Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 05, 1851, Image 4
SUNBURY AMK111CAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. THE RETIRN OF snUMJ. . . . , -t A. i .. , ' " ' ' '' ' " Drnr ns the dore, whose waftina winp, The preen leaf ransomed nl the mam, Thy Rental ttlow relurninft Spring, Coma to our snores aa'iin For tbau hast been a wanderer lonp, On many it fair and fureian strand, In halm and beauty, un and song, Puwing from Jaud to land. 'Thou biins'st the blossom to the bee, To earth a robe of emerald dye, i The li'allet to the naked tree, I Anil rainbow in tho sky ; I feel thy blest benign' control The pulses of my youth restore ', Opening the spring of sense and smil, To love and joy once more. I will not people thy green bowers, With sorrow's pale and spectre bund, Or blend with thine the faded flowers Of memory's distant land ; for thou werl surely never given, To wake regret from pleasures gone, Bat like an angel sent from Heaven, To sooth creation's groan. Then, while the groves thy, garlands twine, Thy spirit breathes in Hower and tree, My heart shall kindle at thy shrine, And worship God in thee ; And in some calm sequestered spot, While listening to thy choral strain, Tasl griefs shall be awhile forgot, And pleasure bloom again. a."" ;- a A STORY OF THE WAR OF 1-19. Col. Preble tells us of an instance of sharp hooting which is not ashamed to look one in the face. He states that one of the "rank and file" under his command once discharg ed six shot at a barrel rolling down a hill, he being at the bottom of the hill. Upon the barrel reaching the bottom of the hill, it was examined, and no mark of a bullet was dis covered upon it, wheienpori his comrades be gan to ridicule him. He. however, very cooly desired them to shake the barrel, by doing which they found that the bullets were inside (Ac whole six having entered the bung hole, at which point he had aimed. '. Ages of Reigning Monarch in 1851. The following are the present ages of the different reigning monaiehs. Great Britain, Queen Victoria 1. age 32 years; Austria, Emperor Fiancis I, 21 ; Russia, Emperor Nich olas I. 55 ; Spain, Queen Dunna Maria Isa bella II. 21; Portugal, Queen Donna Maria II. 32 ; Prussia, King Frederick William IV, 56; Holland, William II, 59; Belgium, Leopold I, 61; Denmark, Fredeiick VIII. 43; Sweden. Oscar II. 52 ; Popedom of Rome, Pius IX 56 ; Sardinia, King Victor Emanuel 31; Turkey, 'he Grand Sultan, Abdul Medjib, 28 ; Han. over, King Ernest 1. 80 ; Greece, King Olho I. 3(i ; and Fiance, Louis Napoleon, President, 43. It w ill thus be seen that there are three reigning queens. England, Spain and Portu gal, and one President of Franco. The King of Hanover is the oldest monarch. Minor .States : The Two Sicilies, Ferdinand 11.39; Wirtemberg, William, 66; Saxe Coburg, Ernest, 63; Tuscany, Leopold II. 49 ; Bavaria, Louis, 61 ; Oldpiibcrg. Augustus, 04 ; Baden, Leopold, 57, Saxony, Fredeiick Augustus, 50 ; nnd the Brazils, Djn Pedro 11. 22, Em peror. The Nova Scotia Giant. The llinpham, JIass. Journal says: "we have seen the giant a veritable giant, and no mistake. Angus McKaskill is but 10 years old, bo it is said is now nearly eipht feet hifih, and is still growing. He is well proportioned, intelligent looking, and, by the time heattaini maturity, will be a tall one indeed. Ilis shoes are sixteen inches loiifr. and his capns bi?nrnut,d as a llinghum bucket ; every tliiii-r else about him is in the same proportion. The gentle man under whose charge he is exhibited, Male, what, if a fact, is a very remarkable bne, namely, that seven years ago, ihat is when Angus was 12 years old, he was known and noted as a dwarf; he was then but three feet high, and weighed only 34 pounds. Since that time he has grow n eight inches a year on an average, and is not done yet. He now weighs 400 pounds, and has strength in proportion. He offers to lift a couple of bar. rels of flour at once, (provided he may have hem for the lifting,) or lo forfeit their price. His mother, however, cautioned him, when lie left home, against indulging in uncommon exertions of strength, for ns yet, said shei "Angus is but a tender boy !" OllDER AND CHEERFULNESS. It is not e. senliul to the happy home that there should be the luxury of the carpeted lloor, the cushioned sofa, ihe soft shade of too ustra' lamp. These gild the apartments, but reach not the heart. A neatness, order, and a cheer ful heart make home the sweet paradise it is often found lo be. There is joy, as real, by Ihe cottage fireside, as in the splendid sa loons of wealth and refinement. The ele gancies of life are hot to bo despised. They are to be received with gialitude. Bui their possession does not insure happiness. The sources of troe joy are not so shallow. The cheerful heart, like the kaleidoscope, causes most discordant materials to arrange them selves in harmony and beauty. Tub Two Sex ks. When a rakish youth goes astray, friends gather round him in or der lo restore him to the path of virtue. Gen tleness and kindness are lavished upon him to win him back lo innocence and peace. No one would suspect that he had ever sinned. Hut when a poor confiding girl is beliayed, she receive! the brand of society, and is henceforth driven from the way of virtue. Tho betrayer is honored, respected, esteem ed t but his ruined heart-broken victim knows there is no peace for her this side of lha cold and solitary grave. Society has no helping hand for Her, no smile of peace, no voice of forgiveness. These are earthly mo lalities; they are unknown of heaven. There is deep wronz in them, and fearful ore the consequences. Good Advice. A cheerlul face in nearly ai good for an invalid as healthy weather. To make a sick man think he's dyihjj all that's necessary 11 to look ball dead your elf. Hope and despair are as catching as cutaneous complaint. Always look sun' ahiny, thfTelore, whether you feel so or U9L. WM.'