SUNBU11Y AMERICAN AND SIIAMOKIN JOURNAL. California SCcmo. TWO WEEKS LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. The steamer Crescent City, which left Chacres on the 11th, ntul Kingston on the 13th of March, brinains San date to the ISth nil., ami hnvinsr on board S?ftl 7,27V 91 iii sold dust, arrived at New iork, on the 21st inst. The Alia California, of Feb. 15th, says ;--Since oak last review we have had a contin uance of fine weather, and for the first week in Febiuary a decided improvement in tlio amount of. business done, and on sumo arti cles an advance has been established ; but far a !e days past, owing to the nnn arrival uf the mail steamer overdue eialit day, there has been a hesitancy, and Irs busi ness doing, and at least part of the advance lost. We have no unfavorable news from the mining reeions, and we do rml think the in terior is overstocked with poods, and we nn tcipate at least a fair amount of business, not ...i.. r . .i, tuinrinr hiil a utenm i-onimu- nca.ions a,o now open and r.-nlar both ,.p ,nd down tliu coast, wo calculate a very onsiilerable accession of demand fiom llieso ionrces. Since the departure of the last steamer for Quanta, trui Indian difficulties have been on he increase rather than otherwise, and mur lers, robberies, and reports of hostilities, col- i axe. tsinn and Imines, naye oeen rue. ( F.lTorts have been made in the Lesiisliitiire ' : mini funds and Slate truons for rnrryini: ; li the war. One of the Governors Aids, J. ; ell y Johnson, K.. Ims been despatched by is Excellency to the soene of disHirbauce i act on the p.irt of the Slule. An. inrity has been givuii to raisj a Cea-e of vol itinera The Commissioners have hIkd left Stockton i:h an escort of some hundred of I'niiml ales troop-', ami it is eonli lently believe I ley will lie ubln to lurm treaties with the .inntuin tribes, and thus give quiet to the luntry. The weather baa continued dry, and, tor inter, wonderfully warm. The U-iti now is at we shall have more rain, the coiiwqueu is of which will be severe ilinuppoiiitinviil those 1'imased in the dry (liuuii't: and trhap fatal to the ituck and agricultural itr resis. The he.illh of the Mute is cue of the most .,......;.;.... Tl.... nr.. ' ul in vi a "i.i" ij .. . .. v i - - - J deaths or sicklies:, in any Jarl of the iti . The excilem-nl about tli. etihl blurt ha t died out. but miiell subs tiled. Il yet re" tins tor ihe companies Aiioiiiit'il there to ivk whether ike amount of y iilil there can made profitable to th'-ir, fli" Klaiiini'o. Si-nlt's liver an I other lo- ilies in I In- extreme ninth of the Slate; m to bear the palm in Ihe I'.iilU of our j pie in their riches ir Stale law having b 'en fuiin I ininleqnale Ihe wn;it ol sune loeaiilii-s, the people t! been dispensing jtlslice nuclei tjie code I Inde I.vtich. I Sot a fiakt; of snow has fallen lh" past j liter at Nevada city or Kniih and lieady. j e moiiulaiiis con! i'iions are covered with iiuhi lul1, m hich i fast uu I in under tlie oence of a bri!;hl son. ! lich disiiejs are said to hive b l di- i ti i i . i 1 ered near Hear liver. Ihe yoh is taken n decomposed jjianile, near Steep Hollow, ' -m the Tinief. ' 'he Times s:i, of thirteen miners who e be 'n workinir fur year on Feather t iv. j at Long's, have nviaL'ed I'lotl. I - innsi made by any cm1 person is .i-l-IO. i itiniious labor is ihe on'y aurely ul success ! he Placets. ! Most MaHi;iku.--Ai Union. Ei ie county ' the 3d, there was a cuiious alii-tnpt at rriuQK. i t appears I li ;v I relations of inliuiatti fiieud 1 had existed b 'tween Dr. 11 and Mi- . ! for some two yyns. which re-nltcd in . ir presenting iheinselves at tip- CpiM-npal j neb for the ptupose of maiiia-e. The ' ., ! t porllon ol Hie semee, .-n.lnaclOL' the , ,s uf the briile"rooii!, were promptly res- I led to by him, The coveuiiiu of the bii le j i then lead by the clcitninun. to which ; promptly an.wciel i;No !;l The minis-j .asked her if she was in earnest in w hat said. ' Yes p-ir," j.iid she, 'he has per- 1 d himself, trilled with the HlfectiotiS of irs, and 1 have but done him justice '.'' j 1 11 1 1 1 i 1 1 Lf I'Oiiud she look a eiitleninu's i an. I left the. Church. The puivs. he I i , iii i . I 't undeislatul It, und deolaics hts lunn, ! ce. j - .. oRPfs CnntsTl Salt --The evidenc -s of Siat resources of Webterti Texas tiro ev- ' day iuoroaoins. Yesterday a specimen atural salt, futin:l ei'ht miles fro n Cor. Christi, was handed us whioh apppaied ectly pure, while it is stated that Ihe )ly is inexhaustible. Carls are sent out, the sail is shoveled in with little labor exp anse. What gives it increased value ie fact that thu beef, which is raised so msivcly iu that section, can bii much a easily cured with this salt than any r, as il takes or absorbs the salt with the test facility. It is further thought that articlp, when ground, will make a line for the table, and for all cooking purpo, New Orham Delia. iiom Pokt au Puist-e.-rBy th Mriu Mil, Capt. Harper, at New Yoik, hiiue ilato ie 3J inst. Colfen was sellintr at hlQ In per 1,000 lbs , logwood, 40 per 1U00 lbs. flairs were comparatively quiet ; although s the discovery of tho conspiiaey tisainst jovernment, n great many removal were tig place, and a number of arrest of Ihe ing persons of Ihe island. TloJ govern, t are keeping the troops marching from '. e to place, with a view of separating ,)a. There is a commission 'of four ap ted to confer with Mr. Walsh and the ich and English consuls, respecting the ri of the Eastern part of the Island, but lis date nothing had been done. lere were no American vessel of war at au-Prince, nor haj there been since the nao Bajled for Cape Haytien. neVican Provision were growing carce wa beginning to come into the mar. l rather large quantities. Fr.Ksn Yatth Frozen Beneath tiik SnA.