SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUHNAL. INCRF.AtB OF BLSIflEAS ON THE STATE WORKS. Canal' Oftick, Harrisburg, April 2, 185t. ) Th following statement exhibiti a very gratifying Increase of trade on the main line of the State works, for the month of March, 1851, as compared with the same month in 1849 and 1850: The shipments from Philadelphia west ward, in March 1849, 1850, and 1851, by thr regular forwarding lines, were as follows : POUNDS. 1849, 11,015,000 1850, 12,849,000 1851, (regular lines,) 17,724,000 (Pa. R.R.C'mp'y,) 5,298,000 ' -23,022,000 10,673,000 not inoluded in this Increase over 1850, The local trade is statement. The shipments eastward from Pittsburg by canal, in March 1850 and 1851, were as fol lows J0. OF BOATS. TONNAGE IS POUNDS- i-nn 288 13,800,146 B85I, 341 16,539.695 Increase in '51, 53 2J39,549 The following shows the number of cars passed over the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad, trips made, and, miles run by loco motives, from the 1st December, 1850, to the 31st of March, 1851 ; also the number for the corresponding period last year: 1851, 1850, CABS. 43,190 29,583 TRIPS. 2,526 1.961 565 MILES. 167.028 152.958 44,070 same s Jonas Bowmen Jonss Bowman et l Samuel Kauilma Danville & PotUville Haywood sV 8nydr litiu nonu vvt Frederick Kccnor Lach 8troccker Taylor Paulding et al Peter Richter's ex'ra Ann Mvera Rachaol McCarty vs Win. Ay res y Jacob Hodman vs J De Normsndie vs Dodge & Bat-tot vs Dewart & Jordan et al vs Elizabeth Weiueletal Wm. & R. Fegely dc co. vs John Shissler Mary Snyder et al vs Robert W Dunn tame vs James Dunn Pontius c Thompson vs Samuel R Weod , K ,p. S D Jordan, S Hunter Com. for Furman v. Jor(Un John B Miller vs John B Boyd's ex'ri Jacob Philips vs George L. Weimer A S Lawrence ailm f of Sarah Leighou, vs Peter & D Weimer et tl J Clayton (or J McWilliams vs John Bowen F O'Donnell for Wm F Naglo vs John Divers Mary Vickcry vs Peter Fcrster tame vs Peter Brosieus Chariest 11 Frick vs Eli Slifur Thos Cummincs et al vs J Parke D R Rishel Jonathan Leedani et al vs Wm McCoy's adth'rs Christian Bollinger Chas. A. Andre Daniel Httnnabacll Moses Bower Samuel Seaman same S. A. Jordan et at vs Charles H ousel vs F. Matthews vs John C.mrad Increase, 13,607 Increase of Receipts at three offices, viz: Philadelphia, Purkrsbiirg and Lancaster, over four months of last yeur, S43.000. By order of the Board. The Nsw Three Cent Pieces are going (o :be the most convenient coinage for small change that we can possibly have. They will be the death of copper cunency. The following statement will show how easily change can be made with them : For nine cents, .give three tliree cent coins; for eight cents, a live and a three; for one cent, give two threes Hnd take a five, or give a dime and take tliree t Lutes. A Boston paper says, the prisoners in Lev rett street jail have invited some of the clergymen to come 1b preach to them on the Sibbath, declaring that they will behave but ler than many in other congregations do, for they will nut get up and go out before the meeting is done. Vs Richard Goodman Va Philip Hpayd Vs Goo Bowman Vs John Arnold Green et Bros, for Tlfoward vs Henry Lnntx David Perry Vs A breham Lunger aame vs Henry Haldcrman Montgomery A Sweny Vs Jnnies Covert Clayton for McWilliams vs Jos Savidge R D Cummings vs Montgomery & Mastcller Jacob Stitiel vs Samuel L Beck B K Kane Vs Gc5 A Dixon G P Tyson for Job Tyson vs Daniel L. Hcltneck Jns Carother et al vs Edward D FtiSrce Philip Billmyer vs D H Watsdtl Jacob Kiltrauer vs Samuel Jarrct Geo Apslev vs Northumberland counly James DicflVnbach vs same F Fryer & Wm Moyef vs ERas Carman Wm M Aulcn Vs Thomas Kascf Wm McClery vs R D Cummincs Daniel P Cartl Vs Dentler & Montagtis Aaron Reppart Vs Irn T Clement Hcnrv C.iliel va Wm McCnrty Plnlt & Piatt vs Henrv Masser P K Holl'mnn iV wife vs H Kuhnts, McCarty et al Joseph fnydcr Hugh Martin San Francipco is said now to have a popu Jation of 23.e00. vs Joseph Dimmig vs Reuben J roxel vs Isnac Shaffer vs H Yoxthcimcr adm r vs JJnmel Urcisoacli vs H SUclnsnetz, cs'r. vs Henry Yoxtheimer vs Geoioe Rohrbach Conrad Reedy vs Hoats, Kepler & Stotiebton Wm Gross for Paml Gilbert vs J. J. Lpdcgrttll J. Bowman Indorsee dec vs J C Perkins John McCormick Martin Irwins' adm'r Mott & Sholicr Follmer for Caul Henrv Keiscr Ira 'J'. Clement ANOTHER SCIKNTIFIC WONDER! PEPSIN, the True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice! A ureal Dui'nsia Curer. prepared from Rennet, or the fourth Stomach of the Ok afler directions of Baron Liebia, l lie treat Physiological Chemist, bv J. S Iloughion, 1. D , No. II Noilh EiL'hlli Street, Philadel phia. Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy 1'nr Indigedliou, Dyspepiia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Hud Debility, f-uriug after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. See advertisement in another column. M IRKIGl). In this place, on Thursday last, by the Rev. R. A. Fisher, Mr. Weisf.ii Bassleb, of Bellefoute, to Miss Elizabeth Wkiseii, of this place. In this place, on Sunday last, by the Rev. R. A Fisher. Mr. Allen Hopper, to Miss Rebecca Co a lb, both of this place. At Northumberland, nn the 3d inst-. by the Rev. J.G Craiahead, Mr. Jackson Diehl, to Miss Cille Lank;, bolh of Danville Mon tour county. vs Charles bailor vs Philip Clotfeltrr vs Baltiar Garnhart vs Ira T. Clement vs Joseph Klines' adln'r vs Jacob K 1 rcgo vs Henj F & J W ."tamm vs r rcilcnck Heckart vs Jacob Hower vs John Kohr vs A JJ .drtman vs Leonard Koudarmct et al vs J II Portly vs Geo B Youngman vs