SUN BURY AMEltfCAN AND SHAM01C1N JOURNAL. foreign N c tu 0. ARRIVAL OF TIIE STEAMSHIP r acinic. FOUR DAYS iATER from EtnorE, Klrorcimrr Psnst The Quickest trip Ever Mnite. The V. S. Mail Steamship Pacific Captain Nye, with four days later newt from Europe Arrived nt New Vork Saturday morning, Hi nbout half past ten o'clock, having made ihe passage in nine day and twrnty hours from Liverpool, being the shortest trip on record. . 1 ' ''.' The Pacific left Liverpool on the 9;h inM, "at S o'clock in tlio afternoon. Tho passage has never before been made tinder ten days ' four hours and thirty minutes. The shortest passage ever made to Liver pool was mado in 10 days DJ hours which in mean lime reduce tiiO passage to 10 days 1 hours and 53 minutes. The Pacific there fore, bears off the palm. The political news by this arrival is not of much importance, There is nothing of any consequence go ing; on in the British Parliament. The Cotton maiket in Liverpool was dull, and prices nominal. The sales on Monday, April "ill, were 0003 bales, and those of Tuesday 2000. The grain market was firm, without any change in prices. Provisions remained as last noticed, and (he imports wcro small. Trade in tho manufacturing districts was very dull and unsatisfactory. Money was easy for sho;l periods. Con tois closed in London on tho 8;h hist, at DC 965. TUo Cnnard Steamship Asia arrived nt Liverpool on Saturday night, the 5!li iitst., in 10 days, 10 hours and 25 minutes from New Vork. Kossuth nst to he KtaF.Asm. A des patch from Washington to tho New Yoik Courier conveys the following intelligence : Despatches were yesterday reoeived fiom 2dr. MrCurdy, Charge, at Vienna, dated the 29lh of March, stating thai the Austiian Go vernmeiit had refused the application of the Sultan to release Kossuth and his compan ions in exile. Cy compact between Ausliia Mid Turkey, the latter was charged with tho twveiUuMce of these prisoners numbering e,veial hundred, but tlio Sultan, finding the e.psn of m.Hintainiiig them becoming bttr- 'd-'iisome, applied to be relieved from the in cumbrance. This application was granted as far as respected iU but Kossuth and eight or ten others; and word to this effect was sent to the Sultan k'fore intelligence reached Vienna of the recent action of our Govern ment. An urgent appeal will be addressed to Austria by our Covert, ment on this sub ject. The brother of tho i.XuMrian Emperor, who is to command the Aust r,an Navy, will visit this country in the cour.ii' uf the yoar) to examine our public yards a.'"' niode of naval construction, and institutions geneially. SUN BURY. ATitiDAY, Arnir. sr, imi. II. B. MASSrn, Editor and Proprietor. V. II. rAl.MI'.H ia our niilliariwl n!"fiit tmweive nb dftipli. il unit aitvrrtiKMijr nt liia office, ill rtiilnikli -liia, New York, Boston anil Italliinorc. To AmraHTtMti". The eiroulntlnn of th Pmibnry Anterirtin nmnng the dilllTciH towns nn I lie Ktirtjiirliiiina it not exwriloil 1f eqitatlcA 1- nny pnper published in North ern TVnnsvTvrmia. Ton CCVERXOll: WILLIAM r.IC.LF.R. Subject to the decision of the Convention.' I:ntTCR-S TABLE, Eusilirts No'.tcrt. Jnrrtrrti or tut; Ixs-rTTrTr.. Tlio April nu tutor of thin ollc Journal, for the promotion cf ll-.e A'cirlinnic art'", lias horn re ceived. This Journal is the most eciontiije' work of this kind publiil.cj in this country. It con tains, ninom; other natters of Intercut, a record nf nil the patent-', as i-urd from the l'atent Of fice, descriptive of the claims of cuch. ru'.ditili- c.l nionthlv at :J.) rcr annum. Amibicax Law Jo-er."Ai. The April num ber of this Journal contains a nund'crr of intercot- ir5 a:i3 turfal erl'cl?, tcfi.les the extracts of decisioiiR, ii an cxcel'i ut one on the legal pro fession in the United f-tite.5. Published monthly lij- Hainrrtlcy Tc Co., Lancaster. Tiir. Lai'Ies' Kr.rrviKK, n monthly pfrioai- ral, at ',sl per cnr.'