SUN jmilY AMEllICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. J) o t i x ) . (From the Clovrbfid Tru DtHert 1 Pon't Eun in Debt y makcis . oaoS. Dou't run in Jobt ! never mind, never mind, If the old ctolhos are fadnd anil lorn ) Fix them up, make them do, it is better by Tar, Tlmn to liavo the hrait weary ami worn Who'll lovo yon the mora lor the set of your hat, Or your rcfT, or the the tie of your ttioe, The shape of your Vest, or your boots or crarat, tf they know you're in debt for the new. Don't run in debt If canary's the go, Wear blue if you hare not the cash. Or no matter what -so you let the world know, You won't run in debt for a dash. There's no comfort, I tell you, in walking the street tn fine clothes, if you know you'ro in debt. And fuel that perchance you some trades man may meet, Who will sneer 'Thcv are not paid for yet." Good friends, let mo beg of yon, don't run in ilcht, If (he chairs and sofas are old They will (it your back better than nny new set, Unk'Si they are paid for in gold ; If the house is small, draw the closer to pel her, Keep it warm with a hearty pood will, A bi one unpaid for, in all kinds of weather Will send lo your warm heart a chill. Don't run in debt now, dear gt i Is, take a hint ; If the fashions have changed since last season Old Nature is out in the very same tint, And Old Nature we think, lias some reason ; Just say to your friends, that you cannot n'fl'ord To spend time to keep up with the fashion ; That ynnr purse is to light and your honor too bright To be tarnished with such silly passion. Gents, don't run in debt let your friends if lliey can Have line houses, feathers and flowers, hut unless they are paid for, be more of a man, Than envy their sunshiny hours. If you have money to spare, I have nothing lo say ; Spend your dollars and dimes us yon please, iBut mind you, the man that has his note to Pa.Vi Is the man that is never at ease. Kind husbands don't run in debt in any more ; 'Twill till your wife cup full of sorrow, To know that a neighbor may call at your door, With a bill yon won't settle to morrow. Oh ! lake my advice it is good ; and is tiue ; (But lest, you may some of yon doubt it,) I'll whisper a secret, now it is you I have tried and know all about it. The chain of a debtor is heavy and cold, Its links all corrosion and rust, Gild it o'er as you will it is never of gold. Then spurn it aside with disgust. The man who's in debt is too often a slave Though his heart may be honest and true ; Can he hold up his head, mid look saucy and brnvo When a note he can't pay becomes due ? iWscrUancous Hatter. A young man who him recently taken a wife, says he did not find it half so hard to get man if J as he did to buy the furni ture. A gentleman who was determined to out do the horticulturist who raised chickens from Eg-planls, has succeeded in produ cing a cult from a horso chesnut, and a calf from a coward. The Locust. Takes no food in its wing ed state ; has no sting, properly so called ; and, with one exception, is quite harmless. Vet, it should be known to the boys every where, that hardly a locust year passes without one or more receiving a wound from this insect which has caused a painful and speedy death. It occurs in this wise : the female is finished with a strong, sharp in ternment, called an ovipasiler, with which he scares the bark of trees for the purpose of depositing her eggs ; being thus armed, it is not stiauge that, when collected in num bers, aud thrust into a hat upon a boy's head, she should sometimes drive her lan cet into the peulp, producing a fatal inllama tiou." Fhogrkss ok Hacks. The late census returns furnish data fur much important in formation respecting the social and political condition of this country. Regarding the re lative progress of the white and colored in habitants since 1 S 10, we find that in the free Stales the increase of population has been equivalent to 39 per cent, while that of the frec-eitiens of the slave States is equul to but 30 3 per cent. In the South the increase of (.laves has been in the pro portion of 27 8 per cent. In all the States South of Virginia the free people of color have decrease! in number ; and, in all the States, the total increase in this class does not exceed the late of 8 per cent. The New York Journal of Commerce remarks that the colored population in ten years in New England has decreased 402. The diminution of colored persons in New York has been 2,579. Recsipt for Making Bker. To make the best beer in the World, take one pint of eorn and boil it until it is a little soft, add to it one pint of molasses and one gallou of water ; shake them well together, and set it by the fire, and in twenty-four hours the beer will bo excellent. When all the been in the jug is used, just add more molasses ana water. The same corn will answer for six mouths, and the beer will be fit for use, in twelve hours, by keeping the jug which contains it warm. In ihe absence of molas ses sugar or honey will answer in its place. In this way, the whole ingredients used in making a gallon of beer, will not cost ex ceeding four cents and is better, and more wholesome than eider.-fauidiW IJim.1 Clarion. 1 ' A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At Ilie C-aMnct Ware Hoom of sEirx iioupt & co. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fctien street flr the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thsnkful for the pntronnc'C of his friends and customers during the 17 years he hiis been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from tho public n con tinuniice of their furors. Duritur. this period he lias endeavored to keep up with tlic improvements of the day, and has accorclinitly extended his busi ness in every branch and vnriety. The public arc therefore invited to the attention of the present slock of CAI1IXKT WAKE AM) CHAIRS, Manufactured by SEBASTIAN IIOUPT & CO. Al the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment they now iimrmOicturo Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Large Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing lhiremts, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a t'aricfu of oilier new style and 1'nsliioiinMc Furniture - Having secured n Hearse and made the neces sary nrnmcemcnts for the purpose, they arc now prepared for Ijnlcrlnking in all its branches, in Ihis vicinity or ut any convenient distance. Y niiiid mill miatri'aat'a, mid lttialainila ton, IIi-rt'a I'nriiittire of every slyle nint lino. I'rnm aide txxinli" down to kitchen tallica, Krt'tn rnckiiic cliairs to lockiuc enidl,-. Slinnld you not l.nvc Ihe rendy Jons lo pny. We'll wait iiwliilc for a brighter licttrr duy, Or take potatoes, oats, corn, and rye; Itark, lioop p. lien, slaves, or liuiilicr wet aim! ilry, Or any thing but yokes mid tlir.