Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 03, 1851, Image 3

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The Detroit Tribune of the 15th Inst, con
tain th following confirmation of tin re
port of Gen. Brady's death.
Gen. Hugh Brady, the veteran soldier of
the North West, ii no more ! He died this
morn ing about ten o'clock, in the 83d year
of his agp, it nd ns the news thrilled the pub
lie arlcry, a universal gloom was depicted
on heart and countenance, as of a good man
fallen. At the lime of his death, Gen Bra
dy was Colonel of the 2d Regiment of In
fantry, Brigadier and Major General by
brevet, in command of this military De
i parlnient or Division. Hugh Ilrudy was n
1 native oT Pennsylvania ; his commission the
1 oldest in tho service bearing dale in 1792,
' w hen ho cnlorfd the nrmy ns a Lieutenant
'under Anthony Wayne, with whoso
'command he made the celebiated Indian
campaign, which restored Kentucky to the
whiles, after the defeat of St-. Clair. Ho
"was distinguished lor his gallantry in the
late war with (Jient Britain, and in 1812
was promoted to the Colonelcy of the 22d
regiment of l if.ititi v. When the nrmy wa
reduced in IS I!, he was mrtdn Colonel of
the 2 I Infantry, of which reuiinent Gen.
Bennel Riley was, until recently, Lt. Colo
nel. Gen. Brady was tit the battle of Lun
Jy's Lane, where he was severely wounded
n the groin. On his sword and bell, worn
on that oeeasi'in. can be counted more than
a dozen nuiiks of h"t received in that ac
tion. Gen. Bndy h.ift been a c.l izen of D.t
tinil for the hi.'! 25 rnis. and by his tiib.iu
sty, pulitenf .! mi I impietendii'C tjenlleuiatiy
conduit, won hi: way to the hearts and
food fet'liii nl' all our people.
His death resulted fiom at: accident
which we related the other day, but from
which wc had bee. i I 'd In hope the old sol
dier would recover. Tire, however, to ihe
nobleness of his heait, lie uns nl all limes
prepared for lh" itiaich, as in his delirium
he anddily exclaimed. "Let ihe drums
beat wi knnpsatk in slung !'' How beauti
ful the senli infill how worthy the christian
The li::e;s near PUcerville, California,
liave purch.iM'd wagons ai d liorsi s, nod
mulct1, and now I. aid faith two or thiee
miles to be washed.
rEI'SlN. the Tre l)i-.i:Ji-e Fttwl, or Vast ric
Juice! A l,;i"i.i Cmer. prepared
from Ri'iinet. oi til" li r-tnuiiicil of the Ox,
alter direction of Baton Liebii;, the great
I'hvinlnuieal Ciemi'. by J. S Houghton,
M.'D, No. t) Ninth I'i-Ii'.i Street, I'liiladel
phia. Pa. Thin is a truly wonderful remedy
for Iudiiii'N'inii, l)y-.'ii.iii. Jaundice, Liver
Complaint. C in,: tii;:tiiiu. and Debility, curing
after's own method, by Nature's nwu
agent, the Oastiio Juice. See advertisement
in another column.
M A K 11 I o: I.
On the 17th ult.. by Iho Rev. P. Willard,
Mr. Sami im. t.;. Ckawi., to .Miss Eve Kittn,
boih ul Sli.nnnl; in 1 1 v i Ii i p.
On Ihe I0:i nil,, by Hev Charles Kalbfus,
Mr. Jacob L. Kvo, and Mi-s Sarah Low.
bo'li nf Williau i pnit.
In Mifilin tp . Colmnhiii co.. on the 10th
nit., by Rev. Mr. Dill. John V Hkislev,
Ksq , of Wi!liaiiispi"t, and Miss EliXaueth
K Kl.LCll, ol I lie IniiiiiM place.
On the Sid inst., by the Rev. S S. Shed
den, Jlr. J. mi:s R Cai.ivi ki.i., of Milton, to
Miss Jane of M' Ewensviile.
it i i' E.
In this bin ei'L!i, on the 24!h lilt., Mrs.
MARGARET INNS, consort ol Mr. William
I. ins, agi-.l years.
At Niirthnn d'eiland. on the 15 h oil.,
RUTH Hl'SSr.V, widow of Ralph Husscy,
ilecM., aged v.htiul 85 yca:s
In Oinvi!!-, on ill'- PJth nit., EMMA
FLDRKNt E. d.iuLhter of U. F. and Rebecca
J.iue L'.v.-ili.ul, nged 1 car, i mouths and
S 2 days.
In n.iuviiie, on ihe th ull., CHRIS
TIANN, diaiuhier of John and Catharine
Bird, sji' l 4 yearn and It inuulhs.
In Turl.ui ti'., on iho lrJih ull. Mr. JA-
COI1 Dlii!.lC:t, a-ed 7D years and 2d days.
In Libeitv i p.. rv 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 r co., on '.he 25ih
lilt., Mr. JliUM MM All AN, aged about 61
In H:iu;hevile, Lyeominjr count v, on the
13itl ult , ul apoplexy, air. CIIARI.KS HO
DINE, i'ued -11 years, i) months and 15 days
In Chi!is!iuaque, on the 20th inst., ail in-
laul sou ol J. lines and Nir.ih Campbcl.
!c iUavkcts.
riiiladclphia Mnrket.
April 30, 1850.
Fi.ofR axu Meal. Tlio inaikt-t for Flour
is dud uain M.iudarJ biumls are selling
ul 5-1 SO, with more fillers than buveis.
Sales extra at $4,56 a fro. Fancy biamla uie
Held at aoi to.
Hve Fl-iitB. U seaico a! S:l 50.
CohN Meal. Is scarce, I'cuna. is held
at i3.
Wheat Sale of Feuna. red at $1,00
mixed 1.02, and pi iiua while at SI. 05.
Rye. Is in demand, sales at 70 els.
Corn. The supply about equals the de
mand ; vellow commands t4 els.
Oat. Are in demand ut 45 els. for Pa
nnd 44u tar 8uuthein.
Whiskey. Sales of bbls. at 24 cents.
Hogsheads are held at 2Jc.
Baltimore Market.
April 28, 1851
GRAIN.Wheat ba declined. Salei of
good to elrictly prime Md. reds were inadu
lo-day hi Us.. 1UU et'iils, unit ot wtnie at luu
a 103 els. We 11 1 so note a sale of a loud of
Penna. red ul 100 els., uud utiolhet of Peuna.
u bite ut 102 cents.
rsiles of corn ul 63 a 64 cts , for w hite
nd 62 iiij'j c'.., lor yellow.
U'e qilole O ne at 38 11 ii Ct.
WIIISKKV. Sale of Penna. bbls. on Sat
urd iy mi l to-day, at 244eli' i nnd of hhds.,
to 2Ji a 24 cte. ISalee of Italliinore bblv.
24J CIS.
B(T(', .
Euca, ,
PuH. ,
Flixseku. .
T 1.1.0 w,
lhuwii .
JtUcKLtU Flf.
' pHIXtl AftVtM,
. 125
. 75
New Advertisements.
Lycomirij Mutual Insurance Company.
TJR. J. B. MARKER is the locnl arrcnt for the
sbove Insurance Company, in Northumber
land county, and is nt nil times ready to effect
Insurance against fire on res I or personal pro
perly, or renewing policic for the same. .
Bunbury, April 20, 1881. tf.
TOTICE is hereby given Hint the partnership
' heretofore existing, under the firm of A. J.
cic O. W. Stroll, Saddlers and Harness Makers,
In Hunbury, wnS dissolved by mutual tonacnt on
the fith of' June lSftO. The books are placed in
Iho hand of J. H. Zimmartmin, Esq., who alone
is to collect the same.
(. W. RTSOH.
Sunhury, April 10, 1851. St.
Northumberland County, Pa.
THE subscrilier ropectful'y informs hisfriends
and the public generally, thnt he hits open
ed n new Hotel in the town of !li:itiiiikin, Nor
thumberland county, on the corner of fliiiiiiokin
nnd Commerce streets, nearly oppn-ile to tlin
House he furinerly kept. He is well prepared to
accommodate his guests, and is also provided
with good stabling. He trusts his experience,
mid strict attention to business, will induce per
sons visiting the coal region to continue the lib
eral patronage he bus heretofore reecived.
Shmnokin, April 19, if.
PROPOSALS will l e received at the House of
Wm. Weaver, in Coal township, Northum
berland county, op. the 201 h day of May next, for
the building uf n Initio over Coal Run in said
township, on the roid leading from fc'hniuokin to
Ihe Centre turnpike, t-'pecilieation will be exhi
bited on the dav f letting.
CEO. MARTIN, Clk. Commissioners.
Sunhury, 13, 1S51. 5U
to advertisers!
You me respectfully informed, thai
General Advertising, Nevyspaper Agent,
has Tin: a;i:ncy
For ull pipers generally in t'ic U. Sfulrs.
A DVi'.RTIEUS can always see their silver
tiM incnts when published, as he wishes to
keep a regular fi!o of ull pa-crs he advertise; in.
Krein his experience with Newspapers in adver
tising in city and countiy, edvciliscrs would find
it to their intercut to consult with him ijon the
subject. C PIERCE,
den. Adrcrtisinp Atf., liitllctin Jiuilding.
Philadelphia, April lit, 1851, I v.
