HIGHLY lNTOKIAST FBOM CUBA. The 1nmtiip Cherokee, at New York, brings advice from llavaoa of the titgheiit imporUitoo. They are lo ilia I7(h init., and lint tea to serious Iroublns in lha interior of Cub. A correspondent of lha New York Herald writes as follow: IUviva, July 16, IS5I. Insurrection fit Principe The Fourth of July at Principe Ilnmigement kcttceen Vie Pro pie and Ike rtocps General Insurrection irt the CenmA aid Ectstern Part of Curxi Humors en tke Subject Desertion nf the Troops FralerAuulio cilk the People, Tho revolution of Cuba has changed il8 chrysalis for llio full grown fly. The first blood has been spilled. Cob, sorrws seem to think, has her Lexington. Tho piwlici lars of lha nccounls which wo receive from the interior are exceedingly various, but all unite upon fhi!Trr3 greit fact that thrt pro nunciamcnlG has berxi made, and n slight ad vantage gained over tho troops. The people f f riticipo have been the first to draw the sword. One of the most probable versions of the affair idiho following : Under pretence of celebrating Saint John's and Saint Peter's festivals (which occur on the 84th and 30th June, respectively,) and in consequence, by some order of the government, of their not Leing 'celebrated in Puerto Principe, a gath ering of peoplo was made a few leagues from tho city, on the fourth day of July. tTho Governor, anticipating some open act, Sent a detachment of dragoons to disperse them. These did not come up to the Cu ban until evening, when they were attacked and forced to retire with a loss of (according to some accounts) 20, and others 60 men1 When llio troops had fled, the Cubans retir ed to the hill, where they have formed an entrenched camp, and are driving in cattle, collecting forage and men, and arms. It is said that Puerto Piincipe, Neuvitas, and all tho adjacent country has been abandoned by the young men, who aro supposed to have gone to join tho insurgents. The point where they are collecting is in the hills of Najassa. This prnnounciamento was follow ed by another at Tunis, a village about half way between Trincipo and St. Jago J and it is supposed that the rising has, before this time, become general in tho centre and eastern part of tho island. In the ofllcial accounts, which you will rind in, to-day's Gaccta, you will observe that no report, later than the 5th, is given from Print cipe. Letters have been received up to tho 10th by which we learn that a detachment of troops had boon scut out, but did not con sider itself strong enough to penetrate the hill country. It is feared that a correspon ding movement may be made here and I am told that on Saturday iii",.tf last, very strong patiols were about, as though some movement was anticipate.). The revolution having begun, it cannot go backward J and it is more than probable that tho days of Spain's rule here, are at least to bo much embarassed. Tho government count 14,000 troops and no more, in all the Island, and may, perhaps, bo able to raise as many more from tho Spanish population ; but their fleet is a good one, comprising some twenty sail, of which are six steamers. Whether the struggle be a lor.g or short one, will de pend upon the aid and comfort" the Cubans receive from tho United Stales in tho shape of guns, pistols, powder, ball, and men that can teach them to organize and manmuvre. The Spanish troops are scattered all over the island, and cannot with facility be now con centrated. If, therefore, the movement be comes at all general, they will probably fall or pass to tho other side a thing that is not at all improbable and whispers thereanent are already abroad. Tho Civil war in Spain has so accustomed tho army to change sides that there is hardly a regiment that has not fought once or more for each. It i. this, it appears to me, that makes tho fidelity of tho Spanish army such a strango contradiction. True to their colors, but following their col ors either way. P. S. 4, P. M. Letters from Trincipe atate that the troops are deserting in squads to the insurgents. Two steamers leave to morrow with reinforcements. A rumor is about town that Triuidud will rise to mor- Havana, July 1711 30 A. M. Extent and growth of the insurrection Bene fit to the Cantatas Sufferers, t'c. Notwithstanding the counter statements again put forth by this Government, this morning, 1 confirm all the previous iufoima which you will find in my letter of yester day's date, relative to the revolution going on in the interior and eastern district of this jsland, with the addition that similar move ments have taken place at Las Tunas, Sa beccu, Byamo, Trinidad, and Pino del Rio, and that it is positively staled that great numbers of the troops have gone over to the insurgent. Tho government do all in their power to prevent tho true stato of things becoming known to the people of the capi tal, and it is easily to be perceived they are under great apprehension and alarm. Near. y all the vessels of war have been sent to sea, and the steamer Blusco de Garcy sailed at 10 P. M., last night, with troops for Prin cipe. The expected French steamer Asmodea, a large vesul, arrived from St. Thomas jester day afternoon. 