-f-Fresh water was found- frozen, into solid ice in the lead which, convey the Cochituate water tinder the sea, witfer of Boston harbor to East Boston, and which pipe is 30 feet below the surface of the watrf. The explanation of the phenomena V) that fresh water freezes at 32 deg. F., while sea water requires n reduction of temperature 41 (leg. lower, or to 271 '' before it solidifies. Thus the salt water was doubtless cooled below the freezing point of pure water, and conducted away the heat from the lead pipe, so as to lower its temperature' sufficiently to cause a film of ice to f'orm on the insido of the pipe, and by successive layers of ice the pipe was gradually filled.. ' A Sr.uioirs Jokk. Tn the reign of Eik ward the fourth, the sin of the "Crown" in Cheapside was kept by one r Wal ker. This person had observed in joke that lie Would mnkehisson'-'heirtothe Crown.'1 The words reached the jealous ears of roy alty; the foolish equivoque was construed into the crime of high treason, and the man W hun-jed opposite (o hu own door, A iLv Ium.kd. On Saturday 'last a German man named Charles Jmuis, from the vicinity of Fiinkstown, says the Cliiim-bt'i-.sbnrp; Whij:, was committed to jail in that place for killing a man named McFar ren,hy cutting him in the back with an I'oisoxrn Rict:. At Boston, an auction j .vale id' twenty-five tierces of rice, d.nnuged j by lite water on India whavf was stopped on , Friday, by the Mayor, in order to ascerl.iin I whelh r a seme or other poison in the eel-. ir had impregnated it. r, r -ri n . , 1 i IioiitttiP.v i. La.vcati;k. l he co lectar's ; i ,. . . T, , , :j!uce in Lancaster, Pa. was entered am) ; ro' b'd on Friday niht of SSHO, About , 20') of the stolen monev, consisted of old 't irn Relief notes, uuil libottt 300 n par ! funds. I ,..-,. i him - ! LIST OF CAT'SCS ' ijjur. trial in the i.ourt nt i oininon rlras i i, el' irtltiiiiilii-l.iul County, ut A (iril 'X''rji. A. V., 1S51. ri.Ai.N-rirrs. J. Mil!il:eu. jr. ."i: Co- Movvfis 1,0 llfl ct 111 dki'i-ndants. vs Prank ifc Stpinheiscr. u (ii-urne Milli-r A. son vs Jonau llowinau vs iSaiiiuul Kaullinnii Jonas llou-iimn ct ul Danville eV PotUvjilo : K..i! Road Co. ' F'lc-i'.cii'.-U Keener I.aeli ." 'fa-, ler 1'anliMni; rS j Peter Kii-litcr's e.'r. , Ann J. I vers ! li.n-hacl MeCartv vs Haywood & Snyi'.cj vs Wtn. Ayrcs vs Ja.-oli Ib)!i'man vs J Ue Moriniindie vs IKnWe Ai Uarri-t s 1 irwart A' Jordan etui vs J'l'.r.i.lirth Wi-itzdctal Win. iV li. I Vsrelv iV C". vs John SUtsglef I .Marv N:im'.-i-ct I m Ifolu-rt W Dunn same ; Pontius iV vs James Untm l liojniisoii vs Snnii:ol K Wood i- c , ,. S D Jordan. S Hunter Alex Jordan John Miller vs John )i Iioyd's cx'rs Jaco'.i I'hil'n.s vs (i'cor,'e I.. Weimcr .1 S Lawrence nibn'r of , , ... . . . iii vh I t.rr i; 1) ciuicr ct nl Sa.all J.elLMlou, .1 'l;i ton I'.ir J Me Williams vs Juno lJovin V ( ' J iu rn-lt far Will K .a;.'lc vs Jolin l)ivci Mary 'ii ker- vs IVtcr Fer.tcr sain. vh letrr lirosious Ch.nli's 1! Prick vs Eli .shun- Tims Cuniniiiiss it id vs J Parke & X) K Itislicl Jauut'aau 1.04-dam t'l ul s Wn Mt-t'av's mliii'm ('hrii'.tiaii llo'linger vs Charles II ousel vs F. .Matthews vs John C.mrad vs 1'icliard (ioodmun vs Philip Spayd vs (ieo Ijowmun vs .Iidin A;iiold Chus. A. Audro Daniel HannaliacU M " liower ,, , k. sunrn rvA. Jordan ot n! (ircen i'L I' rus. for T Howard vs Henry I.antz - David Tciiy Abiid;am LuiiL'rr sunn vs Jieiiry ilalilerman oiit.ioie.crv A Siienv vs James Covert I Clavton for .Mc Wiliiums s Jus Savid'je It JJ Ccimjiius vn Mi)utnr.'uuerv V Mvsiellcr ; Jacob v s.imncl L lieck i li It Kase vs (in A Dixon j ti i' Ty-nn lor Jub 1'ysou vs Daniel L. Schnrck 1 Jas C'.irnlber rt id s Edward 1) Pcarce I Philip I'illmvcr vs D H Wutsoii I Jacob AiUrnucr : Samuel Jarrot i (ieo Apsley i Nii.-tlium'.ii rlanu couutv , James Ihellt iiliai'li va same. ' r " '""" i3,ua m .1 Auten vs I lt-asi r M,.(:lt,rv 4S n u (julllmil)gs Daniel P Caul vs Deutler t: .Montaguo Aaron Repparl vs Ira T Clement Heniv C.bcl s Wm McCarlv n.U-A. j,, y( ) v olViii.m A wild II Kulints, McCurly ctal JoM-pli .nyilcr llu-.'h Marlin Ji lit u McCormick Xiar'.jn rwins' udm'r Molt A ."-holier vs Joscpli Uimiuii; vs lteubcn Troxel vs Isaac Shutter vs II Ynxtheiiner adm'r vs Daniel Dreisbacb Follnier fur Caul vs 11 Su-iusuctz, ex'r, Henry Keis.r vs Henry Vo-.llicimer li-.i T. r'ii.!il.-l (i'.ol..i l.'olli-haill Coiu id ltecdy vs Moiits, Kepler - Slomrhtoi, Win iirusa fur .auil (iiliicrt vs J. J. Updcjial J- ljowman ludorbcc &e vj J C Perkins Eliiali H.irto ; - ji,111110 'I'liomas J Addis Lower in; Darron ,L:eh Kliuo William Welch vs Charles bailor vs Philip Cloil'cltcr vs EaiUar (larnharv vs Ira T. Clement vs Jiiiph Klines' sdiu'r vs Jaculi K Trefto vs licnj F x: J W "tuniiu vs Frtdcri'-k lleckart vs Jacob Howpr ii John Kolir l nomas Mitton Caspar Il-.-ckurt Nicholas 1 lower Ccorie Hckeris' ndui'r Daniel 11 Di'iesbacli vs A 1) .lrtuiaii V4 l-Lieiurd ltuudarmcl ft al vs J H Purdy vs (iea 11 Yiiuninau vs Joseph Lou-; s Samuel S beddin ys Jacob Milzul John L lot.H Ira T Clement John W Pi al ie.) C McKie Saruh Siitzcl Same J i-ob Km h ot al vs John Kciter Tinbiook for Appletnu vs James llrass K L Cumui!iin vs 1 hos .S Mackey llii kok Si Cuutiuo vs (Ieo W Armstrong John Kciter vs Charles faach Ivci;1kmi Fugi'ly V Kersliiirr &. Clement Nancy Housuj vs David Houk-Is' adm'r Jacob Keller vs ltank of Northumberland, K.ikor iV Co for Jacob Lluom vs lleiirv Conrad Heni'V KIum & Eve his wife vs ' Jacob '.artman'i udiniiiulrutor Jonathan Harnian vs David Miller I'honms Allen va Peter Kaup Same va 8nue Georeb E. Oehria; et al vs Peter Wnrnv M'iliiam Mctarly v Sauiuul HunUil t'roxel for Cuul now far Jacob l.lino & Jqs J. Porter v" Klines' sdm'r Daniel lilioails v Jacob v'arlmaii Mary Jane Iiruueret ul vs William Wilson Lccker !c Weiller vs It D Cunimings. JOHN FAHNsWOKTH, rroU'ry, Prothonotnrv's office, ) Sunbury, March 15, A. D. 1851. J LIST OF JUROES. F Northumberland County fur Ajirrl Term, A, V. 1851. firaiid Jurors. Sl'UBURV. J. H. Zirnmerman, fborria Uotniis, Andrew JJ(iit, ri. V. imfWl. Milton. John E. Gehrig. Chilhquaque. Flemina N'sbil, William roiiWman, Llijali Hill, Jacob Wolivcr. Delaware. John Leiser, Geo. W. Dixon. Tunnt.-T. William. Follnier. SiiAMOKlN.-i-Gasper Adams. Lowkr Ai.'cvsta. Jeremiah, Wetzel, Caleb Ely, James Itoader, Peter lleiiz. I.owkk Mahon.oi,. Joseph Spatz, Adam Looker. f'cPKa Mahosov Jpriathan Smith. Point. Ilenrv Morgan. Coal. Peter W'eikel. I.itti.k Maiionov. John lleusyl. Jackson. Michael Wolf. Traverse Jurors. Si-NBt RY. S. i. Thompson. Non-riiL Miii;ui,AM). Peter llanselmnn, Ja cob Kckerl, Charles Mans. Mii.ton. Samuel lilaii, Moses. Chamber till, James l!i;oy. ClitllMUAoi;!