SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL COMMUNICATION. Fi tfie American. THE ASSOCIATE JIDUE ts not required to be Joarncd in lha law. Good sense, sound judgment, firmness, in tegrity nd honesty, ought to bo his qualifi cations. Mr. Francis BrcHEit is a man in iv-hom are combined nil thoso qualities. He is wetland favorably known to most of tho people of this County, and nil w ho do know liim will bear witness to this stnletnent. lie is an industrious mechanic, and in the inter al of relaxation from his daily toil, has not failed in acquiring a l;irra-fuiul of general knowledge. In local politics ho has rarely engaged, but his sympathies as well us his votes have always been wilh llie democracy. Among the rnmliilates for this responsible iifTice, Mr. Bi'ciier occupies a prominent place. He has many fripiuls who nil unite i i recommending him to tho favorable con sideration of the people. JACKSON. Ill A R It 1 V. I). In this place, on Sunday last, by J. II. Zimmerman, Ksq., Mr. James Hileman, of Sunbury, to Miss Rachel Haie, of Point township, Northumberland county. On the 18th ult , by Rev. II. Ziecler, Hugh 1 Ml U.K. a, of Lewisburtr, to Miss Caroline Fi.ickinukk, of Turbutville. i i i: u, At her residenre in this place, on Fiidiiy morninsj lst.. Mis. UHKIU'Y OKWAUT, relict of the late Win. Dewart, and llie last surviving sister of tho late Gen. Hugh Brady The deceased was bom on the ever me morable 4th of July, 177ti. the biithdayif our country. She was highly esteemed for her exemplary conduct and many virtues, and her death will be sovurely regretted Tn .Terey Shore, on the 4th instant, Mr. JKOIK.'K W. NKWBKRHV, formerly of Northumberland., aged admit 48 years. In Lwisb.urs, on the 3 Jd ins!., after two days' illness, JACOB RIlOAUS, Sr., aged 76 years, 8 months and 10 dajs. Mi. R, was twice elected a Commissioner of Northumberland county, and lived ai.d died much respected. In Milton, on the 12th inst,, Miss MAR GAR KT B ASM AN, aged about yeais. In the same place, on the 16th iust , Miss NANCY BUOY, aged about 4S eai. Coal (Trade, uiiUiiy, July 24. IS51. Amount nf cosd bronuht to Sntilnn y. over (he O.iuvilhi .in I 1'ulls.viJle Kailruail, from tin; Shamnkiu Mines: Tons. For the list week, 554 i'er last ivpuit, 10,(1115 Total, 10.619 1C iHavkcls. riiiladciihia Ilaiket. July 1S51. F Lot n AM) Mkai.. rin' inaiki't for l,-ioiir is more active, w i : 1 1 suh .stil I80U Libia lor fViort. iaiitlanl ln.iud aio hi'l.l at S4,95. fates l'r ctly use at j-4.i."i a 1 1. Fancy brands .'re held al SlJ a fr."i. Hvk Fnnit. iVmi. is in luir Jcniautl al S3.371. Ciiu.N Mkai.. IVuna. is in Jcinand at S2.R1 Whkat S.tles of Peiiua. red at C2c piiniH uhii'j at l 01. Hvk. I in ileinaiitl li s at f -5 i CtS. Cons. Tho f pply aliuiit t'ljiials tho do inaint ; ellnvv t)Ais.--Aru coiiiniaiiils d 1 els. in ttcui.tiid at 4 '0 ids for i fun. Wiiiskkv. Sales of hlils. Hoirsaeatls aie held at Hole. at 23 cvnts. Baltimore ilarket. July 21, 1R5I. C.R.MN. Wt nn!r'?a!es of Mankind and Virginia Wheats to-day at Ml a 8f cts. for pond to jiriim? reds and at SU) cts. fur good white. Two loads of Pennsj Ivauia red wore sold to day at !." a '.17 cts Sales nf Corn at 62 a C3 cents for white 57 e:., lor yellow. We nuoie'Oats al S3 a 36 cts. WIIISKKV. Sales uf Peinia. IbU. t 24 cts., and of hhtU. 23 cts. Sales of Haiti more bhls. ut 24 cts. SUNKUKY I'lUCK ('L'!I!i::.NT. Wheat. 1UG IJVK. SO Coiett 5t) Oats. - a7 Bcttkr. - - 1 4 Knns. . . . H Poiik. . 7 Fluskhi. - 12,1-, Tailiiw. . -10 l!i:titt - j5 Hl.l KI.EII Fl.ll. ... 0 JJiiikii . . . .75 Da. 1'kaciics. . . 200 Flax . . 8 New Advertisements. ATTENTION, FH.1ERS A.D MECHAMCS' AKTILLERISTSII VOU arc ronimanded to meet in Alurket fciijuarc, Kunbury, on SATL'KDAV, 2d of August, at 9 o clock, A. M., fully eijuiiied lor urui. lly order of the Captain, SOLOMON STROH. O. S, (Suiibury, July 20, 1H51. SHERIFF SALE. "OY virtue of a I crtain rit of !'. '.r. to -"J inn tUrei'lt'd will be sold liy public vemltie oj outcrv. at one o'clotk, P. M., on Monday August 4, 11451, at the Court House, in tho Hurougli of Sutiliury, the lollowm j Real I.. I a to tu wit : a fteltain Tract of Land, 4lunte in Chiluqustiue township, North innlwr land county, bounded north by lands of Ludwig Ir iuger, nlow 1'lhger, south by lands of It. V. Cuinniiugs, und west by other lands of Deft. Containing U5 acres more or less. Whereon is erected a on? and a half ktory new frame Dw el ling House. ALSO A certsni other Irael or piece of lund situate in the towniiliip aforcnaid, adjoining lands of the Widow i'lliger, on the uortli, on the cast by what is known as the ScmlJcr tract, south and west by lands of R. L). Omnmings, containing la acres more or less. Siezcd, taken in ex ecu tiou and to be sold as the property uf Thomas AUeu. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ollice, ) ' unhury, July 19, 1S51. ts. i - TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Frikvm sun Fst.i.ow Citit.ks: At the solicitation of my friends, I oiler myself as a can didate for tho ollire of Frolhonotary at the next ensuing election, should I lie so suc cessful ns to lie elected, I pledge myself to fulfil the duties of said office with fidelity-. ABRAHAM tslIIPMAN. Lower Atigupta, July 19, 1851. "$lortsitiFn TaKo Xollcc." JOHN KlilDKll, North East cor. Walnut If Second Strectt. rillLADELPIIIA. HAS ON HANI), just received, a complete Assortment of IShot Onus, Powder Flunks, Gnme Burs, and nil other Sporting Apparatus of the best and most approved patterns. Ho hns constantly on hand sporting powder of all descriptions, Percussion Caps, Miot, Bullet Moulds, Hall and Dbink Curt ridges, anil a gen eral ussortmeiit of materials for Gun Makers, etc. Also Percussion Caps of n superior quality, designed expressly for V. i. Iiilles. An Assortment of Fishing Tackle always on hand. All the above, and any other articles in his line, the subscriber will sell us low as any other establishment in the Cliitrd Males. In testimony of his skill as a manufacturer, the Franklin Institute, in the years ltHO aud 1842, awarded to liim two certificates -and in the years 18 I I, IsMO, 1817, 1818 mid infill, live sil ver medals, all of which may' be seen ut his place ol business. JOHN KUIDER. Piiiladc'phia, July 19, ISol. 3mo. Finn nvmn or m .a bi b. m U LA 111! The Oi-ealfst BLOOD PURIFIER Im the whole Wom.n' j tV Price (1 prr linttle, or Sir Itnttlnfor .V It Is now put tip In OTAIIT flOTTfiKS. of ih nine pnirrr nnd medical ccu'i in wlii-n hi miihIi lntlt1. EhHi l.anje ltir!t rnntnin f I T V-K0 1 ' It !OSFS, nd ihw niHientiotn ru p StrtMi&tv ('mtrrntrnirtl thnt only Onr,il p'tyri-pd at a I dire limrt a day lima one lftt!e ImHk TtVPnty-Ont tMyn, winch in inurh Immrr llinn n liuttli if ttitv "oiIkt medirma latai, tcaue there is required of tin t K'mn quunllty ftl tltlHf. Tin- renf ftnpfn'nrity of tills It 1 nnd Purifier ovpr all oilier iiit'tlirin!, coneiulM in a rritt ini'i.Min tn im po. 'eini; (in n parinf Its roinpnittni. ihe poweriU Dlcdleal Vii'lui'M of Hume Srnroe ami Ititre Indian Roots and Barks, which no o'her mpdiplnc noeaiPBpfB. Tltpp an Hip montfr titin I'ut'iflrrn of Uw lllnnfl ilit were ever knnwrl to Hillier ludi'iH or white tnmi, nwl iIi'kh ItttD; evmjtaunded Willi Uie iirotujl)'&mcentrattd Litrnct uf Sarsaparilla, Yellow Cock, CHERRY AND SASSAFRAS BARKS, ninKe this Vesrlntilr ICxfriief. not only rim ttrmtnt ltlnoil I'lll'llii'r, l.iil Rim., ft rlirnitrr mrdirine ny great otlitN tluin nny olhiT. It In cheaper, hi'rnupe the 9 mining of it llmt limy hi Ititiu'lil fr Out1 Ilotlur -i 1 1 luRt littlt'll loHfffr, uinl will rure 1 Vti i'hitt'! murp Hluod dln.-nH. limn itt l)Hiir'$ wurtli (if any ullier medicino. tor unuonl!"l pionf of the t nrrt of Scrofula, Fever-Sores, Knldlte.ld, V.ry.iptLn, StiH-Vhevm. VSnimiitim. Syrhilil. r.riiptiimt, Vimi'ift on tfte f'.ir, J. I vl'M 'niniliilntN9 Men. htimthUiK. Ciiiieeraut llren, I 'nt Ivrni'HH. Sort y.vra. lVKii'lltl, 1'iiinl in Vtt Side, lirai'l, lionet, and J"inti, find ai I. mill it 1 Mi'i RF-IJt.'Miu DiM:nr9, ice our PAMI'UI.E I S nd HiindttUU every Agent liut Uieiu lu yUe Away. R .1.K r.v .1. V. rriliii'j. nnliiuy: Miiry A.Mc- (Viy, N tl'lminli.'rl nul ; .l.'Mu 1!. ltuscl, .Mntnii; il:;yi'8 A: M ty :i, 1t;1, elw. ly. list or cAi'sr.s CTTlOrt trial in the Court of Common Pleas ij!" of Northtiit!cTlaud County, at August Term, A. 1)., 1851; l'LAIXTUTS. vi:ri:x dasts. Frederick Keener vs AVm. Ay res I.nt'.i stroeckcr vs Jacoii Hoiiinnn Win. & U. Feirely & Co. vs John .i.ler PontitiK tV 'J'hoinpsitn vs Sar.lncl It 'ood , c , ., S L) Jordan. S Hunter Com. for Sand 1 urinaii vs ,, , . A les Jordan JacoV Philips vs (Iconic I.. tMiticr F O'Donnell for Win F Naule vs John Divers Charles 11 Frhk tn Mifor '1'ltos (.'ummiiis et al vs .1 Parke cv U R UUhrl tliristiiiti liolliutrer vs ( 'harlt s l'onscl Chits. A. Andre Daniel llnnuabacU Mosps 1 lower Samuel !'ea:n.iii ha me i. A. Jor.L'it t-t id vs F. Mn It hews s John ( '.inrad vs I'ichard d'ooilnian vs Philip (spayd vs (ico Itowtnan vs Joint A niold T Howard llcury l.aiil7. vs Mtiiitsoiuery & Masteller vs S.tiimel 1. liivk Vs (ico A llixon (ircen liros. l'.ir ' It D ( ' iiiiiiuiii'4 Jacob Slitzcl II li Kase f i P 'l'vson for Job Tyson vs Hmiiel I.. Schueck Jacob Ni'traucr vs Haioucl Jurret (ico Apslcy vs Noit'nmil'ciian J county James lJici!''iil'a.'H vs saino F Fiver it Win Mover vs F,H:i (i.irmait Win M Auteit vs Tl' Ua.'cr Wm Met 'It rv vs K 1) ( ' 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 - Daniel P Caul vs 1. iilli r t,;c Montague Aaron Kepp.ul lleiirv I.'. tin I Plalt'A Plf.t s Ir t T Clement vs Win Met "arty vs llcnrv Master P K Hoil'm in ,V wife vs II Kitlinls. MeCurty etui vs Joseph Diiiimi vs I'eiilicu TiomI vs Isaac Thaller v.i 11 Vovtlieinter nilm'r Joseph tier llti-h Martin John McCormi. k Martin Irtviiis' uilm'r Mult cc Minder Fullmer for Caul Henry Keiser Irn 'J'. ( icini'iit 1 1 'anil I Da i iliach vs H Meinsnetr., ex'r. vs Henry VoMheimer vs (ieorue Uohrhach Iloats. Kei ler it Stounhton Conrad Kciily Wm ( for Sand (iillu rt vs J. J. 1'inUiratl' J. lJowinan ce vs J (' lYrkius Flijah ll.irto vs Charles Sailor vs Iiallnr (i.irnhart vs I rti T. Clement vs Joseph Klines' adm'r s Jaeoli K Trcjo vs lleni F iV .1 V ivtnmin Thomas J Addis Lower cV Parron Jacob Klii.e Williiott Welch Thomas Stitt.m Caspiir llci kart vs Frederick Hcckart vs Jacob llinvrr vs John K'-ihr N icholas 1 lower (ieorue. F.cUctts' adm'r Daniel 11 DricJiaill vs A 11 .1,-1 man s Leonard INuiJarnicl ct ai vs J II Punly s ( too j Voiiii 'iuan vs Joseph Line; vs Samuel S SheJdon vs Jacob John I. liot-s V; Ira T Cleiueiit ' John W Peal (ico (' McKee Sarah Mitzel Santo Tinbrouli lor Apiilctou vs James llruss R D Cuiniiiiieis vs Thus r' Mackey ilii kok tV Cuuliue vs (ico W Ariiintroug Keulieii Fattdy vs i ('lenient Naiiev Ilousel vs ltuvid llonsels' adm'r Jacob Keller vs Ij.iii!; of Northumberland, Raker & Co for Jacob Ulooui vs Henry Com ail Henry Klaxe &. Eve his wife vs ' Jacob 'arlniali's udmiiiiutratur Jomtthan llarman vs David Miller i'lluinits Allen vs Peter Kaiip Same vs Same Cicnrge E. (o'hrig el ul