1 Gu4 that several Americans, from New UiicaiiF, have been busily engaged in writ jng an account pf the present state of things here, for tho papers ut New Orlenuj. A benefit on behalf of the sufferers in the lulo piratical attempt on Cardenas, was giv en at tho Tacon theatre a few nights ajo, when only fe4.u, wad taken at the doors. I regrU la say that tho yellow fever is making fearful ravage among tbj troops recently arrived from Spain, great mini be is having already fallen victims to that dreadful b'couiago of humanity in this cli mate. An account U given 411 the pa-sella of to day's ilate, relative tii tho little success of lha scheme for providing for the widow aud inner who suuered in the Cardenas expedi ion of last year, by tho benefit at the Tacon and appears tu lid written in matter soma' What liomcal. THE AICEP.ICJA1T. SUN BURY. S ATI R DAT, Jl'fcY W H B. MASTER, EAit9 Proprietor, V. ft. (fl,VKR l mt Mlborize.1 ajent to receive mili m rf-rtimg ut Mi office, III Philadelphia, New Viwk, Boston sad. UnHimoro, 1 AviTBEB5. The circulation of the Banbury Amer'fcaii among the diflureiit towns on the Susquehanna j not exceeded irequalled liy paper published in North em Peuniylvnnia. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. FOR GOVERNOR: WILLIAM BltiLER. of Clearfield County. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER: SKTII CLOYKK. of Clarion Count'. For Judges of the Supreme Court JOHN D. GIBSON, of Cumberland. WALTER II. LOWRIE, of Allegheny. JEREMIAH S. BLACK, of Somerset. ELLIS LEWIS, of Lancaster. JAMES CAMPBELL, of Philadelphia. EDITOR'S TAULi: Business Notices. Tiik DieifniiEix Joirxal for July has come to hand. It contains useful and interesting information hi relation to the art. Piililishctl liy 8. D. Humphrey, No. 311, Broaiiway. New York. DicTtaxinr or Mf.ciia, its An Exoixekti 10. The 34th numher of this valuable publica tion is beforo us. It is published in numbers by Appleton & Co., New Vokt Jot'ltXAL OP TIIK I'llANKllX NsTITVTf.. The July number of this scientific Journal is 011 our table. Its pages, as usual, uro well filled with useful and scientific subjects in relation to the Mechanic arts. Published monthly at $5 per annum. Gold Tens. AVe refer our readers to the ad vertisement of Spencer & Roudcll, No. 3, Mai den I.nne, New York, who. manufacture gold pens that nre not often equalled, if wo uro to judge from the one with which this is written. C'atti-is MkhicIxk. In another column our readers will find the advertisement of ISreirjig, Froneficld & Co., the proprietors of on excellent medicine for Cattle. Unlike many of the prep arations of the day, it is not Oldy good but cheap. It can bo had at this oHic Pateii.-- Among our advertisements Ibis week, wc cull the attention of our readers to the advcrtiseuicut of Messrs. Itimby & Lawrence pnper dealers, No. 5, Minor street, Philadelphia. They have the reputation of being excellent busi ness men. Of Mr. Lawrence, we can speak most favorably, from a personal acquaintance of some years standing. Wasuiso Fi.iiii. Washing is a subject of general importance. Sec advertisement in, rcliit tion to the fluid. K7 We have received a communica tion in reply to an article which appeared in our paper of lat week, signed "A true Democrat." Will tlie writer favor us with an interview ? Oirr.sni.vEs. We are under olilign,- tions to those of our brethren of the Tress-, who have seen fit to defend our course in regard to the Judicial ticket, against the brainless effusions of a Dumber of the yelp' iog curs of the Press some of whom we know to he pecuniarily and politically- body and breeches subject to be moulded into any form or shape, at the will of their ma.sters. Democrats indeed ! ! The shades of Je3esot and Jackson defend us. K? There seems to be quite a Jeajll in business as well as politics at present. The farmers are all busily engaged in harvest ing their crops, and have no time to. attend to politics. Our August Court will com mence in a few weeks, when the ball will be put into motion. In regard to State officers there is no diversity of opinion. Colonel Bigler's vote in this County will be large, as his nomination seems to give entire satisfaction to all, and we have no doubt that some whigs will be strongly in clined to give him their support. K7" The Canal Commissioners met at Northumberland, on Thursday last, and al lotted the repairing of the Schute, &c, at the Shamokin Dam, to Gideon M. Leisen ring, Esq., of Selinsgrove. Mr. Leisen- ring is an energetic and practical man, and has had considerable experience on the public works. EJ" On Thursday last, proposals were received at Northumberland, for slope-wal- Img the river bank, 111 front of this place, to secure it from further damages by the Iresliets. I wu ol the Canal Commission ers, Messrs. Gamble and Morrison, super intended tne letting. In the afternoon they came to lhjs pLjce, and had some con sultation with the Borough Councils on the subject. The Council met the Commissioner at Mrs. Wharton's Hotel. The number of bids was sixteen, varying in price from S3J to $1,50. Henry V. Simpson cf this place, was the lowest bidder, and the work was allotted to him at 854 cents per perch. The Democratic Convention of Dauphin county, have instructed their delegates to vote for no man as a delegate to the National Convention, but an open, decided and unwavering friend of General Cass. SUNMJKY AMKltlCAN AND SUAMQKIN JOUHNAT: THE SUPREME COURT. The Supreme Court is still in resston