Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 09, 1851, Image 1

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Market street, opposi-rfc the post office.
S3 ifnmfln iittospaprr-Detootrt to UoKttcs, acteraturr, jfttoralft, jfortlun .in Domestic iUMis, Stfcnce ani the arts, vff ; jHamts', amushhents, c.
TIM' A.MI'.HIrAN it pul.lixd-'rl every fiitunlny ill
TWO DOI.I.AItS per 111111 to hr p""1 Imlf yearly 111
' mce. No piipei ilmeoiitiiiiicil until all urrint(! ure
A 'I communication or letter, "11 lutitiiiemi rclntuiH lo
lli .flee, tn iiiiiirv utlnitiini. Ilium lw I'OST PAID.
Three conies to one mlilri-M, rVioO
Kevin, D lo
Fifteen Do Do IHI
Five il"ll;irn in intviuiee will piiy for three )ral'i iuli
acriilliil to llle Ainericitn.
One Simile of HI linen. 3 times, 81 M)
F.veiv Biiliiieriitant iiiKi-rtion, !M
One iii:ire, J moiilli,, Hon
Hx ini'iillift, 4-Vt
tine yiiir. ""(I
HiiRlnevs t':inl of Five line, per tiiinnin, awl
Merchant!! intil oilier, mlvert itn na tty tlie
yesir, with the privilege of inserting
ilrlR-rent iiilveitiai-nlenl weekly. n(IO
IV Ijiret Ailverimenients, lit per agreement.
A T T O U i K Y AT I. A XV ,
II iisincss nttcnili-d to in tlie Counties of Nor
tliuitit ri I.iikI, I nioii, Lycoming ntnl Coluuihiii.
Hefrr In I
P. & A. Kovouili, 1
Lower rV liiirrnn,
Sinner' & HniidirrieM, ! J'nlnil,
Reynolds, .Mcf-'arhiinl cV Co.,
Spi-rinir. (iooil iV Co.,
At the Cross KnttilSj near J. 1). Couraih,
Lower Aususttt.
.1. li. KA IF K.MAN
RKSl'KCTrri.l.V infornn Ilis friends nnd
tlir public KriiiTiilly, tliitt he has just iccciv-
il ami nii'tii'i! ii new stock of goods, which hr
now oiler lor x ill- on tin" most ri'.isonahh- terms.
His stock consists in ;irl of
M ril AS
Cloths, Cussinierrs, Siitt:mtts, M'rinns. .Vc
hummer wear of all kinds Muslins, Calicoes,
I ihn;liaiiisa Checks, &i'.
An assortment of Ilanlwarc ol' all kinits, most
Brni rallv in Use.
(Irnccries ol'ittl Kiixls,
At Sugar, differ. Tat, Molnmrs. Spirits, .Vr.
A1.SU : Ijniviiswarc am! Crmkery ware, a
full assortinetit.
Also silk Hals, Chip Hats, ami Straw Hats.
AI.SU: An assortment nf Lienors, vi.:
lliiAMiY; Wink, Wmiskkv,
llesiili's a arictv of otluT articles, must pi'iirr
nllv liscil ami in want liy lartners ami (itln-r ier
koiis, nil of w liicli lie ill Ht-ll to (nircliasers at a
favini; of ten ier ri'Vit. 1'y milium on him.
All kimls nl' )iroiliici' taken in exi'Iiance for
pomls at tlie liiulu'.-i market (irice.
Jlollowini; Kun, April 20. I '"il if.
iirau:.-! -&vn CITMIvrrTJ PTflT'H'T'Wfl I
,ji-XVXllW rLiXJ I- v.riH'-
JVEKVi'tlDV slioulil i in'irai this oiiortu
nity I,', l uy CI.UTHIM; for Men, Vmith
nml llovs. at sui h (uiccs as liavc tuner ft lieen
known 'in t'ois Ci'v, at I ' I'.l H!( 1 1'. Ci.'l.l.N'S
CI.UTHI.NC Ks-l'Alil.lsll ll'..T. SoutU-Knst
Comer of Market ami Srrnml Slrcets, l'tnlailel-
liia, rinhrai in.' a cliou" of tin I'tVt, I'-ost ilcsira
li!e, ami i';e
Haliit Cloth iln.. Miieii li ill;nif ilit.. Twcetls,
Vc, li' '., lou"ll'Vr with n tirc il variit- of
Roys' CJothiner, ,
Consisiins of S.n-ls Coat:'. I'r'lka Jac .. Is. Mott
i.., I n liets. Vests anil li'ouiul Jackets iron c i f
Twinl. I.inen lliilliiij:. Cloth. Aliacca, Kera
Inirr, Doeskin, eve, c , . . ,
V.irticnlai caiv has hceii taken to jiroH'e the
new stvli-s lor Men ntnl llos' Summer Coats,
I'niitaloons. Vi c., In which he wonlil imite
fi l ial atleiition. i
Fin niliiii (!u.
I otisistiny .of Shirts. Stocks. Handkerchiefs. iScc.;
all of whicii are olt rei! ill ll'V ..ev.-'t
rush J'rin-s, ami as cheap as any other Clothing
Stoic ill the t nion.
