Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 24, 1851, Image 4

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JtttocrlUmroug 3nttf
At: Love GKNEnLi.Y opt'oks in pootryi
though omo pcojilo mo rulhor awkward in
the const i net inn nf vnrser. wo recommend
m .,i,:: i - . ,it ft in tho voice of
...v outJtr..,t;ii t n .noo,
nature, free from tho trammels of orlhogra.
phy, and unembarrassed by Ihe rules of pe
dantic scholarship.
u luvlv phi I Hm Inv n
Why rarnt yu lnv poro i
10 f,'it Won kis wot would i dil
i think ide tier bout di
11 lielR I nxfid to Inv mo
but n told mo u kiiddrnt
ide Inv u like bnrkc dim a tro
but then u said i ehuddunt
i la.e my hand rile on my hart
and !o'z bets i Inv su
and till u tako a worser part
tu u 1 will prov true
o vrnnst I hive a nntlicr pal
Ilur name it was murrier
but belsey derr my lnv for u
ii 40 times more hire
. New York city is overrun with foreign
The foot of the owner is Iho best manure
for his land.
Query t If the practice of wearing men's
apparel becomes general with the latliefj
what is to become of the side-saddles ?
Mir-a Martin-imp's English publisher has
cancelled an engagement with her on ac
count of her recent avowal of atheistical
Horace CJrtt'.r.t.KY's first letter from Eu
rope appears in the New York Tribune, with
an exceedingly original account of sea sick
ness, &c
Eir.iiTF.F.N slaves, lately escaped f:om
Lewis count', Kj, were captured in
Adams county, Ohio, and returned with a
demand of S4000 reward. .
llnnlimr rr, . Vr, r.n. nr-oblnolnllv ,I,nvvnP,t
in the canal at Selinsgrove, on Sunday, Ihe
Solomon Joiixsnv, lumber merchant, of
New York city, lately "did as bo hadtrt
ought to," mid Ihe fair victim has had him
held to bail in ?5000 to answer.
Accra vati NX. To see a good looking
man wrestling with your wife in a waltz,
without having the privilege of going up
nnd tightening his neckerchief. To case
your mind, read C'ato.
Advice to tih: Lauii-.s. If ladies wouh
cat moat but oncu a day, pickles onco a
week, and sweoimenls but onco a year if
thuy would take a bath every night and
morning, and walk five miles a day, they
would have no need of cosmetics to make
them buattiifnl.
A -Countryman was shown Gainsbor
ough's celebrated picture of tho pigs.
. 'To bo sure," said he, ''they bu deadly
like pigs ; but there is one fault ; nobndy
ever saw three pigs feeding together but
one on un' had a foot in the trough."
" Womiih always want something to lean
upon. Like a prnpo vine, they are nothing
without a support. Fur this reason a hus
band should be placed by the side of a young
laily lh.) very moment she comes out. What
a stick is to sweet pens, so is the masculine
gender to the female woman.
A vkry Aoi:n RIajv Capt. Stephen Smith
of Norlhfoid, Ct., became one hundred
years of nge, about three weeks since, on
which occasion he invited in about fifty
friends, and had a sermon preached at his
house. Formerly, for years, ho was a cap-
lain of a vessel out of this port. New Hai-cn
Mahomet made his peoplo believe, that
lie would call a hill to him, and from the
lop of i , offer up his prayers for the obser
vers of his law. The peoplo assembled
Mahomet called tho hill again and airain to
come to him, and tho hill, not moving, lie
Will not at all abashed at it, put put it off
with a jest, sayit,g-' lf the hill will not
. At., 1, ,vill I,., t,;n
mum m .-i..i..v B w ......
. A JACK iua.N. inu uuihuejier 01 me
uteamer Websler, lately destroyed by fire,
who was reported drowned, was found on a
pilo of drift wood and picked tip with, as ho
bupposed, only the clothes on his back. lie
was unable to swim, but preferring the wa-
tor to fire, ho jumped overboard, nnd forlu-
iiatelv boated to the diift wood. Alter
reaehintrNew Orleans, as we learn from the
1.,. e I I.: 11- .!. . r...
holder of tho ticket which drew the 8 12.000
prize in tho ll.ivautia lotieiy.
A Pltkimi Cosventios. A Syiiicuse
correspondent of the Utiea Cav.ette, in
speaking of iho doings of the Anti-Slavery
Convention, closes as lullows : ' No one not
present can imagine how much time these
worthies spare, from 'burning invective' of
every body else, to ilia eulogy of them
selves. CarrUoii pulls Cerrit Smith ; (Jerril
Smith puds (l.mison ; Samuel J. May puffs
ihein bulh, they pufl Sumuel J. May, and all
pufl George Thompson. They are the Sdiuts
and 110 mistake."
It has been but a few years since tho cul
tivators of fi uit have been in hubil of pru
ning peach liees at iho extremities of tho
branches, instead of anting 01T limbs at iho
trunk. This system of shoiteriiiig in, as is
called, is gaining ground, nnd il is a great
improvement. The reasons for this mode of
piuniug urg evident on examination. Musi
kinds of Mono fruit grow rapidly, and bear
tho greater part of their fiuit on new wood
which is, of course, near tho ends of tho
limbs In this way a tree spreads over much
laud, and nuked branches near tho trunk ;
and pruning at tha trunk causes the gum t
poza out which boniL-liiuei endangers the
health of the ttee.
; On the contrary, by pruning at tho ends of
llic'Lianchcs, the tree is confined to a small
space, tho wounds havo no unfavorable
efieel, or only etrect, tho twigs, ami not the
trunk, and much new wood is produced for
tiro j iiiiluc'f'ii -A fit:!.
Cnnl Improvements lit ranking
French Uurr Mill Stones.
)Y the lift' of
improved cast iron
live which is bnilt
into the Haulier, so
tu td till 'W f'T the
w-air of the r?ti'no,
iiml tins n ni"Venlile
liilanee - ryne awl
driver so o to keen
Ihe hiilniice of Bin
tone Without """
ininU until J! "
worn out. Our
.tnelt of llliwks is
ncleetol in Franco, nnrl the host niintitv only nr.fl.
M-'li'l llarr Stouts from a to 3 feet in dininetor w Hi III"
lower Wniie In rim, f. i iih t prevent llic runner -nolonff
mine eye. if in mi? I Inl Im ol till niunltcrs, ci'-'M' ' "
.Mill Iron nml f unit Mnchinc Inrniiilicil t'i onli-r.
tliiniltiin' of nn Tt'il ti.vs, miilnlilo fur Country
eliiuilfi imparted ami lor sale by .
j . Ii .in v.
N". I I nl.l Yoik rtnml. near tlie Indian l'olc.
Pliiliulelitiin, April 13, l-.M. liliv).
Constantly on liniiil nml
for sale by
Market Street Wliarf,
LA 111) & CHEESE,
J Mnreli Slli, '51 -3m.
T, S. B03ST;5
In Selinsfjrove, Fa.
Clocks, Wiilclicg niul Jewelry,
EPA I It ED in the best manner und w arranted
lo perform well.
All work intrusted to his care will be strictly
attoiiiled to.
Sclinsgrovc, Nov. 30. lf.;0 tf.
Valuable Hooks,
r IFE of CiiinsT, liiuiuVnmilv bound, D'Ar
HlfiMi's lllKTOIIV OK TUB It Ill-Oil M ATI O V
IJl.ANK DAT-HOOKS AND l.KWI Kits, lull llOlin(lt!ll.
For sale ut the publisher prices by
11. 15. lUASSMt.
Sunbury, July 11, 1B10.
jrsTicR or tuv riiitc,
Siuibury, Pa.
Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the
Public School II mis.-.
If? Monies cntleetcl and nil business iMninptly nail care
fully nllrnilril lo.
Alml "
hvKW & IIS 1 1,1 UCLPISI A
BlaJiors Assoelalltm.
K - - " Miami Chrshvit Srcct, ritiladclphin.
fONTIM h to make and sell a finer aiul more
establishment ill the Coiled Mates standard
price of llaU (10. (! uU and Hoy's Cloth and
(ilacd I'aps. l.'iiibrella-!, Carpet liags, Ctduly
Panama anil straw IlaW at equally low prices.
May -3, lS.'.l) ly
SMMEDIATELY on flie Trovortou Rail Koad
lo wluiin liberal wa-'cs will be paid.