-M'CAItTY, ' H BOOKSELLER, ; i Broadway, V '! SUNBUBY, FA. HAS recently received, among other article, great variety of New, Cheap and Entertain ing publications such as . , ....',-, Cooper novels, complete or separate. Herberts Do Rodwell, Dumas do Sue ' do Rcyndol do Cockton do ) " Maxwell do Jcrrold do ' Morris do Troll ope, Halliburton, ' Marryatt, ' , Grey, ' ' Mirsh, Ainsworth, At the low price of from 85 to 50 cts per volume. Sunl.urj'. Sept. 28, 1850 tf. saiitjel de-wees, JSL.JSSL.mairJBO BOOT-TREE MAKER, No. 95 Race Street. Second door below Third, PHXZ.ADnX.PHXA. YyHERE all kinds of lasts, Ac, of the latest style and licst material, are manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov." 9, 1850. ly. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS., chas. Duaxivna, No. 207 Chesnul Street, front Arcade, Philadelphia. IMPORTER and Manufacturer of all kinds of Music .1 Inst ruments, fancy Articles snil 1 oys. His prices arc 1 ower than those of any other store in Philadelphia- All kinds of Musical Inntru ments repaired in the best workmanship, and also taken in trade. Philadelphia, May S3, 1830. ly. SHOURDS & CO'S LABOR AND FUEL S A V IS G WASEXITG SO.P. Manufactured by Shoiirils & Co. 543 Chestnut St., Phila. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS "IVARRANTED to wash clean in hard, soft, v or salt water, cold or hot, in one third the time of any othor 8onp ever manufactured; thus dispensing with noihng, Meat-lit tic, ic. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &o. washed with this Soup will never shrink or have any harsh or gumniv feel, nut leave tliem in their original soft and pliant state : which is in itself a sufficient recommendation to guarantee its uxe in all families. THE FINEST FABRICS nay be washed thoroughly with it, without the least injury; giving them a lustre equal to newly imported pood. PAINT, GREASE & DIRT of any description, can be readily removed by the use of it, without injury to the article, whether it be the finest dress or ordinary carpet. In the use of Shourds & C'o's Soap, the most delicate need not fear, as it will not injure or chap the hands, nut on the contrary act as an emolli. ent, and is not onlv tho vr.ut rest wabhimi soap ever offered to the public, but as a TOILET SOAP cannot be excelled. Wherever it has been used it has given perfect satisfaction, and is warranted so to do, in all ca ses where a fair trial will be given it. SHOL'RDS & CO., Manufacturers, No. 543 Chesuut St., Philadelphia. For Sale hv Groecrs generally. November 18, 1850 HOOT, OACU KltltrW ARTIST, No. 140, corner of Fifth Chesnut sis., Phila delphia, mid 363 Broadway corner of Franklin Street, New York. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS con have a sitlintr for Portraits or Miniatures, and rceeivc tliem beautifully caxed, in morocco, Silk velvet, Papier Mache, or oilier fancy styles, or sets in Medallions, Lockets, &c, in a few minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings, &c, Copied. Out door Views, and Miniatures of deceased persons, token at short notice. For Portraits of Adults by our process, and Im proved Instruments, a dainty day is quite as fa vorable as clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 11 and 2) is preferable. K7 In Dress avoid white, blue or ii;ht pink. Our Gallery with its Six Prise Medals and Works of Art, is open at alt hours, and Free. Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, we shall at all times be happy to see tliem. June 22, 1850. S. K. THOMAS, Ornamental end French Style Frame Manufacturer. 80J Walnut st , between 3d and 4th street. PHILADELPHIA. OESPF.CTFI 'I.LY directs the attention of the public lo his superior stvles of Plain and Fancy Frames, which are of the latust and most beautiful ilesigns. As a handsome Frame at a LOW TRICE, has lieen much desired, he was induced some mouths since t. commence tho manufacture of thee Frames. In a short time the demand has been so (treat, that he has been obliged to increase his facilities, nnd new offer at i:xlhi:bixol.y low pricks, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, ccc, &c. For Durability Unsurpassed. Hotels, Public liuilJinss, Steamboats, Stores. Ca binet Furniture, &c, decorated in imitation of carved linac-vt ood. ID Please cull snd see specimens. May 23, 1830 ly I1TS! I1TK! I1TK! BOUEEAU'S Indesti-uctible and Indellible WEIIINO INK FACTORY. No. 1 South Third street. TV1ERCHANTS snd the Wrilinff eommimity are reouested to rail and examin. tl.i. I'K whiell is trarrautril nut to cor rod I Mrtmllil Ptni, Wholesale and Retail, No. 1 SoulU Third street, riiiladeljjliia, A liborol ducouiit mads to Merchants and tit Trade for sale hv H. U. Masaer, agent for Sunkurr Novetnl-erO, lS30-ly. ' V'ELLAP.'S PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. Manufactory, No. 50 CHESTNUT Street, MEDAL, awarded bv the FRANKLIN IX M'lTUTE of Pliiladcliihia in OctoUer, AND THE FIRST PREMIUM by the MARYLAND KV fcS'm' L'TK, ut llaltimore, Nov. 1848 and 1849. Vhiladtlfliia, OctoUr 264, 1848. I have used J. Wellsr's Patent Japan Liquid and Paste blacking for some mn Months, and am happy to say that it suri'aasea any backing that I have used these twenty odd years. I find it holds the polish and preserves the leatlier bet thr than any blacking that I have ever tried. Ahuiew It. Cataaiss. ' Na. 6T Chestnut Street, Wm, CTTBEEY, Mnufaetvrtr. ISuccsor to J. WELLAR, No. 50 Chestnut Street, above Second. NoveuiUir, , 18S0-ly. 1 ' A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS ' ! At the Cabinet War Room of. SEB'N IIOUPT & CO; Market Square, Also at tlit corner of Fawn street tf the Railroad tsvssuvux, l A. Thankful for the patronage of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CABINET WARE AND CHAIRS, Man? rACTunnD r SEBASTIAN HOTJPT & CO. At the Old Stand. Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair,. Large Spring Sent Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, - Marble , Top Wash Stands, ' and a variety of other ; new style and Fashionable Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepareu lor undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids siat mistresses, mitt htifttmnds too, Here's furniture of tvery style nnd hue, From side hunrits down to kitrheti tables. From reeking chntrs tu lockitttrcradtes Phmilil yon not have the ttudy Jons to pay, We'll wail awhile fof a brighter lieltar iluy, Or take potatoes, oats, corn, wheat and ryo j Hark, hoop polo, naves, or Itimtwr wot snd dry, Or any thing 1ml yokes and threshing nails, Fiom pisrn and turkirs down lo little quails. Come on Ihen friends, come oue and all, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the boll." I T" Orders from a distance promptly attended to anil worn ot all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1830. tf UKir M. RriCREFEMER, " Attorney at Law. Mlnorm file. Schuylkill Co., Pn. OUSINESS will be promptly attended to in the - counties of Schuylkill, Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour- Refer to: A. Jordan, H- Bellas, 4 H- B. Masaer, Gsqrs. Sunbury Win. De Haven, Edward Hughes, St Solomon Sliindel, Mincrsvillc C. M. Hall, M Mortimer, Pottsville Oct. 5, 1830 I v. NOTICE TO EDITORS AND OTHERS. .Trie 1W. Nov. 25ri. 1850 Mr. II. B. MtssF.n, Sunbury Pa. Dear Sir: In some portions of the country where we had advertised our Snrsaparilla, in 1S-I8, the Editors ot some of the papers have seen tit to take upon themselves the respoiiHiliility of continuing the same after the agreement expired, and in some esses hare had the presumption to send us a bill for the amount. Now we have no objection to have all the papers in the tinted Ntntes advertise for us for years, if they aro pleased to do so at their own expense, but we cannot n fiord to pay them unless they have our authority for the work We write to you for the purpose of informing the Editors, through you, tl at they ore at liberty to advertise as long as they please, but we must not be held responsible without our written authority, THUMfSUA, SH.1 1.1,. WAIN No. 110, Nassau street, New York. December 4, 1800 tf. FASHIONABX.1C HATS. C. J. WALTON, No. 246 Market si., between 7 Sth st., (South side,) PHILADELPHIA. 'T'HE Subaerilier has opened a now hat store - and oilers to traJers and others who visit the city, a handsome assortment of hats, cans, of eve ry variety, mode up of tho best material, and in the latest and best style, and on terms as reasons bio as can he had in anv establishment in Phila dclphia. viz: Fine silk hats at $2,50 ; Good do do at if 100. Persons from the country who pur chase of him, can rely, at all times, on getting a good article thnl will please them, and one that is fully worth the money paid, C.J.WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850. ly. CIIAKLES W. H EG INS, -TTCP.1TST AT LAVA I'ottMtlllc, ia. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi Hess entrusted to his cure. June 16, 1849, LIQUORS, WINES, T&C. rPllE siibsrrilier lias just received a new supply - of the licst liquors that ever cam to Sunbury, consiatin; in part of Superior old pale Hratidy. Fine Cogniue Urandy. Ruperior Old Jiiinuiea Spirits. New Eiitrhiud ltiim. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Common do. Superior MaJeria Wine. Lisbon do. do. .Superior Tort Wine, burgundy Port do. . Sweet Miihijra Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MA8SER. Sunbury, May 26 1841). HIALAUELI'IIIA U.E fc LlltlUlt SjTORE HITTING & WATKKMAN, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, No. 220 Market street, Philadclpha, OFFER for sale, the rlieiiet and best assort nient of Liquors in Philadelphia, such as Champagne, Sherries, Port, Steck, Claret, Bur gundies, eauturn, liaranc, Maderia, Lisbon, TeueritVe and Sicily Wines. Brandies of the choicest brands, vii: Maelina. Otard. 1'oneL Hennesv. &c. ire. Fine Holland Ciin, Monongahela, Seotth and Irish Whiskey, &e., Ac. Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila. dclphia prices on the most liberal terms, July 13, 1850. ROWN-S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN'. - til ER, an excellent article. lUnwji's Medicated Soap for sun bums, tan, tetter, VC. Railway's Circassian Balm, for the hair dand rufl" &c. liadway's Ueady Relief fur Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, 4c. l'ors.iletiy 11. li. MASSE R. Sunbury, 4ug. 3, 18S0. CTONE Ware, Earthen Wsre, Raisins, Air nvMids, P unes and Cream N ut. . Planus of all kinds. Salt Slid Planter. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury, Bee. 29, 184U. BOOKS and Gold Pens. On baud several cop ies of the life of Christ, and also a number ol (old pens which we will soli al the Philadelphia prices. or sale at Ibis ollice. fffT-ENNEDY'S PATENT SASH FAS B. TENING& A cheap and cieeUent arti cle lor ftuttening sash fur sals by ' J. W. FRILINO . Sunbury, July 7, 1840. ROSE OINTMENT A fresh supply of this lcullen! article fur Tetter, just received and for sale by lit IN It l MAtStiER. i Sunbury, July 28, 1849. BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA, eirr or pint. tu.pitiA. MASfACAUPETTS. Alt snlvmit banks 1 dis I'. t. Unnk imtct . 1.1 dis KHODB INLAND. All solvent Imnlra pa All solvent twitks I dis COUSTST. Hank of ChntnlMtralmrg 1 ti AH solvent hawks Iwuk of Chester Cw. port NEW YORK snns ot dm.uo. Chester par etTV. Bmik of Germnntinva par All solvent banks I dis limn in uettvsitnrK Rmik of lewistcwil 1 dis llTBk notes under S J dw ro.NTRT. All solvents banks 1 dis Hunk (ifMnl.llrt.iwn I dis Mnntromery Bank pnr! NKVY JKKSEY. Ilelvidere Hank I dis Hmtk nl ftnrthutntierl nd. pat Ilaiikiif I'ittsliurg 1 (lis Honk of Dnnville nnr Commercial Bank 1 dis Fat. Dank Mont Holly par F. M.j Midilletowii Pi. pr Meeliames' Bk, Newark par Mee. Bk nf Btirliinrton par Meeh. A Man. Ilk Trent par Carlisle Unnk 1 (In Columbia HI B'ge Co pur jioyeismwn Unnk nnr r.nainn iMilus par Krie Unnk S iln .llorrw Co llnnk j nil Kxclianin tt'k. Brnneh I rtn'l Orange Unnk Fanners' Jl'k, HueksCn par1 1'ei .pie's Bk Patterson rnriiii-n.- iw, lAiienster put 1 "rinerfixa Hank par Farmers' Wk, Renriint; pnnftilem llnnkiiigr Co, par Fnrm. Ilk PrhavlkiU Co pnrlfeinerret Co flank dis FAD. Ilk Wnuwrli'ir Ildis Stale llnnk nt Cumdru nnr Franklin Ilk Wusli'ii lJHis Stnte Hk Klizahetltton 1 dis Harrllmr: llnnk 1 dis'Stafe Hunk Ne-ark 3 dis Hnnesitiile llnnk . 