.ir.i, published V.y John f. Taylor, New York, coulaiiiB soine pleasant societies.!r.s, f Aiitrt imi TntHviac. Our rcr.acrs will find i"i cur ro!i.' von this the a-',ver!;s-i:i.'rt of T-Tr. A. J. Strr.h, who 1 c;:3 saj ilrrv and harr.csi t.erps r.n n-fi-"r!mnt of trimmii'.r f.r those cnard in the liuniii-n. Ilol-tomr, Urn rortr. J. f!. l"av.iTrnan. !iv his cuver'ff-enient, iuf.riit.i hit;iieu anJ others, that ho has just iv.Vise.1 n new assort ment of gon.'a r.t hiii r.cre in liolluwin Kun. tiih rrfat RAit.nnAn osvr.fiTiow os the an of mav-tiie scsuue. IIAKCA ItAILtlOAD. From present appearances it is probable, that the Convention to be held at George town, in this County, on Saturday the 3d of May next, will bo the largest and most important Improvement Convention, that has assembled in this section ol the Slate, for many years. The Convention will be attended by many of the most distinguish ed men and Capitalists of this and other Slates. Baltimore will be strongly repre sented, and Philadelphia, though blinded to her own interests in the matter, will not be without a delegation. The principal towns in the Susquehanna valley, and all, in fact, who are interested in the construc tion of a railroad from this place to Erie, will have representatives in thij Conven tion. From present appearances there is every pro?p?ct that the road from Ilarris burgto Sunbttry will be put under conlracl at an early day, as the right of connecting the York and Cumberland road, with the Pennsylvania Rail Road, is coupled with Ulio charier ot the Harnsburg and Stinbury roiil. 1 liere are also provisions and con ditions connected willi the charter of tho Susquehanna and die rail road, commenc ing at the northern torminnr. of the Susque hanna road, and terniinating at Trie, which will ensure tho completion of one hundred and sivly tni!-.1 of that road at an cir'y period. The conditions alluded, io, grant the rtrht oi way alcn;; the lake shore, for the construction of a road connecting the New York nnj Ohio in-rrovenifnt?, but before this connection can be commenced, forty miles at each end of the Susquehanna and Erie road, must be completed, and eighty n.iles more completed before the connection can be used. Tims it will be seen that the prorpect3 are now bright for the early con pinion of these grat im proveinrnls, ai.d ail that is wntinr i.i har mony, cncriy, and concert of action. DIT3" U. S. Sr.:;ATor.. Fotir mote unr.ic ceufiil ballots have been nude to elect -Mr. Sumner hi Huo'.ori. M; Surnrter is theafyO- ur PiMNTtNf. fxK. A few kegs for cah for caih at this THE KENT COLNTY MASHAinC. The Maryland and Delaware papers con firm Ida reports of the arrest of four or five individual, on suspicion of being concerned in tho Cosden murders. Tho Cecil Demo crat of Saturday says: "John Ford and Snmncl Sills were arrested by tho Sheriff of this county, on Thursday niaht last, rind. lodged in F.lklun jail, on sus picion of being concerned in tho massacre of the Cosden family. Theso men fesido in this county, near the Bohemia Ferry, in Sas safras Neck. They wero arrested in conse quence of revelations made by Drommond, now in Chestertow n Jail, on suspicion of bo ins; one of the murderers." The Wilmington Blue Hen's Chicken, of Saturday, alsoeays: "Abraham Taylor was committed at New Castle, on Wednesday night last, by Esquire Townsend, of Blackbird, chanted with being concerned in tho murder of tho Cosden family." These three, with Nicholas Murphy, whose arrest nt Havre-dn-Ginee we have noticed, and who has been committed to Elkton jail, makes up the entire paity implicated by Priimmimd's confession, with tho exception of a younc man named Sholton, as to wlionl no account has yet been received. The Cecil Whig says that Abraham Tay lor is tho man mentioned in tho following' mysterious note, found on the person of John Brown, which ho naid he had found : ''Mary Biowu, John Brown lb? (-ays ha is going to kill them lo-nisht; wants mo to help him ; you arc my friends and I may tell yon ; if you don't mind ho wiil kill jou. The man is Abram Taylor." Ai.sanv t:n Scsjjvku anna Railroad. At OueDitta, Otsego county, New YoJ, about two thousand people met on tho 2d in.M., for lha purpose of adopting measuies li con strue! a railroad from soino point on the line of the New York and Kiie road, ut or near l'iiijjiuinptun, to the city of Albany, by the way of Great Bond, iYnnsylvanin, tin val leys of the Su? ;ueh:iiM!.i river, and the iri-he-rievts and CiL!.-kilI cro . A committee tirnoi'ite I for the purpose rep't'd articles of noeia:!tni for the Allv.riy and fhi.'