Joseph Long vs Samuel S Sneddon vs Jacob .tiUcl vs John Keiter New Advertisements- fist of cltcro itEMAfnino ii tin post offick a SUNBi;n April 1, 1851. B Brewer Geo II Bloom David Bennet Biven Kowen John Bower Joseph Hum K Kline Gideon Kilbourne E L Lander Chas Lower Tilshman M Basnlmey Magdalien Malick David CafTry Morris 2 Cook Charlotte Mrs. Campbell Wm Cornell Win or John Conrad Louisa Coopert Jacob Cable Jacob D Diehl William Ely Caleb Jf Fausold Joseph Martil Sam'l H N Neidig Ami Mary P PafT Peter R Rothermel Mrs Renner Francis Ross VVm Ressler Isaao H Ross Sam'l S Shive David 2 Snyder John Ejq Farnesworth Isaao W Smith Chas Fry Jacob senr G Gazette Wm Gass Martin H Hanpt Jacob flillis Wm Hyner Matilda Smith & Moley Messrs Mou&h Jacob Sunbury Encampment i0 61 TJ Updegraft Mary W Wynn Stephen 0 Heilner and Buchner Waters Jonathan Messrs Hiekeruell Jacob Hufmnn john Hannbach Dan'l Harrison Joseph Wynn John Wayne Wm T VVynn Sam'l Wimpole Franklin Willeu Nicholas Henry Weise R. B. PACKER, P. M. CLOTHING!!! Wlioleenle Jk, llclail, At the PHILADELPHIA WARDROBE, South East Cornert Market and 6lk Stt. Clothing Fashionably Cot and veil Hide. P. II. M'NEI 1X12 & Co. INVITE the attention of Wholesale and Retail Buyers, to their extensive' and complete stock of Spring and Summer Clothing t comprising very variety of stylo that can be produced. Our aim is to please and accommodate all) and In order to do this, we manufacture Clothing at almost every price. Selling for cash only enables us to offer cloth ing at a very trilling advance. fir Our motto is, Small Pioita and Qitict Sain. We are confident that art examination bv you is all that is necessary to confirm what we say, and secure your custom. P. R. McNEILt,E & CO. Philadelphia, March 13, 1851. lm. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and fellow citizons of Northumberland" coun ty, that he will be a candiate for County Commissioner, at the ensuing election. He therefore solicits from his friends and fellow citizens a liberal sup port, and promises should he be elected to dis charge the duties of the ofiico with fidelity and impartially. ELIAS BR03IOUS. Sunbury, March IS, 1851. NTRY en. I ention of all cellaneVJ tIST OF LETTERS ItF.MAlSINO IN f ME POST OFFICE At Northumberland, March 31, 1851. Elijah Barto Benj Hummel Thoinus J Addis Lower & Barron Jacob Kline William Welch Thomas Sutton Caspar llcckiirt Nicholas Hower Georjre Eckcrts' adm'r Daniel H Dricsbach John L Ross Ira T Clement John W Peal Geo C McKee Sarah Stilzel Same Jacob Koch et al Tiuhrook for Appieton vs James Brass R D Cummings vs Thos .S Muckcy Hirkok & Canlino vs Geo W Armstrong John Keiter vs Charles Lereh Reuben Faffely vs Kcrshner & Clement Nancy 11 ousel vs David Hunsels' adm'r Jacob Keller vs Bank of Northumberland, Raker & Co for Jacob Bloom vs Henry Conmd ... , , . Jacob Zartman's Henry Klaze & Eve his wfc v. ailmmUtralor Jonathan Ilamian vs David Miller Thomas Allen vs Peter Kaup Sunra vs Same Gfori-c E. Gehrig et al vs Peter Warey William McCarty vs Samuel Hunter Troxel for Caul now for . Jacob Lline & Jos J. Portot Klines' adm'r Daniel Khoads vs Jacob Wartman Mary Jane Bruncrct al vs William Wilson Becker & Weiller vs R D Cummings. JOHN FARXSWORTH. Protk'ry. Prothonotarv s oflice, ) -l.S II Butk Jane Bashorc Joseph ti Conson John Ei Cummings W Cooke Jacob Cubcr Joseph Carb John n Ditty Andrew Dcvcnport Lvdia V Frymier Moses Fuhncr Joseph Fisher David Faunse liclcc(l 111 Gregory Ephruiirt Glccson Timothy II Hiestand John Hiickenliurg L P Harrison Thomas J Johnston Dr K Keeler Heisler Ex Kreamer Solomon Kecfer Hainmon Kaufman J R Keperling John Ketncr Jacob E London Thomas Lundes Charles Lomin Arbur Levy John Capt Luwdig Adam Ludwig Isuliella Mcmhart G Montgomery Phcobia Moury Samuel Morrow Mary McCormick John 1 Taul Wm R Raup G. P. Kodenbauch WtH Rcppard JamcS Ramsy David Rcazor J M S Stcphison Moses rjprcadling George , S of T., No 118 4 Smith Jacob 8 Sanders Joseph Slincp Peter Scveson Samuel T Tcck John 'Pace Nancy Thatcher Lydia Thomas Hannah ir t'pdegrolT Abrm V Vastine H H Vansaat John w 8 Willit Wm. Walbourn AndreKr Wenkleman Jacob Williams Henry Winters Jesse Weaver George Walsh James Washington W B Wheeler Hiram F Wirt George S Miller E R MARGARET WEIMER, P M k FRUIT TREES, SHRUBBERY. 4c THE subscriber will receive orders for all kinds of Fruit Trees, such as, A pplc Trees, Plum Trees, Peach Trees, ('berry Trees, Pear Trees, A pricots, Quince Trees, Ornamental Trees, Ac, Together with all kinds of Shrubbery, Bulbous Roots, Plants, Grape Vines, Ac. All of winch will be sold at the lowest rates by H. B. MASSER, Agent. tTT" Orders for Trees, &c, should he sent in as early as possible to secure them in time. Sunbury March 15, 1851 PROCLAMATION. TV! OTICE is hereby given that the several courts J-' of Common Pleas. General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, In and for the -county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Mondav. the 7lh day of April next, and will continuo T WO WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and ennta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to lie then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner arc also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hands at Sunbury, th 1st day of March, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fiftv-one and the In- dependence of ttie United States of America the 75th. JAMES COVERT, Sh'lT. God save the Commonwealth. BOOKSELLERS, COUNTRY Merchants and Teachers. WE rcsDcctfully request the attention dealers in SCHOOL, MISCELI, OU9 or BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER and WINDOW SHADES, to our supe rior facilities for supplying at unusually low rates, for cash or approved credit, every article pertain ing to our business. A long and active experience warrants us in sating that we can olTer inducements to purcha' scrs, F.dbALi.ED bt trw r.vcr.Li.r.D by none. We earnestly ask an examination of our mode of conducting business, believing if an experiment is made, it will he found for the interest of those desiring goods in our lind to continue operating with us. . Our stock is at all seasons large, and selected with particular reference to the wants of Penn sylvania, Ohio and the near trade generally. Ordrrt by mail at blhertritt He.ipulchrd prompt' If and at the lointtt rales t no ten in any market. OP" The highest price given for RAGS in cash. PECK & BLISS. Xorth-Eas Corner of Tliird 4 Arth Stt PHILADELPHIA. March 8, 1851. lrm TO PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS." rjHE subscribers offer to physicians and drug JL gists, a carefully selected stock of drugs and medicines, tvhich they will guarantee to be of the best quality, pure and Unadulterated in all cases. Their facilities for importing foreign drugs and chemicals are such, that they are enabled to sell them upon the best terms, and at the same time to assure their customers of their genuineness. They have also recently prepared and now of fer for sale a superior article of CiIXIFI MAG.MCSIi, &c. Resembling Henry's Magnesia, free from carbon ic acid and roughness of grittincss, almost entirely tasteless, combining in an equal bulk from three to four times the strength of the common kind, and sold at about dne half the price of Henry's Magnesia. They have also prepared the Fluid Mugricsin, Which is a hew and valuable remedy in acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, iVc, at less than half the price of the foreign article. 1 hey also have on llaild of their own prepara tion an assortment of Pure Drugs in Powder, Neatly put up in 1, J and pound bottles, such as Aloes, Rhubarb, Senna, Senega, Rhatany, Ki no, Gum Arabic, SerpeuUtria, Ext, Glyeyrrh, Ipe cac, Potassa Sulph., Potassa Nitras, Borax, Spi grlia, Buchu, Orris, Cascarilla, Canella Alba, Uva Lrsa, &ci Great care hits been taken to have these are- pared from the best selected drugs and in such a way as to preserve the characteristics of each ar ticle without injury. 1 hey have also a variety of Cliemicnl & lMinriitnccuUcal Preparations of their oWn manufacture, and add to the list all the valuable new remedies as they become known. Among llicra may be mentioned the following I it'rrpanitions sf Mercury, iron. '.inc. rATB& u3 2 Ct 1,H Yf J.-yOTIMER KCtK.XTIFIC lfOJV PEPSIN! Sunbury, Match 15, A D. 1851 n i i; i. In this nlacp.' on Hie 7th inM., JOHN, in fant son ot Mr. Wt'siley M. B.wtiaii. In Augusta 'nwnship, on tire 6lh inst.. Mr. PHILlP LCESElt, aged about 28 years. VLl)C itkviicts. Philadelphia Market. April 9, 1851. Flour asd Meai.. The markei for Flour is quite, receipis and sale lijrht. Good brands are si-llins at S4,50. Sales extra brands at 84.56a5. Fancy brands are held at 5&nS6. Rye FLoun. Is scaice at S3. SO. Corn Meal. Last sale at 82,75 for Penna. Wheat Sales of Penna. red al $1,00; prime while at 81,03aSl,Q4. ' n I I ...1... nl B filai- HYE. -ITIS BUVitlH -ru airn ok uu t. Cobm. The supply about equals the de mand ; jellnw commands 63 els. Oats. Sales at 44 els. Whiskey. Sales of bbls. at B3 cents. Hogsheads are held at 27c. Baltimore Market. 'April 1, 1851. GtlAlV The verv limited Kits of Wheat that reach the market soil at 90a96 cts. for good to prime reds. The receipts of Corn are light, mostly by railroad, which sell at 60a61 cts. tor both white and yellow. A sale of a boat load of Pennsylvania yellow waa made at 61 cents. We nuote Oats at 38a41 els. WHISKEY. There is a eood inquiry, and tales are readily made at 32 cts. for bbls. and 22 cn. for hhds. Some parcels are held a fiaoiion highur. LIST OF JUItOaS. F Northumberland County for April Term, A, D. 1851. rand Juror. Si'NBi'av. J. H. Zimmerman, Thomas Robins, Andrew Duist H. V. Simpson. Milton. John E. Gehrig. Chilisquaque. Fleminu Nesbit, William Fordsman, Elijah Hill, Jacob Woliver. Delaware. John Leiser, Geo. W. Dixon. TfitDi'T. William Fullmer. Shamokin. Casper Adams. Lower Augusta. Jeremiah Wetzel, Caleb Elv, James Header, Peter Rimiz. Lower Mahosoy. Joseph Spalz, Adam Lenker. Upper Maiionoy Jonathan Smithi Point. Henrv Morgan. Coal. Peler 'Weikel. Little Mahonoy. John Hensyl. Jackson. Michael Wolf. Traverse Jurors- SuNBi'nY.--S. N. Thompson. Northumberland. Peler Ilansclman, Ja cob Kukert, Charles Maus. Mii.ton. Samuel Blair, Moses Chamber liu, James Buoy. Ch i Lisq.u aqu E. Daniel Zidler, Joseph Frederick, Win. Machinier, John kiukaid Delaware. William Beard, William Mc Williams, E. V. Diricksmi, John M. Smith, John C. lleiuy, John Woik. Point. Thomas Vankiik, Daniel Lesher, J. W. Stamm, William Leiiihow. Lewis. Isaac Diinkel, Daniel Derr. Lower Augusta. William Kreighbaumj Thomas Snvder. Wm. Bloom, Hemv Conrad, John Savidge, Peter Snyder, Israel Thurston, D.iviJ Houck. Levi Thumbs. Rush. Alexander Campbell, Joseph Bear. Little Mahonoy. William Koiharme Jacob D. Hodman. CrvKB Mahonoy. Henrv Mallick. Lower Mahonoy. John Duckey, Michael Rudle. John Messuer, jr., George Kmenck, John Buntf. Shamokin. Charles Leisenrins, Asa John n t l nr 1 -. -. Jackson. Uaiiiei uron, ra, juiiiiian, Peler Treon. Coal. Alexander Caldwell. MISS MARY WHARTON, VILL open on Saturday, April 12, 1891, t ' ' gcnerul assortment ot