Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 05, 1851, Image 3

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1 Below we give an extract from a sketch
of the life of this distinguished jurist, taken
from the Legal Intelligencer.
Thu political associations of Mr. Gibson
'ail been wiih the old Republican" party ;
and the critical condition of ill affairs, In
1810, calling Tor the services of its ablost
men, he was returned from his nativecounty
to two successive State Assemblies in 1810
nd ISM, where ho supponted with vigor
' nd ability the admitiislrairen oT Mr. Mmli
on and Jovrmr Snyder, Along with the
late Mr. Nicholas Bidilr, iho was in the
ame beJy, he was liore among the enrly
flvocatcs of thai large system of internal
improvement which the Legislature of Penn
sylvania has since been completing, and by
wrlkich alone our Stato can take the rank in
tfha Uuiou which her endowments make not
cnore eminent than natural. Returning to
his constituents, in March 1812, after two
;years of public service in critical and trying
times, during which he left no proper ex
pectation unanswered, the legislative career
of the Chief Justice would probably have
wadded to his professional advancement, had
the chosen to remain at the bar. lie seems,
(however, to have early entertained the opin
ion, which ho has since expressed, that his
"jualitics fitted him belter for the ;
-and, having a short time before, united him
self in marriage with Miss Sarah (Jalbrailh,
the daughter of a revolutionary officer, then
Jiving in retirement upon his farm, in Cum
berland co., he accepted in the fallof IS 12 thr
presidency of t lie 1 1th judicial district, just
then created in Northern Peunsylvai.Ia. The
death of Judge liruckenriilgo having made a
vacancy in 1816 of a seat in the Supreme
Court, Mr. President Oibson was transferred,
on thft 27 1 li of June of that year, to the
bench on which he has since continued.
As an Associate Justice, it was thu happi
ness of Justice Gibson, through his whole
caiecr to have beside him lor a presiding
officer, the lale Chief Justice Tilghinan, and
the eleven years in which these eminent
persons assisted each other in tho discharge
uf their high judicial duties, seems to have
been not less an unbroken circle of judicial
harmony than it was of cordial personal in
tercourse. The death of Chief Justice Tilgh
inan on the 30th of April, 1827. left without
an occupant the seat in which he had presi
ded for moie than SO jeats with dignity and
usefulness: and made it a matter of no small
difficulty for the executive to supply the va
cant place with satisfaction to the public, ex
pectation. Names eminent in the profes
sion and in the State were strongly pressed
upon Gover nor Shultz for 'his honorable of
fice, and the appointment to it on the 17th
of May, 1829, gave conclusive proof of the
high confidence entertained by the Chief
Magistrate of Pennsylvania, and the old
fashioned Dimocratio party, of which he
was the representative, in the ability and
merits of Mr. Justice Gibson. From the
date just named, the Chief Justice has occu
pied the seal to which he was then appoint
ed. And with the exception of having
acted as one oT ihe electors of 1828 when
his name was put up by the Democratic
parly at tho head of their Slate electoral
ticket his public, services have been exclir
sively couliued to Ihe duties of Ins judical
office. Few men in magistracy any where
have given more extensive evidences of a
life of labor. Independently of constant
sitting throughout the Commonwealth, on
the circuits, and at Nisi Prius, wheru some
of his ablest opinions have been given with
out a record, the Pennsylvania repoits pre
set Ve enduring evidences of his abilities,
Hdelily, and learning. "The Iteports of
Pennsylvania," said the lale Charles Chaun
fcey, "are entitled td th admiration of law
yers at home and abroad
They contain decisions which have led the
Way upon some veiy Interesting subjects,
and which have been folldwed both here
and in England' How far; and how faith
fully Chief Justice Gibson has participated
in these labors so honorable to his nallve
Ktale, is attested by upwards of .! Ihnmdnd
leases in which he has taken part in the final
judgment of the Court, and more tliau
twelve hundred in which he has himself de
livered opinions distinguished for their im
partiality, learning, and conclusive force.
without disparagement to any of ihe distin
guished men who at different times have
Sat beside him as associates, all will agree
that to him the Couit has been laigely in
debted for the praise pronounced upon it by
those best qualified lo know its character.
Mr. Binney, we are sure, did but speak a
sentiment of perfect truth; When, 0!i an oc
casion dictated by respect 10 this tribuna
he declared amidst the enthusiastic response
of ihe whole bar of Philadelphia, "that at no
time have the judgments of ihe Court been
guided by either favor or resentment ; and
that in learning, integrity and industry, the
Judges of the Court have never been want
ing to themselves, the profession, or the
country. ..... '-We all aohkk,"
aaid thii eminent lawyer, "that the Judges
of the Supreme Court have been faithful to
Ihe Constitution and the Law,' faithful to
Ihe State and to the Union ; faithful lo the
People and to the Bar."
In person Ihe Chief Justice is above the
common statore ; and has always been dis
tinguished by extraordinary Vigor of health
and frame. His tempers are eminently so
cial ; and among all classes of socierty
throughout the State he is ever greeted as a
welcome guest. His hearty health, his fresh
and genial tastes, and his devotion lo judi
cial labors, indicate a man ou whose vigor.
ous power age has tjiade no maik.
From Tkhuantepec. Late news from
Ihe Isthmus states that the survey was en
tirely completed, and 'hat the hydrographic
party was at Minatitlan. waiting transnorta-
tisn horn, Major Barnard was at Uarrie.
and was expected at MinatUla by the 5th.
inst. ino neann oi the members of the
Surveying party was reported to be generally
very gooa.
Mas. Partington wants to. know
Whether Mason and Dixon's lios was a line
of stage coaches o steam packets I
Iowa has but throe inhabitants to a squat
We have, in our office, says the Cleveland
(Ohio) Plaindealer, a most interesting relic
a war hatchet of the great Teeumsch. It
was picked tip during the battle in which
that crafty chieftain lost his life, and has
passed through various hands to its present
proprietor, Mr. Russel. The offensive part
is of English manufacture, is about six in
ches long, very narrow, like an ad.o, and
seems suited to inflict an uclv cash. The
handle is of oak, most beautifully stained
and perforated, so as to answer Ihe purpose
of pipe-stem to the head of the hatchet,
which is Ihe bowl. A strip of silver, with
tho word "Tecnmseh" engraved upon it, or
naments thu face of the weapon.
