Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 31, 1851, Image 3

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iiciilrciai, om)cntton.
An adjourned meeting of the Stockholders
of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company,
waa held at the Building of the Reading
Railroad Co., No, 73 South Fourth Street, in
the City of Philadelphia, on Saturday, the
24th of May, of which the Hon. JOHN K.
KANE was appointed Chairman, atid S. V.
MERRICK, Esq., Secretary.
The minutes of the meeting held the 22tl
inat., having been read and approved, the
proceedings of a meeting held at St. Mary's,
Elk County, on the subject of this road,
were thereupon read, and the sentiments
thereof concurred in.
1 The meeting was then eloquently addres
sed on the importance of this road to Phila
delphia, by Joseph Y. James, Esq., of War
ren County, the lion. Judge Woodward, of
Luzerne County, and Albeit Kelly, Esq , of
Ohio. On motion, it was.
Resolved, That the Stockholders do here
by accept 'a further supplement to an Act
entitled 'An Act to incorporate the Sunbury
and Erie and Pittsburg and Susquehanna
Bailroad Company'," passed by the Legisla
ture of Pennsylvania, February, 12ih, 1846,
iu relation tu the time of commencing the
road, and its location, &c, ; and also.
Resolved, That the Stockholders do here
by accept "a further supplement to an Act
to incorporate the Kuubiiry and Erie and
Susquehanna Railroad Company," passed by
the Legislature of Pennsylvania, March 1 4th
f 848, in relation to tiie election of a Presi
dent and Managers of this Company ; and
Ao hereby approve of aikl confirm the call
for the said election.
The Chairman then announced, thai in
consequence of the abspnea of H'm. B Reed,
Eq., Algernon S Roberts, Esq., had been
appointed Judge of elm'Jiaw in kit plare, to
ct with Robert Mmris, Esq.
The Judge having been duly qualified, as
required by the Charter, tiie pulls were
opened, and the election having been heJd,
the Judges reported llse lullouing gentlemen,
as having been liuaiiiiuously elected lo serve
till tlia next ancn.'i election.
DANIEL L. MILLER, Jr., of Philadelphia.
John J. Ridgway, of Philadelphia.
Joseph B Myers, "
John K. Kane, "
Francis N. Ruck, "
William D. Kellry, "
f-atnui'1 J. Reeves, ''
William H Reed, '
Hubert L. Fleming, of Clinton Cuunty.
William A. Irvine, of Warren County.
James L. (Jillis, of Elk County.
James Miles, of Erie County.
John Oulurailli, "
On motion it was Resolved, that these pro
' reeding bo publi.-hed.
On motion, a.ljnurneJ.
JOHN K. KANE, Chairman.
S. V. MeiiHK'k. .Secretary.
ui rtt AM) WILMS.
Tho quarrel between these two persons
grows decidedly more interesting. In refu
tation of the ehuifje brought against Willis
by Webb, Willis published a card a few
lays since, which we had not room to copy,
and in which he states that the only cir
cumstance in connection with his life which
could at all be construed into any such
charge as Webb brings against him, is that
of a vuung lady, who was ambitious of liter
ary fame, and whose letters written to him
in the open confidence of literary frieudnhip,
although the cuide productions of a youthful
and uninformed mind, gave promise of the
development of an uncommon genius. The
lady has since married, and is now the pru
dent and iiiobstriisive mother of a family
The letters, Willis adtls, he was anxious to
keep, as the natural expessions of an inter
esting mind, but her father, who at first felt
unkindly towards him as the supposed en
courager of tha ereeuti ieilies of his (.laugh
ter, courteously demanded the letters of him
and they were courteously returned. The
farther, be say, parted with him in the
warmest friendship, after an expUnntion on
his part, and thus ended the matter, and on
this Col. Webb, who was also connected
with the affair, bases his charge.
Col. Webb, after pnblisbinj? and review
ing Willis' card, in the Courier r:d Enqui
rer, of Monday, concluded with the follow
ing :
"We nev reiterate every word of our
charge and were we writing for the read
ers of the Courier and Enquirer only, we
hould be content to leave the matter upon
the issue of our respective charaeVers for
truth. But this may not le, onder existing
circumstances ; and we therefore proceed to
test the truth of what we have alleged, in
the only manner in which it can be done
without pointing suspicion to the party itr
Gen. George V. Motria U the personal
frieud of Willis the co-proprietor of the
Jlomt Journal, and co-editor with him in the
conduct of that paper, tta suffered Willis
ts publish, in their paper an on my
private character when I was in Europe and
incapable of defending myself, which is ad.
mitted to be, by those who have read it, one
of the moil infamous assaults which ever
found it way into an American newspaper.
Being thus, in Uvr and in fact, a parly to
that disgraceful publication, (Which, how
ever, we have never seen) he cannot bo sus
pect ad ot any friendship for us ; while it is
morally certain, that if practicable, he will
relieve TVillis from the charge we have
made. Now, let Willie send- General Morris
to us, and we will confront the General" with
the party who was present when Willis de
livered us the letter ef his victim. We
will plane before him- the identical package
ef letters, subscribed, in Willis' hand-writing,
hi "Colonel Webb " We will prove
their identity ; and will plaae in hie hands,
for bit perusal, the letter writen to Willis
by his victimr after her (eduction. All this
cm be don with' impunity without Geneial
Home having the slightest cue to the iden
tity of the writer of the letter; who, it liv.
ing, will rejoice that justice hat thus overta
ken her behayer. She feels, we doubt not,
beyond the reach of suspicion ; and although
she may regret that other unfortunates have
suffered suspicion from her fault, she wil
do us the justice to believe that we never
would have broached this matter if we had
not known that by no possibility could she
Latk mom Cuba. The steamship, Isabel
Captain Rellins, arrived at Charleston en the
23lh inst., from llavannnh, bringing dales to
the 22d inst. The news, so far as regards
the condition of the island, is altogether un
important. The continued rumors in rela
tion to the intended invasion of Gen. Lopez,
created no great excitement at Haranna, but
great vigilance continued to be observed
around the coast.