EVERVBOUY should enibrncc this opportu
nity to buy CLOTHIXtJ for Men, Voulh
nnil Boys, at such prices ns ha. never yet lccn
known in this Citv. nt JEOR(E CL'LIN'S
orncr of Market aiiil Sccon'd Streets, Philadel
phia, embracing a choice of the best, most desira
ble, and fashionable
Habit Cloth do.. Linen Drilling do,, Tweeds,
dc, See., together with a great variety of
Eoys' Clovhbigr,
Consisting of Sack Coats, Polka Jackets, Mon
key Jackets, rsts mid Round Jackets made ol
Tweed. Linen Drilling, Clotli, Alpaeca, ?versa-
micr, lJocskin, &C-, &.c.
Particular care has lieen taken to procure the
new ntylf-s for Men uud Roys' Summer Coats,
Pantaloons, Vests, &c, to which be would invite
special attention.
iMinnsltmr Isoods,
Consisting of shirts. Stocks, llandkerchicfs, &c;
all of which are olVercd at the Imrrxl I'a.ixiMt
rnsh Piirrx, nod as cheap ss any iitiisr Clothing
Store in the I "liion.
Parents who desire Uovs' ( i.oi iiino arc ear
nestly invited to examine the Slock.
I ouiili v Storekeepers can be accommodated t
verv low rates.
S. E. Comer of Second ty Market Sis I'bila.
April 111, 1S5I . tf.
Ft.i-i.ovv Crri.i:: At the solicitation of
niv friends, I oiler nivsclf as a candidate for the
otlicc of
nt the ensuing election. Should I tie elected, I
promise to discharge the du'ies of said ollice w ith
tide lily uud impartiality.
(iKOIJUU Iiiil'Jlil.
Sunbnrv, April IS, 1S5I.
Estate of CQimAD KEE32IIEI., Dee'd,
"SS.JOTIC12 is hereby (;ien that letters of Ad-
ministration have been p'auted to the sub-scriU-r
on the estate of Conrad Kershner, dee'd.,
late of Suubury, Northuuiberland counly. All
persons indebted to said estate,' or liuviii j claims
against the same, are reiucslcd to call on the
subscriber for settlement
J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Adra'r.
Sunbury, April 12, 1S51. Gt.
1 m ate ui g i i.;or; n t it ti 1,1:, ucca
WTOTICE is herebv nivcn that letter of Atl-
lw liiiuiatratioii have been granted to the euh-
BCiibcr 011 the estate of tiideon Markle, dee'd.,
late of iitinlniry, i'orlhiiiuberhind county. All
persons indebted to said otate, or having cla'uu
against the same, are re jut-stcd to cull on the euh
aerilicr for seUleiiicul.
MARY MAKKLE, Adm'irix.
Sumiiiry, April 13, 1 SSI. tit.
CJAKlji! thia muthed of returiiiii;; thanlis
to her friends and the ji.iblic pcneTnlly, for
their patronage. And begj u coulinuatiiiii of the
same. Mie ulso oiTers u new assortuient uf choice
nt the very lowest cash prices. Donuets whiten
ed and colored, ill the If.-t manner, at the old
stand, Maikcl sheet, opioitt' the lied Lion Ho
tel. KuuVury, April 19, IbAl. -3t.
rARalEliS' Al) Mr-CllAXICS
A T OL are coiitinunded to meet in
Marl.ct Stjuare, tSunbury, on
MONDAY, 5th of May,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., fully equipped
for drill.
11 y order of the Captain,
tsOI.OMO.N fcTKOH, O. 8.
Hunbury, Auril 19, 1H5131.
bar uoiues tor ealtt ty
li. li. M AsSbli.
Sunhury, April 12, 1851,
A UN OLD'S WltlTINU FLLfD and Adhe
(ive and legal envelopes, lor (ale hy
Sunhury, April 26, 1851.
kg BLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption
law 01 joo, ior sale by
April 26, 1851. H. B. MASSER.
TJLANK Pari-hmcnt Paper Deed and blank
U Mortgagee, llouda, Exeeutiona, teuninione,
&e for eule by 11. ii. MASiSEK
Huubury, April 20, 1851.
Jl'STlCES' FEE BILLS. For aal l.y
w "."tliy, AprU 2C, 1851
BY virtue of nn order of the Orphans' Court so
Northumbcrlnnd County, Joseph Johnson,
Administrator rtc bmii on of the goods, Ac. of
James Johnson, late of Aorthundx rlaiul. dee'd.,
will expose to sale by public vendue, on the pre
mises, on Wr.iisr.snAT the 7th day of May next,
t 8 o'clock, P. M., those four certain
Lots of Ground,
situated in the Dorough of Northumberland, in
ssid Comity, containing about
Twenty Acres
more or less, adjoining Inndn of Ihe heirs of Jn3
Kay, dee'd., Joseph Wallii nnd Amos E. Kiipp.
on which is erected a pood Two Story
P 't snd BARN, ond other iniprovcnients.
Ad'r iff "('. "!' of
l)v order nf the Court. )
John r. pci:si;l, cik. 5
April IS, 1S.M t i.
BlftiMiS'iic'IrH'or of
iN'o. 109 Race, (Sarsafras,) slrr?t,
Above Third, opisitc the White Sira.t Hold.
TnlloW (rhalidlers and M.inuf.irturTS cm lis
supplied witlia first rate Article of Caudle Moulds,
of Superior excellence and finish.
N. Ii. The Moulds arc ni vle of the beft Metal
snd pi'lolicd by n new Patent Machine, whirh
pives them nn extra lini h. They uru cfier the
English style the lips M srew on the pipe, and
the pipe to screw light in the bench.
iV" Wahbastko to be far superior to any
other now in use.,J
He a ho manufactures Surgical "utnps nnd
April 12, 18.11 Cmn,
J5 H AS removed f;e:n Ids olil Stand, 2io. lid
A M ine slrect, t y
No. 52 DiUu-yn St., (bd'n Culled ! Willow.)
where lie has constantly on ban ?,
Ale nnd Cider,
ron ttovt: roNsfMPTioN on Fmrri::'j.
N. R Coloring, BotilinT. V.'irc and,
Vinegar, iVc. For sale ar. ali.v.e.
I'hiladeli'hin, April 15, K.'it ly.
.lourriaS of ilte
't'tit'. SS V: Hi 4S AUTS.
f?pHE oldest Mc'-.-nir.-l Vr:odi-:d cMant in
jj Aaiini'j, ii I'Ui li'lic'i on the firat .f each
month in the City if l'hil.idelpldj. Il has licen
regularly issued i, r upward.: of twenty-live years,
and is carefully edited !y a committee of si ientilic
cenllenicn appointed lor the purj.o.c, by the
franklin Imtitute.
The dci-ervc.lly lii-'n repuiatien, l o'.ii at home
and abroad, which this Journal has a. -quire. 1 uud
sustained, has uivn it a circulation and exchange
list of the be.t character, which enables the Com
mittee on Publications to make the best selections
from l'orre?n J.earni'.ls, and to vee circulation to
ori.iual couummii ati.ins en mechanical u.'ula. i
enliiic subjects, nnd not'nr:: 1 1 nc.v inventions!
notices nf nil the Patent:) issued at the Patent Of.
live, Wu..Jiiii'.;loii. City, me published ill the Jour
nal, toircthcr wiih a lar:;: amount of information
on Mich: nics. Chemistry, and Civil I'liei:;- crinii,
deiivctl from Ihe latest and be jt authe.rilics.
This Journal is pubii-I.ed on tl:e lirst of each
month, caJi nui.ibcr Ci l.l.'iiiinc: at least seventy
two )M'es, ami lortns two volumes annually of
about i.Vi pnnea caeh, illustratcl with enijravinus
on copper and on wood of those rubje.-U which
rcipiire ihein.
The subs.-rijition price is Pi e Hollars per an
num, psvai.'e on the coinplr'.i in of tlic sixth num
ber; and it will 1 forwarded of po;tae
when lve dollars are remitted to the Actuary
(posturfe paid) in advance for one year's subscrip
tion. Communications and letters on business must
be directed to "the Actuary of the Franklin Insti
tute, Philadelphia, lVnus lvania," the postage
paid. 1
dcliuinj, F. I.
April 12, lHol.
J A 51 A I C A ill X ti K li .
