SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL a card- To the Free and Independent Electors of Northumberland County. Fellow Citizens : Encouraged by the sdvico of several of my pcrsonnl fi iond, 1 tm induced to offer myself to your suUrnocs at the next election for the office of Associ ate J u doc of Northumberland county. 1 canno! boast of being a democrat, nor will I exult at being a whig being of opinion that if a man have no other merit tlmn that of belonging to one or tlio other of tlioso re pectuble parties, however desirnblo their countenance and support mifilit be, such a man, t say, is not the best candidate for pub lic support. 1 am of opinion, with tho illus trious Jefferson, that the lime has now arri ved, when the only question, that should bo asked in relation to a candidate (for a Judi cial office at least,) is simply this: "Is he Jkoneif, is he capable, is he Jit ?" These ques lions it is your unquestionable provinco to decide. Under this persuasion of the quali lications for the office, it only remains for me 1o say, that should I bo elected, I will cn dcavor so to perform the duties of thu office, as never to inquire, or desiro to know, the politics, or religion, ol any suitor in Court. One respectable gentleman already named for the office, has declined for tho present ; but intimates, that in future, he may be obli ged to you for your votes. My caso is not similar as I am now in my sixty third year, there is not in any human probability, any "future" for me in referenco to this mattsr. . 1 remain, fellow citizens, Yours, respectfully, WJI. AlcCAIiTV. ScNcnr, Aug. 14th, 151. vEommunirnttons. Fur the Aiaciicaa. ASSOCIATE JlDliK. Ms Editor: Mr. Samuel T. rtrown, of Milton, having declined being a candidate ar iho olliee of Associate Judur, of this County, many of us have deemed it advisa ble to present the name of 11KNUY KEAD Kll, Ec., of McEwensville, for that office. JiU. Hecdor is well known as having been ono of our best Sheriff's. He is an active persevering man, and would make an excel lent officer for that station, especially as he is well acquainted with both 1 lie German and English languages. Tho Forks can pre sent no name that will be better received than that of Itenry Reader. CHILISQL'AQUE. For tlie American. Mil. Koitor : Permit mo to recommend THOMAS S. MAC'KEY, Esq., of Milton, as a candidate fur Associate Ju.le, of this County. Mr. Mackey is an intelligent and competent man, ami lias fur a i.uuiber of years acted as a JiKtico of the i'eae.e. lie was ulso the late Marshall in taking the cen sus, anil was an excellent officer. The Folks are entitled to one of the Judges, and we know no man in it, belter quulilied for the uffico than Mr. Maekcv. MANY OF SI1AMOKIX. For I lie American, oin SFT MB MB Ml. Mr. Eimtor : The time is nearly at hand when we shall be called upon lor the selec tion of a candidate for the legislature. This, it me remark is a much more important matter than many seem to imagine. Tho improvements of tho country, and the vari ous other interests connected with the legis lation of the State, is such that every fanner, mechanic, and laborer, is deeply interesl'-d in selecting for their member of Assembly, such a man as will best guard and pinlecl their interests. Tiiere have been but three jiiiil iil:ilp3 ti.tmnil. mid tltisi nr ;i 11 fiiim tlip western side of the river, or in the Folks This, 1 know, will be u serious objection to . overy farmer and tax payer, who lecollocts Ihe powciful efforts made for the last three years to divide tho County, by a number of Interested persons in Ihe upper end. But the next member, it is conceded, must be laken from the other side of the river, and we must take one of the three offered. For tunately, ono of them resides close by, ami may be considered ono of ourselves, and who is, therefore, personally and p'cuuiarily interested in opposing nil attempts to divide the County. The penile-man alluded lo is WILLIAM FORSYTH K, Esq., of Northum berland. I need not say, what will be eii- j orally admitted, and without intend in:: to cast any reflection on tho other candidates, j thai in business habits, and in point nf abili ty and general information, ho is much the fittest man. Mr. Forsyllio and myself have not generally ncled together in political mat ters, but I must do him tho justice to say, that always, and under all circumstances, he has ever acted tho part of a gentleman and a liberal minded man. In every respect then it will be the interest of tho people of the lower end to support him as our next candidate for tho I-eeislature. AN AUGUSTA DEMOCRAT. For lite American. OIR XEIT II. B. Masskh, Esq. ll is conceded that the candidate for Assembly, at the cnniinj; election, is lo be taken from tho Folks. A number of persons have been spoken of as candidates. Among them is Off.. WIL LIAM FOLLMElt, of Turbul township, who is known to many as one of Ihe lute County Commissioners. Col. Fullmer is a practical fanner, of good sound sense and unassuming manners, and would, we think, make an ex cellent member, ll has been asserted that Col. Fullmer would favor a division of the County, booause ho is a resident of the up per end. Col. Fullmer is in fuvor of lottinc the County icniain as it is, and is opposed to n iwibiou, POINT. Fui ths American. Ma. Editor. : As it iagonetully conceded that one of the Associate Judges, should re side in the County town, permit us to name (i EOliC E WKISKR, K...., 0. Sunbury, us u porson in every way ttuuliftudj to discharge the duties of that post. Mr. VVeisor has al ways been a consistent and unwavering democrat, speaks both tho English and liar man languages fluently, and if nominated and elected, would givo entire satisfaction in the discharge of his duties to all panics LOWER MAUOXOV, Fur the American. xt ho shall nr. oi n next member f II. B. Masskr, Esq. : The question is frequently asked who will be our next member 1 We feel hero a deep