Trnvorton, Jan. , 1 Pol. if.
HOOKS V. I. I. V. I! ,
HAS recently received, among other articles, n
great variety of New, Cheap and Entertain-
ing pulilicalions such as
Cooiers novels, complete or sejnirate.
Herberts Ho liodwell,
Humus do Trollupc,
Sue do Halliburton,
lteyndols do Marry ult,
Cocklnn do (I'lev,
MaMvo'.l do Marsh,
Jerrold do Ainsworth,
Morris do
At the lnw price of from 25 to 50 cts per volume.
Sunbury, Sept. 2S, 1S50. tf.
.Vo. 0.5 Race Street.
Second door below Third,
rn ::i..ADrjLriiiA.
YmiKUU. all kinds of lasts, Ac., of the latest
' style and best material, are manufactured
on reasonable terms.
All orders promptly and punctually attended to.
Philadelphia, Nov.' !), 1850. ly.'
No. 207 Chesnut Street, front Arcade,
Phi i.a inn. cn 1 a.
"JMI'OI'TF.R and Manufacturer of all kinds of
Musical Inst rnnten.s, Fancy Arlicles aodToys.
' 1''' "I'' l-'wer liant hose ol any other store
jn Philiidcli bin- All Kinds ol aluMcnl Instru-
mcnts repaired in tiie best workmanship, and ulso
taken in trade.
Philadelphia, May 25, 1850 ly.
Di(.lXIiRi:.'. ARTIST,
No. 1 10, rorncr of Fifth iv Chesnut fts., I'hila-
dclphui.aint .ib.i 1 roo t iraij corner J
rui.uai hu, ew xuric.
(flu. 'u - , '.r-'- enn .
" " ..mi
receive tlieiu bcauiitiilly eased, ill innrocoi, Silk
o hel. Papier Macho, or other fancy st les, or sets
in Medallions, Lockets, iVc, in u Ii w minutes.
Dcgiicrrcotypes, Paintinss, Drawings,
&c. Copied.
Out dour Views, and Miniatures of deceased
pcrsnns, taken al short inilice.
For Porlraits of Adults by our pmccss.and Im
proved Instruments, a duiiihj day is ijuito as fa
vorable as clear weather.
For Children, a clear day (between 1 1 nnd 2)
is preferable. 7 In Urcsi avoid white, blue
or light pink.
OurCal! cry with its Si Piic Medals and
Works nl' Art, is open al .ill hours, und Free.
Whcthir vUikiis winli pictures taken or not, we
shall at all times be happy lo see the in.
June '-', 1S5U.
Indestructible and Iudelliblo
No. I South Third street.
A 1 F.KCJI AN TS and the W riling eomimuiitv
are iciiueotcd to call and examine this INK,
which is tt'tirrduttd nU iu eutiude AUluUte iinj,
unr tU.uii'c its Ctiltir.
Wholesale nud lirtall,
No. t SotiKi Third itieet, Philadelphia
A liboral discount inado to Merchants and the
For sale by H. Tl. Masser, agent for Sunbury
IN oveinlK-r tl, 1850. ly
f Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps
und Wadding, Cotton Oullioes, Heady made
1 aiit.iloons, Kculy nude Vests, Congrosu Knives,
Porcilaiii lined piiering kettles, just received
lor sine 17 11. lASStlt.
Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1 S 18.
rVI'ltsI.Nti liOTTLES Urenst pumps, and
k ' nipplo tuls- A supply of thcae useful trli-
clesjuH li-ceived and lm sale by
r5.mb.iii, Jan. 1, IsM-if
Mannfnctnrcd ly Slionrdi & Co.
543 Chrstiwt St., I'hila.
"l"lT"AKnANTED to wash clean in ban, soft,
- or salt Water, t-old or hot, in one thiril the
time of any other Soap ever manufactured j thus
tlisiwnslnu with boilinij, bleachinir, fee.
washnl with thin Soap will never shrink or have
any harsh or gummy feel, but leave them in their
original soft and pliant state: whiih is in itself n
sullirient recommendation to guarantee its use in
oil families.
may be washed thoroiiRhly with it, without the
least injury j Riving them a lustre cipuil to newly
imported goods.
of any description, can bo readily removed by the
use of it, without injury to the artirle, whether it
lie the finest dross or ordinary carpet.
In the use of Shourds & Co's Soap, the most
delicate need not fear, ns it will Hot injure or chap
the hands, but on the contrary act as an emolli
ent, and is not only the iikst wasiiinb
so a i' ever ofl'i'ivd to Ihe public, but as a TOILET
SOAP cannot be excelled.
W hcrever it has been used it has given perfect
satisfaction, and is warranted so to do, in all ca
ses where a fair trial will lie given it.
SIIoritDS & CO., Manufacturers,
No. 513 Chesuut St., Philadelphia.
For Sale by Oroeers generally.
November If), 185(.
Attorney at Law.
Mlnnm ll'.'. Schuylkill Vo., Pa.
I I'SINESS will be promptly attended to in the
counties of Schuylkill, Northumberland,
Union, Coluinbia'and Montour-
Refer to :
A. Jordan. IT Tii'llns. ,V L Ti. Masser, Esqrs.
Snnburv Win Do ILnrn, Edward Hughes. A;
Solomon Shindel. Mimrsville C. M. Hull, M.
Mortimer, Poltsville.
Oct. ft, lrtSO iv.
No. 246 Market ft., between 7 If Sth at.,
(South side,)
r7in.ADEi.riii a.
'T'jIE Subscriber ban opened a new hat store
and oilers to trailers and others who visit the
city, a handsome assortment of hats, caps, of eve
ry variety, made up of the best material, and in
the latesl and best style, and on terms as reasona
ble n can be hnd in any establishment in Phila
delphia, viz: Fine silk hats lit $2,50; (!ood do
do at $10(1. Persons JVoni the country who pur
chase of him. can rolv, nt all times, on getting ft
good article that will please them, and one (hat is
1 1 1 1 1 v worth the money paid.
Philadelphia, Nov. !), 1S30. ly.
i-TTO?.lT2T i-T LAV",
I'oHKtiHe, ia.
Will promptly attend to collections and all busi
ness entrusted to his care.
'June 10, 18-ilf,
rT,llK subsi ribcr has just received a new supply
of the best liquors that ever cam to .Sunbury,
consisting in part ol
Superior old pale Urandy.
Fine Cogniae Urandy.
Superior Old Jamalcu Spirits.
New F.ngland Itiiui.
Fine Holland din.
Superior Old Whiskey
Common do.
Superior Maderia Wine.
Lisbon do. do.
.s'uperior Port Wine,
liurirutidy Port do.
Sweet Malaga W ine.
Superior Claret Wine in bottles.
Champagne do. do.
HENKY MAssi'.It.
.Snnburv, May 2fi It 111.'iiA wish k i.inroii stoui;
Importers and Dealers in Liquors,
No. 220 Market street, Philadelpha,
FFF.U for sale, the cheapest and best assort-
incut of Liipinrs in Philailelphia, such as
Champagne, Sherries, Port, Sleek, Claret, Bur
gundies, Saiitiirn, llarsae, Maderia, Lisbon,
Tcneiitl'e and Sicily Wines.
Urandies of Ihe choicest brands, vii;
Maglinn, Otanl, Ponet, Hennesy, &e, cVe.
Fine Holland Cin, Mononguheln, Scotch nnd
Irish Whiskey, &e., &e.
Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila
delphia prices on the most liberal terms.
July Hi, 1H.,(.
Manufactory, No. 50 CHESTNUT Street,
M i; D A L. awarded bv the FItANKLIN 1N
S'J'ITUTli of Philadelphia in October,
ITl.'l'i;, at liallimove, Nov. lr'ltfnnd IS l'J.
I'hilattrlyhia, t )etoher 2(if(, 1848.
I have used J. ellar's Patent Japan Liipiid
anil Paste lilucking for some nine mouths, and
am happy lo say that it surpasses any blacking
that I have used these twenty odd years. I liud
il holds the and preserves the leather bet
thr than any blacking that I have, i-ver tried.
A.wuinw ft. ClIA.M amis.
No. 07 Chestnut Street,
Win. CUEREY, Manufacturer.
Successor to J. WELL All,
No. 50 Chestnut Street, above Second.
November, !, 1H50. ly.
'' (it'll, un excellent article.
