Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 24, 1851, Image 3

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California ZCcius?.
fifteen llnys t.ntcr from California.
Tha teamliip El. Dorado, Caplixin
Wright, from Clwpres, by wny or Ilavnnnn,
arrived at New York on Saturday morning.
She left the former place on the 7th, ami tli
latter on lha 12th inst. On the day she left
Chagrep, a steamship was going into Chfi
grcsB. The El. Dorado brings a largo num
ber of passTgcrs. The gold dust and mails
wore loft on the Isthmus by the El. Dorado,
after having wuitcd at Chagios fur them
wo days.
Fuom tut. IsTiims. Tha steamship
Panama, from Pan Francisco, April 15th nr.
ived at Panama on the 2I Jlay, bringing
.ono million dollars in gold dust on freight,
nd 220 passenger. The steamship 1st li
mit! left San Francisco in company with tho
Panima, having on board about one million
dollars in gold dust, and about 300 passen
gers. Tho C. S. Sloop of Vro Viucnnucs
was M Panama May M ; all well. Tho
teamshjpCold Hunter was at Acnpiiloo, tak
ing in pastejioi for Panama on
23d of ;
4 .. -TI
, . I .
TnoM Cai.iforma. By this nmvnl we
3 , ... , I
tuve San Francisco papers to the 15lh. and
Sacramento papers 1o tho nth of April. .
The intelligenfe from California is not of I
the average tiitcusrt, ttut that from tlie Mini- .
wich Islands is of iniieU iinpuftance. The
ilifTieulty between tho French and Hawaiian
governments appears te have nearly reached
.a crisis.
The San Francisco Cn.nier of tin? 15th
April piiblMiea the. f!lt-v. in summary of
ven1s on the Pacific fiiio, since the depar
ture of the previous steamer .:
uamwing is tan iJim,;: imt i.mTme
over the tah fnc wpially ito pruici-
Ml Cl.ll'H. (11 1 Ml I llilif i., .'if'JlL, llO piOIllie;-
tdes aintcl'jso tjeir eslohlis'.-ri'i'ijls.
V.ltlK ll.vil. KAl)rELi;i:iiXToi.
The opening of the great New York j
rand Erie Rdil Road, from Now Yo.k to i
i i i 1 1 ii.i ,u
IliinL-.rl iv.Tj liri.inll.r t 1 . .. -..l ...-! i.?t
I5th inst. President Fill more inc! tererai
inenibers of his cabinet were present A
number of srvecbos were mod?. U'c ex
tract the fcl lowing
Mr. ("g !en, of lliinnii, ir, r-.-.e r.'l
ipeeclse, reflected in a lather uiiginiidcd
nainirr 0:1 iht) ciiiidrct ,i! Pennsylvania in
taxing the New 'l ink and Kiie l'ailronc! Ji'l-0.-OOlt
per anmmi for l! e. -tiH way Ihiongh
lhela!e. This briKi-! 1 ( en. fiviiij of Cen
tre county, ".') Jii;; feet. Ho raid he dM nut
fecoll'rt jill tlvj cln-.imrtaMc ; !;:it timre
was a f i i: ii"! lit
tli", and who he
!it i JinL-e .lesrop' who j
sliMild have pei uiis
ion to e i!a:!i the r.-.a;im to the company.
This, ntler f time l-ittla fiKiif'jsion was crant- j
d, and then ani!.:e 'i'.sirp f. roved tr.iee di- i
tiucl tt.iut, '.vhi.:. I ciit!ri'!y cMiner- !
ito the conduct o! Our .State, mid carried the J
war into Africa. They are. tiit'sr : That j
'iht Stale) o! Pornr; Ka'iK docs nut lav tho I
F.riu Ilaiiic-ad Ci'ni"aaV, tl.a'.i a..v of I
Iior own hui!roii tho 1.
Iluilroad c'f Iho '!.i!o.
000 paid t.y the Tiii- Ha
ho rjoht ol wv mo Us
. . !
1 1 '
ircad CouipaV.- for I
han th' anjoriit nf I
lax per ton c;t f
runoi-r. whicli tin
Jinny, iiesinnlatin;
''it -"nu ;
cue c:i
t.-ito nnH ta.v ihu Com
Ki if l!.ii!:nuJ to uno
if Jut own win Irs. : I. lit j f-'.atf cl
New Yik l-.'i-s t!,j Nciv Vnik and Kiio
llailro.ul Co in pi ti y niiiic. lor I he muns ilia
tiinco of road than l!io niir.:tny now pays
lo cY'iiiisylv'iirii.i.
"At litis (iiiic t!".iit lVnnsylvuiiiii taxed l!ie
New 'iuk an.! I'.iii' I'.n'lioa.d Co.. l!;c iicccs-t-ttics
of the S'al-! compelled !iur to c..' it.
Tho I'.iltimui e Pin', ''hiii ilaiiicad had up
pljcd for a lil.t of way. W tictln-r tlio tax
was just or not, is nut llm rojcslioii lieu' ; lliu
question i, w hether f' hnnia treats lu-r
bwn oiiixens hot tor than these of other ftatcs !
!f the Kla'o can spare ihu tar, it will be re
pealed by the Lcjiii-lalUro, for tint Kiio iiail
road Co.j aS footi ui on any other railroad.
"l'ho Yoik and Hairiiir I'ailroad pays as
hiui.-h per ton nu (ifiht nud on parscngors
is the) New York nud Rrii) liailrnad Co.
does fur llm riohl ol way t!iron;;!i I'ike cnun.
ty. I'ennsylvatiia, concluded Jude ji-ssup.
has no jealousies nniviirlhy her own j;real re
sources', af.d as soon as she shall resolve not
to tax her own railroad, will repeal the law
truing the Now Ymk and Kiie liailrnad Co.
JM0,000 for the light of way lhrouj;!i the
This explanation was p'.-iToetly satisrairlo
ry, and Mr. no,lf., ndiniilrii that tlx? c:ip
hail never been o fully proM-nled to him as
In the present instance; find that in conse
qnefice, he n-iihdretv all lift had said on the
Kx-Govemor Hunt, made alau a very pnnd
speech ; but the most successful orator of
the occasion, wa Wilson, the Indian Chief,
fcbove alluded to. Ha caught up tho 1'ipsi
dent, who had allude!! to Ihe fi-cblo condi
tion of the early settlers on this continent,
when lliey arrived on these sliotcr, ,;Atid
how," said he, "did the Red Man treat him,
that the latter should now exterminate them
from the fact) of tho earth ? Tiio Indians,"
he continued, "are the only line Native
Americans on this continent, and yet we
have not shown a particle of jealousy, about
foreign influences. We like all Pale-faces
alike, and bid them welcome on these
chorea. We know no Germans, no, no
Normans, no Anjjlo-Saxor.s wo know but
the Whites, and love' tlit rit us our brelhieu.
Hut we mttat protest against the notion of
the .'resident of the United Stales, that the
Anglo-Saxons, or Americans, (so called. first
established repulican forms of government.
The first American Confederate Republic,
wat that of Ihe Six Nations, and it was as
flee as any which had since been estab
lished." Tho Chief sat down amid thunder
ing applause.
Horace Wklls, the typo founder of Cin
cinnali, being up at Oxfoid, Ohio, on I he
12th, was aociilonlally shot dead" in the
treet, by tha careless handling of a rifle by
a medical bin dent pained Du Uoyue.
A Wit.t.ow Bayou Negro and a Pan
thkr. The Madison Journal of ths) 30th
gives us the following, to begin the season
with : A negro man belonging to the Hon.
Thomas 13. Scott, at his plantation on Wil
low Dayou, was attacked by a panther,
whilo engaged in cutting wood in front of
his master's house, a fsw dcys since, and
considerably injured. The first notice the
negro had of the panther's presence, was
the attack. Tho panther jumped upon his
back, and the negro in his flight dropped
his axe, which he soon recovered, however,
and by a well directed blow killed his an
tagonist. Tho animal measured something
loss than six feet in length from the tip of
his tail to the end of his nose. Mr. Scott's
overseur, the day after this occurrence, shot
an eagle that was feeding on tho carcass of
the panther, which ineasureJ, with its wings
extended, six feci.
New Advertisements.