interest in the matter, and as there aro many things that will come before tho next legislature, in which we nil feel n deep interest, it is all important that we should elect the right kind of a man. Thero can bo no question wo think, that VM. FORSYTH E, Esq., of Nor Ihumherlund, is decidedly the best man named. Resides, his interests are similar to our own, and we could safely rely on him, if the question of dividing the County should again be brought forward. That there is a secret design and a determination to divide onr County, by a number of individuals in tho upper end, is no longer a matter of doubt. What security have we that tho 3 candidates from llin nnni-r pint will not favor themea-( sure! Nothing but their simple promise! and what does that amount to when wo re collect how easily each of these same men forgot thoir promises on several other occa sions. If I mistake not. one of them, when in the legislature, voted for the removal of onr Supreme Court, by mistake, as he after wards alleged. Such mistakes nicht divide onr County increase our taxes destroy our coal and iron interests, and atrest our rail road improvements. We want a man who wo know will not make such mistakes. The above reasons, t think, are sufficient to in duce every man w ho has any regard for tho interests of the County, to vote for Mr. Fnr sythe. But independent of all this, Mr. For sythe is a man in every respect belter quali fied of creator ability more expeiience in matters of business, and belter calculated in everv way to represent the people of this County. SHAMOKIX. ASSOCIATE JI'IK.E. JOSEPH HOGF.XnOBf.F.ll, of Milton, re spectfully announces to his fellow citizens or Northumberland county, that lie will bo a candidate for thu office of Associate Judge, at the ensuing election. Subject to the de cision of the delegates at llio County Conven tion. Milton, Aug. 8, IS5I. New Advertisements- MBCHANiaSBURG N S T J T U T K . A Select School for Young ladies. rgMIK Mcchtiniesburir Institute in pleasantly t hualcd in the healthy village "f Mechanics burs. Cumberland county, nine miles west of Harrishuri;; a villairo noted throutdioitt the sur mundini; Counties lor the morality of its ciiizent. It is uei'cssilile !v railroad, the (.'uiniicrland Val ley Knilmad passim; thrnimh tlie place. The course of instruction is such as is pursued in the lust Seminaries in the country. It is the (lesion of the Principal to instruct tht intellectual (lowers, to cultivate hccmiiiur man ners, and to educate ill such u manner, as insy prove practica ly useful. Sessions. The school year is divided into two seini-an-nual sessions, each of live calendar mouths. The summer session commences the first week ill April, nuil closes during the last week of Au gust. The winter session commences tho lit week ill Octohcr, anil teriiiinutes the last week of February. At the close of each session there will lie puh lic elan illations. Terms : Hoarding, includinu lit'hts, per session 5 mo. $50,00 111.00 10,011 li.OII 15,00 Tuition, " " Modern laii'iiaijcs, " " Drnwint;, " " Music, Piano, with use, " " I Jr. if preferred, per session off) mo, iiiclinliiu; the ahoe items, 85,011 Payable in advance balance at ihe close of the session. Honks, stationery, music, Ac., furnished at Philadelphia prices. ., ''' ." r?1 nl ","' ,'"'r'"hl ,1"ri"i? me session, nuo enargen accoriniigiy. For further information, please address thu Principal for a circular. F. M. L. (ilLLF.LKX, Principal. Mcchanieshurg, Au?. 0, 1851 3mo. New Insic Just Published. U" F.K V WALKER, No. ICS 2sl are constantly publishing ui Chesnut st and receiving. new and beautiful music from the most distin guished composers. The following list contains tonic of their choi cest and most popular Songs, Wull.cs, Pulkas, Ac. Now, thou art (iooe, a beautiful song, words by Thomas J. Diclil, music by llaiuhridge. Mv New England Home, Words uud music by Mrs' I,. Wa.le. 'rube's Omnibus ( by ('. Crolie a collection llf lluetls. Su nil, Is from Home, piano and violin, by Jos. f'ung'l. Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Lilllo People, by J. Ling. All the Winds ujo Sleeping, by A. Worn- sey, iu.irdiali Angel, Ivy the author of "Love Not." Hoiisehnlil Words, written by 'lias. Voung,do. The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Uicld, luu sie bv llorr. I. KB A WALKER have const.intly on hand, suicrior Pianos, und a supply of Martin's I'ele brated (uitars, which logilhpr with a line as sortment of Musical Instruments und .Merchan dize ill gencrul, comprise a stock not to be sur passed bv that uf any oilier esUblishinout in the country.' LEE ft WALKER, Hi3 Chesnut street, Kwniin'c Building. Philadelphia, June 2tf, 1831 ly. 100 LABORERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY on tho Trevorton Rail Road. WccliousM & 52 ut the Mouth of the Ma ipuioy Creek, to whom liberal wages will be paid, IRA T. CLEMENT & Co. Sunbury, July S, 1H.')I tf. NO C115K NO lTvT Hughes' Fever and Ague Tills ! ! PERFECT und speedy cure for the Fever and Ague is guaranteed to any one who may use the Pills. They h"c I'cen used for Ihe Inut srvm yfart und have never been known to fail in a single instance und in cases, too, where persons have had Ihe discasn for several years, without inlcrmission. The proprietor tJiulltugei ihe vnrld lo produce an article that will cure in as short a lime, without leaving any deleterious c fleet from the use uf it. If the Pills do not eilbrm a speedy and K ifeet cure, the proprietor will return the money. For sale by Jacob S, I. awn nee, Minersville ; E. Helton sUiu, Treorlun; S. It, Uixon, Schuylkill Ha ven; John W. Filling, Sunbury; Mary A. Mc Coy, Nuflhuiuberlanil ; Dr. Dcekly, Ilanvillc; JohnShaiplcbs, ; Dr. Jinld, Williams port; John Kumt, Millon, and by resjicctablo Druggists throughout the Suite. J. Cl KTlii C. JIUtJlIES, Proprietor. ruttsville, June Sri, 1851. ly. I.V TRACT VY (JINCiER. A fresh supply just received and for sale at