Kwiw aCs Medicated Soap for sun burns, tan,
teller, r.
Ivadw ay's Cin assian liidni, for the hair duml
rull'&e. Hadwav's Keady Itclief for Cramps, Cholic,
(.'holera Morbus, Ac. For sale by
H. li. MASSER.
Sunbury, ylug. .", 1850.
tCl'O.M; W are, Karlbeii Ware, Kaiains, Al
mouds, P lines and Cream Nuts.
Planes of nil kinds.
Null and Plaster. Just received and for tale
,y JOHN W. FlilLINti.
unbury,l)ee. 20, 1810.
nOOK5 and Cold Pens. On hand several eoi-
I ies of the life of Christ, and also a niiiiiU-r of
gold pens which we w ill sell at tho 1'lnladelphlu
prices. For sale at this ollice.
UL TE.M Mj S. A cheap and exeellonl urli
tie lor l'usteiiing su.di for sale by
Sunbury, July 7, 1849.
O.SE OINTMENT A fresh supply of this
excellent article fur Tetter, A c., just received
and for sale by HEMtY MASftEK.
SunburyJuIy 28, 1819.
WJ7ILEY'.S COVOII C.4N1JY. 11 cscel-
y lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale
at this ollice
fIssI E l'Al'EU Villow Timue najar for
1 covering gbibicn, &c, for sale at the ollice ol
the Aruerieun.
A1U'S oclfbrattjd llorse anil Cattle Medi
cine for alo by HENKV MASSER
Sunbury Jan. 27111, H13
At Iho Cabinet Ware lloom of
Market Scjuaro,
Aho nf the corner nf Fmen street !f the Railroad
Thankful for the pntronngc of his friends find
customers during Ihe 17 years be has been in busi
ness in this place, he solicits from tho public a con
tinuance of their favors. During this period he
has endeavored lo keep up with the improvements
of the day, nnd has accordingly extended his busi
ness in every branch and variety. The public arc
therefore invited to the attention of the. present
stock of
M ANOFACTl'R t:n 11 Y
At the Old Ftnml,
Where in nddition to their former stuck of tho
establishment thev now manufacture
Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs.
Lursre Spring Scut linrltint Ctriirs,
Dressing Bureaus, Centre. Tulles,
Mirhh Top irush Stands,
and a variety of olu r
new style and
Fnthionn J!c t'm-nilwrc.
Having secured a Hearse and made the neces
sary nrrautrcments for the purpose, they are now
prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in
this vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Ye mniil and mistresses, ami linsliaints too,
Here's furniture nf every ptyle met tine,
Frmn stile ImaTils down to ltitelieil t:.l s,
Frnm rnckinir chairs t'i kiier erietl. s
Plmnlil yiin IV 't have the ready JiurN to pay,
AWI1 wnit nv.'hile f-r n liriiililer tu Iter ti;iy,
Or lake mlal'es, (Kile, e-ira, win at unit rye;
Unrk. li"op pi 'li s. slnvi s, nr linntier wet Slid tlry,
Or any lliinrr hut ylo-s nml titreiiliiiif; ft-iils.
1'iuni piif." nnil InrUies ilown ti little quails,
C'line nil then frienils. e.inie iineHiut nil.
Keep Irarle n laovinr;, so ies na Itte lui!I.M
I."' Orders from a distance promptly attended
to and wolk of all Kinds delivered Willi dispatch.
Sunbury, .March !), tr
vmt i;ots!(i
tS''?? v i:a xs or Tin: I'iickkt
i.sei'ni'irs, or, bverv one
Ins ow n Plivsteiaii I tlurti-
y $t';$ : eih edition, with upwards of
i ,S-. 'itV .ii a bundled engrin ings, show
tj 1;... a;. : ':.,...
w Vv'-f '' 19 1 "
ifs ul'-" lid ry .--li.ipe and form, and
$i!f-i l''n'li"iol"i f the gene
111 eve-
il mnl-
oon. m. P.
The time has now arrived
s?''- that I'l'isons sutli-riiig liniii
sei'rel diseases, need no nunc lurnmr Iho victim
of (Quackery, as by the prescriptions contained in
this book any one may cure him-elf, without hind
rance lo business, or the knnwleile of uuy one,
and with one tenth the usual expence. In addi
tion to the general routine of private disease, it
fully explains the cause of matibornrs early decline,
with nbscri atinns on neiriiaue - besides many
other derangements which il. would not be pro
per to enumerate.
T'Atiy person Feuding -rwiivrv-nvi: cunts
enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this
book, bv mail, or live copies will hp sent for one
dollar. ' Address. '-1)11. V,' . YO!'.(i. No. 152
Sl'KCCE Street. PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid.
Dll. or.l. can be consulted on any of
the Dineascs describe,! in his dilVcrent publications,
at his Ollico, 152 SPRITE Sireet. ciery day be
tween 9 and il o'clock. (Siindin s'ocepted.)
Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1550 -ly.
1 1 li 1 Ia a e : . s-11 1 a .
f1 SHARPI.ESS A SONS.have just received
1 their supply of sriil.M; AN D SI'M.MEK
GOODS of Friendly und other styles, to which
they invite attention.
SHAWLS Ail descriptions of Silk, woollen
and worsted.
DKIiSS SlI.KS (irode libines, Chameleon-',
and neat and new fancy styles India Silks and
DllESS OOODS Lawns, Dare-es, Motiss,..
lins, (iiiilianis, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the
new fabrics.
FURNISHING GOODS L'lat.kcts.Sheotimrs
j tjnills, Damai-k, siiiniugs, and all uther funiidi-
intr uoiiils.
MEN'S WE A It- Cloth. Cassiniercs, Cushion-
retls, Drills, Vestinjs of all kinds, and liovs wear.
ker articles. T. slIARPLEs'S A SONS,
. No: H 2 S. Second Slreel, Philadelphia.
May 25, 1S50. ly
For thi Ct'KK in-' Fi:vi:it and Aut'u. Wak-
THIS nnriAalle,l 111. rti.-in.-111:1 he relied 011 when near
ly all mliei leaieilie.i fail, lis Value in nnl Ku lie ieiil Iv
known. Iheretnie. llie pi .piiel, r iksiles 1,1 cnl.llire llie
held nl Us iiseln:ia-s l.v intkiiu lln.'Wii Us VI! I ill's nml eih-
ciirvtn lliniisanils nl Kail', rers wanare not uwate thai tliev
cull he speedily un.t raila-ally i-ni .il n
l'lAI'.lt AND Af.'I'K,
withnnt the use nf p ,inii 'lis drills, ii aisi-nas p. -linns nr
I lie ilelel'-i I-'lis 1 li'eels nf iiiiniae. ll isnif-nd l.lhcpa!,.
lie al a I v price t'i plie e i! Wl'.ltia lie- re n-li of a!!. i,.l
that tll.ise v.e use it lieenulla-; tn direelinns Wllltil.dll a
safe and .-ja-.'-ly cut fnr
It is lint s disaeree ihle iiain-ealiiii.' e 'lap, nne! hat an ayree-
II hie tnnie eaten lined tn renin e I lie disease all.) !,'iye lu-allliy
aeli'iu lo tile -.loill'ieli nnd Imwelts.
Prepared uilly liy .Marsti.-I! A I' 1., and sold wtl .limili t
nnd relnil hy lorn an. I A- S ai. N'n. g Nmili (I'll Slu-el,
Pliil.idt-lpliiM Pi lee ?1 per Klnglo bottle, unit peril z.
June in, It-sl ly
"X 'J? 2 H 'f CS3
TE take this method to inform the readers n
the Sunbury American, that, should they
isit, Philitdi lphia, in gticsl of
Good raid Cheap Clothing;,
and favor tuwith 11 call, they shall lint be disn
pointcd in obtaining the best of garments at the
lowest cash pi ices. We hae now on hand tire
largest assortment ever tillered iu Philailelphia,
among which are DRESS ami FROCK COATS
from -i5 to is, PA. NTS and V ESTS liuin 75
cts. to 5, OYER GO VTS, CLOAKS, U I si
which shall be sold at such prtces ns tn make it
an object for Iho people of Siuibury and the sur
roundine, count ry to extend to us their patronage.
South East corner of tth und Market.
