SUNBUllY ""AMERICAN AND SHAMOIUN J OUKNAL 2Hf0trUniicoufii wnttf v- Tho Kerry Heart Tii well to liave a merry henit, However .hort we stay ; There's wimlom in a merry heart, Whate'er the world may any! Philosophy may lift iia head Anil tinil out many a law, But givo me the phiiusophy That's iifipny with a straw I If life but bi hips us happiness It brines us, we are lohl What's hard lo buy, though rich one try, With all llieir heaps of sold 1 Then latinh away let oilier say Whate'er they will of mirth; Who lauchs the most may truly boasl He's got tho wealth ol earth ? Thore's bennly in a merry laugh, A moral beauty too ; It shows the heart's un honest heart, That's paid each man his due, And lent a share of what's to spare Despite ol wisdom's fears; And made the cheek less sorrow speak, Tho eyo weep fewer tears. The sun may shroud iiselfln 'cloud, The tempest-wrath bepin ; It finds a spark to clu-er the dark, Its snnli-iht is within ! Then luujh away, let others say Whate'er they will of mirth ; Who Inn-jhs the most may truly boast He's got the wealth of earth ! "Well, I'm b.'.owed," as the rose said in June. "Cut and come n-jaiii," us the aparagus raid in July. LoRfi Lyndiicrst is the son of Copley of Boston, Mass., the artist. Do not neglect musical talents, if yon have any, for they are a creat sflurco of pleasure both to ones self and society. Povltry is scarce in California. A large lot of chickens sold in Sacramento the other day at S3 to S4 each. A Mam with irritable temper is more to be pitied than one bowed down to the earth by poverty. Repininq at losses is like putting pep per into a sore eye ; in only increases the pain. Ir leeks be boiled in water, and the frames of pictures biushed with the liquid, it will preserve them from flies. The Episcopalians of Tamaqna are about lo commence tho erection of a neat and commodious church. If you make love to a widow who has a daughter twenty years younger than herself begin by declaring that you really thought they were sisters. To see a woman fanning herself in the streets, of a cold winter's day, would lead one very naturally to suppose her a fan otic. A Lady in Jersey City has given birth to a fine boy, having tho form of a bunch of grape hansing from ono ear and a single grape from the other. IUncLY do wo meet with any lines more touching than the following : Al Sam mid Anil wali-..l o'er the plains, Ami lln'..u:;li the Uncled fern, Sum toie his unmii't jiu-nii u -urns And had lo put on hrm. Ths following is good advice When tlie pr.T.e il M T Then pul the : "Husband, 1 hope you have no objection to my being weighed." "Certainly not, my dear, but why do you ask the question V "Only lo see, love, if you would let me have my weigh once." Ir girls would only spend as much time vith Encyclopedias as thsy do with Millin ers, they would soon find their heads as at tractive as their hats. Queer that no young lady will believe this. "Rbmbmueh, John," said a Pennsylvania sheriff to a friend who had shaken him rather roughly, ' leincmbor, I don't care a copper about it, personally ; but whoever shake mo shakes tht commonwealth." The man whn naver loved a pretty wo man, was lately seen by some grnenlanders, going round iho North Pole, an icicle a yard long hanging to his nasal organ, anil a sharp nor' easier after him. whistling !0 never fall in love." "Ciunirs," Kiid a lather to his son, while they were woiking hi a saw mill, "what possesses you to associate with such girls as you do 1 When 1 was of your aye, I could t'o with the first cu!." "The firsl cut," said the sou, as he assisted the old man in rolling over a log, "is aKvajs the slab." i;i'itapiis. Here lies two children dead as nils, God killed lliem both by uirne fits, They weie loo uood to live lon-r of me. So UoJ luuk them home to live long of he, Another Here lies John and Lucy Leaven, Killed by lightning sent from Heaven, In 1777. On Da. W- rray llrnven will Lo forgiving ! Such sin is uu liia head : For lie cuts us down whilo living And cuts us up when dead ! 1 "Sjphi Kllswouth," said Grace Eaton "v- bere UiJ you get Uial splendid fan 1 It is teally elcgaul." l saved il," replied Sojihia, "from money father gave ran lo male his shins Lut I hiied them done al half-price, nnd he never knous it to this day!" Four giil ! our fan should be used as a screen lo hide the hard place in your hear!. Prosperily never long follows in the footsteps of oppieesion. Astonishing.- They tell a sloiy of a man cut West who had a hair-lip upon which tie performed an operation himself ly inser ling into the opening a piece of chicken flesh ; it adheiud and tilled the space admi rably. This waj ell very well, until, in compliance with Iho prevailing fashion, he attempted to laiso mustaches, uheu one idJ grew hair, aid the othei leathers. l ine Groceries ami Teas! DAVID l'KASE, S. TP. Corner 6th -J Arch Sired, Philadelphia. "OFFERS for sale all kinds of choice Family -. Ororfrirs and selected articles in his line of busineii'3 j-Oreen and Black Tens of nil qualities snd prices' Ivral Mocha, Old Java and other kinds of Coffee, Kumars. Corn Starch fur pud dings, Farina, Figs in small drums, Layer Kai sins, Ercncli Clarified Isinal ass for jellies ; Extra Whito Wheat Rochester and rhiladclphia Fa mily Flour In Whole and Hitlfllnrrcls ; Lntnur' Olive Oil ; assorted kinds of Sauces and Ketch ups, Ficklcs, Olives, Preserved Ginrrcr, &c, Ac. (.foods packed for the country nnd sent to " Rosd Depot or cUrwlicre without ermine. DAVID ri-;A&, S. W. Cor. tilh & Arch it. Philadelphia. Feb. 1,1851 ly. ch.M. A.'SO. MACKEREL, SHAD, CODFISH, SALMON, Constantly on hand and fur sale by .T. PALMER .V Co., Mnrket Street Wharf, rJHLADELPHIA. HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES SHOl'LDERS LARD &. CHEESE, J March Pth, '51 -3rv. T, S. EOXSST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgjovc, Pa. Clocks, Wuttiii-N and Jewelry, "O ETAIIiED in the best manner and warranted to perfirm well. All work intrusted to his care will he strictly attended to. Selinsgrove, Nov. SO. 1S50. tf. Valuable E.ooLn, IFE op Christ, handsomely bound, D'Ai- I MIRw's HlCTflltV tV Tlir f I'iltl M i "P I fl V Blank Datbuokh asp Li.ik.kiis, lull bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by 11. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jnly 14, 1S19. J. H. ZIMMERMAN , jrsTici: or Tin: iimci:. Sunbury, To. Ofllce in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. rF" Mmi's rccted and uii Isisincss promptly nnd care fully ntleii1cd in. April SI), 1S50 new voitu & fun, vi;3:li'iiia JOURNEYMEN IlalierM AsNoelalloti, Cor. of 6lh and Chestnut Srcct, Philadelphia. CONTINUE to make and sell a finer and more durable Hal for the money than nnv other establishment in the United States sbmdnrd price of Hats 3 00. Gent nnd Boy's Cloth and Glazed C'ips. I'mbrellas, Carpet iias, Cnlaty Panama and Straw Huts at equally low prices. May 25, 1S50 ly 800 LABORERS WANTED, IMMEDIATELY on the Trovorton Rail P.oad to whom liberal waes will be paid. KIMEF.U CLEAVER, Engineer. Trcvorton, Jan. , 1851. tf. WM. M'CAIiTY, BOOKSKl.L i; It , Broadway, SUNBURY, PA. TTAS recently rect ived, among oth"r articles, a great variety of New, Clican und Kntcrlaiu- inu publication) such as Coopers novels, complete or separate. Herberts Do KniUve'l, Dumas do Sue do HeyndoU do Coekton do Maxwell do Jerrold do Mnrris do Trolbpe, Hallibuiton, Marryatt, liicv, Marsh, Aiiiswonh, At the low price of friMii "5 to 50 els per volume, Sunbury, Sept. -8, ISoO. tf. BOOT-TREE MAKER, No. 95 liaee Street. Second door below Third, rillLADnXir-HIA. Ynir.ttE all kinds of lasts, etc., of the latest ' ' style and best material, are manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov.' 9, IboO ly. MUSICAL IX STRUM EXTS. cizas. wuzzmia, No. 207 Chcsnut Street, front Arcade, I'm i.Atu.Lriin. TMPORTI'.R ond M-intifactiin'r of all Liiulu nf Musical Inst rur.iiin, Faiiey Artii les nnd'l'in s. ITifl prii'cs uro 1 owe r than llio.-: tif uny otltrr Miiro in I'liilinlilphiu- All kirn!) if Mpsic-il Inslrti- nu-nts rppuircd in the I'rsl unrl.inalioliip, ami ula taken in tiwle. PhiLuliljiliia, May 25, 13.10. ly. 1G()T, IJIGrr.SlRtMX A IXT1ST, No. 1-10, enmcr of Fifth If Chesmit $!., Phila delphia, and 3G3 lirutul watj corner of Frnnkli Street, Nnr York. CITIZEN!- AND STKANCKRS inn liave a sittin- fir I'ortrjitu or M un .4, ntnl riTi-iic tl.rui lii-niit'ifully i-usi-.l, in inorocio, yilk vt-hrt, I'liiiitT Miiolii.-, or titht-r I'.iiuy U Irs, ur syts iii Medallion.-;, Lot-liil-i, &c, in a lm iiiiiiiiti-s. Eagucneotypes, Pniutui, Dravvin-js, &c. Copied. Out tloor View, ami Mini.iturci of deceased l-i-rKOUM, taken ul nluirt hotiee. Vjr I'ortr.iits of A JulU liy our prucess, and Im proved Instruments, it clmiilj day in ijuilo as fa vora'.ilo a clear weuther. For Children, a clear day (licttvccu 1 1 and I!) ii prefcratilc. 2 Iti Dreai avoid vvliitc, hlue or lilit pink. Our Gallery willi itM fix Yi'xta Mulali. nnd Woikii of Art, is .-pen al nil houm, mid Free. Whether vi.iitom w isli iiii tiuen taken or not, w e tliall ut nil times l u happy to hcc tlii in. Juno 22, 18.10. IITE! IITE! I1TK! BOUREAU'S IndestracliMo and Iudollible WRITING INK FACTORY. No. 1 .S'oufA Third street. 1 TEHC1IANTS nJ the 'Writinjj ron.mnnity '' ore requested tr call and rxaiiiiue tliia INK, whicli U warranted not to corrode ItLttdltc 1'cat, nor change its Cuur WIioIcnuIc and riclali, No. 1 South Third street, 1'hiladeljihia. A liboral discount made to Merchants and tho Trade For sale l.y H. II. Manser, agent for Sunhury NoveinhcrQ, 1830. ly. rolton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps y1 and Wadding, Cotton (Jutliiien, Heady made raiiulooiut, Kead made Vesta, Con-jress Knivex, Porcelain lined pnierviiig kctlles, just received for sale hy II. il ASKK. Sunbury, Dee. , IS la. Tyrnsixa dottles Breast pumj... and nipple A supply of these uselul srti. cles just received and fur sale by JOHM W rUII.INO Bur-bury, Jan. 18, 18il tf SH0UUD3 & CO S LABOR AND FUEL S AVISO Jlnnnfarlrtrrd liy Miourds &, Co. 843 Chestnut St., Phila. FOR SALE CY ALL GROCERS. WARRANTED ti wash elenn in hard, soft, or salt water, cold or licit, ill ono third the time of any other Pen p ever manufactured; thus dispensinir with hoiiinr,, hlcachin?, ccc. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, kc. washed with this Snap will never shrink or have any harsh or gummy feel, lint leave them in their ori.rinal Rotl and pliant state: which is in itself a sufficient recommendation to guarantee its use in all families, THE FINEST FABRICS may he wnshed thoroughly with it, without the least injury; civilly ilium a lustre euual lo newly imported Rood... PAINT, CREASE & DIRT of any dcxcriptioii, can he readily removed by the use of it, without injury In the ai'liie., whether it he the finr-st (lres or ordinary enrpct. In the use of Minimis eV Cn's Soap, th; ninst delicate need nut fear, as it will not injure or chap the hands, hut on the contrary ucl as an emolli ent, nod in ini only the viittr rest wisuixo mtr-ever nil' ir 1 to the public, but as aTOII.ET SO A 1' cannot be excelled. Wherever it has bce.i it has given perfect satisfaction, end is v a-i'iutcd n to do, in all ca ses where a r i Hal will be iiivcii it. 811 Ol IJDS ., CO., Manufacturer. No. !') Ohesiint St,, Philadelphia. For 5'alo bv Ori-ccrs i-euerally. November Iti, IH.j'J. v;.i!. i. nr.iKr.ri:!!.!7.!!, Altrrncy nt law, BIIner ilir. S imylUill fo Ia. "1'SI.NI'S v ill be pvi.ii.ptlv ill T ti led lo in the ' rnllnlies nl S,-lin v 11. i 1 1. ti nmhni In ml I'ninn, Columbia and M'mnnir- Refer to: A. Jordan. IT. I)Mln, 'y II- IV Masr, Esqrs. Sunbury Win- liaven. Edn.'