We learn from the Pittsburg Gazette that
Ihe track layers have reached Lima, 15
miles southeast of Ravenna, and the business
on the portion of the tond already finished
exceeds expectations' The laying of the
track will be com pie ed as far as Hanover in
Augusta, 75 miles from Cleveland. The re
maining twenty seven to Wellsville will be
completed in October. Thus, this entire
road, 97 miles in length, extending from
Lake F.rie to the Ohio River, at Wellsville,
through the eastern range of counties, will
bo completed. About 60 miles southeast of
Cleveland, the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail
road crosses this road, and continues ou
westward through Ihe middle counties of
IIlaut itKNOiNu Accident. On Ihe 11th
inst., as n number of men were engaged at
hay-making upon the farm of Mr. Daniel
K. Sciim-.idt.k, near Rehrersburg, and while
they were mowing across a ditch, the
youngest daughter of Mr Schneider, sprang
forward, unobserved, from behind, ami
was pierced lo Ihe heart by her brother's
scythe. She lived only 15 minutes nfter
this sad occurrence. The grief of her par
ents, and brother, in particular, by whose
hand she was thus suddenly deprived of
life, was deep and hearliending. Tho child
was in the fourth year of her age. Head'
ing (llKfllC.
Wo learn from the Washington papers
that a Poslal Arrangement has been agreed
upon between Ihe Post Office Department
of the United States and the Post Office
Department of New Brunswick, by which,
on and after the 6th of July next, a regular
exchange of mails will be made between
Ihe United Slates and the Provinces of New
I lirunswick, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and
Newfoundland, at the same rates of postage
established for the United Stales and Can
ada mails, In wit :
Ten cents tho single rate, where the dis
tance is under 3,000 miles, and fifteen cents
where the distance exceeds 3,000 miles
from the line of crossing. Prepayments
of Ihe postage is optional in either country.
FmsT Califoiima Inventor The Wash
ington Telegraph says Ihe first application
for a patent, from California will shortly be
presented at Ihe Patent office. The model
which is of a double acting force pump, is
all of pine solid gold. The inventor is a na
tive of Washington, but now a resident of
Sacramento. The gold of which bis model is
composed was gathered by himself, and he
has exhibited much skillul handiwork as
well as ingenuity, in its construction. Of all
the models in the Patent Office more than
15,000 in number ihe present is the only
one of this material.
The Hakkisiii in. Cotton Factory organi
zed last week by the election of Ihe follow,
ing officers James McCormick, William Col
der, Sr., Daniel D. Boas, I. G. McKiuley,
Wiiliam Dock, Dr. Luther Riley, and Philip
Dougherty, Directors ; and John II, Brians,
Secretary and Treasurer. The factory will
so into full operation in about a week, Fif
ty female operatives are expected from the
New England laclories.
The Famois lt.u:MNi Will Cape, which
has been so long pending in the Circuit
Court at Richmond. (Va.;) has been decided
by a verdict sustaining the Will. Mr. Rag
laud was a citizen of Louisa county; and by
his last will; liberated his slaves, some sixty
or seventy in number, and bequeathed to
them Ihe whole of his huge estnle. The re
latives contested this will but it has been
sustained by the decision of the jury.
SocNDiNt; the Gi'i.r. At last dates from
Key West; the parties engaged In the work
of sounding the Gulf of Mexico, were ma
king a reconnnissance 0f j?oca Grande Pas
sage, about fifteen miles west of that place.
A channel fifteen fet deep Is Said to extend
from tho Oulf Stream to the Hay; Ahich,
when buoyed out, will shorten the passage
from the Atlantic Ports lo New Orleans
about 150 miles:
Anotheii Old Piiinteb Gone. The Mem
phis Enquirer says that "Old Mr. Weslcott,"
the oldest printer of Ihe South perhaps
the oldest tn the Linon since the deaih of
Mclllvaine at Pittsburg, last wilder died
in Memphis a few days since. Ho attended
the funeral of Oeorga Washington,' and was
ihen at least in "middle age."
As FJi.ecthic Tel eur aimi has been erect
ed in I.nlia, and is now in successful uncut
lion. The telegraph will soon belt both con
tinents. I5tjvMEiusM.---A man was seen nenf
Broadway, in New York, on Saturday
morning in petticoats, and with a bonnet
on. When asked by the ftolice whv he
wore this costume? be replied, "My wife
has taken tnj clothes, and 1 have taten
It is said that some ol the landlords in
Boston place an extra fork across the plates
o men aeiint-Aww Boarders, an itrtimat on
r .1 .....
ior mem 10 "lone ever.
Queen Victoria has iuat entered on the
33d years of ber age, and on the 20th ult..
1.1 .C.I . '
qonjnjeucea me idwi year oi tier reign..
Another Musical Prode" ! ..s
I lit is OUt two vears and
.... ;s( 71111(10
New Advertisements.
Estate of PETER SHR0NTZ, Dec'd,
NOTICE is hereby given that tetters Testa
mentnry have been granted to the subscri
ber on the estate of Peter Shronts, Hec'd., 1st
of Lower Augusta township, Northumberland
county. All persons indebted to' said estate or
having claims against the snrne, are requested to
can on uio suoseriner inr settlement.
Lower Augusta tp., June 29. 61.
1AME to Ihe premises of the subscriber, in
bryahnrg, fthumnkin township, IVcrrtliumber.
land county, on the 10th inst., two steors, one
red ana one white, and one bltit-k bull with
white streak aloug bis back. The owner is re-
nested to come forward, urovo proncrtv. imv
charge ami-take them away, otherwise they will
oc sold according to law.
Klysburg, .tunc 28, 1851 3t.
Estate of ABRAHAM KERLIN, Dec'd.
TfJOTIOE is hereby given that letters of Ad
1 ministration have brrn granted to the sub
scriber on tlic estate of Abraham Kerlin, dec'd.,
lain of Hush township, Northumberland countv
All persons indebted to said estate, or having
churns nrrnnsl the same, aro requested to call on
the subscriber for settlement.
Kush tslip., June I I, 1K51 lit.
LI. persona are cautioned nr?ainst recrbing
li Imln fiir tin mini nl A'Jri .rival. In
II, nu,i i.. v;,. I,,... i 1 1; .w,,, .... ... i
been puiil, and will not Tie paid again unless
-uiiipcueu ny law.
Trevorton, June 21, ISot. 3t.
rTMIE subscriber will offer for sale, at public
vendue, nt the Court House, In the Hciroujrh
ofSuiibnrv, on Tuesday, the 15th day of July
next, the undivided fbur-l'ilths of the following
real estate, situated ill the Uoroinh of Sunburv.