-altinir Hails, 1'inni pigs nnd tlirkies down to litlle quails. Come on then friend, come oneand all, Keep trade n movinp, so "goes on the ltall.M C"l?' Orders from n distance promptly attended to nnd work of nil kinds delivered with dispatch. Smiliiiry, March 0, 1830 tf T. S. BOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Seliusgrove, Pa. Clocks, Watch.- ami Jewelry, 1 ) KI'AIKED in the best manner and warranted lo perform well. All work intrusted to bin care will be strictly attended to. Seliusgrove, Nov. 30. infill. If. I1TK! I1TK! I1TK! BOUEEAUS Indestructible and Indellible WRITING INK FACTORY. No. 1 South Third street. "1 T ERCHANTlS and the Writing community are requested to call and examine this INK, which is warranted not to corrode Jletallic J'eus, nor change its Color. Wholesale ami Itclail, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A liberal discount made to Merchants aud the Trade For sale by IF. Tl. Masscr, ngent for tSuiibury November!), leioO. ly. PHILA AND READING RAILROAD. mm mi: it. .utiiA;i:Mi:N r rnoM l'lIlL.UllXI'HIA AND POI Fares Reduced, Ojficeof the J'ltila. !f Reading Railroad Co. ) Philadelphia, March -(), 1851. J Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday) N and after April 1st, 1851 two trains will be run each way, daily, Philadel phia and PollHville Mou.xr.xG list;. Leaves Philadelphia at 7 J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsvilleal 7 A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTL'ltXOOX Ll.XE. Leaves Philadelphia at UJ o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsvillc at 3J o'clock, daily, except Sundavs. FAKE, Dctwccn Philadelphia, and Poltsvillc, .$2.75 1st class cars and S'-i.vlS 'Al class cars. Between Philadelphia and Ko.uling, 1.75 1st class cars and $1.45 -d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad uud Vine Streets. Passvuners cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with TicketM, NO TICE. Fifty pounds of hugsraqc will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing ns baggage lml their wearing apparel, w hich will heat the risk of its owner. Dy order of the Board of Managers. s. ukadi okp, April 10, 1831, Secretary. Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. riHE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, J- idlers lor sale the following property in Mil ton, Northumberland county, vii; The large BRICK BUILDING in upper Milton, formerly occupied bv Messrs Pattersons as a C arriage Makers Shop The building is Oil feel front on upper Market street, and 40 feet on Front street, und is two stones high. Also a two story BlilC'K BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by "-" feet, on Ihe same premises. The lot is on the corner of upper Market and Front streets, uud is 00 feet Ironl, uud 150 feet deep. The premises would W valuable for a Foundry or other inamifuctuiing purposes, aud will be sold on reasonable and uecoiumodaliin; terms by up plv ing cither lo JAC'O U CA KliKi A N, Philadelphia. J. V. YOLFINf;i:n, Esq., Milton or II. II. MAssE II, Esq , Suubury. Philadelphia, Juu '.'5, lBol tf. valuable Hook. I" 1 FK or CiiuisT, luin.lsoiiiely hound, U'Af. J-i IH1l.'l IllKTUHY (IT THE IlLrOUMlTION, DLk DtY'BUUKS ISO l.lUKtllS, full Lulllldcd. For sale ut the publishers prices hy 11. U. MANSER. Sunhury, July 11, 18-19. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JISTICU or TIIK I'IMCE, Suubury, Pa. Ollicc in Deer Street, immediately opj.osile the I'ublie School House. Monies collected and ail liuaincn pion.ptly snd care, full) utu-iKl-d to. A ".0, 18jII NOTICE. A Hi subucrilwr intciidi making new srrantje. menu in his business on the fust of Janua ry 1851, all la-rsons knowing thoinselves indebted to luiu, are requested to call and make settlement up to that time, hy payment or giving their notes for the amount due' JOHN V. FRILING. 8unbury, Deo. I, 18Sfl tf. ITEE BILLS Justices and Constables Fee liills handsomely priute on surd paper, for sale at this office. r ' I.A.N K NOTES, waiving the exemption law of Saouforsale hy April 86, 1851. H. Q, MASSEH. llTKniNG FLUID aud self sealing Enve- lopes, jus! received and lor sale by AprU la, 1SS1. II. B. MASSEP.. Jt.VOTIIKH SCIE.XTll-IC WO.XUEU. PEPSIN! IHKTRUli DIGESTIVE FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE ! A CHEAT DYSPEPSIA CTTREn, rrepared from ni'NNKT, or tli fourth Ptomneh of thai Ox, after directions of FIARON MKIltO, the btidI Physiological Chemiat, by J. 9. HOUGHTON, M. D., Nn. 11, Nnrlh F.iphtli Crect, Philnrtclphht, Pn. Tins is a truly wonderfal remedy for INDlfiHSTIf . dvsi'kpsia. jAiMiit r:. l.ivr.ii complaint, CONSTIPA TION and PKIIIUTV, Curing niter Nu ture'g own method, l,y Nature's own ngent, the Gastric Jutes IV Half a teapoonful of this Fluid, infused iii water will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of Koast lleef in Lout two hours, out pf tht stomach. DIGESTION. DKit:STlH' if chiefly performed in the stounieh 1 I lie aid of a lluid which 1'nwly exudf irom Ihe inner cout ol that o.:ut, when in n suite ol heallh. called the liaidiic Jui.-e. This lluid is the (ireat Solvent of the K.l. the I'urilyinp, Preserving, nnd SI imulaliug Avenl of Ihe slo. niaeh mid ialeVtinen. Without it there will he no iliu'es lisn. no cnveifion o(' t'ood inlr, Ii-mhI. mid no mitnliou ol'the ImmIv; hut ralheril foul, torpid, paiallll, nudilestilie. live condition o the whole dnreMive niarntlis. A weak, hall dead, or injured stoiuaeli ,rslae.s no T"od Gastric Juiep, und hencelhe disease, distress ttlal debility which ensue. PKPSIX AND KEN NET. ri'.l'SIN iMlif rhief eViiH'nt, nr prc;it Ditiraiinir PniKi "l llu- ii iUnc Jui.M, it tn louint in ii!mii1:inr(Mii Mil' n-'liil irt of Ihr lium:m st-nnm-li lHT t-:ith. hint tt.unr- timrx r:ti)'-n the ,ni:tch tn thgent itself, nr ent itself up. h in a! f'iuiid in iIip Pt -niiK-h of iininmK hr lit ox. vt Aii. U ic llu muteii'il itst tl hv fitniHTH in iii.ikin'j chrcH.-, r-illfil llciiint, tlie rflrci (tl which has I tnii n-itn Urn Rporiul v'ii!cr or t Imliiiry. 'I'Ih- ciinllimr (.f milk if Die lir."l pro. (! i if ilinntion. I'tMiiH't. p'Ff'M8 nntiHiiNliinu wvrr. Tin. .I'iii:h'Ii of u cull" will i-iinllc nvnrlyciif ih-MiKiiul liuiee ilrfnwn wriyM i mi.k. 1I:irH'ijr minted tliul, hie wrt i if lYpf-m 'lifiittvrd in fixtv th"i5;ttif1 p;ut of wnln, Wilt (lii-s! it lid nlhT f t'sil." Diit RUtllKirlm pro itiiff ni:. I ltiu H .Inter. Unmet or IVpHii. 'I'll fli-.w lliiil this w:ml iu:iy Ik- pniciMly Bitpplkd, we il"le the fol lowing SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! IlRON UKIUG, in hin ielelir;lpl work mi Animal li';uiis!ry. m x : An Artilii-u, itrrstive rtiml mnili-tim Itt the n;(Firu' .luiee, limy In: remlily prep:iri i( li'iu ihr nm vtxn imitil ir;uir of I he MtonirHl of the en If, in which vitrinilf nrl icIcF ! food. Ol nintt nnrl rcP, will ha snenetl. rhniii: innl iIiLi' Mfil. in;:! in (he same niitiiiu r n ihry wuM be jit the liillll'ili f ! 