" 1 SUNimilY AMKIUCAN AND SHAM0IC1N JOURNAL. 'A ST1UNG OF ITKMS. Ukaitt is fleoling aa lha rainbow. If.ttei wear out shoes ihan sheet". A oonn sensible molher is the greatest t ren mi re of life. Beocabs mount, lo run their horses to dealli. Tins is the acventy-fifih year of Amorioan liulepcndance. Gen. Houston, it is said, is about to retire permanently to piivaie life. SEi-F-iNTEimir is the title of street in Norfolk, Vs. During llio Revolutionary War the Eng lish lost very nearly three times as many men as tho Americans. Wheat Crop. Tho wheat crop in York county, says the York Tress, never presented a mora promising appearance. Within the past four months, Burling ton county, N. J., has sent 500,000 lbs. of poultry to New York and Philadelphia. Tiik New Yoik House of Assembly have pnmr-A ihe bill abolishing the "general train ing" in that State. Some of tho farmers altending the Cincin nati mnikets come a distance of from fifty lo sixty miles. A Steamboat is building lo run this sum mer between Lock Haven and Clearfield, on the West branch. Tiik people of Lynn, Mass , tolled Iheir bells on Saturday, when they heard that Sims had been delivered up to bis master. The Massachusetts railroads carried twenty-thrco millions of passengers, last year. Ohio Wine lias been refused a place in the Crystal Palaco at the Woild Exhibition, as not coming within the programrcu of tho Royal Commissioners. One hundred years from now, that por tion of the country, occupied by t.eiman town, will be part of the city of Philadelphia proper A Small Rf.dvctiok. Tito fare from San Frneiseo lo Sacramento and Stockton, at last dates. was one dollar. A year ago it was i fifty dollars. Few parents realize how much their children may be taught at home, by devo ting a few minutes to their instruction every day Kosis in Lamp Oils. The addition of a small quantity of rosin to lamp oils greatly incrpasps their illuminating power, and leiuleis them less liable lo coagulate. In the month of February, 1S52, there will bo fiveundays. A like ciicumstance will nol again occur till 1880, twenty-eijht years hence. A cood book and a good wife are the two best companions in the world ; a brandy bottle, and a pack of cards about the worst The New Orleans correspondent of the Little Rock, Atk., Gazette, thinks that Jenny Lind, in tho Bird Song, can put a mere coun try bird lo ihe blush. In Anril. 1S45, twelve hundred houses a i were destroyed by fire, in Pittsburg, in the short snaco of six hours. The firo occurred on the 10th. There is now a weekly mail to Califor nia. Exchange. And many weakly males in Califomia. Stm. Frenchmen in California It is estima ted that there are about 5(1.000 French men in California. They have taken with them many of the habits and tastes of Paris. Picture of Haitiness. A fellow with a clean shirt on, and small change in his pocket, sitting by the side of his sweet-heart readina the American. What are strawber ries and cream to it 1 Nothing softens Iho heart liko sorrow. Wo never feel so kind towards tho dislres- sed us the day wo are ruined. Hearta are liko apples, tho power that crushes them makes them mellow A Cobbler in Mobile, who also profosses to teach music, has tho following sign over his door : Delightful task to mend the lender txvt, And teach the young ides how to Ft.i rs Mrs. Jcdson's Rctuun. Letters from Manlntain state that Mrs. Jttdson was to leavo for Calcutta in January, whence she would sail for tho United Slates, via Eng land Littlefield Retired. Mr. Ephtaim Lit llefieU! has retired from his post as Janitor at tho Boston Medical College, and removed to Vermont, to livo upon a farm which he has purchased Tea Culture. An agency has just been .established in Charleston, S. C, for the ealo of tea plants, and seeds, sent direct from China. The seeds are of ihe size and color of a hazel nut, and contains an oily kennel. ! The "Social System," was again carried oni in Louisville last week, by a pair, hus band and wife, on Ihe atreet. They were jibing along easily together with a lighted cigtr, which was alternately passed from one to the other's mouth, the pulling of which they enjoyed most hugely. Bio Fish. On Mondsy evening, fifteen rock, weighing, the largest one hundred and fifteen nuniiils. and the smallest si lit v. u ern cauuht at Slonv Point, t I rl V m lea down ib o - j , . - .... Polomao river. They were sold fur about a cent a pound. Rock weighing two hundred pound have been captured at Sandy Point. The Cafe Mat Pljlkic Road Company. We understand that the whold of the five hundred shares of stock in the Cape May .Plank Road and Wharf Company, have been taubsciibed, and that ihe stockholders will proceed at aa early day lo organize aud liitc CU'oecrien mid Teas! II AVID PEASE, S. IV, Comer 6th It Arch Sirett, Philadelphia. AFFERS for (tie all kinds of choirs Family Groceries and selected articles in his line of business ) Green and Black Teas of all qualities and prices j Real Mocha, Old Java and other kinds of ColTee, Sugars, Corn Starch for pud dings, Fsrina, Firs in small drums, Layer Hai sins, French Clarified Isinglass for jellies; Extra White Wheat Rochester and Philadelphia Fa mily Flour tn Whole and Half Barrels 'Latonr Olive Oil j assorted kinds of Sauces and Ketch ups, Pickles, Olives, Preserved Ginpcr, &c, Ac. Goods packed for the country and sent to Rail Road Depot or elsewhere without rhsrtre. IJAVIU J'fcAf ri S. W. Cor. 6lh & Arch Sts. Philadelphia. Feh. 1, 1851. ly. ch. M. A. 'CO. MACKEREL, SHAD. CODFISH, SALMON, Constantly on hand and fer sale by J. PALMER Ar Co., Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOLLDERS LARD & CHEESE, J March 8th, '61 -3m. T. S. BOBST'S SyrTHgy CBE2aCEC23I22. AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Sclinsjjrove, Pa Clock. Watc-lica and Jewelry, REPAIRED in the best msnner and warranted to perform well. All work intrusted to his care will he strictly attended to. Selinsgrove, Nov. 30. 1550. If. Valuable Hooks, XIFE of Cubist, handsomely liound, D'Av J ibit'a HisTosr or tbs RimiTio: Blank Das-boobs asd Liiivkhs, full bounded. For sale at the puhlishers prices by ii. a. niAa-tv. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. J. H. ZHSMEEHAII, JLST1CE OF THE PEACE, Sunltuy, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. MoniM eollectaj and ail sauneai pf onnitlr and ears. fully attmdnl to. Apia 20, ISoO. LH YORK & lMIIaVXIal'MIA. JOURNEYMEN II alters Aotlatlo7i, Cor. of 6,'fc and Chestnut Sreet, Philadelphia OONTINl'E to make and sell a finer and more durable Hat for the money lhan any other patauliHhment in the I nitcd Mutes standard price of Hats $3 00. dents and-IJoy s Lluth and Glazed Cafs, Vmhrella, Cth Uat;j, Calafy Panama and Straw lists at equally low prices. May S9, 1650. ly 800 LABORERS WANTED, IMMEDIATELY on the Trovorton Kail Koad A to hom liberal wares will be paid. KIMBER CLEAVER. Eri$iiieT. Trevorton, Jan. 4, 1851 tf. W. MTJAliTY, BOOK9KLLKR, Broadway, SUNBURY, PA. HAS recently received, among other articles, a gre.it variety of New, Cheap and Entertain ing publications such as Coopers novels, complete or scpsrate. Herberts I) Koswell, Dumas do Trollope, Sue do Halliiiuiton, Keyndols do Marry att, Corkton do (ircy. Maxwell do Marsh, Jerrold do Ainsworth, Morris do At the low price of from 23 to 50 els per volume. Sunbury, fcepU 2S, 1830 tf. BOOT-TREE HAKER, No. 95 Race Street. Second door below Third, PHILADELPHIA. VHEKE all kinds of lasta, 4r., of the lnt-st ' style and liest material, are manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly snd punctually atlcndcd to. Philadelphis, Nov.' 9, 1850. ly. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ciiAS. DuraaiiG, No. 207 Chesnut Street, front Arcwle, Pinr-inrLrni. TM PORTER and Manufacturer of all kinds of .Musical IiibI ruments, Fancy Articles and Toys. His prices srs 1 ower than those of any other store in Philadelphia' All kinds of Mimical Inatru menu repaired in the best workmanship, and also taken in trade. Philadelphia, May 25, 1850 ly. BOOT, iic;i titJtt:i artist, Xo. 1J1. eornrr of Fifth le Chesnut sis., Phila delphia, and do J broailway enrnrr of Franklin Street, New York. I1ITI7.ENS AND BTKANGERS can have J a sitting for Portraits or Miniature, and receive them beautifully cased, in morocco, bilk velvet, Pnpicr Mache, or other fancy styles, or sets in Medallions, Lockets, &c, in s few minutes. LagncrrcotTpes, Paintings, Drawings, tec. iopieu. Out door Views, and Miniatures of deceased persona, taken at short notice. For Portraits of Adults by our process, and Iuv proved Instruments, a daudy dsy is quite aa fa. vorablc aa clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 11 and 2) is preferable. tV lu iJrcss avoid while, blue or liabt pink. Our Ltallrry with its Six Prize Medals slid Works of Art, is open st all hours, snd Free. Whether visitors wi.ti pictures taken or not, we shall at all times lie happy to see tliem. June 22, 1830. I1TE! I1TK! I1TK! EOUREAU'3 Indestructible and Indcllible WRITINO INK FACTORY. No. 1 South Third street. MERCHANTS and the Writing community are request! d to call and eiauiine this INK, which is warrauliil not to cornd Metullit J'tru iur chiivgt itt Color. llTiolenale nntl retail, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A liboral discount nude to Merchants and the I Trade I .. ...... . r ai..i 1 or ' u ""' J November 150. ly. rotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Keaiiy maue Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received lor sale by 11. 1 A Srr.K. SisnkiiT, Dee. I, 1M. NURSING BOTTLES Breast pumps, and nipple tulies. A supply of these useful arti sts just received and for sale by JOHN W FRILIKO Sunbury, Jan. II, 1651 If SIIOUItDS & CO'S LOOK AND FEEL SATING WASHIITG- SOAP. Kannfartorrd ly Sliocri.ii & Co- 643 Chestnut St., Phila. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. VITA RR ANTED to wash clean in hard, soft, or suit water, cold or hot, in one third the time of any otlier r'onp ever manufactured i thus dispensins: with boiling, bleaching, Ac FLANNELS, CLOTHES, lc. washed with this Soup will never shrink or hsvs any harsh or piinimy feel, but lenve them in their oririnal soft and pliant stale: which is in itself a sufficient recommendation to guarantee its use in all families. THE FINEST FABRICS may b washed thoroughly with it, without the lean Injury; giving them a lustre equal to newly imported goods. PAINT, CREASE DIRT of snv description, rnn lie readily removed by the use or it, without injury to the article, whether it be the niict dress or ordinary esriict. In the use of Mmurds & Co s Soap, the most delicate need not four, as it will not injure or chap the hands, hut on the contrary set as an emolli' ent, and is not only the test bkst wssmia sor ever offered to the public, but as a TOILET SOAP cannot lie excelled. Wherever it has lieen used it has ffiven perfect satisfaction, and is warranted so to do, in all cs ses where a fair trial will lie (riven it. SIIOITDN & CO., Manufacturers, No. .14.1 Chesmit St., Philadelphia. For Pale hy Grocers generally. November 10, 1H30. IB- ROrKITELLES, Attorney nt Law. M!norT llio. SchstjiMH Co., Pn. TjrslNF. will he promptly attended to in the counties of Scliuvlkill, N ortliumberioiid. Union, Culuiiihia and Montour Kefcr to: A. Jordan. II Delias 4 II R- Maer, Esirt Sunhurv Win- l'e Haven, F.dwsrd Hughes, & Solomon Shindel. Minersville C. M. Hall, M Mortimer, Po'tsil!e. Oct. 5, ls.')0 lv. C. J. WALTON, So. 216 Market st., between 7 tlh tt., (South side.) rpiIK SulmcriluT hns opened a new hat store and oilers to trmlcrs and others who visit the city, s handsome axMirtint-nl nf hats, caps, of eve ry variety, ninde u) of l!ie best muteriul, and in the latest mid bet style, and on terms as reasona ble nsran be had in utiy establishment in l'liila delphia. vix: l ine silk hats ut !j",;i0 ; (iood do do at ijllOtl. 