-tiehntina :;i'.i';:i(l Cf.rnnaTiv, t,-;tt!i''r with the names cf w h'ch were TRtTIIS OF IIISTOIIY. It has often been alleged, and generally believed, that Alexander Hamilton was a Monarchist; but in reading his original draft of tho Constitution of the United Stales, no trace can bo found of that fact, every pio vision being republican in trait and princi ple; but not radically Democrat ie, for no man ever breathed who was more opposed to giving tho popular voice a universal and direct sway in tlio Government ; but a Mon archist he certainly was not, if his papers in tho "Federalist," and his draft of tho Con stitution, nro to bo the lest of his opinions. By Itia original draft of tho Federal organic law, the absence of the President from the country was declared to be an abdication of his oHicc, and furnishes an iiido.x by which to construe the present Constitution ; the idea having been frequently agitated that the right to do so, without losing his seat, could not be questioned. There appears but slight variation between this document ant) the Constitution us it now stands, tho most rna-k-ed difference bei.ig tin) choice of President by two classes of tleelois, in the event of n non-electinn by tiro first class a wiser and safer method than the present one Ledger. Ovrta one hundred tons of quicksilver from the Almadon mine are about to ba ex--parted from San Francisco to Mazatlan, in tho bark F. Cor nine, w hich is by far the lar gest shipment of thi nrtielo ever made a' any one time from this Slate. Il will soon bo one. of our principal articles of export. A or Flax Cotton has been prepared by Mr. Ilaywnrd, of , a gon Meman of great experience in I!a culture, who is confident that he can produce the ailitdn in a larro way for i.v certs per pound. Tho material is not bleached, but in all other respect has tli3 appearance of fine Sea Island cotton, anil feels like it. ftTnAtOH SALE. A German bought ai a laid Custom House, auction salo of unclaimed bonded goods, ii Now Yotk, thirty-two laigo packages, which tho auctioneer said wero 'supposed, to couj lain a light-liouso." Tho piico which1 the mysterious property was knocked down was S500 ; und on opening the several par cels, it has been discovered thai they contain the distinct parts or a light-house, niuona which is a largo copper wheel covered with curious devices, and obviously designed for complicated machinery. 0;her cases enclo sed tho lenses and immediate apparatus of a lantern. The fortunate pmchaser of the package has already been ofleied $.7,000 for his bargain, whicli he ha declined. It is conjectured that the woik of art, consisting of the different sections which were sold to gether at the auction referred to, was sent to Ihis country ns a present from the French to tho American Government. The lot was consigned to a naval ollieer, nial was not e'aimnd on nccnunt of his dra'h. Il is tiiontjlit tlii'.t 111? structure, machine, or v. hat ever it is lha! ha turned up n oddly, may bo worth ?o0.C00. Jr.Ksuv City and Fain. The hist rail of the Erin Railroad is raid to hnvi been laid, forming a continue', s lino nf l',:.i'i( ad by tho Patervm ami Pamap'i roads inter secting the Kiie at Sn.Tenis, from Jeiey Citv to Dunkirk on the .-.limes of Lulm F.;ie. . LOOK 11KUT2!!! f rplU'' f-'i'l""-! i! er re-peetfutly ' inf rins Iih friends ami lh f A puhlie. t;e .r. iitty, tlmk l,o still . SaS eoriliiiuei llm i saddl?:hy BUSINESS, ' ' ' Al his old rt iiiil ill I"f :V.ct fj;.roct,, two doors ntioie M.u'.rt H jU i. e, wlicc ho con uUntly ker,. en h m.t( , J., ..i.nrinuiit of I?c:h!j T.Iitda II;irncssr. (DitiMcc,.-!'i;e!!c well i-Pvtr, Vi:tk ami .tupnn iit.l mouiiti'ir. .'I ffMrs. ! tidies. Trunks, Valicfa, V.'liips, CuUars. All kini's of w.-i k in hi - l:t ni-..l to order.;ii lieM ,i f'vV as 'run Ie l.ji io t::Jt eonntry. l'iroi:s v.'i.hioy; to pnreiiase wiil p'o'p eit"flhd c..mine Ir.i'l; 1 .-!' uc p'oviiavii risewliere. N. 11. The nihit liter h.ifl opened a new and Mptem'i.l .? cf tr.mzt?, Peeli im Silver. I?r,i--s ac.l J.,p..rt-I nniintine, Pat.nt SV.f A.l;.i:,r: 'J'.-i, )'.,t R0-t.t v. re.-- I'c-. : cf r:'! if le-t I": n- I-.- e Kill. Trunk rind Tr.:.. -r t. Tr-w.k e Tr. i : . Tiiin- ' ' -v f-,:.rj. i.J I I'e. A Cincinnati P.mtu s'at'-s that i:i the j year a t.ermiin gaiJener pmt -h mi ii ot of two ruid a half aeu s cf grmnd at the tvci'l ciiit ot lijat strei.t, i.i liiat CI v. tor 2,.rVV Lat-t week l.u sold t'.,j f.i.m I n f32.nt!0. Fatal Arctnr.NT. The R"adirg Pemn. rat sirs, duiieg a I i''t hist we; k on id- Cei.lnil Road, near G recnsbi.ic, I a., Col. Lciiiti Hu'NT'd Lon.lnn Journal has an epi gram on the copy i 'mht question between England and Ameiica : li.tcTirr; m:iVfi fur b riv.i, llil' la l ilia .1 teavr r.t 'n-, 11.:'. 1 i:-v: n. i! in.'.l i:r n-i.-i-Vc irai.-u Tl.e ri -:.t i-t" itr.