A II RI CAR 1 II. B. MASSEK, EDITOR AND PKOPEIETOK OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. 51 "iFamfis ilctopnpcv-Dc)0tc3J to 3Jolftfcs, aftcvaturr, tfttoraUts, jFortfon .ma Domestic iUtos; scfcitce a5 the arts, Sericulture, Jttirrkcts, amusements, Set. SUM1UUY, NbllTlitTAlUKIl1.ANl COUNTY, 1A., SATUKDAY; MAUCII U. I 8.11. OI.l) SKRI15S VOL. l, lv o, 27. NEW SKH1KS VOL. M, ISM), j. v TURNS Of THI3 AMKillCVV ' THE AMKRICAN in prthlishcil .very Pntiinlny nt TWO POLL.AHS per minimi Hi he puiil half yearly in nilvance, Ho paper dist"nl iiniftl until AM. nrrcniueii nrc pnnl. All comnniniciiiioiis or Icltcrs on lnn.in.--is rj luting to tlx nftc,to insure attention, mimt l'OI-T I AIL). i TO CLIPS. 'Three copies tti one nilitress, MJ1.. :--' u" i'" , U rifteen lit u" , , , , Five dollars in advance will pay fnt llnee yeul'ssuhscilp iion tu the Ainericiin. On Saunte of Id lines. 3 limes, (reiy auliseqnrnt iiicrlion, Ont Square, li months, 4lix month, "in year. ...;.. funis of Tive lines, per annum. 1 no S.5 Hull 4. 1(1 (UK) auu SMerchnnts and others, udveitisiin- by the year, with Ihe privilege of insuitiiniilil ferent mlveitis-mcnta weekly. 11)0 ITT Largoi Advcrtisi-mcms, n pel air-enieiit. AT T O tt K K Y A T f. A W , 1 EOKSUHY, PA. Business nltcinU'il to in tin- Comities of Not tliunilii'fluiiil, Luion, I.ji'oiiiing and Columbia In Hi- 1 ' I'. & A. I'" VI't'l'T. . I . I I.OWMI l liAllllll--, , Son Mi iV MUMlllAm. KbiSIMMS. M.-IAIII.-SI' V' yr.'iiiini. " I J Ki t AL yVAY ;oo), AT THE STORE OF rr. CL31C31TT, WHO tnkos litis mrtlioil of itifonninil liin frionils mill i-nsloii.i-is. Ilint lie linn just rt 'cfivod nml ii'rtiril n Ki'iiii!iil nssortmciit of kkw coons, whirH lie nir.TK to t!io ptililii- nt tin? lowpt prices ' His stock cnnist of every vnrirly ami tiinility nwcsnirv for Hie fanui r, mei liimie, nti'l liliorer, as well .Hic pnifessiatial man, all kitnUof 31 on s' A ) si re I. VC A9 CLoTllf, -.SHMi:l!K?. SATTI.M-.T'l'S, VI'.SllMiS. Ac. A1.KO: n larsi- asrt!tieiil ol Calioirt, Mtiw.vlinr l): Li'inrs. AIhucus, ie-iri(i. Slulirb. lfiiu-1'.-i-nhi'fn. ('uif5. .n.vt'ci. C!i (!;, (.'(iii'o'd's, (liny. hums. i'c. Also a lin-je ass otnient of ' Bunts anrSf:r, " ' C-p-i, (iu m of.r S'lnrx, Also an As.-oi;t.v.i:.t oi UHADY .M ) Ci.O i'lIINT.. A genelal assort in.-nt of (.'ii)('i'ii.'., Suar, ColU'e, Tea, Cheese, ,Mo liisses, S;ic s. . An n.ssort mm t ul Jliirihrun; Sails, find end Iran. ... liiqir.irs. SucVi as Ilrnnili, Cin, Ham, IVn'ul-i, &c- 13?" I'roilnce of nil kiinls wi'l lie taken in ev hatijje, ttnil llie li'uhet market iiriefc pal.l for the i'unVnry, Nov. 30, ls.'ja. ly. GREAT ARRIVAL . (.iF XEAV (J GODS! Market Street, Sur.Uiry, Pa., OHN W. F l!II,r-(i r friends ami en-' --nor: .! tl'uliv intonn Iiih ilmt lie Inif lift re- rivcil u I nil. I halios niie iisso J)pv (.Doc!? 1,1 of Conitinliii-i of Clollis. Cassinicros. rSathnetts, lJc i. nines, Cnlieois. taiicy ami Slai!e ( Joo.ls. ALSO: GR0CER1F.S of ev.-ry description, DUI'I.S AM) Mr.l'll'iNl s. dUEENSWARE AND HARD WARS. Fish. li. Plaster utnl ii senerid assort inent of hll suiii pivwls us will suit ii'.l classes; the Kur tner, y.celmuic, l.ahorljr n.nl Oeiitlenuii of nil professions. '' ti c f i ! L v m Vill find srent variety of nil sucli tnticles as ihey will neeil for tlip iresent senson. '" Conntrv )iroilnre ot all kinds liiketi in hx HiiuiBP lit the hk'iicst ni.irket price. K'jlilitirv, Nov. !), IMfjil. EOSE 1STEV7G00RS At ttic .tw More of JOHN 1UIYKUS &C0ij Market Street, Sunbury. "tTTHO Inn just icceiveil anil opi-ncd a liirire ns W sortnicni of new anil fasiiioualile rouiIs, of tverv vitrictv, miiluliU- for the. full unit winter sea- t6il, for h 11 iersons; unil to whiuli lie culls llie at lelllfon of friends and customers. His stock con lists' ffl part of 15j;y oois. SIXil AS Cloth, Cam!:nn-es, Sullinelli, Merino, l)e Lmius, Calicoes, Shawl.', Ilnid kenhu js, oad all kiwis of wear ing ufparrl. ALSO: Haitlware, qiiceiiNwnre, ' Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster, ktii all aclicles tliut may be wauled by the com munity. The Ladies Will find, by callins at his store, that lie lina not teuii unmindful of Viicir wants, and respectfully invitns tlicm to examine his selection. A? Country produced' all kinds taken iu ex change for ponds at the iiit-licst market price. Sunbury, Nov.!), 1SS0. ly. NEW STAGH LINE FROM POTTS VI I.I. E TO r'llAMOKLN. , A new line of suites is now running daily lie. tween Ihe above places. A comfortable two horse tane will leave Mt. Curmcl for Mlinniokiu, imuie diataly aftor the arrival of the Potlsville stuire at that plaoo, ami will return tho next day from 8haruokin, so