vs Peter Wurey llhain MeCarty vs rainuel Hunter Mary Jane limner et al vs William Wilson Decker & Wriller vs R I) Cuiniuiiigs. (ieorge Shirley vg Ab'ui Dunkelberger's admr'x Mary Marti vs Win H Spruit vs John Canii'bell & wife vs R M SeyoTl'a adm'r Same Isuae Tyler Jolm Drown vs Juliu Ovster senr s cx r Shurtiter ot iteiisler etui vs Thus H Mackey Juo Knorr for II. Knorr vs Enoch Howers' wiui'r James 1' Sutton & Co vs Samuel Kyle Elizabeth Krice s A IS Lawrence Conrad Wolf va tieort;e Heekart- Cutharine ISnyders' t xr's vs Samuel U Wood Daniel (ionscrt vs Henry llohner of NiirlhumuorUiid vs J no C lloyds' adm'r Same tu Same Mary Putterson vs George Heckert lioueparte Thompson ctal vs Camper St Clair W m AleJJauiel lor A W Oointy vs John Jackaou et al liu Weaver Eb zcr Greenough ex'rs John Reynolds ts Isaac Reader JOHN FARNii WORTH, i,0AV, Iftoihonolary t oth.-c, ) f?unbury, July 14. A. l. 1851. J REGISTER'S NOTICE. TV OTICE is hereby (riven to all Legatees ' Creditors and other persons interested in the Entitles of the following named persons, that the Executors, Administrators, and (iiiurdisns of ssid Entitles have tiled their accounts with the Register of Northtiinlx'rlnnd county, nnd thnt the same will he presented to the Orphnns Court of said County, on Tuesday the Slh day of August next for confirmation and allowance. 1851 Jesse t'mmel, ilvc'd., settled by his Execu tor, Samuel Rcitji. Joseph Irwin, tlee'd., setlbxl hy his Adm'r Andrew Oull'y. John Tschopi), ilce'd., settled hy his Adm'r Michael Tsehopp. John Humor, tlee'd., settled by ono of his Adm'rs, Abriihani Hamor. Parnh Husted, ilec'd., .tled by hes Execu tor, A JiMiInn, Esq. Robert W. Deehel, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r, Daniel Hnlslioe. Murtin Irwin, dee'd., settled by his Adiu'r, Marks P. Senpham. Henry Thaller, dec'tl.. settled by his Adm'r, tie lout hoh John Fa-.nsworth. Silas, Anne, Emily, and Cornelia. Funster, minor children of John Fcnster, dee'd., settled hy their Guardian, Wm. Cornell. Adam Critz. dee'd., setlletl by his Executors James McMahiiii and Emanuel Heck. Jacob (irecsintrer, dec'tL, settled by his Adm'r, John (irecsinsrr. JOHN P. PI 'USEL, Register. Register's Ollite, ) .Suijiury, July 5, 1851. 5t. J Teachers "Wanted. jOTICE is hereby r;iven that sealed proposals ' will be received by the Directors of the Com mon Schools of Ihe Unrouh of Suiibury for Tea chers for the ensuing year, until 1 o'ehlek P. M., on Friday, August l'th, at which time a meeting of said Directors will be held in Room No. 4, of the Public School House, to examine teachers and allot said Schools. Dy Order of the Hoard, Ct. M. YORK8, Scc'y. Sunbury, July 3, 1851.,-Gt. Xcw 3Insic .Inst I'nhlislicd. TJ" EE & WALKER. No. 102 Chesnut st QJ arc constanlly iublishiug mid receiving, new ami beautiful music from the most distin guished composers. The following list contains some of their choi cest ond most popular Sonus,, Polkas, &c. Now, thou art Clone, a beautiful song, words by Thomas J. Diehl, music by llainbride. My New England lioinc. words and music by Mrs L. Wade. (.'robe's Omnibus; by C. Grobc a collection of Dueits. Sounds from Home, piano and violin, by Jos. Guiig'l. Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, by J. Ling. All the Winds aie Sleeping, by A. S. Worn-s-y. Guardian Ansel, by the author of "Love Not." Household Winds, written by Chas. Young, do. The Alliens, words by Thomas J. Diehl, mu sic by 1 1 hit. LEE vr WALKER have constantly on hand, superior Pianos, nnd a supply of Martin's Cele brated Guitars, which Ingetlicr v.llh a tine, as sortment of Mutical Instruments ami Merchan dize ill general, coeiprise a slock not to he sur passed by that of iinv other cr-l.iMishmont in the country." " LEE oc WALKER, K2 Chesnut street. Swaint'c liuildiug. Philadelphia, June '."S, 1 is.", 1 . y, LIST OF JUROllS. Cti F Northumberland Countv for August $ Term, A, D. ls.'.l. Cs'raiacl .9ciioi. Pl-niilrv. K Iward W. Kriplit. Lowi'it Aecfsr. Juhn Ebri-ht, John Wynri, S'auuiel Geiirinyi'i. I'ri'Kii Ai'dtsTA. Jonas Fiy. Siiamokin. Isaiah Moiyan. John Iuiadar-. iiiel, Geoijit! Keller, Henj.iiniii Touiulson. Jacksun. Cunt ad Rahock. llL'sn. Mahiii Hull, I'lnlip Weaver, Chris lopll CainpUell, Charles Carr. Ctiii.isijL'AiH K. Henry Shoals. Dim.awari:. James E'votot. John P. Reartl, Isaac Vincent. Tl'ltliUT. Gl'0o(! Koous. Lkwis. William Lev any, Wilson Ilnse. Jacob (iittner. Gideon I'.eever Low nit Maiio.nov. Adam liinyuman. 'i'ravcrsy .iiacorsi. St Niii'tty. Cyrus O. liachiiiun, Samuel dossier. Lowiii Aft:ifTA. Daniel Conrad, Daniel Zimmerman. Ci'i'r.ii Aucl's TA. Samuel Kiland, Simon Snyder. Lowkk Iaiionhv. F.liiis Weast, Charles Illusions, John Seiler, lli'i.j.tmtii lleiiner, Daniel Fiance. I'lTKii Mahonov. John Snyder, Daniel Duiikel!eicp.r. Risn. Lewis Vastiue, Abraham Hull' man, James Eckman, Abel Dicus, John llotf inan, Win. H. Kase. Camkhon. John Outshall. Cuai.. John Evei itl. Noin tlL.M n kiii. a m. John Cake. Point. Jacob Dentler, John Elision. Cn 1 1.1 situ Ail' K. Cornelius McCiinley, Solo tiinn Wallers, Win Freest. Dklawaiik. J.ieob liiown, Enoch lionnit, Henry J. Reader, Cliailes D-nr. Lkwis. James Watts, James Roan, Mi chael Uiohst, Michael Reader, John Al. Ilry- son. Levi Glaze. Ti'itiu r. Philip Rillmire. Daniel Fullmer, Geo. (iood, David I.. Iilautl, Win. Kutz. Milton. John Reh, John Norris. Sn a Muk in. David I'eed. Jackson. Paul lfollenbach, Solomon Dressier, Jacob lloll'mau. PROCLAMATION. OTICE is hereby given that the several courtr " of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyos nnd Terminer nnd General Jail Delivery, in aud for the county of NorthtiiuIcrland, to commence ut the Court House, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 4th day of August next, nnd will continue ONE WEEK. The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, arc requested to be then and there in their proper ier sous, wilh their rolls, records, iniitiisitiuns, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several otlices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth ugainst auv prisoner are ulso requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their oroticr persons to prosecute nsaiiist liim, as shull lie just and not to flrjitirt without leave at their pciil. Jurors lire requested to la' punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agrceuhle to their notices. Given under my hands at Sunbury, the 21st d3y of June, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight liniKlred and litty-one and the lie tleiendeiice of the United Stales uf America the i .Mil. JAMES COVERT.SU'ff. Goil save the Loininon wealth. J A TENT 13IUTTANIA BTOPPERS for liar ooiucs lor saio oy It. II. M ASSER. Sunbury, April 12, 1851. 4 RNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and AdUe aive and legal envelopes, for sale by II. li. MASSER. Sunbury, April 20, 1851 mLVER WATCHES. A few double cases English biker Watches, for sale at very low prices by H. 11. MAsSt'R. Sunbury, April 12, 1351, INK lloureau's celebrated ink, and also Con nr... Ink f,.e ,ln ...I. ..!.. I .. ....I ..I..1I 1... H ' ... ..., nuuiLoaiv mill .nui w Deci'liiher S3, 1650. H B- MASTER. NEW GOODS, AT THE STORE OF JOHN YOUNG, VlfHO respectfully informs his friends and customers that he has rcturnodi from rhiladtlphia, with an excellent assortment) of New Spring Goods, which ho-offers for sale at his old stand in-Market street. These goods will bo sold at the low. est prices. His stock consists of every vurivty, viz t Dry (loods, Such tu Chlh, Cassimcrrn, Muslins, Ouhrofj Ci!flc.iim, Lawns. Chintzes nnd Lw dies Dress and Fancy Goods generally. Also an assortment of Falm Leaf Hats, Caps, &e, QTTEENSWARE. Hardware. Iron nnd Steel, Nails. &c, ALSO: A general assortment of Grocerit-s, Sugar, CoJTcp, Tea, Cheese, Mo lasses, Spices. W Produce of all kinds taken in exchange nt the highest market prices. Suiihtiiy, May 24, 18.M. LOOK H HUE!!! TIIHK Sulfrrilrr rospcrtfully -JL hifurma Iiim friniitln anil thf i.i.t.t; n-......r,.llu 1 1 . . t he. alill J-a rnntinues tho SADDLERY BUSINESS, At his old Stand in Market Street, Sunbury, two doors above Markrt S.mare, where he con stantly keeps n hand, a largo assortment of I'ciidy Made Harness, (Double Single.) with Silver, Brass and Japnil neit tuivuiiting. Also Saddles Bridles, Trunks, Vu ticca, Whips, Collars. All kinds of work in his liue made to oh-r. In as neat a style ns can be got up in this country. Hcrxous wishing to purchase will please call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. N. B. The subscriber has just opened a new and splendid Assortment of Saddlery, Such as Silver, Bnis and Japanned mounting, Patent Self-Adjusting Trees, Patent Roller Hits, Riding llridlc Pits, Trunk and Yalice Locks, Tinink Hoard. Trunk Nails, Haines, Traces, Trill tiling Laces, Tufts, Saii-. die W'vh, Sinule ant) Double, White Enameled Leather, Patent Leather, Oil Cloth, Rosetts, Tassels, Euncy Hrow-Uands, Saddle Trees, Deer's Hair, PATENT FLY NETS of all kinds. All of which will be sold ns cheap if not cheaper than they can he got elsewhere, for cash or approved credit. ANDREW J. STROH. Sunbury, April 2fi, 1851. fun. GIDEON M- YOlMvS I 1 EsrECTITLL Y offers himself to the peo- pic of NorthtnnlH'i'land county as a candi date for the oliiee of Prollionohiry. He believes his experience in the business nf that oliiee will enable him to fulfil its duties faithfully. Sunbury, July 5, 1851 TO THE ELKCTORS OF NOIITIIL'MHER- LAND COUNTY. riHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends JL nnd fellow citi.ens of Norihumlwrliind coun ty, that he oilers himself as a candidate for County Commissioner, nt tho ensuing election. He solicits from his friends ami fellow citizens a support, and promi ses should he I e elected tu discharge the duties uf the ollice with fidelity. CHARLES WEAVER. Sunbury, May SI, 1851. TO THE ELECTORS OK NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fki.i.ow Citijixns: At the earnest solicita tion of iniiny of my friends, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the ollice of County Commissioner at the approaching election. Should I lie elected I promise to discharge the duties of said office With fidelity nnd impartiality. I solicit the sup port of my fellow citizens. CALEB II ARRET. Lower Augusta, June 11, IM51. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and fellow citi.ens of Northumberland coun ty, that ho will 1 a caudiatc for County Commissioner, nt the ensuing election He therefore solicits from his friends and fellow citizens a liberal sup port, and promises' should ho U' elected to dis charge the duties of the ollice with fidelity and iinpartialiiv. ELIAS LROSIOUS. Sunbury, March l.r, 1851. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fr.i.iow Crri'.KNs: At tho solicitation of my friends, I otl'er myself as a candidate for the olncc of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, ut the ensuing election. Should I be elected, I promise to discharge the duties of said office with lulchty and impartiality. GEORGE BRIGHT, Sunbury, April 12, 1S.M. NO CUItK NO IWYI Hughes' Fever and Atpie Pills!! A PERFECT and speedy cure fur the Fever und Ague is guaranteed to any one who may use the Pills. They have been used for the nil !