JSUiNB UJIY AMEIUCAjN AND SI I AMOK IN JOURNAL. P o c t V 1J . I'min tht American Messnijer. The Uttermost. BV MRS. L. II. SIOOUnSET. 'He il able to save in the ntlrrmcirt." The nttprinosl upon the ikir's Of I ho fin hoot of lifi', Who share not, on the hr-it-hls of power, Its glory, nr its strife Thpy bear the burden nn'l the toil, Nor banner lift, nor plump, Vet there's an Eye that marks them all Amid their rayles gloom. Tho uttermost the last is sin, The lost whom men condemn, And banish from the realm of hope, Ho careth even for them : He listenelh at their prison-eato For prayer, or contrite) sijih ; He knnckeih lonp, he knnckclh lule, Even where is no reply. The uttermost till life recadc, Eren to the latest sand Of time's most frail and brittle glass, He still doth waiting stand : He bendelh o'er I he dying man, Till the ginned eye i dim j He saveth to the mtormn.it, That all may trust in Mini. )umcmvcu5. THE MAGICIAN AND THIS MAHKET MOM AN. McAllister, the famous Magician, was passing Ihionjjh one of our markets the other morning, accompanied by a friend, when they suddenly paused before an old woman who had a few dozen vziia to sell. "Are these ri'fis fresh ?" inquired Mae. "Yaw, dey ish very fresh," was the re ply. "I may try a few, I suppose, to prove them, if I pay for all t break 1" "Yaw,'' said the vundor of the cgs?, and McAllister immediately proceeded to break one. "Good gracious," lie eyclaimcd, with feigned astonishment, "what is this !" and he picked out of it a irold piece. Tho wo mn'i ntnr!il in surprise- McAllister broke iliMl! V r -!. wm-nt'l evil; J K V SIN ! DiaKLTX ijp 1 TX.UID, GASTRIC JUICE ! a oitETi)Vfrr.rEiA cursk, l'rpimrcd rY-iri HfAN l-'.T, or the fourth Stmnnch of ths On, m'ler ln wti.-n- of BARON l.U'.HIU. Ih (treat PliyKol miml Cl . 'iii l. ly .1. 8. IIOl'lillTON, M. I)., No. II. X.M.hr.lfl.'ti Srcct, lMiiburhitiia. V. This i il truly v t.ir'i. I r-in-lv f . t IM)Ii;KrTION, PVPH-TIA. .l.U'NIHrl-l. l.ivi'.Il COMrl.AINT, CONSTIPATION mi.l 1-r.PII.l TV, Curing nftcr Na ture's own inuti'v.l, liy Nature's ,-vvii agent, Hie Umtrie IT" Hair n t.Tetwful of this Klni.1, inf'jfd in writer will ilv-si i l ilm..vc l ive Pcuiuls if It'Visi Ui-cf in I'OUt two iiiir, iwt 1" t r t r rli l"n,-li. DIGESTION. Tvtr,):T'n is i hi'-fly piT!-Tini;1 (n tlir ftnmeli by tW I ) it1'! i 1 1 u Hull which ii' ilv fMnl'-i ir.'in . ininT emit l tlint orpu n. v. 'i'-n in :i :tiU' "t" l"':i!;li, rn'lt ihv lirtrtrk .huVe. Tin ' lli'hl tliu tin:-! S.'lvfiit !' tlie riwMl. the l'urilyiii'.'. rn-'"i vinj:, mul nun l u :ti; j C'tit !' tlif M miich ntni iiitvtiM'f. U iili-Mit 11 tlicrv i.i ho ik ili'-c-titn. ii' r 'ltv- in ;i f t" ! i: !' ,, ini'l n nntntii'tl nf tin- Iwdy ; In.: rulli' i n f.-n!. I rpM, i:ii;:i ul. int. Mi Writ'--tivc ruiJifi- n ! ti.r iliivtivf (ipi'Miitus. A xvnk, mW i1c;h!. f lM.it iwrt t"i!i;n ii n"iluc. o p-Hd fiiivtric Juirf, anil heni'ctl.e ilin.aft, (heiress nnd tlcbiluy which CIIMK. rrrnx ad kexnet. ri'VIX if t!u- clii.'f ctriiirnt, nr preat Piiientinp Ir:iirt "1 Mir (iiturrr .Ini 'i-. i! I (oii'iil in y,i-.l nMtir Innce in ttic "i , part.i m" ili I.M' irm nt 'iim-h nt'tr r i!"vtli. niid 'Mir- I I ill 'ft rati m '9 1 1n; SI .!ti..rh .i itisri-f.' it-.-li. nr fat itst'f UV ii ih ar.i .U!i',l itl Tt.c .s! 'i:i:k!i . 1 an; u ils. ut t!ie i'X. ('.HI, At. If is the nt'itrinl iiv 1 dv I'arinrr in nuiltinu; eii"rsc, c:U!ril HiMin-t, M r fih-.-t i'l" w liii-'i h i! N-rn t- H-:ciul w-nil'T i 'I t Ii" 'J ho cnnllincr i nuik in tin' first -r" O' M , f ,.- 'u I ? -1 ast..ii -'liiti' wr. Tlii- st'tniat'li "f a iu I" will runl!" ikhiIv tli-niMainl I iirv iM nvn ri -j- i . t nii;U-. p-tr-ti l.ifl'it' Utah f tli .f. tine pa-'t 't 1V;'km .lis .,- -. iviv t tv! i -n 1 1 - . f watrt. will il'p'tvi ihi'.ii mid r 1m Difst-ts.-i'l r!tinacli pr- trf ti a '.-.I fiar.ic .!: -. IJiitact . t l'--, sill. 'I'n fch.iW lh"1 V.-lf U.ll.t TU -y 1- J. M'; ry (;., ; ,! . Vf l-!'ite tilr 11- '"" &C1KNT1K1C KVM-KNCE! n HO l.ir.Ilh;. m I - -'..'-'. ,1 v-rk oil Ai!i:nl I'li--nisi ty. : -An A t 1 if;, j ' I ;; h I'luitl mj-hI u; hip t' tli. ;-in.' .!.,i'-r, i ia , . pi'.v.'.r-- i ir- -i in i c hi 1ii mi' ir i i . . i t li' M ii 'i (" I lie a ('. t-i '.vli n'H . -U rv ir' f ! l . ra -1 : !.l (.; s. .Vi!. In; ! ! f ik !. rr-'Mj! , nl. in- 1 '!:.'' .!'.(. .; i ;. s j i.'- i,i ;iMf t' j W 'Mi 1 In i hi tilt: ti 1 1 H. . ,, i. l:r. nil: !MK , i , t-,i ii.-.-i m !" .1 ftnl Ii.f. ..i :!..! ?. 1 .. .v w.1;,. 1.-. 1 n... slal.'A ti,,. y.in.- .-. il t'..-. !.m 1 i:i .-.'i1 i s tl-.f nat'v I ( ii't-jmraMdn. Tli'i-rji. Yu !ii;.Jn:r inttl.nriiii h tlrm It. 11 closely lit. rnMtl! inliiv v -u-Mimvi'-c tif I) i ;Mji j 'ii . i il i",r . .-,t -n ih'i:: tily 'f Me 1 ..'tru1 .linrf j" a i,r !t,i P'UtPf 1 f Ihn.M.i;" :imI.- m.t'-j T f' T t t:: ') 'V in I. m.'. ti. v. t'i! vm!i (m: f -i! !- u. t;"';n" -. r Tt-cniti' l" I'll t:it.t'-ir .'nt'-r. n!.tit'i livitlif Miiiiu :i. w'mt'i I'l'i'. i"l v !'i ! Pr. C,U H M. t n-!i r . f i'.. l ,i.io ! T.' s !-;: it i ( r 11V. I tint hi - Pf'.'iin it." -I't. vir." ! t!,r : -11.1 r 1 tv .I ' f -1. "I- - " . '.: ' -. in 1 ' . v--, "' r ' .. : Nl ,i:.-..,n t!i'1l,,!fiiVT.y H'ii tl- 1 I'fitfr. P'V.II- h at ni.i ti'l-uri'vui'uie t!i:-t "it ii:.':if'lliliril 1 ' -.as :vv. r. U i-niift. ,- tV-i r 1 !n lail. In-! -i 'rd-n (',. t .mara if l!1'-''-Ult." 'ik v- ri;f 1 'i l-Vr;r-t-n-r ia vhyxi I u'v. I ia ". v 1 f r . i'i" -.7 V--t Iil'l. ff ! ''...-'i "i '(" tV-.n A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPEES At flic al.Uirt Ware Uoom of sejvi nourx & CO. ICarket Sqnaro, Also at the corner nf Faivn street & the Railroad SllNBUUY, l'A. Thankful for the ptitronsipe of hi friend lind riistonien during the 17 yntrn lid lim been in bimi nes in this place, he solicits from the public con tinunncc of their favors. Durimr this period he bus endeavore d lo keep lip with the iniprovcmentfi nf Ihc day, and ha an.'iirdiiifrly extended hi busi ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore, invited to the attention of the present flock ol CAP, I NET MA UK AND CIIAIUS, MASl'FACTI'Rrn BV SEBASTIAN HOTJFT & CO. At the Old Ftnnd. Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Lure. Sprint Sent Rorh'nz Chairs, Dressing Jhircnus, Centre Tulles, Mi ill e Ton Wash Stands, and a V(tricti) of other new slile and rasEiiomalilc riirnitiirr. Having secured a Hearse and made the nece- snrv nrniiiirenietits lor the purpose, they arc now prepareo lor l inlerlnkiiif: in till its branches, in mis vicinity or at any convenient distance. Y nmi.h mi't miln nsrs. and Imstmnila too, ll.-rc'n riiruitiirf nf every b1 Ii mmiI hue, Fr ill Biilf lmiril" ilown to kitehen tiiWes, l'r-'m r.iekil.lf e tin it s t'i lo.-kinif t-r;i Jca Fh'-!il y -ii ii"t .:n r tl'O rrnily Jiitin to (my, M'i 'I! w:iil iiwli'le f -r n l.rifiliter lietler day, Or Ukr pi'lutiieq. o;ils, e..rn. wlienl onrl rye; l!:irk. li'U'p i ilrs. mm nr lumli'T wet ml dry Or nuy tiers but y..li.. nml tlirel,ini Dnilt, I'l. iil piup :imt tiirkir. i!..vn In little quoits, ('"me "n tlii'u fiteti'lii. e-itne eiiotniil n'l, Kc ; fi m1i iinvini', ii,, i,..ip .in the lirill." I V Oolrrs frutn ti liiInuee prompt.r attended lo nml work ol nil l-.in.N delivered with dispatch Miiiliiiry, .Maich !, lS.jd tf MI AD. CUDri.-'lI, S Al.MOX. iiF.iaa.xt.'s, l'OlIK, HAMS AND SIDES, HIOI I.DI.lis Constantly nn hand and for stile bv .1. PALMEK Sr Co., .lnr!;et Street Wharf, rilM.ADKI.PHIA. snouiiDS & co's LABOR AND FEEL SAVING WASHI1TO ITOAP. Jlaniifnrtnrfil by Shonrds k Co. 843 Chestnut St., Phila. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. VlARR ANTED to wash clean in hard, soft, " or aalt water, cold or hot, in one third the time of any other Sonp ever manufactured j thus dispensing with boiling, bleaching, &c. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &c. washed with this Soap will never shrink or have any harsh or gummy feel, but leave them in their original aofl and pliant alatc : which is in itself a sufficient rcconimcndution to guarantee iU ubo in all families. THE FINEST FABRICS may be washed thoroughly with it, without the least injury; giving them a lustre cuunl to newly imported poods. PAINT, GREASE & DIRT of any description, can be readily removed by the use of it, without injury to the artiele, whether it be the finest dress or ordinary carpet. In the use of jOiourds fc Co's Soap, the most delicate need not fear, as it will not injure or chap the hands, but on the eontrnrv act as an emolli ent, and ia not only tho vmr ni-.sr washing soap ever offered to the public, but us a TOILET SOAP cannot be excelled. V hercver it has been used it has jfiven perfect satisfaction, and is warranted so to do, in all ca r where a fair trial will be friven it. SHOURDS fc CO., Manufacturers. No. Mn rhesmit St., Philadelphia. For Snle bv Orocers generally. November 1(1, lS-'iO BANK NOTE TABLE. CUlllll'.CTEl) WEEKLY. I'lIXXSYI.VAXIA. I MAAPAI.-pETTrt. CITY or l'llll..i.i.-i ...... U. S. Bank miles ir,', All solvent banks 1MI rnrxTnv Bnnk nf Chamiierialiurtt 1 din Bnnk of Del. t'o. Chester par rmiis ni ttermmmiwn pnr Hunk of UiftvslK,- 1 Jib Hank of tjcu isfewn . Knnk of .MuMletnwn I ill.' All solvent Imuki Uli HHODK ISt.ANP. All solvent hanks 1 dis rflXNECTICUT. All solvent hanks I ilit NEW WUK. city. Ml solvent banks dia 1? ilk notes iimler S."i j ilit COCNTBT. All ...ItrAnl I t .Ii. Montgomery C.i Hank purl XHW J HUSKY. Hank nf Mortlnmiberl'iul. pal nelviitere Dank ! rtii Hankiif l'itlsbnrir 1 ilis'ConniUTeial Hank litis Hank of Tlanville nai I Par ll.i.w i 11..11. ",.. CarliHe Hank 1 tlisll". .V M , SIi,l,llel.r-ii Pt tr Coluinhin ll'k A H'gc Co .nr Doyelstnwn Hank par haston Bank iri Krie Hank 9 riix .Mreluinies' Hk. Newark nar Meeli. lk nf Uiirlnmton par Mirh. ft iMan. Hk Trent rmr Morn. Co Hank I ilis Kxchanpe H'kPitt.linrir I rlisjXnvark Hk'e ft Ins. Co I it l.xehanne II k, llrnneh 1 ilit;()rance Hank dis I nrrnem' II k. llnekriCn par I'e iple's Hk Patterson J ilis Farmers' Hk, tjineaner parllVineeton Hank par Farmer Ilk- It, -nil, iS par'snlcnl Hankini; Co, mf Farm. Hk Petiitylkill Co pirjMenierrc-t Co Hank ,1m F ft I). Hk WuvnMi'g I toi .liite Hank at ('nimtcil pnr Franklin Ilk. Wnsli'n I JilisjStntc Ilk Khznlrethtoii ilis ll,irrifl,nrir Hank 1 ilm'flate Hank Newark j Honesilale Hank 1 clislrtate Ilk, N. HiniiKWick liar I jinentiT Hank par.Stiwii'X Hank, Newton J ilia l.eliannn Hank par 'I'renlon Hankiii-r C par Mereh. A Man. Hank 1 Jin 1'iii n li.ink. Ilover i itit Miners' ll'k, I'ottsville per Yar'lleyv'le Del llr Co l.alia MmionRaliela Hank I riis'ryHk notes muter M I dis 1 nyiorsvr liel ll'g l7o 15 dis DI.I.AW.Mdi. v est limned Hank par Hank nl Delaware par Wyoming Hk, Wilkesli'e mr 1 'r iiniiK. 1 ins Relief notes J iht MA INF. Hmkof Wliell.Kk .litis Merenntile Ilk. Ilaneor 1(1 ili All solvent hanks I din NF.W HAMl'SIHRR. Alt Solvent Itnnks i dis VI-.riMONT. Dank of St Alhans 2 dis Hank of Smyrna p: llelawnre City H ink par Hk Wilmp'n.V nranMVW. par l-'armers" Hk St Delaware par I 'm. .11 Hank. Yilniingloit par I?" I'nder Vs J ilis I'HIO. All solvenl tianks 2 dis Ilk nolep nnih-r ,ri I dis MlH PH CAItOI.IXA. All solvent lianks 9 dis l.AKI) & CIinESK. J Mar.-h Mb, '51 -Hm. i. . , .1. i ,3 '': :; -: .: :.; ::::vm :'-. .; :.. ! "y , ;' 1 : - - : ! . : 1. . '. v. a. ,':ui;t'. in. m. norKr.rEiiER, Attorney at Law. ItllncrNvillc. S liuylklll Co., Tl'SI.KlS.S will be promptly attended to in the comities of !Sehityll;ill, Nortlmiubcrland, Union, Loluinbia and Montour- F.cfcr to : A. Jordnn. H-Pielhis, A H- TJ. ATasser. Esqrs, Punbury V',n. De Haven, Edward Hushes, rt Solomon Shindel, Mincrsvilie C. M. Hall, M. Mortimer, Potuvillo. Oct. 5, 1K!0 lv. r ASHIOIT ABI.I5 IIATS C. J. WALTON, No. 216 Market st ., let ween 7 iy 8fi nt., (South side.') r-HIX.A3-ni.PIII A. 'H E Siibceriber Ins (,-e-i.-,l n new hat store nud oilers to t -a " and uT!ier. wl- visit llie b:o t of I. it :, ,-ai.. 1 ; .