-'..!.l.i-u;i ti.:' 'itld of Diicetoi-", d. Near'v or e hu died tho' f.nid poi.itirai would be made up in a few days, when, on filing the ailirlrj of association, &c , in th" C7" The last Legislature pats?;! four hundred and thirty one acts, many of them in the Omnibus form that i?, attaching a number of bills to another, a:i amendments, and paying then) through. In one of thess omnibuses we see a passenger from this County under the title of "an act pro viding for the appointment cf road viewers in tho County cf Kotthuin'ocrland." Com inc Oven to the Pantaloon?. Mrs. Bloomer, cdito.r of tho Lily, has adopta. 1 'ho "short dress and Jiousers," and says in her paper of this mouth, that many of the womb in that place, (Seneca Falls.) oppose tho change; others laugh; others still are in fa vor.; "and many have alicudy adopted tho dress." She closes the arliclu upon ihe sub ject as follows: "Those who think we look ';,' would do well to luoi; back a few years, to the timo they wore ten or fifteen paund.s of petticoat and bustle around the body, and balloons on their arms, and then imagine which cut the queerot figure, they or we. We care not for the frowns of over fastidious gentlemen ; we have those of bsttcr taste and less question able morals to sustain us. If men think they would be comfortable in long, heavy ekirts let them put them on we have no objection. We are more comfortnblo with out them, and so have left them off. We do not say that wo shall wear this dress and no other, but wo shall wear it for a common dress; ai:d we hope it may becomo so fash ionable that we may wear it at all times, and in all places, and without being thought singular. We navo already becomo so at tached to it that we dislike changing fur a Jong ono." O5- Death or G:::r. L.-.ady. In our last paper we mentioned the? injury Gen. Brady had sut.'.ained by Lcir. - thrown from his carti.v'e. IIopo3 were entertained that lie illicit recover, these hopes were not however realized. lie died on Tuesday following. 7" Ce;Tr..:7::n Eixcrnc:;. Col. V.'rihl is no w couteilin the ri'ut cf Henry M. Fuller, tj hi3 election to Congress, Irom tilt" Luzerne and Columbia district. Thepartii's met at Danville, on Monday last, with a laio number of witnesses. ET-'Cor.. Vt'Litn, the re j -etc J Austrian Minister is do -n upon the Hungarians, and defends the Aivtnan jrovcrnmer.t in its crusade against th fallant and down trod den Hungarians. The Col. had belter move himself to Atvtria as he will find none to sympathise wiv'ii I'tm bore. Even his friend the "Hi.her )..av" Senator from New York would renuuia to ttieh doctrines. will be ftd!y ineoiprnated, and the survey of tho read immediately red upnn. Eroav Ti ar;rn t: ?i' Rines-;r.-s. It is not alway.4 j'ru.lent for ladies to don male atlire as l':a aimers". I, from Ihe Washington ive puMie, w iil show : A few tiiohls pgn a young lady dressed lier?"lf in man's clath 's, for th1? pnrp.ise of having a little iutioeent fun by fiihlenin:: the two white female servants in the house. One of them had retire I to res!, and was ;.. .. , .. i..,n , 1., i,. ,1,,,. ,!,.. inc ssses are v.v.vX ami women have rights . . , , . , . ,. , , , ; , , , ' im 1, entered Ih'j rl.ainber and dittu:le.l " - ..jna, u,i t k.MKIUI . uuiii i.h a-o io'-- 01 ic.iliij l lt,l lljoie o'riee of the Secretary cf Ktate, the Company I w'"r" 0,1 'he s-leeves ut dress.'s, which eon- :.t were immrdiate'v subsciibed. About I lition camiii'ate. He rei eived 19 i votes, j S4M'O0 irnre is leqniied to tibtain an incor- one less than 'u necei-isary to a choice. o.i!.M tin J,!rs. tl.e e.litr.'.-i cf the "Lily" a periodical published at Seneca Falls, N. Y., ij out bt: sliiil , and his set Ihe exator.le of reform by adopting her- se.f, the lir.'ss worn by lil'.ie jrirls, callt d "frock and pards." The following arti cle freni th.' I'!)i!adel;.liia Ledger, laes the s-amo side of ihe qtitstion, and thus ar gues fur the propriety of Ihe proposed change : Wo hear a rent deal about ths equality of the se.cs :.r,d lha riihts of women. If Tun V.m.ik ce Ptt.wtn A parson in ily has linen seutei.eed 10 tuo years' im- p: is eiiTient, lor onuttiej to pray lor Ihe r.i A nf:l i:i I. ..I t... i l..-i it... I and nss'.itnuces were L'iven that it ,, . , , . I.Ainr.s, Ob-.ervt.. 'dot little lrimmir.2! is li e ci-i tail!" y of S'-ccc.-.i than hi c itain matter oer which t'.e-y have l'i.:l catiol. Tiiij of du ss is We ln.'.e ;ilter.:ali.!y in .lann- tiiy and July ill.) climate ol '.'iberia and Tiuihiicto.i. ComiiKi'i s.'