at lliii place, and will probably continue so until the latter part of next week. The Judge all appear in fine health and spirits. A thi will be the last rsslon that will be held at this lace, ,y the present Bunch, we cannot ',et tho subject pass without soma comment. Judges, Gibson and Ro gers, have been for many years, annual visitants to this place. During the long period of their Judicial career they have freely commingled with our citizens, and those of (he neighboring counties in the district, when business called them before the Court. We know we speak but the common sentiments of all, when we say that these associations will not be severed without regret. Judges, Cnulter and Dell, have not been upon the Bench so long,, but long enough to acquire the esteem of all who have had any intercourse with them, professionally or otherwise. Judge Cham bers has been but recently appointed, and has thus far given general satisfaction. Some of the Judges who are candidates, will no doubt be elected. Those who re tire vviH carry with them the best wishes of our citizens for their future welfare and happiness. tt?" On Monday morning, Gibson, C. J., delivered the opinion of the Court, re fusing the injunction prayed for against the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, on the ground that the Acts of Assembly have re stricted the Supreme Court in the exercise of that jurisdiction to the County of Phila delphia. The bill was filed and anued at Harrisburg, at the May term. Tllf MINING RtCfjlNTicrt. This paper has passed into the hands of Charles M. Hall, as sole editor and propri etor. Mr. Vliet having retired to pursue some other employment. The Register is well conducted, and though young in years, has already a large list of subset ibers, Some of its contributors, especially on the coal trade, are among the ablest writers on that subject. The Register, under Mr, Hall, will no doubt continue to sustain its former reputation. To Mr. Vliet we wish success in the pursuit of a more profitable and less perplexing business SVNBIUY ASO I.T.IE RAIL ROAD. A Convention will be held at Philadel phia, on the 23th of September, in favor of the speedy construction of this important enterprise. The people iu the interior, and also in Philadelphia, are waking up in regard to this work A meeting was held at Philadelphia on the 16lh, by a number of enterprising and intelligent citizens, from various sections of this Common wealth, and from other places. One of the results oJ their deliberations, was the call for the Convention above named. A large and enthusiastic meeting was held at Lpckport, on the 12th inst,, in fa vor of this great work. REVOLT IS ( IDA, It is evident that Cuba cannot long re main under its present rulers. The' news in another column in relation to the insur rection that has broken out in that beauti ful island, will be hailed with delight by aluiC5t every American citizen. If the Cubans can only maintain their ground a few moiitlwi, and if possible, secuie a port on the Coast, tliey will soon have suffi cient "aid and comfort" from the United States, to enable them to free themselves from bondage. The government of Spain cannyt hold Cuba if she is true to hetself. OITLH loll THE S VI.t: OF (I'BA. It is probably but little known, that un der the administration of President Polk, an oiler was made by the Spanish govern ment at Madrid, through a 11 agent sunt to. Washington, for the sale of the island of Cuba. President Polk deemed the price asked as exorbitant, and thought that it could be procured for a much less sum, In the meantime the matter leaked out and created no little sensation among the dip- lomates of Europe, The Spanish Minister, of course, denied the truth of the report, and our Minister at the Court of Spain, (Mr. Saunders we think,) became some what involved in the difficulties growing out of the transaction. We have these facts from high and undoubted authority, which at the present lime, when the Cu bans are making eflorts to lree themselves, will prove inteivstinz. Sundi'rv and Krib Hail Road. We un derstand that it has been determined to hold a Mass Convention of the friends nf this road throughout the State, in this city, on the 2Slh September next. Delegates, it is expected, will be in attendance from each to'vtiship in every county in the Slate along its route. Distinguished gentleman from the interior, couveisaiit w ith the liade of the Lakes 11 ml the country through wttich tho roud will traverse, will be pieseul, and ad- dresi the Convention. Tho hr.pnrtano.e to our business citizens and city, of a direct direct Railroad communication through our own State to L?ke' pi ie and the Nnrlh-wet must, we imagine, be apparent to all etasjes of our citizens, and we hope, therefore, soon to see some steps taken on their pails to ex tend tho hospitality of our city to such dele gatus at may attend the convention, and a strong disposion manifested, to assist them in giving aii impetus to this, important enter piise, by our whole community. Ledger. Seven persons were struck down by lighluins under a tree at LilllaKocfc, Arkan sas, but the penetrating raiu brought them to. CALIFORNIA NEWS. late news from California, shews that they have had some exciting times at San rrancisco. Gold is still coming in every steamer, and in large