Interesting, to Ramac Rt'ti.tEu. The
President of the White Deer Bridge Compa
ny, gives notice that prrlpnsals will be recei
ved at the office nf the Company, in Union
town, Lycoming county, on Thursday, the
20th of June, proximo, for constructing a
Bridge, on the Burr plan, across the West
Branch of the Susquehanna, near that place.
Plans nnd specifications will be exhibited
at the office ten days previous to the let
ting. Thocrkss of the Short Skirt Move
ment. The Boston Times says on Saturday
afternoon lust, a young lady of 13, daughter
of a well known West End citizen, made
her appearance on Cambridge street, accom
panied by her f.ilher, dressed in a round
hat, short dress, fitting tightly, nnd pink
satin trousers. She wore her "blushing
honors" with considerable ense nnd grace,
uid diil not seem abashed by the gaze of
the crowd. Pink satin for trousers certainly
exhibits a considerable degree of fondness
for bright colors.
Incr:as to the Poim'latiov of Potts.
viu.f One hundred nnd thirty emigrants
arrived nt Puttsville on Saturday last, from
Wales ami Ireland. The men are chiefly
miners, nnd left their homes with the special
view of fettling in the Schuylkill Coal re
PEPSIN, the True l)ijcstwc Fluid, or Uantric
Juice! A creat Dvsnensia Oner, prepared
I'ruin Rennet, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox,
after directions of Barou I.iebig, the great
Phvsiokiaieal Chemist, by J. S Houtrhton,
M.'D., No. II Nuitu Eiulith Street, Philadel
phia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy
lor Iii1irPKlin, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver
Complaint, Constipation, and Debility, -uriug
after Nature" own nn-tdod, by Nature's own
agent, the (jastnc Juice. ree advertisement
in another column.
11 A It It t E I.
At Lewisbtirc, on the 22.1 inst , by the
Rev. P. B. Marr, John II. Packv.o, Esq.. ol
Sunbury, to Miss iMmr CameuhN, of the
Conner place.
On the 5Slh inst., by the Rev. J. P. Shin
del, Mr. William Weitzei., to Miss Su
sannah Yea m. from Augusta.
On the 22d inst., by ihe Rev. Win. F.
Bunker, Mr. Peter Shaoy, lo Miss Mahv
Ann Mackev, both of Delaware township.
i i i: i.
In Chilisquaquc, on tho 17lh inst., Mrs.
MARTHA M'UKE, aged 72 years.
In Chilisqiinqiie, 16 inst., aged 2 years.
MARY a daughter of James and Sarah
In Wnisontown, on the llih inst., EU
GENE HERBERT, sun of D. 11. Watson.
l)c iltcivkcts.
Philadelphia Market.
May 23, 1851.
Flour ANn Meal. The market for Flour
is dull. Standard brands are selling nt $4
25. Sales extra at S4.3 1 1 a 34 44. Fancy
brands are held at S4jaS5J.
Rye Fi.ncu. Is linn nt S3. 50.'
Corn Meal. Peuna. is held at S2J.
Wheat Sales of Penna. red at U5 c ;
and of prime w hite at J). 01.
Rye. Is in demand, sales at "0 cts.
Corn. The supply about equals the de
mand ; jellnw commands (50 cts.
Oats. Are in demand ul 44 cts. for Pa.
and Southern.
Whiskey. Sales of bbl. at Ti cents.
Hogsheads aie held at 2'Jc.
Baltimore Market.
May 2f, 1851.
GRAIN. Sales of ood to strictly prime
reds were made on Salniday at 90 a 95 cents.
Sales of Corn a t 60 a OC cents for w hite,
59 els., lor yellow.
We quote Oats at 38 a 42 els.
WHISKEY. Sales of Peuna. bbls. at 23
cts., and of hhd.v. 22 cts. Sulee of Balti
more bbls. at 23 cts.
WltKT. - 109
Rri:. 56
Con. .... 5U
Oats. U7
BcTTlSII. -14
Eons. 8
1'oiik, . 7
Flaiskkii. 125
TaLLOW, . 10
llh.nwix . 25
1 1 kc k i-r. ip Plat. 1 0
Dkikii Apiu.ta, - .75
Do. 1'f.aciii.i. . . 200
Flax - - . 8
K&w Advertisementia.
!f ptirsoanre of an order of tho Orphans' Court
of Nortliunilwrliiiid county, will lis exposed
to public sale an KATUKDA V, tlia 14th day of
June next, at the l'uUic House of Henry Haus,
in the borough of Northuiubeilmid, vis:
Mi-3. ami Lot of Ground situate in. the Dor
ough of Northumlierland, aforesaul, nuiuliered
in the Town pran of the same, and contain
fng sixty fvet in frout, and two hundred and forty
ieet in depth. Lata the Estate of Andrew Crao
thers of Northumberland, deceased, Sale to
commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when
tho terms of sale-will be made known by
By order of the Court X
May 10, 1851-u.
T)LANK Parchment Paper Peed'a and blank
Moftjgigts, Bond's, Executions) Summons,
4c, for aula by is. t. MANSER,
feunhurv, April Sfl, 1651.
Susquehanna Bail Road Company.
Notice it hereby given that in pursu
ance of the provisions of an Act of Assem
bly, passed the 14-lh day 0f April 1851,
entitled "An Act to incorporate the Sus
quehanna Railroad Company," books will
be opened for the purpose' of receiving
subscriptions to the capital stock of said
Company, at the Washington House, Mrs.