1'ers uiH from the country who pur chase of him, can rely, at all lime., on getting a good urlii'lc t'.int n il) p c.isi' them, and one that is fully worth llie inouev paid. C.J.WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 3, 1850. ly. CHARLES W. HEGINS, I'ctts.lilc, s'a. Will promptly attend to collections and all bui iii t-ti eiitiuatid to his care. June IB, lb-13, LlQUOKS.YnNES, &C. ' pilE stilwcrilK-r lias just received a new supply - of the best lirjuum that ever cams to iS'unhury, coiiMi-t intt in part of (ii crinr obi pale Ilramly. l'liie ('oiii.ie lluunly. Superior Old Jamaica spirit.'. Netv England Uum. I'iue llollatid trio, t Superior did Whiskey Comni'n do. Superior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. Uii. AMipciinr Port Wine. Euriindv Port tin. Swt ct M il iim Wine. SiiiH'rior Claret S irie in bottles. Chumia;tie do. do. HENKV MASHER. Sunbury. May 20 1S1J. Ill U.AII.l.l'ili A MI.M: r I.I4IOR MTUHE KITTING ii WATH11MAN, Importers uni Tenlcis in Liqnors, An. 220 Market streeti PlulaMjtha, fll'FEIt for pale, t!ie rhenrest and liest assort- " merit of Lifiiors in Philadeiphi.i, such ss Champagne. Sherries, Port, Steik, Claret, Bur gundies. Sauttlnl, barbae, Aludena, Lisbon, Teiieriiie and Sicily W ines. R randies id the chokest branJ., viz : Mng'ir.a. tltard, Point, Hcntusy, Ac, cVe. Pine Holland (iin. MonoiiaheU, Scotch snd Irish hiskcy. Vc, A.c. Hotels mid the roiintrv trade supplied a Phila delphia pneex on tlic nui.t liberal tcnii.. July 13, lWotl PATEET JAPAN ILACKINO. Manvfa'lary, Nn. 50 CHETM'T Street, MEDAL, em aided bv the FR ANKLIN IN sTITl' l'i: of Philadelphia in Octolier, AND THE FIRT I lil'.Mir.M by the .MARYLAND IN S'l'M'L'l L, at Hailiir.nre, Nov. 1S IH and lf49. 1 ,,., I.hii, Ortoltr'iMi, 1849. I have tisi d J. eilar's Patent Japan Liquid and Paste lil.u 'uinc; for some nine mouths, snd sin Imppy to fciv tiiat it surpass any blackiriR that I bae used t!ir-e tvvenlv old years. I find it holds the polish and pre.-a-rves the leather bet thr than any bljikinj that I have ever tried. A.vnnr. v It. Chimbeiis. No. fi7 Chi btntit Street, Ym. CUr.F.EY, Manufacturer. Siicie.v.or to J. WKLLAR, No. 50 Clicslmit Street, shove Second November, !t, IboO. ly. TJliOWN'S KSSHNCK Ol" JAMAICA GI.V (ILK, sn rxi plicnt nrticlr. Rauwii's McJiisti J :n.iji for sun turns, tan, tetter, iv c. R.iilwm s Cin-nssisn Balm, fir tlie Iioir daiiJ- rufl'i-. Railway's Itiaily Iklirf for (.'rstniis, Cliolic, CUoli'ra Murlius, Ac. I'or sale y II. IJ. MASSER. Sutil'liry, Aaq. 3, 1850. gjTU.NE Ware, Earllim Wnrr, Raisins, Al f) mumls, P tinea and Cream .Nuts, 'l'lanes of sll kiiula. Salt and 1'lastcr. Jut rrreived snd for sal by -nil-N W. FRIU.NO. Simliury, Vre. S, 1H 19. BOOK.S and old Tens. On hand several cop ies of the liTe of Christ, and uNo s number of gold peiiH which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. Pur sale at thi ollioe. TrrENNKUYVS PATENT .VA.SU FAS KvL TE.M.MJH. A cheap and eicellent arti cle lur funtiiiitiy sash for sale by J. W. FRII.INO Sunbury, July 7, 1810. E OINTMENT. A freh supply of this X esc excellent article for Teller, 4c, just received and for salu by HENRY MASSER. tSunbury, July 28, 1K19. W"5TII.EY'S COrC, CHNUY. excel- V lent remedy fur coughs, colds. For sale at this ollics rVISSl'E PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for il covering classes, dec, for sale at tha olliec ol the American. U la AUD'H celebrated Hone and Cattle Medi- 9 cine for sale by HENRY MA8KR Uunbury Jan. S7th, 1849 A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At Iho raltlnct Ware llooni of SE1VN ItOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street If the Railroad SUNUUUY, PA. Thankful for tho ratroiisjc of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public, a con tinuance of their fivers. During this period he has endeavored to keen un with the improvement ot the day, and has accordingly extended Ins busi ness in every hrsnch and variety. The puhlic are therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of . CABINET WARE AND CHAIRS, M AN WACTl'BF.P T EEEASTIAN II0TJTT & CO. At tht Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of tlx establishment Uiey now manufacture Mahojtuiy, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Lnrsrt Spring Seat Hocking Chairs, Dressing Bureavt, Centre Tablet, Marble Top Wush Stand, and a variety of other new style und Fashionable Furniture. Havinff secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, tliey are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distaiue. Ye miiJs and mistresses, and huftania Here's furniture of every style and hue, rr.n aide b oriU d wn to kilchra Ulilea, Fr.sn MckLig chairs t-i tucking cradles Fhould you DM hnre the rrndy Josh to pay, We'll wait awhile f a brighter better day, fir take potatoes, rata, corn, wlwal and rye ; Birk, koop p.-li t, staves, or luinhct wtt and dry, Or any thine Inn y.kea and thmhiHg flnils, Fl'nn pics and turkin down to litUe quails. Cime on then friend., eume one and all, Keep trade a mnvine, so e es on tha blD., r?" Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dupatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850. tf Bt siiimor ts Pocarr Litcneirs, or, Every one his own Phrsieian ! thirti eth edition, with upwards of a hundred engravings, show ing -uliar diseases in eve ry shape and form, and mal formutions of the generative system, by w.m. rorxa. si. n. The time has now arrived that persons suffering from secret di-eases, need no more become the victim of Ijuackery. as by the prescriptions contained in this Inmk snv one in vv cure himself, without hind ranee to business, or the knowledge of sny one and with one tenth the usual ex pence. In addi tion to the general routine of private disease, it fuily explains the causo ol manhood .early decline, witli observations on marria? liestiics many other derangements which it would not be pro per to enumerate. IT7"Any iiersan sending tweti-tivi cckts enclosed in a letter, will receive one coiy of this honk, bv mail, or five copies will lie sent for one dollar. Address, Dit. W. YOL'NO. No. 152 SPhTCII Stieet. PHILADELPHIA." Pwt-paid. It !);. Hit .Mi can lie consulted nn any of the Diseases dei'rils'd in his diUi-rcnt publications, at his Olli. e, 153 SPRUCE street, every day be tween M and oocioik. (Suudavsexcepted.) Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 16.')0 -'ly. G??J1TC- GOODS I V 1 ES I L 4 E i; L I'll I A fp SHAUPIsKss , SONS, have juptrrrpivfd I tlioir riipply of 8PKI.0 AN D Sl.MMKK (iOOU of Frioiidly and other stales, to which thry invitr ril'oiili.ni. SJI.WVLH All Jcscrijitioni of fcilk, woollen ami wtirstnl. DUIj..S SlI.K-S (Jro tie Rliinrn, Cliamrleonn, ami neat ttinl m-w fam y nt) ka India 8tlk and Satin. UKK.S (JOOUS Lawn. Darters, Mouw lins ioMli.iin?, AI).hmm, Moliaira, and all thr new filtric. rrUNl.sUINn f.nODSniankrtfl(FnPft;nKH QuiltK, Damai-ri, Martinis, and all other furnisli inn rm'dp. iMKN'iS W12AU (Moth, Caimrrrti, C'aphmn reltH. ltiilU, stiruR of all kinds, and lioyn wear. llIOi:MAKi:U;H UOODS nnd C'Hrrij;e Ma kers arth-len. T. SH AKPLlrs A SONS. 3i S. Second fctreet. Philadelphia May 3 j, !S.i0. lv TONIC MIXTURE. Fon tiii Cure of Flvkr and Ague. War. kanti.d. rJ,iM itnri,-iHrd niedieiiie may he rcljed on when nenr 1 ly id! ott.ri re.n.dti siud. Its v.dite is not mrfi 'icutlv kn iw'- ih. relore. the prpnet.r rtesirts to rnlarfre Ihe farhl id rs uH-niint. ,y m tkniff known its virtues and etli eaey I ' th iii um1s ol amlerera wh mre n l awure that they can be fpcedii) nu t i;ahc.!!j cureti of n;vnt and agi;k, wiilionl Ihe use of p iison-nis drurrs, nrimeiiiH ptious or the dcleteri' us enVr of miinine. It is off-red f'i the puh lie at a I w pm c to phu-e it within llie reach of ill. nmnred that thoe w 1 oft it a(T rdnirf to directions will find it a nfe and i.dy nun for 1'KVEa ano ITcri. It is not a ri sTrerfi.e u'uiseidiMe: r-Mnponnd hut an aaree uhit: tome calriditeil lu retiiovethe disrate and give hcullhy a'ti''ii t tin s'iin;ii'h and ImiwcIIs. Pie; art-1 Oiilv l .M trsloll A Co., and enld wh.dea.ilea snd rei.n! y K-v mri A Km, No. SI Nrth 6 h Street, Pin! tdt I; hi t I'n e fel per sing'a buttle, and tW per d z. Jiuie'J;'. K jo ly Ki:.M)Y MADI3 J Vj t.ikf t'tls method to inform Urn readers of ' the r-iiiibii'v A merit an, that, should (hey tiait, l'liil.i.li'ljil.i.i, in rjiu-nt of Good end Cheap Clothing, snd favor u with a call, they shull not Iw disap. ioinled in out lining the best of Karuietits at the lowest ca-.li tiriccs. Wc have now on hand the larRi-vt Bi..iirtineiit ever oll'ered in I'hiladeliihia, anions which are DKKss snd KllDt'K COATS from lo 1AN"1'S nnd VE.STs from 75 els. lo S3. OVKll ('OATH, CLOAKS, IU si- MS HACK CO.KTS and COATTEKS, all of which shull Le sold at such iirtees as to make it an object fir Ihe peolo of Sunbury and tha sur rounding country to extend lo us their patronage. 'i;ui;y k. m .kii,i.u &. co. South East corner of Cth and .Market July 13, 1&50 A1INERAL VATER, from (lie Oak Orchard -' Acid Snrinira. liii?blv valinililii in rbronie .Ii. bcssrs, and tonic rcmeoa-s. for sale 1 : HENRY MASSER. Sunhury, June S3, 1850 tf GTorra"wAiiri.' STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received . i ... IJ.IIXT tr l-llll ivn snu lor nam vy jwii.i n . nii.i.'u. Minbury, June 23, 1819. PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing aud indellihle ink, Cotton yarn and la ik, just received and for sale hy ' J J. XV. rKILlNG. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1818. TTJIAY RUM An excellent article for sale JfJ J) HENRY MASSEK. Sunbury Jan. 2Tlh, 1819 tf. TjJI.ANK HEEDS printed on the best quality cf parchment paper, sold at the lowest prices at this ollioe, hy wholesale anu rciau. 1 RAISINS, cnrrsnU, citron, cheese, pep sauce, Ac, For sale by J. W. FRILINO per Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. "aTEE niLLS-rJusticcs ana Constables Fee L .Dills l.and.oincly prinUd oncaitl paper, for Vt '- r' :- BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PKWSVbVANIA. city or 1'iiii.AnELrniA. MASmCAt'fl'.TT?. All ..lv.'.il tmnk. 1 dil Itlllllli: ISLAND. t". ft. Hunk ll'-lra l.t iti All solvent iMinka pin cotrNrnv. All n. lvi-iit. Iriiik. dil CONNECTICUT. All anlveiit Innka dis Hflilk of (.'hfttnlierflltnrg 1 din IMIIK Ol ( nr.icr 1 it. p:ir Bunk ofllft. Co. Chmtor par JNKW VUHI4. CITT. MtinK oi urrm.-itnowit Bunk of Oi'llvlinr H:illk of liewiRtnwil pirlAM .K-ent Imnks 1 (lit 1 di 171k ii t.-a under ' i dn corsTar. ll:ink of Miriitlelnwn 1 din M'llitic inery C.t (link pur All Solvent. Uuikli ldis M-.W Jl'.tlMKV HioiK ol irMiuinlerrii(l. lun Itelvnlere Bnnk I dis I Ifnnknr I'llt.t.urfr INnk if lunville 1 difl l..imrn..rei:il Bunk ill. p ir har. K ink .M int Holly pur Carliale Bank 1 ill. I". M., Miilillelnwn'l't pur Ciituinlna ll'k A B'fe Co ptir.Met-himif' Ilk. Netvurk ar IViyelMown Bunk par 1eeh. Itk nf lliiTlini;tnn ur KnMon ii;iita prtr;.ieen. ft .M nit. ilk Trent mr nt iir 1.ii. di. dia dia r.rte nana ui...lTri. i.:o nuns Kaehsnae B'k Pittatinra; I dirNewark Bk'g&lns.Co l.xeii.iure ll'K. Knioen l tli. i irnnee ii:niK Farmer.' B'k. Buck. Co pnr'lVpie. Ilk riitterauii rarmerr Ilk, linieamcr patjl rineeTmi Hunk jmr F.rnlel, Bk, He;Kliini isir iS:ilem Bauklnv C. Mir Furrn. Bk rV hnylkitl On pnr!enirrret CVi Bunk di. ! at 1J. IfH iv:iviii'i, lil'. .MMc mm ni l uni'len pnr Franklin i!k Wu4i'o 1 J.tie Sute Ilk r.liznliellit.u ill. IliirrmlMira Bank 1 di. Sl:itt Hunk Newnrk J dis llonendiile Bunk 1 dm !t:ite Bk, N. Ilinmwick par lAlietiftfcr Bank imr.Snrmes lijnk. Newton dit lhnntn Bank hur 'rrentoii Bankitiff Co ruf Merrh. A- Mini. Bnitk 1 di.irnioii Hank. Dover J di. Miner. B'k, Potlavilla P'r Viirdlcyv'le A Del llr Co l.'nlu Moii'niBuhelii Bank 1 di. t7"Bk n ti. under 95 di. inyiorvve I'ei ji v co la CI. in .i.a Aitir. ei iiraneii Hunk par B-ink ol Delaware par Wyoming irk, Wilkrrtj'e par Hank of Smyntft pur York Hank, ryitctief n.ei J IVInware Viiy Itnnk par Mk w nmi-'n A ifmiHtvw. ntir MAINE. I'lirmtT.' Ilk St llrlnware pur nnuk of Whet lock edit. 1 mi in linnh. wiiitiniRtonn-ir Mercantile Bk. Hang Ind ,1V Under t "' i dil All 'lve.IT nniiK. m (,. (IIIIU. tVKW HAM "PIIIRF. A II . ilveiit brink. t rlts All Solvent Ivtuka I di. V Itk notr. iiii(Ii.t 5'. S dis r.oaniii i , MIHTIl CAIIOUNA tlank nf St Allxita 9 dm AM lvriit tank