I'arents wli.i ilesiie lines' Ciiitiikii arc car-til-Hi
I v imiteil to I'Min'iinc tne St' c?.
Cotiiilry S'i.r-kee-r can l-e acCL-rii'in'oifatr ! at
xi-ry low rates. , .
' CKulMiK Cl I.iN. , ,
of V'.)ii. if Market . i'tiM.
April ID. Is.Sl. ii.
'IViis! Clu'iipci- limn Kvci-!!'!
100 Half Chests Rose Flavor Black Tea,
15 " " Olon? ".
15 " " Nine Yonar "
K l eas are U ller lor the li ice llian
wcr. rxcr olr'rel hefofe in I'liihulelpli'V, c-r".
peciallv the liose Fhiwir, which i.; i.1 the very
Im-sI ipiay "ii4 t'lnnst )ltr, anil t.iiuilies that
want ii I hill' Chest or less l.y Minlintj soon will
L'et a lir.-t rate aiircle lit a very low prici. Th'ev
will he v.i il pa'i t.'-'il' ff' Hn'il ' ld pot or c:ir
trt-ocYAi-rae. DAVID I'KASK.
Tea Dealer ami (irncer,
s". V, Cor. Pth'rV A'rli.Sm,
riiila.h lphu.
M:V f0. lisSl. Sinn.'
Ukiik is a capital piclure of the fashions of
evenly years ago. It is ilrawti lo the life,
ntnl is worth preserving to keep in mind
of tint madcap freaks of Madame Fashion :
Aunt Hetty'i Toilet in 1780.
nr ritANcis it. i;auc.
Come Ir'len, cirls and I will lull
About Aunt llelly's toilet;
'Twos one that Traced her passing well
Pdh'I laiii;h and make me spoil it, '
Aunt Hetty stood jnul live feet ten,
Without her shoes and hose ;
Well formed and trraceful loo, withal
lllne eyes anil (ircciuii nose.
Her hair above her reverence bump,
Was always nt-atly lied.
And o'er a nine inch cushion drawn,
And fastened on one side:
While fearful frizzles stood upright
1'poii her temple smooth,
For L'liissy ringlets then were held
lhflh ugly and uncoulh.
Long Kirings of pearls of milky hue
I lung careless from her neck,
O'er her Vandyke, cut suuare before,
Ol" muslin without speck.
Her dtess. of costly damask silk,
Full live ells wide or more,
Was slitlen'd wilh a whalebone hoop,
And swept the sanded door.
The ample sleeve the elbow rench'd,
And fastened by a band;
And gloves with frills six inches deep,
Adorned each prelly hand,
The waist, ihree-ipiarlers of a yard)
Was dimmed with ribbon o'er,
With point and tassel hung behind,
And buttons up before.
Spanoli-d kid thoi-s, wilh peaked toes,
Adorned her little foot.
With heels full out three inches high)
And made of cork to boot.
Her 'kerchief, made of camb'ic good)
Was always lar! and ample,
Without embroidery or lace
Giils, follow her example.
Her bonnet ! but my weary muse
Ib-r feeble wing must drop )
II you would see its like again,
Go view an old gig lop.
And when Aunt Hetty went lo church,
In wotks, calash and all,
She walked in seven feel dignity
Oh lire ! but wasn't she tall !
of the business transmitted to Captain Dut
ton were most flourishing, and he and his
gentle wile fondly thought thVy were about
mired by the guests; then the conversation
turned on other topics, and many subjects
were discussed, until they adjourned to the
to realize a splendid fortune lor their little I drawing room to take coffee.
ones; but at length thev began tofeelanx- Alter sitting there awhile, the general
ious for the arrival ol the cent-per-cent suddenly recollected his watch, and rina-
profits which had been promised, but ing lor Ins valet, desired htm to take it
'vhich never came; and Mr. Smith's letters from the dining room table, where it had
suddenly ceasing, his partner one morning been left, and restore it to its proper place
set ofl to inspect the scene of operations. I In a few moments the servant returned,
Arrived at L . he repaired to the looking somewhat frightened : he could
street where the manufactory was situated, not fi"d Ue watch. General Vernon, sur-
and found it shut up! Mr. Smith had gone pnsed, went himself to search, but was not
off to America, considerably in debt to mor fortunate
those who had been fooliili enough to trust "Perhaps, sir, you or one or the compa
nion; and leaving more rent due on the ny may have carried it by mistake into the
premises than the remaining stock in trade drawing room 7"
of the unpronounceable lamp would pay.
As to the poor ex-captain, he returned to
his family a ruined man.
J)ut strength is often found in the depths
of adversity, courage in despair ; and both
our hero and his wife set resolutely o work
to support themselves and their children.
Happily they owed no debts. On selling
out, Captain JJtltton had honorably paid
every farthing that he owed In Ihe world
before entrusting the remainder of his capi
tal to the Unprincipled Smith; and now
this upright condltct was its own reward.
He wrote a beautiful hand, and while
seeking some permanent eiiiblbtmenti
"I think not, hut we will try."
Another search, in which all the guests
joined, but without avail.
