Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 05, 1851, Image 3
lo reign Nero 5. ENGLAND. The government of Lord John Rossol it -still very weak, he cannot get his friend to rally around him, and it it now fully antici pated that there will toon be a dissolution of Parliament and a general election. On Tues day erenmg last, in the Houso of Commont, he sustained another defeat on the question of Woods and Forests. Lord Duncan moed a resolution, demanding a reform in this management.. This the-government stren uously resisted. On a division there appear ed for the proposed reform 120, for Minis ten 119. So what with their partial aban donment of the Papal measure, tne'ir defeat upon Mr. Locke King's motion of electoral reform, and this defeat, it is thought, they will not be able to hold together till after Easter. The agitation on the part of the Catholics of both England and Ireland, against the pro rposed final measures of Lord John Russell, tontinnes unabated. THE HUNGARIAN REFUGEES. A large body of Hungarians and Poles, re fugees from the late struggle in Hungary, toad arrived in Liveipool for America, but on raeir arrival, they were met by a deputation from the London Democratic, Committee, who have induced them to remain in Eng land, in order as they say, to be at hand in case their aid should be required to assist the Democratic cause in either France or Hunga ry. The English government have, so fur, paid or offered S to every man who will go .to America. A few of the Hungarians have accepted the offer, but the Poles all refused. The local magistrates and the Mayor of Liv erfwinl have had several interviews with rthera to persuade them to emigrate Public meetings have been held to raise subsciip itifnA'fur them, and it is proposed to have an .amateur performance in the Theatre Royal tfor tliek fciMielit. They are said to be a fine Ibojy of Bioti, and their firm, quiet and orderly .conduce. ii Liverpool has, it is also said, shed .a Wire Uwt their cause, and made an im .prtaeien ifl ltoeir favor, which will not soon Jje fmrcwUoa. FRANCE All hopes of a fusion between the two branches of the Buurlton family is at an etui. Tke young prince of Claremont has written to that eftjcl lo the Orle;iiist committee at Paris. Gen. Eielnian ha been raised to the rank of Marshal of Fiance. The President has reviewed several of 'the raiments leaving Tarts, and fcas it-sued order that at these re wiewa no cries whatever shall be uttered. A Cooret society at LilUs lias been discov ered in the very act of liaising an effigy of 'he President, (n the departments in all the towns, ttie Socialists have been attempting to mate some detiwitshralwn, but without sue 'cess. The weeVlyaooatintof tie Hank of France presunts lite cumuiereu of that Republic, in ithe most utif;iviaWe point of view. The bullion ia the Baid. alowist equals the amount of unlet in aiiouJati'iiu ti'EU MA NT. djjairs i Hesse CassA . The pulilical cundtct eem toxoid ego-nera. king into a series uf vulgar quanreU between I'riuce, ollieers', minivers, chamber and ub ordinates, who uiiusu iach oli-or with Pro vincial intensity. The Slate of Baden ia also passed a law for the regulation of the pre'. ill main pro visions are an follows: Abolition uf the ciMiMirstii?. All article to be signed by iie writer. Caution money must be depnt-ited by publishers and authors. Publisher, printer uikI ilu loin of works are responsible for lite contents, and ulike liable to arrest and ptoseeulioii'. The Chamber of Deputies Has been fcurw eJ. PRUSSIA.. We learn that a cabinet council was held it pon the 19th, at which it was resolved to Issue a comprehensive memorandum ut the Oerman question. This docuttieiii will, it Is said, contain the views of Prussia upon the whole question involved in the revival of the iild Germanic Confederation dining the past year. We learn from oflieial report that the i'ommerce of (he Zoll Verein hits increased considerably. There has been a falling off in the custom receipts of tugnr, foriei and , raw material,' and this ia more than compen sated fur iu Ike increase of manufactured goods. b ITALY. We have news of various conspiracies' a proposed or threatened in Italy, but nothing positive. Beyond the discussion of the complicate! Roman question, we have nothing new from Rome. The Austrian are being advanced, in unison with the Neapolitans, close upon thVs frontier ot Rome, with the view of keep inff iu check any revolutionary movement in that' quarter.' A Hard Hit The Baltimore Argus give the "descendant of the pilgrims" a rather severe dig, by suggesting that the most cer tain way to' destroy the beasl called Aboli-' tionism, is" for Congress lo repeal that law which make the slave trade with Africa pi racy. The Argus shrewdly guesse, that if 1 th6' abolitionists' of tlie North could again en joy the privilege which enriched their fore, fathers, that of dealing negroe from Africa( and telling them to Southern Slates,' then they would toon become the strongest advo cales'of slavery and' the fugitive law.' A Lawyer's Toast. Belonging ai he said to the profession which had the reputation of being fond of fees, he offered !'' simple, and t simple fee, Ala! sit tht feet in but, Art iioddnt; when coninsied lo thee, Thou' SeM of feesKsmsie. Jf cmale Couiucic. A few night since, at a late hour, an eld lady, in Washington oily, discovering a rogi), iu the act of entering her house, by tho window, fired a pistol at him, whereupon (he intruder fled in hot iate, carrying with biro', H is upposed; a t ia Ju body. At Aleppo, the Christian are few in nun ber, and insignificant in power. A Turkish mob (unknown to the government) proMueed the death of five Christians, the wounding of six more, and the pillaging of one hundred houses and five churches. The Sultan shot eix hundred of the mob, condemned three hundred to the galleys, mid put one hundred and fifty more on their trial He ha re stored all the properly he could recover, lo the Christians to whom it belonged, and re compensed