Susquehanna Rail Road Company.
Notice is liervbv given that in pursu-
nnc" of the provisions of nn Act of Assem
bly, passed the Htn day ol April 1831,
........... . . . e,
entitled "An Act to incorporate tne mjs-
. .... . . . ...
nuchanna Kailroad Company, " books will
fuf (h(i of,
su)Scrj,,t;0I,s , the capital stock of said
Company, at the Washington Holite, Mrs.
harton's, in the borough of Sunbury, P.I.,
on THURSDAY the tilth day ol June
next; to be kept open at least six hours in
every dav, for three successive days, tin
less the w hole number of shares authorised
by said Act shall be sooner subscribed ; at
which time and place the undersigned
Comnii.sxioners appointed by said Act, or
the requisite number directed by law, will
attend and furnish to all persons duly
...... tm 0irer to subscribe, all
oppurtunity of so doing.
J. It. i'ti.'stl.'V,
Simon Cameron,
Jacob S llaldenian,
William V Packer.
It M Masraw,
enus Itanium
.1 . 1 1 1 1 l!i one,
John K Packer,
.lames II Carter,
1! A l.aiiiberlon,
I'hilip Doui;heity,
I' H Sullivan,
William Swuiu,
A S Abell,
William Kasp,
Thomas C Perkins,
William Jones,
(Jeorgo Christ,
(icoigu M I.auman,
Isiael Carpenter,
lleiijaruiil Deford,
.Tosiali I. ea.
, lleitriim II Howell,
. William Cuiuciou,
! Peter Ih.ldy,
! John II Duval.
I iV.lli-.r,. TnivMia
(;,.0rn'n F Miller',
"'"'"V luieuy,
i vvii rit Oi.-ilz,
.. '
Henry Canct
H i Ma siier,
fjen JJ Youni'man,
(jeorge Canard,
Ciilnni! us ( I" Donne
1 .linns r.. Kajip.
! David K Willia'ms,
; Walter Feni:nidcz,
: H'liich Pratt,
1 Win V Ponder,
1 Wm Hamilton.
Kit Pilfer,
A h Win ford,
i Hubert M Fri'ck.
: Charles W I logins,
! Ali'N'ander Jordan.
J.icoli Spatz,
! Weiser,
Adam HiiiL'euian,
Wm I. Dewarl,
Y. Y firLdil
C, M Voik,
Wm Forsyth,
Saui'.ic-l T'litntor
runt (itiieis. '
iav in. 51. 3t.
Market Street, Siuilmry, Pa.,
B sii:iscriiici-r i-'.-iei",- liuorm ineir oio cos-
" loii'.crs iiim 1:1c puma" p-iii-rallv, lliey
,ave jtt. rtvrivcd 4. large j, evtensive assorl-
nient cf all .in.!. of Merchandize, which they
olli-r to purchasers at sucli rntcs, that Uiev can-
not retrain ro.-n linvi'isv. .' iVir assortment ol
Drv (Jwh.
is be :r. f -ii'.br.iring all kinds of
(7.Wi, Ccs.n'me;-, Svltlntltt, frf. .
A assortment of ?-uinntcr wear, of
Staple, and. Pancy Goods for Ladies,
ol ull kuiil, such as i. uiico", .Mens, ce I. allies,
I. awns, ( iii'glianis, ivr,
AIm nu exit'llrnl iissurtn.rnt of
iiim us and Mr.luciM-::.
Tisli, Salt and Plaster.
t"V" Coiniirv prmiiice if all kinds tnkru in ex
change at the higlu M maiket pric.
iS mi ! ii ry , May 111, Isol.
JILI.IAM HOtiYKK iepeeifullv infoims
V Mt friiMitW ami rutnn.rrs tbal he han
u-rs that he has
with ilu txii-llent
just rrttirni'i. from lMitl'b''li:
assort m i nt t-'t
ivhieli he oilers for sale lit hia new atom at Mas
scr's; Mill, JloHoivinrr ijun. Tlicae goods will
be aold tit the lowest prices.
Dry (loods, Sc..
Such at ( h'tlis, Casfimi res, Muslins, Cttllueef,
(.'ni"iiim5, Jmichs. Chintxes and
I.tiJics Drrss C'doij pchertiltii.
l fiiisortmeiit of
Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, fee, .
A general assorttnr-iil of Oioeeriea, such aa
Stignr, Colii'i', Tcrtj Molus
si's, Sniccs, ic.
Also nn assortment of Liquors, such n
Dnnulij, Rum, U'ilskry, il'inex, iVc.
1'i odiice of all kind taken in eicbange nt
tin-hi.'licsl market prices.
Hollowing; iiim, May 10, 1R51 y:
'IVus ! Clicii)i'i than Kver!!!
100 Half Chest3 Rore Flavor Black Tea,
15 " " Olong "
15 " " Ming: Yong- " "
riHIEsE Teas nrc bitter lor Ihe price than
L were ever oll'ircd before in l'hiludelphiii, es
pecially the l;,,se Flrfvur, xhich ia of the very
best quality and finest flavor, Olid liuniliea that
xx iuil ii Half f best or less by sending noun will
net a fust late urticlc at a xciy low puce. They
will be well parked up mid sent lo lie pi it or can
free of ihu i -gr. DAVID FEAKb',
Tea Denier and (irocer,
S. W. Cor. Gth & Arch 8t.
May 10, 1851 3mo.
"'OLD l'ENJS with and without ailver cusc
juHl received, and for aule by
li. D.MA6bKR.
f unbury, April 13, 1851
(iEK, a fresh supply just received, and fox
sale hy U. li. MASSER.
April 12, 1851.
T )LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank
Mortgages, bonds, Executions, Summons,
&c for sale by II. 11. MANSER,
bunbury, April 56, 1851,
TIIIIE stibstTiber informs his frirnds and the
pul'lic, Hint lie rontinncs to carr)r on tlie
Marhlc lliminrss in nil its brandies, at Ids eld
stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared to mnnu
fnoturo Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c,
of Hie best materials, ami most finished worV
mnnsliip, and at tlic lowtst prices.
Letter Catling, lii(;lisli and German in the
mot modorn nml rlciniit xtvle.
Designs tor Monuments, t!rnve Stones, vVe.,
always on hand.
N. n. Orders for tlm Kast s'uU of the fiver
promptly executed liv leaving tli Hmi at the
olhVe of the "S!uiililiry Anieiiran."
Milton, May 10, 1(551.
.Izeiit fir llrnry C'orr,)
l ulls IJo It, llnlllmore.
J.IHKIiAt, A:)VA.NCi:SmdeonCon
si)iinieiits. IrKirEii! and CiiNstiiNMr.NTS slioiild be ad
dressed to
t.. M II. f.IK!sE, Agent.
May in, ISM. 4 mo.
Notice to tho Heirs of LEONARD
PF0TJTZ, JJee'd.
TVOTICE is lieri'by piven to Uenjnmin Pfmitr,
John Pl'out.. ltobert Pfbiitr., Merry, inter.
married with .lowli K. Uanis, Mary Ann, wid
ow of Win. ilmisel. Isiibrlla, intermarried with
Daniel I.nlslin. Daniel Layrrtrk, Keliecca Pfoulz,
.1 ill l'ure. Nancy June, Merey K., Kobert P.
Leonard. W illiam nod Anna Purse), all or whom
exccjit the said Jacob, are minor children of Sa
rah, dee'd., who was intermarried with Jonathan
Purscl, mid J. C iloiton, Ciuardiali of Itnclmel
l.eiiiiins, heirs of the said Leonard Pfouts, dce'd.,
that by virtue of a Certain Writ of Partition and
Valuation is-ued out of the Orphans' Court to me
direetrd, an Tmnisiiioii will be held upon the prC
misi s of the Keiil Kstate of the saij ilee'd., situ
ule in Point township, in the Comity u foresaid,
on Thursday the lath day of June, 1861, ut
which lime ami place the heirs aforesaid, are
hereby warned to be und appear if by Ihcm
deemed expedient.
JAMKS COVKliT, Sheriff.
