Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 02, 1851, Image 4

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    a cobrksposdekt of ilia Baltimore Pig-
ralch in furnishing Ihnl paper with a rip8
of amumng ami well wriflen portienl efiti
'ions ; 'undor iho hertd of ''City Lyric)."
i no lam numocr cuiftanii to much of what
Sam Slick call "Jinmaii nafar," and is wiih.
also good a parody on tho aong, lo tho air
01 which it i., adapted, that wo have resol
ved lo give it a placo in iho literary depart-
iuuiii 01 mis pnp?r :
Air" u-0,,1,1 not jr,,. , jy,,,
T woiilj not din in Spring tim
JVnen n orms licgm t0 cravM ;
hen cabbngo plains are t-houiin
Ami frous biMiin in r,....n .
'Tis t,un ,10 nrL. (,, 0-f charm
wru n(,mil,J HP"" Iho men ;
When lamb and peilR aro j,, tileir prfno
1 would not perish then.
1 would not die in Summer,
tthen trees ore filled iih f,it,
Ami every sportsman has a gun, '
The lntm birds lo shoot. ' ,
iho girls then wear their Dlor"ier tlre5''
And half distract the men
It is tho tinia to sweat ' i-
I would not perish then.
I would not die in Aiilumn,
When new-mown hay nmcih sweet,
And little piys aio rootim ollm-
For snini'tliine niee ' l'a'
'Tis then the liiiiii-"11"' V'IJ halloo,
is heard ale--' ''' ulJj
And oysle" tri" to fallen lip
I i.ouIlI nut perish then.
1 would not die in Winter
For one niioht freeze to death ;
When blusteiiug Horeas sweeps around,
And lakes away one's breath.
When sleiirh-bells jingle horses inert,
And buckwheat eakesare tall ;
In fact this is a ri;ht pood world
I would not die at nil !
Mannkks makes a man.
Positive men err most of any.
Much religion but no goodness.
Never wado in unknown wateis.
Never wish a thing done, but do it.
Never accuse others to excuse yourself.
Religion is the best armor in tho world,
but the worst cloak.
Remember always your
lost timo never returns.
end, and that
More credit can bo thrown down in a
moment, than can be built in an age.
Most men employ their liist years so ns lo
make their lust miserable.
Profanity and politeness never associate
Never pnt implicit faiili in a man who
lias once deceived you.
Have tho conrace to obey your Ma
ker, at tho risk of beinrj ridiculed by man.
Never carry a sword in your tonguo to
wound tho reputation of any man.
Never do that in prosperity w hereof you
may repent in adversity.
Never marry without love, or love with
out reason.
The best way of revenge is not to imitate
the injury.
He thai too much refines his delicacy,
will always endanger his quiet.
A tournament is to come o( at Bedford
Springs in a few days.
Two things can never bo successfully
counterfeited modesty anil common sense.
A pound of beef looses one-rjuarter by
boiling, and an ounce mure by roasting.
Daron Pi'devaxt, husband of the .famous
romance writer, George Sand, has just died
at a boarding house in Paris.
The recent fete given in London by Mr.
Feabody, the rich American merchant, cost
about $15,000.
Dr. Johnson used lo say, "lie who waits
lo do a great deal of good at once, will
never do any."
It is said that some of tho landlords in
Boston place an extra folk across tho plates
cf their delinquent boardeis, as an intima
tion for them lo "fork over."
There is nn old man in Mid.lleboro',
Mass., who has been married 57 years, and
bad not been from homo but one night, since
his marriage.
Is Albany, an I rich sen ant took the order
to '-'string beans" literally, and had got
about three feet in length strung when her
mistress discovered her blunder.
A visitor was contemplating Niagara
Falls the other day, when a verdant look
ing individual caino up and askjd if he
would please to tell him the name of that
riucr .'
"Ji'Lirs, why did'nt you oblong your stay
at thu Springs !" ,:Case, Mr. Snow, they
charge loo much." '-How so, Julius V
Why, tho landlord charged ihis individual
with stealing the spoons
Health of St. Loiis. Tho St. Louis
Republican, of tho 17th inst., says the chole
ra had almost entirely disappeared, the
deaths on lha lGlh from that disease being
only four.
Impi dent Question.- To ask an unmar
ried lady how old she is. To ask a lawyer
if be ever told a lie. To ask a doctor how
many persons he has killed. To ask a min
ister whether ha ever did anything w rong.
To ask a merchant whether ho ever cheated
a customer. To ask a young lady whether
sho would liko a beau. To ask an editor it
lie has more than one shirt. To ask a sub
ecribor if he lias paid the printer.
"I recollect," says Mr. Crocker, in his
Researches iu tho South of Ireland, ,;once
trying lo convince a peasant, that be might
with very little trouble, improve the slate of
his cabin by building a shod for his pig, and
banish bi.n from the chimney corner
Suie, then, and w ho has a better tight lo
bo iu it t Isn't be the man of the house
and isn't hj that will pay tho tint V
At llic C'iiMch t lVnre Itnom of
Market Square,
Also at the corner of F,r street & the Railroad
i naiiKiiii tor the natron,, f I,:. rr:.i
customers durinir llm i? ,..... i... i.. i :.. i
.... . ... . ' "- - oni- m-i-n 111 OUKI-
nrw in Him place, he li..ii. rr.,.., ..i.i:
Ihnuncc nf their fin-ros. -..-:.. .i.: .
!, , . . . i-mini; mil. lieriOII lie
has endeavored l, Ln,.n ,i. : ' .
r,, , r "C ii.i'r.vciiirig
inc nay, and tin- necoriliinrlv extended his busi
lies in every liruiirh mid varielv. Tl .,.,l.t;
o. AM' FACTUlt f.y y ).
At the. OIJ former stork of the
Where in addition manufacture
establishment IlKRlnilt & Cnrm-Rent. fth
''Vressimr Jiuremts, Centre lublcs,
Mirble Top Wash Stands,
and a variety of other
new style and
Vnsh i on a hi c I'll r a c 1 11 r e.
Hniii(r serurcd a Hearse and mnde tho neces
sary nrrannrnients for (he purpose, they ore now
prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in
thin vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Ye m:iiil ami niitresr.. and Inmlninla too,
tlrn' liiriiiliire of every style nml line,
Fmin iile Imiirrts dnwii to kitrlien tnMi n,
From rii-kiii(i eliuirn In nicking enulles
SIi.iiiIH yon in 4 Ikivb tlio unity Joiix to pny,
W'v'U w ail awhile n brighlcr Iwttcr iluy,
Or tnke vial(i.'. imin, corn, wheat ami rye ;
Ilurk, Iiihi), pull's, slaves, nr lunilier vi1 suit itry,
Or any thing lint ynkes and threshing; Unils,
riimi pigs and turkicfl down to little fnail.i.
Come on then friends, come one and all.
Keep Irade a moving, so "g.H'B on the Ki!I."
Vi?' Orders from a distance promptly attended
to nml work of nil kinds delivered with dispatch.
Nimbury, March 9, 18o0. tf
In Sclitisgrove, Pa.
C'lotKs, ;ViiI( Ik hikI Jewelry,
1 KPAIKKl) in (lie licst maiini r and warruntcd
to perform well.
All work intrusted to his care will lie strictly
attended to.
JSclinsgrovc, Nov. 3D. lS.'H) tf.
HVNTKll will forfeit SoO, it fiilin; to
cure nnv case ot secret disease Hint ninv
come under his cave, no matter how I11113 staini-
intl or ntllictin. F.itlier sev are invilett to his
Hoonix, :H .North V KNTH Street,
nliia, without fear of intcrnipti.m hv otlt-
cr patients. t'traiii;crs ami olacrs who have
licen unfortunate in the selection of n physician
are invited lu call. Those who have injured
themselves lv solitary vice are also invited.
It KALI AMJ KKI'I.lHrr. The nlllided
would do well to reflect In l'ire trusting their
health, happiness, ami in many cases their lives,
in the hands of physicians, ignorant of this d iss
of maladies. It is certainly iniimssilile for one
man to understand all the ills the human family
arc sullied to. Every respectable physician has
lis peculiar hraucli, in w hich he is more success
ful than his brother professors, a ml to that he de
votes most of his time and study.
HJ.Mi.-i Ot rU.;TIL'U, exclusively novo-
ted to the study and treatment of diseases of the
sexual, ojether wilh ulcers upon the Lo
lly, throat, nose, or leiis, pains ill the head or
bones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregulari
ties, diseases arising from youthful excesses or
impurities of the blood, whereby tl..-constitution
has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor lo niter
yrnhj rrlii-f to all who may place themselves
under his t are.
Philadelphia, April 10, 151 ly.
