi W1'.IM-'.SD.V. 'he 1; i-;.:i. !-'.::. is NC- aliltiiilt ncv t.ov. i .!i!;i 1 iilliale in 'tilainili! ino-.-c or cs- ;ii!j Iter. .1 ;icn!i 1 I.i im am! others. To ! ci,i;.4 bn:.i- i.:' . .1.1. -, llo".. IV: milt W:i ri W'lillis. !' i-1 hvard a tlo- C--I -, (io1 in. docM. It is wiliiia lb". ir.:'i . in:. a h !l ::i:!.. i. . now .. io d. : :..l : I i , ':. . into this t,.i,- : . haie b. en ;.i-i-.i.! on I , 1 i". pa-t. 'i'!n-... no- l:ci i I' a'l the field-, and VV.,:, I,' miiliilc i !' the li... T c rental!. iMy ! i I I', llcalM V 1111:1 t-ei V. i iT; luclits aic a hi; ; -', i . L'.'.'..-:.;. '. J..i. ,,,,,, J ., j (;-; bill Ml. ' . ;'. li.M'N. i ry v.c'l : '.. : . e ! r ii i'l of i . bank. c.xN-ihIs I i 1. 1' hate . i l'c cars l i. . i i .'.-a rly l!o- J the '. I -." '..nee is : ri li is 'i i:c ii.r loc- c l:-Vi:i.. -.- I'ANK 0. h.1 wiili 1. d llecp. a I ;.-.;iil:.r'n'S o.-i .-.iiin; ctc;-.-;c i.i- l;d i; vr. .a i: lr..;t I ci . . r Ab nit i . I ft 'id I iiC iclii c i .,: ,.r i; . t;,. p',,.-.. Iliev in ;i line rvilc ..i c.' v.-hc.t I'-.c c... I! i r ;:tcc, . 'ihe r, nd is M .lav. ATT! 5 r " l.. i. !' Tl al I" ,.',' .In.i. i cr. ! i. io v3 Ci r Li'uL'L, r.c'tt. is ie--. ti LNf .luit. I-;-;'..-,- s'.t.-.t. iv,!lv t ,; i ."-'lit I. Amen ..; :,.n I ..i n-.'i ( : . I and 1" !t r ! In'! ; b. I.i. ., i ;. . ,! r ., ' m' s.iaui. I .- i,:ii. , ,..'.'. j:.,. !i i ii,';; , JoM-ph .lanes. .,,v. etc'!. .'.!,!.. , : : . to I hii-i.iiu ii. ,1, r. i.ii.- .! . r, r'tn 1 i ll.iiid V. amp. 1... ! .,-.:;Y. .!, :i:!c. and J.n.'i.-s N'e- i.i. I v t'iclr ! A. iron (;;i-.on, hei s ,..;..! .-, I. .1 inn :'. it ibclli ud StiJI -..I ilixc I, i. tied to II. illic.l 1 I ill . I lo .!,-.. ii, i d, Nt ir ( in. Oil. an. .-.--i.i ...-.c-i oic.l to 'v aa .1 :c l.i.K. oi l it ml .l .ilni 0 ',o..' 'ill- 1 lilt . f N.ll- : Muli.i r-tllll. tlce'il., v. h.l V. ri f Net iSle. I'aniiy ',;, n u-iic, ! J.icoli Mull, lv'lcr Mud, I Inn I Mali,' lital I y a ceil on . , ,t i ' ',. i.-sucd nut nl !.,. till b,i i lloiiii.icii.i i.i! ( oiinti, to I lion v. i'l lie held on l!.c ' lit. I'ctl o. no ,, llilsl. 1 C :..IC nt' - .id ihv'd.. in e tew i. -lop WTllC lOV.I.-l.ili ? Ml, mi, be: 1. 111,1 I'.HIIllV. it I ..'clock, P. mi Till KSiiAY. i!,c Slili ! tiny nl ll.lo'.cr, l.M, m which iin;.' ami place, ! you aic hereby w.iincd to be and uppcar, il yniv , think piopcr. j .IAMF.S ( (..Vl UT. Sherill. ! Sheriii"., (llliee., ( j August g:i, is.) I . ti. ' j' Notice to tho IIeu-3 of WILLIASI SIT2, Dec'd. " (ITH 'i: is hen by siv. i,. S. it, Saw- t 'i! nci rell., 1 '.illi.irnie ."-cil. nl' J.iCoii Mi:. Jacn'.i f .-it., Scili, uud hc:i. and lc::.d leiueo-iitatiie dec'd. luutlicr To lac ! cirs ol Peter el' the i-.ii.i Wta. tsciti. .sciiz. ilcc il., u ilcc il., to fNtrali intci 111. il l !. .1 W ith l.COtt'O Daniel, now in Ohio, lo l. iac il; i.mhclh'r, .Nich. ol.ts llrumhcllet-, l'ovid Ih-tiinheiier, Jcs.c Drutii. heller, la in and l.- tl u-.,c e.i i f I'nlha. line lh uutb,cllnr, ilccM., lain l'.il!i..iini) Scilt 'l'o Peter Wutiicr, is.iiiiiiil M., John Wasiu-r. II.umI auner, I 'alti.iiinc ',..;ucf, in. terinanicil with Daniel (, Ito.-.iuu WaR licr, widow i;l' .Mil Iiad Ni idi, dce'd.. In lis und h-ual ivpncntuic nf Kii.iUil,, oVc'il., who wa intrruiiirncj willi (icotgo W arner. Ta heirs uud Ical icptcsciilalivca ol MuigHrel tscil, ilcc il., who was iuictitiiiiricd willi JjIhjIi iSiMiiUuiil, now i.i' i.nk coiinlv. tlhnv thai hy u ccil.iin wo it of li, niiu.ii I'nci, rutin, issued out ol Ihe (liphaiii.' I'ouit of Nir lliiuiibcrbiud county, to me due led, tin Impiiai. lion will hi; la id on the lii .it Cst.itc nl s-iid dec'd., ill Jackson, t. iihip, : l 10 o'clock, P. M.t ou .MONDAY, Ihe (oh day of October, ltJSl, al which time an. I pl oc ym an' her. hy warned la ho uud appear, if yuu ihii.k pioju r jam us ro r.-.n, shcritr, Sheiill " ("lill.-e, Miinhiu v, An;,'. 21, l"ol.- ti. i,