SUNBUHY AMKHICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Communication. For tti Amcrlrnn. PRESIDENT JIGE. By the act of last session, the 8th Judicial District is composed of tho Counties of Nor thumberland, Lycoming, Clin'.on nnd Centre. At the October election it will be necessary for the people to select a President Judge for this District. It is important that we should select that ofliccr with great care and deliberation, and in that selection to consid er, not the political services and partisan Usefulness, but the integrity, talent, learn ing and experience of the man. The popu lar eye has already been directed to Alex anoe Jordan, Esq., of Sunbury. llo is vell known to the people of this district, and 3 'in mention of his name alone will rural to !i minds of all his reputation ns on eminent lixvyerand an honest, upright and virtuous man. The fact that he has raised himself, without the influence of fiietuls or wealth to fiis high station at the Bar, is a mitlicirMil in dication of his industry and perseverance, and the brilliancy and strength of his intel lect. An extensive, constant and successful practice for a period of 30 years has given liim such knowledge and experience as emi nently qualify him of the station of Presi. dent Judge. Of his moral fitness, a life of probity furnished unquestionable evidence. It is to such a man only that the fortunes, lives and reputations of our citizens can bo trusted. In presenting his name to the peo ple, we a'rt confident of their approval. JUSTICE. Probatii.e Loss of Life at Pea. Jios ton, July 7. Tho ship Money, at this port, this morning, reports that on the 13. Ii June lat. 42, long. 4fiJ. spoke the brig Fanny from Mobile for Liverpool , which vessel reported having seen a s-hip on lire full of passengers, supposed to be bound to Mobile. The captain of the Fanny refused to heave to communicate full particulars. The vessel and all on board, were probably lost. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDKK ! rEPSIN, Ihe True Dips! ice Fluid, or Gnslric Juice! A great lypepia direr, pn-pared from Rennet, or the 'fourth Stomach of the Ox. after directions of Union Lit big, the gieat Physiological Chemist, by J- S Hooulnnn, M.'D., No. 11 Noith KL'hth Street, Philadel phia, Pa. This is a tiuly wonderful remedy lor Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constipation, and Debility, curium ufter Nature's own method, by N.iluiv's own agent, the tiastiic Juice. Sec advertisement in another column. n a n u i k it. 4th iust., by .1. II. Zimmerman, On I he Esq., Mr. Jacob (jiim.KH, to Miss I.yiua Mykri v, all of Suiibuiy. On Sunday, the L'ili iust., by the same, Mr. Da.nikl Sinton, of Shauiokin township, lo Miss Maiiv Anna Pilkiiaiit, of I'ppcr Augusta, Nurthuiriberlaiid county. On the 1st inst., by the Rev. Dr Shields, James D. Sth aw hhi k, M. I)., of Danville, Pa., to Emii.ik V , daughter of Win. Aguew, of Philadelphia. On the same day, by lie v. Mr. Nichols, Mr. W.M. .. CoHM'.l.l., of Clearfield, Clcar- tield county, to M i of Northumberland. Maiiv E. I.liscnuinc, i i i: it. In Shamokititown. on the 17th nil EVERET. wile of Daniel F.veret, aged . Mrs. I about o9 years. The deceased was for evcial years a pro fessor of religion, and left the world posses sed of the full hope of ;m unfading crown of glory. Her last illness which was protracted and severe, was borne with christian fortitude and resignation. No murmer was Iward to escape her lips, and a perfect submission lo the will r.f her heavenly Father, character ivod all her deportment. 'Blessed are those servant? whom the Lord when he conielh shall (hid watching." TO 'imuiuj'i-ti'w.l Coal (LYrtiiC. Sunbiiry, July 9, 1351. Amount of costi binuL'hl to Snnbury. over the Danville and Pottsville, from the Shamnkin Mines: Tons. For the last week, Wi'2 Per last repot t, 9 000 Total .472 Philadelphia Market. July 9, ISM. Flour axd SIkai.. The toaiket for Flotir is more active, with niIcn of 100 bbls for export. Standard biands are held at 54,37 i. Sales for city use at S4.3U a tjM,77i. Fancy btarlds are held at S4-Ja??5i. Rye Flouk. Pciiu. is in fair demand at S3,37i. Corn Mr.At.. Penna. is held at S2J. Wheat Sales of Penna. red at 93c ; prime white nt PSo a ?t. Rye. Is in demand, sales at 72 els. Cons. The supply about equals the de mand ; jellow commands 61 cts. Oats. Are in demand at 43 cts. for Pa. Whiskey. Sales of bbls. ut 24 cents. Hogsheads are held at 23c'. Baltimore Market July 0, 1S5I. GRAIN. We note sales of Maryland and Virginia Wheals to-day at 85 a 95 cts. for pood to primo reds and at f2 cts. for good white. Two loads of Pennsylvania red were sold lo day at 95 a 96 els Sales of Corn at 6'J a 62 cents for w hite 57 eta., for yellow. We fuinia Ouu at 2S a 40 cts. WHISKEY. Sales of Penna. bbls. at J4 cts., and of bhds. iM, cts. Salts of Rain more bbls. at 214 cis. SUNBUKY THICK CURIIUNT. Wheat. - - 106 Ri, .50 Cmi. " .SO Oats. 37 UcTTKR. " -14 Koos. 8 Voir. 7 pimiEI. ... 125 Tallow. .10 RccswAt 25 Heckles Flat. . 