Adjninini! each other, on the north side of Black
berry Sheet ; containing in front cn said street,
one hundred and twenty feet, and in depth two
hundred and thirty feet. The improvements arc
a good two story
'itL and Kitchen, a large Potter Shop, Burn,
good well of water, &c.
One lot of irvound on the South pidc of sajid
street, (HI Icet in trout on said street, and 230
feet in depth, hounded south by the Kail lioad.
1 he improvements are a (rood two story
00 feet front, Kitchen, Stable, and Store
The attove pieces of property and Lets of
round are well situated for l usiucss. The titles
are indisputable.
I erms of sale will be favorable, and will be
made known on the day of sale. The property
will be sold, us ihe estate of Panic! llopar, dec'd.,
Adm r W illi the ill annexed.
Sunburv, June 1 1, 1 SSI. St.
New 3Iuhc .lust Published.
U" EE & WALKER. No. 1C.2 Chesnnt st
SLA are constantly publishing and receiving,
new and brautilul music troui the most distin
guished composers.
J lie Mlowniir list contains some ol their choi
cest and most popular Songs, Waltzes, Polkas,
Now, thou art (ione, a beautiful song, words
by Thomas .1. Dichl, music by llaiuhridge.
,Mv iew r.HL'laiuI Home, words and music !y
Mrs L. Wade.
(rube's Omnibus; bv C (irolte a collection
of Hunts.
SotnuU from Home, piano and violin, by Jos.
I'rettv Little Polkas for Pretty Little People,
by J. Line;.
All the Winds ajc Sleeping, by A. S. Worn
sey, Ouardian Ainfl. !' the author of "Love Not."
Household Word, written by (,'bas. Young, do.
The Adieus, Words bv Thomas J. Dichl, mu
sic by llorr.
LEE & WALKER have constantly on hand,
superior Pir-ios, and a supply of Martin's Cele
brated fiuitars, which together villi a line as
sortment of Musical Instruments and Merchan
dize in general, comprise B stock not to be sur
passed bv that of nnv other cstub'bhmorit ill tho
country.' ' LEE t WAI.KEP,
IG'2 Chcsnut street. Swaiin'e Uutldmg.
Philadelphia, June 2S, 18.11. ly.
Tlic lircnt 'OrJII It EOT I? DYi
Many yean rtxporifnc, and inure limn n Hundred
ThuiiHHiid Cures. i 4 uii-Hitipiivf i iuiihii.,
firovml tu tht umlouUU'd swituim'lHUi of nil fH'rns wlr
berMine m'ninimli'J wnli this wmlfrful rtmti, (hat ll
istKl'eiilly ttuprrlur, Ihtihuu if in toothiittt nml hutting,
kTid mh t't'iiii lit in ntrr 4 'oiiniiiniitJnii or trm
l.iingN, iltH.ii any uilitr It-ni'-iiy in liip wm'i. VW kuuw,
however, tli. u it i hhuI hy oiih1 Hiat ('ohauMiptioii run uu
be cured. H ilml uj-'itihtti (if iht ninny ;r lliu few, we
hull not attt'inpi to rf;ii wnn mcii. uui mm wi trw tav,
tut do iUtetl an b iVi, m luoh run be pinvi-d in lliourtniiilrt
tif cuji, Hi, it iliu iiK'.lu'iiio lniH rurrU (WM and dt$,
fit't wlitrh, before the rureg were t-UW'tetl. were ritlinl rv;i
4'OllHlllllttsnnt Ulld thit kl v.rti btleiuiJ W itll njmptvmt
I hut reii'Mil'ii-U, nts'l wnre ill 111) retprcl tike the ymi'loinl
of llinnj t'io dir, iuhI tffttn ditd urv itil If iiuvtt Jird WHR
timt frtlnl dmeuiie l'Aii-iiiiiiitioil. Tl'l tUinani Iim cured
(. ii(( of p'TKiniN w tin were .iirt (ti lie tnipelealy attiici
vi who hitn hard, dry, riirkitin i ' nit film I'ntttt ill tlM)
lii-rtiit, Siti, n i l Hark-DilMi iilty of Itidiiililnif
fuiuieiit tljpn-tvwtttian ltftir rer Siyht-bwtutt anj
wiiMhitf HH'iiv uf tint l-'lesh nu I fllooil. Pvnoai
Iimvihi fciirli rt.itiiilriitiH liHVfi been curtni ulier tl Wu 4
tliuy cvuld nt Ue wk lmi.-mr. Thu Mcdictnv tiM
cure, i jfiiP who wer njipoi)4l lo ho in dyillK ttnlJ
but, ly Mitf Ulti Ol lull ntuvay, lliry uuw Hvf na vnjvj
gout) health.
Till llnlrtnm ia rr1y reyttubl tnmpeuiid. It ft
plbunl to lke, ami ) tnytry in any MN: nf dw
uu ar under any citrumttnnc. It ert"l woililrrlul
anl tii matt iiiiriirnlnii Curfa by l'urir.viun,' strtntA
mt'ii, and ln Ittornlinu (hH wlioie tyiein by tiumlt
ting the lirtulil'H, ttml producing AmlAy action tliua
ailiiyttt'j 1'oiihIi """tun the Nrrvoit ami aiding ansi
fticdiuitfrnf ufrtoriil lu. ll Cuica the follow iu dis
Til. :
t'Ol'OIIrt pnd Cotdt, Hmmehitti, Aithma, Spitting o WaosY,
lUrtdtiui nt the i.tttuji, i n in in tht Itreoil, Suit, and i'httt.
KtrvanMiitn, A't tAt tiirtutt, fitlutalion J tht H4t, and all
frK.MAI.i: W EAHNKSi;!i and CompiumU aniDf
tlicn-fioin 'liplfhi I ilfntliuilli Vc.
("if Ki' rroof and particular of Curri,' M our
riimiilili'lit and Handbill aH our Akm hv Utai t
giVM away.
Von balk bv J. Af. rrilitia, Pnulnirv : Mnrv A. Mc
C'iv, Nuiiliiintiieiliiinl: John II. Itit.vf, .Mit ton: Havrn Jt
Mclinmi'k, AeKv-nivitlr:
r H O C L AI A Tl "
TV O'J'K'E is hereby pitn ihat the several Courts
oi'CoiiiinoH Pleas, (ieneral Uiwrler Sesnions
of the jece,' id Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer
and Terminer and tiencrnl Jait Delivery, in ind
l-rine couniy oi nriiiwimwiiaii,), tu coftimence
at the t'ourt House, in tlw borouKh ol Suiibnry,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. mt Monday, ihe 4tl day M
August next, anil willetmliniw O.NE W EEK.
