SUNBU11Y AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL o c t v n . Stanzas. f ho "followins touching; mni nro from the pen of Wolf.-, author of llio Burial of Sir John Aloote. They were written noon tiftur the death of a beloved wife: If t had thought thou conl.l'st have died, I mitflit not rpp for Hipp ; Dot I foreot, when by thy side, That llioii could'nt mortal be ; It never through my mind hail lias!, The time would u'er be o'er, That I on thee should look my lust. And thou ."houM'st smile no more ! Anil still upon thy face I look, And think 't will omile nain f And still the thought I cannot brook That I must look in vain ; But when I speak, thou dost not say What thou ne'er lefl'st unsaid ; And then I feel, ns well I may, Dear Mary ! tlrou art dead". If thou eonld'st stay, e'en ns thou art, All cold and all serene, I slill mijiht press thy silent heart, And where thy smiles have been : While e'en tliv chill, bleak coipso I have, Thou seemest still mine own; Hut as I lay thee in the grave, 1 feel I ntn alone ! 1 do not think, where'er thou art, Thou hast forgotten me; And I, perhaps, may soothe this heart In thinkiii!;, too, of thee ; Yet there was round thee such a dawn Of li::ht ne'er seen before, As fancy never could have diawn, And never can restore ! A OA? TO HOUSEKEEPERS At llic Msirt Wiirc Hooiil of SEIVN' IIOUPT k CO. liarket Square, Aho al the tor iter nf 'urn ulrect the Railroad Sl'NUl'ltY, l'A. Thi.nkful for the patronnpc of his friends and rnstonicrs during the 17 years he has hern in busi ness Ai this place, he solii its from the public a roll tinmiiii'r of Ibrir favors. During this period be 1ms rti.tcnvorr.l to keep up with Hie improvement" of the ihiv, nml has ncciirdiiirly extended his busi ness ill every branch and variety. 'I'be publie are therefore invited to the attention of the present stork of CA1UXKT WAUK AND C1IA1US, MAN'JFArTIIIKI) 11V SEEASTIAN IIOUPT & CO. Jt the Vhl Ml. "'' ' '"""i . . 1 vt'ii:THi. in clmllv I..-II.H- 1 in thf .toinncl. In llii Where in addition to their former slock of toe ui.l .if tim.i i,i.i.'ir,.,.v , .iit, n imm Hie ii cut. establishment tbev now iiifi.cturc : "'".';' "ft"'- "!'!'" ",' " ,t;"r ." J ,',!1,h- ''r".'.!.",'- TVTsTioiranv. Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs, i ' rmiemm.'. i simmi'iticr Atmi .a HXtlUUl,llllJ. ,,, ,,,,,. Willi-nil itltii-iT will III' II" i'l;ii"ll- LlirifC SlH'llli oeilt IiOClilllg Lltlirj, Htn no c .nn-,,, i, of ,:., ml,, i, . iiiiiI no iiuti n SI -rmtmot'ou.cs fcctcft. nixiiiu or i:n:t tiom;i:iii.i. The I'icavune rejoices in thu possession of ji.votmikh sciiwripiv wo.vitnit; PEPSIN! t ii i: imii DIGESTIVE FLUID, GASTRIC MICK ! A on Try. DYsrttPSlA cuncn, I'ri'jwir.'il rri.nil.l-'.XNKT, or tlie fourth SI .Hindi ol llu (j, lilt-?r itiioi'li-'iii, in It A I! I N 1.H.I1IC, t tut Rtcnt riiysi 'l, by .1. S. Illlt'dllTON, At. U., Nil It, Norih f iulilli Sieet. Pliiliiilelpliiii, I'". This is n trill, w .n.liThil r.'ini'.ly for lNltliiKSTION, llYSl'MPMA. .I.UMlKT.. UVIill 1.0.MI'I.AIT, l O.NSTirATK N ami Willi I.ITV, Ciiinm inter Nn lure' own ini'tlinil, by Nature' own noi-iit, the Unvtrie .linen IT Hull' a ts:i;i",iiitn I nf Uiis l'lni-1, int'n.i-it in wtilrr will ilinrsl i't ilismlio. 1-ivr INimiiiIs of Itimat Uvvf in two Icntr., out ol tin rlmine!.. DICKSTION. Dressi?)! Bureaus, Centre. Tnbhs, .Vfirble lop II Shunts, ami a variety o f other new style and C'tIi!oaI!( E'sjrtsiltjro. ii...:.... l i l.. .1 " Oil.. II u .u u . . - ,,,,. ,.,...,. ,1,,. n.,.il:.,.l, ,., , ,., ,,. ,., s,.' ,, sary iirranijeinentK for the purpose, they lire now Ii i a'.r I nml hi tin; n.mri'-li nf iinininh, u llic "x, eulf, prepared for I lulertiikini; in all its branches, in '' is Hi.' n.!il.ii.-.l s.-1 by fanners in eiiiUina claw, .his vicinity or , any convenient ! 'IZrW ; "I" ilii- h'uly ; itul rutin r n i'.ul. iti'i-tJ, iviiitml, uml tlrsinir llr f H!lli 11 ! Hi.- wii)f iii'i -!H't' :ipj;i);itnM. A Wfiik, I h ill i!-.T IMiili'i-il ?il Miiifli I r 'linc. H n U'idtl i:itnr : .I'll-'-, ;ut I Jifil. . ti:c r, (ii.taurf Mltl ilrl-iilLV Ull'll ! ensue. I'i:i'SI AM) 1IENNKT. l'l - PS! i I'n" 1 1 1 1 i i ' tin ni . ur L'uvit Uicr.i ii!-; IV;ik i ' pit'i-t I :u ( i ic .! c. jt. js 1 1 n 1 1 i I in L'l fiil jil .tt i i : 1 in I tic c ' T (Mil.;! m llic h'l ! HMH M n lit 'It :itlt-r lit. ii ii. tnul t 'Pit' SII0UE.DS & CO S OH LSa J2l S3 50J U LABOR AND FUEL SAVING VVASEI1TG T0.P. A!nnnfnrtiirril by Mionnh & Co- 643 Ckrstmtt St., Diila. FOII SAI.K T.Y AU, GUOCEUS. "lT"Ani?ANTriJ to wash rlean in hnrd. soft, ' or salt water, role) or hot, ill one third the time of nny othrr Soup ever inaiiuf.uiurrd ; thus dispftision with boiling, blenchiucr, fir. ri.AM:i, f i.ornr.s, fee. washed with this Soap will never shrink or have any hnrsh or pommy feel, but leave them in lliei: ori'inul soft and pliant slate: which is in itself a sufficient recommendation to uarunlec its use in all families. THE l'l X KST l'AMMCS may lie washed llnr.ii"rlily with il, without the least injury; giving them a lustre eipuil lo newly iinportei totals. PAINT, (JIIKASE DlIiT of anv docription, ran be reailily removed bv the use nf it, without injury to the article, whether it be the finest ilrcss or oi'iliiiarv carpet. In the ue of Minimis iV (V Snap. l!ie must delicate need not fear, as it will not injure or chap the hainls. but on the' act as mi emolli ent, anil is tint only the iikst wisniNii PANIC NOTE TAPLE. VOll n IX'TLI) WEEKLY. n:svi. vai-. CITY nF l'lt!l.lii.-!..iii. I'. S. Iltink liolrii .-, il ml iXII solvent ImiiKii col.XTnv llinik of ('liaiiilifi-M.'irfl I i!i Hanli of CltrHl.T Co. jvir iiiiiik oi i M-i. i o, ni-it-r inr M A A ' ' A I " S r.TTSt . All Soh'-nl I L j ibs iiiiiiiii: isi.anp. All .lv. nl Icmkn I 'Ii" conni'.i' ricl'T. All unlv- nl IiiiiiUs b M:V YllltK. nrv. liank of liiTiiiimtowii iwtrlAII polvrnl lianks ilis llmik of (iritysl.iiiit I ,1m Ilk ii in I.r Si I "I" Itank o livWfH a coimcv. Hank of.Mi.,ll,-t..,i 1 ilu All Me nu. I,,l,, t .'in Moiitironi.Tv i 'o Hank ir! M-;xv .IKIiSl'.V. Hunk ol N"rlliiiinl.Tl'iiil p-n 1 Helvnb ie Hank ! 