Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 09, 1851, Image 2

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    iCalifovntft SCfiuo.
Terrible devastation.
Five Hundred Buildings Destroyed.
81. 1 01,000 ill ..iM Airlvi'.l
New Vork.
I Ol,. UN. I, Ml O.N Tin: SI I MP.
The democratic candidate for (lovcrnor,
CJol. Vm. Jiigler, Js now engaged in ad
dressing li is fellow citizens in various por-
Ntvr Vhkk, August C, IS5I.
The steamship Empire C'ily, from Chagrefc
Soth nil , mill KiiiLisloii, Ja., tlio 30ih nil., nr-
j L-lri. ..... -.1.? . ..v.-f
nvfii ui imn-pusi cigni u i-iuck mis morning.
She brings 360 passengois, $1,400,000 in gold
litis!, on freight, ond 300.000 in tlio hands
of passengers.
Tho Kmpire City also brings !liu mails
from San Francisco to the 1st July.
Tho cily of San I-'taucisco was v:-,e''
Another most destructive fire, o 'uo 22J r
Juno, which commenced on 'lie north s"'
Of Facific street, near Powell, sit about 10 o'
clock in the morning, rind spread down Paci
fic street and through In Bioa'vay, with
great rapidity' and on to Si"'ton street. In
tlio short space of half '"""' fm the mo
ment of its break!--? e"'; ad crossed Pa
cific street, -,J al ''l0 satno time crossed
Planton Jireel, spreading rapidly down Droad.
wits', Pacific and Jackson streets.
Along Broadway everything is consumed
s far as Kearney street. On Pacific street
do fire consumed everything, in its course,
far as Ohio street, including the City Hall
I City Hospital. On Jackson street ever-.
iMig was consumed to Montgomery street,
a : ! a few houses below. On Slocklon street
fire extended as far as Washington, and
l' ' i crossed diagonally into Washington
:((, in tho rear of tho H.iplist Church,
. .-li was fortunately saved, and ihen ex-l1-
:! l.-d down Washington and along Dupont
f'i-'. taking' tho Jackson House in itscomse,
:" I the California Reslauraul, adjoining.
T!u office of the Aha California nowspa
p : was blown up with a view to aricst the
I .-ess of the fire, but without avail, for the
..'i ll' s crossing in llio rear of tlio Verandah
l !(, tho fire extended down Washington
t ''ansom street, stopping on the south side
'' irgoync's new building on Montgomery
O i tho' west sido everything is burned
C .1 Pacific lo Washington street, and on
east the same, excepting Iwo or llireo
I- ul. lings near the corner of Jackson street.
M :.veen Washington and Clay streets, lliu
Oily building burned was occupied by Cro- f; Marley.
From Washington 6lreet the firo crossed
fiver lo the icar of the El D iraihi House and
tho new theatre, which last was destroyed'
Tho llames spread thence to Merchant street,
and thence crossed into Clay street, on the
I nrlh side, below llio California Exchange
f mi whence it extended to tho brick build
i "t on tho north side, occupied by Rollaut &
JVildo, coiner of Moiilgomei y street.
IDuring the piogress of the lire immense
virilities of poods hiti! leinoved to the
1' ii, where thoy ullimately toed: lieu and
v ' o destroyed.
The patients in the Cily Hospital, to Ihc
v. i.ber of ninety, were removed to Ihe lot
i - tho rear of the Hospital, and wuieall
F V -d. prisoners in the City l'rison were rc
i -ml to tho County Jail, and all tho books
.! ihe papers in Ihe Recorder's and Mar
: li !'s Oliices, fortunately saved.
iho buildings saved on the Plaza are, (he
!''! i I'uioti, llio Custom House, the Yeran-
li House, Kl Doiado, Union Hotel, the
('':i'orni.t Kxchange, and the wooden
; ..lings between ihe latlor, and tho
U ;i in.
'i'lio Presbyterian church, on Slocklou
i' et, was burned lo the ground.
Charles S. Lyons was burned In death, and
) Mr. Bach, of the Hi m of Bach, Burnett
.' r"'
Tho number of buildings destroyed, is tioi
tess llian live bundled, and the loss is esti
mated at three millions of dollars.
A vast amount of lumber and building
i;jaterjals w ere destroyed.
The persons burnt out, were generally of
t;io poorer class.
The lire; was undoubtedly the. work of
incendiaries, and several arrests have been
made, but tho prisons under arrest hav
not been proved to be t!.o parties actually
The greater portion of the burnt ilistiict
was occupiej by dwelling turnkey, and but
lew heavy stocks of goods and
vere burned.
Tlio firo of last Sunday was more disas
trous to persons of mn derate means than
perhaps all tho (lies which have so seriously
damaged cur city. Many havo lost their
all. Families without a inomeiils warning
had all llu'ir fiiriiiiuie and available iiieaus
suddenly taken from lliciu itnd ihey turned
put upon Iho colli cliaiilios of tho world.
Almost the entire business poiliun of Ihe
c-ity has been moU piovidciil.aUy protected
from Iho devouring elt.menl. It was pre
served, however, by the almost superhu
Vi an cxertioni of good and woilhy ciii
xeus. t is a source, however, of profound im'fig
nation, that so many persons refused o
assist the sulTertfrs when it was wiihio. lleit
power.. A large number of cases. have come
Vnor ouj observation, for which, if the
alatumeuls bo trye, and we havo it in part
from our own personal kno.wledge, and on
mo most loiiaLue aoiuuriiy, tue parties so
pkiY,iiig ought to be consigned to perpetual-
iufuiiky. Some of tho draymen and- carmen
ought lo havo the whips they nso on their
horses, used on their own backs until' liiu
kin, blood and llesh should leap in wild
COlifusum from their bare bones. Some not
only charge; I fifteen prices for hauling j b :l
actually refused lp nivo up tho goods until
Ihey weio paid. Others n fused to haul a
pailiclu u.itd they were vxhoibilanlly paid in
advance. Thu men who could so behave ul
tuch a liiiio t.ii-h to bo publicly branded.
