SUNBUHY AMEK1CAN AND SHAM0K1N JOUKNAL. itttocrUauroiw imttc THE SIHFFLEH IJAIVtU, In :hn year 1517, a fearful plague denola ted Mtinii'li. So great wns the consternation which it occasioned, lhat people dreaded lo leave their houses. All doors and window were closed, and every man avoided hi; neighbor. In tho midt of this universal ter ror ami Fi'lonne, all at once a troop ol men, coopers hy trude, came in from tho country, ' Willi mti-sic-t and fresh green gniliinds, and went from house lo house, calling lo the peo ple wilh sounds of merriment lo open their floors and windows.. The effect of ihis unex pected summons was wonderful. The peo ple came forth, and, as if in franlic joy, dan ced Ihrouuli the streets. Thrt plague spell was broken by the delirium of gaiety which, os, if in defiance of past misery, seized on every heart. There is something sliangely wild in the idea of this fearful scourge being banished by an excess of merriment scarcely less fearful, the re-aclion of lacerated human . souls ! A rin? of f-pectalors, in lho centre of which moved in u variety of figures in character no' unlike cur country dance, our Sir Roger de Coverley, or the vations tuura of the German cotillion, a score or so of so many young nien dressed in close lilting jackets of scarlet liirnmed with silver ken, (but the jackets fiad a sadly modern air,) black velvet ireeclr.-s, white slocking, shoes, little short yellow leathern aprons adorned wilh broad crimson satin ribbon, fringed with gold, and on their heads modern shaped light green caps, in vwiicii were s'.uck nine nouiiing while and blue f'e.ilhers. Tho dress was 'very disappoitiling : not to be compared il'n aulnjim cut and association with the ' qtiaiul, paiTi-colored costume in which I once ' saw a baud of '-English Plough Bnllgcks'' . otliied. I lie dunce ilscll, however, was very pret ty ; especially from I ho different effect pro. .tlnced by garlands of fresh, green box which the dancers bore in llieir hands. The lively music, tlui blight contrast of ihe scarlet jackets with, the liesli preen ot me w reams, and the piquancy of the dance, were altoge ther something very pleasing to witness. Tho musicians were clad in the same cos tume ; arid on the ground before them stood a srneel'ul little pyramid of some light color ed wood, on which were painted stripes of bright blue. On this stood an elegant liille barrel, and n basket containing glasses, out of which wine and beer, ills contents of the pyramid and the barrel, were drunk in honor of llu; noble Minister of War who, of course, was witnessing tho perfor mances. On the ground also lay hoops twisted wilh white and 4ilue ribbons, which were ever and anon snatched up and used in the fig ures of tlio dance. Also that I should so long havi; omitted to mention them ! two lively harlequins, whose business seemed rather to interrupt than lo assist in the dance. Various were lho antics which they played on ihe crowd of spectators perhaps in traditional memory of the feats of the Sca'cr of old. One seized cm a rosy faced girl who was cpiietly looking on, and twirled her away into tho centre of the dance much to Ihe merriment of the crowd, and her own real, or apparent, annoyance, for shu tried in vain to hide her face in her shawl. The dance listed peihaps tliiee-ijuarters of an hour : and then, lo the sounds of music, the dancers matched in puiicssiuii gallantly the the street. A Hit. In "yo ohU-ii lymes" the meeting houses were fitted wilh two galleries, one for each sex. A minister at Newbury was interrupted one Sunday in his sermon by a talking, lie slopped short in his discourse, and remarked that he wished Ihut talking woul I cease in lho palleiy, directing his eye at the same time lo Ihe women's side wheienpuii a veneiuble spinster arose, and said it was not in their gallery, but on the men's side. ' I'm glad of il, llien," re plied the paison, '-for then it will bo likely to stop the sooner.'' Boston Post. The Kind ok Dahomey. His Dahoman Majesty, King Gezo, says Lieut. Forbes, is ahnnt luity-ciuht years of aire, pood looking, with iio.hinii of the nejrro feature, his com pleximi wanting several shades of being black ; his appearance commanding, and his comiti-ualiuo intelleclual, 1I10112I1 stern in tho extreme. That ho is proud there can be 110 doubt, for he treads ihe, earth as if it were honored by its burden. Were it not for a slight cast in his eye, he would bo a hand Borne man. Contrasted with the uaudy allire of his ministers, wives and cabooceers (of every huo and laden with coral, gold, silver! and brass ornaments.) the king was plainly dressed, in a loose robe of yellow silk slashed with satin stars and half moon, Mandinpo sandals, and a Spanish hat trimmed wilh golfi lace ; the only ornament being a small gold chain of European manufalure. Ciurki-.Ns. A gentleman who has success, fully tik-d the experiment, says that, with Heidi caiefully and properly made, lined villi co'.tou wool, and new at each sitting, a Iimi will sot 011 23 eggs, (14 on the bottom and 1 on the top,) and hatch out 18 lo 22 chickens, raising three broods in a season. Il is limo for some impioveiiieut in poultry raising in this country. In England the chickens are brought lo maikut double the size of those in the Tiiiled Stales, and alTurd much gieuter profit to the funnels who rear them as capons. An Evidesce or Ill-Bkeedisu. There is 110 greater breach of good manners or rather, no belter evidence of ill-breeding than that of interrupting another in couversa. lion while sjuukin" or 'Commencing a re. mark before uuolher has fully closed. No well-broad person ever does il, or continue conversation long wilh one who does. A notice prohibitory of smoking is display ed in ihe Crystal Palace, at Loudon, in 110 less than six different languages). Bi:nMi'PA. Tho population of Bermuda is J 1,01) whiles, 4,6u9j blacks, 6,423. In 1813 lho whole uopululiou was 9,960. WM. M'CARTY, BOOKSHLLEK, ' Broadway, SUNBUHY, PA. HAS recently received, among other articles, a great variety of New, Cheap and Entertain ing publications such ns Coopers' navels, complete or aopsrate. Herberts- ' Do "' Rodwcll, Dumas Sue Key minis Cotktou Maxwell Jen-old do (lo do do do do Trollope, ' Halliburton, Marry att, Grey, Marsh, Ainsworth, ' ' Morris do Atthelow price ot from 35 toSOcts per volume. Suubury, fcpU 28, 1850. tf. SAirJEL DSWEES, AND BOOT-TREE MAKER, No. 95 Race Street. Second door below Third, pmt.ADRI.FnXA. TUHERE nil kinds of lasts, Ac, of the latest s stvle and liost material, ara manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, iSov. 9, ItsoU. ly. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CHAS. DUXvHlXIG, No. 207 Chcsmit Street, front Arcade, l'lllLAllELI'lllA. IMPORTER and Manufacturer of nil kinds of -"- Musical Insl ruincnts, fancy Articles anil 1 oys. His prices arc I owcr than those of any other store in Philadelphia- All kinds of Musical Instru ments repaired in the best workmanship, and also taken in trade. Philadelphia, May -25, 1S50. ly. SHOURDS & CO'S LABOR AND FUEL SAVING v.s:-:iito. SOAP. KnunTardurfil liy SlioimU & Co- 543 CrWiitif St., Phila. TOW SALE BY ALL GROCERS. WARRANTED to wash clean in hard, soft, or salt water, cold or hot, in one third the time of any oilier Soap ever manufactured j thus dispensing with boiling, bleaching, eVC. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &c. washed wilh this Sonp will never shrink or hava any harsh or gummy leel, but Icnvo them in their original sort nud pliant state: which is in itself a sulhVicnt recommendation to guarantee its use in all families. THE FINEST FABRICS Tnav 1 washed thoroughly with it, without the least injun '; giving them a lustre equal to newly imported rjooils. PAINT, GREASE k DIRT of any description, ran be readily removed by the use of it, without injury to the article, whether it be the finest dress or oiilinurv carpet. In the use of Mlioiirds & CVs Soap, the most (iclientu need not fear, as it will not injure or chap the hands, but on the contrary act ns an eniolli cnt, ami is not only the vkiit hkst Wsshixo soap ever ollt red to the public, but as a TOILET SOAP cannot he excelled. Wherever it bus been used it has given perfect satisfaction, and is warranted so to do, in all ca ses where a fair trial will be given it. SIIOL'liDS Sc CO., Manufacturers, No. 51:1 Chesuut St., Philadelphia. For Sale by (iroccrs generally. November 10, 1850 HOOT, t4GlKllItt'AX ARTIST, No 140, corner of Fifth ff Chesnut sti., Phila delphia. and Hb3 H roadway corner of Franklin Street, New York. niTIZENS AND NTKANGERS can have vjy a sittinii for Portraits or Miniatures, and receive llicm beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk velvet. Papier jMaclie, or other fancy styles, or sets in Medallions, Lockets, &c, in a few minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings, &c. Copied. Out door Views, and Miniatures of deceased persons, taken at short notice. For Portraits of Adults by our process, and Im proved Instruments, a clumly day is quite as fa vorable as clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 11 and 2) is preferable. Jv'In Drc.s avoid white, blue or li'ht pink. Our (iiilli rv with its Six Prizo Medals and Works of Art, is open at all hours, and Free. Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, we shall at all times lie happy to see them. June 22, 1 M.jtt. J. II. THOMAS, Ornamental and French Style Frame Manufacturer, S0l IVuhwt st , between 3d and ith street. ririLADELPHIA. T) ESPECTI'l'LLV directs the attention of the s-- public to his superior styles of Plain and Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a handsome Frame at 1 LOW PRICE, has been iiiucli dcxircd, he was induced some mouths since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In a short time the demand has been so, that he has lieen obliged to increass his facilities, and new oiler at i:ci:i:i)iGt.Y low pkices, Simrly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable lor Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotype, Curds, &c, &c. For Dnrulility Unsurpassed. Hotels, Public Buildings, Steamboats, Stores, Ca binet furniture, Ac, decorated in imitation of carved Kose- Wood. lt? Please cull and see sjiecimens. May 25, ls30 ly :it::: iite! xitei EOUEEAU'S Indestructible and Indellible WHITING INK FACTORY. No. X South Third street. T TEItCHAXTS and the Writing community arc requested to call and examine this INK, which is wairuuird nut lo torrutlt Mttaihc J'lUs, itor chaugt its Culur. Whole-Kale and Retail, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A discount made to Merchants and the Trade For sale bv H. B. Masser, agent for Suubury NovciulierU, 1S50. ly. VSLLi-PS PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. Mmwfartory, No. 50 CHESTNUT Street, MEDAL, awarded by the FRANKLIN IN STITUTE of Philadelphia ill October, AND TUB FIMST PREMIUM by the MARYLAND IN STITL'TE, at Baltimore, Nov. 1848 and 1849. J'hiladtl yhia, Octal, 26, 1848. I have used J. Wellar's Patent Japan Liquid and Paste blacking for some nine months, and am happy to say that it surpassea any blacking that I have used these twenty odd years. I find it holds the polish and preserves the leather bet thr than any blacking that I hava ever tried. Asuar.w K. Cmasias. No. 67 Clicsuiut Strut, Wm. CURREY, Manufacturer. Successor to J. WELLAR, . No. 50 Chestnut Street, abova Second. November, 9, 1850. ly. A CAIL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware lloom of SE1VN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street If tin Railroad OUiNdUHi 1 A. Thankful for the patronnire of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in lmsi ness in this place, lie solicits from the public aeon- . : r r . . . i l . uiiuniirc oi uicir invnrs. miring tins penoa ne has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended hi busi ness in every branch and variety. The public ar therefore invited to the attention of the present atock of CAM NET WARE AND CHAIRS, Manufactured bt SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand. Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chain. Large Spring Scat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and Fashionable Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prcparcu ror i iHlcrlakinjj in all its branches, In this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids anil mistress, nml hnshnnrlt too, Here ' furniture of every style and line, From side rsmrils down to kitchen tables, Fmm rocking t-lmirs to locking cradles Phonlil y on not have the ready Jims to pay, We'll wait nwhile for a brighter belter day, Or take potato.-., ont, com. wheat and rye j Bark, hoop p ilea, staves, nr hunhr wvt and dry Or any thing but yoke, and throning dnila, From pic. nnd turkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, eotue die and alt, Keep trnde a moving, so "goes nn the Its!!.11 W Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Suubury, March 9, 1850 tf WH. H. ROCKEFELLER, Attorney at Law. ItllncrM illc. Schuylkill Co., Pa. 0 1"SINE83 will be promptly attended to in the counties of Schuylkill, Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour- Refer to: A. Jordan. H- Bellas, 4- H- B- Masser, Esqrs Sunbury Wm- De Haven, Edward Hushes, ti Solomon Shindcl, Mincrsville C. M. Hall, M. Mortimer, Pottsville Oct. 5, lS.'il) lv- NOTICE TO EDITORS AND OTHERS. Xew Voil, JYnr. 25fA, 1850. Mr. H. B. Mcsseii, 8unhury Pa. Dear Sir: In some portions of the country where we had advertised our Sarsnparilla, in I84H, the Editors of some of the papers have seen fit to take upon themselves the responsibility of continuing the same after the agreement expired, and in some cases have had the presumption to send us a hill for the amount. Now we have no objection to have all the papers in the I'uiled States advertise for us fur years, if they arc pleased to do so at their own expense, but we cannot afford to pay them unless they have our authority for the work. We write to you for the purpose of informing the Editors, through you, tl'nt they are at liberty to advertise as luntr as they please, but we must not be held responsible without our written authority, TIIUMI'SOX, SKII.LM AX & CO., No. lift, Nassau street, New York. December 4, 1850 tf. FASinQNABItiTS HATS. C. J. WALTON, No. 246 Market St., bctireen 7 !f 8th St., (Suu'h side,) PHILA3SZiPI2IA. 'T'HE Subscriber has opened a new hat Store - and oilers to traders and others who visit the city, a handsome assortment of hats, caps, of eve ry variety, made up of the best material, and in the lutest and best stvle, and on terms as reasona ble as can be had in any establishment in Phila delphia, viz: Fine silk hats at 2,50; Good do do at $1011. Persons from the country who pur chase of him, can rely, at all times, on (fettinrr a good article that will please them, and on that is fully worth the monev paid. C.J.WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850. ly. CIIAI! LES W. I1EGINS, ATTCP.rrST AT LAW, I'MflNVlllt?, Pa. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to his care. June 16, 1849, LIQUOIiS, WIXES7&C. rPHE suhserilicr has just received new supply of the Is-st liipiora that ever cams to .Sunbury, cousisliii!! iii part of Superior old pale Brandy. Fine Cojtniae Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New England liiiin. Fine Holland din. J Suierior Old Whiskey Comm. n do. Superior Maderia Wine. I.islHin do. do. 'uierior Port Wine. Burgundy Port do. Sweel Malaua Wine. Sueriir Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do, HENRY MASSERi Sunbury, May 26 1849. 11 1 A LAD K 1. 1' I II AM I SI E At l7lq tl R SJTOHE KITTING & WAT EH MAN, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, No. 2.'0 Market street, Phdadtlpha, fVFFEK for sale, the cheapest and beat assort- ' meat of Liquors in Philadelphia, such as Champagne, Sherries, Port, Sleek, Claret, Bur gundies, Saulurn, Bnrsne, Maderia, Lisbon, Tcneritl'e and Sicily Wines. Brandies of the choicest brands, viz : Maglina, OlarJ, Ponet, Hennesy, Ac, ice. Fine Holland Out, Mouongahela, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Ac, Ac. Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on the most liberal terms. July 13, 1850. BROWN'S ESSENCE OK JAMAICA GIN GER, an excellent article. Kahwii's Medicated Soap for sun burns, tan, tetter, Vc. Radway'a Circassian Buhu, for the hair dand ruff &e. Railway 'a Ready Relief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, Ac. For sale hy H. 11. MASSER. Suubury, .dug. 3, 1850. STONE Ware, Eurthen Ware, Raisins, Al moiida, P unes and Crain Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for aula by JOHN W. FlilLING. gunbury, Dec. 89. 1849. 11 OOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several eop. ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. For sale at this office. TT-ENXEUY'S PATENT SASH FAS B V TENIXGS. A cheap and excellent arti cm for fasteuing sash (or sale by i. W. FRILINO Sunbury, July 7, 1849. ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this . excellent article Sut Tetter, oc., just re reived and for sale by HENRY MASSER. Suubury, July 88, 1849. BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY, PF.NSYI,VANtA. eitf or rttiLADurnu, MAS9ACAi;BKTT8. All solvpnt hunks - I dil I1.-8. Bunk note 1.1 dm RHODK ISLAND. AS solvent bank pal All solvent hunks dis CONNKCT1CUT. Bank of ChnmheTsborj 1 c!i Bank of Chester Co. par Bank of Del. Co. Cheater par All solvent trfinkt I dis NEW YOKR. riTr. nnukortfcrmantowil par Bonk of Cicttysliura; 1 dis Att solvent Imiik. . 