as to meet tho Pottsville stage on its return to Potlsville. ,, From Shamokin to Trevorton there will be estahlislietl a DAILY LINE by next spring so as to connect with this line at (slianiokiii. In the mean time private conveyances will be in readinesa at Bhamokill on the arrival of passe n- . CONRAD KERBHNER. . Shamokin, Dec. 14, 1850 tf. INK. Boureau'a celebrated ink, and also Con rest ink for sale, wholesale and retail by li. ii- MAUSER. December 28, le'50. SELECT POETRY. KATV, VAT MI S OX UtE BLAIK. Parody on "Jetty, the Fhver nf Dtmbluuc.''' Dis sun vtis conn Inwn chust pchint It- jilnn irioiininiiic. Utnl Ii.'fi ilti lark niylit lo come on us ns-iin, Veil I fhltim)lt,il nlnn" 'moiig te fcliwatnps tin tin toi)iil;iins, Cluist In s-i- vonst initio Kalty vnt lif t)n de bl.iin. Sing on, ili'ti, you pitt, rnit your song for llio IK'il, It's so nii'o Ti-n ile li ills sin your nony; Vonen nirniii t Schtifh clioy to initio honrt nnd cliucli iriiiiistions tcli'h!, rriui; lHv(!t liili'fl JCutv, vat lil's on (it; Haiti. How slnvrpt is ilii- lily mil its jirovvn yel low p;isM)tllP, I'tid to is ilij tni'ailovv. til kivereil mit irraiti : Hut noilino's so s!tv posoiim. Like Eelivi'i.'t liili blttin. oi't or yet sehlick in iny Ul Kaly, vat lift? on i!io She's bashful as any eliust like dure niut :!i, larud'l nor yet foolisli Iflany, She's nelder lii or Will ti, And lie's a "real wiliain, ani feelin' latnt uol no Vat voulil hurt liddel Kalv, vnt lifs on die blain. My lays "re like nnding bis I met mit my Kaly, All dem linos iu die town day vart? non M'listt and pain, I did'nt see a oal I vould call my tear i IV, lils 1 me! my tear Kitty, vat blain. i!s on ilii; I tout eer liovv lii;:l'i 1 miiilit "et in die na- lion, From all dem liih blaces 'if come Inwn Hia in, L"nt dink it vas nodin to have a -.Teat sla , lion. Veil I ciiiild'nl j;et Katv, vat lifs on die Main. -I Select vl a I e . ui p. AlH'H"trS. Ivveiv one must recollect the tragical stoi y of Young Kgan, the Irisli patriot was I,- i. .nr. I,,, I., i.i i... r.r-..o..M n. . - ' imti Mini; iw in- simu jt n 1 1 1 ii . jin UIU ,u . . , i ' . i i . i t. ' i .. I I llllllllts I : I I I t I .. II 1 1 . I o IS 11 I'I . I'OI - : (lemued, aud executed on a charge of trea- sun. Ific f ito morl.i n dooiA I m i eocciio en I . -- " ""I' ""I public sympathy. He was so yoiinp:, in telligent, so generous, so brave, so everv thing, that we are apt to like in a young man. His conduct under trial, tiw, was so lolty and intrepid. The noble indicrna liotl wilh M'bich be repelled the charge of treason a.'ainst his- country : the elntpient vindication of his i.time, ami his pathetic appeal to posterity in the hopeless hour of condemnation ; all these, entered deeply into every sretierous lio.-om, and even bis opponent lamented the stern policy that i ilictaleil Ins execution. !ut there was one I heart whose ansuish it would be impossible to describe. In happier days and fairer fortunes, he had won the affections of a beautiful and interesting oirl, the daughter of a late celebrated banister. She loved him with tin- disinterested fervor of a wo man's first and rarlv love. When everv j worldiv maxim arnived itself airainst him: I when blasted in fortune, and disgrace and danger darkened around Ins name, she loved him the more ardently for his very sufferings. Since his fate could awake the sympathy even of his foes, what must have been the agony of her whose whole soul was occupied by his iiiiau'e ? Let those tell who have had the portals of the tomb sud denly closed between them and the being they most loved on earlh ; who have sat at its threshold, one shut out in a cold and loru-lv world whence all that was lovely and loving had departed. To render her widowed situation more desolate, she had incurred her father's dis pleasure by her unfortunate attachment, and was an exile from the paternal roof. Hut could the sympathy and kind ollices of friends have reached a spirit shocked and I I..T-. . I... L . I ,1. riiineorl nn want nf emUi;.,n r., ii,.. I i riven i.i v i irrnr. s h h i i:ori .a-n.. Irish are a people of quick and generous sen.