They are not o: ' bad as llio thieves and
incendiaries, ,i, ue havo every ronsor.
to believe .that tln yaro .eoufedtjiHled with
thrHii. vV v , , .v;
Tfao SihUoii IIoliss was set on fiio in half
an hour afltfr ilia fire was diseoveretl in Pa
ciliV slri'oh Puririld tha mrvrress of the
llamos Iho ijjty wKs:Allompted Id bo fired in
sr. places by n phut ()r vill iiinc A mnn
was ennght scltina fiio to Pacific street
wharf. Many : of . the incendiaries and
thieves were artesled. The Peoples' Com
mittee. .Jiavo number of ilierrtr and tho
police huvo charge of. tho balance.. Two
thieves were p-iot 'dead by olfieer Noyes
while utlempiing to make wa with si'-' present proud position
At tho comer of.
letter should
Every one yfoy t',J postage under all
innko it jxT !n this way four dollars
circu-saved out of. every ten. Although
.'I'll li t lein nl imf
streets soino. Ihicvcs wh-
to rob a clotlnng st,v
Between I!
.way anil Pacific and Jack-
nea were discovered under
son stree ,, . ,
, j us well as m iiieiii, wneiu u wns
u !!...,.. , . ,
upnssiblu to lake irom sparks. . nouse
was put on fire in Hroadway near Duponl,
which was evidently set on firo on the in-
k1-, a'ir
SATt ltDAY, Al'IH ST 0, 151.
. It. MASSi:lt, Idtilor mill 1'roiu-irlsr.
V. II. IWI.M I '.I I is enr nmli ' :ij;rMt tirwciv Rlltl
Frriptieu mill ti(!viT'.i!iui; lit lui'!!i'c, in riltlaitolplila, New
Vuik, IteHloaaiii) ILtlLiiitorc.'
'l'fi AnvRifmnnv 'I'he rirtiil:i(i'ii of the Funluiry
Atnoririill aui'm the iiar'Tcul towm on the Siiiriiirhnniin
is iMti:xi'i'i.'ilcil iffuallcJ l.ynny ia;.'r puhliklicil in North
em lY'iiiiKvlvnuia.
tions of the Slate.-' The democratic part y.L might not seem right to pay postage on
it i lortunme in Iiavjng a candidate whne
not orily qualified to address ttieput nvIio
stump and in the Senate Clwdid intellect,
is also well know n fan wisdom iii cotini
excellent jirdgmrv emphatically a man of
cil. Col. le Xv,o ,as raiS(., himself by
thr pe(rpnti j(i j-,USry nnJ good con
hit, from an humble station in life to his
This is the true
secret of his popularity and his success
Willi Ihe people.
I3y appointment Col. fligler, will ad
dress democratic meetings in the following
order during the present month. Jl will
bo seen that he will be in Northumberland
lo day (Friday) the Slh.
Hlooinfirld, Perry county, 6lh August.
Milllinburg, I'nion county, 7th "
Montgomery county,
Kcrks county.
Schuylkill county,
l.ancasler county,
Mlh &
l i Hi
1 4 lit
another's business, yet in Ihe end it will
prove cheapest, if the rule becomes gener
al, and the government too will be the
gainer. Persons should provide, them
selves with stamps; and as postage is cheap,
write short letters, and more of them.
cap r ai - iikmiy a. MA;;,
Who was arrested in Philadelphia, on the
211th nil., on a bench warrant, was taken to
Washington cily on Saturday morning.
Shoitly after his arrival, says tho Wash
ington lir public, (ieueial McCai.l appeared
in Court as his counsel, and made ap
plication for Iho accused to be admitted to
Mr. FtnNAi.1., for the United Stales, said
that there were sundry indictments pending
against Capl. Nac.i.c.k ; ono for conspiracy,
thereby obtaining $881 from tho (iovern
ment ; ono for forgery, by which ho obtain
ed 23;t(i ; and nine for transmitting lalso
papers, uud receiving thereon 3'JOJ ; in all
5 J 122.
Afler a conversation between Messrs
Flnhai.i., McCai.i.a, mid the JiuljiC, the
filter fixed Ihe amount of bail at Sinno,
of Clearfield County.
of Clarion Count).
For Judges of the Supreme Court.
JOHN 15. GinSON, of Cumberland.
WALTER 11. LOWUin, of Allegheny.
JEREMIAH S. ELACK, of Somerset.
ELLIS LEWIS, ol Lancaster.
JAMES CAM PIS ELL, of Philadelphia.
I in i oii's i Aiu.r..
f "'"" Hi" S'lii'lay l).'.pulili, July UTIh.1
. Tho Pennujlrnninn of iilst week ' gave
placo In a communication signed AmenV
gin, ' which was specially intended' ile-j
monslt llio .Sirmoty DupaUh and nil other
'Glanders of that able juris', Judge. 'tamp
bell." Who Mr. Amergin is we do not
know, but tho I'lmitylvanian assorts Ihnt ho
isa yonng lawyer and a "Protestant Irish
man." That ho is a ymn lawyer wo ran
readily imagine,, for no old Jaw ye, rr ..who has
a ronscienee, would hazard his reputation
by asserting thai Campbell is an able jurist.
