1 SUNBUKY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL." 1LIBLE STATISTICAL TABLES, Ml Flnon, in his Minority Report on the vonilid ion Question, has collected tow. Iherfnajy highly interesting facts. They will k ."Jind interesting for present perusal, nd -Inkle for future reference. Tl Sites and Territories of tht Union. TtClnslitnliori of the United States was 'lift by the thirteen original States in the foIJoTg order : lDilaware, December 7, 1787. 2Pinsylvania, December 12, 1787 3iuv Jersey, December 18, 1787. 4Jrgia, January 2, 1788. SJonnecticut, Janunry 0, 1788. 6,lnchiisetts, February 6, 1788. 7lrylnml, April 28,1788. 8, -nulh. Carolinn, May 23, 1788. 9. 'ev Hampshire, June 21, 1788. 10,'irgiuia, June 2fi, 1788. Jl.levT ork, July 26,1788. U.Jorlh Carolina; November 21, 1789. 13 joda Isluml, May 29, 1790, Slat admitted into the Union since the dopti of llie Constitution : N.'ermont, March 4, 1791. 13. entucky, June 1, 1792. 16. 'ennossec, June 1, 1796. 17. hio, November 29, 1802. 18. ouisiann, April 8, 1812. 19. idiana, December II, 1816. 20. lissiasippi, December 10, 1817. 21. linois, December 3, 1818. 22. labama, December 14, 1819. 23. laine, Matc h 14, 1819. 24. .issonri, August 10, 1821. 25 xkansa, June 15, 1836. 26. .irhican, January 26, 1337. 27. 'orida, March 3, 1845. 28. Iwns, December 29, 1845. 29. wn, December 28, 1846. 30. lisconsin, May 29, 1848. 31. (lifomia, September 9, 1850. Teriiiries for which territorial povern inents ave been established by the Con, grew? ofhe United Slates : Oreon, MineMila, Utah, New Mexico. The .it inn comprises a group of thirty one Stair, and pusessex besides, an almost boundles public domain, out of which nin ny addionul Slates will be formed here Mfter. The Coutics of Pennsylvania Time when Established. 1. Pliadoiphia, 1 2. Hik. l632. 3. C'I'SllT, 3 4. I.ncaster, May 10, 1729. 5. Yrk, August 1!), 1749. 6. Ciuberland, January 27, 1750. . 7. Hi-ks, Maich 1 1, 1752. 8. Xoihamplon, March 11, 1752. 9. Reiford, March 9, 1771. 10. Nnihimiberlaiul, March 21, 1772. 11. Wutmoieland, Febuary 26, 1773. 12. Wellington, March 28, 17S1 13. Faylte, September 26, 1783. 14. Fiaifclin. September 9, 1784. 15. Montgomery, September 10, it$4. 16. D.iiipliu, March 4, 1785; 17. Luzertv, Sepieinlvr 25, 1786. 18. Iluutinrdon, September 20, 1787. 19. Alleehmy, Septemlier 24, 1788, 20. Mitllin. September 19, 1789 21. Delanae, Septeiiibur 26, 1789. 22. Lycorniig. April 13, 1795. 23. Somerset, Apiil 17, 1795. 24. Greene, Miliary 9, 1796. 25. Wayne, March 21, 1798 26. Adams, lamtary 22, 1X00- 27. Centre, lVbuary 13, 1800. 28. Heaver, March 12, 1SD0. 29. Boiler, Narch 12, lSOli. 30. Mercer. Mureh 12, 1S00. 31 Crawford. Match 12, 1800. 32. Erie, Marti 12, lf00. 33. Warren, ilan-h 12, 1800. 34. Venanyo, March 12, 1300. 35. Armstrong March 12, 1800. 36. Indiana, Jlarch 30, 1S03. 37. Jefferson, March 26, 1804. 38. Mi Kean, March 26, 1R04. 39. Clearfield, Match 26, 1804. 40. Potter, Mi roll 26. 1801. 41. Tioga, Mirch 26, 1804. 42. Cnmbrin, March 26, 1804. 43. Bradford, Febuary 21. 1810, by the name of Ontario, but afterwards changed lo Bradford. 44. Susquehanna, Febuary 21, 1810 45. Schuylkill, March 1, 181 1. 46. Lehigh, March 6, 1812. 47. Columbia, March 22. 1813. 48. Lebanon, Febuary 16, 1813. 49. Union, February 22, 1813. 60. Pike, March 26, 1814. 51. Perry, March 22, 1820. 52. Juniata, March 2, 1831. 53. Monroe, April 1, 1836 54. Clarion, March 11. 1839. 55. Clinton, Juno 21, 1839. 56. Wyoming, April 14, 1842. 57. Carbon, March 13, 1843. 58. Elk, April 18, 1843. 59. Blair, February 26, 1846. 60. Sullivan, March 15, 1847. 61. Forest, April 11, 1848. 62. Lawrence, March 20, 1849. 63. Fulton, April 19, 1850. 64 Montour, May 3, 1850. The Lkbanon Vai.let KailroaD. The Lebanon Courier is again urging the Leba tton Valley Railroad as the natural route for eonecling Philadelphia with the West. It takes the report of Mr. Edward F. Gay to our Legislature, showing the cost of impro. ring the curves on the Columbia road, which will be necessary on the completion of the Pennsylvania railroad to the Ohio. Mr. Gay proposes to make changes and lessen the curves to the extent of 24 5-8 miles, at cost of 1,058,585, or nearly as much, the Courier says, as it would require to construct the whole Lebanon Valley Railroad. The Courier says, that as the Pennsylvania road will have to compete with good modem built roads in the State, both North and South of us, it is clearly of the utmost im portance that the Lebanon Valley Railroad should be so const racted and adopted as a part of the great thoroughfare, in eonsidera tion of the great superiority in (grades and curves it possesses over I be Colombia read, ' It refers to the report of the engineer wke surveyed the route in which its advantages are set forth. $I)C ittatittts. Philadelphia Market. April 16, 1850. Flour and MKAi..-The market for Flour quite, receipts and sales light. Good brands are sellinR at S4,50. Sales extra brands at S4,62a$5. Fancy brands are held at 854 aSfl. Rrc Flour, Is seatce at 93,50. Corn Meal. Is scarce, Petina. is held at S3. Wheat Sales of Penna. red Rt $1,00 mixed 1,02, and prime while at 81,04 and 81,05. Rrs. -Is in demand, sales at 70 cts. Corn. The supply about equals the de mand ; jellow commands B6 els. Oats. Are in demand ut 48 cts. Whiskey. Sales of bbls. at 24 cents. Hogsheads are held at 23c. Baltimore Market April 14, 1851. GRAIN. The very limited lots of Wheat that reach the market sell at 90a95 cts. for pood to prime reds, and ordinary to good at 90 a 95. A sale of a lot of Penna. white to day at 107 cts., and another of Penna. red at 103 cts. Sales of corn at 61 a 62 cts., for white and 62 n63 c., for yellow. We quote O.iis at 37 n 42 cts. WHISKRY .Sales of Penna. bbls. on Sat urday and to-day, nt 24 ids., and of hhils., to 234 a 24 cts. Sales of Raltimore bbU. 24 4 cts. SUNBURY i'KICE CURRENT. VVllKHT. Kru. 100 56 50 U7 14 8 7 135 10 23 10 75 200 8 ClIRX. Oats. Butt sr. Enu. PoKK. Flaxseed. Tallow. 