- ;l . .i-i to I ., excl.ii ii- I v. r, r ji'.'t I'M'Uw!. .me ' ;! h ! n-i: i - .. that lo o :. to . M:ic "A: nil pvoiiV. an-.l no f,ni.:.; h. I"-U .1.11, -ii .-r vj.j, v. inch I broke aii-1 iw.meti.'ii irom it stit.. imr piece. Tin; woman nrnv ref'' ! l.-'Ai C i 1 A i . I. K C .1 v.. ii : ': 1 : 1. . 1 11: me in to Fi ll I any Dricc. Wht'ivuin-ii lln." innoicinn and his coiiijj.uiioM, ji.-iyino for t!u! li.ui'nc they had dune, coiitiriin'il on ihcir walk lhroi-,g tho market. Allur soma little ti m lln-y rc tunipJ to tho scene of the r"r exploits, when to their niter ilooi-hnn'tit. In-hohl ! the Dutch woiu.in hud a crowd aiuuiu! her, and was smashing her ripM a f.i:-'. as hhu cot:. I, but looking in vni:i for tho coif piecos. 'Why, wli.it is tho mutter, o0. 1 woman' eaid Mc.V.asti r. "Vere ih do, mit do po't V shrieked the woman. "Why, you don": know hoiv to thorn now let 1110 see I'll lake this one " "No you fchairt," cxclaimeil t!m ven der, matching lac ei; and bieakin:; it her self, lint with the m:nu inoilifyii: resnll. 'I guess tho j,'ood ones are all gone1," said the mngici.m, "but as yun have not many left, I'll lake the. lot at your regular pi ice." With a sigh, the woman consented, and handed over lha basket. McAllister at once began to eAamiuu tho eggs closely, and pre sently began to break them ouo two three four each timo pioduciug a gold piece ! The Dutch woman could stand it no longer, but seizing one t,i.le of the haekct dashed her fist in among them, to tho utter demolition of the entire slock. But ala ! rot a single gold piece could she find. Mc Allister threw her one, to compensate her for the disappointment, and then slipped away but not before tho erowd began to get an inkling of who he was, and to whis per, audibly, the name McAllister, the Great Magician ! Si. Louis r.cp.'blicai. '1.1) lit 1, ''.CM COMlH.Ar n:.!i Ti':.nt (" .MXTS il 1 (! ! II I.I I: ',1.1 l.li:l- ' A -OV - O t 'I-:-. i l o ,, v- , , 1 m il.,- i'-,.- : . , I , ! nn I V ll.i lit ill' Hi M1V I:,-!.' ia en, -.1 - ,,i i;-,-1. 1' i' l,IV I,.-. It ' ! V t l,-,l"V. 1 .liri,.!i; , '.V. 1'.: IIM; I- -,,11 h -..n. ' .1. !., a ! 1II.;V . ' , :. I'l'iiiTVnl' ;i,i:iil) r ,1,1-,'. It It ,a:-;,-ola,'.v ':.',: I i,i:..;,v. S. r i - .-I.-.- i",'o :. .tr. e.il. v.-.- : S. ni'-. t'.-- 1-...!-:.-V I l.a-o S-li- On, l::t- v : Ir'l fn. I'.": ' tt i..-r li I eir-.-tal..,.-:: -- . i l i.".-: IN rownr;;; I t?" str; 1 ;tv m n , ri.::;: ok r' ' F- rt- -tv-i.-e- .- I 1 ! rt. ! . j -ins , I'-.e l!i.lTi V: '-' T it : 1 r Tl'i: I'I in 11 I- 11a : P 1 -. ' ,,-i---t, - si. uo!,,' i ic;iii, '. v 11 1 - . 1 1 .-1 . t -' i-,e.l -.s ,- anna 'li'- o: I ' 1 . " I !.: . '. ut lv, I"-- :;i:i -'i'V t l-y i.,.. I. Hil.i; 'I ri in. I'm e .unliv, -l.N I II I'' . ill. I il 1 '; . : 1,,-trH t':e i : c. s I'i -j ii--- .r S :.! !.. i.i .,-t. M,v ", ,. .... ,'.-.:. i I'lli! SM I'. !!,- I Saul n r v. 1'a. .Marv . .'m. i..-,)-J -nil II l.--r I!::..-.. ,. M l '. J.: S. .1. Ci -in.-. .loioi i, i:,. Wn: l I p.-,, S.l:.! r.r-. , S -, :. 1 i ' M.I. ' ,i:a I -:i r--r-. ,.t J. S. 1(1 ill l..e . -I- L'-l' - 'I I-, -., I'.'in.i-i ir J. I -.11 I I'N. .M. I) . 1': ,i,-,t Sla'- k, iii.,1 N t:!i m.:i-.r.i'.v :ie i ;:',t, u,,n:!:.J. a.-. r.n ,-. r .Mali,.:itaiu l -:'i .- Loi.iity LDEil I'cnc-i'jn Agsncj', Wii:!UOXO.i, v. c. a, J A:' ,ii.,;. aiil l. : . i . e : , j i .cent at Mu ms 5"i a, s i.i pri-i-tji ol;; rrilir. mi. J. . i "v. 1: i IJ.-ua'y I.. -ia i I1. . I ,.1-r Hi -I t.(. Ii: lirui-i.-LiV I ,-:e 1 i.t t.ies.-lt of ti--t ,..,,:;. t,-, l in i'liili a;.J i'.i:i..,.r ae. ,11111-1 :n- w.lii iii iK-i-i-n--,! Ball lou'.l: ' of i.--,! vs. ar.'i i a,-v'i is ti Ji.'C :' V-m a n.iir- ItiillU, :ci 4 and WHAT'S TIIC MATTFIt. A gentleman was once travelling through Ala-, where water was not tho most abun dant article, when he discovered a specimen of a one-mule cart such as some of the good citizens of Norlh Carolina r.se for purposes of emigration, when they nro neeesskated to seek a new locaiion, in consequence of the supply of 1iKite1i.1l (or the. manufacture of tar (allies; in the old homestead, l.very appearance indicated a ramp for tho iiiofit tho' the only moving thing was a "right smart chunk of n boy," who was evidently in trouble. The in.-ida of the cart gave a concert of baby iniuic, and a sueceesion of groans, indicating deep distress. This and tho grief of the boy, aroused the kind sym paihy of lhn tiaveller, who inquired if an) thing was the matter. "1 nnvihino the matter V replied the boy ' I shoi.ld think there was. Do you see llie old fi-lluw King there, drunk as ihiuider? dii t's d.;d. Io yon hear 1 he 111 i'inanii!"S 1 lW th" I'l.l woman : sjnl the o - 1 a&o. 1 ::o hi: p ! B r-ih J hti he tone I oft i i ;he w.'ds to p. . j, I it fir the miilf, .M l, an eire .ei r S..I h. !,oue f.:n,:p,g leonoll lie' bush's with a hall-bred live.,, an. I do jrv.: hehr that baby ? doii'l lm f'. it with a in" so, n ss t--wel! Ac doe that ind lo is in a b id f'S at that, and a mile to water, a,ul tlmre isn't the first drop of licker in 'In: jig; nn I iiit,'! thill inatier nioilgll 1 Won't 10,1 !.'.'., i. r 11.4.1 M g.-t to I.i ., ,.i Sal wil'. ba Uuk oiter a hit. lU.iiM ii tins am'i n.ov.iH', iliouh. Is flin ('i.'iij tin vuittcr ? i.i,ii! In't think theru Wits much, 110 bow. Give us a chaw of leiWUor, will je, 6traiier Spirit of the hoi. l.icJ 1:1 :.-;o L'. S v.-i.r iir.'-e. tie pcise. hc 1 ,uiit- fa the spseay i:i..l nind:ji;:wry ui.jasluienl ul tJ'.'Vrnniem t-latms 01' ever.-1;:-!'!. By s. U'.c Act 1 f Cr.-rre.., P unty I.snJ is rrnnted to i.',..v,-n,o,wiui u. war t,i iriv, sun ei inn van ri'.us in-tiau wain, since 1; hj. Xo tiiest who tervwl mm monllis K.m nert; lo Til o tvtio s,-nej f -nr Uly.'i.hs HU ucrvs; i.. t 1 -i- so wan anrvnl ,-no m, nth 4ii acre. Arr.in;,eni -u nave u.-.-n in-,e w.-.n c-nil.-iii.-u if the I.eu il pr-,!i-s.i-in iiu:.:n-ii.