The coroner, Justices of th Peace uniI cousin.
.lei in snd: for (be county of XorlbuiwbertoM, mn
requested to- be then and (hero hi their proper per
uon, with their rolls, records, iniuiitioiis, and
other, to do those things to their
several olliccs appertaining to be done. And all
witnesses prosecuting ill U half of the Couimo.
wealth against any prisoner art tiuo requested anif
couinianded to be flwa ai4 there atteodiug iivthcis
propel perauiS' to prosecute against him, shvll
be just mid not to depart without leava M tlieis
peril. Jurors are requested to he punctual ia their
attendant, at the time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my hand ai Hunbury., ttis Slafdty
of June, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and fifty-one and Jie j.
depeildenr. CJ VWlwi
hi 7Sth. 01 America
I . -t t
, JAMES COVERT, Bh'tr. '
1 OoJ save the t'ommonwealth.
Estate of PETER McANDREW, Dec'd
TV'OTICE r htreby given that letters of ad
' ministration have been tranter) to the sub'
serrbcT ftiv trVe estate of Peter McAndrew, dec'd..
lata or Coat tatfitaHtt: Northumberland county
All persons Indebted to said rstat or having
claims agaftiM the same; are requested to call on
me subscriber for aettlemenr. '
Trevorton, June 14, 1851. CtV
Estate of HENRY RbCXEFElLER,"'DVc,
TVTOTICE is hereby given- thai letters of ad-
' ministration have been grunted to the sub
scribcrs on the estate of Henry Rockefeller, dec'd..
late of Point township, Northumberland countv,
All persons indebted to said estate or having
claims against the same, are requested to rail on
tlic suiiscrlliera lor settlement,
' ' Administrators,
Point tp., June 14, 1851. Ct.
KALED proposals for the construction of
- bridge over Roaring Creek, will be received
by the undcraigned ComtmnFioncra of Northum
berland and Montour counties, at the house of
W illiani Johiimn, Pctcrabure. on the Dill day of
July next. 1'luiis and apecificaliona will be Uien
nnn mere exhibited.
Montour. Northumberland.
Suiibnry, June 51, 13S1. 3t.
Northern District
TOTICK in hereby given that the Supreme
Court for tho IS or them District of Pennsyl
vania, will commence its annual session on the
second Monday of July next, at the Court House
in Kunhury. ;
Proth'y Sup. Court, N. 1).
1 romonotnry a Ullice,
Huiibury, June 21, 1S51.-
ARGUMENT LIST-July Term, 1851.
1 Covell
2 Case
3 Audits
4 Keen
5 Loom is
6 (iore' .
7 Cash
8 Price
9 Ibillar.t
10 Huston .
1 1 Talhiinn
VS iMuflit,
vs Johnson,
vs Evans,
vs Walker,
vs Kellot?;,
rs Powell,
vs Tose,
vs Lewis,
vs Thisim?,
vs Harston,
Susq'hantia. '
vs Keiiforil.
12 Shippen tp. vs (iaines Ishp, Tio'.a.
13 B.u bu
vs Willislon, UiiulluiU.
14 Same
15 Sams
16 Same
17 Same
18 N Y & Erie
R K Co.
19 Smith
vs Chandler,
vs Hiiinl,
vs Chandler,
vs Elwell,
vs Skinner,
vs Little,
1 Reeds ailrn'rs vs Reed, XorthnmbTd.
2 1-V'ely d Co vs Hollas, "
3 Wallis vs Snyder, Union.
4 Weiiner vs Clements, Norihumb'hl.
5 Ross vs Pleasants, "
6 Pleasants v Ross "
8 Klliolts Exe'rs vs Uudykunst. I'ninii.
9 Wilhelm vs Caul, NorthM.
10 Caldwell vs Rennet, sh'tf, Lycoming
11 Oysters ndin's vs Wright & l'isher, "
12 Frederick vs Wood, "
13 Sluiller vs Ussier, NorthM.
14 Miller vs Sweeney, "
15 Dickiiiiioiih Kx'rs vs Callahans ,
.. I.ycom
uil mis. J
16 Rond, Aujiusla tshn, NorthM.
17 Kiees vs Shriller, Union.
18 Meiigas' appeal NorthM.
19 Louver vs Wall, Union
20 Aarinan vs, "
21 Schneiders appeal Noitlrd.
22 Hellas vs Dewart, "
23 Wilt, vs Snyder. Union
24 Metlinleys adm'rs vs NorthM
25 f fJiant's lulin'is vs Heirs of T 'Jranl "
26 Fisher vs Furley, Union.
27 McCarly vs lloll'iniin, Lycoming.
Hughes' Fever and Agtie Pills!! j
4 PERFECT and speedy cure for the Fever I
and Ague is guaranteed to any one who
may use the Pills. They have lieeu used for the
lust .trn it yrar and have never been known to" '
fail in a single instance and in eases, too,
whre persons have hail the disease for several j
years. Without intermission. The proprietor '
rhMaifr the vwrlil to produce an article that 1
will cure in as sIiotI a time, without leaving any !
deleterious effects from the use of it. If ihe Pills I
do not ierform a speedy and perfect cure, the j
I'li.j'. .,-! iu iciuiii tor i.ioiii'. rurnaic ov i
Jac M Lawrence', Minerffxillc; E. Htltcn. 1
strin, Trevorton: S. It. Dixort. Krhnftkill Hii-!
ven Jnbn W. Frillfig, Suifbhry j .Mary A: Mc
Coy, Northumberland; Df: Bet-kly, Darrville ;
John Sharpless, I'attawissa ; III'. Judd, WllliafUit
pnrt ! Jrihii Uaaer, Sllllon, snd by respectable
Druggists thnrtii'liOut the State.
i. CUIfTIS C. HlHiHliS, i'roprielriri
Tottsvillej June 58, 1851: ly.
td tii Ei.Kctoiis 6y NpiiTHi;.ii?EU-
nPIlM lifIbe'r respN-lftrlly irT.irirl his friends
snd rdbiw citi7U'tiR of Northumberland cotin-'
li , (list he will be rahdiate for
Cotnity Conitiiissionerj
at the ensulii- e'teeftorl lie there'fufe rolicilil
from Id frienils ami fi;llov citizens a lilieril sup
port, and promises should he. be Heettr! to' ih;
charge dnties 6f the office ti(ff (Hi'fity aiid
ei.ias i)hosiot:.s.-
Sunburv, March IS, 1S5I.