"I'ADK fri'in the l.rst J::iu:ii"t (iinnpr, nil tlift viiltiiil.le
ill me Ju-in it jir.t) , riy wlm h it Ji Imj i'-huuI io !'
bL'N in u t 'iix ciii'-'il in. i t - I r:ii.
il tf n uu. rt ciiit nut i-ittl nt :nw Kline U.iK hitiitilcaf. gently
:iuin" tii.ivi t ti.f i t ill-- M .iii .c!:. :u. 1 will Uv i- uii.l vry
lictH in n-liL" Mil' tin j'ui'ititl :'!tl iti-lU'siiiinr let lini;
iH'Miulii-tl ly Hit; liiviifa! li'M 11 t tins HL 'i li.ul intioii,
I'r -in Ii:iU i" . u ..nt'1 it "Html ::i!vcii vi n v. iut-ii.i-
fill ," W lr:h l . ..i-r W ill iitttn-.. i! : r--i -V r lln: l-It-iicy
ninlo,.trcti.'ii t. .iiorf u.t;n intiii'stii 11, itnj if Vtrn
two r c tiii.t s t: t 'v, it iv jiiiii-.l. ill I I niid hif
liscl'lil ;i;;iiiif( ittt- I sri , uic ll-l n-'il'-: ! ninMri! t U:c8i mi
tit lit Ulltl t'li!ftiiy t' l'.1 ill:: 'l.'-Ti'.l h ii.tti ("(iintll-l ,y ,
Vllcri'illHIt! I'ftt Cl 't till MM.tMliT iUVttHL ' 'f (i ill-iWH. Ull'T iil-
ilit.tMtLjt, ;uiU tor ci rit-vUhg luc i!ici'tiit btucn nl tituri-liu-i,
It 11 :ii mi i'X' 1'i-tit i;-it.rino f r T'-i' fo vli: lir". e in
jtircit t tit nl llir.r lt.t:m-l'S , t 1 o iiih.i. TiCc iih.: it"
iiiiomeaiiint ii.iii .r-. i.y i.. ..:; My Kiii.iut:..,t ue.-i i,s n
(I:e m. iihai It r. III it III tin-ei. 1.1:11 I I ft 1. 1. ii .ties, wiui--it
ka no innirn.iiS :ull n on I1..' Inuin. nn.l Is 1! .1 .:e.veitl
lit fet llie s of li' .'i, i:fci':i, vt iileli iilunye loilow Ine li ol
uie tti ,lu- sut.lttl.tlti-.
A fett lir-ij s :u. 1, tt lo lii-tiri!e'in, rliub-irb i r oilier l-uri'a-tiv!
lae.!iei:.-s, W ill rel.iler ll.' lll III rt" nei'i j-tal.ts In H;e
trl tuini'ti anil (-rev. ul ll.c yii.tiu;: wlusli is ni't lo H.-c iiiany
tj.t-il uetloll.'Ai:i:t) only r.Y
Dttt coisT axd cur.Mtr-T..
X. E. conn-r of th and Ches'.itvl Sirccls.
lViit.sleli.liia, Ayr:! I'.', IS,! ly.
piiila. atid iri.iDi?:a uailugad.
btu ii.ii Att;.itit.'ji;N'r 1 i;oi
I'ltlUViiKLl'ill V AXD 1'OTTSVIU.K.
Faret bedutrd.
j -xt..h.'f ' vi. -rv.. -.en- JT
Ojjietof the l'k:ia. fr Iteudi.i Unilroivl Ce. )
l'litladelpliia, .Mar.ii '(i, ts.l. )
Two Passenj-ir Tri-ius Daily, (except Sunday.')
TtsN' and after April Ut, 1"51 two trains will
I y bo run each way, daily, between Philadel
phia and Potisviih.
AlUlfSlSr, 1.1 M'.
Leave Pl.iladcli'hie at 'i A. M.. dailv except
I.eatee Pottsvillcat ti A. M. daily except Sun
Arrr.nxooy uxi:.
Leaves Philadelphia at 31 o'clock, daily, except
Leaves PotUvillc at 31 o'clock, daily, except
Sundu) s.
Between Philoileli.hia and Tottsvillc, $1.TJ
1st clasa cam and '-.'-5 2d chise car.
Between Philadelphia and bending, If 1.75 let
class care and $1.15 2d clasa ear.
Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and
Vine Kireete.
Passenger cannot enter the car unlce provi
ded with Tickets.
NOTICE. Fifty pound of bassage will be al
lowed to eaeb passenger in these lines ; and pa
eengere are expressly prohibited from taking any
thing a baggage but their wearing apparel, which
will be at the risk of it owner.
By order of Ilia Board uf Manager.
April 10, 1851. Secretary.
SI1.VEH WATCHES A few doubi eaic.
t-lnelisll 8ilver Watches for ! st m 1.
Pf ) H. B. MASSfili.
Croat Improvements In mnking
French llmr 3H1I Stones.
1Y Itie nw of
Itnprnrifl rart Iron
Kvo wlnfli is Itnill
Inio IIip H miner, m
ns (o nil v f r (lie
W-1f f trie SI 'III',
in.) h;is n tTMVeat.le
lvi!:ecc - n nn nnil
driver S' ns to kc'p
lllrt Iv.l'l.wce of lll
pl-ni? vviMi' sit trion
niinit nnlit il Is
worn. oat. O u r
at.. pit .r 111 el.s is
sMfdnl In I'miirr, nml (In- lir-fi inintliy i nlv un J.
r ti.l Unrr S(.'ti.- fnm -t (. a ..,. j iivimfi.rr w ith Oi
snvt Hl'ine t.i rim. s.i no to tTtvrn! lt:o rtniprT rth.kitrr
In tlir ru. II iliius t'loil.s il" ull iaim!;iTs, ctuap lor caeli.
M'lt lr-'im ntlit rial al-c liics Cftr Tiis.1 ..-il .i enter.
ririmlRl.'iivs of nss Tli-t fit-s, baitalilc lor Ceuntry alcr
clisnls, imimrlcd nml lor salt liy
.t. p.. MrrrtiKM,
No, 11 nlit York ltonrl, near Hie Indian Pole.
I'liil ulrlplils, April 1J, lal. flnio.
rJHE suliscribers return their sincere thanks to
tin ir customers, for lilf nil encoura;;eiiient
for the lat year, and hope by strict atteiilinn in
filling order i to meet with the same liberal patron
atfe. We have on bund the greatest vaib ly of
patterns of any other ''oumlrv in the I'nited
States, nivl itill nddiiiK to their number, tiivu
us a call before purchasimr elsewhere. Our -lock
embraces a i;reat variety of Cookini stoves, of the
most rppMved kinds, Pnrlor stoves for wood or
coal, coninioii stoves, cylinders of all kinds, nnd
odd pistes of nil kinds to repair stoves.
Tor Summer use, a small Stove, rallrj Sum
mer ba'.cr. new and superior Fiiruacea for bnrii
in.T charcoal or stone coal, ( ocii of seveial
ditiiirent piilterns, Hale ovens, s.vcral patterns,
l itihinx ports, Spoilt irons, nnd a variety of arti
cles in rastim, too numerous to mention. The
Hardware trade enu be supplied with common 4,
0, R, 7, and 8 quart Tea kettles, at very low pri
ces for cn::h or city accrptaucc.
A few casks of supciior tierman black lead en
IVnMc st. wharf, Delaware, Philadelphia.
April 12, ISot. Cm .
'I'll! ii'ii'i;! 'ii ff It ijltl'T.i t:iil I.i .t:'. arv r '-tpcf i;i!i
J ni'.'ii"') I i tii; twit .islvt ii:it( will n! ! n-: -Y
hi lia.i.,.. UAiitiW AUi a.m. Js, u,tv uu-vciil-y
tJlC Sfi!rsrn!iiT, c -it: h ili, li) (.; i-u I"
Aii:i'iic:in Ft nit lit 'i i-.'-'Ap. u.-riitlti, with infill w irk,
I'Utfit -r hr.iia idrtii'ui , i-r p'trv-; mi ci l.irs.
Atm ricni Fr .nt U nr J 1n, tiri'-iit, j.liin, vit!r
in' w irii, Uttt ir ln-ns turiitiurc, nr (n.ircUin ;iit
r-.'l' .t.i,
Ajiiciit-ip Fr.ittt V M. r Tsvk.i nuA St'-rr I-'tr. II rtzni
1 1! it u; i i'it,!-1' i iu. ur, tr ';r.'c iu , l v ! f.
A' I!i.n I, -i'!.s. r.i s. s -ut ii-j Ikics. iii:c if
ht.ii tiinniurt. t r j o-ct iitiH ;-H c ! rs.
Anisrtciii S jiticc li'tvn, it:i hic, wi'!. -!iti J. wlittctT
Lruf iiTiiiiiin-. r jv.r r'. im c I m.-.
A lir liiMii ,M 'tti c .i'-Ut , ii!! nu-rf. v i'h pi iVttt vlitL
lir li;i.-s Mirtihlln. i f rcrhiu ail ("! nf.
Att.-Tjcan , ;rt'-i' in:. I K Hit I'l set I n;lv. plnl vl IrftM
csr'.r.cln- t,.. t jn.rf 1 H ti u:' ( lira.
A mimic in lr"i, St p, Tiiuiul', ti-itr;, tuul S'.'To DoiJf
Ah', Iiit'."itei Ij'tckn ntitl I,iM'lij t even tit rep) tit'ii.
ii lltlWitl's Utnl AlMCllCUll Ll.l'.t lllllm'H, t.l .ill sien, lust
or ln -rte- j 'n-.
Si'ii't.-r. liit". uij, T., n.i.ljl Hin-,. nil ' nvU.
h'rittfT, 1. is.f, F.tivh. ,-to:l It It, of v.Ttil-i.i!
or ' iimj! lir t'P. r -i v 'l".'fi'!.
S".rvt. S r v. -.'!, S u- r.tttiT 1 1 'fviUij.
AMtnn'-ii AaIo a:iI H.u-.ii Ax!.! l,til.r,i, i tveiy
Ant--: Uiiiti'ii't. jv-tin or iu j-Iuti-s, bnl iriij r
Am ric i:i Xu'. I'l ttnl. wtiilc. ir n. nr wk nl, nil kii U.
S,lt.l'.,iil. c.iinni -it p.-.tfiit, Willi t li T ut til v lit.)