10 Dsn AffLss. "75 Do. PtAlU. - 5,00 fi. . - Hew Advertisements. Teachers Wanted. jVOTICE is hereby given that sealed proposals ' will lie received by the Directors of the Com mon fVhe-ols of tho Borough of Sutihurf for Tea chers for tUe ensuing year, until 1 o'clock P. M., on Friday, A?iirt 12th 1851, at which time a turning of saiil Directors will be he hi in Room No. 4, of tho Public Pcliool House, to examine teachers and allot said Schools. By Order of the Hoard, O. M. YORKS, Scc'y. Sutibury, July 5, 1S5I. fit. IIEGISTEE'S NOTICE. jV OTICE is hereby piven to all Legatees ' Creditors nnd other persona interested in tho Estates of the following named persons, that the Executors, Administrators, and liuonliuns of said Estates have tiled their uceounts with the Register of Northumberland comity, and that the sume will be presented t the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday the ath day of August next lor confiriimtion and nllowance. Jesse Ummcl, dee'd., settled by his Execu tor. Samuel Kcitz. Joseph Irwin, ilcc'd., fettled by his Adm'r Andrew dully. John 'i'si-hopn. dee'd., settled by his Adui'r .Michael Tsehopp. John Humor, dee'd., settled by one of his Adm'rs, Abiah-iui llainor. Sarah Uustcd, dee'd., settled by hotfrExccu tor, A .Ionian, Esip Robert W. liecliel, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'r, Daniel llolshoe. Martin Irwin, dee'd.. sillied by his Adm'r, Marks P, Seuplinm. Henry ShalU r, ilei-'il.. settled by his Adm'r, tie fornix lion John Fanisworlh. Silas, Anne, Emily, and Cornelia Feastcr, minor ehildi-en of John Feasler, dee'd., settled by their (tiiar.liau, Win. Cornell. "Adam Crifz, dee'd., settled by his I'.tccutors James .McMalun and Emanuel Reck. Jacob lireesiinjcr, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r, John ireesinger. JOHN P. I'LKSEL, Rcfister. Register's Oiii.e, Suiibury, July fl, lol. ot. J 100 LAB0P.ZLS WANTED liMMl'l lA'l'KLV mi the Trevorton Rail Road, - (Sections .11 oc .12 ; nt the Mouth of the Ma honuy t-'reek, to whom liberal wages will be paid. IRA T. CLEMENT & Co. Sunbury, July 5, 1 SSI. -if. LIST OF JURORS. Northuinbei'laud Couitlv for August rm, A, D. 1S.11. F i' n iir ti v . El ward W. Ilright. I.uwKit Ali.ista. John Ebright, John Wvnii, Samuel (ehriugei. I'i'i'Kii Atci'siA. Jniiiis Fry. Suamokin. Isaiah M ujmii. John Roadar inel. (Jeurge Keller, benjamin Tomalson. Jack son. Con tad Raliork. Ri sii. M.ilun Hull. Philip Weaver, Clnis topli Campbell, Charles Carr. Ciin.i(ji ahi r;. Henry Sheats. Dki.awakk. James E'veiet, John P. Beard, Isaac Vincent. Tfiunvr. (leorge Koons. Lf,wis. William Li-vauy, Wilson Huse, Jacob (ji'.tuer, Cideou Ih'cver. Lou Kit MaiiusuY. Adam Uingeman. Traverse .Siti'oi. Si'Mii iiv. Cyrus (). llachmati. Samuel Cos.-ler. I.mvtit Al'iifSTA. Daniel Conrad, Daniel Zimmerman. I'ri'Kti Ana s i a. Samuel Uilatul, Simon Snyder. Low Kit Mahonmv. Elias Weast, Chailes liiosiouh. John Seller, 15. lij. thlu lltlluiT, Danii.'l Fiai.ce. Uri'f.11 Maiio ;;ov. -J, ilm c. yder, Daniel Diinkell'erirer. Resil. Lewis Yiistiue, man, .lames Eckuian, Abel Abraham I biff Dicus. John llol'- man, Win. 11. Kase. Cam kuon. John Outshall. Coai.. John Everitt. Noui ik'.m John Cake. Poi.vr. Jacob D.nitler, John EiUlou Cim.i i(t"A"ji f. Cot u el I us McGinlc v, :'olo- mem Wallers, Win Freest. Dr.i.AWAr.t:. --Jacob Iliown, Enoch Rennit, Henry J. Reader, Chailes Derr. l.ti.vis. James Watts. James Roan, Mi chael Rrnbst. Michael Reader, John M. biy son. Levi Claz". Tin in r. Philip Hil'miie. Daniel Eolliner, Ceo. Coed, David L lllall l, Will. KlllH. Mil. ton. Jolin Resh, John Noma. Suamokin-. David R. iil. Jackson. Paul Hulienbach, Solomon Die.-i:!er, Jacob lloll'mau. New !Mnsic Just Published. EE & WALKEH. No. li;5 Chesnut st are constantly puhhshins nnd receiving. new nnd beautitul music Irom the most ilistin guisbed composers. The fallow inn list contains some of their choi cest and most j.,!,i; tar Soul's,, Polkns, Now, thou art, a btuuliful smi, words by Thomas .1. Diehl, music by llaiubridge. Jlv New England Home, words and lniuic bv Mrs L. Wad, . (irohe's tlinnibus; by C. Crohn a collection d 1'UCtti. Sounds from Home, piano und violin, by Jos. Co:i..-. Prettv Little PolkaS for Pretty Little People, bv .1. Linvf. All the S iiuls are Slcepin, by A. S, Worn- sev. Cuaidian Ant'tl, by the a u liter of "Love Not." lli,us'hold Words, written by CI1.. is. Yoim.;, do. 'J he Adieus, wo.ds bv Th.nnas J. Dichl, mu sic ly II kit. LEE V WALKEU have constanllv on hand, superior Pianos,, nnd a supply of Martin's Cele brated I! Hilars, which together with a line as sortment of Musical Instruments nnd Merchnn- lie ia ceueral, comprise a slock not to be sur passed ly that ot niiv oilier tslaLlisliinont III the country. ' LEE Sc WALKER. 10.2 Chesnut stnet. Swaim'e Building. Phi!adel) hia, June 'ZA, lSol. ly. IMJ()(M,A3iATJ()Xr V O'J'ICE is hereby sien lhat the several courts tifCouimoii Pleas, iencriil tJtiarter Sessions HI me peace, ami nrpnaus uiirt, ourt ol liver und 1 crinincr and (icneral Jail Delivery, in and for the county of NorthliuilH'ihuid, to commence nt the Court House, in the borolmh of Sunbury ut 1U o clock, A. M. on Monday, the 4th dav of Aut-'ust next, und will continue ONE WEEK. The cor.iner, Justices of the Peace and constn- bb s in and for the eoontv of Northumberland, are requested tu tie then and there m hiir proper per sons, wiui iiu ir runs, reconlH, luuuisiiions. and other remembrances, to do tho.