the rest of the sufferers out of hi own purse. LIST OF CAUSES iiun inni m lw v;ourt oi tommon AfV tl tl' .. A nr!1 Tirm A. D.. 1851. ii ivuilllUllllH'rjUIIU lUUIIIf " rr.AWTirFs. PKFENnANTS. . vs Frank (c Ntciiiheiser. ys George Miller 6c son vs Jonas llmvmnn vs Samuel KaulVman .1. Millikcn, jr. & Co. Do worn Lowbcr ct al snme .Intins Bowman et ol Danville & Pottsvillc vs Haywood & Snyder Kail Road Co. Frederick Kroner Lnrh cUroecker Taylor i'nulding ctal Peter Hiclitor's ex'rs Ann Myrrs Itachnci MrCarty vs Wm. Ayrrs vs Jacob HofTinnn vs .1 I)c Aormundie vs Dmlgo At Barret . vs licwurtcV Jordanetnl vs Elizabeth Weitzeletal Wm. & K. Fegoly & Co. vs John .Shiwdcr Alary "Snyder et ul vs Robert W Dunn same vs James Dunn Pontius tV Thompson vs Samuel R Wood Com. for Saml Furman vs 1 h U Jordan, Hunter .A lex Jordan John B Miller vs John 1! Boyd's ex'rs Jueol) Philip vs George I.. Weiinrr AHl .awrence adm'r of , . ... . , . u l t - i Hi cicrot. ij cutler c ai Surah Leighou, J Clavtonfor J McWilliutns vs John Bowen , F O'Donnell for Wm F Nnulc vs John Divert Mary Vickcry vs Voter Forntrr same vs IVtrr lirosious Charles 11 Frick vs Slit'or Thos Cuiiiiniii!;s ct nl vs J Purkn & D R Rishel Joiiathim I.rodain etui vs Win Mc.Ciiy's ndin'rs Christian Bollinger vs Mnirlcs llousrl vs F. Matthews vs John I'jnrad vs Richard Goodman vs 1'liilip Spayd vs (ico liovvnian vs John Arnold (. hut. A. Amlro Dunirl Hannaliacli Moses Bower Su-.nuel Seuman samp 8. A. Jordan ct al Green fc Bros, for T Howard vs Henry Lanti Duvid Perry vs Abrnham I.umrrr sume vs Henry H alderman Montgomery A Sweny vs James Covert Clayton for McWilliam vs Jos Saviilge R D Cuiiiuiings vs Montoiiicrv iV Mastellcr Jacob Stitzel vs Samui'l L Beck B K Kase va (ico A Dixon G P Tyson for Job Tyson vs Daniel L. Schnrck J as Carother ft al vs Kdward 1) Pctiree Philip Billmver vs 1) II Watson Jacob Niltraucr vs Samuel Jarret licoApslev vs N'ortbuuilierluiid county James DieirtMibach vs same F Fryer &. Win Moyer vs KliasGannnn Wm M Autcn vs 'l'lionuis Baser Wm MeClcry vs R U Cutnminiis Daniel I' Cunl vs Dentler & Montague Aaron Reppart vs Ira T ('lenient Henry C1k;I vs Wm Mct'urty l'latt i Piatt vs Henry Masscr P K Holl'iiiun wife vs II Kulints, McCarty ctal Jo'pb onyucr Hu'li Martin John McCormick Martin Irwins' odm'r vs Joseph l)imiiiit vs hculicn I roxel vs Isaac Shaller vs H Voxtlicimer adm'r ts Daniel Hrcisltach vs 11 Steiitsnet., ex'r. vs Henry Yoxtheimer vs (ieorje Robrliach Molt &. Shelter Folliner for Caul Henry Keiser fra 'J'. Clement Conrad Reedy vs Hoats, Kepler & Stoughton Win Gross for Sand (iilbert vs J. J. 1'pdegrull' J. Bowman Indorsee &c vs J C Perkins Elijah Barto Benj lliniinirl Tliomiu J Addis Lower Ac Barron Jacob Kline William Wdcu Thomas Sution Caspar iieckart .N'icboLas I lower George KekerU' adm'r Dajitrl Jl Drii-slacU vs Charles .Sailor vs Philip Clotfeltcr vs Balt.ur (iaruharl vs Ira T. Clement vs Joseph Klines' adm'r vs Jacob K Trego vs Benj F & J W I'tamm vs Frederick Hcckart vs Jacob I lower vs John Kohr vs A B .'Irtinan John h Ross In 'J' Clement John W Pi al Goo C M-Kee Sarah Stilzel Sainn vs Leonard ltoadaruicl ct al vs J II l'urdv vs tieo B Voiingman vs Joseph Long vs Samuel f f-heddon vs Jacob fiUlA vs John Keilcr Jaoul) Koch tt al Tinbrook for Aplrton vs James Brass R D f.'uuiniiugs v Thos .S Mackey Hickok it Cantiue vs Ceo W Armstrong John Keiter v (Charles Lerch KcuU'ii Facly vs Kershuer &. Clement Nancy II ousel vs David HouseU' adm'r Jacob Keiter vs Hank of Northumlicrland, Hakur & Jo for Jacob Bloom vs Henry Conrad ,-. . i -c Jacob Zirlmall's Henry Ktaae & Eve his wife vs ml((lini)jtrator Jonathan llarman vs Uavid Miller Thomas Alien I'tter Ksup Kuiwe vs Same George E. Gelaig et I v I'eUr Warey William McCsrty vs Samuel Hunter Troxel for Caul uw fsr Jacob Llino t Jos J. Pcrtrr Klines' adiu'r Daniel Rhoads is Jacob Wartman Mary Jane Bruueret al vs William Wilson Becker &. Weiller vs R 1J Cuiiiuiings. JOHN FARNSWORTH, frotltr;. Prethonotary'a oflice, ) Suubury, March 15, A. V. D. 1851. J LIST OF JURORS. F Northumberluud County for April Term, A, V. 1831. (srand Juror. Si'Nr.vrtv. J. H. Zimmerman, Thomas tloliins, Andrew Dm at, 11. V. Simpson. Milton. Julia E Gehrig. Chiusui'ahi-e.--Fleming NVsbit, William Fordsmaii, Elijah Hill, Jacob Woiiver. Delaware. John Luiser, Geo. W. Dixon. TiiiuiT. William Fullmer. Suamokix. Casper Adams. Lowkh Ariil'STA. Jeremiah Wctccl. Caleb Elv, James Reader, Peter Reilz. Lowkh Mauonuv. Joseph fcpaU, Adam enker. Upper Maiionoy Jonathan Smith. Point. Henry Moiau. Coal. Peter Weikel. Litti.f. Mahonov. John Hensyl. Jackson. Michael Wolf. Traverse Jurors-' Si'tiui'RY. S. N. Thompson.- NoRTiiL'MPKKLANn'. Peter Hunseiman, Ja- dub Kekert, Charles Maus. Milton. Samuel Blair, JSTose CEamoer- lin, James Buoy. CHiLihjUAQUB. Dainol feller, osepn Frederick, Win. Mauhimer, John Kinkaid. Delaware William Beard, William Mo Williams, Ei V. Duiriekson, John M. Smith, John C. Heiur. John Woik. Point. llioinas Vanktik, llaniel Leaner, J. W.Stamtn, William Leiuhow. Lewis. Isaac DunkeL Oaniel Uerr. Lower Au6iiTA. Willium Kreiahbaum, Thoma Snyder,, Wm. Bloom, Hem y Conrad, John Savide, Petpr Snyder, Israel Thurston, David lluuck. Levi I homa. Rusi. Alexander Campbell, Joseph Bear. Little Mahonoy. William Uolharmel, Jaeob D. Hoffman.. . ... Upper Mahonov'. Heurv Mallick. . , Lower Maiionoy. John Duukey, Michael Rudle, John Messuer, jr., George Emerick, John Bone. Shamokin. Charle Leisenring, Asa John Jackson: Daniel Groh, Wm. Zartman, Peter Ireoq, . Coal: Alexander Caldwell. SUNBUilY AMEHiCAN AND SilAMORIN JOUBN AL: lclit Jurors. Sunbory. George Diehl. .NonTHUMBr.rtLANn.Jamei Shriner, Daniel Vori. Miltom. Simon Randolph, Wm. Wilson, Peter Irwin. Point. John Speeco, Jesse C. llorlonj I. C. Roadenbach. Lewis. Andrew LafTcrly, Peter Stroitse, James Call, Amos Kla.e Tpb but. James Blair, Kylinn UunKio. Delaware. David Gold, Wm. M'Guire, John Frymire Lower Mahonov. Michael Unmm. Jonn Winner, Jacob Bingeman, Samuel Voung. I.itti.r Maiionoy. John Honsyl. Uppkr