Millinery, at the house lately occupied by Jacob Painter, s a hat manufactory, in Market Square, 8unbury, consisting of JJoniieM, Kilibons, Latcns, D'Lainet, Iiaragcs, Chintzes, c. ALSO : An assortment of Gentlemen's fancy goods, as Neckerchiefs, Collars, Hooiiery, &c. April 5, 1851 St. Dissolution of Partnership. fllHE partnership heretofore existing between J. Joseph Savidge, John Bowen, Matthias Per iling and Jonathan Waters, iu the work Upon the Trevorton. Mahonoy and Susquehanna Railroad, has been this day dissolved, and the contract de clared abandoned by the President and Engineer of said Road; The same has lieen relet to Josepn Savidge, John Bowen, and Matthias Persing. All the items contracted lor tne use ol saiu wor will be paid by said Savidge, Bowen & Persing. No other but such debts will lie paid. Also the Bridge near Mrs. Bakers' 1 svern has been abandoned by said Company, and the same relet to the said Joseph eavidgei John bowen, and Matthias Persing. All debts contracted for the use of said work will be paid by Matthias l'er sing & Company. JOHN BOWEN, MATTHIAS PURSING, Contractors. trevorton, April 5, 185!-3U Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. FT HE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, JL offers for sale the following property in Mil ton, Northumberland county, vti : 1 he large fr BRICK BTJILDnTG Jf's in upper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Shop. The building is CO feet front on upper Market street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two stories high. Also a two story BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 25 feet, on the same premises. The lot is on the corner of upper Market and Front streets, and is 66 feet front, and lo0 feet deep. J he premises would lie valuable for a r ounury or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold on reasonable and accommodating terms by ap plying either to JAUUU UAIililliAIN, rhiladelpliiai J. F. WOLFINGER, Esq., Milton or H. B. MASTER, Esq i Sunburyi Philadelphia, Jan. 5, 1851 tf UMBRELLAS & PARASOLS BELLING OFF CHEAP! No. 104 Market Street, rUXZ.ADEZ.PHXA. A VINO decided to quit the business, I pre pose to sell the stock at very low prices. It embraces the newest and most desirable styles, You are invited to Call ami eisniine. WM. H. RICHARDSON. April 5, 1851. 2mo. Hydrocyanic Af'id. l'rupurutioiis ol Iodine, of FotaSMi, Liquor Ainni'imii, Aqua, d't. Phosphate. d'. a new re medy lor Kheumatisni. Blue Mass, Kxtnicl of Gentian, ' QiiuMia. Tanixieum, " Valerian, fluid, t new and useful remedy. Extract of Sunn, lluid. pleavint loini k udmimstsr to children. ExUacl ef Buelia Coma., fluid. SHi;elia. " &iriarillaCuiiv ntislli'Hi fluid. ri. d'i. sills', no simple do CoWynth Comp. do siiRnle. Sps. JEther Nilros, Ui S. P., Oils of Copaiva, Cubebs, Ergot, Tobaccc, &c. Citrate of Iron and Quinine, Sosqui-Oxide of Iron, an antidote for arsenic, Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas ant cathartic medicine, put up in 12 oz. bottles, 112 per dor.. Collodion) or Liquid Adhesive Plas ter ; a convenient application in many surgical operations, put up in small vials. Also CANTHARIDAL COLLODION' OR BLIS TEKING LIQUID, A convenient preparation of cantharides in many cases where there is a difficulty of applying the ordinary blistering pluster. A coating ot it appli ed with a camel s hair brush and covered with oil silk or sohie aiinilur substance, will produce blister in three hours' time ; cr when exposed, in the Usual time ol about twelve hours, Physicians and others may depend upon the faithful and prompt execution of their orders at as low rates as the best quality of medicines can bs purchased. CHARLES ELLlS&CC 36 Chesnut street, Philada. Laboratory, 6th and Morris Sis. Southward November 16, 1850 tfi CHERRY PECTORAL: rr Cure f COUGHS, OOZ.DS, HOARSSXTESS, BRON. OHXTXS, CROUP, ASTH MA, whooping, ootjan AXtX) OOSrgVXttPTXOX. The uniform success which has attended the use of this preparation its salutary effect its power to relieve and cure affections of the Lrlhgs, have gained for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. We offer it to tho afflicted with entire confidence in Its virtues, and the full belief' that it will subdue and remove the severest attacks of disease upon the thro.-.t ahd Lungs. These results, as they liecomo publicly known very naturally attroct the attention of medics' men and philautropists everywhere. What their opinion of CHERKY PECTORAL may be seen in the following t VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prof. Snrgerw Med. Colrsre. JVf tr Tori, tavt t. "It gives tne pleasure to certify the value and enicacy 01 Avers CHERRY PECTORAL, which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure discs' ses of the Throat and Lungs." THE RT. REV. LORD BISHOP FIELD. wnic iii a leucr 10 ins menu, who was sinking under an affection of the Limes !."T rv I hi CHEniV PECTOKAL and If any medicine can give you relief, with the blessing of God that will." CHIEF JUSTICE EUST13. of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks of Croup by the UHEKCi J'JSCTUKAI,." asthma and bronchitis. 2'i4 Canadian Journal elf Medical Srienre tatcs, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, has yielded with surpri- ing rapidity to Aver s CH Eah V PEC J OKA I, and we cannot too strongly recommend this skill ful preparation to the Prolession and public generally." Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself: HinTroim, Jan. 26, 1847. Dr. J. C. Av'er -Dear Sir i Having been res cued from a painful and dangerous disease by your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send you this acknowledgment, not only iu justice to you, but lor the inlormation ot others in like alllie- Uon. A Slight cold upon the lungs, ncglcttcd at first, besamc so severe that spitting of blood, a violent cough and profuse night sweats followed and fas tened upon me. I became emaciated, .could not sleep, Was distressed bv mv couzh. and a Dnin through my chest, and in short had all the alarm ing symtouis of quick consumption. No medi cine seemed at all to reach mv case, until I provi- oentially tried your CHEKKY PECTOKAL, Which soon relieved and now has cured me. Yours with respect. E. A. STEWART Alhast, N. Y. April 17, 1848. Dr. Aver, Lowell Dear Sir. I have for years been afflicted with Asthma in the worst form j so that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the time, being unable to breathe on my bed. I had tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until my Physician prescrilied, as an experiment, your CHEKKY PECTUKA1, At nrst it seemed to make me worse, hut in less than a week I began to experience the most gratifying relief from its use; and now, in four weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a state oi nealtli which 1 had never expectrd tn enjoy. UfcUKGE S. FAKf AM', esr.rintn tit J.c. atkb, chkmist.luwkll, msss, PS1" Sold by Henry Masser, Sunbury; Mary A. Mclay, .Northumberland- Dr. Gcarhart, Se linsgrove; Dr. Bickly, Danville, and Druggists generally. Feb. 15, 1851. lycttfm TUETRVI DIGESTIVE FLUID, GASTRIC1 JUICE I A GREAT DTSPEFffIA CUBES, Prepared fromRKNNKT, of the fourth ftomsch Ox, after dii-tlna of BARON I.IFBIO, ths ftss rhysiologirnl Chemist, by J. B. lIOUOHTOTf , M. D No. II, Norih Kiililh Prcet, Phihrdtlnhii, Pa. Tnis Is a truly wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION, DYSPKPSIA. JAt'NDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION and DKIIIMTY, Curing sftar Na ture's own method, by Nature's own agent, th fjastrle Juice ty Hnlf a traftpnonful of this Fluid, Indued la watsr will dmett or dissolve, Five Poinds of Rossi Btsf Ml kuut two huri, cm of Ihe rlnmsrh. DIGESTION. TvinrMION Is chiefly performed in the sMmscti bv ths 1 aid of Hind which freely exudes from the inner tost ol I hut orttnii, when in a stats of health, called the Gastris Juice. This Bind is the llrmt Solvent of the Pood, Ui 1 uriiyitjar, Prriwrvitig ,l dtiniulatinr Aurfit of the st. mneli and iiiteMmcs, Vuhout it there will h no dlies lini.-n.! e .nver.lon of fa4 it d no nalrhioa oftlie UHlvi but fathers foul, torpid, pnltilul, and destruo- iiys c;nuuion in tne whole ilisustive UDnarstna. A weak. rKEEMAN, HODGES &. CO., M PORTERS AND JOBBERS, Sri Mbrrty Slrrrl, Nrw York. (BctwetiH Dnwdwuy and Naiwau ) ARK how Teccivinff a rirh and beautiful aPitrtrrtcnt of Fnncy 8ilk uiid Aliltinery Otxitli, to which we wouki purtiruUiflJ invite the nttenhoit nf ull C'ush Puruhuarrr, and Will make it an ohiccf for them to civ un a mil. oi we are deteruiined ( Mil our tiaft irtniPiit. for Cuh. iiwtr tluin ever Itelora offered tn tun niurket. Millniera tiin itinnlv tlieinsrlvea vih everv nrtirlr in their hue, at nlnrtil the ut of hnpoflution or Auction prU tet. Many of our T'Mid)i are uiaiiuiurtured expreuiy for our own aalea, and cunnot be aur)usaed fur beauty or low Rich Hat and Can RibUjn, a large variety. fiilks and &aina ir Boitiiftk. Crnpeii, Cie iiie, TorletolDi and Illuiion Lacea TriiuinincB for Hui, Cajm nntl Druwrs. Jetmy land Cuji, Vurly am) Opera Head DrrMft. rmhroidered l upea, Uounra, t.ull. una l hemiictti. GREAT ARRIVAL OF LLI1TG OFF AT ItEDUCKD PRICES. rillE suliscribrf desirous of disposing of her Jl stork or MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOODS, respectfully informs the public that she will sell her entire stork now on hand, at very reduced prices. Her stock is made up of an assortment of fashionable millinery goods. Also a lot of fash' ionable Fancy Dry Goods, consisting in part, of Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and handsome material, of Various kinds, for la dies' dresses. ELIZABETH FOLLMER. Suhburj i Jah. 18, 1851. tf. Kinliroidured Kdgntgs ami Inaeiiiiifts-, gwissand MutHn Lares Thread, Brussels, Vuleiii-iene, bilk and Lisle Thread Kmbmtdrretl Reveire and l'luin Linen CnniSrit Itkfs. Gloves and Mitts, Kid, Silk, Lisle 'lureud and thswinf Rilk. rVarfa, Cravats and Dnns llkrs. fivrisa, Jsoineft, H 'k Muslins, and Disho)) Ijiwiii. F.inlirmdered, Damask snd I'lsin Oml si Ciaje bliawls. A Full Assortment nf Slrow li.1. French and American Artificial Fl wers. With a large variety iml meiitioii"d suova. All wiihine to avoid naviiur l"ns nrlces Vill mske monev hy calling and aitistyiiig themselves. New York, Jan. 3, 18jt -3in. 1 TROLn3Y.J HOHACK, Pnifuaaor of"iy, Aatruniimy, SUNRUKY 'PRICE CURRENT. 