-J limits to their brverul oliiccs Bppi rlainiuu t be don. And all witnesses prosecuting ill behalf uf lha Coiunioi wealth ayumst any pntoiu r are also requested and comiumidcd tu m then und there attending in their proper iiersnns lo vrwreut unniiKt linn, un sin. 1 1 be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested lo be punctual in their unenuuuee, ai uie nine appomtyil agreeable to their notice. (iiven under my hands at Sunbury, theSUtday oi junr, in wiu jvur ui our iord one ttiou sand emht tuoulrcd und fifty-one and tin. In. deendeiice of the L lulcd Stutes of America the voiu. JAMES COVERT, Sh'ff. uoa save the i.oinmimweallti. IN K Boureau'i celebrated ink, and also Con ...... f... L...l H,l...)AJl-. I l ' .. im ' wiv, nnuiraiif biiii rruin ny H B MASTER December 88, 1650. Estate of PETER McAHDItEW, Dee'd. "jyOTICE Is hr-rchy Riven that Tetters of ad ministration have been granted to the sub scriber on the estnto of Peter MrAndrcw, dee'd., lnte of Coal townsl lp, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate or hnving claims acsinst the same, arc requested to coll on the subscriber for settlement. MICHAEL HALEY, Adm'r. Trevorton, Juno 14, 1851. fit. Estate of HENRY ROCKEFELLER, Dec! "VroTICE is hereby niiven that IcttcTS of ad ' ministration have been prantnl to the sub scribers on thecstnte of Henry Rockefeller, dee'd., late of Point township, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate or having rlnims nttaiust the same, are requested to call on the subscribers for settlement. JOHN ROCKEFELLER, 11 KA RY MUKtiAN, Adiiiiuistrntors. Point tp June I I, 1951. fit. SUl'HKMK COUUT Northern District VJ"OTICE is hereby piven that the Supreme Court for the Northern District of Pcnnsyl vunia, will commence its annual session on the second Monday of July niwt, at the Court House m cuubiirv. ' CHARLES PLEASANTS, l'roth'y Sup. Court, N. I). Prothounfarv's Ollice, ) Sunbury, June 21, 151. J ARGUMENT LIST-July Term, 1851. 1 Covell vs Mallil, Luzerne. 2 Case vs .lohtison, Siwiphniina. 3 Andres vs Evans, Tioga. 4 Keen vs Walker, Luzerne. 5 Louniis vs Kelloatr, Snsci'hanna. l (lore vs Powell, Lnzetne. 7 Cash vs Tn.e, Bradford. N Piice s Lewis, Luzerne. 9 Hallaril vs Thomas, Bradford. 10 Huston vs liarstou, " 11 Tallmaii vs I'eaford, " 12 Shiipen tp. vs (!. lines Ishp, Tioya. Hi Raibil vs Williston, Ibadloid. 14 Xitni! vs Chandler, " lo Same vs H iird, " Hi S.iiuo vs Chandler, " 17 Same vs EUvcll, " 1! 1' Co vs ""ieri Iustj banna. 19 Smith vs Little, Luzerne. SECOND WEEK. Reeds i.drn'rs vs Reed, NorlhiimbTd. Kaaely ei Co VS 15. -lias, " Wallis vs Snyder, Union. Weimer vs Clements, Norlbumb'ld. Ross vs Pleasants, " Pleasants vs Ross " Elliotts Eac'is vs Cudykunst, Union. Wilhelm vs Caul, North'd. CahKvell vs li -nnel. sh'ff, Lvcnming Oysters adrn's vs Wright fisher, " Kiederiid; vs-Wood, " Shailer vs Kessler, North'd. Milier vs Sweeney, " l'lckin.-on.s J-. is v.s t.alialians Lycorn ad'mrs, Road, An-'tistii thr. NorlhM. Union. Norih'd. Union Fiees vs Sluiiicr, iMeitsias' appeal l.ouver Aarman vs Walls, vs Shupengast, " i :iipi al Not th'd. vs D.-wart, " vs Snyder. Union . adm'rs "vs MeGii.h-v Norih'd idin'rs vs Heirs of T 'Irani " vs Knrley, Union. vs Ih'llman, Lvcomin". Seh-ieide Hellas Wilt, McCinle 23 21 25 2ii 1- (iraut' -her 27 MeCartv NO ( 'in; NO 1AY I Hughes' Fever or.d Ague Pills!! 4 PElfFECT and sjieedy cure for the Fver 1 5- and Apne is punrantccd to any one who may ue the Pills. They have been used fur the ,rt'ii ,.; and have never been known to. fail in a single instance and in eases, too, where persons have had the disease fur Keveral years, without intermission. Tho proprietor i ml, x the vviij to produce an article that will cure in as cl.ort a lime, without lcaviin? any di'li'lerious i Civets from the use of it. If the Pills do nut pci I'm in a spedy and pel feet cure, the pro)irictor will return I lie money. Fur sate by l.icib S. Lawrence. .M iner ille ; E. llelfen stein, 'i'ri orten ; S. R, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha ven; John W. Fiiliiij', Suubiiry ; Mary A. .Mc Coy, Northumberland; Dr. liecklv, Danville ; John Sharpies. Caltawissa ; Dr. Jiuld, iMiiiins pott ; John Rasi'i", Milton, mid by rosjtcctable Druirjisls tlinai :hout the Male. J. CURTIS C. lirdilES, Pottsville, June 2S, IS51. Iv. Estate of PETER SHR0NTZ, Dee'd. 5JOTIC1-: is bi-reby u'tven that b iters Testa- meiit.irv have bicn rrranted to the subscri ber on the estate ef Peter Shroutz, ilec'd., late of Lower Augusta township, Northuuilierland unity. All persons in.lebtcd to said estate or iiin claims anainst tin; same, ore ri'.pie.ited to ill on the subscriber for settlement. MAIIV sllltU.NT., AJm'rx. Lower Aurusta tp., June ".l. fit. ia.V"'!arffsi8. a i.i.iii, 10 uie premises to the of ihe subscriber, in - llvsbiir-r, Shaniokiu township, Northumbcr- md county, on the lnth inst., tw.i steers, one red and one white, and one black bull will) a white stical; iiloiis his back. The owner is re qutvd to come forward, prove property, pay mid take lliem away, otherwise they will e fault! according to law, WILLIAM Ci. KASE. Elvsbursr, June t;S, ;tt. Estate of ABRAHAM KERLIN, Dee'd. JOT1CE is berebv piven that letters of Ad- minitralioii have been granted to the suti- seriber on Ihe estate of Abraham Kerlin. dee'd.. late of Hash township, Northumberland eoinitv. Ml persons indebted to said estate, or bavins laiins ajamst Ihe same, are requested to cull on the suI'M-nber for Betileim nt. JAMES ECKMAX, Adm'r. Rush Isbp., June 11, ISol til, Kh ESTATE 'BllE fiibacribcr will otVer for sale, at public vendue, at the (tourt House, in the l)mroii"h ol Snnbmv, on Tuesday, the 15th day of July nest, mo uiniiMc.i loin-liltlis ot the lollowui" real estate, situated