SUNBURY AMK1UCAN AND S1IAM0K1N JOURNAL Pott v u . l'rotn the 'niiesville Courier. "Jugs Has Eis." Oh ! yon ought to hear Sam Jours relate Hunt thPftooil old times in our native Stato! When almost evp.y Rushing rill In tho lluckeyo Slate could boast its slill; When tliB sliong, pine juice of the rye and corn Was (Wing on from nipht to morn. And every man could got a ltonn 1 Oh mkkk'r was cheap, far cheaper than now, A man could live without keeping a cow ! lint Tern' ranee lias kum, Temperance as ts, And tho price uf our grog and jugs 11 Asms. Now Billy! just wipe 'cm tcais from yonr eve, And pint me to one Distillery ! huik ruins lie scattered here and there, Where once our largo Distilleries were ; Hut the s rit.i.s arc gone, and tho worm's do cay'd And their owners are in the Churchyard laid. For Temp'rance has srii.rn the i.ikkrr trade ! And now, if you'd drive tho fog fiom your throat, Von mnsl carry a Flask in your hat or coat .'ra'nee has ki m, Temp'rance as is, Ami the price of our grog and jugs has ris. OCrackf.y! the joy good Tinm will inspire, When a ring is made round the tavern tiie ! Ah! what can compare with the Dar room srat When the j"l;c goes round, and the song and treat ! But the ii,NnsovF.T places I ever saw Are all shut up by the License Law, And we must crinii.E our ukkfr alone and raw ! Does I boast of our freedom ? no. no siree ? I jinn was cheap and free, Hut Temp'rance has kcm Temp'rance as is, And the price of our grog and jugsHAs kis. 1 keeps my i .' in the Cole-hole below. Hut there iiV cuM and trouble you know ; Fvery time 1 g"ts ilry I must go to the cellar, And the wimniLii fulks play sich tricks on a feller ! As suro as my name is Swipr-y P. Soalcum If I'm pizened to death! niay Beelzebub choke ;em ! For they puts in my jug that Tartarized oak um And I pekakany and Diagnn of rotnm ! One half of mv i.ikkeii, as I am a sinner, Wont stay in that place whoie I puts in my dinner. lint Temp'rance has Ki'M, Temp'rance as is And the price of our grog and jugs has riSi SWIPF.V T. SOAKUM. 3ftfsrrUtttfroit8 IKnttcr. Dr.etnKm.v the latest, is the idea of con verting chloroform into a propelling power What next 1 To draw a man's merit out, there is no noultico like the sod which covers his grave. appear in the streets of Cin cinnali now withuut causing any excite mcut. "fUz assured." savs Kicliter, "that it is morn ditlicu t am needlul to love tlioso vho despise you, than those who hate yon Iv all cases of slander currency, when ever the foigcr of the lie is not to be found ibo injured nnrticB should have a naht to coine on any of the endorsers. Sheridan. An honest Irishman, fresh from Iliber nia, caught a humble bee in his han supposing it to be a humming bird. 'Ooh," he exclaimed, ': Divit burn me ! how hot his little ftit U." Oca Friend Prentice is gelling up a new kind of sheep that will take to the water like Newfoundland dogs. The breed is a cross made by giving a hydraulic ram to the run of the sheep pen. Thbre is one redeeming trail about about termagants, and that is, they are always tidy. The moie women scold the harder they scrub. A fit of ugliness always terminates in a breaking out of slop pails and white vash brushes. 1:1 noi.u it to be a fact," says Piscal, "lhat if all persons 'knew w hat they said of each other, there would not bo four friends in the w hole world. This is manifest from the dis putes which indiscreet repoits passing from one to another often give rise to." Tiik following is Aunt Uetsy's description of her milk man : "Ha is the meanest man in the wothl," she exclaimed. ' He skims his milk on the lop, and then he tuius it over nnd skims the bottom, and then he skims the sides, and then he divides it into ten parls, carefully skimming eacli part." (:Doi:s your arm pain yen, sir V asked a lady of a gentlepjan who had seated him self near her in a mixed assembly, nnd thrown his arm across the back of her chair and tour'., d her neck. 'Nr. Miss, it don't, a,k V' "I noticed it was out all V The arm was lemoved but w by do you of its p!ae. that's a r.ri:u kiss. Some editors are lucky fellows; one of them has received tho following, in a VPty neat billet, and in a very neat style of chi rographv. Ho objects decidedly to "tako it'' in this fashion alone, though, A kiss, a kis, Pioplotu w ith bliss, 1 send within this paper; Take it in haatp, .li'iii't slop to la.-l , It's lilt In mom than vapor. l tc:i .1 ." i'T'.ll Villi ..'I'll. '.v-'.- ' " ' i '' ut ifci. "i!;.'' ii-ii r. i-iii i:v t ii. i u-!i.v i' r,u. j i i J A CA1 T, TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the hlnct Ware Iloom or SEirK 1IOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the totner nf Fawn street If the Railtottd SUNBUUY, I'A. Thnnkful for tho patronnpc of his friends ami customers during hc 17 years he has lren in busi ness ftt this place, he solicits from the public con tinunnce of their favors. During this period he has rndravorod to keep up with the improvement of the day, and has nreordltljil.Y extended his busi ness in every branch and varietyi The public arc therefore invited to tho attention of tho present stock of CA111XRT WARE AND CHAIRS, SJANtTACTi'nKn nv SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO, At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment tiny now manufacture Mahcgnny, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Large Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing JJitreaus, Centre Tables, .Worlds Top Wash Stands una a variety of other new style and Fashionable Fiirntliirc Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they arc now prepared tor t.inlcrtaking in nil its brunches, in this vicinity or at nny convenient distance. Ye maMs mid mistresses, nml liiisiiniiila tiw, Here's furniture nf every style rtnil tine, l-Y-tn riile hoards down to kitchen taMes, From roi'liint: chairs to tnckinct cra.lli'S Fh.iiilil yiMi not have the unity Johx to pny. We'll wait awhile for it brighter better day, (lr take potatoes, outs, corn, wlirnt mill rye ; Hark, hoop p "les. staves, or liunlier wet and dry Or nny thine; but yokes an.l lliresliinj- Hails, Ft"m pijrs nuil turkirs down to little qimil.. Come on then frirmls, come niienwl nil, Keep trnttc u moving, no "irncl nil the hulk" tV Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of nil kinds delivered with dispatch. iSunbmy, March 'J, 18."0. tf rn AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selmsgrove, Pa. C loclis, Watclivs and Jewelry, 11 EI'AIlvTD in the best manner and warranted J- to perform well. All work intrusted to his care will be strictly attended to. Sclinsgrove, "Xov. 30. 