'lis Hankof rhlslMii' 1 il.i Coiuin. o-ial 'Its Hank of ti;lm ,i;L. l t, l'nr. II nk M-nl lt"llv par Carlisle Hank t ills' I'. .V .XI.. Mi I.I;, l.nvn l'l . ar rolniiihi.i h'l, A I!':;.-Co .ar;.Mc I'ln Itk. Xcwaik ur llovelslovvn Hank par 'Xlieli. Ilk ol llu rlniL-lon par I'.i'M. ii llinli pirM.-i-h. .X- Man. Ilk Tii-nt Jiir I'.rn- Hank o (in Aloriis Co Hank :J 'lii I'.xilian..,. Ifk lit,.,ri! I ilis' Nexvnrk llk'a & In". Co J .tin I'.vliaia-.. Il k. Hranc li I i.' Iranio- llaak j .l. l'' t'k. llm-ksCt p ir'IVopl. 's Ilk l'alleis..ii ilit I'ailniTf' II!., I. imo-r pal !lnni'i'toii Han!.- pal I'allin rs' I;, !in;. pm Salmi H.miUiiii; I , par V l. Ilk XVa'iiWHil.-e ll.liSlale Pink ill I ain.l.ll par I and utso V H.N K'l'IA X II.IXI)S. ripinl til I'hibi- i' i a hk i iii i ! k asli ii t J .In- Sinif Ilk I. ii,:, on J ois i ilelphm inaiiiilncluie ulint(MH-a;( Your Own!"' HAAS SPENN. rASHlOXAHLF. MAKR OF FURXITURi: AND CHAIRS. rPJIH subscribers respectfully rail the attention of the iublie to their hi rise unil splendid assort ment of every ipialily unit price of which cannot fail to reinuunend itself toevcry one xvho will rvniniiie it. on nccinnt nf its durable xvoikinanship ami splendid finish, made up of the best Mock to be had in ihc c it v. Xo cllort is spared in the ni.iiiiil'aclure nf their ware, nud the subscribers are determined In keep up with the ninny iniprnveinciits xvhieh lire cmstantly bcina; inaile. 'I'licir slock ennsists nf .Mahogany .: !it (iiih situl Lowndes, LiUTntt.oSfci-rtii-fr.'j,ia(fjcbonvlis, RI1FA, BRLAKFAST AMI HIMXR TAlil.r.S, LIVnR COrlPLAINT, JAl'XnirR. DVSI'Kl'SfA, C'linoMC OR NKItVOrS PEHII-ITY. DISKASK OK THE K1DXEYS, NI) nil ,licfiwn ririsinp from n ilisonliTcil livnr or tto inarli. niif-h n coinitipal i ni. inwaril IMi-s. Ftillti.Tim, or lilooil to tin Iirail. Afiililv nf the Stomach, Niiinori, Ili'arll.iirn, ilisu-iiM for I'ooil.' fnllnc"" ur xvemlit in tin; etotinwh. sour l'n'tiiotis. sinkiinr or llntlerine nt the pit oflh.. Sloinaih. wiinniiii'j of I h , .- i . -r . . t I, , an, MiiTh'IiK liii-'illnn... (lull. Tin-,, nl tin' In-art. r-hokiiitf or siilTociitinK si'iinti,.iw w-hi'n inn l. in-i p -.inri. litmir-n of viRion, ilolsor v-. h l.f.,ri. tin., .',.Vcr nml ilnll pnin in th hen, I. il,.fi' of p, rpii a' i-ai. v.-llovii,. of tin: nkiil mnl eves, pain in II, . . Iia,-k, cii,.t, liinlin. Ac, nnil'lr., Ibil,,-y ,, l'l,. -mi I ii mi, ,- i ii t . II. sli. c.nisiant iuiaginiiiS nl evil. Illl'l cieat il.iri.yyion of Hj-irits. CA Hi: I I l i;cl l AI.I.Y Cl'Hf.U BV i:i.i:un.Ti:n i Kit mam uitri.its, ri:i:pliKn rv 1H . C . Al . J A C K :H X, AT TUP. GKWMAN MKDICINU STOHl N.i, lif) Ardi St., I'liltniMtfltin. Tli'-ir p.iv'r iv''r llic iitwtvit 'liHt'.-itttn iti ntt i trv ' p' i!t. .1. I. itl(. -illn I iil';i1i.iii lit tli- I ml'-l , ll.-NfiKlMir, l!;iik 1 ilis'Sinlf ll:ink .'vsirk .( Hi in.M)s'pK I )S i.i' cvnv 1 1 ilti-rn m.,1 i.rl,... ! ""' Jl" '";,lv "isc tut r nk ill I ill iliviii-i.. ,4 l!:.Mk s li:.nk. m .l.f , CI P!U).I.)S UOKI AM) AN IM,K- ! TI..-.. Ilit..- ,,r,. v.-Tlliv lltrv nft.-mi-n of fnv.iU.U' IImimi M:iiik p-,f (Ti .nt -ii ItmUn-. I'M y.:ir STANDS. TOJ1.KT T I'f'.KS AN!) ; -''ii' ni.". iii tti.- PTii'u-.jtf I ifinfiif c uniilf tuid miitriVKi P. nml lin''iii'l'J tt, Ilcrc'li fiiriutiin- nf rvt-rv PI v nml Inif, I'l'iin pule luKints iI-iwh . kltcll' tl titlile, l'r"in nx'kiii'j i-liiiir ti i--i-kiiiff cr:iiU-!i Pli'tnld ynn nut linve the icmlv John 1m piy We'll v:iit tiwliilti f.r n litilitiT 1 tt.-r d: Or t;ikc pfiltilni'B, n!it!. c-ini, 1 1 -: t mi'l rye; llnik. Jiiii ("!'. sl:iv-f, r liiiii"r wri Mini il Or nny tiling 1 1 1 vi'kt'ftuiut t'lres'iiim lhnl. -;-uil iiiii's I 'I'll.- -I t i .' i ' ! i - 1' ;i v: I Will iii.ll.- imm Iv ini tl i il.-: , :i y, i .-! i i ui W . ! , M,tlr-fc ill."'. 'i" ' ;irt "i l' si, i 'lis.- in mjv Hi Htsnml p;irts id wairr, t Wtli ' ' : I Nl"..t .ill! i'!:rr I " )ii'tVll St'Utlricliff plil- lltlfi' II . ; I tins; I If .1 li'l . iJt'MHfl r'fMI1. 'l'l h'HW I :';it lii.r.' I . t i ! l' ! . WV '1H"U' l:- ! liiV 111'.' :.;CI i: Tl KiC KVIDKXCK ! HXKliN l.ll-'.i!!ii. in ,.,.;,..,,,.. wn; A Vl'iili. A Ma. tin, k ihsjt ileal limk. It,,i-r J "'s I i y o-1. I , l V T I ' I l.' nie I.e.. r I, - i ..' ,.i.. ,K. nisi, c 1 1"' III si mill i-linnf Miia-is' li'k. I',,?vil!i. p.., I Vai la 1'ir.Xll. 1 III C. l",,lis I i..l,.., l . J.iin.l.. . p.,w,.r, , v,,.,,,,,.. . ., ,.,.,, tin. ,li.....fiive .irgw, ,i ,, i, . in,,,, , nk ii .t.s mi.f i s.i i ins i ,,, s!,,,rt, cvei v srtp'lc in this line or Ili.-ir bm ne. '" ' ' ' "'"I p''""-aiit. Invlorsr In ' It's l,i .-, ,1, ii:i, Alii.. , . ,. , .... . . . Ii. ,,i il... 11 ,-i i, iui. l Wi-st llnmeh tr,k p,r' I! ink nf Iflawnr par 1 Iic also lliauilt.nllirc nil klllils and ipiallllcs Ti... ;.,. r , ...,. ,,. ., ' X' ! Ilk. .I! ..v'., I! ,,,1. ,1 i,,,,,:i CO llf "IlK. Ho..r:... I , , , , .Tri, C.n.M.v I!,ttri C.r SOAP ever ollired l,l the public, but ns a'J'OII.KT v' ri Hank. I ilmjlMawnie Cuv Ite'U pn ! 'II I t 1) l" "" '.'"' "i .u,, i ,,,: ,,,. .-p.-asm. Chronic U' 'a-t iioi-s I ii,s;iik N Him: n .v i:.-n"i -w. i i i i j , ) '-i -ii ,.:,.!.. ,. a. ,. ii.u'i oi in,,, nio.t ,pn- Al XI K. I' ii,'l:;, Sill hwn, par . . ,. . . ,. , ,. .iii- , I" ",iii:,q ..(,;.,, ,. T,..,. Iiitl,.n have li'fn ussrl ISi'ili'fWI ...k -,i;Ji i, i;ak.',vi!iiii,if.ioiipar , "' ''i',,ni; vauclns ncxrr bclore lobe had in . K ,, . u. a,,,,.,,. ,;..,. .., ,.;., ,. . has Imn- AliTiiiiiiiie nu. ilaiia-r II, is t?- I iii or li.Vs (iln .-lUUMirx. iiicll as .11 i ii oi: ivy lincK il.MC "' " ' , i ai,!;..ii,i ..,iii:,,.,,i inru oi ,n rr !S()AI cannot be excelled. XVhcrrvcr it has been used it has riven perfect satisfactitin, nml is warranted so to do, in all ca ses where a f.,ir trial will be iiivcii i. SHOI'UIIS .V- ( '( ).. .Manufacturers, Xo. .it:l rhriiut St., riiiladclj.hia, I'or Hale bv (irncers :,lc,icr.i!l-. Xovcmiier Hi, l,-i.'ill. y. ji. k i.r Attorney at Lr.w. ? S ImxCviSJ f 'a. a live Yankee as a correspondent, xvho hav ing xvandeied as far south as Louisiana ped dling notions, lias fettled down somewhere. in the Caddo country, or soino other undis covered renion of llio State, and there con cluded to nu: for Congress. The folluwin;. e.vtract of .1 letter lo the editor of llio l'ie.i June, describing one of .his electioneering tours, is a specimen of llio luck he had in this delightful business : "Well, I put up xvith .1 liist-rale, good nu tutcd fuller that I met nt a billiard table. 