Wharton's, in Ihe borough of Sunbury, I'a.,
on THURSDAY the filth day ol June
next: lo be kept open at least six liourt in
every day, for three successive days, un
less the whole number of shares authorized
by said Act shall be sooner subscribed ; at
which time and place the undersigned
Commissioners appointed by said Act, or
the requisite number directed by law, will
attend and furnish to all persons duly
qualified, who shall offer to subscribe, an
opportunity of so doing.
R. Priestley, Fimon Cameron,
Bertram II Howell, Jacob .S llaldeman,
William Cameron,
V illiam r racker,
R M Magraw,
Zenas Barnnm
Jidin Biune,
John B Packer,
James II Carter,
11 A Laniberton,
Philip Dntiglieity,
P II Sullivan,
William Swain,
A S A bell,
William Ease,
Thomas C Perkins,
reler tin lily,
John 11 Pnival,
William Trnvers,
George F Miller,
Henry TifTeny,
f.iiwnrd Gratz,
Ilenrv Garret,
II B Masser,
Geo B Younirman,
George Cassnrd,
Columbus O'Pur-nell
Amos E. Kapp.
David F Williams,
Waller Fernandez,
Enoch Pratt,
Wm P Ponder,
Win Hamilton,
William Jones,
George Christ,
George M Lnnman,
fstael Carpenter,
Benjamin Peford,
Jnsiah Lea,
Jacob Spatz,
George B Weiser,
Adam Biugeinan,
Win L Dewart,
(J M York-,
Win Forsyth,
E.II Shier,
A B Warford,
Robert M Frick,
Charles W Herjins,
Alexander Jordan,
fcil 1 Hnirnl,
Samuel Hunter,
Corn missioHers.
Snnbnry, May 10. 1851. 3t.
Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.,
MHIIE subscribers hervliy inform their old cus
tamers ami the public generally, that they
have just received a lurije and extensive assort
ment of all kinds f Mevebauiii.c, which they
oiler to purchasers at such rates, that they can
not refrain fnun buvin'. Their assortment of
'Dry Goods,
is largr, embracing all kinds of
Cloths, Castimem, Sultiiietls, be.
A Kcu"rsl tosortmetit of Summer wear, of
Staple, and Pancy Goods for Ladies,
of all kinds, surh s L'uliciX", Mmis. do Luinrs.
Lawns, Ginghams, fvc.
Also in exri'llciit Ufcsorljmitt of
Eisli, Salt and Plaster.
ft" Country prodnci; of nil kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market pric.
Siiiibnry, May 10, 18ol. f
"TTILLIAM HOOVER rejiertfully informs
V w his friends nnd cnstimers that lie has
just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent
assortment of
which he otl'ers for sale at his new storo st Mns
ser's Mill, Hollow im; liun. These goods will
be sold at the lowest prices.
ins stock consists vp r.vcn v vaki etv, v-.
Dl'V (ittdtlsi, t'f..
Such an Cloths, Cnssimrres, Muslins, Culliceet,
(Jinelitims, Lawns, Chintzes and
Ludies Dress Hands goieiully.
A n assortment of .
Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c,
A general assortment of Groceries, such as
Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas
se., Spices, fcc.
Also an assortment nf Lhpiors, surh as
Brandy, Rum, Whinlcty, Wines, cVc.
tV Prolines of all kinds taken iiv exchange ot
the highest market prircs.
Hollowing Itua, May 10, ISOi lv.
Tt'iis ! Cheaper tliiui Kver!!!
100 Half Chests Rose Flavor Black Tea,
15 " " Olone
15 " " Niug Yongr " "
fMHErsE Tens are belter lor the price than
JL were ever oll'ered bcliire in Philadelphia, es
pecially the Ruse Flavor, which is of the very
best ipiality and finest llaxor, and families that
Want a Half Chest or less by sending soon will
get a first rate artrcle at n vrry low pries. TUy
w ill lie well packed up and sunt to Depot or cars
free of charge. DAVID PEASE,
Tea Dealer and Grocer,
S. W. Cor. tith & Arch Sts.
May 10, 1K51. 3mo.
Gnat linprovriiiriits ii mnkin;
French Uurr 31 ill Stones.
1)Y (tie iim i if,
improved cii,t iron
Kyu wliich i, tuiilft
inli) the Hmuir, im
hi tu t. It tw fur the
weir of the Stnne,
.11 1 hn, a inovenble
I Hluiiee ryne wild
driver us tu keep
Ihe tKikince of the
ntiiiK until il ia
worn out. Our
mIim-Ic nf ItlivLa is
srlrelnl in I'nnioe, nml the lient qnnlilv only UK-d.
K'lut llurr ftiHiea lr.ini a In a n et hi diameter with tile
lower Mtmie tu run. , m ., (invent the runner ranking
in the eye. ItolruiK ( lolhii of ull uunihera, ehanp lor iluili.
Mill I nun und Snuit Minliiiitu luunahi'il to order.
lirnxhrtoiieniif mi .rteri'kiiu , nuilulile for Country Mer
ehrfillii, luijHirti-d and fur Kile ty
J. K. MITt.'tlKI.l
H "la '"k Hoiwl, imr the Indian fole.
riilludelihui, Alll 12, l-.'il Inn...
XTLIINU UOTTLIvS.lJrcust pumt)s, and
A ' nipple tulies- A supply of these useful art.
cles just received and for sale hy
juiin w- FRir.rro
Sunbury, Jan. IS, 1851 if
Cotton Yarrn Cotton Cturet Chain, Cotton Lm
v.. '..... n.,i: n, .
oho i.auuin, wuumeu, iveaoy maue
Pantaloons, Ready made Vcarb, Coagres Knives,
rorceiuin lined preserving kettlea, just received
for sale by 11. MASTER.