-ibililies. Tile most delicate nnd ciler- ishing attentions were paid her by families of wealth and distinction. She' was led into society, and they tried all kinds of or- cupation and amusements to dissipate her grief, and wean her from the tragical slory of her love : but it was all in vain ! There are some strokes of calamity that scathe nml scorch the soul ; that penetrate to tlie j vital seat of happiness, and blast it never again to put forth bud or blossom. She 1 never obected to frequent the haunts of pleasure; hut she was as much alone there as in the depth of solitude. She walked about in a sad reverie, apparently uncon scious of the world around her. She car ried with lu-r an inward woe that mocked at all the blandishments of friendship, and "Heeded not the song of the charmer charm he ever so wisely."' The person, says the eloquent author of the Sketch Hook, "who told me her story, had seen hpr at a masciuerade. After stroll ing through the splendid rooms and giddy crowd, with an air of utter abstraction, she sat herself down on the steps of an orches. tra, and looking about for some time with a vacant air, that showed near insensibility to the garnish scene, she began with the capriciousnetsof a sickly heart, to warble a little plaintive air. She had an exquisite voice; but on this occasion it was so sim ple, so touching, it breathed forth such a soul of wretchedness, that she drew a crowd, mute and silent, around her, and melted ever one into tears- The slory ot one so true and tender could not but excite great interest in a country retnaikable for enthusiasm. It completely won the heart of a brave officer, who paid his addresses to her, and thought that one so true to the dead, could not but prove affectionate to the living1. She declined his attention, for her thoughts were iireyo caldy engrossed by the memory of her for mer lover. Ile, however, persisted in his suit. He solicited not her tenderness, but her esteem, lie was assisted by her con viction ol his woith, and her sense of her own destitute and dependant situation, for she was exist in;: on ttie kindness ol friends. In a. word, lie at lenjjlli succeeded in gain ing her hand, tlioiisjh with llie solemn assu rance that her heart was unalleiably an other's. He took her with liim lo Sicilv, hopin?; ..I. . . i mat a ciiune of scene miotit wear out me remembrance of early woes. She was an amiable and exemplary wife, and made an effort to be n happv one; but nolhinsr could cure the silent and devouiin?- melancholy that had entered into her very sul. She wasted away in a slow, but hopeless d" dine, and at last sunk into the crave, the victim of a broken heart. It was on this lady, that Moore composed tlie i'i illowino; lines : She in l':ir from the Itt-td wl.f-re her voium- hero sleep; ; Ami lover tironufl her lire pipliiiifr : llnl e .lilly she tiilli.. from their yae, unil wei p, For her he:nt in !i,ti prim- is lyinjr. Phi- fjiii-p tlie wilil soin; nl' hei ilnii unlive plains, I'.eery nod. hieli he I 'I'M !lv:ikillir ; All I little Ihey think, who ilelicht in her s'rninv, llow llie hi.-arl of the minstrel i hreakine ! He haii Iiveil l'.r his lo-e lor liin (-"iintry he rli.-t!, They were all 1 lint to life hail entwiu'd hiiu ; Nor s.-oii hIkiII Ihe tears o(' tun country he driet!, .Nor 1 ' 1 1 1- will hi love slay liehillil him! Oil ! inalve her n iioil e where th. siin-h'-nnm reirt, When they jironn.se n (riorums inonow; Tliey'l! siiin.. nVr her sleep, lilvea smile noni llie weal, From her o.' i! lov'il ixl tnil of sorrovj WIT N I'I'.lliMlS. Wilmot I'l'ovisnisui is rudidly on 'lio wane. In C'oiioii-ss, fiom a tbreutiuiino; monsier, wliosi! presence enilaiiL'eied llie evistenee of the Union, it lias dwindled into a dwarlish skelelou, of which no one is afraid. The peo ple, Democrat and Willi's, are discarding the linmbiio. Like the unfortunate, do"; in the follmvih!! nneedole. it will soon be kicked wilh its author from the councils of the na lion, liend the M::ry, and see if such is not ihe lain :ii ;'l!io Wilmot." We were tiavclini; throui;h Canada says . . a conteuiporarv, in llie winter ol l.-vitl, am . . afler a Imir day's ride, stopped at the I. ion s inn ; and llie contents of llu; slaye, number in"; about nine persons, soon ualheied round the cheerful fire. Among the occupants Of Ihe room we observed an ill looking our, who had simwn his wit by taking up his '.jiiarlers in so comforlable an apartment. After a few tiiinules llie landlord entered, and, observing the specimen of the canine specie's, rcinaik" 'Fine appealin log that ! Is be yon; In one of Ihe passengers. s r 71- 'No, sir.' 'Beautiful dug ! Yoins, sir V addressing himself In a second. 'No,' was the blunt reply. Tome here, pup ! l'eihap: lit; is vonrs, sir V 'No,' was Ihe reply. 'Very saoacioiis animal ! P longs to you f so nrm4 1 ' 'No, he doesn't, ' was the answer. 'Then he is yours; and yon have a treasure.' (throwing the animal a cracker.) 'Nothing of ihe kind.' 'till 1 (with a smile,) he belongs to you as a mailer of coiuse !' addressing himself lo the lasl passenger. 