-at k,-mi, ..f 'tti,, C'liihuv, for tne lor-i'.i 11 i't -.-:,, ,:,:i-M,.t tl..i sil - nf ti.e patent, wlieil iRtiei!, on t'u--.a t :i,U-, it:MT..:nni 1,-rm-i: f r llie pavmenl of tieies, rtv.-m.-'i 'i; of l:,.i,:n. ( ,!,! f r lax-i.; t- .11 et-,.n i-i rieb-s; i.::'l 1 r -I"1 -' -T 1. 1 ;;on,Tal Law L-liuI.i-.m, is t!.e ,!,,t,-rt-!i .,' : 1 .'ii 1: .i,-s. II,.' !eii '- - ,. ' ri i - lo :e"i,,i. .rF , f Uie :rof,.nsi, n st B t ; ? -i. 1 . ::i: t ','. ".' ".1 I . : 1,.' I i i , nlil' i't, m'e pre- in-Hlin; , .1 A: - .:. v., ..:iV.:;e I: ii' iin,i:i tre. I'i.,- I..-. ,-i '-.i".' i : '.:' 1. - a...! i .,io 'n,Mion on a.: H,i!o. i--.v ....... o : ; I :ii, -'il .wt'i n i this l.u..iin .-:i. V,J l.e in, .i .! 1.' I , ci. ar C ulo li null. its W illi -57- .V. ,!.., ,., I nl, an,-!-,', 1 t". April Si'. 1; m:s:, t ' 1 1 lis- d all Alt solvent lianks iti.jf? KnilerS's, SJ il l ZHTZ H CO., IMPOltTKfiS (IF roKKlON Eook3, Prints, Engravings, Stationnry 4Itt I'liimoH ami Must! :t Instru ments. No. Tst North 2nd iSt., between Arch & I!arc, I'm I. lll.t.l'lll i. T IMPORT to older nnd have ronstantly on hand a very larie assortment of r;ood- in the aliove mimed lines at wholesale and retail. Principally : 1X3 CO CO LT. S3 III f Vrninn, Lathi, (treek. Hebrew, l'reinh. Itiiliaii SSpnuisli and other lanaiiiiL'i-B ; (.'lassies, Dirtion aries, CirnnimerH, A'oc.ihiilnrir. Srlmol, Juvenile, Picture, Druwiinr and Model Uonlis for Architects t'libinet. ("arriaae and other in.iiinf.u tiiri rs. M.P,(;I,();i;s and lllank Kouks of every desrription. iSplenilid J.ilhographic uinl other Prints. MI Stf'AI. I1IM MI:TS. .ee in'r r.-i. l':i--.w. 1' nvs for all striie; inslrn- inetii- I'r: ' -a i TaiSjcc -ct. Clarionets, Kites. I ' !'" '' il-iiivn Kiiiiet. I'aicnl ! ' ii- - - '. ' : I'.i'ii 'o,iritii-s. I, ' ' ' "o r 'i,,iiii. 'o in nn, I '' ' ' atm .!':ir: tor -ill km, is , ', . --.:e anil liet nl. Aeeor- . i -'- '.-..I. -.'":: !rv. ile and retal!. r ix VF.'.'MJ I-.'iWIira i i : i-'i . r.-m-e ',!, I ! - ...':.; - . ' : , , ; - !;:.e- an ! n' .jo, ' ' i -! - i, VVnil,- ;,il iia-.k I 'll Vk 'rav- ' ' - - - ni i' .' :ti ,,:;. nils, .-varf-cnt r... , ; ..- i .., ; i ':i-'-,-,nt, .n and i i ! ' . !.- . ,. i'..n.-v an,! I :' -.' 1 ''"-' -. ! : r :i :i j "S'.iicoui'.'ic Votir lwn!"' TTA AS in;xx. F A S 1 1 1 0 N A I? L R MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. rPHE subscrihers respectfully call the attention -- of the public to their lnrnc and splendid assort ment of every quality and prire of which ennnnl fail to rernnimetnl itself toeverv one who will evninnie it, on account of its durable workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No ellbrl is spared in the niainifaeture nf their ware, and the subscribers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany So l'ii, IHvmtM nml I.otniircs, liurrau..rfrctnffcs.sfticljom-tjs, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BUNDS, equal to Phila delphia inauutaettire. HEDTEADS, of -eveiv pattern nnd price, crpnoMjDfJ. woisfc and candi.k- H'ANDS. TOILET TA1U-.F.S AND F.XTEN1S10N TAr,I,F.S, in short, every nrl'n-le in tl.is line of their business. Thcv iil-ii iii-.inul'a, tore all kinds and qualities 'nelui'iti vain ties never before to be had ill Suntnirv, so h c .Miihwivt, IImik Wilxit A-TI i t'll! Kll .M ll'I.K .M1-.I IA- ; AMI SltlKlll (.'II A IUS. n' n v i ,. i v Pi t mi rini,i,, which nrc of llie latest styles, and nT.tntri! to be reelle:l by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. Tlx subscribers are determined that there shall be no evuse lor :it-ohs to pureha-e fnrnilitre in the cities, as ev ery confidence em he c ntert.-iincd nlioul the ij:::i!itv nnd nnir-h of tin ir ware nnd Chair.--. Their articles will l e disp,icd of on as cnod terms a theyean l,e :i,r, h.,, 1 idsewbrre. Cjuii. trv Proiinee taken in p-ivu.ent for work. 11" KNDEItTAKINi;. . Havhrr provided themselves with a It.tnds-mic Hkaiisk, they arc now irepnred for I 'inli-i t-i' in j-. and attending fu neral tanec St i ret in thi- vicinity, or ut a.iv eouvenient di-- I l' iv..... ii.;- ..i ..... i aver i I i'" 'J'Iip 'ae Ibioni i-: in Marke oipusi:e J. Yoniio's .-tore, and in-ail i,p,o.-ile caver's 'i'avern. i'Mi:r. ha -, CiEoiaiE Kii.NN. Snnburv. Dec. 11, l.r,(l. tf. LIVER COMPLAINT, jAUNDtrK. t)V?pr.rsi,v, chronic or KK.PtVOT'S DKHIUTV, DISEASE OK THE KIDNEYS, ND nil f1irr:i!wrnfriiti(r from s (liMnlerH liver or ito tntr!,, micli uh cnt ipjtti 'fi, nnvnrd Pile. Fullnt-tn, of blood ft tho hmlf Antiify of ttio Hotnnrli, Nninffs, Hfyirtliirn, di-vcnst l-r rood, I'uIIiihm or wiglit in the Stniiim h.KiurKriutnti'inn. Rinkine oT flnttrriiitr nt the pft nf tlin HtninT'h. fwiiiMiinii; f the head, hurried ami dun cult Iirf-'ttliini;, fiiiUi-riMff nl llit 1i:irt, rlr'Itiiijr or miff citing manti'MiK when inn Ivnie (vrniure, Otmnpst nf viiion, d-'juor Vi'- lio l.'f.irc lln- fcirht. i'fver tmd dull pnin lit the IirnH. Hrripiiry f nrnr;tti n, vcllowitf-eid nf the skin iud pvp9, pn'ii in thr n h . U-vk, cUslt li'iilm, Ac, midden flnxli!! cfl"nt burn j tiff in tli" flcnl, constant iinoginiiigs of evil, nit'1 (irfjtt l'n i u if fpirttn, c.w ii?-: r.rriir ti:au,y ct:rf.T) by ::cc?lait'3 . i:i.i nn vi i n .thmm iiii rn-.s, eiiKI'vf'EK T pn.n. m. JAi'iisov, AT THK GERMAN MKIMCI.NE STORK, No. 1,'0 An-li .St., I'lilln.tcliiltiii, 'i'li 'ir i.Kv-r ov'it Ilit- ali'ivi' d'H'-nsi'S is not rxrT'lf, tf q'iiil(.Ml. ,y any ntlnT pr; :iriiii-.ii in the I'nitorl nt th.-riir.-'s .itli Ft, in many uawi nlltr skillltil iihysitiun hT.-liniK.I. 'I'i; : l'.i:t. nr? wnrtliv ihfty nttention of iiwiltd. P-'Cii'iiC !MMt viiiiK-K in tin ri'difu-attnii nf disens'-s uf thfr l.ivi-r ;iiul I'f-. r i.:-'!,.!-. rxctinkiiif the iri"st scnrrhiiif p'wi-rn ni WTikiifw iiii-l Mtli-otiims oi the i1ii?cstive organs, tln'y j-ru, williit!, h !i- c rt:i'. nii'l plrrtttint. Kioin thf I J .sf in Hfi-'l J'hcTMit.ir snul. Dr.-. ''I'll. Ili'on.wii'.. I'l ,i:iHATEn (iUHM.