HUNHfr hi In :i;i-iit n.
i f WIL.s nii.l SAII-Wi:!iiI!r?i at FACTORY
ll'" Ali -i ' :1 livrinl (ikO t'f CliJ'go to itiiy ux vi
tit.- Oi:y fin ! I) -.t
At tins ?!. i!! i j-'j . 'i-. it ."mi !. f uitl nf -' lite !ni it't d tir iiiu ! i iiiif ui;,l Fiitit'V N'.lts t" r i t'r h, A c.
in tin r.i ; s .nio punt ti-p. i wl'-c'i. fHHii-U or
ul'f t iniv i r X( r,., J ii il,
r;n-:if J:; . H F i;m I. 1!.. ,-1. ;ii.l IJip-i tVi".5.
ini,i rif,l vx,rf'- ! r Kf;ul tU.. ni ki-U tt I wtMirac",
S.-lt- t-jf it t'..i (rifitr: I l'.i.n. in nt - F.. W. C':ir-
pfMttT, nf i;.:.'.T, ';. 1i in r t.l III 4'it "! .pllt '.'v'.l,
nnil III" HiI T t -ii'i'I ii;i ) I i it I. IU- iti ' -V Wii'i .-ns' link.
tf I'li,.!-. A -M. iJrawinij linivi'i. v.t nil w::r
rin'fi! u ,m.
Ft:i.' uikI fr!at li'i. iii:i':e ff Auj;i tun! Au-'t-r L.ii, ull
A im "i- Mi 5- jii irffi fuu! II. i-f tvt i r il-r-.Tipt i-n .
Ai.i-n. hi lluiw'. i;;u:,'i t, Saw lis, i'-'liijiutrft., Stre,
tlriv. rv Ac.
A'H'T.c.mi r, S. H uii'iv t.i, ( !:i'V Hivftti.;. all
Am i!- iimI X if.-f. ;tll "i. .
f-u-cl. lr n, uii.l Ur.icv-.. wiih C. S. Hitt, in
grc-t Vnrt-'I-.
W . ,V S nN. IV'tfJi.-r'.i nit'l trn-r n'liXaU:!
M. ..:' . I 1 .'ImS'-Is. I ' ti . ru. At'.. ,
A'1-Iii'h h ru"'l l ' r v i ij '1 !. n:! h1!;); is.
Alikii'j i v.- rt tli I. ft mi! ta .A!-ti-ie u.-i trtment
Ul i.tieeiee 1 1 i tot .ire ;n:.l I - o 111 lee ;;in-. I
AUInneeii'iV'!: i iHt-.u i tt ,.!....fc;ir. to fu,.w
G M'tV 'i,-i :!.' iv, t ' t.'.. :t:i I t V ll.ltir liirn-f Tt- j
lii. ii:. :i:i.l lu-.r l"r pru-.-s us .' I, Itl.TC 1'Uf.lir.liiy cue-
Voit. , rr.V'"'I."l''v'
i. -7 M tr ! t.t , l wct-ii oml rili, u.-i - r a: 'e.
r!ii';iilt l'iii,i, AtTit lit. Ktl )y.
"T7ILL eoi.staiit'y Lcep cu hand a i.eneral as
coitmeut of
at the boui-e lately occupied by Jacoii Tuii.tcr, as
a hat t.iry, iu Slarkrt c inaic, riuubury,
Cdlisisliil of
linn mis, Ribbons, Lmots, D'Lainei,
.'ttrtiijcs, Chintz.?, eje.
An ....,n ..(' c. ,i' f.o ...J, n.
' ii ' .
Nr.iAf.tu, I iii.i.:i, lluiiiin. o.-c.
April i, lSo!. tf.
. . ' - ' '
U.Ml.i'.KLT.AS & PAA?LS.
e:,li::i3 err curAj?!
A'o. 1U1 Market Street,
TTTTA VIM! .iceulid to quit the bti-'mrri, I pro-
, ri y v c , i k, ,..i; , v;.tv v.- ,.,-iccs.
t '
1 " 'U!br.l. C.-l tlie l.ettot :l ll-l llia:.l uesira.dc Jtv..
You ars invited lo tail cud examine.
WM. II. llR'ilAKDSO:.".
April 5, lS.11.2mo.
'OTl('i: is hereby Riven that letters le.-laiiien-
buy have bet n intuited to llie subnciilsrra on
the ivtalo nl J.1I111 1 orur, tlee 1!., I lie ol the luir-
our;h of Norlhtiniberlaii:!. All j ersona indelittd
to said Ili.t.ite or ha.vinir claims n;;aiust the same,
are requested to call en the su! so liters and .-el tie
the s um".
WILLIAM It. WAPI.l'S, , 1',m''0
Neilhuinberlulid, March .9, tool. fit.
THK I'uhscrilier vesiiectfo'ily inform hisfiieude
and fellow citixons nf Nu.thumbcrUud coun
ty, that ho will La a tamiiate for
County ConnnissioniT,
nt tho cusuiuir election. He therefore solicits
from bis fii.-nds and I,-! I.e.v ciiiens a liberal anp
poit, uud piouiisea should bo be elected to dis
charge tlie duties of Iho office wiih fidelity and
Kl.IAS liKOESlOl ei.
Sunhury, Alaicli 13, 1 651.
' Mir.ri.BtRY. ic.
Fllll. sulu-rriher wiil reccic oiders for all kind
JL of Fruit Trees, such as,
Apple Trees, Plum Trees,
Seacli 'Frees, t'lierry 'Free,
Pear'l'reee, Aprieole,
y.iince Trees, Ornamental Tree, &c.
Toi,eUier with all kinds of Shruhliery, Bulbous
Knots, Plants, tir:iie Vines, Ac. Ail of which
will be sold at the lowest rate by
II. B. MAeif.F.R, Agent,
11?" Orders for Trees, & c, should lie sent iu a
early as possible to secure them iu time.
fcs'unbury March 15, 1851
OEK, a fresh upply just received, and for
ale by II. B. MASSER. .
Altrll 1" IBM
I r - .
1 triMTIYf: W i l d, .n.t .,!f V,
I. M , '," ...j (M al. bv
Vn limbic
rjHR Subsn-iber who resides In Philadelphia,
1- offers for sale the followim property in MJ
ton, NorlhumlicrlHnd eonnlT, vin Tho large
fi " rpjcz miLiKO .
1 in upper Milton, formerly occupied by
Messrs Patters .lis ns n Carriage Makers Shop.
Tlie buildiiirr is fit) feet front on upper Market
street, mid -10 feet on I'ront street, nnd is two
stories hit(h. Also n two itoiy
40 by 55 feet, on the same premises, The lot is
on the corner of upper Market mid front strcUs,
and is Cli feet front, sod 1'iU feet deep.
The promises would be valuable for n Foundry
or otht r mnnuf.ictniinir. purpo. rs, nnd will he sold
on reasonable nlul lo eoiiiiiiodati ii terms by up
ply ins either to JACOU CAKUU'AN,
J. F. WOLlTXCrn, Ks,., Millon or
H. It., Ks,,., Sunburv.
rhiiadilj liia, Jim- 2S, lhC'l if.
FZiTSId'.AIT, it CO.,
fi-t l.thi-rly Street, New York.
(II . twe-'-n nml Na.via.)
Vltn nnw rri -f-.'iii n r:li .'mil i)-:c.itioil n't-.irinieut ol"
t-'ary Wl'i an ! .Millinery li ! c!:,. to wl"c!i we ;,h
.IKtienlnrijr i.lTCe ;kr iilietili.ii (:; ( i.k'i I'uiel. ,n is. m
M it. ni-ike II nil ..iiject K'f !tl"lll I 'ji e ut :t -.ill, as tr afu
il-.eni.M, it t , t ii ,., ..v -i . C-r k.wcr (ii -n
PV'i r Ih'I"H' "tr. f i:i t..:.J i; r. T.
.Millm-rs e m rup .ty r.':T(M-iv.- u-:l!i cvry nr'irt in
tle-irtiii . at iC. !rl I...- t I . I ti L": i. a or Aurlitin (tri
ces. M.icv i l -.tii ';' 'Otr lit .ii:ii:ti-'iir' it exj.rei-'.iy Ti.f
our own k.i's. utut -;.mi.. I.- c:r; ',.-.,. I i.t ticiuit)' or low
prii cm.
It idi il t ami Cap t'tl.lnii.". a larje v.iriij:.
itl.ii at. I S t'is ; .r ii, tut
ft:-,:-. 1 .. . . I.i.- '.. Ti;: : :-;.:..! I'lcti -u Ti. el
Trunin I r I :..',( , .,;;i .r.
Jenny I i,i( . -, - ,r' , e.-l Cj . .t 11,-t tin -vs.
I ::nl r. !, I I f;. . . r,.. ,,:,. c!.,.tC
K-i. fid- .1 . vi-1 . at ( V!.i.;ia.
'i', lJin.-.eitt, V'.iii it' i. i c, S.ih a t.t l.i:e 'fareail
Jan -r.iiilfr.'il. To Ti:r i 1 1 1" en I.i;'.'ti r i; ,!,r Ilk;,.
f.'loC''" Ul.ii .'tills, K;.!, Si.'.. l.i;.i J'ar;J uml f'.wil.I
S'.'irfs. rnv: '-! ni'l '' fl'i's.
f..f. .1 1 '' '. li . .'it .IS Vis. :i...1 J:j..l, ,,. T.-W,
1 ::n!t: I. t ' e.i .',.:':...,'.'. ".! a ('!..; -S: ..