!!", were ccr.irrion S'-asa a woman, would cloth" heiself e.ceor die'iy. In winter she would wear bcai'.s, such as men wear, 11 hi j h as the calf of the !';.', iioi:sers ot ci...ii".t w.iolon stuh, reach- Imj to tho top of ilia ho', and sl.iit.s of 110 j greater ! ' ir'ira.I . Io s i.r r. slre.-s, not 1 traner-siiikil biit-.iers. tui' !.l take ihe plate of """ I ' 1 ,i..! ii'i:!s, au.l n.i.s.m o. v.oiii'ii, '.'ij out icin.tir: in tho fr.:ne, leavics the scavenger to sweep the greets th; c ::ir!:."i:t the vcar., o'her servant, te::e l ep. Tl wliose sercc: 'in tied lb" wlvi b"ir: down sViiis, ha- yrnacr lw-.-) rein tulia.l to I inr to keen h-r out; but fup-iior .-tiei:i:'!i r;evai!'-d. and ie'ires.i was eio'et- I I e l. Tiiii s 'rv.'.at sji'.r 1 tli supposed male, I :i::d after a severs contest threw a Irvivy I can.lh'Siie!: at tha head of her, I which di 1 not, however, strike as intended ; Jninl r-lirf then ran, cad ili.l not flop e.uii! I tho ba.'"meiit. I'ere f it i r .!".! , and leiae.iia d ii ;.e: si'ole f. -r l;rai !y half an ir. i iio wlio..j lio'i K tioM were now mai mer t, lie ru was n tu-11 "i.oiso ai ii couin s.iu," arid. Id remove all fear, the yoe.i la dy readily u-veahrd herssli'. pereeivias; tliOjl Willi llur rricr-'ss uf intei'ii'Viice, our "treat grand cuil-livu may s-e th-M s ilutary chan- ; "u coi,s;-iii:e:ier sres, b it til-re it l:t:le p-es.-rit li'ipe of them, however reeuinine;i.le;l by eunveuionce, comfort, economy mil jrenitiuo p:ii;ciple, and by ether li'.e ir.v-.elf. her eanditcl was near leadi:. to very seii- hooting an I:;cem)Iakv. Tho Louisiana Jfourt.'8' 'L'"s l'le following ftory of an attempt 'lo rfoOi' "'t incendiary, who had been tiyit'g ;to fire a r in- house. "Theo ner ono nitfht commanded one of his negroes l0 arm himself with a double barreled sbst S"11 ailJ kc,'P t!licl watch for the rascal an J idiool him uprjii tho firat limpso. The e. Id negro proceeded to obey orders, and after eillins patiently until the turn cf the iiht, without any difttubance, saw in the"diin dunanco' ail object moving slowly, but steadily towards him. As soon as it became within s.ifo shooting distance, he fired and down came, his victim. Ho inn to the bouse and iiiformeij his master that he hid killed the rascal, and r.o mistake, for he had seen him fall. The master went with .his servant ta examine, and there, suro eiwnch, Ihe dead one lay 'prost.-ate in the dust' but it was one of h is best arm, in stead of the villain who haa beeu trying to burn his gin1." TIailkoips is Rcssii. It appears by a letter received in New Vork fint n Mnjor Biown, consulting engineer of Ihe Ei.npertU of Russia, that the Lmperor has determined, as soon as the season will allow, to co.rn tnence the projected railroad from St. Peters burg!! to Warsaw, the surveys for which were maJe bst year. Major llrowu will, by bis position, have the The distance in ihis instance lo be run is from 7S0 10 800 of our miles, and stretching, for the most part, ihraugh an inhospitable tract of country, intersected by many rivers, broad morasses, and lowlands. The raihoad will ba began in Ihe latter part of May, and its completion will quicken into activity (he internal commerce of Northern Europe. 3 The Contractor on the Pennsylva nia Railroad, have ijj.ied an advertisement for tho employment cf five thouwnd labor ers, stonecutters, ms-ons, Cc, immediately, f ir the Western division ol the Peanfyl- ' his aaver.u- uv-nt ..rro.T, has r-.-am cuhi.v:, liaviiig been i-hb, fur vsy n 'wci t-i.r . Tot 1 1 1 1 : . 5. t If i:ih t!',!. iitdictad in n. ;:..!. monoy by fa's? pretence?. d'ed be a dup-, who could be invriTled bv such ri'.lv r.rri." 3 a-t.l r!ari:tg i.-'postures. Jack ii r'.i n t:i.' T.ltr CliH" -. irli i-!ii Y.'t It. it III! C-lilt 11 ! rv..T 1 nrVy criu-'l ti liH Ii'iio 1-.'.. s I uracil ; I n r itjca I avi::ry tr,,-!"!.-. !r Pick is beititf. cuitivati-d s mi evperimor.t in Culifottiii, on tin Jv.u J.ia i-.i 1. Willi 1 ice a!.-iier ihfi liver l-av1: i. ::'..! whn. t ::n.l oj!;ii!:,i:'T;. y ;;io.viii- iii ihe b ick coimtiy. Cali mirst in-' t.,,,,;. ,et ho :.h'e 1.1 s!..'..'!,!, h,.,, li tunic to be made tich! at ihu tliouhliT ami loose ut Ihe wrists. Fontanel's or quillings of li'jbon are much worn. ihe iNeotf. til me l-.iii-iii Uesleyan Methodi-t .Siio.iary fraei.ty for 1S50, is one huiidied and four thoiisand, six hundu' and si.xty-oue pounds sterling. Tin: interest which tho Government is to pay to i: ..inn on advance in the Aroo- stuck war, is supposed to bo about S-70,0110 Tlie bill was passed by tho late Congress. A lcstom Jiiirsr; Oath. I Im I.ostou C'lmiuonwcalth stivei the followio-' as a Cus tom Horse Oath : Vou swear, f'-'clp you Go I. 0 cents A v.T.iT-1 in London sav : ' I doubt if the pVm'-t lo T-riti-rs a'ld the itic: indiirer- fare can be ebtained hero throfh th rummer at anything loss than ?I3 per wee!:." A Pati-nt Fi r-: Cinrir: has ben inven . . 