" U hat I tear," said the general, "is that
some one by chance may tread upon and
break it."
General Vernon was' a widower, and
this cosily trinket Was intended as a pre
sent to his only child, a daughter, w ho had
latey married a wealthy baronet,
"We will none of us leave this room
until it is round !" exclaimed one ol the
gentlemen with ominous emphasis.
" 1 hat decision," said a voting man, who
was engaged thrtt night lo a ball, "might
earned a trifle occasionally by copying quarter us on our host for an indefinite
manuscripts, and erierossinff in an atlor- nine, i propose a mucn more speeuy aim
ney'soflice. His wife worked diligently satisfactory expedient : let us all be search-
with her needle: hut the care nf a vonnc eu.
family, and the necessity df dispensing This suggestion was received with laugh
with a servant, hindered "her irom adding tT and acclamations ; and the young man,
much to their resources. Notwithstandiii2 presenting himself as the first victim, w as
their extreme poverty, they managed to searched by the valet, who, for the nonce,
preserve a decent appearance, and to pre- cnaxicu uie pari oi cuMom-nouse
vent even their neighbors from knowing
the straits to which they were often redu
ced. Their little cottage was always ex
quisitely clean and neat ; and the children,
despite ot scanty clothing, and often insul-
The general, who at first opposed this piece
of practical pleasantry, ended by laughing
at it ; and each new inspection ot pockets
produced fresh bursts ol mirth. Captain
Dutton alone took no share in what was
ficient lood. looked, as thev were, the sons S'"S hand trembled, his brow
and daughters of a gentleman. darkened, and he stood as much apart as
It was Mrs. Dutton's pride to preserve Poss'l'l At length his turn came; the
the respectable appearance ot her husband's " r Ri'"' ''ail all displayed the contents
wardrobe; and olten did she work till mid- oi uieir poiKeis, so wnn mit- attuni, aim
niirlit nl InriiiniT hit real and rtarninff Ion amid renewed laughter. tllCV SUrrotllUleO
linen, that he imht annear as usual amonsr him, exclaiming that he must be the guilty
his equals. She often urged him to visit 0"'i he was the last. The captain, pale
continued he. "who must ask pardon of
you all. In a fit of absence I had dropped
it into my waistcoat pocket, where in
Johnson's presence, 1 discovered it while
"If I had only known," murmured poor
"Don't regret what has occurred,1' Said
the general, pressing his hand kindly. 'It
has been the means of acquainting me with
what you should never have concealed
from an old friend, who, please God, will
find some means to serve you."
In a few days Caplain "Dutton received
another invitation to dine with the gen
eral. All Itie fdrrHer guests were assem
bled, and their host, wilh ready tact, took
occasion to apologise for this strange for
getlulness about the watch. Captain Dut
ton found a paper within the lolds of his
napkin : it was his nomination to an hon
orable and lucrative post, which insured
competence and comfort to himself and his
sr.w RKMKWV.
The following recipe is from Lawrence
Iteid, Professor of Chemistry in the New
York Hospital : "I would wish, through the
medium of your paper, lo give publicity lo
the fact, that I have seen instant relief giv
en in cases of Diiirrhu a, by the use of hydro
sulphuric acid, a lenspoonful of a saturated
solution being mixed with four times its
bulk of water. Also in a case of cholera
infantum, in which the child was very
much reduced, and the stomach in nn ex
treme stale of itritability so that nothing
would be retained, this remedy was admin
istered with ease, and the child immediately
improved, and has since recovered. 1 be
lieve that this is a new remedy, and that
there is no reason to apprehend any bad
effect where it does not pruduc.e a cure,
and I believe that it has some specific effect
in counteracting the cause, and immediately
atrcsliii!' the disease."
A UREAT t llEKSE Mil.!.,
i REJotnorn
..iany reaaers .ember Miss Mar- : The St. Louis Reveille tells of an eiten
Uneau s anecdote, m her" Ho- ,, of ,jre cheese . manufactory in Tennessee.
I. ! 1 1 1 U V . J DlllgC-UII.CI, II" W.
Violent thunder storm at the gate o. r
the far-scattered houses of a western fore..
into wntcn tie ran, ieving me passengers, a m,.' arinkins e(and eating crackers and
burly English and two querulous "stuck tip" cheese.. Their conversation at length turned
daughters to follow him sa best thev mmht
The doughty John Bull came in after him
eading his daughters, with rueful faces and
sad-bedraggeled skirts, all three looking
grouty and glum enough. "I say," said tlie
'.nglishman lo the driver, who had enscon
ced himself in a warm and cosy seat by the
fire, "l say, that luggage ought to be brought
, ye know." , "Wai; 1 should think so too.
If t'was mine, 1 should bring it in, any how.
Tmay get spilet." ."Well, fellow, why
don't you bring it in 1" ,
Why don't I bring it in 1" said the other
slowly, and wilh an unmistakable sneer :
why, I ain't your servant, be 1 1 Guess
not that's a beiry that don't grow on the
bushes about these diggins. I diire you,
Squire, and I don't do nothiu' else !". This
ecdote. He said that soon after the revolu
tionary war, a brave Yankee officer, a exp
lain in the service, happened to be at St.