( ymrt and huvo never lieen known to fail in a single instance and in casts, too. where persons have hud the disease for several years, without intermission. The proprietor challmgt llie vvrlil lo produce an article that will cure in its short a time, without leaving any Icicle nous ellei'U from the line ol it It llie I ills do not perform a siieedy and perfort cure, the proprietor will return the money. Kor sale by Jacob S. Lawrence, M iners llie : E. llellen- stcin, Trevorlmij S. R, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha ven; Joint v. r riling, Sunbury; Mary A. Mc toy, Nurthuniberlaud ; Dr. lleekly, Hunville ; JohliSharpless, Cullawissa ; Dr. Jtiiirl, Williams- port ; Juliu Uascr, Milton, and by respectable Druggists tliroughotit Ihn State. J. CURTIS C. HUGHES, Proprietor. Pottsville, June S8, 1851. ly. EXTRACT CE GINGER A frcb supply just received aud for sale at this u8ke. Price 25 cent. Suuluiiy, July 13, 1851. 100 LABORERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY on the Trcvorton Rail Road, Sections 51 It 53 ; at the Mouth of the Ma. houoy Creek, to whom liberal wage will be paid. IRA T. CLEMENT & Co. Sunbury, July 5, 1651. tC 1 AZORS. A superior article fur Bale t the "store or HfclNKX lA&SfcK. Sunbury, Feb. 10, 1850, WRITING FLUID and self sealing Enve hqies, just received and fur sale hy April 19, 1851. II. B. M ASSER. GREAT ARRIVAL OP NEW GOODS! AT TBS STOKE OF FRIXiING & GRANT, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., riHH subscribers hereby inform their old ens. A tomers and the public generally, that they have just iceeivctl a largo and extensive assort ment uf all kinds of. Meirhundiw, which- they ofli-r to purthasers nt suuh rates, thnt they can not rvQ-aut from buying, 'i'licir nsaortojent o Dry Goods, is large, embracing nil kinds nf Chillis, Cussimer.iy Suttinrtts, Ifc A general assortment of Summer wear, o LINEN, WOOL and' COTTON, Staple, and Fancy Goods for Ladies,. of all kinds, such as Calicoes, Mous. de Laiues, Lawns, (I'inghams, Ac. GROCERIES and QUEENSWARE.. Also an eVcellcnt assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY.. J,irtrof AND MliDlCIM'.S; Fish, Salt and Plaster. CV" Country produce of all kinds taken ia ex change nt the highest market price Sunbury, May 10, 1S;5.1. LOGS HEP.S, H.LfAKI HOOYER respeelhilly informs ' his friein'fi nnd cusloiners that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, which ho oilers for sale nt his new store nt Mns scr's Mill, Hollowing Run. These goods will be sold nt the lowest pricts. IIIH STOCK rn.HFS OF KVIIHY VAUir.TV, Via; Dry Goods, fy'., Such as Clulhs, Cassiwrrx Muslins, Cal'notst Ginsliitms. Lairns, Chintzes and ' Ladies Dress (loads jtiv ALSO : An, assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, NAILS, &ct A general assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Tei, Molas ses, Spices, &.C. Also nil ussortmeiit of Lhpiors, such aa Brandt, Hum, Whiskey, Wines, c. FiT Vrotluc? ufall kinds taken in exchange at the highest ni.oict prices, Hollowing Huh, May 10, 1S51 ly. Estate ftf PETER SIIR0NTZ, Dee'd. TOTICE is hereby given thnt letters Testa nieutary have been granted to the subscri ber on the estate of Peter Shroud, dee'd., late of Lower Augusta township. Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate or having claims against the same, are requested to call on the subscriber for settlement. MARY SHKONTZ, Adin'rx. Lower Augusta tp., Jane 23. Gt. MARBLE MANUFACTORY,! CIIKAP GI.AVK STONES. THE subscriber informs his ftieiids and the public, that he continues to carry on the Marble llusiness ill all its branches, ut his old slniid ill Milton, Pa., and is prepared to manu facture Monuments, Tombs, Grarestoues, &c.. of Ihe best materials, and most finished woik mnin-hip, and nt the lowest prices. Letter Cuttiua, r.nulisli and Ocrman in tho most modern ami elegant stvle. Designs fur Monuments, Grave Stones, &c, nlwnvs on hand. N. II. Orders for the East side of the river promptly executed hv leaving the suinc nt the office of tho 'Sunburv American." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1851. NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOK CtOM PREHENsIYE summary of Universal ' llistorv, together with a I'iographv of Dis tinguished Persons, to which is appended an epi tome of Heathen Mythology. Natural Philosophy, Gen eral Astronomy and Phvsiolouv. Atlopted and used in the, Public Schools of Philadelphia. J-;, s. jo.m.s cv Co., ruliltsiiers, S. W. Corner FOURTH and RACE Sts., Phils. Teachers and School Committees addressing letters to us post paid, will be fuiuinhcd with copies for examination. W A Pull and Complete Assortment of HOOKS nnd STATIONARY, for Salo at the iMVrxt Viirr-t. May :i, 1S5L ly. fir nit lniprovniinits in making French llurr Stones. I)Y Ihe use ,;f Kkviikhhink iinat'iled t-itsl iron r. wiiii-ii is itiict !n.tnV'w''i'rr'ihe' weir ni the Stone, ml h is a in .veul.le i.tiaitee - ryne and lrit er s i tis Ut kei the'iii-e nl' llie stunt! with. ut tram ming unit! it is vv'irn out. Out nt'i.-k nf llt.trks is elected in Fpinee, aud llie hest quality unly ustnl. &ilid ilurr tt'iuis Ir.iui 'i to 3 i-el in diaiueler with the l"vvel St.itiu Li rim, s.i lis ti prevent the runner i-linking inlhnrytf. Il-'llii: I'Mli ol" nil niiiniu-rs, t-henp for ensli. Mill Irons and Stunt Mai-lnurs iuinislied to tinier. iirintlKiont-s ol its rit d i -s, sueaMe lor Country Mer etiauls, linpolted unit lor sale 1 J. K. MITr lll'.l.l., No. II ntt Yolk'l. near Ihe IndiuulVle. rtiiladilpliia, Apnl l-."l km. JOHX CALVKlaLKY, CAUDLE ICOULDS, No. 100 Race, (.