July 13, 1S50
j TINERAL WATER, from rhe Oak Orchard
Acid Spring, highly valuable in chronic di
seases, und tonic remedies, forsale i"
Sunbury, June 29, 1 -!50 -tf
STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs 11 ml Pilebers,
and olher articles of stone ware just received
and for sale by JOHN W. FltlLING.
Sunbury, June 2:1, 1819.
JATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and
luiis, just received und for sale bv
j. w. rniLiNc.
ISunbury, Dec. 2, 1818.
AY REM. An excellent article for tale
Sunbury Jan. 27lh, 1819 if.
BLANK DEEDS printetl on tho beat tjuality
ti part'lnnent paper, solJ ut the lowest juices
at this uHiee, by wholcnale and retail.
IJAIsINS, curranU, citron, ihreso, peppt-r
sauce, Ac 1'or sale by J. W, I'KILLNU
Sunbury, Doc. 2, 181tJ.
IIEE BILLS. Justice und Conitablei Ere
; til In handsomely prinlf on cril paper, for
Jit ' fl'.ia ollioc,
eitv of pnii.AiiKi.ruiA.
11. r. Hank lens 1., di.
All S'llveul IninlvM jini
IVink nf ClriinlHTK'eirLT 1 ili.-
'M AfiSAltAtfl'TTf.
All solvent hunks ill
ItlliiliK ICI.AND.
All s-.lvent hanks lli
Alt t Ivinlis ili
m:v YortK.
llllllk nfCliefler C...
nut mi iel. IM. ( Hester J' lr
lliiiik nf lleruinnliiwn
nar'All siileent kinks
3 ilis
Hank nf I 1 1 st lie:
Hunk nf l.ewi'nwa
1 Ois i? Uk a He ler Sa j li
llalilf nf Aliilillelnwil 1 iIhi.MI ftilvents hanks
1 ilis
M in't-ninen C, l!n,k i,.rl MIW JIlllSI'Y
Hank nt' .Vortlniniauirnil. i'n Ih'lviilere Itank 1 'tis
Haokof I'iltit'iii? I ilis1! iiniiieieiat Hank J ifis
Hank of lliinvliiu par, fur. Hunk Al"iit Itnlly pur
furhsle Hank 1 ilisjl'. At Al.. MiiMlel.iwiiVl. par
(''tnliilaa ll'k A IVe Cn par etlanies, Ilk, Newark sir
Pnvi tslnwn Hunk p-irjMeeli. Ilk nf Hnrliieit'in mr
l lnstnu Hank par, Meeli. ,V Alan. Ilk Trent pur
I'.lie Hank A i!ie Mnrris c Hunk itis
i:eliantre H'k Pillslelrix t tils' Newark Itk'g A: Ins. Co ) ilis
t'.xelinniie H'k, IlraiH'h I'llis'Oraiure IJaiik ; Ois
l-'nrmis,' I'k, IliieksCn par i'e Mile's Uk I'lilters.-n 2 'li
l'nrnieis' Hk, I .aneast.-r par I'rineetnn Hank pm
runners Ilk. Itee liie: panSalem Hiinkina Cn, jiftr
Karm. lik Selinvlkill f'n inr'Semerret L'11 il.'ink J m
I' A: l. Ilk A'a nesti'n Jlilis Slate Hank al Caniiliai per
I'riniklin Hk. W.isli'n it.liwjSlale Ilk Klizalielhtnn litis
llarrishnri; Hank Titi. SuCe Itaak Newark J ilis
ll.ilies.lele Hank I itis Slate Ilk. N. Ilinnswiek par
l.iniea t- r Hank J :ir nex llalik. evl"n I ilis
l.elmiinn Itinik p n Ti ent- 1 1 Hank inir Co (uir
Mereh. A Alan. Hack 1 ili.,rninii Hank. Ilnver J ilis
Miners' H'k. IVtlsville ,er v'lrAr Del llr To l.slis
M -ll 'UTa'a-l-i tVi-ik 1 i'i ilk n O S nm.-r I ilis
Tiivl-rt-vV IMHVr.i 1.1 lllll, AWAIti:.
'i-sl llrala li t' l-ik nnr'R'illk of Delaware par Bk,!,'e par
ltank nl Smyrna m
v tk F :n uk . 1 il
nMiflicf antes 1 ll
111 lav.-are ('lie Hank par
Ilk VVilinir'n Hi nnlyw. pal
t'ai'iin rs' Ilk St Delnware pur
I'ltina ltiink. AS'it.niimlnn par
Hank nf hellnek .111
Meremitile Hk. tl:
All ft ilvent hanks
,r' I 'inter si-'s J ilis
.is. Olllll.
M-:V II M1';-Illl;i'. All snlveni Imi k 2ilis
All solve.,! Ivi.iks S ,ti, : .,- Il'i ..,,.r. meter S's litis
Hnnk nl Si. Alkalis 8 .ItsjA'l .lv-l Innks a li
All s itv, 10 hacks I ilis-C'V I'n ter .Vh, 5J ilis
FT'XIlt is, Willi Ihe utte-wt c .111" luiee. nirend ,, tlie.
j raenllv and Ha- pnhlie f..r On- enre nf l;w..,,.
ma "r liutifiir.-te'ii, nml ai! ilinnise ani-inK frnm it', sueh
Nalis.-l. 11 !;le!!.
Verlnrn. liinni.snf
llrlulny nl ttin .Nervni.s
IIvp-k-Ii ml: ia..laaa i:ee,
I issnl':ipie: 'Je.
Waslinif nt Ine slreenili.
Illili-nis Ynmiline.
I'arniiii; s-nsatt ni at lt;C pil
.'I tin- slnlnaeli,
lav er eiiaiplanit,
I ;;!, : ,11 nl'rm eatin?,
I'.ilpi'ntinn of Him lleait.
Pain ii I I lie ait "1" the sl-nieieh
l-'latllli l;ee, wit 1 , 1 1 e.ll lit i in" t, 'Wanls ! he riKlll side,
I- li t. 11!',' "f Wi.ld, 'S ill Vlli-.-S n enlllple-ci, 'II,
V il inlet I lasif, 1 i i. .re -ei "i nf t'n- s,-iriss and
f'nnsiliitinn end un- ilia' .---j ii , tliilalily of temper. iv.
ol liie I, iri If, I
lfae:'S,-i,i it;. -:;,,-; :'i 1 ek ,1,1 i !,-- nr-.n.-eleil. Illnst serines
tlieels III 1 V i ' M s a " ' . I T It ia s tie' f tnii.l.ili. -II for. istlli' il.
eipt'lll eani-e '! , :i:id V' ' y '-'jileiiily lenitinatf--- ill e"ii...iiup.
li'tl. I Wt'llln iai,,re;' lip ,n the laind t iiat In 1 1 111'- ll
lias ili.en--u lila t.e 1 ' sp-ll w illl tke reus in w!nt!i ennat i
1'it' S in in -Miperi mint-ill nai 'n--utiuted hi iie.-., nr tn em
hltler e-tl-ilea-'t.' liv I'dvllli-; a ennnei, .u.'li' ss i tl I, ,llv t'i the
penally .-f,-m. '
Tl:ir un 'liciiic ifiinc'v iMit nt in It iitlt , wi'li mnnlc
(Htci'ip'Ob lie.'-, , in in S'lM-ittrv !. .(M V.
Kiui.iNii. .t.!::S W1M.1AMS.
IVvjim.iuvcf M. A' I'.'-iH-si, Irt'ei, .M;ir!x.t r.wi
r'iMd, -'ii ' 'i -.ii i v t ut' luc ( iiic:u-y in' WillLims1
Auii-i'-. ic i :!tt
rilll.ADKLPlUA, Cl'-l-cr 3. Jt!)
.M. .1 o'f.. n T.tftv-:
Ocir Sn : it vivcs in- iT.-it i!.' n ivi tlint yon
iii't :iu i iu p; ' 1 1 .-j. ' 'll ;in''i'iiit- l' r I in f.iii; i -t' I ) .ip-'p--
1 r i ;i-: ! v . f ;ii' -h-m ciwc." !i u'i- r-;nMtfi!lv itskrd
lilt" v'i" F'' I ! c m ! I "l" ;i 'I'lMi-il. lill'.WMi': t!i;i! li;iiHiC''M
cur. it l.y i. As 1 I'-iiil; l.ut p s i -. : r. ;ii,kii'',:''il-iil'-ii! nl'
I in- Hi - .1 'Mi 'ii I .v i r. i 'I I'm ID K:c li-i' iir HO'tl-M'jh-
ii- 1 t.n!y I -ii. l.'l' tiuy In' us.', ill ..Urn's. I
ll" i Vl' ln.!lf i!. 1" -r s- 't f,.- ai- I si: i JF : - l"r- ill lys;ifp
m.i, wliu li hn .t un. il . -:.ii'h ;ni i .xifiit il. t my lic-iUli niul
f"iivi, ii r i :i w. ti- r, . ..: s.iim.": i.i-t ii. 1 wuh ! j -
I Ml'! I.