-il TTlTTFRS for Hip -Mrr-t.ivr i ' uipl.inil , .iMiimlit. LlyFpq-sm, Ciironi r N'-iv.-ns i,!ii!i'v. ir-rliv nntj.,Vtln: n popiu liir miMlu-mi'S ..f ih- ,inv. Thfif Mittf-is linve foen user! I'.v tlmu.-Mii-U, mid :i fn ml at ..in elti v gjiys he has hnn sn" rif-i iv-r mi i tr.-i-innl and p-Timn'-nt cnri of I.iver Hinpl.niiL i rm tl.t: us.' i tins rrni- ilv. W'e uie convinced that, m th. ns. . f U;fi' l'lUns, th.- putimt fonstnutly eniUM Bir-m-th and vi-r-n fart worthy of VJf-M consido rntl"ii. Th' V nrr n:, :i,. nit in )a-.- itn-l mirll, niirt coil bs nwtl I iv prrf. 'im with th- ii.it .l-'invtr t ri'ifdis with safe Iv. undi f any i-n ' iin. r-..nv . r urn Fpriiktnc fr.-in tx-p'.-rii'n'f . inn! to tin- :if,! i. il vc at!-i.f tln ir .' Jniltft' M. M. Nimh. a yrntlrtiitin villi rrrat scientific an l lit- ravv rttaii:ni. ni'-. v.;.' m Lii "Nuw Yrk Weekly Mrnsntuf-r." J i ill.-1 v H. I - : lr. ll i-iil uniV ii- nn vi lot .-' ll-rp it a prrpnrntiii ');t 'ti tin- I'.ioiiiL ; ri-"'eN in i'.r I ni--n n; prur to he nnnni ni"i's in Tr 'iii'ii".i'!ii' ni-.i lln- r.':m n is nlivti un It is nia-lr vv-t en 'r'',i. n f , i - 1 -! !.y it' ( tin nwat eelr hr-itcl pi-ii(Mi.tis if tn rnti't1'". th !atf;l)r. Chr st'-phrr W'il:ti:;ni li'-'.i.iit !. I'r. .1'. ! r lo t'lr I 'iiivi-rts; I y ol Jtjuu, i rivatr l hy-i' i.ui t'i the KiniT ! rnis:a. anl nio uf lli H r 1 1 1 I nn -ilirat v.-r ti r - (i rnrii'V ha rvtr produced. H wui "mi i!i t 'v :) i-ii' i n v f lut in mtr. ; i M thi:i?fore mnli'-i'ir ,f w'.ir'i I wiF i'i. iiivnii'T nnd anil"r'r timv 1 r.''.n i!mi. Ii.' s, ( n r imu-'ndrd it hi ' li.lt II. . I',.: 'ii'l- Vlll,M A.M.Iltl- ..r I tin ut Mii-irh, in i ..il i -ii. ud :ili (.'tipiatiil arisini I'runi j a di 'iil, f i mm,', 1' ,- m-.l.i:-rh. tl.r IiViTHlid thr I'IiiIj.I''''!!.! p-inia-s i-xpr'TB iiiir ..'nvii' . r-i,' . r. .! ,:- r-.r.i.rF pprak of 'ir '.vi ind.-, idiTal i'X pn :(. I'tldfT rr. w :,-r :irt:oi' I . it "ii'y in caliinR ' I'- ! t i t'lr- tr'M ;t plt'Sf-lt prnprir- i ; : r; :i''n:i.i:, !: in ret-.'tllilieiiu. "DEATH'S DOOR:' Hi ill- ll-:,lie!ilh- il ln, :,:il I e in , v ; , I!,,; ll (.-.lienl 1 : l,"r.--l. (M ir llil. exjir, ii,ii, vvltieli iB ' li- inn:. I tl.e h'., ;,- "! f',-;,,,' : r- I i- I 1 ,. ,ei !,, ,- Mr?. II .m T. , t. '. l.iiMi'il. ';. :!,-: e,n-- ' '' i'i .1- 'I'.'' I.) Iilie.1-n-i ll it ,!,'. '.:n-ii. 1 :m ;in.;,'t ,.f 1, , r l i .i-l , I'I .e.-. r.il--I'.r i- Inl'lin. ), , I', Ml "I It- , V,-!' iHer,., ', ;V ll,,'" i-,r"':in ;it'"-Vl ,1 ,f 1 r' (I'r I'. M. i lii'l llie uitir.e ti. ii ! 3iif l'.vit''nce. Tlie l,lii!.,,l-ll,l,i:i S:iliu-,l.iv li;ietle.:I tlie lre-4 family l.;-ii-r jiilM.M.evI ul the I :i, -.,-.! SlaVii, tin.- trtlll.'t ) Dr. Il,.;hi. "im ih ii w-- i-,- ,, Vi v., IHC t.-nncd Pu- . 'ii'uU'iU'i- in,'! pnt r.mar: of our '. :v;'-:t - vfi' ii;iM.'nr Lr . il-iof-. V i! ii t.r iKMilfllV Ulldci- I i.i I ' i '!" 11 JiTllUi Ol llie ; r -. ' t i.-t i -d i'nii ihn ftn- i" i i '. iv " : i.i- i if r . in ' ru'i- o nitsrtiict. i !.. i'.'.'rs i;iy , ii.-d, U'.i-l :-.-t' i ': !;(-'.:'; ir;f." 'l''.f - u.- .ii ' ,- '. 1 !.ivr-r (; 'i.ip'.'Mii and lv- p.', -'. i' ..'". . . :i -is I;--." ,;. It nets S,o' 'i" rN',, '- , : i,- i-j. , i r, it j.t pn-f!Tahf 1 1 - - .j fii'." ' ; - :iutra:dialr. It i tent lr.i:c;i,. s. r.M'SM ri ; a': I. I i vi re l ui-l's C.Tiii ui 1 ; -.; i!, ii - : t. i .!. .t'::!l i: ! s ttt. i Th -'V . ( ir,., ! i pi 'tri;.!y and ?:tre- 803 LABOTK.TIS WANTED, M:i:'l)IATKI.V on tnu Trovorten Kail Road to whom lil.eral v,ir vv i!l lie jmid, KIM HER C'LEAVFR. Engineer. Tiev.-rt --ii. J-m. -1. H5..1 tf. :n:AiiTY"" r, o o k s i: i. (. ii n , lira -utility, SUN2USY. FA. T T AS rrrrnily n-iM-iv.l, nnio!ii; otltor article, a (Tti nt .iriclv of New, L'lic.ip and Kiiterlaiii iti? iulilit;itioiis sucii hs Coojicr iiovc'.s, c Jimdflc or si-jjarato. ilfi -otrtrt i)o iiodwiU, 1'uiuai ilo Trollojip, do H.illitiurton, K viulol.t lo Alurryatt, Voi ktoii do royt Mix veil do Mrwnh, Ji.'r.u!J do Ainsivorlh, !nrri.i do At the I'iw rce of from "." to 50 cts jjcr volume, tfiuibury, S, tf. tir.v. .Iiir.' i if iinti n f fiirndai in thi v.r.vv nr , .- ii .1 ; . hi u nl i in-1. ii ; .; '.j: i. & l,n -w n .f iln-ir 'iMli.l- i . i liini i i ; i.ii i -i i ; :t . l !: .:l A.i u mil. i.i.' x !':. I'- W...V,... -l -ii, U. 0. 4 s'n;ii,iMiV 'i j iiii;-'!v I'r inlVv. ;!" 1 1 "' ' ' 1 1 in . a i i. -i. - niire t'lft ". Vies int.; Hi- h-is I ''! i .i. i uu. I "j ' - r i. il In U . ' f r .11. V I. (- :.'; oi m f. thvit li'iliv lo. t K.iAW n Inrili A., i1' ' ' i ti.r l:.Ut :.L-. ;ill v. i.'! wt.r.oi, ll . ! ll p W'I i.k-I : ( '..i.i tlirllt III fl VM viw: cr.i,i:i;i'A run mi. c. w - r ol A'.:i' . .-. A" "i'.:nv. Tiirr . r ii.:; ..I W.Ti I ltJt UA'riON'. .... "ll 1.1 H'l - 1 .!". I'-iWiUlplliU. it -.ll r "" ' ' li'iinl.-i 1 fli I r.iiuil 1 ni. nif iF !,r.i.;s .-I" J'.un'pl-, i. iiti nnd nn Am).ii;it ill m jimv i-i.e '''' d i"'.- .ol"":;iiii' . I .n u: a i;n.t.l,( t-i r;il i iV K-is 'a:-., l(.e rlatc-.ii I ,e ii iv nt then' P! ;.:o:n. t..: j!j t l'ix Will I ci-ci Vc liu :. in: I i'r. -it) .-m r i,l t i un part of tl.t- .l.lnli..f p.., : ; ;'i;.l !, :.- f-J: -id.i lo .::i,kt. . .. :.. ir :i ti i a i 1 1 1 oi tu t li .wiiu i"- l,r nitti'! ; he hi tin piM-i I i n ni sucii n are s,i :n l i!i l.ce um 1 tin- ln,uv ; iiitd ir uu u-ibt-s y-i t a, o J, .1 I 'i in- . 'i ...u ..r l.wi ..r,,,. I ,.it. i- , ci 1 4? . '! 1 ! :. '1 ti iliv,j-.dn . f t'.,- Uliovr li'illi 1 r if . ' vi" u .ii -ri h ,'nv .ui.i ill. VU'lll- v. u.vi ni t:-'- I : ' t'' " l !' hi' i..; .;-ti .11 . I n. l i.'itKi X.iln'ii'isor IIiiM-op" 1 ,v ('(' '"i dtiin.t! tl I C a. f . s u ...x ' !'. J-' ' ! will u:,-ui-r f .r' n-i p k ai.ii vvi'l i. i i h.-- t c oi l p-' ';ih. nnJ tPm in ul i now imi t'- 'hit ii'Ms'i'" in f.i a t f t it m-i m 'iu-y tliMu.i tl-r Oihif !t. !' '!. .(-ri tiai'tvs ir tii .V u WW l-n.."i iii.i,'"Iv. and t n -v ix ii. i d .me He par tmnlar lo ro.." I' ! iKii't, touii'y and SiaU'. Alllftu-rs ii he ii '.'' ".i y ii" a. t '. ti t'i' i" I- l"r more par. tiriilrs cal; Ht i 'f "il:i oi' ll at ,ript'r I... I gH ail Atr l' gt- l-'il A ...lllln'if L' "41 I VI lK.