That Iho writer is n "Protestant Irishman,"
does not seen lo uS' verv material lo the
question ; it adds iiolhing more lo the force
of "AmorgniV iiri'ic.le than if ho were a
"Mormon Dutchman," though Iho I'ninsi;?.
rmii'dil seems lo placo so much importance
on the fact of his nativity and religion, that
i is quflo overcome with admiration and
Mr. Amergin has been indnslriumdy senr
ching the Pennsylvania Reports, and, having
found u single caso in which Judge Camp
bell's decision was supposed to have been
allirmed, cackles over Ihe treasure like a
hen who has found a lost erg. In tho joy
of his heart Mr. Amergin says :
"It is well that such records exist as the
Pennsylvania State Reports. In those re
ports every Important eao tried before
any judire, is reviewed and Ihe judgment of
the NipreniP i ourt passed upon it
I his is
which General McCai.!. presumed Capl. a loiichstoun that quickly detects tho base ! should be e could give. The accused will ro- i m,!lal I"'"vcs ll,u Uua P'u" independenc
Campbell ilecidi-d lhat llio builder could
recover. .Th" Sopremn Court adorned li e
jiidgirtent, but at ihe same limn decided lhat
Judge Campbell, in -permitting a declaration
which! biid beeu wilh.lrawn, and another
substituted',-in to lo Iho jury, enmmi'ted an
.error, but us the two' papers were tieaily the
same in words, they would not disluib the
verdict. Tims even in this ease, the
!'loucb-flono" shows there was "base
metal," as ihe judge was only half riuht.
Now what- do th public think of a candi
date for Iho Supreme Conrl( who, in Ihe
course of ten yeais, has displayed so little
industry that only four cases decided by
him appear in the reports? What will
Ihny-thmk of the judicial capital of the as
pliant with four cases two of which were
reveised for !;ross ignorance of Iho law. the
third of which was alliimed whilst nt iho
same lime an error was pointed out, ami the
fourth or which was allirmed for reasons
dill'oroul fiom Ihoso given by Iho judge,
who decided in favor of tint light parly al
together by accident ? Are independant
citizens willing lo Irust llicir lives, their for
tunes anil their honor in the hands of one
w ho has show n himself incompetent to dis
charge tho dolies ol an inferior tribunal ?
Arc. they prepared to scoiirgu themselves
merely lo subseive the purposes of selfish
j politic i'.tus ? The question of election of
: Judges is superior lo every partisan consid
1 eralinn, and Ihe ballot a piiviloge which
xercised in stern and thinking
penitence, i'lort iearneii canoniaie lor
Two Wkcks I.ATr.n fhom C.M.rrortMA
Another Dt:sTRt rTtvt: FinE Loss 3,000,
000. b'cw Orlenn. An?. 1. The steamship
Alabama arrived lo day fiom Chaarrs, willi
dales from Sari Francisco to the 11 July.
The city of San Fanciseo has been visited
by another disastrous fiio, w hich laid ten
square in ashes. 1 he loss ol property is .
Staled nt three millions of dollars. Several
lives .vero also lost. The firo was the work
of incendiaiies.
The Locomotive Force on the New Vork
and Erie Rail Road amounts lo 1 17 engines.
Fight of these were built by Norris, of Pliil
opelphin, ii ml fourteen by Baldwin. Tint
road, it is said, will require, when in full
New Advertisements.
5?V vi
We thought we wero done with Judge Judge, the decider of lour cases! Tiuly,
main in custody meanwhile.
- - i Campbell. Wo did not intend to trouble j with thai juvenile lawyer and that warm
New Mone cr Dlmonstratiso Tiir ' our readers with further remarks concerning ! hearted Pioleslimt Irishman," "Ameririn,"
ll is well that such ycnuU
Eautii's Rotation. Professor Strong, of j him. Hut Mr. Amergin, delirious in his joy we oe!
liiiklni'sA Nntit'f.
Mr.cii xtrsiii'itn In sill T'tr.. 'J he attention
of our readers is directed to I'.ic adwrliscmciit of
this iiislit.ilion. in aimthcr column. The facili
ties for uc!jmrin a thorough education, al a cheap
rale, arc not MirpuFscd and the hcaoty ni:d
h.aHhfii!in's ol' ihc ln Mtinii. it is said, cannot he
cxi'ilicil. .tit'cliaiucxliur is ueil m one ol
the most fertile and i'i !'.;!;l!iil regions of the
('uinhc! land ;d!cy, and the poj nlittieii of the
town mid kii ir iiitnl iii.T country is of u moral mid
religious kind, the location i i a dcsirahle one for
the training ofyoudi of lioth sexes.
Cutis Siir.LLi.H. Wt refer I'lir readers lo the
advertisement of U.i id;e, who olfcrs to
the pulilic a new corn shtllei', nu important arti
cle for the firmer.
cor.NTV r(svi:vi'ioN.
Tho tlemueralie electors of Northnmbcr-
tud County are respect l olly requested lo
moot at the usual place uf holding elections
in th-ir respective Roioughs and townships,
on Satuidav, the 2:U day of August, 151,
for llio puiposoof electing delegates' lo llio
Democratic County Convention lo bo held in
Suiibnrv, on the Monday following, to form
a democratic ticket to bo suppurted at the
ensuing fall election.
(J. M. VORUS, Chairman.