.rd Hughes. .S: olo:n-in !iiin'el, Miueraiiie C. M. Hall, JT. .Moriimc.-. ri.f-.ii!e. Oct. 5, lS.'i!) I v. FACinCTT.Ar7.T HATS. C. J. WALTON, jYo. 2 fi niarlrt al . h'lirrni 7 ,y SA St., .1 T: TTl Snbscril-cr lia cj.cuc.l a new hit store and (if-'ris to trub-r ntwl nthers who visit the city, a hiiitbnme r, o-tmcnt nf hats, caps, ofeve. ry vr.ri.iiy. n-.i(h' i:n id' tl.c best and iti the laic I : I ---t a rd on term - as rcas ena ble as can be bail in auv i a'. Il -hinctit in Phiia- di Iphia. viz: Vine silk lu.t.s do at s i t i. PiT'.! fm m cha -c ( fliini. cm i,-iv, r.t a irond nili.-lc t-iat will ji'e.i-c : fullv u.'ilti the money iini.l. d ; (innu do l!ie cnnnii v wlin iiu I times, on p,.ttiii-.T a ai i.s and mie that is c. .t. WALTON. Phil.i Nov. n, i' "0. 1- CI1 AIM. F.S W. il r.f; ins, i.T Li. pn. a Coflst I'.U W" ill pvemtitlv attend lo en ections and all bnsi l.i-i-s id lo 1.U care. June Hi llii, Ll(H;ols,vITEsf'c:C. 'j'lit:1. sub -ciiVer lias jnt rcccied a new supply el" the 1 a' ..t lioiMirs llit ever eainti to 6'unburv. cnnsi. ;ir: in p H : i iir old "1 lhnn.l I i-vii l!i.:,i.!v. Sup.Ttnr ( 'Id .lam aica .-' N w 1 '.i rj h-ml Ki.'o. 1 iin 1 1. nl. hi. 1 I itn. : ,v'i:pcriov 1 )..! 'iii!,ey (.'nn:ri -il do. ?-'M;.i-.!or .i:i-ii.i Win? l.b-! .i i!f. :. .S'up.-ri.-r Pert Win., .' .. Swr : .li.ila .i V. ;.i. Superiur C !..;. t V ine i C it.iii'i..' :.:e ilj. MAS-eXR. cunl.iirv, ..l.'v -i, l? ii'. 111 AI.M! i I ;ii t ivm; i 1. 1 M oil v.'oivE 111 TTI.(i o: VATi;ilM.X, Importers cud Der.lers in Liquors, No. Q20 MirkH street, Philadclpha, fVW.l fir snle, tl.c elienpi'it nnd lust assort- ineiit ol' l.iiju.ii's in l'i,il;ili'lpliia. iich na tjliniiipuzni, -ii'.errii s. J'urt, itn-k. Claret, Hnr glllH'.i'. m. :ii.U.rn, l; .. i .-;.... M.uleiia, Lisbon, 'J't'iii'iiile iiiid :-iii!y Wiurs.! i.l l!i.' choii-est l.r.uid., hi : Ma-iina. ('. n.l, !'t,. 1, il. iii,i'.,v, Ac, Ac. Fine ll.' tliti, .M.iii.iiiiilii'la, tSeoti-h and Iriili l:t-.!.-y, i.e.. ,ve. Itiit.'ls :,ial tlie I'niiiti'v Irriih Knjiplied a riiila-di-lplii.i pi'iiv-i mi tlie .mist lilii-ral lerins, July I-i, li-.MI. PA'-' r'.'T JAFAII BLACKING. . f.O ClfKSTVl'TStr.-et. .li I i y il:. FT. NKI.I. I.N- 1' I'l.i: idi 1. liia in 1 1,'tol-er. l.; iff, i' tor'!. mi: d a i.. ;, i "Ti i'i l'i: ami 1 iii; I'll sT 1 I'lP.ill'M l.y :!i. .MAliSl.AMJ l. M'lI'L'i' II illil. .',' .v. IS Is ami ll!i. y .'.'-' -I".-, ..'.' .(;,, ls-H. I have it-'cil ,1. , e!l ii'H I'ali'nt Japan l.i-pii I and 1'ii-t.- jjUul.iii'i I r .hiih- inne iinuilhs and a in liappv In r i l!i'.,l it mi. pa.-ii.-i aiiv l.larkiii:' tl'.at 1 have us it hulils tlie p. Ill r lluii auv I -l t!l. l'.i,'l : e li'.iii'y odd e ll'-a. I l'i ml r het l.. I ,,-y.M's t".... le.llh it I have t -it trie -.1. A.N a li ; '.y 1. t ' il i vi il - it1. M-i. li i Chrfput Mn-et, Y7u. CT.Tr.r.Iy, Manufacturer- -i:. -.' r In J. Wlli.I.AI', No. .1(1 t'liesim.t Mreit, uhovi; Second. ! .., !), 1 -j.IO 1.,. iiuowN'S i.-!:.Ncr. or Jamaica cin- J (U'.lv, an e .-eliei.t aili. le. I! i r w i j 's Mi all ti lt, r, .S. e. li u!ua)'s CiiN-as. !ej .-.laji for (.un luirtH, tan, in 1'ahn, fur tho hair datid- ruliW.. lia.l'.vav's Ili-ulv Kelief f.r Ciioiiia MoiLl.'', i'.i', i'oi Mali Cramps, Cln-lic, hv li. MASiSER. II funi'iirv, .-In. Z, 1?"9. S1 iTONL; Ware, llaitluii Ware, Kaisins, Ai nu, mis. r lines and Cream Nuts. I'l.iu.-s nl' all Unit!--. 6'all and 1'iastt ,'. Ju-it reee'ned ai'd for sale hy JUii.N W. KHII.I.MI. .Vunl.urv, I'ee. ,-:, IS-r.i. JOOKS and tl .ll !'ni. " ii-8 of llu hie of I 'liris!, On hand several enj and also a nt'llilier ol gold peinvl,i. li we ill sell at the 1'hiUdeljiliia prie.. I'.ir a'.le l tliis ullit'e. r.V.i:i)'.S I'ATI'NT .SA.SII FA.S TK.M.N A eiieap and excellent arii ele tor fastening sasli for sale l.y J'. W. KKIl.INU Sunl.ury, July 7, 181!). H( O.SE OINTMENT. A fie,h supply of this la W Cieell.'ui artii-iu for 'J iti. r. ,Ve., jusl received and lor salo l y II EN IS V MALE'S. Sunl.urv, July 5S, 1S19 7H.EV.S COUGJI VAXDY. An excel lent remedy for coui-lis. Kor iale at this ollioe fl'lNSl'E I'AI'EU. Yellnw Tissue "pT-a-Jr "for 1 coveiiu-j ylasses, Ac, for sale at the olliec ol the Aiiierii aii. R".A11)'.S celehi'.iU-d iloiw and Calile Medi B J ''"" ' ''le by JIEXKV MASSE K bunbury Jan. ,'7ih, lftl'J A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the CJaltliiet Wut e Koom of SEli'N JIOUPT & CO. Market, Also at the corner nf Fnmi street If the Railroad SUNBURY, KA. Thankful fnv the pntronaje of his friends and customerR during th 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public ft con tinuance of their favor.". During this period he has endeavored tn keep up w ith the improvements nf the day, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public am therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CAMNIiT YVAUK AM) CIIAIKS, M.w.'FArTt'UF.o nv SEBASTIAN IIOUPT & CO. ' . At the 'Cld'tflnnA, .