1 ' T' I II-. t ie 1 111 i,.i:r,:n:m wnieii r"tnove.i twenty tors of liinb'r o.ii! 1, no lied feet i:i IJ minutes and 13, at a cost in labor of about S:l. Two live women were found concealed in puncheons 01: board the lliiiish t ail! K press, from Liveipool In ChaiiCAtou S. C, when foui teen days at sea. Tiir Galena Adveitiscr states that the exports of lead fiom that place the pre sent eeaioii will amount to Iwu millions of dollar. A nicer) rttN is l:now;i by Lis speech, so is a vain man, so is an f s;!y man. so is a fool, faith Ihe wise ir. in. (I'l'I v. ? '.iUi., t !" it i-.- r Oil Clotb, Saddlo ! e ?:.!,! ns cheap e Cot ilicwhcre, V .1. fJ J'I.OIT. ti. I A. , Co., 1. tl.e i v-. i i I,.- 1 : I. a 'i'. t ' a I ..!' James Coulter, hilst n'.temji! iii 11, iieeniee.iiioy fnoi an rieaeo .ire. I, LUtly. traveial of tiii ;n resie.i. ' to snpprcs j it man. il i? ; rioieis wero ! CI'; .1 1 'ov Tin: I.IoNiiV l.' i:..!. I hu ha I t.ih'-n ey j.t a shillii:j; a ;;'a run tn.r liurri'eer J time. It v.. ; -A follow boast- i 1!: of w his- I Hid he intended to j 1 to or.! hundred before ! I 1.0! l::'..e f'.'rh a How ' ;i.l). V i li.,:,, 1). a t;. Marti 1 e v.'iit of 'J'i:e firm 7 I : 1. and ' a ''. (,'le ..... ,.r .. i ViiTZ. '-! that nn rl. riisuiitfr 1 cp, in iv of Jun A. nnj '.vil f i t;i trV. tlli v,' a dozen hurisis ttii.l xevt ral il ins x 4 Tin: reward of ?:yH) olTered by the Legislature of ?.las ichnsetls, for the diseov eiy of a cure ler lha potalo lot, lias been claimed bv Mr. Jo-hu.i K. lf.iteh, of P ire "" ter. Ills remedy consists of s;r,;r.i.d char coal mixed with sid. hate of lime. Cciiini" C'Anf:;i.-.V I. Iter i'm-i tli" m i-'er of a vessel lately arrived i.i lie' Thau, s, from Maw South V.'.des, inn. lions that the R.ihtman, of Lot! hi", was t.i'.i:iir in a car go at i;)i!uey, for Culifon.i.i, conif.iii ol re.iilv iniuhi co.llus, which wero tilled will) bottled beer ! en-; s.'li' IT. of the G c.l l ..n I.r-.- rr-'a-!..!! '. or h 1. a to .-. th:-t Ii-iio.-i of oil V t lo the milt ; ('. ay, ihc'.l., lul A.I 1 v -r.i iiidcht e! 11-1 ar. it'i-it lli 1 : i r r for '. l.alal.alru. J. I. t;,raJs, Tm: Wisconsin Asemb!y have passed a bill levy iiri; a tax nf ?'l on a iii in ami ?2 0:1 dof. Th'' L''-:;i'a'ni" knows which is th(i "btiter li'iif," t f erentidii ae.y- Jl j.t,', A li li. i I !,V iu; ai ...;. . 1 -. a n; ,.i, U 1. i n me .m In . i.t of I.: f a-ruN nutr it je: I iioci ils, which he ..i.:.Ve t''rin.' ;..r.s. he. t'.llicacs,- .-j- al' hi s, mont Gemisal Dcmsikiki has rrivtd at Pari', from Constantinople. var.ia r.ailroad. This road cxtend3 reventy-five miles from Johniilown to Piltj'mrf, attd conipri tes pome of the heaviest work in the Uni ted C-tate. The country h well settled and health;' and the line is peaceable and quiet. The wages will be ?1 per day, promptly mid. and the LscrdinK, L- per week. 1 Cn or about the fir.-t of June next, the Mountain Divi.-icn of raid road will be put under contract, which will require a force of from two to three thousand men for the next three year;. Mechanics are also wanted alonj eaid line, to whom frond wages will be fiven- riiiiov m c:u:s. This talented but atnbiliotis anr! Opirin priest, has evidently been aiming for years past, to secure scjiiio high place in the Romish Church. He has been at Rome for some lirne, anxious to become the first Cardinal appointed in America. Once in the College of Cardinal.', he is then eligi ble for the Chair of St. Peter. The Holy flounril at Pome ha?, however, rejected ,im, fearing, no dcubt, that the Vaakee Churchman, whose fame for tact, talent and management, is well known, even in Europe, might prove a furmtdable rival for the i'apal Chair, on the death oIPia.Mno, the present Pope. Therefore doubting the propriet j' of making Pishop Hughe a Car dinal, they applied to the Catholic Bishops of the United Slates for their opinion, and they, of course, objected, which will de cide the question against Bishop Hughei 1 a tne &crea L-onege, at least lor the pre- r tent. tT"" 'Iim Il.-.r.-iet Mn'.inean ho become ;rn ii.f.del, ati 1 rper.!:.-- of th. tihle as fabu lous, comparl-v.? it with the wildest works of fiction. When ih? vi-.ilei! this country ome ten or fifteen years sinre, slie wa3 in this place. l.