13 EES WAX Heckled Flat. Diiied Arpi.ts. Do. Peaches. Flax New Advertisements' JOHN CALVERLEY, Manufacturer of CAUDLE MOULDS, ivo. mil usee, iassniras,; siren, Above Third, opposite the While Swan Hotel. PHILADELPHIA. Tallow Chandlers and Manufacturer ran be supplied willis first rare Article ot'Ciiiiille Moulds, of Superior excellence and finish. IN. H. Die Moulds are made of the brat Metal and polished liy a new Patent Machine, which Rives them an extra finish. They are after the English gtvlo the tips to screw on the pipe, and the pipe to screw tight in the bench. l-t Waiibasted to be far superior to any other now in use.-Jj lie also munulucturrs Surgical Pumps and Svrinf-es. April 12, 1851. 6mo. JAMES IE MAGEE AS removed from his old Stand, No. 118 Vine street, to iVo. 52 Ditlwyn St., hct'n CaVhill $ ll'ilUnv.) where lie has constantly on hand, BROWN STOTJT, PORTER, Alfe and Cider. for hoSif. (Jonsumption on, stnrrixfi. N. II. Coloring, Bo'.tline, Wire and Bottle. Vineenr, &c. l'f sale ns above. Philadelphia, April 12, 1851 ly. Journal of the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. or THE STATS OF PEXfclYt.VA.lftA. FO Tilt PBnMOTloK OF TIIK IHKf U i.VIC .4 UTS. HE oldest Mechanical Periodical extant in America, is published on the first of each month in the City of Philadelphia. It lias been regularly issued for upwards of twcnty-tive years. no la earelully edited by a committee of scientific gentlemen appointed for the purpose, by the rtiiiklin institute. The deservedly high reputation, both at home nd uliroad, which this Journal has acquired and sustained, has given it a circulation and exchange list ol the best character, which enables the (Join inittee on Publications to tnukc the best selections rom foreign Journals, and to rive circulation to original communications on mechanical and sci entific subjects, slid notices of new inventions ; notices of all the Patents issued at the Patent Of fice, Washington City, are published in the Jour nal, together with a large amount of information on Mechanics, Chemistry, and Civil Engineering. derived from the latest and best authorities. This Journal is published on the first of each month, each number containing at least seventy- wo pages, and lorins two volumes annually of about 4 J', pages each, illustrated with engravings on copper and on wood of those subjects which require them. 1 he subscription price is Five Dollars per n nuin, payable on the completion of the sixth num- er; und it will be forwarded free of postage when five dollars are remitted to the Actuary (postage paid) in advance for one year's subscrip tion. Communications and U tters on business must bs directed to "the Actuary of the Franklin Insti- ule, rliiladclpluu, J eiiusvltania, the postago paid. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actuary, F. I. April 12, 1851. Ohio. ESSENCE OF JAMAICA U1NGKII. MADK fiin the lt Jninairti f-mje-T, all the valuable inetlU'inat it (party itf which it will be t'uurtd to poe- sR-et ut a convenient ami concentrated ( rio. It it u ills it efttrient and at the mine time l.arinlena, gently Pimiuiiiiiii vMiir itir me ihiiiiucii and will ne lounu very Quelle ml in rlievitis the iiuinlul and (lireMiiw oci'i8ii)iiL-4l by the imjiiiired artntn ol thit iiiiporurtt oran imii sun vi' ss wiiimc im-siriHui lUkril III m WIII-llllstV ful ut' wefteiu-d water wilt InimediutHy rrmufe tht Ihitu leiscy aiKloppreHitm reiultinp trnin iinhifeMhm mid n' mWrii Uvo nr three times daily, as requir!, will Itt htund highly uselul nahiBi the laMilmleaod aenitt o unking of lhtnnt ch attd trnUeiH-y to iti diriered Hrtitm orcutinneil Kv thm iirrating cHect ol th winmer hmtt, orf tllowinfi after in- aiBMjiiMinf ana iur our rcc ung tnc uicipicnt ae of diarr HO!!, r. t nalio nn rxrtMlcnt mcd.rin for thoce t ho hava In. jurrd tae tone of their toiiuchs hy the nnmnrrMe um U mioiH-aim nqnorf, ny iu ngmiy limubitinir rITerl Hpo the atoinNch reiirovinff the cravm? for timubiiiti, whit it hai no injurious art inn ou the liram, and ! not succeeded by frehntof depreHioti, which always follow the ose ak-otioiic atimuiumi. A few drops tuldtN to magnesia, rhuharb or other nam tiv medicines, will roikler them nure arcentuhle in thai fti'inurb and prevent tiie gripinj which is apt to accompany (lies i iivisvu. rntrARED only bt AMBROSE SMITH, DRUGGIST AND CHFMIST. JV. E. corner of 7th and Chestnut Streets. Pbiladelpbis, April 1, 18JI ly. CJILVER WATCHESA few double cases English biWer W atches, for sals at Trry luw prices by H. u. MA86ER. Bunbury, Apni li, isoi. rATENT BKITTANIA ttTOPPEHS for H bar bottles for sale by H, B. MAS8ER. Banbury, April IS, 1851. "IITRITIXQ FLLTO and self sealins; Ems- lopes, iust received and for sals br April 1, 1851 h. B. MAS8ER. j Great Improvement! in making French llurr Mill Stones. BY the sss f KsDsamsas tmprovvd oast trim F.ya which is bnill into the Kunnri so as to allow for ths wenr of ths Stone, ami hns s movsable ha lanes rynt snd driver so as lo keep the balsnce of ths stone withiHit tram ming; until it is worn oat. O s r iiipk n( II nflcs is selected In France, and the best qaslity only oted; Solid Burr Hi. met from tt 3 feet in diameter with ths lower SUnne to rim, an as to prevent the runner choking 'J eys. Bulling Cloths of all niiinliers cheap for cash. Mill Irons and Smut Machines furnished to order. Orindstoiira of ass irted sizes, suitable for Country Mer chants, imported and fur sale by J. K. MITCllF.M., No. 14 old York Road, near the Indian 1'ole. Philadelphia, April 14, 1851. Omo. EMnfeorniIEONMAimLE,DeC'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters nf Ad ministration have been granted to the sub sciibcr on the estate of Gideon Markle,- dee'd., late of Siinburv, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate, or having claims against the same, are requested to call on the sub scriber for settlement MARY MAHKLE, Adm'trix. Sunoury, April 12, 1831. 