1850. tf. 850 FORFEIT. HUNTER will forfeit .0, if failing to cure any case of secret disease that may come under his care, no matter how long stand ing or ntlltcting. Either sex are invited tu his Private Rooms, 3S North SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, without fear of interruption by oth er patients. Strangers nnd others who have been unfortunate in the selection of a physician are invited to enll. Those who have injured themselves by solitary vice nre also invited. KI'.AU AND HEI'LECT. The afllicted would do well to rcllcct before trusting their health, happiness, nnd in many eases their lives, in the hands of physicians, ignorant of this class of maladies. It is certainly impossible for one man to understand till the ills the human family nre subject to. Every respectable physician has his peculiar branch, in which he is more success ful than his brother professors, nnd to that ho de votes mo. t of his time and study. YE A l!S OF PRACTICE, ciclusivcly duvo ted to tho study nnd treatment of diseases of tho sexual organs, ogethcr with ulcers upon the bo dy, throat, nose, or legs, pains in tho head or bones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregulari ties, diseases arising from youthful excesses or impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to oiler sircihi relief to nil wdio mav place themselves under his care. Philadelphia, April 19, 1851 ly. Jotii'Eini of flic Fit AX KLIN IN STITUTE, 1V THE STAT!! OF rniXSYI.VAMA TO TIIK PROWoTloS or TtlU rilDCIIAMD ART. HE oldest Mechanical Periodical extant in America, is publisbed on the first of each month in the Citv uf Philadelphia. It has been regularly issued for upwards of twentv-five years. nnd is carefully edited by a committee of scientific. gentlemen appointed for tho purpose, by the Frank tin Institute. The deservedly hich reputation, both nt homo nnd abroad, which tins Journal has acquired and lustaincd, has given it a circulation nnd exchange istof the best character, which enables the Coin inittee en Publications to make the best selections from Foreign Journuls, and to give circulation to original communications on mechanical mid sci entitle subjects, and notices of new inventions ; notices of all the Patents issued nt the Patent Of fice, Washington City, are published in the Jour nal, together with a large amount of information on Mechanics, Chemistry, ond Civil Engineering, derived from the latest nnd best authorities. This Journal is published on the first of each mouth, each number containing at least seventy two p.vgcs, nnd forms two volumes annually of aliout l.i'J pages each, illustrated with engravings on copper and on wood of those subjects which reipiiic them. The subscription price is Five Dollars per an num, payable on the completion of the sixth num ber; nnd it will be forwarded free of postage when live dollars are remitted to the Actuary (postage paid) in advance for one year's subscrip tion. Communications and letters on business must be dim-led to "Hie Actuary of the Franklin Insti tute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," the poslago paid. WIU.IAM HAMILTON, Actuary, F. 1. April IS, IH5l.r fimo. YM. M'CARTY7 "" BOOKS i: I, L K It , Broadway, SUNBURY, PA. I I AS recent 'y received, ntnona; ether articles, a great variety ot New, Cheap nnd Enterluiu ing publications sorb as Coopers novels, complete or sstmrate. Herberts Do ' ' Rodwcll, Dumas do Trollopc, Sue do Halliburton. Eeyndols do Alarryntt, Coekton do Crey, Maxwell do Marsh, Joriold do Ainsworth, Morris do At the low price of from 35 to 50 ct tier volume. Sunbuiy, Sjpt. 2S. Hot). tf.. J. II. ZIMMERMAN', fiiUlbUfy, P.i, I Ulion ii. i ii,. Mill!!' III:.! !y h.'.'l i.iui.r. OJ.l.l.Mto tll I'l,1' MOTRT. 'in n... ... : r I'li-iii. is im i,.' in -,v ai-r-tnije-In. I ;! Jaiin.i iici k iiniel'led l''l:li in il.all ,.. ! I. .!. .nt; i all and tn.'kfi se-'leniei.l llll'lit oi j'.'viiu tin it i.i.i'.c i. . a do li Hi . :t. i FM-ir ti i. 1 1 i 1.1',.- ile j ti.r.p-, an.l .t A .'ii).lv of tli.-'in useful ! rti "i Jil l li t .!, ly H!IN VV I fill. 1 i i i.i, lf. ,1 -. i JUVOTIMn SCIEtVTtFIC H.VI. PEPSIN! T II K r It U E DIGESTIVE FLUID, 1 11 ' o n GASTRIC JUICE ! A GUT! A DYSPEPSIA CURER, Prepared from Itt'.Wr.T, or tlic fourth Ptoinuch nf tin Ox, ulW (liteetions of DARON l.lKHtn, the prient I'li)ioloRienl, by J. S. ltOfCHIf ON, M. 1)., No. II, North retail Preel, rhiMeltin, Tn. This is n Inil) w-oielerfiil remedy for INIHOK.STIOV, DVfW.PSIA, .tAfNnirH, Mvlill COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION omlDKIIIUTY, Curing niter Na ture' own method, by Nature's own sgent, the Uiulrie. J nice. CP" Half a traspnnurnl of this Fluid, infused In wnter will ihjrert or iliuolt-e, Five Pounds of Ilousl Beef in boat two hours, out of Hie rtnnwch. DIGESTION, "f tni'!TI N is elai lly performed in the stomach by the .1 f uiil of ti l!uid which' IrCely exuiles from the inner eo:u nl lhat menu, when in u .tme'nf health, enlleil the lliistnc Juice. Tins fluid is the Ureal Solvent nf the I-'iukI, the Purifying, Preserving, nnd Sliiunlnling Ag"Mt of tic-st.o. inueh nuil intestines. it there will be no iliges tifn, no eonverKioii of fissl into IiIimkI. nitd no nutiltiou nf the body; hut rulher n foul, torpid, nuintnl, imdileiitrue tlve condition nf the whole digestive iiipurntiis. A weuk, l'nlf deuil. or injured stoin'ieh prodne.s no siswl (itistrie Juiee, mid iieneethe diseiie, distress unit debility which ensue. PKI'SIX AND RENNET. PKI'SIN in tht; rhiof c!ninit, ir prtvit )it-slini: PriiKi pie nl' Uie li mine Juice, it in round in prcai hIimihIhiicc in fi'litl parts nt' the lunnnn nt'iiniicli tilt it k';itli, mul miiuc lmu'8 (muwr the tnniii'li tn tliir.t itft lf, or cut itn;lt" up. It is tils ThiimI in ilit! Ktoin.'H-h of aniiunlK, tin tlie ox. cmII", Vc. It in Hit: niatcmtt iisctl iy faniifrs in inakinif c lux we. filled KtMinct, the ftrt-ct of which Ims Imh hcen the ftperitii wotiftcr of t hctlairy. 