A I'll'! A. r;-.. '.l i l mv II t l;.
t'r ,!, ii a ..: ,i t.Ti'M.i A".,; I'l .ivrs,
Willi n l:-ri- ' .r,-it i;. t ti,t at...... ( :-.. ,v .
A'l iris! ii." I i'ivii .1 7 1 t r rr: "jiil
by intlt.iir :..iii .'. aic f;.ea,.fi.
New ' .iri., J.iii. '2i, l-'-l :i;.l.
; i.ioil.w
nuxoiTr.Y, pa.
f"Htr. Miivs V,-i:i r.;;,'s uvpcctfu'ly inform
2 il.e t'i:i'i::' that they ii!l continue to e tile--tain
trac!l, is a.'d (U'lers at t'neir old r. al ii .hod
stand in M ,ri . t -ici i. v.cs; of t'le t 'oint Hoii.-!,.
Their loit'r e rieet ( in toe '..i-lc.'S-', and t''.e
well cst-ibii-ln .1 r "put :'.iin if tb.eir Hull's-, V ill,
they tiii.t, be a miIi'i. icut tr e, that '.heir
cu.slo.ncrs v. ;,l be ne'.l accoiuitioj.itcl.
March H, 1 '-!:-, I. tf.
TO riirciACiAirs aitd otiiees.
rIi: siibs.-rriers ,;;. r ;i p':vsici ins nnd diets- I
hi: s
JL i!i.-ts, n caic iiiiv M .feted steel, of liners uud
medicines, w' i :. ihcy v ill i;.; uai tee lo be nf the ciuc eenud nt all lo reach mv c.i-e. ltii'.il I provi
IteM quality, j'l.'e 1..: ..''.':. ..: . I in all eases, d, ntially tried your t'HKK.V I'Kt'TOA'AL,
Their I'acili'os ior imp. i ;:iii!'-n ilrujs and ( hich so m relieved and now has nned me.
cbemii".'!-. arc . :.!i. are Mubltd lo sell j
Ihein upon the t e:.; trrius, n:ia nt tlie s.ic.e tiiua
to insure I
iciv (i ."loimrs i f tin ir euu'ue'iiees. I
1 l,ey let .e it c
ft r for i. ile a i ".-t i r
.j'u.'c.l uml now or ,
f !
ViLf-i ,r.a oJ .'.Csr.M, &c.
Keei.ii'lioj l!f"ir's .tl;'.- :i free irom caiben
ic acid iiiel reie:iine-.s or ..,:;t'l;ie.s. plmo t eiiriielv
,i .
tac'elcs.-, i Dp.i' init'i ; in an etpial bulk from three
to four times tlie s'r.T.iTlii of tlie ci ini.ion kind,
nnd sold al abjut one bclf Ilia price cf lii.nrV
'J' have a'.-a ;:n sicd tliO
Fint'l ;!!itL','iH'.i;i,
Wl. iv-Ii i- r. i.ew Ttii.l iu acidity
of the I..iiiai h, hca-.-l:-!.;-:i. nausea, etc., at less
than h ill lite pri-c .f (he t'ot'e'-.n artit le.
'J'liey iil.o it.i h;hl ef ilieir ow:i prrnuva
lion an a ....i t'iicnt of
Tuns lh'
.- ., . . , t i i ... i
l''1).11!1 2 ' "- Hir!,
i.s A ... K j i ut lit .'l.f-.l. W, .'LltlV, Ki-
$Jllf ;,im A.'.i i ; .....i.,.,. IM.KIyyiiii, Ij
c:,e, 1.. .-,:..,.. 1 ,.t . '-rex. rj..,-, t)r..J, I .i-c.o;!..., C :.ue,.a Alna,
lV- , .' , ,1,1 .,
t ir. id cue l.-ts be. 11 lo hae tbiv.:' f ;v-
I , r .11.1 11 I I
! pared 1,-om llie ticct .ea' led tlrti 's uud lit s.iu h a
1 . ,, , . ,. .. ,
w.iv as lo !treere loo 1 e ul cch ar-
tiele v:t:-.ei.l ne.ii'v.
1 ; , ,
J hev have a so -a var.etv t.1
C'-ifi'sic."! & S' .-;.i::3C4;:ljf:;3
lrep'..Mti,e.,s nf ih ir n. and add
I llie b ;t nil le v:ilt.:.ltl.. i.ew reineu.-ci lis they
become kuiivt 11. Ai.ioie; l.ieiu may Lc m.Milioiied
the 1.1
T!.troe;-:in At".t.
l'te(i '.'..:. ins of l.niiili.
of l'..l.j.a,
l.i'lii. r Al..' r i.i:;,
rreparatl -i' of Mercury,
" lr-'ii, '
Ilnr-e-t of Sent'u" 'llui.l, a
A. Mia. i... ',.:-.,-.-a i, null uiliie.:e.-ier
i '" "' ''''' ' n'irwrr-. t . e,..l .1 -n.
u,:v f.i ..f !! (.'onin.
...... .... '
r.i ';-.n ilt.i (' !.!-
" I , ,, '.i.'i.
ct -' rittu, liui
iii-w ituj u 10 ul rem Je.
p. ' v ... 1 1 IliUii.
il 1 s-ia. !
!.!.. ii r...'i
tl-i tiuipii
P;s. .' Nitros, 1. S. P., Ol!-. of Copniva,
Oule'-s. IJr.rot. J ol-ae-e. c. e. C'linite ol Iron
i i.n-.l t.iii.'ue. .'e-, i;i-( litk' of Iron, nil iiiilitlo'.
I for ai .!:..'.;' el' .'.i:s ;;.t -i.'., 11 new a.i-1 pleas-
; Ul.t e itlt i. tle inc.'. !;!., '.lit Ull ill 1 - 07.. !.o;lll rt
1 V2 per (11,7. t .
, .., I :..;,;. v, 11. ii
' i,.... ...... t-r-.-v. .
ter ; a c.mvr "in nt ,11. ;.li. virion i.i many auruicul
pcratioi's. put iij' in sot til ils. Also
CANT!lA!:in L roi.l.nniON Oil 1IL1S
I A convcniciit n -ciirMioii of eantl.arid. s in immv
j cases wucre tlit ie is a il,;-i 'ul'.y ol apiilvun; let)
I onliinry bli. leiiu-;! -r. A eoatinu; ot it appli-
1 J witii a t ain. I's hair brush and covered with oil
sill; or some siiiill u sal. -lance, vsill picduce a
blister in tbrec houis' liuif-; or y. iien exjiesed,
ill tlie usual lime ol about t welve houis.
Pie liti ids. and ot Iters in sy depend upon the
failhfitl a'i-1 nr.iioiil cw-ciilioii ait llieii-oii'.ers n( uu
low rates as ti.o best euahty of medicines CHti Le
Oil A IM.Ls PI.LIsi 10.
Cti t'iie nit s'ri'cl, I'liiladi.
I.alipi.itorv, dt!i cud Morris Ms. .b'juthwark.
rvoveudtr 6, l.S'itl. tf.
VKnii.n,v lin; ci-:i.i:Hit.vTi'i int. t w.
KolJ C!v. I't.iii" r . ( A: ' i 'I A-.h.ii 'i:iy. IMtic
iiitl .(.y, '' ui 'ii. '-, t- ni. ii. .! v nd iV!l H..'r.-..,
Ii in iSvvfi.-u. ntc- . 71 Mm:1 Si' Kri'-I ri.iia.i. 1, lu.i,
t'llii rs tin- v. : i I'..-' nl .. iritt.ii!ilit I ct-tiiiiy.
lit h .s L t ii r 'tiMti.. 1 l ;tll (tif it wtM it In- i'l i.tir-'j i,
hiiI fig..', nm In- It.-r r;.ir .i .i ;i mi A i . : r lii.m tui itc
hviiir. . it w t' it . 1 1-,( lit' . tl uc jnlit. l" i-ui iin.' Iii-ili-
Kl. ti- iii. nn.i 5i 1. rv in .it i iIi.- iiik. ti ivnt
lii.-ir tl-i it'l l t!iiiVil ! ' tLi'ctH l io .!.'" 4 their
Inn!?. All l.-it' ii "i.M-ii.u.; tl.y .il- iv l"t-o will rcfcivc iin
llli tli itu UllftlM it. tiui ni.',tfS t): lit lit Jiny prut 4f l!iu
v rM v rutin imt,i!...i hit ; uml In- in tr. j.nrttl to iinike
UMut'l lute jto'.Vt i ly t' .nj:ir..ii u .-ii hii -i Hit; l.'ll iWiiiK t
ud: Ci'Uiittnp. ii-ii u-i-u'ivii i-tr if f nr-. til acp.-iniltHif
iun.t ol ii vt ti'.iiy iu-.i ii.iu-i lie hi nnvor Ut ruiletti)
NHi ji ui .irf iviu t (In tvv titKJ t 1 i lie UilttCi uuj it ml
i:iu.-H n li:i.-ir.l, itii'i f-ir l.f n t -vt-ry -l t iliii or -i pr.
riy, mut turc,-:.iiiin: -l' t- ut'.'y tH'kvt. 'l'ti UBiiiit ttf Hi ii li.i.v IkiiuI in in iU ami tti vm'u-
fly. mi 1 in tin I uiiivl tii . lo 't iuil i.itiiiiicirtti i" ull
lu.'.keii .iiivitiiti or il.irmc.'iH Ip tn 'iiu i;ut duniTf Hip
b.ttt l.iur cim wInU In n. let'ttf i will c.iv ur vay piir
iiinl" witl tl ;m ri a !i i H in pt-rihti.ii, uiul llm mail
ii iiw nt Bute lii tt lu-fM ma nmHlii 't tuiir to truit ni'mev
(hroit'Th tlie 111 OtHi-e. lii. Uoluirlt ne- ivti irmu iiiO lo
llUKl lellrri in nitiilv, mii.I liitri lit'ViT lincKi'il onts lit; imr-
tirulurtu iruue l'"m Diliw, Oouiuy anil i.ute. All IfiiKia
will Ite ri'l ifi u6'y BMrii'ltni I t, ii irrMMtl. Ki iiMr" w.r.
liculiri iuli ul llie "ihr ul llm wet ttiui got ui Atrul f i
71 J.vxrurt iircei atxve .i-'ith, rlnliuMpim.
C W. KuUAtlw
TXK DtHircau' celebrated ink, and also Con-
tjre ink for sale, whulcsule and retail hy
li. U- MASSEH.
