sAks SUNBU11Y AMERICAN AND SHAMDK1N JOURNAL. ( From the TStrprt ftajr) Polyphemni and Ulyrte. X CLASSICAL STORY T km. A Very Yemarkubla history this is Of old roi.TPHitMi ami Mr. The latter a hero accomplished and bold, The former a knave and a fright to be hold, A horrid big giant who lived in a den, And dined, every day, on a couple of men, Ale a woman for bieakfast, and (dreadful to see ! ) Had a nice little baby eervcA up with hit tea! Indeed, if there's truth in tie rtVrigtitly Tret ration Of Homku, a poet of ome tepnla'lioir, Of Viruii., a writer but Vi'ttle inferior, And in some things, peihaps, the other's superior, Polyphemus was truly a terrible creature In manners and morals, in form and in feature ; For law and religion he cared not a cojfijvr, And in short led a life that was very im proper ! What made him a very remarkable guy, Like the lata Mr. Thompson, he'd only one eye ; tout that was a whopper a terrible one "As large (Virgil says) as the disk of the sun !" A brilliant, but rather extravagant figure, Which means, I suppose, that his eye was much bigger, Than vours or even the oib of your sly Oid bachelor-friend who's a "wife in his eye." I'lvsses, the hero I mentioned before, Was shipwrecked, one day, ott the pestilent shore, Where the CrcLors resided) along with their chief, Polyphemus, that tcirible man eating thief; Whose manners they copied, and tatti they obeyed. While driving on their horrible cannibal trade. With many expressions of civil regret That Ulysses had got so unpleasantly wet, With many expressions of pleasure pio found That nil had escaped being thoroughly drowned, The rascal declared he Was "fond of the brave," And invited the strangers all home to his cave. More the cannibal king, With as little re morse, As. an omnibua feels for the death of a horse, Siezed, crushed, and devoured a brace of the Greeks' As a Welshman would swallow a couple of leeks. Or a Frenchman, supplied tvith his usual Proel Would punish the hams of a favorite frog, Dashed and smashed against the stones, He broke their bodies and cracked their bones, Minding no more their moans and groans Than the grinder heeds his organ's tones ! With purple gore the pavement swims, While the giant crushes their crackling limos, And poor Ulysses trembles with fright At the horrid sound, and the horrid sight, Trembles lest the monster grim Should make his "nuts and raisins" of him ! And, really, since The man was a Prince, It's not very odd that his highness should wince, (Especially after 6iich very strong hints.) At the cannibal's manner, as rather more free Than his Highness, at court, was accustom ed to sue ! Rut the crafty Greek, to the tyrant's hurt, (Though ha didn't deserve so flue a de sert,) Took a dozen of wine from his leather trunk, And plied the giant until he was drunk ! Drunker than any one you or I know, Who buys his "Iihenish" with ready rhi no. Exceeding drunk "sepultus vino ! Hazing a moment upon the sleeper, I'i.ysses cried, "Let's poil his peeper ! 'Twill put him, my boys, in a pretty trim, If we ran manage to douse his glim !" So taking a spar that was lying in sight They poked it into his "forward light," And gouged away with furious spile, Hamming and jamming with all their might ! In vain the giant began to roar, And even swore That he never before Had met, in his life, such a terrible bore, They only plied the auger the more, And mocked his grief with the bantering cry, "Don't talk of pain it's all in your eye .'" I'ntil, alas ! for the wretched Cyclops, Ha gives a groan, and out his eye pops ! Leaving the knave, one needn't be told, As blind as a puppy of three days old ! The rest of the tale I can't tell now Except that Ulysses got out of the row, With the rest of his crew it's no matter how : While old PoLYPiiEMi's, until he was dead ! Which wasn't till many years after, 'tis said, Had a grief in his heart and a hole in his head ! MOIUI.. Don't use strong drink, pray let me ad- vise, It's bad for tha stomach, and ruins the eyes ; Don't impose upon sailors with land-lubber tricks, Or you'll catch it some day, like a thousand of bricks ', "JeItms, my lad, keep away from the girls Ven you see one coming, dudgo. Jes siuh a critter as that young tin, rleanen the door step on the other side of the street, fooled yer poor dad, Jimmy. IXjn't cock your eye over that vay and viuk. If it hadn't been for her, you and yer dad might ha' been in Californey, huntm1 diimins, my son-" A conarsroNDKNT of the Lonrixifle Jour nal tells a ptetly good story of a iverr raffle which came off somewhere in R)ieiippi. The ftwoef of a Mack boy named Kit, put him op to be rallied for. A bystander bought a chance and gave it to the negro, who threw highest, won himself, and put hirnself up again at $G00. His old master threw hioh, but Bill tied him, and in throw, ing olf Kill lost, and went borne quite eon tented, with $590 in his poukut. A .Mill boy said to a man who was ex pressing his surprise thai a baker's horse did not start at the ei plosion of c rackets around him on the 4th, "Why, sir, that horse has carried crackers these forty years." A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware Itoom of siaw iioupt & co. Market Sqnare, Jthoat tXe torner of Faint street tt the Railrorul SDNBURY, PA. Thankful for the patronage of his friend and customers tturin the ITycsrn lie has Iwcn in lui ties, in this place, he solicits frorn the public a con tinuance of their favors. During tlii. period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements Of ttroe'ay, and has accordingly extended his liuni wes in every branch and variety. The public are then-fare invited to the attention of the present stork of CABINET WAUE AND CHAINS, MNUFArTt'IIF.O BY SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stork of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. y?r?e Sprint; Seat Rocking Chairs, dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, 'tfnd a tariff y of other new style and Fashionable Furniture. Having secured a Hoarse and made the neces sary arrangements for the (lurpoae, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Yt miiiiU ftnii mi.trrss.