'Wouldn't have him us a gift.' Then, von infernal, dirty, mean, contempt, ible whelp, get out !' Ai.d wilh that, ti e host gave llio poor dog such a kick, ns sent the animal yelling into the slu-et, timid the roais of lhn com pany. J)ISTIll-ilG asi; The Cinciniiali Koipiiier relates the follow ing melancholy caso of bereavement: '-An elderly woman entered I Vie odice. cT ihe Mayor of that city and iu answer to intiuuicu j s''""'1 1,11,1 "l,u lho uwxUer of ,,vu ll"e ef "bom went lo the wars in Mexico, I was killed at Cenu Cordo; anolber, at. j Inched to Colonel Urougli's regiment, ut Ihe I batilu of Uiiamanlla, and the oilier by souid j ,,ien under Canities, iu a skirmish mi the lino belo. Monterey. "Wlieie are lho oilier twol'' uked his honor. We noticed ihat it was with a good ileal of an ctloil that she made mi answer to that question. 'One' said she, 'is iu tlie Ohio Penitentiary, charged wilh killing a man, and the olher is a com mon dimtkard around the utrcels, and he only nineteen years of age." She begged to tie sent to jail, Ihe hospital, or anywhere, as she had no one to take can: of her. Her re quest was not granted, but instead, a purse of 527 50 was raided among the officer and by-' slanders,' which was presented bur, ami we could see that it was received' whh realj genuine, heartfelt thank fulness. As idle fellow Ihe olher day complained bitterly of his hard lot, and said that he was bom on the lasl of the year, the last day of ihe mouth, and the last day of the week, and he bad ulvvays been behind hand. Ho believed it would have been a hundred dollars in his pocket if he had not been born ut all. Two new churches are to bo etected iu Reading during llie present year, one n Lutheran, and the other a German Reformed .Church., 3. Siictclj, DVEITTURE A IIOKESS. rrto.M ,f.'.iru in south aerica." A lioness, taking advautaiie of the seda tive effect of a storm, had secured a hlesbok, and was discovered whilst she was busily dining. She was assisted in her repast by about n dozen jackals, which were feastino; along with her in the most friendly and confidential manner. Directing my follow ers' attention to the spot, I remarked, "I see the lion:" to which they replied, Whar? whar.' Yah! Almai'tie; ! dat is he;" ami instantly reining in their .sk'eds j I"r '--'damage any wnere, man in m gau.en, and wheeling about, they pressi-i their heels j theiofore, it should always have a liberal nl o their horses' sides, aiid Were preparing j lowance. T!ii. however, may bu over-done to betake themselves to flight. 1 aked by a eoulhiuntinn of the same kind of manure them what they were going to do'! To i jti large qnantiiies, year nfier year. If a which they answered, "We have not yet I garden has thus been surfeited with barnyard placed caps on our rihVs." This was tru but while this short conversation was pass ing, the lioness had observed us. Raising her full, round face, she overhauled us for a few seconds, an then set off nt a smart canter towards a range of mountains some milej, to the northward: the whole troop of jackals also started off iu another direc tion : there was, therefore, no time to think of raps. The first move was to bring her to bay,: and not a second was to be lost. Spurring my good and lively steed, am) shouting to my men to follow, I Hew across the plain, ami, being fortunately mounted on Colesberg, the flower of my stud, 1 gain ed upon her at every stride. This was to me a joyful moment, and I at once made up my mind that she or I must die. The lionness having had a long start of me, we went over a considerable extent of ground before I came up with her. She was a large, full grown beast, and the bare and level nature of the plain added to her imposing appearance. Finding that I gained upon her, she reduced her pace from a canter to a trot, carrying her tail L-tuck ont behind her, and stewed a little to one side. I shouted loudly to her to halt, as I wished to speak with her, upon which she suddenly pulled up, and sat on her haunches like a dog, wilh her hack towards me, not ever deigning to look around. She then appeared to say to herself,1 '-Does this fellow know who he is alter V Hav ing thus sat for hall a minute, as if involved in thought, she sprang to her feet, and, la cing about, stood looking at i:u- f ,-r a few second.;, moving h"r tail slowly from side to side, showing her teeth, and growling fiercely. She next made a short run for wards, making a loud, rumbling noise like thunder. This she did to intimidate me; but, finding that I did not flinch an inch, nor seem to heed her hostile demons-rations, she ciiietly stretched out her massive arms, and 1 lottentots dismounted lav down on loivn on the grass. My now . rim coming up, we all three , drawing our lilies from Up ai holsters, we looked to see if the pow ;'as up in the nipples, ami put on our der v cap-;. While tins was doing, the lioness sat up, and showed evident symptoms of uneasiness. She looked first at us, and then behind her, as if to see if the coast were clear; alter which site made a short inn towards us, uttering lu-r deep-drawn mur-diTou.