quantities. Owing to the vast amount of crime which has been perpetrated for a length of time, a number of citizens resolved to take the law into their own hands. The following is a short sketch of a case of terrible and sum mary punishment, by Lynch Law, at that plaoe. This city on llio lupht of tha 10th inst., was the scene of one of too most appalling irageuica thut has ever been transacted with in its limits, About 9 o'clock on Tuesday night, a man carrying a bog containing something appa rently quite heavy, attracted the attention of the Whitehall boatmen ot their station on Central Wharf, He jumped into a boat with his bag and pulled out toward the end of the wharf. But a few moments had elapsed be fore Mr. Virgin, a frnntlemen who keeps a Shipping office on tho wharf, came down to the boat stand in pursuit of a person who had just robbed his office of a small iron safe, containing a considerable sum of money. The man with the baa was ot once suspecl ed, and a numbci of tho boatmen stoned im mediately in pursuit. After a sharp pull they overhauled him, when he threw his booty overboard. After a very severe strug glo one party of boatmen succeeded 111 cap turing him, while another fished up the bag, which proved to contain tho stolea safe. He was conveyed on shore, and at once taken possession of by somo of the vigilant committee, who conducted him promptly to their headquarters, where ho was tried in presence of about eighty mcmbeis of tho eoncliive silting wilh closed doors, by them convicted and sentenced to be hung in the Portsmouth Square that very night. About 2 o'clock tho doors of the Commilte room were opened, and tiws condemned was for tho first time presented to the populace. He was a Kill man of a very great muscular developments, and with a rather forbidding countenance. Ho was smoking a cigar, and appeared ra.th.er pule, but composed. His arms were pinioned and his liand&lied behind him, while ho was surrounded by a rope thickly manned by armed men, many olhers closing 011 them, determined to pre vent his escape. In this manner, followed by a largo crowd, ho was conducted to the public square. His arrival was announced with a, shout and every description of vocif eration tho wildest scene of confusion and excitcmuut prevailing we have witnessed for a loug lime. Tho moon obscured Vy clouds shed no light, and the picture presen ted was wild and m,ost awful in the ex treme. Some persons climbed the liberty polo to rig a block for the execution, but a loud shout of "don't hang him on tho liberty pule'' arose. Voices screamed out, :lo the old adobe," and a rush was niad for that edi fice, upon the corner of tho square, formerly occupied as the Custom House. A rush was at once made for tho end of the building, a block rL'ijed and long rope run throush it. In Iho meantime a number of the Po lice, who were on tho ground, made several attempts to obtain possession of iIhj prisoner but I Ley were roughly handled and preven ted had they persisted they would have been riddled with balls. Several citizens denounced tile execution and sougl.t to aid tho I'ofieo. The prisoner by this time was nearly dead with fear and rough handling, w hen u rush made toward him, a nooso thrown over his head, tlie rope manned by tvveuty ready hands, ami the heavy form of Ihe convicted felon swept through the air and dangled from the block. A few fearful struggles, a piiver uf Ihe Lenipifn cord, a few nervous twitches, and tko crowd gazed upon tho life less corpse of him upon whom such speedy nod terrible vengenee had been execu'ed by an outraged people. As he swung to and fro and turned round and round, a, feeling of awe appeared to spiend through tho crowd, who could not be otherwise than impressed by ihe terrible occurrence. Slowly they dispersed, but when day broke there were still many gazing upon the swdleu, purple featuic of the doomed man. More, or It TJ10 Washington Union, referring to ihe fact that tho Grand Jury had found true bills for perjury against Dr. Gardi ner, who is now in Kuiope, and against bis brother, in the matter of the Mexican claims, says : 'We have heard many complaints against the late Mexican board, and of the wrong fulness of many of Ihe awards made by il ; but, as we have 110 authority to send for "peisona and papers," we must wait for fur ther developments before we can venluio to givo currency to the statements which have reached us. Congress will doubtless silt the action of the board ; aud if a tithe of what we have heard be satisfactorily proved, the Galphiii case will be forgotten " A HORSE FlUUHTBNED TO DbATII BV AN Elkpiiant. A very remarkable case of the effects of fright upon a horso occurred in Franklin, a shoit time since. A horse be longing to Mr. Piilnier was glazing in the yard near the fence, when the elephants be. longing to the nieuageiie recently in this city were passing uiuiirj, J lie horse uiJ not observe them till they were quite clcse to him, when, looking up and seeing the huge animal, In started back in a fright, ran to the opposite side of the yard, stood for a moment quivering, and then dropped dead. He was literally frightened, to, dcth. -Xor-tcich (Conn ) Aurora. S-atb Faius. The Pennsylvania State Fair lakes place al HauUburg, in October ; Ohio, Chillicoihe ; September ; Michigan, Detroit, September ; Georgia, Macon, Oclo ber 1 ; and fjew York, Rochester, Septem ber 16-10. lV.NNsvi.viMA Railroad. The damage sustained by this road during the recent flood in the JuuiaU, have been fully repair ed. The car now run through to Johns town wiihoul impediment, thence to Pitts burgh at usual. rrom the Hitntimrdon (P.) GkilH). 