-:. Daniel 7.eler, .Joseph Fredeiii-k, Win. Maehimer, John Kinkaiil. Dk.i.awakk. William Beard, William Mo Williams. K. V. Dirincksou, John Al. Smith, John C. ll.-iny. John Wotk. Point. Thomas Yaokiik, Daniel J.esher, J. W. Slatntn, William Leiuhow. I.f.wis. Isinu! Dnnkel, Daniel Derr. I.uwKit AfutsTA. William Kreighlwnm, Thomas Snyder, Win. IJIoom. llnniv Conrad, John Savidje, Peter Snyder, Israel Thurston, David llniu k, Levi Thomas. Ilrsii. Alevander Campbell, Juscpb IVr. Lirri.K Miionoy. Williaiu Uothannel, Jacob D. IloHmiin. Dri'ha Maiionov. Henry Maliick. Liiwkii Maiionov. John Dockey. Michael Ibidle. John Messuer, jr., George Emerick, John Hone. Siiamokin. Charles Lejsenrin. Asa John. Jack-hx. Daniel l.'iuh, Vliu. .a-tiiuiii, IVt -r Treon. Coal. Alexander Caldwell. SVJil ii3ioaK. St'NIlCllY. (JeotL'H NoltTIIIMn-.lll..NU Di. -J.i tries Sb.riuer, Daniel oris Milton. Simon liando'ph, Wm.. Wilson, Peter lr in. Point. John Sper-ce, Jesse C. Ilorlon, J. C. Koadenb n il. Lkwis. Andrew I.all'ertv, Peter Si rouse, , ., . . ,.. , ' James 1 ai I. Amos Kl.i.e 'r,.Knt-r. James l-iiair. Kvlian Dm.kle. David tlolJ," Wm. M'Gnire. John Kryiuire Lowi:'n Maiionov. Michael Grimm. John Winner. Jacob liiiiLretnan. Samuel oung. Littli; Maiionov. John llenl. l'ppKii Ai'fifSTA. Moideeai, l.owun AlucsT.a. John Shipe. John Uen- dershot, Win. He jtt. John H. V isher. Siiamokin. John Heed, sr., Jcsu Camt)- bell, F.lida .lolin, Samuel Moore. Ulsii. William Gcatharl, Joseph Shaip- Coal John lleim, Wm 1-Vgoly. ! ??ei7 Advcrthcmonts. i .. i TO THE ELECTORS OF NOUTllL'MliEK- LAND COUNTY. I rHI' sid-s-.-rilirr rcsjicett'ully informs his iVicndii J and I'c'.'nw eiti.i-ns of Norlliuinherhintl coi;n ' ty, that ho will he a i-aniliate lor Coiinlv CoPiiniissioncr, , nt t!ii ensuing elertion. lie thcrofnn? 3olicits t'rom his friends mid fellow citizens a sup port, .kiiii promin's shuulil in-, be elected to dis charge t'.ie duties of the oliicc with I'ulclity and ' iniia;tlaliiv. j ' KLIAS KKOSIOCS. ' Snuhnry, March li, 1 83 1 j SHERIFF'S HALF. j 7T3V virtue of a (Vrtaiii Writ of h"-. fnem to ino directed will be sold by public, vendue or i outcn , at one o clock. P, M., on .Monday the ith day uf A pril next, at tho Court House, in the Dor, I ouoli of Sunburv, the following lteal Es'.atu to Wil : Tint ceitain : two ETOitY sr.ici: cinrncii, ' situatf-.d in the liorouiih of Snnbiiry. ill Noitliutiii . Iierlaod county, hounded sounthwardly by lilack- berry street, eastwardlv !iy River street, westwardly and'iioithwaiiliy by loi oi'.l. 11. Purdy. roniainimr ' in fr )iil on lilacLbi-i-ry street. 3(1 feet, und ill depth on River street, (Ul feet, and the lot or piv-L of Ui'oiuid and eiulihi'.-e, and also the land ei.vernl by said liuiidiiijr, and mi much of the land imme diately adjacent t'.ierc'o, us may hi necessary for the ordinary and iiM-ful purposes of said Luildiiu;. Sic.ed. taken i.i execution and to I e sold as ' the property of ihe tieruiun Ifcformcd Church, iu Sunburv, with itulice to Jacob Smsholu, Daniel ' Haas, David O. E. Maize, Philip Iteuu and (ieo, oun, buildiite Committee. JAMES COYERT.Shr'lV ' SlulV'a Otl'ii-e, Sunburv, March l.'i, lSol. ' i CLOTH (J!!! VJiIt';i!i' & ECctail, i At the PHILADELPHIA WAIUmOSE, South Ens! Ctimrr. Market am! tifi Sts. Clothing rasliionnlily Cut and w. II 3!utlf, f N Vl'J'E the nttention of Wholesale and Retail )uyers, to their extensive and complete stork of Spriti-; and Summer Cloiliim; : ronipfiiiiii every variety of st Ie that can be produced. Our aim is tu please ii.-ul accnmiuodiile all; and . in order to do this, we m.uniUi lnrc Clothiii at ; almost every price. Scllinn for cash only enables us to, olter cloth-in-r at a very trilling advance. i'C Our motto is, .s'ii J'icJ' mtri Qi'iel 1 - are confident that an examination by you ; is all that is necessary to confirm what we say, and s, cure vour custom. P. It. McNEll.LE & CO. Philadelphia, March 15, ISol. In,. : UNION HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. i rrHE MISS Vl'lT7.,:i.'S rtsiiectfully inform j X the PuMic that they still continue to enter j tuiii tntvelleru uud pthers ut their old established I stan.1 iu Murket treel, xvest ul' the Court House. Their liiioj rvierience in the business, ml the I well established reputation of their House, will, they trust. In: a sidhciuiit KUumiiU u, that tl.cir 1 I'ustoniers will well nceomnioduted. I Miuch 8, li51.-,tf. LAVriMCK HOUSE. BUIISUKY, PA. .JIIIE subset ilier respectfully informs lier friends, 1 mid the mhlie geiiertilly, that she has tukeu ie above well known stand nearly nnninjite the Court House, l.tely ocruiiicr! by Mr. j. C. Per kins. She trusts that her exjierience in business, and her dibits to inuko her gucsu conifprtable. will (jive entire sutisluction to those who may fa vor her with their eustom. ANN C. MOIIKIS. MurcU 8, 1S31 tf. Estate of SAEAH IIEW3EEUY, Dee'd. At OTICK is hereby civen that letters uf admin. ' istration haxe been Rrunleil to tho subscri ber on the estate of Surah Newlierry, dec L, Into of Point township, Northumberland county. All persona indebted to mill estate, or having claims against the name, are requested to call on the ub- criber lur ettlament. DAVID TAGGABT, Adm'r, Northumberland, March 8, 1851. Ct. MACKEREL, SHAD, CODFISH, SALMON, HEIMNGS, POKK HAMS AND SIDEH, 8HOIXDEKS, Constantly on hand and for wile by Y J. PALMER A Co., Murket Mrwt Wharf, rillLAUELPlHA. March Btht5l -3m. I.AUD, CHEESE, J frit;t trees, SHRUBBERY, if. rilHE suliscrilier will receive orders for nil kinds X of Fruit Trocs, such ns, Apple Trees, Plum Trees, Peach Trees, Cherry Trees, Prsr Trees, Apricots, QuiiKO Trees, OriisiHentnl Trrrs, Ac. Toirellior with all kinds of Shrubbery, Ilulliouii ItooM, Plonts, Grajie Vines, &c. All of which will be sold at thv lowest rstes. bv It. b. MAIMER, A unit. rt Ordrrs for.Tirrs, Ac, should be sent in as carlv n possible to. secure khrin in time. s'untuiry March IS, X8ol " ruocLVu Lvri onT TV OTICK h hereby pirn that ths.vcriil courtu '' of Coinumii Pluis. (ienerul tiimrtcr Sessions of tlio penT, nml Orphans' Court, Cojirt of Oyer and Terminer and (icneral Jail DcVvfi'.V, In and for the rounty of Moflliuniberland, tucominence nt the Court House, ill the borough, ol fSunburv, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on, Monday, tlir Till dnv of April next, und will contiiiuo TWO WEEKS. MM T..u.;..An nl'lt.. .....I .l.aln. 1 III. IIIIHIII l( IIIMIl I . .11 III.. 1 . 