- growls. Having secured the three horses to one another by their rheims, .we led them ou as if we intended to pass her, in the hope of obtaining a broadside. Hut this she carefully avoided to expose, pie s"iiting only her full front. 1 had given ptofulus my Moore ritb-, with orders to shoot her if she should spring upon me, but on no account to lire lielore me. Kiein boy was to stand ready to hand me my I'urdey rille, ill ca:;o the two-grooved Divo'i should not prove suliii ieiit. My men us yet had been steady, but they were in a precious stew, their faces having assumed a ghastly paleness; and 1 had a painful feeling that I could place no reliance oil them. Now, then, for it, neck or noihing'. Sin is within sixty yards of us, and she keeps advancing. Ve turned the horses' tails to her. 1 knelt on one side, and, taking a steady aim at her breast, let fly. The hall cracked loudly on her. tawny hide, and crippled her in the shoulder, upon which she charged with an appalling roar, and in the twinkling of nn eye she was in the midst of us! At this moment Slofolus's ri fle exploded in his hand, and Kleinl-ov, whom I had ordered to stand ready by me, danced about like a duck iu a gale of wind. The lioness sprang upon Coles' erg, and fearfully lacerated his ribs and haunches with her horrid teeth and claws; the worst wound was on her haunch, which exhibited a sickening, yawning gash, more than li inches long, almost laying hare the very bone. was very cool and steady, and did not feel in the Jen it degree nervous, having fortmrately great confidenc- in my own shooting; but 1 must confess when the whole aliiiir was over, I lelt that it was a very awful situation, and attended with ex treme peril, as I had no Iriend with me on whom 1 could rely. When the lioness sprang on C'ob-s'ierg, I stood out from the horses, ready with my second barrel for the first chance bhe should give me of a clear shot. This she quickly did; for, seemingly satisfied wilh the r--venge she tiad now taken, she quilted Coles berg, and, slewing her tail to one side, tiot ted sulkily past within a few paces of me, taking one step to the left. 1 pitched my rifle to my shoulder, and in" another second the lioness was stretched on the plain a lifeless corpse. In the struggles of death she half turned on her back, and stretched her neck and forearms convulsively, when she fell back to her former position; her mighty arms hung powerless by her side, her lower jaw fell, blood streamed from her rnouth, and she expired.' At the moment I fired tny second shot,' ritofolus, who hardly knew whether be was alive or dead, allow lL" '.u'ree iiorsej to escape. Ttiese gal- loped frantically acrossthe plain ; on which ha and k'lninliov instanllv started after them, leaving nie standing alone and un- armed within a few paces of the lioness, which they, from their anxiety to be out of the way,' evidently considered quite capable of Itoing further mischief. MANl.RE YOl'R GAKIHJX. CO:i)f(.'TKD BV A. MAHSIFAI.L. Manure may bo tailed or wheeled into the garden lit this season of Ihe year, when there is not much out door work- to attend to. This will advance preparations for gardening in the spring, when lime and labor are more valuable. Manure cannot be applied to bet- mannre, which is frequently lho case, some fertilizer should be applied. Lime, applied once in three or four years will be very ben eticial, and if the soil has become loo aliif, a liberal coating of road sand may bo used lo greiil advantage. If any one doubt the pro priety of applying road sand to restislilato old gardens thai have been surfeited wilh bain-yan! miiiiuiu iiulil it ceases lo have any apparent effect, let him try it on c part of his gnnlen. Cover the soil two inches deep w illi llie sand, give it lhorough mixture wilh llie spade and it will act like a charm. Dig your parthn ilrrp. If ihe subsoil is not suitable lo bring tu llie top, which is ofien the case, trench it by keeping an open space on tho top, while you dig and pulverize the subsoil. This operation should be car. lied to llie depth of two feel, at leaf'.. Many root will penetrate beyond 111, it depth if llie soil is properly prepared. Tho greatest ad vantage follows deep digging iu dry seasons, and trench diaining is necessary lo success) in wet