6L STOVES! STOVES! fTlHE subscribers return their sincere thanks to -sl their customers, for lilieral encouragement for tho Inst year, and hope by strict attention in filling orders to meet with the same liberal patron age. We have on hand the greatest' variety of patterns of any other Foundry in the United Stales, and still adding to thsir number. Give us a call before purchasing slsewhcre. Our stock embraces a great variety of Cooking stoves, of the most approved kinds, Parler stoves for wood or coal, common stoves, cylinders of all kinds, and odd plates of all kinds to repair stoves. For Summer use, a smnll Stove, called Sum mer baker, new and sujierior Furnaces for burn ing charcoal or stono coal, Gas ovens of several ditlbrent patterns, Dnkc ovens, several patterns, hitching posts, Spout irons, and a variety of arti cles in casting, too numerous to mention. The Hardware trade can be supplied with common 4, 6, 6, 7, and 8 quart Tea kettles, at very low pri ces for cash or city acceptance. A few casks of superior German black lead on hand. WARNICK & LI BRANDT. Noble st. wharf, DWawarc, Philadelphia. April IS, 1831 fimo. NOTICE TO LUMBERMEN ! L. Vf II. GIESE, (.Iftnt for Henry Carr,) LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANT Falls Duck, llaltimore. The tindersignrd ta!;es this method of inform ing his friends and u'sncn healers generally, that with a view to having lirrfect control of the business, and the better to further the interests of his friends, he has thought best to discontinue the arraugemont hud wild Messrs. Brown, Jones & Co., und he is now acting as the agent of Hixht Caiiii, Esq., and is prepared to receive consign ments of i.t'MriKni to which he devotes his whole attention, and hoprs by diligence in obtaining the highest market prices and making prompt returns, to mci'jt a liberal share of patronage. Advunces made on consignments, and sales cashed and remittances made as sbott as sales are closed. Letters and consignments should be addressed to I.. W. II. ClESE, Agcht. X. 13. Tho suhserilier will give every infor mation respecting prices and also vVith regafd to the proper sizes to which this different kinds of Lumber should be sawed. lialtimore, March 22, 1851. St. Cist of Cotters UEMUMNG IS THE POST OFFICE AT fcl'XIilRY, April 1, 1S5I. B Brewer Geo II Itloorn D.i v id Beimel Biven Huwen Juliti Bovver Joneph Burn Ba.il Kline Gideon Kilbourne E L Lander Chas Lower Tiluhmart M Basolmey Magilulien Maliek David iMarln Sain'l 11 N Neidljr Ann Mary P PafT Peter R Rothermel Mrs llenner Francis lioss Wm Kesnler Isaac It Jtoss Sain'l s Shive David Caffry Morris 2 Conk Charlotte Mrs. Campbell Wm Cornell Win or John Conrad Louisa Coopert Jacob Cable Jacob D Diehl William E Ely Caleb F Fausold Joseph Snyder John EstJ Farnesworlh Isaac W Smith Chas Fry Jacob senr Smith k Moley Messrs Bluuuh Jacob Sunburv Encampment No 61 U Updegraft Mary W U Gazette Wm Gass Martin H Haupt Jacob 1 1 1 11 in Win Hvner Matilda Wynn Stephen D Heiluer and Uuchner Waters Jonathan Messrs Wvnn John Itii'kernell Jacob Wayne Wm T Iliifimin John Wyiin Sam'l H.tnnlineh D.in'l Wimnole Frnnklin llarrisou Joseph Willelz Nicholas Henry Wetse R. B. PACKER, V. M LIST OF LETTERS ni:nisno is the Post offIc e At Northumberland, March 31, 1851. it 91 Montgomery Pheobla Moury 8amucl Morrow Mary McCormick John P Poul Wm R Raup G. P. Roilenbaurh Wm Reppard James Ramsy David Reazor J M . 8 Mtrphlson Moses preadline UeorgS S of T., Ko 118 Hmilh Jacob 3 Bunders Joseph Hlim-P Peter Seveson Samuel T Teck John Tace Nancy Thatcher Lydia Thomas Hannah 17 Updegroff A brn Burlr. Jane liashorc Josrph Coiiton John Esq Uuminings W Cooke Jacob Culier Joseph Carb John D Ditty Anilrer Uevenport Lvilia V Frymier Moses Fulmer Joseph Fisher David Faunse Kebecca ii Ciregory Ephraim Uleeson Timothy II Hiestand John Hackenhurg L P Harrison Thomas J Johnston Dr K Kecler Hcisler Esq K reamer Solomon Keefer Hainmon Kaufman J R Keperting John Ketner Jacob V London Thomas Landes Charles Logan Arbur Levy John Cap! Luwdig Adam Lsdsrig Isabella M Membart G V Vastina H H Vansant John W 3 Willi! Wm. Walbourn Andrew Wenkleman Jacob Williams Henry Watters Jess Weaver Oeorgs . Walsh James Washington Yf D Wheeler Hiram F Wirt George Miller E R MARGARET WEIMER, P M WE STUDY TO PLEASE. THE attention of Builders and others, are respectfully inrlted to the rstrusiva and well selected stock f BUILDING HARDWARE asdTOOI, now ottered bf the subscriber, consistine; in pert as follows : American Front Door Locks, nprisht, with riih work, plated or brass furniture, or noreslaln all colors. American Front Door bocks, uprinht, pkiln, with nisht Werk, phned or brats furniture, or porcelain all colors. American Front Dnot locks snd flnfe Door, Horitom tat or upright, brass furniture, or porcelain all colors. American Kim IjoCks, all sises and qualities. White or brass furniture, or porcelain all colors. American Mortice Nicks, sll sizes, with plsted, white or brass furniture, or xircelmi all colors. American Mortice latches, all sixes, With plated whits Of brass furniture, or porrebnii all eokns. Ainerionn Mortice and Rim Clutet Loeks, plater! ot brass escutcheons, or porcelniii all colors. AmerlcaH Umpi Stop, Thumb, bale, and Store Door tietches. Also, lmpoited Loi'ks nmt Twitches of everv description. Hnhlwiu'r. and American Uutt Hinges, of nil sizes, fast or loose jelut. Shutter, finlc, Pimp, T . nnd Hirkflap Hintes. atl kinds. Blmtter, (lute, Door, Flunh. and prinr Kolt, of wrought or cast iron snd braNl. ever? description. Bcrews, !irli;, Olue, Pond Papsr of the best quality. American Asia and !hum Axle Pulleys, of every Tsriety. American iluttons; ulaln or on nlates. brass. Iron, or bronseil. Anierienn Nobs, plated, white, Iron, or wood, all kinds. Hash.Conl, common ami mtent, with other articles too numerous to mention. Is'- N11J and SASIt-WlJOIlTS at FACTtSHY PRICF.S. fs" All Ooods delivered free of Charac to any part of the City snd Districts. At tliis establishment can be found one of the largest snd best assortments of While and Fnney Nobs for