11. V. I."". IVIISi"- blcs in and for the county of Northu jjicrlid, are rrqucslrd to be fclien and then- in lhcic prop? r per sons, with their rolls. Rem',, Ininisitirps, nml other Tcnii iiihriinccs, to do those llnim b their several ollices nppcilaitiinir to. bo done. And till witnivses prosecuting in behalf of the Common Wealth naijis a,ny prismirr arc u,lso requested and comnuiidcd to be then and there nttcndini in their proper persons to prnsreutc naainst him, as shall lie just mid not to depart wiiJtoiit leave nl, their peril. J il cum nre reaiiesteil to bepnui-tuul in their ntlcndiiiiee, at the time iniiiointed utirceuLle to their notii-e.f. (iveii under mv huiidt ut Sujiburv, the bit dav of March, iu the year of our Lord one thou sand ohrht hundred and fiftv-o'.ie and the In deiiendiiiKe of tto United ."States of America the 'iJih. JAMES COVERT, 8h'iV. God save the Commonwealth. REGISTER'S NOTICE. TV OT1CE is hereby niven to all Legatees, ' Creditors and ether persons interested iu the Estates of the foMuwiiiL' named pt-rsuns, llmt the Executors and Admini tralorof said Estates have filed then- lueounts with the Register of Nortluun berlaud county, and that the same will be pre sented to the Orphans' Court of mid Coiinlv, on Tuesday the 3lh day of April next, fur confir mation und allowance. 1. SSI. Solomon Swank, ilec'd., settled by his Adm'r Jonathan 11. Deibler. Sarah Miller, ilec'd., settled by her Adm'r Frederick Weaver. Daniel Fivmiie. dee d., settled bv bis Executor illiani H. Frymire. Peter li rosins, dec'.!., settled by his Executors, i'eter liro-.ius -uid (Jodfrey Rcybuck. John Kcll'er, dee'd.. Und account settled bv his Adm'r Hamncl Keller. (ieorL'e Krebs, ilec'd., settled by his Adm'rs ile hours mm ceni testa im-nto aiinexo, William Iteppeu and Jacob Krebs. James Geddcs, dee'd., settled by his acting Executor (.'harles (iale. Frederick Tschopp. dee'd.. settled by his Adm'rs Andrew 'i'sehopp uud Philip 'I'schops'. Peter Hriniclier, ilec'd., scaled by his Executor William Sr'nicman. William Reescr, ilec'd. , Sn)i)lenicntary Ac'nt. settled by his Executors, Samuel and David Kceser. Abraham Diehl, dec'.!., final nccoiint, settled by bis Exci', John mi l Michael Diehl. I Mary I, yon, dee'd,, i.ctiU'1 by her Executor, j George Lyon, ( William Lemon, dee'd., Supplementary Are't nettled by his Executor, liu'h Mc Williams, t JOHN P. pI'lisEL, Ee-ister. i:,'i:itfr's Otlicc, ) Sunburv, March 1, I SSL C,t. PROPERTY FOR SALE. fTMlV, Subscriber wha resides in Phihuh-lphia, IL oilers for sale the follow in' proieny in Mil ton, Northumberland county, vi. : The large ERICK BUILDING upper Milton, foiuierlv occupied by Messrs Pattcrswt;s us a Carriage Makers tshop The butldiiij is li') 1,-et trout oil upper Market sine and -10 feet on Front street, and is two btoiit'fl Also a two swy IIKICK ELAC'KSMITH SHOP, 10 bv f. et. on the same premises. The lot is on the corner of upper Market and streets, and is (iii feet trout, and l.'ill feel deep. Ihe premises would he valuable lor a l aundry or oher iminuf.ictuiiuir purposes, and will be sold on reasonable und accommoiiatiiiir terms by ap pb ina; either tu JACOU CA I! Itlti A N," Philadelphia, J. I. M'Ol.I'lNOElt, Esip. Milton e,r II. U. M A.-SElt, Es. , rsunbur,. Philadch.liiu, Jan i.i, lSol tf- TUBEa'CCAIT, KODG-EP u. CO., IMlOUTKUS AM) .lOIMlKKS, s I.IIrfrty MrcH, .iv Vurk. lift wren ;.":itUv.iy uml NitK.t;i,) KM 11 w pveivii!.: a n li und Viiium! u?.- Ttii Ctit y 1 loi. y Stlk a. I Miiiiif-ry (jmii. t piirlirtilriny m U': Ui: ul'.- ii wiji niiirxt 1: tul I'bti'Cl fir ui. hi nl' uti l iikIi ruu;li,.ticiK, mi'l hi to in. us ii mil, us we nro (1etr.uijr.cii t -'ll imu iiMt. iv'.'r liL-i'iit fit'. f:i in liu iiuifUt t . ...ui, .... i. (it'll i ( i t,i u,;m 'tilun'jii mh mi,i;i.v iiit.i:iM-!i wilu j nrriti in tlie:r tine ai i.l n:t tin.- i.'in. ti' mii-u n i ii or Aticii n (tn Many I 'iir jrt.t!h hit maimi'tr'tni'tvl t-XH'K ;'ir nur ( tuii'S. tiiU.l 't t'V fw 1 1 til UKUa,! ov i;Av pi ii-' -. I; n. t tint ui" t iii ii i'mwhs. a larc arictj . ;li.s am! ..lint it. (i.Miin i -,. t r.ij.i.. ('ta; '- Iim'h? 'I'arl'-Iujin unit Iliu-iii I ji; f(t TriiiUMiin I T Hat-, t iim mt'l llrr -.-ri Jiitiv l.iml I'mt. l'.irt ami t;.."-u H.-ud JrrfKf(i. Iaii'..i -i.UT il t an, 1J 'Mai, i.ultn. uii't t't(iiiit,l(t. 1 .1 Uiil UiliTt! Ulill luirllilllr, WltaUm! .li'JIll 'rii.' Knihsd, alim ii'iif. fr;! iinil l.inie 'I'lin-ai i aht.Ttuilrrivtl. lli-vftii mt.-t lM.iin Linca Caiiiliric Ilkj'ii. Sill ri-uri. Cravut.-i mid Drew likt'd. rWii"j JiiiMiH-ltj Unii Mii-iiii, Hiu llij'liorj !,viil. )inilirutfn-il. laiuak mni 1'l.iinl aid it I taj-e i-liayll. A Full A:- rim nt ii Straw rn.'iiuli Aia rir;ui Ariiiiv'ial l-'l 'wru. Willi u liirM- viMi'ty iMt liA-litioutiJ ntnur. All virunt' t r m oitl tia'iiitf I in- iiricm will make ir.-nt'-v y rulliii; mill .aliiti'yimj Un'liifi. I s. Xt:y V'tfL Jan. 'J, izi ;im i fernoi.oiiv thi: iT.i,Ki;iuTKn im. r. w. j liUliAl'K. ' I Aslr..lj,)t Atroin-iuy, I'hn-. , 4tK,'V. uuiWit; .i.riiicv. ritinliimii Willi .'tJ.S J I It ATit , i iMtu'i lim wivi.ri itiiliiiailiz'iti) tH pflliiiuilwrliunl tniuniy. liu liak tKH'it iniulli'il h uil liic .'i'.iVii-tt I It. u (m nl J-.ur.n-'( uml iij(i sn ItiltcT rt'iifiuti"ii im hii AirnliifftT ih'ni nny cii llll)K. AulHlllt I'.ilcuJaliil HL'i'ortUll ltltiitiill4: lltUn frijj tibltllt liUMI J'eiVi'liy ul II lllill!Cuil Ihfir ivii (;i-tiiuwu hy Bi iHhny ilm tfii hi tin lnj- i their birth. All It ttcr nmiuimiia thf nl iv will rt'eviv iiu- iiiMl:itc iideiiU it, und Nuiivitirt ft iit 1) any part of the w rlt w it'eu n iliirniilt: ixipcr i mid Im iii iirtMKiri ii to maLe uwiti liis lower (py iv'iuiirutioii ii uiiv nl (ho l'lttvui !) 1(K ' LoUrt!iip, HiU'N'L- L'U mi l'r tilt; Ktti'CtifflUl Ui'COUlrtlll. tiit iit oi a W"-it!liy iitiiirri'.'; ; hr It-ix ih- in.vt-r li rt-kt m mich u nre ftven tn lw lice nn l ihe tmtilo ; ami lor all iwm m, uml for Uiu rt-L-m crv i btltn ir ul iimi.