this office. Pi ice 25 cents. Buuburv, July 13, I SSI. NEW GOODS, AT THE STORE OF JOHN YOUNG, WJIO respectfully informs his friends and customers that hr has returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of New Spring Goods, which he offers for sale at his old stand in Mar ket street. These Roods will be sold at the low est prices. His slock consists of every variety, viz : Dry CJoimIs, Such os Cloths, Cassimcres, Muslins, Calicoes Oimrhnmm, Lawns, Chintzes mid La dies Dress and Fancy (ioods generally. Also an assortment of Faint Leaf Hat?, Caps, &c-, QUEENSWARE. Ilnnhrarc. Iron nml Steel, Kails &c, ALSO: A general assortment of (Iroceries, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cheese, Mo lasses, Spices. IT Produce of nil kinds tnken in ojchanse at the highest market prices. Sunbury, May 21, IH51 . Siorlsmcn Take .ollcc." JOHN Kill I) Kit, North East cnr. Walnut $ Second Streett. PHn.rVDEX.PHIA. HAS OX HAM), just received, a complete Assortment of Shot Onus. Powder Flasks, (Inme Hairs, and nil oilier Sporting Apparatus of the best and most approved patterns. He has constantly on hand sporting powder of nil descriptions. Percussion Caps, SShut, Hullct Moulds, Hall and lllauk Cartridges, and a cn eral assortment of materials for (inn Makers, Ac. Also Percussion Caps of a superior quality, designed expressly for IT. S. Killcs. An Assortment of Fishing Tackle always on hand. All the above, and any other articles in his line, the Subscriber will sell ns low us any other establishment in the Cnited States. In testimony of his skill as a manufacturer, th Franklin Institute, in the years 1810 and lfll2, awarded to him two certificates -mid in tho years 1841, 1810, ISI7, 1S1W ami IS.'it), live sil ver medals, nil of which may be seen ut his place of business. .IOIIX KIHDEK. Philadelphia, July t'J, !."!. :)mo. w.ti irrttti.i: CATTLE P0YDER rni:i'Aur.n bv nUKINKJ, FHOM'.FIKI.l) vt CO. A'o. 17 Sorlh Third Street, Philadelphia. 'I'lllSl p iw.ler is eiitillril liy Itiu iiuileil leJlinr iny ol' utl vli Imve used it In tli. t rst r: I I W ol' nil til CA'I' 'I I. ll ,MI;iII'IM:s. wln. h W.w. Im-.u Hi uclil pr.iiEr v..riliy l' ir iinny yirs. Imleeit we eli.'itU'iiL'o miy pern n I'llii.'ikeii suiirriur. or any povviler tliat nets in Hi: rune liiniiMrr. ll' llm iiiiimimI lie prrrectly healthy it will either iiierense tlie inu'iiilit of liiilk or ream anil liutter; or the iiminnl will iinirvc raimlly in l';tl. ll wilt Iherei'ore in lime lie eiiusiiliTett we h:ie ) il'ill't ne(-r the tinple nrti elee of every I'nmier, who keeps n tli.iry ; anil ol every pern in nwuiii; n luiim:. It is cue of Itii'f kilnl of .MlxTCltKs tliitt merely sw.'II mi .'iniiniil np lur a shnrt lino', lull it will hv the enpneity whieh it tins nl' inverlini,' llll'l't ItlU AL'lil (whl.-li is mi Hi ' le Iti i) into Lac tic cinor olkink; eiiuie ii renter niu-iinit ot' uiitrilinufl niiitler In he e-Vtmeteil ir.'lil the uni i'.' nui. .lint nl' l.-'il. thrill p.ifsitily nil!. I he, were the netive i lnei;i.-s nl' uutritrjl t i puss nut nl the system in the t-iriu nt' ilirccnie Aclli. We have leecivcit a miilinuile nl' e lilenee lo pmvo H hilt We have Kinl ah H i'. Smile.; In Kiy : We tiaee mixeil Ihe neii,e aiieni. '. n f-rrst nmnlivr f 'K.;KTAIim plants anil hellifi. whieh tune mill use hae prnveil In he ukeilll. iiii(.ln iiitr the appetite nml pr illlntlilff thyesll in ot' the In ) : I hus seeai In" a liitllhy p 'llitltuin nf the. IiI.hhI. I'miu whieti Ihe Mil.K ami t'T Ilium K" I Tiuit. ll may ! useil fnr llnr.Kn. 1'nws an! Ilm; I'nr the I'nllnw ing cninplaiuttf anil diseases. lltlltSI'.S. 'I'.I.LOW WA'rt'.lt. n ilniiL'erniis iielness, whirh ite itmys many valnahlr hnrit (ery year, l tery ollen entirely eureit hy the lire life i. this iiwiler, in all t'jstS It will prevent the iiiteasf trnlll enmuti; nn. 'I'los iliwase is ownuiL' I n lunl ami inipnverishril flale of ihe IiIo.hJ whicli heenmes Ihiu, vvalery ami oi till ell-'W color. This pnwiter liV iinproviiii the stnuiaeh nuit tricing In the IiIismI n gltlter ipiaullty ol' reit particles, lill'inht ths lie-t iumI only iwSMhle ehajiee of recovery. II the hnrse is iar ille, vice Ill Tniii nml illhta lal.h i-Mmiu nl in el leMl. ll in the tH-ginuin nnee a ilay HI n -on, It Hilly lo pre vent the ilisense twice a Week. SI.AIIUKKI.Mi. This is the minatinii of tnuiiy valuti tile llnrnes hy xhauttmii ; hy n ennrlaut ihsi'hiirL'e nf sali va which nuulit to fin ialo the Klmuieh to hpii lnfstl. m. It is a species nl' salivation niteu prnluccl 1iv Imiian To. tmeeit )imwui ill the pasture urnllml A Tahlesjinnulul ll.rec tunes u week will Irepieiitly arrest the llnw. II it iilors not itepenil nn the IntiMTn 111 the txia.s, miller Rilell cireiiui.-t'iiie,'fl the niiiiunl uint-l Ih kepi in the Htat.le HlM l;ll'i;it it Ihe p iwiler iseailv aiel Ireely llseil. j lioiilhel reuieity ne. it he iim'.I. it han ulrnnty eineil liiiu- iireiis ni in tittiv- in mis iroiti.ies. .me uiFease 10 me surprise nf those who useil it. ll u. t useil earl. het'ois mailer has l'..rineil in the neck it cannot ri-Mnrc tin- tiuunal perleelly until the matter is ilisehaiReil. use it early tun! prevent such a result. A Tahkpiinut'iil ems nr twice s ilay is en- 'Hull. IH.AN'DI'.RS Thi ilisiss lias lialllr.l nil I'ahiiif.ii.. liive this powder a lair trial und il w ill ll t w-'ii'leis III this terrihle anil hilherlo Ineur-itile luatady. ll is n illp'-ans ol' the Miccm mid kepi up hy oiiperleet uulrition. Ill such eases n TahteSNSinlill every day Iwiee i'nr n in mtli or two, in constant MleeeMili.ll, M ill ill lime eases nut ol' a !'i.i'll elt'eet a cure, it has heeu t'ailly tested. Coiiirhs mill slinrlufi. nl' Itrealli deiieniluii; "II weak Inu'.'s. a TahlespiNimal every morning ; il' il filiates ones ur iwiee II Week. I'lHlIt LDW-SI'lltlTnil IKUtSI'S. or wliere there is nny remains nl I'niiader or stnlneMs ol' in ilinu, nml Ihe Horse will Hot liitteu, or wliere the hair is rnueh and