ShorifTs Oilice, Simburv, (
May 3, 1K5I. (it. " J
"Notice to the Kcirs of SUSANNAH
HALL, Dec'd. "
V"OTlCV. Itrrebv Kiven to Clins. Hall. Ed--L'
ward Hall, Jeremiah Hall, Elizabeth Hall,
Harriet II. dl, iiilf rmarricd with ('has. Cook, Su
sun ii it ti Hue", liileriuarried with Wm. Conrad,
J. H. Zinmii i yvui. (iiiardiiiu of James Htiey. jr.,
Polly Hali. tilt, nn an 'nil witli d'eo. .immerman,
and Chns. li.wler. heirs ami Ie5.1l representatives
of Ihe said dce'd., that by virtue of a Certain
Writ id' Partition and Valuation issued out of the
Orphan.' Ceuvt tf Norltnunberland county, to
j inc (lircciiil, r.H Ii'ipiisition usdl lie held at 10 o-
chick. A. M., on NImiiJ iv the !l'.h day of June
I next upon the premises of the lieal estate of the
1 said dec'd., situate in Lower Augusta township,
and CouiUy afore-aiii, et whioh lime and place
! you arc hereby warned to be and appear if by
! vou ilecmcil expedient.
V .IA.MKS COVEKT, Sheriff.
1 Sheriff s Oiiice, Sunburv
Mav :id, 1S.-1. ti. '
Estate cf ISAAC FAENSWORTH, Dec'd.
.T-'TI('K is hereby given that letters rif ad-
ministrulioli have been granted lo the sub.
scribt-r on the cUtc of Isaac Y. Karnavvorth, lale
of Lower Augusta townsl ij,, Noelhilltibcrlarnl
county. All persons indebted to taitl estate or
having claims against the same, arc requested to
call on the subscriber for si ttlement.
W.M. V. MI.Vi:iV0,D, Adm'r.
. Lower Augusta tp., .May ;), 1861. CI,
ClOMPIiKHKNMYK suniiuiiry of. Universal
' llislorv, ingether with a lliogiaphv of His-
tome of
d 1'.
iis, lo which is appended a'l epi-
Heathen Mythology. Nnl.-.r.-il Philosophy, Con
end Astronoiny and I'iivsiology.
Adopted and u -cl ill the Pliblie Schools fT
1'. S. JONKS- & Co., rulilishera,
S. V. Comer l'DI liTII and KACK .Sts., Pliila.
TcachriK and School Committees addressing
letters to us post paid, will be f-Jimshed tvith
copies for eaiiiinaliou.
I'f A l'liU and Complete Assortment of
liOOKS and STATIONAlt Y, for Sale at the
,otrft J',ir.
.May :t,
LOOK II K1M.21'.!
r"ipiIK Subscriber reapeclfully
iurorms his friends and the
piillic generally, t'sit ha (till
continues the
A l liirJ old tSUno! in
Market Street. Sunbury;
two doors above .ilarket rsipiarc, where he coll-
ataiilly keeps oil hand, u lui i.'e assortment of j
lioiulv -MihIc Harness;
(l)nnble A Single.) with Silver, UraaR and Japan
ned tiio'uitiiiu. Also Saddles, 11 ridlca, Trunks,
Values, W hips, Collars.
AH kinds nt work in his line made to order, in is
ncal n style as can he (jot up ill this country.
IVrsi.iis wishing to pun-base will please call and
examine stock l-rfor iiirehasing elsewhere.
N. li. The B-.ib"triber has just opened a new
Biid slcnibd
Assortment of Saddleryj
I Such na Silver, lirass nud Japanned mounting,
I'll lent ScK-Ailjiislnnr 1 reea, I'atent lxollcr
II Us. Kiiliio,' llridle Hits, Trunk and
Valice Locks, Trunk Hoard. Trunk
Nails, Humes, Traces, Triin
iiiiuir Laces, Tutls, Sad
illc Web, Siimle mid
Double, Whit
Enameled Leather, l'alcnl Leiilhcr, flil Cloth.
Koselts. Tassels, l'liuey 11 row-Hands, Saddle
'I'recs, Deer' Hair,
of all kinds. All of which will he sold as cheap
if not cheaper than they can I) got elsewhere,
for cash or approved credit.
Siiuhiiiy, April 21, 151. llm.
Estate cf MARY GRAY, Dec'd.
"VTOTICK is hereby given thet letters of ad---
ministrntioii haxe been 'rented to the sub-si-rila-r,
on the estate of Mai v Oray, dec'd., late
of the lioniiitfh ol Sunburv. All ppisons itidcbt-
cd lo said estate, or haxiuq claims against the
snine, are requested lo call on the surmcttlier lor
H-ltlcimnt. MAKY UKL'NEK,
Sunbury, April Sfi, 151. (it.
i'kllow Ciiixks: Al the solicitation of
my friends, I oiler myself as a candidate for Ihe
ollice of
at the ensuing election. Should I ba elected, I
promise lo discharne the duties of said ollica with
fidelity and impartiality.
Sunbury, April 18, 1851
SILVER WATCHES. A few doubla casas
7 Knelish Silver S atehes. for sala at verv Inw
prices by
Bunbury, April 13, 1851.
1 N K Coureau's celebrated ink, and also Con
- gres ink for sale, w holesale and rlil hy
Decembei 38, 165U. -
Joiiriinl of the
or tiii TiTcnr rssstrt.vNis fa Tit raoumtioB or
HE oldest Merhnnieal Periodical f xtanl in
America, is published on the first of each
month in the Cilv of 1'hilsdrli.hin. It has been
trjrnlarly issued for upwards of twenty-five years,
and is carefully edited by a committee of scientific
Itenllenicn appointed for the purpose, by Ilia
Franklin Institute.
The deservedly high reputation, both at homo
nlld abroad, which this Journal has acipiiid and
sustained, lias (riven it a circulation and exchange
list of Ihe best character, which enables the Ctim
inittee. on Publications to nmke the best selections
from Korettfn Journals, and to (five circulation to
original communications on mechanical and sci
entific subjects, ami notices of new inventions;
notices of all Ihe Patents issued at the Patent Of.
fice, Woshinqtim City, arn published in the Jour
nal, li)ielher with a larp? amount of information
on Meehiiiiics, Chemistry, and Civil l'niriuecrin(,
derived from the latest and best autb-.ities.
This Journal is published 011 the first of each
mouth, each number eontainins at least seventy
two puces, ami forms two volumes annually of
about i3'i pa ire each, illustrated with rngrsviims
on copper 11 ml on wood of those subjects Which
require them.
The subscription price is Five Dollars per an
limn, payable on the completion of the sixth num
ber; and It will Ik? forwarded free of postauc
when five dollars arc remitted to the Actiiury
(postage paid) in advance for one year's subscrip
tion. Communications and letters on business must
be directed to "the Actuary of the Franklin Insti
tute, Philadelphia, Pennsy Ivanis," the postage
Actuary, F. I.
April IS, 18.-1. fimo.
'IMIK Hltfiiiioii uf HuildTS mul oltiT. nrrt repnM Hilly
1 tnvtffil fi ttie rt'iiivr und wt'll Irn-ieil nTk i
111 dl 1.N4 IIAKDWAKK ami TOUIA. n-'W iTrtl hy
thf nbnlif r. C"iipmtiii(t in purl tto ('"lltiwnt
AinciiciNi l'tnt Jr ljs-ckft, upright, with night wrk,
plat ml nr brum itirtiilur, tr porcelain ull .ljifi.
Amrrifiii Front D"or W-rkfv upright, plniti. With
niKiit wark pl;il ( tir Urun fitrnitilre) or puii'cUtin ull
Aniffiivm Kmiit hict Ih'Tkr nml Store 1iht, Trorien
tul or upright, hnifs t'iiniinirt tt porci'lnni nil c.lnr.
Anicrffiiii lUin lwki. ult p.xuuA q:ihtli Ji. liite or
br.ifct tilnil(Mri, "f ptrr-litui nil p-'Ut.
Aui'T(c;ui Mnrttrt Uvk, nit r.rn. with plutml, while or
br:is luriiiliirf, r porrMnm all r-l mh.
AiiM-ncjin M'Tl'er Iui'h'!-. nil i .. with phtwl white
or ini: luniniirt. t-r p rrliti all cIhik.