100 I 86 Wheat. Bis. Cuts. Ovra. BUTTIB. Ee iis. ' . PuHK. Flaisesb. Tiilow, Besswsx Hkcklsb Fiat. I)siid Arruis. Do. Psacsis. Fi.s 60 U7 14 8 7 1S5 10 35 10 75 200 letit Jurors. SiisnnttY Ranrrra Diehl. Northumbebland James Shriner, Daniel Voris. Miltom. Simon Randolph, VVm. Wilson, Peter Irwin. Point. John Sueece. Jesse C. Hortoii, J. (J. UoauenDacn. LIST OF CAUSES IOR trial in th Court of Common Picas of Northumberland County, l A pril Term, A.D., 1851. PLAINTIFF!. DEFENDANTS, I. Mllliken. ir. 4. Co- vs t ran ot oteinncissr, BswartLowlret J George Miller St eon Estate of JOHN PORTER, Lee'd. V OTICE is hereby given that letters tCitsmen ' tary have lieen granted to the aubsrribers oh the Estate or John Porter, dre'd., tale of the hor ouch of Northumlierland. All persons indebted to said Estate or having claims against the same, are requested to call on the subscribers and settle the same. DANIEL BRAUTIGAM, ) .,, WILLIAM. II. WAPLE8. Executors. Northumberland, March 29, 1851. CL LAWRENCE HOUSE. STOBTJRY, PA. THE subscrilwr respectfully informs her frienrls, nd the public generally, that she has taken the shove well known stand nearly opposite the Uourt House, lately occopieri by Mr. J. V. Per kins. She trusts that her experience in business, nd her efforts to make her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa- ANN C. MORKlS. March 8, 1851-tf. Lewis. Andrew Laflerty, Peler Strouse, 1 Tor her with their custom '1 I . T' 1 1 James iau, Anios iviato. I urbut. James Biair, Kvlian uunkie. Dehwabb. Dvid Gold, Wm. M'Guirej John Frymire. Lower .mahonoy. nncr.aei urimm, juuu Winner, Jacob Bingeman, bamuel Young. LiTTLB MiHONoy. John Hensyl. 1Tppi-.ii. Augusta. Motderai Lawrence Lower Acocsta. John Shipe, John Hen' dershot. Wm. De Witt, John H. Fisher TUB CKt.EBnATF.n Dtl. C. W I'hre. noiupy. and tieomuis'y, c.niliinod with LO.N J t- It A'l ION, fi-sn 8wceden, ulftce iNo. 71 lAJCLST street, I'lnladrlphia, ofhers Ins services to the citizens ol iriiiiitiiueriaiiii county. He has heen eisisulled by all the crowned hetids uf Kurope, and enjoys s higher rtluiali"iiti an Atrolofrr thiul any tms living. Nutivi tea calculated aocurtlltur u lie. mumcy la dies M3, Oenllei'iHU .". 1'rrs.nis at a disumres run have their uaiivitiesd awu by scislmg ihe dnte is the dav a' their birth. All letten contuntlug thu uuove fee will receive im mediate ettentimi, and Nutivitirs sent to uny purl is' the World written on it iralile Mper ; und he is irrjarnl tn make use of his power l ouijurution on any ol Ihe loU'wins to nics: Courtsliip,advtcegiveu lor the utTrsuil itccomjiiieli meut of a wealthy mmriuite t he lute the mhvct lo redeem such as are liven to the free use of Ihe bottle : sod for all bases ol hugurd, anu Inr me recovery is ei"icii nr fsi prop bfty, and Hircliasiii 'X' lottery tickets. TlwuRnvIs ol Ihs Above named cases liave been done iu I liis rity and its viciu- My, sira in the United Mali to tne lull lauwui'lloii n sll 10,rjtSI ISatlvltleaor llorescipcs imve neen cur minus; ins last four years while here. LcU.-n will answer every pur pose, and will do as well as 10 eu m persnos, ana ins mull U now SO sale that terh A ueeit II "t lear lo trust nvsiey through the Pint Office, pi. KUiick receives Irum SOD ts 10UO fetters monthly, and has never mied una Be pan tlculat lo name l,ai Ortit'e, Canity aud 8tate. All le Hers will be religiously allenUed u, u prepaid, rnr mors par. tiruhrs call at the "lnc of this paper and get an Astrokigi. eal Almanacs grans. 71 ljocuat street aoovs r.ignni, i-nnnneipnu. C. W. ROBACK. Fbibdelphis, Feb. 8, tnil.-m. UNION nOTEL, 6UNBURY, PA. fflHE MISS WBITZEL'8 respectfully inform JL the Public that they still continue to enter. tain travellers snd others at their old established stand In Market street, west of the Court House. Shamokin.--JohA Reed, sr., Jesse Camp- I Their long experience in the business, and the Kail Fli, la John. Samuel Moore. I well established reputation of their House, will. ' i t l. CL I . . . . . - Rush. William uearnan, juaepu ouaip-itney trust, De a sumcteni guarantca, uai uttir ieu I customers will be well accomiaaiiaua. Co!.. John Heiro, Wm. s-egeiy. Marco 8, isoiwq. AMERICAN HOUSE, P0TTSVTLLE, PA. MRS. MARY WEAVER respectfully informs the public and travelling community general ly, that she has opened this large and commodious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style. From her long experience in the business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may depend on being supplied with every thing conducive to tlit-ir comfort and convenience, Feb. 15. If BOUNTY LA!) AND IMiNStON AGENCY. The attention of thr public is called to the ad vertisement of Mr. C'h:irles I). Tucker, Attorney and Agent at Wasiiiton City. Persons hav ing claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in formed that the subscrilicr has made arrangements for the requisite forms, and claimants calling et his Dtl'iee, rati have their papers prepared and forwarded to Mr- Tucker at Washington, and by hint be properly attended to before the De partment there. H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 18,1801 WILLIAM HOOVER restwctfully Informs his friends and customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia with an excellent assortment ot NEW GOODS, which he otlWs for sale at hia new stora at Mas srr's Mill, Hollowing IJun. These goods were selected w ith great cure, und will be sold at the lowest prices. IliS STOCK CONSISTS OK EVKRY VARIETY, Via Dry (J ood s, Suth a Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattmets, Muslins) CaUiioes, Hlousseline De Laines, Al paxcas. Merinos, Flannels, Checks, Ging- hams, be. ALSO: An assortment of Mats, cai's, oim and i.kather Kiioes. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IRON andSTEEL, NAILS, &c. A general assortment of Groceries, such as Stijfir, Coffee, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, &c. Also an assortment of Liquors, such as Brandy Rum, Whiskey, Wines, cVc. r" Produce of all kinds taken iu exchange at the highest murkct prices. Hollowing Run, Nov. S3, 1S50, lyi pay urn r"TpiIE undersigned hereby notifies all persoi indebted to her, on book account, Ac, tb they arc requested lo culTand settle their accounts without uYlav, as longer indulgence cannot be given on accounts already over due. ELIZABETH FOLLMER. Sunburv, Feb. 2S, 1851 tf. lisu urnn. or injured stomach prtirliicea no good Gsstrit Juice, ud hence tiis diseuse, distress and debility wkick PEPSIN AND RENNET. PKrIN is the chirf element, or great Pigestlng Prlncl pis of the Utisiric Juice, it is found in great abundsiKS la the solid parts of the human stomach all.