-s, and hushtails tun, Here', furniture of eVery Style and hup, From aide bnnnl down to kitchen tnlile., From rocking chain to locking crViJ'ca Should you not hnve the lead)- Inn to psy, We'll wait .white for a brighter better ln, Of take potatoet, oata, corn, wheat arH tj'c; Hark, hoop poles, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thine but yokt-a and thrc nhiiig flaila, Fli pica and turkiea down to little quail.. Ciime on then friend., come one ami all, Keep trade a moving, ao "gne. on the tmlt.' tSr"' Unlets from a distance promptly attended 10 and work of all kind, delivered with tlisnati-li. 8unhutyt March 9, 1850 tf AliD WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgrove, Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, y EPAtHED in the best manner and warranted A ttt laVrfurm twpll. All Work intrusted to his Card will be strictly attended tin SelinsgtoVr-, 'nr-. 30. 18.10 tf. S50 FOJIFK1T. DR. HUNTER will forfeit .f 50, if failing to cure any Cast) of sVoret diacaite that tnav Wnn under his care, no matter how lontr Mrlnil inir or alllictnig. Either sex arc invited to his Private Rooma, 38 IWth SEVENTH Strret, Philadelphia, without fear of interruption by oth er patients. Strangers and other who have been unfortunate in the selection of a physician are invited to- calh Those who have ihjuml themselves by solitary vice are alse invited. READ AND REFLECT. The alllicte.1 would do well to reflect before trusting their health, happiness, and in many cases their lives, in the hands of physicians, ignorant of this class of maladies. It is certainly impossible for one man to understand all the ills the human family are subject to. Every resectable physician has his peculiar branch, in which he is more success ful than his brother professors, and to that he de votes most of his time and study. YEARS OF PRACTICE, exclusively dovo ted to the study and treatment of diseases of tltu sexual organs, ogcthcr with ulcers upon the bo dy, throat, nose, or legs, pains in the head or tames, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregulari ties, diseases arising from youthful excesses or impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to otter t)riy relief to all who may place themselves under his care. Philadelphia, April 10, 1861 1 y. Journal ol" the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, or tm sTTor PsaasTLvA kia roa the raostoTtox nr THE MECIIAXIC AKT$. T' HE oldest Mechanical Periodical extant in America, is published on the first of each month in the City of Philadelphia. It has been regularly issued for upwards of twenty-five years, and is carefully edited by-a committee of scientific gentlemen apoiuted for the purpose, by the franklin Institute. The deservedly high reputation, both at homo and abroad, which this Journal has acquired uml lustained, has given it a circulation and exchange sistof the best character, which enables the Com mittee on Publications to make the best selections from Foreign Journals, and to give circulation to original communications on mechanical and sci entific subjects, and notices of new inventions ; notices of all the Patents issued at the Patent Of fice, Washington City, are published in the Jour nal, logelhet with a large amount of information on Mechanics, Chemistry, and Civil Engineering, derived from the latest and best authorities. This Journal is published nn the first of each month, each number containing at least seventy two pages, and forms two volumes annually of about 432 pages each, illustrated with engravings on copper and on wood of those subjects which require them. The subscription price is Five Dollars per an num, payable on the completion of the sixth num ber; and it will lie forwarded free of postage when five dollars are remitted to the Actuary (postage paid) in advance for one year's subscrip tion. Communications and letters nn business must be directed to "lliu Actuary of the Franklin Insti tute, Philadelphia, 1'euusylvunia," the postage paid. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actuary, I. April 12, 1H.1 finio. AVM. M'CAllTV, " UOOK8KLLKR, Broadway, StTNBUKY, FA. II AS recently received, among other articles, a AA great variety of New, Cheap end Entertain- nig publications such as Coopers novels, complete or separate. Herbrrls J HurlweH. Dumas Rrynduia Cock ton Maiwell Jerrold do An V do da do- Trollnie, Halliburton, Marry alt, tJrey, Marsh, Ainswortli, Morris Ho At the low price of from SS to 50 cts per volume Munbury, Sept. 28, ISoO It 3. H. ZIMMERMAN", JUSTICE OV THE I'EiCE Sunbury, Fa. OOics in Deer Street, immediately oppoM fhe 1'utilic Prhool Ilnw. tT" Monies eolfestsd and ail bmiHesa nromutlv and'saM. fully attended to. April 2U, 18M)- JOTICE A 8 the subscriber intends making new arrange axtiU in his biess on the first of Janua ry tHM, a(. persons knowing tltomseWes indebted to him, ar raipjested to eall and make settlement up t that timar by payment or giving their notes for the amount due- XOIIN W. FKIT.INO. Sunbury, Dee. t8, WHO tf. TTLUrVING BOTTLES I) reast pumps, and -'nil lubes- A supply of these useful arti- elesjuti racaiwsu snu lor sale by JOHN W FRI-I.ING Bunbury, Jan T, (85I-H JAItTHKIi fiCIE.TIFIC IPW.VMBII. PEPSIN. T II E T It V K DIGESTIVE FLUID. GASTRIC JUICE ! A OBEA DYSPEPSIA CT7RER, Prepared from nr.NNKT, or the fourth HI otnaeh of tha Ox, aHer rtiicetiona of HAItON I.IDHK), the great Phyaiokiciral i:hemi.t, by J. . Ill HtOIITtlN, M. D., No. , North r.Miili Sre. . I'liilnib-Miin. IV Thli is u truly wonderful reinnlv for IMllOKSTmu. DVHPKPSIA, jAUMllrr.. 1 COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION and Di'.IIII.ITV, Curing after Nn ture'a own method, liy Nature's own ngent, the liantrie Juice tf Half a tinp.vmfn) of thin Fluid, infuse,! in water will digest or dinKolie, five Pounds of ll.ntsl Ueef in bout two bourn, out of the rtoiimrh. DH'ESTION. DtfiKSTION iaehieHv iieri.iniii'tt in the ntnmaeh hvthe. aid of a rlniil which Ir.-flv .-i..s iY.m., 4i.. ,,.,- , o that orpin, when in u t:ili:'ol heulih, enlleil the Ciuatrie . .. 1 ,M" l,,,HI ia me t.reni r.ivent ot lite r.nMl. the I llTltyillir, Preaervilie. mid mtitnubtin A.,.-,il of llieat.k uuii'li ii m. I intinliuia. Without it there will lie lig'-a- Urn, no couverMon of i,kI into l,u, m n ii!iiimii ol tlie lly j l.tit rather n foul, torpid, p;iinliit, iiiiddeatrue. 'rr c,"l"""" "f the whole iliuinlive iipirnltia. A weuk, Iliilf (leait. or mine.'.! i..!...l. .HM Jiliee, and heueethe dincuKe, dixlresa mid debility which eiuile. PKPS1V AND RENXKT. PI-.PSIN' ia the chiel 'element, or grent Iligesliut Princl pie ol the Uimlric Juice, it in found in iihuiuliinee in Hie ilul Kirls of the huliinn stomach ufter ileal Ii, mid soine tnnes eiuiFi-a Ihc stnmiieh to digest itself, rfr eat itself ftp ll is also f.aiud in the stomach of nuimiils, us the ox, calf, called Uennet, the ellect of .?, h has loiiir lieen Hie nn.