Anh tuuii ? rli0"' hihJ Kim L'I-H IckH) plrtlt'il A Lra
t'Wtllrhf'Hs, of porrr-kiiit all cilur.
AtimnfMu lr'p, St"p, Thumb, Oatrt nnd Store Door
Al', ImprtiteJ I.(fk4 nml T.ati h f cvriv il:Rcaitftittit.
U:)lilwnV, uuti AiiUTlcun llutt llnij:in of hit fi?. , iul
nr Unm jitii.
Slnitt-:r. (Iat( S'rp, T., nml IV'-kfliip Ilinfrm. nil kimln.
Shutter, (iaiii. l)mjr, I'lurh. und Spring H-'li, f wr-nylit
ttr rrtt ir"ti nml hr.t. rvry ih'frrtpiiuii.
Sort-WK. SpT'iir. Mini, Sniiii lnp(r 01' ihe mH qu-ilily.
Ain'Ticau A ile hihI Sham Axle rullc,1 t'l rvery
Ann.'rl(jii Huttonf, plain ir on plali'A, Iuhwi iron, or
Aiuericaii "h.i, pliitctl. vliitr. ir- n. cr vr-nul, a!l kiwi.
SilMtr.l, riniiiii -ii mul patent, With nlh-T arlK'htf tin
tinmen Hi ti-lit i ri .
tt mitt SSII-Vi;iOinS ut FACTwKY
I"? AM n-f nTft i. -livereil i'iw 7hurc l miy pari itf
the Citv fltut Pt-trn tP.
At this estMl.iih!iui.-iiiraiil-f-.iusloiie .,fthe lara-st aiirl
ht-.l ass-rtinenis el lute and I-luiey Not. t..r l.iM-ks. e.,
in Ihrt'itvj nonif jmld rn. ol which. c;uni'U nc S'.'t'n, or
oMaiii.i1 nt pwy i'ih-' M-Tt. T4MH.S.
iM-iii ,V Jiirk'h.ii f H:tck, ruiicl. IJntfl. uml Hipp Snwn,
iinp -rtttl fX(ri--sI Vr H it i !, nil fl' -ffct! with care.
ftot :ij;T!'.t !".. tTtr rvVhrnt-'d I'Ijih-. mmb- ly K. W. t'nr
peiiU'f) "t Itrtnt'irier, hfiii nil nimlt- nt !pht vmhJ,
hi .fi th! Kilts jjn 'tnitt inul tii'ti. lisittv ?i .V W'illt nn' m.ikt'
ii Cln-tfl, Axw, Iliiuncts, Drawing KnufiS. Vc, ull war
r;iiitt'd p",1.
riif5trai)J Plaek' niakcol .ugera and Aurtrr Iitt, all
ARlcrirmt f'tiar-B mul il every t!ccription.
Amt'iVm. UiiIch, (J:infffif, iSavvsetl. Cnipitncii, Screw
JrfixTH. A-r.
Ant:rifai C. S. II:iii)iixni, CUvw uw Itivetiitg, h'I i.t-.
Ativii0'inn Vlcm. nil size.
Micl. lnn, ui,: I W-mkIi'U Hr.trps, with C. S. Bitlri, in
griTi -ficty. ,
. ttravtK V Sn'n. Hnlchrr's nml ihr cclflirjtfd
UKikcH ui Vhiv'jt, l-'ilcf. lMtKif-lrniitt. Vi.,
Aihlin'f c 'liiltmtttl t'urvmi:.TiKln, nil Khiipm. ,
Mnktiijf "tv of tlin ItcM mil nvfit csIi-hkiVu aw trtmptitu
of Ilitil'ImK Hsinwiiri' iiim! TooIji in the Stan.
At this fit.-iliiifiiiiM'tit it m rn iilrrri) n plvjiurr V nunv
hi (J'MnIh. Yyi :tf' invited t-t r,i!l it ml exrititim iImi rf rt-iiH-nt,
hih) iKiir thr pnri't uvktrd, Uilore p;irehai:(f cUfi-wli'ii't-V-C'ni'i-
;uiit us.
our:, ritn-cit'u!!v.
VT. V Mr-PLI'nis.
N. Mnrki t st , IxlW'-n 7th nud tli, uppfr cnle.
l'hiI:idfl(.hiH. April VJ, iHiL 1y.
653 SXI HrZ-
J A 31 A I C A T. 1N(1 Kit.
MAPI t'i"ni the U-st JuuiMua tJinc'-r, nil lite valimMe
uitrJi'iii:il property', whuh it will lc Imuid lu
vai hi u convin'.'iii inni ronrciitRitrd I"-tiii.
It it u niont uiticn-at ami ut thu kihil lntiu hnt-nli s'. ''int1y
f'iiii-iVnjt iwiiir lur th'- it-iiti:iih, ami will t toimt! wry
iH-lifh. ca. .11 ifiii. m:j( llir patiltul Mid dlnirChMHK IC' liMp
trr:iciiiiv1 lv th" nupu'irtil ufii"ii ot tin: important or.-ni,
I'r.'iil hail Inn wlmlf ttJi-fpoonhil tak'n hi wnt'-pljiii-ful
(( w'i.'t'McrJ wati.T will liiiiM'hatYly rm.."t: tin- ll;iiu
It i.ry unitoppr .iii r'ultinu ii'oit uuLui tt-'ii.mul n (uk"tl
tw" or thir' tniifu ilaily. u ri'nirtiJ. will tf i"iin.i tnfjhly
ion oeeiKion.-d l-y ihe
iti'tiv tn lasfl-ii'i -a' in s. ip
ucli and t':'it!fni.:v (o Oistoii't-rfit actii
euervatiiiji .11-. t of the siniinicr hnita. or I .11 nv. nj aiier in.
"lira .Ve
It iui) ! tveet'. iit nicl.t iue ( th.e win have In-
jurialahe tone of ilieir i..i.iu.'U l.y the use of
ihe st'iuiacli rem.iv.iiir itie ci-nvmir f.r stinielant. viliileit j
Illl.'lic'illDi.' l.y nn fii;..iii sum-ntni!!!: ell.'Cl upon
; liaa no mjiii ioua on the tiraln. null in not snei.e.',1M
I liy leellngs of HepreHMon, Which alwu) s follow Ine unt W' (
j uic.ili-.lic Klieiulueta.
X r...e M.l.tert tn r.e.esii. . rhiif.trh i,r nllipr rtllrna. 1
pve m-ilirui. . will reii.ler ilnni ucro iieeeitahi. to the
rtomaeri mid prevent ihe ijnii'iig which if opt lou. aornpauy
ritKPAni'.n oxi.y r.T
A M B II O S ' S M 1 T II i
HKL'lililST AND t tir'.MIPT.
X. K. tnrnrr of 1th and Chestnut Streets.
l'liitaili-lpiiia, April 12, I -11 ly.
si mil in AHKAt.i:iii:T rnun
rnH.AUKI.PIHA AND I'ol-lSVil.l.K.
Farei Rcdnredi
Office nf the t'h'Ui. If Rendins Ruilrmul Co.
Philadelphia, March Sfi, 18.M. .
Two Passenger Trains Dully, (except Hundsy.)
awN and after Anril 1st. IHal Uto trains will
P lc run each way, daily, between Philadel
phia and Pollsville
AttjKxixri i.rxi:.
Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except
Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Run
Leaves Philadelphia at aj o'clock, daily, except
Leaves Pottsville at 3J o'clock, ilaily, except
Detweeu Philadelphia nud Pottsville, !j.'2.75
1st class curs and SS.S5 iJd class ears.
Hetweeu I hiladelphia and Leading, S 1.75 1st
class cars una -l.-l.) .(I class cars.
Depot ill Philadelphia, corner of Broad and
Vine Streets.
Passengers cannot enter the ear unless provi
ded with Tickets.
NOTICE. Fifty pounds of bacgage will he al
lowed to each passenger in these lines; and pas
senccrs are expressly prohibited from taking any
thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which
will beat the risk of its owner.
lly order of tho Boatd of Manaccr.
April 19, )851. Secretary.
bar bottles for sale by
Sunbury, April IS, 1851.
sive and legal envelopes, lor sale by
Sunbury, April 56, 1851.