11K oldest Mechanical Periodica extant in
America, is published on lhc first of each
month in the t'ity of Philadelphia. It has been
regularly issued for upwards of twenty-five years.
ml is carefully coiieil hv a committee of sciculilie
(iciitleiiien appointed for tho purpose, by the
rauklm Institute.
J'he deservedly hi.-ii reputation, both at home
ami abroad, which this Journ al has acquired and
luslained, has (liven it a circulation and exchange
sist of the best character, which enables the ('inn.
inittec on Publications to make the best selections
from l'orciyn Journals, and to give circulation to communications on inechaiiicHl and sci
culilie subjects, and notices of new inventions;
notices of all the Patents issued at the, Patent Of.
ce, Washington -it v, nro published in the Jour
nal, loL'ellicr with u larae amount of information
011 Mechanics, Chemistry, and Civil Eniihiceriiiir,
derived from the latest mid best authorities.
This Journal is published 011 the first of each
month, each number containing at least seven! v-
Iwo panes, and forms two volumes annually of
about 4'Ji pages each, illustrated with engravings
011 copper mid on wood of those sulijecU which
rcipure them.
1 be subscription price is Five Dollars per nu
llum, payable 011 tin completion of the sixth milli
ner; ami it will be lorvvarilc. free of iioslnue
when live dollars arc remitted to the Actuary
(postage paid) in advance for oue year's suhscrip-
Coinnninicnlioiis nml letters on business must
lie directed lo "the Actuary of the Franklin Insti
tute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," tlio postage
Aituary, l I.
April 12, lP.11.Cmo.
11 0 l) K S K I. I.i; It ,
J! road wa ift
t IAS recently received, amine; otlirr articles, a
4. -i.
preal vaiiclv ol Anv
, Cheaji und Kiltcrlain-
ins iiulilicution kuch ns
t'ooprrs novels, complete or n jnirale.
llcrlierts Jo liodwell,
Duiiias do 'rrolloiie,
uo do Halliburton,
Kcynduls do .Marrult,
('oektuii do t.rey.
Maxwell do .Maibh,
Jerio'd do Aiimworlh,
Morris do
Af the low in ice of lr.un .5 tooUcts jier vohune.
Kuulmry, Sejit. US, 1S.')U tf.
ji. stick or tijj: n:itE
Sunbuiy, l'a.
Office in Deer Street, iiuine.liati lv opl'osile the
Pulilic School House.
fT Monies r, , Meet ed und ail l.u-.iiirn! plouiptly und eare-
fuilv .ltt'iie. to. "Jtl, 1H5(I.
A S the suliKcrilier iutcmU loaKimr new arrange-
incuts in liu liusiiioi on the first of Janua
ry 1851, nil jHri.oii knowing tlionotcl w iujehted
lo linn, ure reiiuested to call und make M'tllemcnt
up to that time, by payment or yiviiijj their noUat
lor nil: uuiouul duu
Sunliury, Dec. 2H, lS.r(l. tf.
JJl'IisINO UO'n'LE!S Drcut iuinw, und
k'liii.!e. tulieii A un,y of thobu ulul urti-
cnat jui receivcil ana lor ale by
eunhury, Jan 18, 1851 tf
-Ji2KY. AMERICAN 'Ai'tof
T II ir n it
i .
mmr! r..... t, ...
(i. ."-v"' r, or tit()l(ilITO, M. IV,
Pin'.., ' ',hil...t, Iphill. P.
No 11 "v n""),i"' "-' IXIMOWTION,
Tin, j. 'f:M"'K. I COMPLAINT,
I)Vf ""lriON a'"1 '""'"TV, Ciirins ntlir Nn
p, evvii incthml, by .nlnru" own iigcnt, the Uattric
CT Half tcafimiinfut of thisFlniil, Inl'nscil in wnt.T
will V'l or dissoKe, 1'ice Pounds of Itoant Uccf 111
limit tvv o huurf, nut r ih,. rtomach.
Dtfil'.STI) is clm.'lly M'rl'orin'it in ll;r sloninch liylhc
aid ot a iluiii wnii'li iiitIv cxinlfs irom lhn iinii-r ci.t
01 Hint in pin, win 11 111 11 Male'ol' lnvillti, ralliil the liasliic
i,1"'!1'-- 'I h'sllnid is the Cr.-Ml Silvent of Hie I'ooil, I tin
I nrl'yniir, Prcsi'i-viiifr. nnd innihit in;r A unit ol lln sto
ninch anil ini.-mm.-s. Wiitsmi 11 Hii it will lie no liu--tin.
nn e-'iivrrsion ol I'ood into bl. ksY. titiit 110 niiliiuoii
ol Hie IkhIv ; Imt nnlier n font, torpid, pninl'vl. unil ih ' Irin
tivc roiuliii,,,, tt" tin- vvhiili- iliu'i'ilive A wi nk,
lr.ll ih'inl, ,1, iniori-il .itiinarh pr. .Uio.n no -nI (instric
J'liee, unit licnc.-tlio dlscasf, distress anil duliility which
l'l-.l'SIX die rMi'i ' clt'Mifiit. nr crenl DierKtinf Prrnri
pie nt the (ijimrir .Iiiii-i-, it is ntmt in irrr;U iihiiiirltinr-e in
the itils o th Imimii Bt-'iirich nih-r ilr-itti. inul .inn.
HltK'ft fMUCrB lhc Motirirll loili.-vl it I T. tT fill ilP.'lf lip.
IllS ltHO fiillliil ill llfr BMliltiell nf Mhilllillft, MK iho nx, rulf,
P. It in tht Mi;tU tl:il HKcl lv t'uniHTH ill Hu-rff,
rilkil licfinct, rtic c.lf.-t ' wliirli hurt Ihui tin' H-cijil
w-'ihl'-r hi' t hi-.liiiry. 'i'di- rnrilliuir ol' milk it the lirl prn.
rrsn of ilii,-cjiti..ii. Iti!ii;.'t vjisrsH-K iL'i!"iiisltinj: jwiwt.
The slniiiiirh of ti rn t wit! runliV n-iitlvoiii- lhtiis-itul liiurs
ItaoWII W.-ml.t of iillllv. l;tr..- .i,.J.i.j siiltcH Hint. '-Unc
purl o( iVpHiiiliriKi.ivfil in mxiv 1hoiin:in.I pnrtn i'l' watci,
will ihj'rHt iiirai t.ii'l oilier I'm il.'' )iMfii'il MiHiini-liK pn
iIiicm il" f iimI ic Jim!, I.'fiiin't or IVlrflH. Til Fll'IW
iluit tins u-iiMl iii.-.v hi- pcilV-i-tlv 111,-plicil. v iittv the t.-
ll.nn'.lllii, u, hi i-i'iiliiiitnt work 011 Aiiiinnt
t.'ln-inisiiy. "An Arlilii-ial Diceslive fluid niiiil:ip ms
lo lln- liaKlrn- .ltiii-i'. m-i In- ri-ailiU (iri ptiri-il troni ll-.- 11,0-
" i.i' hi Hi.- sii'miii.i It . .f 1 her ill', in vvhn-h various
nrlirlrs ol't. ns 111. '.it nml 1 will I.r vottrnnt. 1 t':.,isj-
I ril, anil iliirrst.-d. just in lln: in.iniivr as thry vv nilil U-
ill in.- linin .n mnrh. '
111 l'i:Hi;lll , iii his fun .ns Irratis.. on t'ooil ami
Tlii't." .ul.!is!,.-d l,y .w:rrs.V Wells. .New V.M. iue
'.lo. Slali-K th" on,-ifi-eal l.irl I des.-l llx s tin- un til. ..I -I"
tre.:irali--ii. Tlieiraie tew liif.her iiiilli'irilies than )l.
III. Ci MI!K, in his vatn-it-te vvriliiiL'son tin-tllivS'olocy
of llj-.'rstj. It. ' i., sit v.ilt hat "(I illinium ion of tlinlne illan
lily nf (In- (iiiFtrle Jnler is 11 pr-.iiiineiil iin.l iill-iirevnilinii
cnilHi- ol" llyspi'j.sin nml hit iiites that "n ilislinirnii'lied ir ol ini ilii-inr in London, who vvn 11,'vrrelv nlflirl.
ed Willi tl.lK r .in.l:,nit. Imdlli' r e. y Hull" else lo iliil. hud
ler.'tirKi- I 1 the C, .slrir linrr. "i.i.taineil Iroin tin- nt'.lnnrli of
lil ine vvhieti provnl compli-h-lv mirrrl'nl.o
l'r. iilJAIIAVI. until rof the I.1111 .us w.irkp on '-Veer-tal.!e
llirt." -ivn: i'it ii. a rriii.'n kiil-h- lor-t in physi il- ty,
Hi-it tin- st'itinrh ol nnitnals, in:irrrMti. in venter, itnimrt
lo the Hniil Hie n.'i(.etly i.f dis leinr V.irio.iii nrtirhn of
r..d. nnd of rtTeeiini. a i,inil ol artilirinl .lie, hi ion ol' Ihein
111 no vvo-r .int. 'tent troin lln- .hL'esiive l.Olll1.,
Dr. SI MUX'S er-:,t w-rle. ll.e TI,. miMrv of Mm."