rtii All solvent ImiiIi. I di;i7L'n.Jrr &', 2) dit WILLI OIK' AXTI-m'SIMZPTIC IIJXIR m, with lite n tint I roufi Mice, flVre,, to the ut or iutiiguuiut ajiJuii uiwaK unnuig Uu. n, tuck TliUHis Viimitinc. ifaniMift rtivi(iai ut the pit De)Hitjri)f Ui sNerviiui st- '1 UlC SH 1IUCII, l.lViTrilllit:illit, ()pprcii9t"U uft-r r.ih il.iti n of Uir limit. tein. II yp rb iidri, J au tidies, WnMiinr nt ttii alrfitrth. I'd in in tlie pit f thr at mrh Vlutulfiire, with lruuuutl r ttw.ird Ih nel.t aide, belrhinrof wind. Sill wiim4 oi v 'im-lrxixti. ViUatctl Uiite, fc ilVj-rMwu. -ti ol the ipinsa mih! HifiiiiuiifKi una uncurarasi irriuouiiy ol vrm;tt &c If a caw of dy(trii4 aVmM he neplTted, mtist acriooa facet! iiuf eiiu, i' u ue th? f - ut iti ti .r, the iu cijut riiwp rf, aihl wry ri'ijunitly ternini itt-s iiiciiiRimp ti n. 1 w mid iinnroM ui it thc miiid Uut to ti tlie wiih thia diwtiire mijr ( t rt wilh Ihr rraa n which ntnwti tutt nnu ti)ereniMiriit uin nt; Minmal iwui-v, to tin hitter fxivti'itre bjr adUutg a eui' i 'Uun- H Mly W the tieirtlty f pain. Ttui iiipthcuie it ivnt pnt op in Uttttrt, with ample direrti iti fur uk, aud u fcrld in Sinil.tiry hy J-m W. FaiMNO. JA.Ml-a WIM.IAMS. Tcsttun-'iiy (tf Mr. ASnrr ninnn, h ittrr, MarktH elrwt aUvc Piath, C'-rr birvlive of tlm nrit-t-jr ul Wiiliunii' Allll-UyaiDrj.Ue I.HAtf Phil a Delphi a, October 3, 130 Ma. J ami WtiLMvn: l)c:ir Sn : It mvv me fzrent plfv.inrr to kn w thai jnu are iiir ini nrr-itfiriiiff yiu nniicuip t r tlie curr ot 1vh;mm kl-i. t r inmiy ofniy ar iiin:r,iifvii vv rejwatcdly uaked me whtre it could . 1 (ir-ruuM, kii-mMiiK tlut 1 had In-en riirt d hy it. Ai I think th.it u nut-lie ut'Kii iwiedgmrnt v( die Rr!ti oem-m 1 utivr rtr-i -d tp in Die line ol y. ur meU- inne w 11 only due t y n. but tuny f uiwlul to ithc rt 1 lew tiu'Kf 11. t- ur vrrat years 1 tuni-rru irm l)yjv 1.1, which itjt:reas-d to urh nn i-xti ut that my health und rivimututi "u wore mpmly cnikinir undtr it. 1 wuscom pfih d to festru-t tmftrlt' to the m-vt nmilr f-md, and even thut I could 11 riigeal. I frit a I im i htrenpth, disuiifli imtl 'ittti extncie, nud, as y hj h ive it 111 your niJvt'rtiie nient, a priirr.il feeling ( dtri'ii nun unit wnhfiWe weariiHtv. In t?te vrar 1, hfirin irm other biirh re- e tmmrn ttti m i-t y.iur Auii-lJ-pe; tie Kl.nr, I prucured and used it with Uie m t h;i'i ' ritvet ; uii-k-r it itiiiuri.ee l-iiifiii'ir nnd wnn newt grad i il'y jv(5ed awny, nnd my app- tite returned which I c -wld pr itily with impuiiity. IVn yen re have 11 w elu;-rd, nn-1 niy e iifitrii'-e 111 the curative powers of y nr mttiiii hie of c mr infrerwd, for it (mMlelely cured ine wS.n I t nh d t".U.iin rcltel trorn any ttuici iviuiLe. ri rt'K:ceii unv viim, ahi:r v.i.Mra. TVtim my of IMwird H. Rowley, Wh deaiiie Merchant of the firm 'nf l!"wlry, ASiinnrr t To., o S uith Whtrve. in proo, of the effiau-y uf Wiltuiiiin Anti-lf rnrLADBLrnu, October 3?, 1843. Mr. J a MTU Wif,Ltw: Desir Su I t.ike plrnrire tn rcfommcndine your Anti lyitfitr T.lixir fur ih curn ( I)y.e;ia. I h ive tnken it myieli tor the diet-rot", mri h ive hrrn entirely cured Yours ri:vuii!lv. r.l-WAKI) If. ROWLEY Agkjit i(HI w l KlUMJ.SuulHiry. Murrn a, l'-.W. ly koss oiwiTirwr, ron tettir 1 I'.AlMhe f 'M wnc ecrtiliciffl fr nn Capr. Devoe. the i welt kn wn amt p '!'.. u Miam Ii,at Cuutuin (( tlie traveller.) Piiii.m.rm, Oct''tn r 31, 1PI1. i'veral yeira aofe I w 1 .'iM'icsinl with n hrc:.km out on my iiri k iiMhr f nn if Tetter. whi h I imi r -nvmred w:i v ntr sctetl M the It.trhrr wMi tp. h cran hiallv e'.finl Cflmer niv f ire nu'il it reu-iH-il the nper pirt of the clieeke. lirni tl-c sti rr il in nthit I J r 1 1 e -primicd i'lCH'tnitr, I ued d:a-rt-nt np-lic-iti'ina. " 'f which had tlie eih-rt, a:ir'''tly nt l':it, liii-rfiMn liid iliw-tte. hut from n-li ill ttiem ilid 1 (HTcelVe Ihe le.iM Item fit utilill ' upptied the Kimr OiNTMfN r. liVlll'MlKe ofi.nejnr of it. I r.i iriettl- cured and h:ivc reiiniin d fice of tticaiftv- ti rj. I have tines, nd (he Ointmrnt, lirh'ly npplied f -rr'tich- lieii nr inrlire. hi-iTetieM. rtt.i; .p'. ti i!,l, r. oh per fect enrpin. I hue 11. hentati n in tt-cointueudiiof it in thetiroiixrat nuumef to the inihlic. JAMl;f Dr.VfE. A ietlt If k'NRT MaMl.B, Sniihiiry. J lily a-. IMH. suits & co., I M PO K T V. It S OF FOREIGN Eooks, rrinta, Engravings, Stationary (.Ut I iuiiim Husltiil lustiu me uls. No. 78 North 2nd HI., between Arch ct Race, I II 1 1. A 1 1 ) l.l'lll. TMPORTto order and have const.mtly on hand a very lar;;c assortment of goods in the above UMiied lines at w!iulc,i!c mid retail. Principally : 113 CO GO LIU S53 In (lerman, I.atln, (!reek, Hebrew, French, Italian Spani-'h and other l.nunaes; Clas-i.s, J luli.n) nrieH, (irammcr, Ym-abul.iriea, Hi-hool, Juvenile, Picture, Draw ini and Mmlel Hooks for Architects Cabinet, Carriai-e and oilier m.imif.icturcr.-i. MAP!S,(iI.01Ji;.s and llhmk Hooks of every description. bnlcmlid l.il'iojr.ipluc and other Prints. misicai. istiiiii:nt. AcconlcoiiH, IIaiijoi, l,ow. lor all string instru ments, Ilri.lL'e and 'J'liilpieces, Clarionets, 1'ifes, r laaeolcts, I lutes, ("Hilars, Octavo Hutch, I aient HcaiU for (iiiitars and 'ioiuce!tos, TaniNuurines Tiininn Porks anil Haniiuers, irilius. Violin and (uitar Prjs, Violinci llos and Strin.-s for all kinds of Instruments Whok ..ale und liit.til. Accor dvons repaired. Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a large assortment of the very ln-st r?IlOK23 PiVDESl Dutch Metal, Freni-li anil Florence Leaf Metal Thermometers, ll;iirpencils.-Fu!er and uther l.cadpc ucils, lu d, Wliile and black C h i k ray ons, Mathematical Iiistruiucnts, .Searlicators, ,vpritig Lancets Pocket Prescription and (iold N-nles aud eights Letter, I'aucy colored und Kilt Paier Playiu; Cards and other French und Herman Fancy Articles, for the sale of which they are the MAN L 'FACTL'REIW AtiENTS. July 0, 1851) (ireen's O.