Standing Committee.
1 sir 'l i:i.i Al'il
At (his place is iloinj a fair business,
and pays now tnoto than six per cent, on
its cu:.t ol CiMlMl ticti'jl), besiiles being ol
great convenience to ihe public. The
rates, too, are very inujcratc nol much
more thai: letter postage some bix years
airo. 1 lie telegraph uiiiilil he used even
more frequently to great advantage. The
operator at this place, our young friend
Samuel J. Fucker, is one of the most skill
ful and experienced on the line.
Cv An::ti "icit. On the llh inst., on
motion of 11. 13. Muster, Esq., James Cam
eron, Esq., wad admitted lo practice in the
several Courts of Ibis county.
James J. Naille, Ilsq., Iroin York coun
ty, was iiLo admitted oir Monday last, Mr.
Naille has located himself in this place.
On the Cth inst., on motion u Alexan
der Jordan, Esq., John Younginun, Jvsq.,
was udmitted to practice in thu several
Courts of this county. Mr. Youngiuan's
examination was said to. have been, highly
The Native American parly in their
Convention at Ilarrisbur, on the 21th ult.,
nominated lumber Cleaver of this County
for Governor, and David McDonald of for ('anal Commissioner. The
compliment is one well deserved by Mr.
Cleaver. We have e-rcat confidence in.
our friend Cleaver as a skilllul Engineer,
btit his locomotive is on the wrong track
this time. He will have to adopt a much
wider guae to overtake Col. Edgier, with
a Lead ol ttcaiu up that will carry him be
yond Hic'icach ol all iippnsilion.
jliiui: t -.HT.t:r,i,.
In another column our readers will find
an able article in relation to Judge Camp
bell's qualifications for the office of Supreme
Judge. The writer presents o strong case,
such as must satisfy any one, who is not
wilfully blind, or obstinately prejudiced,
that Judge Campbell is not qualified for the
high station for which he has been nomina
ted. The truth is the Judicial question
should never have been trammeled or
coupled with politics. What has the ad
ministration of justice to do with a man's
political views? A Jude who could be
influenced by any political bias on the
llench, would be spurned by every right
minded and honorable man, and yet we are
called upon to vole for a man, whose in
competency cannot he questioned by any
intelligent or well informed man, simply
because he has managed to get the nomina
tion. As well might we select our clergy
man on party grounds, for they have just
about us much to do with politics, as an
limits! mil vnpcirliu! Judge should have in
the discharge ol his duties.
It is true, thai both parli-s have made it
a parly question, and we would say where
the candidates are in other respects equal,
there can be no harm in rupporting the
candid lie of your party. The democratic
tick.!, with this one exception, is made up
of able anil competent, men, and will re
ceive our support, though we might have
preferred other men to some of those who
have been selected. The qualifications of
a Judicial olfirer can only be judged of
properly, by those attending his Court, and
wdiat Would he said of any lawyer in this
district who would offer himself as a candi
date forjudge, if nearly the whole Iiarof his
district should oppose him, on the ground
of utter incompetency. These are ques
tions that suggest themselves to every re
flecting mind. A true democrat is a free
man, and does not fear to do what bis con
science tells him to be rigid and his duty.
He who has not suilicienl independence to
do so, might as well be a serf of the Rus
sian despot, as a republican.
j ;ii; M III, Yl.KH.I. 11A I N MAP,
Notices a paragraph from the McEwens
ville Intelligencer, that would otherwise
have escaped our observation, in which the
Intelligencer man, John Case, says that we
should present the editor of the Miitunian
and the Map, each with an ice cream
freezer, for asserting lhat the Sunbury
American is a democratic paper. Tho edi
tor of the Map thereupon says, that we are
'a gentleman they have always respected,"
leaving the aforesaid John Case to infer,
thai such is not the Cunc with every one
who imagines himself an editor. In re
gard to the I'ree.ers, the editor of the Map
says, "11 we should be so unfortunate as lo
be tendered some ol the i i;r.i:zi:t:s lhat the
Intelligencer man gels, we should, we
rather think, respectfully decline." This
is what may be called "cold comfort," end
John must be indeed a bard Cose il he can
digest such a s'iiiriifr compliment from
his friends.
Rutger's College, New Brunswick, N. J , h is over his siiiL'le case, insinuates that we have : ei! as the Peuiisj tvania Slate Reports. '
just put in operation a new contrivance for I "diukened counsel,"
il thai the records I Such an able joiistas .bulge King would
lesling this scientific problem, which puts are aiiaicst us. We have, therefore, turned j never have decided that constabulary black
Ihe Fiench peiidiihim modo entirely in the cur attention lo a matter . that we would not i mail was perfectly legal lhat nu e.emplili
shade. Professor Sluing has constiucled a . otherwise have investigated. I cation not authenticated according lo a plain
wooden wheel six feet in diameter, but very j In consequence of the challenire, we have statue was aduiissibli that a paper entire,
slight indeed, its weight being only Iwo taken the trouble lo go carefully over the ' e withdrawn from the cause, and not in ev
poiuids. This wheel is supported horiou- 1 Pennsylvania Reports (including the equity idoneo, was proper to go to the jury or
tally, the hub resling on a rteel needle, in decisions of Ihe court of which lite Judge is tlmt a bond given to maintain a wife who
irtne of a resolution of Ihe iSorthnm.
rland County Am icultiual Society, ft
meeting of Ihe Evocnlivo Committee of Iho
Society, consisting of tt,e President, Vico
Presidents and Managers, will be held at
Iho Court II inse in Snidiniy, on Saturday,
August 1 ill li, at id o'clock, A M. The pur
pose ol the meeting is lo i a lime and jilnct
lor Iho Cmii, I, ',,. and to make all neces
sary ariangemeiiis : As the object is impor
tant, a foil iitii'i.d.iiiee is caiui'slly requested.