'lli:t .M 1i Vl'.lt I'.I It A. in hii f:iiiVMi! triliff rn "l.! nml liet. )illliiiMli'(l liv Fowler , Well. N'W Vtvk. WliM iVt. sI;itS llu' Mtni' f:ie, , 'init rlewi ihe tht? llietli. U of i;vp:ir;iiiii. Then ate few liijilrer nitth-rii i h than 1i. I 'ere r. 1 i . t' M I ! !, hi hi v i!n:tlilr wriiinc on iht ,iriiyioipy ni OiffrKii mi. ' nl'servetl "n dniiiiint iin of tin due (plan tity "f ill- (iaf-tnc .luiee i ii proiniNenl mut nll-prrvailinc caueif ly?pep!iri ;'' ainl In; slates th;it "n ilii iimtiiheil profi-sn-T oi iiii flietne in London, wlm wns H'-vt rely ntfltct. rl with this f.inip1:tint, Hndin' every thina cIm- tn fail, had iwurpc t i the (iasli io Iiiieir, ohlaineil from the M"in:ieh of lii inir animals, which proved romplctclv ftieceFtifiil." lr. (ill Ml AM. mith-T f the fainon wr!v n -'Veire. taMe l)ct.,; rtivn : '-it i a return kaMe fact in phyi'l'irv, that the st'nnaeh of ntiinutl. iimeerated in water, import tn itie lluid tlie t'lpritv of diss ilvinc varinn ariieli of foixt. and 'f Ih-i-lli:-.' :i kind nf nrl tftetrd dli:efti"il nf theni in ii' wiff i1ifle!eni from the uaiiiral ilif tive pnwes." Pr. SIi(i"S v'r'at wrk. the "Th-tnisl i v of .Man,' ( A :!:Mir.:.. (Miila. pp. .T-Jl.y) .iy?: The ,. oovitv nf I'l'illN form :i m'tvi-p inthrrhetiiieal Ii it-ry nt' I), From reeem expciimetit wt kunw til n. t'ooii is (Hs's.iivi-d ft rapidly ill ail lirl ifieinl dii;enttve lluid, prepaied irniu IN pniu, n il i in the natural 1jatri( .luiee ilell l'l .tie T 1)rfiMSIi of the .1. fl'eix 'II Colle-M-, l"hiW- delpliia. in hi nat wrk 'ai Unman IMiyci'dcv. ih v'tte iiioh; ilmti liity Mi' t" mi rxainiiiation "f Ihi Mit't.-i III experiiueiil iili lr. li. ainn'Uit, on Ihe li:trie Juice, oMnim-'l (V'ttn the living human 1"maeh mid frn anitnat lire well known. "In all v imt," he says, '-diuest ion Ki'itr red I'K perl eel !y in the arlifinal n in the uatnnil ilig'-siioiu.1 AS' A DVSPKI'SIA cukek, Pr. HOIIiillToVrt ,treparatioM of I'l-.PSIN has pr.xhi- et-il tlie 111 Ut maivrM'in rtf-els. earing rase of llelitllty. I'.iuaciaiion, ervi-us Dir-lme. and l)sp' ptie (.'"tistimpli'in, nppiiied tn he oti the very Veice o) the irrave. It is tin p.'SMl'le t" cive the detail if c:im- in (in- Mmiii 'f thix ad vcrtiticment tint aiithcnriea'eil eeitiflciilr have Im-i-ii ynen of nt..rr TWi I 1 1 I N M 11) U K.M Alt K A III.i: I'l'lfFS, in IMiiladelnlii-i. -w Ytrk, uud'n alone. Thee wi'ie nearly all dr pi nile eases, uud Ihe cures were not nlv rapid nnd W 'ndeiiul. hut wnn turn). It iii t-rcat i;i:VOl rt ANTIDOTE, niM rarlieiihily usetnl f'-r tetideaey to m di uder. I.iver reiuplai..t. Fever and Atrne. or Itrtdly trnaled Frvcr nnd Aune. and thj evil eiVeet i if ( ;mtiinr, Alcretu y. and i-tlirr druus upon tlie piriive (tn.-an. nt'tet a lonjf siekiie. Alco, for t xccks in eaiin-!. nnd the too free use' of indent spnits. It uhnost recniieile Health with I iitempcrauce. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. T!"re i no f r n of oi.D STO.M U U COMIM.AINTS winch it docs ii' l W'-eni to nn. h nnd remove at nee. Nu nia'ter h -w had th-v may he. it UIVKS INST.NT ltK I.II'K ! A mtf.leil fc rein tws all ilie syiup. I"iu. and it milv need tn lie repeated, fa a nil rt time. t' niak. ;, -odetr. et nertnanent. I'l'Kl l'V OF III.OOl) and VIiO (F H MV. f ll -w at "nee. It is purticuhrty excellent in ''iim'k "I Natica, Vi'initiui;. Cramp. S"ienes of ihe pit "f the St nuaeh iliin atii-r ratlin:, e 'Id, tate nf the Jil d, Ileaviiiffs, 1iwiieeti of Spn it. Ucp -n-ilency, Ilm.i'-iati ii, Wetikuef!, tendency to Insanity, Sni cid", t: I'nce. DOLLAR per b UUu. Onebitlle will Iten irtVrt L l;tlniL' me. PEPSIN IN POWPEIiS. rrsr.vr nv mail, n:i:r.(F rtTAC.n. F-T e.n"et.h-iiee "f iidii'ij ,( :, pi-tM ( the. c .aalix, th-!(il.Tl I'ATA'r i Ut OF Till: I'FPSIN is pni ii( in tlie f rm f JVwd-r, with ilirectMii! t Ih; il:s lved it water of cyrup, t.y the patienl. Tiiee p.iwdcrs e 'iiI'Mi, tuat the Kame matter aw ilie h ittle. hut twice ihr ipiautitv lor Ihe s;. m. pi ire, and u ill he sent by mail, I'D I .I. OF I'ns l'A'.i: t.-r ( INK lit M.I.AIt pent (p i-paid) to Dr. J. S liuLoli i'ON, Nu. 11 Norm Liejiih alruet, riuladelphia. Six pai ka-'cM f r live d 'lliirs. Kverv pack-'e mid Icitle he i Ihe wntw u ut J. !. IlOl t.II I'ON, M. J) , -de l'r 'puel r S id ! a-jeiui in cver t wu in the I' inied States, und l.y tesefluhle dealers in .Nledi-inrc geilcitill)'. FOH SA1.K HVJohu v, rrihn-', aud Dcrcc Jinght, ua'airy, I'n. .:ti- A. .i,M.;iy J 'hll'll. j;:i.ft Jlttv.-.i Mi'tVrimuk, S. J. C. J' ''Ml . K 4-1 1 II t is:::itii 1 f;iiiil, Sunliuiv, Srjit. Mill, lr.')0. Northti.nlieraliid. Mi!t-n., MilOwrnsville, S -lili.t-jrove. I." pptr Alaltanlanijn .MalionuJ-. .ii5Vi:i;Tise:T2a:.T Eouuty Land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, D. C. HMU; uuJcrnyiiLii Ait -nit y nu.l (.itntul Agent ut the X l it y i ( uhtiiupi in, ii.'iT hii kltvilvh iu (injuring li 'Uniy lsiiinlMiiul IN iiMiins lur ih wc euiulrd. Uciui; jut-iii:iii- ii!ly I cuif.1 :t tlie Tit o" U"ViTnmi'iit, with it tlini- u,liiiriti iamilku iidjiuiiiiijniLT wiili the ufecssriry ttirnin, :tn I luuli i' , niit! h;i luti uct'L-kk to Itt i-islcisi unit linlis liU ti in Iliv L'. v;ir nlhi-i-, lie p src!i i! Mellilio lui llio Si'ccJy uifj Kjlitiiii-uiry udjunliitcUL ul O tVrinutui rlai'hn t vi -ry kiml. liy :i Uu; Ai t I C -npr- rs, fjjuiltv Liitirl is rtmttd to tlic - :i!"frs :ni'i 'Mi-Th "t wjr lfci-j, mut oi the vnri n iti 1 i ;riu w iik, itit-e ihi.ine wli i (:vtl nint in 'Ul:m liiu :i -n-a ; in lit"!"? ho ntTVci i.-ur Uliutiti fcO orr. e ; un l I t lij. e vlu immvcU "lie Ululh 4u uoiu. Ai Mi. -uts h.ivt tifi n inruli' with Kiill-iitu n" the j. i it ri ii in diiit'ivwi fct.-cii'iUii l' (lie Cuuuiry, t'ur (lit 1 ";iii ii wMMMii's, innl tlie n.tle ot' the (laicnis, wln-u ijtiM'i, on tin- in-ist uiKmuuic mis tt rins; the !.-iuuut t.-i.-, rt-.UuitiMU of linuU, ld fir Kixt-'n; lK'Cti ! it ihl.if; mill !' t tiie ititiu'ii'ii n gcuerul Law hiihincwi, ia tin- iliiffp-nl nnd Trrrit"i jt m. 11; u-ntlt m In n-n ic-f t iiii-iuLnr f the prnftusi a nt u ilihtMurr, ini'l wlicn cl.'iiins fi:iinai the G vcriune!ii, are pre rv t.y a I ( A' iil. w ill a!;iti: one hull hit. iihuu I foe. Tin- iit iTSaiti ) t-in- mttt iiitttiuciion, nml luiormatiou cu K'll.ifeis iiii:Tiiu"iu I ji fUiii-M)itil priPut iiii"n of ihis lm:il., Will he I'lrniahud tn rrgular Ct'ir: 'iiduut with (Hit I'hrnue. I'tT.H nn tliirinir int'"i nnti n of l"iiem! in tht nruiy or n:ivy. will i'"i w i him nil the p:trtu'ul;ir Kii"vn of their n-'n in.-, tt.jjiMln.r wiih a (Vi- of one dnHnr, and their ejitui. m -c will hi- i. pln.l t i hy reiurn of ui;iit. All cuiutuuiia tU'lle lu be (I KEl-Ml.,; uil'l Jt.Mrt usrtl t'l i'n vHLi:s c. TL'CKr.n, (tt..i if,;, p. oj WaMiiiifU-n, 1). 