in the Ilorouirh of ullllurv. TWO LOTS OF GROUND Adjoining e;ieh other, on the north side of Black berry sSliect ; contaiuiiii; in fiont cu said street. one hundred and twenty feet, and in depth two liimureil and thirty Icet. Ihe improvements are a good two lory DWELLING HOUSE nnd Kitchen, a larse Potter Show. Barn. good well ot waler, etc. One lot of ground on the South side of said street, tlU feet in front ou said ttrret, and V3U feet in depth, bounded suuth by the Rail Road I 'IM. I i ... I DWELLING HOUSE. U0 feet front, Kitchen. Stable, and &iure House. The above pieces of proxrty and Lets of Ground are well situated for business. The titles are indisputable. Terms of sale will l,e favorable, and will be niado known on the day of sale. The property will be sold, us Ihe entitle of Daniel llognr, dee'd., by FREDERICK LAZARUS, Adm'r with the Will annexed. Sunbury, June U, l8&l,5i. SUEI!:,fshY,wT,CW ""'I ..h...ii uiihi oinies, lor sale al Verv ... , prices by S".7,lury, April 18. 1S51. H. B. M NEW GOODS, AT THE STORE 0E JOHN YOUNG, VlITO respectfully inform hii friends and " " etrstoiners thnl he hn returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of New Spring Goods, which he offers for sale at his old stand in Mar kct street. These goods will be sold at the low est prices. His stock consists of every variety, viz : Dry Goods, Such a Ctnlh, Caitaimcrcn, Muslins, Calico's Gingham, Latens, V hintzet and La din Drt$ and foary Goods generally. Also an assortment of Falm Leaf Hats, Capa, &c-, ttUEENSWARE. Hardware. Iron nnd Steel, Nails, kt,, ALSO: A general assortment of Groceries, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cheese, Mo lasses, Spices. Iff Produce of nil kinds taken in exchange nt the highest mnrket prices. Stmbury, May 24, 1851. LOOK II ERE! ! ! THE Subserilier respectfully informs his friends and the public, generally, that he still contimn-s the SADDLERY BUSINESS, At his old Stand in Market Street, Sunbury, two doors above Market Squnrc, where he con stantly keeps on hand, a large assortment of .Heady Made Harness, (Double & Single.) with Silver, Brass and Japan ned niounlinR. Also Saddle, Dridlcs, Trunks, Varices, Whips, Collars. All kinds of work in his lino made to order, in as "neat a style ns i nn be Rot up in this country. 1 ersons wishing to purchase will please call and exnminc his stock before purchasing elsewhere. N. H. The subscriber has just opened a new and sj.lciidid Assortment of Saddlery, Such ns Silver, Brass and Japanned mounting, Patent Self-Adjustinif Trees, Patent Roller Hits, Hiding Dridlo Hits, Trunk and A'nlice Locks, Trunk Hoard, Trunk Nails, Haines, Truces, Trim mini? Luces, Tufts, Sad dle Web, Sincle and Double. White Enameled Leather, l'atent Leather, Oil Cloth, Ifnsetts. Tassels, Fancy llrow-Dands, Saddle Trees, Deer's Hair, PATENT FLY NETS of all kinds. All of which will be sold as elienp if not cheaper than they con he got elsewhere, for cash or approved credit. AN DUE W J. STKOII. Sunbury, April -f, ISM. Gin. GREATARiVALOJ? XEAV GOODS! AT THE STOIIB OF FIlIliXNGr & GRANT, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., ipHE subscribers hereby inform their old eus--- tinners and the public generally, that they have just le.civcd u large and extensive assort ment of all kinds of Merchandize, which they oiler to purr hasurs nt such rates, that they can not refrain from buying. Their assortment of J)pv (Hoods, is large, embracing all kinds if Cloths, Cassimcrs, Satlinctls, -(. A general assortment of Summer wear, of LINEN', WOOL and COTTON', Staple, and Taney Goods for Ladies, of all kinds, such as Calicoes, Mous. dc Lnines, Lawns, ( Michnins, i;c. GROCERIES and QUEENSWARE. Also mi excellent assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. lUtt liS AND MF.DICIM:. Fish, Salt and Plaster. tV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change nt tho highest market price. Sunbury, May 10, 1H5 1. TO THE ELECTOUS OP NOKTHUMBEil LAND COUNTY. BIIE sulisi'iiber reeelfully informs his friends nnd fellow citizens of Northumberland coun ty, that he will be a candiulc for County Commissioner, at the ensuing election He therefore solicits from his friends nnd fellow citizens a liberal sup port, nnd promises should he be elected to dis- cnare me uunes oi me uiui-c wiui itueuij nun impartiuhiv, ELIAS UliOSIOL'S. Sunbury, March 15, 1S51 TO THE ELECTORS OP NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fi.i.low CrrizKSs: At the solicitation of my friends, I oiler myself us a candidate for tl oll'iee of COT'NTY COMMISSIONER, nt the eiisuini; election. Should I be elected, I promise to discharge the duties of said ollice with lidelity und impartiality. C.EOKOE DRICIIT. Sunbury, April IS, ISal. TO THE ELECTORS Of NOUTHU.MBER LAND COUNTY. TIHE subscriber respectfully informs bis friends JL und lellow citizens of N orihunilierlanil conn. ty, that be oilers himself as a candidate for County Commissioner, 7 tit tha rntminflf olerliou. He nolidta from hi 1'riciiiU and li-Ilt.w cilizons a Hunnorl, ami promi sea ehoulil lif I e clouted to dischitrc the duties ol' thtf allico with hdflitv. CHAKLK6 WEAVER. Suiil.nrv, Mav 34, 16ft!. TO THE ELECTOHH OK NORTH I'MBER. LAND COL'NTV. Pkllow Citiikxs: At the earnest solicits. tion of many of my friends, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the ollice of County Commissioner at the approaching eleclioa. Should I lie elected I promise to discharge the duties of said ollice with fidelity and impartiality. 