Petersburg)!, in Russia, and while there
was invited to dine at the table of a distin-
incident came to mind a lew moments ago, t mating sucn an enormous cheese !' in-
on hearing a friend relate the following an- quired both simultaneously.
"ery easy," replied the young man ; "hn
has an extensive trouizh. leadinc down tho
side of a jarge Kill on his place, ami half
down there is an immense vat ; the cows
are milked in the trqugh, and the same run it
guished merchant, mere was a large num- in o in is reservoir, aouui miuuiu way on tne
ber of guests at the table, and., among the side of the hill "
rest an Lnglish lady, who was anxious Leaving the 6trangers lo digest this des
to appear as one of the "knowing ones." I ciiption, the young man cooly laid ilpwn thu
un understanding tnai an American was paper ana walked oil. Presently the land
sitting near her, she expressed to one of her lord stepped in
. . .. : ! t : ' ei. ..u .
menus a determination 10 qui; mm. .one
fastened upon him like a tigress, making
Select alc.
Aiiirmir the many officers who, at the
close of the Peninsular war, retired on half
n;iv, was Captain Dutton, of the th regi
ment, lie had lately married the pretty,
portionless daughter of a deceased brother
officer -, and filled with lomantic visions
of rural bliss and "love in a cottage," the
pair,- who were equally unskilled in the
practical details of house keeping, fancied
they, could live in iillluence, and enjoy all
the'luxuncs (if life, on the half pay which
formed their sole income;
Tliey took up their abode near a pleas
ant town in the south of England,- and lor
a lime ?ot on pretiv well ; but when at
the end of the first year ,a sweet little boy
made his appearance, and at the end of the
ccond an equally sweet little girl, they
iiiiuul (fiat nursemaids, baby linen, doctors,
and agitnicd, muttered some excuses, un
heard amid the uproar.
"Now for it, Johnson !" cried one to the
"Johnson, we're watching you !" said
his former acquaintances, who had power
to befriend him, anti solicit their interest in
obtaining some permanent employment ;
but the soldier, who was as brave as a lion
when facing the enemy, shrank with the
timidity of a girl from exposing himself to I another ; produce the culprit.
the humiliation of a refusal, and could not The servant advanced ; but Dutton,
bear to confess his urgent need, lie had crossing his arms on his breast, declared in
too much delicacy to press his claims; he Ian agitated voice, that, except by violence,
was too proud to be importunate ; and so no one should lay a hand on him. A very
others succeeded where he failed. I awkward silence ensued, which the gen
Jt happened that the general under whom cral broke bv saying
he had served, and who had lost sight of "Captain Dutton is right; this chilli's
him since his retirement from the service, plav has lasted long fnoiigh. I claim ex-
came to spend a few months at the water- emotion for him and for myself."
ing place near which the Duttons residpil, I Dutton, trembling and unable to speak,
and hired for the season a handsome fur- thanked his kind host by a grateful look,'
ni shed house. Walking one morning on and then took an early opportunity of
the sands, in a disconsolate mood, our hero withdrawing; General Vernon did not
saw, with surprise, his former commander make the slightest remark on his departure,
approaching; and with a sudden feeling of and the remaining guests, through polite
false shame, he tried to avoid a recognition, ness, imitated his reserve; hut the mirth
But the quick eye of General Vernon was of the evening was gone, every face looked
not lobe eluded, and intercepting him I anxious, and the host himself seemed grave
with an outstretched hand, he exclaimed
"What. Dutton ! is that vou ! It seems
an age since we met. Living in this neigh-
and thoughtful
Captain Dutton spent some time in wan
dering restlessly on the sands belore he re.
turned home. It was late when he enter
ed the cottage, and his wife could not re
press an exclamation of affright when she
saw his pale and troubled countenance,
"V hat has happened ?" cr:ed she.
"Nothing," replied her husband, throw
ing himsell on a chair, and laying a small
cost me
time an adventurer named Smith, , with i " Poor Dutton's look of confusion, as he did his wile try to soothe him, and obtain
tthom Captain Dutton became casually ac- tl;I-tr,.d the uenerul's visit surprisinz his an explanation. '.ot now, Jane," . h
. . ... - i I I o . . i " . I . . ill . ...
sa 111 ; "io-moiruw wi-suan see iu-inunu
I will tell you all."