stands Hlrniirht oul, the l'n.l s-'etning to do no ji.nid. Ills Pi'VViler prmluees nhlc! iuniiediate iinpriivemeiit nf the annua : the iliueslinu lluntnves und with it nil Ihe she-. instinct nf the Hiiuuiil disappears. iM-eouuiift lively ami spiriletl, uuu the hair and slick. COWS. For Mu.slNO Cows, wenrelully c niviueeit lhat it lint culy iuipmveR the ipnhlv, hut tiial it increases tlie mil unit nf Millf. Cream mid lluller ; soiu,. who have tried Ihe ex perniicut s:iv il I'niut l n Week, nthers nv halt ii pound wlule nlie pers m lieiHled iijioii it that he uiaile two pounds more ll week frnltl each t'ovvs. We think it will In found to average fr-uii a h.di to a pound per week on each (iw, if I lie Cnws lire H'Deelly healthy. This addil innal ailloiiiit is made hv Ihe e inversion "f the llippnrie Acid into Nilm- gcunus uud fatly eoiiipmiads ; tils hy siippKint: ihe nxy j.'eii tllken in hy Ihe lilacs, W illi the ilelileuIR nf reiiellnu; without laklni; anv nf t.e ilmrie mis p .ill n ot ihe feed IIIH.I.IlW IK Ht nr Wdl.l'; IM n ll' l)lsr M: met all other of neat c.itlle ileieuduig upon a had state nf Ihe IllliiU. lire rem .veil speedily and etleelually. I'nws. wh se milk is t'hie, tliiu and watciy and where It lines not yield Inn.'ll er. ain. nr where I'nus pile hln-sly luiik. nr which nre used to stand Ininr div, it will he I'mmd an aim si ii.falhli!.. hv liiuuo iuu Ihe eou.htl ! nf the I.I. s.l and creating a he.d'tiv ihi-esti ii ; a Tai.lesjnt u- lul every day or everv nlher day as it may be iieeefsary HtlliS. Piirs in tlie siuuiner often nveiheat theinselves, ct sweh led necks, cnii..lis, ulcers in the l.uii'j uud l.llei, which causr them t i die very su id. nU . 1h. se inav he preventnl entui ly h' put t inif a p un.l in a h:ih ml u llarri t o s ill i mid It will nl the same time e hasten the lutleil' ins liris'ess. . II. In nn nuiuitil which is eiviinr milk and v m srs ilesimiis In fatten nl ihe same time, ynu sit aitil n 'I Igive more tlrin n lal'lei p.s.ntnl nnee n week nr It will reluollhe l'oriual..i of lat hv laereasiiit; the am. .nut nf Al ilk. I.ct euek person try US ell'i els for luuisell' und lis will Bona Is' satislied nf IIS excellent qualities, uud thai lin l-'ur-llier Si Id lie XVithuul II. l-'or the nurp'ise of liudiinr oul still further tmwl'srnur justly eeleliraled I'AT Tl.t; I'UWillllt. Is entitled to Ihe ennlideuce of nn inlelhtlent people; we have addressed Is-tters in till purism' Hie I'lutetl Stales, wliere our Pow der lias been used, unit we nreahle now from the evidem-s llius hroui:hl U'fore us. In assure every fiirmer, llsiiy lliau and Horse-man. thai it has lluis far vel)' lliueh el I'eiiled liar most sailL'Ulue espeetnllons. Willi ihe additional kiuiwlil);e lints far nhlnincd, ' lloi'S we will lie en ahhil to make Ihe l sl mill most per I'eel t'Arri.K Mkiiicink ever yet oll'ered lo a disi-eruiufr people, ll acts us u valuahle pioiuoler of ttii.-sl l -n. im proves the ipiatitv nf the IiIo.nI nuil lluis iueoiisrs Ihe mil. Hint nf cither Cot. Milk uud e inseiplently ol lluller Kvrn 111 1 ll.' heatlhv Alliul ll Jlewnre nf 1 'ountrrleils ax the extensive sale of our pnwd. r induced nlhi is lo make nn linitation of it. J jieh mck h is riur wi ilteu Signature nil Ihe end. imr.iviii, i'i(ii.i:rii;i.i) co. rinlailelpliia, July '.si, I -a I ly. J A TENT UltlTTA MA .s'l'OJ'PER.S for nar noiuca lur sale ny 11. U. MASSER. Sunbury, April 13, 1851. ARNOLD'S WRITINtJ FU ID and Adhe ive and legal envelopes, for sale by H. U. MASSER. Sunbury, April 26, 1851 1 NK Iloureau'a celebrated ink, and also Con fires ink lor sale, w holesale and retail bv December 28, IS 50. II. U- MAS.SER. "lyRITlNtS rU ID and aelf aralitiK Erne- loM', just received and for sale by April It), 1851. H. U. MASSER. IOR aale at thia office, Superior lllack Ink, Cattle Medicine at 25 rta, Pure Esscucc of (Jinger, 25 cents. flEE HILLS Justices auJ Constables Ecu ' Kills haiidsoiucly priule on t aid pain r, lor sale ut tin ullice, Tho undersigned have entered into Co-porl-netsliip under the firm of RIMIIY LAWRENCE, TO CARRY ON TIIR Paper & Rag Business, At No. 5, Minor Street, Philadelphia. "1TIIERE they intend keeping a lara;? ansort- " men! of papers, Sic., cunsisting in purt aa follows t Writing papers ; wove and laid, American and Kntrlish. Huth Posts and Note piper I wovo anfl laid, gilt and plain. Folio Posts, Flol Caps. Printing rajierii, all izes. Hardware papers, from 19 by 21 to 40 by 4S. Colored and while tissue papers, American and Kuglisli. Ilolliugsworth's Patent Manilla paiers. Colored and while Shoe papers, common and ciira sizes. HulT Kiivclnpe papers. Colored Printing and Cover papers. Manilla papers, all sizes, dazed l!oynl, all co lors. Druggist, Ditto Medium and Filtering papers. Ten, Secret and Colored papers for confection ers. Hng, Manilla and Straw wrapping papers. Donnct, Hinders, ISoi, Cap and Trunk hoard. White and null' Envelope; Legal, Letter, Note and Card size, ritrdif for Uliss, Putter !f Co's Printers' Cards in pack ami sheets, whito and colored odd si ces, cut to order. Also, their Gill, Figured and Plain glazed papers. JOSKPH WMIiV, late nf NS N. Third t. N. . I.AWKK.NCII, late of No. 3 Minor t. N. II. filH) Ton of Kag wanted ill eichangc lor cash. Philadelphia, July 20, 18.) I. Cmo. AGENTS WANTED. jl'Sl.NEss MEN to lake the delusive JJ Agency (for n Counlv or Counties) for the Sale of the (SEISM AN WASIUMS l'LI'Il), being an article much cheaper and easier to use than soap, and is warranted to perfectly cleanse all kinds of clothing, containing no Potash, So la-ash, Spirits of Turpentine, Ammonia, Acids, or any article whntcver that will in any manner injure the finest fabrit or Ihe Jlrh. It i an arti cle which, when once introduced, tnnttaiit sale can be made with large profit lo the Agent. tor lull particular regarding prices, term, Ac, address (post paid) to i. r. iiui i i o An. 2(1 South Fifth. 6'., Pint ad' a. July 20, INfll. 