SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SIIAM0K1N JOURNAL. P otix IJ . You'll Triumph at lash tlY CHARLES BERTRAND. Are you li lover, and wishful to gain Tho huatt of the fair One who cau causes you train t Attack the fort bravely, not Righlii:gly sue, Press your suit boldly, not timidly woo ; Hoar no refusals, let frownt hurry past J Increase your endeavors you'll triumph at last. Or nro you strivinp, nt midnipht alone, To make all the treasures of learning your , , own ? Or, led on by ocicncp, with labor and care, .The wonderful secrets of nature lay barel Though obstacles i ise o'er a prospect o vast, Be not discouraged you'll triumph al lust. Or are yon toiling a fortune to pain, Though former trials proved fuiilo and vain? Remember the spider your efforts renew; He earnest and hopeful in all that you do. Though often baffled, 1)0 never downcast ; llave faiih in the future you'll triumph at last. jpr are you anxious to crush some preat wrong Upheld by the wealthy, the high, and the . . Fpnp All hatred and envy, all slander endure Your progress, though slow, is certain and sure ; With self-reliance, all fear away cast 'Gainst all opposition you'll triumph at last. Whatever the object you seek to obtain, Use only fair means your wishes to pain ; He candid and open, be brave and sincere With resolution you'vo nothing to fear. 1ft storm, or in sunshine, to one object cling . fast Your watchword "Excelsior," y6u'll triumph at last. SWscrUaucoits matter. The just man will flourish, Iu spite of fenvy. Why does a horse never starve in har ness ? Because ho has always a lit in his mouth. The idea of a poor Irishman is a beautiful one "inere is a silver lining to every cloud." Never give a boy a shilling to hold your shadow, while you cii.nb a tree and look into the middle of next week it is money thrown away. An exchange says it docs not wish to in sinuate that the milkman stops ton near the river, but it does look suspicious when his son is found fishing for minnows in the milk pans. A colored man named Ransom, living in Spencer, Mass , on Saturday, after severely beating his wife, dragped her into the yard and stabbed her to the heart. Ho has made iiis escape. Wesley says: When 1 was young, I was fure of every thing ; in a few years, having been mistaken a thousand times, 1 was not half so sure of most things as 1 was before i nt present, I am hardly sure of any thing but vhat God has revealed to man. "How can you pe so rude as to gape be fore a lady'" said Susan to Whizz. "Mad ism," yawned he, but at the same time bowing, ."1 wouldn't for the world have gaped before the lady, if 1 had suspected she wanted to gape first. The wifo of Ebon G. Baitholemcw, of Ilailem, Winnebago count)', III , was killed by lightning, while asleep in bed with her husband und child. Mr, Bartliolemew re ceived a slight shock. The child was se vercly burnt. To Keep Preserves. Apply the white of an egg, with a suitable brush, to a single thickness of white tissue paper, with whicl. cover mo jars, ovcr-iapping mo edges an inch or two. No tying is required. The whole will become, when dry, as tight us a drum. At Mammouih 111., a new style for gen tlemen's dress has made its appearance. It is a sack coat reaching to the hips, wilh pants closely fitting the body and limbs, and fastened at tho knee, after tho manner of tho old style, with long stockings to match Tassals are attached to each knee, and coin' plelo the suit. We suppose this to bo a set-ofl" to tho change in tho ladies' cos' tume. Woman. Judge Lewis says : God bless tho sex ! Ever formost in the work of chari ty always ministering to the sick linger ing longest at tho crops speeding earliest to tho sepulchre '. They never erred but once and if that error had been committed at a later period of the world, after 4,000 years of bright and lovely deeds, the Accusing Spirit had carried the ull'oiieo to Heaven's Chancery in vain !" Let Her Be One of the Detroit mer cantile gentlemen, who was westward a short time since, went to tho clerk of one of the Ontario boats to be shown to his state room. Tho clerk handed tho applicant a key, at the samo time pointing to a door at some little distance. Our friend went in the direction indicated, but opened the door next to his own, w here he discovered a lady passenger making her toilette, who, upon the stranger's appearance, uttered a loud scream ; "go away ! go away !" screamed the lady. "Letter B !" screamed the clerk. "1 ntn not touching hei at all," sreamed the indignant merchant. An Anecdote ok John Adams. When John Adams wag a young man, he was invi ted to dine wilh the Court aud Bar at the house of Judge Paine, an eminent Loyalist, ut Worcetter. When the wine was circula ted round tho table, Judge Paine gave as a toast, '-The King." Soma of the Whigs were about to refuse to diink it. But Mr. Adams whispered to them to comply, say ing, "We shall have an opportunity to re turn the compliment." At length, when John Adams was desired to give a toast, he gave "I'ie Devil." As the host was about to resent the supposed indignity, his wife calmed him, and turned the laugh upon Mr. Adams by immediately tayiug, "My dear, as the gentleman has seeu fit to drink to our ft iend, let us by no means refuse, in our tutu, ta drii.k Ij lis." A CALL TO ilOUSEKEEPEKS At tho Cnblm t Ware I'.oom of SEB'N I J OUP T & CO. Market Sauare. Also nl the corner of Fntnn street If the Railroad fcUNUUKY, I'A. Thankful for the pntroiirtjrc of his friend and customer during the 17 year he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from tho public a con- . : . r . . . r . . . . tt... iiiiunuru oi mcir iavors. Durum tins pcrtoa hns endeavored to keep up with the improvement of the day, and has accordingly extended hi bui licB in every branch and variety. The public are thcrcforo invited to the attention of the present stock of CAMNiyr waiie and ciiaius, M ANUFACTl'R EH BY SEBASTIAN HOUFT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment tliey now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Large spring beat Hocking Chairs, Dressing Ptureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, ahd a variety of other new style ttnd Ii s Ii i o n a h I c V a r n i 1 1 1 r c. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangement for the purpose, they are now prepared lor I ndcrtaking in all its branches, in nil vicinity or at any convt mcnt distance. Ye mauls and mistresses, ami Inulimirls tot, Here's furniture of every style and hue, From side boards down to kitchen tables, From rocking chnirs to rocking cradles fllionlil yon not have the ready Iohx to pay, We'll wait awhile fur a brighter belter tiny, Or tnke potatoes, oats, com, wheat and rye ; Dnrk, hoop pules, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or nny thing but yokes and threshing flails, from pies and turkirs down to tittle quails. Come on then friends, come one and nil, Keep trade a moving, so "gKs on the lmll.H C Orders from a distnnce promptly attendtd to and work ot nil kinds delivered Willi dispatch Mmuury, March U, 1 850 tl T. S. BOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgrove, Pa. Clocks, Watclivs ntul Jewelry, llEl'AIREl) in the best manner and warranted -"to perform well. All Work intrusted to his care w ill be strictly attended to'. Sclin'grov'c, Nov. SO. lSiO. if. Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. riHE Subscriber who reside in Philadelphia JL offers for sale the fellowicr? m-oncrlv in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz: The large frS BBICK BUILDING c in tinner Miilon. foi-inerlv occindcd Tiv Messrs Patterson as n Carriage Makers IShop. The build intr is (JO feet flout on miner Market street, iin.l 10 feet on Front street, nud is two Btones high. Also n, two storv imiCK 15LACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 23 feet, on the same premises. The lot ii on the corner of upper Market and Front streets ami is lib lccl trout, anil Kill l.-ot ilocn. The premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other manufdf luring purposes, and will lie sold on reasonable and accommodating terms by uj plying cither to JACOB CARRIGAN, Philadelphia. J. F. YOLFINGER, Esq.. Milton or H. Ii. MASSER, Esq., Sunbury. -Plglailclphia, Jan. 25, lSol tf. Journal ol" (lie FRANKLIN IN STITUTE, OF THE STATE Of PENNSYLVANIA COB THE TaoMOTIOX OF TIIK .IlKMIlMfJ ARTS. THE oldest Mechanical Periodical extant in America, is published on the lirst of each month in the (.'ity of Philadelphia. It has been regularly issue J lor upwards ol twenty-live vears, and is carefully edited by a committee of scientific Kcntlemcii appointed for the purpose, by the r raukhn Institute. 1 be deservedly hirn reputation, both at home and ubroad, which this Journal has acquired and lustnined, has Riven it a circulation and exchange ist of the best character, w hich enables the Com. mittcc on Publications to make the best selections from Foreign Journals, aud to pave circulation to original communications on mechanical and sci entilic subject, and notices of new inventions; notices of all the Patents issued at the Patent Of fice, Washington City, arc published iu the Jour nal, together with a large umuunt of information on Mechanics, Chemistry, and Civil Engineering, derived from the latest and best authorities. This Journal is published on the first of each month, each number containing at least seventy two pages, and forms two volumes annually of about 43J pages each, illustrated with engravings on copper and on wood of Ihoso subjects which require them. The subscription prieo is Five Dollars per an num, payable on the completion of the sixth num ber; and it will bo forwarded free of postage when five dollars are remitted to the Actuary lion. Communications and letters on business must be directed to "the Actuary of the Franklin Insti tute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," the postage paid. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actuary, F. 1. April 12, 1P51 fimo. avm7mturty, B OOKSHLLKR, J! roadway, SUNBURY, PA. I FAS recently received, among other articles, a great variety of Sew, Cheap and Entertain ing publications such as Coopers novels, complete or separate. Her Una Do Koilucll. Dtitnas Sue Iii'jnduls C'ocktun MuhlwcU Jeno'd do do do do do do Trollope, llulliliiirlon, Marry utl, (iny, Maroli, .Viimworth, MorriK do At the low price nl'lrnin to 50 ctii jht volume. ISuubury, N jt. 28, 1.'0 It. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, ji stick or TIIU l'Ktti:, Suubnry, Pa. Ollicc in Drcr Stroct, immediately o'j)Osile the Pulilic School llou'c. r? .Monies rolleclej and uil busineu piuinptl)' and care fulle nttenilM to. April "JO, 1H.00 NOTICE A S the suliseriher inteniU making new arrange inentrt in hin I'lisinesn on the lirst of Janua ry 18ol, all iicrsonH knowinif lliomselvea indelited to hini, are requeste,! to mil and mukc veltleiuent up to tliut tune, liy payment or i;n my their miles lor the amount due JOHN W. FRIMNG. Knnlury, Pec. S3, 1S.M1 tf. TEE IIU.1,8. Juslices anJ Constahlei Fee ' it;n i i i.. - . 0 ll Id tmndtuuni'lv lirilltA on 4 . 1 4 rinimr f. vv " -J - ..... v.. .waH , j BUI ale at tilth ollice. IILA.K NOTES, waiving the exemption 9 law of :il)0,tf,.r tale hy April UC, 1831. ji. ij. MASSER. ATUUf 1NU UOTTI.EiS UreuM. pump, and nipple tuhea- A auiply of Uicse useful rti. clei juat received and for sale hy JOHN W FRIMNG Suiltury, Jan 19, 1S51 t .VrJ?t SCW.WIFIC WO.VOKU. PEPSIN! TIIEIIttH DIGESTIVE FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE ! a out! a DVSPErsiA cunEir, prepared from rt KN x I ".T, or tlm fourth Ptonmeh of tha Ox, aftor directions of BARON I.lKHIfl, tho great Physiological Chemist, tiy J. P. HOUGHTON, M. D., No. 11, North F.iihth Prcet, Pliiladeh.hin, Pn. This is n traly wonderful remedy fur lNDIGKSTIOM, DYSPEPSIA. J.VUNDICK, 1.1VKR COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION and DF.lill.ITY, Curing nfler Nn lure's own method, by Nature's ow n agent, the Gastric J niee If Half a teaspoonfnl of (hit Fluid, infused la wnter wilt digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of Hoast Deef in bout two hours, ont of the Moronch. WttKSTlON. Tl"rPTIO i rhit llv iHTlnrtiml in the rtomrwh l'Ve 1 nid of n fluid which Irurlv exii'Va from the inner ctmt of thnt ortxnn, wli-rt n ftJlt-'of ImmIiIi, culled the Gnstrir J wire. Tina fluid i tho On:it Sil-ont of 4he I'.M'd. the urifvititr. VrcfcrviniT. mid Stiiimlritmff Atrrnt of llirsto- .".v.. ui hi luieminrs. t HllillL 11 lucre Will l0 no iii'-i'- lin, n r m'rfi"n of f h m! into lr.n, and no nutrition of the hodv ; Imt r.