1 went in, and xvas introduced to his wife, a fine fat woman, xvho looked as though she lived 011 lallin ; her faeo xvas so full of fun. After a while after xvo'd talked about my gal, and about the garden, and about the weather, and so on in camo three or four children, latiiu and skippiu as merry criel, ets. There xvam't no candle lit. but I could see they were fine looking fellows, and 1 started for my saddle bags, in xvhieh 1 had put a lot of sugar candy for llio childien, as I went along. ' Conio here," said I '-you little rouge, come along here, and tell me what your name is ;'' the oldest then came up to me, and says ho : :My name is Peter Smith, sii." "And what's your name, sir !'! said I :I5ub Smith, sir' The next said his name xvas Hill Smith and the fourth said his name xvas Tommy Smith. Well I gave :em sii"ar candy, am old Mrs. Suii:h xvas so tickled, that she laughed all the lime. Mr. Smith looked on but didn't say much. ,;Vhy,!! says I "Mrs Smith I wouldn't take a uood deal for them four boys, if 1 had 'cm, they're so beautiful and sprightly 'Xo," says she, lallin, ' l set a good deal of store by ;cui, but xve spoil 'cut too much." "Oh no,;! says 1, "they're ra'al well beha ved children, and by gracious, says I, pie tending to be slaitloi! by a sudden idea of a striking resemblance 'tween them boys and their father, and looked at Mr. Smith, "1 never did see nothing e,;ual to it," says I your eyes, mouth, forehead, a pet feci pic ture of you, sir" saxsl, tappiu' the oldest Cite on the pate. 1 thought Mis. Smith would have died a lallin at that ; her arms fell duxvu by her side, and her head fell back, and she shook the hull house a la din. "Do you think so, Col. Jones ?'' says she, and she looked towards Mr. Smith, and 1 thought she would ra'al go oil' in a lit. "Yes," says 1, "1 do really think so." "lla. ha. ha huw-w says Mr. Smith; kinder hall laliin. "you ure too haid 011 me noxv, with your jokes." 'I ain't jokiii' at all," says I, "ihej'ie liaudsutn children, and they do look xvou Uerfully like you." Just then a gal brought in a light, and I'll be darned if the little brats didn't turnout to bo mulalloes, every one of 'cm. and their bail xvas so curly as the blackest tiiggeis. Mr. and Mrs. Smith never hail any children, and they sort of petted them lilllo uigoeis as play things. 1 never lull so streaked as 1 did when I seen how things stood. If I hadn't kissel the lilllo nasty things, 1 could a got over it : but kissing oil 'em showed that I xvas in airnest, (though I xvus soft Biiapiu' on 'em all the time ;) hoxv to get out of the scrape 1 didn't know. Mrs. Smith lalfed so. hard when she siw how I xvas confused that she almost sullocaled. A little xvhilo iiflerwanU there xas a xx hole family of relations armed from the city, and turned the matter oil ; but the uet morning 1 could see Mr. Smith did not like thu re liiembrauce of what t said, and 1 don't be lieve he'll vote for ino xxhen iho elecliou cornea on. I 'spect Mis. Smith kept the old fellow under that joke for sume time. Ii Colli'! K to nn Sut All ! bun' ' i!l-- ' " T.k ,!..:, ,,,..,.r AS I .lis I J!. Mil.'. IM' I I'll I I I ll Mill's, lllllrll :1!V nf X i:i.'l' T ! NCIIJIll CXoMI.IN X. t!ic blc-l ,).-. al, . I v. 11--., lit, d t.) ,n excelled bv "- ! ,V: !"''-'." 1 i ' laa'ii,; ic!": i ,1 in t'a- ( "r ii or cl iw Iii re. Il, ,'. la 1:, Hank "f Si !l Ail -iict I II', I I Iv. ,,11 J -- - y.i -i vji i ? , t At I'd ti T I', I! S (I I' 1' (I II r. I 'i liOo!;r, Irints, Eiiv;uvi;K s, Gtutioiiary 1 1,1 mi: -: i ,.,,1 - arc .,, '.': iii:,n'.l 1 1 it hcii- s;ia p, , , ,.,: t. he im ev, '" lor : -,,n: I 1 pun na.-e tin iiitnr,' in the ci I :cs. a-icvi iv c 'itl'li lice call be entertained ab mi the ipialily nud lii.i. h of llnir ware and i I I heir iirib-'e 1 "-Il be Mi..i,-r l f,, ns ",.,.,1 Ii. I - l. l. ,: M'-s-le' .1 ;!-. 11 , ,! ,,. , .- 1, ,' ,. il, ,,'i I . XX ,' are com inceil I I.,. ,.',, is. Ih,. p, nt .,,.,slantlv I 1 0.1 ;, ,;! vort,1V(, .'rent conmilf : - ,,' PI I:,-', 111..I n,.. :,, ,,, .a ' ' ; ' " ' ' " ' 1 ',', , 'oc::,a,l llh Mi. I- , " .- vpt-iiklllL' llo 111 tl- . : .- : .: i-.. 1 ,. ,r to' '' . a i,l;-,,11,1 v.iili cr.nt j.,'i.'iiiir ': . s , ,: ,:, i. . , u. , , u crlaT II I , , ,1,: !': ! 11,-r- 1 a po'o.i'Mli :! 1 ; .1 1, , , ,,1 I,, la ' V !' '11.1. h is aiivthl,,. I.nt Vok.-su,ll'irc:i',i.4 Hails. ICi,'. a ,...-. A.,,ii:,l..,,l,vi--' I m.a.:.-.- ', I t ptvrvS ,.1't I I, ,,. I I, ll- VX IX Eli Clltill l.tiil'tl- , " '''' , '1 "" " ' ,..'.. r f.: " 1 ., I ', -I i-.-V- ,1,,,.,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,.,,,,,:,,, ,, ! I ' i ! .1 , , par.,1 , : on, , e - ,1V S V. 1.1 be p...!.l l all led I.. In the I.U'SjJS. tellilsa.- yen, be pit-ch:,.,,! , Ne.vlic, c. C,,,,.,- I, s, i,: . : ,., ,1.., ,,.,. , ..l,.,,,. . t...,..r , , ,', ' i.i-'... . i ,i. I,., i i,, -aif. iii w:, i, h inn ..i I counties (. cM'iiiixUnl, A .ii'tlniinbcrljuil. . v -oV , . , , . ,, trv rr,,,ln,v I ,i in ..i mrut I'or xvork. '. ' , I : ., ' !' i, - i ,, o , I no , ,it, m j.-im. ,i,,.M.,.t!,.-fr,,.,ls.eo,nr.,,r. I nil. .,,::. ,,,!... ,a I will ! .'., .:.- r,,',.,,,, C .l Hill f i :t and .Moul'iur -N ... ..-.-x..,. Arch I. ace. ( N', C.KTA V I N ; Utxi.,.' iirovi.l I "' ''' ' 1 ' ' - ' : "f I '"-,'. a.M .' , :l. tr:ik a tinivum, ""t'J" n Ihf Iml!." I. mi 1 i. . ,1, tM j;,.. w u!:mur im tiinv W"iiil he ' I ii I im m M. pi; i v . . , . , , iiie.ii,;'.n wuit-niiiriHitiiiv ln i-vit prflnrM. If. Orders fn.n, a ib.l.ince pr,,M.lly altcnded In. Pl.l;i;ni x, i.i Ii.m i ,,.,,. -C I m,.l ' ... ,, , . ' ,, tMrOUI'l.. order .... I lux. :!,..:! .... hand ,.,. pn pmvl f..r I '...l.-.takinu. ,.,,,1 :t !',.r , .'.,., ., ...:!,, r ai,., a,.,, V-,' n' "y il work nl ail hunts delivered xuU dispatch. I).,'.' .., I . .-..u..-is. XX . -Iii. ..-xv V-.-I.. ' A .Inr.laii. 1 1 hollas. ,V 1 1 II At i-'sr. l,.-ri. a c, l.u m' a--n i an nl in ii,,, abox c ... . ;., .. .;.:.., , .,, ," r, ..' Ml .m. II- -e.h- ... aniii.n Im, iburv, March !, ISSO.