('(I'll I. - ni I' ! l ' li. i st sn,i;-!f I'"-!, nml
lint 1 c -tild 'I 'li;. -I. ( l" ;i ;i L i; t i 'I it n-ii'j' !i, ilistiii-'N-
I !i it in vniir DiU-.s u.'. t
-i .. iVcin -dl.t-s hi;:Ii re- ,
Ml.' i;i:;:r. I ;T lire j
', . (ft : in ii I' t i' intln'-Mi1' j
v . I :iv.c. . iiiul n.v up;..- :
'i . wi; li ii'i;."-ii! -. 'I'm
N' ' i.'id' ii -e in )!!. ciir;iti-. ,
:' e crrc i i r. . M-f). I'im il
' - ' 'ii! i ' !;-.-! i'ri,ni si 1 1 - ,
.! w In.'ii I c
if-u -b-'.'
y 'iir im- ii,--.
i"i;i-il in'- w'
lin-f rw
,iiM:il KLMl'.S. .
. Wh 'l 's.tle Mfrcl-ml j
.V Co.. o .5 S mill I
I i liiHii:.' Aiiti-1)'. P-
T-'iin .nyori'iwMii I! M
of the linn ot Kim ii v. s tl ii
W ii irve.. in pr ii'f m Ine ciiic;
pe4)I,C t.dMt,
ritll.AT'n.ntlA. Oetn,er 2U. l
Ir. .Iami1: :
lie;tr ;i 1 UiUc pie.'isiure in r.-eomineiidii.' vonr Ami-
(lPpe tie J! foi lie- c.ireot ) ;. -'pej . h',.;,. t;ikcn
it IIiYM-lf t'oi lh" d'e 'ire. -im I !;:ive l.e-'il el!ife'- Clll'ed.
oiirn res.eefl',lh. '
i i v' a i: i H. Puvu;v;! W riUIJ.NUj.Mi.ihurv, I'u.
Aluri'h a. Iv
I i ..'. m I .... , - S' . . V :
iveii nn-'M ii inni p .p'ii.o r.inti iit.ii UU.iUl im uir
' )
rini.viui uiifA, ( ' 31. 1-10.
S. V.T.'ll
on inv i"c
W';is e hi r
c.l over It
1 wis ;itfH'eil with u ttiojikim; out
Ml I ''. " T, l:ehl:ii!l eon, meeil
It i:nmthri!!yex:einl.
r jb-irt ni tne
li;ifVe; ! 1 s. ,.il i"ml-i li-:it II ( 'll' iiiur, 1
. I II-
!:ll -m i.i ru:'l;.Mli'.:--'. U v.," of winch I,,'..!
K :tl I'-iM.of Uir",- t;.,o i,t; ll'sceic. l.ut ;
ilil .., ive t ,.- 1 t,1 .,.,.,1 1
Ihe Clleej, np.p1 i
iippli.dtJie K Kt-NTM-vr. I Sy tie- up- mI'iiim' nr ot' it, i
I wns ; cifcliy cici d mid h:i c rein.i.ned tree ,. tin- aifee- I
tf n. '
I l.nve son- .o -! the lii.d nt. lie'itlv npp!;.-.! f. r ron-h -
nei. ot "Ihe, h' : en.i ; i i it i : i. ! e. Willi per- I
(Vet .-.ii''" sk. I iiive r.- he, i!: !ion in I'ecoimiieutlinjf it tn '
(li.-s'.r.-j.e.f.f m.nmci to ! l-e j-uhiie. I
.) .Mi:s Di;vru;,
A 'o..!' 1 1 ;: v .AI a - ; it , Su.ioiu v.
Jul'. ' f
I M V i IT T C. I! S Op Ft) K I I O N
Look?, fi-ints,, Stationary
;iit B'r;tbius sttitl MusU'iU Insti'li -
No. Ninth -n i St., between Arch iV Race,
I'u I L i in l.l'ill A.
V. I'I KT to or, b-r n:nl h ive contautly on liainl
n mm"v lan e a 's.irtment ofondsin thcabtive
narneil lines nt wholesale ami retail. Principally :
i;3 CO 2) H'Jl S3
In (ierniau, Latin, Crt'eli, 1 lebrew, French, Italian
Spanish ami other lan-,uan-es; Classics, llietiou
arit s. (I'raiiuucis, roc iiiularies, School, Juvenile,
1'ictnre, Prawiii ami -NI ,.!-1 Uooks for Architects
CaSiiie!, ush other m iniit'.n-turer.s.
M AT.-i, (ll.Oiill.s ami lilank lionks uf rrry
ih"criplioii. Spleiiili l Lithographic ami other
IV! i il.s. ITt!01ENT.
Accir lenii:', iSai'ios, Hows fir all siring instru
inciils, Ij'ii.bje nml Tailpieces, Clarionets, files,
I'laneoli ti, I'lates, (iilila'.s, tlclavo I'iule.s, Talent
1 li . tils lor ( tuilar. , mil ioiiuccl!o.s. 'I'uiuliouriucs,
a', i.',,,. .,,,,1 ii,,,, Vi .lliu VI. .t;.
CuilaHVes, ioiin.-ellosaml Slrincs for all kimls
of li.striiinculii 'i holcjali) iiiul Uctail. Accoi
ileotis repair.'. 1.
Also constantly mi hiithl, wlintcsale an. I retail,
a lai c assortment ut' ihe ei-y best
Dutch Metal, l'reu. h ami Florence Lcal'Alctal
Theniioiuelcrs, 1 1. lii pencils, -I-'nlier ami other
Lca.lpeneils, Red, hiie ami Hlafk Chalk Cray
oli.s, Ma! he in. I lira I III str ll a ic Ills, lie. iturs,
Sprim; Laiieet, l'.'i-k.-t l'rcsciiptitiii ami (ld
Scales uiul Weights Letter, 1'iiiii'V colored ami
itilt Paper Play iiu Cards ami other Erciich and
l.'crniau Eancy Ailidcs, for ihe sale of which
they are the MAN IPACTlUEliS A I. ENTS.
J uly (i. In jl).
(ii'ccli'y Oxyiicuatt'il Hitter, price reduced.
1 Mil Jacob Towitsi-ud'b SarsaparilJa.
llakt-r' Salapurilla.
Sway ne'e Sj rup of Wild Cherr
Sway no's criuifui'.e.
Ayre'e Clieny
Dr. Drake's Piinncci.
I ir. Cullon's do
Tibbit's Pain Killer.
Dr. llooilaiiil'fi (iennan lbttfrs'
Indian Vegetable Pills
llorae uud Cattle Mflii iiiosi
l'or sale by 11MNRV MASSER.
Siuibury, July 14, IS 19.
roMi'ittsiNr, a roi.M'.cnoN ofovkh SOU
la Ihe Useful u,id Inlm'sling Arts with a few
Simple und ( iii-imi. i:iertmeul In
' ' I HI-I.MlSTitV :
INCI.CD1NO Medicines, Perfumery, Chemislry
CtKikerf, Eanierv, Dyinir, Conleclionary, Do
ineslie Eciinoinv, etc", etc. etc. Prico fir rU.. for
Suubiiry,Dvc S1818.
It Z01! V stipeiior article for sale al the
VHli;r.,, HENKY MAssI'R,
SonluiiA, I'eb. in, 1M,-
a;v TuitcVi:io smn,
Cornfr of Eleventh and Ridge Rond.
No. 13 4 So;t .Neconif .S'h'crf, bdow Dock St.,
rHF. subscribers would call the special ntlen
I tion of Cabinet Makers and oil iers, to their
very extensive assortment of materials in their
line, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, boards and
riunk, Huir Cloth, Curled Hair, Cine, Varnish,
Looking Class Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Tied
Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of
Ei.'U-riw.'irc Tool, .Vc.