-c,,,! . . in oic ii.Tturiiio unHi iiv Trrincra in iiniiiiii wonder of t hciluiry. Thvairdlinir of milk is the first pro "' dlircstinn. Itennct possesses iistonudiiaK iwer I he stomach ofnealf will eurillc neiirlv thousand limes Its own weight f milk. II iron Liel ii slates that, "One trt .. Pepsin dissolved in sixlv thousand parts of water, w ill di;cst meat and other f.i.l." Diseased sloiuiu hs pro iluee nor.l liustite .liiiee. licnilct or Pepsin. To show IIkiI this want may he pcifecllv supplied, we quote the fob lowinir SCI EXT1 FIC EVIDENCE ! HAItON LIKIIIC. in his celebrated work on Atliina1 Cheimsliy. sas: "An ArlihVial tliucstive I'luul niialai-oua to the linslric Juice. ii,:iv . reuildv prepared from the mu cous mcinl.riiiv-1 it 'thesioie-s hof die calf, in which various articles ol i,, ,,, i .ln, will lie softened. chilllK- eil, and digested, just in tC ;,,, maimer us they w mid lie III the.lnneiei -tomuclij.'' III. PLHKMtA, in hi" famous treat?;.e on ;;Kood and Kiel," published hy I'owlers ,V Wells. New York. i!e sl.ilcs the Kim,' jrejil fuel, and deserihes the method of preparalion. Tlieie ale lew higher authorities than l)t. Pereira. III. COM 111-:, in ,is valuable writings on the liPhvsioofry ol IJip'Slion.Ool.m rvtlth at "a dimiiiulionol theiliie ipiau tlty of the ttastrie Juice is n prominent mid iill-prevaillnit cause of Dyspepsia;" anil he stales t not '-a tlistiilyilishcd professor ol medieliie i'l Liaidon, who was severelv alllii l ed Willi tins complaint. Iinchn evcrv lliiili! else to iail, had nr nirte to the (iasti ie Juiee, oliiaiie d from the stoiuneli of iiviiib iimmals, which proved completely successful." Dr. (Ill All AM, nutliorof the famous works on "Vege table Diet," says: "it is a remarkable fact in physiology, that the stomachs of animals, maeeraliil ill water, iuimt to the lluid Ihc piopertr of tliss dvinir rarious arlielcs of food, uml of elleellnc a kill. I o urtllicial ili'esliou of Ihelll ill no wise dttlereul from the natural diiesiire pnsiss." Dr. SIMON'S Bniit work, the I'licmislry of Man," (Lea lllaiieliaid. Phila. IMd, pp. :!--) say!;; Thedis covery of l'l'.P8l forms u new era in the cli'euiieal history of Hiu'e-lion. I'rom tin I expeiimiaits we know at PkkI is dissolvi-il us rapidly in an arlilicial ilnrestivK fluid, prepiied Iroiu Pepsin, us it is in the natural linslric Jiliee itn-lf.,' Plol'cssor DI'NOI.ISON' of th" Jcireis..n Colleae, Philii delphin, in his trait work on Human Physiol, aty. devotes more than lifly jnics to nu ex illation , 'if this 'subject. Mis experimenls with Dr. Ileamnout, on the liaslne Juice, oblaiiicd from the livinir hnman sto,,..-h and from animals are well known. "In till cases," he says, udii-cSMo1i occur red us pen eel ly in the urtllicial as m the natural digestion,.. '. AS A DVSPEPSIA CURER, Ir. IIOIIUII TON'S preparation of lM'.PSIN has pr.slu eiil the most marvellous elf.a ls. eiirlim r.i'in ni Debility, Kinacintioii, Nervous Decline, uiul Dfcptic i.'on-uuiptioii, sitpitoseit to tie on the verv rerue ot the crave. It is im possible to Rue the details of eases in the limits of this ad- rcniscrncin nut luiniemicalcl e. nilieales liarcbcen erven of mora than TWO 111 Nlilll'.U (tlvM AltK.VIil.K rt'UIIS. in Pliilailelploa. New York, mid P...M done These weii nearly all desperate eases, and the ei'.res were not only rapid and wondeilid. bill permanent. ll is n treat NllltVOI S AN TIDOI'K I particularly llselul for tetsleney to b.lious dlsordci, Liver Couitilto..t, 1'ever uml A file, or Uidlr tr.mted I'ever and Airue. and the eril ellects of (limine, Mercury, and other drills ilul the t'ii-'esln riians, nliei a lomt sickness. Also.' I r excess ill elltiiij, mid the t-to free use of anient spirits. It nlmost reconciles Health with luti tupcrauer. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no form of Ol JJ STOMACH COMPLAINTS winch it does ii a seem to iea. li n, remove at once. No mailer how Imd they may itlilVI'.s INSTANT III'. Lll ir ! A smtle dose removes all I lie unpleasant svilip loins, and it only mails to be repeated, for a short time, to mukntttesf prndriTcpta permanent. Pt HITV Op III.OOI) and VlliOlt Ol-' III 1DV, follow ul once. It is parlu uliirly execllcnt in eases of Nausea. oiniliin.. Crauiis, Soienes's of Ihc pit of the Stomach ilislrcss afo-r eatle::. low. cold, stale ot the III -hI. Ilcaviucr-. Lovucss of Spirits. Despvn dcin y, lauaeiati.iii, Weakness, tendency to Insamtv, Sul fide, A-e. t'r ON'i: DOI.LAIt per b ntk. Oiielsdlle will often eueei u lasiliar .-nrr PEPSIN IN POWDKHS. op postaci:. IT FT.NTUV M VIL, I For cnivi Mice of e, i. lie... to all parls of the e tiv the IMtiKSTIVP. .MATTLK III' Till-: PLPSIN is put up 111 '"c 'or f Pow.b-rs. with direct s to ! ,iss .r. d u Wilier ol riip, by Ihc Tllese on'dcrs eonlalli just Hie si.uie in iller as the l,ti, , bill twice the .pi intllr lor Ihc same price, and will be scat bv mall. I" It 1 :l 1 OP 1 O.M AliH, lor OM-: 111 II. I. AH seal (iel-paid) to Dr. J. S. IIOLljIl I'ON, No. II North Lighth street, PlulailFlphia. Pa. Sis ackii!es for five . -liars. K la'ars the wntleu i(:itilnrc of 1. S stile Pro,rietor eerv (tackaire and lsiltle . lltil UII ION, M. D., f oul hy uncut in evcrv town in the Putted Stales, and by icspc.ctnhle dealers in .le,lieinef pener.illy. I-'OII SAI.I-. IJY John W. Sunbury, 'a. l-rilui, mid Ueoriie Ilriht Northumlieriihiil. Milton, McKweusville, Sellnitrove, I 'I'per Muhuutaiigo Mary A M. Ctiy jouu ll. Itaser Hayes ft .MeCoriuiek, rt. J. Cronse, J'llill Ii. Itcnn, William Deppiu, Sunbury, Sepi. Ilth, 1-3(1. .ilaliouoy. PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. Sl.MMKIl AllllAMM.MIvN T HlO.M PIlll.ADI'.l.l'lllA AVI) POTTS VI I.I.E. Fares RctliueJ. urns Office of the I'hila. If Readiat! Rudraail Co. ) rlnluuclpbia, March Uli, 18ol. ) Two riissetiaer Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ON and after Airil 1st, IM two trains will be run each way, daily, between l'liiladel plitu and I'ottsville morxixo i.r.xi:. Leaves Philadelphia ut 7 4 A.M., daily except Sundays. Lcaca I'ottsville at 7 A. M. daily except Sun ilavs. Arri:u.o(ix i.rxi:. Leaves Philadelpliia at 31 o'clock, daily, except Suuilavs. Leaves Pottsi!Ie tt o'clock, daily, except Sundays, lletwccn Philadelphia and I'ottsville, $3,73 1st class cars uml S'-i.S.j V,d class cars. llelween Philadelphiii und Heading, 81.75 1st class cars hii.I ijt...