-tf v .mi. m-...... i, ., I .lesc H, s ih- .,,u, ,i ,f , rSnnburv Win. In- llaxen. Kdxvard cv naincl lines at xvh,,',, ,.,!, aid rci iii. IVitu-inaPv : ,,,';, Ji,; .,, ', ''" ' , 1 "' ;i lv''i"'''; o'-Mayof .. .no,,. tMr(. ,. I,,:,l.,.r m.tlc..,ue. li. : Solomon (shindcl. .Mu.ersville.-0. M. Hall, M , , .. . : ' ', ',' , w ? " ' ' ' " ' " '' ": ,' , '"' .M.Mrtat 1 I " "' . ... I ; r t .1 1 . r 1 ' V' -- '. c Ii'' al.t Unon. is in Main' sa,ccr, a nu ol-r.,1 , , :, .. . ... s' ,:,!.,, Ii. I,:, !i,irini,l Ilia . 3. "50BS.T'& ' "''MIIH,l..l.:,!!. h.--lMcsi,,!,y : Moilnner, l'otlsvillc. I ' 1 ' w-' ,..,.:, v ,,,.. ,,,, .,., ,. , , , - I'lnl !.U..,. n ' .xpr.-, - ,,,, , -. :'" l'.-"-ti " I'S'-.v,, l,',-,t :,.:., ;:i,,, . I ll,.-,l,i,-,in, in Oct S. 1 fj..O Iv I I" (.'. inia'l. I. alio. I .'reel;, Hebrew. I'r."l.l. Italian ''I-' . :'-"1"""1 '"'ll ".'i''"- .... . a . -,,,. :,:,! i.,! .,l II,' r,!i!H ,,,,k,,f rOU'sS CJJlia)Ji.- j ...v niHir J:,,..,. ,.,..,,,, ., tt.,,rr-.n.l...s . (is ii-1, and nil,,-,- 1.,:, naccs ;(;,,;.,. IKi.-li..,,. M ,'1'"'' ,-.,, ,,,, j"-' '-"' '-' "''' pr'i: !' AND VATCH ESTABLISIIIiIENT la Selhisgrove, Fa. 'loc-I;s, "rVati'iivM Jewelry, 1 Kl'AIKKH in the bcsl manner and wana -' to lieitiirill xvell. pr .,1 wall ai'. ' Ii fl.C'-s t', ,r -.: ill!" iii-.ii.i-.I 1 i lr, v as S'l an-i . a:i.icl. t'en; ,' i--.ll. I....I 1,,-j iu.y -.'.. y. iva, a ir iv il l-ai .l,-li ! i,;!,-,-, slt:i." i . , , i v . , ,, . 1 r 1 , 'i . i I I an c i.,ii, -,; ...... .. ; i;,i,:.. i i: ,. . ll, ,: iha si CIIAI.I.KS W. II KCtXS. ,,-s-l I W,.i ill uici. ( ii'ani'c.ers, o: a!.:i:.n io-, Scj.., ,1. .! m c nil,.. l'l. .,.-.. I:.-.,. I ".'.1.! ii. . a . i . . , .. i :..... f ft j I ':'!;; t. I arrrci and cl'icr in i:i,it'a,-lurcr,-. I'oMHliUc, i-M. j .M I'.-'. I .'!,' i',i'i and iJlauk lb. dis of cx.-ry l n a I, ;: nl,:,l,:,i I ael ill pl,ysi, ll, orolillillv a 1 1 oi ,,l I ,, oo! 1,1 i on ,..t,,ll l,.,.o '!' -' I I ! ,1 1 ' i 1 . I-I a, : ,,,!,! I . I : .1 , 14 r.l I ., :, and oioif in i, ,a:,:, :1 ill wall r. Ililnait it. .... ' I . AU work intrusted to hi., care will be strictly 'ZX ..'''nau:! .::':,,a:'1 li;:: .n,:;';t;: June Hi. t - " All MC.VS .Xx'.T..M,Ms. irn.lcil to. ,r I ".'IV1'":'1:'"1 "' -a.,:..i ,::,,,,. , -s- : I Ac ,.'. .nu, i!,:r,-, II ,v.j for a!! ,:.;. in-lrii- Scln.sorove, Xov. oil. ls.,0.-!f. lr si n . v.-k. .: .: "Ch'e,,.,, y . ., .XI J j ( J - ( v, , ka ' V l.'Q t. in. nis. l!,;',c a I !..;:: ;,-,.i. (;;.:,.:-, I'iIi s. , I c 'V-i '. "I II .I'.-lv I. .-in. a a, r .in'!. ini-al last .rv . 1 ' -''- 1 I . ..., !:... I ... I n.,-.,' V H ) I-' Vi I I . ! "' :1- " - ' xp.-M..a an. ur I.ii w am ; 'I'lIK sii'cri'icr has int rc. clicd a new cupplv lle.nls I'or tiul: n ,:;.;! .s. T.iai'.aiii 1 1 '-! !,-'': '' '' '.rlin-ial ill-. .-Ii .- Ih.:.., 1 -L ,,f ,,.. I,,,.., Ii ,,.',1,,, v.,,..,,,,.: 'I-,,, ).',.. I 11 : .:. . v: . I K. lIi;XTi;i Will fnrlVU .Soil, if failin:: to ! I'i;.";.' a., il , : llic ,.n.ral ' 1 "' J."".- ,.:..:,. , :,, ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ." r .. .' . "," ."', . ,'. , , of l:isii,.ais Wli,i!ij,. ..nd ll. tai!. A.vor. ill oll l'e,.n:, -1. Ai.. co:t-laii!y on nan 1. !i. ilos.i'e ait 1 rcla:!, a l.nMc a-v'll:i.':it of thr ci v be I ocr. '."evil i;Kor?W3 powjkjjsi H,:l. ;, .Mc!::l, I'u i; . .,,:,! l'l..,, aire ! .,1'M , :,,1 'ria-i in ci, i i 1. iii pencil-.-I'll ci and oi'acr l.cj l-i; i! .. Hi ll. Wliilo an, I ili.o-'u Chalk Cray, nib'. .'il il'icnuli.-a! In anine-uls S.-aiib atoi'.- UWIIM. It s. i.i;oi;iii: i,i:.x. I 1. 1 - -K. IK ! v:':i.n;; il. ii ,1 .-a'v ill I'liilltiT il;- a".- . .r ,., , , ,1, . , r-yt-.t pi,-,. a t proprie- t t ( I ir . XI .l-i - i.s a'yi prrp-j-a;:,,',, hat in r, ciiiiaemJ- !! !'.' aoi. ', t , ., I . - 'I . i I . a .l.,rr .'in,..,, ri. f-T)- l(! . urr nn v t'.isi dI fitrrrt i!i rac mav I'n.i, roino tinder his c;ih no in titer lmw Kmi; staiul- 1 iS' V'ii.t. i.i !t; ii i ii, .1. .i.-is m c..:i.'tj'. , i ;ui . v. . ; 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 oi Ilii" .'t! j" w . . i !h". 1 1' i',i:ii 'pr, - in tiif ' i'ist iif .1 tiii-f .' .1 l'l 'in lit - Ir. ui'j i.i,in .. ! .,'..). ''n iunl 1 1 . n: i :iiim riiihniflpliiii, ithtint 'r ir ol" intrrTtinthm bv otb- j mc w .! ! u v.i tu all i-1- I," aiv. ''.-.:-fi--u .wur. rr jnilit'Uts. tiu-rs ;ni,l vlUvv who b.ivr u. si., ,. ;i,- ,i a-, n. tut-iiMiir:ii.iiK. mi mi.1' born inilLirUinato in tin srirt-lioii ol' a iilivsit-'nni A ) Vl'A? ( I liKli, nr or iilllirtin. Kiilior sr nn1 inilr.l to bis l'1'"' hi n!': i, - . .. ... -v- .i v , ... . 1 1 1 x i con-!-tli: : in j; nt ui nprri ir ni l ji.ilo Ilmihlv. v,;,rs Tin.' Cu-ni:,.. i;..,!h!v. art1 in v ittvl ti rail. 'J'li'i.1 v!n) Imvc injnri'tl ; hi . Hi M ( .i: i' N tlicinsflvrr! bv sulitarv iff ;nc u'o initril, KKAI) AM) Ki'J'l.liCT. 'Vw ulllirtr-l wotiM ilo Wt'll to rt'llcct before trusting tbeir bciilth. liiijipines;-!, ;iml in man v ra.-cs tin ir livt's, in llu bands ul" ilivioiiins, i-rnorant ol' tbi-t rl.i oj" maladies. Ilis rtaiidy iinji't.-ssibK tor nno man to tinderstand all the ills tin- bumaii family arc Mibjrct to. Kvorv repcetablp ))bvsiei;iii bas bis prenbar brati' li, in v.hit-Ii ho is ni'Tt' siieeoss ful than bis brother iroit.oi.s, nnd to that be de votes most of his time and yfndv. VKAKS OK PK.U'nCK.'rveliiWly ilov,. trd to the it ink' and tte.ilinent of ili-.ea.-es of the sexual organs, oetber with ulcer upon the bo dy,, no-e, or lovs, p ii:is in the bead or bones, lluuin itiirt, ', ii regulari ties, diseast'S ari.-inn; Irnii youthful reeses or ilupuritii'S of the blo-id, when v the e-xislitution has heeonie enfeebleil. enables llie Doctor lo tiller .spent ti relit-1 to all who inav p!;icc themsehes uinler bis eaie. rhiladelpliia. April 1!!, r, ly. nil!- . vo ..: i ...t I'i'.l'SlN !' iT-t-lu- r. -l t!i-' n f : it: .r: . ,! n nn.i; r;irs i 1'i-ln iiy, ; I airi'-i.ili ,i. i ..i.. j). .'.nt,', at; 'l 1 M(ii"tii- f. aiiiiin,!!!-'!!. , PlH.i'S"ll t.l f ,H) llu- (", VI Ji- nl' t!i...' LT.IVI', l: fi im- i V i 1 tv! :li.- il- iaiis - !' rjii-Tji in tin Hunt "1 Hu u.l- ) V-T.IM Iia'lii ! .U :.n: . i,: r Yip, '! il-t'.arl-' Ii O 1 -''ll I Wl I ' "i e'T" t!