1 di!Ptatr Hk, N. Hrunswiek par ljinniater llnnk par.Snssex Bnnk. Newton 1 (lis Lehnnnn Bank pir I renton Bunkiiift Co pnr t'nion Bank. Dover (lis YanllayT'le A Del Dr Ot, isrfw Merrh. A Mnn. Bank 1 (lis Miliars' H'k, I'ottaville per Monoinmlieln llnnk 1 dis C?" Bk notes under M 1 tUs Taylorsv'e Del ll'aj Co 13 dis West Braiieh Hank Bank nf Debiwnre ... ...n n ir,. par par AYvnmiiie Ilk, Wilkeslte nnr llnnk of rmrrna York Hank. I dis Delaware i:ily Bank par Ilk AVilmjr'n Hranrtvw. pni Farmers' Bk !t Delnvwire par I'nion llnnk, Vilmington par IV Under B-Vt I dis VT Belief nnt 1 din MAIIXK. nniikofYhetloek Sriis Merenntile Ilk. Itangor 10 dis All s ilveiit Imnks I dis OHIO, All solvent Innka f dis HKIV HA. VI f!HI HK. All solvent lianks I dis IV Bk notes under 8's 4 dis Noirni cakolin a. All S'lvent Innks a dis Bank of Ml Allww 9 dis All solvent hunks I dis nrt'nderVs, 9 dis ECCJTOP. 7CUE.S3SLF ! roit 95 CENTS m Bt skansoc not Pocket EscfiArirs, or, Every one his own Physieian ! thirti eth edition, with upwards of a hundred engravings, show ing peeulinr diaeases in eve ry shape and form, and mal formations of the generative system, B Y M M. YOUNO, M. . The time has now arrived that persons suffering from secret (licenses, need no more become the victim of yuaekery, an by the prescriptions contained in this book any one may cure himself, without hind ranee to business, or the knowledge of any one, and with one tenth the usual ox pence. In addi tion to the general rnutino of private ihscase, it fully cxplainsthc cause of manhood's early decline, with observations on marriage besides many other derangements which it would not be pro. per to enumerate. l!7Any person sending TWF.TT-riT tkxts enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or live copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, ' DU. V. YOUNG, No. 153 .SPRirCn Street. PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. tJTVK. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the Discuses deserilicd in Ilis different publications, at his Oiriec, 153 SPRUCE Street, every day be tween 9 and 3 o'clock. (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850. ly. SP3.X1TG GOOES I PIUI, ADRLriHA. ri iSHARPLESS & SONS, have just received 1 their supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which they invite attention. SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DRESS SILKS Grade Rhines, Chameleons, snd neat and new fancy styles India Silks and Satins. DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Mousse lins. Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fiihries, FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings (jnilts, Damask, Shirtings., and all other furnish ing goods. MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cassimeres, Cashina rotts. Drills, Vesting nf all kinds, and Boys wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carriage Ma kcrs articles. T. SHARPLESS t SONS, No. 33 S. Second Street, Philadelphia May 25, 1S50 ly MA It 3 1 (ALL'S TONIC MIXTURE. Fob the Ci'nu ok Fiivkr and Ague. War ranted. THIS niiriAallnl mrrlieiiid inny lie relied on when near ly all otlirl remedies lull, lis value is mit fnttirieiitlv kii'nvii. tlicrefuri;, the pi.iprietur rlrsires tn enlarge the field of lisefiilnesa hy lii'ikinff kn vil its virtues u nil rlfi. eaey tu tliousaiidR of sufferers whonre aware tlial they can be syeeuuy hihi ruuieaiiy cured ol FKVKR AND Atil'E, withnnt llirt use of rivnous drops, luiusnons pnlions or Ihe deleterious etl'cclSdl' (lliuine. It is (ilfrrl to the pub lic at a low price to place it within the reach of all, ussurwd that th'.e wli'i use it accftrdiiur to direetioua will And it a safe and speedy cure for Ksvll axd Hoes. It is lint a disa?reealle naiisratinc eonipouud hut nil aree Bhle Imiic ealeullled lo reilii'ellte dlseuseaudgivs healthy acliiiu to the siomach anil IniwcIIs. Tiepiired laily liy Marshsll A Co., and sold wholesales and retail hy Rowand A H:ill. o. til North Sth Htreet. riiii-.utcipina. friee i per siugis u-niie, and tss per doit. jlhic.",', iim ly HEADY MADE C3 2a rr 'CP Z3 C J E take this method to inform the readers of the Sunbury American, that. should they visit, Philndeljilua, in fruest of Good and Cheap Clothing, and favor us with a call, they shall not Iw disap pointed in obtaining the best of garments at the lowest cash prices. We have now on band the largest assortment ever otl'ered in Philadelphia, anion? which are DRESS and FROCK COATS from $5 to 18, PANTS and VESTS from 75 rts. to S3, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, BUSI NESS SACK COATS and COATTEES, all of which shall he sold ut such prices as to make it an object for Ihe people of Sunbury and the sur rounding country to extend to us their patronage. PERRY R. M'NEILLE & CO. South Eust corner of 0th and M arket. July 13, 1850 T 1 1NERAL WATER, from thebak OrchaTd Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di tease, and tonic remeuies, for sale I y HENRi' MASSER. Sunbury, June 29, 1850 tf - S TON iT W A II E r STONE milk Tan, stone Jugs and Pitrhen, oiwl other article of atone ware just received and for sale hv JOHN XV. FRILING. Suuhury, June S3, 1849.-. fjMSSUE PAPER Yellow Tiwue paper for 1 covering glarei, &c, for tale t tlve otfiec of the American. AY K I'M. An xrellent irticte for sale by HENRY MASSER. tiunhury Jun. 37th, 1849 tf. BLANK DEEDS printed on the he quality of parchment paper, noM ut ttie loweat prices at this office, by wltulcule and reUil. RAISINS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper sauc, t&c. For sale by J. W. FKILINU Sunbury, Dec , W Till T Q lw,.w m.nA i?Anutok1M F 13 ilia handsomely printed on raid paper, for altt at tliii ollic. W7aEYs9 COUGJ C-4NDY. ii aiceU T . .. Wnt remedy for coughs, coUU. For mU at tliia oilWa PATENT Truaaea U i kirnla, Uarrwon' writing and indeliiMa uikt Cotton yara an4 Upt juat received and tut aaW by Sunbury, Dee, J, 1848 ADD'S celebrated Horae and Cattle Medv WW eiue for aale by HCNRV 6uubu7 JaA. 70 1S49 PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT FROM PHILADU.PIIIA AND POTTSV1LI.K. OflUf of the Phila. tr Reading Kuilroad C. ) Philadelphia, March 89, 1850. ) Two Passenger Trains Daily, (enceptSunday. ON and after Aprillst, 1850 two trana will be run each way, daily, between Pliiladel phis and PoUaville. Morning Line, (Accommodation.) Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A, M., daily except Sundays, Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. Afternoon Line, (Fast Train.) Leavos Philadelphia at 2J o'clock, daily, except Sundavs. Leaves Pottsville at 2J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with 1 ickcts. The afternoon, or fast trains, da not stop at An burn, Althotisc's, Uirdxboro', Holer's Ford, Val ley Force, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of ImeaKC will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas. sengers arc expressly prohibited Irom taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will beat tho risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers, ' 8. UKADFOHD, April 13, 1850, Secretary, WILLIAMS' AXTI-BVSPKPT1C El.lXIlt Is. with the utmost eonfidMice. offered to the Aledii'.il I'neullj'niid the pnlilic for lite cure of Dyspep siu or Indit'stion, innl all ilisense urisinit from it, such Nausea, Hendnehe, I Vertiiro, Dimness of Piffht. Debility o( the Aervous Sys tem. Ilyrioehonilriii, Juundiee, IjosaornnnetUe, Dilious Vomiting, lutritinc; seiiAitioii ut the pit ot the st.nivn-h, l.tvereomnliiiut, t ipprcssi at uOcr entinij, Vulnitati.iii of the llixi'it. Vastiug of the strength. l'iiiil in the pit of the stoinaeli FLattilfm'e, with iretiuetit, ir t-ivanU tin- rilit nle, hctrhiutr of wind. 'P:(1!viu-m of f"nii)U,xiii, VitintetttHiitv, Derrsiiii of the iiriMaiul VuiiBTituiioii niKl mieaiiiicvfl iiriuiuimy ol tiitM:r. Vu, of the bvel?( I If a vnne of dynpfpniti bVi.ihKI iipplt'Neil, most ttrrims rttevta mny ensue. lir it uiya the fiiii(1:itnni Urt is the m cipcuttniise ol. aitd very frequently tmnumtiB mronsuni) ti-ni. 1 would impreM iivm the mind lUit to ttitle witli thia cttaetiie inuy hir V njvrt with the rrusmi wliiclintiuti tuta nuiii nurereiniiieiit uui'iim aniiiml tn-inirB, or to em bitter existeitec U)' adding ii euiiariuusneb. ol folly to the peiyilty nf nuin, Thia metliciue Unfitly put up in lrfttlea, with ample direct. una fur um, and ia aold in Sunlmrv hy Johx W. rniLtNO. lilsJA.M, TeBHiiv-ny of Mr. Aimer Khnrs, Uitlcr. .Market Btrcet alvivo Sixth, iMrroii HiHivo of tho wricjicy ot Willimua Auti-Dytpeptic Klixii. PiULiDELPmA, Oetolior 3, 1610, Ma. Jams. AViixiamu : ieur Sii : It gives nit trent plfaanre to kivnv thnt yju are ueiiin nre nannc you innlicine f r the eure of UvBien hi. f r many of my Hi' iu iiiuant'en huve repeatedly nuked me where it on Id he nrmned, knowinjr tlmt I hud been cured hy it. A I think tlmt a imhlU iicttiiowleduifiit of the great heneht 1 hnve received frcin the uxe of your med irine is ii-t tmly due to yn, hut m:iy he utut to othern, I now mvk it. Fur several years I anlT'Ted from l)ysjev sia, which iucrciiard to sncli nu extent thnt n;y liealih and conititution were rupully binkinu' under it. 1 was com pelled to restrict myself "to ihe in-Wt simple ftnd, and even that 1 could iii t diiiesl. I Vlt a of atretic! li, fliainc-li- nation to e.ereise, and, ua you have it iu your advertise ment, r freiternl feeling of depression ana iirdescrt liable wrnriuess. In the year la. liearm; fr-'m others hitfh re rommeudati'iii of your Auti-Oyspeptic Klixir, I prueured and used it with the iretst happy Hlt-el ; under it mtluenea languor hihI wariuces gradunlly hi used nwuy, and my opp titr returned which I t-aild irnil iiV with 'impunity. Ten yenrs have now e!apd, and my c infitleuee iu the enrative powers of your medicine has of o uiritp iucreusesl, for it completely cured me when 1 failed touldiiiu relief from any othel aource. Ve.y ri-ii;rtfullv voiks, AliN'KK KI.MF.ft. Ttatim aiyof rdvvnrd II. Rowley, Wholesale .Merchant of lha tirtn of K"wiey, Afhl'iiuuiM V Co., No 6 S-mth Whnrves. in proof o( the eincuey of Williams' Anti-D)i-peptic Ktixir. PuaAnELrtuA, Octoher 20, Mr. Jakf Wiluu: Donr Sir : I take ph-amire in Teeomniendinu your Ani Dyspeptic 1!ixir fr the cure of Di-ttpepsia. I have takwn it myaelf foi the dtc;ise. titid have en entirely cured. Your r'pecttullv. kdwaiui ii. i:owu;y AorxT .IOH W FRII.I.MJ, Sunlmrv, la. Ma roil 4, lh.0. ly ROSS OIN TXSENT, TCH TETTIB 1 KAD the followim; certificnte from Capt. Devw, the, 1 w-ll known unit p inilar Sham I'aiH.iui (f the Traveller.) v i PiiiLADKLrntA, Oet Ier 31, lsiC. Several years ainep I wa attacked with n hrenkinir out on my neck iu Ihe form of Tetter, which 1 am c nivinead was contracted at the Kirher'aSUon. Itfruiuhially extend ed over my face nutii it nviehed the upper ptirt of the cheeks. luring the several in iiNm that ir continued spieudinir, I umrd ditlereut applieattoits, ine of which (md the elTeri, nppretitly at leasl. of increai-iiui the diteasu, but from none ot 'them did I perceive the least hwiefit until I applied the KnsK Ointmknt. Hy the use of one jnr of it, I waa perfectly cured und have ittfiiaiued free of tiioulluc tion. 1 have aiiiec nwil ihe Ointment, liuliMy npjilitl furronch. nesa nf Ihe face, hi .tcVs. ed ippiil hand. &r. AVtih per ft inceesa. 1 hnve ie hcm'uui n in reeomiqeudnty it in the strongest manner to the piihlic. J.V.MKS DKVOE. Affent Urht MArn, Sunbury. Julyti-t, ZEITZ & CO., IMPORTKKS OF FOIIE1GN Eooks, Prints, Engravings, Stationary Gilt I'runicn mail IUumIcuI Iiintru- Na. 78 North 2nd St., Itctivppn Arch i Rare, 1'lllLAIIKLPIIIA. TM PORT to nnler anJ have roustantly on hand a vorv large assiirtmont of ro.kIh in tlionhnve nnmej lines nt whnlesnlo nnJrot iil. Principally : CQ QD CO S3 In Cicrinaii, I.ntln, (mvk, llclirew, Krcnch, Itulian Spanish and other lansuscs; Classics, Diction aru-s, Cirninmrrs, ocaliulaiirs, Scl.ool, Juvenile, Pit'turo, Drawing and Model Books for Architects I Caliinet, Carria;e and other manufacturers. I MAI'S, tILOUH.S and lilauk Uooks of every i description. plellUld l.itlioraplne and other Prints, MISH'AL INSTIll'MEXTS. Acconlooits, Danjos, Bows for all string instru ments, II ridge and Tailpieres, Cliirionets, 1'ifca, Klageolets, Flutes, (iuiurs. Octavo Flutes, Patent Heads for titulars and Violinccllos, 'i'unihourines, Tuniiur Forks and Hainuiers, Viulius, Violin and Guitar Pegs, Violinccllos and String for all kinds of Instruments M'holusulo and Retail Accor- deons repaired. Also constantly on hand, wliolesalc and retail, a lare assortment of the very hest GERMAN BRONZE POWDER Dutch Metal, French and Florence I-t-at Melal Thermometers, llairueucils.