AiUifs-fA. Moideeni Lawrenen. Low Eti AimisTA. John Shine. John Hen- dershol, Wm. Do Win, John 11. Fisher. , Niamokin. John Reed, sr., Jesse Camp bell, Elida John, Samuel Moore. Rush. William Geaihart, Joseph Sharp- less. , Coal. John Iluim, Wm Fegely. New Advertisements. Estate of JOHN PORTER, Deo'd. jV t)TICE is hereby Riven that letters trstamen ' try have leen grunted to the subseriliers on the Estate of John Porter, doe'd., late of the bor ough of NortlmmlierlaiHl. All persons indrbtad to said Estate or having claims agaihst the snme, ore requested to call on the subscribers and settle the same. DANIEL BKAUT1GAM, ) P. ,,, WILLIAM II. WAI'LES, 5 r'xccmor"' Northumberland, March 2!t, 1S5L fit. Iiolii1ion of rnrtncrsliip. OTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing under the firm ot Hcil- ner cfc Boiiidiucr, at Augusta. Mortbumlterland county, Pa., was dissolved on the fourth of March nut. All persons indebted to tlie said lirm are requested to pay their accounts to the undersign ed, or to his authorized ugent, and nil having claims or demunds, present them to the same duly authenticated. SAMUEL HEILNER. Minersville, March 22, 1851 3t. ivotice. NOTICE is hereby given that tho Court of Common Pleas, of .Northumberland county, have appointed the lirst Monday in April, for the hearing ol tlie application ot too undersigned, lor the benefit of the insolvent laws, provided for the relief and discharge of insolvent debtors and oth ers, of which all persons interested will take no tice. EMJCH llti MIKE. Milton, March 22, 1851. 3u NOTICE TO LUMBERMEN ! L. AV- II. GIESE, (.fjffnt for Ilinry Carr,) LIMBER COMMISSION J1ERCIIANT, Falls Duck, Italllmore. N. B. The subscriber will give every infor mation respecting prices mm also with regard to the proper to which the dilfctent kinds of Lumber should be sawed. L. W. H. GIESE, Agent. Baltimore, March 22, 1851. St. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and fellow citizens of Northumberland coun ty, that he will be a UTmdiatc for County Commissionep, at the ensuing election. lie therefore solicits from his friends and fellow citizens a liberal sup porj, and promises should he be elected to dis charge the duties of the office with fidelity and impartialiiv. ELIAS BROSIOUS. Suubury, March 15, 1851. SHERIFFS SALE. 1V virtue of a Certain Writ of Irr. l'ueias to me directed will be sold by public vendue or outcry, at one o clock, I. M., on Monday the 7th day of A pril next, at the Court Mouse, in the lior ough of Sunbury, the following Real Estate to Wit : That certain TWO STOHY BRICK CHURCH, situated in the Borough of Sunbury, in Northum berland county, bounded sounthwardly by Black berry street, rastwardly !v River street, wrstwardly and 'northwardly by lot oi' J. H. Purdy, containing in front on Blackberry street, U(i feet, and iu depth on River street, (iO feet, and the lot or piece of ground and rurtilase, and also the land covered by said building, and so much of the laud imme diately adjacent thereto, as may be necessary for the ordinary and useful purposes of said building. Siezcd, taken in execution and to be sold as the procrty of the German Reformed Church, iu Sunbury, with notice to Jacob Scasholty., Daniel Haas, David O. E. Maize, Philip Rcnu and Geo. Young, building Committee. JAMES COVERT, Shr'lT ShrfT Office, Sunbury, March IS, 1H51. CLOTHING!!! Wholesale & ICelail, At tne PHILADELPHIA T7AREE0BE, Sutttli East Corner, Market and 6tk Sts. Clothing FuMiiunnbly Cut and will 31udc. i. sc. its'Ai:iM,i: & Co. INVITE the attention of Wholesale and Retail Buyers, to their extensive and complete stock of Spring slid Summer Clothing: comprising every variety o! style tliat can lie produced. Our aim is to nlease and accommodate all; and n order to do this, we manufacture Clothing at almost every price. Selling for cash onlv enables us to oiler cloth ng at a very trilling advance. 11T Our motto is, Small J'lojit and Quid Sales. We are confident that an examination by you is all that is necessary to confirm what we say, and secure your custom. r. k. Mcrsr.ii.i.r. ea Philadelphia, March 15, 1851 lm. UNION HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. . rpiIB MISS WEITZEI8 respectfully inform JL the Public thst they still continue to enter tain travellers and others at their old established stand in Market Vm1!, west of tho Court House. I heir lung expi rieuco in the huainess, and the well established rcnutatioa of their House, will, they trust, lw a sufficient guarantee, that their customers will he well accommodated. .March S, 1831.-4f. . . LAAVKKNCK HOUSE. SUNBURY, PA. 'lHE suliscrilasr rcsa'ctfully informs her friends, 1 and the puUic gi uerally, that she has taken the above well known stand s tna(ly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J.C. Per kins, blie trusts that her experience in business. and her .efforts t'p niake her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. . , - ANN C. MORRIS. March S, I80I. tf. Estato of SAB. AH NEWBERRY, Deo'd. TV OTICE is hereby given that letters of sdrnjn- istrution have been granted to the subscri ber on the estate of Sarah Newlierry, dee'd., Utc of Point township,' Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate, or having claim's against the same, are requested to call on the sub SUD scnbei for settlement. ' lunn'TAfifiART. AJra V. ' NoHhumherland, March 8, 18ol-6t. , m. ., It. TREES, 2?' ' - SURt'BBERT. e. , : (TflHE ubscrillei, Will receive orders for all kinds X of r ruit I rees, such as, A pple Trefs, ' Plum Trees, Pesch Trees, . Cherry Tree, Pear Trees, Apricots, CJulnct Trees, Ornaiacntal Trees, tic Together with all kinds of ShruoWy, Bulbous Roots, Plants, Grape Vines, Ac All of which will be told at the lowest rates by II. B. MASKER, Agent. fe" Orders for Trees, Ac- should be sent in at early as possible to secure them in time. Bunhury March IS, 1851 PROCLAMATION. TV OTICE is hereby ghen that the several court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Bensions of