lin ks. Ac.j in the City j some patterns, of which, ennnot lie seen, or obtnined, at any other Store. TOOI.H Peai ft Jackson's Back, Panel. Ilumli and Rlpp MW", imxrled exprcsslv for Rninil soles, all selected with fare. Sole agent foi the cclclimtiil Planes, made by F.. V. Car penter, f I jiiHumer. Pa., being all miule of split warm, and the Bills irmitud and tried. Itealtv's ft Willinnis' make of Chisels, Axes) llatchels, Drawing Knives. Ac, all war ranter! goon. Pugli's and Slsck's make of Augers and Auger Bins, all sizes . a Americnn SqunreJ and Devils of every description. Americnn Rules. Qnoires. Wawsetts. Coinpocscs, cVrcw1 drivers, Ac. Ainerican C. S. Hummers, Clnw and Riveting, all sizes Anvils anil Vices, all sizes. Rlecl. Iron, mid Wooden llroees, with C. f. Hills, in grent vnnetv. W. (irenves ft S'n's, Hatcher's and other celebrated mskcSof Chisels. Files, Plnue-lrons. Ac, .Vr; Arldn's celebrated Cnrvins Trols, nil shapes. Mnkiugone of the best end most extensive assortments of Building Itarrlwnre nisi TihiIs in His Slnte. At this establishment it is cinl irlered a pleasure to show the Goods. You nre invilert to call ami examine the assort ment, and hear the prices asked, before purchasing else' where. .Come nnd see us. Yours, respectfully. WM. M. MeCl.t'RK, No. 2S7 Mnrket st.. between 7th and fcth, upper Bide. Philadelphia, April 14, lS.il. ly. MISS MAUY AVItAUTON, YU ILL open on Saturday, April 12, 1851, a " general assortment Of M lllinerV, st the house lately occupied by Jacob Painter, as . n....rueio,i i.. Market Rn.... S.i.ilo.rv. .m-.:..:... ..e ' , .... , r-r . Bonnets, Tubbons, Lawns, D Lanxel, Uarages, thtnttes, qv. ALSO : An assortment of Gentlemen's fancy goods, m IN Et'Kfciit'iiirKS. Collars, HoisntV, &t'i April 5, 1851.- Dissolution of I'sirtncrsliiy fllHE partnership heretofore existinj: betren J. Joseph Saviilpe. John Bowen, Matthias'er sinir and Jonathan Waters, in the work tipf the Trevorton, Muhonoy anil Wusquehaiiiia Ka'"d, has been this day dissolved, nnd the eontf t de clared abandoneil by the President and Et'neer of said Road. The" same has been relet tf'oscph Savidge, John Bowen, and Matthias 1'fmi;. All the debts contracted for the use of sd work will be paid by said Savidire, BoWen cV'ersing. No other but such flebts will lie naid. Also the Bridsc near Mrs. Makers' 7vern has been abandoned by siiid Company, ant'ie same relet to the said Joseph Savidire, Jo" Brtwen, snd Matthias PersinR. All debts erfracted for tho use of said work will bo paid by .Vtthias Per sing & Company. dUSKl'll MA llin-', JOHN BOWEN MATTHIAS PjRSINn. Jontractors. Trevortoh, April B, 1851. 3t. UMRRETsTsAS & pyltASOLS, SELLING OFF CHEAP! No. 104 Markrt Street, PIIIZ.ADEZ.IHXA. TTAVING decided to quitthe business, I pro- a B pose to sell the stock very low prices It embraces the newest and nost desirable styles. You are invited to call aiu'exainine. WM..1. KICHARDSOX. April 5, t S5i Smo. Estate of JOHN ?0RTEH, Eec'd. VOTICE is hereby ein that letters testament ' tarv have lieen erurtcd to the subscnliers on the Estate cif John Port-r, dee'd., late of the bor ough of Northumhcrlaul. All persons indebted to said Estate or liavii? claims against the same, are requested to call 01 the subscribers and settle the same. DANIEL BRAL'TIGAM, ) EIccutofs, WILLIAM H, WAPLES.J eeuxo"' Northumlicrliiud, March 20, 1S51. Ct. CLOTHING!!! Wholesale & ICctail, At the PHILADELPHIA WARDROBE, South East Corner, Market and 6th Sts. Clotliin; FasliionaMy Cu! and will Mudc p. it. ti i:iMi: &. ( o. INVITE the attention of Wholesale and Retail Buyers, to their extensive and complete stork of MpriiiK and Summer Clothing : comprising every variety of style :hat can lie produced. Our Sun is to picnic and accommodate all; and in order to do this, we manufacture Clothing at almost every price. SelluiK for eafh only enables us to otter cloth- inn st a very trifling advance. I ST Our motto is, Zmull riajita ana (Juitt We are confident that an examination by you is all that is necessary to confirm what we say, and secure your custom. P. H. Mr.M-ll.l.K & CO. Philadelphia, March 15, 1851 lm. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. THE subscriber resjiectfully informs his friends and fellow citizens of Northumberland coun ty, that he will be a candiate for County Commissioner, at the ensuing election. He therefore solicits from his friends and fellow citizens a liberal Sup port, and promises should he be elected Id dis charge the duties of the office with fidelity and impartlaliiy. EI.1A4 UHOSIULH. Sunbury, March 15, 1851. . FRUIT TREES, - SIIRI'BBCEY. te. -c THE subscriber will receive orders for all kinds of Fruit Trees, such as, Apple Trees, Plum Trees, Peach Trees, Cherry Trees, Pear Trees, Apricots, Quince Trees, Ornamental Trees, &ci Together with all kinds of Shrubbery, Bulbous Roots, Plants, Grape Vines, &c All of which will be sold at the lowest rates by H. B. MASfiER, Agent t7 Orders for Trees, Ac, should be sent in as early as possible to secure them in time. Sunbury March 15, 1851 SMITH'S ESSENClf OF JAMAICA GIN. GER, a fresh supply just received, and for sal by H. B. MASSER. April 13, MSI. G OLD PEN8 with and without silver eases just received, and for sale by H. D.MASSKR. f uribury, April 12, 1851. Valuable PROPERTY F0pALE- THE Suhserilier who reside Philadelphia, offers for sale the followil,'r'!y ton, Northumberland county, ' 1 he ,8r88 M BRICK bt;DIno , ill tipper Milton, fFf oc,P'l J Messrs Pattersons as a Carr Makers Bhop The buildinar is 60 feet frl on UPP' Market street, snd 40 feet on Fr",reel ,lJ ' ,w" stories high. Also a two fi BRICK BLACKITII SHOP, 40 hy 2S feet, on the sn)'mi"0. Th ,ot on the corner of upper Met "J Frdnt streets, and is 06 feet front, and" leet P- The premisrs would sluatile for S Foundry or other mBnufactllrinlf'P0e, nd ,0,d on reasonable and nv"noJ,,,inS trTm P plying either to jOB CAKRIGAN, . Philadelphia, J. F. WOLFIT'11' E,1- Milton ot H. B. MAtSSE i Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jani 1851 Ji- I IMPOUTEH AND JOBBERS, tfH JUbri' YorU. A fit3. Howrpeeitf B T'(,', ,mu,lr,l iNrlinnlt of j. Fttnry Hilk ai?','',,er)r " whk-ti We Wuittd nurticiilnrlr invito u'"1'0" "f Ptirhawrt, aitd will nitikf it an ol, llr lnem S've m " ra"j "B re dctenniiird fi fV,r HMKirlnieiil, fur Cathj IvWcf than evrr Iwl'uri (.IT- ri" t,,i" t,mrkrl- . , , , , MiHiiiRts run i'V thrninvlvrt with evry nrticte hi their line, nt ulrftnc lfflt "poritt,in or Auction pri res. Manv !" If""ts nre ni:iinuiictri1 exprely fur our own Kill's t'miit he i.riwtfd fur beauljr or loW prices. Rich lint nrur ,li,,,,n"" nrrf variety. titkn utKi Si" ?t,r iVaV""1 i, t TrupeF Cn ' itrletohri nnd IlliisUm Lncet Trimniincf cl Jrwf. Jriinv l.iir"'"' ,,r,' ,,nu Prru "('a" Hreiwiei. I-rnlriilf!' -"p Ctllrn, t.ull'i, uiv.l rhciniBPtm. Kmhrtiid I n,,', inwitiimii, twiMand MupIIH. Tlireuil Vultiii iciir, iik and Lisle Thread fr'nihn.iM Krvrtie nnd llnlh I.in'-n Cam. trie Hkft ld, Rpt Mittn. c;i,.v,.si . Kidt tSilk, Lisle Tnrcad and ttuwlnf Silk ' S'nrfo nvaxn nn vrrn iikis HViCr''ronc,t' R'1" MiisliiiMs nnd RiKhp IjiwiiI. Kmltrrrr'' Dntiinwk '"id 1'lnin Cunt m Crupe Sl.uWll. X .'iK'Tni'nt tif fimv H-iw-ihi. yrftnnd AmtTM'nn Arlilifinl P wern. Witt 'l,rpe vnrifty n-"t inetitinnhl nlmve. X oliins to nvriid pitying I 'njr pricei Will make money bvmK "ni1 Kitiitynif; llniitri-ea. .jYork, Jim. 2', 1851 Irrt. 7 UNION TIOTEI SUNBURY, PA. JlR MISS WEITIZEL'S respectfully inform '' Public that th.-y still continue to enter travellers nnd others at their old established land in Market street, west of the Court House. heir loinr experience in the business, and the rstll,,lisllt,Xr.flu,Hliim of ,ieir House, will, thfy xtXj ,)0 a all,vK.ient guarantee, that their customers will be well accomiuoilated. March 6, 1851 if. TU"PllYl5ICIANS and6thers. rilHE subscribers olli r to physicians and drug JL gists, a carefully selected stock of drugs and medicines, which they will guarantee to be of tho best quality, pure and unadulterated in all cases. 1 heir facilities tor importing lorcign drugs anil chemicals are such, that they are enabled lo Sell them upon the best terms, nnd ut the same time to assure their customers of their gfnuinenessi They have also recently prepared and nd of1 fer for snlo a superior article of Cll.t IAFI Hi OAKS! .4, &C, Resembling Henry's Magnesia, free from carboh ic acid and roughness or grittiness, almost entirely tasteless, combining in an equal bulk from thfee to four times the strength of the common kind, and sold at shout one hulf tho price of Henry's Mngiiesiiti They have also prepared the Fluid Mugncsin, Which is a new and valuable remedy iti acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, Ac, at less than half the price of the foreign article. They also have ou hum! ot tlu'ir own pre para tiou uu assortment of Pure Drugs in Powder, Neatly put up in 1,4 and 4 pound bottles, Such as Aloes, Rhubarb, Senna, Senega, llliatany, Ki no, (ium Arabic, Serpcntaria, hxt. Cilvcyrrh, Ipe cac, Potassa Sulph., Potassa Nitras, Borax, Spi- gelia, Buchu, Orris, Cascarilla, Lanclla Alba, Lvii Lrsa, Ac. Great care has been taken to havo these fre pared from the best selected drugs and in such a way as to preserve the characteristics of each ar tide without injury. They have also a variety of Cliemicnl & Pharmaceutical Preparations of their own manufacture, and add to the list all the valuable new remedies as they become known. Among them may bo mentioned the billowing : Hyilrocyuitic Acid, Preiuirulions of bslinei 14 of PolilSSil, Liquor Ammonia, Aqua, do. Pti'ispltute, do. a new re mtly for Hlicuinmism. Preparations f Mercury, ' iron, " .inc. Kxtract of 9eniw, fluid: tiiena-nit form to sdmiaislsr to children il'.itiHCl of Uuclia Comp lllue .muss, fluid, I'.xtmcl ot lienllml, o (jiiusftiu. rilicna. Sliiisuiurilla Cum " I iinixlcntn, " Valerian, fluid, a new and useiul remedy. jMisitloii fluid, do. do. islid, do simple, do. Col. k y nth I'omp. do simple. ps. .T.ther Nitrds, Ui Si P., Oils of Copaiva, Culiebs. Ersot, Tohscce, &c. Citrate of Iron and Quinine, Sesqui-Oxide of Iron, an antidote) for arsenic, Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas' ant cathartic medicine, put up in 12 or., bottles, $2 per dor. Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive Piss ter ; a convenient application in many surgical operations, put up in small vials. Also CANTHARIDAL COLLODION OR BUS TERING LIQUID, A convenient preparation of eantharidcs in many cases where there is a difficulty of applying ths ordinary blistering plaster. A coutiug of it appli ed With a camel's hair brush and covered with oil silk or some similar substance, will produce a Mister in three hours' time; or when exposed, ill the usual time of about twelve hours. Physicians and others may depend Upon the faithful Snd prompt execution of their orders at as low rates as tho best quality of medicines Can bs purchased. UflAlil.Ufi El. 1. 14 & LUi 50 C'besnut street, Pliiladsi Laboratory, Clh and Morris Sts. Suutl.wark. November 10, 1S5U. tf. VPTIlOl .OU Y . Tl 1 K CKI.F.IIRATKD DR. C. W. lillll.U K, l'riiu.s.r of Atr.l.v , Astronomy, Phre nology, snd Geomuncv, eoull'incll with I'O.XJl'KATKlNi 1 1. 'Ill Sweeden. olii.e No. 71 1.