0. llf-rnibfr Or-, 1 r-Jtt. yy. wcaity; UODKDtLI.KK, llroiitltrny, SUNBURY, PA. I j AS recently received, unioiii; other articles, a -1 ureal ari. ty ol .New, Cheap ami Entertain in;; piiMii ati-iiis .-m il as C'uom rs uovcU, eoinplele or M'jrarate. Ilcrbeils Do KoiUvell, l' ilo '1'iollope, suo lo Halliburton, IliuicUs do Marryatt, CucLloii ilo t-'iey, .M.ivHili do Marsh, JcrroM do Aiuswoilh, Morris do At the low price ol Iroin 25 lo 50 cts per volume. Suubury, Hipt. 28, 1850 tf. BOOT-TREE MAKER, h'o. 95 Race Street. Second door below Third, JPHItADBI.PllIA. Ay II ERE all kinds of lasts, 4c, of the latest stylo aud best material, are manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, IS'or. 8, 1850. ly. 1JAZ0US A aujierior article for sale al the store of HENKY MASWHH. Suubuty, Feb. 11, 18S0, SHOURDS & COS LABOR V N D FUEL SATING V-TASEI1TG TOAP. Mnnnfnrttirfil by Shonrds & Co. 543 Chestnut St., Phila. FOK 8ALT5 BY ALT, GROCERS.' ARRAXTED to wash clcnti In linrj, nfl, or wilt wntrr, cold or htit, in one tliinl tho lime ofnny oilier Soap ever lnnmifarturi'il J tliua tlispuminn with boilinrr, lilonrliinj, Src. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &c. waslieil with tliis Soup will never (ilirink or linvc nny linmh or gummy feel, hut Irnvo tliem in their oiiainal soft nml pliant Ktule : whi. h is in itself a niflifirtit rcconinienilation to guurantce its use in all familieB, THE FINEST FABRICS may lc washed thoroughly with It, without the least injury; giving ihem a lustre euuul to newly imparled goo.ts. PAINT, GREASE & DIRT ofnny ileneription, enn he rendily removed hy the line of it, without injury to tho nrti. le, whether il he the finest dress or ordinary enrprt. In Ihe use of sshourds & CVs Sonp, the most delirnte need not fear, as it will not injure or chap the hand, hut nn the eonlrarv ael as an emolli ent, and ia nut only the vi.ur wtsinitn sine ever oll'ered to the puhlie, hut ns a TOILET SOAI' eannot he exeelled. VV hercver it litis hcen used it has aiven perfect sutisfnetiiin, and is warranted so to do, in all ca ses where n f.iir trial will he piven it. SlIOI. UllS & CO., MHiiiifarttircrs, A'o. Sill Chesnut St., riiiladclphia. For Sale hv (Jroeers Rcuerally. November 16, 1R50. Attorney at Law. llnoi xvillc. Sclin IK ill Co., Pit. I ) I'.SINESS will he promptly attended to ill Ihe eonnlies of Schuylkill, Northumberland, I'uioit, Columbia uud Montour- Refer to: A. Jordan. II-Llellas. V II- 11- Masser, Esqrs' Suubury Win. Ue Haven. Kdwnrd IIilL'he., A Solomon Shindel. Minersville C. M. Hall, M. Mortimer, I'ottsville. Oct. 5, f:,t) Iv. FASKXONABLF, HATS. C. J. WALTON, Xo. 216 Market at., helircca 7 8(t St., (!Sou!h side.) PHILADELPHIA. rP H 1-. Subscriber has opened a new hat store ' and oilers to traders and others who visit the city, a hiiudsoine assortment of huts, caps, of eve ry v.iiicly, made up of the best imilerial, and in the h. test ami best style, nnd on tonus as reasona ble as enn be hud in any establishment in Phila delphia, viz : Fine silk hats at -,.r0 ; (iood do do at lii(l. Persian from the country who pur chase ol'liim, can rely, at all limes, on getting a ?ooil article that will please then), and one that is fully worth the inoney paid. C. .1. WAl.TOX. Philadelphia, Nov. II, 1S,"0 ly. CHARLES W. II K(I I X S i-TTCP.XTST AT LAV-, rollsvlllo, ia. 'ill promjitiv attend to collections aud all busi ncss entrusted tu his care. June 10, 1S1U, LIQUOIiS, VIXES, S:a rrHK siil.scrils r has just received a new supply of the best liquors that cr came to Suubury, consistiin; in part of Superior old pale lirandy. Fine I'onuiac Urandv. Superior Did Jamaica Spirits. New KiiL;l.iud Kuiii. Fine Holland (.iili. Superior (lid Whiskey C'oinni ut do. Superior Madeiiu M ine. I.islion do. do. 5'upcrior Toil AVine. Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior I 'laret M'ine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENKY MASSEK. .vunbury, May -0 1S1U. Ill Al.Alll.l.l'lll.V Hlli . I.KlLOIt srotti; ItlTTINt; it WATHIIMAN, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, A'o. 220 Murkvt street, PUiladiltn, OI'TEU for sale, the cheapest nnd best assort ment of Liiptors in Philadelphia, such as Chainpairne, Sherries, Port, Sleek, Claret, Bur gundies, Sauturn, Barsae, Madcria, Lisbon, TcnerilVe and Sicily Wines. Brandies of the choicest brands, viz: .Maslina, tltard, Ponet, llennesy, &e, Ac. Fine Holland (.'in, .Monoiiahela, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, &e., &e. lintels nnd the country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on tlie most liberal terms. July 13, R.)0 PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. Manufactory, No. 50 CHESTNUT Si reel, ML DAL, awarded by llu. FKANKLIX IX S'lTTL' TE of Philadelphia in llctouor, AND THE FIRST PKEMICM by ihe MARYLAND IX STITL'TE, at Baltimoro, Nov. IS-lMand I64y. riiil(ullphii, OrtoUrZiitA, lei-lS. I have used J. W'ellar's Patent Japan Liijuid and Paste, lilackini; lor soma nine months, and am happy to say that it surpasses any blacking that I have used these twenty odd years. I find it holds the polish and preserves the leather but ihr than any bljcking that I have ever tried. AsDIIHV Ii. I'll IMHtllS. No. (7 Chestnut Street, Wm. CURPEY, Manufacturer. Successor lo J. WELLAU, No. 50 Chestnut Street, above Second. November, 9, 1S50. ly. TKOWN'S ESSENCE OK JAMAICA UL. CiER, an exwlient urlicle. Kiuvv Ai 's Medicated Soap for sun burns, tan, leiler, (tc. Ii.ukva) 's Circassian Bulm, for the hair dand rull' tVe. lladvvay's Beady Belief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, eke. For sale by II. B. MASSE K. Suubury, Au?. 3, 1850. TONE Ware, Earthen Wore, Baisiua, A jN monds, P unes and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. JS'ult and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHX V. FBILIXU. .Suubury, Dee. 89, 181!. BOOK.S and Cold Pens. On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, and also u number of gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia piices. For sale at this ullice. KENNEDY'S PATENT HASH FAS TEXLMiS A cheap and eicellent arti cle fur fustenius sash for sale by J. W. FRILIXO Suubury, July 7, 1849. OSEOTXTMEXT A fresh supply of this excellent article for Tetter, 4c, just received and for talo by HENKY MASSEK. fSunbury, July 28, 1849 "71LEYS COVGll CNDY. aln excel- T lent remedy tor coughs, colds. For aale at this ollice ''ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for I covering glasses, Ax., for sale at tlia oiliec ol the American. BAUD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Mcdi 1 i m tor aale by HENKY M.VViEK . bunbuf Jan. S7th, 1919 1UNIC NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED U EEKL Y. PENNSYLVANIA MAS3ACAtfKTT?. All Solvent hanks dll HltoriK 1SI.ANP. All solvent U.nks (lis CUNNIic't'ICVT. All solvent hanks li NKW vonK. rixv. eirr or I'liiLAncLriiiA V. is. Hn.ik hflrii 5 (,J ah siveoi ni.tiKs nni eot-NTiiv. nnnk of ClioiiibcrntmrR 1 ilis! iin.iR m t.nrRipr i n. pnr Bunk of Del. Co. Ill-liter pnr HI ifcrnuit.Towii Ilnnk of 0 tt vshnrff llftllk Of Irf-wiKiOWII pnr I A II solvent luniks t (lis 1 ilis.l.T'Kk n .ies n,uh-r S3 I di 11-oik of MidilktoH ii 1 His Montgomery Co Hnnk par Hunk of! pni rorxTKY. All Solvenlr lmks 1 (lis NKW JKItSKY. H'-lvnlerc Hank J rli Co.nmereinl Hank rfis Mimkot IMltsl.nre dis Mi. nk of Danville pari far. II ink ,..nt Holly .sir ilisK. .V M .,,.,,,... Vi rnrlmle Ilnnk Colmnhin H'k H'(reCo par Meehanies' Hk, Newark m l...?.