BLANK NOTES, waiving tha exemption
law of $300, for sale by
Aptd 56, 1S51, H. B. MASSER.
riHK siihserihers oflef to physicians and drng
JL irists, a carefully elected slm-k of drugs and
medicines, which they will (runrahlee to lie of the
let ipinlitv, pure and niisdiilterated in all caws.
Their facilities for importing foreign UniRS and
ehemieuls are such, that they are enabled to sell
them upon the lesl terms, and at the snine time
to assure their customers of their (feniiiiieness.
They have also recently prepared and now of
fer for side u superior article of
t im im i ?iac.m:si.i, &.r.,
Kesrinhlim Henry's Magnesia, fiu from rarlion
ic acid and roughness or Krittiness, almost entirely
tasteless, coinhinin; in an equal hulk from three
to four limes the strcnuih of tho common kind,
and sold at about one holf the price or Henry's
'J'hry have also prepared lllo
ltiid Mitnosi,
Which is a new und valuable remedy in aeldity
of the stomiich, hesrlburn, tinusea, AVc, at less
than Inlt'tlie price of the foreign article.
They also luive on hiiud of their own prepara
tion uu assortment of
I'uru Drags in Powder,
Neatly put Kt in 1, J and pound bottles, studi
as Aloes, IJhiiharb, Sen mi, Senega, Khalnny, Ki
no, (iiim Arabic, Serjienlaria, Kxkttlycyrrh, Ipe
cac, l'otaKss. Sulih., l'olassit Nitrus, liorsr, Spi
gelia, Huchn, Onis, I'ascnrillu, C'uuella Alba,
L'va L'rsa, Ac.
Cireat care has been taken to linvc these pre.
pared from the best selected drugs and in such
way ns to preserve the characteristics of eueh ar
ticle without injury.
They have also a variety of
Che tnicnl A: l'hai'iiiacctif icnl
l'repnmtions of their own manufacture, and add
to the list ail the vnluulile new remedies as they
li'cnme known. Anion;; them may be mentioned
the f.illuiving :
Ilyilr.M'l rntic .ci.l,
trpnruli'ns 01' l.sline,
' of IN.tilKIKt,
l.djtlor .iiimlti3,
Aijlls, tlo.
I'lii-sptifitr, 'I . 0 IKW re-lii).ik-
lr ltli.'iimsliRiii.
1rct;irci I f Mif, wl Mereiiry,
" .me.
"llmrt "f feiln.i, tlmJ, a
piunsnnt form lo Kidnmmtvr
lo cioi.rrtm
I'.xtrncl oC ttnet-.a C'.inp.,
" Spindia, "
o ft;iniiinri!IrtCmi-
lriloii (tilKl,
" ilo. do. i.lirl,
11 ( simple ito.
o Col",.) nth Con!t.
do simple.
Hlu M.-iss.
Kxtnu t l G.-iiliun,
" lll'nssui.
" 'I :r-i xii-um.
" Vnl.f i;m, Uiii'l, b
new an.l luctitt rrniU-.
Sps. .Ivther itros, l S. P., Oils of Copaiva,
C'ubebs, Krprot, Tuhacc, Ac. Citrate of Iron
and lnininc. Scsipii-Oxide of Iron, 1111 antidote
tor arsenic, Citrate of Maitiiesiu, 11 new and pleas
ant cathartic medicine, put up In 14 ol. bottles,
!-2 per do. or Liquid Adhesive Plas
ter ; 0 convenient application in many surgical
oienitions. put up in small viuls. Also
TKKiNt; i.Kinn,
A convctiiciit preparation of I'.mlhiirides in many
cases where there is a diliiculty of applying tho
ordinary blistering plaster. A coating of it aiipli
ed with a camel's b.iir brush and covered with oil
silk or some Hnnlur siib4Vini-c, will produce a
blister in three hours' time; or when exposed,
in the usual time of about tivclve hour.
I'hvsii imis nd otlii rs mav depend upon the
fHiihfid r.nd prompt cxc.-itioii of tiicir ord-r, at n
, , , ,- t: : 1 i
low ratcH tlni Im'sI u unlit v ul" nudk'iui's c?n by
fit C'!n'snut MrH't, 1'hilaiU.
Ijaliori'torv, (itlinml .Mortis Ms. .Suntliwark.
Nfivcuiltcr K, lH")().ti.
fpilE MISS WKITZr.l.'.S respeclfully inform
L the I'ublic. that they slill eniitiiiue to ruler,
til 1 1 1 travellers and others nt Iheir nhl cMnhiiMied
st.niil in Market street, wet of the Court ltoti'f .
Their lonu experience in Ihe business, mj Ihe
well rslnlilished of their House, will, I
iney trust, lie a s'Uiicieut rnuiuntee, tliat llinr !
ciistonicrs will be well accommodated.
March H, li.1l . tf.
r'Plill! stibscrihcrs relnin their Riucern thunhs lo
- ilieir ctistoini-ri,
lor tin liift ,v cur, and
inpe by strict allPntii.n in i
j lillint: nnh'rs to mei't with thr n:tme ' liberal pntroii
I utr i' Ikivi iln 1 1 -1 ii rt ttm iTPntiNt vitrii'tu !
p.itleriM of any other innii!rv in the l.'iiited
w... ..-j. I ..i . f I ... .1. i ..- j ..
.-ia s, nn. i s.n, u.iiuii- in men milliner, i nve
us a can ta-nuv puri-luisnii; i lsc Here, (.lur stcek
cmbracoi a Hre4t xar'n Iv ol ( 'ii.iI.iiil; stoves, of the
- I l. ..I..- -..- ...
" 11 .
coal, coniinoii siovcs, 1-xiiiiiii-i.s oi an Minis, una
mill plates oi an kinos i.i repair sioves.
For SUmincr use, a small Move, called Sm.
iner buHcr, new nud supeiior Furnaces Ibr burn-
inc; charcoal er btone coal, (las ovens of several
dill'r.'iil iijltcriiH, liake ovens, a.-vetal pattrrns,
I i",s,s' si"u" ""' 1,ril''.v ol' I,rti-
i clrs ill cstiii2. too numerous to mention. The
( JlaKKxaie H.nle can le aitpplitd with Commnn I,
i ,!' S 'lllart 1 '' kt'ul,'',i ' vtr' low I'r'-
ecu for cash or city acceptance.
'oW cmks of superior 'jurHan hlnek lead on
. .,
Nolle t. wharf, Delaware, Philadelphia.
April I", lisjl.
.TlaiMiratlurcr til'
No. 10!) Kacc, (Sassafras.) stieet,
Ahove Third, n;iro.tVe the. White Siran ltstcl.
Tallow Chandlers and .Mantifa'-lurers enrl l
i supplied wilh a liiatrale Article of Candle Moulds,
of Superior excellence Hiul finish.
j N. 11. The .Moulds sre made nf thr lies! Metal
end polished by a new Patent Machine, which
' eivra them an extra finish. They nr after the
! KngliMi style the tips to acrfw on the pipe, and
the pi lo screw t'i;!it in the bench.
I V a K.tvT.i to he far superior 18 any
i other now in twvAl
l lis also iiiaiiuinctiues Surgical Pumps and
j Syringes.
Al'rl1 ,i'
A'o. 14 Market Strcr.',
A VINO decided to quit the busines, I pro
pose to sell the slock at very love prices.
It embraces the iieucst au.l mo.-t th .sir.tble six les.
You are invited lo call and examine.
April 5, IS.ii. '.'mo.
j rfUK subsirilr rrsiiectfullv informs his friend,
X ,, ,.,.Iow ..j,,.,,,, o- Noiihuuilicr.'snd cmni-
ly, that he will he a candiale for
Con nly Coin ui issioiuT,
nt ihe ensuing elertion Ile therefore solicits
front his friends and fellow citizens a liberal sup
part, and promises should be lJ elected lo dis
chinae the duties uf the olhVt with fidelity and
' . . r. hen.,.x,-c.
1.1. 1.-V3 UIxl.-si, rt. o.
Stinhury, March 15, 1H51.
c SlIKL'lSBliEl. It.
riHE subscriber will receive orders for all kinds
X. of Fruit Trees, such as,
A pple Trees,
Peach Trees,
Pear Trees,
Quince Trees,
rium Trees,
Cherry Trees,
A pricols,
Ornamental Trees, Ac.