-Faher and other Leudpeucils, Red, White, and Black Chalk Cray, ons, Matheoiatical Instruments, Kcarlicators, Spritig Lancets Pocket Prescription and tioid Scales and W'eiijhti Letter, Fancy colored and gilt Paper Playing Cards snd other French and German Fancy Articles, for the sale of whirh they are tho MANUFACTURERS AGENTS. July 6, I SSI). FATE1TT MEDICI1TES. Grna Oxvgenated Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob 'i ownafpiid's SurKajmrilla. Baker'a Saraaparilla. Swayna'a Syrup nf Wild Chen- Syt-c'a Vmiiftit?. Ayrc'a Cherry Pcctorul Ufv Drake' lunacca. Dr. Cullcii'a do WW Pain Killer. Dr. Hooiland'a Ci'crman Bitterer Indian VegetaMe PilU Hor ond Cattle Medicine For aate by HEA'RV MASSER. huubury. July H, 1849. THE PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMPRI81NO A COLLKCTIUN OFOVKR 200 YALUABLE RECIPES, bh the Useful wd Interesting Arts with fl few - Slot pi an4 turloa ExpriiueaiU la CHK.MISTKY i INCLUDING Mediciuei, Perfumery, ChemJalry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do me tic Economy, etc. etc etc. Price 6 cu., for aale by HENKY MASSER. . Sunbury, Doo. 8, 1849. RAZORS A superior article fur aale at the store e HEMiV MAbbEiL ftuubury. Feb. 16, USOw GOLD PENS IN SILVER CASES, A mall lot o haud tad tor aale by II D. MASSER. funbury, April 8, 1850. MAHOGANY AND MARBLE. STEAIC SAV 1CILL, AM)TI K!IG MIOP, Corner of Eleventh and Ridg Road. ANU CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 SotifA Second Street, below Dock St., PlIILADKI.Vtlt.. f flHE suWrilicrs would call the sjiecial atten JL lion of Cabinet Makers and oUVrs, to their very extensive ussorttnent of materials in their line, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, Hoards snd Plank, Hair Cloth, Curleil Hair, Uluc,. Varnish, Looking Glass Plates, Mahogany Knobs, lied Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of Hardware Tol, A:c. Cabinet Makers residing out of the. Citv, would find it greatly to their advantage to call at qur store to purchase such materials as they want, connected with their business. All our poods nre WAllUANTRD, of the best quality, and at very reduced prices. Our lertns arc Cash, (no trailc.) v e guarantee to give every man the worth of his money. 1 , cc I.. THOMPSUa. N. B. Malioznnv, Walnut nnd Hand Rail Plank, and Stair llallusteis for Builders, also Maiblo Manties, always on hand, and every de scription of turned work. June 8, 1850. ly "DEATH'S DOORr ' How frcipjeutly ilt we hear this expression, which is niennt to envey tt the mind the hint atnjc of ueUnew that n patient curt Us reduced to. and live. Mrf. Jlnrri aon, a inemlier of the Trinity Church, wns. ns she cxprea aesa herself, lrtn:ht ! wn to "Di-itili's dwr,;' by K lieu mntism anil Ncrvnw Ilenitiolte, when, like nn liiteel if meiey, Kmlwny's Hently Heltef re) it-veil her of her fcvere pniuaand rest Ted her 1 1 her fneiulH in (icrtwl Uiulth. The very inelnnt ItHiUrny'i llwnly Ki licl' is niplictl, its benehoinl etf'Via nre ox per lei n't I, it aeithra, lieit( cleiin. aea. ntt puritiea ; it iiiM.intly uthiya irritation, reduces in. fltunnvitieiiH and swellings, relieves the !at sever Ne4i riiipic pnius. pivea ins' to Hum, Sc.iIN, S ires, Kriipti ins cures Itheutiiiitiwmf l.ntnlriij.i. (1 ml. i'mitlysts. Snmius, Slniins, iS;):isnis. risjT,twk, V;ikne in ihv Side nnrl Hj k, S res o' ull kiucla, thills, Hruiw-K, (,'hufi, Sua Throut, Inilueiizn. ll'MLrpcncs. Conglis. Ciltlst tooth a cm: ci iikd in onkskcoxu. Tliia torturiin: niTocti n cm he euro) in nn iustifut, for the in nient the lli'liri" tonchea the nerve, the jwtin is nii tiifatefl. So with Tic P !erriix nu.l ll'inierutHu, Neunil ftiu ami Sick IIciul;tche hiithc the purls wheto the pain la severe, iiikI in n few inihittcs you will he entirely relieved. Taken internally it will arrest the in st violent P pa cm ami Crauiw. stop viuitinc or to much purfiiiip, in nil ivist-s it will u-ive stri-nih f r weakness, nise for pain, heulih for sickuots. .o iicailv lielief is "eiiuini: un lesii stunetlhy HAOWAV ,V CO.. tifc! t'lilton Slrert. 1 i:m:(.at Ttmi-:T hkqli.iti:s. TO Il.MlilUsLISH AMI K.U AM'K Till; I'll ARM ul 11KALTV. RatwvN M Knii ATHii Soap. Rmlway's Meihcjited S inp.a i tnvonihty known throuch o it the I'.ishionalilc worM fur U extruiuety ll;iutl, purtiy ing und a oi!iiiijr rifi-cirt on tbtj whin ; while hy its action on the p )r and the nnnnte'sefretnry vessels it expels till impurities from the siirfurc, every leii'lency 1 1 in flutniiKilioit, nnd eihv'.uaily iliiijuitcs nli rednees, tun, pimples, sp- f reek let, dine l tratt- riis and oth?r catauc us eruptions The rnritanl li mhii it iiiinnrts to the cheek, the aot'tneas mid delicacy which it induce of the hands und anus, its capatahty of s Hidiiiifi iniiati -n and removing cu taue ins defects, render it nnhspens ihle to every toilet. tienftenien after shnvtii will find it allays nli irntatin and tenderness of the akin, ond renders it oft, sin olh and ple'lKint. Duruifj the heat and dustof summer, or frost und Weak winds ot winter: nurl iiicahesot'sunhnTii, alines of insects chilltlaius. elinpped IiiiikU. or incidental inttainuiati ai, its virtues have f inland extensively la-en aekn wlcd1, purifying und reireshin properties have oUnined its "lre tion from theth us:tnds of other e 'sinetic, b "th of ltir . pea it nnd ft'iiuest ie in-iiiufaeture, hy the 1) n ton of nil pnris ot the fanhi a;ttile world, fr ii Hir Imrniii-j tropics to the fruzeii realms of the lec Kiinr. Tne puhliu will pleasn hi'ar iu mind that lladwriy's Medicated Soap, is the only safe prepiiiation fr the b'iii n iw in u.n; this Ins hem ratified to hy our iu ist piamneut rhemisia. ltadwuy's Svip is free fran puis at us. irritatiinr am! penticiMis hi. grediehlM. it can It" used on the tender skin of the infant wii h the same happy results us niton lioautv iu its prime. See that each cakt Is envel iped in n spUndid lahel of ateel cnjrraviri! ami further see that the Mualnre nt 1 Cj.KADWAi ia ii:"!! each take. I'licc 2 cent, hrce cakea. tiik crovin(; oi; VMt;T ok iieaity ISA Isl'XCRIANT II HAD O? (WlSSY I! AIU. hadway's cntcAsiiAX balm. Warranted the hvM Ihur Tonic in usCj For YTofuz and llcautifvinr; the hair. It clean.'