Suubury, Dec.. S, 1S43.
GJOLD PENS with and without silver cases
11. D. MA8SKR,
funbury, Anril It, 1851
ObRv a freirh1 supply just received, and for
sals by H. IV. NASSER.
April IS, 18if:
CT1HE subscriber informs his friends and the
public, that he continues to csrry on the
Marble Business in all its branches, at his old
stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared to manu
facture Monuments, Tombi, Gravestones, &c,
of the best materials, and most finished work
manship, and at the lowsst prices.
Letter Cutting, English and German in tht
most modern and elegant style.
Designs for Monumsnts, Grave Stones, &c,
always on hand.
N. H Orders for th Esst side of the river
promptly executed by leaving th sum at the
ollice of the "Sunbury A meriean."
Milton, Mav 10, 1851.
L. W. II. G1ESE,
(Jlgfnt for Jfenry "orr,)
Falls Dock, Ralllmore.
signments. Lkttkbs and Cossigjoibnts should be ad
dressed to
L. W. H. C.IKSE, Agent.
May 10, 1851 4mo.
Notice to the Heirs of LEONARD
PF0UTZ, Lee'd.
TV"OTICE is hereby given to Benjamin Pfout?.,
John Pfoutr., Kobert Pfoutz, Merry, inter
married with Joseph K. Barns, Mary Ann, wid
ow of Win. Housel, Isabella, intermarried with
Daniel Latsha, Daniel Lav cock, Kebecca Pfoutr,
Jacob Purscl, Nancy Jane, Mercy K., Kobert 1.
Leonard, William and Anna Purscl, all of whom
except the said Jacob, are minor children of Sa
rah, dee'd., who was intermarried with Jonathan
Pursel, and J. C. Horton, Guardian of Itnchnel
Lemons, heirs of the said Leonard Pfoutz, dee'd.,
that by virtue of a Certain Writ of Partition and
Valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court to me
directed, an Inquisition will be held upon the pre
mises of the lieal Estate of the said dee'd., situ
ate in Point township, in the County aforesaid,
on Thursday tho 13th lay of June, 1851, at
which time and place the heirs aforesaid, are
hereby warned to be and appear if by them
deemed expedient.
Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, )
May 3, 1851. Ct. f
"Notice to the Heirs of SUSANNAH
HALL, Dee'd. "
TVOTICE is hereby given to Chas. Hall, Ed-
word Hull, Jeremiah Hall, Elizabeth Hull,
Harriet Hall, intermarried with Chas. Cook. Su
sannah Huey, intermarried with Wm. Conrad,
J. H. Zimmerman, Guardian of James Huey, jr.,
Polly Hall, intermarried with Geo. Zimmerman,
and Chas. Gosslcr, heirs and legal representatives
of the snid dee'd., that by virtue of a Certain
Writ of Partition and Valuation issued out of the
Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, to
mc directed, an Inquisition will be held at 10 o'
clock, A. M., on Mondiy the !)th day of June
next upon the premises ol the Heal estate of the
said dee'd., situate in Lower Augusta township,
snd County aforesaid, at which time and place
you are hereby warned to be and ojipcar if by
vou deemed expedient.
Sheriff's Office, Sunburv, )
May Ud, 1851 ti. ' $
Estate of ISAAC FARNSWORTH, Dee'd.
jV'OTICE is hereby given tliot letters of ad
" ministration have licen granted to the sub
scriber on the estate of Isaac W. Farnsworth, late
nf Lower Augusta township, Northumberland
county- All persons indebted to said estate or
having claims against tho same, ore requested to
call on the subtcrilicr for settlement.
Lower Augusta tp., May 3, 1S51. Ct.
COMPREHENSIVE summary nf Universal
History, together with a Biography of Dis
tinguished Persons, to which is appended an epi
tome of
Heathen Mythology. Natural Philosophy, Cion
eral Astronomy and Physiology.
Adopted anJ used in the Public Schools of
E. S. JONES & Co., Publishers,
S. W. Corner FOURTH and RACE Sts., Phila.
Teachers and School Committees addressing
letters to us post paid, will be furnished with
copies for examination.
ty A Full and Complete Assortment of
BOOKS and STATIONARY, for Sale ut the
May :i, 1851. ly.
THE Suhsrriher respei'tfully
infiirins his friends and the
.3E puhhc tn-iierully, thut he still
'ijr1 continues the
At his old Ktand in
Market Street, Sunbury,
two doors ahove Market 8iptare, where he con
stantly keeps on hand, htrge assortment of
IJendy 3Iade Harness,
(Douhle & ftit;I.) w'rt Sister, Ilrns and Japan
ned mouutifttrv AW Saddles. Ilridles, Tranks,
Vuliccs, Whip) Collars.
All kinds of work in hitt line ma-le to order, in as
neat a style as can he got up in this country.
Persons wisftinff to purchase WilT please call and
examine his Steele before purchasing elsewhere.
N. 13. The suhst rilier has just opened a new
and splrndit)
AssoJtmftnt of Saddlery,
Surh as Stiver, Brats and Japanned innutitiitj;,
Patent ett-Adjutintr. 1 rees, Patent Holler
Hit. KUtmg lirrdle lliln, Trunk and
Vwlire Ixveks, Trunk Board, Trttnk
Nails, Ifames, Traces, Trim
miwi Lees, Tuft, Sad
dle Welv, Sule and
Vimhtr, White
Kunineled Leases, Patent leather. Oil Cloth,
Ivojelta. Tasxels, Kaary Hrsw-Batide; Saddle
Trees, Deer's Hair,
f all kinds. All of which will be sold as eheap
rf not cheaper than they can he gst eWwhere,
lor cash or approved credit.