-iVfjenated Uilter, price reduced. Old Jacob Townsend's Sarn.ipanlh. linker's Sarsaparilla. Swayne's vrup of Wild Cherry Swuyne's Vcnnil'use. Ay re's (;hcrry Pectorul Dr. Drukc's Punacca. Dr. Cullen's do Tibbit's Pain Killer. Dr. Hoolland's (iernian Eilters: Indian Ye;etable Pills Horse and Cuttle Medicines Forsuleby HENRY MASSER. r-uubury, July 11, 1819. Tim ruoPLE's vADr-Mscrrai CUMfRISI.su A C0L1.KCT1ON Of OVER 200 VALUAHLE RECIPES, Ia the Useful and Interesting Arti with a few Siuipl. snd Curious rxavrimruls In CIIKMIfTHY : 1 NCLUDINO Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Tying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy , etc. etc. etc. Price 6 J ets., for .aloby HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1819. AZORS. A sujierior article for ssle at tha -store of II U.N HIT HASSts. unbur, Feb. 16, I860, MAHOGANY AND MARllUi. Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Road. CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISH INU STORE, No, 134 South Second Street, below Dock St., 1'IIILADKI.I'IIIA. THE suliscriliers would cull the special atten tion of Cabinet Makers and others, to their very extensive assortment of materials in their tine, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, Hoards and Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled 1 1 air, uluc, arnisli. Looking Ulass Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bed Posts, Marble 1 ops, and every description of Hard ware Tool, &c. Cabinet Makers residing out of the City, would find it greatly to their advantage to call at our store to purchase such materials as they want, connected with their business. All our Rooda nre WARRANTED, of the best quality, and at very reduced prices. Uur terms are Cash, (no traile.) w e guarantee to give every man tlie worth of his money. T. & L. THOMPSON. N. B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Rail Plank, and Stair Ballustera for Builders, also Maible Mantles, always on hand, and every de scription of turned work. June 8, 1850 ly "DEATH'S DOOR." How frequently d we hear this exprewiun, which ie nieiuit to ciivcy to the mind the km euige ol aiektieat that a patient can be rehired ti, aud live Mra. Hum- a-ifi. a iueniter of the Tiutity Chureh, wh. aa a he riine. beraelf. brought d-wn to "lilli'e il -if." bv Hheii- inatisuoeiid N'erv.tiii Ileudjehe, whru, like uu ajij?r of uicfey. Jtudwuye Heatly Kehef relieved her if Iter severe uatneiuiu reatured her t i her lfieti.it ui perie-'t health. The very instant Hudway't lieiJy Kriief it upplird, ita beiiefifuil rrTeria are eierieiit-el, it a 'the, hculy, ci -mi- tee aud puntiea: it meuutly uiluya irniuti u, rrUucet ui. tfamraaUeiui end rwerlinpt, relieves the 111 et neve re .Neu rnlne pntiia, Brivet tt.-iae t Hurut, Sc.iids, ri.iree, Kruptinua cure Uheuinutitni, l.iiuiluf! . ti ut, ruiaJysisi. Struma, Strauit, pHtm. Snff Neek, Wuakne-w in the Hde vnd HufK, e rea ol ail kiuUt, oaui, llruitet, Ctuilca, Sjte Tlrfttut, luflueiiia, H-lortL-iii te, C-'Uglie, Ctdtttt, TOOTH ACHU CUUIiU IN ONE SKCOND. Thit lorturiiif ttOecti n enu he cured in an initunt. for the moment tlie rM.cf t'-uchea the uerre, the pain is tm titrated. lo witti Tie D leieui ami llemicrani:i, Neural U and Liek Ueatls- he liathe tlie part where tiie pitiu is Dmisi severe, uiu 111 a tew minttie ytu win be entirely retieeeil. T-tken internally it will arrest the m at vi dent Spasms and Cranvte. st ip VMniilina; nr to itiueh pun;iiu( in ult etineii it will (tive aireiistri f r weannees, e-uw I r p.'itii, he-ah fur si -ku. So Keadv Relief is genuine uu less Buiiied by KAlJWAV ft CO., I0J FuU 'ii Street. fi.koant T(ili:t ni:uriiTi:s. TO KMiJKLUMI AND KMIANCti TUK CHARMS OF HKAITV. RjiDwitV Mkdicated Soap. RadwHye Medicated S up, s lav rahly known thfooeh n it Uic fasliiiHiable world ( t its extremely Mau l, purify me; and mm him eflretsu the tkui ; while by its uctiii 011 the pnres end ttie minute secretary vetuiels it expels ell impurities 1 mm the turf u re, ulrnt every teii'leney to in- naiiimation, end efiicuiiiHy di.-tiiates un reonevt, un, pitnplrs. apota, free k ice, dite-il trail 1 it ami other euUne ms ernptii'iis. The rwditint hl-nnn it imparls to the clnek, the s itnt'ss aud delieaey which it induces of the humis and until, its cafwthility of s mthnte; irriuiti n und rem vuu cu tane tit detects, rrnd.r it 111 .lm;eiis.d. t tvery tnlei. (fcutletneu ufter nhnvinff wtl find it nllavs ali irritition atidieiidrrjiisRut the skin, und renders Usi'tt, sii.'hUi and plenamt. Uiinna the heat and oast of sninmr. or Inrnt and Menk winds it winter; tuid in eases if Mtinhurii, stints of iuects chtlhltiina. chnpveil haiMli, or incidental iufl:iuiutiti-ii, Us virtues have I Hit nnd extensively Itecn ackn -wUdiietl. Its purii un and retreshiiift pr'ertu-s h tve otitaiue.1 its selee tii ii fr. 'Ui theth naindt f other e itnietien, b th ol Knr- penn and d-imemii nianuficture, by the h n t n of all pHrts 1 the liislu tiiatile world, trm the nurmnii trnacs t the l(2cti realms nf the Ice Kmir The puhtiu will please hear in mind Uut Radw-iy's Meheated Sup. is the only sale preparation f r the skin itw in use; this tins levii certified l' by our ru 'nt pimmeut chemnt's. Uudway's S-mp is free frnn poisnn-ms. irntatiua un I peruicinus in pred lent s, it ran te unrd on llie tender kWoi l the infant with the aime happy results us U(vn benulv iu it prime. Jee that ench enke is cure) ped in ti splendid lul-l nf steel eiutTJivniff and further sfe that the Riiniuture t( H, (J, II A UW AY is upon each cake. Puce '43 cents, Urge eakce TIIE CROW I XI ORVIMIOT OF IlFtlTY ISA LUXURIANT II K A D OP r.I.fSV M AIR. KADWAYV CIHCAtSIAN Warranted the best Jlm Tome in if.r. For lreiwinc and Heiufifune Iheh nr. It cleanses the Seal, f r, -ni Uandruff. keps it rnn. cureti Ss'urvcy, Raldne-B. anil ! rr-- on th: Head sfos the hur t irmn laltin? out, imdrrs it rtr nie, hue. nmtoTh. s -fr jrpn , rm'iis 11 i M i i- I 'ir ti I IT l W. 'ts ! Will i liml n cmelrte ant . I, re i. Itn.lvi. I 'i is-ns.ir.n Ki'm It ' !..