!" the Si-.dp from Juintrn:T, kec;w it eVan.rurrs rcurvev, lialhiefs. Had tre on thu Head s'o:n the hair In m failii; otu, mtdtT it srrorir. flue, rui'urih, ft mv glossy. lcrn ais win have lo.) their hairhy sicli.iess will And a c unplete nniiil itf in Hadway' L'ireasiimi Halm. It also ijives it u d irk and heaahtut eo r. and will tnuvent it from (nriuia; iirty. From it cx piisiie jairlty, ii isinltni ruhly Hil ip-le I f a the hair of children nf thmt tender litre. It lust!,) m h'Mt'-s f r 0" ecnis per IrMtle. and is wanuiPeil the hept Inir preparation in u', it will not 'it the hat, e-tn, ni t!ic (i.tcH luhric S -e fliat tin: si'n i. tnrc of It AI)V. Y CO.. ia upon eyh Ixittlc a Cir. capstan Halm is ffrnuuie without the Signature uf lladwav &, Ci. Agent II. II. Mass.-r. Suuhurv. Aug. 10, IS.'jU. ce-J.nly "Kiicoiirac Yocsr Own!' HAAS &11EXN. FASIIIONADLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. rYyT. siilisoril crs rrsi(rtfiillv rail the attention -1 of the puhlir t tlu-ir larn uikI sjilcnjiil assort ment of every qc.nlity nml prii-e of :ai:s.C': -waesk. whii'lt cannot full to recommend itself toevery one who will cvjmino it, on account of tti durable workmanship and isj'lcmlul finish, made up of the beat rtock tn be tntil in the city. No effort i spared in tiio tunnufai ttiro of their ware, nnd ttir suhacrilierii nre determined to keep up with the many improvement which nre constantly being made. Their xtock consiau of Mahoipmy Sof'nN, lMv;iitM nnd EsOUirzoN, lSurcatts,trrrtarIrsvRic-j03v)5v SOFA, liliLAKFAST WW D!MC TABLES, and ttlM VENETIAN BUNDS, equal to Pidla- i)i'lj)!iii manttfjeture. BEDSTEAD, of every pattern and price, CTMUJOAIiDS, WOKli ANT) CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in altort, every article in this line of their busi neat. 1 hey also inanufatturc all kiuda and tiualitieii of eirAiiis, iiiduJini; vitrirtirs never licf.ire to lie hitl in Sunltiiry, sticli ns Al tiiiir,iTt Uurs Waixi'T ash CrnLr.ii Maple fiuiiruv ; ami M'indsoh the lutost stylos, it nil warraitlctl to bi PYivllnl by none miiiiuiUetureil in llit Citit-a or cltu'whorp. The subscri'.tcrs arc tU'lnrmiurtl Ihat there shall be no exrusc for person to purt'ha furniture iu the cities, as every o.niCnK'tire can lie cntertainet) sltou' the quality and fmih of their ware ant CUnira. Their articles will be disponed of on as good terms as they ran be purchased rlsenbere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. 'llT L'MEKTAKIXG. Hsvinj provided themticlves with n liuinlsimto Hkarsk, they are now prepared for I'ndcrtukiiii, snd altendiinr fu nerals, in this vicinity, or ut any convenient dis tance from this place. "jr 'J'lte W'ure Kooui is in Market Street, npx)ite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite Veaer's Tavern. , i DANIEL HAAS, (iEOKUE 1E-N.. Sunbury, Ds-c. I t, 1830 if. JACOB REED'S t sLOTIIl.VG liOO.MS, Southwest Corner of Fifth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, TTniO always keeps on hand larire stork of every variety of clothing made up of good Biatcriuls, and in the latest and best styles. He would also inform the public, Ihat he pays eonsi derable attention in getting up Military Clothing, in good style and on reasonable terms. June 15, 1850.- ly ! Just reeeived at the store of HENRY MAS. SEK, a lot of Caps, lium echoes, Altnanaca, Queenaware, Liquors 4c AU uf which wilt be Sold at tits lowest price. Dec 14, 1850. CAPS. An assortment just received. Also silk HATS at $435, for aale by H. MASSER. tSunburj, Deo. 848. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPF.PSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS. DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND all diseases arising from a disordered liver or stn. maeh.sueh as const ipat ion, inward Tiles. Fullness, ot likaid to tho hen. I. AeiriHv t tin) Btomaeh. Nausea. Henrthurn, diairust for Final, fullness or weight in the Stomsrh, sour F.rnetntions. atltitcunr or flntterine, al Ihe nit-. i of the Blomjieh, swimininx of Ihq nend, hurried and dilhvult hfeathinr, Hutterinit at the h'enrt, choking or snn". rating ! arnaatioiis when in a Iving posture, Dimness A vision, dotsor welis heforethe s'ifihi. Fever and dull pain tn Ilia heon. oencnsney ol perspirutSitf, vellownesaot lire sain auq : eyes, pain iu IS side , bui'-k, ehest, linilis, Ae., sudden flushm of hnnl bitfliiiig in the Bh. eotistnut Inrogininga ol'Svd, nnd great depssion ef spirits, ., m i CAN tin: EFFECTUALLY CURED BY lDPk. HCOFLA1TCS " ' t'ELKURATr.n GERMAN DITTERS, ' raniuniD sr I D It . C . M . J A C K S O N AT TUB CEHMAN MEDICINE' STORC. No, WO Arch St., riillndrlpbia, Tlifir p"vt;r ovof tho nlnve itiscnnos in n t rx'vlled, if eqmillt-il, Uy imy iHlirf prepiirntkm in the CnitM fkutia, hi Ur ounii utlcst, im many caw tiler vkiktiuk iUucmim nun iniirM. J Iihk.3 JliU'Tf nrc wortlif th'T nMpnttnu of invnlwU. j PiWrwrnpin nmtt virlin in the refiifiwitinn f diwiiwii of thn liver;ait(l Unnct fcliinil. rxvrcifirg tlic nvM fmrcliiitg lWfr-i in v'iiniK-f mid nlfrctifiin ul ihe dijji.'Blive orgaut thy urr. withnl. tiTUtin nnA ftlmmtnl. i I'miii lite U '81 hi lice J Tlif r ii'rir srihi. Dr. 5-5l ''l)R. IlotlKLANli'd C'ELnBIIATKD OHnMAI IilTTKRI fof thf cure of Liver (.mpl.iiiit. Jmuidice, Oyi-pepem. Chnniic or Nnrvdiw Uirhilit y, is (leN'TYoIly onej llic iwrit popti lur mnliriiifs nf iln; ilny. Tliexu DitttM a luive hren imrd by tiiMUKtntlH, iul h fi it-nd ut our elbow says be luti liim sell" ref-eivftl tin clTfrtunl mid prnnuuritt vnre nf I,ivcr Complaint lr m tlie uw nl thin rvimxJy. We nre rimvincrd that, in the ufr. in iiit-iw liitterB, ihe pntifiit rontitaiitly sniitii sfreuuth nml vi-jnr a fact wrthvit" emit fimle- niti u, Tliy are pleammt in taste and smell, nnd can ba uaitl tv pci s ns with tliei must delicate stomaclis with aaiV ty, under nny circumstances, We am anttikiuir front prrience, and to tin? nlthctcd we advisr their use." JudireM.M. Noah, a pcnllctnan with pmit arimtifie and hlcrary Httaiinneiiis, mud in his ".New York Weekly Messenger," January 6, : 'Or. II i r fl uid's (ieniinn