- crty, uittl jurrliuiiiitf nl' lottery ti' klH TU-itisindt ( the ulivu n.iiiKvl riir''k have b-i'il d in tl;i t il v uii'l lfc VH'lii- riv. und in the t nilt-tl St.jlt n In thtj lull Milttit'iietinii H ull lO.OfKl Nitti i lie nr il.irt-bc.ipi-n Uwe iM-en rat Uuriiiu tli Iuhi f.ntr year while IttTi-. l.tjiteifc u il unnwer u cry ur- ;)", niKl will ! uh well uu to c ill tn i'"Mii, unit iho mull ti it tv yy n: th.u uu i:i uettl n t ivur to lint m -i.ey through the Dirier. lioKu'li nc:'iv irntn i0 lo MKHi U'ttam niotithlv, nntl had never utituxl one lie imr llenlitr lo taino thliee. l utily ilifl itiilr. AH Irllpi Will lie reliL'l 'imlv iiHriuled to, II preitiilC lot limre nur. lirniitri c-til nl tlie niliceot this pa-r aiid Rot a ttrologi. eul Auniiitui'1 sniii 71 Ijoruiit itrcet aljve Mprt'h, rinimipipiim. C. tt'. KUilAi K. Phllailulphiu, Feb. P, r51.- Out. KOTICE, AS the uhpieriher intends inuUiin new arranse menu in hi liusinctn ort the first of Janua. ry 1451, al) person! know in? ihonmelvei injehted to him, ara requested to cull and make aettlement ui to that tiiiie, iy jiayinent or giving their note for the amount due, JOHN" W. FKILING. Sunbury, Dec 58, 1830 tf. Cotton Yam, Cotton Curiiet Chain, Cotton Lapa and Wadding, Cotton Outlinci, Keady made Pantaloonf, Keady made VeU, CongrvM Kuivea, Porcelain lined lireaervinj; ketllcn. jut received fornalel.y if, MASSRR. Swibury, Dec. S, n00KSRI.LERS; COUNTHY Merchants and Teacher 1PK reapectfullv request the nttention of sll dealers in SCHOOL, MISCELLANE OUS or ULANIC HOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPEK-atid WINDOW SHADES, to our supe rior facilities for supplying t unusually low rates, for cash or npprnrcd credit, every article srUiii- kiiij to qnr Imsiiiess, A loiiir and nelive expericneo wnrranU us in savins Unit we cuu olajr inducements to purcha sers, r.,VA,i,i,i;i nr kew r.xcKi.i.Ki nv nonk. earnestly ask an examination of our mode of conduction business, helicviti if an cxporiniciit is made, it will be pound for the interest of those desiring goods in our lino to continue operating with ns. ' Our slock is nt nil, seosups lare, and selected . I with particular reference tu the wantu of Pum- sylvunia, Ohio and the near trade generally. ()rrtfi:t hi Mttil or otn'rfi,c ii t;prtrrf pruwpi ly ami ut the ("opr.. rntrn iiiown in iui tiun.rl. l-if' The hii;!iest price (riven for K iu caUi. PECK &"1U.1S8. Sorth-JuaA Vomer nf Third if Arch Fts PHILADELPHIA. March 8, l.?31 lin. TO PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. 'PHE suliicribers oiler to physicians and tlruq. A uils. n carefully selected stock of drutjs ami medicines, which they will puarantee to bo of tho i seen in the following :, best quality, pure und unailulterated in all cases. YALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Their facilities fur ii.ip..rtinK foreign .lrmjs and j j, '( f ; c bemicls are such, that they are enabled to sell , ..u p- Kw ,,U.llstlo, cer.ilv the value and them unoi. Ihe best terms, und at the same time ; l.,;;nil.v uf-' t ver's CHERRY" PKCTO.'AL. to ..-.sure their customers ol their pem,M.ems. wl.ieli'l eonside'r peculiarly ndapu-d U. euro 1 hey have nUu. recently pr. pared and now of- SM UI tC T, ;,,, .,. " , THE RT. REV. LORD llHOP PIELD. : writes in a letter to Ins triend. who was stukimr Rescinbliou : Henry's Maatiesw, Iree from carbon- un,1(.r ,,;.,.,; u- Lumj:, : -Trv the ien. .dandri.i.L'lmessPr!:r!lti..css. ulinot entirely , clIEA'UY PEC-TOiAL und if nnv mcdieiiie tasteless, romb.nimr in an equal bulk from three , cn Rivt, vou t;lL. Jving 'uf (iil that lo four times the strenirth ol tin cnmuion kind, will." and sold ut about onu iho price of Henry's j CIllI',1-' J ENTICE El "STl.'S. Magnesia. pr Lntiisiana, writes "That a vo'ur; daiuhter uf 1'hey have also prepared the i his wan cured of several severe attacks of Fluid .MniriK-sia. ; l ' KV 'Kctoa'al. M Inch is n new- and valuable remedy in acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, ecc, ut less than half llie price of Ihe foreign article. Tin y also have on baud of their ow n prepara tion mi i.ssm llill lll of Ji IX ' 1 1 I lll't! Iflllll'S 111 l ()H(CP, ... .1 Nest put up m 1, j unu i poun.l Hollies, sucii as Aloes. Ithuhurh. Senna, JSene"a, ltbatanv, Ki no, limn Aral'ic, ('orpentam, Ext. (ilyeyrrh, Ipe cac, Potassi Snlnh., Pota.-s.i Nitras, l!orax, Spi jeliii, llucFiu, tVrris, Cascjrilla, Cauella Alba, Uvit 1'rs-i. iir. (irint caie has been taken lo have these pre pared from the bent selected driers and in such a way as to prc-crxo the charjetcrUUi 4 of each ar ticle without injury. They have also 11 varioty o. C1iarr.:!!itll !L BEt;irai:iCi'iili(-nl Pn paniiior.s of their own manufacture, und add to the lift all the vuhinhle new remedies us they become known. Atiiong lliem may be im-utioncj the following : If ytl.-uey.Tlie Aei-1. jl'li;sir;lli.itl ul' Murcury, I'mimrutiiiiis nl I.Kli.i... '. ' Ir ni, nl' I'l.t:,.!. Kll.c. I.iitn.-r Anun .nui, T.xtnn-1 nf tjotin.i, (liuil. n ' Aijuu. 1I1. I .leiii. ml f.iini i u'liaiiusiw I Ph-'Ki'linte. 1I1. n new re.' I.i children. I iniilv liir lllieiiumtiMii. ;l-,.xliu(,t V. Ifuc-hL oinp., Hliic M s, , fit, I-1, Kxtrsct hi' nullum, ' 1 ).i:iswi. '- 't-.iinxiiMiiii. lu-eliti, Si irmuini ohi r!nnl poKai'in ttiiiil. il i. it 1. lid, 1I.1 siinple il.i, Cn Inc.. nth i'unii. it silieilu, " Vril.-rirai,, ti new nnn ev lul mnnly iSps. .Etlitr Nitros, L. P., Oils of Copaivii, Cubebs, Ergot, Tobaccc, x:c. Citrate of Iron 11 nd (jiiininc, eiui. Oxide of Lou, an antidote. , for arsenic, Citrate of .M..enesin, 11 new and pleas ant catlinrli.' incdiciue, put up ill I'i of. bottles, icr dof. Collodion, or Licjtiid Adhcaivc Plas ' ter ; a convenient application in n;auy surgical I operations, put up in small Also I CANT11 ltIDL COILODION Oil ULIS '. TEItlNtl LIQl-'lD, A co.iveuti nt preparatiiin of cantharides in many 1 tnses whire there is 11 ililiicettv nf ntitilviiiir lli ordinary blisrin j idaster. ' A cnaliuL- of it anuli- Cll .;,,' ,,,,.1.