-' Vhero in oilditioii lo Uiuir former stoik of the establishment ihcy now manufacture Mfihog-any, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. J.nrs;e Spring Smt Hocking Cndrs, Dressing Uurctuis, Centre Tables, J.lirlle Top Jl'iit Stands, and a vurivty of oilier new i'jle nnd Fa h i o :i a h I c F u risif it rv. Having sectiii il n Hearse nnd nnide the neces arv nrniiureincnls I'nr tho purpose, thev are innv prepared tor l nilerlakini i.i nil its branches, in this vicinity or at unv i on enient distance. Ve nni is an t mi -'ri"j'H, nn.t hnslvevts too, llt-re I'nrai'mr if ry.-ry piylf n;id trie, I'r-'in side h-,! d nvn ! kitelic-i l.diles, l-'pim r.'f.'.inir r lirs In nKUiiiLr crni!!og F'rll.I -'U n ! Imve Mi., r, a ty JnHV tn pv. W-'!1 w ;i;; awliiS' I" T n l.fii '.ter l .'"er itnr, lr tal.c jnl:iln... nets. c-an. w licit nii'i rye; Italic li', v!. s. nr iiunli-r wi-l mid dry. Or nny 1 liincr l"it y -'si-s and tlir-f !ii;M i1m:!i. 1 an i-ics unit lurLics drnvn In tittle qtriils. C'-mir mi tlifn I".ii-i!il5. r -nc nncaiul nil, Ki i p trr-t'e a mnyilm'. sn 'g u s nn tin' tiall." tV Orders from a distance promptly attended lo nntl work nf all kinds delivered with dispatch. Minluirv, .Mann '.I, ll-M. tt -w-w-. i J vJ iV.LiiijJ ; ; l-S lT MKANSnl' Tlir. I Ol'KF.T "'v.'', I'st rnrn s, or, Kcrv one ' V bis own Physician ! ihirli- 13 . flh edition, with upwards of VC' 'tl a liiiiiilied rnc-aviii, show- ' '' A i i! ,n? P,,' discasc in eve i -'- vJ iy shape niiil form, and mal .,' 11 lovmations of the generative ,J .i-y'' system, i;v aa'ai. vopxr, m. n. -'!' 'i'iie time Ims nfiw arrived V'V 1 "-- ' tlir.t pers ih s stlbiiu ficni secret diseases, need no more become the victim nf t"a. kr ry. ns by the prescript i ins e.miained in tills bin 1; any une may cine h ' !f, u i'.iiout hiiul rancc In IniMiiies., i.r the kniAweile of uny nne, and v. ill, one tenth the usual epi nee. In addi tion to the ircr.rral ro'itine nf private disease, it fully i .. pi. 1 in.- 1 lie i ausc of 111a nlioi id's early decline, willi nl-.-eryatinns on marriage besides nianv iilhi r i!e..i:u:eiiicnls which it would not l.-e pro per to i-iii.:n'-:'. r.c. .M-.' person scinim Twr.N-rv-n vi: itvts I cn- ! 1 in a li d, i', wiil receive on copy of this 1 ho.".!;, bj mall, or li.e ci.j.ics will be sent for one j ddiir. Ad tress, 'lib. v.. iti! V.'. .... l.-p; M iiLC'V; Mi,,:.I"!H,.ri.l,iiI.."l,,,t-paid. I I'll. 0 Mi cm l e cti'iihcd on ccy of the Ui " -I'.cs de.-ci i! cd in his dilli'ient publications, at his Oiii.-e, 1 :, Si'lU f'il f-'lrcet, eery day he tive.'ii iird li fi'i io. k, (-"'iinua s ccplcd.) I'liila.'.ei.r'i'i, A,.y. !', 15 .".0 -'iv. "l- w- -a. - -i tj-"'.t " G. - r Km - rO , t IJ V. 5.tFI I .1. i v .' I S, h:ive ju-t n-e;voil ' ;-!';.;(: ami sni'im; a:id oilier t, ies, to whieli 'Ai;ri i;- upp.y , (.;.. o t -s i' tin v ii: I'.' Ml V1 : ti in -All. ni-'U". tf filk, woollen ttr.-i, Clia.m-li-on-i, Inula "Siliia and and v .i'-'. .l. iii:i;ss MM am neat ;.;..! li. ll'i ' le. I.i, liiiil- s f.OODSI. 11113, (.-"..' ;!i.llii i, Alp.l,'; ivy:")-, llarre-i, Miius.-'e-, M.iIiai'S, and ail tiie llrw i, s. 1 Ti;i-!il.'; COODS i;!-inl;,.ts,SlieetinTs ij. ilt-. U.iiir.t!;, iiiiti.:.-!, ur.J ail other furni.-h-wj .M!1S F RC!,.'li. fas-imeiv-., Caslimn iitts. Di ilU, Ve-tiiiKKof all kind-;, nud F.ovs wear. PlKlLl.MAKCli.S UOODS and L'airin-e Ma kori uiiieles. T. cIIARI' A soN'm, Nu. It'- S. See.iinl Slreut, I'liiladeipliia .Mav 2.1, f,0 ly toxic MixrniE, Foil thi, Ctitic ov Fi; tu and Aiiun. War ii a mi: ii. IIIS lliniAalU-il i-tlii'i-iL- iii-iy l c reli-.l onwlu-n nenr-I.'-.. .ail. !' y.i' il is ii it Mi.i.i-u ntly - pi. il.t r !---ir- I . iailarr'i. t!:' I'V ku in iia vlitur'.ainl nil ua. i-r:-;i liniir- u,.l my.iru liial tliey ly ai: i-iai-i ryu. kn-iwn !lu'r-!,iri', t fi..!il nl' i.t. u.i l HI ..-. can (i. tli .a n !.-. -I tan Le v-.ili:y un.l i hPi-.iiN i-uii il of : t: i.i: l" p ! -a N'i) At. I'M veli -ii' tl. ".I--S nil! is- 'iin potMiiR or is .i(. i. .1 t i i!n- jt.. i..' r.'M'-li ii' n!;. :iy irvtl if.'ti'h-s w ill n,nl u ii V.. .i-t I! I" I'r'.Fn and ilvH. i illitil I 'i' an mrr -f. .isc a.,u i: . i y la a,; 'i n ! w .,'. veil - illi 0 li Sti-,.. la, ma! c- pi r il i.. r t tlV I '. n --l'i i itiiADV yn 'V. tll.a .!,..--, luetliud lo itit'.iri.i Ihe readers nj v A ii ati, tliat, should they Ms.t, 1 lil;..ili'l) .il,i. 111 i;'ay. t ol Cood niid Chep.n C'lotliiiig. und favor un with a call, tl. cy shall lint ho disaji pninti d in ol.taiiiiiur tlie best of pannentii nl the lowest eai-h pi ice. We l.itve ntnv on hand the lumest. ussorliueul ever otli-ied in I'liilailelphin, ai, .on,' which me DREss I KISOCK COATS Iiuin n." In NIS. I'AM'.S nnd V ES'l's from 75 .is. t i .-". OVE1S CO.VIN, l'l. OAKS, lil',-,1. Nls MACK COAT.-! and COA'l'TEI's, all ol" uhi.'h sliall I e sol.l at stieli pi ti es as In make ii an i.lijei I I'.ir the pcnple of un!nirv mid the sur loundiiij ci.'.iiitiv loextei'ii lo lis ilie'u -patrouao. I'EiSU V IS. M NE1I.I.E & CO. t-louth I'ast coiner of bth and Market. July 111, I soil. INEK 1. WATER, f.'fliii'tlie"6uk Orchard A. id Sprines, lii-hly valuable in chronic di sease.!, and tmiii! rem. uics. lor sale It II EMI If MASSER. Pniilmry, June !;9, lS5i tf KTOMIJ V7AUB, 8 TONE niilli Tans, stono Jurs and Titeliers, iiu.l oilier jrliclci of sUne ware just received and I'-r sale I f '! JOHN W. f'EH.lNU. -to'unhury, Juno 5.1, 1819. TENT of all kinJ.