'I'ho rur.lliim of milk in I he firt pro itms of digestion. Hciini't p-iRSfmies nstoHisltinj; jowrr. The Mi niiach nf u ealf will curdle nearly one thniiKuid liine its own weight of milk. Il imn liicl-iij utaU-n that, l,iie part 'i ' IVpnin di-ts.ilved in sixty thmiNind nnrt of wuiet, will tlijvi'st meat nnd othfr fo;d." I) i sen net f stoin-Mdis pro due; im ir-tod Unstrte Juice. 1! timet or lYpinii. To show lliut tliin want may he perfectly supplied, we imutu tlie fol lowing SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! HAHON MI'.Iiltl, in hi relelimlnl wrrfc on Animal L'lieinifiiy. as: "An Artilicinl .)iit i c V'luid im:da;nit to the fiasinr J.iief. may he rcndilv prewired from the mti fiiiR inemtrrane oi th stoiiinch of the calf, in which various unifies of ohm!, nn meat mid eir-js, wiJI 1 eiied, clum-i-d, and diiieNted, just in the HJiue manner us they w mld he in oie unman Biniimcli." l)i ri;Ui;il(.A, in his famous treatise on "Food nnd niet," piiMishrd hy Fowlers ,V Wells. New Vtirk. pae 35, states (he Rime great fact, and describes the method of preparation. There aic few higher outhoriiits tlun ill. I'ereira. ?. t'OMPH, in tis valuaMe wriliiiirson tlie'Tliyshtl -py ot i'jcstii'!mtrved that ''a diminution oi the due tity of the Jastrie Jitice in a prominent ond ult-prevailnip esiuseof Iiv-'pensia antl he states that uu ilistiliffuihrd profefs r of iikmTiciho in londoii, who was severely utHict ed with this rompltiiiii. finding every thine else to tail, laid leronifee t t the (fastrie I nice, ViUained from the st umu'li if living unimals, which proved completely sueeessful." Dr. (iKAIlA.M, unthorof the famous works on ge tahle Diet." siivb: "it is renuokahle faet in physiology, that the stomachs of :mima!f, imteei-ated in watt. impail to the fluid the piopr-ity of dis ilvin; various imictcs of fio(l. und of ellectiuc u kind oi' urtiticial digestion ot' them in no wise different from the natural digestive process. " Dr. SI.M(l."H preat work, the 'Clicmistrv of Man." (I.ea A Hlaiiehard, Fhila. 1-ltt, pp. fWI-'J) says: 'T!ie ills c vrrv of FKl'SIN forms it new era in the chemical history ot Di'jrstioii, r,,ru recent expciimenls we know. I at food is dissolved n ninidlv in mi artificial diirvtive lluid, prepuied mini IVpsiu, us it is in the natural tiastiie Juice Itself.,' Fiotensor DFNOUSdX of the Jen"etsnn Collcpe, Phila delphia, in his great work on lliiniaii lMiyfli"try. devotes moie than tiny pn?cs to im cxauiiiiatiou of this sutjeet. Mis experiments with Dr. Jk'aum nt, on the tiastrie Juice, ohlnined from the living human Hi"inuch and from animals are well known. Hu all t-isrs," he says, "digestion oeeur retl as perfectly in the artificial as in the natural digest ii iis.'i AS A DYSPEPSIA CTHEK, ' Dr. nOUOIlTON'S pn-pMration of PF.I'SIN has prndu eetl the most marvellous etleets, eiirmg canes of Debility, lmiaeiation, Nervous Decline, riuI Dyspeptic Consumption, supposed to he on the rerv verge ot the grave. It is im pousihle to give the leUiils'ol cases in the limits of this ad vertisement hut authnilieatril certificates have hern given of more Una TWO Ul'NDItCD It KM Alt KA lil.K Cl'KKS, in IMiilad-Iphiu. New York, and Itost.-n nlonr. These weie neiirly all desperate eases, und the cities were not only rapitl and wonderful, hut permanent. It is a great VOl'S ANT1DOTK, ud particularly useful for tendency to Ii.Imiis disorder, I.iver CoiupIai;.t, Fever and vgue, or hadly treated Fever uiul Acne, und the evil t-fi'yets of Quinine, Slcrcury, and other drus upon ti e Digestive ortrans, nftei n long Kiekness. A!i, tr rxcess in eating, mid tin too free use of aideut spirits. It almost reconciles Health with Intemperance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is n- form of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS which it does not seem to reach nnd remove nt once. o matter how hd they may le, it tilVliS INSTANT KK I.IKF! A single (low; remove all the unpleasant symp toms, and it onlv need to he repeated, lor a sh irt time, to make these g ooi'h-fTcrtM perm un-tit. PI lilTV OF lil.OOD ami VKiOli OF Hi DY, follow at once. U is particularly excellent in eases ot Nansca, Youuttnc, (trumps. Soieness of the pit of the Stomach distress after eating, low, cold, state of the Jilood, Heaviness. Lowness ot Sjurits. Despon deney, l-luiacinUMi, Ycukuess, leudeiiey t) lusuiiily, Sui eide, &e. Price. DOLLAR jier bottle. One bottle will often effect a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN POWDERS. tV PF.NT BY MAIL, FllKK OF POSTAOK. F r e nveinenee of seud:iMr ti all parts of the country, the lHii:STlYi; MATi l'.t: OF Till: PFPSIN ispm tip in the form of Pnwdeis, with diieetious to Ik; ilii-s cd u water oi syrup, by the patient. These powders contain just the sat ne matter as the b'H!es, it twice h. ipianlity for the same puce, and will be sent hv mad, FltLl". OF posr.(.i: foi oi: dollar sent (podt-paid) to Dr. J. S. nui;ulITt., No. U North Cighth street, PUiludelphiu. Pn. Six paHioges for five dollars. V'vcrv pack'ttre nnd b ttte hears the wultcu signature of J. S. UOL'UUTON, M D-, sole Proprietor S"ld by iieeiit in every town in tlie Tnited Slates, and by ie.peet:;lIe ilealers in Alediemes generally. FOR SALl'. IJY John V. Frilinu, and Oe.irge Briyht Sunhnrv. Pn. Mary A. MeCay John II. Raser Daves A: MeCormick, . H. j. Cronse, John (i. lieim, W'tiliam Itepjjiir, Sjuhury, Sept. Iltli, ISjO. Nortlmmberalnd. Mt It on, McKwensville, Selin.grove, Fpprr Mahmitnngti Maliotsiy. PHIIA. AND READINa EAIIROAD. SIM Mill AHUAMiK.MKJi'r FIIO.H rilM.AUKI.PUIA AND POT!- VI LI.E. Fares Rciliicnl. Office of the l'hila. S' Reading Ituitraail Co, I'liiltuloljiliiii, Maioh 2(, ISol. Two PassonctiT Trains Daily, (cxrejit Stmilay.') X anil after Ajiril 1st, It's I two trains will Ii? inn caoli way, daily, between l'liiladel- ntiiu und i'ottsvillo liOKXlXCt LIXE. I.envfs Pliiladoliiliia at 7J A. M., daily cxerpt Suinliiys. I.oaos rottsvii'.u at 7j A. M. daily rxcejit Sun days. AFTER XOOX LTXTC. Leaves l'liiladoljiliia at 3J oYlook, daily, cxcojit iSundavfi. l,eaos Pottsille nt 3J u'eluck, daily, exeejit Suiulavs. FA HE, Between Philailolihia and PuttsvilU, !jiS.75 1st chrss ears and $'J.'J5 -il elass ears. lii'twi'on l'lul,uloliliia and Heading, $1.75 1st elass ears and ifi 1.45 2d elans ears. Deput in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and Vine Streets. Pussoncers cannot cuter the cars unless jirovi ded with Tickets. KOTM'Ej Fifty pounds of liaijngc will lical Inwid to each passenger iu these lines; and pas senil is are expressly piuhi'.iitud from taking any thing as ha(ririi'.