(11 I SI strcel, fliilsdrlphis, otUcrs his srvices to the citiEcns of .Norlliiniiberuiial county. He litis Ut:iii eonsulicd by all llie crowneil heuils of Kurupei and enjoys a higher repulutioluis ail Astrologer I htm any oils living- NuttvilicS calculated ai'tvnlmg to OeoiluillCy la dies ttf, tientlf-nutn 94 Persists at a distances cuu luivs their nutiviliesdruwn by sruduii llie date ol the day nf their In rlli. All Irltrls uinUlilllllir the uowve fee Will reseivs im uie.li.ite alienllnh, and NulivitlrS selil lo any part of the wmld Wliltril on durslile sier ; and he is prepared U make use of Ins power bv conjurution on any of Ihs foUowiur to pics i Courlalup. BiiviceKiveu for thesuifesslul acoomplish. nient of a wealthy in:unu,ie I lie kits the power to redeem such us are s,iveu to the tree Use ia the IsKtle and lor atl cases ol' huz ird, and for the recovery ol st'ileil or kstt prop arty, and piircliuslns of loll ery lickeis. Thuusamlsof the above uuiurd cases Live been done in tins cili and lis yicin My, and in Uie I'uiled Srules to the lull salisluction of all IU.iskj Nativities or llorescijies lisve been cast during the lust lour yenrs while here. Letteis will answer every pur pose, and will do as well as in chii in perwiiw, aim ine null is now so suir that nersis need is fear lu trust money throusb the Post llllice. Dr. UobocS receives from StM to 100(1 letters iiinurlily, and bus never missed one. Ue par ticular in istiue Pool Oihic, County and Hone. All leuers will be relininusly attended to, II prepaid. For more par. liculars call at the oiacsol' tins paper snd get an Aatrulof i. oal Aliuuiuu'saraus. 71 Lioeust street atiovs r.ignin, rnnsdelriMa. C. W. KOUACK. Philadelphia, Feb. 8, 18Jl.-ra. soncE. AS the subscriber intends making new arrange nients in his business on the first of Jsnua r 1851, all persons knowing thomselves indebted to him, are requested to call and make settlement up to that time, by payment or giving their notes for tha amount due. JOHN W. rRJUNO. Sunbury, Bee 28, 1850 tf. CHERRY PECTORAL: Fr the Care tf COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW. OHZTZ3, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPIWO-OOUOH AND GOWSUMPTIOIT. Tha uniform success which has attended ths use of this preparation its salutary effect its power to relieve and 'cure all'cctions of the Lungs, have gained for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. Wc offer it to the afflicted with entire confidence in its virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and remove Hie severest attacks of disease upon the thro.'.t and Lungs. These results, as they become publicly known. very naturally attract the attention of medical men and pbllantrnpists everywhere. What thci opinion of CHERRY PECTOKAL may be seen in the following t VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prvf Sitrgrry Mtd. Colrge, AVre Yorl, taft : "It gives me pleasure to certify the value and etticaey ol Ayers CilEKKY l'ttTUffAl, which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure uisea1 ses of the I hroat and Lungs. THE RTi REV. LORD BI.SHOP FIELD. writes in a letter to his friend, who was sinking under sn olTection of the Lungs: "Try the CHERRY PECTORAL ond If any medieins can give you relief, with the blessing of (iod that CHIEF JUSTICE EUST1S, of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of his was cured cf several severe attacks ot Lronp by the CHERRY PECTORAL." ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. flit Canadian Journal of Mtdital Seienrt states. "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalen in this inclement climate, hns yielded with shrpri' sing rapidity to Ayer's C'HEXRY PECTORAL and Wc cannot too strongly recommend this skill fill preparation to thd Profession and public gen erallv." Let the relieved sufferer speak fof himself ! HiHTKinn, Jan. SG, 1847. Dr. i. C. Aver -Dear Sir : Having been res cued from o painful and dangerous disease I your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send yoU this acknowledgment, not only ill justice to you but fur the lntormation of others in like altlic tion. A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected at first, hesame so severe that spitting of blood, a violent cough and profuse night svVCtits followed and fus' tened upon me. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain through my chest, nntl in short had all the alarm tug symtoms of quick consumption. No incdU cine seemed nt all to reach mv case, until I provi denlinllv tried your CHERRY PECTORAL, hich soon relieved and noW has cured rtie. Yours with respect. E. Ai fTEWART Albast.N. Y. April 17, 1848. Dr. Aver, Lowell Dear Sir . I have for years been alllicted with Asthma ill the Worst form so that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for larger part of the tunc, being unable to breathe on my bed. I had tried a great muny medicines, to no purpose, until my Physiciun prescribed, as n experiment, your t'HEKKY PECTOKAL. At first it seemed to mnko me worse, but in less than a week I began to experience the most gratifying relief from its use ; and now. In four weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my lwd with comfort, and enjoy S state of health which I hud never expected to enjoy. liEOKUE Si FA It R A A T, rriKriRKii nr j.e. i rr.it, chkmisT, liiwkll, mass, t"?" Sold by Henry Musscr, Sunburyi Mary A. McCay, Northumberland Dr. (learhart, Se linsgrove; Dr. liicklv, Danville, and Druggists generally. Feb. 15, 1851 lyceSin. ROOKS BLIjEKS. COUNTRY Merchants and Teachers. VSTE respectfully request the attention of sit " dealers in SCHOOL. MISCELLANE OUS or BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, PATER ond WINDOW SHADES, to our supe rior facilities for supplying at unusually low rates. for cash or approved credit, every article pertain ing to our business. A long and active experience warrants us in saying that we can oiler inducements to purcha sers, KlU'At.l.F.n BT t r.W FXCELl.F.D BY KOUE Wc earnestly ask an examination of our mode of conducting business, believing if an experiment is made, it will be found for the interest of those desiring goods in our line to continue operating with us. Our stock is at all seasons large, and selected with particular reference to the wants of Penn sylvania, Ohio and the near trade generally Otdrra b$ mail or olhervnut df patched prompt ly oitd at the Intrest rates oifri in any market. The highest price given lor KAUS in cash PECK & BLISS. Xorth-liatl Corner of Third' tV Arrh Stt PHILADELPHIA March 8, 1851 lm. AL1ERICAN HOUSE, P0TTSVILLE, PA, "RS. MARY WfiAVK.R respectfully informs thn pulilie anil travelling eonlmiinity (reneruU ly, that slie lias ojiened this large anil commodious HOI hL, furnished in a superior style, r rom her long experience in the business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may dciiend on being; supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort Snd convenience. Feb. 15. 