-i, Harrison's w iilinir and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and laps, iu -it ncfivod and for sale hv j. v. rr.iM.NG. Sunbury, Dee. !, ISIS. SAY ELM. An exi-elleut article for sale 11ENKY MAMEU. uy riunbury Jan 70i, 1SIU tf. 1EANK DFED.S piinted on the best quality cf par. littient pap-r, sold at the lowest prices al this oll'iie, liy vho!esale and retail. I Alsl.N'SS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper V sauce, &r. Eor sale by J. W. Ir'KlLlNU Kuubury, Dec. Si, ISIS. . CriE EII.I.S Justices and I'onstables Fee Si' fti!U I.hikUouh'Iv printed on card psper, for al this ui'.ii e. 15ANK NOTE TAJ5LR CO ft ft IX TED I VE E KL Y. rn.wsvi.vAMA. riw oi viiinnhi.iniA. V. P. Hank l t-a I -, ills MAWACAI.'SCTT?. All siilyiail Ikinkj dia ItridUl'. ISLAND. All snyi-nl tianks I dis CK.N.NKC HCL'T. All Solvent I -nil,. I (li M;w v(inK. Alt silyeiit ttniiks pai ..t 1KV Hank nf I 'liaiuhi'vilviVg 1 di. IHnk nf I'hi-rt.T Co. lv.r tin.... ..r t. I , I. ' . v.i. .ni..v;cr ikii riTT V'" ""' town par. All nvri iMk, 1 dia mik of (ii-uvsliinx 1 ilia Ilk n n, a ,,,,,1,-r S3 4 dia Hank nf t.rwir:nyn ,.,.NTnr HsnkofiMiildletiiwii 1 dis'AII anlyent, ,k, ' 1 dia ..iniiisoincry i;n uniiK i,ar M,V JKUHKY. ..-in, in .-.'iriiiniiiiicii iKi. pin iii-iynirre Umik Hank of I'itp-tnir 1 dii'llniiini, Hank 1 dia dia -I i-i Knnvino par r nr. Hank Mont In ly inir l.arln-le Uniilt 1 dia'l-V It M., Middlelnwii 11 . ir C'.ilaiiilna lk Tt'ge Co pai , Mf.-liani.-i.' Ilk. Newark iuir liiy. !sl-.vil Hank nnr Mm-li. Ilk nf II,, -In. ..,., I'.astnn Ilink liar .lwii. Man. Hk Trent nur I. no Hank S dia .M.itris l. Hunk i dia i : -nan...' li k l ill.Mir" 1 .In Ni-vyark H cV A- ln C.n dia I .Xcliat'tre !t'k, llnil'li I dn'.' Hunk I dia ilia pnr par 3 ilit. P-.r I-nrincra' H'k. Hu. kaO.i psr' l'e .pip's Ilk Patterson runners1 Hk, l-ancastor paril'nncclon Uuik r.'inni ra' H';, It tin:; par S il.-m llnntilllf C, I'nnn Ilk Schuylkill Cn p-ir'Si-merrct Cu ilank 1-' I). Hit Wnvni'tlri? l.ldiaiSinie Hunk it I'liiiid'-n Krauklin Hk. YVimu'u lAdis.iiit Hk J-.iiziilx.-tl.L- 3 dia 3 dia llarriFl-iir;: Iti nk 1 dis St.iii! liaiik Xcwailt llnniHilnl. H'ink l.anc:ift.T Hank l.'liam.'ii II. ink M.-reli. M in. H ink .M in.-rs' H'k. P"!l:.vii,i 1 ili:S. it.' Hk. . noins.-if-k par pariSa -scx Hank. Newlml j ilia I ii ITirnpin Hankirp t'o par i ,i:!ri. n itank. n-v.-r 3 di pi-i-l! :ir.P-v I lei Drri.t.ldis I .lis.tVHk not. a tniilt-r I ilia al'.n 'lipahrln Hunk lavli.rf.V Veg l!nn D.-lHVCi 1) dia lJi:i.. Mill. I. nik ivir T.-ii.k-nl Iii'.iwar r ynnnnt Hk, Vilkr.liV pTrlt.-nik nl Snn-:.ia pat 1 Hk Hank. 1 ,Ur tjv"liiliyf 1'i't-a 1 dis mmm-:. nan: of "ti.-.!.r.-k ft iti .-.MiTc.-intili; Hi:, Hani; -r In .lis All a -l-.-it Ivids ; ins NT.W II MIstIl!l'. ti-l;iwarp I. H i H-ink iM.r I'k liin'n.V Hnindyvy. p-il I'lii-lll. is' Hk Si l.'.l-iwan' inr I ni. 11 P ink. A iJiniiM;P'ii par ; V I ndt-T S,"a I .lis OIII'l. Ml f 'Iyi-ii.1 Unit, a 2 dis .Ml solvent t J dis I :k ii,iti-:i npd.-r .' 4 dia XOIITII CAIiOl.lNA. Ml P--K-.-i -.! l.-ini.i 0 iliji :? I .' . .;'.., c: ,! a H nik of SI .A llama s d All s .Ivetil P oil- " il V. II.S.I i?J.V tTS I.IMll i. v.-i'k l!i- i.ttii '.-t c. ad.t . . :f r. I to Ike mi tin- can; , d 1 1 - , ire nri'iny in-m n' m Ii ..'..I t'ai- i.'y mill ilir piiLln r lirli n, nint all dif IT :u-u V.-ni- '.lhiMiirfSiT PitVt, I?r!ihty ol iliu .V-i v't'iis Si triu. nyii.H'ii.'ii.Ii in, Jiiuiiilico, I, ir-rtul rlpi'l UK', Wi.kmi- uf ti,, sirrnpt'j. ri;ili;!iiit'i.-, wild ncjucr li.! 'liii;..f wiiul, Vilintt il t.r,!c, Coiis:iiiirin:i iiii.l uucaaiuL'.' ttfli.f 1. 'Wt I-c, ' V'-mitip: Hill ili ai nt the pit . I Mi l.iy.-i eoiM,.! nut, Upirt'i-M .ii iiiier en' in?, ii.ltali 'ii nl lie- limit, I in- ut "1 I lit- lelli:u-li I"' 1- VV.ibls Lie riplll Bill", S '1 in Si I lie 1111,'lt Mull, rr I Ml ol l!e; j.,!!! ! ui'.d liiil.iLini.y nl l.-nipti, c. It" n c;if of i'-?jirpi:i Pa-uild !) u-?l.'fti-il, tn -st s-ri'ma rfl-.-tvh limy cnPiif. inr it nn tin tuiti!l:iti"ii i'..r, is tn- iu rii'L'iil cnuf "l, Hivl ViTy Mfjn'tit; ItTnim;ili - m imii. li ii. 1 W'ltitt ini(ircMi ii j m it ihc'iinnil tii:it tutmii' wi'ii tins iIisi'asL in iy In! ii sp ,t wnii Hit- rt.':it.'ii wimlif'iisti-lut-'s iiinii K.,i-ri tiiiii' ir mil iiif i'vni:s. 'ir tn fin toiler rAiMen.-C by C-'imciwUMutS ul l'i ill v ta the IK'tniiy pirn. 'I iiim imdii iJtt in nr:'y ju-t hi -fit-, villi nmplr ilirucii.iiiB tor use, miU u m untulvi.y J-uin W. -'Biunu. JAM liS 1 1,1.1 A.MS. Tudunj inynf Mr. Al.irr Klin, s, ii.ui.i. ,M hm-i win-t nU'-vu bi.Mi., c n r.tiie vi iue tiuuuiy nt' Wiiiuuis' Auli-J)ji l',.;iu- jaii-a. IV:! piua, Oi-llier 3, Mb. J w.r.s W' : I'r.n n ; U IUC L" 11; 1 1 p'.r-u-'irc t i k'l'V tlm vil tire i . . . n 1 1 ti y..ii n.i .n.-mt I .r Iim; rttrc "i 1 s-i p- 1 1 'I l : i ni- i f ! :i i.e. .-. ii:,-, . r . 1 1 " I t.-tl i i, i Mini ;i t . '.it. i. i.n.nv.n.r t...;t I , - n j '"i- A - I Mini- T !, - r, j.-i'.'t :!-., i v.-.-.1j:im-,j ,.f I I.M- ; r,-,.' I-f ld'tr 1 iu r- . - H i il ,-. ii, i;i, u. ot t i;r m,tl inr.r i- M n .,,! tl:,- t-i y. n. t..i. x-:: i-. i.:'i,il t . t-;iu-. ww ii,.--,.- ii. I'nr s?vi-::it y-:t,s '.-mli r.."l f,- -m Jisj:- p. n i, wlii--!) i . ? ( r is i t,i sn -ii m t.xu-ut i : i t uiv hcnith ;ui.l i- M;litii:i-')i w-i-n- T'.ini -1- fii.!;i.r. unti.-r it. I i- '' iii ('. ''It'll i.t r''-!iic1 i:i-i.'! i-'titt.- in -'r f-1 in jilt t'.-it, aiiii evi'ii l:nt I -.-u:.: s- t ,U- r. 1 ; f ;, iU;: !i, tliHiK-Il- li i't mi to r. ,(!,.. :,,, n, y -l I' -v. it in . .v r inlv'-n i.r. iP'i't , ;i p-iif t - li-.liur , - ilrprt'S' I HI ;uiil in l.-.-TiisiMr U i.iiH' . In !.-. vcr.i I t.-. I,, iri i: l'i- Mil ..lii.n. lil-h r..- c i , iit i-.;.n . y A ':';.-:.'. '" Ml i;r. I i r -i-nrnl in st .,,-..v ,(, n:h,r It ini.unict l f,l : 1 i, V J i-i --Vi-1 HW.IV. 1 1 ' ' ;:;i;,r- i r ii! i ".'..ny wi'.U Im.;-;ii -r '. 'I'-ii ; i " t-i'- nii'.!.ii--i' in run' i p -:-;s i : y in r m--i:if i lt irli'ly I'liry.J un: y; i.t a . t r.-t". " 1' I: S "t" ( MM j..