-:e lint their wenriui; apparel, which w ill iai at lli ri ik of its owner. II V order oi the Hoard of Manacers. S. UUADl'OKI), April 10, lSol. Seeretaiy. iits! iiTzr'iiTsr rOUSEAU'S Tn-ici-rtiVlf Inttdlthlo II I 1 J. N U i. ft K i- -a 1; i 0 il Y . v wine' I-U Ii . l und Il- I i .ire i f.,j i i .! 1 ! toll .tt.l '."... "in .1 h.s !K, I ih; No. 1 Sovi'i 'I'liii-t a.-. -. I, I'lin,:.!. ! ii; A hi oi Trado I'or . il N .' rvt I Us.'o' i't iiia'.l'.- '.i V. ei vin-los i ml the hv 11. "t 'i. I V.. lusc .'nl.- -i . n i: hv 1 J 11 1 1. i i.'s IIlask tiiv C-HillST, iutlldsotilelv twOttd, i' llisrouir 1 1 v -i ai. Ui.foh h a i ion, -sin.Ks ami !,n,c.f (.id b.'Uiik l. lie I'litiiii-lii is pie es )y H K '. ,M ASsKtt. July Ii. H ;.). for f jlc i't SHOURDS & CO S LABOR AND FUEL SAVING WASHIITG SoOAP. Monnfactnrrd liy Sliourils k Co. 543 Chestnut St., Thila. F0TI SALE BY ALL GR0CEHS. SXTARRAXTED to wnsli rlcail in linnl, nod, or Halt water, colJ or hot, in one third the tlmfl ofnny other Soup ever ina'nufiirtiirocl j thus dispciis'inti with boiling, hlrnchini;, &c. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &c. wnshrd with this Soap will npver shrink or have nny hnrah or gummy f'crl. lint Iravc them in thi'i:' original eoft nnd pliant ulatn: whii-h is in itplfa Bulhrirnt rrrominondation to guarantee its use in all families. TIIE FINEST FA1UUCS Inny he waohed thomniihly with it, without the least injury; s'lvinir them n lustre Pipuil to newly imported Roods. PAINT, GREASE & DIRT of any description, ean he readily removed hv the use of il, willinnt injury to Hie article, whether it Ire the finest dress or ovdinarv earprt. In the use of fhntinls A- Vttn Soap, the most delientc need not fear, as it will not injure or chap the hands, hut on the contrary net as nn emolli ent, nnd is not only the vr.nt iikst wsinro simp ever ollered to ido jiuhlie, hut ns n TOILET SOAP cannot he excelled. Wherever it has heeu used it has given perfect satisfaction, rtid is warranted so to do, in ull ea ses where a fair trial will he (given fllOl'liUS A-. CO., Manufacturers, Tin. 5:l Chesnnt St., l'hiladelphia. Tor Sale hy Grocers generally. Novemher 10, 1H50. V3B. M- RfllEEFELLER, Attorney at Law. lUliiorNvlSM-. S liuyUviU Vo., Pn. I ) LSlNF.SS will he promptly attended to in the eolinlirs of Schuylkill, Norlhuinlu'rland, Union, Columbia mid Montour' Refer to: A. Jordan. II-Bellas. iV H- II- Masser, Ksars Sunhnrv Win. Be Haven, Edward Ilinjhes, oV Solomon Shimlel, Miucrsville C. M. Hall, M. Mortimer, I'otlsviMe. Oct. 5, ISoO lv. CHARLES W. II KG INS, .TTOP.1TE7 AT LA7, PoOMviUr, ln. Will promptly attend to collei iiuns and all husi ness entrusted to his care. June Ifi, 13-'l!l, LlQUOi;8, WJNES, kC. rPHB suhseriher has just received a new supply of the hest liipiors that ever came to .Suulmry, consisiimi in )art of Superior old pale Brandy. Fine C'oniae Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New l'.m;laud Hum. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Comm n do. Superior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. Superior Port Wine. Burgundy l'ort do. Swt'et .Malaga Wine, Superior (.'laret 'ine in hollies. Champagne do. do. HF.NKV MASKER. fuuhurv, May 2C 1S-1U. Ill VI. ADIl.l'lll A AVIMJ i- 1.1 -IIOIl STOillC HITTING ifc WATKKMAN, Importers anil Dealers in Liquor3, A'o. 200 Market street, V hiladcl ha, FFni! for sale, the cheapest nnd hest assort- nient of I.hpiois in Philadelphia, such as Champagne, Sherries, Port, Slee k, Claret, Bur gundies, Sauturn, Barsae, Maderia, Lishon, 'J'enerille and Sicily W ines. Brandies ot the choicest lirauds, viz: Macrlina, Olard, Ponet, lli nnesy, eve, Ac. Fine Holland Gin, M oiion;4i;heia, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Ac, Ac. Jlotel-i nnd the country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on the mu.-i lilieial terms. Jul;, i:;, A EJ VEi I : T X IB BJ T Bounty Land and Pension Agency, WASUIIMCiTON, U. C. T 1111'. liinlcrMv'ijiil Altirnrv iiiol A sent nt Hit t ile oi' W its!'in.'t..u. ml -ra lii.s s-i cicrs m t.i . irnrin.. II 'limy J .ij'.s nuil lYiiMoMa i.t lli"sf cul iiictl. Hlmiil' Der- lnati'-nlly I calcil al tliesr;it ! (.invi-ii ia, Willi u Ul'T- oiivlli oiiil !i"'lii;iinlnm'ff wiiii lilt- nt'1-.Mrv ii,ri(i.s. uikI null 11 ic hi' (tils: ii' ss. cnil Iniviiii: acccj; In Hri-m'tei'S uiul Itulls lll'-il in lilc I . S. wur llirr, iir p. is.-f'.s)."!l liii-ilit lev 'or 111'? . t' an. I l.illslii(.lury uiljlisuiiciit ul (.fuvorilllicat I'l.iiniH ol ei cry kind. IH' H l:ite Act of I'onrcsj. lloimly J.-niil in pnmtfil lo U't: jnr-.'i ?. Him s..i.iTK ol I'l.' v,.r o j-rj, uiul ol i!i. :in- ri 'US lirii:iu warts. Hiuci- IT!'l. 'i'-i those wlio (aeril nine iir'iitlis Iti'i itcirs; in ili'-sc who ifn.-il l 'ur inoialis on UC-rfW: !i:il to -;o Krive'l on,; . -iitli l ;,' t... ArrallL'i'Ue'ian h:n lii-i-u tniiili' Willi i;'iit It-iiicii of tlie I.fjMl proles: a in hilrrciit sections oi the t'oimiry. for the lirt'nti .it of w.irrauls. mill the k;ic of tho nitrnts, wlirii issiuil, on t!ie liloM udiaiil.iui.'oini t rain; f .r tiir :: incut nf taxes. rrilrnii'.loii ol lan.U, tnlilf a tnxrH; i-ilifi'iion ni ili-lil.s; uml lor llie iraiificli u of ucncrul law linsinuss, iu I III- (IlliVn'lit S:;ilrs :unl 'i'.'intoi i...i. Hi! Ii'ii'l'is his fn-i i ices to in''i:ih.'r of Ihj prolVjisiou at a dii t'liicc. nn-1 hi-ii ciniiii aai.i:il the I vcriiaii'ia. are pre- wri'i! hy a I iil Aycul. will ul.alc on.; It ill lint u;;iiiil f.-r. 'J In' la i i-'smi y Jorins inul liislni, 'lions, niul informal ion on nil hiil'.i'TIf Mnp.-rlainiii'T to u sin-crHsliit prosccn'i in of l!ns Imaii'.-.s. will Oc lurniinit'.l to rciiiiliir C irrrMi-.uih'iii. wnli nit IH.'.'. rsnis il.'S.finir inl'iriti.iti m nf Irn-nils in llii. nnny or vy. M ill l 'i w ir.l l'i linn nil il. i- :irliciii:irs known !' lln-ir 'ivii-i. l.."i'tli.'i u'ltli n ii-f il inn. Hi', uml tlieir emiin- tli.