-nit :u-e: n. v i'.-.ixn, Miiid.lphi. ti V. KOUAt'K Tm... ic'i i.ia. Tt-r e, i-w:.- o. i. S Uic s.uWrii-r i-tvi.U nii.kin-Jj now arrano - inciitit in ';it l'i.Niit.i fu t'ue liit vt Januu iy 151, all p'r.oii kiijAiii lh j1(is-;l.t'mi. JtidcJ to luiU, it' Ti qui-rtd Call ;.J n.nkti WllIiMllPlit to that in at-, by puyjm'uL or giving llmir noU'ji for ilit' udiguhI tlutf' JOHN V. rEIUNO. Sunburv, Vvc- H'0. a AND EOOT-THEE MAKER, So. 9S lime Street. Second door below Third, PHIXiADTITiPIIt A XTHERE all kinds of lusts, &c, of the latest ' ' Blyli? ami IhM material, arc manufactured on rrasoiial lc terms. All orders pronijitly onil punctually attended to. Philadelphia, ISov. 9, 1S50. ly. HOOT, DiGri.UltK.4 ARTIST. "c. 140, tnrner of fifth k Chesnut sts., Phila- ddprna.iinit 3G3 broa.lway corner of Fruiiklin Street, Kcw York. TITIZEXS AND STRANGKRS con have si J a sitting for Torlraits or Miniatures, and rereiie them beautifully ensed, in monieco, Si,k velvi t, Pnpier Mache, or other laucy sty la, or sett in Mi-ilaliions, I.oikeis, A.e., in a few minutes. Daguerreotypes, Pointings, Drawings, &c. Copied. Out dour Views, ami Miniature of deceased j.i'iMiiis, laki-n ut i.lj,nt iiniiiC. por l'urirjil.i of A'lultri liy o,ir prO'.-f Fs.and Im-j,r,ii-,l luMrmiit'nu. a rluii.ty day iii ipnle as fu lra!l, as rlear weaiher. l'ur Childri'ii, a oli-.ii- day (lietwecn 1 1 and 2) is pn li-ralile. 7 i'ress avoid white, Iduv or lii;!it pink. tjur Uallrry willi its Six Prize. Medals and Works of Art. is open at all Innirs, and Free. Whether visitors winli pi, tine taken or not, we shall at all timet l e happy to see lliein. June S'J, IfjjO. iiT! :it:.: zut:: bCVUr.tW'S LiJe-.tructible eivi Ii;tl"liill8 I .S'ij.'.-i.'i 77ii7i s.'ireJ. i i LKs.'I! A.N i ii i . ii t.ie .'. riling ciinnnu iity art n-.iitKitii u cj ; ai.d exuititnc tins INK which IS wirruHttj Utl iu trru.ic -.ht.ill'.e i'etts, ii'ir change its L'ji'or. IVliolt hale iikid Uiluil, No. 1 ISoulh i'iiird slreet, I'liiladrlp'uii. A liboral discount made to Metchauts and the Trade l ur sale hy II. Ii. Masser, agent for Sunbury ovelnhlry, lfaol) ly. UTiN'OU A.N I) .Sl'KIMi MOr. i lL LAT aV Cili;?'. An encelient ariii'le, fur ule al halt the usual prit Ly J. W, KA'lLI.Nli, bunliurv, July 7. 1849- .t ' " ji 'j s... s. : if '..u? --.lit i-.:i'eicJ h new stinply ill ihe I : ! Mis tn.it ever cunu to .Vutiliiiry. t-rni'iwliiiir in purl .if rupeiior n!il pale I3randy. 1 -lie I'liiilan Iii.imls. Si.jieiinr Old .lain-.iii a Spirits. New l-lni;laild K'lill. l int- Holland I ll.,. Superior Old Whi-key Cumin ill !n. Suieri.,r Miidcvia 'ilie. I.ishnn do. do. f-'upciinr Port Wine. liuriMiiii'V I'urt ,1 i. 8wei l .Ma'ai.-ii H'me. Superior t'lirct Wine in hultles. Champagne do. do. 1IENIIY MAS8ER. .iinlmry. May 1S4'.). in n.i!i i.t'iti v him: Js; i.mtoit mo in: ni rriNd & watuhm , Importers and Dcfilers in Liquors, So. 2v'0 Market street, PhilaJcliha, fFFF.K for sale, the cheapest and best assort- - ineut of l.iipiors iu Philadelphia, toidi as Cliaini.iirne, Sheiries, Port, Steck, Claret, Bur gundies. Sauturn, Larsa: Madi'iia, Lisbon, 'I'enerill'e and Sicily Wines. Ttraiidii s of the choicest brands, vi : Maglina, Olard. Pouet, IK nuesy, S:c, fee. Fine Holland (liu, X. ouoliiillola, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, &c, &e. Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on the inont liberal terms. July 13, 18.r)l) PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. Man nfw tor y, No. 50 CHESTNUT Stieet, M EDA I., iiwaidcd hy tho FKANKI.IX IN K'n'i'll'l'li of Philadelphia in ( (ctober, AND THE FIRST PREMIUM by the MARYLAND IN STITUTE, at Haltimore, Nov. ltUSand 1819. I'lalu.tilyluu, UctoLcrMtk, 1848. I have used J. char's Patent Japan Liquid and Paste Blacking for some nine months, and am happy to say that it surpasses any blacking that 1 have used theso twonty odd years. I find it holds the polish and preserves tho leather bet tht than any blacking that I have ever tried. AUlir.W It. CltiMDEHS. No. 67 Chestnut Street, Win. CURREY, Manufacturer. Successor to J. WELL A R, No. 50 Chestnut Street, above Second. November, 9, 1850 ly. "OROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. --' CiHlt, an Ckcelient article. Kitiw ii's Medicated isoap for sun burns, Uu, tetter, iVe. liadwav's Circassian Balm, fur the hair d.ind-ruil'o.-.'. I.'a.lway's Ready Relief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, iVc. For sale by il. U. MASSER. Sunbury, y4ujr. 3, 1SS0. INTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Kaisins, Al- inonds, P unes and Cream Nuts. Planes of ail kinds. .''all and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN . FRIL1NU. Sunbury.Dce. S3, 1H1H. , : i n;; "J-t e;;.'i'.;'!r vl.'-v., VtH ill.l.Ml'FTill; Po.'KKT 'VT t lAi'ii . or. livery one ) -i "'A'1 i'livsiei.ui ! timtl 0 v tl'2 A theditii.il, with upwards of Itl v a l'"'"l,'.l ','ravi,i)!s. show. ff, '':y- ni'-? piriiliar ili.-eases iu eve- -.'fV,:' .f4-" 'sf rv ud '"'in, and mal- vTl "'"'?-"'' t'orinati in.-i of the "I'lierative V.i,v-;"i'w-c':' "V VOI NO, M. II - '-i:'. ' Tin. lime li isnow h .-rived that pcis. ns sulii-riii'4 ho n secret iliia.es, need no more briiMioe the vit-tim of Qua. !:ery. as by the presiTipli.uis coiilaiueil in iiiis b..ioI; .itiy our- m.iy cine him -It, wilnout hind rance to liasiiies.-i, or the knoivlek-e ol' any one, and w ilh one tenth the u-oi-il e pein e. Iu' addi tion to the ufiicral rnutiiiii of private disease, it fully explain-, llie cane ot iiiaul.i,..,l's earlv decline, with ol, nervations on marriage besides inauv other deraii;:emi iits which it would not he pro per to enumerate. (T'Aiiv person sendinsr tw-kvtv-i ivk rtST enclosed ill a letler, will receive one copv of this hook, by mail, or live copies iviil be sent for one dolltir. Address. -IlK. Y. KlI'Mi, .No. 15U .Vl'Rt'CE siren, PHILADELPHIA.'' J'ost-pai.1. I Tir 1)1!. OIlNti can he consulted on any ol the Diseases ih -scribed iu Lis iHll'crent publications, at his Oiiice, 152 SI'KI C'll 1-n. ct, ev-erv div be tween U ami :l ii'ci, ,k. ( Sili'.davs'i-xceiitcd.l Philadelphia, Nov. '.I, ISTiO. lv. ! .1 f.W V I ! I.I I' I. t t vl ll.s. TO I.Mlil '.'