(Lea,-,- IIImmi'Ii-ikI. I'liil.i. i-;rt. ,. :mi-.J) h.ivs: 'flir dm
r ivrry of I'ld'-'IN 1'. ,ni. a new era 111 the cle-inienl Inrtory
of iJiiri filoii. l-'r.'in n nt expri ilnenlH v-n Know 1 :it.
food is ilis..,.li-, d ns r pnlly in nn nrlifieinl dko-.tiv.; Hniil,
i.rei.'oeil l"i . 111 I'lI'hii. im it i. in ilir natural (iantiie Jniee
piofrwir l)ri;i.tsi in nf ii. jetr-noii roit.-i!... Phiia-
d.-li'liia. in Irs L'n:it W'.ri on Hiiihtiii l,liy!i"!"ey, ileynlea
more ti, nn lin y .:ii...,i o mm exniniiritioii nf thin inilij. rt .
III.- c.'rritileii.. with Or. Ileninni'llt. en Iho ..afitrir Jlliei',
ol.lnin-. I li...n tiir !t in h 11 mn 11 st atiaeh iin'l Iroin iniiiiinls
are well know a "l-i nil r n...,'' In- h ivn, , ,.(.,ir.
red an pent-rlly in the nrtitleialiiH in the iialin al digest 1 am.'.
AS A nVSI'El'SiA cniKi:,
IV. IIOfi;lT(l'S .-,'i,:irition of I't'.l'SIN him ppnln
' il tlie li. m 11 r 1 II, .lis elleeli.. riil'll:!; tin of IMiitilv,
laii'iriatnin, ,erv. ,11., lln-lin,. v i.-1 it i.- CoiiFinniil i' ii,
inipi...e,i t,, 1,,. ,. ,. V,.I V v,.ritu , ,(it! el;ivi. n ,,.
p ossM.te I.. Iheilelails ol'ivisei. in tin- linnmof this iid
Veriisi'liient hut ..l.,.,,..,.,. (e. I ifil-nli H hnVe lieeli L'lVi II
01 more Ihaa TWu lit "VIH!l:i K-.M.IIK M.i.V.
rt ltl:S. 111 I'ldlaileli'lua. New V .-k, and II .wlo 11 al, '111'
1 hem; wen. m arly nil il, s.eratr .niseis ami the cnri'3 were
not only rapid an, I w .ii.terftit. Imt perin.nient.
Il is a i-r-at MlliVOt S ANTI l( t'I'K, unit particularly
nselnl ..r Irnleney Ii h.linns ilis.t.lcl. I.ivrr Coiliplii..',
l'rvrr anil ...',ir, .,r haillv ir.iated -ever and Aenr, lout the
evil i ll. ets of ((iiini,..,.. .Vlrieiirv. and other drims upon the
Ilieeslive ora.llls. Illlel 1. loiej Mekness. Also, ,,r,T.
in riilni", nml thr too free use of indent ; iriu. Il almost
reconciles Health wilh InleiiiprliUll-e.
Th-re is no form of OLD STUM fll COMPLAINTS
Whieii It d,,e ,, Heem l.i iea. li lol-l rellun e nt oaei". No
IllHleHlow l.a.l Ih. y may ,r. itlMVI'.S INS TANT
till''.!''! A sinlrilisr rein .veit all lln- niiieas:int setup-
loins, mid it ,,y 1 dl to he repented, for a short lime, to
make these r, rls permanent . I'l I: I T V OP III. (toll
nnd VHiOH OP ItUIIV. fill . at i,i..'. Ii is p-irtlrnlarly
everllent in ruses ol Nansi-a. V itine. Clamps. S unless
of Ihepit of the St,,niaeli ills: r.'ss aller rallnu, low. cold,
latent thr lll.ssl. Heaviness. Lownrss of Spirits. !rsp.i.
ileney. laiiaeiati.-n, We'iknrss. Irndrnry to Insanilv, !?lll
eide. ,Vc
Pnen. ONP. IX 11.1, All per bottle. Ouu bottle will often
etrrrl a lastni't eare.
pepsix i pvrF.ns.
For r-.ivrtile!tei. i.f seii.lii.i. ,i
til tvirts of the coniiliv,
the Dllil.S'l'IVi: M A'fTLIt (l-- TI1K PKPSIN is pin up
in inei.tri ." WO" TS. Willi Ilire'-Ti. His 1-1 lie ill SS ! Ce.l It
water o. svrnp. I.v the pn.ient. These powilers colitain
inst Hie same matter is the Isitlles. lint twice the nnnntilv
for Hi.. Kline pner. a ,i l il! . seal I.v 111 ill. I'llKP. UK
PUSTAOP l a UNi: DOI.I.XIt (,l) lo Hr. J.
S. IIUt'lillTuN, No. II North I :i.,-!i:li:rect, Philadelphia.
Six pari, ares for five dollars. P.-rrv .:irl;:i..'e and liotlle
hrars the willlru sienalm r o J S llOllil ITd.N , M . I).,
S.'l.t Uv nii' iils III everv t
l.y n sp. rlalile dealers in Mi
pnit sai.i: p.v .i .hi, v,-
vi) in tln I'liitcil SliitcF, nnd j
Friiinir, uiul (JtMre Ilriu'lit
Sftii!.'r 'vc,
I'lvrr Miitiuntiin'i
Sniiliilrv. Pa.
Mnrv A Mel ly
J. .hull 1 1
Haves A- MeC- riniek,
S. .1. Croese,
John Ii P. -Ml..
'illiani l. iipin,
Sunhnry, Sept. I Ith. I-.30
.Miilii 'ii. y.
M -ivn:it Attn ani;i:vii:n r rito.n
Fnrcs Red ii r ftl .
OJficc of lhc V hi In. A' Ri'wtni: Hiiitrnml Co. )
l iiuaueipiua, iviarcu -ii, loot. )
Two PasM-ic-'cr Truins Duilv , (cicciit Sunday.')
and utter April 1st, lsol two trains will
run each wav, daily, between Pliiladel
pliia and Poltsville
MUUXfXd j.xi:.
Leaves 1
il.ideljd.ia ut 7J A. M.,
tlaily except
except Sun-
Leaves Pott svillcut 'l A. M
Arr;:n Minx u.t:.
Leaves Philadelphia at :j o'clock, daily,
Leaves PotUville at 3' o'clock, duilv, ctcciit
Sunday s.
Uetween Philadi Iphia and Potlsvill
1st class cars and '.M class cars.
llctvvci n Pliiiadclphia und Heading, $1.75 1st
class ens and 1.1." -,1 clas cars.
Depot iu Philadelphia, corner of Uroad and
Vine Sireet-.
Piisscii'ieis cannot enter the cars utiles provi
ded with Tickets.
MOTH li. Filly pounds of bai-aae will beat
lowed t iciicli passenger in these lines; und pas
seuoers are expressly prohibited from takiinr auy
lliini; as hunuane but their w earini; apparel, which
will beat the ri.-k of its owner.
Uy or.lcr of the Hoard of Managers.
Apiil IH.11. Secretary.
inz! zmv. zivjii
Iudtstructilile and Indellible
jV. 1 South Thud ft mi.
T I lCKCH A.N'l'S and the WriliuK .community
aic ic-picstcd lu call and evninme this l.K,
which is ic.i riiulttt nut iu curroile Attjftc V.H.v,
Hur fhuit?t its Vvtui: 9
ITIiuIcnuIo and llelall,
No. 1 South Third stud, Philadelphia.
A liboral ditcuuut made to Merchants and the
For sale by II. 11. Manai r, agent for Buubury
M'ovciuber 1, 1S5U. ly.
Talunblo ltoultH.
JIFK ur Co a ikt, hnn.lsoiiicly Ihiuii.I, U'Au
J nn. m.'s HisToar ur run Id hhimatios,
Ili.ik Diy-noiiKs ami l.KuoKas, full hounded.
For aale ut the. publisher prices by
11. ii. MASSER.
Sunbuiy, July 11, IS 13.
,,lb3:iiTG t.oap.
Knnufnrtnrril by Shonrds & Co.