-, Sit class nirs. Depot in Philadelphiii, corner of llrond and Vine Streets. Passenger cannot enter the ears unless provi ded Willi 'I'iclti NOTICE Fifty pounds of bairirage will la?al lowed to each passenger in these lilies j and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from takinir any thhiir as bxL'tfaue but thriv wearing upp-arel, which will la.' at the risk of its o m-r. by order of the Hoard of Managers. S. DUADKOUI), April lit, Seerelaryv I1TZ! I1TK! I1T2C! BOUREAU'S Indestructible and Indellibl WRITING INK FACTORY. No. I South Third stmt. T I E1M,'H.N'Jj'S and the Writing community are reipiested. to tall and exuniiiw this INK, which is wurrautid nut lu corrode Metallic i'eut, mar change Ut Color. WhofcNulc and Ilt tall, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A discount made hi Merchants and the Trade Kos sale by II. I). Masscr, a-gent fut Sunbury Noveuilier , ISoO. ly. Tiiluablc lluokH. I" IFE or Christ, handsomely boom!, D'A uiknk's IIistohv or tui lii:roHM rio-r, 0liK Div-HoiiKs iNn Lehkehs, full bounded. For sale ut the publishers prices by H B. MASSE R. Sunbury, July 11, 1840. 6H0URDS ft C6'S LABOR AND FUEL UVlHO "7A0HI1T6-. 30AF. Mannfirlnrttl ij Shonru. I Co-. 543 Cktftnut Si., Phila. FOn SALE BY ALL GROCEUS. A VTAKU ANTED to wash clean in hard, soft, ' or salt water, cold or hot, in one third the time of any other Soap ever manufactured; thus dispensing with boiling, bleaching, Ac. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &c. washed with this 8onp will never shrink or have any harsh or gummy feel, but leave them in their original soft and pliant state! which is in itself a suilicieut recommendation to guarantee its use in all families. THE FINEST FABRICS may lie washed thoroughly with it, without the lenst injury i giving them a lustre equal to newly imported goods. PAINT, GREASE & DIRT of any description, can I readily removed hy the use of it, without injury to the article, whether it be the finest dress or ordiuarv eareL In the use of Mhourda fie 'Co's Soap, the mds't delicate need not fear, as it will not injure or chap the hands, hut on the contrary act as an emolli ent, and is not otdv the vf.iit rkst ,wshivo soap ever onercd to the public, W as a TOILET SOAP cannot lie excelled. Wherever it has Ihhmi used it has given perfect satisfaction, and is warranted A to do, in all ca ses where a fair trial will be given it. SHOi;iU)M cV CO., Manufacturers, No. 443 Chesuut St., Philadelphia. For Sale bv tSrocers generally. November 16, 18!)0. V.1I. M. ROCKEFELLER, Attorney at Law. Mliicrxvlllc. Schuylkill Co., Iav j" CfSlNESS will be promptly attended to in the counties of Schuylkill-, Northumlwrland, Cnioti, Columbia and Montour- Refer to: A.. Ionian. II Delias, II U- Master, Esqrs Snnbury Win. lie Haven, Edward Hughes, et Solomon Sliimlel, Miuersville M. M. Hall, M Mortimer, I'ottsville. Oct. 5, 18.10 IV. CHAULES W. II EGINS, -TTCP.1TET AT LAW, rotlNVlllC, I'll. Will promptly uttend to collections and all rsi ncss entrusted to Ins care. June in, 1 Si?, LlQUOr,S,AVINi:S,&0. rPl'E subserilier has just received a new supply of the la-st liipmrs that ever came to .S'uubury, consisting in part of !-oiH'rior old pale Ilrandv. l'ine Cogniae lirandv. SujaTior Old Jamaica Spirits. New Knuland Kium Tine Holland ttitt-. Superior Old Whiskey Common do. fViiperiitt Madcria Wine, i, islam do. do. VujM'rior Port Wine. liiirgnnily Port do. Sweet Malaga Witte; Suierior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENKV MASSEK. .'iinliiiry, May 2'fi 1S4'J. iiialadi:lphia vii; i.luji'itn store HITTING & VAT1:UMA, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, A'o. 220 Market street, rhiladelpha, "IFFER for sale, the cheapest and best assort- ment ofl.i.piorsin Philadelpliia, such as Chuinpagiie, Sherries, Port, Stcck, Claret, Bur gundies, Saiiturii, Itarsac, Maderia, Lisbon, Tciierille. and Sicily Wines. Ilrau.lii'S of the choicest brands, viz: Maglina, Otard, I'onrt, Hcnnesy, ike, Ac. Pine Holland Ciu, Mouoiigaliela, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Ac., Ac. Hotels and lite country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on the most liberal tertttSi July III, ISoll a i itTi sum; vr Bounty Land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, D. C. rplli: undersiiinnl Altorney and licnerul Aet St tile X I lly ol W asliiniitou, oilers h services ia pris uring II unity I and Pensions lor those entitled. Heine, per iiuiu.iitly I s-ated ut the seal of Government, with u thor ouch and fain'hnr ucpiaiulimee with the necessary forms, anil loiliiiie of husincss, and havinc m-eess lo Itefristers and Uolls tiled in the f. S. war otlice, he sssesses facilities for the s;.ecdy and salufuctory adjustment of Uuvoruuieilt eialuisol every kin.l. liy a late Act of Congress, llotmty Iind is itrsutrd to the otlicerfi and soldiers ol the war of 'lnia, and of the van ri'.its liiiiiau wars, since. 1;S. To those who served tlilis i mouths llSI acres; to those who served lour mouths eo i acres: and to those who seived one mouth 40 acres. Arrangements have been made with tfciitleinell of te I.eiral profession in diMerent sections of the Country, ft the I'M-ation of warrants, ai.1 the sale of the patents, when issued, oil the in. ist udvuutneous terms; lor the payment of tuxes. r.sleuintloii of lauds, sold for tuxes: eolli-eti.Mi ..i debts t and for the transaction of general Uw business, In . the dillcrent Slates und Territories. He tenders Ins services to memlwrs of the profession at S distance, imd when cliiims niramst the (iovefumenti ure pre jsireit by u local Aucnt. will uluie one half Ins usual fee The iitH-essary foiius msl iiutruetious, aisl information on ! all subjects uppt rliindus to a suveessful prosecution of this I business, will lie iiirnislicd to fLtjdlar CorreSisuideuis with out eharee. i'craous desjrinc iilfonnati.,n of friends in the army nr t uuvv. will forward to hun all the particulars kiiou.i..i ii.;. seivue. tofieiher wilh a feii ill one dollar, aiul ihsir enqui tilt will Ik- replied to by retaru of mill. All coiltmBnita. tions to lie (i-sBI-Alu,! und addressed io I'll Alt I.KS C. f I'CKP.R, (Il ex 107, P. O.) Washington, D. C Preeinber tls, 3A1TJEL BEWEESr AM) BOOT-TREE MAKER, S'o. 95 Race Street. Second door bt'low Thin., PHILADELPHIA. VTHlI'liB all kinds of lasts, Arc, of the latest ' style and lwst material, r manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, No. , I8f0. ly. j) KOWVS KS.SEXCE OK JAMAICA OIN CiKIi, nn rxclrent article, lltuwti'ti Medicated Snap for sun burns,' tan, letter, Ac. Kadwuy's Circassian Dalm, for the hair dand fjtV Ac. , Itadway Heady Kelief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, Ac. For sale by 11.