1851 tf LA Wl' KNC K 1 1 OUSE. SUNBURY, PA. n"HE sulisrrilicr reaiiectfully in for ins her friends, II and the public generally, that she has taken the above well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied hy .Mr, J. C Per kins. Ulie trusts that her experience in business, and her efforts to make licr i;uests comfortable, will give entire satisfuolinn lo those who may fa vor her with their custom. AXX C. MORRIS. March 8, 1S51 tf. IIOtATY l4,lD AM) TENSION AGENCY. The attention of the public is called to the sil- vertibcincnt of Mr- Charles C Tucker, Attorney and Agent at Wabliiston City- Persons hsv- nig claims for Imunly Lands or Pensions are in formed that the subscriber has made arrangements fur the requisite forms, and claimants calling at his olllce, can have their paiiem prepared and forwarded to Mr Tucker st Washington, and by him be properly attended to before the De partment there. II. D. Ai-icioiun. Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1851- TREVORTON HOUSE, TREV0RT0Nr, PA. THE subscriber respectfully intorms the public that he has opened a Public House, in the new town of Trevorton, Northumberland county, and that he is well prepared to accommodate his auests in the best manner. His bouae is located neariv opposite the Company 'a Store. He is also provided with good stabling sufl'icieut for 20 hor ses. He trusts by prompt and careful attention to business to meet a share of the public patron age. HENRY B WEAVER Trsvorton, Jan- U, 1850 tf JA-OTHKIt SCin.XTinC WttJS'DF.It. PEPSIN! TIIETRIIE DIGESTIVE FLUID,: GASTRIC JUICE ! A GREAT -D-ySFEPSIA CUKEB, Prepared from RKNNET, or Die fourth Jltomseli of Ihs Ox, sfter directions of DAItON I.lf.llln, tlie greet Physiolonicul Chemist, by 1. 8. HOIT.HTON, M. 1)., No. It, orlll F.ishth freet, Philadelphis, Pa. this is a truly wonderful remedy for INIIGKrTIIN, DYCPF.PHIA. JAL'NDICR. 1.IVKR COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION and DKMI.ITY, CiifinK sftet Na lure's own inetliod, by Nature's own agent, ths GasUis Juice " Hslf a tcanpoouful of Hi n Fluid, infused in water Will digest or dissolve, Firs Pounds of Hoast Beef in bout two hoars, out of the tfomsrh. DIGESTION. DlfiF-SmoN i, cliivfly performed in the stomach by tbs aid of a Kind which lr..i .....i... .i.- . . ..... of that orgsii, when in a stale of health, called the Limine juice, iiiis auin is the Ureal Kilvelit of the Food, Ilia .... . '. . . . ...m,h, vniini vim - r.t.- ' .... kiiiiuiioing iisi ol the sto nncli Snd intestines. Without It there will he no discs lien no conversion of food into l.l..l, snd no untrilio al ths Issly I lint rather a foul, torpid, ruinlul, snrltlcalrue tivs condition of the whole digeRtive iipporoliis. A weak, half didi or iniofed stomach produci-s no good Osttris Juice, and liencethe discuse, distress ami dehility which ensue. PEPSIN AND RENNET. FF.PM V is the chief elcinent. or ireat Disrstins Prinel. pis of the Uustrie Juice, it is found in grent atitunlonce in the solid pnrta of the Ittunun stomach nller death, and sunt times cimses the stomach to digest itself, or eat itself up.. it is also found lu Hie st'imucli of auitnuls, us the ox, culf, &c. It is the maleniil used liy fnmiers in niakintr cheese, called Unmet, the effect of which has lone liecu llie specisl Wonder of t heilniry. The curdling of lulls is the firt pro cess of diifestinit. Rennet possesses iislonishing power. The stomiich of a calf will Hurdle nearly one thousand limes ilsown weight of milk. Il.irnu l.iehig slates Hint, "(His isrt ol Pepsin dissolved in sixty thoiinnid purls of walei, will digest ine it nnd olhiT fond." Disetiscd slomnchs nro- duce no g'nl Uuslric Juice. Iltunet or Pepsin, To show llist this Wiiiil may lie perfectly supplied, we quote ths fol lowing SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! DAItON I.IF.niO. in his celelirated work on Animnl Chemistry, suvs: '.'An ArtiHeial Digestive Fluid uitnlagoiis to the linslric Juice, nnv lie reuililv prcpnrcd from tha ma cous memurune of the stiimei h of tlieculf, in which various articles ol food, as ni'-Jit and eggs, will lis softened, chang ed, and digested, just In the same mimiicr as they woulS b in the hiittiim Rtonnirh.o Dr. Plilll'.lltA, in his famous treatise sn "Food and Diet," plil.lmhrri bv Fowlers Wells. New York, page 35. suites the same grrait fact, and dewrilx-s the method f preparation. There ura few higher authorities tliun JJr. 1'errirs. Di. t'OMHK, in his valuable wriiiucson lhe"Physioligy of Digestion," olaervcd that "adimiiuiiionoi ihediie quan tity of the (instric Juice is a prominent and ull-prevuiling; cause of Dyspepsia j" and he suncs that "a distinguished professor ol mi'diciiie in I union, who wus severely iillhct ed with this complaint, finding every lliiug else lo fail, had recourse to the finstric Juice, ohtuincd Irom the stomach of living animals, which proved completely successful." Dr. liKAHA.YI, nullmruf the famous works on "Vege table Diet." says: "it is a remarkable fuel in physiology, that the stomachs of animals, it,:Kcrnted in Water, impart to the fluid the propetly of dissolving various articles of foisl, and of eflerlixit a kind of nrtiiicinl digestion of them in no wise difli-nnit from llie natural diccsuye priK ess." ut. pi.iiu.vn grcai worK. ine ( hemiKtrv oi .vian," (I.en 4 Klani-hnid, Phita. 