-sassafras,) street, Abott Third, opihisite the White Swan Hole. rHILiDEI.ri.IA. Tallow Chandicrs and Mauufarturors ran I supplied v illi a lirl r.ilo Article of Caudle Moulds, of Superior exrvtlcuee aud finish, N. li. The .Moulds aie made of the best Metal and polilul by a la w Patent .Maehiue, which gives ibeni an cxtia finish. They uto after the English style the tins to screw on the pipe, and the pipe to screw li;;ht in the h itch. Iv AiiuASi-rtii to be lar superior to any other now in use. a. He alsa luauulaciurc Murgitul Pumps and Svringes. April 15, 1851. Ohio. .", L. AV. 1L G IKSE, (.lriti for Henry t'urr,) LIMBER COMMISSION 51 ERCI11M, Falls) lon, llalllmore. W LIUERAL ADVANCES maJo on Con- signments. Lettkis and CtissisxussTS Miould be ad- dresMid to L. V. H. GIESE, Agent May 10, 18514uio. KNOll AND SPRING MORTISE, LAT CH ES, An excellent articlo, fur salo al hall Ihe usuut price by J W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. 1849- T1LANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank A- Mortgages, Uouds, Executions, Summons, Slc, for sale by II. I). MASSE R. Sunbury, April ?0, 1851. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. rI'IIE attention of Ibiililers mill otli-rs, are respect rally 1 invited to llto extensive sud Wfll selrrted st'S-k f Bl IU1INO HAHI)WAHKAj.D TtM)IJS, now offtrtd by uic nlMfriber, consisting in pan ni rellsi Aniciienii l.'nmt luntt Isiks, upriglil, wilh night work, pinunl "f ,,r- riirnittiro, or lrrlin all cirs. nii,.n . '2 K"" l)"or 1-oelts, Uirilil, ptain, Willi eiiTors. ' p or hnn farnllare, or poieeluill all to!A. uilHll..1'" 1Jnw ,nrk- -"d (,,"rB -1o"ri "orilon. S ,'i,,rar f",""lnrr, , rHirrelmn nil c ors. hrLT. ,Z L""1"' -" ' uaiiliUes. While or bniss riiniitiire, or pororliiiusii ,.,,T, i..'Z'.?i'.'.., .''rlice ,'"',k"' with plstctl, while or bniss niniilnri'. or pxrerlnin nil e ii.irs American M.wticc latches, nil .j. wilh pl,led wlli,e or brass tiirinliire, nr purrrluin nil c...its Ain-riran Mortice and It im Chiset Irsiks, pliiletl ol brass rscnlehwins, or pnn'i'tiiin all cilnrs. Ami rican llrop, Slop, Thumb, Oute, an4 Store Door Jilfhv. A Is i, Impotted Locks and t.ntchrsnf evftv tlcsoripttuii. lluldwili's, snS Alliel'lUlll Hutt' Ulllgcs, of all sue. n,,t nr Iniisti ).'itit. WniitHr. Gnle, t-imp, T., nnd nnckflnp l!its, till ktmla. tliutter, (jute, Uisir, Plush, aisl Spring IMi, wrought or rust, iron nnd brass,, every dcseriptioli. Pcrews, ISpnirs, Clqe, Snnit Hnper of Pie liest qnnllty. Aniericuti Anle una' Snii A.vlo Valleys, uf every Voriety. Atni'rlrnn Buttons, plpul or ou pin les, brars, iron, or bronzed. AituTinitii Xobs, plated, while, irsi, r wootl, nil kinds. Sash-Oml, ooinimin and pntcnt, with oilier nrticlos too nutnernus tn mention. IV NMIS nnd !Af II-Wi;if7IITS nt FACTOKY rmrps. IF All Ostls il. liverwl ftee of Charge to npy pnrt of the city ond ttislriets. Al litis esliilibslnnent tn ls fnund one tif 'Jie Inrirest nnd best nwrtuiciits of While nnd Kiinry Nnlis fur Iss ks, Ac., in tbeCily; sonie pntterns. of which, cannot be seen, or obtained, nt nny titlier Mure. TOOLS. Spent. A Jneksm's Hack, Pane:, Uand, nnil Ttipp Sews, minified expressly fur Helnil snlus, ull sclvct'.'d vvilhcnrr. Siile nftent fot Hie celebrated I'lnnes, innde hy K. W. Car penter, f linenster, I'a., liennr nil niml nf split wood. ami the Huts EMinid nnd tticil. iletnly's A WUhanis'-maka iift'lii-eis, Aes, Hatchets, Draunii; Knives, fcc, ult wat tnnteil k.ksI.. 3 I null's amk Slnek's make of Auirers nnd Aimar Hills, nil Sizes Ainerienn Siimres nnd flevils .if evry tlesenption. Auterienn Kllles. flitno... Kn....i,. r SL..U.... drivers, c. ' " ' """" - Amerieitu C. S. Hummers, ri.i... n ;,-..(;,,,. nil Anvils anil Vlees, nil sixi-s. ' 1 Steel. Inm, lillir WWksi Brines, wilh C B Hills, in preat. variety, XV. liniives fc Spin's. Ilntrher's nnd other qelebrWed Slakes 1. 1 Chisels. Piles. Pliiiie-lrmis. A-e . .Ve Adilis's eelebmted Carvunr, nil shapes .Makilte Din: ul the tiesl mill must M irt.n.i.t. t-r ntiil.liim llaldware mid in the Suile. Al linn evlnlilisliment it is eon i.leretl li nlTisure in slinw the G.ioils. Vou tire invited to eall and exiininw; the assort, tient., tout liwir Ihe priees ttskett, Wloru purvhuiiiiig else, where. L'otne nnil see tiff. Voims, repeiU'tillv. Wm.. m. nw't.vnvK No. o?r Market St., Iielween 7ih and eth. upper side, riiiluilelphitt, April li, liut. ly. TO PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. riHE sulwcrihers oflcr to physicians and dr? JL gists, a evirefutjry s.leetetl stock of drugs and medicines, which they W',11 Riiiirantoc to lie of the hest quality, pure and unadulterated in all cases. 