Larly next morning tie went to iieneral
Vernon's house. Although he walked res
olutely, his mind was sadly troubled. How
could he present himsell! In what way
.. i "i I m ! ..: II l
would lie oe receivea now coma ne
- i .uc unlike v.
mil all the etceteras appertaining to the I
introduction. m,d support oi mese paoy ,,Vm, General, I have been living here
visitors, formed a serious item in their g j re,ired from ,he Rervic(.
yearly expenditure. An(, you nU outi j think to please
LV, u lillo riv strncToled nn Without .k 'i 1 ,n.wU n,,lln I Ah'
falling tiitp ifebl ; btit at length their giddy th,.ge amt.s have a great deal to answer for
leet slipped into that vortex which has en- Tell Mrs. Dutton I shall call on her some
gulphed so many,' and their affairs began to morniiig, and read her a lecture for taking packet on the table. "You have cosi
as::t:n'ie a very gloomy aspect.' , About this voll fr(w1 ug- very dear," he said, addressing it.' In
Morthuniberlnnd County; Pa:
riTVIVsnhscrihi-r rcsiiectl'iillv inform Ilis friends
I ? : .i- : .....nj .v... l.i 1.'..
ami Un- poliHi- evncranT. -lulu- in mpn
nl it rv Hotel ill lilt- town of Shamokin, Nor
thumberland' cc'ueiy, nil lliu corner of Shamokin
mid Commerce ulreeM, nearly opHiiiite In the
lli-'iifl lie lorif'erlv kept. Hi well prepared t
ncrniiimiMlate his KUc'sU, nnd is aUi proviil ' J
wifli pood slahlunr. He trust his eiH-rii-nee,
sell si'riet sniiitii'tr'e- l.i'iVi'm will induce -r-soiim
wMtiug I'"' "' n'BU'ii lo' ci.ntii.'i.'c Hie lib.
"t tMroiiauc It lias heretofore: received.
Miamokin, April 19, IKftll. tf.
quainted; and whose plausible manners and wjje jn the performance of In r menial la
appearance completely unused, on the bors, rather surprised the veteran ; but its
Ifntik, unsuspecting soldier, proposed, to tru'e cause did not occur to him. He had
hiir. a plan lor insuring, as he represented ha(i a jjreat regard for Dutton, considering
ft: . and rafild fortune. This was to l him mw nf Ihe hest and bravest officers un-
be effected lV embarking ccmuderable cap- nj command, and was sincerely pleas- in the maniilacture ol some new uina j .i meeting him asain : so. after a ten
cT spirit lamps, which Smith assured the minutes', colloquy during the progress ot I speak lo the general without risking the
captain would, venen once Known, super- u.mrK iue ex-so dier. like a war horse who rece,iion oi some iook or worn w men ne
couio never paruon i i ie very meeting
with Johnson was to be dreaded
He knocked ; another servant oftened
virtues and money-making qualities of his on hi'iii the general shook film by the
rump, one would be inclined to take him I hand, and said
for the lineal descendant of Aladdin',' and "You'll dine wilh me to-morrow, Dul
fnlieritir nl that scampish individual's pre. ton. and .meet a few of your old friends!
cious hi .rloom.' Our modern, , magician. Come, I'll take no excuse ; you must not
h, .mover raodidlv confessed that he still turn hermit on our hands."
wanted the "slave of the lamp," or, in oth- At first Dutton was goip to retuse, hut mart oegan to s pean in a low, nurrieu voice.
cepted the invdation, "General Vernon, van thought my con-
1 . ' - i .' I i . . i .-ii .. l A- r l .. t
cede the use of candles and oil lamps pricks iif his ears at the sound of the truin-
tlirougb'oirt the kingdom. became gay and animated, as old asso-
To hear him descant on the marvellous ciations of the camp and field came back
the door,'-find instantly gave linn admis
sion. "7'Ai man, at all events," h
thought, "knows nothing of what has pais
ed.", ) jll the general receive him ? Yes
he is ushered into h's Messing room.
Without daring to raise his eyes,' the poor
er words, ready1 money,' to' sef.tTie tri'ven'- on second' thoughts accer
- . . . .1. 1 .J I . L 1
blk '.Take a daily walk in the burying-
sroiuid, contiiiuallv saying lo yourself,
"When shall I be buiied here !" Kndorse
a note for a ft lend, and never forget the
kindness, and every five minutes whisper to
outsell, "1 wonder if he will pay that
note!" Think every body means to cheat
,011. Let the almlmuse. be ever present in
your mind, and finally believe that your
lavs will end there. (let aiiLiy with your
neighbor and think you have not got
friend in the wot Id.
rtnooi:H Dufcss in Jmsv Siionr.. Ji lady
appeared in the new costume on Friday last
in this place, and loose who seen it admired
very much. Owing to our illness we weie
prevented from geltms a peep, but we are
not discouraged, for we have I be promise
from a very handsome lady in Jersey Shore,
"that she will put on Ihe new dress express'
for us lo see it, no other person lo be
admitted." Jersey Shore HepiMiean.
A makiih n lady, iilludins in conversalion
10 the US1I1 psalm, observed , thai while
"vmitii! men and maidens, old men and
children," were expressly mentioned, not
word .was said about married women. An
old clergyman, whom she was addressing;
assuring her lhat they had not been omitted
find tfmt she would find them include in
one of the pteceeding verses, under Ihe deS'
crifiticns of tvipori and jfcrms.
Iris said that a young artisan of Cincin
nali, has succeeded in the art of japanning
free sloue slabs w ith enamel of a kind (if
rfluss, which' wil resist the action of oil
common acids, thereby making Ihe stone lo
represent perfectly the finest Kg) jna
Ide, and lhat at a very trilling cost. Slab
for counters, ,&c, can be furnished by the
inventor at about the same cost as that of
common wood.
. , ; .... . T 1. -.