- U. MASSBR. ISnubury, Aug. 3, 195; Tt)NE Ware, Earthen Ware, flaisina, Al- moods, T uues and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Jail and PlastefV Jtrst received and for sale hy JOHN W. FKILINCi. Sunbury, Dec. SM, 184U. 1 1 0OK.9 iitkI OoM Peias. IVn rram! seteral eop. ics of the life of Christ, and also- a number of gold pens which we will sell al the Phthrtreryhia prices. For rale at (his office. BNNRDV'S PATENT SASH FAS TENINCS. A cheap' a'nd eseeHent arti cle lor fastening sash for sale Iry J. V. FRlLl'NO Sunbury, July 7, 1849. RO.SE OINTMENT A frth iuj.ply of fen . exofTfint article for IVttar, Ac, jul received and lor wile by HENRY MAfcSEK. KurMiury, July 2, 1849. WnAVscovari cAsbt. An exciT. lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this otfice rnrSNUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper fbf 1 covcriirg glusaes, Ac for sale at the olliee ol the American. HANK NOTE TAliLK. CORRECTED WEEKLY. rENYLVANIA MAWAcAVeiETTS. ettt or rHiLstiiLPHi. All solvent hunks dil U.S. iinnk iiotsa i:. His RHODK lfl.A.U. ah soivetll imiiks na. All solvent bnnss I "ra llsnk of ChamliershuVg 1 dis Hnak ta'Chester Co. par CONilXTICl T. All solvent hanks.. dis NKW YORK. citt. All Solvent ln,,ka 1 dll onus i i.ei.i.. v.aester par nans in wrmnntowii ir Hank of Oetlyshurg dts tT'DIt noies under SS dis Hans of lrwistpwn Hank of Middletowa eotlJITBT. All solvents hnnks 1 dis NKW JKItctl'.Y. Melvidero IJaiik J m" Oominefc inl Brink I 1 dis Montfriarieryr:o Hank wr Hunk of NorthiimlKtrl'tHt. tmi Hankof Pittsburg I dis llnnk nf Dnneillw hnr pntlKnr. Hank Mont Holly " rarhsle Hank 1 dis e . ai.. M i.w let own it. M" Meclumf'-' k, Newark par Mecti. Ilk of Hntlimrton ir M.'ch. ft Mint. Ilk '1 rent pur Morris On Hank 'i Newark Hk'ir ft liis.Co i dis Columbia H'k ft ll'ce Co par lloyelstowil Hnak sir Kaston Hank par Krie Hank t dis Ksehanse IPk Piltslairt I dis Kxchaiiire IPk, Hrsuch I dil'Omnse Hunk dis Fanners' IPk, HueksCo parPeople's Ilk Patterson J dis Ksrmers' Hk, Ijiuesster par Princeton Hank mr Fanners' Hk, Kending rMriSsdein Hankimr Co, jsir Farm. Ilk Helniylkill Co purlHi-merrrt Co Hank dis F ft 1). Hk Wiirnesh'i I libs ftnte Hank at Cnmdell par Franklin Hk. Wash'n I Jdis State Hk Klizabcthtiul ? dis llarrislairir Hank I dis ptnte Hank Newatk f dis llones.lsle Hank I dislftate Hk, N. Hrulniwiek par Ijmcnster Hank nariSnssex Hank. Newton dis ijelutnon ItimK par Merch. ft Man. llnnk 1 dis Miners' H'k. I'ottsville per Trenton Haukmir Co lir tlnton linnk. nover J uis Viinllevv'leftDel Dr Co l.slis Motioncrnhcla Hank I dis Tnylorsv'e Del It's; Co IS dis West Hrtmch Hank par tT"Hk notes under . j dis ltr.l.A w a nr.. Hank of Delaware pur Hank of Smyrna pur Delaware Citv Hank ar Hk Wilrmr'nft llmmlyw. prii Farmers' Hk ft Delaware sir I'nion Hank. VilniiiiKlon pur v vomms; us, v iisesit'e par York llnnk, I ibs iy Belief iHh-s dis MAIrVK. Hank of WhetUsdt Sdis Mereanlile Ilk, Hnneor III. lis IT" Under M's dis All s-ilvent bunks I dis NKW HAMPSIIIRI?. All solvent Ismks dis oiiio. All solvent Ismks Sdis tT"Hk notes under Ti's dis i'. it ..i t r. NOU TH CAIIOI.lA. Hank of tt Allnns dis All Solvent hanks I dis All solvent l.inVS 'J dis rT"l'nder.Vs, SJ dis i ZEITZ & CO., IMPORTKIIS OF Ft) It Kl N Sooks, )?rint, Engravings, Stationary t(IU rrtimes) rikI ItliiNiral iiistin iiieiitsj. No. 78 North 2nd St., between Arch & Itace, PtllLAIIKLrillA. T MPOKT to order And have cdtis'lantly on hand a verv larRe assortment of (roods in the above named lines at wnoiesaio ami retail. I rinct LX3 QE CjD 3 ally : In fierman, Lathi, tlreek, Iftbrew, French, Italian Spanish and other languages; Classics, Diction- aries, (trammers, Vocabularies, School, Juvenile, t Picture, Drawing and Model Hooks for Architects ! Cabinet, Carriairft and other manufacturers. MAPS.CLOUE.S and Dlank Hooks of every description. Splendid Lithographic and other Prints. musical isstri'Mests. Accordeons, Hanjos, Hows for all stritnr instrn- ments, Driilge and Tailpieces, Clarionets, Fifes, ! Flageolets, Flutes, (iuitnrs, Octavo Flutes, Paieul Heads for Cuilafsand Violinccllos, TamlHiiirines. Tuning Forks and Hammers, Violins, Violin and : (iuitar Pegs, Violiucellos and Strums for all kinds ' of Instruments Wholesale and Kctail. Accor- 1 dl'iins r'cpAlr'cd. Also constantly on hahil, wholesale 'Arid retail, . a large assortment of the verv best ' GERIYIAN BRONZE POWDER Dutch Metal, Fn'iicbnnd Florence Leaf Metal ; Thermometers, Hairpcncils.-Fiilier and other i LeadMiicils, lied, White and Ulack Chalk Cray. ! ons, Mathematical lnitrUineuts, Mcarlicators,- I Spring Lancets Pocket lVcscTiption and Cold j .Scales and Weights Letter, Fumy colored and ! gilt Paper Playing Cards and other French and ! German Fancv Arlielcs, for the sale of which ' tlicyare the MANUFACTtKlilW AGENTS, i July 6, 1850. j 'sDCCJTO?.. TOUTsSSLT1 ! " ! I-OK 35 Ci:.TS!!! J II r MKANSIir TIIK I'll! KKT ! Ksct'Lspirs, or. Every one j his Own Physician ! thirti- 1 eth edition, with upwards of! a hundred engravings, show- ing jieculiar diseases in eve- j rv shape and form, and mat- , c ..c .1 luiiniuiciis oi an- ieiicraiivi. system, ii v wm. vot m. n. The time has now arrived that persons sullering from secret diseases, need no more Income the victim of yuackery, as by tlm p-pscriptidns rontained in this book any one may cure himself, without bind, ranee to business, or the knowledge of any one, and With one tenth the usual ea'iice. In addi tion to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of nintihiitut's carlv decline, wilh observations on marriage besides many other derangements which It Would not Imj pro lan to enumerate. lC7"Atiy ierson sending Twr.STr-rivE ci:ts enclosed ill a letter, will receive one copy nf this book, by mail, or live copies will lie sent for one dollar. Address, Dll. W. VOl'NO, No. l.VJ .SPKCCE (Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. VOUNCJ can lie consulted on any of the Diseases described in his dillcrent puhlictUions, at his Olliee, 152 SPKl'CE Street, every day lie tween U and 3 o'clock. (Nundavs'excepted.) Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850 -ly. PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. jiriilttriclori, No. 50 CHKSTNUT Street, M E" D A Ii. awarded bv the FRANKLIN IN ci'lTTCTE of Philadelphia in October, AND TIIK f mat PtiEMIcM by the MARYLAND IN HTITL'TE, at Baltimore, Nov. I84H and H l'.l. VkitatUlfhia, October StirA, 14. I have used J. Wellar's Putent Japdii i.lquiij and Paste lilacking for some nine mouths, and am happy to say that it surpasses any blinking that I have used these twenty odd years. I liud it holds the jHilish and preserves the leather li t tin than any blacking that I have ever (Mid. A.VUUKW H. ClIIMMCMa. No. fi7 Cbestnut Street, Wm. CURREY, Manufacturer. Successor to J; WEI LAK, No. 50 Chestnut Street, above iSecouil. Noveinla-r, 9, 1850. ly. FASHIONABLE KATs! C. J. WALTON, No. 246 Market tt., betteeen 7 Rth si., (Sdtith sid,) P'HII.ADBLPHXA. 