Together with all kinds of Shrubbery, Bulbous
Roots, riauts. Grape Vines, Ac All of which
will h sold at tha lowest rates by
H. B. MASSER, Agent.
XIT Orders for Trees, Ac, should ba sent in as
early as possible lo secure I lie in in Unit.
Sunbury March 15, 1851
Tar ihe Cure f
Tho uniform success which has attended the
use of this preparation its salutary elVect its
power to relieve and cure affections of the
1. nngs, have gained for it a celebrity equalled by
no oilier medicine. N e nd'er it to the alllirtcd
with entire confidence in its virtues, and the full
belief that it will Subdue and remove tin; severest
ottaeks of disease upon the thrni.t and I.inigs.
These results, as they become publicly known,
very naturally attract the attention of mcdica'
men and philaiitrnpists everywhere. M'hnt is
their opinion of'CHEIiA'V PKC'TOJAL may be
seen in the following I
Prof, 8'trgcri Jlfrf, Caltrgr, Vi tc 1'uri, says .-
"It gives me pleasure to certify the value and
efficacy of Ajer'a C'HEKKY PKCIO.'AI,,
which I consider peculiarly aihiptcd to cure disea
ses of Ihe Throat ami Lungs."
writes in a letter to his friend, who wss sinking
under an all'cetion of the Limns : -"Trv the
C'HKi'KY I'KITO.'AI. and it' any medieinu
can pjive you relief, with the blessing of (iod that
of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of
his Was cured of several severe attacks of Croni
by the CM EA'f Y l'KCTOA'Al,."
X(' CatltutittH JoHhl! tlf Nrttirul . CS
stales, 'That Asthma ami Uronchitis so prevalent
in this inclement climate, has vielcled with surpri
sing rapidity to Aycr's (.'IHiA'liV I'EI "l'( lit A I.,
and we cannot too Mroiigly recouiiiieiid Ibis skill
ful preparation to the. Profession and ptibiic gen
erally." Let lb" relieved sulii rcr speak for himself: i n , Jan. '.'ti, 1M17.
Dr. J. C. Aver -Dear Mr : Having been res.
cued from a painful and dangerous disease by
your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send, you
this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you,
but for tin; information uf others in like uillic
lion. A slight cold upon Hie liing-s, nrnlecte.1 nt first.
neoame ro severe mat spilling ot Wood n violent
cough and profuse night sweats followed and fas-
tened upon me. I beeami- rmaciuted, could not
sleep, was distressed by my cough, and u pain
through my che!,t, and in short had all the alarm
inn symtoins of quick cnsuinption. No inedi
eine seemed ut.nll to reach tov ra-c. until I nrnvi-
leiitially tried your CIIK.V.'Y I'ECTDCAL,
which soon relieved and now has cured me.
-.i . ...
Vuurl wiili rotfj.t'rt.
A Lit .v n r.
.. V. A I -ril IV, IrtlS.
Dr. A-r. I.nwill ll-ar ."ir . I ln.vef.r vrarn
been ulilicted with Asthma in the form ; no
thai I have been obliced to sleep in my chair fur
u lariicr part of the time, beini; unal'le lo bivalhe
on my bed. I had tried a ureat many nieilieine.-i,
to no purpose, until my I'hjsician pic rilied, uu
an experiment, your t'ilKUUV l'Kt'TDItAI..
At first il si-eiucd to make nie wor.-e, but in
lessi than u week I hep-all to experience the must
frrutifyinrr relief from its use ; and now, in four
weeks, the disease is entirclv rctnovrd. 1 cull
deep on my bed wilh cnmfnrl, and enjoy n state
cf hearth which 1 had ne'er expected to enjoy,
(ilOOUliK s. KA K.'AjN'i";
piikpa tkii iit J.e, a r
It, I'll KM 1ST, L(X'i:i.L isn.
I Sold by Henry Masse', Smibiiry; Mary
j A. McCiiy, Northumberland' Dr. Cieiriiart, Se-
linsenive; Dr. UicLly, D.iuiitic, and Dui-njists
I yenei-.illv.
i Feb. 'lo, 1SS1. Ivecllin
; hS. MAKY WKAYKK respeelfnllv informs
I i I .. ... . ... r
- tne piii.iie anil Iraxellin' i iiiiiuily fti-neral-
v. that she has opened thi-i lar-e and couiiiiodioits
; 11 ( l l'KI., fiiruislied in a sni.eii,.r stvle. l'min
! I . .., . . . .. . 1 .-. . .
i in, lull;.; r. ii-iu-ine nl nil' I'll.slliess Ol n IITSl rail"
: Hotel, nml well known reputation to iu-coiiiiiio.
d.iti', her customers- mav depend on bciiin siiiiplied
; with ,-verv thiuir coiidiicixe lo their com 1,-it and
I lli. lfi, Iti.jl, tf
j - - - . .
i T AVI? KVPl.' "I I fUtvil,''
j lIIE subscriber respeclfully iuforiiis b"r fi icinls,
j J- and the public generally, that ol-.c has taken
j the above well known stand m arly opposite the
j Court House, lately occupied by Air. .1. O. l'er
. kins. She trusts that her expiricucr in,
I and ir eil'-nts to milks her -.iiests coniforlilblc,
will ijive entire halisfactioti to those who mav l.i-
xor lu r with their custom.
March 8, 1851 tf.
kui;.tv L.ia
The attention of ihe public Ik culled lo the ad-
. veitisenieiit of Mr Clmrles (' Tucker, Altornav
1 and Audit at W'tishiutim City. Persons hav-
ins clnitiis for bounty Lauds or Pension tire iu-
loruied that the subscriber has in.ide arrangements
lor the reoiiisite forms, and claimants rallinir at
i e , ., . .
Ins otbee can have their pa(a'rs prepared and
loiwarded to Mr. i ucker nt Washington, nud
bv hiin be iiroiierlv Htlended to before Ihe De-
ll'.rll.iei.t II,. r.. '
partuienl there.
Sunburv Jan. 1" 1 "1
'. . . .
'IIIE subscriber icspeetfully iutorms the public he hus'peiK d a Public lie
loixn of Trexoiton, Norlhuiubeili
uise, ill the
new loixn ol Irexoiton, A orlliuiiilieilaiul eoiintx-
. and that he is well prepared, lo accommodate his
guest in Hie lst manlier. His house is located
nc.iriy opposile the Company' Store. He is also
provided wilh good stabling siiliicicut fur "0 hor
ses, lie triiil by prompt and careful attention
to business to Intel a share of the public patron-
1 reror.ton, Jan- 11, luatl tt
4 sTisoi.onr
Ki'll Vl lv, l'i
i-isoi.onr tiii: (T.i.iiisitATCi) nn. c. w.
i..L'y, sad luoiiw,iicv. c-'lie.ine.1 xfitli I'ON.II H.XTIO.M.
i i we,ileli, ollice No 71 l.lll'l ST Hue!. I'ailadelphi.i,
-lllera his sell Ices lo ihe citizen, ef V rt Inlie! i tail. I eoanl v.
lie has been eonsiiiicd tiv u.i I tit- croxvi.ed heints ul Ivo m.c.
anil t-inoyn lusher repntau. uas an A.trol. er llun any one
III IIMt. rVilllXltlea Ca.eillale.l see n.t- lo l.e,illlauey Ul-
di,-. l.eiitleiaill lej. Pers nia ar u distance, enit have
liieir iniliviiii-Mlinlvn l,y sendnu I l.e d.ileol the day of liiclr
bulh. All letters eonlairiiiitr lie- fee will r.-eeive ini
meiliute Htliiitlti, and Nativiliea m nl to anv iKtrl ol Ihe
xvorkl wi men on ilnrahle uii. r ; 111..I l.e is preened ! lisike
nan of Ins fiowcr to coiimruiion ,-n uny oi liie followini! to
pics : Courtship, advice given lor the .iii-ivs.i'nl itccoinplisli
lllt'llt ol a xveallhy iiintruu'e he li is Ihe power to r.-dcciu
audi as m e (riven to the I reo use .4 the l.xltle ; and lr all
cases of hu trd, and for the recixei'y of at -leu or lost prop.
erlx', a.1.1 piMcliasiiia of lotlt-ry tn-keis. Tli-iis:m.lil of the
abovo named oasea huve been ilnne in this city ami ila vir-in-ety.
and in the Lniuil Sialrs lo llio lull salisla. tion of all.
lli.fliiO Nativities or II nehC-ycs have U-i d east dining li
last four yeirs while here. f.eltei& will imaxxer ei-erv pnr
rs4e, and will do as xvell a. b call iij perw:ii., awt itie mall
la now ao aaie that pers i.n li-t fujr to trust money
through the post t iiUcc. Lli. ilotwi. k rciM-ivea fr an i'SNJ to
lnOO iellera in-ailtily, ond has never mused one lie sir-tu-uiur
to nama Foal Ollice, County and Suite. All haters
will be relisioualy alteudexl to, if prtuid. For more pur.
ticniura ettli at the oitica oi this rnper and get an Astrologi
cal Atmunaoa cram.