A Scotsh paper lelU us of a pensive ur
chin, who said to his instructresH : Aunty,
what comes o' Ihe auld moons'", ,;Deed,
laddie, I'am no very sure," was the tauly
reply , "they'll may be cf tf.'efW doon and
make stars o' them.'1
Some idea of its magnitude may be ga
thered from the following conversation c
Two men were seated at a table in Nash-
upon, large cheese,
. ."That was a very largo cheese presented
tO Andrew Jacksnn." uniil nni
, .......
1.1 '.l weighed nine hundred pounds
d upwards," answered. trie otlier.
A young gentleman who was sitting resd:
ing a. newspaper in vhe same room, in
"How much did you say, sir V'- ,
"Nine hundred and upwards." answered
trie vther. , , . .
"That is about half as lare as some lha
.1' !!':.
my father -makes in this county," was tho
voung man's reply ; ("his cheeses generally
average two thousand pounds."
jTwo thousand pounds '." exclaimed- tho
strangers, in perfect astonishment. "Why,
how does he manage a dairy capable of
numerous inquiries touching our habits,
customs, dress, manners, modes of life, edu
cation, amusements, &c. To all these que
ries the officer gave courteous answers,
which seemed to satisfy 'all the company
with the exception of the lady herself. he
was determined not to be satisfied, and went
on : "Have tlie tich pe-opie in your country
any carriages ? for I suppose there are
som who call themselves rich." "My resi-
deuce," replied the captain, "is in a small
town upon an island, where there ate but
few carriages kept ; but in the larger towns
and cities on the main land there are quite
a number maintained, suited to our republi
can manners."
' Indeed replied his fair questioner, in the whole year round by tho whey which
a tono that was both interrogative and ex. runs. fiom his, cheese .press."
O" 1- 1. 1
"Do you know that young, man who left
his room a few minutes since V inquired
one if the strangers. . , .. ,,
"Yes, sir," said the landlord ; "ho is tho
son of a dairy owner in this country."
"Yvhrit is his character for truth afi-J ve
racity 1" inquired Ihe strangers.
"t never heard it doubted," replied th
."My reason , for asking you," said tho
stranger, "is, that he has boen telling us
that his father manufactures, cheese . at his
dairy, in this country, which average two
thousand. pounds." ,
l don't know anything about the weight
ef his cheese," answered the landlord, "but
I know that his old man runs, at the bottom
ol the iifll, two saw mills, which .are drlfeu
clstnatnry, "I can't fancy whero you find
coachmen ; I shouldn't think the Americana
knew note to drive a coach." "We find no
difficulty on fAaf account, Madam," calmly
rejoined the Captain ; "we can have plenty
of drivers by sending to England for them."
"To England '." exclaimed the lady, speak
ing very quickly ; "I think, the .Americans
ought lo drive the English, instead of the
English driving the Americans." We did,
Madam, in the late war," rejoined the offi
cer ; "hut since ino peace, wo navo permu
ted Ihe Knfrlish to drive us '." 1 here was
no more quizzing" of the American during
the dinner. He waited in vain, like m
Weller in "Kardell vs. rickwiel,'" for the
next (fiiestiori.
Tiiif f.'ave neither a School-house," nor
Fire-engine in Tunkhannock,' the county
town of Wyoming. The County officers,
it is said, have surplus funds on band, -but,
cannot decide upon which institution" to
expend it.
'i ...
"Will you be so kind as lo order our hor
ses V quietly remarked the traveller."
Am ORriitRD tiut will Tat. Messrs.
Morse &. Houghton, of Cleveland, have 93
acres in one orchard, 3 miles east of lha'
city.' They have 6,500 peach trees of the
best varieties 5.00aappe, 400 cherry, 750.
quince, and about 7,000 pear, afipricot, nec'
tarine plum trees, and crape vines. There
will be several thousand baskets of peach
es'," and as they are rather scarce this year,
speculators in Cincinnati and Buffalo, have
already offered three, dollars per bushel for
' I - rrf.i -;i . i' '.'.ii .tf-'lll ...Ml
ihe crop, i nis, we snouiu iiuna vrin pay-
as it ought.
Tint discovery of , Ihe Saratoga Springs
is made only fifty-nine years since.
it is. probable lhat the, Indians knew
ol their virtues. John lay lor Oil mo re, some
time Governor, of New Hampshire, but then
a member of Congress, while shooting in the,
neighborhood, in Ihe summer of 1792, found
the efTetves'ceot Avate.r gushing from the cliff
An Epitaph. The Lock port Courier ot a rock, and the spring almost immediate
gives an epitaph ill Washington for a hiffl I ly afterwards became famous
boy, who fell a victim to a prevailing di
sease : . .. , ... , , .
" Tne liillr hero wlto lies here,
Was conquered by ih dwrrha-s
; i - 1 1 i j.- ,. .