- iniTt ,f. tl, i it i ii 1 i i !.;.ip, r-iiri ir iin any r j p fr-ri-.i n;tv . vrv Ai.M.ii r.!-Mi:?s. 1 IT. II iwl.-v. Wt. ',;-.:, .M.-fi l,'-,,! -. At-V.i-i A r . . - ,j S .u?a .iC t i : ;.. j i-t W'l.liJiju-s' Anii-1; . " ".'.ivi-vivif ! t-i- "ft:. h 1" !'! enn nf t.i'.-l-; . ni I r -..'i t-i !'.: V..:- :ila: r.t.: ut.. OftuluT :i, ispi. V,' I t.Mc 1 1. : IV. I . It 11.. hi r.- i I-t -i: liar- y -n r A-iti I 1 Ii.l N.i, Sl.: It. IN'WMIV noiJi or t' -1 .a iy, ) .a 1 i-i- f.- .',1 r ,;.. a I'll ii-- It I ,.( r. -T!'A. Ol- li. V iiu ( tiu I'll'! At r nt, t. .: i lls .''! r. .',:a,. v,- ! :, l' Ii.l ,1 Pi- 'ar : a- li,- li a;!. .... ny in. it r r-'icia ; l1. : f ;-. r: ' ti- :-Mll a! a a.f. -I' la l. ai i'. t i p-H-i-i-.'r K 1 i:v. .-!' nt. liy ' carL'il a. ul liavc ri. nut -. I':-. iia: u. i-r pa at i: ..f !!.. I liai-t -I. ! nl I I. lUl! .1 1 I.I I, ; aLoe. 11 e ! ,'.t l.-i I K pc-r:-fI I w.-.a .al..y.! I.i .1 I. ti ' 1 iiUVi; i.- Ill-.l l.f OilltUR Ilt. liliilv ; ll'--- m tin- t'ai'.'. I-i 't'-ai'.--. .-I- i-.p--.l nam:',, t't't-t p.a-i'i -i Pii-i ti . h- : i ri i al in i,., t!m Blroii-ri-st niui'iior to l.n- pul-Iii?. piiiei! I. irmu' Wi'.ti pcr-.ililU'; il in JA.Ml-13 UilVOl: Ai'ia! Tt'l;v M.IKJ5, g.liiliaty. July 'J-., l-i!l. SI3ITI!; El CO., i.mi'okt nits n- l-(i ui: iii. v Books, Prints, rugTavi-tgs, Stationary 'IU I i s niiil .irusltal iuEii u- No. 7S North 5n.l !St., between Ar-.-h & l!ace, I'll I . t nil. phi a. TlMPnilTt'i order fin I have eonitnitly o-i n .'cy l.ii'!;e a-isoiliiii'iit i.l'jiiiiuls in the above nained lines nt whulesale and retail, rrit'cijiallv : L3 CO CO UZ. cT3 In f.'i'H!ia:i, I.a'ln, Cn cl.. llel.rew. I'li-nr-h. Italian .-paiii.-h and ollu-r latiu'ii u- s; ('lasers, I'i.'tii-u-ii' ( li amines, "oi'.i!-!ilaiies. Sell ol. Juvenile, l'ictu,-, 1 'i au iii and .'.l.ui, l Un.ilis ',,r Archiiecls Ci-i-nn-t. l aiii.i ;e and other iiiaiiiil'ii-ui.'i'is. M l'S.(.l.i.'.:;s and lll.i!, U ,,f .,.rv .les rlpCuii. f-'pli iuli 1 l.i.!u.0-aji!ii' nud otlier I'linti. irxn-Ai, lNsrnrMrvrs. Aeri-rdeon", Ila.iins, Itows fur nil stiiti instiu nieiiti, Eii'i'i- and Tailpiivt s, Cl.iri.iuk'.s, Kill's. l''la'-co'K l'hiti'f-, CI. Tit iti, Oi tavri Elut-s, l'aienl 1 1 cad i for (Suitaiii and, Tambourines, Tiinh.-T roil.' and 11 .iinuiei-, A i ilius, 'i.,!iii and tluitai' l'.'4-i. Violin, 1-iI.h and triii'.-s Cir all Kinds of In- trti-y .Mils holesale and Ketail. Accor dions repaired. Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, u I. ir-je assort incut of the very iiest tlSa-lAW BROPJZB POWDEn Dutch .Metal, 1' rem hand Florence l.nat'.Melal 'I'h. ruioiiieteis. I lair pencils. -f'ahcr and other Eeadieiieils, !..,!, hile and El.iek l.'hulk Cray ons, .Mailti iii itii i.l In..,'.ri!ineiits, Seal lica tors, -Vpring Lancets Tucket l'leciption und Cold t-i'.ih s and eii;lits Lett.-r, Fancy colored and -,'ilt Taper Tiav 1114 Cards and oilier French and t.i-rniau Fancy Ariicl. s, for ihe stile of which they are the MAN L'FACTLTSEKS A (SEN i's. July 6, lH.-ii) FATEITT 1-CEDIC5I1T3CJ3. (ireen's Ovypr-uated HilUr, price reduced. Old Jacob Townseud's SarsapaiilU. Dakei's Sarsaparilla. Swaytic's --"yrup of Wild Cherr Sway tie's Yi1mifu,'e. Ay re's Cherry Teetotal )r. Urtilte's i'atweea. I Ir. Culleii s .Iii TihbiTsTain Killer. Lr. lloollatid's (lerinan Bi Iters- Indian Vc-riaMe Tills Horse and Cetllo Medicines For salo by HENRY MASSER. l-unbury, July 14, 1S4'.I. TUB PEOPLE'S VADS-MECUm t'UMl-IUSINU A I'OLI tCTION OKOVKK !S0i) VALUABLE RECIPES, la the Useful and Interesting Artt with a few biiiiplc sua t Ilvperiiuruu iu I llll.MISI'KY : INCLL'DINO Medicines, lV-rfuinery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Djiug, ('unli-eliuiiary, Do mestic Economy, eU-. etc. ele. I'riee 0 rls., for sale by 11EN 11 Y MAiSlsT.R. tiunburv, Dec. 8, 1819. IJAJZOKS. store of A superior article for sale st the HENHY MASSEK. Bunbury, I'.b. lit, lSU, 3MAIl()(iNY AND AITIKM SHOP, Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Road. AM) CABINET MAKERS, GESEtlAL FURMSmSd STORE, No. 134 South Sreond Street, bcloic Dock St., PlllI.AOF.M'lll.. riHK subscribers would call the special nttcn JL tion of Cabinet .Makers and others, to their very extensive assortment of materials in their line, eonsistincr of Mnhotrnny Veneers, lionrds nnd Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Clue, Varnish, I.uokinE Class Plules, .Maho.iiiy Knobs, Hcd Posts, Malulo 'J'ups, and every dexcriptioii of linrdunrc 'J'ool, Vc. Cabinet Makers resiiliii-j; out nfthe City, would find it greatly to their ndvantao to call ut our store to purchase such materials us they want, connected with their business. All our rruoils are W AllHANTfil), of the best ipiality, and at. very reduced prices. Uur 1 enns are t ush, (no trade.) S c rjiiaratitee lo give every man the worth of his money. T. A- I.. TIIOMPStlX. ?f . B. Mnhorany, Walnut and Hand Kail riank.and Stair .i.illusters for Builders, al. Matble Mantles, nlways on hand, and tcty de scription i-f turned Win-!;. June f, is.",!)..,- "DEATH'S door:' ir t!;is i tiu.iiit Inr " tii ll Ii pitU.'n' lull, H !litn;i' H'-f luTSrii". ! iinini -v. ! Ill'IfV, liti'lv.: V ti' llllll.i tll l'l in t r. l:.--. . t... I ,vi'. Mm. l irn ' n!" titf Ti tiiilV r-i'lff). WW, li- .!if rvH .S ill ill tl 'VH "UfJ.'li'S .1 .' T.'' I'V i;ii-.i- II- v !'. It!-..- :i-i ::)-. I .T t" r -ln it li- r i-t' In r t-,i-n :i-';i'!.s l:i "r:rrt lu.iitli, K'-.nlv ll'-'.i.-t' it iij.; i'n - l it" ( ' 'If;--'. I:--.!-. cl.-Nii- ::; n" irn;. in -n. r..liur m. !it Vr tin! Ill jft Kf-V'Tf Neil ; ;-..:.l.!- S -n-?. I ; T i. '. O -nt. I'ii'-iA-mh, S,r;ini, W.