-ithcr 11 ft ml. tttrpid, i:iitil'ul, niuldcelni':- nve c.tmiiii 'n oi me whine tncjiive iipriiniiuii, a wciik, Imlf dend, it tnjnrnd Ftomnrli r.Hhic.;s no ff'd liiiKtric Jwioe, and lionccthe disease, ilitirera and iMality which ensue. PKPSIX AND KF.NNKT. rnrS! is the chief clement, or crent Liii'i-stinir Prinri pie of the G;inh ie .Iiiiee, it in lomnl in irre-Tit ul'iimliuirc in the b -lid tiirtii ot the hiitiian Btini:ieh after deulh. and 'ine times ft i ii -in (he Motuaeh t- (lient itflf. or cut itpetf ii. It i awt foitiul in the m itnt.cli of nnmiii!n, ns the ox, cnlf, e. It is the mutctinl un tl ly f:mueri in inakiuir eheren, c-illed Kciim-t, the elTct t n( which Iiiir l.-nff hetu the nprial wonder f t hf.hiiry. The ( nnlling f milk i the firnt pn pews of dii;esti.ii. Iteniiet nuPfsrsnes atiniiliitiff power. The stonmeh of a rn!f will rnnlle nenrlyoite thnnNtnd limps its own weitrht of milk. U:ir"ii I.iehig slates thai, "One part of IVpsin Ointoivftl in pixty lh"nniHl pnrts of wnti-i, will digest nient and other f h l.T llisrnsed stomachs pro dureii'ixril (Jns'.ite Juiee. Iti-miet or IVpsin, To hv that this want may he perfeelly nppliwl, wu quote the (vU lowing SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! UATCO MKHin. in his enlel.rated work nu I'la'mixtiy, says: "Aa Artiheial Ditrestive Fluid miiilniroii3 lo the (last rip Juiee, may Ur retidilv prepared frtn the nni eous ineitiWrane of the sioinin h of liierrdf, in which various articles of food, as meat an. I e-jifn, will he Fifteuel. ehang el, atepdigexted. ju:t in the fwune manner us they would le In 'he human Mt'iuiii'lt." Ir. s'I'UHIK V. in his fa m mis treitise nn "Fmi1 and piet," piil.linhrd h rovler. Wells. New York. pnn .15. states the ftimir irrejit f:(ct. ami descrihes the nieih.wt of nreparation. Theieaie few higher autlionius thmi Ut . Pereira. t. CdMHK, in his vain iMc writinpfoii the 'Thysiol -py of l)iires:i"n.;) oltserved that diuiiuntiniiof tin-due qtmi tity of the Ii islrie Juiee is a prounueni and nll-prevailinff cause of Iyspepsin and he stales that. ' dis'inuniFhed pr"fc.sRir oi niedienic in lVndoi., who was severely nllliet til with this coiinihitif. finilin;' every ihinu else to fail, had reeourse to the Gastrie Juice, ohtained from the stop km ii of liva'np aniiitsiN, which proved completely sneressiid.' Dr. (illAIIAM. nulhorof the fain mti works on ''Vrpe tahle Diet.' snvB : it is a reinarkahle fact in physiol uy, that the st'Minehv of animals macerated in water, impart to the Ihiid the ptoperlv of ih tlviiifr varion articles of food, and of etlectimr a kinl of artili'-ial diiroHri m of them In n wise different from the natural dMr stive propei;" Dr. WMnN'S rn-it w rk, t!ic "rhetuistrv of Man.M (l.ea A: Ul tner.-.T.i. l'iiila. Mi, riyi: "The dis royerv of ri'PI N forms a new t ra in the chemical history of li?estori, I' rot 1 1 refnt expei iir,ut we kn 'W i it fund is diFvoiycd as nipi.l.v in an nttilieiul dijetive fluid, prepare d from IVpsin. ns it is in the natural Oastric Juice IIS.-HV I'l-UeFsor nrfJI.!Sf) of theJefTcTS ai To'li ffc. Plnln delplita. in his cent work op Hajtian IMiysioloify, dei N8 niori! 1 !nti fni y pares to an of t)is mliir-et His expcriiaenls v. ith Dr. Itetium 'Pi. on the fmstric Juifp, obtained from the li iii- lium iii Ft anaeli and from nniimls nre well known. Hu all case",'1 l.e says, iliv.esti n oeenr red as perfectly hi lite ariifi-i:il .-in in t he natural digt-mions. AS A DYSPEPSIA CTKKK, Pr. HOftifl S prcparaliou of PKPSIV has pmdn- eed tin ni ui iiiatvell uis rtVt-els, enrini? c;ises of Iviiilit v,, Nervous Decline, am"; Dyspeptic t.'onsani Mion, snpp'-se.l to he mi, (lie very vertie ot" the t::ave. It M im possiliV to pve the rl tai;Vof crises in the limits of ttr.s ad Vertisianeiit hut ailOieiiheaO-I pert ill Rites IciVeheen given of more than 'i V 1 1 I'M Dl( l.D It I'.M AUKA HI. hi rritl'.S. iu l'lriladHjdin. New York, nnd llnst-m l ne. These weic nearly till d pi ratc cases, and liie cured were pot ontv rapid mid wonderful, hut nenuuicnt. It is a great NKUVOl S A NTI 1 ( TK, m.d partipulirly useful f,,f !ni!,-aey t 1 . 1 1 us di- irder, I.iver Coin;''ai..t, IVvcr nnd Acne, t'r h,y tr.viicd I'cver ami Avne, und the evil cflvets of ( iuiuiae. .Mercury, nnd other drugs upon the Digestive organs, m'tei a loig sickness. Also, for excess in eating, nnd the too free use !" nidem spnila. It aliuont reeoticth s Health villi lulrnmermier. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. Tlicrr is ,.. i firm of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS which it Iocr irt S'".'ni to inu h ami rrmnvf nl nnfw Ni r U -w Imil Ihcy m;iy li itCIVI'.S INS'l'A.NT l!l l.tlil-'! A H'lil i fr ri'tu-'V. s till tilt.' tlilih:iK:illt fyttlt-l-illt.". null it fill.- wrnln lie ri'ii':ilf(l. fill II sll'Tt time. M nnl;i- II" si' if HMli-nv-ws (..riiiiiirni. IT 111 TV OT III. (KM) mid Vi. (HI Ol' IK , l II .v ui one.;. It i nirtitiibrly t'ti'cll'tlt in r:i!-vn it" :i'is":l, A'HiiitiniT. Cniinis. S'lfili'SS I'fthrpt! ol" thr Slonnrh iliMri ps tlM'T ,11(111'.'. low, colli,' ol l!i' Il-':iviin'!-e. I.oviics8 nl Sj'tril. limp on-(,;-:ii'y, Mtr.ilci.iti 11, 'c;ikin., liuiitlli-y t luruiliiy, Sili ci!''. A .v l'ri.-i'. (ii: l)OI.I..n p. r lioitii'. One 1 f.,. vill often circct II l.n?!lii'j u:v. I'KrsiX IX l'OWDKUS. IT S1-.TIJV MAIL, iti:i: oi posTA'ii:. F '1 e inveaien f Kemlieu to nil pa'ts of (tie eoniitiy. a- i)iiiirivi:.MATi i;i( ok Tin-; I'fpsix ispnuip III in lliu lorm ot rowilcrs, with tlirn'tions t'i he ilisp ilviM ii wntcr or syrup, hy llm pilirnt. Tin-si''rs c 'iit.iin jii.t liic Kiimi- in iticr n tho h' hi kv, ,nt twice the ii:in( ( v lor the Millie puce, nnd will he F. iit liy In ill. I'llDi: OI VOSTAlil-I. I 't ol; 1)1 1. I, AH nent ..,ii,i) o Dr. J. S. IIULOIITO.S, .Nu. II joith l.ijijilisifcul, l'lul;i.lel.bia. Six piiekaires i t fnc il.'M.m. V.yrr paek'nre null l .ttle heaiK llie wutleu hinuaturc of J. S. Uul.1,11 TON, M. D , Bole l'r.i rii ! ir. S 'IJ l. iiLiit in eccrv I yn in !i? Inited States, anil I.J leapec:al':e le:.krsiii .Muiliriues generally. FOKSVI.i: liY John W. KriiLig, mul (ieorge lli,eht Snnl-iirv, I'a. .Mary A M. l' y J .liii'll. liawi ' Hayes .V .MeC .r.niek, H. J. IT. .1 ''"I (i. Hi Mil. Viiluiil 1 l-pat. Siiiiluiry, S.-iit. I!l!i, 1'jM. N 'rtliiiuilM-ralnJ. Mill, ,ii, M.-I-Aveiifcyille, Se!ui?-'rove, I pper Maliautaugo Malionoy. PIIILA. ATID REABIi:0 RAILROAD. 