- .... ...I. . I 1 . .1 - 1 . v - .It nNo give II a dark snd h. untiful e'.il -r. nil I vi I prriit it iruii tuvninc er-v. Kruin in '"raniMt- puriu-. tt is ariivo ri!'t a I ipted f .1 the hnr if children if them tenOr uu'. Il i s .Id in 1-irfffj btih-s i ir ' cents i-r b 'tt. and l wirr.nitfd the U"t h or prepaiaiinn 01 ii"e, it w.il tt"t sil the h d, e:i;. or the iiaeid l;tine S-e rtiv ihe si, 'n- ' turcol H M)NVAY A ( (.. is iimi sach l-.ftle m ( ir- i eassiui hi iuu 19 irr i.inuc wilhoul u.e rjuature vi U.idwar ' A nt II R M-inrr. Sunl-urv. Alii'. Ill, Wl-I'.J.iily "atfiicotirnge I'onr OsTia!1' ITA AS &1IKXX. FASHIONA HL Z MAKK OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'F'lIE aubseribers respectfully call the attention of the public to their lur;:e anil Fplendid assort ment of every quality and price of which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one. wlio will examine it, on account of its uiiiahlr workmanship and splendid finish, made up of tin best stock to Is? had in the city. No ertort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and tlie subscribers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Slil'.tH, C It a msi ;imi1 1,oii.i;m', i-urrnuStStcrrt.irfrs.iri'onrts, SHIM, BULAKrAST AD lUM.'.fi TABLES, and also VENETIAN EMNDs, r,,Ual to Plul.- drlj'hil inaiitil'acture. IIKIKI'KAI'S, of every pattern arid price, I ITBOAIJDS. U'(;!!v AM) CWW.K STANDS. 11)11. KT TAUI.KSAXD EXTENSION T.VUIXS, in abort, every artii le iu this line of their business. They also manufacture ali kind, and qualities CHAINS. including varieties never lictore to he bsil in Huubury, such us Muoi.ivt, Hi ti x Vu.rr 4 Ml ( 1 HI III .M l en: t I II I ( I i s ; .411 WlMiVlH CHAIRS, isururi PisnHrooi.s, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to U' excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsew here. The subscribers are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture iu the cities, as every coiilidi-iice c.iu be entertained about the quality uud finish of their ware and Chairs, Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can I purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. ItT I .MH;iU A1W.M. Having provided themselves with a handsome Htrntss, they are now prepared for l iidcrtaking, and uttending fu nerals, iu this vicinity, or ut any convenient dis tance from this place. IT?" The Wuro Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young', store, and nearly opposite Weaver's Tavern. DANIEL HA AS, IJEORUE RENN. Sunbury, Dec. 14, 1850 tf. jacob nnsD's 11.0TIUti KUO.IJS, Southwest Corner of Fifth and Market Streets, I'lllLAUtLfHIA, THO always keeps on hand a large slock of ' every variety uf clothing made up of good materials, and iu the latest aud best styles. He would also inform the public, that he pays consi derable attention in getting up Military Clothing, in good style and on reasonable terms. Juns 15, 1850.- ly Just received at the store ef HENRY MAS KER, a lot of Caps, Cum Klines, Almanacs, (jueensware, Liquors &.C All of which will be sold at the lowest price. Dec. 14, 1850. CAPS. An assortment just received. Also silk HATS at 285, for sale by li. MASSER. ttunbsrrt, Dec. HI. LIVZU COXV2PLAXNT, JAUNDICE, DYSI'F.rSIA, CI1ROMC OB NEIlVOrs DEB1I.ITV, DISEASE .. OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nit dur:in nriiiir (rem tiirlrM tirrr or sto mnoh, siirhii.riiiiMipntinii, inwiml Pile.. Fnllnmi.or WiskI i' thn limit, Aciilily "f "'n ltt"iniit-h, Nnti.'iir Henrtliurn, rti(tiiii, (..r Kmsl, fnllness or Wfislit in ilia fttniii,i. h.a iuri;tiicliiUfiiw, inkinir "r fliittin nt tin- pit uf the Nt.invirti, .wtiitiTiine if ibi- lit'u'l, hurried nmlititftcwll brmtliinu, flntti'mis: at Hip hrnrt, ch 'kil'S of rnlf milniK, iiia-tii(.ii. wlit-ii in n Ivtnft p mturc, J)imm-wi "1 vi.i ni, tl 't.nr wkli. lKf.irrttii .utii. f'rvrr unit iliitt pnin in tlie hrml. tlufifirtiry nf p..ntnr;iti m, vtll twna "f ll .kinmiil ryp,. p:iin in the hi. Ik. tnck, rli.al, Iim'".. A-, andileii Aitstii ni' (tpiit Ininiuiv in tlm Ilfsli, c Mi.tniit itnniiiiiigs in rvil. unu irrtuit tlf prrvri ni M spirit., CAN BK I'.FtT.t'TTAI.I.Y rfltED HY ttLLUHATKO 4.FK1AM IHTILK9, FHKPAHKD BT I) R . C . M . JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN AIHDMXE STORE, TSo. lio Arch Kt., rhiludrlphln. Their poi f tiver the aliove diwasc.s is n tt excelled, if eqimll'jd, hy miy other prrpar.ition in the I'uiied ttutcet nn th! curt! uiu st, iu many cases Hilcr skilliul pliynieuiua had tailed. Tin se Biliers nrc wotlhv they nt I cut ion of lnrdide. Poswifsinii i;rent. virtues iu the reenfiratiuii of dnmme of the Isiveruud lefner frlaiida. rxicimrn the tn ml st-nrcltins; powert in weukntjH hihI nlfrctienn ol tlie digestive urgAns, theyuru. withul, Kite, cerium and pleasant. 1'rnn the lioitou Bcc.l The F.ditor said, !). 'l)a. HoOFL AM's t'KLHBRATXD (jERMA BlTTlIlB feT the cure nf I aver t'ntnplaiut, Jaundice, Iiyspepsia, f'hrwiia tr .ervous Uehihty, ia dcsn rvtsillv one n't the most popu lar meitieturs of the day. TheK Kitters have leeii use by thus;mds, and n fnend at our elhow sayn he hits him self received un emvltud nnd peitnauenl 'cure of Liver Coinplamt rrom the nw of this rcinedv. We nre convinced thut, 111 the uc of thee Itittrrn, the patient coustHiittf "Tunis atrmpth nnd vigor i fact worthy of yrent couside rati -ii. They nrc ple:iK.iut iu tnste nnd Fineil, nnd can be- USed hy persais With llie llliwt dehe;ite Stoiu.'ichs wilh wife ly, under any eireuuiifuncf. We tire fp -akius to -in tx perience, mid t.i the nrllicted we advise their uw." Jmlife M M. Noah, it pr' ' tlriu ni with prent scientific and literary nttiiiiituenifl, soil iiihisl'.ew York Weekly Slessenirer,' Jauu:iry 5, KjII .- "lr. li-H'flaiMrs tJcrui'in Hitters. Here i a preparation Whioh the leiidiiix presses in the t iii-'ii appear ! he nimm in-'us iu reodinuicniliim. und the rcusMii is ohvious. It it made ufter u prescript i li rushed hy rue of the 111.1st cele hmled physiciiuis of 111 idem times, tin- lute ;r. I'hr stepher Wilhetin Hivillaiid, FrufesM-T to the I'liiv rnity of Jena, private 1'hysieitiu to the King of V ussni, nud one of tha yreulest ineilical vnt'rs (jeruifniv lion ever pOHlueed. lie wiib eniphatie'.ill the rnemy of hninl.u, nii thflefnrea uietlicine ol which he was the iuveiii r and and mer may be f-nift'denlly relit il "i. lie s ecuitly Tec uiuieiided it in l.iver Ciiu:)l.iint. Dyspepsia. 