-.n..,TVII uuiik Kir ...i-'-... ok oi iinrlinutoil w.r l-.i.-tnu ll.nik .r .Much. ,V Man. Ilk Trail .r Krie Hank 9 .lis1 Morris Co Hank J ills Kxehmice H'kl'iltslnlrB I .lisNewark Hk'R A l.n.Co j (lis I'.xehnniie Ilk. Hraneli ,ln (Iraiito- I link J ilin tanners' H k. liucknCo uir I'eopl.-'n !k I'ntlersoii J dii ri.ini.-ri. lov. ..nneniner par,l rn.eeion llalik riirinert' Ilk. llcnilint nir,S:il,-n. Ilankinir Co, Farm. Ilk Schnvlkill Co iviriSeinerret I n Hank P A 1). Ilk Vnvi.eli'K Hilir Slate Ilnnk at ( ain.l nr J .lis ' din Fmtikhtl Hk. Wnsli'ii iVliy Slate Ilk l:iizal-llil. HarrishtirfT Hank 1 .lis Slate Itnnk Newark Jdl llon.-Mlalt' Hank Irf.nnoter Hank l.elnn.oil Hank Merch. A- Mnn. Hank t (lis rotate lik, N. Hi.iiiBwick par par.Snssi-x Inoik. Newlon J ids ar Ireiil.-n Iviiiklnit o 1 .lis r.iion Hunk. Hover par ilia ladis Miners' H'k. Potm illn per YanllevvMrADelDrC, Monoii;nl.elii Hank 1 ilu t' Ilk notes niich-r sj I'liylorsv'c Del H'k Co 15 disl DI'.I.AWAlti;. dis v est ll.-ink pr.r'TVink of Delaware " yniiiiE i,k, ilKesh'e pnr York Hank. 1,1, t'ltelicf notes 1 dis m aim-:. Hank of Wli.-tl, k r.ti Merei.ntile Ilk. Hanior l.i.lia Hank of Stiivrn:. iwir Delaware t ity Hank pal Ilk Wiliny'n.V Hranilvw. pal I'liriners" Hk St Deli.ware par fni. n Hunk. AVilininulon iar l"" Tinier Si's J (lis OHIO. All t lven.t lianks 2 ili All "l.-tit Imaks ,i), M.W IIAMl'SIIlHI All solvent hanks (lis rj' Hk notea im.ler Vs 1 dis VKIIMONT. v. 1 1 r . 1 1 f in i. iv Hank of St Alkalis AM sokt'i.t hanks 2 .lis. I A H s-h-e,it l I dtllY fntle. .,' inks dis U! (In EEITZ & CO., I M 1' O It T K II S (J F F O U i: 1 1: X Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary Ciillt I'rmiK-H siiul UiiNlcitl lustru- m llt4. Nj. 78 North 2nd St., between Arch & Race, Pin la iiKl.i'iit a. 1 MPO!Tto order and have constantly on ham ' a very larue iissorlment of iroods in the above named lines at wholesale and retail. Principally In (iermaii, Latin, (Jreck, Hebrew, French. Itnlian Spanish and other laiiL'ti.tu'cs ; ('lassies, Diclion aries, ( trammers, Vocabularies, N,-!i,,,j. Juvenile, Picture. Drawing ami Model Books for Architects Cabinet, t 'ariiti-.'e aud other manufacturers. MAI'S.CLOP.KS and Blank Books of every description. Splendid Litho'jrapliie ami other Prints. lt SH AL 1NSTI! I MTMS, Aecordc, ms. Banjos, Bows for all si rim; instrii nienls, Bridiie nml Tailpieces, Clarionets, Fifes, Flaieolels, Flutes, (iiiit.trs. Octavo Flutes, Patent Heads for (ittiturs and Yioliucellos, 'J'anibourines, 'J'unimr Forks and Han -rs, iolins, iolin and (iuitar Pes. Violiiicellns and Strings lor all kinds of Instruments W holesale and Uclail Aecor- i dcons repaired. Aim constantly on h ind, wholesale and retail, a larite assortment ol'the very best OEillYIft.N' KHONZE POWBETt Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leaf . Metal Thernioiocli-rs, llairpencils.-Faber and other Lcadpeiu-ils. lied, White ami Black Chalk Cray ons. Mathematical Instruments, Seal Itcators. print; Lancets Pocket Piesoiptiun and Cold Scales am) Weights Leiler, l'.mcy colored and Paper PS.iv im; Cards ami other French and Cerinan Fancy Articles, 1,-r the sale ol' which they arc the M AX CFACTt.'i: iCI's ACEXTS. J uly fi, I Sod. rim a. ccvisi!! B v i r t s or tu k Por ki:t Esci t. veil s, or, Everv one his own Ph sician ! Ihirti- eth edition, uiih upwards of hi a hu.i.heil .-ii-.:ravii.,rs. sliow iJi ins? peculiar diseases in ,.vl.. jji rv rhape and form, and mal- lonuali.ius of the ip-uerativc system, HV M tl. V(t n, M. it. The time has now arrived ' ' :" that pi-is. ins Mlllcrin-,' from secret diseases, u 1 nn more 1 me the victim of ljuackery, as by the pre.-crip!i ins contained in tliis hook any one may cure hiui.-cl!', williout hind rance to business, or the knvlc,!ie of uny one, and Willi one tenth tlie usual c pence. In addi tion lo the general routine of private disease, it lully explains the cause of manhood's early decline, wilh observations nu marriage besides many oilier derangements which it would not be pro per to enumerate. LCTA'iv person seiidiiiir nvt;M-V'i ivi: i knth enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or live copies will he sent for oiip I dollar. ' Address, -Dl!. W. i'tjl Xli, Xo. 153 (.VI'IICCE Sireel. PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. ' r 7..- lit. v".,.-'i- . . ,. . tv iw. .(i can oe consulted on any ol the Diseases described ill his ilillcieut publications, at his Office, l.VJ SPKl t'E Slreet, every day be tween U and 11 o'i lock. (Suudav .s'evcepted.) Philadelphia, Nov. 'J, ls.'n). ly. TONIC MlXILilE, Fun Tin Ci'hk (.k Fkvi:u ami Aia i:. K.l.NT t.o. -W.vit- HIS llliii vall.-.l I '-.lieini- m iy Ik- r. Ih -I mi vv-Ik-ii it, -nr- Ill-B lull. Its Vulili- if. i,,i Mt;i,-u.itly il-i,)riet-,r iliaiie to cuUrne t lit- ' kif'vv'i- tli.-rc t.if tieul ol IIS Uet-I.i. llu u IIHKUli- ka-iyvu Its ViiUe-sailil elli I' fciiir.-r-rs vv li'iiin: n t avviiii- licit tl.ei- I C1CV to t; i can be ailJ isilii-aliy cmtil ul' fkvlk ao Aur; : wilt. 'Hit Tlie ace ivi li',lea'i.l (line's, l.lllls-ini piMl-illB or ' ace ivi ii',iea'iil (Ine'j i u.iiiiii'-ii i... . i . i iji 'iiiiii-. i is-.u-r-a t - itu- iui ' lie :.( :. livv ii in- ! i-l.a-e it vi-illiii. Ilie re.u-li ol' i,M, aKwnr.-il ' tiial Hi-m; vv..,i us ii iii-cjiilii.j,' liirei-u .'us will laid it u i sife tinil pciy cuie (ut J l'tvru AND IIjcp. j It is not a nifcu-'l'ecuMe nautical iuit c ilil:ioiunt hut tin derce. olile tome ciilciil.ircil lo rcnu-v e i Iii- iliseanL-atiil trice lu-altliy SL'lioa lo Ilie Sl.iaiacll Itllll li'ivV'el!n. I'i cc-iretl only ly .Marshall I'd., ami -M vvlaU-a.ilca sail r.-lail I.) l.'.ov.ui.l . S. a, X... ii V-itd Ilili, Plilhili-ilna. I'lii-u SI per iMiijjie U.I1K-, ui..l ln-rd-iz. June a, le5 ly HOSE OINTMENT, TOR TETTER 1 FAU Ilie I'lill iyvnii! eeililii atr t'r. on . Hit i Well kii ivvii and iioiiilUir Siiaal Uuut l iiiiluin r-," llt Traveller. 1 I'iiii viiKi.niiA. Oct ilii r 31. I-IU. Several yrtirs since 1 waa iilliicktnl v ili a liieakill? nut on lay lu-ek in tin- I'i ii in ul Teller, wiili Ii I am chiiviiicmI waa ciittritct. il at lliu Harliei 'aSjii-iii. U ixraiiiliaillj eAteml e.1 ever iny luce until it reach..! tin- iiji.i-r uirt ol' Ilie Cllreka. 