1 solicit the sup port of my Icllo ciiuiens. CALEB DA R RET. Lower Augusta, June it, INS I. TTkATENT URITTANIA STOPPERS for Q bar bottles for sale by H. D. MASSE R. Hunbury, April 12, 1831. VRNOLU'S WRITl.NC. Fl.l.ID and Adue sive and Ical envelopes, fur sale by H. U. MASSER. Sunbury, April 26, 1851. "IV"l"RSINU UUTTLE3- Dreasl pump, and nipple tubes- A supply of thuu) useful arti- cle just received am) (of aale by JOHN W F RILING Sunbary, Jan 18, 1851 tf KNOH AND SFKING MORTISE LAT CH ES. An excellent article, for sale at hull lU usual price by ) V, FUILIKO, Sunbury, July 7. 1649- ' TiK Paictiment Paper IWU and blank J vi Mortgaue, Uiindit, Lxncutions, Summons, sc., for aale by H. D. MANSER. Sunhurv, April Jfi LOOK HEM, WILLIAM HOOVER respectfully informs his friends and customors that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of . . NEW SPRING GOODS, which he oilers for sale nt his new store at Mas ser's Mill, Hollowing Hun. These goods will bo sold at the lowest prices. II1S STOCK CONSIST: OK KVIIRY VARIETY, Vre: Dry Goods, 50., Such ca Cluths, Casimcres, Sttrxlms, Callkoe.s, fi'nigmms. Lawns, Chintzes and Laities Dress Goods generally. ALSO: An assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c, dUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, I BOX nnd STEEL, NAILS, &c, A general assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Ten, Molas ses, Spices, &.C. Also an assortment of Liquors, such as Brand;, Rum, Whiskey Wines, cVc. Vy Produce of all kinds taken in exchange, at the highest market prices. Hollowing Kun, May in, IRM ly. MARBLE MANUFACTORY,) CHEAP GKAV13 STONES. fMIE nnhseriber informs his fiiends and the laihlif. itia! lip I'm mi's to r,irrv on the Murble Dusincss in all its lira nrliis, nt his old ., nnd is prepared lo ihhiui- stand in M ilton, 1 factnrc Monxuncnts, Tombs, Gravestones, &c., of the best materials, and most finished work innnship, anil at the lowest prices. Letter C iit t i nix, Enlisli nnd (jcrmnn in the most modern nnd cletxiint style. Designs li r Moinuneiits, Ciravc Stones, &.C., always on hand. K. B. thders for the Enst side of the river promptly executed by leaving th( some at the oflicc of the "Sunhurv Ameriran," AXTHOXV HIPP. Milton, Mav 10, 1P5I. NEW AND T0PULAR SCHOOL BOOK. OMPHEHEXSIVE summary of Universal History, tnirelher with a lliosraphy of Dis tinguished Persons, lo vvhii h is appended an epi tome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy, Gen eral Astronomy ami Physiology. Adopted and used iii the Public Schools of Philadelphia. E. S. JONES eV Co., Publisbers, S. W. Corner FOURTH and II ACE sts rhila. Teachers and Selmnl Coininiltees addressinir letters to us post paid, will be furnished with copies for examination. Ic A 1'ull nnd CompVte Assortment of BOOKS nnd STATIOXAI! V, for Sale at the Lowest 2'rirrs. May :, Hot. Iv. Great lmjuovi'mrnis in making French Uurr 31 ill Stones. 1)Y the line of KKN'DKRDt.NK: iniir vnl ati irn Ky wliii Ii built tuii) Uie Kumier, nt TIM to Illl'iW l'r til! weir ol I lie St me, nnd ha u in iveahle Uilnnci ryii ml ilrivei At) us u ke-p Uie balmtf nl' Hit; mmc without train iimij: until it in wirit o in. (in r t ick ot' HI-cks is m'h'cted in I run nii'l ilif vst cualily i-nlv usil. S..hJ Iiiur tit u s in mi d r-1 ;l icel m iliiinitfter with the hnver St'tne t ni.i. i. in Ihfr eye. II ltii!u' t'l Mill lr-iiim.l Smut .M; i lift I nrcvriit the runner clinking .I' a:: ii.,.ri., h.-a f.,r culi. i GninlHt"ncH ci' n-ft rtfd it , KUiiuhlc it CtHintry Mer cliHiitii, iuiit. -rUil ;un! tui twW ! .1. j;. ATITCIIKI.L, N. 1 1 I'M Yoik Ilnud. wviit Uie luUiuii I'.'lc. rhiladi'lphia. Apiil , It-.;!. Cm.-. JOHN" C A LYE I i LEY, .IC.tiitiC.K iiil cr of No. 10!) Race, (Sassafias.) street, Above Thu d, ippofitc Ihe While tficmi llohl. rHILADS.FClA. Tallow Cliaiulli irt und Manufacturers cim he supplied u itb a lirst rate Article nt" Candle .Moulds, ol Superior eicl!enfe and futili. IN. 15. The Moulds are made or tlie best .Metal and polished by a new I'al' i'.t MachiilP, wliii h gives them an extra linMi. They ore after the English style the tips to screw (m the pipe, and the pipe to screw tinht in the bench. It' AKiiAMTKii to tie tar superior to any other now in ujc. ; 1 lie also manufactures Kurjieiil l'umi'jt and ! Svrinees. April 11, lS.'.l. Cino. J L. Y 1L GIESE, (.firit fur Henry r,) LUMBER COalJllSSlON .11 K li C II ANT, rails DiH'U, l!i;lliiiioi-c. tl?" I.HIKKAL ADVANCES made on Con sigumerits. Lktiiiis end Coxsiu x m xts should 1 ad dressed to I.. V. II. G1ESE, Agent. May 10, 1 mo. WE STUDY TO FIEASE. ntt-iiii'ii H"tMi-rs hwt nth'T, nrc rrp,t fully 1 lllVlttit l-1 t't '!l-inr i hikI W't'll SclfOU'il !K'k l" Jli;iU)lli HAIiDW Alii: AMiTdOI.S, ww uilt-rvU by ihe iLitiM-rilH'i". tiisf-tniu in ;ki uv ("How: AuitHit-uit 1-V'irt I -r l,.'.-k-, iijutaht, ivith night wrkt plaliril ir hr.tss nf r -nitii nit o!ri. Anitrifiiti l'rrat or 1, ck. u.