1 VERY ftEKTRUCTlYE FLOOD OKI TIIK JU. NIATA I.tn f Life an! rroprrlf. Wednesday, 8 o'clock P. M. We scarcely know how or where to begin to speak of ihe very destructive flood that visited (his section of tho country this morn ning. In the afternoon of yesterday we had several light showers but in the evening, from 7 to 10 o'clock, tho rain fell pretty heavily, and from 10 to 2 this morning, at times it came down in perfect torrents, ac companied with lha most frinhlful thunder and lightning ever heard. More rain fell hero ihan was ever known to fall in the same length of lime. Mel ween 3 and 4 o'clock, Crooked Creek, Muddy Run, Spruce Creek, Shavers Creel:, Stone Creek, and many olhers, having emptied their floods into tho Juniata, eho wag at her highest, or nearly so, as the flood of '47. Tho streams above named wero never known to be so high, or the destruction along them so great. On the stream at ShafTervsille, above Water street, we regret to learn the house occupied and wc believe owned, by Mr. Robert Kin kcad, was, with his whole family, a wife and si. children, and a Miss Ilileinan,, swept away. Mr. Kiukead, we have been inform ed, was at Hollidaysbutg at Iho time. The lamity would not Uave the house they i-iiuiu him uo nuu.u to oenevo iney were in danger, until they wero all suddenly swept away to meet watery graves. Mrs. K. has been found. . The cecps of wheat on the low lands along the Juniata and tho other streams, wcie principally cut during lust week, ami there having been but very little hauled in, neatly the whole has been swept away or lodged in a damaged slalo on islands or against fences. Before and aftei the break of day, the river waa almost covered wilh wheal, lum ber, parts of houses, stables, boats, mills, &c., mules, cattle, hog, sheep, fowl, &c, &. Ouo large boat passed over Ihe Huntingdon dam about three o'clock, and was broken to pices. At MConnalstown,, on Crooked Creek, there was great destruction of propmty. Tho dwellings of Mr. John Coulter and a Mr. Strikler and a small house belonging to Mr. Fraker. ami also the tannery buildings in the yards of Mr. Protzman ami Mr. Lang' with all their hides, j,e., were-swept away. Mr. Couller uud Mr. Strickler, did not save anything, so sudden was tho lise of Ihe stream but fortunately their families cot nut in time to savo their lives. All the farmers on Crooked Creek tor tjn miles from tho river, have met wilh heavy losses. A gentleman who has lived iu that neigh borhood fui forty years, informs us that there never was so much rain f-11 there be. fore iu tho same length of time. Tho citizens cf Pollslown, at the west end of this borough, deserted their homes about 2 o'clock this morning. The town was completely covered wilh water. The gar dens arc destroyed, and many moveable ur. tides around the houses were washed away. Many of tho ciliz-ensof Sniiihlield, opposite this place, also deserted their lunises lor sa fer quarter. In tliis boiough, the-water came to Ihe second street in ihe upper end, completely sin rounded the dwelling of Gun. Wilson, and carried away both the turupske and mill blidges. Between the ruilioad aud river, all the gardens ami tir.-t sloiiesof many of the houses wero under water, and many nf the families left for higher ground. The tan yards of the Messrs. Millers were com pletely overilowed. Their hides were tlnat iug about their yards. Their loss must be each, $100 or tiOO. Tho families on Fi.-her & MeMurlrio's farms on Ihe ridges. Gen. Wilson's colti'iie fa:m, Fisher & MeMurtiie's and Mr. MeCa hau's farm J, wero all under water. Their li!-s is lieavy, as most ol llieir gram was carried away, ami nearly all llieir fencing has shared Iho same fate. Mr. Win. Mor gan, living on l!e collage, has nl.-o suite ;ed severely ; ho has lost a heavy crop of wheat on Crooked Creek ami much of his spiing crop on tho cotlago fiirm, and a number of hogs and sheep. Tho Railroad has been eonsi.reiably dam aged ; several bridges have been swept away nbovo Petersburg, mid below ihis place some injury has been done. The cars could como up no. fe.rthT than Mill Creek to day. The canal is very much injured. Be tween this place ami Huntingdon Dam thn embankment has been torn away badly. It will cost at least SoOm to repair Ihe canal between this and the dam. Above ihe d;im at Bell's lock, there has also been coiiMdera blo damage done; and most-likely hishei up the damage is greater. Below, we hear that Ihe embankment is washed away in several places. The aqueduct ut Mill Creek is gone. At about 6 o'clock this morning the river began to fall very rapidly, and at this time it has fell about 10 feet. Our citi zens in the lower street, uud in Pottslown, are now busily engaged iu shnvcliug out and fixing up again. A more sudden, unexpec ted uud destructive Hood never was experi enced in this section of tho country, and we hope it may be a long time before we have another. Another Stohm After four this after, noon, a part of a very heavy storm of wind and rain passed over