Jl Looust strcst ah.iv l'.ipliih. rhiladelrihia
Philadelphia, Feb. 8, 18.11 - Am
"lirRITINO FI.l'ID and self s.-aliuir Envs-
' lopes, just rei-etvcj and for sal hv
Aptd 1'J, 1851. II. U. MASSER.
.i.xoniEit srity-uftc wikvuku
t 11 12 n U K
lVepririd froinHI'..NM;T, or Ilia fourth Slomaek uf ttrf
fix, nit-.r dii..Uoiis , BAKON MKOtfJ, ths (imI
I'hisMlogieal chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON, M. l ,
No. it, Nurth l'.iphil, Snt, l'hiltclhia. Pa.-
Tins ia a truly vrondurfal n-inmlv for INDIMKflTION,
DVUPI-IfSIA. .tAt.Mili H, ijvr.U fOiMI'I.AINT,
CONSTIPATION bihI lll.Hll.lTV, tnrlng alter Na
ture's own, b) Nularc'i uwu agent, tlit Csatrl
Cf Ibitf a t. nioiii"ul of this Fluid, iufiiii-d in wane
will (liR. st nt ilisisiUe. Hive Pound of Iloust Ueal m
bunt ixm loui i, out of tlit tom:icli.
nt'i WIIIX is chiefly p-rfornred in tl.e stmnncb by tk
aid ..f u Hunt u-hlvli Ir.-ely exudes from ihe inner ewal
.1 Ihai
when 111 a M of I11.11I1I1, euUil the Usstrie
!,',""l'"'Si' ,'"",'Tvi". OU'I f'iliiulaling Agent of the' nw
iinslliiid is tin! Ureal Solvent of the Fissl, Ike
"lien nil. I inleMi,,,.,. " Wtlll.dlt U ll.ei. will 1 no ill..
,'.;!'i "" ,C"nv.-ri.i i, ,, ,.,, i,,l. lllno.1. end no nulnlloa; Inn rather i. i I ...i ...a .1......
n.lin..l l the .,1 ill.,,.!.-. ';,'1B,nuni. A Weak.
hall it. u.l
luiiirt-d ft. ti ii.T-l. nr..l...... .... .u.a fiu-..,
uiul henevllie diKuae, dmlreiis and .iJLilnv ulii
t-uiiue. '
rl-:iWN I Hie ehief eVmi-itt. or prtM tir-iin Prioei
pleol theUuMiieJnicR. it is loimd in grenl Hlmi'jsm-e la
the Mild parla 01 Ihe hiiiimu stoiiiael, utter denlh, and euuie-
llllies e uiri-a Ihe SloniHi-h In lllg. Sl Itself, or ft itaplf up.
It is alsii found ill lliu Ptouiueh ,f nmuiala, ui the ox, calf
It is tho innlKMHl nsiil liv ftirmers in uiakiiiff cheeee!
culled Iteiinet, the i-lleet of which h.m l..n been the apecial
wonder of t hcdaii y. The 1'ilrdliiiir ,,f milk n Hie tirsl pro
cess ef digestion. Iteiiiiet pnsserses listolnstitne ptwt.
The Ktnuiaeh i.f aenlf will curdle linirlyone llioiisniHl limea
ita uight of nii,ii. Ihiiou laet-i); rtansi that, ,lOua
part ol IV sin dissolved in sixty tltoiihiind K,rts of vlcrt
will diitext uient and other hsst.n llisc-ised flUmiaehe pro
rtnee ni tf-w.l Uasliie .fuiee. Itemiel or Pepsin. To ahww
Unit lln want mav U-'-.Ctl supplied, we uute the ful
IIArtO.N I.1KHII1. m his ceMimtcd w.rk oil Anhni'
Chemls.rv. eais: "An Arlilt- ial tlii.-slivi; Fluid maibfoua
lo lie- Ouslnc .luiee. mav lw reiehlv prepared from Ihu 111a-
eou mil. mm: ol ihestciiii.ehif lii'-ciiii, in which various
nriielei, . , friinl, itir-.-it nml etas, will U aofleneii. chang
ed, and dii-sled, jusi in the a nno manner u Ihe) would te
ill ttie human sii.niaeii.o
In. PKIUJIIA, in hia l.-iin-ms tre.-iline nn "Foist ana
li.-l." pulilish-il hy F.iwkis ,V Wells, .New York, pse
Ji, sUil.-s ihe same grent fuel, nml deseilliea Ihe nielhisl of
i.repai:ui.,u. There :ue few liigher uullioriiivs than Lfi .
IM 1 l M I'll, in hi. vatu-itite vvritinesnn the "rrivaiuhtf
01 1 ?' ' '"" "l r V.-.J tl.ot --n illinium ion ol Iheihie quau
tlty nf Hie,-ie .luiee ls pr.1Unneiit und ntl-prevuihnr
l-aiiPeot l)ys,,ep5,n;-i ,Ui,: stales tliat - dniiii8ui.Uca
I"! le.lieine 11, ,d. who was aevcrely ulUicl-
e.l wllh llus e..iii;.ujiil. lei.'iny rviv llimc tlsu ui fail, una
l.-CUI.e to Ihe li.islrie .liliee. ,.,l.e4 lr .j, au,
111 inc, which pn.1,-,1 completciv sueeesslul."
Iir. IIIIAIIA.M. niithoref the faiiMiia works on uVee-t.-iMe
Diet." aaya: "it is n remark!,!.!- la.-t in pliysiologv,
that the st ilnaehs 01' annual, maculated ill water, iiniwrt
to The (tun! the propeiiv ,. dls-vieiiiir various urtirtra of
f-i.l. tun! ..f ehVeiiiig a kind 1.1 mtiliei.d dieealion of theia
in 11 1 wise different from Ihe nalural dipc.uve proecea ."
Ilr. SIMU.VS r.-al wrU. the l.'lieniisliy of .Man."
(I.ea.V ll'an.-hnrd. Phil i. I'll!, pp . 3JI-U) aava: "The dia
cu el y ..I I'KPSl.S forms a u.-wcrn 111 tin; chemical (nature
I 111-. sti..n. -r..iu r'.-eem exiieiiiiienls we know that
1 i"" i 1I1 .solved as rapuliv in an nriilieial di-.-rstive fluid.
! I'li-i.on-.l from Pepsin, ns it is 111 the nutnral Cattrie Juiee
'i,.-,.s.r 1M'Ni;.ISl i .. tlie .1, -fleia ui rullrpc, TbiU
ilelnii:i, iii Ins l'i.-si vi,,rkf-n lliim.-iii I'lusi..!,)-, dcrotM
ni'.re l!.:in liny pa j. s t, , nn nl this subject.
Ills ex.erii.R-nl with Ii. jiiiii.iiii, mi the Ij.iatric Juica, Im in fie living hiini;iii st..m:ieti ami Ir.iut animals
nr.. well kii-iVMi. "In nil ciin .-." hesiiva. "tlieslioii ix-eur-
J r"' "
.er:(,-i: !;t tl-: -jitili.-ial in the natarul dlgealialia.,i
Pr. IIOIMifT( -s? pri pnrati..,, ,,f PMPSIN a Dr-x3i-
PrO the 111 't m;irvi:il -ini
niriiiff awn ot Debility,
1 J Z ... ' '":Tl"':r I'Y'vn' '''n.mPl,m'
1 ffll'e Ihe il'.-lci;..'.
sen iii tlie liinita of Ihiiarl-
verliseiiient but inn li-mieale.l cerlilieatea have lil-an piroa
of more tlnii TWO MtMUiKD It i:l.VIt K A K Lit
l TltKS. in 1'liilii.l. Iplna. New Vork. H.i.1 al..n.