-r'St, ililu, with lu-ht wfk, LiU(i ui t-i (iirnitnrt, or pttiociiiu all C't'l. Atiix-ricuii K rut n U'li-f !! ituA rtr D"ht, Ilnrioti tnl r iij.rtjihi. hruMi tiiriiitiirc, i porcfknu till rrfi. Ain'ru:tii Kii'i Lj'M'Wh, H mi'i-n :hh1 ij rr;i h t i r. W hite or binxs t ill ll ittu ct itr nH)-''l;iiii:ill cnlnisi, Anit'iM'uii Aioriif l, vf:;f, uH w.t, with iliiic1, while of hruMi luriiiinii, or pon ( itti ;i!t c 'tfi. AuuTir;iii M Hin t' litf-hif, u!r mi. whli phited white or limn iiiriiinnf, i p ir l:tiu nil C 'l-nis. Aiiifrii.'in .M ituc r i Him t'.flf-t l.'k, pKitril ot hnm etcutt lw tiw, t'i p- r. t-i tin itll C 'li-r. AtutTirim i.jt, 'l lmiuh, Onfe, and Store Dot Jstllcll'-S. Als s Int'Mtt'l Iickd liutl l.:iN-hrtif i-Vt'IV tt'iK:riiI lotl. ItaUlw m's, m,,l AnnfH'.m Kull Uuic, ol till wxett, lukt or l-ist- j 'Hi'. MiiHh-r. ii;itt. ir ip, T., nnil ltn ltii ii llmirra, nil knuls. (hnltT, (.i.tif. D, Kl-lt. "ml Siting ii.-lt, 11' w'uijiit (if rut ir n i.:pt l i;ih!i. t-vt-fv il' MTii'U'iit. sV-wi4, Si'f'L'f, ti.up, S'iin1 l'aer i if Ihe bi-irt qnsjlhy. Auu'itiMii .S lc uml Mruiu AxW I'ulicj , very vur-iy. AiiK-ricuu Uuttoiic, iUUt ot on pktlc-, brass, iron( r itfoiizi-i!. Aii i-lt, pliiti-.l, whit, iron, or " kitwU. Kiih-t:il, uuii 'iiunJ l-uUiii, ih niln-f rm1ifi t UHM-rMM v' ni'-iiti in. IV miU SASU-Wl'.liilll wt FACTORY nun:? IcT All ir'ilnMimol lice of Clwrjo to ony wrt of iku L'rtv juI li!rii'ii. At tl;i3 t.i ,t,;i b f -uml .w 'f the Ifiijrt ami lifju ukk irim. nU . hue Mini I :"'' N lt itt llit'ity; ww patt.-niK, i-i wlnt-h. raiun4 Uf iwai, tut ciLt:uHit1. ill miiv 'i!i. r .M 'H-. H J- Sj.e:u ,V JiMkm' lU-k. IV-".. 1. Iljnwt, "ni flipp Snw, i'mifVUil rxprfMlv l-T Hctiil mar U nh1l with cure. KOe ita'-ii' f I lh wh-hraiol I'Lim. inwh hy K. W. IW. penfr, f l.-mriiti, I'fi., Ik-hi wH utule M H'Ul, and Ihe UitUi ifn.uii.IaiHr Ir ,nK Haiiy't A U iIIunu' make of Otuwls, A&t-jy llau;.i, UruwiBg Kmvee, &ct all war rtinifil vimhI. I'uKtAWiU fckh k'i make of Aiifrer and Artier Bilti, all Ameriinn Stareimci Frvihrnf erery deaenplinn. Ain.-n.- .n Ktilca. Oaub't, P-awnctu, ComptiMv Screw driven, A e. t n. Aiitrrunii f Ilamincrm, Claw uJ Rivctinir, ftllwxcA, Anvil autt Vict. U fcixei. Hieel, Iron, and Wicu Bracei, with C. & Uilla, ia trjit viiiii-IV. ..r k- tl...'. U. ..!. -.1. ...J IV, j I i v i n. w -is huh i i m aiin uviicsj eelebrslul mskfs ui' clii'-ts, Ir'ik-s, Pluiif-lrons, Ac, Kc. , AiWis'i edt'iiratwl Carviint, all shapes. Mu'allig use "I I" l"l "ml lt rxtxiMive SSSrUlieilU of UuiMiri ttniilwuis Slid TihiIs in tlie tiuile. At iliw estnUisliiiieiit il is cm iilt l'Usur to ,h,,w tb iils. Viiu sre inviusl t call and exuiui, tiieuMl)Il. nmni, ami ilie prices asked, fcefors aufehususf else. wUerc Com sud see us. w Youn, rcsptxtfiili. wm. M. MoCXVRE. No. 8T Market u.. tMwera rtu sjsl , unpsr side hils-lelr his, Ariril li, la.; Phi TO PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. flHB nhcrilim ofTiT lo phyniriana and Atup a- cnm"lll,y cctad (rtock of ilni)? and medicines, whh they will ttuarantee to be of the nct.t qimt.ty, pilre untuitprmpj in M callM. I heir facilitiea for impwtinir foreign druR and chcmicaU ar nuch, tbat tlioy are cnnldcd to sell hem upon the bet termi, and at tlie .ame time to a-oure tlie.r cu.tomcM of their ccnuinenew. They liava also recently prepared and now of fer for iiale a aupenor article of Rcemldins Henry'a Mairrel, free from carbon ic ncid and rniiBlinessor Rrittincua, almot entirely tanteleas, comliining In an equal bulk from three to four times the utronprtli of the common kind and sold at about one half the price of Htnry'a Mnfrnenia. They have also prepared the Fluid M?tgnesia, Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, Scc, at lews than hall the price of tho foreign nrticlc. They also have on hand of their own prepara tion an assortment of 1'nre Drugs in Powder, Nently put up in 1, J and 1 pound bottles, such as Aloes, Uhubnrb, Senna, Senega, Khntany, Ki no, Cum Arabic, Serjientaria, Ext. Glycyrrh, Ipe cac, Totassa Sulph., Totassa Nilras, llorax, Spi- Rrim, uurliu, Urns, Cuscurilla, Canclla Alba, Uvn I'rsa, fee, Ci'rent care ban been taken to have these urc- parcd from the best selected druijs and in such a wny as to preserve the characteristics of each ar ticle without injury. I liey liave also a vanctv of Chemical &, IMiai innceulical Preparations of their own manufacture, and add to the list all the valuable new remedies as they become known. Among them may lie mentioned the following : llyilr.M-yaiite ArM, froparitliiiiin ol lNline, " .'f I'.Uastsi, l.iiii'ir Auini"iiittl Aina, i.i. Preparan'.ins of Mercury, Iron, " Zinc. Kxtrnrt of Siiina, Hind, a (l a;iiit I'oTin to riUiniumtcr I'li'f date, do. a new re- tai'ite IllniininliMii lo fvilitrrn. KxtiucL of Itncha Comp., Ilai.l, " Spinvlta, " " arKiwirilIn 0'in- 1MI8II1011 Ituid, do. d . i-lid, " ito pimple do. ' Ciilneynlh Itotnp. ' " do siiiiple. Illoe Mnss. Kxlmet ol llcii'.inii, lt CJaimjiij. ' l':irxieiun. " iilcriiin, Haiti, a i'-w aim us'iui rcuu'ily Pps. ther Xitros, U. S. V., Oils or Copaiva, Cubehs, Krjfot, Tohaece, Ac. Citrate of Iron nnd Quinine, Sesqni-Oxidc of Iron, on antidote for nrsenic, Citrate of Maiinesia, a new nnd pleas ant cathartic medicine, put up in 1 2 or. bottles, per do.. Collodion, or l.iipiid Adhesive Mus ter ; n convenient application in many surgical operations, put up in small vials. Also CANTHARIDAI. COLLODION OR BLIS- TURING LIQUID," " A convenient, preparation nf canthnrides ia many cases where, there is a difiiculty of applying the ordinary blistering plaster. A coating of it appli ed with a camel's hair brush and covered with oil silk or some similar substance, will produce a blister in three hours' time ; or when exposed, in the usual time of about twelve hours. Physicians and others