843 Chestnut St., Phila.
VlARR ANTED to wnsh elenn in hnnl, ma,
or nult wnter, cold or hot, third the
time of nny other Poni ever manufactured; thus
dispensing with lioiliii'i, lilrai hiiiij, &;.
wnnhed with Ihis Soup will never shrink or hnve
any Imrnh or gnminy feel, Imt lenve them in their
original ofl and iliant ntnte: which is in itself a
sullieient recommendation lo piinninlre its use in
till fnmilies,
may be washed Ihoroufrldy with it, without the
least injury; Riving llu in a lustre ccjutd to newly
imported Roods.
of any description, ran lie readily removed hv the
use of it, without injury to the article, whether it
he the finest dress or ordinary enrpet.
In the life of Miourds rt Vs Sraip, the most
dclicntc nred not fear, ns it will not injure or chap
the hands, Imt on the contrary act ns nil emolli-'
ent, and ia not only the vkut iikst wennvn
soap ever ollercd to the public, but ns a TOILET
SOAP cannot be excelled.
Wherever it has been used it has given perfect
satisfaction, and is warranted so fo do, in nil ca
ses where a fair trial will he (riven it.
SlIOI KllS ,V ft)., Manufacture.
No. C'hesnnt St., Philadelphia.
For Sale by (irorers generally.
Nnvmibrr I", ls'itl.
VOL H. nill'RUrLldVLI.,
Atlcniey at law.
miiiri-Nt I1K-. lauyUilll Co., l'a.
O 1'PI.N i'.SiS will be promptly iitlemlcil to in the
' counties of Scbuv lkill, Noitliunibcrlaud,
I'nion, Columbia mid .Montnur-
I?efor to:
A . Jordan. II-Hellas. .V II- H- Masser, Ksqrs-
Suiiburv Win- l)c Haven, Kdvvard l.'imlas, .t
Solomon Shindel. .Miucrsville C. M. Hall, M
Mortimer, Poltsville.
Oct. r, iM.-dl lv.
iitMis:, im.
Will proinjillv nttrnd to collections nnd all busi
ncss enli'tisted to his care.
June Hi, lal'.i,
rl HI', suhseriher has just received a new aupplv
of the best liipiors that ever came to ."unlmry,
coiisisiiin; iu part ol
Superior old pale Uraudv.
Fine Cnjrniae Uraiiilv.
Superior Old .lainaica Spirits.
New Kiiul.iml lium.
I'iue Holland (iin.
Sujierior Old Whiskey
Common do.
Superior Maderia Wine.
Lisbon do. ilu.
Superior Port Wine.
Kiimiiinly Port do.
Sweet Malaga Wine.
SuH'rior Claret Wine in bottles.
Champagne do. .In.
.'unbury. May 2fi Is 1:1.
in ii.iiH i.oiiiA v.'im: a. miji on sniiti;
Impoilei-3 and Dealers in liquors,
Ao. 2 JO Murlal ft, -eel, l'hilailvlt,tt,i,
(WYA for sale, the clicnpc.t and best assort
J meiit of Liipiors in Pliiladelpliia, such us
Champagne, Sherries, Port, St,., k, Claret, 15ur
gundies, Sautiirn, liarsae, Madoria, Lisbon,
Teiierille tmil Sicily Wines.
II randies of the choicest brands, viz:
Ma-;Iina, Otanl. Poin t, llemiesy, iVc, dr.
I' me Holland (.in, M oiiongahcla, Scotch and
Irish lnskey. Alc, eve.
Hotels nml the country trade supplied a Phila
delphia iriccs on the most liberal terms.
July C), l.S.oO
Bounty Land and Pension Atjency,
ri'iii. niioi -rsiirnr l Atl,,rii..y tin, I lieneral Aaenl nt thr
a. v n i, i i asm
II 1 1 u l y tenuis anil I
'ii'T Kt iviivs in .riH'tirinn
lllMllJS I.if ill. .fcf fillllirtl. li.-iiti' ii. i.
.00 lit Ell I V I
lilt ll.c Hi' U l ri'iiiiiiMil. with ii i:..i.'.
nti iitid iic'ii.iitil'Mii-( wi;!i tin- i. Hiii.
II I lolll IMC fl I li.-lllt K-s, :i ill I. Il, llfJ .!('' lit It an, l
u.iis n.cii in i rn- i . . ir i
(In Kjit mnl Kiii.;,irt ry
t'iiiinis nl i-vitv ktint.
, lit (I if.-l'Sclt
jlls'.lllt lit el (j
lill l. l or
"limit ut
Ily ti l:il Aft t i IlViiuivm. It uiitty 1unl is LTintttl to
lln; i'irn-1'is iiini .iMiiTH fl tin- w;ir m himI i ihr vari-
ri -us lii!i;m waif, mih 'J'.i (!i .. u ti wrvcil nnir
in 'inns tiit ii'Ti-; to tli wli.i n.-ivt'l i-inr iu.ji:iiMeu
aT-s: ami I thw (n m-i Vf.l out in nlh -1ft urrvn.
Arrauy.-itM iiis h:,,. 1,,.,-n Mi,J,. wilh p'-nt 1 ni-u nf ,e
Irf'-jal r-r.s,i..M in iluit n nt -.ctinns ot tlie t'iiiiiiry. l'..r
tin ItK .iii-n i warnuilH, ami lln- alr i.f lhc Nitrnltf, vn n
iuiitl. on llit uiu.-t miv aiitaiMHK tiTiafi ; t".( lhc y; niciit
ol ta.. i. i t iU-iuiiii.-ii of liui'is. M t r t.i.-.i f: ; v !! t i'i n ol
d.-'.ih; ami i..r i;.c triMisi.-it .u ol uru.rral Uiw l-usim.. lU
the niilci't'iil S'atfatinil 'J'l-nit-'i .
Hi tciiilcru Im." wTviccn ti iik-iiiIkts of the pr.ift si ji al a
niMaiirc, anil tt in-ii rliiima atrniml lite 1 i h iTitiucut . nrr pn
ir.-l ly a I -i-i .rnt. will a!talc one li.ill lim tiMial fee.
I'lie iii'tVMtary foiuii anl intriiciioMH, mul iiiioiuiaiioii on
all nutnociH ai;ti'rniiMiiin t a nuvn-i'iil protM .-iiijon (,f tins
lniaiia ciH. will uc i'jruibln.-il l-i nvular -.-, .mi, with
on) i-liiii l:.
Ifin 'as il.'siriiiL' inf.'tiiMti n of fiicn.I in iln-nrmy or
navv. will I'orw.inll linn all thr Kirtit'iil irii kawiio in-ir
f'TU'f. t nj' th.T with a i on- iloLtr, an.l llu-ir fiii,nt-
MtH wi'l Im- l. in ,y l.-Ulfll of III ill. All C UUII1UII.L-U
tt nit; to In? (Pl.l'l'.WH ami 'M'lf.'sr.-tl t i
rn vuu:s tivki:!!
(II--X Hi;, 1'. 1) ) Vav.i:-ii:-.-i., j). C.
J Vt'eiiilif-r J-,
So. lime Strict.
Second door bi-low Third,
F.ltE nil liinds of lasts, Ac, of the latest
' My le nnd best material, are manufactured
on reasonable terms.
All orders promptly an.l punctually attended to.
Pliiladelpliia, Mov.' 'J, 1S51I. ly.
1 llimi'.N'S Essence OK
(jEILiiu cvcclli nt urticle.
KvnWAv's .Medicated !Soap for tun hurni , Ian,
tetter, Vc.
Iladway's Ciicaasiau Halm, for tho hair daud
rullWe. liadvvay s Heady Pelicf for (Trumps, Cholic,
C'holtra Moibus, Ac. For sjle by
11. 11. MAfesEIi.
Kuuhury, Aug.
IkS nionds,
Ware, Earthen Ware, KaUius, Al
P uues and ('ream M'uts.
Planes of all kinds.
.''alt and Plaster. Just received and for sale
by JdllN W. FKILIMU.
buubury, Dec. 2fl, 1SPI.
UOOK.S' and Cold Pens. On hand several ro
ies of the lite of Christ, and also a IlllliilsT of
gold pens which we will sell ut the Philadelphia
prices. For sale at this ollice.
B- 'l'EMMi's. A cheap and excellent urti
cle for fustcuiug sash for sale by
Sunhnry, July 7, 1819.
0'E OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this
, excellent article for Tetter, .1 c., just received
and lbr sale by 1IE.NKY MASSEH.
buubury, July 2S, 1849
lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale
at this oilier
FIISKI E PAPE15. Yellow Tissue par for
11 covering lastcs, Ac, lor sale at tho olliec ol
the American.
CITY nr htltanri nt...
All solvent luniks dm
itnilDP. ISLAND.
All solvent Imnks J till
All Bolvent liaiiks dii
m:v voidf.