1 di. II Hk notes amler 9S 1 di. Hnnk of IjCwiKUwa eorsTSY, All solvrnls tmnks ldli NKW JKKKEY. Helvidere Hnnk ! dis Hank of Middlelowu 1 dis Montgomery On Hank pnrj Bunk of Nnuhiimherl'arl. im Hankof t'iltsburg 1 dis Hank of Danville par (oinmercinl Hnnk dn I- or. Hnnk ISIont Holly pnr V. M., Middlrtnwn PI. par Mechanics' Hk. Newark par Carlisle Hank 1 (In Columbia H'k ft ff'gaCo par Doyelstowu Bunk far Knston Hank nnr Merh. Hk of Hnrllnetun pnr Merh. ft Man. Hk Trent pnr Krie Hunk 4 .II, Unrril. I'n Hnnk i ens Kxehaiige H'k Pittsburg t dulNewnrk Bk'g ft Ins. Co dis 3 di. K.srttRnae H'k. Itrniirh I flislcirntivi- ltm,k Fnriners' ll'lt. Hacks Co nnr'l'eople'. Hk Pntlerson Fnrmers1 Mk, 1innister pur Prhw-elon Hmtk Pnrn1vrs, Ilk. Rmiliilff wir Niilpin llmiWiiiT Po. di, pnr mr dis pnr riirui. iik f-cimviKIII CO WH F D. Hk Wn'vrlrsh-a llilis femerret Co Bank Htnte Hunk St Cnlnileil Slnte Hk Kliaalieilitoii flute Hnnk Newark Franklin Hk. Wnsli'1, llnmsliilr Hnnk 1 dis! ! dis ills Iloiirsiliile Ifiink Idnenslvr Hnnk 1 dis ftatc Hk. N. Hrnnswii-k pnr pnrir-nnsex bnnk. Newton l in. fjehnimn Hiink Trenton Hnnklng Co pnr Mereh. ft Mini, finnk 1 ill. nnr I'nion itmiK. uover j ni. V.nlleyv'leftDel DrCo l.'ulis (je'Uk notes under AS di. DK.I.AVVAHK. M uwr." li s, rottaville per Mononeaht-h Hnnk 1 dis Tnylorsv'e llel H'f Co IS (lis v est Hmnrh Hnnk par- Hnnk of Drlnwnre pnr Hnnk of Smyrna pnr Delownre City Rank par comma; lis, UKesn-e rar York Hank, 1 dis Vf Relief notes 1 dis Hk Witmff'nft Brnndyw. pni Ksrmers' Rk St lletnwnre pnr fnion Bank. Wilmington pnr IT" Crater M'i ! di. MAINE. nnnkof Wbelloek 5 dis Merrnntils Ilk, Hnniror lllilin All ritvent twnks 9 dis OHIO. Alt solvent tmnks 9 ctla NKW flAMWIlIRI?, All solvent hnnks dis t?"Hk notes under S's 4dia . vi-;ii.Mii.Tl 1, NIIIITH CAROLINA. Att Mvent hnnks 3 dis Hnnk of ft AlKnn 8 dis All solvent bunks dis itT-CnderS's, 2 dis roil 25 CKNTSin yHs. 11t mkaksop thk Pockkt Esi tiLAPics, or, Every one his own Phvsician I thirti eth edition, with upwards of a hundred engravings, show ing peculiar diseases in eve ry shape and form, and mal formations of the generative system, . BV WM. VOtNO. M. D. The time has now arrived that persons auilering from secret diseases, need no more become tho victim of Quackery, as by the prescriptions contained in tins book nnv one may cure liunselt, witliout 111 ml rnnre to business, or the knowledge of any one, and with One tenth the usual cxpencc. In a dill tion to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause Of manhood's early decline, wilh observations on marriage besides many other derangements which it would not be pro per to enumerate. T7"Any person sending TwHxTt-rivt ckxts enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, "DR. W. YOl.'NU. No. 15S SPR1CE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. ItDR. YOI'NO can be consulted on any of the Diseases described in his tutlerent publications, at his OMce, 152 M'RLLB Street, every day be tween 9 and 3 o'clock. (SundaysVxcepWd.) Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1B50. ly. SPPJ1TC- GOODS I PHILADELPHIA. rp PHARPI.ESS Sc SONS, have just received I their supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other styles, lo which they invite attention. SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DRESS SILKS Grade Rhines, Chameleons, and neat and new fancy styles India Silks and Satins. DRESS GOODS Lawns. Bareges, Mousse. lins. Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings Quilts, Dantask, Shirtings, and all other furnish ing goods. MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cassimeres, Cashma retts. Drills, Vestings of all kinds, and Uovs wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carriage Ma kers articles. T. SIIARPLF.SS & SONS, No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia May 25, 1850 ly Jl ASCNIS Al,l tOMC MIXTURE, Fob tub Cure of Fkver and Auvr. War RANTfcD. THIS unriAnlleil medicine may lie relied nn when near ly all othei remedies fail, lis vnlne is not .nlTicit-ntly know'ii therefore, tin, pioprietor desires to ent.iive tins new 111 11. iim-iuiiiexs ny miiKii'.er Known it. virtue, and elti esey to lliousnnd. of .iitTi-rcr. wlioure not an-ure thut they can he .eedily uml rudii-ally cured of FKVKIl AM) Alil K, withnnt Ihe use of poisonous drns, unuseous potions sr the deleterious rd'ecls of quinine. It is offered to the pub lic nta low price lo plnce it within the n-iu-h of all. nssur.t! thut those who use it nccortliui. to direction, will find it a safe and ieedy cure for Fkvkb asd llaua. It is not a din?reeuMe imusenlinc eoinpiHind but an oeree able tonic cnk-uUted ti) remove the disease aial give healthy action ui the .loiiinclt and howclts. Preiiireit only hy Mnrslisll ft Co., nud a Md wWilesnles and retail liy Ibm-nutl ft rAon. No. lit North Sth Strei-t, PhiladcltSiiu. 'Prii-e $1 per single bottle, and 9S per doc June 2:1, lf.'SI ly READY MADE VI 7 E take this method to inform the readers of ' the Sunbury American, that, should they visit, Philadelphia, in guest of Good and Cheap Clothing, and favor us with a call, they shall not he disap pointed in obtaining the best of garments at the lowest cash prices. We have now on hand the largest assortment ever ottered in Philadelphia, among which are DltESS and FROCK COATS from 5 to $18, PANTS and VESTS from 75 rts. to 5, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, BUSI NESS SACK COATS and COATTEES. all of which shall be sold at such prtces as to make it an object for the people of Suubury and the sur rounding country to extend to us their patronage. PERRY R. M'N'EILLE & CO. South East corner of (ith and Market. July 13, 1850 T TINERAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard Acid Springs, highly Valuable in chronic di seases, and tonic remedies, for side I v Henry masser. Sunbury, June 29, 1850 tf STONE WARE. STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILINU. Sunbury, June S3, 1849 f' ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for 9 covering glasses, dec., for sale at the olliec ol the American. BAY RUM. An excellent article for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury Jan. Trio, 1849 tf. BLANK DEEDS printed on the best quality cf parchment paper, sold at Ihe lowest prices al thia otlice, by wholesale and retail. RAISINS, turranta, citron, cheese, pepper aauce, Ac. For sale by it W. FKlLlNG Suubury, DecS, 1848. 17V.EE BILLS. Justices and Conatablea Fee ; Billa handsomely printed on card paper, for sale at thia office. WWTILEY'S COUG7 CNDY. An excel- f f lent remedy for coughs, colds, at thia office For sale 1JATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and laps, iusi received and for sale by J. W, FRILING. ' 8unbury, Dec S, 184a DADO'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine (or aale by HENRY MANSER Uuubury Jan. S7th, 184 0 M PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT FROM rillLADKl.PHIA AND POTTSVILLE. Office of the Phila. If Reading Rnilroad C. ) ruiiauelutita, March SV, 183U. ) Two Passenger Trains Daily, (exceplSunday. ON and alter April 1st, 1830 two trains will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville. Morning Line, (Accommodation.) Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except 8un- uays. Afternoon Line, (Fast Train.) Leaves Philadelphia at 8$ o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 2J o'clock, daily, except Sunoays. Passemrers cannot enter the cars unless provi. ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stop at Au burn, Althouse's, Uirdslmro', Roper's Ford, Val ley rome, Fort Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of bandage will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas sengers arc expressly prohibited from taking any tiling as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of its owner. 13y order of the Board of Managers. 3. 11RAUFORD, April 13, 1850. Secretary. WILLIAMS' AXTI-OVSPIvPTIC J,'',X!R li with the ntmosl confidence, offered to th A iModlcn! Pncilltvtllld the lilllilic lor III nf llwMnen iu or Indigestion, and all disease uri.iugfrom it, such- Nnuscn, Itenilnche, Verlio, Uiinucssof Sieht, Debility ut the .Nervous Syi Ililious Vomiting, turning -usntioii at the pit of I lie slomnch, Liver complaint. icm. Hypochondria. Jaundice, lmsof npiH-tUe, Oppression lifter entilif, 1'alpit.itiini of the limit, Wnsling of the strength. 'tun in the pit ol the .toinnch I- Intillenee. with Ircuuentl or towards the nalil side Mchini of wind, 'S -illownrsa of e implexion, Vituitedtnste, .Depression of the spirts, uud Constitution nml uneasiness irriuuility of temper, 4c. nf the bowels, I If n case of dyspepsin should tie neglected, most serious en. 'cis may ensue, tor it lays trie l.uimliitmn for, 1. the 111 ciieut cuusc of, uud very iVcipicntly terminates in consump tion. 1 would impress upon the mind that to tiitle with mis uiicuse may nc 10 .p.irt Willi Hie reason which i-on.ll. tntc. rn-ni sunereininent nttionir uuiiunl bcines. or to cm. bitter existence hy adding a consciousness 01 folty to the penalty of pain. This mi-tlicme i. nenlly put np in Imttles, with ample direction, for use, and 1. sold u Simhury lijr Joiim W. rsiLia. JA.MI-.SI WII.I.IA.MC. Tesliinonyof Mr. AlSier F.lines, hatter, Market street anove rmn. oorroii milive 111 tho elhcucy ol llliaius Auli-Dyspcptic Khxil. Phila DELriiiA, October 3 1849, Ma. Jsmis Williams 1 Denr .Sii : Il gives m. tyrcnt pleusure to know tlmt you are aeaiu prepuniii: tneilicine for Ihe cure of Dvsnen- sia, l' ir many of my acquaintances have repeatedly nsked me where it could lie prociiicil, knowiOK tliot I I1.11I been cured hy it. As I think tllat u public ucknowlcileiucnt nf the grent beuehl I have received Iroiu Ihe use of your ini-d. leme is not only due to you, hut mav he useful to others: I now muke it. l-'nr several years I sulTered from llvspep shi. which iurreuscd to such nn extent that my hc-illh nnd (-'limit ut 1. hi wi re rapidly sinking under it. 1 wus (im pelled to restrict myself 'to (he most simple food, uud even Ihut I could u-il digest. I felt a loss of strength, riisineli nation to exercise, am, a. you have it ill your advertise ment, n gem-mi feeling of ilepri-scion nnd itidcscriltthle weariness, in the vear 1K. Inuring Irom others high re. commendation of voilr Anti-Dvspentie Kluir, I tiroeured and usiil It Willi the in st happy em-ct i uniler it lulluenes languor nnd u-nrincss gradually passed nwav, nml my appe tile reliirucd which I c nild gratify with impunity. Ten ye-ir. ha-e now clupsed, and my c intideuce in the curative powers of your medicine )m. of course iuereasiHl. for il completely cured me when I failed tnohtiiiu relief frortlany u.uci vriy ri'speeuuiiy vours, AliM-.ll KI.MKS. Testimony of Kdwnrd H. Ilnwlev, Wholesale .Merchant of the finn of It. .wiry. Aslibiiuuei ft Co., No Mouth , nnrves. in prool 01 the cmcacy ut Williams' Ahti-Dy peptic Klixir. Philadelphia, October tit) IW9. Mr. Jams. Vn.LiMs: Dear Sir : I Hike pleasure in reeommeildine your Anti Dyspeptic Khxir for the cure of Dyspepsia, i have taken 11 iiiy.en lor in. tlist-use, and nave lieen entirely cured. Vours respectfully, KDWAHU H. ROW1.KV AoESt.-.IO W FRIl,lSG,laiibary, Pa. Marcnsl, 1MU. ly ROSE OINTMENT, FOR TETTER 1 KAD the following celtlni-nte front Cnpt. Devoe. the k well known and popular Miain D,it Captain (of the Traveller.) Philadelphia, Ortolirr 31, 1S16. r-everal years since I was atuicked wilh a breaking out on my neck in Ihe form of Teller, which I am convinced wu eoiurucicti nt the Ifcirlier-.Mhop. It grandunllv extend. co over my lace mini it reached the upier purt of the cheek.. During the several mull lis that it continued spreading. I used dlllereut applications. Some of which hnal the ellect. nppreutly at least, of increasing the disease, hut iroiu none 01 lln-m nut 1 perceive the least liencnt until upplicd ttie hose C Iintmkxt. Hy Ihe use of one jar of it, was pciicvn) cuieu niKi nave renutmeu irec 01 the uttuc tion. I have .inc. used the Ointment, lightly applied for rough lies, of the lace, hlotche.. chapped hands, kc. With iier feet success. I hnve no hesitation in recoiniueudiuf It in im aiiiiiiriu iiiaiiuei 10 tile puiilie. JAMES DKVOE. Agent Hinbt Masses, Suubury. July 2", 1M!I. SEITS & CO.. IMPORTERS OF FORK ION Books, Prints, EngravinM, Stationary till! Frames and lftiilcal iiiHlru- mcntsi. No. 78 North Snd St., between Arch A. Race, 1'HlLAIIKLrillA. IMPORT to order and have constantly on hand a very large assortment of goods in the above named lines at wholesale and retail. Principally : 113 CD 523 In Ocrman, Latin, lircek, Hebrew, French, Italian Spanish and other Inngustjes; Classic, Dielion- ancs, Irrninincrs, oi-aliulanes, School, Juvenile. Picture, Druwinijand Model Rooks for Architects Cabinet, Inrnuue and other manufacturers. MAPS,GLOL!KS and Blank Hooka of every description. Splendid Lithographic and other I nuts. MIMICAL, INSTRIMENTS. Accordeons, Banjos, Bows for all strina; instru ments, Driilge and 1 atlpiecea, tlarionets, Fifes, Flageolets, Flutes, Guitars, Octavo Flutes, Patent Heads for Guitars and Violincellos, Tamliouriues, Tuning Forks and Hammers, Violins, Violin and Guitar Pegs, Violincellos and Strings for all kinds of Instruments Wholesale and Rctuil Accor- dcous repaired. Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a large assortment of the very best QERHAN BRONZE POWDER Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leul' Metal Thermometers, Hairiencils,-Fabcr and other Leadpencils, Red, White and Black Chalk Cray 011s, Mathematical Instruments, Scarlicatora, Spring Lancets Pocket Prescription aud Gold Scales and Weights LetU-r, Fancy colored and gilt Paper Playing Carda and other French and German Fancy Articles, for the aale of which they ore the MAN UFAUTUHURS AGENTS. July 6, 1H5U PATE ITT ltSEBICIlTES. Green'e Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Iluker's Sursnparilla. Swayne's Syrup of Wild Cherr Stvayne'a Vermifuge. Ayre'a (Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do Tibbit's Pain Killer. Dr. Hoollund's German Uittersr Indian Vegetable Pills Horae and Cattle Medicines For aale by HENHY MA?SER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. THE PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMPRISING A COLLECTION or OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple aud Carious Ex Is la CHKMIBTHV 1 INCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc etc etc Price 6 eta., for aale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. 8, 1849. RAZORS A superior article for aale at ike store of HENRY MA83ER. Sunbury, Feb. 16, I860, 0LDPEN8 IN SILVER CASES. A email lot on hand and for aale by H. B.MASSfcR. f unbury, April fl, 1850. MAHOGANY AND MARHLiIS. STEAM SAW MXLXi, AMI Ti nNI SHOP, Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Road . CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 Sotiffc Second Street, below Dock St., Philadelphia. rilHE snbseriliers would call the speciul alten X tion of Cabinet Mnkers and others, to their very extensive assortment of materials In their line, consisting of Mnhognny Veneers, Boards and Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Glue, Varnish, Looking Glass Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bed Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of llanltrnrc Tools, &.c. Cabinet Makers residing out of the tjity, vrould find it greatly to their advantage to call ut our store to purchase such materials as they want, connected with their business. All our goods are WARRANTED, of the best quality, and at very reduced prices. Our Terms are Cash, (no trude.) We guarantee to gio every man tho worth of bis money. . T. cc L. THOMPSON. N. 11. Mahognnv, Walnut and Hand Rail Plank, nnd Stair Ualhtsters for Builders, also Maiblc Mantles, always 011 hund, uud every de scription ol turned work. June 8, 1850. ly "DEATH'S DOOR:' Hnw frequently un we hnir tliis exprrwinii, which in meiint to emvvy U the muni the lam utiigv nf iifkitrw thut a patient run he rtihirl tn, find live. Mm. Hum Bon, n mr m Iter of the Trinitv Church, win. ns he fjtnrrv ew hrrn.'li. hruulit divu tn 'litir8 tltmr," by Khm- inntifin mid Nurvmii lleinl:irhc, when, liki-tin lined of iu-rry, Mini way n pniy i(iui rfhfvctl her o hrrpevm ntininant rest tretl lifT tn tier frimilfl in rwrirrl lieatth. 'I'hf very iiitUmt Riulwuy'i lli;1y Itflu-i is Hpplieil. its ufiH iit'iai nre fxpar.riitarti, h sxtuifii, nrni. i-iemi trg nnd purities ; it hiKiiuitly nlluvs irritiitimi. rcdurrn in, flatutniiticiiH him) rtw-t'llincit, n ln vf the in t wvrfe Neu mlpic iKiinHs pives ensc U Mums, SuM, rorm, KntptioMH rum II ln-tntLitl ifdi' Lunilwifi'. Omit, Piiiiilvnid. Snruiup. BinniiP. Sjuifmif., -stiir Nerk, Weukiu'w in the Side nnd llick, lna nf nil kind, (inlln, Hruiirs, Clmlen, rSiie jlirciit, liiHiicuza. UiHtrKi'iK'Rfi, Cnulm, Coldn, TOOTH A CI IK crilKI) IN ON K SKCON'P. Thi tiirtuniiir aiiecliim ran he rnrcd in nn mutant, fur the m-tnifiit tli UvUvt t-mrlica the ntarvo, thr puin ii nit tiatrd. !. with Tic D.'lni'ux find lifniimiuin. Nenr.d. fcui undSick IJitnlaclie Uilhr the parts whrfp the pnhi is -Hurt ievi-rr, nnd in nfrw mihuirs you will m entirely reueveii. iHKeu turertiaiiy u win arrest the m-ifrt vi 'itui Sin i mns nnd CriiiTiii. stop Vtimtii!ir cr lu inurti nirmiu!;. in all eases it will give streuifth f.r we ikurssj east: for nam. iieaiiti tor sickiu'mr. .o Kr-nrty Kelirl is penumf tin- leu iigned ny ihjiuai a iu,, t- ultoii street. i:i,l(!AT TOILKT Rntl'IftlTKM. TO EMIiKU.ISil AND KNIIAN'CU Tilli CHARM? Or JIKAI'TV. RaDWAY's .MkIUTATED !?()At. Radwny's Meiliciitel ffcmp, so liivorahly known thmntrh o it the lashionahle world for its extremelv bland, nuriVv 1119 and i.wtthiiifr ehVt-tsou the skin ; while hy its m-tiou on the pnres aiir the iniiiute peerrhiry vr.wrls it expels ail iinpiiniirs i nan the nuriuee, nuays rvrry trmteupy to in- naiiuiiation, and rllertuiillv difoinate all redness tan, pimples, spot. I'reekles. disrolmii i. hm uud other eutaneoua ernptiont Th" r;idi;iut I.! huh it im;uirts to the eheek, the wtttuess nud d'he:i,y wlnr h it indiu es n the hands and nriin. its c:i;wi!ity of s Mttiiiup irrituti n and retn.tvo ru taneousdeleels, render it indispensable t rvrrv tnliel. Urntleuieu after shaving will lih'l it allays all irritation ami teiitlenu'ss vl the Bh.111, nud renders it soft, tmHith and Onriu the heat nnd dust of summer, or frost ninl bleak winds ol winter; and inraeof Niuilnirn. stints of iiutrrts chilblains, chapped hands, or incidental iultaimnaf ion, its virtues have l-mnnd extensively been ackiiowledii'-d. Its puriiyiiijj; uud rei'reshiiiB properties have obtain ad lis seh-e tion fr-'iu the th 'usands of other coftmeties, b ith of Kuro pean nut) domestic manufacture, by the b n ton of nil p;irts ot the furthi nable world, from the burniiifx tropies to the frozen realms of the Ice Kiiifr. The public will pletisn hear iu mind that Itndway's Medicated Soup, is the only ate pre put ut ion for the skin now in ue; this h:is beii certitictl lo by our most pmmmcnt eheunfts. Had way's Snp is free from (otnouoiis. irriinttn? and pernicious in ran !e usel on the tender