6tHMI.ll AltltAM.;Ml N I' 1 Hon nilLAlll-l.l'lll.V AM) I'O I'TSVILl.K. Fares Rcdurctl. Office of the l'ltita. Kia.tin? Uailrnnd Co, Philadelphia, March 2(i, 18.) 1. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (cxeejit Sunday.') N and nfler April Ut, 1k51 two trains will he run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville Leaves Philadelphia at ?J A.M., daily except Sundays, Leaves Pottsville at 7 A. M. daily except Sun davs. AFTi:nxnox 7..Y;. Leaves Philadelphia at Ii o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville ut 3) o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FARES, Hetweeu Philadelphia and Pottsville, !-;2.75 1st class cars and S J.VI'j 2,1 class cars. Hetweeu Philadelphia and Rending, $1.75 1st class cars and !s1.4S 'd class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of JJroad and Vine Streets. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. .MITUT.- Fifty pounds of hasrjagc will heal lowed to each passenger iu these lines; and pas sengers me expressly prohibited from taking any 1 1 1 i i i' ha?.i:;e hut their wealing apparel, which will be at the risk of i'. owner. Dy order of the Hoard of Managers. S. UKADFORl), April 10, Secretary. i it::: iitkj iitj:: XOUEAU'S Indestructible aud Iudellillo WRITING INK FACTORY. A'o. t Sjulh Third street. I L'lit.'Jl AN'J'S nnd the Willing community '-- are rcipielid lo call and cnumine this l.K, which is varnmleil not la eonadt Metallic i'nu, lor change its Color. WlioU'Kulo and Itetall, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A discount made to .Merchants and the Trade For sale hy II. B. Masser, agent for Sunbury November!), 1850. ly. Valuable Ilooksj. r ife or Ciihist, handsomely hound, D'Au- UlUNt's UlSTOBT Ut THE If f HI It M 4TI O X, DLinic Dai-books mo Leuokus, full bounded. For sale at the publisher prices by H. t. MASSER. SuntaTy, July U, 1819, SH0URDS & CO'S LABOR AND FUEL SAVING V".5 2I1TG- T.OAP. Mnniifnrlnrril ly Mionnls & Co. 643 Chestnut St., Vhila. VOn BY ALt, GROCERS WARRANTED to vash elean in linnl, Boft, or unit wnter, cold or liot, in one third the time of any other Snap over manufactured j thus dispensing with bnilin", Mcnchttiir, &c. FLANNEI.8, CLOTHES, &c. washed with this Ponp will never shrink or hnve any harsh or gummy feel, hut leave them in their oriirinnl nod and pliant state : vhieh is in itself a Buflieient recommendation to guarantee its use il) all families. THE FINEST FABRIC'S may he washed thomnshly wilh it, without the least injury; Riving thein a lustre equal to newly imported ponds. PAINT, GREASE & DIRT of any (T.rriptimi, ean 1-e readily removed hy the use of it, without injury to the article, whether it he the finest dress or ordinary carpet. In the use of rOiniirds rt C'o'a Soap, the most telienle need not fair, as it will not injure or chap the hands, hut on the contrary act as an emolli ent, ntul i( not only the vkht iikst wasiiiio so p ever offered to the ptthlic, hut as a TOILET SOAP cannot he excelled. AVhcrevcr it has heen used it has given perfect satisfaction, nnd is warranted so to do, in all ca ses where a fair trial will he Riven it. KlIOLIiDS & CO., Manufacturers, No. MM Ol fcitiut St., Philadelphia. For Sale hv Grocers generally, November 1(5, 18."itl. WM. 51. Rfll'KEFELlER, Attorney at law. Mlnn-M Itlc. ScliuylKill Vo Vn. Ol'SlNI'SS will he liromptly attended lo in the connlies of Schuylkill, Norlhumhorland, Union, (,'uluinhia and Montour- Eefer to : A. Jordan. II-Hellas, iV II- H- Masser, Esq Sunhurv Win- Ue llaxcn. Edward lluuhes, iV. Solomon Shindel, Minersville C. M. Hall, M. Mortimer, Pottsville. Oct. 5, 1850 lv. CHARLES w ATTCr.lTET H EG INS, rotlNvlilc, k';i. Will promptlv attend lo collections and all lusi Hess entrusted to his care. June lfi, 1 s 1 9, LIQUORS, WINES, &C. rj"IIE sitliscri'ier has jnt received a new supply - of fie hest liquors thill ever came to unhury, consisting in part of Superior old pale Hrindr. Fine Cotiniae Hiamlv. Superior Old Jauiaiea Spirit. New Em-hind Until. Fine Holland Gin. Superior OKI Whiskey Gomtn.m do. Superior Maderia Win-". J.ishon do. do. .Superior Pint Wine. liurpuiidy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in !io!i!c! Chaiiipa-rtic do. do. HENRY MASSER. Sunhurv, May iiG I S HI. Ill AL VDCI.I'III A WI.M: & I.IUI Oil "sTOBL HITTING & WATKIJMAX, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, A'o. 220 Market street, PhiUuklpha, fXTVFAt for sale, the cheapest and hest assort J merit of l.i.piors in Philadelphia, secli as Chnmpairnc. Sherries, l'ort, Sleek, ('laret, IJur gitndief, Sauturii, liarsic, Maderia, Lisbon, 'J'enerill'e nnd Sicily 'ines. I randies of (he choicest hrand, viz ': MaIioa. Olard, Point, Ilcnnesy, &e, A'C Fine Holland iin, M ononaheia, Scotch and Irish V. htskey. ite., Ac. Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on the most libera! terms. July 1:1, lSoO Bounty Innd and Pension Agency, WASHING TON. D. C rpilt: 'r-i;.--ae.l A'.torney anil (i neral Artuut lit the X ( itroi'iiritii. ii niniy i.iii,ih ami ri iiM..,is l a I'l w entitled. leinK per lll lneully- loealnl at tin- -u ,.f ( ; .yerumi llt, with 11 Ihor ouull und I'aun.lar acjuainl :u, r wilh the lleceMMry lorms. nuil lou;iiie ol busiueis, iul liavlni a, ceR (o lt,'t:iters and Hulls bled iu llie i:. S. war i, dice, be M-as f taeitilirs loi llie speedy ami salust.iet ay iidiuluiellt of (jovoriiiut-nt claims ol i liv n lal TV klll'1 Act ! CViisrts. HiMinlv -mil is crantwl to the i iViceiH and s-iI.Iicih riiilis liidian wars, Fin, I Kit v ir u' it ml n the van- I !'(!. T- lIllrKC Vvtlll BtTl-Cii unit nitiiina hhi nfitu; ii in. .n- wiiii ttt rvftl tmir iiftnilia o acr.-s; mitl t . id -HL- wd s' lvtii t in; moiilh -Ul nrrvu. Ariaiiu't iiifii:!t linvf I'i't ii mil-!,, wilh l" nil tu. ii nf thn Iji'al pr .irnM in iiuliiliTfiit fi'ciioini i r llie Counrry, fur Hit I xviii n t-r wiirnuitfl. atui tli.- Kile of" the patent, when isjmrd, on tin- iii-.Ki ittivuni;!- ik ii-riim; l r the piviiicm ol' t.ixt'f. rfilt'in,)iiiu oi' I.ui.Ik, s-ild fur tuxen; r lti-eii., oj ilehtf ; und Mr the Iniiirvicti-m of general 1iiw lniMnef. iu llie ihllerrni r'nps mid 'i'.'ri'iiorit . lie temlets lus f.. rvii-rs t t nir ml i.ts of the pr-.f.-Mmn nt n illHUiwe, timt wlien ri'inuM iv' t iitNt the (i tvt riimt nt. i.r nr... I jwiretl .y :i I imI AjfiH. will nkiie one In ukiuI fee. j l'h' H'-efKs;try I'.'tiiis iui't iii.