-i cilh n li-f i. ri.'s w II ! p'p!ii-il ! I., i''in of limit. All iMiiiiiiiiiiit-a. tiMI8 tO he PURPAIll. It I .si !1l o-l lj ( iiAiit.i r. -riTKr.rt. in 'x tf.r, Dei'i'iulitr i-, 11. . f. il.) V:ilimi;t..i,. O. C. JZt ?S5 rsr" AM) BOOT-TREE MAKER, A'o. SI 5 Race Street. Second dior below Third, PHILADELPHIA. VllKUE all kinds of hints, ike., of the latest style nnd host material, nre manufactured on reasonnhle terms. All orders j 'oinplly and punctually attended lo. Philadelphia, .uv.' il, 1H5U. ly. pitow.vs i:ssi:m;i: of jamaicaT;i7T- (ilM!, an excelieut nrtielc, Hinu' Medicated Soap lor sun hums, tan, tetter, ite. ISnilway's Circassian Halm, for the liair dand rull Ac. , liadway s Iteady Itelief for Cramps, Cholie, Cholera Morbus, Ac. I'or sale hy II. U. MASSER. Btniliiirv, j4mr. I), 1S5I). CTIIMI Ware, Earlheu Ware, Kaisius, Al nioiids. P unes und Cream Mils. Planes of all kinds. ."'ait and Plattnr. Just n-e-ived nml for sale hy JOHN W. KKII.INU. fiinliury, Dee. S9, 1SD. , IV'.'; and Cold Pens. ,i ,, i;, ,,f ;,,;,. On 1 uu severni eoji- 's.s m iiutnlier nl !..i t'luM-!.-;. .!,.., i . r. 1 1 s : IM.- Pas . Fiiil.INt; K i I'M!! l.'.'li. n i.rll-. I'' .-..!, .y 1 .--A : h fuppiy oi .his lei 1 ell r. A an I i t .-i:u. i.,i,. I s I'l. vy r.t this II. KV. CUCliff :: ,",' lor c . "N i'V. It eicel For sale ae.-lis olds. -.1. l',l I'd, ei p.tlier I 1' 1 5 oilier ol I BANK NOTJO TAVAAl. CO ft n EC 1 E l) 1 1 EE K L Y, PKVXSVI.VAMA. CITY OK I'lttt.lllKT.PHI. MASf.CAi:f?".TTf. All s .lvrnl lianVs j (lis ItllODi; ISLAND. All r.lviit lonks ilis CtlNNKCTICUT. All solvi'iil I -inks 3 ilis m:v von it. CITY. 11. S. nntik unlet i.i in. All ftolvi'llt hanks pat t'nt;TllT. Hank of nnuiihiioilmrg I lin iiiiini in in'sier l o. par nilliK ni l 'i I . I .o. I liejttt.'r par ii.iiik in ririuiiowa par I A It solvent hunks ! ni Malik nf (('tlvshiii;r 1 iliK.ta" 'Jlk a oiis nailer S3 J Cm loTNinY. 1 rlis All Sntrrnls lianks 1 ili liar M;V .ll-'.liSKV. Hunk of I (i'vi!nM'ii Hank nf Mirlitletowa alnilllt'inierv t.'o Hank lKM nl Aorllinmlii'rl ml. pat Iti-lvt'l- re Ilnnk I ilis ifis llanknl I'l I si .:i ri H Ton i.-inl Hank Ilnnk ol llnnville earl I'ar. M .Ni Ilollv par Carlisle Hank 1 I". ,V AI.. Midillelown I'l Innihia ll'k li'iti'C'n Miri.Mei'liiuiiiV Hk. .Ncwiiik eur Doyclslovva Hank pariM.'.-li. Hk of Unrliie.-lon pur e,utm n-iiilt parlMi'i'li. A .Man. Ilk Trent ir l-'.rie Hank 2 ilisl.Moi i if I'o HanU J ills Kxeliimce ll'k Pillsliarif I ilisl Newark Hk'it i. Ins. Co i ills I'.vliniif.e H'k. Ilraui'li 1 ili ( lianiie. Han!, S ,!, arniiTS' II k, l.ncksro n-irdV oole HV Patlcrs ui 3 ills I aimers' Ilk,"nster par I ruieclon Hank Farmers' Ilk. Ilifuliinr pnriahail llanl.inir Co, rnrin. Hk Seine. !':ill t'o par jSenierret t: i H ank F St I). I?!i Vavne!p I ' iliij ;Si -it Haul; at I'aiinleit Frank'ia Ilk. Wusli'ii i.iH.Sate Ilk r.lia'...Mhloa llniTihnrir Hank I ills Stale Hank NiM'aik pur par J ilm nnr 1 ilis j lIlH llonesilyle Hank I ilis'SLnle Ilk. . llrnnRwit k par l.aaciistrr Hank par.Sitssrx Ha il;. New Ion ! ilis rliannn Hank ear 'I'. lit 'It nanKiiiii i o par alereh. A Alan. Hani 1 ilis 1 nion hank.liover aliaern' H'k. l'otlsville p"i YanlVyv'le MV 1 llr C M'llinnflfahel.l II, ink 1 (Ms'lj7ltlv tlo'e.i liarl'-r ?. 3 iha I. -..lis i ilia par livlorsv'e IlilH'rCo to ill? Il .1 .A A H I Wesl l?raiieh Han!; par Haa'c of Delaware. voianer hk, . r.'tesii e par Hank nf Sim .nn pur Delaware Citv H.'ik par Ilk Wilme'n .V Hi'aii''yw. pal l-'arners' lll.ri lii laware par I nion llanl .'oi.inilon pai UP" I nder ,''"r J dis OHIO. 'nrk Hani'. 1 ili- Lltl'lii.'l notes J Al AI.NR. Hnuknf Wli.-lloek S i!in Mereanlile Hk. Haneor In ili-: All olvent hai,l:s " .lis NCVV H AM rsiinti 1! s ilyenl hanks ,lis All s ilvnt hanks J ili: vi'.imnvr. Hk ii "! nn '-r rs I dis tlli I'll CAiiDI.INA. ft-inlt of St Aihaim '2 il;.; 'i .iv. ni h .iAii a ilis All solvent hanl.s 3 iiis;nr-i'ni"i'.' S il: CD., nil'IIIITDHS OF I'dlli'.icN Book?, Prints, Er.rj-ravLng's, Stationary Gilt I'ramrH iitl 'l!isi;i! lnslru- ISSfllJo'. Xj. 7S Xorth 2nd St., hetween Arch & Knee, 1 ii l i.a m:l. rut a. T MPOKTto oiiler and have constantly on hand 1 n verv lat'ire assortment ofp-ooils in the nlmve named lines at wholesale and retail. Principally I S-O CO QD 1 S3 In fierman, Lathi, Oreo!;, llchrew. French. Italian S)ianish and other Lilian. itrcs ; Classics. Ilirlion aries, (rammers, A'ocal'ul.irics. Sclmo!. Juvenile, Picture, 1 Irawiini and Model Books for An hilccts (.'al'ini't, (,'ani.u'e and other inanufi.-lurei s. MAPS, sil.OUF.S and Blank Books of every tleseriplion. h'phinliJ LitlmyrapUic und other Prints. SlfMI'AI. I X ST It I ..3 r. VI s. Aeeordeou.', Banjos, ;.nvs for nil siriinj instru luellts, llridoe mid Tailpieees ( 'larioni'ls, I'iies. Flaicolcts, riules, (iitilnrs, Octavo Flutes. Paient Heads for (inilars aiul Viol'uccllos, 'J'aioliourines, 'I'uninir Forks and llaiuiuers. ; dins, Violin and (itiitar I'e.ns. ioliiiccllii and Slrinos t'.ir all kinds oi insiruiiioms iu.:.'.-aic aiul iiclail. .'.ccor deons repaired. Also coiis'autiy on hand, u-hohv-ale and retail, a larne assortment of the i i y l.e. t OBZltTlA XiT.QViZZl POWDER lliiteh .Mi-lal, French and Fluii nee Leal Metal 'I'hennouicti rs. llairpcncil'-.-Falier and other Leadpcu'-ils, Kcd, 'hiii-nnd 131.u k Chalk Cray ons, In-tru incuts, s,-,iricators,-.Vprintr Laneots J'ueket Jh-cicriptiott and (lol.I Scales and Weights LeUcr, Fancy colored and Rill Papcr-rl'layiii:; Cards and oilier French and Oermait Fancy Articles, lor the sale of which they are the MA. L'FAUTljilLlltS AfJKA'TS. July G, B v y. KA S Of Til I: Pol K t;T I'.sc i i, a ei r s, nr. B, iy nne his own Phi sicia:i ! Iliiiti- elh edition, with upwards of ' a hundi 'd eu-jraviuo-s. show- tfj ji 'ulir ihsi1 ies in rvc i rv i.i'iMi:. atui i inn, nn.l mal- iihtiions of l he m'lii'r.ttive ''I!I, :v v.'?.t. vorc, t. i. 'J'hi' lime lias r.uw arrii't .at i. in-. f'nU'orin:: fnnn Sf'tTOL lll::e'.-' ofQiinel-ery, this linnk air: , :ct no m.m l r,-,);ite tlie. iftini ! us hv t!ni prfs.'iii!i mis Miiuiuetl in i one in:'V niiv hi.ii.u !f, it'iout hiiu!- j ranee to lupine or l!i!' nnd with oi;e Icnih tin- u.-nial e ri !!' ot any one, j vpVlHV, In nliii- ; tion to the trtMior.i! rmitnie nt pn .i!o itisrave, it fully explains the cause nl'iiiaii!io.Hl's early decline. witti ti.isiM'Miiions on iii;ii . .i.r many oilier ilei'iiiiL'enii'iits hii h it v.'oul.l not he pro per to rmuncraV. lC7".'iy person sen.liii!; TWBVTV-rivi: ei.vrs enclosed in a I. 