FKLtlrtf (liTir.xs: At ihe.' Soficitstioh of
my friends, 1 ollVr myself arS Cttnmdate for the
otliee df
at lUe euiiuiin elee'ion. Kl.tdrld I bh tlfctetl, 1
proniisc iii discliarge (be duties of said office with
lidrlity and impartiality.
(;eoi:ge' Iirtioirr'.
Sunbtirv, April 12, IS5I.
flIl !' sulucrtber rtVtpertfutly in'fornis his friends
JL and lelloW citizens of .Noi'buinUibind coun
ty, that he offers' himself canrtid.ite for
County Commissioner,
af die' liuins( rlecfi'ow. If mviittt from r
friends and ftiUm eiliaeiw fnfijxttt, arwi frnmi
sea shrmidl (i be etn-trrl lo- fWiMirgo the dfrtifs
of" die office Wrtfc fidelity.-
Htinbory, May S4, 1651. .
FsLtow CiTrstssr At the eavnrst solicita
tion, of many of my friends, I hereby shhaihics
inyaelf sni a candidate for the office of
County Commissioner
at the approaching election'. Should I be elected
I prouMM to diiehargs the duties of said office
with fidelity and impsrtislity. I solicit tht SUP
pori oi my lellow ciiizens,
LSw-er Au"'
auns 14, 1951.
BLANK Parchment Paper Uoedi and blank
Vear'ago, Bsndtf). UxeeutiAua.. 3uraninus,
&e., for sals by !! B. MAbhtlt.
bunbuiy, April Wfi, 1S1. .
WHO respectfully informs his friends and
etnttomurs that he has returns'! from
Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of
. New Spring Goods, x
which lis ofTefli for sale at his oM Mm4 in Mar
ket afreet. These good will be sold at the low
est prttes.. His stock consists of every variety,
Dry floods,
Suck an Ctullti, Cttfsimerrx, Miiflins, Cuhcots
Ginefunn, Itairiit, Chintzes owl La
dim Dre$ mid Fmiry Goods '
geiirndl i).
' Also nn assortment of '
Talra Leaf Hat3, Caps, &c,
Hardware. Iron nml Steel, Nil!, 4c.,
A general assortment of Groceries, Sugar,
Coffee, Ten, Cheese, Mo
pisses, Spices.
IV" Produce of nil kinds taken in eichangc
at the highest market prices.
Sunbnry, May 24, 1H51.
Estate of EDWARD G0BIN, Dec'd.
TVOTICE is hereby given Ihat letters Tea
' tamcntary have been ((rallied to the sub
scriber on the estate of Edward (iobin, dec'd.,
late of Sunburv, XorthiiiiiU'rlanit county. All
persons indebted to said estate, or having claims
against the same, are reiiucsted to call on the
subscriber for sellleinent.
Sunburv, May 1851. til.
To the Heirs of Fred'k Raker, Dec'd.
TOTICE is hrreby t;iven to Luvina Raker,
" iuteriiiairied with Robert W. Reachcl, since
leceased, and Conrad Raker, heirs and Iccal rep-
rcscnlatics of the said Frederick Raker, dec'd.,
that by virtue of a certain writ of Partition and
Valuation, issued out of tho Crphans' Court of
Northumberland countv, to me directerl. m In
quisition will be held at III o'clock, A.M., on
11. LsSDAY, the loth dnv of .f til v nevt. unon
the premises of the Real Estate of "said deceased,
situate in Little Mahonny township, Northuui
lierlaud connly. at which time and place you are
hereby warned lo be and appear if you think
Shr Its Office, Sunbury,
May 24, 1851 fit.
LOOK II Kit ft!!!
rnHE Subscriber respectfully
- informs his friends ami the
public generally, thut he still
continues the
At bis old Stand ill
Market Street, Sunbury,
. two floors aboxe Market Square, where he con
stantly keeps ou band, a lartje assortment of
i Hentlv " little Harness.
I (Ilouble iV Sinnle.') with Silver, Rrass and Janail-
I ncd mouiilini:. Also Saddles, 11 ridlvs, Trunks,
j ulices, Wlups, t. ollars.
j All kinds of wor k ill bis line made to order, in as
I neat a style as can be rfot tip In this country.
I Persons winbiuir to purcbari- will please call and
I examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.
I X. It. The subscriber li;r just ojtenrd A new
i and splendid
j Assortment of Saddlery,
! Such as Silver. Ilr'iss flint .fiijunned mouiilini;,
! Palenl Seir-Atljnstii,!; Trer1-, Patent Roller
li its. liidiuii Rridle l'i'n, Trunk and
Viillcc Locks, Trunk Hoard. Trunk
Nails, HainCs, Traces, 'I'riru-
I mini; Laces, Tufts, Sad-
I die Web. Siie;le and
i , Double, While
! Enameled Leattic r, Patent Leather. Uil Cloth,
I Rosetls, Tassels, Fancy Urow-llands, SdddlC
! Trees, Deer's H.ilr,
rtf all Kinds. All of which will 1 ."flit its Mieap
if not ehenjicT ihnn Mwy car) be giit MsewbCre,
for cash nt apprcS'd cretlit.
Simbory, 5H, i!51..!im.
great Arrival of
Market Street. Sunbtiry. Pa.t
rilHE hereby inform their olil ct!s-
M- mid tl, neiicrillL. tbat tllcv
iuvc ;, .,.,,fT0, i( ,,r. aiul te'nsive assort'-
I'teiil uf 1(11 kinds ot .Merchandize, which they
otVcf to pltrc hasers tit secb rates, that they can
not refrain from hujif'jj. Tbe'r nssortntent of
J)rv (Jootlss
ii laruK, cirtbr;ciiifr all kinds (f
Cloth, I'Hsfitherf, SrtHnrtts, tit:
A general assorlifirnt of Summer wear, of
Staple, and Fancy Goods fair tadics,
o'f all kill dit, fueh rfs Crilicnes, Molls; do Laines,
Lawns, tiinuhants, c.
Alsrt ai t'xcrlnt assortnteut of
Fish, Salt and Piaster.-
tV Country pr.sbicc of all kinds taken in ex
i lianis' the hibeet market price.
Suniiury, May HI, t'ol:
Tcis! (Mk':ikt Ihaii Kvci-S!!