-iiurMi.ntK, nnd iiifoniFiti'iti on nil mtj-fis iiiiii'li(iiiiiLr t- a m-vsfiil fiuviitii of thin ( ImiiticHA. will I turu.inii-.l u re-uhir drr. s -inUim witii l'ns- nn; inf i;iriti n of fii-n.!n in the army or liuvv. wil loi wnnll-t him .'ill llie nrtietil.ira k n wn of their ftfiviee. loL'.-liti'i wilh a fee -H one (Mlir, ui.-l thvtr eitqui tub will Ik- rrplu.l i i hy rrtuni n mul. .ll c 'imuuuie.i ti iin It he (ri.HiMU,) ami :i! In-Hst it t , rilMUJIS a. TIVKKR, (IV x 107, 1'. U.) WathiuiHoiu I). C., 100. AM) BOOT-TREE MAKER, A'o. 15 llace Street. Sfcond door below Third, riHLADKLPIIIA. "7Ili:iiK all kinds of lasls, &c, of the latest stlc and Ix'st inateiial, are mauufaclured on reasonable terms. All orilrs promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov." '., 1S30 ly. 1 1 IIHWN'S FssI'.NCF, OF JAMAICA tilN--- liKlf, nu excellent article. Rahwv's Medicated Soap for sun burns, tan, teller, Ac. Rudway's Circassian llnlm, for the hair dand rull' Sre. Radwav's Ready Relief for Cramps, Cholie, Cholera Morbus, Ac. For sale by 11. li. MASSER. Suiiliury, vim;. 3, lM.'ill. CtTO.M; Ware, Karthcn Ware, Ruioius, Al inotuU, 1 lines uud Cream uts. Planes of all kinds. Sail uud Plustci-. Jut received and for sale i-y jdiin w. FuiLiNU. f-uiiburv, Dec. S'J, 1 s 1 ij. I Hit ik.-s ami I10I1I reus. Id Pens, tin hand severul con 1 ie. 's of the hie of Christ, and ulso a number of (rold pens which we will sell ut the 1'hiludclphiu prices. For sale ut tliis oilier. 7-ENNEDY 'N PATENT SASH FAS 'I'E.M.Mis A cheap and excellent urli cle lur lasU'iiinsush for sale by J'. W . FRILINO 'ui.hury, July 7, IS 19. RO.SE tllNTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article for Teller, iVc, just received and lor sale by HENRY MASSER. Kuiibury, July 28, 1819. WILEY'S COVG1I Cw4NDT. An excel lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For sale at this ollice r 1MSSUE PAPER Yellow" TissuTpaperlor 9. covering glasses, Ac., for sale at tlie ulliec ot the Atneiictui. II A 1VTJ -vrvru 'V a it J'lUV I'WJXJU conni:cTi:i) weekly. PEX.8YI,VAN0. MASSACAI'PF.TT?. All solvent l anl.s 3 (lis idiom: IM.AXD. All s .Ivcnt Lui'iS di CONMICTICUT. All solvent hanks ll' xi.'W VOIIK. riTT r 11111.Atm1.r11u. V. f. Hank n its la ili All solvent hanks p,n niriTn, Pnnti nf ('lininlierithurfr 1 (li. Hank of Chester C' Ilnnk nf 11,1. Co. Chester purl riTV. Ililllkol'lieriiiilllliiwil parl.MI s olyrnl liaiiVs I ' llaiiK of Uettyslmrir 1 ills IT Hk notes muter S3 J li par. nuns oi i-wiri'wa coirNTlir. Hank orMiililleTnwn I ili- AII Solvents banks 1 dis nioinioniorv i n HmiK nar MIW J HUSKY Hank nf Northninlierriifl. tmi llelvnterc it-mk ? dis llelvnterc Hank tlnnknf I'ilishtirp; 1 du'coinmereial Hunk I i'1" Hunk of Danville par! Far. Hank Mont lloltv pur Carlisle Hank 1 (lisle'. A- M., Miihlletown'lH. par Columbia H'k A Ifgc Co tmriMwIiaiiies' Ilk. Newark ir Poyelstown Hank ir Meeh. Hk of lliirlinuloii par I'.nMon Hfink - parl.Meeh. A Man. Ilk Trent r V.rit. Ililnlr O .1..' (I....1. f., Iln..t. 1 a.a Kxehanse H'kriMslnirg I ilisj Newark Mk"p A Ins. Co dis Kxclmue H'k, Hraueli I ilii'Oranee Hank ills Fanners' ll'k, llncksCo par'l'eople's Ilk l,attijrill j itis Fnniit-rs' Ilk, Ijincntter itar'Frineeton Hunk par par lrtlHrs, 111., I!eailinr parlSalem Hankillll Co, Fnrm. Ilk Schuylkill Co pnrlSeinerret Co Ilnnk F D. Ilk Vii'vin-rli-(r 1 lilis'Slntc Hank nl Cainilen Franklin I'.k. Wash'u li.lis Stale Ilk J ilis par dis llarrishurtr Hank 1 ilistnte Hank Newark J ilu Ilonesilale Hank 1 ili. State lik. . Hiiniswick par Irfincasler Hank par.Sussex Hank, evtoii j ilis I.elHinon Katik p-ir rreulon imiiMinr (a aieren. e. .nun. ii-ick I in Miners1 H'k, Pottsville p- I niou liank. Iiover ; ilis Vur,llevy'lc,M),:i)rCol.vli Monoitffahela H-nilc 1 ilis Taylorsy'c llelll'irCo IS dif ' t'tf'Hk notes iiuiler .1 J ,lis DI .I.A V AUIi. est llraneh Ilnnk Wvomiinr Ilk, 'ilkesl York Hank. 19'Helief notes MAINF. par Hunk nl liel nvare par i'e p-irj 1 (! 1 ills Hank of Smyrna par IMnwnre t itv IPniK par Ilk YViliui-'n "i llmnilvw. pal Farmers" Hk St ln-laware par Hank of Wlielloek flili: Mercnntlle Ilk. Hanc-ir llliti I'n i .11 Hank. AViluiinplon par L'luler ' J lbs All s -leeul hanks ? ill,, OHIO M'.W II AMI'SIHIli:. V s ilyent k-uiks 8 All solvent y,ul j iliit!; Hk n.'l-s me'er R'r 1 (lis VI'.IIMONT. NOICI'll CAKOI.IN'A. Flank nf St Aliians 9 ilis All s ilvent hanks S (lis All solvent Isinks J (lit ff l uilero's, SJ ills SSKITZi U CO.. IMPOItTK US (IF FOHF.ioN Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary fsllt I'nniKH ml iViiiNital Iiixtni- lllClllM. No. 78 North 2nd St., between Arch (fc Race, Piiii.tiu.l.riii.i. TM PORT to order and have eonsl.iiitlv on hand 1 a very larcc nsortment of poods in the above named lines nt wholesale and retail. Principally : ZS2 CO CO LXTi In German, Latin, Creek, Hebrew, French. Italian Spanish and oilier lantrimirrs ; Classics, Diction aries, (irammcrs, 'oea!nil.iries, School, Juvenile, Picture, Drawintritiiil Model Rooks lor Architects Cabinet. Carriaire and oilier manufacturers. MAPS, (iLOIiK.s nnd Ulunk Hooks of every descriplion. Splendid Lithographic and other Prints. isTiirMi:M's. Aeenrdeous, Hiinjos, Hows for nil string instru ments, Puiiluc and Tailpii'i-iM, Clarionets, Files. I'hilico'i Is. Flutes, ( I'uit.irs. Octavo Flutes, Patent Heads lor (iuiiarx and Vinlinr-elbu, 'J'a?iibnurines, Tuniii'j; Forks and Hamuli rs. inlins. Violin and ('nilar Pi".;s, Violineellos and Strings for all kinds of Instruments Wholesale und Retail. Accor dcons repairetl. Alsa constantly on lnnd, wholesale and retail, tl larire assortment of the very best GEnr.IATT BIIONSS3 Pi'WDER Dutch Melal, Fr.-n.-h and Florence Leaf Metal 'i'liernnmieters, ItairpeneiW.-Fabcr and other i.eailpeneils, Ked, White and lll.iek Ch:i; Cray ons. Mat ieal liistnnnenls. S,-arlii-at,)rs',-.S'prin-j; Laneels Pocket Preivriplioii and (iold Scales ami Weights Li tter, Fancy colored and jtilt Paper Play in-.; Cards and other French nnd '' Ar:ii l"s, 1 ir t!ie sale of which they are the MAN I FA CI I'lUOK-S AOFj.NTS. July G, lsjil. f fl "5 "T i. -pf ("st m i E'UIi tVKVl'.s:!! llr M i:a xs oi--i-i 1: 1'ocki.t Esi i i.irii s, or. Eei-y one bis own I'hv Hcian ! ibiiti- '.'Vi n blillibi'il ."o r n i,,,.