D. II) TACIJAKT, Cor. Sec'y.
Tho members of iho Commiltce are
J unes Camehui, Esq . Joseph R Piietley,
Eq., Hon. (ion. C. Wrlki-r. Jacob Sot sholt,
Win. II. Kipp, Jacob llilheh, lion. John
Moiilgomei y
lion. James Poli iek. Ale .1 0' I. III. KJ ,
Ji'.m: C. Il.iilon, Amos E R-1P, Samuel
John. Sait'liel Shannon Peter I Uienlorl. Chas.
i Riddle, lleuiy .1. R. a lor, .1 il'i H. Heller,
(lenlge Long. Isaac li li'l, Michael l.eckcr,
I'eniievil'e llolslioc, Win. D.- i rn, William
i I'Vgelv. (ieoige Conoid. James Eckiuau.
I A u:iut n. isr.L -.'I.'
the same manner that a compass is support ' now a member) which contain decisions
ed. Tho needle fits into a glass socket. made since ho took his seat upon the bench.
Placed in a room free from currents of the In those nineteen volumes, and neaily Ihir
air and all disltnbance, tho million of I hi; teen thousand pages, there aie but four
earth around Iho wheel is perceptible, the eases hi which Judge Campbell's name ap
wheel apparently performing llio revolution i peats. We propose lo notice them, and
in Iho proper number of hours. It is proper show how "the touchstone" delected ' base
rnelal '
From 18U to 1850, not a single decision
of Judge Campbell appears on llio books.
The first caso recorded is Smith rs. W hill
din, 10th Hair's :W. The circumstances
were these : Whilldin was a constable.
Smith oll'ered him one bundled dollars if he
would a i rest a iierson n-'iinsl whom war-
j rail's were issued for obtaining goods under
false pretcncer. The arrest was made an. I
! ihe eontalih; sued Suiilh for the promised
j sum. Tho case was Iried beforo Judge
I Campbell. Common sense would teach nny
Louis 1 imes, lOlh rim, ,,.,, plK., il:,ccnient was in violation
le left, a letter was fu, policy of iho law. If eoostntdes arc
allow e, I to make bargains with persons who
no thief
to slate that no motion is externally commu
nicated to tho wheel. This is tho latest per
petual motion wo have heard of. By this
wheel il is said that thu lalitiidu'can at all
limes l e correctly ascertained. The experi
ment is not confined lo a wheel of such large
dimensions, but may be realised with small
er ones. Tho experiment, wo lenrii, will
probably soon bo lested nt the Washington
l bsei va'.ory.
FuitT.r or the Imhan Titr.Mr We
ilieiiian direct fiom Si. P. ml,
"t T!r K is licr.l'.v Liven that seule.l prop.
J- sili will I'c icii ii'l I iv i!i- Ihn-i lors of th
I i.!ll III -ttl Sr!e-!s ft' Sl":!:i'. t,ia tov. Iis'lip, fit ths
Hotel of diaries bcisciuinir, in said township
IV 10 A. M. till -1 P. M.. on the MUth hint.,
for ti.flel'rrs of snid school, lit which tilou ftltil
til.M'e trachcis w ill he ciamined and the schools
Hay State Mills have recently sold 10D cases . allotted.
nninheriii!' nearly or rinile 5()0l) shawls, for oricr t the lionrd.
Ihe Canada market, lo a regular dealer
sought her husband's society, w as an :;giee
moot for a separation.
Amkuican Siiawi. Mam t am i ur.. The
learn Irom a
Minnesota, says the St
ins!., that on the day
receive I Irom d'ov. Ramsey, announcing ihe
entire l.iiluie of the contemplated Indian
lrealy. Wabosha, a Sioux chief, who ; nrn8.,., m,,.S4 ,. phuidere.
wields an c. sivo inlliience, had declared m;,t(., .,, ..,, ..hmder from
w otiM ever be
I n;rs,iii Sllb-
the police.
'" ' " ' "...oi, i..m.,, ,u i.. i... niisiaiidiug tins filn ious reason, an. I
Iho overtures of other Indians, or of Ihe j ,,, w jt , :iIut j Mir U. f;,el that the fee bill set
iovci iiiiieiil. Ciov. Iiamsey Wiis rxpeided i
lo arrive at St. Paul, with the Commission- J
els on Wednesday last. His next endeavor
would be lo persuade the Chippewa, w ho
had moved back to their did lauds in Min
nesota, tu vacuule them and return lo their
down thu only compensation In be allowed
constables in such cases,
"Campbell J. told tho jury lhat lie- only
question was whether the plainlitf made the
This is the entire charce, and in briefness
proper hui. ting giolmds. These trealies and ,.1met equals his other favorite charge.
forfeiture ol treaty, are costing Iho (Iovern "(leiillemen of Iho jnrvj the case is with
ment a deal of money, in iho way of pre- I yen." But the ease went In the Supreme
seuls, commissions, iv.c. Less I hall a year Com t, and the "touchstone" was applied
r. i. ice received some Hundred thou- to iho i:ase metal ' In l no lollow ing man
ollars for removing, or promising lo 1 ner :
remove these very Cliippewas. and now we I "Coulter J. said there was no considera
siipp ie the same lucrative farce must be ! lion lor th, promise, and the court below,
tlierelore, misconstrued Ine law. II is uie
there, who can nl'ord lo pay a duty of 12
per cent., and sell hi goods alongside ( f
liiilish prodiiciious at a profit ! 'I he pro
duction of shaw ls from i)mo of the principal
mills ttio current year will lie as toilows :
James Roy Jv. Co., ni'aily all long shawls of i
beautiful designs, HO.iMu : Hay Slate Mills
the gieal pioneers in ihis wink tiOjOno !