.l.'.-:I AN i. iAIIAM-K l!li: UIMI.'IS l !-' Ill-; i, T i . I! i. , ','- ii--,., m.:, r-..,-. !! .''.-.--i - Vi. -. I . ..- v -. :i:r I' I ' !' - .1- .- -. ! I I it--i-V.e:,. 1,..,,1. i w. ,! ,-. Ill ll, I - i 'li,::,.: ,!,', ,1 l',,-s::i; ll', li.' l,y Its r'ti"n 'nt'l'-ll r-H :e:il 1 ti,- Hi, f.'-,-, , 1, ,1 y V, it l-. j is ;i ;1 "'' I'. ""' -'I, ,', '.;, ,',, iy ,.-:l,l, V t', lu ll mini i: 1 n, .-,.'! .1 ,-', !:.' ,1,--' ,l, s t . . . , . - - . I.,n. 1 1. 1. sp !... I . .'.-.,(:- ! -i:r I u.-1 .l!,,-r ,-,i ill.- ."Vi 'I, "!', Ii!',,t': , :l ,' !"-;,. ;s 1 , I l ','...li,,' P -fl-1 'S' :,,l ,1 .'. ;. ...h.-. il in,' h ih,. ii ',. ;s l.tij I wtl.-. 1:1 , -:ii.i ' -i i . i v , -i' s ,. .'hi'U' ir, ' ci .;i .,,,1 , , ,n .vinic eti-luii..- -lo- .!,-i,-. --. i.-M i'-r it i,.,.." -is 1 . ri-.-l"i:, !. I " l ' 1" I . 1 I . ' -,. -a ,.. i ,.i ; ti i iliiti.in , ri--:;ri-:rr. , ! I,' ,;v II. ,'Mlti llrl'rt he livti of l.liii.; I'll AI...1- l',i M'l'n, N "I i; -.- IV i ti i : : o i:nvr. ; r. '!. .lAf'KfioS .:' , 1- v. ih- '. v i. r,-:iit Ir ilealcrg . '.nliiir-.-. ami M. A. J-' l i 'iii-iii'. t, "r ir- sf ,1 I,! TTtEE BILLS Justices and Constables Yt SL Hills l.stiilsoim ly niinte oil card paper, for 1OOK.' and Cold Pens. On baud several cop--) ies ol the hie ot Christ, and also a number ol gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia pi ices. For sale at (his ollicc. rj EN.NEltY'.S PATENT .SASH IAS ttk l'E.M.MiS A cheap and excellent arti cle lur U.-tciung sash for sale bv J. W. FR1LING Sunhurj, July 7, IS 19. jj ft 0'E OINTMENT. A ftesh supply of thiw jj 1 excellent article for Tetter. & r., just received and for sale by HENRY MASSEK. Kuiitmry, July ':8, IS 19. 'V Ui( roju-'tly tot couylis, cultU. Kor tale it V.ui oil. 'IMSt'E VAl'EU. Yellow Tiiue aer for a cuvt'riug ylu:bfi, &c, lor vale at the ollicc ol tue Aineru-Mii. BAUD'S relebmled Htirae nj Cattle MeUi- Jl W cme for sale by HK.NRY MAS8KR T3 ATIa TONIC J1IXTURK. For thi Curb of Fkvkii and AtH'i:. Wak- 1UNTKD. rPIIIS unri.;illi.T nit .li.-nii. m iy l rliM mi vrMi Mtnr l lv all i-Hit i ruiiii-flli-Btail. lt vulue ic u il mi itci. n-lv knnwu. ilKTtH'iiit-, tlie i.'oru t.ir dti-inM to inJ,iri i!n tick! nt Its itfrt'ulut'HM by m ilting Wwu an virtues ;iml r.li- vM-y t- lh iiif-iiii.lt. i siifrrT8 wlnaro uol mvuit tlmi il). run le hirfH-'Uiiy miii ruuuMi.y nin it ol rr.vKii and Aon-:, witli'Mit the uc of poin'n''u itrti". n:Misi niii nntiniiB or tlie dflrtiTitiuii ''Ili-risiii" quinine, d n i.t-rttl t" tin inih- lu- ata l.w price l ilace it withm t!ie rou. h lit nBsurnl tlmt thoBC w.M.1 ue it a.CvjrduiF to direction will tind it a ufe and speedy cuie for FeVSR A!tD IIUVS. It It not a d.n?recable nfinttmiin Cvmxiind Mit an !rT able traiic ciluubted to remove the distxincaiulgive huatthy action to th stomich nnd houvlis. rrowirwl ottlv bv AurriVIl A C., RTirt tnli whoWilc nnd retail by Rowajid & No. '21 North G'u Strpct, J'hilndeipriia. rnce si per ainis ixune, uud fcS per d z. June vt is- iy nOSB OINTMENT, TOR TUTTSIl 1")EAl the f.ill.uviiijr pftitificitf from C;int. livoc, the V well kiiv'wn and iinil;ir ts'.nuu Iktut C;!ium lo( ttn Truvullvr.) 1'HILAbRLPHIA, Hi-H'tiiT IU, Hcveral Vflflri linre I wnp nttn.-ked with n bri'iikinir out ou iuy nock in the l'"nn u Titti r, whu h 1 ;uii coiivint'cl WW C 'titrutlfd ut the lttlH r'Sn,.i. It giuiuUiuiK vicii.l ed uvcr nty (nrtt until il rv m-IhhI the u,piT iiri the checks. l)urnnr the neverul ui 'iitli ihu it t'oiiinmrd Kiiuaitinir, 1 used diltirrcnt upplicHii iiiii, iiti j which h id tlie elU-i't, uppiciilly ul U-uH, l" iiicrtiMiiiu the iilhi-iiri-. hut I'r.mi iimir ol ihnii did I (ri'i'iv- the i-;iiI iHiulit utilii I appllnl Ihe Knit t ItNTMr NT Hy'lii-u' ifinej:ir i' it, I w tis pci "U'Cily cuicd u;:d h:ive n-nauit',i litoui tlie ail't-t!-timi. 1 hHVe ttinre itri-it the liniment, I tuh 1 v n;p!h d fur t-utli- nf the lai't, I'h'teiM ii. fti tppial luinU, c. Willi ju-f-frt't itii'd-M. 1 It iv ii t ticsii'iti n in rcO'iiiiiu'-u.liiifj ii in the atr-Ht.et tanmrr in the j-ulmc. JAM Uu DKYIH;. A ire nt IIknrv MakR, Smihury. Jnty -2-, l9llt. M.NLKAL, WAH:K, trum tlie Oak Oiclianl l'1 Arid Siriu8, biltly aluali!e iu i-ltruuic di seases, and tonic rt-iiifairH, forsnle HLMti7 MASSEK. Suiibury. June Ma, 1850 tf STONE WATlIlT- " OTONK milk fans, stone .hi)?s ami ritehers, ' anil other articles of M me ware just received ami lur sale l.y JOHN . r KIUNU. JSunliury, June S3, lS-lU. ITATENT Tru.-sps iT all Ivinils, Ilanisou's H writing an, I imlellililr ink, L'otton yarn anil ltt)is, just rccctvcil uni lor sale by j.'w. rniLiNG. Sunliury, Iec. 2, 1618. QJpAV KLM An fxcellrnt article for sale aV ty IIIJ-MU JilASMJK. iSunhury Jan. .7tli, l4tf if. I LANK DICEU.S printed ou the liest quality cf parchment paper, soM at the lowest prices st this ollicc, liy wholesale and retail. IJAISINS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper sauc. &c. Kor sale hy J. V. FKlMNCi (i. v i'i . i' . i'N . 1 1;' i . .-i n;, - :i) Vill'iili .uiiiliiifoi'.v ;rid I'lilut hlote, S,i 7S .V.ii-;.'. ",,:;'! Slrr.i, a i i.w i...ns Mi'ivi: i ii :,:,.v. v est .trr, Cuii.i'ii'''in i.-u i.ihi I Lt d j;r .--,;, at reduced Jii'H .-:. ii.i I ,, i ! ,f ,(( if. the of. ,1 : tlt 'if . I :r - ci nil.''! I., !,-, . l li..- ii- .'. ; IVI'll l:l,' ,:,! "' 1 ' - V I III. I l 'l"!l ,-1 - (. li UlU'AV is ! . I' :,,!!. C I'i., :i .1 ,, :,.i.l li" ! V HI ul 'i II" ,;i I,,-",' ,',t Ul II !.; " I. nl I'd,- s. i'.c. 'i:,.'.i lln Ihii.'i I ,l,,''l"ll.. ,!.