-'!ii ea; tlien amrjii.-j the most rah'iid ot a r.. lint 1. ':, upon whuh 1! )C tiine it f-'cirs ihe has since improve,!, by repudiatiii;: nil restraints upiti mind and body, phyiically and inentally, religious and moral. us u of iri ieuliuial wealth. Ti::: Lewi-bur;:, t'nion cotr-ty I'l.iversiiy, j e.-t.ib'.iohed but a fs-iv )e.u-, a;vv.iisto ba io i llo'iiishii-j: eon.liti"!!. The im:u er of s:u-; dents, inelu.lin'.' Hu 1'eiiiale and depailineut.-i, is '.'iT. i J.1C09 1'iir.f, r.'".! ne.iily !!) years, of 1 r.TuorsiiH'. n-hi;i, M.n : liM:! ptori counly, Pa.,' died on We hies lay of last ucck. j tlrx. Piai'-ii !:n V. P.tiTii. it is said, lias pnreh isr I a f 111:1 from (l.'U. Vl!.'j i:i the valley of t'-iiHii-ia, t:.l lias pat hu his f.i.r. i'y, int.'iidlnu to in..!:o Caiiioi ni.i his pciiiia- i lieiil place of ru-idcitce. 1 As A I lition to ihe royal family i expee- j I i'd in thu course of lha rnonih of May. The English peopli! may well as!;, "Will the lino slietch out liil tin; crack of doom. Coo;;s of scnsuir.'Tios for a (Jas Coiapa ny have beeu opened a! Kasion, Pa. Pro-po.-ala are advei iisL-il far, i'nr the oastrt e- lion of tlej .(al:s. PltCiiiiaoirs eeal ii to b:: I:: :.:.v. r.y wnrc, a r?!rnw lints.' r:i, vix :' r - e n ; -il ;cncr . I oil.rr per-' 1. .i r ut a .haago for fc.-,.t '; l a.v. Ui - I''.loi. , . t- v ,! lo s :'e ,!.. et ti c . ' i.. in ue. .1. .... .1 ; .- 1 f. Comicm . Dickens. in speak; cf Anvirr.s fnmi lje-.:a! la stat 's ihat 70, COD tioopj luve cuter.J that pro vince Tun hors's ainl per.s of Maj. flinrmati's U. S. llviiis nrtil'erv, nt Postun. bavin" been Kold tiudor I hu hummer. Ladv FrAi.-rriv, worn cr.t with '-hope cleteired,-' is at leirrrth seti.rily indisposed. Fasxv L1asLi.11 id about lo take leave of the etao ul Vienna, wheie her cuieor com- metiecd. Banavrd is new in Ft pi, preparing a Panoramu of tho Piiver Nile. A Man- too busy lo lake caro of his health is like a tnechaiiio too busy to take euie of his tools. 11c who knows the world, will not bo too bashful, and ho who knows himself will never be impudent. Socratcs being asked what true nobil ity was, answered, temperance of mind and body. A Cotemporirt If very anxious to know the exact width of a "narrow escape." Fight in a grog shop are new called spiritual knocking. Tun Cccan F.:.:'i:3iTios. The Washing ton Teh ;,i'aj-!i suyu, tho Cuban expedition now mi foot ii i:aiJ to bo beaded by Con. Miialvan, 11. Lamar, cf tieoittia, and a he. nor (ion. ill's, of Havana. Ii is Ktid, aU', that Gv. Towns, of (Jeoreia, is identified with the euteipiise, Vi liet'ier tlicyo state incuts mo tine cr l ot we cannot fay, li t whoever b en n nee!.. I with such a desire, is destined to ej a tuiseiuLlu failuie in attetiipti:: it. A I.'in- has sent to li e Woild's Exhibi tion a knitted hica s.iaif, coiitainin 1CJ miles of tl.iea l, and !7i;00i) btiti lies' ll is nine feet leu inches in lemtlh, and Iliree fetl v. idi', and is only li'J ounces in wcijjhl. Mr.I.ANCiluI.Y DitATII. Mis. Piitz, of Maidieini, attempted to chastise u small child with 11 switch. The child bepim lo cry violently, became much excited, placed ils hands to ils mouth, ar.d clu cked respira tion, which it bad cflen done befoie. Du ii:i;; this lit cf paf-icn, it fell upon the floor where Ihu mother hit I', supposing the ehibl would recover from its fit. Tliu mo- liier shortly oflei wards returned to her chil l, and upon taking il up she found il dead. Lancaster Union. Host. James Dcciunan. The Virginia Southern Kiehts men have invited Ihe lion James Buchanan to add 1 en them on the best mean ''for the maintenance of the Constitu tion and the Union of the Slates in their originul purity." Mr. Buchanan says it can bo done by a return to tho Slate Rights prin ciples enunciated in the Virginia Resolutions of "JS. A Pretty Idea The sorrowful John Peerjbinsle, says, in allusion lo bygone happy seeues : "no hand can make the clock' strike for me, the hour that have past," friend, says, he was so lnna: in th.' Jet's that he !i!;- the altiiiiijji tdudow of somebody else. An intelligent wiiler in the PeTalo Com mercial A Iveitiser, p'futcs the ! of a pe riodical lisi; an. I fail of Luke, The rumored case of a domestic ilifii cully in ' liitrh life,' ia New Vork, smells iro! "f black mail the Mirror, of that city, says. At Loui'ville, il has been decided lhat hallo's painted in the (leirriiiu language uie