Waleiloo Co., C.'.OOO ; E.t.pbo State Mill-, '
3d. (10(1 ; l'racu l.ilo Mill, Duncan c Com-!
init'.gham, and one or two smaller maker"; '
say g.Vli'M ; making a Iota! of -I;!'.!, fife I, or
neaily hall a uii'lioii of Ihe medium and i
heller class of goods, pro lueed in this conn.
try in a single eio .
JllS.-i: HK.NsVl., t-scW.
Ai'. !l, lsal It.
Sliamokin tp.
" TO C0KTaACT0ES.-EmbarJ.ment.
A T ii lecctin.' held id tile Court Home la
Siinliui v, on the "sth .Inly iust.. of llic sub
srril'ers . tlie cinl'iiiikiiiciit, Ac, lo he erected s
ho,i ilis'imi'C nhiivc the .N'oilluinil.i'il.ind friilijn,
on tin farm ot' Ucter Raiilv. the tinitiTsiiif 1
Wl re
p pet
r.Ss (
itcd a
pi'oMir,;s l-T s i: l u . i u
Alison net. id U o I.k-:.
John V. l'': i;in.: ( 'e.,
hook l!li'l pi .'.l el" tile v..
cietl ai-lei i;! ! e rr c. i
fl i 'III tl'C si.! n-, ila-rs, lo
O'.e to ieceic senlrl
ul Saiur.l.'V the iltli of
P. M., at the store of
: I t re the i-iiliscrijilinn
e.Ml he .ecu. Tlio
.'. t j cell.' -l the Illoiif T
'. ,li not lo ,1,11k nil.
as t.a; ol
i.l la
Wmre Bi. cii;i-:ii!'.ii:s. It is an ancient
joke and fact, that "all blackbei i ies are led
when they ar" gieen but we yesteiil.iy
saw rnmu 'diiaci. lien ie.'; perleclly ii
of a beautiful light pea-green C"l..r;
hi.-cious r-weetucss, and the biig'ilct, clear
est; and handomcM of all the small In. Ms.
They are raised b .Mr. J S. Necdham, of
D.oivcrs, and have been propagated limn
a single plant, obtained in lie Siafe of Mafue.
which was no doubt an accidental variety ol
Iho common high busli blackbei ry. NiiVm I
A Sci.t-St-A' im; Esvci.oi't: for the ballot- I
box has been invented in I! istou. The See. j
rotary of tho Commonwealth of Massachli- I
. . .
sells contracted ioi the immediate inanulac- j
lure of 1.20(1.001) peli'-s.'.ili.ig envel.ip.'s, at a 1
V. V. M. t'
Ju'lN W.
Ji'll.N V.
1 ut ! ill'' stilisi-re i r in;';.'' :.:s i-iineii w 1 no
, I ii . l.-ct'.-s ,.l'Nor::,:..i .: h.o i O.' st ll j
'' a ' ciisiun-' , lection a ; a vu! t NTi:;;;; ca.ndi-
1)A TE for the !:'. e ef
Shoni l lie l.e c'lvlr
ihc ihil'e-. of lli'1 n:':i
gie I'litae s. ie .'acti
enacted over again.
'I'll b No-LiccNsr. Law or It.i.i.'iois. Th
License or Liquor Law which the I.egisla- i ,.,
cost tit the Slate of 'lheso enve
lopes aie to bo Used bv tlie voters ol Micsa-
Ihe Secret
Ihiliot Law, passed by Iho l.tsi Legislature.
lure of Illinois has adonled. rcpeiils allure- loluincnl of the holder, but lo conseive tlie
' iiillie. peace and lo eeculo lie- cnmii
IT" Sii:;;i.t:ns I'anouama of the cities
and islands of the Atlantic ami Facific,
was exhibited at the (.'ourt House, in this
place, on the llh, fth and (ith inst. and
was crowded every evening. Panoramic
views are something new to many of our
citiaeusL. Those oi Ihe first class are too
unwieldy and expensive for exhibition in
country towns. No exhibition a fjords a
finer eiiteiUiunict'.l than a well ejtecuted
C7" Some hair brained idler, not hav
ing wit enough, to amuse If in some
rational manner, has been exercising his
few ideas, by cutting the door casing and
wealhcs boards of our odice ll'wu-kucw
him we would expose his fully or thought
lessness, as wo can hardly believe il was
duiii by design.
fV The whole of tho present term of
ouj Court was consumed; in Ctiminal trials.
sent license laws, 'inhibits the sale of in.
to.xicatiug drinks in less quantities, than one
quart, under a penalty of S-5. If sold lo mi
nors, increases tho lino from Slil) to S1U0.
Piovides for a penalty of not less than S-3,
nor over S100 for selling more than a quart,
and permitting ihe same lo be drank on the
piemisos of the seller. (Jiving nway liquor
lo come w ithin Ihe provisions of the law.