1)11(111 Hie acveral III It c illllliae.1 Plireii'lmi!, I um il ilill,-ri-iit iiiiilii-ati,iit!'. s -ine nf vv liieh ,ail Ilia eths-i, Miireialy at l.-i,at, ul' liieo asiua tlie iliai-.tse, lint fruul none ol lii.-ia ilul 1 H-ret-ive Ilie least Isaelit until I apiilictt ilie Koas(ii.rMk. r. 1 ilu-iise ..i'uik- tut ,r u I was perlectly eareil anil liuve rciu.-oiieil lice ol' the all'ec liuii. 1 have since (lie Oiiitile-i.t, litrhtly applied fur pan:!.. Ileus ol' lilt luee, UioU.-I.ea. eliapiuil, iV e. W'Hb per- . ..... ii, .'HIIUl-lUII the iriiaecal inui.iier t J ilie lilthlic. u. g it in JA.MU.S DUVOK A sent Httvnv Makhiii, Si.iiluiry. July Irtii. X I.i:UAI, XXATEII, from Ilie Oak Orcliar.I Aeul irinqs, lii:;lily Milual.le in chronic di- wut,c, und tonic rclncuti b. for Kale llENKV MAisSUH. feunbiiry, June 29, 1S5D if STONE milk Pans, ntona Jui and I'itcherii, and otlier article of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN XV. l KILING. Suubury, June S3, 164'J. PATENT Truswe. of all kind, Hdrrion'. writing and tuuVUiulc ink, Cotton yarn and Up, just received und for sulo liy j. xx'. rniLiNG. fjibury, Dec. S, 18-18. KAY RUM An excellent nrticle for ule by HENKY MASSEK. teunliury Jan. S7th, 1849 tf. LANK DEEDS printed on the beat quality cf parchment paper, sold at the loweal price, at tin. ollice, by wholesale and re tail. RAISINS, currants, citron, t-heene, pepper sauce. &c. Eur salo by J. XX'. EKILl.Mji Hanbuiy, IVt. ?, 18H. v em: "Iiiscournc Your Own!" HAAS &IIENN. FASII1 0 NA UL K MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. '"PlIE subscribers respectfully call tho attention of the public to theii larpe and splendid assort ment of every qnnlity nnd price of which eannot fail to recommend itself tocvery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best slook to be had in the city. No cflort is spared ill the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers arc determined tn keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sof'iiH, Divnns nml Lounges, Uui-cnus.Sctrctntfcs.SflirlJoavlis, SOFA, BREAKFAST AXD DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, eipial to Phila delphia ninnulaeture. BEDSTEADS, of everv pattern and price, CI PBOAIiDS. WOliK AND CAN'DLK STAXDS, TOILET TABLES AXD EXTENSION TABLES, in shnrt, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities ClIATliS, including varieties never before to be had in Suubury, such as M r, Black Wai.m-t (Ml Ct llt.KIl MArLK (illKCIAN J ANII YVlMIHOtt CHAIKS, am, nwt Piano Stoim s, which arc of Ihe latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the .pialily and fniUh of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on ns good terms as they can he pun based elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. Hz" CNDEIiTAKINC. Haviutr provided themselves with a handsnmc Hk iisk, thcv are now prepared for I'lidertakimr. and attending fu nerals, in Ihis vicinity, or at any convenient dis lame from this place. fir" The Ware Boom is in Marke Street, opposite .1. oung s store, nml nearl opposite Weaver's Tavern. DANIEL HAAS, CEOBdE BENN. Smiburv, Dec. 11, ISoO tf. AVATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE AMI rnvsicAia i!i:sroi? vi ivl:. Tlin MSDIOAL WOlvTCxIR OF THE VMLL positively cure all staees of .Neuralgia, ' '1 ie Doloronx, .Nervous lleudache, Cho lera. Lockj-ivv, 1 1 ? di'ophohia conv ulsiiins ; will restore inaitho, ul to its ptcstiite v ior. even after years of prostration, and the only known and cer tain cure, lor low spirils or mental dchiltv. Extract from the New York Nun, Oct" 3, 1I'J. Tin !, h,t. DrWal-nn, when talking of the loiriiculoiis power of "Walts' Nervous Antidote,'' the .piestion was put to him, '.Why such a valua ble remedy for all nervous all'cclious was not iu- i troduccd by the nu-iiical I'iculty !" replied, "Thai if it were, there would no lunger be any use lor a i faculty, as all diseaes originated from n i.ed slrte of the nerves ; the nerves are the main sprint; of the whole system Keep this in older, and both the mind ami body must be." Four ounce phial, " doses, enough for all or dinary eases, ONE DOLLAR. -OLD BY Win. McCAKTV, Broad ivav, Sunhurv. cptemLer, is, 1 Soft. tf. I J()()T, J Et(;it .:;::u artist, St). MO. cnrncr f Fifth If Chfsn'tt sts.t Phihi j dt'lfliiu.nntl 3H;t lh'nvh''a)j tome? of Frt7,iUn) Strcrt) Sciv York. 1lTIi:.S AM) NTIiANt.KK.s ran lmv( ii'ct'ivt' iln'm l't'.uiti;i!Iy -iisi'(l, in iinmtrco, iWi. . mIm'!, r.ij'iiT .M:u-!u( or oilier f.iurv stylrs, or srts j in .M i!,illioi)s, LorUcts, ti., in a tow inimitrs. j Daguerreotypes. Paintings, Drawiiis, &c, Copied. ; Out Wr Vii'ws, innl .Mtniattinw of ilwitsrj j (n-rsoiis, tak.'u at Iiort uotitT. For roriiiiits of Ailuiis by our ih'ihts, innl m- pntvi'tl I list rujiuiilsT a clmnfy day is tjuilu as i'.i j or;iliii' ns clear wcalher. ; For Cliiliirtii, a Hear day ('m-Uvocu 1 1 nnd ) j i jin-li ral-Ii'. f In liv. avoid white, Iduc ! oi lullt iii!.. ( ur ( i illri v w ttn Us Six rn.e .Mod.. Is and Works of Ait, is open ut all hours, and Free. Wlu ihrr visitors wih pietmvs taken or not, we bh.ill at all tiiitcs I'C iiatiiy to see ihem. June "Z'it LS.jO. i stiiiilocy tul: e i:u.r:it.vTKi iu. . w i K 'i V iv, lrmV4 r i-t Air- ! . A-tnit--it; . I'im iK'i -v . in it i I ii- in iMi-v. 'in' uitt .1 u iili ('t I ' Ii A'l'H ) , h- iu Mviviii-ii, lii't- 71 l.i t. 'I M nrri-fi, ul. i,.!.ia. :!' - ) i s km v ic. it.ri.-citi. ni. t-i" . h ittuiitiii.iiMt r n . lie li is l. ii t nsiili.'tl l-v ii :; ill.- t .wtiftt lie-uts ) Kur. U'n! i-itj t m a Inyiicr ij.iuit i n .-if .m Afn.l. r limn mi .ul 1 1 v nit! N iiiv i'li-s p t!. u!.ii. ,i :i, Mlj t iiouu m.-v I i. iht.- s:t, i M iiii.-iu tti i't'WHt.s at diMtitiK-i i-:iu li:n-i llifir n il i i'ii-j. iltMu ti f M iiilm- tin; ilatr m lit- tiny m Hi- ir lirl Ii. All l.-iti-iH c u ifi :ii n i he iib w fYi will n-'.-rix im in.Mnte u'ti-iiii -n. mul N.iiivitirH t-tt to tmy p;rt m' tin-w- ilit writ'. 'ii ' ii iiui:i;.lr ' r ; an. I in j jtrt'j.;iitil in niakt xis. i'i Ins ji. ixx'i'i l.y fiiiiji:Hiti on any 'l (in- win; I". ihm : f'oiti uliip. u vu-f i ii .r tin- iivini'ul :hm. imt.sii- IIH-lit ul" ii wimIiIiv Hlni.i''-; I;t- Ilia liit- 'tvi-l t' i"f,i.'clll nii'li iiMin; liiirn ( llu- n-(.- use .i tin-U'tilt-; mitl ir n:l i-tM'a 1" ! '. 'i'i, ;!n. l" 'i I'" n t- i i i a ur I ..! j.;..; . i-i tx . Mini ; u r-; it-.-tri l"tl rx t ii-krl 'J'li .hsmhis ! Iii nUx"' n;nif-t vw hu i.i'iu it ur in lii'S cilv :niil ll X'li'in ftx it't.l in tin- t'niiiii S.'.iii-st in tltf mil ftiiiM-n ii 'ii i'i" ail in.tnm :nu iii.-o or H..I-. irt.- Ii.iv.- li.-ra i-iim .tiirnii.' tlir in til i". -nr x -io xx )ii!- IjiTh. laftlt-i will iuisxv it r i-ry pin -:iitl xx'iil do a xx-.i .n in i-ull in jkimmik, unit liiu twin I m n-iv h ut; i!t;it 'ns lift-it n"t iV-ir to titiAt ui f m- Ihr.