- 1. ...... i 11 ,u- I'v'-miar uiseases 111 eve- i'lii rv "'? an ' form, and mal- ( Jjl l.inn.itioiis 1.1 tlie generative ' Fystein. I Kv ii. hum;, n. d. The time bus now arrived t.iat licrsotis suneriti'' lioul secret diseases, neeil no more In-.-onie tlie victim of (.Quackery, as by llie prescript ons contained in litis tmok any one may curt liunet, w itttout hitut rauce to business, or tin knowledge of any one, and with one tenth the usual eypemv. In addi tion In Ihe general routine of private disease, it fully explains llie cause nf manhood's early decline, with observations on tn:irria;e besides many other ilvraliL.'i'inrnts which it would not be pro per to enumerate. L''A'iy person fcudint.' Ti i.vri-nrr er.xrs enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, hv mail, or live copies will be scut for one dollar. ' Address, -Dl!. ". Vtll Mi, No. 153 ' M'KI'CE Mi eel, I'll 1 L A DE Li'll IA." J'osl-iiaid. Villi. A I " JV i can he coiiMilied on uny of the Di-.e:i-es ileseribed iu bis diU'erent publications, at his llli',,-1, !S'J SrUt'CE Mrcel. every day be tween !l and ii o'cloi !;. (Sund.iysyxcepled.) I'hi!adelihia, Nov. tl, lSoll 'ly. PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. Manufactory, No. oil CHESTNUT Si root, MEDAL, awarded hv llie FRANKLIN LN Js'l'ITUI'j; of 1'hil.idelphia iu October, A XII TIIK FIR-T PREMIUM by i!,e MARYLAND IN .sTll'U'l'E, nt Kaltimore, Nov. 1-ilSnnd ISi'J. Vliil.i, .'. t)rl!., rMCilli, 1M JK. I have used .1. W'ellar's Palent Japan Li piid and Paste Rlackitu I ir some nine months, aud mil happy to say lout it surpasses any blackinj; uiai 1 nave utfcu inese twenty tulil years. 1 linil it holds the polish and preserves tlie leather bet thr than any blacking that I have cr tried. A.Mut;:w R. C11 i tti.iis. No. I'm Chestnut Street, Will. CUE KEY, Mannf.htnrer. Successor to J. WEI. EAR, No. 50 Chestnut Mroct, aboe ."Second. November, l, l!?oU. ly. FASHIONABLK HATS. C. J. WALTON, No. 21tj Market st., belu-eea 7 Sf Slh St., (.Souih side,) PIIIIwADCwCVIIIA. rPII E Subscriber has opened a new hat store - and uH'ors lo Iraders uud others who visit tbc city, a handsome usbortnuiit if hats, caps, of eve ry variciy, inadu up of the best inateiial, uud ill the latest and best lyle, nnd on terms as reasona ble us can be had iu any establishment in Phila delphia, viz : Fine silk hats ut ',',50; (iood do do at IjilllO. Persons from Ihe country who pur chase of him, cau rely, tit nil limes, oti m'tliu;; a iruod article that w ill please ihcin, und one llu't is fully worth the money paid. - C.J.WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, lSfii). lv. STONEWARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Jin; and Pitchers, nnd other articles of stone ware jusl received andforsale by JOHN V; FRILINO. tfuubury, June 53, 1819. T IAEA'S, from the N, ew i uk Canton uud IVkin ialo I J. V. FRILING. Tea Company For Sunbury, Dee. 2, IS 1 8 BAY RUM. An excellent orticle for sale hy HENRY MASSER. ISunluiry Jan. 27Ui, 1119 tf. 1JLANK DEED'S printed on tlie best quality rf parchment pair, sold at the lowest juices at this ollice, by wholesule aud retail. IJAISINS, currants, ciiron, cheese, pepper sauce, Ac. For sale by J. . t EIL1NU Sunbury, Dec. 2, 18-18. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cuttle Medi" : ne for sale by HENRY MAisnKK 3 ,- .-v-- Sunbury, Jan. 7ih, 1S19 "fiicouraKC lour Own!" itaas &kt:nn. FASIIIONA BLK MAKR OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'THE stiliseribers respectfully call the attention -1- of the public to their larie nnd splendid assort ment of every quality nnd price of which ennnot fail to reeommend itself locvery one who will examine il. on necount of its durable workmanship nnd splendid finish, madn till cf the test rtocU to ho had in tho city. No effort ii spared in the manufacture of their ware, nnd the subscriliers ore determined to keep nn with the mony improvements which ore constantly being made. J lieir stock consists of Mahogany Pofaa, IMvmi nnd I.ouiiitesi, Uurwus.SrtrctJtilrs.SOicboarlfS, EOFJ, BREAKFAST AND I)1XIG TABLES, and also VI'NFTIAN Hl.INDS, eipial to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of everv pattern nnd price, CU PRO MIPS. WORl'C AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET T AISLES AND EXTENSION TARLES, in short, everv nrtiele in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAT IIS, ineluilni!; varieties never before to be had in Sunbury, such n MoinnivT, Itt.irK WuriT ami Crtti.i n M.iet.): flnr.ciA : ami Wimisou CHAIRS, ami v m r Pi no S ro'it.s, which nre of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall be no excuse fur persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confid-'tiee c.iti be entertained nbout the quality and finish of their ware nnd Chairs. Their articles w ill be disposed of on ns pood terms ns they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce t iken in payment for work. lf UNDERTAKING. Having provided themselves with n handsome Hiitiisi:, they are now prepared for 1 "ndertakiinr. and nlleinlina fu nerals. in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. IT? The Ware Room is in Marks Street, opposite .1. Young's store, ond nearl opposite Weaver's Tavern. DANIEL H A AS, GEOEOE RENN. Stmbury, Dee. 1 1, lK.'O. tf. WATTS' AMI riiYsicM. i.'Csi'oijvnvH. MEDICAt WCZTDSn Or THE VVMLI. posiiively cure nil ptnes of Neurab.'ia, '1 ie Dnloriiiis, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia eouviiUions ; will restore iii.iii!io.ul !o its prestine vinr, even lifter years of pio-tialiuti, and the only known aud cer tain cure for low spirits or mental debiltv. Extract from the New York Nun, Oct! 3, IS 10. Ti' crlihintr, Dr Wat-on, win 11 talkiini of llie miraculous pnwer nf '-Walts' Nervous Antidote," the question was put to him, 'AVhy such a valua ble reincilv fu-nil nervous alVections was not in- Irotbtied by the medical if it were, lle-re would 11 lai'tlltv, as all diseases 01 cully I" replied, ' l-unrer be nny u-r iinil.-d f.-niii a dis. That for a .in i.i-d s'.ite of the nerves ; the uitm s an w prill it of llie w boie system Ivei p Ibi and both the mind and body must be.' Four mince phial, doses. cuou-'Ii dinary cases, ONIl DCI.I.A l. MILD 11 V Wm.M.-CARTV, Emailway, r veilember, loil t. the in order, or all or- IJOOT, e t c i : is ft t : i. x ktest, 1 10. romr ; vf Fif.'i & Chrsmtt rts.. FhU.i. -Y0. kli'hia. otiU 11 -.),( hr, ni cnrrn-r rf 1 . . 11.. -. . . . . 