'J'li.-r w,.-ie nearly ail il.-sit.-rale, IlllfJ the carta wara
II. ,t mity nij.iil nml w.iiiiletl'ul. Ixit nenii.iiient.
It is a '.'real MiKVOl S AN TlboTK, mid particularly
iiselnl .,r leiiilency M l,.li..n ili.irlcl, Liver Ciiliipliiit.t,
I'ever nml A an.-. ,.r Icxt'v twiteil Fever unit Agua, and ta
evil eil.-ets .-! Iptiuiiie. Slereurv. anil other ilruaa upon thai
UlL-estive ori.'ilns. on ei n Ions airkil'ma. Also, for eirai
iii ealine. iiu.J ihe too ire.- use ot no lent spirna. it utmeat il,- Ilealih wilh Intemperance.
Them is ii , f..mi of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS)
Which it l-,. s n .t seem to icneh anil remove nt one. Sal
matter Ii . I..-I.I they inny lie. il 11IVKS l.!TA.NT HE
L1KI; ! A single li.-nc retni'vea nil tin- unpU-aaunt ayirrp.
''"-- n! it "iilv in e.1 to I r. p.i.l..l. ..r ii aliort time, In
niake tnese a.K.l rdeeia permanent. PI HITVoK HUHlD
ami of lioliv, i.. .xv in once. It ii partieularlr
excellent iii rases ol .niis.-n, Y,.untiuir, Cruuiia, 8.iencM
of the pit ,.' the f t--m.-n h .h.h-.os nllir eHtiiijt. low, culd,
stat-; of Ihe 111 -.1, l.-:,v.ii. s. lovuuwi of Mplriln. llrnrsirv
ilen. y. r.iuaeiati- a. 'i ak:i' s. leiiilency to laiunltv. ul-
iile. ,Ve. '
Tri.-e. on IH1I.LAH per b ..ule. Oinjbottla will ut'Mi
ellt-el n l.nstiu.. i arc.
ii:rsi.' i powders.
tr- sr..xT tiv mail, i' nix of pohtaor.
K.-r roiiveineia t s.-a.liei; to all nnrta of Ilia eountfv.
ihe IUi;i-;ri-
ma ri t:u of Tin: it.PmS iipui n
-.i. ;h. wnh t 1m-ilisilvtl i
iy tt-e -aiiei,i. These iyiv,lers coutaiai
fain . 1'..
: .lllsl Ol
oi ayrilp.
rim.- mall, r as llie l.i.l":. a. ,nt twied the illlsnlitr
..r the name
1. 1 i in i.e s.-ni r.v mail; i itt-.i-; ok
roM xi.i-:. , .i n; iiolI.'.U s.-nt (,i..i.ii,I) to Or. J.
,, ... u x nn i.yi.iii.u-cet, t'biiadoipbia.
MX p , ., rove
I .verv nn
!. Hul l
it-karr and botu
Ull iON, M. L).,
hears lie u si-!a;;ire ..f J.
a ie r;.'ti'..-i-r
SoM I x ai ni in i.yry ton in the fniterl Slutra, iu4
L le..:eiu'.le ,l.-,:-r i.i ...lieme. e.aierallv.
I ivipi.ury, r.-i
1' j"l',i ', . i-'rilnifc'. and Georg Urigat.
.Mar. . Mcl'a-
I pper .Maliualaaa.
Mali- iiK.y.
J .Ini II 1,' '
Hal .. -V. -rime-lc,
S. .1. Cr .in,-,
.fnlai I,. It. -nn.
Wilnniit e;,i,itl,
Saiilni'y, S. pi. Itth, 16J0
, ABvi:it'Mxii.tii:T
! Bounty land and Pension Agency,
I rpllll iVHleiM.'iii-d Attorney and Ue.ncrul Afrnt at Ik
. X i'n .-I x, , .iters lot aerviees in proeariaf
li'-nillv UlisUuinl I'eliaiotM for llitiae eiatllmt ttei,, hi.
inainnrly l eai.ilal llien-at of lioverinmni, -iih a thar
onsli anil IniiillTai i.e.n.,ii,-.iie.: will, the necefsary form.,
mill t.iuiin,- ol tis ss, nnu hai nnj aee.- to Itefrnlrra an4
It. .lis lik-.i in tlie I'. S. war oltiee. hu fi.arai-a tacllltias ff
l!ll- apeeily Hint aaliaiaetor)' u.lj ustllient ol Ui.vorniaa
clalina ol every kilkl.
Uy a lale A.-t ol Ciller. ... IL lnitT r.oi.l ia prantrd la
the ..itieeis anil .lijiera of the wur o! IcI'J. and of tha van.
rious In liaii wars, since I7nl. To ihose xrlio aerved ma
ill. ml hs Its! acres ; to xx ho Serveil lour month. Sat
! u.-res: and t. those who .i'ived ,.na iii'.uili in aerea.
, "'""""." Ii oe Iv.-u m.i,li will, gentlemen nf tha
liral pr-iea, -a in ditlercrit ne.tii.ns .f trie Counlrv. lor
!..' . of a,r..,. , ,l,e sale of il "
I ined, on ihe in.i mlcaiiiii(:,.oin n rnn ; lor ihe puymcnv
! ' "lemjiuoii of lands, sold for lines; c..i.eii.n a-
I ' "" lhr "unsaelloii ol (renvral U.W buiintw, is
I ,). .ini.-reiri States and T. rriioiies.
I He temlers his services ., menila-ra of Ihe prufra.inu al a
I ' ""d vl"'" l Uinii ae-ainsl llieliovernnwiil.ara pra.
i pn'.xl l.y n t 'cal Aeul. will iiUiie one hull hia usual fea
j I'lo ne. ersarv forms mul uistruetions, and infornmlioe ra-
' il""!"e't,i"l'i"'ru","-'-,nieesi.iul is-nm-unonul Una
, bii!ii.-s. xvill Ue inrniMied lo regular Correipondenls witk
ionl cnaice.
Persoiis desirini: of in tlie army r
liaev, xvill foixvardlo lum all the particulars knoxviicf their
1 seivlee. t..ielher with a fee of one dollar, ami tiiaa eixUl
j ri.-s will 1- icptied to l.y return of mail. All eouuitonica
ttolia lo lie (Hl.rr.lli.x I((i,t i,dilressi-,l II
x iiaii ... 1 1. 1. rvi-.iv,
(n. l UI7, 1 O ) Wanntton, . .
Pi-eeniVr '.-, I'.'.O.
Vn limbic
rilllK Subscriber
I 1 oilers for sale
who resides in Philadelphia,
Ihe follow. ns property in Mil
Ion, Northumberland omaly, vir: The large
in upper Milton, formerly occupied ky
Messis Patlersoiis us a Cnrria;,'c M -iters Shop,
'1'lie building is SO K-rt front on ripper Market
.-.tieel, and 40 (Vet on Front street, and is two
st. it it s high. Also a two story
40 by feel, cm the same premises. The lot ia
on the corner of upper Market and Front strseta,
and is (hi feet front, and ViO feet deep.
The premises would be valuable for a Foundry
or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold!
on reasonable and accommodating terms by ap
plx -ing sillier lo JACOB CARRIOAN,
J. 1 Vt OLFINGER, Eaej., Milton et
11. U. M ASSER, Exi, Sunbury.
Philadelphia, Jan 55, 1H51 tf
notice! "
A A lbs subscriber intends ruaktrrg new arranjssr
incuts in his busiiyss uu tbe ftisl jf Jrns
ry ISol, all persons knowtne, thearHwWes indebVad)
to him, aie reiiuested to call and uiaka aettleaanl
up tn that time, hy payment or giving their Botes)
for the amount due-
john w. rFn.we.
Sunbury, Dec. 58, ISSO. -Ui.