-.:i Ywi in i)i;t:i iii;hi!KM:i.i: i y UTS. r, .!.,! ..!,?:,. .-.- V..,;,. :,u.l !Im .iinl-nr ! 'I'll-vs.- ,vi: in 11 iy a;, ih-.i. ; .Ii- t -ift S. ii. n I ittt ruir.i v -i . ii" ",ir, ,1 w ,,.. :'i,l. i. ii iriiii.tlinil. j l .i lt-.iI M'ii Vt ii S vS I'M M anl j artirtilarly ; us.lal I 'i' i ' i '-a i' j I. ,u i!,s.,l., l.iver C'"iii;i.o..r, : I cv.-l ai..l i . tii i r.-al.- I- vrr rili't A ,". :ii'l l it r-. ii .-ji:-, . j" '.im.i.-. Mi-ivir. . ai.,1 ..llicr.l. ii.h. liio j J H A tA ! I U IM M V VI ' M A. M.t IU s I'Oll "; in t-al nr.'. a i'l l'l-- I ..I n UM- . aulcia s,tiril;. h uimoM i Ifi-'-lH-i:.'.'.- Il. tilii I,,!..-,.:!'- ..tine. ! Superior Hid Jamaica Spirits. New i')iiland Kiini. lin- 1 loiland i im. ! uperior ( )id Whi-Key ( 'l 'Mill -n do. J-Mipei'ior .Madeiia tue. J.;:)0!i U. -Ui, 'up' iior I'orl Wine. Hui'uMiidy I'. nt do. Sweet Vi;i!:i!:,i iue. Superior Cl.ret Wine in bampa.;uo iio. dj. hi;:w:y ma.i:i;. .vuiil im Mav 1 Y v.; n,!. i''!. cine ail si i:m's niW. uiaL ; a, a :n rrf 'i ic i) .lorouv, ,,.,'voih j..f.iach.' ('in'- :1";';;;;.' lei'i. l,in-l.j:iv, J I-dricih hn coir, u! -if'M n ; wij 1 Tnau l'l '.-I'M' !;M 'LIO-l.l I ii j'l'r'-li'iC i. ill', I I'll all CI' i l: i ; : 's id pr"-! ra! ion. :ui t 'n- o:, v U uown and eei - ' "( , .' '( i.H:t run- !. i.i v -p:r:i l- :vu. u uc . !'tr;i.-i 1 i'.ic , v ,r.i 'iin. I ), !. :i, 1 sjn. 'J' r. ''. 1 ), W.i ,,. win! t .!!.i;c; I the in ! i .i c ; . I-ui-. ji wit - .iii-' .eron Antid-iV." the i ;-n r-wi ',i was put It hi in. '.Why sii.'h a .i!'.;a- i" s..a(.-t :,,-! ,! i I i i.t-v' t) . t-M I'atnilv I inn 1 Mat .-. Ha- --.iiliM a,'s i Ii ;!'.',!,!' t.;"(ou Hitter. "ii.:.. 1 1." !! : ,i mi w i Kit at l-i'inl Pa- ''''"I- .-.!.- . ' i.(.j (,..'. !!:" i-i' I'lir M':- ';;''1' 1 " 1 I-'II'I ht. 1 1 1 I - . " . .- .: t- : ii.t iti'-i Iv iindf i 1 ,t! Ibf !! ' S i l!:r -tilim: i ( tll :'' ' ' ' x i :t 1 -i .c; i il rn I lieu nr '! " 'i:n- 11 '1 !: i' -j- y.i-i- fi lins.'hirl, -" i. . ! !.!! -Iii .1. inn i ..t illv (' iz,-'h fiid :' ii ! !:' l a.-'ilU IIm-II." 'il I J 'i'r.' ( ' 'tnphinl Uliil I)v- ! U-i ,' ll liirrrl.-il. ll art I i' i p-''-llV-r.(M -, , i. r'.nif-li.-.i,- 'j .'i 1 1 1 1 . i : i ; n.ci9 Scales an.) V. eights - I,. I Icr, -'aucv en'ored and ui!' I'.ip.-r 1 'i.iMii.! ( 'a:.U an I i.:h. r 1 (Icru.a,! i'au.y A ni.-h-'j, 1 ,r the a!c ul'wln,'! tin y an- the Si A A" I TAl,' JViii: Us ASil.NTS T;'.-i-.. .. i ,n,i .if (U.l) Vi i.U.u'II t u vlIM. MN'IV Wl'l - 'i it ! s ll ! f-. ;i: I i tr-:(i i, ;( i l i. n, ni ---. lUTTi.Ni; tc VA'n;i;.M.AX, Iinpoilois f::ul De.,l.:)s iu Lii'.oi'S, V. --'I ...ii'.. J s', ivf. "in. i.ii: i-" a , 5ME!'!i:il of ihv. V ! 1 A KA X INSTITl'TI', of THE .TA'lEnr I'lANiilI.VAMV I'iR Tllfl PROMOTION if Tin: hjwii.ixic nsr.. TIIK oblest Mecbaiiical rcri.nllcal clant in Americn. is tmbtishcil un tbc first of each in.intli in llic ( ' i I v ol l'liilailcliliia. Il lias been regularly iss.unl for of tvcnty-f:c cars, nml is cnrcl'nllv eililcl by n coiiiinillcc nf wientiiic JlCIltlelliell lli;,ointn for ihc pill;.,, c, by llic Kraiiklin Institute. '1'bi' Ucsencilly lii-h i . - , i , t ,i I i, ui . bolli at Ionic nml nbroail, wliicli .lonnial acuirc.l ami liistaineil, has iiivcii it u circulation nml cvcliane iist ol'tlie best cliaractcr, wliicli enables llic Cum inillcc on l'liblicntiniis In make Ihc best selections fnm. Kureioti Journals, nml t,, "i' circulation to original i-oiuiiiuiiicitliniis on mechanical ami sci ciililic Hiibjccls, nml notices of new inventions ; notices of all tbc Talents i-sucl at the l'litcnt Of fice, W'iisliiii'.'lon C'iiy, arc jmbli.-lieil in tin .lour- 1 "".v ! "V ' ll I llli for, tho cb' a;.c.l a.i,l bot asorl- ' ,' : ': :,,, " :,,',.,','- ' "l'l.i....!.T-M. 1 -l,'.!:..!.-! 1 1 i.l. :,ch as ! l:...l. I : a i-li -rl tun.', to (' li;, In )i n: lie. S 1: .-rrii I1..,!, S-1,,1,, ( 'la.r.'t. llnr- i l'l 111 TV.:!- on,..!:,.- s .,.:,, i: ... ... M 1 an 1 ' 1 1 . 1 1 ' t 1 1 1." 1 1'. ' 1 1 i , : v.-:a,.i .,11it...ii!.,riv : ... . ', ',' ',',.. cxe. .:ei'.l la '". -a Nan--a. ,i..i;i Craai,. Sin lesl ' Jllo-.l..,- :cl!y ll,,. I n ii,. S; ni ..-ii ,:,..!, :,(i. r i-iin,..,. l ov.e .i.l, ' I'rainlii s ol llic cboicci bramls. viz. : m ,,:,:,. ,,, ..... II, :.,:,... I, ,1, a,. ol .-..;ll'. II. n- a i , , a . I I 1 1 , . '. o ...I ,.o,...-i .V.. A ... ' "'"''""' "' 1,l"ill'"'' I Tine lloli.,,,,1 (.in. Mii..:,:i'c': .', s."tdi ml Irish Vli.-!.'v.tSr.-.. cvc. dill- Ii .lllu .M ol'te.l ,lr,i,... I'.n, .: a W. . eiil-," Ae i'. nvr. i .oi.!. i: ,.. ri'.i'six i rim-Duns. e"'" siA' r :y m ii,, i'i:i;i: m- I'tisr m,;:. (..-il.t; l...l.cctsl'ocket INcsi-.-i,.!'.'.,. n.i.l Ciolil ,,.: ,,,.,.,1 j, 'n,.,;,,.;,! ,' ',,', ., ,.,,,.,:', i.-o,, '., ii il Were. !': ;" v.'illi.l ll.. 1 ,:,,o r be anv i. , (.,r : icl : MIC ol l'l,' no, ..'.: ; lb,' Mi-.-y an fie n. iii, s.-iiv; ol' l! I' W l.o!e Is e,, I;,:- in . ; an. I bolil t'-.e . ; : i i . I an ! in,:..! be." ... fvi- . I'....r ...... v f'.i-.t !.' ,! ,., .. U all , : w . v w Ll J ci is. I '.SI, lii.l.l. fOH in ia.JiTsi:! ' liV liw, ,m, .,,:: )', v. W .'..( 'A UTV. I r..;nl-ii. Sui.l.i.iry. I i i. ic: t , or, i, . . . our 1 ROOT, .V". I !... . .,, v r I y.4 . V.;;.,. I".'1"'' ,:' 1 C.l'o l'l ,',,,,' l-. M 'fiil t j I . .VI S1.-ICII, ' o,,.i, oi. i. I'll,,. nv wm. vm 'b m. n. -irnr..s Nt) sT!!A.(a-:us , i,1(v,. 'J'l.0 li.tic 1........-.V ...-rivcl J a mi:. : . r IVrirnitu ..r .Mmiatitrcs. nml I e,-,.;i- mi, ,,; Ir.i.n re, ciic t':c::i ! . oi'r.Uv . a e !. in imoi.-co. ".' "o.e. l .n.-. i-i;. Ii -. .' .., I., , I.i i , i .. in a li v. iii::,,,i. . . i , l: to ,M ' i f : ." ' rill'l'.. IS. '' . i.. .. , 'l ,r,-..-i wlneh II ':,!,; to ihtlti, e r. miilrl iVm-i n : ' tl,e II... I I ill Illl'l I'f , !iK- T Till: l. i:ttnk. ! I '. l J VI 'KSt l ' u i i.i t.ii- l,i::r. Willi- S'.'ro'.-. ' -, v ixili. (Iin. of v i .-- ...-!., ,lrt:i: I S ,,i' cr; M. A. ,'o ! -.-- i.-i i i. ic: i , oi . i . i . . . one . . hi- I. I'lli i-iei.UI .' tl.ilii- "- ' eln . .'oiion. wiiii n,, N- ,." i"i' e.l ciir.i iii-;. .!jtuv uhar tleuM i u fc-a-.,! I'. nu. and nt il- '!i ui' l!i ''ruera!ie Wbi.'ll l i; i i: . V' T i' .i;v: !;. i !' .I.i"- !,i :.!! j rn's ! 