1-Iiliiy," Vertiis-t, Acidity nf thr st'tin icli, t'oiisti;iti .n. nud all c-miplaiuls iiritnnij frora a disordered C"nliti n of ihe at imch, thr liver ami tha iutesintes. Nine IMuliideldhiu pnpers expreft their jonvio lion of its excellence, und He veal of the editors Speak of iteelTeets imiii their own individual experience. I'nder the- cm iHiitHMC-i, we feel warnuted. u t onlv tn culling tlie uitentl ni of . mr re td-Tn to the prcMut prmeiit pr- pne lor'B (Dr. i;. M. Jacks--it's) prejmraitou, hut in rec.uunicntj mg the atticle to u I nillirtcd " More Evulmcc. The -Phihd'-lphia Saturday Unzt'e,' the Iest fsmily newspiper pnhliMlied in the I mud tau . the editor ss)a Dr. Hooflands German Hitters. "It is seldom that we recotii:n-nd what are termed Ps. lent Medicines, to Ihe t'oiitideiice nud patrounL'i of our renders; and, th before, wiien we rcc nuuteud lit. Iloof. laud's tierut.tn Bittern. We win it t 1 he dislmetly undui Blood that we are ii-t s,etkin of Ihe 11 trtruuiM of Ihe day, that are 11 used uh ut I r 11 hi ief period und then for. fottennttei they haved iie their guiliy race ol mischief, nit of u medicine 1 estihlisheil, 11111 Verilly prized, and which lias met Ihe hearty approval of tlie Kacuhy ilelf.'' Tttit this uietliciiie wilt cure liver Comptaint aud Dys pepsia, no i nie eandouht. afti-r UMiiff it as direi teil. It mi-is speeilicatly up'n the t 'liircii and livr it is preferable to eul unei in ali hilli iis dmeae tlie etf-et is iuuuehate. They can lie adiiiiniftt.'rt d to Keinule or Infant with saicty and rcliahie ImietiL, ut any tone. Iti'.WAKK OF OU'V.T.HrKITS. This medinne han at aunt, thai tn-jh eiL-uaeter which ia neeewsitry lor all unvhciue-i to :of.ttu 1,1 mduee countetfeitera to put tonh a spuri xts article ut the rif-k of Ine lives ef th'ise are mil H-eutly Ji-.n;tvett. UM)K WKl.LTO Till; M.VKiC: OV Till: fiKNUINIC They liave the w r.lteu scnature of C. M. J CKSOC urva the w rapper. n:1 li:e name hliwn in the tioitie, with- our vvhi' h tney are fjmti 'ita I'ur Side, w'h 'legale and ref-iil. the (rrrm'tti Muiiiruie Store, Vi. VZi ARCH Street, one door 1-elow Si:h, 4te e SIT Race Nlr-et.) '!nLi'k'phi;i, and hy lespeituUe iteaiara K-'iierally throughout the n.ii.ifrv. A1.10 : For fiale hy II, Masssr, Sunbury, and M. A. M't'AT. n,umt.erl;itid. Autruet I7.ISVI ly (I. ATK PAH T.i:il OF C. SCIIKACK) ! Tai'itish Manuf actory uud I'ulat Mure, A'o 7 .Yoct Fourth Street, 1 rtW PiUlHS All-lVK CUKllllV, WKsT Mll, XIULAEELPIIIA. Cnnntantly on hand uwl for side, at reduced, prices, ami of sufttrior totality, the fol ltwm;i articles, viz: Car-It. C:i!.int, J.ij.oii-iers' mid Oil flt'h Vann.lis. ; 1 imj .lae'tii ; II - .1 anil Ihirn.ss Varnish; Itrown, Whit, nnd ttf-l SSjdrit ,1 . : Tr inslVr il-t : Atlils', II.. tins ..4 (-.. !. riefeis ai.il V nriinli.-rs' .Mal-nato ; PI'TTV IS (JfA.NTI Tlf.S. PAINTS. I'HV, 1 HI.. ANI I'RK I'AIU I) lull IMMIIIII TK rst-'.; Millin-ra' Variuah, I line nod A.iils . liink J:t;t:in Ttr 1 r. -ti ; Ad'irHll'e do. f.r ruiicy W-Tk : t'l'-inrn a,id md 'U- (.lass; Arti.is' C I -lira, liry uiiil in Tidn-s ; N.vu'. t'....t llil; !,.,1. Hilvw, ntut lirm.iti t.sal ; ;..l.l, Sd-.-er. . id i". .ppr-r Hrnne ; Gl. 3nsr' Drou .;uis. A:', v. iy ijien r hU c lliai-kin( Sit4 W'riliuff ItiW lmr f. is.si. ;i:om;r. j. iikxiakls, CITY I. A B I Si K T Y A B K It , NO. 173 ClIE'iNUT STREET, (orrovTS Til K STATS HOI-SB.) rijl.AD -.xpiiia. tFF'EliS for sale; low for cash or approved eily paper, a bir.-e and hi II assorted stock CAIHNI'T FI'K.MTl RE. of Hie latest patterns and of the It-sl woikmnnhip. The assorliii.nl embraces every article, im-lul or ornamental, com priinif suits of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose-wro-.l and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Ch.unber f'oiiiilure ; Ps. tent K;.tnion (lining Tables, (acknowledged ts be the t.rt new in iwl; Library liook (.'ases, snd a v-rr.il variety of plain Parlor and Chamber Furniture. Curtains inaile and put cp in the latest Paris fashions. ,riri-.j Mattrasses, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea ther Hrds, m i !e 1 1 order, N. H. All ailieVs pn r- based at Ibis establish ment are warranted of the best materials snd workmanship, and will l- packed to carry safely to snv p art of the country. May '.'5, IMotl. ly WATTS' . NERVOUS ANTIDOTE AM imi ysicaIj im:stoi! v rive. THtl 1IEDIC AU WCNDS3 Or THB TII.I. positively cure all stares of Neuralgia, Tie Doloroux, Nervous Headache, C'ha lera. Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsion.; will restore manhood to its prrsliue vior, even after years of prostration, and the only known mid cer tain cure for low spirits or mental debilty. Extract from tht New York Sou, OcU 3, 1849. Tlie etltbtHttd Dr Watson, w hen talking of tha miraculous power of "Watts' Nervous Antidote,'' the question was put to him, ',Why such a valua ble reuiedv I'or all nervous ulleci uin. was not in troduced by the mcdicul faculty!" nqilied, "That, if it were, there would no longer be any use for a 1 faculty, as all diseases originated from a disorgan. I izeil ktrte of the nerves ; the nerves are the mailt spring of the w hole system Keep this in order, aud both the mind und body must lie." Four ounce phial, IS doses, enough for all or. dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. MIL I) 11 Y Wm. McCAHTY, llroadway, Sunbury. .Vrpteinlwr, 88, IS.'iO tf. Slanks. BLANKS of every description can 1st had by f.j King at the office of the American. pi RE WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESElC av 1NG. iust received and for sril l,v H. 11. MASSER. Sept. 58, 1850. riEAS, from the New York Canton and PiHt JL Tea Company, Fur sule by Fur sule by J. Sunbury, Dec 1, 184t W, rRILWG, NOU AND MMUNU MOUTISE X-AT CUES. Au excvlteiu aruelo, for sals a) hall the uauul price by Sunbury, July 7. 1849 J W. YBlUSiQ. commence the work. sal at tlus othce.