ekui ot the infant wilh the Kime happy results ns ujw'n beantv in its prime. See that each vukr is cnvelopf) m B(1lfH(lnl lule of steel eutrravin' nud lurther see thift the Mirnal ure of R. G. UAUWAV is upon each cak. I'ric cents, large cukes. Till; U IHMVI G OHNAMtNT of iii:.uty ISA LL'XI KIANT IIKAO fF (H.OH9Y HAIR. r KADWAY's CtKCAHfUA HAI..M. Warranted ihe best Hair Tonic in tt$ct For UresMiugund Heaiitilyiug Ihe hair. It cleiiiiMes (he Sculp from OuudrufT, keeps it clenn. cures Scurvey, Italilrtesa. uud Sores on the Head stops the hair trom luilnm out, renders it sfronir. fine, stnooih. soft mid ghwsy. IVrsrins wht have lost tin ir hair by sickness will had u roinpleteniiiidote in llinlwii''a Circacniaii Halm. It nlsti gives it a ilark and hemuiful r'nl r. and will prevent it trom turn i in: grey. From its exuisiie purltv. it isurimi rul-ly ntlapted i"t the hair ofehildren of t lis most tender "tje. It is s ild in large Iwtttleg lor ti cents per h tHe, nud is warranted the best hair preparation iu its-, it will iet til ihe hat. cap, ot the liueKt fabric. See rfmr the siffim tureof HAUWAV V CO., isitvtu ench Uiftle no Cir rasrsian IJaliu is genuine without the signatuio of Radway AdRKT II. B. Muster, Sinilury. Aug. 10, la.iti crlSmly ui:iicoura-e Your OwiiT9 HAAS &1?E. FASIIIOXABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. TIIE siibscrilierarcsppi-tfully call the at'entinn of (lie public to their lare ami biileiiiliil ansort nient of every quality and price of i MR1.E! i -WAEtE. which cannot fail to reenniinenil itself to every one who will examine it, on ni-coimt of iu durable workmanship ami splemliil linish, made up of the best Ktook to be hail ill the city. No effort is spared in the maiiiifai-tiire of their ware, and the subscribers are determined to keep up with the many improvements: which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sol.ix, DlvaiiN nsncl i.omiflreKt, Zlurraus, srerrtarf cs, ant boarts, SOFA, B11LAKFAST AND I)I.M.0 TABLES, and also 'E.'E'A' BLINDS, r(lua to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of everv pattern and yriee Cl'I'BOAKDS. WOHIC AND CAN'DI.E- STA.NDS, toii.kt taki.k.sand EXTENSION TABLES, in abort, every article in thia line of cheir business. They also manufacture all kin js and iiualities CHAINS. including raricties never before to lie had in Sunbury, audi as Makocuxt, Black Walxi t axd Ci-RLEn Mafli Uhkc-ia; axu Wl!l)SOH CHAIKS, iioriri Pi ami .Stools, which are of the latest styles, ami warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The silbferibers are determined that there shall lie no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained alwut the quality and finish of their wans and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on aa good terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. nr I NDEKTAKI.Nli. Having provided themselves with a handsome ILas.k, they are now prepared for Undertaking, and attending fu nerals, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. 0 W The Ware Koom ia in Market Streei, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite Weaver's Taveru. DANIEL HAAS. UEOHtiE KENN. Sunbury, Dec. 14, I8fl0 tf. JACOB REED S CLOTIIIVU IlOO.'TlS, Southitest Corntr of Fifth and Market Streets I'lllLiDKLPHIA, ' T7HO always keeps on hand a larKe atoek of evrv varii'tv nf elnlhiiiff m-.l.. .... ..c i inaieriais, anu in me latest and best styles. He would also iufurin tlie public, that he pays eonsi derable attention iu getting up Military Clotliiug, in good style and on reasonable terms. June 15, 1850. ly MOKE Nimr GOOD I Just received at the store of HENRY MAS. SEH, a lot of Caps, Gum Shoes, Almanacs, Queensware, Liquors ice. All of which will t sold at the lowest price. uec it, t sou. CAP8 An aunirtment just received. Also ilk HATS at for aale hy H. MASSER, Vuftlrary, Dec. 141. Ln rsu COEXPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NE UV0US DEBILITY. DISEASE . OF THE KIDNEYS, AND al I disetisr. arising from a iliinrdcrMl liver nr sto mnrt , mirh ns ennstinliin, imvitrd Pil,-a. F-Ullnrn or lllfMMl I., tlu. I...l A,.i,lllu ,U U. 1. k. ' iimrti.., . rfi. . ; v ' 7..,r".""rr?yrTi i-Tiiirmeh.i ourKnictniMtiiii smkintx or flutterins; nt the nit ill llif. Stun haI. . . ..e i i i . . . ......,.. , an miiiiiiw ii inr m-sni, iniriutitiuq (11 (tie II It breathing, fluttermir nt the henrt, ch itthifr f snff.-cntini; pensati nm when in a tvihff )fure. Diumesa nf vision, J"f",,r ";'! m '"'f'-rfthe siuht, Fever mid dull pain in the henrl. rlefid ency of p.-rspimti u, vdl 'Wuessnf the skin uud eves, t riiu iti (he ml.-. r-L-t. A-r -,i.i-.. Hiislnfi nf h cat hurnimr ol' evil, niirl grniil iliMm-ssi ill nf spirits, CAN 1113 KI KKCTLAI.I.Y Cl'RKD BY KM. HOOLAITD'G celi :uiaatj:i (ieriiahi iiitters, raKPABKD ST BR.C. St. JACKSON, AT THE GCUIVr AN MEDICINE STORE, Ki i. 1KO Arch St., riillailrlphla. Thi-ir rsm n over the nl.ive ili.-;ni's is mir frpi.tinl if eiiiiilli-il, I,)- i my uihnr prernraliini r the t'niiwl. PtMin, ns tin- cnri's ii ttist, in iiuinv cuk. alter skilhul nhv.irm... Inl liiilwl. 1 la-lie Iti ters nre worthy lliey atteniioii of lm-lrt. nssi'ssinc it iit virii,... ii. ti. r.M.i;6.-.ii.... ..r Hit- l.ivi-r an J lesser gliinils, e&i-rris4-a t lie m. st seawHiina; l"ers in m mIuh ss in H I Mll.n-l H'lis nl llie iliueltiva mini. tlle- ure, w It lull, mile, iT-niiin nml hleiisiiit. ,,, 11 linn the li.iM.ili Be.l I he I.ilttc r mill. bee. l ''Uh. Mnr i T,ti,. , ... i: r the rnre nf 1 , iv,.r CmiiiilniM. jiiunilice, l))Vpm.s'w. Chruiu inr I .?'"" '-"e'"''!-, i itvs. rv.Klly mi. ..I iln most pope- , , ' ' ' 1,11 "") I lies IWtms Nave been nsed '"""Kind mill n frinri nl nur Uw tuv. lie hns him s. ll rei elyw I nn . iri,uil nml perumimn lure of I.ivjrr I t . . .I"1' l"il-" cmsL-ailljt nili m I It IT" ".ll.y "f srent te- nilini . 1 Ii y nre .Wn,t iu , Hlll. um Mu iswl t,y n Miswill,tl,.,w,,,nit .;.i., ly. nmli-r a: , y eir.