Cabinet Makers residing out of the City, would
find it greatly to their advuntiiite to call ut our
store to purchase such materials as they want,
connected with their business.
All our goods are WAU11ANTED,
of Ihe 1 est ipinlity, and nt vrry reduced prices.
Our Terms are Cash, (no trade.)
AVe guarantee to give every man the worth of
his money. .
N. IS. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Hail
Plank, and Stair liallustcrs fur lluili-lers, also
M.iible Mailt' os, always on hand, and every de
scription nf turned Wink.
.lone H, 1350 ly
IIv iVerjM it ! v- (li we licnr tlii ixr'si'in, wliich in
inciuil tn i 'ii i'y ti It h- iiiinil lite his). l'i;ti nf hickncsw
thiit ii .iii'in fin In; f liuwit t-i, iiii. I I i -. Mr. H irri
mi, n MiciiiUur nf I lie Trinity Clniivh. itf. ft Hi extucf"
ncss licirf'-li, lii.uiL'lit (1 "'ii ti Ural !i'a il'mr," liy Klicn
untisin n in I ""v'MS H'ii-lu'li''. m'Iii'm, liko ;m niiirrl ttf
HK'icy, .Yfr(Uvny:(! Kernlv Itt-ln l' relieveil Iit (" hef strvcre
i:inih niul ii-siiTi'ii li'-r t In r irii'inLs in pcnVct lie iltli.
Tin very ltsnlv;iy It''ily It l upplii-d. its
li'-m-ho jn( flt'-cia .tn; fxpfri'Micctl. it t hiMm'S, Ih:in. clcini
srn leni j iw t f'n s : ii hif!;in'!y iilliij. irri'nt i-'ti. rrtlnci-e in.
fl:nnin it i-'im nml swcllm"''. v -ht-Vet 1 1n tn scct-rr mi
ndjiii: pmni. ji i v imsc tn f.imip. S-il', S rr, ',nimm
ClIi'iR ll ism I ,n;tii.:i''.). (ifiit. I'iiinlyftU, StT:iin!',
Stritih!. Spusms. litrNctk, Wciikiu'xs in ihe Snle xnil
H iclv, ti t-f nil kinds, 'liiill.-, Ili nis. -s. Cliait-s, rSoiu
'J'lir.'iit, In:lnrn7.ii. II ;n f ics-f, t'onyiiP. ('l'!",
TdiiTii Acni: ci'uv.iMx nksi-h:od.
This t rUnimT oil'i'di 'ii e;in ! cure.) in nil instniil. fnr
tliu in 'iii'-nt tM- K.-'.fi' i -m c h f tin- n-if, tli.' ti-tiii is ini-
IlLTtterl. 11 v. 'lll Tn l ln"lK Mil'l H-nii'T:iiiPl. Noiir'tl
in iiii'lSi'-k H.iuJ.ich - l.,il!i.- tin: p.'ilH wln'H! the p-llll
IP tn. .ft s. vif. r-iii'l Ml ;i few in iciii !J ymi will lie entirely
reiievfil. Tii'.eii i u! Ti i-i 11 y ii will :iiT.';i tin1 mini v j. t-nt
SiuisiiiS niul Ccn'ips. 'i'i) vmiiim in.' nr t much jmri:inj,
in nil en-ev it will pice p'reir." !i ve'tlT'f". e.ine f-ir
.iin, lif-il'h f T nc':ti. s1. .m K'-.ldv eli'-f in ir.MHlllic
linii'-d iiy IIAHWAV CO., V2 l-'ull.-n Mruut.
I I.Ki AM' ti!!.i:t It !MTl;v
')'o i:.mi:i:li.isu avd kmiam m thi.; riiAUMr
k ni: r rv.
IX APv.Y'f .M KlilCATFl Sua P.
l';nhv'iy's M iilu-.iie I S 'iji. s: i in v. r;y known tiritn1i.
i it tin- iitltiniiMt ie --.rIil . r its ( N'rciii- '.y Ii!m:mI. purify
iliLr Hlld S "t!llli I ll. i-'S nil l!i-.' skill ; v. !li!e !v its Ueti"ll
nn the p. .res ini't tiie iiiiiinle cn ti.ry vi-sseis il expels sill
inipui 1 1 ii h l ri i in 1 he mh fnee, ;i!!:i;. f evi-rv ' j n . in-
tnunii U inn. mul ei!'ecitri!ly ihs-:p;i1es nil re.lness. t.iti.
pimples. sp"ts. iVeelili-s. disc. ! i !' i ii-. unit .llier eil'uine his
j erupt:. ti Tin- i';ei,;iiit hi i:-s t itnpmrx t the I'lieek. tlie
i S-'iliil'SS llllrl i!' Ile;iey whieli il llnMlceA nf lite i:iln!.s lnul
) ;inu. i's c.-iji il.ilit y nl s ! Iiimr i. i i. n smpI rern- vim; i-n-
( tent if i;el. f!i, reifief h Mil 1 1 sp"l 'S:i : .e t eVel'V tnlie .
Iiei!!e"ie;i :ifler lnvui:' WI - Iiml It i s : i i lltatl !1
' .nit! te.i.l.-ni.'-s.-' "t' : he s-i.iii, :unl n-n'Ierji ll s l't, kiii. '..tli ami
1 ! r: s-eit.
j I In - I -1' t he !;e:it tin I .l;c-t i't "inilnfT, e-r (f Ut niul Menk
! in-Is - .( wmte i-; n-l i in e oe )' s i m . 1 m r 1 1. s;i:us nf insects
I cliuliliiinH. elupped huiii'i. r .in ut -ntni iiiilrimiii-it i' 'ii, Vh
1 ....... . 1 .... I 1 .. i .. 1 1 .1 . I I .
pm n in.: mi 1 r-, ri -i-o" pi-.) '' : lef h.-v" tiMidm-l i!t M-e
t fr 'lil Mi I'i 'I'i-c'P f olher C .SliC'lie-. . ii i-i J'.lllo-
"i:i Ill'd .1 'I leR'ie liiiilli'f, .e'nre. 1 V the t. h t 'II of nil p:illv
ol the i'i.-,;., u i! ie woi'iil, li-"in ihe hiirmii'J tr iptfR o the
ir ''rii fi",!!HM,' ',e (,-e Km", lli-j pn'i.'ie v;il pleit-e
1.. Tir m ni.ifl tl::it Kiid'vnv s Mi i!i.".!id S si. . the only
s .le irep:i! ;l i f. r III' t uill ll'HV ill Use; I !i i x hnK ln'il
e -r'l'i. m t i l.y o;ir i.i ! pM'tiiment t-!i"i u : II:ulw;iy"K
S -ip is free tl .Ml pt'"ltS. iri'nli.lli .'Mid pcClti'i' H1.X tu-
i:n 'li'-nts. ii e-iti I.e used on ihe t.-n skin of th.- inf-M
Willi lite li, i(.;-y l' sidts its iipnri heinuv in its pr:nif.
Sfe (h it '.i.' i vnWr is enyel 'p''d ill n Splendid !;ti.e nf
f-'teel ene-iitcct:: ,-mtl imllt.-r fee thill lie sun M i: ; e of .
.UAb'AV if Ui'ii i ii' li c'l'.'.e. I'ricy Cr -ut l;u 'e
1 11 i: (ii:oVICi
ois ami: x t o r 11 v.w t v
ISA l.t'Xl IMANT 1 1 1 'A I (V til.dSSY UAIIi.
n j, rw v's ciuc si w
iVttrrantC'! the b Jl,iir Tonic in
For iJre.sMne mi l I!e-iiiiiu in" tlie Inir.
It ele.Jiis im Serdp from iLtudrml", keepf i! cnre
Scuiiey, II il,l:i. --ii, ;m: S :ic:- n I lie 1 le.ei slops tin! li;tir
I'mnt f:'.'!ii'!i out, r.-ii firr it sti. nr, fum, siiiooi'n. t n't lent
l "-sy. r.-i-Hoi-s wh i n ice I i:-: tln-ir h iir hy M'-kir-.-. will
till I il e nilp'-.te :nil.., ,. m J( rei wty's ( ' i 1 e.'is.-.'i:i ,i li.ihil. t
mo jivex ii a ikiik .-.;.d l :mtu'nl c lor, nnd wiil prevent it
1 1"' 'in t'lniiiif- ;:rev. C , - ml i; s v ieii pui'n.n i. ndmi-
rnhlv -d f .i I
f ehli'lr.-n of tie in r Teii.h'r
I'n-e. I) is f .1.1 in l-ii.!" h 'tt'e,. f,.'j,-, cents per h illle. mid
In WHlliiil'ol the hi si Inir pp p'u:i' hill ill us.-, it will iml
I K 'll ' he "li 1 1 . i'i". ot t ',, im ,( . ' I :.' ,rio S. r I . .1 I h.- . i oei.
inre.. i I.)VY M., ismmu r:ie, h : n. , cir.