our borouuh, destroy, ing seveial beautiful shaJe and ornamental tiees in f i out of dwellings. Only Skt.ntech Hours Vkqm Mon treal ! Since Iho opening of Ihe Raihuad between Brattleburo and Bellows Fulls, an arrangement has been made by which pas senger are brought from Montreal to Hart ford in about 17 hours. They leave Mun. treal at 4 o'clock in the morning, Burlinglun at 8, and arrive hero in Ihe Hi evening train from Springfield. Tho car continue on to New Yoik, and reach there before 3 A. M-, making the whole time employed in travel ing from Montreal lo New Voik less than 23 hou 1 1. Hartford Courant. Great Si-ekd. A new locomotive on Ihe Soulh F.asteru Railway, in England, lately attained a speed of 73 miles an hour, wilh a load of 44 tons, upon a fulling gradient pf 1 in 264. DYSENTERY. Tho following testimonials may bo of in terest at this lime, when dysenlery and somo kindred diseases are said lo be to some extent prevalent : VALnAni.B Recipe, The worst case of cholera morbus, dysentery, and flux that ever I saw I have repeatedly cured in a few minutes by a strong tea made of the bark of the sweet gum taken green from the tree is best. Steep a handful to a pint of water until the liquor is like good coffee. Drink it clear, or sweeten it with loaf sugar, or add a wine-glass of good brandy if the shock is severe.. If not infallible, it is remarkable in its effects, and well worth being tried and known in every family. Your friend, SOLON ROBINSON. A I.Ancp. Meteoric Stone. The Mon Iroso (Pa.) Democrat, cf tho 17th inst , says a meteorio stone, weighing nearly or quite two hundred pounds, was found a few days since on Iho farm of Mr. Newton, iu Spriugville. Il was deeply imbedded in the earth, and the turf of the ground was still fresh tindei il. It had fallen through thu tree, breaking the branches. Hanover Branch Railroad. Tho liar,- over (Pa.) Spectator announces Ihe receipt by Mr. Gouder of an invoice of iron nearly adequate to the laying of one half of the distance of th.0 railroad to. that place from the baltimoro and Susquehanna road. It is Mr. Goiiders intention to commence Ihe superstructure n.s soon as the junction section is graded. The quickest route from Cincinnati to Pittsburg,, while the river is low, is by the railroad to Cleveland, and thence by the Ravenna road la Pittsburg, and yet some person pretend ta think lliat the river will sustain passengor steamboats when the rail roads are made. Wheeling Gazelle. Mor.Tc.o.MEitv CorxTY. John Heiss, tcea surur of Montgomery county, has paid into Ihe treasury of the Commonwealth, on ac count of the stale Tax, for 1S51, 40,000 Tho whole amount of Stales Tax in that county, for this year, is 651,000. IIliKB t'izi; ami Kakrs :ui I Hiur 1 lull, Awl i!i r st.i.xl untl in the ulu'll, And fruk- wnmi ti w for Um iii lli:it ch'w, And wiili ileKitili I'.jn bnlu ami uliews ! This is only equalled by a shopkeeper's sign in Camden, N. J. It reads thus : 'l renst fat liens Had ronstm tew, And 1'cfd llic pi wirli corn nn ntcs, And ury day ttav.- ttmmliiu new, T v tickle d iwn my b-mlern llir-ttep.11 Saluk Snuhm. IIi.oiivKiiis.ti. The short dresses have ap peared in Green li.iy, Wisconsin, wein Cy the squaws o the Menomoiie t-i'.K? . and Ihe editor of. the Advocate thinks that "in their an.violy to reach the top of the mode, they tarried mailers a little too far1' the dress not comiii'' below the knees at alL iAifTons -.Accoruiii"; to-tlie Medical Times, there are in London 2,574 doctors of medi cine, 187 Miioeoii'i, sa hoiinrpalliisti. This L'ives about one doctor of medicine to 914 inhabitants, and one sutgeun to 12,037 of j the population.. Of tli doctors of medicine, I 040 are authors. 1 Tm: Number of lettvi sent through the! post-cllice in all Ihe cities has grcutly in creased since ilu; new poslotlice regulations camt! into operation. So. represents our exchanges ftoiu each section of the coun liy. Tukke are a very few editors in New Vurk to. uliuni hanoinn; ould be Leuelicial. Litter: from a friend. They are generally stiuppli,, and kicking in the noost twelve or fumleeii hours a day. Won't that do '. X. Y. Day ISoulc. LvtOMIMi two liumlred Count v. There aro nearly saw mills in operation iu l.y coiiiiuer county, ami a half million of dollars invested iu Iho lumber trado there. Tho Bloorscr coslumo has made its ap pearance in the cities of Richmond, Va.i Augusta uud Griilln, Ga. Tut wife and three children of Dr. Vigue, died suddenly al New Orleans, on Iho 12th, from Ihe eirucls of poison by cooking in cop per vessels. A censu just taken proves tho population of Svt itzeilam'r to bo 2,42o,li00 half a mil lion less than that of tho Statu of New York. Tup government postage sn prepaid 4 oz letters, to San Fiancisco, is 6 cents ; if not pre-paid, 10 cetils. Tin: cholera has broken out in the Illinois Penitentiary at Ashton, and sixteen convicts hud died ut lust accounts). Br tha law of France, no priest, doctor nor attorney is allowed to accept a deathbed legacy. lit i fa lo is the name of fish, peculiar to Western waters. Tiik Pittsburgh Gas Company ha reduced the price of gas to $2 per 1000 feet. In tho manufacture) of rieel, a single nrti ole may be increased iu value from one cent to $200. ANOTI1EU SCIENTIFIC WONDER! PEPSIN, the True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric June ! A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Reiiuel, or lha fourth Stomach of tho Ox, after directions of Huron l.iebii;, tho ureal Physiological Chemist, by J. S Iloiiohion, M. D., No. 11 Noith Eighth Street, PhUadeU phia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Livw Complaint, Constipation, and Debility, curing after Nature's) own method, by Nature' own agent, Ihe Gastric ISica. See advertisement in another column, KM BAN KM KN T. The Subscribers to tho Embankment near tho Northumberland Bridge, are respectfully notified Iu attend a meeting at tha Court llousCj on Saturday (ihie) evening, July 25, 1851, to. takes measures for le purpose of getting; iL.e yvotk done, by contract, or other. J wise, .uctAii 1 1 . New Advertisements. SPENCER & RfcNDELL, MANLTACTt nr.ltS OF Cold and Silver Ten ami rmcil Cmcs, No. 2, Maiden Lane, One door from corner of Broadway, New York. Every pen will lip warranted for one yertr. N. 1). The nhnvp. firm were awarded Gold nnif Silver Mcduls, fur five consecutive years, nt the Fnir of the American Institute, fur tho best Gold Tens. July 2fi, 1851. 3inn. Xgentsvanted! RTjH'NINESS MEN to take iho exclusive. Hp Agency (for n Oounlv or Counties for the Knlc of the UJ' K.MAN WASHING Kl.UID, being sn article mm h cheaper and ensier to hsi thnn snap, nnd is warranted to perfectly rlrnnse . nil kinds of rlothiiir;, containing no Potash, So-da-nsli, Spirits of Turpentine, Ammonia, Acids, or any nrtirlc whatever Unit will in any manner injure tlio finest fulnic or thr.c.v. It is an arti cle which, when once introduced, tnnslmit sales can be made with lurne profits to the Agent. For full particulars regarding prices, terms, &c, address (post paid) to I. P. IIOVT Ac Co.. Xn. 20 So,,!, I'iftk ,S7., VhilaH'a. July SO, ls.'il. Smo. CATTLE POWDER IMIKPAHKD BY imiCIXlG, PJIOXKFIELD & CO. So. 1S7 Xorth Third Street, Philadelphia. ri'IJIS p .wil.T is riititl.il l,y tin- united tr.rhnuiv i.f i, 1 win have iis.l it In tin, lirst rink m' till tlmsc CAT. I'M". ,Ml;l)li:lM:s, whir!i hive hi-n Ih mclil iirai-i-. worthy Inr many Jears. Ind.-id r i liallmcc anv rin to iwikv n snprrjir. nt iinv i.iwdi r thai im in the Rnnr inanner. Il tin: n lal lie. perCetlv hmllliv it will either merrura tin; um mm m" miik nr renin mid hutter ; ir thn itnnnal will, mipr ivc rajmlly in I'm, It will Iherefnre. In lime In: r.ind' red we have u,i U. n!.t nnc nf the muplc nrli- vies m every I'ar r, whn keepn n iliarv ; nn. I i.f rv'erv pernai nwiiiia; n le'iia:. i, in i,t nnu tit" Dime kind nf MlMl liKs lh.il u,i,,.:y kW(-l nn mun.Tj up l',.r jh irt inn.-. u ,1 w,i l.y ihe ranaeitv wlneh it Iiiium' r .nvt rtin,. llll'IM Kit; Al'lll (wliiel, i, an ulele in alter) into l,c tic Ann nr oi.r.iM-: : eange a greater mnimiit nf initriti.nni mailer li he r.ttincte.l Ir an the same ninimnt of fund il. Mrlv l.sd.1 he, were Ihe Heme prinejpleil nf Imtri! in" I l-'rawmt"! the sy:.eM..in I!:, mrninf Hieruille A ;!. we have saiil all ve. S.tlliec to say : e have iniM-d Ihe ui liv n neent. witli-a prriit manlier nf K.jKTAH.K plains , .rl,s. ,i,., ,,,, , ,,.,vc proviil to l,e i,,ii. nn;. r. .viet die appetite and pminotlnir ! ' T ""i "r '":' ' lim" healthy c Hon nf the liliiod, frnm winch the Mn.i: I .'., i. .-. -i ' n.ie ni-e-el a ini'I'ltnde nl rvnlt'iiee til i.r.ie- ...I,. .i , i;ru. inr. l.s ,h.j;, ins euinplainu aim lUci.-, 'wi nnd lions for the f illmv- imusrA VI'.I.I.OW WATI'ti. n dan-eron. fieke?s. which.lt- Hr..y many vain,, hnthm c ry year, is vary often entirely cured l,y l free use nf lias pnvrdcr, in nil CM it will prevent tne d,-i ise :ioni cuiiinr mi. Tins disease is ..wnlta: tun Imd and iiapwerislicd suite nl Ihe Inojd Hni.'li Uv .lues thai, winery and nt nil tell ,w c.-l'ir. 7 This powder l.v iiu. r.n in.. the mmnacli nnd civinff tu lie l,l;.t (..eater ,,.,.(.,. ,.. iV, ,.,, , .,,. 11;,ri ,lc best and in.ly p. s-il.i, e!iaii.' nf recverv. if I lie Imrcu l iu none, eiv in run :: and nielit a tnMc'sp.miilul in wet leid, il iii lie heinuiii... one ' u day al u mn, n duly to ri ven! the disease i lee a w eek. M. l!Hl:t!I M, Ti.is is the iiniiali .11 nf niniiv v.ilua. Wc II rs, s ,y c.h:u.ti.ii ; l.y 11 e .nst.inl disehaiL'e'.if sali va which n :!il 10 jr ml 1 tin- slom iel, to ussi.i il;t., sli..ii I is a species ol B.,,iVallon nllei, pr.sluccd hv Imiian To- I..1110 nuiwnnr III the i.asture c.r I A Tahlespnoiilul. threeliu.es. a week will I l'e.pi. ly urrv.st Ml U-.w, II It d 'CS II 1 (ie: 1 !.n t:e Tnlni Cn 111 the Lras. l.-r ,-,. !l''r''""i'i'' s the ; na1 mast he krpt in the staWe. liisn;'i;;.-li t. p.,wder ise.,rv Hi freely used, liinlher rcu. ..! live.! he u.se.l. It h is already eur.il him 1 lire; s.. 1 II. ,ui.,.. a :ii e . i r 1: ! ,;, s. .,,,e . iisease t. the su r r i nl Ih. , Wil l used 11. Il i: I ,., t.;,r ,.. ,r'.,rt. tlMU , . lonn-il III llo- lie. :, il c.111,1 1 r.-st ie ti.e :ie;.ual pe;l,el!v I ""' mailer is ihsekupil. use il ,rlv mid prevent mii a 11 ri-ku.t. A 1 .ihles,. ...j,u unee nr twice u liny la en oieli. (.I.ANDI'.nS. 'ltiis .!,s,;.se has halted al! rr.RIKB, Uive this powder n lair lri::l and ,t will d 1 wonders in- lies leri'il le mid liillie,'., ,,', ,,ia! liy it is s disrate. ol Ihe u'lan.l.jral sys'cni an I k. ;n up hv impel 11 el liulrit u !! . 111 such cas. sa T.u i. n, .-ie ill every il-iv twice f ,r 11 nimUe nr Iw 1. in e ns'ant i;.r -.i- n. v.