BevrAi.o Ro!frs. The Chicago, papers
say within the past week some 80U0 buffalo
robes have passed through the warehouse of
Mssrs...Nei;lv' Lawrence.' & Co.. of lhat
TMcBi.hopof Salisbury was once asked . Th : . , American .Kur
by a person for permission to fy frqm the Comnlnr anj are ' route for New York;
ri- i l. ti-j.t-n:i I '
spire oi nis cnurcn( vso,-- Miu irie uijurepi i cjy.
vou are welcome to nv io ine, cnurcn, dih , " ' . rr
I cannot encourage any to fly from it." A '",cr . STPAMf-R.-The Eclipse
in p
and jVainfol, and
,TAn:s ii. ma(;kk
MA,s re-oved from 1.7s i-loMalid, No. 1 1
V itie nine!. In
Ad. b2 Ditiiriju St., (het'n Ctd htll if Willow,)
vT'U'rc he liai" conirtaiit'y on hsml,-
Ale ntnl Cider,
N. B. Coloring, HotthnR. Wire slid Bottles,
Viirrtr, Ac. Kgr sale i , hove.
I'lnlttdtlpliia, April 12, 1851. ly -
Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company.
DR. J. II. MASSER is the local sgeiil'for the
above Insurance Company, in Northunilier.
Isnd rcunfy, ml is st all times ready to ulTect
Insurances sga'un.t fire on rcil or persons! pro
jicrty. or renewing policies for the same.
Hunhury, April W, H5l. if.
JVVtlt t KEE 1JILI H. for.aaie hv
unbury, Apn! 38 1651.
o.i.l ho at lonoth succeeded I not havino indeed anv irmvl reason to offer I duct strange last ni 'til , H
..r'iadini thv irnltckv captain to sell for decliiim? . Ifavins taken leave ol humiliating as its explanation will be, I
out of the arny, and invest the price of his the g'en'era'l, therefore, he proceeded to- feel it due to y6ti' and to myself to make
cctninission in this luminous veuiure. ii i waru nome, ana announced ineir rencon- n ..-..,
Captain Dutton had refused to pay the hre fo'hrf wife.' , She, poof1 woman, imme- His auditor tried to speak, hut Dullou
money until he should be able to pronounce diately took out his' well saved suit,' and went pnj witjioiit heeding tjie interruption,
correctly the name ol the fnvenfion, he occupied herVeif m repairing,, as best she "My misery is at its hetgfiY :' that is my
would have saved his cash, at the expense might, the cruel ravages of time ; as well only excuse.' My wile and our four litlle
nmhaldf ff asem':,"dVs1o'?ali'c'n of MYnrWi '. s i'n stsYchTnV , tfi'd ffonme A alreadv cheiae actuallv.itar.ving.1"
lor the lamp rejoiced i. i an eight syllabled snowy shirt to the ' frfghesl degr'ce of per- "My friend!" cried the general wilh
title, of which each vocable belonged to a I feet ion. cmolyon. Hut DuUon proceeded. ,
diflerent fobiie fhe fu'sl befng fJVeekT, the f . NeiA da ,' rVi' du'e. f'rVrte,' he arrived at "I cannot describe nr teeli'ngs yester-
fnurlh Sj'riac, ahd the last taken from the General Vernon's handsome temporary day while seated at your, luxuiums laoie.
abori 'inal lan"ua"-e of New Zealand ; the dwelling, and received a cordial welcome. I thought of my ioor Jane, depriving her-
hiter.vening sound believed lo oeespec- a oozen guests, civilians as wen as soi- sell ol a morsel oi oreau m give ii tu un
lively akin to Latin, German, Sanscrit, dier's, sal down (o' a" splendjd banquet. Af- baby ; of my little pale hi,Annie, whose
and Malay. Notwithdanding, however, ter dinner, the conversation happened to delicate appetite rejects the coarse food
this prestige or a' natne.' .he ump was a de-. turn on the recent improvements in arts which is all we can give her ; ana in an
cided failure;' its light w;as bnllianl enough; and manura'cfufes; and comparisons were evil hour 1 transferred two pales from my
K.ii the tiXnt It exhaled in burnine was so drawn between the relative talent fox in- plate to mv pocket, Ihi'nliT'ng they, would
overpowering so suggestive of an evil pri- I vention displayed bv artists of different I tempt my little darling to eat. ., I should
. ?L---i.r-..!.-' I ::Li.:'.. ir..i."i.-.. I : i.- 1 1 : j:' .r.(i I..n
f in SO every way aoominauie, lliai lllor tuuuuic. aibinuaaiug uTiniig ,u:iro. uavs uiru ui suaiiiv naif Hir, . v
adventurous pur'enasers wlio tried it once, mentioned as one of the arts which had produced from roy pocket,' and your guests
seldom submitted thejr olfactory nerves to during late years been wonderfully im-" and servant made witness of jny cruel pov-
. n.i ..l.l The tale and nfthirfac- efdted.' the host desired" his valet to fetch ertv. Now. General, vou know all; and
i.e. nl iM Ir.rnn and its accompanying la most oeautiful little watch, a perfect chef, but for the fear ol being suspected by you
spirit were carried on by Mr. Smith alone ttavrt of workmanship, which he( had ot a crime, my distress should never have
in one of the .chief commercial cili'es of lately purchased in' PaVis, anil which' was been Cnown "
England, tie having kindly arranged to less valuable (or its richly jewelled, case, . "A life of unblemished bunur," replied
take all the trouble off his pattnerV flifbds,' thh for t"he i exrjbisiie jlerlection qf the nie- hlsftiend, t'has placed ypg above tlie reach
and nnlu r.nnirinir him to furnish th ne- chanlsm it enshrined. The trinket passed of suspicion ; besides, look here1" And
..... , i . . . . - .1. .- .. .. .......