'T'HE Subserilier has opened a new hat store - and oilers to traders and others who visit the city, S handsome assortment oTti'ats, enps, of eve ry variety, made up of the lst material, and in the latest and best style, and on terms as reasona ble as can be had in any establishment in J'hiltl dclphia. via: Fine silk hats at $2,50 j (,'ood do do at $100. Persons from the country who pur chase of him, can rely, at all times, on getting a good article that will please them, and one that hi fully VroYrh the m'ortey pa'i'd. C. J. WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850. ly; STONE WARE, STONB milk Pans, stone Jrfg Sd PJtchtrs, ami other articles of stone ware just received and for sale ley JCflfN tt f RILING. Sunbury, June S3, 184U rpEA8, from the Wew Turk Canton arid Pekin JL Tea Company. For sale bv J. W. FKIIJNO. Surrbory, Dec. t, 1 849 1AY RUM An mcellenf rtirf for tale HENKV MASSEK. II by Hunbury Jaw. 87th, HUV tf. LA.k DEEto prinUnl on the Iw.t qimlit.v cf parchinbirt par, olil t the lowest fricet t this ofltee, by wholmale n J retail.- RAfeWS, eatfMU, eiTron, rnww, rpir Mice &c. for ula by J. V. t'KIl.INU Sunbury, Dee. J, 1 84. fkAUD'S clliratef Horse arid Cattle MuJi t. tnaioraaloby HENRY MASTER Sunbury, Jan. t7th, 1819 "Isii courage Yotir Own!" HAAS &11ENN. FASHIONAHLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS 'TMIK subscrilsTS respectfully call the nttention A of the public to their large and splendid assort ment ol every iiinlity ninl price of i ahim; -avai.i:. which cannot fail to recommend itself tnevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the Itcst stock to ! had in the city. No cllort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers ore rtvrcrmincd to keep up with the many improvements which nre constantly being iiitide. Their stock consists of Mahogany Solas, IMrnit! nml I.ouimrft, Uurrnus,Stct'ttni(cs,Slticl)onrns, SOFA, BIIKARFAST AND DIMXG TABLES, and also VENETIAN DI.INDS, eipial to Phila delphia manufacture. HF.DS'IT.ADS, of every pattern and tirice, CUPBOAKDS. WORK AND CAN 1)1, K STANDS. TOII.F.T TArtI',pS AND EXTKNSION TABLKS, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and sjMrditics onAir.s, including varieties never la-fore to lie had in Hunbury, such as M tinir. s V, lIi.At k Walsi'T li Cl'Mt.KII M tPl.K (illKCHV ; A N It M'lXIISIItl CHAIRS, ami it vcr Pi a no .Si-ooi.s, which are of Ihc latest styles, and warranted to la- excelled by none maiiulactuii il in the t ities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall he no excuse for persons In purchase furniture in ' the cities, as every conliili-nee can be entertained ' about the quality arid linisli of their ware anil Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good j terms as tlu v can be purchased elsewhere. Conn I trv Produce taken in pa . otrnt for work. I.NDF.IITAK1NU. Having provided j themselves v.ttl n handsnmV IIi iusk, they are now prepared lor I inji rtaknii. and nttendiug lu ner.ils, in this vicinitv, or ut any convenient dis tanee from tliH place. t"t? The Ware Kooni Is in tarlie Street, npposile .1. Young's store, and nearl opposite Weaver's Tftvern. DANIEL it A As, (iEOROE RENN. Stniliurv, Dec. 1 I, ISoO if. NERVOUS ANTIDOTE t ii IMlYsiCW, IIUSTOIIATIYE. TUB MEDIC Al. WOtTDEr OI THE 117 ILL positively cure nil stnires of Neun'gfrl, Tie l).ioiou, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, l.oek jA'v, I I f ilropholiia convtilsiotis ; will restore niau'iootl to its prestiuc ii;or, even alier y-ars of prostration, and the only known and cer tain cure for tow spirits or mental debiltv. Extract from the New York ' n 1 1 , Oct.' .1, 1 8 10. The r li hialnl Dr Wnt.-on, when talking of the miraculous power of "Watts' Nervous Antidote," the question was put to him, '.Why such a valua ble remedy lor nil nervous iilli-ctions was not in troduced by the faculty !" replied, "That if it were, there Would ml longer be any use for a faculty, as all diseases oritiinutcd fulni a disorgan ized strte of the nerves ; the nerves arc the main spring of tlie w hole system Keep this in order, aiul both the mind and hotly must be." Four otiin-'e pbitd, IS dose, t'tioiigh for all or diuarv cases, ONE DOLLAR. Mil.D IJY Wm. MeCARTY, ISroadway, Suiiburv. September, 28, 18o0. tl'. ROOT, r ii r:n:ti: in artist, No. 1 10. arm r nf Fij'ih If Vtlesnut sis , Phila deljihiit. aiul ItliJ lU'Diid iraif corner if Fiankliii Sheet, New York. ITTENS AND MTEANiiERs cun have sitting for Portraits or Miniatures, ami receive lliciit Lcatmtiillv easeil, in nioroec.i, rilk tvpr, j-niiicr .tiiU'iti. ir miitT i.iiiry it U's, or nvla in M.ulullioiis, Lockets, iVc., in a i'vw miiiuU s. Daguerreotypes. Paiiitinecs-, Drawing's, &c. Copied. Out ilimr Views, and M iiii it tires of di'cc;iscd Mt4on.. taken ut tlnrt tiutirc I" r IVirlinits of Adult? tMlr prnrcn', ninl 1m prt.vt i! Instrument, a vfumiy day U 401(0 as fa vornl'le as dear weather. For Cliildh il, a clt-ar d:v (itMwtM-n 1 1 and 2) is ireterali!e. r'y In avoid while, lilu-. or lilit pink. Oortiitllerv with its Six Prize Medals and Works of Art, is iipt ii nt alt huti?, at'd Free. Wln-tlier visitors wisli pieimcs taken or not, we cliatl at all times Le happy to Me tlicni. June 22, iSotk ROSE OINTMENT, TOR TETTER I ) I AD tin- lull wnnr efitificntf inm Cant. D.-vnc, lin- i'f itifu-nti 1 wrii kit hvii fintl li- 'pillar Miniii lkat t':itii:ini t.,f il... 1 1.1. f tin ; riia.pi:LPti'A, tn' t- :h. j SfVtTi! ivim mi iff I w'iin attat-kfil with a hrttiknii; nut : ii my iifi k in tin- f'.rni nf 'Vir. r. whtch I am r inviiM'fil i Wiii c lilriictr-it nl ihf li irin r fch.'i.. l nttitln:illy fXlftut-ntnvi-r ivy rif itil it r-.a hi! tlu- rpi- r mh .f iltc rhfcl.8. Imiini; th m-vt-raj nintii inat it c ntituinl lit-.i.lnie. I UKfi. tlilh-ri'iil ailii'all.iti. ft nif nf u'ltn-h ha) ! thf iiltH-i. fiit ly nt h-aM, nf incri-nMiit; the iliafjis-. nt j frmii in it- nl tlifiu ilul in-rff'vf tht ltay. hniftil unlit I ' lli)'lliil 1 iif litK ( IX rl(, r. Jt thf tlx nfmif j.-ir nf it, I V:is iM-rift tly ruutl uiul liavr rciiuniKit free nf ihf afiW'. 1 h.ivi' Miiict u.'.-il ihc t 'i'i.