, ,. I !;.,, ih .. , .,i ., ,, ... . i, , ,, '. I , . ,, .... ... i:(..,..,v
i ty (.,
J AtKr II.U M iBcr. Siul inv.
Ac;;, lo, I vr y
S-Iiicoiirns.'e Votir Own!"'
II A AS ccliENX.
j rrili: Mil s.i ib(-rsi-,',,-,-t fully call the attention
( of the public tn tlu'ir larnc anil si!cinliil assort
l ntciit 1,1'i'M ry .uality ami iriec of
! which cannot failto ree iTntnetnl it-vlt" t.icvery one
: tlio will examine it. on account of il ihiii!i!o
; workii.!iii,l.i.i).l splemli,! tinish, maile up of the
i .st !iu.; ,,, ,(, i ,.i,v- ;y i-iforl is
pareil in the manufacture of their ware, ami the
subscribers art ileterinineil to keep up w ith the
many improvements which are constantly bciui;
uiaile. 'l'ln ir .stock cou.-ists of .M.iiuianyfft,
Sofas, IMvaiis stiul I.ouinroM,
ajurcnus.Scri'rtnrfrs, SftrOoni-ts,
ami ulso VENETIAN lll.l.Mis, cpial to l'hila-
tlelphia inanufacturo.
11E1ISTEADS, of every pattern ami price,
in short, i-M-ry ailicle iu this line of their business.
They nl.o nianul'acluio all kimls ami tpialities
nicimuir; miiicucs never nciorc tone na.i m
j s""l"". such us Miiemnt, Hi.ack W.u.m'T
imi ( r ii i.i n Al i i-Li: i . ii r.c i a n ; anii Winiismii
CII.URS, i a ca m v Pi i o s run i s, which arc of
the latest styles, mid warranted to be eveelleil by
none iiiiiiiutai tured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The stib-i riln-is are th tcriuincd that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture iu
the cities, as every couliilence call he entertained
ii I mi 1 1 thcipiilitv and liuish ol' thi ir ware and
Their article " ill I"' disposed of on as j.od
terms as Ihcv can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce liken inpayment for work.
'lV I N DERTAivl.Nli. Having provided
thcinselw's with a handsome Hi.tnse, iliey are
now prepari-il lor I lulcilakiui;, and alteiithng fu
nerals, in ibis vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from this place.
The W'uro Kooiu in in Marko Street,
opposile .1. Young's blore, and nearl opposite
Weaver's Tuieru.
Sunburv, Dec. I t, ls50. If.
c i.otui.m;,
Southwest Corner nf Fifth and Market Streets,
XHO alwiivn keeps on hand a Iirso slock of
every variety ut ' i-lothim; ininlo up of good
materials, ami iu thu latest and best styles. He
would also inform the public, that he pay consi
derable attention iu gt ltins up Military Clothing,
iu Rood sllo and on reasonable terms.
Juuii 13, 18.'li.- ly
noki: a iiv oii'Ti
Just received at the store of HENRY MAS
SER, a lot of Caps, (iuui Shoe, Almanacs,
i.jiiccnswarc, Liiins ic. All of which will be
void at (1 10 lowest price.
Dec. 11, 1 8.10.
"sAPH. An assortment just received
ilk HATS at ifTib, for nule by
Suiibuty, Dee. HI
VND nil flinnrmennrifing from n ilinnrffrrrj liver or Mrt
inteh, Hiirli nn nuiftiwili'n, invvrinl I'ileii. KuIIupiWjUc
hl'Wid to (ho heml, Aridity of the Woninpli, JNhuspi
iTenrtl.liril. lIlMMtMf fnr r.xwl fnllnetm nrwoiirht in tl..
tnniriett. Buiir I-'.ninltitit.iiB. inLiii(r nr Hnttprin nt Hi
if lh- SiiHimeJi, ffwimmiiii; nf ihehcjid, hurried mid diui cult
nrcMrrniis, Mimenmjiit the limn, rhokinpr nr mirTrntiiig
wiiwdinn when inn lyimr pnrtnrn. liintieiii of vimn(
dntsor welm bt'f.iretln if'ifiht, K(;v:r iiml dull pnin in tlit
hfiid, defieirnry nf perpinitinii, velliiwupxmif the Rkinnnd
ryvn, pnin in Hih , linek, rfipft, limlm, Vc?., midilBn
flnKhn nf lient t.nrnimr in tlie. fiVnli, Ciisttiiit Imnginingt
of evil, mid great deprf winu nf npiritf,
PltrcPAUEtl 15T
No. 1-0 Arch .St., riilludelpliln.
Tln-ir power over thu tili'tvi! ilisennen in not cxrelled, if
efpi-illed. l.y nny other prewinitinn in the t'niled 8ml w,
its the etuCfl jiuchl, iu uiutiy ciisea uflcr skillful nlniciMnii
i liewi llitirrg lire vvnrtliv they nt tent ion nf invtilidn.
rnssesHinx orient v irtuefi hi ho. reei imi ff disennfn of
Hip l.iver and lesft-r jrlrmdn. ;xerriii'jr, the mnnl enrehin
p . weiti in werikm-HS un.l :d!"tMien ol tin! digestive orgMii,
theynre, willtul, wl'e, eei t;iiii mid plntllit.
I'rmn the 11 .,-Hdii ltccl
The VM.tnr R-ihL Hrr. y-jd
ill)H. lI'liiKHM.V f'Kt.KHHATFD f iFRMAN BlTIETli ftr
the. cure nf 1 ,iv.-r Ct.inpLiiiit, .limndicr-, Uynpepf iH, Chrmiio
nr VTVntis Dehilitv'. is defervoi1IV oinMiftlie lii"8t popu
lar imdieines nf the dtiv. Tiu-Re'llitteiH hnve heen niwd
by ItmiHiiiKls, imd n friend nt ur ellmv wiys lie Ims him
Reli received mi ell .( mil imd permiiiieiM ciirenf I,iver
Ciiinpluiiit titim the m-e ..( this remedy. Vc lire cnnViiipM
llint, in the hnc nf the8.j 1,'iui rs, ih patient cnnntJiNtl
lining streeili un.l vipir n fuel worthy nf (jreut connide
riition. Tney are plecsjint in tmde nnd amell, ond enn b
uvki I'V pert; .us with tlie mi .ft delientt nlnm.'tclio with Wife
t y, under imy eireimisMnees. W'e nre upenkinc from ex
perience, tmd to Ihe nlllielcl n ud ise their tide."
Jude .M . M . Noah, ii eeutleiniin with crent wieutific
and lilcrut v ii'tiiimm uin, vau in Ins '-New Vork 'Werkljr
.Mess. iiL-i r." .:immr . :
'l)r. Hontl.utd'M (Jerm in Kitieis. Hero is n prppnmtion
wlii h the le;u!inir pn sse.s in 1 1 1 tu hi uppenr to hr uimni
in his in reeoimie'iiitimr. iml the re-is -n is nhvuMift. It it
mnde niter :i nn scrihtion rc-h -il Nv on-' nt' ihe twmt celt
1 if, tied pliVMcime liiml Til t tin H. the l:ie )r. Che tdepher
Wilhetiii U't 'll nid. I'r. IV.-' to the l iiivernity nfJfnn,
pnvnte riiyieirm to the IviiiL' of I'niui, nnd one o lh
ercntest inedie.d riteifj (ierninny IriF ever prtnlm-ed. He
w:is em;iliiine.ill;, the enemy nf l:umhiijj:, nnd theiefore n
llledleine of W'tii' l' he W:'H ihe in r ninr mid undort-er iny
he eoiiif.ently vehed nn. He v tiei'dly r.vomtn ended it in
I.i'.'er C'"in;i!.i)iit. 1 vs; iepM;i. Detiiii'y. VfM'titro, Acidity (if
th" s'"iN,cli. t ' -n' ip it ion. mid :ii! complninifs nriniR from
n disni'.l-T. d e null i n of the p' iimeli, the livef nnd the
int.-,!inea. Nine I'iu htil.liliitn pMpc-rN ex preps their .'onvic
linn 1 if it exce.iienee, nnd M-ver:il of tlie editor lpnk ff
it eife' t': ir-iin their own exprnenet. Tmlpr
the t'iieuiiistimfev. w fee u n n iinte.1, not onlv in rnlline;
jlie ill Ir-lltl ! of our rei l-'it to the present preMi'Ht pmprir.
tor's fUr. ('. AT. .1 h-I .n'y) jirepuratit'it, hut in rccnnimriid.
ing tiie iiilieif b ntl'iicl d
7f"Vr iU-'fl'iirC.