locations. Tlie most important points in preparing ground for successful o;moiiing, are immtoe u-cll and dig deep. I'oii.TiiY. The poultry fever which has prevailed recently lo so great an extent in the vicinity of Boston, seems In havo reach ed our own neighborhood, and the proba bility is that the coming season will bo one famous for superior poultry. A .gentleman who attended Ihe sale of Joseph Davis, near Moorcstown. ou llie 17th insl., sends us the following account of the sale of the largest and linest lot of ,;Shanghaesv ever imported from China: John Hudd, of Mount Ifollv, purchased 3 fowls at S10 each, 30 00; 2 fowls nt S5.50, SHOO: Morris Cooper, of Moorestown, 2 nt Ue.of!, S13 00; 1 at S3, S3, 00 ; John S. Irick, of Vincenlown, 3 at ts3,f-0, $10.50; making the amount lor 11 fowls, iG7,50. This we think is a pretty fait price for poultry. Ao'oif Holly Mirror. I A ;t rsi io.v a. Nswr.it There is reason as well as rhyme in the fo'lovi iug couplets. Ladies ! read them : A father sils by Ihe chimney post, On it winter's day enjojiiig a roast ; Hy his side is a maiden young and fail, A girl wilh a wenllh of golden hair ; And she teases lho falhe;- slern and cold, Willi :i question of duty trite and old ; -Say lallier, u hal shall a maiden do, ; When a man of merit comes to woo ? And, father, what of this pain in my breast f .Mairied or single which is the best Then the sire of lho maiden young and fair. . . The g'nl wiih lho 'wealth of golden hair, He answers, ns ever do falheis cold 'l'o ihe question ol duly, Itiet and old ; ''She w ho weddeth keeps (bid's Letter : She who weds not duelh boiler.'' Then meekly, answered the maiden fair, The gill w ilh llie wealth of golden hair ; 'I v 1 1 1 keep llie s--use of the tli.ty I.etler, ('(intent lo do well wilituut daing bellcr." r.EI'LY TO AX IM'lllfX. An American iravelb-i, being unexpectedly detained al Ihe mole or duaraiuiuu of Odessa, was very civilly clTeied --half of his apart ments, and a sofa lo lie on," by a young Eng lishman, who ncled as lianlalor to tho mole, Afler they had formed hii intimate acquaint ance, and one evening had reliied to rest, lho traveler tisked his li ieud huw hecould endure llie blasphemy which was so contlaiilly beard there. The young F.uglishir.an replied that. i "as a genlleiiinn these things were disagreea. ble lo him, but as to their being intrinsically wiong, it was no mailer of concern to him, as Iih denied the truth of all revelation. The liaveller, without supposing the remark would bu heeded except by center.;'', replied ; Either Christ was an impostor, or he was not If he was an 'impostor, wo have the incon ceivable phenomenon of a base man practis ing virtue, seli-denial, cbaritv, forgiveness of injuries, through his whole life, ii spite of scotiigiiig, contumely, mid even ciucilixlion. Is it philosophical to suppose that a bad man would lake. so much pains to make, men good ? Hnl if he was not an impostor.' then ho has lold llie truth, and we must believe him!" ('Is it possible Ibal I have never seen that befoie!" .was the only reply of tho young Englishman: but llie argument sunk deep into his heart ;'aud when the traveller had ar rived at Alexandria, he received a letter from the foimer skeptic, acknowledging; him 'as the best friend he ever had," encouraging him ,o be equally faithful to others; and prayiug him not to forget his 'Odessa convert." ' American Miscner. "Wifk," said a man,' looking for a boot jack after she was'u bed,' "I have places ., .i - . i.i v- hera l KefJ mv itungs, ana you obih to know it." "les,1- paid she, "I ougl know where you keen your late hours." to . n for the tinioLst. A drop of Mai'merit water, upon bemi? ex amined by a powerful microscope, will be found inhabited by thousands upon thuusands of animalcules, each swimming wilh as much Plum stieel, on Friday night, about eight freedom ns a whale upon the ocean. Their o'clock, to watch the raking of the canal for minuteness is extraordinary, some of them tho body of a young lady, who whs supposed not being more than 1,20,000 part of an inch to have drowned herself. It seems that in length : that is, an insect one inch in length Jonhson Motto, of Terra Haute. Ind. had would beat the same proportion lo one of written to his lady love, Elizabeth Myre, thorn, ns a giant one hundred thousand feet living in Ihe district wo have named that in height, would bear to a man of five feet, he would arrive here on Thursday , and mar Vet, diminutive as Ihey are, most of them ry her on Thuinday evening. The appointed have mouth-, many stomachs: and of these hour came, Ihe company was assembled, but last some possess between forty and fifty. there was n bridegroom wauling, and o The variety of their shapes is truly amazing, course the marriage ceremony could not take one is along, slender thread, another is a place. Tho disappointed guests departed nt serpent ; some are round, some are oval, others a late hour, leaving the bride in expectance triangular; one is a thin flat plate, number rnorn dead than alive, so deep was her grief, net work of seeming seeds; one is shaped On the following morning she told a female like a funnel, another like a bell : some have friend, that she had reason to believe that long and s-.