Sunliury, April 20, 1851. tiui.
Estate of MA&Y GRAY, Dee'd.
"TOTICE Iwreb? given that letters- of ad
ministration have been granted to-flee u!h-
se.rilier, on te estate ef Mary Grrcy, dec d., late
of the Uorougli oFBiiuhurr. All persons indebt.
cd to suid estate, or liavrag (faiirm against the
same, are requested to rattan, the subscribes for
settlement. MARY BRCNER,
Sunbury, April 2tl, 1851. Gu
to th-sTklbctors ov nouthumbku-land-
Fellow Cithers' At Uit solicitation of
my Cricuds, I oiler myself u a candidate for tlia
dice of
at the- tissuing election'. Should I be elected, I
promise la discharge tire duties of mid- otl'ice with
fidelity and impartiality.
Sunbury, April t, 1851
SILVER WATCHES. A few double eases
Enirlisli KiIvmv Watches. Air ih 1a at. .... ln
price- by
Sunbury, April 13, 1151.
IN K Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con
gres ink for sale, wholesale and retail by
Pecemfcar J8..1I838:.
Jon run I of I lie
o Tut state or rsssiTtvAsiA nat tnt raoiioTioa or
THE oldest Mechanical Periodical extant in
America, is published on tho first of each
month in the City of Philadelphia. It has been
regularly issued for upwards of twenty-five years,
and is carefully edited by committee of scientific
gentlemen appointed for the purpose, by the
Franklin Institute.
The deservedly hih reputation, both at home
and abroad, which this Journal has acquired and
sustained, has given it a circulation and exchange
list of the best character, which enables the Com
mittee on Publications to make the best selections
from Foreign Journals, and to give circulation to
original communications on mechanical and sci
entific subjects, nnd notices of new Inventions!
notices of nil the Patents issued at the Potent Of
fice, Washington City, are published in the Jour
nol, torether with a large amount of information
on Mechanics, Chemistry, and Civil Engineering,
derived from the latest and best authorities.
This Journal is published on the first of each
month, each number containing nt least seventy
two parses, and forms two volumes annually of
about paries each, illustrated with engravings
on copper and on wood of those subjects which
require them.
The subscription price'is Five Dollors per an
num, payable on the completion of the sixth num
ber j and it will be forwarded free of postoge
when five dollars arc remitted to the Actuary
(postage paid) in advance for one year's subscrip
tion. Communications and letters on business must
be directed to "the Actuary of the Franklin Insti
tute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," the postage
Actuary, F. 1.
April 12, I Sol Gmo.
I II R nttt-irtitJii of Builders and others, nre relectfarlv
I invited to the extensive unit well selected sitjek -Y
UllUMNti HAHDWAItK and T( .ft, uuw ottered by
the snltucrilnT. e insisting in purl hs follows:
Amoii'-iui Front 1-ct.. upright, with night work,
pint! or hntBi t"urnitim, or porcelain all colors.
American Krnt I IWks, upright, plain, with
night work, plated or brai furniture, wf poioekiin nil
American Front Door Locks and Store Door, Horizon
tal or upright, brnrs furniture, or L'orcrhiin nil colors.
American Kim I'rks, ull sizes nnd qualities. White or
hruss f urniture, or porcelain ull eulovs.
Amerirmi Morhre Isorks, nit sizes, with plated, while or
briiss turititwv, or povceluiu all c'lrs.
AiiHTM itn Mortice Jjutehc, nil sizes, with plated white
or hriKm luniiture, or porrrluht nil colois.
AmericuM Mortice and Hun Closet Lucks, plated 01 brass
escutcheon, or porcelain all colors.
Amvrio:iu Drop, Stop, Thumh, (Jute, and Store Door
Als-t, Itnpnued tVctu nnd I,nteltrsof even description.
HuMwiiiV, uini Aiuericun ltntt Hinges, of nil sizes, last
or looie joint.
Shutter, tiatc, Sfrnp, T muJ Ilnckllip Minces, nH kiwis,
Shutter, Gate, 1n r, Flush, ami Spring ilolt, of wrought
or ctixt iron mid hrttss, every ileseriplion.
Srews, Spriirs, (jliu, S;nid I'sjier ol" the best rpialtty.
Anitiirtui Axle and Miam Axle rulle)S, of every
American IJutlons, pi; tin or on platen, brass, iroit or
bronze. I.
A mtneim Nobs, pkited, white, lrm, or wood, n!! kinds.
Sah-t:oril, eoiiiiu n mid patent, with other articles too
numerous lo uit'ittioii.
IfF All 0'ils delivered fiee of Charge to any part of
the City nnd li!rict.
At this t'sfaMifihiwut ran be found one of the largest and
best as rtmnit of Wlnit- and Fimey Molts for In-ks, A.e.,
in the City; some patterns, of which, cannot be seen, or
obtained, at any oilier M r. TOOLS.
Speat At .larks iii'y Hark, I'anel. llnml. nnd Ripp Piiw,
iniportetj expressly for Retail sahs. ah sefeetcd with rare,
Sole njjent fi the cclrhrnfed Flaues, mad- by F.. V. Car
pvntcr, f l'iiiranter, I'a., beini; nil made ol' split wood,
and the Hittn grouinl and tried. ltejitty:s .V Williiiiia make
of ChtMeis, Axes, I Litehct s. Dniwiiit Knives, Ac, nil war
ranted tr'KHl.
Push's and Si.T.k's make of Augers nnd Auger Hilts, all
AmcricEiti St ma res nnd Bevils nf every dcseriptinn.
Amerirnn Rules, Ouugei", Sawsetts, Compasses, Screw
drivers. A,e.