- hair brush and covered with oil H:i. ' - so.., K;,Miiir s,,t.irc. will nroduce a I Mister in three lumrs' time: or wheif txnosed. in the itsiutl time uf ubout twelve hours. Physicians, and others may depend upun tho 1 "" l,r'"":" execution qi l.ieir oruers at at I mm u Ine bei t ipjahty ol medicine, can b I I'"" ".iii. CHAItl.Es ELI.Is & CC flii Chesnut street, Philada. Laboratory, (it'u and Morris iSts. .voulbuark. Noyeiiiher 10, lS.i0.T7-tf. I SSLLI1TG- ' AT UKDUCIil) I'KICKS. I rjHli suliscnlicr tlrsiioas of disposiiig of hci; ! X tock uf ! MiLMNLKV AND FANCY DKV GOODS, rpsjwtfnlly itiforniif tin jullic, lliut she will srll '. lur ti;.ir Mack ituw on In ml, ut vprv ri'tlureJ I i nrtees Hrr Htock h imnii ol mi ntirtinrnt of iaNliiuiiaMt! millim rv v,l1,-s Alst a lot of fnsli' ! loiintile 1' hih'v lirv iitiotU, tTiiisitiii ui art, Ol TT, " TT JU,V;nffl aiivl fan.isnnu: i.iatrriut. ct aiiouit Kimli;f fur In ditb' iliY.stit-s. ICAX KOUS13, POTTSVILLE, f A. i ; l!s. MAItV WEAVKI! rpfiiectrul!y infgrtn I-'-' the. puulir und tr.nellin cunin, unity sciieriil. i Iv. Unit kIic I l;i s i..i-iii il Una Ul;e i;lul co.iii)ihJioiis 111)1 hi., lurin!iii in a ftyle. 1-rom her lon i'ii.r;i.n. u in Ihe I iiibiui.s.i ct lirst rate lintel, anil v-'i It Liiiinn lejmtiitioil to accoiiliiin dati her cnstnitiern intiy ilcieml mi hcinij sujiplicj with every tiling coiiilnciie Iq t ! ; ; i r cjijifurl and coiiveuiciiiv. j, 18.'il. tf CALL AND SETTLE, rjlIIE Kiihscri'.ier heyety inforni all thou thftt 1 are iinlelitrd lo him. on flunk uecouit or otherAise, c, call und settle thp sanie on or liefore the lirst day of April lie v t . Persons ieflectin; thin notice inn v liiul tiieir iiccoi)iit.j in the hapilf, of 4 ,Ma),'ist;ate for collection. (..EOKtiE r.01ji:BACH. uihur, Man-Ji 1, is.") il.' ItOI .MV I.AE AM) 1J!:S1()X AliRNCY, The ulteiilion of the pul.lic. it railed lo thp ad vertisement of Mr- t'liaile (' 'Pucker, Altoiney ijpd Aiti'iit nt 'as!i,'tc)) City- Periniii liuy iui; rlainiK lor hriijnty Lands or Tensions are in fojincd tl.aj tlii. sul' has made urraiigeinenU for the icquioitc li.rms. and claimants calling at his ulliee, call have their papers prepared und foiwurjcd to Mr- 'J'ueker ut Wai-hiiifrtoii, and by him Ik properly uilended to Imforo the De partment there. II. E. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1831 TliEVORTON HOUSE, TREVOUT0N, PA. ritHE aulwcritver rejetful!y intumia the public. 1. that lie lie. 0Miied a I'ublic House, iu the new town of rrevorton, ISorthuinlienand county, and thut he ut well prepared tb accommodate hit guest in the best manner. Ilia house is located neariy opposite the Company' Ktore. lie is also proviiletl with good ataliling iillieirut fur 20 nor- eft. He trusta by pruinpt and careful utusntioo to business to meet a share of the public, patron age. " HENRY U WEAVER- Trvortou, Ja-i 11, 1850 tf wmmsm CHERRY PECTORAL; Vmr Ihe Cam of COUGHS, COLDS, nOARSEIJESS, BRON. CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPIWO-COUOH AND COIJSUIvTPTION'. The uniform success which has attended the use of this prcraialinn its salutary effect it ppwer. to relieve and cure affections of the Lumjs. have paineifur it a celebrity cijiuillcil by no other medicine. We offer it to the alllicted with entire confidence in its virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue, nml remove Ihe severest . .. i e ... .i . , t I aiiachs oi uisease upon ine aim Jiuny. I These results, ns. they become publicly known, I very naturally n'trurt the attention of medical I men and pltib ntropists everywhere. What is ,hlir opinion of CHERRY I-'EC'TOi At may be ASTHMA AND IfltONCIII l is. 7'iC Vuiifuti'Ui ,1'jtirntit nf JWuiia Ncfzii- 1 stales. "That Asthma and Lironchitb; bo lirevalent i in this ilii'li'iiieni cliumte. has vi Ideil Vi itii surpri- . i sin-,' rapiditv to Axcr's CllEtliV PECTOliAL, i ! nml we enii'ii,.! I,.,.' lm,i..v rnr-iiiiimenil this skill. ! , , . , , . , ' , -i I fill preparation to tho Prolcssion and public gen- i eialh-. , . .,1;..,., R1M,..k llir himself: I Hi it'i-vou o, .lau. 'ii, Ifjli. Dr. J. C. Aver -Dear tU :-Haviua been res- 1 cued from u 'painful und dangerous disease bv , 1 . , . your medicine, prntilut'e luoinpts tnc lo scud you ; this ackiiowic:',L;mcnt, not only iu justice to vou, I but for the iufurmation of others in like, aillic ' . . . : tlon. A slis'-.t cold upon the bniLrs. neglected r.t fi'st, . . r,..,i .,r t,l,,.,.t ' ..;..ln..i 1 "- " V . coush and profuse uuht sweats fulluwed and fas. teued upon Ine. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was dislres c.l In in.' coich. and a pain through my chest, and 111 short had nil tiie alarm injj syiittiuns of ijiiick ronsiuii)ti(ui. No lnedi cine seemed ut all to re.u li mv case. tu',il I ptovi dentiully tried your CIlEiV' l'.ECTO.'AL, which soon relieved and now bus cured uif. Youa with reaped. E. A. NTEWAUT Aliunv, N. Y. April 17. lijlS. Dr. Aver, Lowe!! Dear Sir . I have for years been ulllicttd with Asthma iu the worst form, ; so that I have been obl.-cd to sleep ill my chair for 11 larger part of ihe tiui.'. bciim unable ti breathe on my bed. I had tiied, u, i;nat many iiicdicincs, to 110 purpose, until mv l'hvs.i-iun jirescribed, as an experiment, your CHEEKY PECTOliAL. At it seemed to make me. worse, but in less than u week I bcuai! to experience the most pratifvin relief from its use ; and nmy, in lour weeks, the disease is entirely removed. 1 can sleep on my Jicl with comfort, and enjoy a state of health which I bud never expected lo enjov. (.EOKliE S. FAKKANT . PIIKPIII.U l.'. J.C. I if Ell, CHKMIST.LOWKLL, MASS. I i , ,' " ' 1 "'" ,,,1 ... ..,, ,.' ' j iiiut'er li'.vv IkiiI Iti.-v may he. it 111 VI.S lS I T HI-.- t"v?" Sn'.d bv ller.rv Masser, Sunbury; Maw i 1'H.I'! A nalc il ..- rvuuiveti nil the unpleasant vnip A. McCav, Northunibcrlniid- 11,-. (.'earharl, Se- !';'"'; ;'d a nuly ,,. i,!r. P. ! ,i (.,, , .h...-i lime m ,. ., . , , ,, .., , '. I lllnke these ..ii.lerl CIS pcrtuai t . hi H IT V ( H- Hl.(KM) linsfjrovc; Dr. Lickly, JJ.iiivilIe, and Urugsisls I uml Vluoit H-- litilvx . i ..,V ai It is particularly etierallv. ( '-xeelleiit in cases nl .Vsiises. N'l'.iintine. Ctlinlps. Snicness VS., '-, Ifl'.l Ivee'tin i "' "' f'1 "' s' 'h' after eat ins. low. c.ld, IHI. 1.1, !!.)!. 1X11.1111 ! t.lle..l the II! ,,.... Imness,,! .iiil.. l.,,. GREAT ARRIVAL OF ' ' e,;:,le7Al,"'"v'""",,, Wk"""w.' "" ,"w"i,'' nTSJlLLIAM HOOVEIt respectfully informs ; Iff y his friends und customers that he has j jiui reiurneu no.u riinn.litlpiiia, wnit an exceiiein assurliuent of wmw-Am jt .