Tin' "PhiUIfblim S'l'.n
lifVVfp.' pui'liriied in ill
!.iy c;:eet'e,' the fumity
: I'm:-' Styte. liiu editor M)g
7)r. Ii:!,f!ittitV$ (I'rrmfjit Jiittcri.
"It n !! ui we reeouiiitfnd wlnt hio tcriiKtl Piu
tent Aled.eiii' S. Ihe c niti. lene.' mid p;it ronnptj nf our
re;idei.i; ;i nd. t le-i -!", ire. when we rrc-linnend Ut. Hoof
Lnni's (.. intni I'.i'i.'is. we wis it to I.e. distinctly imdct-
sl i l lh;ii w me n t f-jieitkiii:! of the li 'MrimiJt f the
d i; . tha. lie ii..js- il .nl f f u I li.f permd ;md I lnn fnr
(jot'i ii nlt'.i t .' Ii.u e.(i ne tln-ir eiiilty nice of nnv.'hirf,
luit "f ;i iii'-i!'i'i..e l.tin: esmhli-iied. tmiverMHy prized, nnd
Im ii h i; iii.-i the h." rt npptnVitl of r Knenlty itnelf,"
Tl:i! tins m. 'Iirine i:! enre Liver I". mi:Un't mt'l l)yi
pej);.;.i. ti one e.n, ,i ..lid. nf'er u-imr it ns directed. It et
Si-i'i-tlifntlv up- ii v' -' m; t"'i :md hvi-r ii in preflrahl
lo c;d iiiifl in nil lulu il:si-,iM. .the etl'.-et in iitmifdiHtfl.
They e nt i.e ;, !.m , .. ,i . 1-Vm:d0 nr 1 n'oitt WlUl iiifctjr
Ullll fe, i!.!e h lield, ;,! iltu I. i T 1 r
i- t f mati:i;pi;its.
ii,.iiiie''i j,,,-!, Hi.iiueier wdiieh !
hi - 1 1 1 :'!!;., 1 1 lo induce eoniilf I felt rt
'u.ii.'ie.'it t)i(! (lf the live f
i lle.ieme
y tr i" .i 'i!i in.-
1" p i! (..
i i
l.cui; in. i. 'im 't in; M.uiK- in-' tup. ii',i.'ii;
rh.-v Lnv lie- wra'en .- .n.aii'.ie nf r. M. .tAt'KS'lV
1 ! e- i: ute- I.! , n n, lilt- tMltlc, wit k-
-lir ''lie'i 1 1 1 . -
f'nl" Ml'-. ll ,,e--,le lul l let
t i ' iihtn .1 "('
v .. i-ji aiicii -s el.
STf 'I' sin-el.) I'lnl:, l.'l,la i
.n-eera'ti tlirmaOi al t ,
A Mo : I it f.!.- l.v li. .
.M'l'v. .rtllll'.it.eiVillil
A.icwl I". l" Iv
til. li,-
ii'iiii Slnre,
il-nr l'.-l"W Sivth. ('nt, !'
. niul I'V ri s,eeuiliie tlviitiTl
I ; v .
. ".k!' . Saul. nrv. nail ,M. A.
(I. A TP. I'Alfl'MItt (!' I'. SeilliAl'K)
M'iU nlsil 3J;nu:i'i'.c (;i y loul lnlnt
No 7S North Fourth Street,
A ki:v ii. t i ti s auiivk ell t:it n v, w ust pilir.,
Cuiis'ani'.it tut ha, id tun! fa- mdf. at reduced,
prires, am! of ten pi rhif tpiahty, the fol-
"ir,,... ,,,(;',
r: .'
ell. I'V
I t. .lacaiiaels' an. I (lil I'I all Variii-lte. ;
I 'I ; nt .It. , t : I! ",'t I'D-1 linn,.-.- Y:n ; Itniwn, Willie
:" I 11 I rl in' T' :, r tit; Aite'll', II, iit.n an'l
I. .,!- i , 1 1 -1 V-.r,v' ' .Mat-rials I'l'TI'V IN
i '' AVIVn S. I'l! IS ,tV. IX I'll.. A M I'll 1 1
I'Alit I' I'd! I .MM Kill t'l'l-l l-K: .M:liiiri',
.-!.i.-hm-i .!.: li' i s .i ;-"'t I -r If mi ; A.lhesive .1 . ir
P ii.,1 v..r; I'i.- :. , 1 Wi-t . (lie's; Ailistn' l.
I'i. . I). ,-! in 'IV-: S.-.l s l'"'l ml : li.ilil. Silver,
ami li.-ni'rta ..-,i ; I, M. :,,,. f..,,., I!r..nze( t;ij.
ler'sli ' -, e.iM, A -' t ' i-. s ., tn tr hlme lilaeklilir H4
Wi-,1,,,'.- la',
Jn n- -,"i. I-Vi -
r.::?n:;n .. jir.xiitxs,
C I T v I! ! x r: T W A It K It O I) M ,
('ilTn-TK T"C TA1 r. llor.K.) "
r kitad Ei.rniA.
E F E R -; for sale, low- for cash or approved city
pai'-r. a lar.ii' ami well nssorled stock
CAHINKT EI'R.NTJTRE. nf the latest patterns
anil of tlie la'. t workmanship. The assortment
embraces every article, useful
pi i-i:i suits of Drawiuu Room Furniture in Rose
wood ami W'a'tiul, exipiisit, ly carved. Rosewood
Walnut, ami .l aho-ran v Cba a her E limit life ;. Pa
tent Exteu.-.ioii Diuim; 'i'nliles, (acknowledged t
be the best now in usei; Library Hook Cases,
ami a c,rcat variety of plain Parlor and Chamber
Curtains made and put up iu the latest Paris
Spring Mattras.-a-.s, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea
ther lit ils, made to order,
N. li. All articles purchased at this establish
ment are warranted of the best material and
woikniauship, and will be packed lo carry safely
lo any part of the country.
May Vlo, 1-i.MI. ly
V'SILL positively cure all stages of Neuralgia,
'1 ie Doloroov;, Nervous Headache, Cho
lera, Lockjaw, I lydrophohia convulsions ; will
restore manhood to ils presline vi)or, even after
years of prostration, ami Ihe only known and cer
tain cure for low spirits or mental debilty.
Extract from the New YorkS'un, OeU3, 1849,
77ic eeli tiiatni Dr Watson, w hen talking of th
miraculous power of "Walls' Nervous Antidote,"
Ihe question was put to him, ','liy such a valua
ble remedy for ull nervous alfeclions was not in
troduced ly the medical faculty 1" replied, "That
if it were, there would no longer bo any uso for a
faculty, as all discuses originated from a disorgan
ized sine of tho nerves ; the nerves are the main
spring of the whole system Keep this in order,
ami both thu mind and body must lie."
Four ounce phial, I'i doses, enough for all or
dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR.
Win. MeCARTY, DroaJway, Sunbury.
ft-pleuil-cr, 8S, lhjO. tf.
LANK.S of every description can lie had by
app()i"br 111 the ollice ol ' tuo Americaiu
L YLN(i,jut received and sale Vy
11. 11. MASbERv
Sept. SH, 1850.
fpEAS, from the New York Cutou and Pvkin
JL Tea Company. For sal bv
I. W. FK1L1NG,.
Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1M8
CH ES. An excellent article, for tnlo
hall the usual price bv J W. Ft'ILINO,
Sunburv, Julv 7. 1P)