1 .. . riira.uu ouc'i, .vi'ie Sari;. 1:T!7.1;.S AND kT1:.Ni:ER.s can have , xrn.ENs I U J -i s '-in lor l'orir.iiis or Miniatures, nnd . ' - - receive tiieui I eautilully ea.-ed, in morocco, fillc j v,.Vet I'.ni. ! .M, ,l;illu,t .Maehe, or oilier fancy st les, or sets Lockets, A,-., i;t a H w- minutes. Eajj'uCiTCGUpes, Pabiliiigs, Erawin0-?, fcc. Copied; tJut door Views, and .Miniatures of deceased persons, taken at short notice. For Portrait:: of Adults by our process, nnd Im proved Instruments, a rom.'y day is ijuite as fa vorable as clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 11 nnd ") is preferable. y In Drc.-d avoid white, blue or liitht pink. Ourliallery with its ISix l;Ze Medals and Works of Art. is open al all hours, and Free. Whether visitors wi.-h pi.-'uns taken or not, we shall at ail times be happy to see liiein. June 'J'.', I't0. I KCSI3 0!NTIIENT, Toil TIiXTwt.Il 1)1 I 1 w ) i:.H tin- IMI ,waii eritif,. ' It 'lll C;i;ir. Ilrvoe .11 1 1, -at l.'.ipliiiu (o wu innt p ipn'.ir : Tiave.lir.) 1 nu..m: S'-vrrril y.-ary sleee w i. -111:1. Oil HIV lire!. III llie ( if Tr.t. w;ik e .nli irtnt ;ii tin- Hirli, r'-- I'ltlA. ( IsKI. :.r'l W illi n liuvikinv; out r, w lorli I inn c ,, , v inrr.l 11 -,'iaii I I i!i rxt'-ll.l. 'l"u-r in v i n-. iniul it iv triii .1 tlir pper ill 1 f tin tli il n e in'iiinr.l Clinks. l;t !;:.' tt:r srVi;i III lit US spir.ii'nii.'. 1 ni-' .l il.rl.-ieiit niirli ci .us. 1 w in. h li i.l tur Uirei. ;!,;' nu !v ill lr:,-t . . n;, i.-l-..' Hir I 'll Irolll 11-IM- ol liir. 11 ill, I 1 prlrt-oe li. ;ii tu-.: tin- lio-i: 1 i tmiint. Ilv t;;i l v:i itm-i-tl) cnir.1 .n;. li.ivc 1'. inn " 1. IS1 hrl lllllil I nl i n llif aiiee- a. i hnve sinrr u- .l th .s oi tin- f.'.-. I.; .i,-: ( liiiTm. nl. lo'litly nppar.1 f. ir roii-li. S. rnir'pr.l li-iiiiiw. , Wiji, ,M.r- j h( t silrei 4. 1 l,:iv r , , !,, ' Sirv iirriit mati.iri lo tla- 111 li.r.'lilairuilinir u ,a lull' JA.MliS DKVdi:. .'.!rtl llrj.y .'illy s:i. PATUITT 1ED:CI1TE3. Creen's Ovv;reualed Rilter, price reduced. Old Jacoli Towns-end's Sarsaparilla. linker's Sarsaparilla. Sway lie's rup of Wild Clurr Sway lie's 'ermi!'ue. Ayre's Cherry Peclor.'l Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Culleii's do '1'ibbit's Pain Killer. Dr. noollatiii's t.'crinan Lilteis- Indian coelai'le Pills II use and Catlie Medicines For sale by HENRY MASSER. tunhiiry, July 1 1, l."i. tiiss pnoi'LE-s vADE-riBcnm com I'll isini; a ( nl.Li:c-f ion urovuu 200 Y A I. U A 11 L E R E C I P E S , In the I'fiful und lntcrcstii' Ai ti with a few feiinplc uilJ Ciiri"ti I'vpi-rimi'iits iu im:misi'i:v : NCLUDlNfi Medicines, Perlumery, f'heinistrv Cookery, Farriery, D iu.r, Confeclionary, Do mesiic EconotiiN , t-le. etc. etc. Price fi cts., for tale by " HENRY MA.SiSER. Sunbury, In e. 8, 1S I9. .liotse: .e:voo.s : LiH rcceive'd at tho store of HENKY MAS. SER, a lot of Caps, (iuin KIum-s, Almaiiacs, iwjiieensware, l.i puss Ac. All of which will be sold ul the lowest pr.'c. Dec. 11, 1830. AlINERAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard A'A Aciil Sprint?s, l.r,.iy valuable in chronic di seases, and Ionic rcirrcuics, for sale HENRY MASSER. Sunhurv, June 29, 1850 tf CA1V An assortment just received. Also silk HATS ut Ijivi'Jj, for sale hy li. MAiSSER. (Sunbury, Dee. 818. A IE .NT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writinp; and indellible ink, Cottuji yam and lais, just received and for sale hv J.'W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dee. 2, 1S13. ZiZVJBH COrvlPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA. CHROMC nn NERVOUS DEISILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, ND nil itisrnsrs nrii-in! fmm n I'.is-inl.-reil IK-i-r nt tin V limcli. snrli ns p.mst ip-iti. ii. intvanl IM. s. Knlliins,(tf ,, ' ' - - ' .ui. rt'iiinifij, tinfip..,, Ilenrli-iirn. ilm-iikl l-'iifl. t'.i'li,.. ... ... .'. flxiini-li.S'iur l-am-lnli 'lis. smlon" .t lliiii.-ri . .i . ... ( I In- fl.iM.ti'li. Pwiniiniiiir of l In Intnl. h-trri.ilti.i I ilitTii-tilt lrri,tlT, liuMi-r,,,;.,,, ir,,r,, rh -kinir or lnifliitiij S'-iis-iii .in wl.ea in a tvin? p-'Wire. Itim-ir-st r.f yi,i.7 il'its.if u-elis li. f ..retlii- i,., I. 1-,'vi.r nuil .lull 1,1.1., I.. ,t.l lieiul. (Mirixncv of m-r-nir ili 111. 1 i-llnwiu if it- .....i eyes, pnin j Hie viile. Imek, elu-st, linilis. Ice, n,.,l,. Hnsbsirhent Nirni to llm Desh. e instimt iinisiuian of evil, mill prent ilppression . if spirits. CAN KB KI-TI-X'WAI.l.Y CUHKl) IIY P?.. HCCPLAITB'S I IJ.I.UIIAII II c I : It M AX UI I I EUS, i-.lti.-n JATKSOV, pnrr d n . C . M AT THE G13RMAN MKIJIC1XE ST0RBr 1'" Arch SI., I'lillnitelphiu. Tl.;, , . eqilnlli ,..-hl-i ui'-r nir iiiu'vi- iiiii;?Si:S IS not i";rrl..,' f 11. liy nny nl'n-r pr.-jj 1r.1t t-m in tin I'l.,:; I N. ', iis tin- "tr. Iliifl liiili il ' 1 ,,J,,. V.I.-.I. Hill T BUllliUI I :i.R-.l,, I liesn lliiii-rs nre worthy ttii-v n"i-Mij,, f inv-ili.'s P.ssesill3 k'l. it liitii.s 111 llie rei-lliie.-ili.iu ..f'l tin: I.iver l.-sser pi mils, cxcreisi-n tie- ni'iai s.-nu liun. P '-ivvers in weakness I :olV-:i."is ol tl KiV ore.-.,,., tliey lire, willial, sue, i-rmiii nn.l pl.MMUit. ,, , fl'iMiii llie II .si ,11 Ueu.l Til" rli!nrsniil. Dr-. !!,l ' "nn. Ilniifi.wti t'i.'i.iini!rrn Hie fiire 111 l.ii-.-r r.uii.,l:u,tt. .I FTT'in PiTmn for -. I tvin-inin. I 'lironie Aeri-.nis ll.-hnilv. nii,..rvikllv unr nriii.-i.-in,.K,, ti. ,.,v. T!,. Ii;ilc, linve I n iim-U liy lli', ntul n f.;... t .,,, o..,x;. rivs lie Inis liiiu si ll n-c ivi-il nn i-if.vtiial mul ii. riiiiiiient cure nf I.iver r I'l-'ial ir.-ni tin- iim-iii tins r. iin.h-. n tin: convinced 11.111 llie ne i.f t!i. p.. IJ.ii, .-s. t',e 11 Hi. -nl .i-miII cuius slMii-'liiiiiil vitror a I'.i.-I w rllivuf eri-at eonsnli''. r '". 'I'in-y nr.-ii. ,nt in t:.-'.- nn-l'-m. II ,m,.I i, iii-.l liy p-rs 11s wilh tli..iii,,s( ,.-!; n..tnet,s Willi safe ly, tinik-r uny eireiiiiia'iiuei-s. We nre ppi nkniir truia ex-pi-rii-in-i-. flint to Hu- v.-f ii-U isi- tti--ir use.' JllltC.M.M. NnU. tl C'llt i.-IIUIIl Willi fff,Hll SrintOiRM nti'l liitT.'iry .ii tn i tin;- ii!", f .nl inlus'-Niw York i-i klv Mi s ii-'-r." .1 m n-i r- fi. l-.'.ll : " I e. Ilootl ni l's (i.-iiii ni KitiiTs. If. 're is n prrpnrnte'ii Wlliell till! lenlilnr ill Hie I I 1 :) r to lie llu illl- tnons in rreiiiTiini-inliMir. mul Hie rr:is 'ii is nlivioufl. It is inin'ie m'lrr n prrs"Ml.ti,ln rii,i.