-Mi, tiIii'y ii;i.i;cil (nr r-.uyh-ins nf tin- far., hi .tcliff. fhaj'iiril lian.N. A, i. W'nh jut. Oft H'ltfi'W. I Iriv tm hftjita'i .ii in n-ciiniucuilnii; it i it tht iir niu'i at rean"' ' tn tfit ii;h!ii-. JAMKS imvoi;. Afiit IUnhv .l.Kit, Siinhnrv. Julv l-l!i. PATE ITT lfCEDICJIlTES. (rrcu'a Oxyvi-iiali-J liiiti-r, uiW' rcilifrrd; t!il Jaruli 'ru'iisiiursSars.iiarilhi, Milker. Sarsaiarilla. Swayue'a Syni of WiM Clii-rr Sway in-'. Vei iiiil'uc. Atn C'hrrrir IVc'tural l)r. Drakr'n I'liiiaci'a. Dr. Culli'ii'. ilu 'I''. ruin Kille r. Dr. IfrmHniul'. lie rii'iir HittrV: Inilliin Xi 'di talili' I'illss Horse ninl (.'utile' .Mi-ilirinrs For Mile by HENKV MA!"HEK. unlitiry; July It, I Ml li. TUB rrOPLE'S VADC-MECUni ('u.mi-iiisi.m; a e'ui.i...rrti hkoveu Wf V A I. V A H I. K UKCI I'KS, In I Hi t'.'rful am! Intcrnting Arti with a few l.iuile ami 1'iirinus Kii-riiiieni lu rUI'..MlS'1'ltY : J NC'l.t'DINfi 'li'ilu ini, 1'oifiiniery, ('lii-iiiistry t'onke-ry, Furiierv, Dyin, t-'oiili-rtiiiuarv, Do-iih'sIu- Et'oiioiny.cti-. etc. fit: I'rii-e tij els., fur sitf'lv HENKV MAfisEK. Mtiiibttrv, i'cc. S, 18111. .HOIK I. ! Just ri'ocive.1 nt tlie .tore of HENKV MAS ISF.K, a lot ol' l'u'S, (Jinn Hum., Alinaila.-, Queenswuri', l.iitint. Ac; Art of vhitlr w ill be soli) ut the low. st )nke. Dec. I I, !;. 1 1 INEKAI. WA'l'EH, fron, the Dak Or.har.l Acid I'lirims, highly valuublu' in clironic di. aeaxc., and tonic remcnieii, for .ale HENKV MAKsER. Kinibury, June 59, 18MI tt c Also ilk HATS at lib, for rait by n. MASEEH. Suiibury, Dec. ft i'st. IJATENT Trusiie. of nil kind., Marl-won, writing and uiili-llible ink, Cotton yarn and lieua, iu4 received and lor aale by j. w. rRin.Na. Punbury, iW- , 194. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICK, nVSPKPSIA, CHRONIC OR N ERVOl'S DKRILITV. DISEASE OF TIIK KIDNKYf, ANO lt difsffmrn nrifinir fnm n (li.rt(frpl livrr nr tt imrli. mu'li'n. inwfinl Tilfg. Kn'lnr-M. nr MikhI to tlm hf-til, AfitiHy f the St'initn-1i, Nniivon, fTrnrthnrii, difiminl (t I-'m'tl, ftilltn w nrwrilii m thu Ht'inmi ii, KritH.-ilionM. nkinr T Hnllnriiifr ut th pit ofthr Htoiimch. twiniiiims; nf thch-uil, liiiriit.liirnliliiTu-,ilt nrnitltitic, fl titter mi.' ut h'-tiri, rh'tkinir nr fl.itTirtttiiiff iiftihttions; M-lifif in n Ivitiii jvstiirf, Dimin'Ks if vini'iti, w-flts Iwf.iri'tlif tit'lit, I't-vr ilkI tf-ill prim in Um hwl. (IrficiiMiry 'if piTirnli,i, vrllnviMfi nf tin ultiti mi.! pnui in llin ni-ln. lnu-k, rfifnt, liinfi. Ar., s.vUn fliiKlifff nf h:tt l.nrni,,!! in th" fli?i. f nlimt inmi'iiiitiu ol t vil. nut) prcnt i.'inui n ( dpiritf. CAN lii; r.l'PKt'T! M.I.V CI'ltr.D BV i i.i nn aticii tit tntN lirri rits, rtlKPAKKD ST Blt.f. M. JAl'KSOX, AT Til K CD I.MAN MKDICIXR STOKK, No. i-M Arch SI. ritilnifrlphin, I'licir iwivvcr over llic al.-vc .li.-cas.-s is i,ol c .-iW ii i tiiinit' it. I.v nuv otli.-r iircieinilsnt in I'.,- I nihil ! tiff Hi.- 'aires attest, in man) cases niter sktUlul iiyi.i.'uilia IiihI IiiiUmI. i'l'tii-w; MitttiK nr- w.irlliv thev nttmUtm H iorali-'n . P fiiit.inu irirnt virtiH't in the rt-iili;i( inn ni iiisrtrMf-n nf tin; l.ivrritjitl Iiwit i;):nnii. cM rt-iftDti tin iii'Ht jiiiirclniii: f f vvrn in wriihtM tnut .tf.-i n-ti! m ihr ihcKivtj nrani, - tliey nrr, willml. nU' i-iTLiin iiii Dl. TSinit! ( I't.lll till II I.IH It.-.. 1 The V.tlitnr rikI, l)rr. 'I)H, .)'1FI.AM.' 4'KT.KIUUTRn fiKTlM IlTTrrBII fnf Hip rur nf l.ivi-i c'nntpl.iiiit. .Iniiiitlii'r. I fpt-Mti. L'limnio ( .iririniniN'lillllV, let UfHi-rViNHV nil." t'1 tlltr Illnvt pnp-l- I l:ir mtilirin.Ji nf ih,. (:IV. Thru HitifiM luive t-ii tun I ; hy thniiMiiHltt, uiul n fri.-ntl :tt mir rih -v r.n hn h;is hint-m-ll r.r.-iM'.i nu tMt.-ctii:.l ninl prriimnnit run- nf l.ivrr Cniliplillllt I mm the HHf nf ihlK n-IIIfitv. Y TV CnllVilUi;. thnl. in thf nf thrsi' .ittirn. the p:.ti'-nt rntiKtiMitly j lmmik stii-iiirth im.i viimr ti f:t.-i vnitliV..f cr.Mt f. uri.Ic ! rnfi.Mi. Tln-y nn-pli-j.itit in Hint.- nii.l'piii- il. nn.) ivin I ! ii!'il hy vr(fi,jt with ihiMimsi -.ii-in:.. l.N wilh mic ly. nittlf r nny circiniislnn. t-s W'v uu- i';i k i nu tn-in ix-p-riciifi. niiti lit thr itttlicttil -f Mifvijtf tln-ir iih .M .IikIi-- M. M. NnAii. ti i;i ntli MiMii with cr-:it snfiitifie Hint htf rnr' iitriiiiiiiit ntc. rikI mi Inh ".V-w Vmk Wfckiy Mfjifn-iiuf r,' .1mni'ir ti, 1.'iM; Ir. If Kil.-ia-l rt iH-ninii Itm-'ir - -IK t :i prcp:ir; which Ihf IimiImii! pH-ff'-ft in tin- Tui. u:ij.h-;ii It ininn ni' is in rtM'ninnif ti-ltni;. imtt tn r :in 'it is olivi"n. h n , ni;il.' ni'tfr ;i prt riij.ii. tt hy t in tin- nii.nt reiV ; hinlfil phycifiiinn nf m nh in itnifH.'thf lntr )r. Chr flfpln-r , Willifitn Hn i:,inl, r, fi .. tin 1'iiivt-rxity nl Jena, 1 pnvMtf IMivftiftMM t- lit' Kint: nf rrnssi:!, mnl "in nf thu ! crfTit-vl Miftiifiil writ its l.fiiuniiv lmi i-vit pr.Hlni'i'.l. j w in in;ih.itit-:t!U li,f ciiftuv nf hnnihti!;. uml th.-ifliT' n j nit'iln i1'." nf -y.i h m wiih tin- nivfitt'T in'i! ; ipn-r inn v ; ! fiill't-'litlv ri'ln.l nil. II. Kffiidly i innif mini it in ; l.ivfr t'nni.;iint. I upr piti:i. IM.iHty," Vfttit. .i-nliiy nf ' tin Ht rn;i('li. 4 ii.j iinl ti . unit nil t-ti.i'.pV-Miti :iri8iii lnm ihK.'nl.Tnl r ii.iiti-it nf thf sl'-innch. tin: lin-r :int th ittttTtnif-i. .Nine riii!:ih-1ilin;i p;iprri i-xpn tlntir .miivic- : lit'll "f itH t'Xff llfiiff , rilltt M'ViTiil n tilf nil Inf. J"pt';iJ, nf i itn ftrt-cin if'ttn tlicir nwn iiuhv i(ln:il i xpi'rifiifc. I'mlri ( tlifw ciif niiwiaiiri-f. w- In l winniMtfil. n-. nnly in 'nllmit Hit :iitmih1"I nt nur p'liiiVrs t tin- iriffiil : -iit pmprif- ; t T'B (Il . 1'. ,M . J;irltiri) prnimtii -ll, hut l.i i ri-f iiiim'tiU- , I f llllicif in u I liMllflf.l ; Jihire I'ritb'ncr. ; Thf 'hilniiY1.!n;i Sninr-lm- (i;iv. ltf j tif vsp:tp.-i ;niliii.ii'i in llif I nitnl Sl;t .' thf l)ft laiinlv . the eititnr Mi)l I Dt (. ',7i(.r.v (,'(, -until Hitters. i 5 It.. r ntiii.-tui what nf t.Tinril P. i Ifitt Alnlh tri' V I" in- lith-iM'f iin.l ,t-iiroluM nf mir iiiitl. llit-ifi'Tf. hm Wf rr ntitfittl 1)1. lloi'i- i hutl's tii-rm in Miiiir-., it I-. !" I'lrftiiiftly iiihtfi : r.f ihf ii-.triiNi!4 pf tli hiiij pfii.. rnl lhrn fiir ':'.'.. ):n f nf Itilfrhiff I. tiniVf rs-'illy (iiiti!, miu il f IIm- ';tf'u!lv HHlf." j iM'Hil (tint Wf iiir i' l iy;ikiM!. , ilny. tti:il :ir- ii"lf.i :I r-til f-.rn (.-t t. n :iftf In. v iia il-.iif tlii-ir ( 1'Hl nf i ttlfttlflilf I- mii- fl.iiiiif , Which Itiis Mifl thf hr ;nt ;ti'H.i' 'I'hat thiv nn pf ii'" "iif f( iht-ally np- itiritif ri.ii.l-i n tlir t.t it I '.inplaiiil anil ) i. afu-r nin-j ii as iiin-ft,ii. It nrti ! 'Tn-'h :nnl lii'fi it is pr.-lf'Tiil-Id iii.---a.M-s (In- i if.-.