- ikn. -is in Siilo nii.l '', Uriiisi-f., ftjiu li. ll r.ln- r t,i 11 T I mt It-i.Uviy'y l iirt ri'r,'i : it iM.i mlv .f-.V.-.i!lfi4.-ri liiiti t'-r. r Tl!- vi-ry 1n t Cli i..-i:i fifrc! Vrfi Utul pttt llH' tl'KNLKttii US ;:: I'.K ilft-ft H ln-iiiirili-n i 1 .m in .i;iiiift li it k, 'J'llI'MlH :.ti' !l Kin-Is, liliM-'ll.'l. IL i;llSflH (.' C,.. Th's t'rtt--i,..r ;.)','.! i -:1 r-ui !" cut.,! i:t :mi i:!.iMt t'lr? MMiilC'l!. tlir II'-!.. I' t- llrln-S tlir n''-vp. il .i, j tl'.IU'il. jilU Jlll-.i f t 111. -st r.-lirvr-! f-l'if-in" Hi nil r.i p-llM. !l. !. si'l S . wiih 'l'i i) i.-ii :l tl. I-t... . r li-- -it : ; r- if.-.v t:: !.. i-. i'iv ;t wi .l it.t IT t i tillMll 'III w.:i It I'-r "n A it. -i i It i- is .";i.!:i;r m,--l K i'.A!iV W OJ.. lu -uit tir-'rrtt. l l.MiAM' toim;t li l M M l I S. to i;m lii'i.hi.-ti A'ti KMiAi;ii tiij; IIIAU.MS (.i' nr. r rv. Tlihv,-y V- -lt- i:.- I S s . t;,v i .t ! kirnvn throirjh- n It ft hi - T il-ir wnrl'I f -i it.- t ;'H'i;ir.' llaii-1. i-.iru - in u I -ii- p rn r. i-ii('in iii. s tr li'-Min.'i i- -ii. IM llf- It: .-! i 111' . M'l !--r it niii. -!i-4 y. l.l Iii I il alii 'riv IL 1 ii ' nl : r nl I-- i-,.-rn- .s i i L.ii- i.,i p. i- nit. Hui .i-i- tlir- h.-at n.i.i ill Will U -, - !, -, ; j, .-!. t!:.::ii,i.. . r!'-' ; jr.! ! 1 irlln-S llalT- 1 I;- ill, t I". ii'ii iu in.' aii-i r.-:n :a, . nl.'ifa. ! i nl.. I ii.l- ti'.n Ir. i. p-an itiiil Hi.' n .rn-in.ti. .-I' i la r . i i-l thy i.i i s . li. Il.lV.V is Ua akt. 1 'ri i , I.i ini; iiiovin (iisNv-iirvT or niivt rv H. I fXt'PI Wl' lll'.M) (,p (ll.iiSSV ll.UI,. r. i t. To. ne iii use. ir,,-,-.. ,.' II, in- r 1 r I.-.' .'a ,nu iii- .'. Mr. I- I. li-a i s'i.i mi : : Iii ,l-i , a.. I li i I : 1 rai :v a-, i; li I I' i ili.' a:a . .' It is s .1 ! i ; is wnrr-i-.tH IV I. Ii tt 11 Pi. 1 i. i",... 1. 1 tia ; 'nry m' P A !,' -. V V i i I "-.. ii L' u..i ..' f.-BI..IW ' : i I' '. I A. u:T-tl !! M "v r. At-,'. I: .- -lJ at ii'f. i y:il in-l 'S Voter Ou ti!'' IT A AS cclUOXX. FASHION A nr. I MAKF. OF FUllXmniE AM) C If AIRS. T'JIE .-.iibs'-ril.erK r.-?j-e.tful!y call the I'll. ii'.ii.ii of the piil'lieto theii Kir re ai:d splendid assort- j ment of every quality ;u:d j-ri.-o of 1 i, y H T'a' i.a p- if. ..kij.w. .-iii.ttg.. which cautii.t fail l.j rcomnicnil itsi It toeveiy ot-.e Wii.iwiM can,i!ic it, rt ai'iMllnt of its duraiil- worknianship and sii!e::ilid tinih, made up .1' t1..- li. .-t s- i. k to l c had in tin city. Noill.ul x scared in the maini!'i, tnre of th.-ii ware, and tlie siiliscnlicrs nr.! fci in'm..! lo keep up with tin: many improvements which toe constantly beiiiir I Inane. I in ir stiiclv consists ol l:ibo'.any j Si.f'.m, Eiv:-.iis ami I.ontit-os. Uurrai:.';, SfriTl.-tvits, &fir itoart!rj, St) LA, lillLtKRST D1MMJ imx and alo VENETIAN FUNDS, c.pial to Thila ! ih-lpl.i 1 l-i.illlil'.u-tiiie. " tSl-,,t.',,1- 4 S .. i- ,. , ijl.i'.l 1..-.1'... i-l i-wiy pall, ill all I plal, ( I I'll. 1AUDS. WOEiv AN i) CAXDI.K STANDS. Tt.'ll.K'l' TAlll.l'.S AND F-.S TENSION TABLES, ill slirlt, eyeiy a: li.'!-- iu II. is line of their blt!ness. 'They also inanulactiire all Kind.' and ijualilii-s of CHA HIS. incli'.riin varieties n.-y.-r l.i.f.ia. t., ,:,t in Sunbury, snrh as .'iiii,ii, Ei.n ii M usir AMI Cl lU.lill al Al-l.1: (1 1. till N ; AMI tVlMI-aill C1I A I lis, a 11 i iM v Ti . mi . roin.s, which are of the latest styles, mid w'.rr,t..,l t- be evcelled by none iiiauuta.-tureit pi tlie t ities or elsew here. Tho subscriben are determined Unit there shall be no excuse lor persons t, pur. li ,im- tiuiiiture in bt t nti itaincd their ware and the cities, as every contidi ;!.:: im about the tjtuli'y and liui.-h ol Cli-.iii-r. Their articles w ill be ui-p-.rd of mi as qood terms 11s lb. y can be j.urehasi'-l elsewhere. Coun try Tm.U'ce ittpiivuicnt f.r work. 't";;-" I.NDKISTAKlNli. Havimj provided themselves with a handsome JI 1: msr, thev are now prepared lor I ndcitakin-', und ntteiilin- ln neriils, in this vicinity, or at uny convenient dis tance from this place. t V 'The Waie Koum is in Marke Ktrrpi, opposite J. Yoiin's store, and marl opposite, Weaver's Tavern. 1) NIEL H A AS, (SEOiSl.i; KEN-N. Sunbury, Dec, U. lrtSO If. JACOD REED'S CI.OTIllVC- ttOOM-i. Southwest Comer of Fifth and Market Streets, I'mLAUKLrMIU, VXlIO ulways keeps on hand a larue stock of ' every vnrinty ofclolhiii made up of good materials, mid iu the latest and bet styles. He would also inform the public, that he pays consi derable attention in Retlin? up Military Clolhlllj, in Rood stylo and uu reasonable terms. June l.rj, I SOU.- ly .1:01:1: .i:h .;mus Just received at the store of HENISY MAS SEit, a lot of Caps, Cum ISlioes, Almanacs, Ijuecnsware, I.i.piois A.C. All of which will be sold lit the lowest price. Dec. 14, 1850. alAT.S, An assortment just received. Also silk HAT.-i at lor sale by 11. MASSER. Huuburv, Iter. LIVER C03?l PLAINT, JAUNDICF., DVPPF.PStA, CHRONIC OK NKIlVOt'S 11KIUI.ITV, PISKASE Ol' THE KIDNEYS, VND nil dina nriahiff frnm s diaorilerwl livrir or siiw lirii'lt. aneli n eniistpvili ai, invard I'd.-a, l-'nllnras oc l.l'l ! tl... Ii,-i,l, A.'i.lify nf the Stomarh. Nnuami llenrtl.iirna din'mra ,,r .1M, fiillnesa i.r wrl(ht in thi ' r'.'l!''" "trlain'ti.ti in.. siakini nr Ilaticrniir' nt llit pit nftho Sl.imneli, yiniiniiip nf the html. InirriiiliinildiilieiiU l.reallii,,K, i.,.ri .a . ..,rli ,.,ki,ig nr aafl K.ntiiig iiti..n wlien in 1-. inj p.-Kiirc, Jlinineaa nf viainn, """"r '!'" Moreihe i..dit, y,.r nnd dull pain in tins liead. ili-n.-ieii..j- nl i-r,ira:i-in, yellowness nf die akin nud rves, pnni in Hie aid., . Im.