-ill in 'nine c.is. s . ill . !' u lio.eii ( tied a cuie. 11 lias l- e.i I ink !,--l, . C iiiulis uud lemiiuess ,' lir. :,i;i d. 'ci:.hni; nn weak Iuiil'S. 11 Tal lesp.,, ulul every myiiiinij j if it akiles 1 un e or I wiee a w.-. i;. TOOK l.UWIVKI I'I'Ll llllltr-r.S. nr where Ihcrc it any r. usaa.s .1' l,,.iu.Vr ..r -j-m- a nf 11. .M ,,,, and the Horse will c.t fat:..., , r v.l.eie 1,:,. I,,.', j r , and walnis Krmithl Hill, tin- I secll.l.-u t.. .10 1, ; ,..,!. the. T .wiler pr- dtic lilliin ll ; the ill,. I'lslnieSd nf Hi,- s al ii' s: inn l-.i II Jill, T.'VeS il::.) V Iu11i11.il ap; e is. . hair sai . : a and sac k rouii.iil 1. 1 tr.i 1 il a!1. Ilie s'ii! line.g lively um! , spirited, uud 1:.' : l S. For Mil Klxn Cows, v.e u re I 1 lv c m inced lh.lt it not only uu,T 'Ves 1 lie ipi .1 t .-, I a nt alii. t'i.-aii and litet, r , perimeiii s; y a 1'. 11 11,1 a Wlilieniie pels in lu-lte: up. ni ire u n: !, ir ia e.,ea f. vv; t' aer.ue iroiu a hah t 1 a 1.1 if the l.'o s al e peril e: I.. In . I j made hy tae emu ei ..1 it . 1' , i;e.,i,s a':i! . .!' e, a,;, iiu.'s 1 Cell laf.en la I y lie. lilacs, . 1 Wllii 11: t il:i..' a:; t :. I11 il. LOW IH ItN ,,r I I.: I' 1! ;..ere.,s. s t.'le mil Mint '10 e wilt h.;ve linsl the - :,, nil.eis s.iy ha 1 a peu-.d II II l(' I hem Lie I ,v . p. 'lids i. W'v llaiik il i.l l.e 1 11 1,1 1 tea I p. r . ee I'll eneli I . . I:v. 'I'i.is ad.l.t.. aiul am unt !i"t, u. icA-,,1 m'o.Silro :a. ' 1 y S!i;',.; i.ie ihe X li the eaea. u's n reaetiou ; : -V'H.'ii. p ',li .t 1 ihe Iced l'i.1-' : Ilu. K MSKAM'., un;l ail nl,;ii.r.lis.-ases .'I' mat .i.'.;(e st He nf the llaal.. 111. rem ved soe epeii.inijt upon n lud lllv 1111. 1 1 Heel lia.lv l ows, u la.se na .1 '-s 11 t : .1 10 is l.hi. ;i e.-,-.. II.- -d I Ihiii mid waleiv uud where i. r w.n-re i ,ns euc l,:, dy iaed Inat; drv, II will he f uiiii I la;U. nr vl.li-U a an almost 11,1. da:. r re tin- hi .si and CICIM'.;; lul every day nr every l'is's iu the siiiT.air; led in e'.s, eoeio.s, 11 e lv, I y Impi viiii; lite lei n ol l li.'.iluv di.sii ii ; n 'IValcspn 'II iiierd iv as il may he ueeenviry HUt.. "'.ei: cat til. ras. !ves. ct swel- s in Ihe l.u:a.s i.i, J lavrr. wi.ieh--.1 ! Itiay, Ihsse fit iy l,t pre ei;rn! .'.ills- tin ni t . enlir.-Iy l. j 1 oie vei nml II will at till- t une tunc c l.."i.lcl 111 .1 v hasten Ihe lall. n. . i ni i ,.:a ml . a llarrel . ui pr. ..ess. .. H. Iii :ih nai:::,,J t.hicli is pivm? mi'k nnd von nre desirous to la;t. n iiL the Kline llllie, . - it sh ml ii ! i;ive in .re th-iii u l d.l.-sp . nlul . -i.ee a wc k , r it w ill retaiiiilie IsTlaali urn l.n l.j in.-.c -sii.-j the Ulil'-uiil of .Milk. let eaeli peiMany us ede.-ts lor liimsilf mid lie will so,.,, I .. uti.sii' d .1 us cvjcla ni ipialities, uud that no Far mer Ji"a:.: tie wil.ioat it.. l-'or the p'irp sent I'm liu out still farther hnw far our Jimly cehl.tal.d CAT I'M; IMWDKII, is .iilule.1 tithe c ii.li'len--e nf an iut.-!'",.ei,t people; we have addressed' l'tle. to nl! iiti-ls of !!ie I lined Slates, wli.renur IViw der has liei-u used, uud we uitid.le u -w fr-nii the evidence thus lir. 'im hi l..-:nre us, lo assure every l-'urmer. Djiry man uud llorse-man. hut it has ttias far veiy inuell ex IceiLd ta.i in a: saneo'iae expeetiitl. lis. With ihe nil'liii oial kuowh-di-e llnis far otitaiue.1, Wi Hope we will he en-di!.-.! lo nuike Ihe hesl mid in sl per fect Cattlk .Metiuine ever yet cllered to a disi-erniilT pe iple. It ueis as n v;ilual le pmiii' ler nf dip-sumi. ini-pr-.vef the tpialily nf I tie hlotxl mid tlms iucrcs.se the niu.tiitit of cither i-'at. Milk and consequently of flutter. Kv.-ll 111 the hea'lhv Animal llewnre of f'.'iiuleitei!s iis the extensive Mile of out powder ttas induced clla-ls to make ml lliiilallon of il lUiill jut k lias our written ii;ii:ilure on Ihe eml. i!Hi:tiii, r uex!:ni:i.D a en. riiiladelphia, July -ii, IVjl ly. The undersigned have entered into. Co-partnership under the firm of KI.MUY & LAMIJLCXCK, TO CARRY ON THE Taper & Itaj Business, At Xo. 5, Minor Sheet, Philadelphia.. "lTlIlIltK llicy inleuil keeping a Iiuutt aiwor-t- uii'iit if papers, c., consisting in part as follow : V riling papers; wove and laid, American and English. liath Pests aud Note papers; wove and lui.l, gilt and plain. Folio l'osts, Flat Caps. Printing Papers, alt sizes. Hardware papers, from 19 by 54 to 40 by 4i, Colored and while tisMie pipers, American and English. II ullitigwoi tit's Patent MunilU papers. Colored uud white shoo papers, common and extra i.cs. Bull' Euvelie papers. Colored Printing and l.'oter papers. Manilla pupi'i, sics, Glazed lvoya.1, all co lors. Dru-ii-ist, lihio Medium nnj Filtering pacrs. Tea, im'i-h'I and Colored papers tor confection ers. Ifii, Manilla and Straw wrapping papers. Uoiuii't, Hinders, Hot, Cup and Trunk hoards. W hite and Hull' Eitwlopcs ; L,rgal, Letter, NoW and Card si.c Agents fur Uliss, Potter Sf Co's Printers' Cards iu packs and sheets, white aud injured odd sir. res, cut to order. Also, their Gilt, Figured and plain glazed papers. JOSEPH K1MUV. late of 68 N. Third st. K. S. LA WHENCE, btu of No. 3 Minor sk X. U 500 Tons of Hags wanted in exchange tor cash. Philadelphia, July 20, 1S51. Cnio. IOit salt) at lliis oliieo, tiiitrior black Ii&, I'.nl M.-i'iieaie at V.J us, Pure Estiic of tiiiiLj. r, ii t t-r.ii.