1'n- .- -H'liV, tin- iiii-:s ri i. i i i r.ii ur'iiii; in.iin i-, in a.. Ill t!l.' I :j!ll ..1 I'.iU", , ,1.1 .)M-.'ll"l, t" 'V ilS 'IVr.l wan-r . h-Miiji, , ti... ,'iiifiit. T icv,. v.u,.-i r icam Jlisl lia- ;r. I.- un". i a- Ih.- ,-.'i.,-. In! , u ijiiaahiv l"i 'Hi- kiiiii.' ; i..-. f-..,I l,v ii. .il. I'IMI'. HI' i'i s i' i.r i t t)i' iHif.i.ii .-i'ii in nit - iMi.ii t . t j i . .1. Tin: un: - ii" m .ii i .s... ii i.;i', -..iti fcicit, fa u.ij i-l: a .a 1 i i''i'U aihl lae c uinti tfi.tie iijiphi-d ; I hda- seovt o.-a im t t t ic iin-re ! i-n, tici-'li!.: .'! c(. 1 ; U'lpbia pri nn the ino-t hliera! term-. of lna. I..'i v. . !.. prt i i p' ; c c.i.i ; ncd iu jtl .M,.,!,.';. ranee to hu-iiii :--:. the kn u ,r ! -e o A oue, J1 , --.- A 5B V S. xr'ri?? r.1 .'a , ...... .1 1.; 1 .: ':c- Eouuty Lp.iuI and Pension Agency, T"TA,',?I.T.'.in,.n, v ivi&j.iiinui uit ii. r ,- 1 , 1 , . : - 1' ' I ' I I'll 1 - 1 " ' , ! . .,., II, iv. ,:,., . ,, k .(.. IV ' I ..'I I.. ft- ... .'I'": : ! ...Ill l.y 1.'., .:, ,: ,' ,., M 1 I'm; sm.i; i;v .1 ),,, v. I-, i,,itiri'. I'a. Marv . b-C.u- .lolia II l!:,.n li n es , Vt.-i ,rt,,.. k. IS. .1. t'l an.,'. J-lm 11. It' i n. Well. nil I -.. II,. r-llnlnaj. S. , 1. I lla. I 'HI'- iiii'.'-'-n. ! r. i,.v :,.! 1 1 I A-.nt al il,.- "l i Ua.-.o,,.-: ...i. . ...s ,,, .... .,.,. I'.. ii- 11 .aa.l I. mi 1 J ? not 1,11 rnv .m i . iv I , ,1 I , a., I I a .1 ,,:, I. l:-i- . 1 1, I la a I i, i- f.::ty 1 1 lain-- llic ean-n- of 10 ,11! xv it It ol'.-'el'V ai i ills on 1:1 1 : , .a nl!:, a- .!-i ' in.' 1 men! -i-cr 10 enn ,11 rale. Out door 'i it ;, a, 1,1 M;!ii ilme- of ilc- .a;.... I'crson. ,,,,eii :,r --:,.,.. ii,:;,,-. :; .'1 V. one i 1: ,1 i c ,! ,.-,.v "I 1 , 1 -.-..aiul l,n- ,,1.1'C ll 1.1- . ' '." lts. Hum , .', :,- hr e.iiic. , ,.' hi liii.-u- . i 1,1... -a i'iiutI of , . - .i l: r ol le-r i. v rio - ei :..-n,..-i li, ,,:ii. ''. li, i,"i in a,i,ini!. ittf c ,' :m ,, , i:-e ,. -ii. r.-.tne.-'i in 11 .! .ei,-,,. .,-u. "... ' I ' 1 -.,'. r.rn,.l..y, ' 1 I '.,, i,i ". !-,ijii, - - ! V. .. . 1! ,. M.le .a..' ; ... .-. !!...: , t'l. aid, V. , 1 li ,. ' r. ..-, 1 11 iii'.i 1 1 ,' 1 'a 1 1 1 1 : si:ri i n. '. - a. - ' a "Ol 1 a.'-l ia ie I I,, In..''. M I,"- ,..,iii :n iiii . ni,,. rnrnl- 1.1-0. 11, t : ,'.'. '', ! seii 'io r '1 '.v l. l ! '. I 1. ' 1 - ! I, 'i nij ii,- -. . 10 1; , .., s :i.i, cln !o-c.l ill a 1. Mi :'. ?ii! 11 . , ie on.' i oj of t!i;-s ' ; ' : , ' " ' 1 '" - " I...,.!.. b 1:1 i:l. 1 1 la,', a v.iS' be m lor one . y ,,1 ,, l., , ,l I.I 1 in:, v.'. vt ir.i., n. i.v: (,:,(: Ihr l',.He, t:.,l. s. na, , lt".. .1 I!.. I ,1 l! f : .1 " ' i ... ......... ; i,., i ..... a a, ... j,'. an, I l.c 'i-;e Urn; lit i . . , . , . . . .:.,,,,.. i i lu , . i . . ., i , t t i 1.' v , I 1 1 I I I !. I i l , i 1 1 . .. . . I Wo' I,- i.l . " ' " ' ......... a in , ,,. , ii ,,, n',.1,1 in i, i o.. i- :a . i. " 1 '- """ ". I", l r ., i! Nil M e ,o . e.nw,, .,, ..I (.l'l 1 M', II 1 1 V.: 1 '-I -- .11. -ill l.iic, i'biC r. liHllt . i ' .,1 r. -.i:.. ' . n s- ih. im. st i.lrnt N .iiiiiiiiil.T;i!iul. Milt. .ii. M -llw-ovilfr.. S.-.iii.-.-r'Vt. I T M:iliant jii M.f.i .ir.y. H;.' - 1 ifi.l v.l.ll. I I ! I'l'iiJii rt:ii: . Miii'i" I . ill. 1 1 H ,i . .-"'t', I ii i nr. . " . . : in-iiHik Uiu itnv.s t.. tii-..-.- vii. M i.-i i .ur in .,cii au ,:u' n.eascs la-M-run-iMu UN tuueieut pui'ltcalnmi-, a.-r.'f-: m- wIl. s ..-l..S.- m m'I, u a.-i.-H. at bis O.f.ce. I.V: M'KI l'l'. Si.cet. ( clv dav he- j tin- l.K-itu -it vnrnniii- i.' lie- .-t!.- .a i.,.- i:n vt.-ii : lMii! ade! phl.t, Nn. 'J. I , i.-iir-(l. oil t!i." Ill il a.UaiC.i:. . ip t.-riij ; I - tin- 1:1 x lifi.t ' t .a t ..vs. riilriiftti.iii r !,n. l. t- .1.1 i t is-'h : 'I.-u .j . , I nal. toi-ellier - ilh a Lr,'.. amount of information : PHTLA. AK'D ESADIifCr KAILH0AD. ila-'ihiieie',! ZrVnll Z ... :'. r ' 1! ! f-iv I,:'.' A., I.,,., an, I t 1.1 1 ir l-iiil.i' 1: 1.11 is. .is , en al all b-.n:-.. an 1 l ice. ' " l. ::i.l.!.i -I V 111!:.!' v',,i:.'l.- Ui-ll ,,:!e,e I ., '.,11 , .1 I. ! , ,. c ,.b ,': ,,t all liai -. 1' l..i;-1.-. 1 .-.-, i;,.c, 11. i: , 'v.,.'. Jtiin- 2J. : "oi. - " i''' " t r ulnae ui.- I . N- I 1 ' I. 'I M v IHAHMS I.) : aii.l I -I Ire I, I. II o l.;i,f d 1 - I IV .l,.... on Mecbiiiiics, I'hcmi tiv. ami Civil loi-jiiiccrino, M Altl. AMii: .1 i:M' ITtOM run. v 1 ,i " .i'ii ; a .wu I'.iri'svii.i.r.. I' ii r i s 1. 1' i! n rr il . lie lenoi -l In ,Iim ,l-e. aii.l w ,., ,i ei ,11,1.- ,l, ,l In a I - .! ..... .... Tia' I, t I -iiii-i 1H..I ni, n. :,-.-,.- a,-, i ii..i. i!.s 1 ilerivcil from the latc- l .mil In -t antiioiities. This .Itniriial is pi'lib-bcl on t!'.c first of each month. . ach iinii.ticr coiitaiiiimr al lca .1 eicntv- two paops, (iml fon ii two volume i:iii:u..!lv of j f " ': - 1 "' '"'"f ubnnt -1 ji.ii'cs each, ilb:-.tiat:il silli curias ii:"s l ' :.'lL - ' '- ... ' '"" on conicr nml on v.-nnlut tiio.-.c snl.iei-is v.liieli j ,. il . ,. ,, l'!!,!ii l-b, hi a. .'.iarch '.'li. i , ii,-h i-ii! ' .- '; I i i ne smiscii,iion l uce is i ur Hollars n r an- : .... . i " '" (ehf-i'-vin.; a nnin. jinviible on Ibc coinilelion nt llicsi-.t!i mini- 1 ' a.-..eii.-.i r i i nns i.ani, exccin .iinnay.) bcr; uml it will be loiwaiilcil Inc of (inslae I A N an 1 al'icr A j.ri I l-.t, 1."1 twi. trains will hIicii live dollars are remitted l, the Actuary ' la ion each ivav, il.iilv, belivcen i'liilailel- (nista,:c ,ai,l) in aiUjnce for one m air's inih.'.ci'iji- I .'uju ami I'-el-viile ' 1 Mm; im; uxi:. l.lllli-ii.-.l lo ri;i i; ,' l"t". .ll 'll of 1,1- f llf ''";, i. V i', .i ',iie- ..,,7 ,-,M7 ) i l",',,'."!!'.J..i","w,ii,'i! '.' All I' .liiaill.l.ej- , ('niiimniiii-atlons nml b it. rs m bti-inos tiitit I.c.i'.e' I'ni'.a.ii -ij iliia. ut 7l A. M., daib, vcrjit b ilirectcil lo -'lii,- Actual v ol'tlie I'raii'.,lin In.-li- ! Simla. . 1'at at the 1'om' Ornrt:. The fullcnving Ci.lli)(iiy took plai-o at an KuMum Post Office: I'al. t;l say, Mr. 1'ostmiis.tir, is itu-re u lillher for nie.':' 1'. M. 