1 neir (acuities lor iniportui? foremn druas ami chemicals arc such, that they arc enabled to svll them upon the best terms, ami at the same time to assure their customers of their genuineness. They have also recently prepared and now of fer for sale a uH?rj,or articlo t S ciixiK.i .11 vgm:sia, &c, Resemhlinr? Henry's IMacnesia, free from carhon ic acid nnd roughness or urittincss, almost entirely tasteless, comliinine; in an equal hulk from three to four times tho ntrcnqth of the common kind, and solil ut about one half the price of Henry's Magnesia. They have also prepared tho Fluid Magnesia, Which in n new and valuable remedy in acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, &c, at less than half the price of the foreign article. They also have on hand of their own prepara tion an assortment of 1'u re Drugs in Powder, Neatly put up In 1,4 and J pound bottles, such us Aloes, Rhubarb, Senna, Senega, Rhatany, Ki no, (ium Arubic, Serpentaria, Kxt. Glycyrrh, Ipe cac, Potassa Sulph., l'utassa Nitras, llorax, Spi grlia, liuchu, Orris, Cascarilla, Cauella Alba, L'v.i I'rsa, &C. O'rent care has been tal;en to have these pre pared from the best selected drugs and in such a way as to preserve the characteristics of each ar ticle without injury. They have also a variety of Chemical & Phnriiinccuf ieal Preparations of their own manufacture, and add to the list all the valuable new remedies as they become known. Among them may be mentioned the following : llydriM.yiinie Aeid, l'repn rations ol' bidine, " llf I'l.UlSKl, 1 .i ; I ii r Auiinonia, Aqua, do. i'll.'Bjdiali', ll'i. nnevvrc- ttifdy for lttieuinulttnii. Itlue Mass. Preparations of Mercury, ' Irnii, " .me. Kxtmrt of S'litia, Itttid, a ple.'isinil loitulii udliiutlster to ebildrt'ii. r.xtmcl of Rttelia Comp., Ilin.l, lUUael nl tjenlliill, ' IJntissia, " 'I'nraxieiun, Siuiielia, 11 KirmiparillnCiin pusitiiiu tlilid, d'i. tlo. slid, d simple do. Cul'M-yiilli rump, do simple. 11 Val.-riait, linid, n new ana useful remedy. ps. .Ether Nitros, U. S. P., Oils of Oupaiva, I Cubebs, Ergot, Tohaece, &c. Citrate of Iron I nnd Quinine, Sesqui-Oxide of Iron, an antidote ! for arsenic, t 'itratc of Magnesia, a new and pleas, 'ant cathartic medicine, put up in 12 oz. bottles, pi per tloz. Collodion, or l.iquul Adhesive Plas ter ; a convenient application in many surgical operations, put up in small vials. Also CANTHARIPAL COLLODION OR BLIS TK1UNG LIQUID, A convenient preparation of canlharides in many cases where there is a diliiculty of applying the ordinary blistering plaster. A coating of it appli ed with a cuiiicl's hair brush, and covered wilh oil i sills or some similar substance, will protlivce a i 1,lis!,'r '" ll,rte Xmi"" ''""i or wl"'u rP"l. ; in the usual time of about twelve hours. Physicians and others may depend upon the i f..:,i.i..i .-.....: ,c .1...:. -.l M. ' li"'uu' ullu I" onii'i i taiti uiiuu .u liuu iu i ... . low tans ub iitu quuuiy 01 int-oieiites tuu ni; purchased. CHAR LES ELLIS c CO. 50 Chesnut street, Philailt. Lalinrntory, 6th and Morris Sts. .Southwark. Noveinber' 10, 1850 tf. UNION HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. rilllE MISS WEITZEL'S rosieetfully inform L the Public that they still continue to enter tain travellers and others at their old established stand in Market street, west of the Court House. Their long experience iu the business, and the well established reputation of their House, will, they trust, bo a sullieiciit guarantee, that their customers will be well accommodated. March 8, 1851 tf. STOVES! STOVES! rgIIE sub.criliers return their sincere thanks to J"- their customers, for liberal encouragement for the last year, and hope by strict attention in tilling orders to meet wilh the same liberal patron age. We have on hand the greatest variety of patterns of any other Foundry in the United States, and slill adding to their numltcr. Give, us a cull before purchasing elsewhere. Our stix k embraces a great variety of Cooking stoves, of the most apprwed kinds. Parlor stoves for wood or coal, ctnnmon stoves, cylinders of all kinds, and odd plates of all kinds to repair stoves. For Summer u, a small Stove, culled Sum mer baker, new und superior Furnace for burn incr charcoal or stone coal. Gas ovens of several ditforciit patterns, Dake ovens, several patterns, lillclnug posts, Spout irons, ana a vartciy o ar.i, cles in casting, too numerous to mention. The Hardware trade can be supplied Willi common 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 quart Tea kettles, at very low pri ces (or cash or city acceptance. A few casks of suiierior Ucnuau, ruaca lean on hand. WABNICK &, MBRANDT. Noble L wharf, Delaware, Philadelphia. AprU IS, 1851. 61110. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GER, fresh supply just received, and for 1Be i,v is. li. niASSbli. April IS. 1851. OLD PENS with and without silver case vJ just received, and for sale hv II l).M.&eKR funbuiy, April 1 185 A CHERRY PECTORAL; Fer the Care ef COUGHS, COI.133, HOARSENESS, BHOM OHITIS, GROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPINO-OOUOH AWD OONSUMPTIOU. The uniform success which has attended th use of this preparation; its snlnfary e!cctf it, powsr. to relieve and euro a licet ions of the Lungs, have gained foe it a celebrity equalled-by no other medicine. W otrer it to the alllicted with entire confidence in its virtues, and tho full belief that it will abdue and remove the severest, attacks of disease upon the thront nnd Ktnigs. These results, ns they become publicly known, very r).a.t,uraJly attract tl,o attention, of medical men nnd philantropistn everywhere. What is their opinion of CHKRiJ Y Plic'TOfAL may bo seen in tho following :: VALENTINE MOTT, M. !., Pro.. Surgery JIM. Colli ge, Xrw Yor.nys : , "It (rives mo pleasure to certify the value and efficacy of Ayer's CHERRY rECTOA'Al,, which I consider peculiarly udapted to cure disca,-. scs of Vie Tliroat and L.uiigs." THE RT. REV. LORD m.SIIOl flEI.r. writes iu a letter to. his friend, who was sinking under an atTeetion of the I.ungs ; "Trv tho CHEftKY l'K.t'TOKAI. and if unv medicine. can (rjve you relief, with the blessing of God that will.'" CHIEF JUSTICE EUSTIS. of Louisiana, writes "That n young daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks of Croup by tho CHEiKY I'ECmKAL." ASTHMA AND BRONOHms. 