-.l tiv i'iie i.f 1I11. in st crle. Iir.ileil pliysiri ins i.f 111 1, rtl I iin -s, I lie llie Dr. Clir Meplier Willietin llo illiuiil, rr,.f-ss .r to 1 be 1'nivrrsiiy nf.lrnn, privite Plivsiriiin to tli-Kie'f of Pnifsin. mill I'int of Hit, cr-'iit'-t in- ilir.-il writrrs (irriniiiiy l.ns rvrr;.-,.,. fs ':is eiii(,1;ii,.:iliv t!, enrtnv i.f IhiiiiIhil'. tni'l tlieteforea'le nf l-" u. e;is l:e illVI'lll'ir till I JUIlloMrr IHHV In-eonli'lriiih-rrtir.l i.!t, ',,. s illv- rre-'inillenileil it ii, I.iver l-.impl lint. I )-, s;.e ifiii. IVI.itily. Verliir-N Aridity of llie slomii'-ii. 1: i,i 1 ie 1 n, tn,. nil e.'Mie'-i nits nrisinu Iron, a iliR-Til'-ml e .ii. !ii .11 .if t'i.- st..tieieii. llie li-er ami tha intrstilles. Nine I'lii l.i.teli'.liin p;lie.-s expresi their 'onvlc lioll of lt e-reel' e, null s-veril of t'lee ll'.irs Se-ik of i'KrlTrrts ir nn llieir own inili'-i.-'niil experirnee, I'lulej 1 eiri'iniistjiiir. . w e frel wiirnititril. 11' it only ill fulling It.-ntl .,1 rf our ri-Mile's to tlie I. resell! prese'tit nronrie- tin t r'c- (llr. I". M. .Inrl.s -ii's) i"-epaiatiull, liut in reeoinniunil "I5 tlieniliele o u I iiiiln-tr.l ' More J'r nee. T 'PI liewsi-Hii.-l li In! a S.itm.1 n- (iiizrttr,'' llm lirst f unity ihlisi.i il in tlie I uueil tsiiitrs, tlm tdilor sas D, lii.,i 'It i? in ,' trill .M-.l:, ',.rf-. t . ri'itl'ri S ; l.ll.l. t r r 1 III'.I'S lirriil.MI 1 lil'i sto. ,1 v.: ;uv it IV. tli;.! HI.' tl i. ,1 U'iin.11 :il't"l t'.. v h i lint -i' :i inr.Lr..:.- I whieli hns til.-: ! ti,is ii,. .;!. :, ' . Vs df rmnn Diners. M-i- i'' .-' '-i. i -'ail what tire trrinril Pa. -i- -' li !i ti e nn.l p iti-iiiiiee of our "re, 1;. II wr if r .liail' iiil 1)1. Hoof. 1. .-e Wis il to l.e illHlllll'liy llntlri ii 't of Ha a sirimis of tlm :!' ml I' r ii liii'-i'prii .i inrl ihni for .' il nr H.i-ir einlty race of iiusctiief, i: r -' -I -1, inio ers illv priz.ll, iiml ii ; v n;-:r"M.I of Hie I 'a- nll V itself." ue l.i rr ConipLiiiit mul Uvs- r 1' i'r,- il as illn-rteil. It n'els !l I ll'.'rl It is pirtl'-ralili, ;is, t i tf.-.-t is iiaiiii ihiite. I'rnii.c or iiiianl with saiety i' 'i"'n:i!i'i'.ri':. il H.-lt Ii: :h eliilliirt-T V.'llil'll is : j -. i i . i in ir.liire e. ''ml n fnlers " nt I lie riU of tlie live of peps.-;, ii e-l -ir 'l"i. y mill V- ii .1 ri-'.WAtll-. Ol' M .11 f rili ii , I.l H liv Wlil.l. ri.ry Invr -Ii i- ..;i i':'- v. r ipj wln -ii t'n I' r t.iir. w i To VIM', M UIK- (; Till' (ir.NTIM;. u ri". ', viii cure of T. M. J U'KSOM ' I - -il- 1 ;l ' ' '.'i - 1. i-Va illtiie I'-itlle, Wlltl- -. (':, Me il. . of :itl-IS Am.. M'f.-.v. Ail-.i. "1 M. A. "DEATHS J)()OI: It ".i- fre. lllrinit to r t ft t 11 I i pi M- Ihirri :i -in- r.tpi rs ,." I.v lill.-ll-.riin nn-.el of r ol in r nt-vprc- ,-t hr.'.'tll. is ii j lira1, its !' m'i. rle.iiis O. I'r.illrrS in ;t sri rre .-. s. I Iriipliou, Us.s. S,ii.-iiiil. lie Sule ami I tini.-s, S itij -S -II . Sr.-i. tliil' .. lurir !' " f :.'! I. iii. II ,: . II. I- K, I : i.; i l'- pi k . i'i i Arm: ii m: si'o'iimi. iis I rt ii r! : i.if- li, ' s'.-ini. for i'in is ini i. Nruriil." llie p.-iii i '-Mlilely it violent i I'liritinu, . e lie foi 'l line un- I. i.l 1 1, in-' r u. p-l, l.w U ,rn - y i w .11 . . '(I . - ' V il. A .'. in I :) I r s.iru. il i y i - .Mi I i.t:i. i r i:u;i:i.i.isn it .- Itl 'lC IslTI's. li r.'i. i n uma .a ni- p llll' .lll ! r .. ft I- i nn -. - I ' l.e r:.-rl.-, i 'I' '''i- . .iris nuil aiiii t. -ii ivi 'i? cu- t i rvr-y loiivl. nl i - i.: ill ituti-ni 11 h 'i l . nil . 'h iiilil . r fro t n:,-l ! !-.ilr s oi iii.-erts w ; ii. Ii ll i-S SrVc I. I linnt- '.i "f n.i purts i"i i- s lo ih0 will pleass iv is Hie onlv II rr 'lll'.S - 'I I III 1.1 : 1 1. 1 1 ;: . t pr "fill ill i ii f. I : I.'., , r II. i : . t - . ) ii w ii-- : t'.is hns liei.ii 'ii -' Il.-i.livny's ii -I p.'iiilrloiis in-si-in "I llie Infant intiv in iis prime. s;.lrn,!i. lulx-l . '-ri I.',' .rp'i lire" 11 -. I ' I "II Hie t. W ith I'll- Silllle ;;i;i .Mills ;.s llj See Hint each is r.ivrl .peil I.. i-ti ' I i 'i .'-lO.-in- :in liirtli Ij. lt Ul V i.l I.,. ,-in enkt-K. ti.-it Hir Mniilure of i v. I'tici -J., cents, large nu: ntnwiMi ol.AT of he.utt l.Lxriti i r iii'ad op r; lossy hair. II ll'iviv' mil eHN 1HLM. II iirranlid the -., JI,,ir Tonic in use, l'or llrrssin:: nirl iir.-niofwp" ti- !.-i;r. Il i-l.-aiisrs ihr Sri.lp tr. in D.-uiilriiil'. keei-s it e!i an. cures Srin vev. li il. In. a. nu ! s .res on tin 1 mil vtons itieliuie l loin t III .y mil, r. 'i.lrrs it siioinr. line, s.n.'otii. s .ft anil I'rrs. w lio Ii ive I...-.I tln ir Inn l,v rleloiess will oinplele inn,!, tr in It.-iiUviiv's I'lreaioiaii Halm. Il Iin.l ii im aNo en-, Iroin on it a il n k ;e, I liraiitii'ul r. .1, r, nuil w .'II prevent it ir L'rey. i roin lis rf iniMtc nntltv. It isuilini.' ii.l.ipt, ,1 ioi tlm h iir 01' eliiiiln-n of ilie'iiemt leister ir I' illlrs lor -J', rents prr lioitle, anil a-;e. It is s .1,1 in l.iriii1 is wariani, , tlie Ih-sI ll llli- lint. enn. in i!,, inrpniaiioii in iii.,', it will nut tureoi II MlW.VV .V I II i-asMnn lialni i.s rriilluiL- w I' i. i n.i ir. r. r uiai tlie snrnn ' i.;i".i im ii Iwittle no l'ir ul llie ii;natare of KudwaT Ai.mnt 11. II. M miiT. Sunt nry. Aii. 1", I-oil e-.-'oil" (I.ATI. PAH I'NI'.II 111-' L'. Sl'IIHACh; VuKiili .i:;i:uii;t(oi y aiul faint More, A'o X Xartk Full rlh Street, A t'F.W llOilllS AHOVK CIIF.IiKV, WEST SIDE, rnir.ii npLriiiA. Constant' a on h"nd and fo' sole, at reduced irit cf, mid ot n'ljii rior ipwl.ty, tUc fo'- loirin l' or lid, cs', t i: C'on.-ll. l! III-,- Ji iimi i;. .i Oil. Ill t. .l-ip-1'iners' mi l Oil fT itli Vsrnislies j n.u ; Jiooi m il ll.iriie?!! Vnriioili ; lliow-ti, Vhnu rViiilil'i IraiiM.r il i ; ArllHS', lloiou, mel iil.'h' ;n.1 lll!ir-r k' Mntrrinls IM'T'I'V IM Coiirli I' )l I I I lliS. I'AIM lll.V. I OIL, AMI VttK- i'Aiifi ion iMttiiin i ri: im:; M,nmrk veniish, lilue nu t Ariils- Jinn k Jnp ni for Iron A.liir.n'r ilo. fur t'iniry ork : I'l.-liiii. nn.: XV'ii.l ,w i;;i . Amt' Co. lours. Iliy mul in Tier ; Neat' 1',h on: (iol.l. Silver, mul lirr.unii Leal j li .1.1. Sil-Vr. ml r ,.,i,.r Hrouze ; lila. zi. r in nn n.N. -Vi , vciy ti..)L-iior llUeionu mut iiiiii).' Ink. Jeilr I?j0. liLAiKS. LAN ICS of every description can be had by JJ applying ut the ollice of ihe American. IM RE WHITE URANDY I'OR 1'REssER- Y1NU, just received and for sale by U. 11. MAUSER. 53, 1R50.