illegal, and I hey aie ihiown out. Tun LiviuL'.ton (N. V.) b'.iion says, that a gentleman in fb nesee, killod si venty-olio pigeons at o:ie shot, with one common fjw. Ii:iy piece. Tun rnmpaijil between Oen. Footo and bis disunion opponents has faiily opened in Mississippi. Detsev, in Dokei's '-World a Mask," says, she can no more stand all the kiss injj in tio family, than sho con all the washing. Chilly Ma' Intomi, head war chief of ihu Creek nation, has been oulained to the Cospel ministry, and is now employed by the Baptist board as one cf Ihe native preachers. A disappointed old bachelor out West says it makes little difference whether a man commits mieido or matrimony '. lit one case hu loses his life and the other hi breeches. To Discover how many idle men there are in a place, ail ihat's necessary is to set two dogs a fighting. Tub heirs of Louis Phillippe are about to offer for sale the pallory of modern picture in the Palai Royal. One hundred and thirteen children are ia , th Cincinnati Orphan Asylum. i' t -. Tuc iiei'le ii abuit to p .bll.-ll a romance tun! Lib; bv I i.J i-:o; (.101 ..apo.e.i::, winli n v hen a youth, v.hii li aio cn; :L'ed tJ be : I'ecllv an'.liL-ntie. audio to i,ccou.u:iit:d , .1 by pti.Ui.4 01 IJifir gCiiUlllCLCiS. I At Itorli. ton, Vei-inoMt, tlu iei) titill ! . n-inaius on J i...a.n i aui 1.1 laiya i.uaii- 1 1 lilies, and mow is lo La seen in ubuinbttivo oil the neiithbui iuj hiiUaud nianiitauns. A Pnesrr.eTi s has been issued in Cer illiinv, for tho eitabli liriiei.t of a line of to,iiiieis butweeu Uotteidaiii and ihu I uited L'liita. Tiiu Neapolitan aulhoiilieS refuse lileii e.iibj.-cis p i-sp'Jits to K. inland dining the Es liibition. Tlu preaching of tiuvuzzi is said to huvo been ihe reason. The. woman who was a puty to the pic tended niiiaelo cf tho Li-xdiii' piciro of tliu Crueiiixioii of traturiu, has beta arretted by the F1cuc.l1 autiiJii-ics. Til 1:1.1 favorite Toast in San Francisco is r;j LalLslio- bless, Love carets, and Ileuvcu toceive 'urn." The City in brbtedness of Sacramento is about S 100,000. Pitor. Sillimas' arrival in Loudon is re corded in the papeis. Siiamb oftens dues what the law cannot do. Tnis Paper Mill at MeCurtyville, N. J., has been again destroyed by fire. t ' in .T.';'i".'l DAY,;. '.0 ir-.'-ilnrc of !i cf Kun-' iv, ii 1 01m i.e. etio. one Dnt.liiir;. 1 ( ting,' a.'l b.itcheu' Alto - -, -, t .0 i-.otUaway I ou . e . I 1 . .., t Ai. 1 a ,it ! I-..''' l ) C :.ll d.-.y, vtlicu ll,: l,y Ca..s. . '. . ;. 1 1 il'- 1 I o" J. i.. ta, i:.;i. .!. . ;. 2 two e '1 e o-horae y ii.:i, one c rv l nili . ! ;. iili Hells, . . three ' .- s, hesidcs' : r. Also, a' I t of Potatoes. .'.' ::i '( ound. .0.. ef taiil . 1.. 1 'e knowa ... ., rew Advertisements. lycominj Uutiial Insurance Company. DR. J. IJ. MASSKR in the local a icnt for the above Insurance Company, in Northumber land county, and is ot oil times ready to sll'oct Iuaurjuces against lire 011 real or poraouul pro perty, or reoewuia; polieiua for the same. fcunnury, A urn .0, 1001 -tf. ARNOLD'S WKII'INO FLUID and Adlie. sive and legal en elopes, for sate by II. I). MASKER. 8unlury, April 20, 1851. ; . tj."-. ': "..:'.".: c-:? r'-v'-iiii.'iiip. -L'J I:. , t .).!! . ll.ii'i l'.a U III if A. 1. t (I. W. :.':...!, i''a.i i c.s :,.i.l j:.iiin Makers, ill .'li.liha v, v. ,11 - ili.-.l !;,' iii'no.l i onscut oil liar i !i ia' Jane 1 ..".I. 'i'lu lid. aic placed in the h i.i J. 15. .'.'I'ae.inan, L-.p, who ulouo :l uuli. J:i-. J ia C0..CII l. e i.i. lie. (a. . . J liOlt. ftuidiury, April 1?, 1 ;31. at. lb S-IAIaUKIu' A-.1 C'or-t7. fa- "Tfllir. r;-.Jctfj!!.V iofj a.iJ bib friend JL au.l the l.ul'lie gi.ii'...iiy, tti'it ho bis oen. ej a now Howl in the tow.i ol t-;.i.iiiiokiii, .Nor. thuuilu'rl in l county, on ttm corner ot Miaiuokinr and Couimerco si. vela, lu-. r'y opposite to the llouito be loiiiiorly kept, lie is well prepared lo' airconun i.lal his Ui'5ta, mid U ulso provided? witli li'i'id fl ali'te.?. He trimU his experience, mill st.ict sltcnliJu to biinineiia, will iiuluee per sons vuitin? the coal n ioa to ontinue lite lib-- cral paU-oii:is;e he ha ho.-elolon re.-ei-.ed. 1 WILLIAM WUAVER. pihanio'via, April 10, IK.V1. tf. i.a.N.v NOrUS, waning lU exerajitioo lJ I" of 1-10' lof ''-Y April 0, lciit. ll. D. MASSER. BLANK rsrulitnt'iit Fupi-r DireJ and blank Mo.tL'u"cs. Duuds, EACiutioiis, bumiuona, lo, siW I,v MAbSBB. ISuuuiiry, Ajiril S6. 1851.' MUttl'lCES' FLE LILLS. Foraaleby H. B. MASSER. ; Wuubury, April 50, 1651.