AimViCMn C. S. IInmlers. Claw nnd Rivetinc, nil sizrs.
Anvils and Virrs, all sizes.
Steel, Ir m, nnd Wooden Br.icea, with C, S. Bitts. in
great variety.
V. tJreaves Sc Sin's, Ttutelier'n nnd other celebrated
makes i,f Chisels, Fils, Flanedions, Ac., Ve,
Aildis's (li.'braterl Ciirviin! Tils, all sbupett,
Makiiur one of the best and m m extensive af-s rtmcnts
of llml.iioe ll.iidware und Tims in the State.
At this establishment it is con idered o pleasure to show
the G.kmIs. Voti nre invited to call nnd examine tho assort
ment, nnd hear the prices asked, before purchasing else
where. Come and see us.
Yours, respeetfullv,
N'a. 2?7 Market st , between 7th and 8th, upper side.
Philadelphia, April l't iS'tl ly.
MADI. from the lied Jrinuncn Gincer, all the vnhinble
inedieinul iiioneriy i-f wlai'h il will he found to noa.
t'M in n e invi-nii-nt nml eoui'eutmtrd furin.
It in fi moM eilirit-nt und ul the anuie tiuii' lunnlh'fM. eently
ttluiulrilini; tunic f ir (he litninarh, uiii4 will he loiilul very
heiielieml ill - relieving Ihe nliurul und dlKlretwiug leeliligA
oi moiled hy the iuiiiairi-il uctiou ol thm iuiporrnnt orrrtin,
t rmn hall ton whole ti.'i-R;ioouini iukvii hi a wi'XIuai
ftll of uwei-li-ileil w;it-r will iiinueiliult-ly remove the thltll-ii-ury
und opprrKKinii remilliiiR froiii inilie.tiou, und if t.-ikeu
two or thief tnneM daily, hh riiinn-d. will lie loiuid hichly
usi'liil aaitiKi the lansiludeuiul Keime of linking of thevtom
lich mid lenih-nry lo it diirdrred ncliou iKTiimoned by the
enervating- rlt'eet of the muniner heati. or f illnwfiignl'ler iu-
ilmiiohitiou, uud lor correcting the nu-run-iit muuen of dmrr-
lurn, ,V e.
It ii alio nn exeellent tnvil.eino for tlnne who huee
jured the tone of Iheir i-toiiiarlni hy the iininod.1 rule iihc'of
intoxu-iitniiz liiii. irn, hy its Hiejitiy flliniulaliii; enerl upon
the utoinai-h removing the cra nii; tii Htiiimliinln, while it
halt no iiijiiriotitf iieliuii on Ihe lir.ti.t, nnd is not miceeeded
hy feeliiirrii of depii-siiioii, which iilvtuyn follow the urt wf
uleiih.ilie ftiiniilunlN.
A few drops to ttvifriiesin. rhntetib or other puriru-
live iiii'dirini-ii. will render them in Te nerept.ililu to the
I'lmaeh und prevent the griiilm: which il HpllouriiH)Aity
theil uethill.
n:i:i'ARi rwitr r.T
l)ltl!(M.!IJ- A.NB tlllKMIPT.
N. F. torner nf Vk sird CkcMnvt Streets.
l'liikulelpliia, April J4, lrOl ly.
riiii..u)KU,iiiA and r-ivrrviLi.E.
Farei Reduced.
Office of the Phil it. it nemln Railroad C.
Philadelphia1,. March Q, 165!. )
Two Passenger Trains Daily, (rtcept 8unday.)
ON and alter April 1st, ISol two trains will
he run each way, daily, between' Philadol-'
phia and Poltsville
Moitxixr, I.INE.
Leaves Philadelphia at 7 J A. M., daily except
Leaves Potlsvill'e at 7$ A. XL daily except 8utt
AFT1:ftO0 I.I.VE.
Leaces Philadelphia ut 3$ o'clock, daily, rxerpf
Leaves Puflsvillr nf o'clock", daily, except
V AliUS,
Between Philadelphia and Potlstille, 1.i5
fst class cars and- $2.25 2d cluss cars.
Between Ptlihidelphia and Reading, $1.?S 1st
class cars and 1.45 2d class cat A
Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Pre! and
Vine 8treet
Passengers cannot enter (It cats unless provi
ded with Tickets.
NOTICE?. Fifty ouni's of baggage will lie al
lowed1 to each passenger h these line j and pas
sengers arc expressly pn-Uiliited from tuking any
thing as baggage but their wearing spparel, which
will be at the risk of its owner.
By order of the Koari of Managers.
April 19, r85t. Secretary.
. . . i . i i. ..
Iaf IHHMt-a lur sitio vj
S-unbury, April 18, 1851.
sive and legal envelope, for sale by
Sunbury, April 26, 1851
ljI.ANK NOTES, waiving the exemption
Ji law of 300, for isle by
Ajjril S,,185k.. U. 8. MAP6ER
rFMIE snbscril)ers offer to physicians antl drug
M. gists, a cs re fully selected stock of drugs and
medicines, which they will guarantee to be of the
bet quality, pure and unadulterated in all cases.
1 heir facilities for importing foreign drugs and
chemicals are such, that they are enabled to sell
hem upon the ben terms, and at the same time
to assure their customers of their genuineness.
I hey have also recently prepared and now of.
fer for sale superior article of
CAMIVFI MAttlVnslA, ..,
Resembling Henry's Magnesia, free from carbon
ic acid and roughness or grittine, alnnt entirely
tasteless, combining in an equal bulk from time
to four times the strength of the common kind
and sold at about one half the price of llenry'i
They have also prepared the
Fluid 3111,51)081.1,
Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity
of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, &c, at less
than half the price of the foreign article.