-i,i,u1.,. w. re s, ..,kiu-s fjm -peoenee, ill . i In the milm,,, w, ,V1. ,,i.,r . M. aeutViurii, nl, e,-..,a s-ie.,tific nml hli-niry jlt.nhnimis. sl m hn '.., w v....t v..Ur Mi-sseuiTi-r, " Jammrv , kw ; ' -Dr. Il.s Ihnil-s Iwnimi, IJit,ers.Mert i a pwpnratir wlm.h lli I . mime press,. in Ihe fin .a,-poir !.. ! aavnui in nis in res i annmiilaur. nil th.. r..m.a is hIivkiss U IB liimle niter A pn-isTipi,, rushul liy imei.l rile mist erle hnileil phyi .. -Hum nl nlern tiim s. ihr ti.1v Dr. I ttr Meiilier WillielinHi.ilhniil, Vr,,f.s.r li (lie I .uversrty m Jena private I'll .neimi ti.ihe kin;- ,f Vnimin. nisi ni itri nlest in. il nil writers liernmm-hn ever ptrnhx eit Ha wn. einpla .11 l-nlly the elK im- nf';. nwt tlieiefnrea nuilieiiie c f ivlueh he mi. the invnanr un ,ii.,ri.T mav he c-.ncl.l.-i illy rHinl . (Ie specially irrniuUKwInl il ii, l.ivi-r Ciin n'niiit. Draprrwin. DH.ilitv. Verras... A.-sliiy n Ihe stmniK h, CnMili...msliitl arnine m.u, aihs-irileri il e .wnt,. ,,f a.'imHi. the liier uml th. intestines. me I'lnksWiUim eipeni express llieir ..invie tii.n nt its rxeelleiiee, nml s-.-n,t ,,!' Ihe ntit.ira-.peak nf it. etrei-t. f llu ir ivn iu.liviihnl eiperii-nee. I nder these eirei il-i.,ei s. we lei-l warrant.!, n .1 nulv in ralliue the alteiitl n ..f ivnfers In the pri lit preseiit pmie-i-ir s (nr. l ll. J:,ek.,rs) prepnmtinn, hut in recinnuanit-. niil Ihe ar tl :le Ui a I nlllii tiil " More Evidence. The "P Ii .lnilrlphin Stiturdiv linzette," the w -Imiilv -newsimiw r puhhshnl ii, U,e I iU, the ntitur. ji . Dr. llufijhmd's German Bitten: (1lt is 81 (Minimi we nciMiuni-iiil what me le.riKf Vn ... tent .lieu" remlers : I 1 t.ivncr unit palitiiuia u'.iiill .111. Ihi-lelure. when u-. r-. l ... il... bml . t,ei n-in lllltcrs. we wis it , !, U,iuIt walri st... that we lire n .t speakini, m ,,e ..-jar nt lh. (lay, that i. -e nmrnl ali.ul f.ra hi ief p,e ,1 r.jd ei. f.. L-ntlennft. I they h iveil .e their cnillv rn-e X iu.-Siel' hut .. il in Mi,.,e I ..-,lisl,i; ,'...,, 1-, ura. .uid whirhhas met the hearty npprnviil ,. lu. I ill ,-iy iImIC " fnat this mnhinie will eure. Licit lual Dcs peps.a, mi ,,e e.nnlnnl,!. tl.. tf .,.. .,.n, u Hrtx spi-e, heall f ,ip. the si anaeh l,v..r, hi -S.T.ujIe 11.1 .i.n-l mi, il,,!.,, u, iHwMk, .,.;!,mMi,e. I hey ran I !,.ii,Se,-...,l f, -..Vutiir ns l.ullt Wrti awely uml rchul!e l,,,lit, m m,y t, ' HKWAttK '' cm vmsFiarr Tins in., n ine has nt .r in,l ik.,: h.elr krancter wt.ii im. ,..-.-. is ,rr tnr all iiii-Jh-mi t, , I .Mliwe tnautri Seller In pa', tit.'lh a sptit'i ids :,rlit'teut t.-. rial; ni the 1am ol Ihnse are tun ir-ently J oeic,!, I.1IOK WKI.I.TOVHKM.Rk WTHK Gfr.i:iK Thev luivethv w- iden sioaimre. ni f. M. Jm-KSoV up :, Ihe wrapper, ,t th, ,llllje j , , h our cvhich lliey nr. spmimj. ' Fur Kile, w h ile 4ilr.nnln-lnit. We Ge man Medicine Store, u ,'n ARC' "' nisf (Hsir la-lnw smth. t.l. si ..rl Knee street ,) l'hih,letpl,u,ul hy re5p-lal, ilmlera generally thmu t , the ,rrv. M'C'AT. Nnrf l,erli. ' ' Ampul 17 k lVst). ly ( 'uATK PAKTAKK OK C. SCflRAC K.) Var'.iJsJi luuul'actory uud Calut More, 7S North Fourth Street, FEW 1)!HIR ABOVK C IIKUKV, W KST 1DK, C instantly on hand and for s il', nt retlncetf prices, and of super inr quality, the fol lowing articles, viz : Cahliift. .lallllerk, fl,l ciil r-L.,. v ,.;...... . Th-yni" Japan ; Ii ml uil Harness Vun.i.h : Hrmrn. Whlti ie,(t lt.l ripiril iln: I' il; Atni.'. timer nnr) (-'.neh IVii.pers' .-ind Variufilien.' Vt..i...-...!. PI -i-tv iv !!rATir,K.fl-s, lift Y. I.N Oil' AM) PRK- l- Vl.sll VOH I.MMKlltATi: rsK; .M..!meiV Vaniish. (.Ie,:,t Aeiils; Kli.-ii .1. .;.,, f .r 1 : A,lh, sive .1.. for I-:niey ..rk: !"i.-t.r uml Whi.t t,h,: AtMjt.' c:n I , u s. Dry nu.l in 'rV ; Fnnl tnl: i;..t. silver anil lfi-riii:ui Leaf; Ii ,!d. Silver, nnrt f.ipper tlr ize ; (ila-zi'-i 's Dmrn Als.,, vely siipua.r Shne linking aud rllinp Ink. June Stl, !-.-,. ci-ty rmuiKT iruERonni, NO. 173 CIIESXUT STREET, (OI-HN1TS TH STATB HniT;.) JFKF.RStbr Kile, I.icvfnr rush or apjirnveil city paiier, a larre ami well nsirte. stia-k CMil.N F.T Fl K.MTI RE, of tlte bteit pattern, a-i.l of tbe best wnrkmanship. 'ilie assnrtinent ernbrii-e eerv artiele. U'.'I'ut i)romanient;il,eotn priin? sniN of Draivint; Ro.iin Furniture in Uose wrrxl ami Walnut, exiiiiMtely rare;. Kosewixid Vnlniit. anil Mnhnvnny Chumlirr Fimiiture; I'a tent Extenion Hiniii!:' Table, i,ai kn..n thnl tn be the best now in use); BiMk Cases, and a treat variety of plain Parlor und Chamlier Furniture. Curtains made and put up in the latest Parie fhiiuis. rspriiis Mattraases, Hair M attrasscs, and Fea ther ll.-ils, msde to order, N. H All article, purchased nt this ertuhlish inent ore warranted of the bet materials and workmanship, and will be packed tr carry safely to any part of the country; Mity 25, 1850 ly WATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE AND PHYSICAL KESTORATIVE. TUB MEDI0A1. WONDEH Or THZt AGS. lYIM. positively cure all stages of Neuraljria, Tie Doloroux, Nervous Headnrhe. Chan lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions; will restore manhood to its prestine viiror, even aller years of prostration, and the only known and cer tarn eure tor low spirits or mental dcbiltv. ""in " ivrw iiiraoun, Uct.3, 1849, The erlebiateJ l)r M'atson, when talkino- of th. mirarulous power of "Watts' Nervous AntidiHe," the question was put to him, '.Why such a valua ble remedy for ull nervous all'octinns was not in- trodueed by the medical faculty t" replied, "That if it were, there would no loiter be any use for a faculty, as all diaeasea originated from a disoriran- ized strte of the nerves 1 the nerves are the main spring of the whole system Keep this in order. and both the mind and body must la?." Four ounce phial, 12 doses, enough for all or dinary cases, OSH DOLLAR. MJLU BV Wm. MrCARTV, Broadway, Sunbury. September, 3fJ, 1850. tf. IJLANKS! " BLANKS of every description can be had by apth ing at the olhce of the American. DI RE WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESErT VINO, just received aud for aale by H. B. MASSER, Sept. 88, 1850. rpEAS, from the New York Canton and Jki JL Tea Company. For aale by , J. W.rKILWG. Sunbury, Dee. t, 1841 NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CHES. An excellent article, fnr hall the usual price by J. W, KiilLINU, Bunbury, July 7. 1849-