V. S. If ii i ilc ii..tca l.i'it
All loiveni is.tiks
pa i
Hank of ('ImiiihcrKlitlrg 1 ilia
mum 01 i.nesier ijn. pur
llllllk of I 111 Co CI er ,,:,r
f.nnnoi iierilimnovvil
pnrlAII solvent Inns J .lis
Hank of O.-ttv shnnr
iini;r?'llk II, ile, er K3 I ill
Unnk of l.rwistow.l
Hunk of.MiiliMrtoMii 1 Hi.
AloiilHomery r.'o Hank par
All Solvenls biinki l.lil
Hunk of Norlhnnilii-rriiil nai llelvidere Hank ! d
Uelvitlcre llmik
Hunk of Pillslinrff J Kmik 3 di
Hunk of Danville nar l-'nr. Hank M..n. Ilnllr tu.r
t'nrlisle I'.ii.k 1 .lis P. M., Mhlillctnvvn'Pt . ear
llllllliiH Wk ft H'ee Po ItfirlMiS'linioes' IU. '...r.rk iir
Doyelstovvn lliiiik par .Merh. Ilk .if Hiirlmeloii pir
I'.iislon 11 ink parj.Meeh.A Man. Ilk Trent ur
I'.rir Hunk 9 dis .Morris Co Hnnk 3 .lis
Pxehnne.. IPk Pillslinrir 1 dim Newark HkV A. Ins. Co J .lis
l'.' l iri. Il k. Hr ineh 1 .lii'Oriinue Hunk ! ills
I nnners' H'k. Harks Co nar I''s Ilk Cillers,, 11 ?
Pnrinrrs' Hk-, l-tiiriister par! Princeton Hank
farmers' Hk. K.-ailiiii iiarlSnlein llankiiii; To,
3 .hs
I .lis
1-iirin. Ilk Selniylkill Co p:irSeinerrrt Co Hank
P tt I). Ilk Wnvnesiru I JilislState Hank lit Cnnidrn
Prnnkliii Hk. YVnsh'n 1 Hk p.liznhelhlon
Itarrislnirif Itank 1 dis Stale H ink Newark
Hi sdale Hank 1 dis State Hk. N. Hiinisu ick par
l-aiirfisn-r Hank .Nir,Snssex bank. Newton t ill!
,cimiioii iviiik nnr
Trenton Hanknii; Cn ir
Mereh. ft Man. Hank 1 dis
t nion Hank. Ilover f ills
YiiHIevv'IrA lr1)rr.,
t'P.k'lioles under SV.5 J ilia
Milieu' H'k. Pottsville per
Monone.-ilif la ftank I ilis
I nvlorsv'e Del H'tr Co l.i ilis
VV est Hnineh Hank ,v.r Itmik of I lelau-nre
, i-'iiiiiii; lis, vv ilkesli'e par
York H ink, ,j
ti?-" lirllrf notes 1 ilis
Hank nf Sniyrna par
llelawarr Ci'y flank pir
Hk Wiltne'n.V Hrandyvv. pal
P.-irmers Hk Si Delaware .r
I'nii.n Hunk. AVihiiiliilton )ar
IV 'nilrr Vs " 3 .lis
Iliiiik of Vhei,-k ,', ,j
Mereantile Ilk. ltana:or tn,lts
All f.'lrent !:itil;s 'J ips
All solvent hanks 2 ilis
i'Hk not-it nailer A's litis
All s .U-enl Kinks 2 .lis
il? t'lidero's, 2' dig
All solvent liaaks dis
H-nik of Si All.-nu 2 ills
All olvent hanks ' dis
I M PO It T P. It S O f P u i; i i; y
Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary
I'i:tti!i noil DlHsical lusdii
lllt'llt s.
Nj. 7S North 2nd St., between Arch & Kace,
Pim, a iii.ii'iin.
IMPORT to order and have constantly in hand
a very larire nssortmeiit of coods in the above
numed lines nt wholesale nnd retail. Principally :
5 "s " Cf) v r'' ra
In (iermaii. Latin, (ireck, Hebrew, French. Italian
Spanish and other laniiap-es ; Classics, llirlion
aries, (iratiimers, 'iu-abiilaries, School, Juvenile,
Picture. Pravvinirand .Model Hooks for Arrhilects
(,'abtuct, Carriai;e and other niauufactureis.
M.Ps,(iI.OIiI-:.s and lilank Hooks of every
description. Splendid Lithographic and other
Aceordemis, llanjos. Hows lor all strimj instru
ments, Ilri.-oe and 'f'ailiieccs. Clarinnets, Pifea,
Fl.iwolets. I'liitcs, Ciiitars, Octavo l'iutcs. Paient
Heads for (iiiilars and Violineellos, Tniiilioiiriiics,
Tutiine Porks nml Hammers. Violins, Violin and
Ouilar Pees, Violin, ell. w and Striip.-s for all kinds
of Instruments Wholesale and ltctail. Accor
ilcoiis repaired.
Also coiislanlly on hand, wholesale nnd retail,
a Urye assortiuent of the very best
Ihilch Metal. french ami Florence Leaf Metal
Tlicrinoiiicti rs, llairpeiicils.-l'aber and other
Leailpeiicils, Ked, While and lll.u-k Chalk ( 'ray
ons. Matlirinali.-al Instruments, Scarlicators
'priinr Lnuci ts lV.kct Prescription and Cold
Scales and Wcinhls Lcllcr, I'ancy colored ami
Kilt Paper Playing Cards and other Freucli and
(ierm.ui Fancy Articles, lor the sale of which
they arc the MA. I'FAUTl'liEK.S A OK. NTS.
July 0, 1S3H
'WvAwi, Z w J JrliOiili I
I'lllt 25 Ci:.TM!!
Ut mka ns of tii k PncKr.T
I'scturn s, or, Everv one
his own Physician ! tbirti
eth edition, witli upwards of
a hundred eioraviiij;s. show
inir peculiar diseases iu eve
rv shape ami form, ami mal
formations of the generative
itv vn. viit xii, m. n.
The lime lias now arrived
that persons siill'crin:; from
no more become the victim
of Ijiiackery, as by the presi riplions contained in
Ihis book any one may cure bnn-i lt, without biiul
r:nce to busim s.N, or the knowledge of any one,
and vv ith one tenth the usual rv pence. In addi
tion to the Kcueral routine of private disease, it
fully ex plains the cause of early decline,
with observations on marriage besides many
otber dcranjenieiits which it would not be pro
per to enumerate.
LrvAuv person sendim; tvv i:x rv-ci v k i exts
! nicliise.l iii a letter, will receive one copy of this
book, hv mail, or live copies will be sent for one
dollar. " Address, '-1)1!. W. VOI NO, n. l.Vi
MMU Ci: Mreel, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid.
i i'DU. i Ol can be consulted on any of
the Hiscases described iu bis dilli rent publications,
at his Olli.-e, l.'.J M'lH Ci: .street, every day be
tween ! and :l o'clock. (Siiudav s'cxeepted.)
Philadelphia, Mov. U, IP jit. ly.
Mamifnrtarij, No. 60 CHESTNUT Street,
M E 1) A L. nwaidc.l by tjie FKANKI.IX IN-t-TITL'l'E
of Philadelphia in October,
f.-j.pj'.j..; ja,imr0i ov islHand 11'J.
Vhit,iil,ljl,i,, t)rtut,r, -Sfi.A, 1K4.H.
I have used .1. ellar'i Patent Japan l.i.piid
and Pa.-te Elackimr for some nine months, anj
urn happy to say that it surpasses any blackim;
that I have used thee twenty odd years.""-! find
it holds the polish and preserves tlie leather bet
thr than any blackiuo that I have ever tried.
Aniiii:vv II. C ii i m in. us.
No. 117 Chestnut Mreet,
Will. CURREY, Manufacturer.
Ku.Tcssor to J. WF.I.LAK,
No. SO Chestnut .-struct, above .Second.
November, !, lN.IO ly.
c. j. walton,
No. 2 111 Market rt., frelu-ceii 7 $ 8t st.,
(South side,)
' P II E Subscriber has opem d a new hat store
and oilers to traders and others who visit tlio
city, ii handsome assortment of hats, caps, of eve
ry variety, made up of tho best material, and iu
the late. 4 and be.-t style, and on terms as reasona
ble as can be had in any establishment in Phila
delphia, viz: Fine silk lull at S.ftO ; (iood do
do at !5ll!0. Persons from the country who pur
chase of biin, can rely, at nil tiuus, ,,ij Kettiu a
(rood urlicle that will please thcin, und one that is
fully north the money paid.
Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1H.")0 ly.