-k, client, linilia, Ac., anildeil flnshoj ol lieat l.iiinni.. in It. ill. ennamnt imngiiiinija nt evil, nii'l pre at ilepn-ssii n ,,f ita, can hi: i:i ri',i. ri'Ai.i.v ci;rf.d by . ii i tti v mi n as, ri'.Kt-Aiicn bv 1) R . C . .M . JACKSON, AT TIIU G MUM AN MKIJICINH STORE, -u i-.o Arch St., I'hiltulcliiliia, l'li ii ruiw'T uvr 1 t' -nlrtivti (liti',in-n in n it pnoi'Mf-H. if rVn l-y H-iy i-iImt j.friiiiln ii in t'mtut Sl;i!.vf 'tiivH ului-l, in iiiLtny vuf-v oiut Wtilliul physicwm lit'! I .1 il: fh- I.u-. P 'Wrrs lhi-y ;;r. i'lV lli.-y nttrntinii nf hivr-ilM. i tin I. , liiin.ii -ii vi (iH.'n...-s . i . iM-ri'iii y il, ni nt 8t-;irr!iin5 i;- i n i.s tin- fliru' urgAiia, Mil 1 :--i-.;uit.' il f! II Iti f J i-n -Trn f ;i:rM;N Pti TT.n fT ni. .I.i ; i 'i- --., l).-"i'i , .-1:1. t.iiroiue -i . '!;' .-in- - f : in- ,ht ir.iu l f CliU-lN );V1t llf-flt lUM'd I -f !-i;r c: i w s.n li.- h;,j, him-i.-ri!i:in'iii enn; .;)' ,ivT 1 'i; ' n-iih !.', in i; c .nviiicf.-d I i".--. t-- p:,i-if rmwIiiTitly -.1 l 'l 1 W. :t!:y V', il1 '--S(i-' l:t ' lit 1 hitl-'il. r.i.'l f.iu lm in ! 'ii 'tt- Mr si iiiMh with nul'- -'. s; i--i L in-' i . r"n" I I - ii w. -.ku . Iti::::. I" Txo. V.,: IH. Hoot I. -, m,' tlir; ,..-,. M, J.,. r , it .rtV-.n-t P-" ;..! I- tr lircil.rnt. 1 ..I !' hy t!i ii-'iiii'! . j.ii.l -ir rt'i-n -.'".I ;m i t' 'i-i-.-''ii-' (r ni ; .i thui. i;i th- p. c frmiii ; i ni ' h nii'i rutii ti. '1' v un- II-V'-l ,y ..l. '(IS Wl tv. Mmi.-r in : - .'ii" H i it-ill f. nil I t .In J !.'! M. M .. l.;it F'-i'TltiflC . rk 'ttk I l. V .Mt'vu-.'-T,' 'hr II - v!.i h ti-r I. m rt m i ' -. . ttl.-i-l'- :it'-r-; . .I.MIl im II. r- i- n I in- ii : t . (" ho iiiinni-t-j ) m .-1 viiu.-. It ut ! - nr i-f l'i.' in- Hi celt'- ' ... t' ' ! . 1 r. ( lir ptfiilicr I 1 i !. Ill 'M:. I ... i'.-- r in t ir Kin.- -(' I V f n-1 "II1MI1V II in un .'f I-' Wi!.. tiir iiiv it. H- i. ; iii il .. ,. I ';.i'is;,y of .f f -fin, ii-- in. ii in.) i .ii i nf tlitt s i - r prii.liii-ril. He r : . t ir . ni"1 tbr-rrfnrr n ' r anil .in. I uj-.-r muv iii-,Ii-' !. i- l.iv.T .iMy t.imni. In! it iii M! , 'i i 'm i, AruMtV of ! i"i's nrifinT from 1l: t(,-. tl.r li.T I ml tl)0 l'i;:t r-T; r- ! t '.-t r J 'IIV1C--! t'.r v'.',' -t.s i;.r:l; nf ..! r.! priu-iirr, t'-ider i nil. t. ji it mily iii f-r,l!iiiif - t-rc-cMt tin-f-.'-iif pfprii-tr;ui- n. I. .it mrriM-iin-eiul t t's f I T " i:v4 tin.' mtir "11CC. iZrtti,- li'.ri.?- , ji,!.: t!u finnily ll'-W.-li "f ili'-i. Lim i-.liL- r UU)S i ii'.'t.'s. '.It :i: tf-rnirt '?.. I p i-r.-t ni;. .f mir ..iiii-hl Di. II... I- ! il. ,! la.'Py in. 'I,-. '' ii .'tniiiis i-l' thai p. il il :-"ii iarli Inr. .il nirv-laf, .' ..::.' i.ii.-.l, :ii.,l I' ; I'.i. ,'l'y il.. 'f." I ai;ilali,t mill llya- i I' II. vi-lnl. Il arts 'i it ! prcirp-ihl i li-'i't i.: iiil'll'-.llatc. r liu.uit willi aai'cl Dr. II, T p.,- ' Tii.'y i'ii unit r-.ii. i ri:vj;i; UK i m rritpr.rt-si. ..'lll'..'lli-i,i?ra - f the uvea ol' I 'll: r.p.NriXK ' M. .Hi KSON in :li ti.i;i,y w.-.:i- 11-, ' 1 t-f ft: a t-l.-.t! ,Ur , ta.J M. A (I. at.: l- :,J. .v.. : r: :u:i ( ill '. l it:: at-,.) S'.-lvl I'itJjlt ! .?f il-y (CM-. V, l. 1 slllt, .'irr.-:it. at reduced IhefA- i-i-' M ; , U line P: a'. Ii.-i. ,l i l'l I'l V IN 1.. ami pi;k- 1.1:!.' VaniJih, a.- -i- i- d . tor . i ,illts' l'l.. ' 'I 11'. Silver, -1 Iii "ic ; t;;n-liiaeslnj,- uuil ; ! wi 'All! I. .1.1 ;t:c:i:ss l' I T V .' li I ' I No. 1::; cn; .r. rsr.ti!:i.s, '!' W A It i: It (I o M , rr STREET. 1 'K t:: r . r-; imr-i:.) - :i -t.pvia. -, 1. v f.r , i'i or i,ppr,,v,!,I n'(y an.! Weil ii-is u -,., !,.; I i'i h'll. f tP,, .ltcsl p.lltrr,w i.,iiia!i-;iip, Tho assurtineiit I-', n i ti.l on. rn i'uental.eom : ' : : r !! - ' 11 Tn -1 1 i 1 1 1 1 in Uose- ..;!' 'i-'y cry,. I. 1; ,. i ( r:'i-:.-1 '.-i-i CA HI M. I' II if Ihe I i- i V : iv CI: I :.!.-:; T.illc,. 111 i.. : ,i',r I--. .1 fiN-iri-; T l:.' leil.-i-d t. K01.!; Ca-e, ;!:d Chamlwr i.ti,l i Furu l'i Ij-'ii I'.i.i.ii- put i l the latest Paris a.:a.-t:, and Fea- t!:.r l! N. I 111. t All ur;' ' 1 at b.-t ibis cstablish uiateiiats and tin wrKnia' w at :;i' 'ip. a:: 1 to -'any safely I t a. iv 1 1 1 t'.e Mav I - .".P. ANTIDOTE AM) VIIYSICAL lil.STOI.'ATIVIJ. Tiiii iirsicAu wn-ijjsa cr thu Vn'-' r"''i'ively euro all si.-. rf Neurali?i, v 'lie ll.ih.roux, Nnvi.iis Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, ll ihcphi-l.i.l i-uiiviilsi.ilis; will resi.mi inai.lnaj '. lc j. jursline vimu', even after .irs.f p:.ii,.i:i,.it, an,! the only k'mw 11 and cer tain cure lm low spirits ur mental dehilty. E.i..i". I., .11 tin Ne.v Y.iik.Sun, Oct. 3, 1S49, Tn-'. .-.v. Ti Wat-, .11, when t.lkiimr of the miraculous piivvi r ,. ', alls' .Nervous Antidote," the (piestio.-i ;n put t,, Kim, , Why such a valua ble remedy for u!l pei'M uis iiil'i-i'ti-ins uas not in troduced by li.e nieiiieul faculty !"' replied, "That il il were, theic 'ou!d no longer be unv use for a Ijeully, as all di H as. s orininaUd from a disorgan ized sit.. '-f ilit nerves ; the are Ihe DJaijj, spritii; of tho w hole s stem Keep this in orderfc and both the luitul und l.ody must 1-e.'1 Four 01, nee phial, T il in's, euout;!. for all ora diuary casts, ONE lHiI.l. K. .-Ul.l) II V Win. McCAli T Y, liioadway, unbun. 5eplei!ib.r, -'., 1.MV It'. IJLANKS. 2PI.ANKN ..f.-y.ry deacrlptic li a; j in,; at the oti'ue w' ih. ai can lie had by the American. j,l I.E WHITE II I5AXDY FOIS TKESER- INC, ju.t received and for sale hv li. 1). MANSER. Sept. '.', lS.'iO. fiEAs, from t! .o New York ('anion and Fukiq 1. Tea Company. Tor sale bv J. W. F1S11.INQ. tuiibury, Dec. S, 1818 NOU AND M-lilNli MOISTISE LAT HE'S. An excellent ailiele, for sale at hall the usual price by J W. EA'ILLNti, eSunburv, July 7. W'.l-