December CS. 1S50,
TJOED PEXS with and without ilvcr case
just received, and for sale hy
II. 0. MAfes'1'
fr. l,,,.. Anr'.IIQ tfl-,1
' For Iho Cnrn of
noAnsEiiBS3, snoicr-
iviA, vnoonixo-couan
Tlio uniform ruccess wldeh bus nlteudcd tlie
Ure of this prepmnlion its wlulary rll'ect -it
power to relieve, nnd cure nlVections of Ihe
Limes, hnve (rained for it a celebrity ciiililled by
no other medicine. We oiler it to ths afilietcd
ilh rnlirii confnlencc in its vutucs, tmd the fuij
belief thnt it will subdue and remove the severest
utlucks of disc-uc upm ihe liirmt and Lun.;s.
These result -', ns they become publicly known,
very naturally a'tract the Pttcnlion of medical
men ond phihinlrepists everywhere. What is
their opinion orCHKKA'V I'lX'TO.'.'AL mny bo
seen in the follov. iiiR :
Pro. Stirrer? A!','. Vcrr, AVte 1'ntf, .-
"It gives m, plcasuie to certify the value nnd
efficacy of Aver'.) C'HKnKV I'KCTtJA'AL,
which I consider pcenli.irlv adapted to cure ili;.et
si s of tho Throat and Lun'-js."
THE I!T. KCV. LOlllJ i;,nnp Fir LI),
writes in a letter to bis fiiend, who was sinking
umler nn nt'i'"t!on of the'js: '-Trv the
CHKA'I.V I'iXTt).'.L nnd il' nnv medicine
can ivve you relief, with the Meting of lied that
of Louihiatia. writes "'J'liat a yotm.-; daughter of
his wan cured of seven; attacks of Croup
by t'ic flillA'A'V l'LCTUA'AL."
Ai-THM A A.i) LUD.NC.rin i.!.
The Jurrhul of S'.fniui i''.''V'
stares, "That Asthma nnd IironcbUi so prcvulrnt
in tliis ineleiiient climate. h;;s ie!,!i d with surpri
sin ; rapidMy to Ayer's ( 'iliJXCV PlXTt)!! A I,,
and we caiiuot too stro:ic!y rc.'oiiininnd Ihis ti..ill
fill preparation to the Proles ;ion and public pen
craliy." Let the relieved cv.ircrcr fprnk for himself:
H ir.Troiie, Jan. 20. 1S-17.
Dr. ,!.C. Aver -Ic ir .'-ir :) la.imr been res-
cued from u painful and il ueu rous disease by
your iiicdicir.e, Km'itude p.oinpts me lo n nd von
this ticknoul'il'Tinent, not only in iu.tiee to vou. !
but f. r the informal ii.ii of oihcrs in lil.c uli'ic- 1
A slioht coKl upon the buiirs, In :;lectcj nt firit,
bcuauie so Rrr,o that spi'tin,; ,,f ,od, a violent
couish and proluf i,i;;-.t sweat followed and fas
tened Uj.oli l ie. I i,.' anic ei:.aci.ltfd, coul.l not
sleep, w i i ili-t.-.-syrd by niv oi, 'h. nnd a nain
through my diet, and iu short luol all Iho alum
inu svintoins of cuiek coiisiimetiiiti. N'., m.-,!i.
Yours with re--pect. K. A. ."sTEWART
1 Ai.insv, X. Y. April IT ISIS.
l'r. Aver, Lowell 1 bar Sir . I h..vefir years
bei n nlilieleil villi A-t'uiit,t in llie w.vr.t form ; s,i
that 1 have been cbli -o'l to siren in n v rleiir foe
a larger part el ihe time. U i inuiMo to breall e
on niv bed. 1 had tried a srext inspv ine li.'iiics.
to "" pu-p.we, until mv i'hyiirian crd ed, a..
an evpermiCLt. your ( ilhi'iiY riK'TOHA!..
At lir; it scenic .1 to moUe ntc worse, iu
less than a wc k I benn to experience the most
graiit'v inc relief from its uc ; and now, iu four
wei -lis, Jie iiiseae is entire!',- ri moved. I can
sleep o:i my lied with dmioit, and enjoy a stale
ol'iaailh . lii.h I had never e pee'ed lo cii'o".
tiKoitm: s. rAi..'A.t.
en r v a: :i i:r .t. r. wi. i;, i:-: isr, i.o vi.i.i.( mass.
r"' Sold by,- Me rr. f-'unburv ; Mary
. .'.Tef'iiy, Not.liuinl.i I'lau.l- Or. to .nii irt, Ko
I: us.; low, lr. liiebly, Hitnillc, an.l Drusjist-i
generall , .
.v... 't.i, ir,r.i. iva'i,i
Vv U,.aI,.,M ,;1 f-fll')Hl M IM'l'I.I.A XK-
: ors or J;i,v,K HildivS. tj TATiD.N' UKY,
! l-l"t. -ml WIMiOWMiADll.-;, lo o-.t sup,-
1 ..- e .,. . .. . , . , , '
' ' ."'""I ' -I ',1 I.I., .11 111 I U.tU.l I I . OUT l,:t ,
., ., , . . , ... ,', . .
1 "or iv. ll or np irt.i':l crciut, ovrrv nrtitla pcilaui-
1 1
1 . , . . . .
-a ''in-.; aii'l active evu t ;. . wai-ivnU us in
,,.,, ,e 1 , .
I sav.ii li.'.i! we cm oiler iiidiK'enu nts to pi.rc:.i-
: ti .
1 J:'ii'At.i.rt) by J nw j.Xi i.r.T.r.n iv ,nr..
"We t arr.e-lly 1 k an cxauunaiinn of our ined.
ol' ccieli'.-iiiiL; la,. i:i,v--, belii'v iit!" if an eviiciinient
j is, 11 ivill be fni:i:d lor the interest of tbiire
i'C-iiin jjooda 1:1 our hue lo continue operating
j v. itli lii-.
! 'ur stock is at ull ei asjns laie, nnd ft lecU'd
wnn rcic
s b. an! 1, t !hi t and the nt ,u tr 1 'e rr-ntr tl'v.
-., , , " t,
t.-i'-.'... ,' .',.', .'' ne ..!i . 1.-1...' .- .... e
' i.,'t ut ll.f !i,"'i t .-.'i'i v to;.-vi in re.y r.iirlil.
! ' The hi J.ivl rite ci'.en for llAti.-t in ca h.
riicic & uliss.
M-.-li ll l-i-.l 1,0
1 ' .' . .' . .
. .. n - -
I Vi; , "Ji'-T" Yr fa "T fflyfT.
...'.'J'iJ.i i AUjk.1.
.-.I t'e v. tev ivr-i, .-
j .if. .-I 1.11 11 1.1-t ;.u rtvoccuuoy 11 l,irii!s
- - me pueue ami iravellin ceiuiniiuHy petieral
ly, she h is opened thin laire and coiiimudioua
lllirr.Ii, furnished in a superior ntvlc. V
her l.i!i; cxpciicnr? in tl'.o b',i-ii:ess et a first rate
Iiotel, and wed known repiiiatinn to accomnio-
dutc, her customer may dejieui! en belli;; suppjitsl
with every J coudiaivc lo their coinlVrt and
J lU. 1 J. 1 (V, , , If
EiUI.'ETjriY, ta.
i r?il H sub ci Peer rcpectfi:l!y Informs her friend.
.1 en I t'ic public generally, hUe t6 t.ikfi
tlie almvc well Unnwn Maim ucarlv i'ii.oMt'' the
Couit iteu-e, lately occupicil by Mr. J. V. Ir-
kina. Mic tin t: that her cxpei'ieucc in liiisinrss,
and lu-r cllhrU t i ni iUe her rucsU litTi!,',
ill Rbc einiie r.iti-f.ictbiii ti tho so v.ho m.iy fa
vor her i itli their catt)!Us
ax. c. jionnic?.
March 8, IS." I tf.
IllU'-WV 8sAD
Thr'nltciitiau of the public ia colled to the ad-vcrtist-meut
uf Mr- Charles tb Tucker, Alteruev
and Agent ut .inhitstji City. I'eriious hav
ing claims fir bounty l.ainbi or Pensions arc in
t iinit d that tlie enlwcribcr has made arrangement
tor the rcjcijitc forms, and claimants calling at
his oliiec, c;:u have their papers prejijred and
lurtviiiiied to Mr- Tucker ut Wanhiutoii, and
by him Le properly utuuded to beloro the Uc
purtincut llicre.