They also have on hand of their own prepara
tion an assortment of
Pure Drugs in Powder,
Neatly put up in 1, J and 4 pound bottles, such
as Aloes, Rhubarb, fScnnn, .Senega, Rhatany, Ki
no, Citim Arabic, ferpentarin, Ext. C lyc-yrrfi, Ipe
cac, Potassa Sulph., Potrtusa Nitron, ilo'rax, Spi
gelia, lluchu, Orris, I'ancariila, Canclla Alba,
L'va Ursa, Sce.
Great care has been taken to have thciro pre
pared from the best selected drups and in such a
way as to preserve the characteristics of each or
tide without injury.
They have also a variety of
Chemical &. l'liai innccutical
Preparations of tlteir own manufacture, and add
to the list all the Tnltinble VifW r lino oat
lrpcomn known. Among them maybe mentioned i
uitj following ;
Hydrocyanic Acid,
Preparations of Iodine,
" of Potassa,
Liquor Ammonia,
Aqua, do.
Phosphate, do. a new re
medy for Rheumatism.
nine Atuss,
Extract of Genliaa,
' Qunssui,
" Taraxicum,
" Valnrinn, fluid, a
new and useful remedy.
irreparntloiu ef Mercury,
Extract of Semui, fluid, a
pirHsaui itirraui auniimsttr
to children.
F.xuacl of Bncha Comp.,
" tspigelia, "
u StirsupsrillsCom.
position fluid,
" do. do. s-lid,
11 d simple da.
" Ci-ieyitlh Comp.
" do' simple.
Sps. Jf.thrr Nitros, IT. S. P.,
C'nbclis, Ergot, Tobaeee, etc.
Oils of Copaiva,
Citrate of Iron
and ynintne, .Sesqui-Oxidc nf Iron, an antidote
for arsenic, Citrutc of Munesia, a new and pleas
ant cathartic medicine, put up in 12 oz. bottles,
!j3 per dox. Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive Plas
ter ; a convenient application in many surgical
operations, put up in small vials. Also
A convenient preparation of ranthnrides in many
casea where there is a dilh:ulty of applying the
ordinary blistering planter. A coating of it appli
ed with a camel's hair brush and covered with oil
silk or some similar substance, will produce a
blister in three hours' time ; or wlten exposed,
in the usual time of about twelve hours.
Physicians and others may depend upon the
faithful and prompt execution of their orders at as
low rates as the best quality of medicines can be
fit) Chesnut street, Phihtda.
Lalwratory, Clh and Morris Sts. Southwark.
November 1G, 1S50. tf.
THE MISS WEITZEI.'.S respectfully inform
the Public that they still continue to enter
tain travellers and others at their old established
stand in Murkct street, west of the Court House.
Their long experience in tho business, and t!;c
well established reputation of their House, will,
they trust, be a sufficient guarantee, that their
customers will be well accommodated,
March 8, 1S51. tf.
TTItf subscribers return their sincere thanks to
their customers, for liberal encouragement
for the last year, and hope by strict attention in
filling orders to meet with the same liberal patron
age. We have on hand the greatest variety of
patterns of any other Foundry in the United
Stales, and stiU adding to their number. Give
tts tt call before :purchaJig,chiwlw're. Our stock
embraces a great variety of Cooking stotes, of the
most approved kinds, Parlttr stoves for wood or
eoal, common stoves, cylinders of all kinds, and
odil plates of all kinds to repair stoves.-
For Summer use, a small Stove, called Puni
mer linker, new and superior Furnaces for burn
ing chnrtfnil cr stun coal. Gas ovens of several
dillbrciit patterns, Hake ovens, several patterns,
hitching posts, Spout irons, asd ft variety of arti
cles in casting, too nuinvFoit to mention. The
llurduure trade can be supplied with common 4,
5, 0, 7, and 8 ipiart Tea kettles, at veTy lo'w pri
ces for ush or city acceptance.
A few casks of superior German bhteS lead1 ort
Noble st. wharf, Delaware, Philadelphia,
April IS, 1851. 6mo.
!Iimir,i lurt-r ol'
No. 11)9 Race, (Sassafras,) street,
Ahove Third, opposite the White Swan f(otc7.
Tallow ('handlers and Manufacturers can be
supplied with a first rake Arliclc of Candle Moulds,
of Superior excellence and finish.-
N. B. 1 he Moulds arc made of tho best Metal
and polished by a- new Vatsnt Machine, which
gwss them art extra nm!)1. I hey sto alter the
English style the tips to screw on- flie pipe, and
fhe pipe to screw tight in the bench.'
IJtr WsHitswrEU to' be far superior to' any
ether now in use.j
lie also nianwactureir emrgjeat rumps and
April 13, 1851. Gmo.
No. 104 Market Street,
AVINO decided to quit tiie business, I pro
pose to selr the stock at very low prices.
It embrace the newest and most desirable styles.
Vou are Htvited to call und examine.
ApriTSi, 1851' 2mo.
fpiiE subscriber resMclfully informs his friends
-- Utlil fiilliiw of N'nrrniniiluirlun.t rniin.
ly, that he will be a candiutc for
County Commissioner, .
at the ensuing election. He there fiir solicit
Irom his friends and fellow citizens s liberal slip
pert, and promises should he be elected to dis
charge the duties of the ollice with fidelity and
Kl.rAS liKUSIUl.S.
Sunbury, March 15, b8H.--
fl'xHE aubscrilisr will recsiveorders for all kinds
X of Fruit Trees, such as,
Apple Trees, Plum Trees,
Peach Trees, Cherry Trees,
I'earTrwai Apricots,
Quince Tree, Ornamental Trees, 4c.