'Iter, will n ceio one eojiy of this honk, hy mail, i.r tie enj ii'.-i will if srnt for one ilolhtr. " Ad,lie.-, -'I)!!. V,'. VOt AC. Nn. l.'.J M'lil'Ci: sirc.'t.l'llll.AHHI.PlliA." Posl-pai.l. IT'Dlt. VOI'M! cm he coustilied on nny of the l?jsca.'es ileserilird in his ili;lireiit pulilic ilion.. nt his Otn.'o, I'ri SPUl'l'M Street, every day he tween ! and IloYlo-U. (Sniiilavs'ovoeptei!.) Philadelphi'-i, Nov. it, l?5'l, ly. "i5 rATIi;T JAPAN BLACXIKG. Man''j, No. 00 CIIKSTXl'T Street. MM DA !,, awarded l.y the I'UANKI.IN 1N STITITK of P'liiladeiiihia iu iletoher, AMI nn: riP.sT I-KKMU'M l.y tlie MARYLAND IN STITUTE, at llalliiuore, Nov. IS lis and Ml!). l'hili.-t.'el ri;i,t, (le.'v,. r V.'fii, 1K-I.S. I have used .1.'s Patent .lapuii l.iipiiil and Paste lllai' for some nine inontlis, and ant happy to r.iy that it surpasses tiny Idui h inj that ! have used these twenty odd icirs. I (hid il holds the polish and preserves the leather hot thr than any l.ia.'kiii'.; that I have ever tried. A.nuiikw II. Cn m i: i its. No. I'.7 Chestnut sireet, Win. CURIIEY, M.u,-j,rt cr. Successor to .1. WE I, I, A I!, No. 50 Chestnut Street, a'aove Second. Novemher, U, ISol). ly. FASHION HATS. C. J. WALTON, No. 246 Market t;t., between 1 Sf 8A st., (Soulll side,) nutADsiirnifl. rpiIF. Suhseriher has ejiened a new hat store and oilers to traders and others who visit ihe city, a handsome assortment of hats, caps, of eve ry variety, made tip of the host material, nod in the latest and liv-t svle, and on terms as reason-aide us can Im had in any estal'lislimcnt in Phila delphia, vi.: pine silk hats at !f y.ftll ; tiood do do at Ir' 1(10. Persons from the country who pur chase of him, ran rely, at all times, on K' ttinir il liood article lhat will plea- them, i.ud one that is fully vvuitli the money paid. C J. WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 'J, S'oO. iy. STONE TARXS. STONE milk Pans plal other i-n; its , stone Jii-.ts iiiel Piteliers, of stone ware just PN'oivd joiin w. l'uu.iNo. is: j. for sale iii'iorv, l.y .1 mm IT 1 f .. t. nr i ih fs 0 ;':. . A",-v jM'i' ' ,1 II." "Iucotiragc Yotir wn!" HAAS &UT5XN. FA SH O N A RLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. TlIB suhKcrihersrespeetfidly rail the nttcntion -- of the puhlie lo their larac and splendid assort ment of every o,nahty mid price of which rannot fail to rerommend itself tn every one who will examine it, on account of its dtirahlc workmanship and spl-ndid finish, made up of the hest Hock to he had in the city. No effort is spaced ill the manufacture of their ware, nnd the snli.'crilieis tire determined to keep up with the many improvements which nre constantly heing made.. Their stock consists of Mahogany :i('.tH, S)tvuns nml I.ouiisccs Utircnus, sccrciiirfcs, SttiCjcnrlis, SOFA, BP.E,.KF.ST AND DIMXB TABLES, and also VKN TITIAN BLINDS, e.pial to Phihi dclphia manulaetiire. BFDSTFADS, of evcrv pattern nnd price, CUI'UOAUDS. WOKIC AND C.VM)I,K STANDS. TOll.K.T TABI'.KS AND INTENSION TAIiLK.S, in hurt, every article in this line of their hnsiness. They also maiiulai lure ail kinds and tpjalilies CHAT US, inehuhno; varieties never hefore to he had in Siinhur;-, Mich as M uion i-t, Black Wawi-t AMI (-1 II i.Kll V, li'l.K (:,,., ,., , v ; V.rlIISOIl I'l I. M lis, a mi r i ncy Pi i mi si ooi.s, which a re of the Intel styles, mi l warranted to he exeriled hy noli" manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere, The stdi- iii cis are t!eteruiii;i ,1 lhat thrre shall he no ei ".i. c .'or per am-to nurehase fio oiloro in tlie eities, nlioui the tis every eonli lenee cm m eiitertained i'.i.iliiy arid llnirh of their ware and I Hairs. 'J'hi ir articles will he disposed of oi terms as llo'v cm he purchased elsewhere Coun- try I i-oiluec taken in pavment for work. tT l .Ni'lIliTAKlNI!. Havina provided iheuisclves with a handaione 1Ik.hi.-i;, ihey ere now prepared for I urn I'lakhcr, and alteiidinc fu nerals. in n,is vicinity, ur at any i oiivenieut dis ta;icc from 1'ii : place, t'?"' '1'ite Y are lioom is in M.'rkc Street. o)'posite .1. Vnuuo's stoic, and near! opposite U caui's 'l',:vern. DANIF.L It A As, cKouia; ki;n.. Sunhnrv, Dec 1 I, 1S..0. If. AVArrfrs' 17EEV0TJS AmiBCTE A I rilYSICATi HIWrOKATI VE. IT.T. m.iiivrlv cure nil sIsmts nf Xctiriliriii, 'J i I.'oloi'Hiv, Afi'vnus I ! r.L,.;u-u Chil ler;!, TioeUjitw, 1 1 : ilroiiliol.i.i rnn nNions ; will ri'ftoio in:iii!.o,il t its n-.-linr i-.vnr, t-vcii alter i f prnsi lY.ti.m, and llie on!v !;novvn ami c t .tin ciiiv i'or l.iw -jiiri;-: ; icrnl ii Jcl'illv. j J'.vtiMd tr.mi X,-.v Vnik (N'un, )i l.':j, IS ID. 1 'j'.f r,if'.,atf.t )v WiiNnn, when lulkitirr ,,f the power, of "Wall: .Nervous Autidulr,' i t!ie (ui'Mio:i v. ;w jMit to liim, , " I . v surh a v;ilua- j i!c rcir.etly lor all in-noii- ii'lrctioiiH wu.i md in j Iro'lr.cril !-v tho mc-ic-al f i- iili v f" ivj.Iii-l, 'Jliat j if it wt-'ii, .IhTi' vou!'I ii longer Im' nny uio ("or a I'lenllv, ns ;!! li?(i,-iis uri'inalrtl from a ,limirp-aii- I i.el vv of ilit1 n.M vrs ; tlie lirrvrs arc tin main f -nwx of iho whole system Kocp this in Diiler, j and !ot!i tin' niiml and ho.!,' tiiu-t Up." Kour oimco phial, IC iluse, iMtoii'rli fjr all or ilin.iry fas OM' MH.l) fiV CAKTV, Hroaihv; i( lv0. if. v, tinlmrv. rptrmiier, liOOT, D tc;ri:!i!:r: t-v a 110. rir t'l'.j'ki,,. Era ler :'' I :irt:i lA-i'i.i Street. ' eir.ii," .i.t. elir.nj etifuee Ai' r,)i-A-. r.'uia- 4nT.r..s AM) ST UA Mi Kits :, 1 a wuiii': I t 1'. nr.i its i.r .Miniitl tiros, lt'i'i'ivo I ! u i : i I :i ttt : till'. v i i.-i'il, iii in.inu'iM, iiive and I d. iu morocco, silk ! velvet. I'' .Ai.u-li '. in Mi I..,I!:..H-, l.oekel other fancy styles, or sets , t' i'., in a li w minutes. ! I'ftC ucrreotypoc, I'aiul Ir.s, DrawLng3, ' &e. copied. Out door lows, n n l .Miniatures of deceased persons, taken at short notice. i'or Portraits of Adults hv our process. and Im proved liist.'imients. a r'uti.l; day is ijuite us fa veral'le ir: i !i ar tii al'ier. I'or Cliil'heii, a clear day (iielweeu 1 I and ") is prel'erahle. L'l lu Lie.-s avoid white, hlue or 1 i -c 1 1 1 pink. Cur (iallery v. iih its Sis Pri.'