-. . . j . i J.TJL XjT . " which he oilers lur sale at his lu-vv store nt Mas- pier's Mill, llolliiv.iiir. ltun. Thee coils ,.re i , I ,, . ' , ii i ii . .1 self-i-tc.l Willi ..n:.l i..r. uml .iil 1. tiilil til till lowest prices. Ill STOCK ( :uXl(i r ov v.xv.n v vakietv. v J)l'V (lomls, Sjich Cloths. I'ussinirrrs, Sattinetx, MudirtSf Callitocs, MuHssi'liiic lit. Lukhj. Ai- Jiiucas. HJ'Tiiiu:;. t'lniiucU, 'he t .s, d' i .1 u hiims. 4v. ,USO:' An a-sortntent et" hats, cm-:, ritM ami siior.s. QiriENSWASE, JIAKDWARE.IKONaiidsTEEl., NAM.?, Ae A general usiurliueut of lirocerics, mcli us Sugar, Coilee, Ten, .Molas ses, Snicep, ice. AUo an assortment uf 14 jimre, mcli us Brandy, Rum, Wlilbh i, IP incp, tS'c. !"?" I'roduce of nil kinila taken in exchtiprre ut the highest market jiriees. Jlulliiwiii'' Kuh, .No. i'l, 1S(I. lv. r x y r rn 1111 E unilertined hcrrhy notiliei ull ;ieron imlchtt'.l tn hei, mi Ijiink account, iVc, thut t'.-ey are requested to ci'll and lettle their ueeniinlii without delay, ut 1 niirer iiiiliil','ence cannot lie given on accounts u trendy over clue. :-:mz,heth roi.i.MEK. Simhurv, IV!.. tf. T, S. BOBST'S AXD WATCK ESTABLISHMENT In SelinsgTove, Pa. ! CtorKM, Vatcln'S ant Jewelry, ! 1JEPA1REU in the best manner a,ul warranted ' - to neriorui well. I Al) work intrusted to his rare will ho etrielly attended to. Selinsfrove, Nov. 30. lS.'it). tf. ValiiuliUt lino!,, I" ll'E or Christ, lianjsoniely hound, D'Ar- llll.M.'s ILlsTIIIIY (IK TH K K I1FIIH M ATI UN, liuMi Dav-iiookb AMI 1 ,11111. ins, full Ipouuilcd. Korsale ul the puhlipiLi-r prices by II. li. Sunburv, July 14, 1849. ". J. H. ZIMMEKMAN. jrsiicc or Tim rciec. Sunbury, Pa. Oliicc in Deer Street, immediately opposite the ' ' Public School House. IT" Mmi enlte'ard and il business Hiniillr and ear, fuhc stteiulrd to. AprU SO, 1830. XtW "ioilR & " J0UENEYMEN Ilaller" Aot lutlon, C or. 'of 61 h and Chestnut Srett, Philadelphia. CONTIN I E to make and sell a finer and mote durable Hat for the money than any othur eatablixhmeut In the United ritaln standard price of Hat $3 00. Cent and Hoy' Cloth add lilazed Cap. Umbrella, Carpet Dag, CuiYy Panama and Straw Hat at equally law. prii . May 25,lS50.-ly , .t.YtTiiEit sctn.Tirtc iro.vjM. JVKVS1N! THE T KII I CICJESTIVB FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE ! A GREAT PVSrErSIA CITHER, Pr-imn-d Iron, Hl-Wivr, or tlic l.iurtl. fu.inac-h of Ui. x, aiir iliin..i!.,n ut BAIttiN IJKIUfi, On .nt l'liyw il.iyicKl rlu-iiiirt, l.y J. H UOrtlllTdN, Al. D., N. II. Niitlh tanhih Oietl, Pliilailrlphia. I'. i a Irillv VV lliiliiil'ul i,iiip,Ii I'.ir I 1 1111 1. TI I IV DYSlT.rni.v. JAt.Miict:. l.ivr.u (.'(lAin.AiNT, ii'.xM II'ATKIN ,m, ,,, ...... ,. - N.. tlir,. Jiiic 'Wil iiirtliud, l,y NHhire's own afpiit, the limine t" Hull a iM,sK.iii,i f i,i, FuH ,,.,,! , wt, will ,),K r .ij,,,!., Klv, p,,,,,, ,' lltmn Unl w li iiii Iwo hrum, out in tin- il.-ii..., li. ' WGESTION." 1 )'n.d nf !.(HN '." '"',""" ''"r' m "'SLll bV 111 I I,,:,.. .e, ," ' " " liuillll. rulkil lie, (illirtllc I in i; m,.j. I're-. rv,,,;. ,, s;iii,l:v V.,,. , ,1,;,,,,. , nacli and uit.-n.,,..,. al,. jt tt :ri. will I... ,., U... .1 uk t. v ; t r.a;,. , n .:. ,..ri,,, j,,,,,,. , r ." I j'f V I" "' s n-it liantr.e JMi-e, unit lii-m.-cllii! ilin-ase, iliiitrfm nml i.-lliiy w-hii-li tllMIC. PEPSIN AND KEN NET. Pl'I'flV i ilireliiei'e'eiiiiut. nr rint UiijiKiiiie Princi- plum tlis luiniic .1 , il j, i.mii.l hi bi-imi almmlunco In lilts, iljl iumi m' On- liiili.iin in. iicmi-!i inter llnitll. mill ... tlllirs r iii.-.. the smniri-h I.i ills.,... ,1.,-U. nr nM jlwf ,,. II is :iIki t.iiin.l in tlir st. -nipr-ti nf nniiiKils. us thrnx. riili, Ap. Il i. Uf in ili mil hy lariucr iii nuking t'lictn j enlli-il ltt'tiiiet, Hie elici t ..l vvliii-li li.n I nm Iicmi Hit Hii.l vy Muler l t hiiluiry. The ciinliin ,.i' n.i.k is lis? lira pro- I--I.-S nl iliiri It" ini-r J. .si, ss.-s :ist..ilslilnc sn(.-. Tim sli lunch i if u call' will ciinllii iimji inn- tli"iiuid linn its own vii::lit nl mi,!,, tin LiaUf stuli s llnl, (,,,... inrt ul IVisiu itiswili-i iu si xlv Ui'SiKiial puns uf wntn. Will I'luesl nil I i.ili,-!- I', I-,.,.:,.,) .;:,,1..,., line., ii i lius'iic J.i.u.c. UiMiiu-t nr !--, ! . Tn h iv- I liul llns H'.uil limy lie ,c.l.-i lly s.i;ii'.u-l. , iiuuto Hit lul. Iiivvnn; SC1ENT1EIC EVIDENCE! I! w;o I -li-lllis!l 1 . I'.ilit. hi liis r.., lirMli.'il work mi Auan Ail Liu.-stivi, flniil iiiintiigimi lo llie liur-nc Jil.'.-e, may In: icmii'v im hiikiI limn lliu ais- hi tin-- ft.Jiiinr ti . t in.- f.,-. i,, ivliu-h viiriu nrtielr i i i.,., ns i.:nl nml e.-i, will l. s .fiennl. clninc e., nml ilicesl eil. iusl in the siniej iiriuiior us tiipy WMliU h" ill l 'n limn si iiiini'h.- IU. I'KillliitA, Iu Ins I iui -ns tn-tijii. ett "r-vwl 11,11 llie!,"'. I'I.I'IisiiihI In -,i,v I,m Wdis. .,ris, paon Xi. staliHi lliu vini.t term! I let, iiinl iloerilies tin, nethoil ul "rl I'-in 11. .iiuiv iue liiv hli-li.:r until illl.-il thiin llr. li- MHU, in his vi-iu-.l,lf w-riimzsnn tlie.'Phvpi.ilngv '". Iiirtl..;i.-' ...siei v..(l iiiiiuii.lina ,.1 tli.iilut-uu.-iu- nI 'l lat- 1 nisi i'tc Juice 11 nr. .111, unit uti'l uii'iircviiilinu - .a i.iys, ;' mH hs Vuiis taut -u iliMineuihc.t p. I.l.-S ir 1. 1 ui.-itli'iii.- Ill 1,. mil. 111. wlm II us ..-viMilv Hlilll'l. nl Willi t'n: e.iiiiil:icit. I.u.liii" pvery thing else in inil, hm lec.iiuse 1 1 the fi istrle liiu'-.. H.liiinc.l in.ui ,r st.iiimch nl liviuir naitniila. winch lir.iveil c uniiletelv sacct-asl'iil '' l'r. il. A H A M, nutleir uf the iiiiimns w .is mi "Vcgc l!'","; "-'i, " ,'a"fk"hl' l'l.yUy, Hi e tin-si "in nl ituliiiii!..-, iiinceruttil in w-nler. uupiirl t;i th.-11 11. 1 it rnp.-rty ..i ili-.s .1, mg vuii nn unirlcii m '""d. ""'I "f niecunu' a kiml .a .inihi inl iiuiesti'in 01' tlc-iu "'J',; 'J'-.naan.l .li; pr.-e 'r- vii .x r v--ii. lliu "1 lieunslrv nl Aim, (t.i-ii i lll;iiii-!i:iiii. I'hilti. iji, pp. :!-) K.yi : '-Theilis- c ivi-iy..i I'CI'SIX pinns u new m the ci.'.-mic-iil humrv '." 1-r.mi i.-eent ex ..eniueiiis n ilniw tlmi I'" nl IS .l.Ji.. 1 Veil UT V III uti urtllli-iiil . il.. esPi cm lli.iil. pri-i:ue(l Iiuui Pepsin, lis it is in Ihe naluriil Lmstiic juico ilselt l'i..:'-. .r III N t.lSUN' nf l,e .l..!V.,n r..!leo,. I'liil.