100 Half Chests Eose Flavor Black Tea,
15 " " Olonj " "
1 il Win.. Vnnrr '
ij a u.'5
IlIESE leas are lu-lter lor the ptice tliau
wf re' ever olVered before in Flrihi'delnhirr, es-
(ft'cially the Utse Flavor, wbicli is of the very
liesi tiujlily and ftnest taor, and families! ihat
vaut a Half Chest or less by sending oon will
t;et a first rste aitrele a( w erv low price. Thev
will be well packed up and scut tu Depot nr cars
free ef cba re DAVID I'E A S E,
Tea Dealer ami (irocer,
S W. Cor. h 6c Arch Sts.
Mav fi'i, fs.lf. 3'mo.
bar bufffes brf i,ir!c' by
Pfmlmry, Aprd li,
llNOI-D'S W1HTI.MI Fid H) ami Adbe
sive and lejfil euvi lopes, l'r sale lu
ll. H. MASKER,
rtimbury ApiU 'J, VS.SI.
Vl'KlN(-i IIOT'J'LES lli-easl punvfti, mni
" nipple tubes- A aupply of Ihieiss uefui srti-
cle iuat received and for salo by
Surituiry, Jot- 18, r51 if. .
CUES. An xcellent article, lor sale at
hall tli
the usual price by J W. V J.'ILIXU.
ciunbury, July 7. I6i0. ,
C'.LYElt WATCHES. A Ikw double cm
5 Eri"lish bilvcr Wotchca, for sale at very low
rric"h7 H.B.MAMJER.
Sunbury, April 18, 1951.
"I NK Iloureau's celebrated ink, and also Con
' Etcs ink lor whs whohsaUi snd retail by
U It. MA.sljK.
Deicinbti V9, ISoO.
jSt"'T''AM HOOVER respectfully informs
, '"" friends and customers that he has
.ror71nennt,offr0m l'hiM, n excellent
. vm ",,for"l,lc Bl 1,is " l
IT In i tVl owm,? R"' go"l "ill
ne Sold at the lowest prices.
, ' Dry (Joodft, ,y.,
Suck Cluths, Casmnercs, MurUnsCaltUocs
i Gtiicham, Lawns, Chintzts and '
Ludies Dress GikhU ueiiertdlu.
:!.'!. . ALSO:
A n assortmenl of
Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &rj.,
A general assortment of Groceries, such s
Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas
ses, Spices, &.c.
Also an assortment of Liquors, swell us
Brand, Rum, Whiskey, Wine., tVc.
ITT Produce or all kinds la U.P1I Ol (.vi'lmiliro nl
the highest market prices.
Hollowing Kun, May 10, TK."1. lr.
fpiTE subscriber informs his friends and the
-- public, that be conl.'nncs to carrv on the
Marble Business! in bH iti branches, nt bis old
stand in Milton, Pa;, and is prepared to manu
facture Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c,
of the best materials, and mwl fiuislud work
manship, and nt. the lowest prices.
Letter Cuttinjr, English and litrman in the
most modern and eh -grant style.
Designs for .Monuments, tirave Stones, Ac.,
always on hand.
N. ll Orders for the East side of the river
promptly execufrt by leaxiui; the same at the
ollicc of the "Sunhurj American."
Milton, May 10, 1851.
rOMPHEHENSIVE summary of Tniversal
History, together with a Ilioiiraphy nf Dis
tiuguislu'ii Persons, to which is appended an epi
tome of
Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy, tien
eral Astronomy and Physiohmy.
Adopted and used in the PuMic Schoels of
E. S. jONKS & Co-., PuhlisW,
S. W. Corner FOCRTH and RACE' Sts., Phlla.
Teachers and School Committees addressing
letters til us post paid, will be furnished with
copies for examination.
I ' A full and Complete Assortment of!
ISOOKN and STATIONARY, for Sale at the 1
Lttwr.t i'Zecv. 1
May :i, 1831. ly.
(irritt liiiproToiiiriils in milking
lrcncli litii-r 31 ill Stones.
I)V the life
Ufmikium.npi 1
iiiii.rivi"il iMit iron I
Hitn tin ItitniMT, 1
:ts M nil tv t r" liife
"ir oi tlie fttnif:
uui hut u m vert Me
IviUnii'e ryiii; imk ;
driver ' it t kfi'p (
the li:il'M nl tin- t
sti'iir with '11111:1111- :
lit'llLT until ll
Tvont nut, c ii r
ft'ick of Blocks lit
Fpli-ctwl in l-'niacc, mid tlic ti.a!ily only tin-d.
S did Hiirr l-iai-s iVoin t,i .1 tr-.-t iii drn'iiHrr w titi tlu:
tiwcr StoiiK lo riii. s.. as to .io-vi-iit tin- nau-T clH.l.inu
in tlic eye. IJ.iHini: -J. .t lif n' nil tnntdi'-rs, clit-ap lur fash.
Mill (mar tu',1 Siiiur .l:n him I'm ln?,- d lo onl. t. hi' iisn -r '.-il siz.-h, sdital.ll; l IJoittitry .tcr'
cliinilsJ iuiiiin-d and l'nr salt- by
.1. i: MiTciiKi.t,.
No. 11 old Yoik Itond. the liidian I'o'.
I'lnl.nklpliia. April ll, t-.1T. Onto.
lamil'.tc tiii'or oi'
No. 10'.) llace, (Sassafras,) street,
Above Third, opposite the H7t''f Si-ii llijtcl.
I Tallow Chandlers and Manufacturers cilfi be
supplied with a first rate Article uf Candle' M Jidda,
or iupciior excellence aim ittusti;
N. It. 't'he Moulds are made of the b-st Mela!
and polished bv new I'litent Machine, which
irives thcln nu x'ra lirish: They are
English style the tips to screw on the
the pipe tt screw tiirht in the bc'tch:
tV Wahhaxtkii to be far superior If) any
otlfr bow iu tise.rJS
He also manufactures' Surgici'l l'nmps end
April IS, 1(5.11. fiitiil;
(.icit for tlrory t'ttrr,)
l-alls Dutli, ItaUiiiioio.
lJa l.lllEKAL' AMVA.M'ES made on Con
s'unlelltn. I.KTTKtts and Cossiunmfnts shoidd be' ad
drcssrd to
L. M'. II. lilKsE, Kenti
Slay 10, 1S5I. lino.
ntti-nli 'n f li'iililrii moo i
tli'.-ts. tire r?ti rtislly
jllfilH to tli fYlrliivc llfltl
II Fi'lictnl St k -I
Ml'IIJHMi 11 AltDWAlii; and Tli'iO, UltVr
'rf.-ri-H hy
lire satti-rllicf( c iiistuift in jairl us e-llow.-r
Aini-iicaii l-'r"ilt Hour 1.1'il.p. ,'i.ri2la. w llli ll!f:!it vv.-r!,',
I'lalcil or Lraas mi niUirn; or ti.rf-i'!ain uil ! i-.t.