-arcely peroepliblo tails ; others iu Mr. Mute had deceived nnd betrayed her, the place cf these, have two thick appenda- and she did not wish lo live any longer, ges like herns. Some change their dimen- threnlening at the same lime lo either take siotis, at pleasure; nt limes Ihey extend lo laudanum or drown herself. Fiiday passed, immoderate length, then contract to almost and still Mr. M. did not make his appearance nothing. Many are opaque, while olhuis are and her friends think that she thus ilelermL so transparent us lo be scarcely discernable m ln pin m,r rrwojv.p in execution. Although from tho fluid they inhabit. Singular, loo, partially watched, she contrived to escnpo and various are their motions; some sui.n f,m hnw a afu,r (,ark) 0. whjo wilh the velocily of an arrow ; others more , f(Unilv wns , ,npp(,r ,, w,ien Wn, slowly and wilh apparent dilliculty; some discovered that she had gone, it was preum seem to exist iu perpetual rest, oll.e.s revolve ei, n, ()t!(, wilh incredilable velocity on their centres ; (.x.t.(.ntir,. Messengers were sent to nil lho undulations, leaps, oscillations, successive, j p!,.u.es ,h(, ,,., )0(,M ; llalil of vl,ililli;i whiils, in short all conceivable modes of pro- hnt no j,,!,,!... voM btJ p;-ined of bet gression are practised by ihem. These an. whereabouts. A lhorough search was made imalculen have been found in il:c blood of that night in the canal, but without success f log and the salmon, and in the fluids con-j and up lo yesterday morning she was still Mined in tho eyes of the iisb, in Ihe waters j rnis-iag. What makes the matter still mora flowing iu the mines at the depth of five distressing is, that Mr. Mntle arrived vester linnilred feet below the surface the earth, j day morning to fulfil his connect. -Cincin-and iu those of spring upon the summit of Mt. : nntj ,.. p; Sinai. Some small fragments of ico found j . ' upon ihe ocean, upon being melted, were dis- i An eccentric poison iu ihe (Nd Dominion, covered lo contain fifty different varieties of ' who is known by the somewhat unique name microscopic shell fish. The minutes spe- j of Sarvant Jones, once dined wilh a Mr. Owl citnens of shell fish have a diameter which: I,la,;l-'-, l"'-le Ruest the mortal remains does not exceed the LiO.OUOlh part of an inch; j ,,f a fowl "hose -'"lies formed the debris of a and yet in certain localities, they form a sub. j frmer repast The person was called upon toiraiieoiisslraliiin inanv fathoms in denth. I a b!--siie-, which he did ill the follow It is said, moreover, that, nllhor.gh many of llieseare parasites, livingupon larger animals, ,l...,...l.... 'n.li.iV.lf.il l,,. .ill, ,,r-l i'v- iiiu mi ins ula iiii.uunvn . .......... Nor are microscopic inscecls coulined lo tlie j waters; many varieties have been found in j tho cavities of a common grain of sand ; each ; leaf is a colony of insects grazing ou it like ; cxen in a fi-ld ; the white sugar upon raisins! and n offered a home for millions, and each , tooth is a world busy wilh life. The surface ot our bodies is covered w.th : scales, like those of a Iisb, one hundred and , fifty of which can be covered with a single j grain of sand. One of these scales covers! five hundred pores, yet through mi opening j so minute the sweat exudes like water i through a sieve How wonderfully small must be ihe particler. of that fluid, which can find an outlet through openings 75,OOJ ot which can be hidden by one grain of cand '. The linest and smoolhest needle, w hen ex-j tho lands, a great bargain. The Broad Mouu aminod by a powerful micruscope, looks like - tiiid' Veins mil a distance of about four miles a loujh bar of iron ; but the sling of a bee, through the Had. .Miners' Jdv.rnul. viewed through a glass which magnifies a ; fine needle point to llie bruadlh of it quailer Coal i. Iowa. The foini Statesman says uf an ich, exhibil'i uvery where lha most ; that coal of mi excellent quality has been beautiful polish,' without the least blemish or found iu Cedar township, Iweuty-lwo rtiiles inequality, and ends in a point too line to be ; fiom Fort Madison. Il is some sixty feet be visible. The fine:,t and most delicale lines j low- lho sm lace, and the vein is from four to made by the engraver, are found to be ruugh j six feet thick. A company has been formed and ragged on llieir edges; but not a single , to woik it. appearance of this is diseernuhle upun ihe I dots and liner; wilh which nature has adorned ( Vl'IA!J Wear.