... II. C. MASSER.
Sunburv, Jan. 13, 1851
THE subscr'ilicr respectfully int irni the public
thnt he has opened a Public House, in the
new town ot 1 rrvorton, Northumberland
and that be is will iireimred ' r""'"!.
guest, in th. best rr:illi;i(.r '
nearly o.-,0iiie the t 'onuio. ' ",s located
provided willi gout' , -tiy'f tore. lleiali
sea. Uor . " suli'icitnit for lit) bgr
, . i.uf. by prompt and careful aitentiaii
.j ru.lucss lo meet a shine ! the public patron,
Trovorton, Jan , lS5t)----tf.
a.xotiiku Aarwnric wo.neu-
i- ii i t it 1 1:
AonntTuvsrursiA cunrn,
Pri-pirnl from IlllNM-; I", or ti,a finriti fti.uiseti n( tin
Ox, m'lcr tlut-eiit'iis ei' !At: .lt:i!lt), the greet
I'll) -lutnoieul ( li.iint!, Iy 1. H. HOI (lH'I'O.V, M. D.,
No. II, Xorl'i i:ie!:il, Oreet. Plti'in'eVIca, I'a.
This is a truly v.-m ten il reinvly fir IMuril'.STION,
DVl'Ili'Sl , .1 r.liicr.. i.ivi;i; criMI'I.AlAT,
C(tSTIl'ATi(i. nail HKHn.l i l', Curing niter Na
ture's ewn nict.'inil, hy .Nature's own i.jcnt, Die Owitrio
VT Half a t;spoonfl of ! riuitt, Infnsot in water
will illicit "r ili.-M'ki'. Flee Vaicls of ltuast Ucef w
bout Iwo li'ur., i. ut of !t,e (litje'ieli.
Dtr;TTtO is e'.ieily ,i-rf.i,i,ic.l in t! e storrncli hy the
t nt "fa Uu t w,', in-, .'v e., hies I'ri in llie innirconl
!" 11 '"" "' wttcn i.i a iI.iIh'iii r-illerl the (Instil
Jlii.-e. Insll.aii oilt,. (,.,..,. ,,, ,. .-,, ,
I'liriui.i -, l'r,,e, iii','. ni l ; i..f,iiiiir A'ent of lit- Ho
ilia, a i it ..1. .. . ul, it ..,.WI he no Ousts
I. ,, ,,, ic.ii.i n i f f, -.1 i...., .: ,. ,,,. ,, nuliilu
ill ll'n 1. '' v '. I'tir toiler il f 1,1. ti.rpitl. ,v ul. ntiddrstrue
. . i tti'' v.i! t!i' n:..t'-l I v
ft: i it it. .,'t. t i ir.'.ir. i! . ..ttt ;. ..r ,i
I'lwmtlns. A wesk,
Juice, a:,.t heucL iiiitj:
ou.iie. '
ite. s ii.i ,:.i.t(t fjnslrie
mi uiul UcUliily wlnsh
ri'.r.-T.V AND UK WET.
PF.iTlN' i-, l' e cliiefeleiiienf. or,1 slinT Prinw
pleol Ihe ItaMt.e Jiiiee. li is ii. ami in pr,.,u altiniilsnee ill
I ie Mm I On i nei-'ii ,i. . , ,-,, r ,i,.:illi. e.lut Sttiue-
liai-r e ( Il.e ;.'.,.t. ,.-', ,.. il , ii. r r. itn-lf u,,.
II is n.s.1 f.teiel in the .....,.,... ,, niiiii.a!. u Ihe ox. c.ilf,
.e. Ir is lit- i i ueieil lis-.l I.. I iiun rs in iitekum cliersa
e-lltell U, ,;;,-t I 111 ,.! 1 I U.t'.'li i., I.,,,'! .t ill le ,.rCiul
woaitrr tf t l"'i,n-. I ;. , ,.f nn.k is ihe fr.-t pro.
e-'M ef il.-t', ,, ite. in -I j, -tt, :., ,.t nis'tiin power
I no K 'in i.-li . I nen'.i v.'il1 .-iirti:.- .i-.nlvi I " tlmumiat I unci
IIS iimm v.-. 'e'tl of ini k. Cir- a l.i. i.ii nines llmt, "i,
p;yl ol Pept-,,1 ,!v, , :M ji li.,.t mil parts o wulpi,
" - i I in., 'r i . Il, t-e , , Rtoiiiaelis uro-
rt :ee u , li .Hi ie .I.i r ,-k-.. ( ,,r p, -j;,. fit tifxr
llm! tins w..ct may he s.u'ee,:, ,i;i'i'(l, waunvtd die IjI
BATt-iX I.tllt:",. ni l,j. i,.',lra'e.l work n Animal
i fcetiiKty. i .Xi'ili.-inl .r,..iive l'liml uitilneoiie
lo llie (et.tne .1 ,.,,. ,.. rr,sl,iv -.- n,,:,, ,u inu-
c w.t in-iiil-.i ie ..i l,i:ntini;t li,.f j f, in whieh ynrious
llf! u. .'..!' I I.,...!. :. m.-.if :i, ! ,-. v. 1 1! I m 8 ,ft eneil, rlmnj
i 'l, iiiul ih'.'.'-.'t ,!. j,i ,t in t;tJ lua.iaer us tliee W"Uld be
III Hit' I. It!:: t ,t '
Dr. I'l'Iil'.lltA. in his l".:ni''ii t'i"iiie in Foe.l and
Ii.'l." .:!..i-!t.. I'i'I'i.wlrrs.V Writs. "v York. paKe
a.i.s .i'M lh- I n.if (,i::t f ;. in,,, ,le:-. ;,! , 10 intll.t.l . f
ori'.'ir.i!:. n. lie n-III ( w ln;;i.r n'llle TilliS limit Ul.
Hi . CIMI;i',, in ki y.'ln: ' !. wi !i!!lt:s llir"P,yi.,fi(:y
of l)!'r'-:ti -it. . '..-' Mii : lull "a Ui.nii.ii! it.iioi t tie ttue nunu
tlly '! lie: I. ...'Hi I.- J.nee ti pr-.u- iiMt nn I lill-prevaillnr lyiis-sii a-.! lie f-des ta-.i " ilis,in.-ui'lii'3
pr 'le v .r ,1 i, if i n, ,..,l,.ii. li,i w.n severely millet.
eit .V.I.I l.ili i tiiiplann. lini'ie..' ever .' ttiinj i !te lo iail, laid
ree. me iodic (...el ric luiee. ohl'uu.i! ir su llie stomacli uf
livi 'ir :i n it i v.'h'cll'.; e it::j'Vlr!v l-nt'eebslul.''
tlr. Cli Ml WI, unlaor of ir (am , is w. r!,s i n '-Vege.
t;Ci!e 1)1 I." ? t.s: "il i u r.-iutnk;,:,:,. f.,,'1 in pliY',
111 ft tl:r' s( in-M-iis . :' !!,iiiii:,, mj.i... j;,' ,n water, lltlpait
1') t'lr It. ,'d the nr.; v:!v of ,!eu . int. , ,,t,i iirlielr- .if
. ' .!' i Il : " 'il: . .' i'l!. ":"! " '
til. aii'l ot i .le. in .
r-tMiiVS tr. e w ik
I ''ii il.ivl i e ,.t fnn II
(1.- Ii1 mi . nJt i - ! ! j ,.,. :.'!- K-ity; Thedi-i"V-
i - I I'l 'I'M (' VH.s ll il--"' r : lil t!!i- il leu i ten! Iiif-t-irv
,1 tie'
I'r.ii.i r.f i;i. rx, aii mils v.-n kii' v lh it
I :ts rii.i.Jiv in :rt :u'l. '.;. ifi-r.-stivu fliiitL
I iiiu 1'-
ii, iti h i,i in il:,' li.ilit.itl Li.tstrit Juiet
i't. 'if r-s- liri".f.TSt")N" nf tlirt.T.jrf-ii -n C'll!., pi,iln-
i'rV!'U, iiliilu.i.t vin til! Uuiltii l'iiyw 'L "JV . ilt-VOteS
HI I ' 1 'i . I'. Il i ' V j. i ;r i ' t ,i 1 1 1 '.Ml 1 M " I I h I S V 1 1 .JtCt
I rx4 v i 'l Dr. !! nii'ii -i th ti irtnc Juice,
1 !'.(! in ! 1 1 . 'i.i t lie 1 1 ', . i, 11 iiiiui r.'t li.-u-h :t,i If. mi Uiilllltiil
sin? v. ;! itn lii .i:' , i, a." l e u ivp, t:iy.'sl ion ik-ciit-reil
u ;tw''. -'ill i I tlic iirt.ti .ir in (Jii; n:itii!'..lij;.-auoii.