-r death, snd sums tim's caui-n the stomach to digest itself, or eat itself Bp. It is also ftimid in the stomach of animals, as the ox, ealf, &e. It is tho initteiinl urt by funners in making cheese, ctllcd Kenliet, the ett'ert of which hns long been the speeisl wonder of t tiHniry. The curdling of milk is the fir.t pro cess of digestion, Rennet p'tssesscs nstouishing power.- The stomach of ucalf will curdle nenrlyone thousand times Its own weiirhtof milk. Huron I.iel'lg states Unit, "One part of IVpRiu dissolved lit sixty thousand mrts of water, win iiiRdRi meat anu oint-r io.t." jjisuasea stomaens pro ducs no gmd Oustric Juice. Kenuet or pepsin. To show that this waul may lie perfectly supplied, we quote ihs following fcUIiNTIHC EVIDENCE ! BARON MKBIG. Ill his celebrated work on Animal Chemistiy. snrs: "An Artuic'iul Digestive Fluid snalagoua lo the Online Juice, may he rea'lily prepared from the ma e.nis nirmbrsiie of IheaUHTmrhof theculf, iu which rsrisus articles of fond, as meat snd eggs, will bs euflened. chslig- anu uieHieu, jim 111 me smite manner as they would be ... me iiuiirin DioiiiHCII. Dr. rl-,KKlltA. Ill Ilia fiimotia trillai. n uPmnl Diet," tlUllhllied bv Pou lrra V W..II. N.,.. Vorlr na.a 35. suites Ihe anme grwt fuel, ami dencrits s the metliod ? i.reiiouion. inereara lew higher autlioritiea Uian Dr. ereirn. Dl.l'OMDF., in hi VnluuHe writinir. nn Ilia "Phiai.Unir of Digestion," oliserved that "a diminution of the due quan tity of the (Instnc Juice is a prominent and all-prevailing ennse of Dyspepsia ;" and he stales that "a distinguished prmeisor ol ineiticiue in lnlon. who wni n.wrelv aflliet. ed with this cmnplniut, Hmlinp every thing else to fail, had recourse bi the Onirtric Juice, obtained from the stomach of living minimis, which proved eompli-tclv successful." Dr. ItllAHA.M, author nf the famous works on "Vege table Diet," says : "it is a remarkable fart iu physiology, that the stomnchsot animals, macerated tn water, impart to the Huld the nmpeity of (Involving various articles of food, snd of eltecting a kind of artificial digestion of then iu no wise diflVreilt from the natural digenlivr process." l)r. SIMON'S irreiit work. th. rheiniatrv nf Man." (I,en Sc. Blnnehnirt, I'liilu. 140, pp. 3SI-2) anvst "The dis covery of PE1SI forms a new era iu the chemical history of Digi-stion. From recent rxpetimrnts we know tint food is dissolved ns rapidly in an artificial dicestive fluid, urepmcu iroiu rcpsui, as II is ill the luitural Oustric Juice Itself,' rinlessor UUNClilSOX of Ihe Jefleison Collej-e. Phils delphiu, in his great work on Human Pliyiiolivy, devotes more tnsn lllty pages to an examination ol thli subject His expcritneiita with Dr. Ileuumont, on the Uustnc Juice, oliuiined from the living human stomach and from animals are well known. "In nil cases." he snys, 'digestion occur red ssperlectly in the artificial (is in the natural digestions." AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr. HOUGHTON'S nrcnoratloii nf PKPS1V hn. nrodu. ceil the most marvellous efTecUi curing ciiwa of Debility, l.inncintion, Nervous Derlnie. and Dvsiu'ntic Coiiaiimntinn. supposed to lie on the very verge ol Ihe grave. It is im possible to give the details of cases in the limits nf this sd vert iscmeut but authenticated certificates have been given of more than TWO IIL'XDHF.D KliMARKAULK ri'RKS, in Philadelphia, Xew York, and Hospm alone incse weie nearly all itenra-rate cases, and the cures were not only rapid and w inderful. hat permineill. It is a great NKHVOI.S ANTIDOTU, oml particularly ilfeiul lor temlency to b.lioui disordet, Liver Complaint, Fever snd Ague, or hndlv trasted Fever and Ague, sud tha evil effects of Quinine, Mercurv, nnd other drugs upon ths Digemive organs, uftet a long sickness. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It alinsat reconciles Health with Intemperance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no form of f)IJ) STOMACH COMPLAINTS winch it does not seem to leiich snd remove at once. Ne matter how bad they may lie, illilVI.S INTANT HE LIKF! A siucledose removes sll the mipleuinmt symp bnns. Slid it only needs lo lie reientl. for a short time, to make Ihrne g,l effects permniieiil. PI" KIT V OF BLOOD and VliiOH F Hi IDY, fallow at once. It Is particularly excellent m cases of .Vaiisen, Vomiting, Cramps, Soieuess of the pit of the Stomach dlitress after eating, low, cold, state of the Hlond, Heaviness, liu'iiess of Spirits. Despon dency, l jnaciation, Weakness, lemleucy to Insanity, Sui cide, Ac. Price. (INF. DOLLAR per bottle. Oue bonis will oftsa effect a lusting cure, PEPSIN IN POWDERS. ty SENT BY MAIL, FKKE OF POSTAGE. For convenience of sending to sll parts of the counliy, the 1)1 (i ESTI V i: M ATTKK OF Tl 1 1 i PI ;PSI N is put u in the lorm of Powders, with directions to lie dissolved it water 01 syrup, by the patient. These powders conUia just the same matter ns the bonles, hut twice Itie quantitr lor the same puce, nuil will lie sent by mail, FKEE OP POS l'AtiF. for ONK 1)(1. I. AH (post-paid) lo Dr. J. 8. HOL OH'rON, No. II North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Xorthumbcrauut. Milton, MrKwensviUo, Selinaprove, t'p'ier Marunitanga Mahonoy. MACKEREL, 8HAD, CODFISH, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS LARD & CHEESE,! March 8lh, 61 TO Constantly on hand and - far sale by J. PALMER & Co, Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. rsons ut T. S. BOBST'S Ps. Six pocknees for five dollars. Everv pneknee snd bottle bears the written signature of J. S. llOl'liHTON, M. li., sole Proprietor. Ail J by agents in everv town in tli United States, and by lespeCtnble dealers iu Medicines generally. FOR SALE BY John V. Frillng, and George Bright,. Sunisiry, Ps. Mary A. McCay John H. Baser Hayes .McCormick, IS. j. Cronee, John ti. Kenu, William I)eiiini Sunbury, Sept. 14th, Ik50 A I V I . U T I i ; n K T " Bounty Land and Pension Agen WASHINGTOIV. D. C. THR uinl'Trnn.