2ino. TO TIIF. INPKPF.NPANT VOTEIIS OF N()I!TIIU.M liFdlLANl) COL'NTV. fjlIE sitbscribrr hereby offer himself to th 1 electors of Norlhumbcrlaud County, at tha ensuing election as tt VOI.CNTEEH CANDI DA I E lor the ullice of SI.erilV. Should he be elected, he promises to dischnrga the duties of Ihe office, in such a manner a lo givo entire satisfaction to nil concerned. SAMCEL SAVIDUE. Fpper Augusta, Aug. 'J, is.11. TO TIIF. IXDKPEXDAXT EI.ECTOUS OF X : G UT1 1 1' M II E K L A X D CO V X T V . r" -dlE subscrils'r hereby inform the indepeud- cut voters of Norlhiimlierland eouutv, that he is a VOLINTEEK CANDIDATE for Ilia ullice i if Counlv Coininisfiioncr. Should he be elected he will use everv effort to liscbarge the duties, uf the ullice in such a man ner na will give entire satisfaction to the ciimniu uitv. JOSEPH WALLIs. Xorlhuinlierlaiid, Aug. !l, 1S.11. TO THE ELECTORS OF XOIITIH'MHEK- LANf) COl.'XTV. FiLl.nw Ci rr.t: Encouraged bv hit iiu- merou friends. I hereby oiler Invscll'is a Camli- dalu for the ullice nf MI I. iC El l , of Northiiuiberland eouutv, at the ensuing clec- lion. Should 1 lie elected, I promise to discharge the duties thereof, with fidelity und impartiality. (BEOKISE CON HAD. I'pper Augusta tp., Aug. 2, 1S51. TO THE EI.ECTOUS OF N.tUTHL'MBEU- LAND COl'XTV. Fit i r.i n sin Fi:i. low Cirizii: At the solicitation of in v friends, I oiler myself a a can didate for the otlicc of I Yothoiiotn ry at tho nevt ensuing election, shuuld I l so suc cessful us to be elected, 1 pledge myself lo fulfil the duties uf said ullice with lideliiv. A III! All AM SHII'MAX. Lower Augusta, July 1'J, IS5I. GIDISOX M. YOUKS M ESPECTFI'LLY oilers himself to the pe.i 1 1 pie of Northumberland county as a candi date tor the ullice uf lVotlionorary. He believe hi eiH'rience in Ihe business of that olliee will enable him to fill I'd il dutie fdilhfullv. Sunbury, July S, 1S.1I.- TO THE EI.ECTOUS OF NOUTllUMliEU- LAX D COl'XTV. TIII E siibscrilier respectfully informs his friends J and fellow citizens of Noriliunilicrluiid coun ty, that he oilers himself as a caiulidstu for Connlv Commissioner, at tho ensuing election. He solicit from hi friend and fellow citizen a support, and promi se shoolil he I e elected to discharge the duties of the olliee with lideliiv. weaveu. Sunbury, May 21, 18.11. TO THE ELECTORS Of N OKTH I'M HE It LAN D COl'XTV. Fellow Citixk : At the earnest solicita tion nf many of my friend, I hereby announce inysell aa a VOI.UXTEF.U CANDIDATE for the office of County Commissioner at the approaching election. Should I be elected I promise to discharge the duties of said office with fidelity anil impartiality. I solicit tho stiji- port ol my fellow tiliwiis. CALElt 11 ARRET. Lower Augusta, June 11, ISol. TO THIS KLKCTOES OK NORTllUMBKR. LAND C'OCNTY. I'lHE subscrils'r ress'etfully infnrins his friends and lellow ciIij iisoI Nortbuuilierlauil ceuu ty, lhat he will be a candialc for County ConiiiiissioiKT, at the eiiHuin1' election He therefore solicits from hia friends and fellow citizens a lilieral sup. IHirt, and (ironiiscs should lie lie elected lo die- chaw tl dutiea of the olliee wilh fidelity and impartiality. ELI AS BROSIOI'S. Buuhury, March 15, 1851. TO THE KLKCTOUS OF NORTHUMBER. LAND COl'NTY, Fr.i.Low ('iTiiEsa: At the solicitation of my fiiends, I oiler myself as a randidaUi fur the ollico ul COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the ensuinir election. Should I 1x elected, I promise to discharge tho duties of aaid olliee with fidelity aud impartiality. (iEOUfiE BRIGHT. Sunbury, Aptil 12, Is'jI, SPENCER & REN DELL, MANUFACTURI'IHS OF Gold ami Silver Ten und Pencil Gnsci, No. 2, Maipkn Lank, Ono door from corner of Uroatiway, New York. Every pen will lw warranted for one year. N. It. The above firm were awarded (Sold and Silver Medals, for live consecutivo year, at Ilia Fuir of tho American Institute, fur tho best Gold Pen. July 20, 1851. 3mo. LOOK II KliM!!! jff IHH Subscriber respectfully jV5j"V iiil'oruis his friends and tho Lrfcijf' I'u'ilie geiierally, that ho atill lyjj-Jii continue the SADDLERY BUSINESS, At hi old stand in Market Street, Sunbury, two door above Market Sijuarr, wliera ha con stantly keep on hand, a large assortment of Heady Made Harness, (Double A' Single.) with Silver, liras and Japan ned mounting. Also Saddle. II ridlcs, Trunk, Valices, Whip, Collars. All kind nf work ill hi line made to order, in aa neat a style a can be got up in this country. Persons wishing to purchase will picas call and eiamine hi stock before purchasing elsewhere. N. II. The substrilicr ha just opened a new and splendid Assortment of Saddlery, Such a Silver, llrass nod Japanned mounting, Patent Si lf'-Ailjustiiig Trees, Putrnt lioller Hits, l'iding (Iridic Kits, Trunk and Valice Lock, Trunk Hoard. Trunk Nails. II nines, Trace, Trim ming Laces, Tufts, Sad dle Wch, Single and Double. White Enameled Leather, Patent Leather, Oil Cloth, Hosetl. Tassels, Fancy Hrow-Hands, Saddle Tree, Deer' Hair, PATENT FLY NETS nf all kinds. All of which will he sold as eh-sp if not cheaper than they can be got elsawhrie, fur cash ur approved credit. AXDIIEW J. STKOH. Sunbury, April 20, 18.11 bin. Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. riMl E Subscriber who reside in Philadelphia, M. oilers for sale the following properly ill Mil Ion, NortliiinilH'rlaiid county, vi. : The large BRICK BUILDING l' in upper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Shop. The building is (10 feel front on ujiht Market street, and 'III feet on Front street, and i two stories high. Also n two story MUCK HLACKS.MITII SHOP, 10 by 2.1 feel, on the same premise. The lot is on the comer of upM'r Market and Front streets, ami is (ill feet front, and 1.1(1 fed deep. The premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold on reasonable anil accommodating terms by ap ply nig cither to JACOU CA KKIti A N, Philadelphia. .1. F. WOLEINOEIl. Esip, Milton or H. It. MASS EH, Esq., Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jan. 2.1, I Kill if. MARBLE MANUFACTORY C1IKA11 (illAVK STOMX 11 E subscriber inform his friend and tho - public, that he continue lo carry on the Marble Hnsiness in all its brauchrs, at hi old stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared to manu facture Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c, of the best materials, and most finished work manship, and al the lowest prices. Letter Cutting, Koi;lilt and ('erinun in the most modem and elegant style. Desijjns fur Monument, Crave Stones, Ac, always on hand. N. H Order for the East of the river promptly excctilcil by leaving the same at the oliicc of the "Sunbury American." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, May 1(1, 1N3I. NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOK. CtOM PHEHEXsIVE summary of I'niversal ' History, together wilh a Diographv of Dis tinguished Persons, to which isuppemled an epi tome nf Heathen Mythology. Natural Philosophy, Gen eral Astrotiouiv and Phvsiologv. Ailuptn! ;mtl ui'tl ill tlio Juliic Kchooli of Philadelphia. E. S. JONES .V Co., Publishers, !. W. Corner FOt'RTH an I RACE Sis., Phil. Teachers and Nchool Cotiiiuitteca addrrssius; letters to us post paid, will be furnished with copies for etaininaliou. IT A Full and Complete Assortment of lit 11 IKS uud STATIONARY, for Sale al the lowest Jii'r. May :t, 18ol.Iy. (irful liiipruvriiirnls in making French 15nrr 31 ill Sloncs. "1 Y lh lift of : 1 9 KKNhKR'II.IR) inipiocsil ,-ii.t it. .11 J;".!1'"!1' " icto tin-Itiiiiasr, so as 1,1 slisir inr ih rT ol tin Sinn, j ud h.m a in n'falit ls(!sjiit't ryna and driver ii a in ktp tli tiul.uice rf kiiif? without trum llHlltf unlil it it wru nut. t Mi r si'x-k !' IM.vki ii (Irrtwl in r:np mid I In hrsi ii;ilily only iifi-d. n1 Idiir rl ii'iiu v t ! if't m ii!aintirr wilh the oar fifune to rim. u t prp-.-rni die rimiirr crtokitit; in llif rt. II 'linn; t'l'ithn i' u tt iniiidr, ih;ip lur Canlj. Mill Itoiim utnl Si in 1 1 Mii'tiincii liiMiolii'd It order. tirindM-inm ni n-n riitt Bi.fn, bh liable !r Countrv Mcr- rhaniff, iiiil.TlFit and ir Kile hy J. I .. M I I I II 1.1,1. i. H nld York Itottd. nrir Ihe liiilmn l'ol. rinUtlclphiM. April Vi, iSil. lima. JOHN CALVEKLEVT iiiiiiii',i iiiK i' ur MOULDS, No. Itl'J Race, (Sassafras,) street, jlhore Third, opposite Ihe White Swan Hotel. PHILADELPHIA. Tallow Chandlers and Manufacturers can be supplied with a first rale Article of Candle Moulds, ot Superior rvccllcuce and lioish. N. 11. I he Moulds are made of the tx-sl Metal and polished by a new I'ateot Machine, wliich pives them an cUra finish. They are after the English style the tips to screw on the piptf, and Ihe pipe to screw liulit in the Im-iicIi. Ii" Wiiius vi'kii lo be far superior lo any other now in u.e.J He also ni.inul.u Hues Surgical rumps and S riiiiic. April 13, 1HS1. Bum. KNOII AND ".si'RlNli MORTISE LAT- CUES. An excellent arlicle, for sale al hall the usual prieo by J W, FWILINU, Sunbury, July 7. lSl'J BLANK rarchmeiit Paper Deeds and blank MortKagca, lloiuls, Executions, Suininons, Ac, for aale by H. 11. MASSE U. Sunbury, April 2, 1851. 1 AZORS. A aus?rior article for sale at Ihe tore of HENRY MASSER. Bunbury, Feb. 16, 1R5(( SILVER WATCHES A few double cases English Silver Watches, for sulu at very low prices by IL U. MASTER, buiibuiy, Ajtil 1.', 18M. GREAT ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! AT THU STOBH OP riULING &. GRANT, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., fTMIE aubserilier hereby inform their old cus- turner and the public generally, that they have just teceived a large and extensive assort ment or all kind nf Merchandize, whicli they oiler to purt baser at audi rales, lhat they can not refrain from buying. Their assortment uf Dry Goods, i large, embracing all kind nf Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, tyc. A general assortment of Summer wear, of LINKV, WOOL and COTTON, Staple, and Fancy Goods for Ladies, nf all kinds, such a Calicoes, Mous. do Laiues, Lawn, (iingham, Ac. GROCERIES and QTJEENSWAKE. Also an excellent assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. I)ltl"lir AND MI-'.IJICIXKi. Fish, Salt and Plaster. tV" Country produce of all kinds laken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, May 10, 1851. ' LOOK EEP.E, S3rET33r ccycncrTTrzr0 STgILLIAM HOOVER respectfully inform V In friend and customer that ho ha just returned from Philadelphia, wilh an excellent assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, which he oiler for sale at hi new store at Mas ier' Mill, Hollowing Knn. These good will be told at the lowest prices. HIS STUCK CONPISTM OK KVKII Y VARIETY, Y,z: Dry Clouds, Sr., Such as Cloths, Cassimrres. Muslins, Calticocs, Utnghams, Lawns, Chintzes and Ladies Dress (Snmls generally. ALSO: " An assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IKON and STEEL, NAILS, Ac: A general assortment of (Iroceries, such as Sugar, CotR-e, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, &.C. A Iso an assortment of Liipjors, such aa Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, Wints, S'c. W Produce of nil kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Hollowing Run, May 10, 1S51. ly. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. r I s 1 1 K stteatinii iif Haitilcrs ami otlisrs, are rcs;ecU'ullr I invited lo tin; extensive nml well sHrctcil stnek ml UI II.IU.Mi IIAUDW AUK anii TllHI.S. now offeria lijr tlie sat.iu'ritsT. C'liimstin in purl as Minus: Aiiieiiean I'rnnt Hour ls'Ws, upiiijlit, with nigtit work, plnlnl nr Imiss liiriiilurn, or pnreelaia all enlnrs. Aiaerie-'in Krnnt llistr Ijik'Wb, iiirtlit, itaia, with itipht vvnrk, ilatcil or hmss furniture, ur inicclain oil Cnl'TS. American Kmnt ).inr Iicks unit Stnro Ilisir, llnri.m tat or upi iirlit, tirnss t'lirnititre, or uireclani all e.ilnrs. Alnerieioi Itiiu lM-Ls, all sixes nml qualities. White or brass Inritittire, nr pon-flaiii all cnlnrs. Ainerie.iu Aliirttec l..sliR. all, with I'lnleit, vvliilc or lira Inriiitnre. nr pnreelain all c.'t'irs. A riean Mortice Jitelies, all sizes, with nlutetl vvtilts ur Imiss liiriiitnre. or mrccaia all enlms. Atneriean Mnrliee anil Itaa rini;t LsWs, plain! m brnns eM'ulehiNiiis, nr pnreelain ull enlnrs. American Drop, Stop, Tliaiuh, IJatu, uad Storu Uo.r Isitehes. AN , (nipntleit Is-ks anil Ijiteliesnf eveiv ilesi-riptinn. lladlwin's. an American llatt Unties, ol all sizes, last or l.mse jninl. Shinier, liale, Strap, T and llaekllap llinires. ull klllila. Shutter, liale., I'lnsh. mitt Spring Hull, of wrought or iiisl imn ami (truss, every leseripli'in. S'ren'S. Sprig, lilac, Sam! I'uper ol Hie tiest quality. American Asle and Slunll Allil I'ullcjs, ul' every variety. Ailierican Itattons, plain or on (dates, bra's. Iron, or lirnllZilt, AiniTican Nubs, pttitinl, wtiilt. Iron, or wood, all kiails. Srthli.C. ird, r. .linn- ii and patent, wilh other artu'luM too lianierniis in meal ma. IT" .VUI.S and SASII-WKliniTS ut KACTOUY ritiri:s. Vf All ;.l di livereil free of Charge to any part of Ilic t'ilv anil llisliiets. At this -KliiHiflinicut can tie fnimil ononf the lanrest mut besl uss irluieiits nl W illie and Kiniey Nul,s l"nr IM-ks, Ac, in the City; S'iiiiu patterns, ol' winch, cunii'it lie seen, nr olit: il. ill any kiIiit More. TtKH.S. Speai .V J:iet,s n Hack, I'aiM 1. Il.niil. nnd Itipn Saws. inip.Tte.1 cxpresiilv I'nr Itetail wiles, all selected with cure. .enter, 7.f U :, V . Ih-uv ..II i.m.l f t.lit w-l. ami tlie Umip (.t.imihI ai ul trii-'l. Jtcatu 'n V illiriiiift1 I,1"'1"' Vxl', ni,tL'l,cl, l'"iviiiij Kmvm, c, all war- 'iV.uhunil lacW'tmaLoof Au-r. und Ault Hals, !l t.rn Atncriraii S-tiian B and Hcviln of ' t rv .Irncnntit'ii. Auiirjcaii Wulcii. (.tunica, Niwstltn, iVmimsstii, SrreT- Aiinric;iii S. IluintrKr0, Clnwaittl Un ctin, ull izci, Anviln and Victn, nil mzt n. Sifd. Imn, mihI Wimtleii I (nice, with C. Uilts, in greiit vuni-ly. . (iriMVtn it c 'ii p, ijnicrifr imu diner ccieuruicu ; nmkeiu.l t'lnm lii, I'llcn, IMam -limm, Ac. X AiIiIih's rcli'liratiit t'arviiii! T'Nits, all sli.-nics. .M.ikinpc niiR of tlie Ih'si aist most cxtf-iisivs ass irtineiits ot lliiililin ll.iiilwarc and 'I'.Kils in lilt- Slate. At tins mtaliliiihiiiciit u is con alcri'il s plmsurs to slmw tlie IiimkIs. ".t are invittil to call ami t'Xaiitinc llir sssnrt inrnt. ami bear I be prices aitkcit, bcl'ors parcliuMng clbs Whcrs. Colli! unit sec us. Yours, re spectfullv. "vm. m. Mcri.cur., No. S7 NTarkct St.. brtwesa 7tll anil 81I1, UJfr sals. riiiUlrlilna, AjiiiI I.', 1M1 ly. " UXIOX HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. rpilE MISS AVEIT.EL'S respectfully inform sL the I'ublie that they still continue to enter tain travellers and others at their old established stand in Market street, west of the Court House. Their Inter experience in the hnsiness, nnd the I well established reputation of their House, will, ! they trust, be a sufficient guarantee, that their i ' ni 11 1 . 1 i customers will W well accommodated. March 8, 1851. tf. L. AV. II. (ilKSK, (.Is ml for Henri, t'arr,) LUMBER COMMISSION M Mil I'll HT, Fniu ltil:, itauiitioio. IT- LIBERAL ADVANCES niado on Con signments. Li rriaa and Coasitissir.sTS shuuld be ad dressed to L. W. H. (ilESE, Agent. May 10, 1851. Into. "STOVES ! STOVES! rillll", subscriliera return their sinccr thanks to -l their customers, for liberal encouragement for the last year, und hope by strict attention in tilling orders to meet with the same IiIxt.I patron, age. We hae on hand the greatest vaiiety of patterns uf any other Foundry in the I'uiled Slates, and still adding to their nuuiln r. (iive us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock embraces a great variety of Cooking stoves, of the most approved kinds, 1'arlor stoves tor wood or coal, common stoves, cylinders of all kinds, and (sld plates of all kinds to repair stoves. For Summer use, a small Stove, called Sum mer baker, new and Usnior Furnaces for burn ing charcoal or atone coal, Cias ovens of several ihllorcnt patterns, Bake ovens, several patterns, hitching posts, Spout irons, and'a variety of arii cles in casting, too numerous to mention. The Hardware trade can be supplied wilh common 4, 5, Ii, 7, and 8 quart Tea kettles, at very low pri ces for cash or city acceptance. A few casks of superior Cierman black lead on hand. WARNICK tc LIIIRANDT. Noble st. wharf, Delaware, 1'hiladelphia. April IS, 1851 (imo. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA (MX (iEH, a fresh supply just received, and for tale hv U- B. MASSER. April IS, 1851. GOLD l'ENS with and without silver rases just received, and for aale bv 1! B. MASS Kit Punhury. Anril 1 IRS sLA.NK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of $ :I0, for sale by Apid 20, 1851 11. B. MA.SER. 1 lV rw an insi-i r . 3 CHERRY PECTORAL: Fr ihe C'yre of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW CHZTZS, CROUP, ASTH MA, "WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. The uniform success which has attended Ihe use of 1 1 list preparation it salutary cdeet it (Miwer to relieve and cure offcclinns of the Lungs, have Rained for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. We ofler it to the allliclcd wilh enlirn confidence in its virtues, and the foil belief that it will siiklne and remove the severe.