the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer nd Terminer and tiencral Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence I st the Court House, in the borough ot Hunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 7th day of April next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner. Justices of the Pence and consta bles in and for tho county of Northumliertand, are requested to lie then and there in their proiier per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaining to lie done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner arc also requested and commanded to lie then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall lie just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hands at Sunbury, th 1st day of March, in tlie year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifty -one and the In dependence of the United States bf America the 75tli. JAMES COVERT, Sh'ff. God save the Commonwealth. REGISTER'S NOTICE. TV OTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, Creditors and other persons interested in the Estates of the following named persons, that the Executors and Administrators of said Estates have filed their accounts with the Register of North urn- berland county, unci that the same will be pre- sentetl to the Orphans Court of said County, on 1 ursday the 8th day of April next for con fir nation and allowance. 1851. Solomon Swank, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Jonathan 11. Dcihlcr. Sarah Miller, dee'd., settled by. her Adm'r r rederick W eaver. Daniel Frymire, dee'd., settled by his Executor W llliam H. rrvmire. Peter B rosins, dee'd., settled by his Executors, Peter Brosius ind Godfrey Hey buck. John Keller, dee'd., 2nd account settled by his Adm r Samuel Keller. George Krelis, dee'd., settled by his Adni'rs de bonis non cum testameiito anncxo, William Depjieu and Jacob Krebs. James licddcs, dec d., settled by his acting Executor Charles Gale. Frederick Tschopp, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs Andrew Ischoppaud J'hihii Jsrhnpp. Feter Braucher, dee'd., settled by his Executor iluam Saeman. William Recser, dee'd.. Supplementary Ac'nt. settled by his Executors, Samuel and David lxeescr. Abraham Diehl, dee'd., linal account, settled by his Executors, John and Michael Diehl. Mary Lyon, dee'd,, settled by her Executor, tieorge Lyon. William Irfmon, dee'd,, Supplementary Acc't settled by his Executor, Hugh McWilliams. JOHN P. PURSEL, Register. Register's Ollice, - ) Sunbury, March 1, 1851 6t. Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. riMIE Subscriber tvho resides in Philadelphia, Jl oiler for sale the following properly iu Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz : J he large BRICK BUILDING J--"- in upper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage .Makers Shop. The building is GO feet front oh upper Market street, ami 40 feet on I rout street, and is two stories high. Also a two story BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 25 feet, on the same premises. The lot is on the corner of upper Market and Front streets, ami is iti feet front, and 150 feet deep. 1 lie premises would no valuable for a Foundry or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold on reasonable aim accommodating terms by ap plying cither to JAUOU UAKKIliAN, Philadelphia. J. F. WOLFINGER, Esq.. Milton or H. B. MASKER. Esq , Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jan- 25, 1851 tf rHEEMAN, HODGES & CO., IMPORTEllS AMD JORUh.KS, AS Librrtr Slrrrt, New York. (Meiweca llrnariway sad Nassau.) A IiK n iw rtwivnif a rich sml ltniiifal uwortmmt of XL rancy mis uutt .Millinery Uutxls. to which we would lairticularly invite lae nllentoui "f ull L'aali FurcliaKis. and will uuike it su oliii-ct lor tlii-iu to uiee us m cult, us we ure ewMortX r"r C'U"1' "W" .M iiancrs can supply iheiuM-lvrt with every article in Ilitrir lino, at about lli cist ol' iiiiiioilalifsi or Auctitsi nri. ees. Many oi our giinils ure niunuiuelurixl cxprecity (or our i.wu sates, uua eaims ue surpassed lor uesuty or low prices. Itirtj lint and Cap Itihtious, a lurire variety. Silks uud ritins lor IIoiiik-is. Cruies, C'niMj l.isses, 'I'lirtetons and Illusion Laces Triiiiiuiut pa- lluis, t'usiid ilrussai. Jenny land I'lips, Tarty and Opera Head Uresses. F.tiitirniilertit Capes, Collars, Cults, and Clieiniii'tts. TUreud, brusscls, Vskucieae, bits aud Lisle Tlircad j" e. J-.ui&nailereil. ftevene and I'luin lanen Camtn-ie Ilkfs Gloves uud .Mitts, Kid, Silk, I. isle Thread and Sewing Pilk. Scurfs, Cravats nnd Drest Ilkfs. Swiss, Jaconetl, U-wik Muslins, and Ilishop Iwns. Janliroidered, Daoiusk and Plain Canton Crape Sliawlt. A Fall Asaorlmuut of Slraw Gisnts. F'reneh und American Artificial Flowers. With a kirn variety lint meutiaied above. All wiahina to avoid tyiitg baig prieet will makt money by calling and satisfying themselves. New York, Jau. -i 5, 1651 3m. A STROI.OGY THE CEI.EHRATED DR. C. W, RORACtv, Professor of Astrology, Asiroinaiiy, Phre. nologv, and GeoniaiKv, combined with CON J t'H ATIO.N, from Swoeden, olfice No. 71 Eot't'Sl' street, Philadelphia, olticrs Ins services to the uitisens 01 Anrlhaiulieranal eiHiuly. He luis tieen eiaisulleu by ull the crowned Heads 01 l-.urope, ami eujovs higher reputation as au Astrologer Uuui any ou and Agent at Washigtoii City- Persons hav livuig. Nativities ealeulated uerdiiuj 10 GcauaiK y L- : claims lor Imuntv Land or Peiisinns are in dies S3, Geutleiivni Si. Per.ns ul a distances can luiv "'8 '"r UoUUiy i.aluls or 1 tlialons are in- their uativiiiesdrawu by semling ihe dataof Ihe day 01 tiixr biriU. All lettert containing the above fee will reeaive im- mediate allentl'Sl. and Nauviue tent to any part i4 Ik workl written on datable iier 1 and las it prepared to make useorhiipowerbyeaiiarationoiiatiyof lit billowing 10- pics: Courtship, advice given tlie sueeessful Beromphsh- nvtvX oi s wealthy isainagt r he lias the power to redeem such us are given Ui tise free iar of the DtStle; and Itar all eases ol" hazjrd, aud for the recovery of eloleii iar last pro crty, and pureliasiug of lolterjr tickets. Th-HissnHs 11 th above named eases liaivtieeniiaie In tliia eily aial rot viein- ty, and III in L ulleo males to ue uu saiuuaeuiai ia aa lU.laNI ISaliVltle or llnresopes liav lieen east uuruig in tint fiair years while here. Jjlleis will answer every pur p.ise, and wilt do as wetl to caa Mi person, ajftt Ihe mail IS Bow bo Sine mm Kivn " ." ...