-l Augury and (.ienrritl Afi4 H th t'lty f Wufilthiinii. oilers ina arvurt mJrtiif U mmy IjuhIs and IVni(m i.r thow tuiiilM. jlViikf per tiKiiiftitly I nutrai at Die anil nf Govern mem, a inot HiKh mvd lumiliiir acqiiniutiiiire with Ihe iircessury locmi, and routine of liuiinrwi, uitd having accra iHciin and K Jlla Weil in the t . 8. war mtir, tie ,N-tvyntiluie for ttie (mlv utid atitiaifK'tury adjuutiucul ui Uuvurnment cliiinit. ol every kind. Ity a lute A ot of Cnnreu, Bounty Vrtd i granted, t tlie oiVR'erH a ltd woldirra ol the war of MIJ nnd d the van. n mii Indiuii wan, mace J 790. To ttne wao aerved itiii irtontlia IH'i acrcu; to th"Hj who aerved four mouth HO ucri-ai und tn tUwe who aerveU ona, w nth 40 acrea. Arruti!enients huve len nmda viUi yeutlenifu f tha Ieg:il in ilnT. lent of the Country, fur tin- lo iiti n of wnrmnta, und th lulr nf the patinta, when ImikiI, on the moat Hilvmiuw lenna; (t the pavmcnt oi" t:ix.-at rterii(ti ituml, aold tusea; efllfrtt-io of drhix; itrnf tor ihe trunanntii n of generut Imw bnaineaa. ii the di lit-rem Siatrnuntl iViritorii'H. He tfiidera ln arrvieva to ini inttera nf the nrnfeaaion at iliaLtmce, and when elmnu Riiiiiat the Government, are pra iMres a loeal Am ut. will Mtmte one hiill ina usual fet I tie iieeeaKiry lonna und iniitrueLioiia. and im'urnuition an all uhjeta upiwrtHiMmj; lo u iiuxeaai'itl proJH-ituiii'u of ttua luiftineaa, wui be lurmalied to regular CorreBKUKiint with out charge. Pertt itia deairin? uf 'rinnti.ri nf frienda in th array or nnvy, will forwjn! to Uitn all the partieutart R"a of their wivjce, lAffi-ther with a fco in one doliar, and Uiair eiKjui. nea will tte replied to hy Teturn ol moir. AA atiaarounioa-. tioua tu be (raEfAinJ nnl ad lroit CIIAKlJaS C. TUCKFR, (Hi- 1ti7, P. O.J WufchUagtOR, D. C DecemSerCT, bK l iar. Groceries aud Teas ! DAY 111 PKASK, S U Corner Ac $nett Philadelphia. . OFFERS fir KkU ail of cboe Family farfafArira. aji.l aalar.tArl arlirleaiit Uia Una of AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selin3grove, Pa. C'lorliH. Vat liv and Jewelry, EPA I UK D in (lie best manner ami warranted to pcrtorm well. AH work iiitrustetl to his care will be strictlv atleniled to. Seliusgrove, Nov. 3f). 18.10, If. Valuable lluoka. f IFE or Christ, handsomely liounil, D'Ar- business ; Ciiesn. wd JJIatk Teas ol aU qaaliliea tiai uiBruni ur Til ni.rensAius, Cotton Yam, Cotton Carpel Cbahj, Cotton Laps and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Redy made PanUloont, Ready made VesU, Congre. kuives, PoreeWin lined preserving Itettlec, just received (or sale by H.MA8$Et. ftaatWvy, Pee. , Hit. TREVORTON HOUSE, TREVORTON, PA. THE subscriber respectfully intorms the public that be has otiencd a Public House, in the new town of Trevorton, Northumberland county, aud that he is well prepared to accommodate bit guests in the best manner. Hit house is located neariy opposite Ihe Company's Store. He is alto provided with good stabling sufficieut far SO 'jor see. He trust by prompt and e. reful eAtenliun to business to meet share of the public patron. g. HENP.V u. WBAYSK' Trevorton, Je- 1 1-, 1850 tf. NOTICE, A S the subscriber Intendi making new arranges - menta in hia buwneaa. on (he oral of Janua ry 1841, all persons knowing thomaelve indebted to him, are rucslcd, a oall and make settlement up w mai ,"va ijj uioii ui givuig weir now for the amounVdue. john w. imixo. ' Banbury, Doc. 88 IBM, tf, " Buxi Dir-sooKS sxn Luteins, full bonnded. For sale at the publishers prices by 11. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Jt'STlCE OF THE PEACE. Sunbury, PaV Oflice in Deer Street, inline-jiately opposite the Tublic Scho-jt Houae. fr Monies eollceled and til Business piosnptly and eara felly attsmlrd to. AprU SO, 1850. NEiV YOltK & IlllEiUELlIIIA Hitters) 4oclatton, Cor. of 6a and Chestnut Sreet, Philadelphia. CONTINUE to make and sell ft finer and more 'durable Hat fer the money than any other ustaliliahment iu the Lotted (Mates standard price u Hals 00. UenU an (oy s Llolh ana Glased Caps, Umbrellaa, Carpel iitga, Salary Panama aud btraw uais, aj eouaair low prtcea, nd prices ; Keai Mocha, OU Juva and other kinds of Codec, Suv. Corn 8trcb for pud dings. Farina, Fir8-in stnaN drums. Layer Rai sins, Erench. Clarified' Ikinglejs for jsllies; Extra White h(t Kptihsttei and Y lUaiielpbia ra mily Flour is. Wlicle and H all B rreU ; ' Lstour" Olive Oil; aatortod. kiuda of 8a,uces and Ketch ups, Picklt&t siliveii, Presented, (nngeo dec, 4e-. ' . - . . . d:i. Uooila pjcHt4 lor tne, country, ajsu a w Road Dei, or, e,lseUr wiiiWt sharge. tYT. Cot. 6lh & Arch bta. e Philadelphia. Feb. fceJSJ- ly. h. MA. IMMEDIATELY 'OTO"on u noar la whom libecal waaa wHJ be pait KIMBEft fJLEjAVER. Eugini. THkspisi J"' 85V kfi. jUSING BOTTLES Breast pumps anc i-X nipple tubes- A aupply of tliese useful arti ekss iust received and tot aale by " ; JOHN W- FR1IJNG Sunbury, Jji. It, 1531 tf