Anu-iic.-iii fr nil l)..or 1 .. -k . iii.rijlii, I'luni. Willi
niphl w.irk, .Siti.) or ,rat farnrturc, ,.f ji..livliilil uil
Alllrkair Fr uit Poof I-rV nfi- tH;re Door, llorraill
tul or ujirinlil, iira-s rnriiilnrc. "I j.oi-' lain ml c-'lori.
.MiiiTu-nii rai l'f-'..s. nil aisl iiki!iii; -s. White t
lirass luriiilurc, or iiorci-laiiiiill col rs.
Mu'crii nr Morticr k., a!J saerf, itU ., wlnlt or
litne liiriittni.-. in- it-"' . .-'I oa.
AniTicaii .M.Tli.-r I.UI' lie, clt si.c w lilt plaltrt wl.tlft
or t.n.s I'wrtiitnre. or p. sr.. in ate. 'las
AiniTl.-aii .M Tlii-c ihhI Una t'osi- lKkn, plnlf-itoi Mans
eseiiiclii'otis, oi i-in-.-l.-.;ii all clom.
AiiKruail Drop, Jt-'i, Tt.ilnS, (Jato, artel Ptorf Dim
Alo, Inipi'lti-il Tict.4 umi l.atilH'fol t-vciv it.-wnption.
i::il,lu-in V. anil Aincrlian Mall HiliiT'-?, of all mZih, lu.-t
or .irtc J iinl.
Hinder, lialc, Snaii, nii't It ickflap II inj.-s, ull kint.-i.
Plainer, Half, Door, Klnsli. m i-1 Spring Doll, of u'ni.glit
or rar ifin nn.l Nnss. every il.-si tiplioit.
Screw. Sprais, l.Ule, Sanil Paper ol llie U'rt (pinttty.
AineiteaH and Sliaiu Axle Pulley, ol every
Anieiieiin Diittons, plain or on' pUitisi, hruns, iroiY- or
Atii'-rieun olis. phttit, white, itoh. or w-mii, ti!t kinl-.
Kisli-Coril, cotinnon and patent, xvtlh ottn-r ait.Tlt.s too
lUllliei oiiS t" IIH'tltioa.
nr aii.s umi SASii-VtT.ii.irrs ut r vrfoitv
IV Alt (iooils ilelivt-rnl free of I'liarau to uny pail ol
tlie Crfv atrl Diflricts.
At ttiis estaUuhtaelit can tie ftilisl-i'tlp o' the l.otieiit anil
b'.st aft TlmvliU o' White aaj Kiou-y V1' lor l.'S-k, Aio.,
in the City; man patterns, of which, raan a Ik; seen, or
ol.tiilneil, ut toiv ollnT M ae. I'KOI.S
P).it ft Jucla-in D.u U, I'anel. Hand. snH Hipp Riw.
imponcitcxprcsslv for Itelllll sale. I'll sclccti'S with CUie:
Pole llgc'il fol Ihe celehrtltt ll I'laues, nlll'le I'V K. t"lir
penter, of liiiicaster, I'a., heme till made ol split,
and the Hilts urminil und lr.-.l If'-ullv . ilh niis' timke,
of I'hisok, Axes, liatchcls, Drawing Kiir, tin., all ire;.
IMitlt'saad Slack's make of Aiujers ual Angel ".'lis, u
isi ,
A'lwriciiii Sqn ires nnd Uevils every ikuc-ipi, ,
Anieiieiin Uuu, i.amThi " IS-rew-
JrAi""ilra O S. Il'ininiifs, Cluw aad.Vciveting, ,n v!f,i
A'lVils and Vices, ull tat
Htcd, Iron, und oodco Jraees, with C 8 Dim, ta
great variety. .
W. Grenves at evw -( Ttatcher's aad other ccicbrutud
makeaisTl'h'se'- V lien. I'laiie-lrons, c , Ac.
Addis'ti celcia-att?d I'urvmt; T-wlw, ull hspt
Making iai of the heat nail inokk e3Ctenht- ass TtmruUj
of liuiUttna llHidwurv and Took in ihe Suite.
Ai ih" etial'hbhnitui it ia ci.a iducil a haurc to thaw
tlie 0'A'dit. Vuu are lnviit:d io call uiid examine tlie asort
ttieut, und tiear itie prices sslieri, bolore p urehskint.' t-lc-whol-Cuii'
ami feu. nl,
Vouie, f'ipittuiiv. '
v xi m. M.i t.t ni?.
a .-f .' Market iu, h' t etil nil .lu-t rilii. fl'Cl w-'-'
THE subscribers offer to physicians snd druft
Rists, a carefully selected stock of drugs and'
medicines, which they will guarantee to bo of the
best quality, pure and unadulterated in all cases.
Their facilities for importing foreign druris and
chemicals aro such, that they ars enabled to aril
hem ttpon the best terms, and at the aatne lims
ta assure their customers of their genuineness.
'1'Iwy have also recently prepared and now of
fer for s;de a superior article of
e: i wis F,i m a u y i ,s i , xe.,
Resembling Henry's Maqnesia. free from erbon
ic ac'sl ami roughness or gritthiess, alrMoxt entirely
tntele, oBmbiiiinj in an equal bulk from three
to Tour time, the .treoRth of the common kind,
and sold at about cue half the price oi' 11. Fin 's
Magnesia. '
They have also prepared the
Fluid Magnesia,
Which is s new and valuable remedv in aciditr
of the slomauh, heartburn, nausea, Ac, at less
tliau ball the price of the foreign article
1'bey all., have on hand of their own prepare
tion an assortm.nit uf
Pure Drugs in Powder,
Neatly put nr. in 1, J and pound bottles, such
as Aloes, Rhubarb, Senna. Senega, lihatany, Ki
no, Cunt Arabic, Serpentaria, Ext. Clvcyrrh, Ipe
cac, Potassa Sulph., Potassa Nitras, Rorsx, Kpi
celia, Ruchu, Orris, Cascurilla, CantlU Alba,
I va 1 rsa, Ac.
(irent care has been taken to have these pre
pared from the best aelrcted drurrs ami in such a
way as to preserve Ihe characteristics of each sr.
tide without injury,
I hey have also a variety of
Chemical fc riiarmnct'iif irnl
Preparations of their own mantif.ieturi. and a, 1. 1
to the list till the valuable new remedies as they
become known. Among them may be mentioned
tho follow'uiii :
ttvilrni-y-iiiic A'-i.l.