- tbsiaigh the Post Olfic. Ui. Kiaaiek ntoeives inan iou to IOUU ellers uioultily, aso ftua iibv uiiwru m par. titmtar to name Otfice, Cianity and Htuie. All lettert rflVeieligiiHisly timaied to, if prepaid. tVai mors par. call al the onV ol Una paper aud j el so Attruti- ju.l A Imuiw-i nilll 71 Locust ttreet above r.ignta, rJauioeinaoi . i C. W. ROBACki. Philadelphia, Feb. 8, leil.-m. MACREL. - ' SHAl). iXJDFISlt; 8AI.MOX, HERRINGS, . PORK,. ' a HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS . LARD & CHEESE, Constantly on hand and , for sale by J. PALMER & Co., Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. March 8th, '51 -3m. Cotton Yam'.'Cotton Carpet iChain, Cotton Lap d notion Dudines. Readv mad Pantaloons, Ready made YeK Congress Knives, 1 1 anuiiooiia. iveaov luaud ,we, .viik.vw . I Porcelain lined preaerving kettles, just rtceiyd J lor sal by H. MASSES. Sunbury, Dee. I", 1848 BOOKSELLERS. COUNTRY . Merchant and Teacheri. . , WE.rosnectfully request th attention of ill l sr.HOOL. MISCELLANE OUS or. BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER and WINDOW SHADES, to our supe rior facilities for supplying at unusually low rates, for cash or approved credit, every article pertain ing to our business. A long (nd active experience warrant lis in saying thst w can offor inducements to purcha sers, EQUALLED BT f CW F.XCKLLED BY DONE. We earnestly ask an examination of our mod of conducting business, believing if an experiment is made, it will be found for the interest of those desiring goods in our line to contiuuo operating with us. . Out stock is at all seasons large, and selected with particular reference to the wants of Penn sylvania, Ohio and the near trade generally. Order hp mail or eltwrvue despatched prompt' y and at the lowest raltn liiown ia aiip market, tST Tho highest price given for RA(i8 in cash. . ;' Nortk-Eant Center of Third Sr Arch Ste PHILADELPHIA. March 8, 1851 lm. TO PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. riHE subscribers offer to physicians and drug M. gists, a carefully selected stock of drugs and medicines, which they will guarantee to be of the liest quality, pure and unadulterated iu all cases. Their facilities for importing foreign drugs and chemicals are such, that they are enabled to sell them upon the best terms, and at the same tirus to assure their customers of their genuineness. 1 hey have also recently prepared and now oi ler lor sale a superior article ol G'AIX'UF.D I1.4G.r.SI4, &c, Resembling Henry's Magnesia, free from carbon' ie acid and roughness or grittlness, almost entirely tasteless, combining in an equal bulk from three to four times the strength of the common kind, and sold at about one half the price of Henry's Magnesia. They have also prepared the II II r ' Which is a new and valuable remedy In acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, Ac., at less than half the price of the foreign Brticlc They also have on hand of their own pre para tion an assortment of Pure Drugs in Powder, Neatly put up in 1, J and pound Imttles, such as Aloes, Khubarb, Senna, Senega, Rhatany, Ki no, (ium Arabic, Serpcntaria, Ext. Glycyrrh, Ipe cac, Potassa Sulph., Potassa Nitras, Borax, Spi gelia, Burhu, Orris, Cascarilla, Canella Alba, Uva Ursa, Ac. Great care has been taken to have these pre pared from the best selected drugs and in such a way as to preserve the characteristics of each ar ticle without injury. They have also a variety of Chemical & riiariiinceulical Preparations of their own manufacture, and add to the list all the valuable new remedies as they become known. Among them may be mentioned the following : Hyrtrccynnie. Arid, 1'repnratiniis of l.slinft, ' of t'litutmi, Liquor Ammonia, Prfpnnitioin Mercury, ' iron, " .las. Instruct of ean, Auid. a Afltlll, tl' ilrii--nit form to tutmiuistsr to children. Kxtract of Ilnrlis Comp., Phosphate, do. s nrw re mnlv for Kheuinatisiu. Illue Man, Extract of ftealian, i nnui. NpiRriia, " 8urtiarilta Com position rluid, do. d. sstis, ri simple do. Coloeynth Comp. do simple. " T'lraxicum, (( Vnluriau, tlnirl, n new and uieful remedy. Sps. jEthcr Nitros, U. S. T., Oils of Copaiva, Luwbs, Lrgot, 1 obacec, &.c. Citrate of Iron and Quinine, Scsqui-Oxidc of Iron, an antidote for arsenic, Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas ant cathartic medicine, put up in 12 oz. bottles, fv per doz. Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive Plas ter ; a convenient application in many surgical operations, put up in small vinls. Also CANTHARIDAL COLLODION OR BLIS. TEUING .LIQUID, A convenient preparation of rantharidrs in many cases where there is a dilliculty of applying th ordinary blistering plastc ej w,tn a camel's hair In silk or some similar su stcr. A coating ot it soph rush and covered with oil hstancc, will produce a blister in three hours' time ; or when exposed, iu the usual time of about twelve hours. Physicians and others may depend upon the faithful and prompt execution of their orders at as low rates as the best quulity of medicines can b purchased. CHARLES ELLIS &CC. : 5(1 C'hesniit street, Philada. Laboratory, Cth and Morris Sts. iS'oulhwark. November 1G, ieSO tf. SELL11TG OFF AT llliDUCKI) PRICES. fllHE subscriber desirous of disposing of her JL stock of MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOODS, resiiectfully informs the public that she will sell her entire stock now on hand, at very reduced prices, tier stock is made up of an assortment of fashionable milliuerv goods. .Also a lot of fash ionable Fancy Dry Goods, consisting in part, of Gibbons, Gloves,, Hosiery, HjandkercMefs, and Handsome material, ol various kinds, lor la dies' dresses. . ELIZABETH FOLLMER. Sunbury. Jan. 18, 1851 if. AL1ERICAN HOUSE, P0TTSVILLE, FA. IV 1 R8. MARY. WEAVER respectfully informs I tlie unhlic uud travelling community general- public and travelling community general Iv, that she has opened this large aud commodious HO J El., lurnuhed 111 a superior style, rrdni her long exjie.rierice in the business of a lirst rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommd J.ite, her customers may depend oil being supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort and convenience Feb. 15. 