-t attacks of disease upon the throat nnd Lunirs. These results, as they become publicly known, very naturally attract tho attention of medical men nnd philantrnpists everywhere. What is their opinion of CIIERfiV PECTOiAL may ha seen in the following; : . VALENTINE MO'l'T, M. D Vrtif. Surgery 2fn(. Cvlhyr, J'i w Yn,, wi.v . "It (fives me pleasure to ceil ily the value :n., ellicacy of Ayer'a I'll ERR V I'EC'Tt li'A I., whicli I consider peculiarly adapted to cure ili-ea-ses of the Throat and Littles." THE 1!T. REV. LORD JJI5HOP FIELD, writes in a letter lo his friend, who was sinking under nn atlection of the Liinss : "Trv thu C'HEWUY PEC'TOW AL and if any incdicino can civo you relief, with the blessing of tied tlt.U will." CHIEF Jl'STICE KI'STIS. of Louisiana, writes "That a yoiint; ilaitTlitei of his was cured of several severe attacks ol" Criii by tlie ClIEi'iV PECTOA'AL." ASTHMA AND URONCHITls. Tht L'ttHmliuH Jimrniil nf jlnlr,:l .ve. urfl stales, "That Asthma and Hronchitts so prevalent in this inclement climate, has Yielded with Knrpii sinj rapidity to Aycr's t'HEXRV I'l'.t "l' ) L, nnd we cannot loo strongly reconnucnil t'.iis skiii ful preparation to tlio Prnfessiuu and pubile i cn erally." Let the relieved aufferer spcaU fir himself: 1 1 a it r t ii ii n, Jan. "Ii, 1 IV. Dr. J. C. Aver -Dear Sir : Havint; been res cued from a painful and dauuerons iliscave bv ynitr medicine, gratitude prompts me to sen I this iicknowledtrnieiit, not only in justice to mi, but for the information of others in like niHu tion. A s!ii:ht cold upon the luntrs, ueisleeted nt fr-t. became so severe that spiltinu nf blood, a violent cough and profuse night sweats fnll'm ed and fas tened upon me. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my courh, and a pain throtmh my chest, nnd in short had ail Ilie alarm tut; syiutoms of iptick consumption. No medi cine seemed at all to reach mv ease, until I prnvi dentially tried your C 1 1 V. ll II V PECTO.'AL, which soon relieved and now has cured me. Voura with respect. E. A. STEWART AtniM, N. V. April 17, l.Slo'. Dr. Aver. Lowell Dear Sir I h ive for ye n been ntllieted with Asthma in the worst form ; so that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger purt of the time, beiuis unable lo breathe on my bed. I had tried a ureut many medicine, to no purpose, unlil mv Phvsici.iit pre-e ribed, a an experiment, your CHERRY PECTORAL. At first it seemed lo make me worse, but In less than a week I hi'iran lo experience tl.e tnnst (rratilyin relief from its use ; and now, in tour weeks, the disease is entirely rcnuicd. I cm sleep on my bed with comfort, nnd enjoy a slalu i f health wliich I had never expected to eni.n. (.TORliE s. EARVA-Vi'. I'll r. I' i H L n 11 v i.e. siKii, i ai:isT,i.owi:i.i., Mis. tV JSold by Henry Masser. Sunhtiry ; Mary A. MeCay, Norlliumberland" Dr. (icarliarl, S lins;rove; Dr. Eickly, Danville, and Dnc-isUls generally. 1'ib. 15, lrtiil. lyceUm ASXDRIC AN KOUSS, POTTSVILLE, PA. M MAH h KU rrspoctfull y iLfurmi. tin piil-lic stihl tr.ivi'llili t'oiimi uu it y uciii'ial- j Vt ulX s;u, ()H,m., tliin lurc iiml I'uwnh'.li.ius ! 11 U',,1:I UiniUlinl in a su.crhr stvl. !'n;.. 1HT .OIll t'M'CIKIHV til IW lU.-lllt'S; Ol il MM lAI Hotel, and well kunun reputation to accoiitnio date, her customers may depend on bciii- with every tiling conducive lo their comfort, anil convenience. Feb. 15. IS." I. tt 'laavkkxce house. sunbury, PA. fl HE subscrilier respectfully informs her friends 1. and the public generally, that she has take the above well known stand m arly opposite tlis Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. IVr kins. Hie trusts that her experience ill business, nnd her efforts lo make her guests comfortable, will give entire satii-factinn to those who may fa vor Iter with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1851 if. TREVORTON KCUSE. TUEVOKTON, PA. Fjlin suliM-riber respectfully hit rms the p:ihb & that he has opened a J'ublic lloue, in tit new lotvn ol"i'reorto!i, Northuuii'i'il.ind count,' and that he is well prepared to hia gucM in tlie best manlier. His house is locate! iieariy opposite the Company's Slotv. He isalso proiided with good staliling sulikient for hor- si's, tie trusts liy prompt and caret il allivilt.iii to to meet a share of the public patiott- age. HENRV B WEAN UR- Trevorton, Jan- 11, Ik.'iO if AND TENSION ACiMXCV. The attention of the public is called 1.1 the ad veiiisetnent of Mr- Charles C 'J'ucker, Attorney and Agent nt W'usliigton City- IVrs-ma huv ing claims for bounty Lauds or Pensions are in forutcd lhat the subscriber has made arr.iiurom'iit for tlie rcipiisite forms, and claimants calling at his uiucc, can have their papers prepared and foi warded to Mr- Tucker at Waslun. and by bun be properly attended lo before the De partment there. 11. B. MANSER. Sunbury, Jan. IS, 1851 evL LlC '-C O -1 j'jj ESSENCE Of j v y a 1 c a (i 1 x (i 1: ii . MAPI', from tlie ImsI J;ini(iia (Jni.-i', nil il.f vd.i-il UlvMlic inal properly o' winch It v il! lm,.i.t lo pox- in si r iivrtiirnl 11 1 id c iiict'iiii';tlf. i ,ltn. ll it a uioki eiltcirnt mill ;t( lin- a,im- Iiiik- li iruil-M. t-oily kliinul itiirj; t 'mo 1 or tlit utont-ich, mi. I w ill I., i u . t n v txnttit'iul in relieving the ;iinlti! nod ili c, i,'c!h.:;h oftMitionid liy Ilir intpairid acii iii oi tins imp m I'roin h:ill" lo 11 wliole tin-p-tout nl tnkm in :i w tm-v fill oi' sUV'tM'teni'd water wilt iimut-iluii'l n m v c i. n tui- lrnr undopprtwiou rmultiim ir hm Ki n. an t h l v two or tli ret limes duly. u ropuriit. :ll t"-:'ilv iiwt'ut :i;(iiiM Hie biNnliidemid w nr ! ;itW ihj l Hn -in-ncli und tt'inkitey to nn dm rnliTcd tic: ion .n i ,.i if.t t'V llt cnrnlinp rt'l ol' llir mnniiitT html " l ;",,'r diK,ioiiiiioat tad I'or corrcctuiu tho uiiipifiit niutt, ot ttunr liira, A p. It it .tin an expi-llriil mrtt.pine f -r tin who Mv m jui rd Ibe 1'iw o ihnr toiii;u l. I'V loiiii. n-'i- dm .v iiiioiHMtmu iKiuor, l.v na mtiiiiiy w I;"""-T :' Ihr 1, li rr.ii.vins ilif.'ii'Vinjr l -i tiiuiiiuti. . - Hlf IK 11 1 tniiiri..i.tcti 11 ' I'"''"- 1,11,1 11 1 f"i 4 In- drliii" of (h-proiiaion, whu-halwa) Mtotv w nf uk' 'Ivlic kliiiinl.iiiiif. A I'.'W illoi ft aild-'d l lli:ifII.''M, lltUUirll OT OlI'tT p(U2- nvo inlt.'iiHi, will rrtnii i tli. iu ni-r.- n,v pt..t,itf i ih.i pi .uu. h nn prev ail the griping wh.cU n apt to u.-ciinjuiiy littii action. rnErsRi:u only r.y AMiiitosi; smith, Dili GGIST AND rilflMIST. iV. E. conur uf th ou t Chestnut Sln's l'LiLiJclj hia, Apid tvl ly fi