3Vie Caiimlian Journal of Mi tical f-'eiencu states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, hns yielded with surpri sing rapidity to Ayer's CUEXRY PECTORAL, and we cannot too strongly recommend this skill ful preparation to the Profession am pubile gen eruliyj Let the relieved sufferer speak fir himself:-.. IIahtioiui, Jan. 20, 1817. Dr. . C. Ayer -Hear Sir : Having been res. cued fvoin. n painful and dangerous disease by your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send yon this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you, but tor tho information of others in like n!lU lion, A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected nt first, became so severe that spitting of blood, a violent, cough und profuse night sweats followed and fas tened upon me, I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain, through my chest, and in short had all the alarm nig syintoiiis cf quiek consumption. No niodii civic seemed nt all to reach inv case, until I provi-. dentfally tried your CHErtfY 1'ECTOiiAI. which soon relieved and now has cured me. Yours with respect. E. A. .STEWART Alii txr, N. Y. April 17, 1818. Dr. Ayer, Lowell Dear Mir . 1 have for yearst been alllicttAl with Asthma ill the worst form i so that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the time, being unable to breaths on my lieu. I bad tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until my Phyiici-.m prescribed, 8 an experiment, your CHERRY PECTORAL. At first it seemed to make vne worse, but in less limn a week I lietran to experience the most gratifying relief frejn its use; and now, in four weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a stato cf health which I had never expected to enjoy. GEORGE S, FA UK ANT, PRKF A IIKtl 11T J.f, tYLH, ril KM 1ST, LOWELL, MASS, f9 Sold by Henry Masscr, Sunbury; Mary A. McCoy, Northumberland' l)r, Genrliart, c linsgiove i Ur. Eickly, Uanvillo, and, JJrttgghsta generally, Kelt. 13, 1851 . lyceSin ArvSEHICAN HOUSE, FOTTSVILLE, PA. A TRS. MARY WEAVER respectfully informs the public aud travelling community general ly, that she has opened this large and comuiodioua HOTEL, furuisbed in a superior stvle. From her loii experience in the business of a first rato Hotel, ami welt known reputation to accommo date, her customers may depend on being supplied with every thing conducive lo their comfort aud convenience. Feb. 5. tf LAAYliEiNCE HOUSE, SUKBURY, PA. rjlHE subscriber respectfully informs her friends, a. nnd the public generally, that bIic has takrt the above well known stand nearly opposite the. Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J, C. Pcr kins. She trusts that her experience in business, nnd her cllorts to ninke her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom, ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1R51. tf. TREVORTON HOUSE, TUliYOUTON, PA. TIIIR suWrilicr respectfully intorms the publi. Ml that he has opened a Public House, in tl new town of Trcvorton, Northumberland county and that he is well prepared to accommodate hi guests iu llie best manner. His house is located nearly opposite the Company' Store. He is also provided with good stabling sufficient for 20 hor ses. He trusts by prompt and careful attention to business to meet a share of the public patron age. HENRY 11- WEAVER. Trcvorton, Jan 11, 1850 tf r.oi v. v i, v ' AN I) PENSION AGBXCY. The attention of the public is called to tho ad vcrlUement of Mr- Charles C Tucker, Attorney and Agent at Washigton City. Persons ha. mg claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in-, formed that the subscriber has made arrangement for the requisite forms, and claimants calling at his office, can have their papers prepared, and) forwarded to Mr Tucker at Washington, ndi by him be properly attended to licl'orc thq De partment there. it. u. .-Yi.'issr.ii; Sunbury. Jan.. 18, 1851 ESSENCE OF J A 31 A 1 C A UlXQKlt. MAIh from the Wt Jamuira Girnrcr, nil llie vnluabla. iiii'iiit'iihil iiniucrly t w itun tl will Ihj luuud to ihj c muc Mivvoifiii mill coiu'citiiiiuJ luriu. It ik u most eilu-ieut uuil attiieautue unit- ImrmlcPt, eentiv tiiuulaliiij: Viuc-t''r I be Kiouiuch, ami will le louiut very. Iki(iiii'1;iI in u-lu-vniif tlie uutiul urnl Umtrriaing leeliti ncfUkiiiiHtl Uy tho iiuiuiiml wctii'U l tin iiuptxuitit urfnuit( ful ." swo-tt'iu-d wuit-r will iniuitNiimely n'lit.ive Hie rlntu leucy iutdt)i(ic)ii'ii rctfiilliiig InMii (iidifstioii, uml it tal:4 tvr thrtt tuiii'i daily, u rctjiuiutl, will le igiiihI tgrily: iw-tul ntiuiift tluj Uiiscitutlemid citne ( uiliitijii tlit-iuun uili und tciuli ney t iu dinnlffttl cii ii occfci'Hietl hy tho etusrviUiiiK rutvt M tli uuimer hntHs .vtoiiowuifuurr m- iliMMiUunt und lot corrtcliitij the uicimt-iu auivs m wwp hern, ftp. It Mtilri n rirrllcnt inrcu? ( lrt wnn lu.a junul tUe tme if their ic4ii:irhii by 0 mim.Hirtep rtf iiitsixiniliim liorw w iu lightly i'""-'K flwi upon the ftloiitiu-h Uioviuft UwsfH'iiit ( H inimlaau, while it hasm ijiwnt.uiaru n on the brunt, wiu iim ueceedefl by crtii.,f dcprtMUiiiia vhiciiiuaj follow the us tW k'oholic kliinut:iiiis. .... A (w drti mn(tnem, rhulurb or other pur? tive iiM-diriur, will rt-ii-ler litem m -re uoi'AiitttU to th itotnarh aud r event the griping wbirh 1 ti'ii. tntKiii4iu then m. tuui. A MUItOSK SMITH, DIU GGIST AND CIIKMlfP. V. K. torner of 1th and Chestnut Slrtftr . Vbiiadellltia, AiM3i ll Jy