-ui-ii 1 lie pnM OinVfv Dl lt"tKick rnvix' h in-m Mki t.' iKnU n.;r ui.tiithK, and liau m-VtT init.).',) ne Itr ! iiiimm! 1..; l.tiUr,', C nn: v innl Siatr. AlllciiiNi will It- n-liyi !!-:' ath'iidot l,i, ii iiri'iuij,!. For in.rc imr. In-ulfiri v.t.l nl tlie ilu.'eti" tin jkiiht uiiU gt ail Atrl"gi. C.'ll AllIKMlIM-i' LMiill 71 l,.. iiM h'ivv iih ie F-tftitli, rii!;..h-!.liui. V.'W. UOHACK riiil:uh-lj'liia, VvU. t, IrOl. (Ui. P.TE1TT IrEDICJIlTSG. (I'recn'ii Oxytieniilcd Hitler, price reduced. Old Jtycnli Toyvnsend's Surtiiiiai-ill;i. Haki r' S,ir,inirillii. Swuync'a yrup of Wild l'lierr, Syv:iy ih-'k erinitutre. Ayre'ii CLerry i'ectorul l)r. Diake'k I'uii.iceii. Dr. t'ullcu'a (111 Tibbit'n l'niii Killer. llr. lloullaud'ii ticrinan lit tiers' Indian X'eirelalile l'illn Horse innl ('utile Mediciues horsalebv HK.NKX" MASSER. runliury, July 1 1, ll'J. THX1 rEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM t'O.MI'UISI.Mi A Cdl.l.LCTlON OKOVt'.H 2M YAI.UAI1LE 11ECI l'KS, In the l.'seful and Interesting Arti teitk a few Simple und tuiinu. Kxperlnieuti, iu I'llF.MISTUV ; I Nf'I.ri'INl! Medieiut'K, lVrfuinerv, C'heniUtry CiN'ki'ry, Furriery, 1 ing, Confectionary, l)o ineislic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price Gi els., for .ale by HENKY MASsElt. Suiilmry, Dec. 8, 1819. Hoiti. .i:voois ! Jut received at the store of 1IF.NKY M AS &F.K, a lot of Caps, Gum 8hoes, Aluuiiiiics, (jueen.yvure, l,i.ii.a &e. All of which will be sold at the luvvc.t prke. Dec M, 15. CAVS. An assortment just received. Also silk HATS at '5, for sale by 11. MASSER. MunlHiry, Pee. 84 H. f IE. Art, from the ISew York C'autou nJ JVkiu M. Tctt t'oitipauy, yos wftl 1V J. W. nULLNU. Panbary, Dec- J, 14S LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICR, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NEUVOUS DKHll.I I V, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil ilivviaf- tinning from n Himinlcrefl liyer nr lto luncli, aiiplinaefinatipnlien, Inyvnrri Pile.. V11ll.tc1.11, ir Miii.iI ti, tl, ),,t,l, AH.Iify nf Hie SMinneh, NtniB.n, IIcnrM.iirn. dinirnat f"r Fl. fnllncaa nr weight ill the floiimclt. miu l;rmi,iiin. st.iKi.itr (r tltillerinij nt th pit nf ihr Sl.nimrh. Pwlinmini.' nf the hend, liiirriialnrt'tilifricult lirrathins, lliitlcrimr nl Ihr heart, rlmkint; or KirT-KTitMij ai'lisatiniH w h.-n in r. I in? pnatiire, Diir.tiras nf viainn, (l.iim.r welin Iicf.irr l. ,iu,t. Frvcr nnrl (lull pnill ill the heral. ill f.cic.icy .if ,rr..iir:.liiti, vcll.yvuraof the akinnnj (vra. pain ... Ihr , lairk, rh.-al, lintlia, Ac., tllrtilen diiRhr. f hnit Illinium itl. fl,., eiiinUint iuinginii.K. nl evil, nml (rnnt ih nfrpirila, can m: r.i FF.cTi-Ai.i.Y ci nr:r by EPw OOFLAITB'S t l:l.KIinATKI flKRM lJI BITTERS, rHP.I'AltBU BY V n . C . M . J A V K ( O N, AT TIIK C HUMAN' MEDICINE STORE, Vi. l-'o Arch St., riilluili-lphia. Thrtr i-.vr iivr the tiUivc fliacnai-t ia i..t rxerll.Hl. if -'t'iMi--.l. liy nny nlln r iri-i:irnt . ill ill llu? r.iilcl Mui-a, na tlir riiti-a iittt .vt, in man)' eune Ul'ler akilllul liliiau-hn.. Ini'l liilli-it. Tlii-a- lliltr-ra nrr yynrtliv lltrv nttriilinn of incaliila. 1 iiK.-aauiu CK'ilt i,li.-a iii Ilul n-(-iilli-..liii. ,.f iliamarlut' llir l.ivi-r nml l.-aai-r (..I nula. cX'-rci.iii-tf the ni-iat i.-nrrlinif; p iwi-ra in y-.-;ikii.-ss innl nlli-ct ii-ns nl ihe tlii;cativg uriiAjia, llu-ynri-, with.-il, K.f.. i-i-rliiin nml pl.-nauut. . I'liuii Ihr'iii Dee Tin- l.'litnr nii.l, )rc. M-.',l Dll. lliinn.Mi'. I'ci.RHKATKn OeKMAN DlTTEtl. f.if llir .-lire n I .ii .-r C.iuipLiuit , .lainiitir-r, HvapepHa. Chrome r itvhii IMiilite. ia ih-rrvillr niirnf Ihe nmal r'pu lar in.-ili.-ini-a nl Uu; d .v. '1'h. a.- Ilittria have lie-11 i. aed hy Ih .iia inila. nnil i. I'n.-nil at nnr clli ne anya he hua hiin acll rrccivi.'il mi , lr,-tii;, nml peruiiiniMit cure .if I.ivcr CnlTiplaliit 1'r.mi the nsr i ,1' t Ins n-lni-ilv. We nrr cnnvilici-d thai, m Ihe uae nl thear Hittera, Ihe pnlieut ennatniilly j;.iiiia siietufih nml u fuc-t yvnrthy nf yrcat ciiiaul..'. iati"ii. 'I'li'-y nr.-pti'.'isiinl in taste nail amell. nnrl ran be il hy pcia -na wilh Ihe uiiistlh'lirnti- stiunai'lia Willi aal. IV. miller nny i-ireiiiuvt.-inei a. We nir -i-iikiiii; fri'in u-IH-riener. rin.l tn the tillheleil ce ailviar their nae." Jiiilue M . .M. ii.i.n e,.,t!, yvilh prt-at aeir-ntifie ail'l lit. -rnry till:. iiitiu-iita. aaiil ill hig-'t-yv Vurk Weekly .Mesaeiteer." January 0, l-.V. : -Dr. II i.,l.ini!'a liiTui.u. Uittera. Tlere ia n prrnnrntinn yvliil-l. I lit ti-.nlm-j piisaia in the I 'uinu appear In lie mumi. ni 'lis in I iiiiiii-iiiliiuf. nml Ihe ia nliv.nua. It i. tn ule alii r a tire.eriptinn rnalieil liy nnr nl' the timat eclr liniteil pliy:-i, i.u nf lunilt-i n luiiL-a, the lute Dr. t'hr aleplinr Will,, -mi II., , ,,. ir,,f,.ai.r tn llu; rnivcraity ol'.leim, priva'e l'liy.i,-i:iii tn the Kinr nf I'riipsui, nnd nl.e of Ihu ur-'at.ut tite,tie:i ii-, jt,.-s . n-rmaiiv hna ever iinatneed. He wua ..iii;i!i:iti, :.tK-the enemy nf liuiiihuir, nml thcicforeit iii-iln nn-.. liieti lie yvas 'he iu eninr unil'iraer may lie em.iril-'titly relieil ,.u. lr fpeeially 1 rcnintlieililr.! it in l.iv.-r 1'i.iiiplMial. l)ya;.epiiia. Ileliilily,' N'crtitrn, Aeiilily of the st "in h ii. I '. -ii; i.ati".i. anil all ei iinplniuta liriainfl IrnTll a il .iil.-ri'il e ,uiiitnu nf Hie stniuneli, the liver nml Ihe Int. '..Inn s. Mile I'lnlailelillii:! papers expreaa their .auivir. linn nf ita eieelli-ii. e. ninl ai'Veiiil nl the nlitora aprnk nf ll-eiti . ts It. iu their mvii inilivulil.'.l experienee. l.'mlrr th.-ae et i'."ln ist'ii if-e... we feel wnrtaitteil. 'it nnlv in erlllimr jlie nil. n'l ii ..r . .1 1 r reuileia In the present presetlt prnprir- tnr (Ur. c. M. JuckKm'a) hut in rrenniineiid nijj tilt- atllele u a I atliu-ted ' Mure Evidence. Tito Pliil.iih lplii.i Sitiinlny lu.z.-tte,' ihr heat fumily uevvspm er pnlias'., ,1 in the I'nitiil Sun a, the eilitnr iuji Dr. ll-nJIaniVf flerinan Hitters. It is ae!, I , a, thai yve reentlllliruil yvluit rue terim-d Tn. tent .l".l:eiu. !.. t-i tile .- mtn lenee ainl putrnnaye nf uur re:ui is; nu-!. Uiett...ii.. ylieii we re,-, n inni-uil Hi. l!o"f 1.11111'.. Heriiiau lintera. yve wis it t'l he ilisl inillv iln.lei. sl'i 'il we aie n 'I s,. eaklllK nl Ihe ll'.stiiiniii nl Ihe lay. that ic n-i.-.-.l all 'in imn h. ief pel i. l ami t lion for. ti-ilt.-il ntti I 111. ti.ivcil ine Ihi-ir liinlty luce (if mischief, iillt "t II III- .tli-llle ..ll; est ililislie I, .uii've.s.iMv prized, i,ncj yvl ali 1ms I the hem tv appmval nf the l-'iieuliy ilsr.l'.'1 Tin: tins ni, -le'iu-' will enre ,in-r lii)lu nit uud l)ya- l"'!' '- I'' aiKt.niht. iift. r usiii-j i ua ilireeti-d. It ii'rta Sjii'i-ili." ill) "J" "' le-- at 'in aeh and liy t r it la prctl'enihle l.i eal an. 1 u, ..M !;! I ns i i ; s.-., .e;. ij,e , fli-et j. iuilueitiiite. 'I'li.-y em la. iiilaui.istereil In Female nr Infant Willi Kll'rly illlil rellahll; 1 uctlt, lit il till.'