IVrjuiraisin' ol I.iitmr,
" "f t'"lapsa,
l.liU-ir Auira-'nia,
A'jaa. !,,.
I'l...f.,l;lt'c, rtrWrc. f..r ltltciniiatti.trt.
Ilia.- M.-ihsi
frr)ar;iti' ns
f Mcrrrtrj',
" Zoic.
I-'xtruct of Sctin.-i. Hard, a
pliasuttt t'ornilu u.lniiniter
lo citii'iruit.
Kxtruct bl' Hw-ha Coniii.,
" KprfrHin,
" S-irrjirilln Cullt
p. -Kill. .ti Hunt,
" tl i. it. i. solid,
" tl. Fitiq.l do.
" Coloclith -imn. . i ili-attaii,
" 'I'-irjixtcitin.
" Val.-riaii, ll.u.l
new uinl usut'ul rt-ittt-ily.
" do simple.
P., Oils of Copaiva,
&r. Citrate of Iron
lpn. .Elhrr Nitros, T", s,
' Culn hs, Ergot, Tohaccc, ,
1 Wnuiliie, Scsini.Oxide cf Iron, all antitlotc
i lor arsenic, Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas
ant crthartic metliciue, put up in 12 oz. bottles,
2 per tin., Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive Plas
jtert a convenient application in many surgical
operations, put up in small vials. Also
A Convenient preparation nf canthaiides in man
cases where there is a dilnclilty of applying the
ordinary blistering plaster. A coating of it appli
ed with a camel's hair brush and covered with oil
silk or some similar substance, will produce a
blister in three hours' time ; or when exposed,
In the usual time of about twelve hour.
Physicians and others may depend Upon the
faithful and prompt execution of their orders at as
low rales as the best ipiiility of medicines can bo
t.'HAItf.ES ELf.ts St C(U
Mi Ches-iut street, Phtlada;
LabonifoiY, fith and Motris Sts. routhwark.
November 16, 19oll tf:
tlie li!.(ic thy stilt crmMimo to rntcr-
t:tin trim-licrs ;itnl iithri. at tlicir nlil ostahlishct
; Htuiiif in MjrUt t slioi t, m-rt H' tlje Court Huusfr
i 1 heir lonir, experience in the business, and the
1 well eslahiishid reputation of their House, will,
they trusf, be a stiHiricnt guarantee, that their
eu.totiicrs , iil be well accomnioJ-iK'd,
March S, lSfll. tf.
' rjHE subscribers return their sincerti thanks to"
their custoiners, for lihtTal encouragement
j for the lasi j ear, und hope by strict attention irt
i DllitiR orders to meet with the s-'inc IHmt.-iI patron
sire. 'Vf have on band the greatest variety of
patterns of any other I'ointliv in the United
States, and etill adding to their number, (iivp
I us a call before pitrchasjii'; elsewhere. Our slorfc
; embraces a eieftt Ttit'ety of Cooking stoves, of list
I most approved kinds, I'rtrlor stoves for wood t
coal, common stoves, cylinders of all kinds, sad
: otld plates el' all kimls to repair stoves;
; For Suiium r nee, a small Stove, called ?Him
' mer baker, n w imd eupcrior Furnaces f burn
j iuc; charcn! cv stone coal, Cits ovens of several
ft tl ! ,'ilmrri',t P""fro,i I'-'lit ovens, several patterns,
" , i bitchiuj: postj, Sjufit irorif, and a variety of arti
1"!' ' a 1 clcs iu caslinp, too numerous to mentitm. The
Ilar.lwtt'e lsilc can be supplied with Common 4,
; ft, fi, 7, and d ipiart Tea kettles, at very low pri
ces tiir eirsh it city acceptance.
; A f--w casks of 6Ueriir tierniari black lead on
I band.
; Moble st. wharf, Delaware, ritiladelphia.
April I,, 1S51. Giiki;
Hoeiritai uf the
of rim -TAtsur r k vnsy r.v a ?c t a ron tub mu-m.vtioh er
i m: i)ii:t ii IMC Ait i.
fmtlR oldest Mechanical Pcrindioal' exnml in
! fl America', is published on the first of each
1 mouth in the City of Philadelphia. It has beer
1 regularly bsucd for upwards of iwcMry-ftv years,
snd is carefully edited by a committee of scientific,
ireulleiiicii ai'pointed loj the pnrpos,. by tli
I Franklin Institute.
I The deservedly hi-,'h reputatiorv, boh at homo
-and abroad, which this Journal has -acquired and
stislaincil, I. as yiven it a circularion and evchanr;
! list of the best character which enables the Coin.
; mirlee on Publications to make the beat selections
from Foreign Journals, and to rvo circulation to
original roitimuuicationa oi mechanicul and sci
j cntilic subjects, atal noticta of new inventions;
notices of all tlic Patents- Lesucd at the Patent Of
i lice, Washington City, ave published in the Jour
! mil, tOL'clhcr with a lurire amount of iuforniation.
, ou Mccha.'iica, C'licaiwlry, and Civil Knginecring,,
; derived from the latest snd best authorities.
I This Journal is published on the first of each:
I inoiilh, each number containing at least aevuuty
' two piL;fs, ami forms two volumes anuKUs
about 13- pa'CS each, illustrated with cu;ra rings
I on copper and ou wood of those iuliii t'U which
I rc'iuirc ili'ini.
j '1'fv stili-cription price is Five UoHars icr an
! nmn. payable on the completion nf the sixth num.
j her; and it will he forwarded free of postage.
: when live are remitted to the Actuary
I (postage paid) in advanca lor one year's subscrip-.
Communications- and letters on businesa must
be directed to "the Actuvv of the Franklin lnali.
Philadelphia, Veuiisvlvania," the postaga
April li, 18.VltCmo.
1211jIUCLLAS hvkasols,
No. l.OJr Jliwi'f Street,
AVINjCdocided lo quit the biisimti, I pro.
nose to sell the stock at very Umm prices.
It embrace the ncwox Rod iiiunt desirable styles.
You are invitud to call and examine.
April 9, 1901. 2mo.
(tu, a ficuli .upply just rrceiwd, and for
sale bv U. i. MA&S.EK.
April 12, 1831.
GJlM.0 VEN with and without silver c.e
' ll::.' iLCeiv.!.! aii.l k.ilc hv
0. M.vsldP
' lllil'UTV , Annl, i .' 1.M
j I anli ipni. ipin i.-. If'i '