- Fanny the bodies ol .he insect races. How do .he I W rl-hl -"'"""l' has tiled a bill in Chan most finished production of man fade before I m' "' Cus,m"u, 0,000 1, the purfcclions of imtures's handiwoik ? j lo ,U0"Vf'r, b'u'k flum '"'r '''Jsb:l"11 a larSa Arthur Hume UazdU. , uinou,,t l, P"-peity "Inch she held at her marriage. Mo.'ixo aCatitai-.-.A bill i.-'- now under consideration iu the Legislature of Illinois which pioposes to remove the capital of the Stale from Springfield to Peoiia. Il is repor. ted that a majority of both Houses are iu fa vor of tho measure, but that Owing to Ihe want of t-'mo lo act on it, it will be probably postponed for the present session. , or g--'ns- io wiuu. Tub' Tuiutv-secoxu Co?'oi;ess. The I The Bible. A certain space in the Class Thirty-second Congress, which will com-i Palace at London has been appropriated lo menco its siltings in December next, will the Bible Society, for the purpose of exhibit contain fl'J Senators, of w hich number -1 1 (lSing specimens: uf the Holy Scripltnes iu one Whigs and 23 Democrats) hold over from the 1 hundred and fitly diilerewt language. 4lh of this month, and 21 ars new Senators, ' - " of whom six are yet to be elected, us lot ' Hi'sbaxd, I hope you have no objection. lows-New Voik, Ohio, Massachusetts, Con- 10 " bei..? weighed." "Certainly no., my . - i r n- ti ii dear, bill whv do yon ask Ihe question V neclicut, California. Tennessee. Iheuuuse 1 ' ' ,, ' r ' , , i , . -, i "Only to see, love, if you wxnild let me have consists of 233 inembeis and 4 territorial ' i i n-i i i . u I I II) v wci's' once." delegates. These delegates, however, havo j no Vote. Of the members of the new House . A pl)t.Toii claims lor his quack medicine 130' have already been elected Whigs 53, 1 ,,1B puwur of t.uliu,, )l)Vl, j. M j,, aJlj. Democrats 77, making a Democratic gam of j lRm (J al) 0mjr dcsea.se. We think a doc 50 compared wilh lho position of parlies iu j ,r 0f Divinity is lho best doclor iu such ihe late Congress. Poi-ULATioN of Tennlssck. The follow, ing table shows tho population of Tennessee, and the increase since 1S40 : Increase, 38,459 65.976 70,Rfl6 East Tennessee Middle Tennessee, West Tennessee, Total, 262,313 477!6'6 Cu'u.i'tiO 1,000,S9S 175.331 W'nr.s has a roari a right lo scold his wife about his coffee I ' When he has suiiicient ground lM. Louis Vainer. , And upou what basis ought such a quarrel to be settled T Ar. V. Day Book. t'o-gs-aelly Pittsburg Transcript. a 1 . Victor1 Y belongs to hint who is consonant I ju failli and emrae MELA! llot.Y AFFAIR. 1'Ovc and Probable Suicide. There was a latge crowd raib..rp,I nt ilm elbow of ihe Miami Canal, at the bend of ing manner: H.'Til of love. Look ik.e n iVonl aoov-', And b'.r.v llie ( lvl That nle the fowl, Ami left the honej. For Setvant Jone-." (.T), ,;li,v ,.t,t(rru,,; fU,p j piopoti(, lo ,akPi ,: 0f a .,, .(, finds that a bow h uimei, at s h-..-ad, and who steps blu.kwaRl , nii,;t, lis .lni)) ;ull pilt himset a posturo ,,f defence.'' -Lord John Russell ' w the :,,,,rms(-,J(li Slk. civ Coal Land. The interest of Judge Donaldson, (about 100 acres) in a tract of Coal Land, in l'ruilev township, was sold at I Sheriif's sale, ou Saturday last, for the sum ' of t?.it?,!00. It was purchased by Messrs. ; llaldermau fc MeCormick, of llarrisburg j This is considered, ilmso acquainted wilh. l'on poM, Ihe swor.l, ;a.' Iiir- liii" ralTr.ni draws ; For y lil. the lnrchiiir jiulu ilistoits ihe laws. 'La Pi:i:?se'' mentions a trial lately mado in Palis of a new iciuslalic machine, invent ed a Mr. Jullien ; it is repiesented as ; eapable of being moved, in any direction, cases. The following is a recipe for Jenny I.ind pudding : Take a few egoS) a quantity of milk, a thing full currents, a Ihing full of wine, three thiugsUill of .lour, sod-then sweeten to your taste. A Qi nsTioN of no small importance to the financial and commercial interests of the United States hasbeen settled in France. It has been decided ihat gold shall continue to bo leceived as a legal tender. Tin: Di Ti n (iovLT.xMFNT have just sohT three million dollars in gold out of eleven and a half millions they have to dispose of.. it goes to Paris. Nevir make money al the ex pens oX. your reputation..