may depend upon the faithful and prompt execution of their orders at ns low rates ns the best quality of medicines can be purchased. CHARLES ELLIS & CC. 50 Chesnut street, I'liilada. LidKiratory, Clh and Morris Sts. outhwark. November 1G, ISol). tf. UNION HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. nuiE MISS -WEITZKL'S rcspec.tfully inform Jl the Public Hint they still eoninnc to enter tain travellers and others at their old established stand in Market street, west of the Court House. Their lont; experience in the business, and the well established reputation of their House, will, tho- trust, be a Kuliieient sunrantep, that their custniniTH u-iH he wrll accommoJutciU STOVES! STOVES! rflllli subscribers return their sincere tlianks to llieir cu.loincrM, fur liberal encouragement fur tlie last cur, nnd linpc by strict nttention ill li Hin if orders to meet vetilx tbe sume liberal patron aue. We b;ic on hand tbe greatest variety of patterns of any other foundry ill tlie United stales, end still nibiln to their number, liivc us a call before pureliasin-t elsewhere. Our slock eiiibriHcs a great variety ol t'onkinir stoves, of the must approved kinds, Parlor stoves for wood or coal, coiniuoii stoves, cylinders of all kinds, and uJd plates of nil kinds to repair stoves. For Summer use, a small ISIove, called Sum liter baker, new and superior Furnaces for burn in'; charcoal or stone coal, Gas ovens nf several dilliiieut patterns, ltake ovens, several patterns, III lil i i 1 1 lt pot-Is, Spout irons, and a variety of arti cles in casting, too numerous to mention. The llardiMire trade can be supplied with common 4, 9, 0, 7, und 8 tpiarl Tea kettles, at very low pri ces for cash or cily acceptance. A few casks of superior Oerman Mack lead on hand. WARNIC'K & I.I11RANDT. Noble st. wharf, Delaware, Philadelphia. April, l', l&ol. bum. Journal ot I hi V U A N K LI N 1NSTIT UT K , OK 11IK HtATKOV rKNNSYl.VA.MA Ci TI1K rttOSIOTtU! HF Tin: II ilt" AltTS. THE oldest Mechanical Periodical extant in America, is published on I he rirsl of each month in the I'lty of I'liiludelphia. It has been rcnulaily is.-nied for njiwards of twenty-five years, and is carefully edited by committee of scientific licnthnicn appointed lor the purpose, by the rr.inliliii IiiHiituto. 'J'lic dewrvedly litKh reputation, both at home and abroad, which this Journal has acquired and mislained, has given it a circulation and exrhane list of the best character, w hich enaldes the Uom niittee on Publications to mske the best selections from I'oren;n Journals, and to (.'ive eirculutiou to original coiuimiiiicalions on meclumical arwl sci entil'ic subjects, and notices of new inventions; notices of nil the Patents isued at the Patent Of licc. Washington Citv, are published in the Jour nal, together Wlui a largo uiiiuuin oi iiiionu.iiioii on .Mei iiauics, C'lieintry, and Civil Engineering, derived from the latest and t t auUiontic. I'bis J.iuinal is pulilislied ou the lirst of each month, each niinilier containing at least seventy tno naucs, and forms two volumes annually of about -to"- panes each, illustrated with engravings on copper and on wood of those subjects which ifpiire them. J he subscription price is five Dollars per an num, payable on the completion of the sixth mun is r; and it will bo forwarded free of postage win n live dollars are remitted to the Actuary (sstu;e paid) lu advaucc fur out year' subscrip tion. Communications and letter on Inisiness rnirsl lie directed to "the Actuary of the Franklin Insti tute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," tho postage mid. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actuary, F. 1. April 12, 1851. Cina. I'MnivKUAS ii PAKASUlsS, SELLING OFF CHEA5 ! Jv'o. 104 Market Srcct ZIIXX.ADET4rHIA. HAVINtS decide4 .u quit the business, I pro pose to sell .ie stock at very low price ll embraces the- ev w ,nd most dosituMe etylea. You are iu'll(.J tjj ca nnd examiiu. WM. H. RICHARDSON . A"Jil o, 1851. 8ino. f'MU'Il'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICAOIN'" (JElt, a fresh supply just received, ami for sale by U. U. M ASSEK. April 1. 1051. ' GOLD PENS with and without silver esses iust rectuvad, and for sal hy ' ' H. B- MAS8KR ru&hurv.AnrdlS I.M CHERRY PECTORAL: 'or ik Care ef COUGHS, COI.BS, HOARSENESS, BHOtf. OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH. ' xaA, WHOOPIMO.OOUOH AMD CONSUIVCPTIOlir. The uniform success which Has attended th u,e of Hi" preparation its salutary effecl it power to relieve and cure affections of the Lungs, have gained for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. We offer it to the afflicted with entire confidence i j virtues, and the full belief that it will b,lc anJ rcmove attacks of disease upon the thwat and Lungv The results, as they Wnn,e pubfety known, very naturally attract the attention of medical men and philaittrnpists everywhere. What i their opinion ol'CIIERAY PECTOiALmay U seen in the following ! VALENTINE MOTT, M. D, frn f. Surgery McJ. Cvllege, Yorl, tnyt "It gives uie pleasure to certify the value and efficacy of Aycr'e CHERRY PECTOJAL, which 1 consider peculiarly adapted to cure disea ses of the Throat and Lungs." THE RT. REV. LORD UI.S1IOP FIELD, writes in a letter to his friend, who was sinking under nn nti'eetinn of the Lungs: "Try the CHETRY PIX'TOKAL and if any meilieino can irivc vou relief, with the blessing of tiod