AS A DY.-l'.rMA L'l'KEli,
T)r. IIOl'liH iMN S p:',.,vi.-,li ,f ':i'i ,n, prodti-
e.'tllii.'tn -it Cl-rv. !' .1 , ,'N. eili'i::; e:is. s ef Deltilltv,
l.ui:iei .1: hi, ,t re ii' Oei ,!,, fill D' s,i tie (.nsmtiplinii,
""epowst lo I - or, ihe vry v. ree ol the tT:ee. ll Is im-I-
'T'! ' " rrov it.silisnils , ('. i,rs in t',L- limes iif litis ad-
l'.'iliM'ii-ei,t. 1 al .'.. lilt- ..le I i't :!!.':ei!if h lVf Ifrll qivetl
of in .iH i! .a Two i;im,;;i.i Itl.M MtKAHi.Ii
I'l I! IX. la r,nl...!. i ; ,. , w rli. riti.l It -st iti .'iI.iiil'
Tie-.-vvcie a'. .: -,, i'i'i !,, mitt Ihe cure were
tl"! t.i,!y r,i.. -l :e ,'.-.,, 1 I il I :' on ..cut.
Is is a i-r.Mt !iUV(HX ANTIIMi 11 nn,! -srtirularl
'""'it l . r ...' i i !.!,. ... d. u!,i, l.iier (.',
t ...i t ... t-i i ; t. i i-v, - nun s-jue. J.1UI the
evil vll. els t-l,,... A,. -v. !::..! ot'eT lint niton Ihe
Diesiii-a ,.r.--n-', after a Mi : A i.-. lot exces
111 .:i nn I I lie ..t ,-t ,. , n,,l,.M: S. i',. ll ulinttst
rtonueiks llt-iiili icit.i l:t: . .-i,tt r.-.i ee.
Tin-.-.- i- no 1. r,u i f CI. 11 s-ToM ril (D.Ml'I.AIN'TS
W'.ti ;i 11 ilo... e r. . pi I 1 ,e it .1 r..,,,,,.-,. ;,i ott.-e. .
'.',"; '""e .' f. 1'i.y I .-. a '.f. lis'A.Nf
1111'! .'.iui-'t-ii '-r i::..t: :.ii I'. ei: !.:; stnp
:1 . :i. 1 11 mny ne: ,ls io fei,'p. ili-ti, f. r :i slit nt I line, to
iii .. i ... .-e " ... 1 1 y. -! -1 . ! . pi r.rri ni-nt.u(ii
aa.l ..;lt Of l.'il . f:.:: -w :.! , Ii i, .irl ielllnrly
cv. !!t lit -ni l"'. .:-,.o V',.::.: ; .. Oimi.; Snieni-.e
"l tU u' 01 tin; M .iiiaclt .11,11. :f i,:;..r e t'teu. low, cold,
.1 tl. li. ...I. II 'Hie....'. I. ,v.!.. . j lit S, Ill's- 1)isoii-
'i-u--y. lin;.,e':it: !l. ", t :ji n.-y -. u Jt.llicy to liuslniiy, im-
I'tlee. (i: D'o'.LAlt pei L ii!c. tlaeL tile will cfteil
e. 'e.el a lielie- e'-;e.
tf sunt nv MA!i,, 1 itiii: ok post.u.k.
r. r!-t niv.ier - f - : ": e I t :.i! y :n .f tt.e e.-untir,
t'.:e IjK.I.MIV 1: M f (if 'J'lIK fiil'SlN is pal u
iu I Ik- i-.. in ..j I', .v.i : ','. 1 1 ' 1 1 ! ; 1 1 el. ns 1,1 lie tl.-s.tivetl 1.
V" i'i s. riii, In, il,e iiii'i,(. Tiiese ptiw.lors ci nl.'iia '
I jus! 'i e : lute it: "or ; t.e- !. H'l-i. In;! Vt'-i' llie .in:in!ily
f. r '!. -:,',:, uu -, n'-.t . i.. I -' :,- ,! .e nl ul. I'ltf.f. OF
I'l (:-; t,t:. I. 1 I ii; In ii.l. '. i! : . :i (it .t-ihlt t- Ur. J.
! '"-'I !, . il iN 'i'i!. li aiii.i.irect, raitatlelplii.
Si y'. (. f " tice il V e -v lo-ere r,iel,-(-e an.l hottl
I,.- u me wi,:., :i 1,1,. ,1' J. S. UOLUll I'U.N, M. i).,
.: t'.--;-r.--: r.
' i.i I .- :i ::' ' '..! ev '.' I '.-! il Ot; fill'
by it . -i.e'. e.;e i'.- i.-.r.nt ,M,..:.e,i:...- -.t lull.
' J States, aud
1 (lit !A!,t: UV J. l.ii W. rrliiai'. uml Uevrge Bright
S i-e 10 v. p.i.
Man- A. M"f-av
Johll 11. It -el '
li-e.i. .. :.:,(. ni.i -ii,
ts. j. r,
.1 ",u (,. I! '-.i.i.!! I II, ! III,
JSili' S. . 1. Itill. t-'.H.
M. I'.wenavilto,
r-.-iin.-iir. tve,
t'l-iter Maliautailgo
Boiuity I.r.tul ti?.-l rcr.-.ion Agency,
V.ilM...ili-CK, O. C.
I L .u ..I V.,.,..n:i...i, ,.:f:a 1..4 .-civic u i.t.wutiua
: li 111,:! . j-i.! :. .: !-. ...., .us 1 1 l!t - .;,'..! 11..;...
' uui inly I .mi. 4 nt u ,.f ( muit L-, ali a'liior
, t.-.t a.. 1 uu.. . -i re. r.u.i.i; v. i,-, ,eeh;iry lorim,
' ntvl r.,.,!.,irei i.usiu s. ,..l i
T :te.-: S.s- to Iti'L' !!'4-B tllll
i..- f -so s,js lueiliueli for
. ..t I'f (i.tVt'rillllUlt
..: ui- 'l lit I'-.' t
1 1
i- s, ..'"!-. inel H-"-..el.r
.1 ,1.-,..! H.-i , Iv.. I.
' . " " ",r r ' " ' w fnua to
; tie; is ri.-.i : .1 - vr.w -; 1-!,. ami t, lite van
ti n I a' "iii wis. fi. , ,. 1.-, 1. ., ,1, -v v I11 served nine 1 its ini n.rts; '.. in -t w!u tK-rnvt I'-nir ui-jutu M
acres: it.- ..,.i ..-iv-J . i.e nt -u'lt to aen-e.
Arm 1- I i-n.i le.ntle witii ei-iil It alell of the
I.e.! it l.tlfe' m i;i,i,.; o i! .-M il l.-s t llie Cmiltrt', IlT
ii. I . -. ;i .11 . ; wai-itiv. mi t C.e mi- ef (lie rm,Ms, wheat
' m um-s. re !..a-i.-- : 1 I: i! . 1-.1.1 1 '.r ei.v s ; cilleeiloii (
, '-'-" -'"-l . -1 ' - ' ' : .1 -'i u . ucmaJ t aw business, ia
l tl'' 0 .li.'Vt ;? t !i . s :t': t "l"' fill-tl . s,
I'.eien.!. ,s, ,.s. i.v, of ihe profession at
'' .'.'.' ree. !:: I . ',' .1 . 1 eel :il- il--' 1 !te ( , H' iT I Ull'Vlt, life nre-
n.-0'.jtt lit al'inl e ill. w in ti' ue one li-iit ins tuuiil fee.-
tie 1
s :e.l n.enit :! t,s. nn.l i,ir..rinutittii ou
t'lit-r l.t :i ..ii-ee-.'.! nl rroseeutii'ii of this
ai it i i it ..ti ir l' iiii.-s;i tniteiils Willi-
llll -', il. , I, t),!-. -
l-'ivn- s. e .ii : , i
mil i i-.i. .-.
I. I s : . it. - rie
li e. i-. e. ::l I iv. j
reei'i -n ni" I'nei'tts in the annv or
i ..i 1' . ittin :iil :lie p ,.i: l tit, kn iu n til' Uieir
i t. i.:: -i it - i t .1 ' ii , ici't tlmir enqui-
.it I t'.l-V relli::l ill 11. ill. All Ct 'Ultuillllt-.
'..I'tlii.; u.i I :: i.i-.f I I i
( II VU1.I. C TfOKI'tt,
(ii . if,?, v. o.) v. ti,:iiui.n.iii, y. c.
, i-".u.
. l-
rit s wiii It iv
li 'tis lj U; if
g?z:a:c aTvUval of
XJlA. .'AM HOOVER respectfully informs
V I'nei.ils and cu-itoniers that be ha
jut returned tVoui l'i.iliiltlplii.i, with an cveclltut
as.iortiuent ef
rinv goods,
which I.e. ofi'i'M fur sale ut bis new More at Mat.
scr s Miil, Hollowint.; Run. Thco uoojs wer
selected with great care, and will be s,.id at tho
bluest prices.
Dry 41ootlt,
Such m Clittls, Casi:nms. Su'linets, 3laslutt
('(ifiro's, Jil.n fi, line ). .nines, Al-
jitiu fis. Mi i iiifi.s', Y.mir.
Chichi, (Hug-
I ; , .I.I - 1 C.
.1 Al-SO:
An a.ioit.iient of
hats, caps. c.vyi SHOr3
' ;' ''..irrI iUeortiuent ot Uroecrit,, such as ;
. Sugar, CofhV, 'JVo, Mola- t
e . it's, Spices, SsC.
Also an assortment of I.itUor, such as
Brandy, Run, Wliithey, Wines, Vc,
IW Produce of all kinds taken in rxcbaiige a
lilO liiiiltost market prices,
liul.sit.iiij Rua, :Suv. Si, lS5U,-r-ly, ,. .