Hitters. Here is a prennratinn , vlii h thv Iwuliup piesis in the l'ui"iiaiipear t he unnui m-'iis in Ten imineii' line, ami the reason ia ohvirais. It ia nwide m'tcr u pres ariptiu rushed hy mir ol the nnwt eele hmtid physicians ef m "ilcru times, riie late Dr. Chr stepher Wilhctin'llf.itiiuid, professor t the fuivcrsity m Jena, private I'hyaician tn the Kinp f Priicsin. and niie ol tha ffrtratenl inedicnl writers tiertnmiy has ever prrwluced. He was emnlcitieally- the etu-tny v( liumimp, mid therefore a medicine of which he wis the invcnTnr nod imdoigrr may Ite wmfti lenity rcliei) m. Jle a;eially H-e-'irunrndiil it in l.iver Coninlahit. IJy-,tensia, Uehility, Vertitr, Acidity of tha Htiimich. t;'ai'tjiali'iii, mid nil complniitF nrisiiu? Irin n dis irderctl c iiitiiii'u of th' al'iniach, llie liver nnd tha intestines, .iite I'htladrliMitn papera express their jonvtc tiou f it cvctlenct-, nnd sevtnit ol" tlie editora reok of ft cfflfta I'r-'in their own Individual experience, 1'ialer tlies eirtr mistancen, wo feel warrantefl. n t onlv in rollina; the attend m f nnr readern to the present present proprie tor's (Dr. C. iM. JaeliMi's) preifratau. but iarevuuiMuti . mg tlie nuicie t a ariiu-Ud " Move Eriflmtc. The "Philndf Wntnrdiv Oazette,' fha t- famity ueru(tper puUishuil iytlio I uitc-.l ISUlca, the editor anja of J)r. nonflaiurs German Bitters. H is seldom that we rcc ainnrnd wlmt ure l!nied Pa teirt .Medicine. t' the ciu'ikleuce ttnd patmiiae if our reader m ; and. I hei , i'tfe, wiien we s.c aimteud Ut. Hoof luitt'g (icruiin liitti. wo wis M t he distinctly tmriei stoinl th it we are n t aticakitiK nf the v strum of tha day, tlmt ur ivUu! uH f r a hiiefpen l cud then for. gotten I'ttei t!iey have nr t!:eif tfiulty race ixl linsvliiet, hut of n medii'utc I-mi eiilii,Ui.-.M d, niuvrrrilly prized, and whictiKas met t!ie h '.atiy approval f the Kncnliy itself." That thia niciltcme win cur l.ver L'oc.ipkiiitt and Uvt pepsia, n one eudonU, ai'ler u.-rn it aa i'.,rected. It acta specitiently np"it the a ameh and liver it is preffcrnhle to caStnrl in all Nil:) n (lMeasevtle tfVet is iiiuneduite: Tin y cm he administered to Fcuki'jb or Jiitaut with tifety und reliable lit ueUt, ut uny tiiiM. UnU'AKE r t 'Hi 'NTKRHUTS. This nieiti aiie his at.aintl tlmt Irirh chat net r which ia necessity fr idl tiicdi.iaes t iit!aint' induce con liter frit era tn put torh a spuri us ailicle' at .he risk of thn Uvea of thofce are inn 'cmily ilejeivett. LOOK WKM.Td THR M.tRKtf OF TIIK fiKXtriNB They luive the written aiiTintnre of C. M. .lAfKSOX upon the wrapper, and the ivv.w: h! iwn mtitc iatle, wilh- our whii-h they are stmii aia. For rale, wli le;ale nnd retail, th (ivrmnn Abulieine Store t o. 1'jn AIlCIl Sreet; one door he! w Sixth, (lata of lace street,) rhdailelphi.i, ami hy respectable deulera penerally throatrhmit the enuutrv. Ai.o : I'or srde hy II, lAsfuri, Suuhiiry, nnd M. A M'I'av. N rlh'iiril.crhaid. Ainjiuit IT , If jU. ly (i.ATHJwirrxKii or f . sciii'.ack) Varnish .llaiinl'itf lory and I'silut !ior', Nn IU North Fourth Stfrt, A rKW PD.M'.S ABVK CIIKItUV, WtST side; Constantly on hand and f r salt, frf reduced prices, and of sptrior q iality, the fol hnring unities, rtz : C tarb. C-ilimfl. .1 iMniinpr' itmf C, H Viirihirs i Tiviifj J:i! ui ; II eil ai-'l Hnmi-M Yurnuh ; llrowti. Whita ;.! lieil Siinl il i; Tr inyfiT !.. : ArtiM', II n,i anH C"nrh I'rlintfi s ntil rrn ih-'rs .Ttcr;! ; lr'r'V " 4i A"i'n'ii;s. i s, hbv. in on., am) I'lir- I'AKf 1) ! (Hl IMll:) Ti: I SK; Millinrra Varnish. Iltiir mi.l AfitU : 111 irk J-i;vni fir iinii ; Al!it:sn'r d'. (nr l':iuy W'i'rk : I'iMiru itn-1 Wiutl w (Ilnr-!-: Artists' Ci. Inns. V.ry and tn Tu'x' : Vi-tt's K't (tilt tiitlil. Silver,' tlnil Crrnuilt l.rnl ; (i ilil. Silvi'r, tttul t''tptff Hr'ti7.(. ; zift's Di-itti 'tills. Als , VL'ty 5:iit.-fiitr Sis. Uhclking anil W'riliniz Ink. Jinn- .'., I CITV ' A 11 I N i: T V A ii r- n O O M s , NO. 173 CHESNUT STREET, (rti!TK TIIK STATS imr.ic.) riZIL AD ELPHIA. fFFEI! for Kile, low f.rr ritsli rtr eppmvrd city Pcr, n larse and well nssnrted stock CA11INET Fi'K.MTl'KE, of the hite-H pattern1 and of the best urorkniniisliip. '1'he assortment embraces every nrticlc, mcfttl or ii priKiti suits of Drawimr Funitture in Kose--wnoil and Walnut, rnqm-titrbf carved. ICtwewofit) Walnut, und Maliniftiny Chainbrr Furniture ; P lent Extension Dinint; Tables, (acknowledged to be the Iwst now in n) I.tbrtiry Enok Cases, snd u great variety of plain Parlor and Chamber Furnilure. Ciirt.tiiiK anJ j ut up in the latest Pari fssltitms, Sprina Msttraases. Hair Mnltrassee, and KeaJ titer UeJs, maile t ) oiilcr, N. 13. All articles purrhused nt this establish' nient arc wnrruntcd of tho best materials ami workmanship, anil will be parked t carry Safely to stiv part of tits country. Mtiy S5, ISM ly WATTS'" KEKV0US ANTIDOTE VHYSICAI. KBSTOIIATIVE. TH3 lMEDICAt. VVONDEn OT THB AGE. ILL positively cure all stapes of Neuralgia, Tic iJuloroux, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions; will restore manhood to its lurcstine vior, even after years uf prostration, and the only known and cer tain cure for low spirits or mental ik-hilty. Extract from the New York JS'uu, OrU 3, 149, 'VltttfttbiatHf Mr Waunitt, when talking of the miraculous power of "Watts' Nervous Antidote," the question was put to him, ,Why such a valua ble remedy for ull nervous nirctions was not in troduccd by the medical faculty!" replied, "That if it were, liter would n lons'er be any use for a faculty, as all diseases ontrinalcd front a disorgan ixed strte of the nerve ; the nerve are the main apring ol the whole system Keep thia iu order, ami lioih the mind and body must be." Four ounce phial, IS dose, euouglt for all ar dinary cases, ONE DDLLAli. kii.u nv Wm. McCAKTY, Ilroadway, Sunburr. .eplcinber, S8, IS50. tf. ' ULANKS. BLANKS of every des, riptito can be haj by ap h ing at the utlu-e of the American. pi KE WHITE UKANDY FOR rrvEsErU A l.Nti, just recctMsj and for sale by c H.B. MASSER. Sept S8, 1850. J. Tea Company, for aale bv 1 tV. PKIUNQ. Sunbury, Pec. t. 1048 KNOII AND fPRINU MtiR- IHEii Aa eKoellenl eiV- A hall ihe usual price by J r funbury, July 7. 1649 V ' I