-. i:i:vi!i: ok rt.i' i'rrs. nn .Iii'iiie h is nt. ni I tlial Inch ehninetrr whieh i. y 1' a-all uii .iieiiies t'l ill t:i i ii In initnee cnuuti.-! fetter. -n!i :i .-nun us iiiiiele at the risk nf the live, ol e uin ier'iitly ileaeiveit. WKl.l. Til Till-'. JIAIIU, dl-' Tin; UE.NTINE. hive the in nsi-'uatnrr nf f, M. JACKSON l.i pal I til' ise in LOOK Tln-v up in t nnr wi I' -i ie wrnppe-. nml the name lilnyvil ill tlie lulllv, yvltll it'll tie y al e spill i'liia. t s ite, y ti -a s.,!.- ainl retail, the tier nni a Mat nine Store, l-J-l AliCM SI I eel. mil- ,1.1. T lielnye Sixth, (lilt, of s' I'ltl! nlelphia. nml hy lespeetahle ilrutur. jr-" lia S-'ci" i., ii ii.i-iii;ie.ui ine .-.'iinli -. i :--l'"n; ' s-i!e l.y 1 1. Al ai:ii. Sunhurv. mill M. A. .M'l'yy Aii:i . V.rliiuiill.eilaiiil. i-t 17. l-.MI. lj "DEATH'S DOOR.'1 II x -i '.- ;u.-:i'' i'.. wi- li-vir tins c . j i ri'if. i ni , x 1 1 it'll in in-.u;' I'' i - j i X i ' " ttl ill.- Ill unl tin- l.i.-i .' iifft t'..-i: i. ,vii.-!-! .mii !" f ''liuci'l ! iv". .Mrs. liurri- t -ii. i n mt .i r n tin- Tunny Ciniivli, UjiH. :i3 shi? f.Xtii'i F'.. .i-'i '.! .1 -xvii t.i -hi-nr iJ.-.r,'' liv Klieu lli.tllMM :i:itl . )v,mi l.'.i'l.i-lii-. xxll. tl. likrilll m(t;i- nf in. i. v, (ih!y:iv s Itiit.iy K. r.-lu-x til In ; m h r ntvere l.:-n.:uia r. y .rr.lli.-r t i !i.-r iiit inU in Tif.rl hr.itlh. 'I;:.'X.". i,,-t.tMt Wiiy'M Kt-rn.y h'rlifl' in lllf il. its ... t II ylS .11.' It mlllfii. Ill'IlU, fll'llli- -. inn! i.iuiti.-..; il itif'..ii!iy :ti;.uh initati -ii. fiiliit-rn in. Il huh. .M' ,im nml 'ilitih. rt-ltt'x. s I I.c lii.hjt bt-xtTc Ncu r i !-..! ; L'l-iTS t !- I . Hi.: .Mi, S .!, Knipt ii ill u'.'B !it. -ni '5i-in .i(tiil.-i . ir tii, I'riiiiK Ki. Si.riiiiu -r.!,. ; ti. N.'l k. Vl lklM SU tllf Sllltf tlllli S'M . i' nil kui.'i.. Ii;.!., llrnisi-s. rhuim. Sio 'i'i iutm cri:i-:u i. rKioxi). This t i -in in-; ;.li -i'i :ni tu- cun ti iii an innfanr, f..r I'm- in iit llu- li. i.ef i.'iiclics tin- nTxc. tlie pain in uu. li-.Udt. S . xx-nii 'I'i.- lli'l'-n'tiv: innl llruii. rniiiu. Ncuriil i:t nn.! S;i !k Hi ..! i. tl- Mth.- r lu- par! XX'l.cii; llif jiain IS lit, s! .- . i.'. .-tn ! ut ;i I'.-Xl Uillilllrf ymi will he mtirel) . 'i- I. T..l, ii mi. in.iMy ii x ill ftrn-st tin li)'nt violfut ,iani. :;n.l Ci'iiui. i.-p Vi'iinlnit; ir ! uiucli puriiut, in a. c:.'.-it .. L'txf ii-jrh i'.r wc-iWn. msr j,.r pun. it-i!:ii i" r k n s. , K. li. ln-i in sciiume un l..t nmn.-il l.y liAIiWAV A HiJ rult u jiint-t. i i rcjwr it i:tti imiis. Tt i;.n;i;i.i.iMi ami lmi wck Tin; cuarma oi-' CKAI TY. H IXX-X V , KMil'A T Kli StVXr. I! ii)w:, 's .M. ilif.ihil S ..i p. s-i lax.T.'iitix- Hiri)ii;h nil Hi-- t iltt.-fi i Me w I. M , n- us AHnii.-!y puriiy itiy jit-, N.iK'Mi.-i i L. . if un tin: tikai ; wii'ilr bv iii ncti-'H mi tit. ; r- s -Mni Hi.- nu tii,' M',-i,-t,.iy xs. U il cxpt'ln nil i.u; .1' .i .'-a li.titi t'a- Hun'.ici', a!t:ixn evcrx-icn.lciicv t in II '"" -"i'. a. ..I i H.-ctu-Jly .ii.-.-ij atcb 'nit ri- I iicM, tan, I'tiM,.'. . ti.-.M. s. .lis. ! iati us a .nl ..tlnr rutani. .t: ei i;i'' t "lis Tit-- i. I.. ml 1.1 ii it nn; t.i the rlit t-k, tlie nt i. s.- ,1' i,i. !iir in.ln. -. A ui tin- ii.nulH uml nrui. It en j ;ili!itx I wituuiii iriilili n mitt riiuux in tu-l.lli.- -fi-; .!.-,. , :.s. , r it liLhspci-s ililc t ' i-vrry Iniirt. ticiiil'i.n-n airtr k'i.ix ini: will fitl. il ;il!axall iintatifn llll.l 'cii li IlM i- till 8M1I, anil I rililciH It suit, JH4UH.itl unit pic is III). I tn ni'.- t U lieu mi ' dit ui" hiiimncr. r i'i". t nml hlfk x ni.Is . i xx'in'cr ; ami ni c:if f i s.m!,.n n. ttl mi;i. ut' jnorcU (-r.iil-l iuix. i-iiappc! Jiaii.U. ur iiii'iilfnial iiiHaiiiiiiaiKin, Hi vii im Ii , . e ami .-M. iimx . !y l.c.-n tiiMnvlriltrti. Its 1'i.iin uur nn. I r.-ii-'.-liiiti; pr..p-rtic? Jiayr utttriinetl il m-Wc lac Hi .nsiim.fc ' uliuT .oMitctH'.s, l I Kur.J. t.-riti ;i ! I ..ii s, :c Miniiiil .ft nit-. I ix- I lit It u tun ul' nil luirtm i'i laj I tiii 'iiaf'i.-xv'"ri., tV"iu the l.miiin triples tn tbe tr. . i r-:i!t!. ..I !': I v Km l'. Tin- .iiUie will plcM i;.-..r in tills: I in .t I . :i( I wm ' n Mitlii-Titiil Ssip. ii, th" nlv B-ili yn:.r i. . n " .r t!n- n - .y tn uw ; tint liaH liell rcrtttiril t.i li. uur in .t pi. iniiicnr cli- iiiistK. Ra.txxuy't S 'iip i ireo huni puiiv-iii'Mi, ii'iiti.iiiiit ami periuci.Mia in'nts. il can V us. .1 n tlic tcn.fcr fckiii unite infant xx iih (lie uinu.-tia.y ri-Miliji its ux.n li-atity ill il prime. See iliai ca.-li (.-.ike i i'nx cl"prl in spkmlul label ol sitfl I'li-'fiii imr itml further nee that tin- nii:u:iiure of R. ii. lt.)U AV th up. u each (.uku. Vtivv ii cents, larce cakcn Till: .IUI(. OKVMET OF IlKAt'TV jsa i.L xrmwr head ok (.lossy iiaik. i:UXX ' V CHiXX-l.X BALM. irarrontcti the fast Jair Tonic in usc9 For l)rct.nii; ami lirtiuhfyiMii lh hair. Ii cicaus.'n ilie Sc;ilp i mm LanUrut!'f keep it rlfiiu, etirrs S-Mirx-cy, 1,mMiicm. ninl Sirc un the IJctt.l ul..a the hair fr-'iii lallini; nut. iciittctb it tirunu, tint;, Munxitli, suit nd pl'isy, r H ns x ln h;i-r l M their hair hy iNx-kiifk will tii ul u f'Miip.itf autnkiltf in Hmlxvax ' Circai-ciatl Itiilm. It nlsti tiiv. s i( a il.irk ninl beautiful olur, iiiul xviU prevrnt i tiutu luiiiiiuf urrx'. I'miu itv cx-nnfitt? puiliy, it ih Hilmu rahly ii. I .pi.-.! i-n ila hair t luiilreu oi the iimat leiulrr n;;e. It in -hi iii l.irs luitl. .r 'ia eentu pr rv.itlf, ant! lis xx artituti'.l lite tvl hair prepaiuiiou iu uvp, it will mt il tin- hat. ("iii. "l lh' tit unl lalme. S.-e tlmt the aipnu. lure oi It A lV. Y A. I'O., it up-hi em-h Uutlc-id ('ir cissiint li.iini it. genuine without the signature ul UuxlM'ajr & L'.i. A ihNT II. II. Manner, Suubury. Aug. 10, l."i tfjiiily V. F. PEDDRICK'S"" (I.ATi: l'AHTMUt UK C.SCllKCK) X ai i.lsli Manulat lory nnd 1'alnt More, No 78 North Fourth Slrett, A FEW DOOKS ABOVE CHKKKY, WEST blPE, rilXLADELnilA. Constantly on hand uud for tale, at reduced ju ices, and of superior quality, the fol lairing articles, viz : C.airli. Ciiliim-t. Jiiikmiii.t.' and Oil CWh VsfniahM ; 0i hii; J.t;vni ,' lt-a'l aial tlaiuo. Vsrmi ; Urown, Wlut. .lid Itril Spirit iln; TridiaK-r tin : Anial., Hmiae and . an II I'liiiilcra' and Vnrnialicr.' Mnlrrinla 1 Pl.'TI'V liM ()f rii'll S. I'tlMX PHY, I.M Oil., AND fK I'AHIl) t'.'ll t.MMKlllATK I'SK ; Millmm. Vami.ll, '. tilut. unit Acul.i liku L Juiuni fnr lrnu ; AdhtiMV. do. fur Kniiry Wnrk : Picture und Wlud-iyv UUia.; Arli.ta Co. Inur., l)i v uiul III Tula?. ; Null's Foe Oil: tioM, Bllrw, ml ll.-riiiini i ti'.lil, SillT, ami ttippitr IV-..i j Ola-u-r' Uiinia'iut.. Al", VCiy SHHs(lnr Sues Uli'liuif Sl)4 Writinii Ink. Jiuiii Stl, litl. JJLANJvS. It LAXKS of every descriptiuo eil b hd by l'l fyii'g llisollic oi we Amencsn. pi liE XVHITB UKAXDV FOK PRESER- X'l.NG.ju.t received siiil for sale by 11. 13. MASSED. Rjt. ?S, 135'1