I ceisarv funds. For some time the account I from hand to hand, and was greatly ad-1 tie showed the miming watcii. "li is 1,
4 ...
Oca funii) iriend of the Albany' fulch
man says : .'We tasted so. no brandy the
other, day thai ought to come under the
head of fighiyijr liquors.' For over an
hour, we could ii'l tell whether, we had
swaljowed a cocklail or a torch light pro.
cession. "
a furrner In bis son, ''John, don't
give cousin Simon's horses too many oats ;
you Jiiiow they have li:jy.'' ( .
'lelh, thur," said John, inovinff toward
the barn.
'And hatk ye, John - ilcn'l you give
I hem loo much haf ; you know ihey have
Mpasj. Rt'stoaaD Fsaits. It .isirn-more
at Washinulon that two more frauds upon
Ihe Mexican commission hsve been discov
ered, and thai an investigation is about be
ing gone into.
Wh'cm tori' f'iWk' e't a man's wife" you . Tiixnx is a capital story told of torn ooi
should not say "lady." Suppose a woman who prayed that the Lord would ' bless the
potatoe crop which seemed to have been
smitten in his displeasure, and regard with'
special smiles the few plantexl in our back
--V--V --:.T--:r-i- J'
Caie or Coxscirsri:.--Tl.e Tostinaster
General announces having received, under
cover of a Idler signed "Romulus," one
ri'undre'd1 dollar's, in two notes of the Bank of
Washington, part or all of. which suru, Ihe
writer My', is due to the I'osl-olllce Depart-
Little iTi:!l, one. cf the Winnebago
chiefs of Ihe Upper Mississippi, pretends lo
piactice medicine, lie has some sort of an
old bone, whicti U considered voukon, of
which he sciapes of a little as an infallible
specific, charging fur his preset ipiiun sume
tiiries 33 high, as ?i'O0
s i mi.' - -
Mm.iU is a gvui U'tVSIil, but 0 tad ll.3i
a liner -TPjf.R. i he hhpse, a
steamboat now on the stock at Louisviffe','
Kentucky, it, three hundred and fifty-nine
leet long, tier water wheel will be forty
two fepl in diameter. Shu is to ply between
I-ouisville and New Orleans.
should PfWak of this or that acquajntaijce's
gentleman." How odd it would sound.
"'..-., i
Tin Devil' three nanyts, ijatan. Lucifer,
and beelzeDuD, say II. Walpole. were
grven lo hitn in hi three capacities,' as pres-1 A 'Sotrfrssis,'' srieakina of Maine,'
uleut or chiel ol Ihe priests, the lawyers, says thai one hall ol the (aims are so barren
that you might mow them wilh a razor, ami
rake them with a fine tooth comb, and
yet not gel enough to fodder a grasshopper
for a month'.
and' the physicians.'
ttiytrritib Railroad. The Washington
(IV) Reporter, slates that 1000 shares ( 50,
ooo have been subscribed inthal borough
alone to t'e stock of tlie HcnipYield Pail
i . . . .
I win HAVtt CRPtf shouted the cap.
tain of a down-east schooner lo his refraclo
ry cook". "If you wou't cook Ihe dinner, f II
do it myself T swear. I will hare order
i i4 . Ji - i it
uuoaru mis vessel. -
i ... I-. i
LtcomVmg'Coviitt, 1'. There are nearly prospect 0f maftJ than ari odinary crop -
two hundred mill in opeiation in Lycoming J Som8 f 1Ua flfn,er have 150 or 200 r.r4
eounly, and a half.million cf dollar invested ,,Unt.l iih rieach tree.
1 1 .
. . i i i ii
in me lumuer waue. Ni&h,.Bloo(ninc- r.eies, ihe most
TAlLoas. Among (he other cunout Chan. I Wiriiiieent of Ti tft Roral beauties, is now
ge which ihe late Eng''1" census return w i,om in rnany ef the gardens nf Chi.
eihibil, is a' falling oft of about a third in mRii!
ihe imintcr of working tailors. VVusn Sim-rales was ask tad. whether l
THVlliack I'oiSgue i't 'rev'sil'ing to a con- wer better for a mail lo BWW iv
siJerable exlenl in Jersey Shore-but it ha. gV, 'r,",J ; ,( l lt llm WP.f W
not in a single instance riovd ftl hwill repeal h "
Thi Mayoi of W'a.hinpliMi cily," ws re-.
cently ordered by a countryman to h".
his horse, as he did. Whether he pockeiea
a fip or iol for his Iryuble, wheu iba man
returned, is uot staled.
..Til'e neach hai'vest jlss' CPriimcnced in
0IaicrAm tan. I I j uta ied that Ibeie is a.
' " , f i I iss , --., ,, I