185! tf BOUNTY 1U AND PRKSION AGENCY. The attention of tlie puhlic is railed to the ad vertisement of Mr- Charles C- Tucker, Attorney roriucu dial tne sutiscritier lias liiaae arrangements for the requisite forms, and claimants calling at .:, 0,r 1 ..- nrenared and ", , ean liave llieir papery prepareu alio lorwarded to Mr- tucker at Washington, and by him be properly attended to before the De partment there. H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1851- TREVOIlTOIf HOUSE, TREVORTON, PA. 1 , .. - - .. . , ,. fpHE subscrilier resiiectfully intorms the public JL that he has opened a Public House, ill the ew luwn 0f -prevoitou, Northumberland county, and that he is well prepared to accommodate his guests iu the boat maiuiejr. ... His house is located lieariy opposite the (,ouiuiny s More, tie is also provided with good siaDiiiig suim-iem lor fu nur ses. He trust hy prompt aiid careful attention to business to 'meet a slwtre of the puldie patron' age. ...... ' .. HEKKlf. U- WEAVER. Trevorton, Jan-11, 1850 tf. . NOTICE. . , AS lb aulcriltcr inteudt niakrog new arrange, .menu in bis buaiues on the lirst of Janua- I t41. all parsuns knowing thomselves indebted to bim, sr requested to call and make settlement ap to that time, by payment or giving their note JOHN W, TRIUCf. ' Sunbury, Dec.S8, 1850. it ATS CHERRY PECTORAL! Fr the Cure mf OOUOES, OOZ.SS, HOARSENESS, BROMT. OHXTXS, GROUP, ASTH. XVI A, WHOOPINO.OOTJOH AND OONSUIVIPTIOH-. The uniform success which has attcmlcd the use of this preparation its salutary effect It' power to relieve and cure affections of the Lungs, hare gained for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. We offer it to the afflicted with entire confidence in its virtues, and tho full belief that it will subdue and remove the severest attacks of disease upon the thro.-.t and Lungs. These results, as they become publicly known, very naturally attract the attcution of medic' men and philantropists everywhere. What i their opinion ofCHEUJY PECTORAL may be seea in the following I VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prof. Surgery JWrf. College, Arte l'ori, says: "It gives me pleasure to certify the value and efficacy of Ayer's t'HEKKY PECTORAL, which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure disca ses of the Throat and Lungs." THE RT. REV. LORD BISHOP FIELD, writes in a letter to his friend, who was sinking under an affection ,nf the Lungs: "Try the CHERRY PECTOt AL and If any medicine can give you relief, with the blessing of God that will." CHIEF JUSTICE FXST1S. of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks of Croup by the C1IEKKY PECTOfiAL." ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. The Canrufiati Journal of Medical Scirne . states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, lias yielded witn surpri sing rapidity to Ayer's CHEERY PECTORAL, and we cannot too strongly recommend thii skill ful preparation to tho Profession and nubile gen erullv." Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself: HABrrouti, Jan. 20, 1847. Dr. J. C. Ayer -Dear Wr : Having been res cued from a painful aud dungerous disease by your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send you this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you, but for the information of others in like afflic tion. A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected at first, bceamc so severe that Spitting of blond, a violent cough aud profuso night sweats followed and' fas tencd upon me. I !coanie emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain through my chest, and in short bad all flu alarm ing symtonis of quick consumption. No medi cine seemed at all to reach mv ease, until I provi. dentially tried your CHEf.Y PECTOdAL, which soon relieved and now has cured me. Yours with respect. E. A. STEWART Alsant, N. Y. April 17, 181S. Dr. Ayer, Lowell L'ear Sir I have for year lieen alllieted with Asthma in tlie worst form ; so that I have been obliged to sleep iu iny chair for a larger part of the time, being unable to breathe on my bed. I had tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until mv Physician prescrilujd, as an experiment, your CHERRY PECTORAL. ., At lirst it seemed to muko me worse, but iri less than a week I becan to experience the most gratifying relief from its use ; and now, in four weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a slate of health which I had never expected to enjov. GEORLiE S. FARf ANT. nu.rim mt j.c. atku, ciilmist,lowell,mass. I"?" Sold by Henry Masser, Sunbury; Mary A. MeCay, Northumberland Dr. licarhart, Se linsgrove ; Dr. Rickly, Danville, and Druggists generally. Feb. "15, 1851. lyce.lm GEEAT AHEIVAL0F 7II.LIAM HOOVER respectfully informs ' his friends and customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment ol N2W GOODS, which lie oilers lor sale at Ins new storo at Nas sers Mill, Hollowing Run. These goods were selected with great care, and will be sold at the lowest prices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF EVl'.RY VARIETY, Vi i)vy Goods, Such os Cloths, Caxsimrres, SuHinets, Muslins, uui(f(.or:5, juussviine lie i.uincs, paccas. Merinos, Flannel, Checks, (1 in g laru, Ice. ALSO: ! . An assortment of ... , IIAT?, CAPS, GI M AND I.ICATIIlirt SIlOHS. aiTEENSWAIlE, HARDWARE, IRON" and STEEL, NAILS, &e.' A general assortment of Groceries, such i Sugar, Coffee,' Tea, Molas ses, Spices, &.c. .. Alsp an assortment of Liquors, such as , LranJy, Rum Whiskty, Wines, Ve. nr p reduce of all kinds taken iu exchange it the highest market prices. Hollowing Rua,- Nov. S3, 1K50, ly. pay ur.r ... 