The rations Legislatures of Ihe Slides seem
lo consider some legislation necessary lo pre
vent the evils of intemperance ; hence some
ol them have recently passed more stringent
laws upon the subject ; that of Maine being
the most thorough of any of the enactments,
and of coursr, creating Iho most opposition. tii k Atlantic in a Row. Boat.
A man has performed the feal of crossing
Iho Atlantic in a row-boat in Ihirly days. It
was dono in this wise : When Iho packet
ship Devonshire, from New Yoik, was one
day out at sea, dipt Ilovey detected sym.
plums of small-po.v in one of bis steerage
passengers. Do immediately had Ihe stern
boat, hanging from Ihe iluvils, made perfect,
ly m'ciiio and comfortable, Vemoved the
man into it, erected over Mm a tarpaulin
bouse, and in lhat boat the man crossed the
Atlantic, n?l lea7iiii$ it in, Id he reached
quarantine. Ho was led from Ihe captain's
table, recovered completely from the dis
ease,, wu well and ixv.ily when landed this
morning, perhaps more so-than his fellow
passengers, and rh restdl ef I'apl. Iro
vey's piecavUton, no'tdh-er case of small-po-occiirioit
on bcurj the Vvuti.thrre, The
man can boast of being the first person
that ctcr cwrccd the Atlantic in a low
Fiiist Impressions. Mr. Creefey, writing.
from Civitu Veechia, says ; "Aside fiom
thuso engaged' in fleecing us, I saw but
three sorts of men in Civila Yccohia, or ra
ther men pursuing Isioo sevetal avocations,
those of priests, soldier and beggars. Some
uiiilctl Iwo of these callings. A number of
brown, bare-headed, wretched looking wo
men were washing clothes in Ihe hot sun uf
Iho sea-tii.le, but t saw no truee oi tnas'-uline
industry other llian what have descri
bed, an J tho placn contains 7000 inhabitants."
duly of a constable lo pursue, si.aich for.
"d arrest i odors against w linni eiimnial I chuselts, in carrying p.lo eil'eet
proiM'SH is iioi iii ins ii. urns, i nt- uince 01
talile is created, nut lor Ihe private em.
, i
Tub (.eographi.'iil Centie ol" tho United
law oi mo country no is not ine agent or ; Mates, at llio present tune, is in the Indian
employee of the private prosecutor, but the j Territory, 130 miles west of Missomi. The
present centre of enr representative papula
minister id tho law, doing the wnik of the
public, which he is b uiiid to do faithfully
for liie fee piesciibed bv law. to be paid as
iho law directs. And il would In
tion, which is constantly inovia
public policy its well as against law, to hold
otherwise "
raiiisi i is ascertained, by aelual c ilcti
alien, to be
The nevt case recorded is lhat of Snyder
vs. Wise. 10th Harr, 157. In that trial a
judgment ul a justice of ihe peace ot Indiana
was certified to by a cleik of the County
Conit, and the exemplification offered in
evidence. The act of Congress regnlaling
jiisl about at the city of Columbus Ohio.
execntiiai en toe
was alien. led bv
Com i' umi'.n TAdU'. Tl
31st ult., at New Cast!
tin' Sin-lid and Jury, wiihufew fiiends
The clergyman, in his piayer, hoped that
thi'uwful jiiioi.-hine:it would have it r fleet j di-'-'s or npply to
I. pou iimsc 'rcscnf, ly m.iiciiig laeni lo lot-
admission of such papeis is school b"y ..ei tlieir fid icih;s.
, be j'.. i; i i ci to d;s'!iari;o
e; in such n manner s t
a I i all co.H'c. iii .1.
Upper Au.gitstii, All.;. U, l.'il.
rjllIR snl'scri! cr l,i rchv ii.l'orii.r l!ir indipetid
tut i.'irri uf NorthimiN rland conidv. thst
l.c is a Ol.l .NTUl'.li CAN Dll'A'1 E for lint
oli'ae of
Mhould he I e clei'tr'fl hr xiili li e rvrrr elTlirt ti
lis, hai'.'e lire dulies of tlie olilie in smhs. insii
' ner us will i;ie i-nlire sa;il'.., lo ihc .'oniiiiu-
niiv. JtlrM'.PII WAl.l.lfS.
! A'olt!illl,i!v.lall,l. A.,.. !l, ls.",l.
ril I II attention of th" PuMic is invited lo tin
': iiiipravcincnl in COh'.N Stl Rld.RRs.whi'cli
, is iH-kaow 1, .t'.M , I to l.p f..r s'ipcriof t'i nnv ollif'r,
I" iie.' on an cntircS new iin,'iile, shelling ill
. Corn length.' i-e of t'ic c ir. the Coh piis-sinj
straight IliriMii'ti wiih nit ieolving tlicreliv r
: ipiiriia; no u.'arii.g to incic-ise iis spccil. wlui-h
) aMit o uiatcriallv lo lite cosl of otWiT triinfiii,ry.
it turns ciisiiT ami shells cfcin r llian any other,
and is oriihic in sir. iiial ihouhle in coiiMrnr
tion. I'i rsnns in'crr-li I nr" iu itcd l.i mil runt
sec it in operation. 'I'he i i ,'ht of , and othrr
Cio'.'ii lor sale. 1'or pnllif-r rurticnlars J-
law, which the youngest attorney at the j - - J
bar would blush lo be ignoiant of! It pro- AntihoTi: Ai.i.-r 1'oiso.s. Hundreds of
vides thai every such certificate shall be nut j lives might be saved by a knowledge ol' this 1
only signed by the clerk of the Court, but single receipt. A large lea pooulul of iniist-j
i aid mixed in a tuinbier ol warm water, and I
. V. Co-. ..!' . Iiorli Sts., ;jt stories.
lUiil.i.lelnliia, All'. (I, I s, gmu.
by Ihe Judge of the County Comt. This
is A B C law, which every student knows.