that will." CHIEF JUSTICE EI'STIS. of Louisiana, writes '-That a young daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks of Croup by the CUKA'KY PECTORAL." asthma and bronchitis. Tli' Canadian Journal f Medieal Seicuet states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, hasvielded with surpri sing rapidity to Aycr's C'HEXRY PECTORAL, and we cannot too strongly recommend this skill ful preparation to the Profession and public gen erally." Let the relieved sulTercr speak for himself:-. Haiitioiiii, Jan. VO, 1847. Dr. .1. C. Aver -Dear Sir : Having been res cued from a painful and dangerous disease by your medicine, gratitude prompts mc to send you tins "'Knowlcilgnieiit, not only in jnstico to you, but for the information of others III like afflic tion. A slicrht enM upon the lungs, neglected at first, lieciime so severe that spitting of blood, a violent cough uml profuse night sweats followed ond fas tened upon me. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my crmgh, and a pain through my chest, and in short bad all the alarm ing symloins of quick consumption. No medi cine seemed nt all to rearh mv case, until I provi dentially tried your CIlE''Y PECTOA'AL, which soon relieved and norv has cured me. Yours wilh respect. E. A. STEWART Albast, N. Y. April 17, 1848. Dr. Aver, Lowell Dear Sir . I have for year been alllii ted with Asthma in the worst form ; so that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the time, living unable to bn-atho on my bed. I bad tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until my Physician prescribed, aa an experiment, your CHERRY PECTORAL. At lirst it seemed to make mo worse, but in less than a week I began to experience the most gratifi in;; relief fioiu its use ; uud now, in four weeks, Ihe ilica. e is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a state of health which I hnd never expected to enjov. CEORGE 8. FA RR ANT. Clll.r a T J. I'. 1VKH, Hll:MIST,lOWSLL,liS, lf Sold by Henry Masser, Simhury; Mary A. McCoy. Northumberland Dr. (icarhart, Se linsgrove ; Dr. Dickly, Danville, and Druggist generally. Feb. IS, IS'ul lyeelJin AMERICAN HOUSE, POTTSVILLE, PA. AIRS. MARY WEAVER respectfully inform -- the public and travelling community general ly, thnl she has opened this large and commodious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style. From her long experience in the business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may depend on being supplied with every tiling cou-bicivc to their comfort and convenience. Feb. to. 1S.M. tf LAAVKENCE HOUSE. SUNBURY, PA. l"1 1 1 E subscriber respectfully informs her friends, 1 and the public generally, that she has taken the above well known stand nearly opposite th Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J, C. Per kins, she trusts thai her experience in business, : and her cflbrls to make her guests comfortable, will give entire sati.-fuetion to thobe who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS Mureh , 1S."1. tf. TREVORTON HOUSE' TREVORTON, PA. flMR sulscriber respectfully intorma the jMslili . A that he lias opened a Public House, uti U.e new town of Trevorton, Northumberland. county, and that be is well prepared to accommodate, hi guests in the best manner. His house is located m .iriy opposite the Company's Sture.. Ho is also, provided with good stabling sullicieiii fur 20 hor ses, lie trusts by prompt and careful attention to bii.-incas to meet a share of tha nublie natron-. rgc. HENRY H WEAVER- Trevorton, Jan- II, 1HS0 lf. IIUUATY AM) PENSION AGKXCY. The attention of tha public is called to the ad-. . vcrtiseinent of Mr- Charles C Tucker, Attorney and Agent at Wai?lon City- Persons hav-. ing claims for houoiy Lands or Pensions are in, formed that the subscriber has made arrangement, for the reijuisitx' (inns, and claimants calling at his ollice, can have their patiera prepared and forwarded t. Sir Tucker at Washington, and by him be pioprrly attended to before tha Dft-. partiuciit Cure. II. B.. MASSER.. truuhary, Jon. 18,1851 essence or JAMAICA OlNCKlt. MADI' Uoni ,,4 Jn,niua tiuer, alt the valuable. liilieina p.peily of wliieli il will be iouiid to uos.. in a e ,nv:iii-ut sist conceal ruttst I'orm. 1' l . pi. ..I eilieiriu ""J ut tlio sunk tuuo hurmless, eentlf Ua'.ulal illtr 'ni f'T III" 1 Bmcli, suit will tie Iouiid v"f h m relnvnui the puiiuul and aiMrsaauiir IseungSi is-essiinirtl liy tne nuimircd sellou ol llns liupoiuuil. w's-!. I'loui sail lou vvitult' Iu-Sismuil tusea in s "S" llil ivi' mv.. i.-m il water will iiiniiclwii ly remove the aiu leueir aituiprt;sBS'aresiiliiiiti irois iuditfei"n, aist II use, two of llin.-elliiu-sO.iily, us rtxiuired, wiJI Ui louiw'f "T usetl-f Uiisinsi Ilie liMiludeunft seim- ' 'wiikilisol DiesU-nn u. U uuU laisleuer lu iis itiorisliioii"" ms-ssMinsa ujr tt. oiiervallns cir. et of ilie s.llillllur lieul". or followlll, UUr . iliscosiiioa, uud Icr sosicoiing ih incipieut sussi ot tisv. ''"i'l'is'iui us -..t -as-d-obis f" ttis wbo kav to jnreil iub tsa ol iteif s.oi'u.ul l-y U.e ba rksli mu tuaef il,t, I'' slifl'll ta.u.uu.1.. f'J"", i.o'- Hu etmn.41 ii siamuiiit. wtuto u " noun .usueu'ii .i Ihe Usui, s.-i is u. suo f0 fl!s- .M- l ". "swys follow ti.. -.'K .l.i, wiu rvt w-iu u. . u.lJ ' ilioa ucliuM. l-UtPAEED OKUY BV ' AMBIIOSK SMITH, DUUOOIST AND CHKMIST. X. F.. corner of Itk und Chestnut Strttffx f siM-lt his. ApiU It, 1V1 -lv