'PHE undersigned hereby notifies all persons -"- indebted lo her, on Hook account, !tc,, that they are rojuesled to cull and settle their accounts without, as longer indulge uco cannot la) given mi accounts already over due. , ELIZABETH FOLLMER. Sunbury, Feb. ii, ldil tC - T S. EOBST'5 AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In' Selinsgtove, Pa. C lot Km. IVuttli!) and Jewrlrj", 1 REPAIRED in tho best manner and warranted to pcrlorui well. . , ,. All work .inlrusUid to his care will bo strictly attended, to, . j . , Seliusgrove, Nov, 30. 1S50 tf. Valuable IIooKn. I" IFfi or Ciini.l-r, handsomely bound, D'Ac- MISS It's HlKTOIIT UK TMK Rr.l'OR XsTIOX,. Blink Dai-books ami Leiiwkhs, full hounded. For sal at t!w publishers prices hy 11. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. . J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Jl'STICE OF TUB 1E.4CE, ... Sunbury, Pa. , . ....... Oflice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. 17 Monies collected sad ail Dullness pmsiptly and ear . April SO, 1850 KCW YORK. & PCallAOlXrialA JOURNEYMEN Ilattcm Atmoclatloa, Cor. of 6th and Chestnut Srert, Philmleljlhia. CONTINVE to make au1 sell a 8net tmd mora durable liar lor tti money titan any other establishment in tlat United' States- standard price of Hats $3 00. Gents and Uoy's Cloth and Glased. Cap. Um'jreUat, Carpet Bags, Calsfy Panama and Straw Hsu at equally low prices, Msy ?5, t J.YltTIlEft SCIKJYriFtC UUVUIH,' TUKTRVU DIGESTIVE FLUID, G'ASTRTC "JUIVE ! A nvtissi nvstnn eTTRltff. lrBrrd frnm ItKNNRT, nr ths fonrtK ttoinanli ci mi Ox, rt"r , dilutions of IIAItON MK.UIO, ths (rest Vli)'swtiu-al Chemist, lir J. 9, HOUGHTON, M. D , . No. 11, North Kishih rV-eelePliitadelphia, Ps. Tnis it a trnl)- wadi.n'ulremetnfi lNDIGKSTIO?t, DVriPKPMIA, JAI.NDH K. I jvKR' COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION and DIUIII.ITY, Curing titer Na lure's uvra imthod, by Nature's own agent, tht Gattrle Juice ... ' i '. Of Half a teaspoon) 11 1 of this Fluid) hiful In wtttr will ditest or dissolve, f ire Poandi of Itoatt Beef M Umt twu hrt, Snt rtf the rlornvh. DIGESTION. . : .. . -pvlOKSTION Is ehieHy ierf,.niii in ftie stomach by tne J t am or a Itaiil which Ireety exudes In tlie iulier ami , '.. . "W"-.? U.'n " "'" f ueidtll, called tns Gsstft. iCiT i IT""" lM ",rnl '"veii ol th Fond, th L ",'y.",;,i' "I'"'"'.!".1 Wiinujntiiur Apreut.: th Mo-. nueli and hitmtlurs. Withimt 11 ll.n.P...iii'i.L .1.1 .i:-. w ,.J; . !, b"'"'" f'd- 0M'W, r.ialal,snddettrac IV e Midiliou of the ilmcslivr p,ryl. A wn, lislf dead, or injured stmnaeli prisliiect 110 r..a Gastfik iaiee, tad heuratli diseaiie, distress Slid drbililr which PEPSIN ND RENNET. 1 PI-WIN it the ehici' rieinrnt. or great t)igesti Pflneli pi 111 th Gastric Juice, it is tumid 111 great ahuiKtanc ia Hi solid iru ot tlie human st.nunch ulter death, and sum. tiiilit eauir the fl.Mliurh to digest itself, tir est itself dp.Ju It ia also foiiiid ia the stomach of aaiiuahi, at the ox, calf, n. It is the iDjllairit used y farmers 111 nuking clwesai CSlled Keniiet, tlie efleel n which has kni been the sCil w inder oi t hedHiry. The eurdliii of milk is the firm pro. eest of digestion; Rennet xssesses astiaiishins ptver. Tlie stomach of a calf will curdle nearly one thousand timet itsnu'n ncnrlit nl uiilk. Haron laehlr slate that. '"On part 01 Pepsin dissolved in sixty th'Siiiid parts of watel, will dieest meat and ottwu- lovid.'.l . lJiMised shautirlia nro. dues in (f l (iestne Juice, Rennet or IViwiil.' T thnv inal tins want may lie perfectly supplied, w quott tht following- - ' . SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE!,, , HARON I.tKHIU. Ill his i-lellratnl work nn Animal Cheuiisliy. snys: -An Arlitii-iat IJ'gislive Kluid anulugou lo Ihe liarlrie Jni.. limy he rruCilv prcirrd i'miii the Irt tiius meiutiruiie uf the stumui h uf ticalf, ia which variput ..... r. . n mraii uiui e)!irs, win lit solicited, chang ed, and diarsti d, jnjt iu thu same ruaauer as they would b in Ihe titiitmi Rt'.uiai-li.M Or. KIR A, iu his fnmrnis treatise an "P.sid anil Tbct," pnlili,l(,-d by Fowlers Wells, New York, pag Su. stain Ihe ime irre:il fact, and th method of riepamtion. There ai jew liiulicr autlioriue tlwu l)r. Percira. ' v ' Di. fc'O.MHU, in hit valuable writisieon the"PhvtiologT nri)igeii.n."niWrveilthal "a d annul .mol the due quail. tityl.flhe (iastrie Jnies ia a prmiiieut and all-prevailing; canee 01 I)y.epsia ;" :gid lie alulcs ttmt ' dislui;uished professor uf meillelue in lmdnii, who Wirt scvcrrlv afflict ed with tliit complaint, lindiuj every thing else In fail, had leeimrse to the Gastrie Jiu'ec. (ilitained I r I tie stmiach iT living niiimiils, which proved cumpletely suiesslat." Dr. GRAHAM, iiiilhorof the famous w.irkt 1111 "Vege. table lllt-t," says: '-il is a' remarkable fact in physiokipy, thai the stomachs oraniuuds, macerated in -water, imot to lite rluid the property i.f diss ilvimr variims articles of fiairt. aial iif illeelliw a kind 01 artirk-ial digestnal of tiler Ui no wise I'lflermt i'nan tlie natural digestive prrsress." Dr. tflMU.VH rent work, the "Chemistry of Man," (I.ca4 lllaaehaid. Phila. 1M0, pp. .12 1 -a) says: "The dis eovery of T'l-:iSIN foriusn ueweni In the chemical history 01 Diircstioa. From recent expeiiments we know that food is dissolved us rapidly ia au artificial riirrstivs rluid, picsued from Peptin, ai it is in the natural Gastric Jute Itself. IWesvir DUNGI.ISON of Ihe JefTerton CWIeiie, Phila dclpliiii. iu his ijreal work on 1 1 111 111111 Phvsiolog, devotes more than hlty pas. to an examination of this'snhieet. Hts expcruuenn with Dr. Ilcaujnont, on the liarlric Juice, olsaine.1 from the liviiur liniinn stomach and from animal re well kiaiwn. .