S'l'ONE milk Pans, stone Jus and Pitchers,
und other urttclcs of stone ware inst received
and for sale by JOHN W,
Sunliury, June 83, 18-1'J.
f 11E AS, from the New Vork Canton and Pekiu
JL 'Pea Company. For sale by
Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848
AY lll'M. An excellent article, for sale
unl.ury Jan. 27tl, 184U if.
JLANK DEEDS printed on the best quality
cf )archincnt paper, sold ut tho lowest prices
at this olliec, by wholesale and retail.
JJAISINS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper
' sauce, Ac. For sale by J. V. FKILINU
Sunbury, Dee. 8. 1848.
rkADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi
J.. ne for sale by 1IENKY MAHriKK
buubury, Jan. Silb, 181'J
v. .'.- 3 ,v
si'eret diseases, need
"Incourase Your Own!"
rPHR suliscriliers respectfully call the attention
- of the public to their lame nnd splendid assort
ment or every quality nnd price of
cAisins: mvaki:.
which cannot fail to recommend itself loeverv one
who will examine it, on account of its ihirablo
workmanship and splendid finish, made, up of the
liest stock to ho had in the city. No effort in
spared in the manufacture of Ihcir ware, and the
milwrilvra nro determined to keep up with the
many improvement which are constantly being
made. Their stock consists of Mahogany
Sofa., Hit aits nml I.ouitgcH,
and also VENKTfAN lil.IMJS, equal to Phila
delphia mnuuliicture.
CF.DSTKAriS, of every pattern and price,
in short, every arlicle iu this line of their business.
They also manufacture all kinds and qualities
CHAT 118,
incluiltnrr varieties never before to he had in
Sunhnry, sip-h as M uio.iaxt, Ui.ack Whji-t
ClIAIliS, nnnvi r Pi mi Stools, which nre of
the latest sty les, nml warranted lo be excelled l.y
none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscribers are determined that there shall
be no excuse lor persons to purchase nirniture iu
the cilies, as every confidence can be entertained
about the quality nml liiiish of their ware and
Tin ir nrticlrs will be disposed nf on as rxood
terms ns Ihey can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
IV" 1 NHKUTAKIXli. Havimr ..rnv!,1...1
themselves wilh a handsome IIkuisk, liny are
now prepared for I 'iidcrtnkiutr, and attendm;; fu
nerals, in this vicinity, or ut any convenient dis
tnnce from this place.
I IT' The Ware IJoiim is in Marke Street,
opposite .1. Yoiiinj's store, and m arl ojiposite
Weaver's 'Pavcru.
(ii:ouiiii uLsx.
Sunburv, l)ce. II, ls.'itl. tf.
THa medical wowssu cr the
ft 'ft 7 1 LI. losilivelv cure all stages of N abrin.
Tie llolormix. Nervous fleadai he, Cbn.
lera, l.oi-liiavv, iliIroiliobia convulsions; will
restore manhood to its prcMinc viaror, even after
years of prostration, mid the only known and cer
tain cure lor low spirits or mental debiltv.
P.vtract from the N.w York Nun, Oct.':!,
Thr nlihiiiir,! !r Watson, when talking of the
miraculous power of "Walls' Nervous Antidote,''
the (ueslion was put to him, ', Why such a v alua
ble remedy for nil nervous iili'cctions was not in
troduced by the medical faculty !" replied, "Thai
if it were, there would no Immer be unv use for a
faculty, as all diseases origin. il.-.l from a disorgan
ized stite of the nerves ; the nerves are the main
sprint; of the whole system Keep this in older,
and both the mind and body nui-t be."
Four ounce phial, IS doses, enouoli for all or
dinary cases, ONE HOLLA K.
Win. McCAKTY, Proadway, Sunhurv.
N'eplciiiber, SS, ls.'il) tf.
So. 1 Id. foriicr nf Fifth ,V Cltrxiii't fis., I'hilu
iLlhi". iuhI oti:i liriw-hriuj carrier if Strcrt, Srif York.
CITIZENS A Nil sTKANOI'.ii.s ,.:m l,.,vc
a sitting for Portraits or Miniatures, and
receive them beautifully cased, iu morocco. Silk
velvet. Papier Macho, or other fancy sty les, or sets
iu Medallions, Lockets, Ac, in a few minutes.
Dusuen-eotypes. Paintings, Drawings,
&c. Copied.
Out door Views, and Miniatures of deceased
persons, taken at short notice.
For Portiaits of Adults by our process, and Im
proved Instruments, a iruu., .lay is .putc as fa
vorable as clear weather.
For Children, clear day (between 11 and S)
is preferable. LO"ln Urcs avoid white, blue
or lioht pink.
Our (iallery with its Six Pri.e Medals and
Works of Art, i open at all hours, and Free.
Whether i.-ilors wi.-h pictures taken or not, we
shall at all times be happy to see them.
June SS, lNotl.
ncsu oiniiiJENT, Ton tj3ttr
I) l-TAI) the foil iwinir ceilili.-nle innu Capl. Devoe. the
I well known and popular Miani L'uil.nii (of the
'I'lav.-iler.J x Oi l .her :tl. I-111.
Several years siaee I w is alt.ieked with a l.ri-siki.ti.' out
on my n. ek in the form of T-tt.-r. Im I. I aai e in ,
Was e "lllracleil al Hie Ilu. In-r .n. .... Il LTlllulaally i-.vlenil-filin.-r
lay l.-iee mini n re.-ii-ln-il Hie upper nr'l of lln-
clu-eks. llnriiiL' Ihe several in .iilln. that il .-.iiili
Rplea.linir. 1 ilnlereat applii-altoiis. s nne nf wlil. h h-nl
Hie i lle.-l. nppi. iMK al l,n.l. W lni-r.-aiiitf ll.e .lifease. Imt
Ir 1 ai-ot th. in ih.l I p. ieeie,. - least lieiiel:t Haul I
appii.-.! the lto.i: I cm mi.n r. Hv the ue of. m.-jar of it,
I was peinvtiy eaieil ami hav l- ienianie.1 five ,if the aif,r
lion. I li.o'e since neil the I liniment, tiiili'lv applied I'-ir ronti.
lies, ,.f l,e f.iee. 1,1 ile'i, eh.ippi ,1 h.iii.'s, ,c. Willi p,-r.
(e,-l .iiieee,., I II'... l.i. a' I. in r.-eollliui-ll.lin;. ,
Ihe etl-.ini. sl lu nine. 1,1 Hie intillc.
A-'ent IIumiv Ma.-fr. ilnlniry.
July a-j, IM.
(inv-r ()VL-'n;itiMl IJiirtT, prin- rrJuml.
.IjH-nli 'i'tiwn inr-iS.irsiijtui'illa.
H.lUl'rV S;irs:i i i l.i.
SV:i Ul-'s Tll nt' WiM ("lllMT-
Svv;t nr's iTiiiirtiv.
.Ayri' ('lu rry IVrUirul
)r. Dl.ilvr'rt l;Hi:tt;i.
1 r. Cull.'ii'n ilu
Tililiit' Pnin Killt-r.
Dr. lloojhiml'i- (.crnuni UiINtj-
Iiuliuil V:! rial ile TtlU
ll.nscjinJ C-ittU' .Mi ilicitH t
For Kilo l.y IIU.MIV MASSER.
t-uuliury, jl:!y 1 1, IS 111.
I'll.Ml'UlSINi; A rtil.l.KCTION OKOVKH 200
V A I. lT A It . K UKCnKS,
Iii the I'srat ami Inta'crting Attn with a few
teiuijtlp uitJ ( urlt'ii. i:crimi'iitM iu
I N('I.l'DI.(i Mr.Hi-inrH, IVrfuinrry, Clu'inibtry
CotikiTv, ranti ry, lKini;, ( 'onlW-liiuiarv,
iiH'Hlit'- Kcouii.ny, rtc. clc. rtr. l'rire 6- cUM lor
h1o l'v HUMtV MAiSJSKK.
iSunhurv, 8, 1SJ9.
.lust received at the store of lll'XI'V" .MAiS
M'.ll, tt lot ol' faiu, (iiini sill,,,,, AhnatiacH,
Qucensware, l.i. (loss &e. All of which will be
kobl at the lowest price.
Dec. 14, 1S50.
ATIXEKAL WATKll, from the Oak diehard
-,J- Acid Springs, hiUly valuable iu chronic di
leases, and tonic reincoies, tor sa le
tSunbury, June S!l, 18.1U tf
CAl'S. An assortment just receivcil. AUo
nilk HATS ut !f 325, lor bale hv
riuuhurv, l)ec. Si A.
JA'I'EXT Trussi'S of all kinds, Iarrinn'g
wrilins unit inilcllible ink, I 0U011 yarn allj
laps, just received und tor bale by
J. V. rRlLINU.
buubury, Dec. 2, ISIS.