- i '!,' ii fi.nl , i-. friiri.' ) ! VI In!,. ill" 1 K ll' ... . , nirf, larqi: THE fillOWINO IHtM'IIT Of IM AITV ISA LI'MMI! VNT ll':!l n-- (II.OSSY IIAIH 1-.-.I. .VAV . I -.in- i l it i ii u-i'vii't,! .ii- r.-.v-f li, nr j on ic id use I'-T 111, .v-l!,,,' I'll-1 K, llll.li ip.f tlir iiiur. ll I'li'.lil' S II. ,- ,'i,;ii I r. .in l,':ni,!.'iiil'. 'r.".".'S l! l-Ii'.-in. l-iirci, :'-nrvi-. Ii.'',,: .:,, i.i r , i, .- ,. . u. ait ..( tne lmr fin Ii .li-i! ..:.t. i m,I, is i! k:i'..ii.-. : .:.,, ,:-,, ., j :i -:y. l' i . s v : i , li ',,' ! M Hi, ,i' I III l. 'K.,-1,',..K U'.ll I I't 111; ,. I, i;,l. i. ! : li . .M I 'li, ii, !;-, I ,. . cicii. i: ;i i: ,rv i,.i.; ., ii.iiu'iii ,-, ,! ,r. an, I w ill i -e -. -, . t i! I 'III i'i, in.,.- L'., ll 'll I'v i-X'tnti-IU- lllllu. 11 I.i Millni- ! I i-'.i. lrrn til' i'il- lii"S'. i.'-n-l T I'V ' . -J', ('", Is ,'. ,- I, i.. . 1', ;.:u:iii,,ii in n-.-, il vv iii "1 :.l i ,:,i',r- ri. , r', ,t ihe mi.', a. we i'i IUivv.iv VVm::ie ! Jill'.,' li" a.i,t l il i ; -tli Yarnitliss ; , .-. 'i,i ni, ': : Hr. ,ivn, hi'.e - ! . . .li-i-ul. 1 1 . ani M:-.ri',! ; I'I "ITV IN i". . ii I'll.. AM) FKK , I - i . ; i : i ,ei'.' Ya; ii:!i, , f -r l-.ii : V i, -ri-e ill. f'.r ,', 1 .V III.:.'. All' ..!-,' Co. it .'., iii : i i Silver, -. '' i ', ,"i Hr ,ne : tils. - -. - ' -J ii .i--Ku:5 Mini nt'.sv ii.t-.nl. .! I '1 ' I',- h , I , It IS f 't !, ' IS W'.irilliit .1 11,,- ! ; i-l 1; II, S ll tin- li'it t-: -1, "I I ' ,- tur.' I! AIIV.'A Y A I'D., m un i i"' m:i, i Jii.i'ii in u-iiiiii, v. i:!i' nt i.' mji, A t:.i. .VfiKST II R M ,K"r. ,n!l nr;-. Aug. Ill, lju. t"-i:ii.ly r AT 212 ITT ir.TZZlZIlTZz'. (!r.-eu"s ( l v 'cnuK-.l 1'itlci . price reduced. I.'lil Jai 'ili l inv iiSi-iHl'.-. S.trs.ijijrili:i. llaUi r's S.us.iparin.i. Svvjyiir's v rup nf W'il.I I'licrr vviiv lie's enuil'uc. .-' yre's t 'hcrry lYctm-iil l)r. Drake's rauice.i. llr. Cullen's do Tibbit's Pain Killer. Dr. Hc-ofland's tiermaii Bitters- Indian Vegetable I'ilu llorsf and Cuttle Medicines For sale by HENRY MASSEIt. .unl'tiry, .Inly 1 I, 15-1(1. JACOIS RUSD'ii 1 M)TII1A. IUKHIS, Southwest Corner of I'if'h mill Murket Streets, rilll.AllKLlllH, A X 7 1IO ahvav s keeps i.ii lininl a larae stm-k of evi-rv vani ty nf clulhiiur made up nf (juod materials, ami iu the lati't and lv.-t styles. He would al.-.i ii.f.irm the public, l!i,il be pavs ennsi derable nllenti.iii iu vr, llinir up, Military Clothing, iu mind style mid on reasonable terms. June l.'i, isjn.. ly TIIK PCOPT.T.'S VADU-MECXJIrl ClIMl'litSIMi A C'l I. I'.C I luX urovfcK I'UJ VAI.l'AHI. K UKCllM'.S, In tlie t s' fill iKttl liiteresti.is Arti trilk a feie fei lin i I r Hint C'uri ,us l-'xpi'i-iiiieiits in CHL.MISI'ltV : I NCLl.'IHNli Mi licines, lYil'umirv, I'hriuistry " t'oikr-rv, Karriery, living, C iuil'eeiionary, lli uies'.ic liciinwiuv, etc. etc. etc. l'rieeti cts., fnr sale by " 11KNKV MAKIt. ftuii'l ill(, Dec. fl, If Id. ;Tsot;i; E;ivc;oi!s : Jiift reccivcJ at t!,o si. ire of HENKV MAS SKK, a lot nf Cnp, liinn Mum's, Almanacs, .jueeukivar.', I.i.pnss .Vc. All of which will be sold at tlie Invvcl puce. Iec. 14, lhflO. lived. Also APS.- An ai-.-Ttiiienl n rect-l silk HATS ul ii'i'.'j, fnr s.de bv 11. MASsKR. HunlHjrv, Dee. Mil. . i i i . A.M lMlVSK AJ. liMSTUIJATIVIi. Tun rxij3xc.t4 wotTsK or thh 15,"':;.!. lv Ciiit- al! st;, -ei ,if Neur:ili,na, 'lie I'lli.'HIS, Nervous Headache, Clio. !ei''i, I'.iel.javv. Il i-iiiiplinl.ia env i-.lsinns ; will n -.'.u, c i :i.i (i i ii', ,,l In r.s piesiii.e v ii;iii-, even after y ear n I T !". ,:,,'!. ;i:id tiie mil) I. iiiivvu and cer l.llll Clire I'll'" I. I'V yi. ils m- lilCilt.il lb biltv. Kvti'ii.-t IV ,m t'.ie N.-iv Vi.r!; Nun, Oct." 3, 1819, 'I'tte relt btiat t i'r Watson, vvlicu diking of the miraculous pnver of "Waits' Nervous Antidote," the quesStnii - ns ;mt to him, ', hy such & valua ble remeilv I t i,.'rv,,ii a:Veclii,i,s was not in triiiluced by tlie inedieal I n ulty !" rejilicd, "That if it were. i! i re vv.iul,! n i Linger lie any use for a faculty, as all dice-es criinaied from a disorgan ized strte of the nerves ; the nerves are the main sprint; nf Ihe whole v, -leni Keep this in order, ami b.'tli llie mind a-td body nint lie." l''our ounce pbi.il. ' dnjes, eii'iitih for all or dinaiv cases, ONE POI.l.AK. MI.l)liV Wm. McCAIM'V, r.i.a,Uv.iy,SunbuT-. Ol'tember, "S, ISoO. tf. M AHOCiAN V AX I) ViTIiRUkT ST2A1C IiEILL, Al TI II.MXIi SIIOI', Coi ner uf LUventlt nml I!ttl?e Iloatl. A I) CABINET MAKERS, cr.siuiAL tvnsisinsu store, So. 1j4 Shi. Hi St., o, ill Sir,-1, Iduu- DjckSt., I'lllL.MiULl'lllA- 'Il I E subsi ribers would call the special stten 1 lion ol I 'a! inet Maker and otlicrs, lo tlluir vet v cUciimvc iis.oiltuei.t of materials in their line, cnn-i.-li!, of M.ihomitiy Veneers, Uoards and I'lai. k. Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, lilue, Varnish, l.o.il.inj (ila-.s Plates. M jhnrany Knobs, Bed Posti., M .ubli: l ops, ami every description of CaiiUvaiT Tools Vc. Cabinet Makers ii'sidiin; out of tho City, would lind il cicitly lo their advantage to call st our stole I" purchase such materials as llley wsnt, coniiceli-il vvi'.ii l.iei.r liiis.iiis. All i.ur p.. o.ls are W AltllANTED, of llie best ipiaiity, uu 1 ut ery reduced prices. Our Terms are Cu--.li. in. trade.) W e i;ii.ii.iiiue Ij (lie evey man the worth of his money. T. fc I.. THOMPSON. N.U.-M.ilin.:inv, Walnut and Hand Rail PI in k, and Natr liailuMt-rs for ltuiltlcrs, also M.n ble M.u lii s, aivv a on hand, und every de scrij'l.ou el tinned work. June isiti ly fiEAS, from the New Voik Cuutou and Pekin L 'J Company. Tor sale by J. W. ntlLINli. Sui.bury, Dec. 2, 184S 1 AZOKS A superior article for sale al the store of HrJNKV 41ASSEK. Sunbury, Feb. 16, lt.50, liLASKS. I.ANlv.S of every deseiiitioii can be bad by ii) 'yum al the oiiice ol the Ainericn.il. , 15 PCRE WHIi'E I)KNDV FOR PRESER. t IN li, just received and for sale by 11. 15. MAUSER. Sept. 2f, lSjil J 'mer. ale sJ tliu oUkc. duiibury Jan. 7tU, 1810 Kuntury, Vice. 2. 18tt.