'Who am you, my gnoJ sir V Cat "I'm mcself, that's wliu 1 am." 1. M "Wt-ll, . hal' your name V t'at. "An what do ye waul .Ul die name isu'l it on llio lillher V Y. M. ' So dial I can finJ the- leltur if ihuie i.t oiil'.' Vul. Wc-ll, Mary Hums, thin, if ye imi.l liavo it." 1'. M. "No, sir, there is nono fur Mary Hums." I'at. -U llicre no way lo git in thure Im. througll I hi pane of fclass 1". M-' No, ir." I'al. ' ll' well fur ye there isn't I'd tracli ye tellher liianncia than to im,i,t on a (-inlluaiin' liuuic : bill ye ilidu'l yil ii uflcr all so I'm uvou vvil c; divil Iho bit is my name Uuiiis ! ' Ulle, rhllai!cl.!:i.i, I'l-iill.-vhai.ia," the in-ljc paid. W'll.MAM HAMILTON. J:tu,ii, E. I. April I'!, l"al. linn,. AVM." .AHJAirrY,' j; i . o i; s i; 1. 1. 1: n , I'ron.hrni, SUKEUKY, PA. I I AS rci cnllv reci i'm ,1, ainniiL' nlher articles, a - Hl'cat ... it I v if Ac.., (hlaji a:ul lhile.iniu ii4'i sa, h ns I oojicrs iioc' ini-b-iu or .ej arafc. llcrlieils 1 1. KoIim-II, 1uiii.ii i!. Trnioij-e. ne c.i, Keymlols d.i Man. all, ('nekton ib Orev, Maxwell tlo MarMi, Jcrrohl do A in-worth, Morris do At the low pricf ol I'roin y.'i toSu cts per .uluinr. hiii.bury, Scpl. -8. Ik.MI if. J. H. ZIMIEK5IAIvT, jisiui; or tiii: Cu'nbury, Pa. Oilier ill Deer Street, inimcdialcly oipoi,it (lit. l'uhlic Si hool House. 17 Mo,n,'H i-.ilU i-ti-il nii.t all tiiuiac laotn,,!!,- ai.J cmic- I'nlli itll.-i..!i il to. April Stl, is'ill. NOTICE. S the Kubscriber inlcinls inakiiiL' ucv :iit.iiii;c incuts in his busiui'bs on Ihc first of Janua ry IS51, nil persons knowim; indebU'd to him, ure itijueslcd lo t all and make sclllcineiil up I.i lime, by payment ur caiiii" their Holes lor the uiuouiit due- John v. iTin.i.Mi. Hii.ibtirv, lice. 2H, Ifj.'.U 11'. TVI HMNO UOTTI.llS Ilreai.! pumps, uu, i-' nipple tube A Mippty of ilu wi um'I'uI arli clc jul received and lor sale bv JOHN W nill.lNti Sunl'Urv, Jan H, 1Kb! u Lean's I'o'u . !!,-1. 1 7J A. M. daily except .'mil- il,i mt::;'u, v i.i.xi;. I.c:im. I'bil.iui li'hia at o 1 n'clnck, d lib , t'xcepl Sinitl.u Siiuil.ii Lean-- r..'e.ii:lc al lii, o! -l, d.lilv, except i'-.l .'-, l'ltuc.u I'l.ila.l.'lphi.i ami rotisvillo, N.'.i 1I i ii- iiiel -,.".' . class cars. lii-lui en riuladi'lphi T A TV""" T .1 T '. -.t nr fi nT'TT.-n I. i... : ,s.lll,r,,-,i..,.ia : a "".nn rtv.i4u. s.i-, 'ii.'M!,. I, ,1-in,,,, , e.l,, e ,ie. .!,(, ii'Jtv' ,rv,. A , I . ml t 1 1 h 1 M I t. iie'l l'!!!-'. :',.'!. '!!"; .'.T.;:'il e 'i! .T". ' l l'A L. lHV.l.i'cl bl l!..- KU A. Mil. IN IN- "i'oi'e, ' i. '., "I i,, Mil! . i.ol I . li ' !i ,. ! o lii.l Hi I lel.l' .er, ii :.i. ' w,;" j ami i a,: f.,;; ,., ,i..nv... . . rii;-T i'i;;:-,: ii"M ibe mi; in- i- ' ..- ir i-'I'l l'l l'l.'. ,,i I' lliini ne, .Nov. lsl-..,.i is;;). . H'l I il, -li c: i, i in- ;.-.' , i . i 1 VI-, - I III...- ti-c.l .1. V.'ellnr's I'.ilellt .la;. Ill I.i ( II I llnl ami l a-!" Id.n-l.m-r lor some ln:ie nioiiths, all-.l " ". ' I a n bai.pv lo .- ,v I'. at il mii,.i-cs any bl.u -l.iu,' ,.,., Ihal I ba.c ma I f.e.-e tccnlv o.l.l years. I tin,! ; it he.l.U f..c p,l:-!i an. I p.. ,,( ibc i,-.,:!ier bcl . 1 ihr an'. : la '.io lleil 1 iiaic ciei liie l. i .ir. I. a ' i ii. ' a i i: a , i:-. j i i. I", ( 'be. lout . -licet, :a. k. -u is i. ji. i , 'ii - ".-v,- .'i:.e, e - ,r lo .1. Will.i.AI.', N,,. .'nl Clie.iiiut ;-iivci, :i!, ,i,. r-ivon.l Noicmb.-r, ii, 1 - I . II i:.m. : r-.e oi ,, - .veil I' I..V.-II .,::-! ;'.!. 'l'l. 111 . ii I ) I. 'Ill I ' ' " 1 I - I! . .,! ( , - . I.i . l-l'l. !iiny on. I ll li!.i:S ('. Tf.-KI-.l!. iii I..;, p. t. ) w. ,1 -n. ii ( lli'criiilifi 1-si. 1 P C""'"lo" T U' ?,i nr ;. ,-:!, ,'.- .--I a:..i i , -I. I lie- I li-,'; - I . , - . . .-1 in ..i.. . l ai 'j, -lie. :, .',! i.. I 1,1 '. . .- 'i a I . I :.: Il ,.er ,: I. o i:. - - :,- - I i. .. :,!,.! I- ,.-' : ... a: I. I .: .1 f ,r r ii 1 1 , ,,. .-. i . i i.- i .i : vt in. . N II I BOOT.TP.EE MA2j.EE, .V.i. bo .'me Sin;!. Si'i-nii I i! ),.,r hi'iciw Thild, Vlll!K all kimls of I iN, cc., of Ihc laict p f'T.TV,? ,-. s.t-T ? . nut style and be-t lnalciial, are lnaiiiilacliii. d ! --- -y 'J -"' - -' ' i iJ. on rca.-onaiilc tci m'I. All orders proinpily and piiiiclually uilcii.lcd to. riiil.iilclpl.ia, A....' '.I, lnHI ly.' I.e.... en iiil.niclphla and lie:,,!,,,", Sl.'.O 1st , (MKO.V.VS HSMCNCI'. OF JAMAICA 1.1N- ci i'-s cars an, .,1. .. ",! , !s c.ns. j i OKK. an c.cch, l artii Ic . 1 ' 1 '""'!l'l-. -rmr ol lhnad .id .M,.,!;.,,,,.,, .,,, ,'r ,ull ,,, ,,,,, .iii.- . : r, i ' . .. . I. .11. r A i ;iM-iiiii'i caiu.oi ciiicr l.ic cars iiiilc.-Ki pruvi- i;., ! I.I il I' 1 . hi IS, j. , .-..'i ... i i:'. p ni,. 1,1 lia'.o'a:;c will .c... lowed toi aill pa-ci. !i'i' in liioe Inn , ; ami p is-.-cii-ei- , ic c.. ,i.-.-!y piijl.iliilcd 1, tiu. UikiiiL' mil thinj; ns 1 ..-..:a'.',c b:il li.cir .veariin; appau-i, v.lucli ..ill be al ll:c li-'. of its nuner. I.!.- noli r ol'l!'.,' Ila.Uil of Managers. lkam'o;;'.), April 1 !i, 1 !. iS.cici.jrv. MVVI "T'lf-S' 1TJ" IOuIlL.lU'3 Lylt ?U-ucti)jlo Iudclliblo YHI'i'II. G 12. II FACTORY. A'. 1 S.nlU Thn.l street. A 1 KIH 'II ANTS and tin' Wriiim; community arc it-iues!eil I., call and ex amine liii I.M., ..llicll is ii-anauu.l nut li tutto.h Mttu'lir 7'il.s, hoi cli.ttn:' it I'u.'w. WVIiuitNiile aiLI iltlail. No. 1 South Third street, I'liiladclpliiu. A liboial discount made to Merchant:, and the Trade Tor mile by H. II. M.isser, aseiit for fiuidiury -NovcmU-rU lsio. ly. V;iIu;i!j1 itoukN. r HT! or Chiiikt, I.HiiJonlv hound, U'Al- J IU'. Illsjoiu or TIK lJluiliMXIIOM. IIl.m. 1).i-uuk ixn Lu.iiKim, full lioiuidcd. I'or bale at the pilbh.ihera jiiin'K ,y H 15. M.VSSKU Sunbu'y. Julv 1 1. I -O J. ;a,ln,iy 's 1 'jr. as.iaii Uulin, for llic hair djud .'v c. limi.. ay . iicaily Kclicf for Cramps, Llhnltc, Cholera alorbus, tvc. I'or cab- bv 11. li. MASS 1-1 K. H 1 1 : .! . 1 1 c -.' , .hi::, ll, 1 '-."ill. JijTONK Ware, Kuril., li Ware, liaisius, AI ki lu.iiids, 1' lines and Nuts, riaiic.-. of all kilidc. A-'a'.t and l'l...-tti. Jul and forsale b. JOHN W. I'Ull.lNli. Nullburv. lVc. 2!l, In 111. 1 JOOli.s' and liol.l I'ens. Oi. hand several cop ics of llic I i It- ot' (.'bii.-.l, mid alio i. number ol ("old pens which we will sell ut the I'liiladclpliiu prices, I'or bale ut litis otlice. KNNKDV'.V rATKNT SAM I FA.S TKNlNtb-S. A ehea. mid excellent urli tie lor lU.-ti-nin ..a.