-111 all eases," lie says, 'di(festioiriWear red us perfectly ia the artificial as la tlie naturaldigettiona." - AS A DYSPEPSIA CUKER,- . Dr. HOItGirr-OVft preparation of PKPSIN has produ. ceil tbp most mnrvelloiis effects, curing hisea ol' Debility, Jaieieintioii, .c. vou Decline, and Uiapcptic Consumptiini, supposed t-i lie m tlie wry vene ol the grave, ' It is im- pnminie to give the dctail 01 canes 111 the li mils of this ad vertisement hut authenticated certificate have Well given .1 more 111.111 11111 IIIAIJIil.U KK M AIIKA HI.K CFRKS, in t'liiladcliihia, New Vork, and R.aiioa' alone. Ttiesc wete nearly all desperate eases, and4lie cures were nol only rapid ami wonderful, lint iertn ineill. '' if is a great NKHVtJI S ANTIDOTE, and pnrr'ieutarly useliil for tcnileiii-y t i li.ti aia disontel. Liver Complaii.t, Fever and Aetie, or badlv traated Fever and Ague, and lha evil ettW-ts i.f Quinine, Mercury, "and other drags upon th. ii.:.-i.n, e organs, unci a long sicKuese. Also, lor excess in eating, mid Ihe t' free us of ardent spirits, it slinast reconciles Health with Intemperance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There in tin form of OI JJ. STOAT ATI1 COMPLAINTS which it does 11 a oecm to irach ani reniove at mice. N- mailer how laid tlicy may be, it iiJV-:s INS'TANT RE 1.IKK ! A sinirle dope renfot-ca afl the uupleaiiant tyuip. toins, and it only need lo lie rcicaied, for a short tune, to make lli-nc e Kli rfeela Deriitmeiil. PI ItlTVOF I1U IOD and VIGt IK '1F Hupv, f-.tlov al one'e. It is partieularlr1 cxeelleiit in cuhes of Nausea. Voiiiitine. Cruinns. Soienesa of the pit of the rorriaeli di1re after (siting, low, eo'd, Slate nl the 111 t, II.iiviueiu.'L'iwness ol ripirus. Despoil- ileney. r.n.aciat'011, V.'eukitesa, tendency to ln:juity, Sui cide, Ate. ' t Price, ONI". DOI.LA R per bout. Ouebotllt will often trfcet a lasting cure, v ' PEPSIN IN POWDERSe . CT SENT UY MAIL., FREE OF POiTAGF.. . , Pot eonveiiieliee of sending in all partt of tlie eoantry,1 tliotllGKSTIVf. MATTER OF THE PEPSIN is pat up1 in tlie lorm nt Powders, with directions to la dissolved ite water or sirup, uv Ihe patient. These powders contain just rtie same nuttier ai t lie tnuflet, hut twice the qnauntV' for Ihe same puce. iul will tie cnt li mail, FREE OP POSTAGE, for ONI' l-tll.I. '.A seal (pn.t-paid) to l)r! J.. S. HOL'Git'lON, No. tl North Eij-atU street, Philadelphia. Pa. o,. Six, pai kaees lor five dollars. -. Every paekntfe and hrSttle bears tlie wii'leu ig:.lure of J. S. HOUGHTON, M D., s.l Proprlel.: ' .- . S.tJ lii auciiis m everv town in the t'niled States, and by lespectalit. tlcalcrs ui .Medici!. gcaerullyj ... FOR SALE RY John W. Filing, tad Genre Bright. Sanitary, Pa.. ii Mary A :1?eCiiy Norflutmberalnd. John II. Rutei Milusi, Hates A McCormick, McEweusville, s. .1. ('rouse, Seltuagrove. John G. Renn. t'pper MahaiiUni. William Ih-jiti in,- ' - Mahonoy. t-iuibury, Sept. 14th. !."(). AllVKKTIKfi.TIE.T JSounty Land and Pension Agency ' , WASHINGTON, D. C. rT"I.h unUerrleiied AM'S-nry and OeutTlii Agent at th X t'ily of W'iiftliiia'ti.n, oilers his services 111 pupating Bounty lamds and IVusimis for Itaaie eutitltHl. Itanif per-' I H ated at (lie seat of Uo eruln.-lt, wild. lliof oatthau fainiliae ae.piniiiriuiee with the neeessa.y lornit,' uu.1 i.aitiui- of la Tutess, und liaviud access lo Kvt;i9liart tanV Knits tiled iu I lie I'. S. war otiu-e, he Messt'S liieii.cas for Ihe speedy an.' satislaetory adjustaieut 01 6o'Ainimeut elninis oi. every kind. He ii lute Acini Congress, Bounty Ijnxf ;t g-inted t. tlie ollieers and i.oUliers of the war of IMU, vafd ol taevari rious liu'iau war, tiuee IT1K1. To those ts'.ai served inn in 'I1U11 Kill in res; to th ,e who served )' iikuis SO, acres; and t . who served one month. 411 acre. Arrangeimaits h oe la-en made vcuh je-neV-meai of ths Iiral proieki u iu iliirereut seetioua ol Ulc Woautrv, for the l.ntiou of warrants, aial the salnoi the patents, when issiieil, 1111 the modi uilvautncnas tett; for )aa jakymeal 01' tax.-s, fe.leiniitiou of Initils, ild lor luxes: ,e.ll.-e.liai M debit: mat f.a- lae transaction el unend iaiw busMiess, i the iliirereut Slates and Terraoriis. He temters Ins services to meiMtienrof Ihe profession tl a distance, ami when claims against Ue.l.ovriaairiit, asr pr tiareil hy a 1 val Aceul. will ulaN one. hali hir asnal fee.- The ueeessarv fouiui aial luatisetioui. end wtWnaaiwi ni all sutneets aprl.-U'.liiir to a wi-eeski'ul jtfose. atlou of tin tiasiuess. will la; luruiklied it. nirulur Cnrrepo:kuis with out chaise. .. lersous desirine: inf rorioa'of frieists In the army or navy, will .irwar;tto lnm:JI lli nnnsirt tiUiwnot llieir service, ttajether with a lt- of one tlolliir, and their nqai-' ries will lie replied to by ivlarrt ai mail. A't oimuaiunica- Huns lo be (r-aeciin, iuat aililrrie,l to IIXKI.1W . mn'KKR, (tin Itl.P. DI;tou 1. C. Ueeember S--, lsa Viuti l-iocerie and Teas! 1) A V I )) P K ASK, S. IP. Corner ith !r Arch SireH,' Philadelphia.- "FFEKf for s.iV all binds of choice Family tiru-rio and selected articie iu his line of hufinei. , (ireeii aud Ulack Teas of all qualities and prices; Kcul Mocba, Old Java and other kinds of Coffee, Sugars, Corn Slurch for pud dings. Farina, Figs in etna IT drums. Layer Rai sins Evcncli Clnrilii'd lsinglss for jellies; Extra White Wheat Rochester, .and Philadelphia Fs mily Flour in Whole and Half Barrels ; "Latour" Olive Oil; assorted kinds of Sauce and Ketch up. Pifklrs, Olives, Preserved Ci nicer, &e., Ae. , (ioods packod for the country and sent to Rail Road Denot or elsewhere wilhout churge. DAVID PKASE, 8. W. Cor. 6th AreJi 8ts. PhiUvdelphia. Feb- 1, 1851 ly ch. M. A. '30. 800 LABORERS WANTED, IMKDIATELY on thoTruvorton Rail Road? to whom liberal wage, will be id. KIMBER CLEAVER. EgiiMr. Trevorton, Jhti. 4, 1851. tf. TVU'RS'INO BOTTLES Bretj st pumps, and -i' nilHds) tubetv A supply of those useful arter rlas iuat received and for aal br t b IN JOHN w: FRIUNO' Sunbury, )an. 13, 1851 t t t