.e Medals and Work" of Ar', is open a! all hours, and I'ree. Whether i.-i!:,Tis wish pictures taken or not, we .hall at all times l,e happy to see tlieui. June ',";, ls.'itl. ) KAI) i!m r U-nv. !' I i i mi ipt. lt.'V'f, Hit; '! Ml V i;nii I Ti:;vclli:l.) I'll!! A l'i:f. I'll I A , Ocl-tlnT HI. 10. sine-1 iiil-M-Ur.l with it ).rt';iki:nr out iiM'ii'i ni T--'!t r. v. Iii'-ii I Min ctiiviiH-cl Sr-VtTllI yc;ir fii iny ii'ci in w.k- f- n itH-'. it ;ii Mi.- U M i'Vit my i.n';' urn il c!t. -i-'. n. l-'iniii-j Hi-- s H'l.'.-.-'n:tr. I . .:il - S.i.ip. Ii u'i 'tniliE'tlly cxU'iul-u-!i.-tf hv uiit mrt ei" llif !a il'lis llrtt il Iliuif.l !' ' inn.-'. mil' .i" Inch liml l' lilfl'l-lm-J till lIlKtMM'. Itnt : till.' Il'lhl Ill'lll'IU liulil I i; ih- Hf i.r tuf i-r n, c iLia .hi it'll ireu ol' tin ii (let: - ti.-' :;:. I'l.-m ii.. :m m ;1 il-. ! il; 1 HMS piT ti'MI. 1 I..HV ;-tM,:,l 1 iiM:i;r filU.i ,i;itl Ii. it si , t tn Ui' ,i-Ml. Ii: .;. .'.l li httv fipplifil ritn-jli. .v. WuU jK-r-i u 'it.aiucuiliii ' il in nr.-s .'I t!:t. I t.- . !-l 'W o t. f, ,: nn.Ts-.ji. 1 it ivr ! ii (lie BiiA'iu'.'ti iu ii.:is.i 1.) lii;rlLl.VOK Afji'ii" II m;v .1a.i:k, anliiirv. July l'-. t-l'. P ATS if T "jZs SI 5I3LTSS . lii'oeu's CvvL'eualeil IJitter, price reduced. (Md .hi'.'o'.i 'rmyusi'iid'i Nir.-aparilla. leaker's arsapariila. Svv.iyne's Sv rup ol' Wild f heir SvvTtyne's erniitue.e. Ay re's Cherry 1 ' Ih'. Drake's I'linaeiM. l!r. Cullcn'ii do 'I'ihliit's I'ain Killer. l)r. lloolaind's tiennaii Hitters' Indian Vo-.'taMe I'dln lior.-eand Calllo .Medicines For tale l.y JIHM'.V MASSl'.R. llnl.uly, July 11, IS 111. TUB PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM IHIMIMIISIS'I A I'lll.l.KI TION OFOVi:tl '.'(JO V A I. IT A 11 1. 1". li K C I 1' F. S , In the I'seful nml Interesting Arts wilh a few Miiuple nuil riu-l.'iis lf riiiientft lit I'llK.MISTKY : 1 C1.I 1 11 ( 1 Medicines. I'erfumrry, Chemistry CiM.kii, Farriery, Dyin, Conl'ectiouary, l)o loestic lcouoiu'v . etc. t le. elc ri icnlil ets., I'or sal- hy UFAKV MAssKK. Sunhnrv, Dec. S, lSltl. Just received at the sti fe cf IIHMiV M.St SF., lot nl' C..p I.i niiU 'i iiini Miner, Ahuaniics, . All ol which v ill he . I v VI I 1. H ' I ' II. l V s.- I' LIVER COXV2PLAINT, JAUNDICK. msPRPSIA, cunoNic OK NERVOrs DKBILITV, DISEASE OF TIIE KIDNEYS, AND nil difmpfn nriiiff frDin n (tinorilrrfil livfr or ttrr mnph, mifh nn rnwMiptitioii, inwnnl Pile. FullnrM, or htwx tn Dm IiphiI, Afidify nf tlie Ht"iri:irh. Nnucfa TTnrtl.urn, dipmift FihuI. fnllni-iw nr wriirht in llts Hlfiini'fli, trnin llniflfiti'ius, aitiMiii? ir flnttmntt at tlie pit of thr Stninnrh, fwitnmimr of tlin htvtil. lturriwl aw ilifllrolt lirfinliinir, flmtrrii'ir nt thr henrt, rliokinir or aufTncHtjitg annntitimm when inn lyiiiff vniurc, Uimiicufi nf visinn. d'rtftnr wt'Un brfnrn tlm ticlit. Kcvr nnd dull punt in tlia Ih'iiiI. d'tificncy of pi-rspirul inn, vllnwnrnsof the fittin nnd rvfn, pniii in tlm nidi. hmk, rlirnt, litnlm, Ac, unddon fliiKluM ff hrat, htirniiiff in the fl'-nh. constant iniaginipgx. of evil, nnd pnut ilpn-wsi'm of nniritd, CAN J1K rrFKCTI'AI.TY cmED BV LP.. EOOFLAITD'S ( 1 J.LHtlA I I l (i R)1A 1UTTEII.V rnrpARKD by DH.C. M. JACKSON, AT TIIR GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Nn, iWO Arch St., IMillndclpIiln. Tlirtr power over the nUve diense in not pxpcIi- ''. i ft ii;d!i'd, hy nny uihrr jiri'imrntinti in the I'niii-d .... t" the nipa MU M, iu iminy cases otter skimul pliynit-t .: x llli'l (tilled. Tin-Re JlitttTs tire wortliv Ihey intention nf fnvulids, P'ifctisiii iru-at virturs m the ret'iifiention nf diwri.x i uf th Iiivi-r itnd IrnftiT g!:md, ext'rrinicn the ilt"t aear-jliiiiit x'.ver in wenkifSH mid jiH'icticns ol the rlistito oi'gius, Ihey nre, itiial. safe, rrrtnin und plrnsniit. ri'miii tli Hnston JJen.J The l.;dir Mtd, Dro. $:M '1)1!. Iltinl i.-wdU Cin.nHHATKli flKHMUS I3ittfi.ii for the 1'iire o l.iviT i)ii.iiiiiiit. .laimiltrr, jjyfpepiii, Chronia or Nitviimk li-ln!it . is dosiTVitdlv ine ot' tlie most popu lnr ui-diritift. nf lb--" ,;iy. Tlienu'lliiteiM have hctiii used by th"ii. Mitis, niul n tn. n'l at. 1 ni t-llmw fiiys he lias huri Prlf iri-'-ivil an tiii-ciiiiil and perinanent rnre of Liver L'ompl ii'ii irmn the ff this remedy. Vr nre eonvinred that, in the use nf tlif.e liittei-, the put lent roimtuntly iaii'.t Kir t r-)i : i : i rinr n fuel woilliyof greal eunmdf; ration. 'J ia-y tire pli unaut. in turtle and smell, nnd can h iied hy pers-Mis iih l!ie nitift di-!ii-!ite li.fmelis wilh at'c ty, tinder any firfiiiiisi!iiiep:j. nre Bpf;ikimr from x- perienei-. mm m tne tuna-n il we iid i,e itn-ir life.1' mid t Aois.ii. n riiti'-umn with emit seientina iniiH-Miy, t.i'iii 'a Ins "Ncv York Weekir ti ii I lilerarv nM M..,.ieW.- S 'Dr. II ).-l:in whfii llie h-i.l: l' mrt tn ret mi. i in:i.' iil'lcl' a ii :.rv . 1- (ii-rnnn Ditteii. TTi-re i e preprtrstmn j-rr siff-n in ilC l'.in;u.p';;ir to l)C IIU'tHI- lilui'.'. and the ri-an tt ih nhvmiM. it is riptinn ni.-lird ly oneni tin- rrt"5l tels of in 'dim luiii'fi. tl'p late Dr. 'hr flepher liniti' l phy!ri;lt.t nl r.-,.ff!c-iir In the Vlli ViTsM )' nt 'JptW, priwit lo nn' hniir nt rruKia, mm i ne ot uu jrre:iint iiic'!k:iI writers (ii rniitii)' has ever pnHlueen. IT v.'j' 'u,)),;i'i,,r,' tl-f enrtiiy i f humldifr. and llieirforp a ii'riiieifie i if Inch he y i 1 h invenhT and nndnmr r niuy If i"inilii'iii: ili- d mm. rir sjieriiiliy reeotmiieiitled il 1:1 l.ivr ) ' iri;.! i:ti!. f' snrpsin. Detalilv. Vert tiro, A-alily of tlie ."iiHirtt h. ( V'le ;ip:ili' n. ami ail i" niplnintK urii: l mm a disi i.l-r-'tl e i!iii;ii.ii oi' (In st'-inaeh. the liver and tits iMUstin.-M. ijn- I'hilattelehni pap-i rxprefi t heir ,vnvie tH'ii nf it?! cxirlii nre. mid fS'-vrel nt the etHcis sjffik of .i eiT'-etB iV"iii their mvii individual e.r peri'-ni-i. I'uder these eiieitiiis'ioic. i. y fi-- MnaiHed. n .( uiily in ealhnjt t 'te :itt en 1. 'ii t.( nnr remVrs to flu present pi "nt pr"pn t r'ji (Dr. I '. M. .i; ;; prepaiatii-'i, .'.it m icu.aiiiueuU iu t im? aiticlo to a i a!ili'-ed ; il'-Tf F.vitlmce. TUrn :p!,it: ll'WHji;!i'M ; Ih 'It is S-' I trnl ren.l-lf : It... I.iil.t f th ri'i h;i S'iiV;i;- (f-i-Mff.o ) r fnnidr -lied in ihe I liiteti fl;ites. the editor fc.iir hind's (icrmnn Hitters. 'Miliiri:.! wlinl al.' U'rtiii'fJ I's- Mil,.!.'