VND nil diseases arisiite from n dis-.ritrred liver nrsto.
tnneli.snrhtlsrotislitMilioit. iiuvtird I'ltes. r'nllnrss or
Mood to ih,, henii, Aenlily of the Stomarli, Niiiii'-r
llenrthnrii, .lisenst lor 1'oihI. fullness or vveiehi. iM nm
Sloiiiaeh, mnir laii. tnliniis. sinkine or Hull. all, e ut III- pit
of the Stoiimeli. swimmiiiir of the head, hurried mnl .lifTieiilt
hrrallniie, lliiltenne at the heart, rhokinir or sun" sutnnj
" "-hen iti Ivintj p -sture. Dimness of v i,
jtonor wehs Is'forethe li.-ht. t'-evT mid dull pan. in llm
head, defieieiiey of perspiration, yellowness of Iho skin ami
evrs. pnin in the side, baek, chest, limhs, ftp., sudilen
flushes ol heat huniiuir iu the llesli, constaut iiniiKiniiigt
ol evil, nnd (trrat drprrision of spirits.
tELLURATl:lt i:ttVlN UlTTliltS.
rRi:i-AiiKi ny
DIt . C . At . J A C KSON,
No. l.'O Arch St., Phllailelpliln,
Their povvef oyer Hie llhove diseases is not e.xeelliit. if
npiallril, I, y nav i, ih,. i preparation iu the Vnitril Sint'i,
ns lheri,resiii,t1 j many races, iifu-r shilllul physieium
lino lulled.
I hese Hitlers nr,. worthy Ihev attention of iiiviiliiln.
I ..ssi -sstiis meat virtues lu the ns-iifiealion of diseases of
the I.ivrr .mil lesser rl uiils. i xerelsiei; he in. 'Si Bi-arehiin;
P-'Wers iu weakness ami alii etirns ol the ili-estivu ornni,
they ure, wilhal. s ue. cerium anil pleasant.
,, ,., I'lolil li e Host, in lire
I he f.ihtnr said. ),e.
' llootLAM.'s ("Ki.iinnTun tirnvivN- HnrKni for
llieeiireof lav. r I 'i .mplaint. .1,, i,. Dvsp.-psia. Chroniu
or Nervous lrl,ility. is ile-ervisllv one ol the most nipu
uril,r,lieie, . Tl,ese-liltr, have l-i-ll Used'
'y '""". nnd n friend t , , , ,w kiivs he him him.
sea r. eeiyeil n rlleriu d mid .eniianenl rure uf l.iver
Coluplnuil l mill I he , l Ihisr.'iuiilv. We are iviueed
lh:"'"1 "l" V Hn se It, iters. I lie pt ronslaully
pain. SUeii' and viiror n fuel woithvof ureal ronsiilc-
raiion. 1 li-y me t leasaal III lli'lr luul i II nml I
oscil by persons wnli tin-1, il.-
ate stoinneliH with safe.
ty. iiiiil.-r anv i-iii-iaiiwtntii-i... Wt
lire speakinc frolll CX-
.. ,-. nn. i iii i rn. aillli'lril Wf aiiVlSi- llli'ir IIPC."
JiiiIl'.' At. .M. .Novil. ii ..ii!. ii, , ii wilh niit si-i.-utili
mi'l literary nttniii!ii.iis. nai.i in ln'..,.w S'urk Weekly
MeKsrliL'er.o .lamiary fi. t.'.O;
"Dr. It. i. Il u,,!'.-. lo-niiaii Hitters. tb re is n pri'iariition.
Wli.eli the leaihni: i. i-shi s ill tin: t ni ppear to lie iiiiaai.
Ill-Hifi in li-eniiiiiii. inline, anil ll.e re:, ,ii ih .,l.,-i..n I. Iu
ina, I. inter a,n rnslieil l.v one ol tlie in eelr.
Iirateil pliysiciaiis of in i ii n.'llie lale Ur. ( lir Ft.-iln-r
lllletia linothail. Pr.fess ,r lo the I liiversitV ol'Jelili,
priMile IMlVM.-IOII lo III.- Ivilltr l, PrilSMII. Illlll l-IIC of llllj
I cri at.-l in, .lir ,il vv-nlers eriiianv has ever pnhieeil. u
I was e,,l;,l,a.l.-:,lly thr eiieinv i,f hllllll'llu. Mail I lie) efore it
in.-.ti, in,- ,,f wlin-li he was tin- inventor atnl anilorwer iimv
In; cmll'.l.-alK-relleil ,,. ,. ,;-ei illy n-i lenileil a a,
, l.lver loin;, lainl. I)vpipfia. Pel. ililv. Veil It;.., Aeiililynf
i the sloiaa.-h. .', ii!ipali.,n. ami all e.nni.Iaints arisini: from
n il,...r,.-r,-, e.,ii.ini,i ..f u. st-.m-iel,. il- h- er nml tin,
' 1 '-''. Mn" P.'lll.lil-i.lhia .:i ers expri W their JoilVie.
I lis exei Ih-itee. mill Ne-, ral ,.l" llie eiiilor.. Hnenk ,,f
its eireel 5.
I'roia their ntni i ..-1 1 nta il extni nin-e. fmh-r
these rin-iiiiisla
' s. we I'e.-t, iii, I onlv in calling
1 1 r lelllll-IN I,, III.- I, rev.. nl i,r..U....l ........ ....
tin- i
tor's (Pr. (". M. Jaelison'y) pr- ..artilina, lull in rceoiiiiiunil.
IHt the lilti. le In a nliaeteil ''
Mure Erithncc.
The "Pliilail.-leliia S.lll
lie'Spaie ',.I,:,..!U i
l i tiazelte," the best luniity
t'liileil Elites, the cilitor sayg
h lit .,',.;,.'' Cr,;,,,,., Kilters.
It is Sehf ,n
i I wh it an- terint-.I pi.
an, I, urn.-.- , f enf
i'i- ii .... ,u III II i ,
I , I ,!t(i - : -.- ii.,,.f
the n siiinns . 1' the
' p. ' I .1 mil il,, I'm -
t .Mt-ilieire .i. t
I " ' I : am!. I - i
i, Int.. in-
Till 'II I. I
.1 we
Ilia! are -i-,-
..'i'!!ea altri !h.... ;,
I. 'It .'a in. -,li ,,':- ;
v ha h h:is- inel On
Tlrit this iin-ile-,
pepl:i, II i lie ear
siiei'ltienllv lip, ,li t
to eal .in. I 111 a!l 0:
'I'll.'V e a ll, II,
unit r. h. .!.;.. U m n
1 1 :.
I t I.. piVl
. If -el Ii-,,:,
it in: ait vv Hi.
I. r. I I,, r,
nl :i;n I -.,
itr.wviii: in- . n:i;ri-i'r-.
TTi is in.. In-ie.- 1, ,v -, . , .- ).. a rt
II -i- ! r lie .!. i,i. , . ', .- ;., !i , . . , l I' in .
t . I ut forth a :i.. ,. ;,. , f ,;. ,iv,- ,'l
Iii are inn -i-. nr;.. .!- .i. !.. e 1.
I.duIv WKl.l.To Till: .'.i :::.- ,i- to:- ii
'1 Ley trie.- t'.e wry-' : . ,.- ,; I
up 'il In.' v I... p. I. a. al i . . .v ....
"I.r w llii-h I liey are ;,
por s.t!.-. w - i - ! , - i ....
Cr,,,:.,,, j ,;, .,- y
N-.. -i AlU'll M..-. I .- ... ,v.
ST l!- "'."i I ... .,:,,. ... I . v ,. .,,,.. .:, .: ,
Lo ii--ra;h tln-.-in-li ,n ,- , i . , , . . .
.M.n. ; I', i .-; , It. .i.,.'....i. .u.:-. iv.a-ad M. A.
MT.VV. V 1 Ir ., t . , I . . ,,..
A iiu.o.I IT . ..:o ly
"DL'ATirs noon:'
- 1 v. ' r . i v j i ' . .', v. - - i in
i' !:.' I i- I .v-: --.t.j,- , I . iiM, .
i- r. in.-,,; i ..i l1f l!:iril.
' ' T.nt.r (',-,, -h v:v. .'. ,.xi.trs.
" '! . ". m .1 .r.- i.v 1.1,,-n-I-'
' . . If-.- JiM .-iui'.-l of
" - - i. i r i l..-r P-vere
!i r I i l:-T i.i. -it ! .,-r;r..'l ut:t.