Together with all kind of Shrubbery, Bolluus
Roots; Plant, I. rape mes, Ac. All ol wliich
will be old it the lowest rate by
H. B. MASPER. Acenti
ty Order for Tree, &c, ahvuld be sent IU a
early as possible to secure lUcia. in time.
Sunbury March 15, 1851
For the Cure) ef
The uniform success which has attended t!.
use of this preparation its salutary effect it
power to relieve and cure afl'retions of the
Lunits, have (rained for it a celebrity equalled by
no other medicine. We olTer it to the afflicted
with entire confidence in its virtues, and the ful
belief that it will ubdc and remove the severest
attacks of disease upon the throat ami Lnngs.
These results, as they become publicly known,
very naturally attract the attention of medical
men end pliibmtropists everywhere. What is
their opinion of CHERRY PECTOJAL may be
seen in the following !
Prof. Fttrpcry Nett. College, Aeie Yorl, tayt :
'It gives me pleasure: lo certify the value and
eflicacy of Ayci's CHERRY PECTOA'AI,,
which I consider peculiarly udapted to cure disea
ses of th? Throat and Lungs."
writes in a letter to his friend, who was sinking
under an affection of the Lunits : "Try the
CHERRY PECTORAL and if any medicine
can give vou relief, with the blessing of Ood that
of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of
his was cured of several severe attacks of Croup
The Cunailian Journal of Medical Science
states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent
in this inclement climate, has yielded with surpri
sing rapidity to Ayer's CTIEXRY PECTORAL,
and we cannot too strongly recommend this skill
ful preparation to the Pnrfession and imbile gen
erally." '
Let the relieved sttfTerer spenk for himself: .
H wtTtoitn, Jan. 26, 1847.
Dr. J. C. Aver -Dear Sir : Having been res
cued from a painful and dangerous disease by
your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send Trm
this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you,
but for the information of others in like aiilic
lion. A slight cold upon the. lungs, neglected ot first,
heaame ro severe that spitling of blood, a violent
conuli and profuse nisht sweats followed and fas
tened upon me. I became emaciated, could not
sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain
throngh my chest, and in short had all the alarm
ing symtoms of quick consumption. No medi
cine seemed at all to reach mv case, until I provi
dentiully tried your CHERRY PECTORAL,
which soon relieved and now has cured me.
Yours with respect. E. A. STEWART
A l. in nt, N. Y. April 17, 184S.
Dr. A ver, Lowell Dear Sir . I have for year
beeu alllicted with Asthma in the worst form ; so
that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for
a larger part of the lime, being unable to breathe
on my bed. I had tried a great many medicines.
to no purpose, until my Physician prescribed, as
an experiment, your CHERRY PECTORAL.
At first it seemed to make mc worse, but in
less than a week I began to experience the most
gratifying relief from its use ; and now. in four
weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can
sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a stata
ef health w hich I had never expected to enjoy.
GEORGE S. F ARRANT. by i.e. irm, uif..miit,lo wiu,xss.
CtT" Sold by Henry Masscr, Sunbury ; Mary
A. McCay, Northumberland Dr. Gcarhart, Se
Ihisgrove ; Dr. Bickly, Danville, aiwt Druggist
Feb. 15, last. I'vrcDin
jltltft. MARY WEAVER respectfully informs
the public and travelling community general
ly, that she has opened this large and commodious
HOTEL, ffnnitheil in u superior style. From
hef long experience in the- business of a first rafr
Hotel, and well kiiyvvu reputation to accommo
date, hrr ciistoincrs may depend on being supplied
With evry ihrng cuirfLvive' to lhir comfort and
Feb. lo. P.M. If
l""!!.; subscriber respcctfulTy hiforms her friends,
i and the public generally, that she has taken
fhe' ni'iove Weil known stand nearly opposite tho
Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per
kins. .She trusts that her experience in business,
and her efforts to make her guests comfortable,
will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa
or her with their custom.
March 8, 1851'. tf.
The attention of the public is called lo the ad
vertisement of Mr- Charles C Tucker, Attorney
and Agent at Vt ushigtoti City- Persons hav
ing claims for bounty Lb-wjW or Pensions are in
formed Unit the sub.-" ibef has made urrungeineiit
ftir tiie requisite furtns, and claimant calling at
his ollice, can' have their paicrs prepared and
forwarded to Mr Tucker at Washington, and
by him b properly attended to before the De
part menf lliere.
Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1S51 .
TIIE subsi riber respectfully informs the public
that he has opened a Public House, in ths
new town of TrevorUm, Northumberland county,
und that he is well prepared to accommodate his
guests in the best manner. His house is located
nearly opposite the Company's Store. He is also
provided with good stabling sutlicicut for 20 hor
ses. He Inisrs by prompt and careful attention
to business to niest a stiura of the public patron
Trevortbn, Jan- 11, 1850 If-
F11HE Suhserilier who resides in PhilHilrlphiat.
J. oilers for sale the followinc tironeriv in Mil.
Ion, NortliumlH-rlatid cnttnty, via-:: The larye
" in upper Millont formerly occupied by
Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Mukers (Shop.
The building is 60 feet front on upper Market
street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two
stories high.- Also a Iavo story
crucK BLACKs-Mrrn snop,
40 by 55 feet, on the same premises. The lot ia.
on the corner of upper Murkat and Front street,
and is 60 feet frout, and 150 feet deep.
The premises would be valuable for a Foundry
or other manufacturing purposes, and will be soldi
on reasonable and accommodating tcrnu by ap
jrlv ing either to JACOB CARRUiAN,
J. F. WOLFIXGER, Esq.. Milton or
H. B. MASKER. Esq , Sunbury..
Philadelphia, Jan 25, 1851 tf.
1 1TKITING FLUID and self sealing En
? Ivpc.s, just received and far jlc bv
Aprd 19. 1S.M if. B. M-'ViPER.