Neveilholess Judge Campbell admitted the
The case went lo the Supreme Courl, and
tho louchstono" was applied and Iho '-base
metal" e.v posed. Mr. Brightly, who is u
candidate for the Judgeship of the Common'
Pica-, and therefoie rmif courts the favor
and inlliienco of Judge Caiiipbe'd, then aigu
ged slrouyly against the decision en lire
subject. So iudcleiisiblo was it thut I he
cuunst'l on Iho oilier sido abandoned Ihe
case, and did not to an stum n.lye
Campbell' opinion. Judge Bell, delivering
the opi-uiou of the Supreme Courl, re ntl'rir
med tho welt known doctrine that judg
ments of justices of ihe peace are tint re
cent, and cannot bo proved by exemplifi
cations, even if the certificate aie correct j
but there aj an additional defect, because
the certificate uf tho County Jude was not
appended. Thus thu ;touchi.loiio" was ap
plied, Judge Campbell proved to bo igno
rant of familiar ptiuciplcs, and lUo judgment
The next reported esse is Hall vs. ftnpley
10lh Barr, 251 a very plain matter indeed.
A builder contracted lo erect a house for a
person, who agreed to furnish materials.
Ho did not furnish all that was required, and
the builder sued for the value of ihu woik
which ho had done. This is a plain, cveiy
day case, tiboiil vi tilth tho shallowest corn
uiou sciie could scauely go wiong. Judge
swallowed as soon as possible, acls as an
instant emetic, mllirrenlly j'nweiful lo re
move all lhat is lodged in tic stomach.
A Select Sciiool for Yor.r.j Iadir.
rSMIP. -Mi ohaiiii s'.,,ir- Jiistitulu i pleasantly
S. Incalrd in die hcaii'iy ilia:Te ot 1 .-eliuiiu--
hui -,'. On nil. ci land coiinlv, nine miles west of
Hani-huri: ; n Mliai-p noted tliroii'hout the fair
ri.Mli.liirj; CiMinlics lor the llloiahlv ol its filllu'llift
It is .l.'.'i'ssi'.li- l.v r:.i r.i.i.! ihe i 'innhfrhiilil nl
Tin: Wool. Tit.'.io:. Western rennsylva- j , ... .r,M, , as'si,iS throuah ilicplaie.
Ilia is reaping a very line w ool harvest, pri- I The course of iusi: n, tion is siu li as is crsudi
COS ranging 'from 4.V nil lo 73 cents ihe I r" ,"'.-' '!'-- '-nnoa,ics ,n Ihe counliy.
, ", ,. . ., , r U is Ihc ili.sig ii ul tlie lo mst; net Ilia'
pound. Tlie clip ol butler county is worth illta,.,.llla ,.ls , ,....,, pt.....iiii.L. mail-
ucrs. and to educate in su. lt u luaiiiicr, as MuiJ)
p:ic praelii a'ly
TIip si'hool year is diii!c.l into tw o neml-aa-'
liual Ki'si.insl each of fixe culcitilnr inoiiihs.
The ui,tmt r scs,o:i coniii.i tics Ihc lirst week
in April, uud doses the last vk of Ail
Kosl. Th winter s. ssion cxiiihciici's th lis
week in Octolx i', and v nnWiutcs tlio last week of
At th. of cirrh suasion thtie will htf pub
lic man fci.ti"H.
Terms :
lioai'.liiii;, iiicludins le.dils,
per session 5 mo. !j"i.')0,0(l
Tuition, " ;' lu.lllV
Mwlcrn laiii'iii'c-, " " 10,00.
)rainir, " " li.H
M usic. Pi mo, willi use, ' " 15,0t
Or, if prelci rcd, per hi'ssi ,ii of o ino,
iiicluihii'4 the uLaoo ilenis, ti5,8l
' Pnvii hie in iuImiihc !::?". huhiice l the cfosa
of tllV IS'Sli.llL
lliMiks, klatiniiery, music, iXC, furnished at
l'hiliidi lihi.t prices.
Pupils will lie'iw.l id nny period during
ihe session, and cliarired iiccoiilimtty.
For lintlier inloriindioo, please addles Itiu
Priin ioal fur u circular.
u. m. L. (;ii.i.u.i.i:,
I'uiii i..d
Vc hdliiei-luiB. All,.'.', 1 n.'j 1 .- iiiilo.
I tllOjOlVO' ; lhat of Washington, S.'HHI.OtHi.
Same SHROUD have ulieady been paid oti
at Uuioutowu.
Thk Pope, having patroni;fd ihe erecliou
of a cathedral in Ihe centre of Loudon, steps
aie being taken for Ihe erection ef a Ptotes
laid Church in lha centre of fiuiiui. A high
disutlary of tho cltoieh is said to liave sub
scribed jCIOOO for Ihe purpose.
A Mam or H.wr. A gentleman who
suns away with your wife at a ball, and
then gives )ml satisfaction by pstliug a
ball into you.
Wmi is Iho IVluomer costume Ixit ihe
application ol the higher law tu petti
coats Yell's is lUo morning star bntil Septem
ber 30 ; theii evening star until July -1,
Wb are ruined, nt by wl'ist wo really
want, but by w hat we think we do.
Thkus aie nearly three) thousand muscle
in lha coujinou j;ijlipper.