! I I'litr. .ii:ii"! ',.'11 .r rr,'niiiii''tni !!. jl'J- I- t'.i Iti'hiK. we win ii to .r tiiiti.rtiy iintli t e ;! it ! Keak'liir ''I lllf II '"Mllit'1 I'f tlie ' U 'if" 'I :)!' 'lit i'lll In e( 'peri-nl Illltl t'l'l ir fu 'it Ii. il.-iy. Hi;il .ii" C'.in ii ;ni"i I lillt "1 ; Mirili v!iii''i li-iv In ley Itli'.eii.iiie their uuilty raee uf nilHclliCi, t i n- ! ot-.: t-s d.hf-hed,!y prized, mill t t!f l;:irlv :'r.pi-ivat f I he l-'ae'iihy itfeit','' i.'.li.'un- will ,-ni-,. i.ivrr O.' and Dvs- "-ii! .! ii!.t. rfier ir inn il a: direeed. It n"t vn ihe m -luaeh ami liver it i.i pt ed'ernnle l'i!.l 'US i;:st;isi' the t fleet IS i t : 4 . 1 i rn :. 1 . : 1 1: i . li-inl In l-'eillHie of JllMllt 'U il Sit!'lT iUiei.1, lit .'II line-. Tim liiif. I P"i' to r al They ( ,- and r.i!'t! a nr. IM- " l. l ; If h:lR : . -i'V l' r :il! metliei or rorNTKiiri'.iTs. :.;nne.i I ;-tt h L'h eli-i!,ic( r whirh ii li t lii :il ';i n to i in iih ( ei "i l if ei t V-i t n k itiii li'i.i Ui risk of llie live ul to put l'i-rlli :t : I .in ik Wf.i.t.-ii) tii;: .u.viiKs dj' 'im: r. i:iink. Tiiry Inn'.' Ii." w ;l'.i Lii'' i.f I'. M. J l Ki W lip m I'm- w r"i.;..'i . uu. I f ii line til.iwil inllit li..uir, illlu i.;ir wlii.'h !!:.' iii'i' spun .us. I'.ir b.ili'. w !i .',.s.i im I rr!:iil. the ' iei mih i M.dieinc Store, . I'j:i A 1 1 1 'II S:r"H. nf tl.v.r l.rt w Sintli. (lalt ol j;- l i".- !-'i.'t'i.) r!n'..i.ii-l.!iia. art', hy i "Si ci-lal-ie ,.jir. till'.. lit III. Mlltl i . lv II. -I 1:111 I. iy Siuil ury. mid M. A. "DEATH'S DOOR:' II II!' Ml th.ll lo wt le :ir t!:i exprrv i 1 1 o t in.; .'I MIV-'mi ill. "P.I to . init y I " UI-1 Vie . s. I Ul 1 ( h eMift I. like an an"l of il In-r of lnr .Vf i s itl. li'V, IJ:i'!i'; patas aa.i r, s: s t: i.-.i'i. It. ll.'f rrllt-v r .. ..-r f i' li is in i.rlcct liejlrli. !''-i)' !? .Tiily Krlii-i i.. :i en i'.. ,. ri. ii. i. ii K.i.Hir-. ln-.r.-, i-,'f;i:. i.i-!;i!itly .s ii -t:ir o 1 ri'.lut'.v " .1 '.:..... rs 1 1, ,. ii, .i BfC-TP .Neil t ' U nas, St'ivw. laiij.lion, .t:':.::1. i;.lt, l';n;.s. Sjiiiiim :! . " . I. , i , ss in it-e Side sn.l I.;;:'! '. Lulls. I'l uis. s. l'ii;it.-s. ,!0 ' '! 1 r.. , Cim.i.s. r..j,s i: rri;t:i i dm: skcom). . 'i.-n I'll! t.c i-ilft .1 in ir.l i:i!iinl, fT ! I'il I I.I .i 'I'l 11 It'll , ' i r f i , t in II I- l.l 1 1 .11, Ni'.iiil I'll' VI i Il ;i :i'v an! iiui.! it tv 1 1 1 nrri'sl the iii.'."t vioknl st. ,, t..nniiiU. ,.r to uii..'li piiriiiiii;. a. sii.Tijili i"i- vvcaloi.s. l!;.M '-.r '. o 1 1 .'Hi I V li'-ii.'l il- !"I!lil!8 UU' .'. Si I'd., liitj l-'ultoii Stree;. i t)i!.i:T it i:ii ivrri . k'ii.-.i i'V n.Miy I l.! (.' W'V R:ihV:iv's Mi ic Urd Si '.iji, K'i lavmtijNV K'('-.' '.'iVriif rj. It: Iii i'i.r ln cxiifiiiflv lKUi'i, piuiir- ii it tiir I;,.-!; im: ami ..nil,.- p t., ini;iiii ii u s i Ihnaiii n i. ii. '!'. mi- t ii. i.i ii tl. skm ; win! by its action - ;.u-i v lU'iin'i ci-iTtd.ry Vessel 'il f.tfl all Hi'..': (,'. hiMi'ucf, ;t!!Ms every tfinli iu-y l in i. nt, i i rltvh.aliy ilicMi;itrs 'all r'ilnc', tan, i -t-. :i. klt-s, ihsctl'iiali..hhaiitl llu r eutnnrwrn Tfi. li.-lri'H I.I "im it iuMitirU tn Hit chc. k. lh I:!!!:,'!--. eni,iii-iii M Miir.v-s ; unlit. t: US t .. anil t!t 'it-ai'v whl'-hlL iii(li:ri'f ci t'lc hin-Hi uiu! r.n.aiiiVv ..i k i'il ti in ; in ilali m n. torn in; cm s tli-l'-.-ls. r.-ii!--i il nnli.-'i-.rus'il'if t i evri tnl'rt li'-i.i'-n ;uri hlui in-: win ih,. n nl'a f n rit.n iim i f.'iit-: h ,-i Uu- sl.iii iiiul leiiilpiii it - ul. Nil lot 'tii hint I il'l Jill. I it Il.inny tlir licat nii.l itnst of sniiii'it-r. or I'roFt nml lilixik vii.i'ls "i vviai. r : aa.l m c;.s. s . .f sinit.nrn, ' ins ol tnsri't' rlnlhlnii.s. .-!; i;m " .I liaa.'s. 01 inriilrntal intliiliniial i ll, Itl vil'OliH ' i .' I ...'j :in:! I'MciiMt . iy 1 -s-t I ili'k ll i VV'li'i Iir ..n III llltr loft li'lics'iiin; pi..;,, -nii'S li:i v- ol.lllllir.l ,t selr li. n from lii.' i!i .11 s; ii i. V of oilier eoMii.-ti,-, ,,f .;nr. -in an.! il ia. niaiitif n'l m i-, liy t III' I. n ton tit' ull(wirts ..I llii! iVik'ii ii il vvrLi. from llie Im: ti..ii'a I.. ir, z. n r"iliH . Ihe ti c Km... ''. ,,u,li,. .,,M ln-ir m mm. I lint H-iiIm iiv's Mi iliciti'i! Si, is tlie onlv a!f p!'.'1.:ii:itt,,it f r Itn- sl.iu noiv ill use; litis has brMii i"rl ti.;.t lo l-y our most piottiiiient heousrs. It:nt..v S .ai is tree front poisonous, i.'ritiilnii unit utiii eloni in: toe.lli n's. il can he nsr.l on the lemler Kk in ol the Inl'unl wilh lie' k ha..y resnlis ns itp..n lieiiniy in its prniis See lhat eaeh ciil.e i enyclopiil in ti sp!rnillil Inlir! of slee! eic'ialiiiT rilut J tin iler see I hal llie Sl'jiml lire of II II. ItAUH AY is Uh.ii caeli caks. l'ricc -'j cents, taiga eaki's. TIIE (.IUlf! OHX.niUT OF 1UMITY If A l.rXl'UIAXT II I.A I 111' lil.llSV HAIR. l:nvvv's ciuctssiAx balm. . Warranted the lust Hair Tonic in use. for Dressnm una Jleanliiiim. the lour. It cleanses llie S. :ilp from IJiinilrnl. keeps it cleHil.eurei Senriey. I lal.iiie.-rf, a,ui Sores , .,t 1 he 1 1 eit.t stoj llie hail ironi la.iinv out. letiilers it slronu. fine, snio.iih. ..!( a,iH irlossy. I'eiHons who have lost llielr hair liv sickness will Mini 11 l'Olii;'!elei.!ii,,te III It :! 'tl V 'k I ' I ninwiilll liin. It ..iso tow s il ti anil he.'iiitllnl, Hull will prevent It from Kiritinor nr. v. Kr.mi ir, e-ipiisite pmltv, il Isatliiu li.'npfeil oil llie Imir ofchilitrt n of the most reiHUtr l.ffe. It is s .i.t 111 ;lly.i hollies I'or 'i't fenls per I. illle, tlnri is wai'ia.ileil tile t.esi hair prejiaiation in use. it wilt not il the Int. rap. t lies linesl lahrie. See thai Ihe 111111 inieol IIAUWAY CD., lli.. eliell Is.lllr no Cir e. ssiaa liatin 1 ; ;eiiiin.e vi'ilhoiit 1 he s'.iT.nt jre cl Itadvvav A t'o. A . ; l: T II. II. Masser. Suiiliarv. Ann III, l-'SJ ct-Jinly W. F. PEDDRICIC S I'siiVNr.u or c. ni'intAt K) Vai:ii!ili .''laiiulaclos-y uml I'aiut A'.) 7S North Fourth Street, A KTW lUlOltl .llilVK CIH Il'ltV, v KST BIPC, IIIIXtADELrUZA. Constant!)) on hand and for sale, at reduced 1'inc.i, und oj superior qnultlif, the fal lowing to tufa s, viz : C 'i-'., C .'.inet, .l.i'ini.ners' nml Oil Clotli Vnrnisliea ; 1 1 1' A .N KS. !'' is In 'I hu!! 0.1 .v,:..'lu'ai I1 ilv l-krSFl i I'.'l f! " 1; O Ivv n 1 covei.iii? ela 'In Ano-'i j ii V. . vie l.'. ne I ' ' ! ' N !' V ) v I l.l! I.V -S'lnlclV , 1 .