-l ii.t'.mli.'i'fi r tt t" -t'iii:il'w '-r liilanl witii .iu-ty ;tn tiiti'-. In t':" .ii" ' tn : ' l' ;'l u Tiii y t an hi- tiihiiuilxlt ini'l T' lial-lc h nrlit. nl Vil'.W'A l I VOI N TI'.iM'r.rrrt. Thif linillrhif lias at.aiiif' lhr:l lti"h . haiafttT W'hifh id n-f fss ir t"i nil iiifihi-iti'-K in at'ji.n m i'-i'-.- i- f.!in'''Mrii-is i-i pni fnrt h ii fptiri-Mif nrtiflf at itn; n.k , t': lives n III-'ff an- iim-ii-.-iitly ih-.n-i vnl. 1.1 ii IK WKI.LTO 1 111". .M A UK- Of 1'IIK (iKM'IM;. ThfV liavf Ihf wnttfii siu'iiaiiiff t . .tt'KSll "M r:ipp.-r. aii'l ihf li nn.- l.vti nu!i !'Iili-, wr li- whifh thf nrf fjuni .in.. -'T lr-lfs,i!f iif.l n-taiL tin j in hki. Muitriiic Sforr, j - 1'Jfl AIM'.. Sll.-.f. nil- ,ln..r -w SU'li. (taltt nf iir-' Itat-f Rtni-i.) PhiUur. l'liia. tm.l hy rfsp. ik-uliri j u'i'ii. lall tV;:n 'Ii'.nt Hi.- ti tit . . At.jh I'nr wilt l.y M. .M.vfr.i:. Stml urv, nia! M. A. ,M tv. ."rihiiiiil.rrl:iii.l. At.-nt 17 . lroP. ly "DEATH'S DOOR." " j ll'iw frnpi.-nlly it t we l.ear tli"- ex ;.r. i, m, u !.:.' ft N ) iiuant to e .nvf In thf innul t!w v.iv ..f f.-ktie-N j i tt.-M n put if ni r mi hf t.. .ni, .M,n. IIhiti- K '11. tl lllflllt'tT nf lllf 'I'l MtllV " 1 1 . J t i. :i. Mif PXilt-ll- p.. ln-rst-lf, J.fnit-!'.! w t'i- atii .1 r.' hy ithfii t mat iHll anil 1 1 t:i! i,.-. (Ac ;m ii,.je ,.f 1 H'l'IfV, KatUv.i;, . 1! :.tu ll.-U.f t. !i. v.-. Jn-r 'f li.-t veif ; iaai.;uii. n T.-il h- r t In r I'im-ihIs nip. in.-i ln;i.lh Thf vry liolant lia.iw iyV ll.-a.Iy ;. :u-i i- :i. Hk li.'ll.-tifial i-lf.fts nr.- i'.;-fri' ii'-i-'l. tt j mtln-jt. h. :!-. fl.MN mill unlii-:-( : it instanilv nila-. s irnirili n. t . -.Ii ! m. I Il iiiiiiialK us i rain- p-tms. tu is.-1.. limns, s.-? ,n , x 1 1 -n ritu-fl lilit-niiiitltMil. I.liiiitia'i. V-n-. U 'IS. lniiit'. ( s;im is. Mlt . W '-.ii. i- ,i n,, Vui. St.- nf all kin-'. litai,. i ',,n Tlir-iat, lafhi'-iiz i. If ri-eii. i i iitl ". (,"1 '!.' ami 'HmX'H A Lit I Tin t'Ttiiiiitu' al)i.-i : t:t i;i.i i. cm; M;rup. li-.n i-an t i-iir. il in mi msl, ml. f -r tin- tn tun-tit tin- It'-;,. I t f . Tit. li ttt-l. S . u nti Tif I . r. i. n:it ; . ;i.'l JHltl Sick t";-!;:- '.' -I':i1f li, mci;. IN III. M sr iTi' ;i,.it iii ; -v ittl! : 'i : - ..k rfll.-Vfil. 'I'ali'-it llitfl'i:!. i' V.,:'. :i: -si I S,wimus :in.l I i-iitij-N.'. .-I ;i V li i'M v -i in in a.' ia'-'. -. IL U':,( - .'ti '-iii . t w ; t I I. p.t.:i, iif aim it Mfki,.'-. . I.-.,! I.m M-nt.l l.y A V ft i.. Ii. K.Mr. tilt' Ull- I'llUn rct. l i.i ;.M' Tiiii.i: r tt i:mi im i i s; To r.Miiin.i.isu .wii i.:t fi; Tin; iHAinw n iu:ai t . It tn,v'- AIkhu m kp lla-lwiy'tJ -i , i.n-.i k1,' -wn 'Iir- nit Ihf t a -hi Mi.tMt- v- : , i , 1 1 . -i i nr-i j.i I, pur,; iiU' :m. k N.ihin.; nl.-.-: . n l!n- 4m ; whih- l Us ;u li.'n ii ihf i ti-k an-) tin- run ' r r Vfs,.s j; ,.VJ , u 'ni.!':!.- i"r..u; tm- mu, ... .til.ivn i'v.'iv len-lt a. . t i'-llamuiau.-a. anil i iff. t :i.. ly i1i?...i.tfH riliifi.n. Hm, aiti(lfs, i U. ft. .;,!. . i!i.v .-I..1..H .ii.-ami .l!i. r ttitaiif--ni. i-in;.!i ni. Thr ra;h inl l.i ..'in it iiii,iari. in in, i-n.-. k "! w-'ftip-KMitu! ih h.;a. y ;. j i M i-'.i'-ffv . !, ,'" arilis. lis t-avii!.ili;y .. intiiiin? irnialiii anl i .-in. iirj lu. tnitfiiMlffffia. rfii !.-r tt ni'lif tu.:il.l. 1. 1 tvvtv hai.-t. iM iittfiiM-n iiftiT hliaviiij- will (tii! it ali:iv a'.. itiitati'n iiit,ltiu.fnu-i-it nf tin- ftkin. imtl ri-nilim it n, mi- th i." 1 !;-inaMt . liii,iu t'i'' h- af r't't 'In.-t . f sunau. r. ..r im ,! ! Mi-;I1; witnlt nl w iiif rr ; n n. I nu 'id's i f miu I. n ti. vi w- f ni it.. -.-: rliill.laitiK. h:ipi fil hnii.u. niii...iM,.if i -a. na Virnii-ff ha f I n i ami i I H-f ii ai kn" i. I'itl jis nm ll uz aiul rt iio-i lr.. i .!i. h,i'f nl tain. .1 I S M'ii'C Unit fr.-i;i iif t'i nt k:ii i-In ., ,,-c ):n, .,, III if Dmn. pivtil nifi ii Ulli'VH i ;i'M';i,'!,,n-, j. nr li u -n n the fiiKhi.ii;il,!f w.'iiil. ii'.-ni llif li'irniii-; li" r ihim .if t!n- I.-.- KM.-, 'fa.- ( hear in iitin I that l'a.l va .M.-tli ';.i. .1 S-n;.. (in-inuatimi f.rthf j-kin n w in us.-; t,1, i-.-lllt.r.l I . ! fv.r in iniinin-t:t i Ii. in i-. S-ii i fr. i- limn . .H' l, irii!.t'':i:: i.p.ii p. , (n-ill--nil, it can In- us.-l nn tin- t --1 r hkin wilh th.. Sinn li ij;ij r. iilts iij iia...u I'- .u iv i, St c that t.i. li c.ikc is v. i , t- .p. .; ,-i ., flee! t'it-.ra in-r ami inrthfi mv tdat tin-.-,... ti. HAhWAV i iifii tarli rii. Trit i- 'J" rati' . i . JMI1S t.llllll 1,1,-11.1' if l.-.a t ' ni- in-inf.-mt 'Hi . I'riiiu-. til..-l i'f HO .1 It. ' HIS. l.lltjO tiik (;novi,(i oK.iirr:T or ui aitv ISA J.rM'KlAXT MI! Vli iK lil.t'SSV IIAIK. K l' 'AV'. niirl N llI. U'tWrfntoJ tftv fust lltiir Tonic ia vsct I'nr Orfiiri: n.i.i Kraniifyi,! 1 1..- hmr. ll tl.-aiihfs ihc S-alp fmin I nlf, kivps it r Nan, curci 'UiVfy, JlalihifKkt.tiiiilS.iif i . j i Ih,.' . .,,t m,.,,! i lie Juii r trnMiialliiiCMii. Miiih ru it Mmiii;. tin.-. ft uml pink-. U h't hav.- I-.I ,.-, . m ,v HickiK-.-i. Will ti.i.l ii r.iit'p,.tHii"ti.l..if in K.ftVix .t r f:i-iiini Jfaiin It ;ih.. jivf it a ini'l hfaiihini nn-ir. ami will pivvi-'it i ,r ttnniiii; -jrt-y. l"i' iu .-x. intuit- pinilv, il ia mtliii- ral;lyii.taptfif..i iht- hair nf nf thf'nii.nt ifrf.r Ktf. It in .ft in lnt:f h ilit. f..r ci nU prr l...ft!r. am! in wan iitil t . ilir I nut ii.ur pr. p.ii;.l.tii in .-. il will nu a nl Ihf hat. inn. nt tin: fiiif! lahrif. S.-.- i i.:.i it... titrt- nf H AHW'A V n . in tiv. II t'lU' i Ih.iii.- hi fir. itMkian If hi n- inimi.- without tin- aif-natutc nl" Mi.lwy Ai.knt 1 1 i Maa-. r. . An-;. I'l, -.")ii L'.-jnily W. T. BDDRICK'S (i.Ai'i: i'Mi' en-'- c.M'iiit.tiiKi Vui'iilisli .tlanura. lory ami 1'nlul SlUI'l', No 1 orlh Fourth St net, A r.:v pilous AbuVK i'iikiiuv, vi:..j mue, rillLADEinilA. Constantly on bund and for sole, ot reduced jiui, mid ol siijitrior auality, tiie Jul. lowing in tn li s, ri; : C'wirli, riilttii,-l. .f;iKiini.-rst ninl (III r.,ih VmnUlt'-.' ; lliviitii .l.fism ; It-s'liitiil 11 ariifHH V iiritial) ; linitvn, lilio hii.I IJ.'.I (nrii il..; Iraif. r tl ; Artum'. H himo miiI CtNifh I'aintfra ntid VarniahiTu' M-ttt rtala i '( T'l'V IX tiiAxri rn:. ii is, nuv, i oh.'axd rui:- lAKffl I iU IMMI.IHATK I SI - M.UmprK, (ilu aiul Afitls; III nk Japan f..r Imn ; Aillni.ii! f.. tot rainy Wnrk ; rii-turf anil Wind v (Ian;' 'i Imirs. Dry Hinl in Tuhea ; Nfal'a l-'imi MI: liM, Silver, uml tifniuin .fiif ; IJni.l. Jilvtr, ami r..pfi Hiti ; (nu zifr'a lii iinoiitU. Al. vciy ivefi-ir Sh-c IIUi.Iiiij; maj Wrtiuifi InV Jmif litl - lUiAiNKS. BLANKS of every ilceriitiiili can be bud by MJt I I b" ul the oli'ue eif iLe Anirrii un. prr.E WHITE HKANDV FOIi 1'RESEK- VINU, just icceived and fur sale br H. B. M AiiPEP. S..ft. S, 1950