-i. ilelp'nii. in his irnvil . .rk i.n Hiinin.i !,!i:.i....;;v'. il-votrs III 'if Iiuui liny e:iiiiiii:ili,iii nl tins niliiect tin expel ii.iiMitu w'nli l)r, IhnuiuoiU, . u the fi istrlc .lllic-r, iil.tuiiie.l men tin: hviu.j hiiniuii st iniiieh imi! iinluinls arc , ellKuiivvii. -'In utl e ises.' he snvs. '-iliprcsli-.n nccur r! us jiell.i-llv iu the in lilieini in Ihi- i,.ilur:I tli.-si iih.' AS A DYSPEPSIA critEl!, lr. lKU'CIITilNS pretvinitfui nl I'HPSIX litis pn!u. c-il Ihf L .l liinrvellnui eifeels, C.IINIUJ rises uf llellilllv, Kill, NurV'iUS Il.viliie. . Hsiie;,tie C illStllll'lt H Ml, lippisi.t I.I tic nil lh vere Veice nl t't.e pruve. It il" P in -p issi!.!.- h civ.: llie il. tiiih ..I tu the of this ml- verus. incut l.u; mil 1 1 . :,.,ii m,. 1 eertil'tcilcs lun-e 1 11 fivell m' lii.iri; !i;ni TWO 1 1 I'M 1 li! I ;) Kl;l AltliAUI.l-: J"!'ltl'.S, 111 I'.ulailelplii..,. i'..rk, nml H .scm nliinc Tin s- wem tieiirlv nil iles;.. nil;- eases, ami (In, cures were ll'i! "lily riipi.l tiuil w niilert'il. I'.nt penn uieiiT. It is 11 MlliVIII S ANTIIIOIT,. 1.111I prliculnrlv ilfi-lut lenileney P. ili.r.lei. I.ivi r l',iinplui..l, h'ev.-r an l Aaui., nr Ltullv imiiIiiI l Vc-r nml A.jnp. uml Ihe evil e. el 1 1.,' (liuuine. .lereiir . u;,i! nther .Iriie;, upon the lliiresuvr oiiiiis. ui'lei ii lmi!;'icliiess. Also, for exersa III enlilijt, till. I Ihe Phi liec use ,, unklll SJIlllls. H nlii.sM rvciiiiMle" tle.ihh with liiti-ini-i rance. 1 OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no firm uf Ol.l) s Tnyf rn (-(iMPf.Alvns I I'nee.OVK Dfll.I.AIt per Isiulu. g ' llTeet u siSUnif cum. Out-l ittle will nl'tcil PEPSIN IN POWDERS. it i'"r nv mam., t ii:i: ot- i'ostahi-.. j p ,, ,rn,li,x nil parts nl' the c.iunirv I Hie ll : KSTI V I-: .MATI'llli of Till: Pi;PSI upui u'i . ul tin; '.'inn n! t'.iwiteis. wilit ili ,-i ;i-ius tu tv- ilissull ei iu 1 "n,,'r '" '"'I'i ''V Ihe patient. These p.iwilers c alts III I just liu? same luaiicr its the li-itlles. but tws the iptnulilv' , fur liie s-une pm-e. mni .,-in i.e. sent In- mail, l-'lilir, OP ; 1 1 A' '''-. 1 " 'M ! IX U.I.AI! s,m,i (.,i.,,i.) In Dr. J. i lltll-iill ll). .i. ; .,ith l!li;lilhslrL'et, 1'uila.le! . .... ' n mlailrljiliU Six iwekiiffcpi I'. five il llcr. I'.vc-v iwknee nml amtl I tin- wnlti u stmialllie ul' J. S. I1UI lill't'll, M. li., nlf t-r")in.-t ir S ilil livaui-iiltt in everv l"Wii ir. tlie fililcit Slutm, anil t l.l li.iici ili-alrm iu Nli'ilicuicp. riicriill) . I rtiltS.M.K llVJ .Ini W. friliiii;. ami l.c.-ge Unjlit, Siiiiurv, I'n. ' 1 .Mary A. MelJay N' Ttlilllillierullid. ; i.-iiii ii. Hnwi -vim. in, lljyi ? A j. i Vi.iii. t, Mi llu-i nnvillc, 1 I. .1. ri.Hln':.. S.-lllLl'irilVr. .1 il'll li. Iti'llll. W illlillll l).;ip,lt. Si.iiiiiiry, S-jit. I ttli, la.'iti - I'lipi-r Miliaiitiillgn. Mail, iliuy. Eounty Land and. Pension Agency, WASHIXGTON, D. C. ; rptM;. iiii...m...iii', Ml. .i-ui y nml (..n -iiil Ajlcut t tne , X l ity el' 'ii.tiiiint. .,. i tiiTs Ins services in .nN'iirin( li illll'V liluls l'i:;!S,.ii t. tiles,.- ci, 1 11 l.i.l . lielli pel IIKIiieillly I i:it..;i-. t!,.-',e:it i '1 li r 1 1 1 1 '-1 It , Willi a llior ' i.uiiliitn.l l.iini.iiir in-.jtl.iiiit -ttei with tic- n.-ceisiiry lnrnis, UH.I I'.llllliu el' lni..illev.. iili.l II iviii' :n-ee to l.t.istcri snrl ltej..i!t!e:l ill llie I". S. war ..iliee. lie . esses lueil it it- lur 111.- Niieill liil.l KIKSInel.'iy lul. list aient i'i lim'iirilllieilt . I'liiiins iii every kiiiil. liy ti !;i;.- A. t .1 I inieress. It miCy liml is .raateit In ' lltt- i .le -crs ii n:1 si ililierw "I llie ..I l--.. nail ..t llie vuri . 11 MIS liiiiuill i'ais. siliee ITl'O. Tn llinsc wis" servi-ll tiles ; til 'lltlis lliu li.-ri's; In lie si wii.i s. riil I 'll)' lil'iiillif Mil - neres; lui.t (n llr 'Sf wlm oiii- limulli 411 MrY.. ' AriMiif;. -mi Ills have l.eeii iimile wait j-eiit lelii-'n nf ttie la-.-al ,i,..i ..ihi hi ilill. ii-ui mH-liniis i i iln- i'i .,ri,irv. lor llie 1. . .;;i ji i !' warniuts. mi l llm sal- nl Ut 11:1 v.iLs, when . i-.-ii...l, i.n tlic iii-.s! aih aiilaet- liii. e rius; l' r tli'i- iai n.eiit ; ill l ie..., teileiiliilliill nl, ta'Sl I '1 liiMs; c -lleclii l o( j ilcii'.s; mi.) tlic i.i sis-r.t! Ijiiv t'tisnaks, it I!..- ilnlereiil Mat i-s anil 'I eu ii. u ivi.. He ti'iti!eis las sen ices t.. innc.-rs i (.' the prof, ssi-ill al a I'islnnee. iiii.l wlnai claiius tiauul llu- lini k'riiiH-ol.ari. prs- I I'urci! I n I ii il Viienl. 111 iiIihi ie hall jus usual ice ; Tin' necessary inuns himI instructions, nist inHiriiMtriwi ip nil siihieets iiiiei tniHiii l i sii. i-eivi ul s. seem i. in nl ttna bllsllles. will la. niriiMmllo regular Ci.rr.-sp"M,lnl wilh- ..til i'linit.'i'. I'eiMins ileiiiriiiir inf irmnti'-ii of fri-nnts io ttn-sriny ir '. nnvv. will Iniiciintl.i linn ull In. (will icnlais ku.' ilieir I sci ice, .M,.icr w UP, a 1.-" ii line fl-.tliir, iiii'I lhir nulill. i ll.-S ill lie replug' I.i I.,' retillll l l-Kiil. A.l C. 'nilllUlllC- j In .us to Ik- CI.KS .In.) anil n.lflri-sseil t I II l TI CKI'.R, j (II ' 117. 1 (i ) Vt'iisliiugloii. U. C. , l ine pii'ceiii and Teas ! j DAVID IMiASK, j S. Ii-'. Coiner 6lh If Aieh Street, Philadelphia. OFFERS for site r(1 kind of choice Family (roeerie and icieetrd articles in hi line of business; tirecu Tnd ULick Teas jf all qualitir an.l prices; Kejil Mochu, Old Java nml other kinds nf Codec, SiiKurs, Corn iStun-h for pud diuijs, I'.iiiim, i"i in sinall dan. is, l.nver Kui sins, Eieuch ('itiriticd Uinylass for jellies; Evtra White Wheat Ijoches'.er and I'liil.nleliihia Ka- niiiv Flour i-i Whole and 11 all' Barivls ; ' l.atour" Dlivc Oil; ui,oried'linds of Sauce uml Ketch up. Pick lev, Olives, l'nered liiugcr, o.c, Ae. (jiWkls ai-ked for the ronntry arid sent to Rail Road LVl-ut ot eUevheie without chartre. ' DAVID PE.!E, !S. W. Cor. (ith & Arch' Sis. l'hiladlphiu. Fell. 1, ly. ih. M. A. '50. 800 IAB0RIBS WANTED. IMMEDIATELY o'V llie Trovorton U&ii Bead to whom liberal wuReawill tie paid. K1MDER CI.EAVIfR. Engineer. TreTorton, Jan. 4, 1$1 tf. TCR? ING BOTTLES Breart pumpi, a nipple tube. A ljpW of Ikeae vaeful ari olca iut received and for ule bv JOH.N'W FRIMNC unbury, Jan 18, 1851-tf