I ii.'i.'w -;-'s j; , 1! 1 1 i is i,. -,, itg
"' N"-n--IM'. -t. il r. ...Mi. s. li. ,s, (--in
I I i ii -1 u.; !y iii .,- s ii . r.; -; u. r.-.titct-n in
W-.ntlu.i. rt-lirl'fs l .,-Vf1f -t-
- '.-i I i I Iili .;.!ii T'irv, tlrilj-ti. ii,
'i l.-it'.'-i i'. r;i!;i!M. SptiilliH.
r-i.i !. ''.ii iv 1 1 1 lift- ti- iiu't
m.-ii y Itn.iw i
-.itii - :tni rcsi"
'I 'i.- ur
l-.Mi.-ti.-ml .'.If.-
;tti . l ,t'
l!:Unii:i'.it-iit il
Ti.f.ti. Ini.''i iiz-i. I! .-ii-.-
TtxiTii i'l!i; i'i
i l.i IN
i.m: si'.idm).
' I ill Ttii hi.t;tiit, for
II. I till- piilll IH lill-
Tliis I.Tliinn. -nil- -i-Ki r.
rlii- nt iii. ;it llf I'i '.. t .in
IU.H..I S i waSi 'I'i.- It
.Ml,.;, i, : I -!-1..
h u,.y t- :i-; 1 nt :i l'fv
i'H'i Ih ititi'fiiiti;i. NiurHl-
ll'i' I'Ttl wllrli- lla- luilrl
vi. ii wit! ,c t-ntirt-ly
;il'i'-;. li- tii.-st Vl'-ifiit
ij (ir In iiiiirli jtiirmu,
l'T Wt .-iViM-M. Ult-t- I'T
'v II, T ,. ji iiiiiiic mi-
l-'i I'ull.'il Tlrn-t.
r. li.-v. .1. 'I.
Soii'-ins mi 1
II v
in : i' wi ''. ai: ''i u.-' if
j.:iim, !ii-:-liii ' r . i;.
U-w liriu-tll.y i: WW ,v a. rti..
I I i ; i T.n:.: r !ii:.(t imii s,
TO r..Miii:i.i.lMl AM) '.MI WiK Tills I ll.Ul.MH
i i" i;.o tv.
K v ,' ,l i ia w.
! K;k1V;i "s Mi-; lie. I'.-,! s .. i '. . :.!.; v kinivvii lhn nit! Ii-
u the i.
1 lit1: Mul
.li.t! ',-., M 1 1 , ilr til-Ill IV liliiini. I'll r II v
i it
:-"H lh- .-i.i-i; win!, ii1.' (In in li 'li
n i!f
- :i i ti- in,,,- i ( - s - - i
, . y v -- !- it xi ln all
i v rry Ifii'lriii'v l.i in-
lNlli-h Sill I'flllll-S, l;ni,
I ha ililtl otluT ('MtlilH-iii
i in,. ui i: ,i h in, in tin- mi, nn f,
Il.lli.lli:it,ll. i'll.l fli.'t'l n;.l:v ill
lln, I.-.-, n-i..ti. lire kit s, ilisf.iltiiin
itihiis Tin
i;.t Kl huh it Mit;i
W'l.i. !l II h lur.
1 t i-Ml.mi; inilall
T il -rl:n-iis"il.,
Is l i the i-hri-k. thu
. M (III' ll'lllllH wild
'ti iiini r- uiiiMii tu-
i" t rvcrv t,ili;t.
il.-ilt :h-
r sii:iv i,i
I tllV ,1
w HI li.ft it ii. i;t k nil untiihi'll
'mil iv.nut.ijf it soil, mii'ictli -iiul
Unit Ii in
111. nii; Ihe l.'- it aa I ilnst ..f siiinaier. or frost anil l.l.-ak
W-n.ils ,. vi inter : an.l i . , :.. m.i.l inn. slinks ol inse, :a
. inll.lnlns. ehii-pi-.l Im 1,1.. ,,r me a , ,,ial liillalinnatlon, ill
virtues have I nn; an.; e:, a-iv o h.-.-n aekii-.wl.-,li;,-.. iv
li if viiii: an.l i. n. !..i,.. pr .pern, l.av e ..l.taineil in. , lec
lion Ir.-ia Ihe ih- ion ii, l ,.f i.iher ei.sii,i hi . ..,th ,, Kuro-pe-ia
an.l .1. .in--i-l ti iiiannf.e-tiire. hv Ihe lion ton nf all is.rra
-I Ihe f.i.-'.!i, -n.i! ie
V. , t i.l. Ii , Ha- l.i. mini, lii.pi, -u ,i lln;
le be Kin-.' 'tin- will pleasa
liaiiii :iv a .Mtv.ii iile.i Sni. is liif onlv
fr, .i ll l e.iliim , ,, 1
lie.-ir in iii, let ll nt
Kite it. co .1 ...n i .r Ihe i-mii n ,u. in iie; inis lias Ik-vii
i-ei-tifn ,1 t,. l,y . ir in .i-t pi-'iinnent i lu inisis. Itailwav 'i
Snip IS lite ll-'in puis, ni, ent. irrttatiin; ami pernlelonii ili
Bre, etin I,,-ii..,-, ,,n H,,. t.-n.l, r skin of llie infant
V. llllVln-Sltlie liap.iv i.-miIIm as ltt-.ll Ih-.-iiiIv lit ill n.l
Heel en.'rivni-. -an.l 1 in I her n-e
li. lt AUH A V l up n i.n a ca
cahi s.
.pea la a s;.en,li, (all. I nf
Hi it Hie M.-n ilnre ol It.
s. Pnec -J. tints, larye
nn: ('lunttM, oi!aii:t op iitvitv
Is A l.l.XlItlAVr llt:.l)(ip lil.t irSV I1AIH.
I' v nw.vv '. nl:r i.:oi it i. vi.
Warranted lhc .-, Hair Tun,c in use,
For ItleKStnt! an, I lleantili i-n; Hie lia.r.
It cl.-aii-a Hie S,-alp I n in I 1 1 it . keeps il clean. cures
fs-iirvcy, H il,tin-.-s. nail Son nn Ihe lleail Mops tlieliair
lioin Iiihi.,- mil. i. nileis il s:r.,i,,-. In,,- ,,th. nift ,,,,,1
i; lossy. Pitbi.ih who have l..t lln n-lull I.v m.-kness will
Inul a ci-llipleleantiil,.!,- in llnil -.u 'i I'll , as.tail llallil. It
hUo ii.ves il a il.nk ami lieainnnl ,-.,.r. mnl will prevent It
l.-'ia t'liiii.e; -in v. I r aa its exiiiine
ral.iy ti.lapt, .1 i'.ii Ihe hair ,-i eh.l.lieii i l lae Uaide
nm It is s-.l,l a, t-n tr- l.,,tl, ri lor li", cents per lioHle, ami
it. vcnriitnt, ,1 Hie l-sl hinr pi epaiiii inn In lis,-, it w ill not
s al Ihe hal. eap. oi Hie tin, st la!. no. See I hal llie menu,
line..! I! Vl V rn.. ., eael, L,iHen fir.
eassinn llaiia is e, inline with, nil lite i,ft.alnrc ol lialtvvny
Jl. .-o.
A..KNT It I!. .Ma.-s.-r. Siiul.iir;
Ann. I". 1-s' -cc-J.aly
v. r. rjSDDRicirs
..A ft-; pai;ti:k op siitiiAi-K)
Vui' .llaiiiil.tcf tii-y am! I'ltlat
Mil 1-4',
So 7S Sorth Fourth Strict,
A PKW lHlilllS A H , V K CIIIMtltV, WtsT til DK,
Cous'autlii oa hand ad for s.ilc, ,it return. I
jams, and of '.' cio,- quatitij i'c f,j.
lid'iiio artn i'i-Sj pi; :
C-ii-ll. Palnnel. .I,i,,ai.i"s- an.l (hi .
1. tnu .1 i(vni ; li - ! in .1 ll:,, n. .... V ainisti
I U..I Spoil il ..- I'rio-le. ,1 . Am
l olell (.'linteis' ami ins. er-' Ma'tn.,
1 -til Vaniis ie
; Inovvn. W'lali
li'. II '.is.- lie I
s i I'I I I V IN
I., A My 1'HI-
r: . in-r -" Vi
im w ii rii s. is, t'uv. iv
PAIiH) pliK IMMDiUA'I'l. I SIT; At
1.1,,.-Ill-, I III
k Ja;...i I
e ami W
:.-s ;
:.! .-, i , i
l--.iii.-y its ; Piei
loins, tli v an. I in T
uml n I., il ;
yier'i 1 1,-.. 1 1- hi U.
Wnlinit Ink.
.Inn. -J I. KM
5I. AXK.S" of every lies, ri;.tiou can be had l.y
iii lying at the .nine ol the Anierican.
!'KK M'HI'i'K llKAMJV Full IMiF.KEu"
- Vl.Mi, just receivcil and for sale bv
11. li. MAs-fClv'.
Sept. 2r. IsiO.