-h lor sale bv J. V. FKILINU -'uuhury, July V, 1 S lii. 0K OIN I'MK.N'i'. A bi.pplv ol tin. evccllent article lor Teller, & -'.. jiM recei.ed und lor sale by HKNKV MAiSfKIi. Suuhiiry, July 1S-19. Wmjll.KV.s CorOV CzINUY. Ii. eicel V V h ut reiiudy lor couohs, colds. For sale at this otlice fi'lssl'K l'.M'KK. -Yellow Tissue paper for 3 r.iwiini; laaou, Vi, fur ule at ihe oliiec ol thv Aiucii. alt. C. J. V A L T 0 If , -V. -10 M,! .'.. I;tl,-:t,t i ,v S,',V .v.. IS, mill side.) ' . rniLii);:r,VKiA. j 'l'llli Subscriber has opinio. I u in-iv hat slorc iind i . ll,Ts to ti-ider.-. and olln-is who i i I the , cily, u haoii-ionie a--ort:iicnt of caps, i.fc.c iy ..iiii iv, mail.' up of tbc l,c-t inaierial, ami in I it,- latest and let si;. Ic. a. id on t. iiua .is reasona ble as c in be It i.i in an. e -t;il ii-:i:iieiii in I'hila- . di 1 bin. vi. : 1'iiic silk hits nl all ; (.,,o ,'. do at ss'll'tl. l'cri,us IViiiii tin- coiinli v wli,jU,,'. '. cba-c of him, can rely, u! nil limes, on yciiin r n coiod illliele licit will p'c.l-e them, i.u-1 one is ! fully uorih the i:i,,i: j :it I. lb. -,'s, il, ! l;.:;er, pri.-e reduced. ('!,! ,l:i,-ob T..V..-c.,.i'.,S.:..-ap ,!!.,. I! ik,.-.-S.:, ill,,. Sc.. i. i.e'.: ' rep oi'WiM Chvrr Siv.,. lie's i imili, ;.... ie'- ( !:. .,v 1", .:,.: 1 Ur. llr.k. -s l'.ii, ice.,, l'r. Cubi n's do Ti:.! it's r.ili: Kili.-r. 1)1'. I!oo!l.,;i,!'s ( leu ,n r.i.i,-,,-Imli.i'i A c.'ei.ilib' l'illr. Horse nml ('aiilc .Mcb. ioe- rr sale i v hi:.m:v masm'.i;. Muibii.-y, .inly 1 I, 1-1 '. l i I.II I' I! 1 - l . A I HI. I i: Ili.N t.ri..'i:i 2nd v a i.r a in. i: i; i:c 1 1' i:s, I.i fV ;'.. a i l -'M : .Iris v-i'.h ii f r k:ii:1,!" tut I l iiri ,.. r...-rim'iils ill t Illi-'IIS'IK. : ' .' I ' I . , ,1 ,1. I.I . , ... II u.. i en,, ii' i ..ia... inni i : . i, ii- In iih net ion : : r. r, ti"t-l.'iicy tu in I. i. .!in-n. t..n, . 'to 1 l'l. 1 I'Ul.llir ' in , .'I - ' !- r'ir.-k,. Hi-: - .-I h:ni,U i ' ! ' I' : f 'h Miff l'. '' i i . '. ! Mi.r.n iul iilirjlcu , I mi. ."Ill uiiii i.- a: 1. 1 i'.r . - : ..'! .liM'C' 1 Mil. ,i; i ii, i n w ' itn M l in. .. l.n hi !rtt ! i t t' itll i:irt i-- li. ; irs ( llii .' i- w iii iN-;o-n ...!. i tlir ..ii r -: I', - In " li -t:w:t i'.' ! , t i i:u'i.ii ut ii i I'ii' li:l';iiil .,',;v in n in:ne. s, .-:.. I t .-i -cie o it. '.'") i.-:il. i.irgt im: (Minuuti (iivMi:vr or kimity i IS A J . ! ( i . , r I : t : 1 1 1 1 1 ' (,i.ns UAIK. i: - w'- :i:t .-4- i I- ,i v ; I' nr i;itt J i -st lloii Tvnir ii use. I r-'" l.,-u,'i:,o lllt: i,;m It ctr ill- l'i.- ". ,;i. l,llii. ',-:-. I I.lll. f-liri-l j ''- V . Ii :r I S .'-fS ..)) llu- J, -it. I , liilir j :' :" : - ! It frtii IU. I. I'". Ml.... .lii. H- n.1 ( -j. -;.-. I'.-, -.ins wli ' I1 iv.- Ii.m ilcr Inir t-v h..'lv'11-.-M nt i 1 ' ' '.. ' li l ....v:c.-u I 1 1 nu li:.lin. It , .c- 1 .v - i '. . .i -it" ii.t .I'd ! c ; i . ;,;) ylt; j.n-vnii ir j 1 1 I'.i lUnj; L;rt'V. I .,i r.; ;!! Ml,, pill !; v. II S .'hlllll !' - :'l - "s iT ti 'I'lc, am If .ii" i I . . '.It ln .-t ; r pei--niCi ,t ivr. 1 wilt HOt '. '..-! ! ..' lii,.--' I il.riiv S- c ttu- fliyiiu-' iiirr-l l; iHV V I'O. m .Ml.., !, 1 , ,;.,, '1T. c i-.- .i, I;,. , t is ii.ii .; w it;.i i tit.' 'liiiurt; h l!;ulw;iy I.VC" I A .! x r-li 11 .M is-, i. .--.n.lilll : A-.j. I... I e I.. -. ..y i V7. T. IJ1DDn.lCK'i5" " (!. . 1 ll I'AII HI-' I.- M'Ult Al'K. illllt Jiil orih tie- inon pai 1, , JNCI.I HIMJ .M.-dh-i:.',r.. I'erl' Cheu.Mry ' :hU .1tl.liU-ry Ua.II" t . .1. i A I.i O.N. Cooker., I'a'Mi r.. i'.i',.', . c,!: .nan , 1 lo- j Mi-f ...lelpl.i... N.... . I ..-.,. y. ! ..,. i:c;,,ia.,iv.. u:. ,ie. etc. -'Price Hi ets., ,,r j .. . ..' ' ! .v ' hll.NK'l jlAs.'il!, ! ;V 'N A", i o"7.'i .N'lr, 7, STOI'JZj WAIL13, QTONi: milk I'iiiis, sliiucJius n::,l i'ilcbcrs. ' n. .,1 other articles ol' stone waie jnsi ic civcd and for sale by .lullN W. i'THI.lMi. .Miuhiiry, June "j:), lsl'j. f B1KAS. I'roin the New York Cnnloii and J' JL Teu Companv. I'or ml,- I.v J. V. FK1I.1.M1. Smiliiny, lire. 2, i s IS IJJAY KI'.M. An excellent urlicle for Kile iifi l.y lii:.KY M.srsi:K. tuubury Jan. 21 th, 1 I'J tf. OI..WK UKI'IDS printed on llu' hot quality i f iKiicluneiil paper, soi l at the I, .... nl prices at this office, by and retail. IVMsl.N'S, currants, citron, cheese, pepper wince, Ac. For hale by J. V. ITill.IMi Siinbury, U.r.8, 1HIM. Q,lH'S cclcbralcd llor' and Cutlle Mcdi- fl p i..r i.v hi:.m:y .ma.-.i:i: rsunhutv, Jan. Vih, I "H'l ISlilibliri , I b c. --, 1 s i 11. A I i:.v l a.'i" a'i.ivi: i iitiuuv, .. i:si Mi.fc, riliLASELrillA. Ci-i... .'"o',i im li i.n i'm in- ..,, ii reihiced Just ic.-ciw-l el I he More, of 1IK.NKY MAS. '"'', .;. (-'"" ri .r ,ntUtii, the Jul M'.l!, u hi of C., -, (inn. islini-s,, ImriH': net ielt s, viz: I.Jiicen.sHiirc, l.i,ti-.s ,c. All ul winch will be sold ut the lowest pact. U.C. 11, I S."'.'. A llM-HJAl. WATHh', lioin tin- ti.ik tlnhnid ' Acid SiriiiLrs, highly .iiluuhle iu chronic di scuses, uml tonic remedies, for sale. Mi: Nl!'.' MAS.-S Klv. ISiiubiirv, June 'Z'i, lS5il ( C1APS. n Bs.'ortmeiit just received. Also ' bilk HATS ul for lule bv li. M A os1 E It. Suuburv, Hee. IS. "BATH. NT Trinses of ll kinds, Hurrison't .... I . ,,:, , . . ..,, .,! w riling and iudellihle ink, Cotton yarn lai.s, just received and I n sale bv J. . FKII.INCi r-uubit. . . 1 1. c- I H- I' '::eli. I aim 1. .I;,,i-.l ,,-Ts' nml Oil .'I till Yari.ii.lii. ; ) o s l.,ei : li :.., Ila.ii.b. a: I. ell ; liiown, V,U Ul.,1 li.l S,..r.t ,',. l,.,,,-t.-l .:,: ..ill.-l.', Ilonsr nirr I' sieli I' ..,',- :,, I . .iiiisi-.-r.' M .1, ri.Cs ; TI TTY IN III AN ill Tills. f.l is lii:, IN nil., AND I'liK I'A 11 . I , I i '11 I M .! I -III '. Ill I sll, M.lliiirit' Vaiuish, (iineaii. A, i-i.--: Hi i-K .lii".n l a Iron ; A,lh,..ive do. tor I' .ni, V .. or!. I l'i '.in. loot i.i.. ,.v liliiht; Annl.' Ci. loins, llu 'iin.l Tie.."" : ,il' foot 111 : i.,1.1. MiIvit, an. I lo-ni.'ia I., at ; li ilit. Silver, innt fopiH-r llroic ; .id, lei i. ll.aai ,.,i ..,'. Vil) ll;.i 1 lor S-lioo iUnclll.f LU , I' 111)- In!. .1 ll '. I- .1I liLA'KS. P JSl.AN K.-' of e.ery description can he hJ hy kia l I h 'iui; at the oilice nf the Ainciicuil. IJCKF. MTIITi: UKANDY FOK l'KE.sluT- V l.NO, just ami forsale by Vcpt. -i-i, ls-,0 ll. 13. MA:SKlf.