1MI1, pp. Hl-l!) mvs : "The dis covery of l'KlUIN forms a newern in the chemical history of Digestion. From recent expeiiments wc know thai fisvd is dissolved ns nlpully in un artificial diu'eelive fluid, prepared from Pepsin, us it is in the nuturul Guslrie Juics itself.,' Piol'esBor Dt'Nfil.ISf )N of the Jefferson Colh ge, Phili- aelpnia, ut his great work on Human Physiology, devotes more than tilly pages to un examination ol turn subject. Mis experimeiils tt ith Dr. H.'ainnoiil, on the Uaslric Juice, obUiuid from Ihe living human stomach anil from animals re well known. "In ull cases." he savs. "iliir.'siion occur red as pcnecllv in the nrlifi-ml as ill the natural digotiulil." AS A JJM'bl'MA CLUKU, Dr. IKllimiTIIN nrconration of PKPHIX hns nrodn- ced the most marvellous effects, eurlilg cases of Dehilitv, Kinaciiitioii, Nervous Divlnie. and Dyspeptic Consumption, supposed to he on the very verge ol the grave. It is irh- possuue to give the ilutuils ol eases III the hunts of this ad vertisement hut nutlif nticnteil eertificatcs haveliecn given of more than TWO 1M NDUKD lll'.M AUK Alll.K rtKS, ill Pliiladclnhia. New York, anil Itoston alone These weie nearly all di-sperme coses, and the cures wera not only rapid nnd wonderful, but perinjilcnt. It is a great NKItYOL ANTIDOTE, and prtienlsrly iiselul for tendency to li.lious disorder, l.iver Coiunlaiu, Fever and Airlle. or hadlv trjnled Fever nnd Anne, smiths evil elicits of I (limine, Mrrcurv, nnd other drill's unon Ihs Digestive orguiis, uftci a long sickness. Also, for excess in eating, nnd the loo tree use of urduit spirits. It almsst reconciles Health with Intemperance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no form of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS which it does not scorn to reach und remove at once. N mutter how I nil they may lie, it tiiVI3 INfTANT RF. 1.1KF ! A single dose removes nil the Unpleasant symp toms, and it only needs to he repeated, for a short time, lo make these g.le(Tccts periimiieiil. Pl'KITVOK IILOOD and VH. (IK ()' 111 ID Y, follow at once. It is porticuuirrr excellent iu cases of Nausea, Yoiiiitiiu;. Crumps. Sjienrss tH'tlie pit of the stomach distress nfier eittini;. low. cold, state ol the HI skI, Heaviness. 1iwuess of Spirits. Despon dency, F.niui:iiithiiii Wcukilles, teiidcucy to Insanity, Sui- cuie, sec. Price. ONK DOLLAR ncr buttle. One bottle will oftsa trfect a Uiainig cure. PEaPSlaV IS POWDERS. VT Ht'.NT UY MAIls, FRKIi OP OSTACK. Fff ronvfri'di-T of n.-iuiifc trt n!! nnrm of the coUnltV. the KS'I'l V K M ATTK It Oh' TIIK 1K1S1N ipui ti in the litrni of Pitwtlfn, witli itirtTtiuin, to te ditssolvrd iij water ui avrup, iiv the ivitieuti These Dowdt-ri con taut jupt the jiine nintttT on the txitllen, but twice thr quantitT tor the tnnie ptife, inn I will be lent by mull, KKKl'i OF POST.UiKj (.r ONK Dol.l.AH unit (i-twi-mitt) Ut Ur. J. t. HOUUHTOX. No. tl Xurth KiirtitU ilreet. PhiUidelDhia. Six lUPkti!?eti for five itnlliim. Ki-erv mu-knirti nrl hottl brnr the written nature iM J. 8. HbUGUTON, AI. D. le Pr.-prifliir. !iM hy uiretitft in every tmvn in t)ie I'nitud Btatei, and by iMpectHble illerp in Medirmet (;enenilly. FOR SAI.K HY John W. Friluir. anBOeorto Krieht. Sunburv. Vn. Mnry A. Mot ay John II. linnet Hsiyea A McCormick, H. j. (riMine, John O. Heim, William Deppii., Sunbnry, K..,ii. Mill. IttO.-- N'rthumferalnd. Milttm, Mt'1-.wenville, Seliiirtuntve. I'pper Muluintaiigo. Mahonuy, Bounty Land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, D. C. Till- uiulcrsitml Attorney and Genera! Aflciit at the City of WunhiiiKton, oH'crs his services in nrocuriiif B-iunly lnidsaiul I'ensions lor tliose entillcd. licmg per niuncntly l.H-ulcd ut the sent of Oovcrniiieiil, Willi a ttior onli and luiniiiur uc.utilnljiice with the ncccMciry forms, ami routine of liiisiin-sa, nnd havinc access lo Kt-fiiMers and Kolis filed in t lie L. 14. war otfice, fie muuicmh-s facilities for tho spt-ctly and sutisiuctory adjusluicnt of (iovornaieiit claims of every kiml. Hy n lure Ael of riaieress, )niiity Ijmd is (rriuited ta ttle officers and soldiers of tfe Wnr of 'inl, and of llie van rious Itiilinn niirs, since ITtHI. To thoso who served inns months liUI acres; to lliose who served four nionlhs il acres: and to those who served one month 411 acres. Arrunpeineiils huve been nuiilc Willi :eiitlenK-n f tlia I-iMl profession in ditrerent seetions of the L'oantry, for the lis-iilion ui wiu-rtnils, anil llie suit, of the patents, when isaiiciI, on ihc most udviiiitjiireoiis terms; for the iuvnu-nt of tases, redeuiiilion of hinds, sold for tuxes; collection of delns; mill lor Ihc lr.iin;i,-in,n ol eeiicral ijiw tmsiiiess, is the different Stales anil Territories. He tenders his services to menihcrs of the nrofession st a distiinee, and when cluims in-iunal the tioveriunciit, are pre- pnreil liy a ts-:il AKent. will uoate iuie hull Ins usual lee. I'tie neceSMiry forms and instructions, and tuiorinutioii sn all subjects iiiii-rt:uiiiir to u sili-cciisflil prosecution of tfua oiisuiess, will lie liiriiislicd to regular correHHiimeuis with out chame. IVrsiius deririnir inf mnati ai of fricmls in the armv or navv. will forwiirdto liim all Ihe imrt icnlura known of their seivicc, toiiellier with a fee of one dollar, and Ihsir ennai- ncs will tie replied to lo reliirn ol mull. All communica tions Uj be (psksaU),; und aiidicssed to CI1AKI.K C. Tl CKr.R, ( 1ST, P. tl.) Washington, 1). C December 4, I foil. GHEAT AHEIVAlTOF WW7ILI.IAM HOOVER respectfully informs WW his friends and customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment ol NEW GOODS, which he oilers for sale st his new store at Mss ser's Mill, Hollowing Run. These goods wera selected with great care, and will be sold at tha lowest prices. Hit STOCK CONSISTS OF KVERY VARIETY, Vis Dry Goods, Suck as Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets, Muslins, CaltUoes, Mousseline De Luines, Al paccas. Merinos. t'lannelst Cheeks, Ging hams, fee. ALSO: An assortment of HATS, CAP, Ol'M AND LEATHER SHOES. QUEENSWAEE, HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, NAILS, &e , A general assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, &.C. Also sn assortment of Liquors, such as Brandy, Rum, )Vhiskey, IHnei, 4 c. (9" Produce of all kinds taken in exchange al the highest market prices. Hollowing Run, Nor. 23, IS&oV-ly..