Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 22, 1851, Image 1
e v. .V;"!. i-'' ..-.-,;,. v':' ' ",7 :' : t- . -, 'vy k ::.-, ' --. , v' i . i- r . . t. i jl IV JL JlJ JL U JL Vil II. B. MASSEK, EDITOR AND PKOPRIETOR. OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. X Slcto'pnpcr Drtooica' lo Jjolftfcs, aucrnturr, XKurnlf:?), jortfjjii mx Domestic Sictos, iitfence an'a the fltvts, ajjrfcuUurr, illarfects, amusements, Set. NEW SERIES VOL. 3, NO. . TIIK AMKHICAN in pulliltrrl amy Siilnrilny nt TWO Pl)l.l.Alt! mt 11111111111 In he nij hull yrnriy in inlviinoi', Hu paper ilim-'nititiuetl iinlil Abl. nri-crnem tire pniil. All cutniiiiuiii-tiiioiiit nr Idler, on Ihi.iiukj" Muting t Hit fliea, tu iluure attention, innM I"' WW l'AID. TO CLl'li. Threa eopirt to one atlilre"". ' '"n tTtn 1 1" I""1 fifttm J "' Five iliillar. in nli-mira will pny fm llir.e j-enr'a aulwci f iun tu the Atnrriciili. One Samite of 10 lines, 3 tunes, Kverv milmcipienl hiKei-lion, Out Sqnitrr, U mouth., 4ix month, put year, Rii.inenii of Five lme. prr niinimi, M .reliant. hikI ntlii-rel inlvertininir l.v Urn var, with Ihr privilege ol 'itmt'itiiij) illl- I'erent ailvi'rlissnii'noi w-fi'kly. CP" Largei Alveitii;ii.ei:le, ui pi r ucrwinenl. Ft "(I a", .mo no lillll mm ATTOUN I) Y AT J. A W, SUMDtrRY, PA. Bninoii iittrmlcil to in 111? ('miiilirs f Nor ftiuinboiluuil, Liii.ui, Lyoniiiig i':J 1 '4tmit.ui. Ilrli r to i I'. & A. I'UVOI I.T. I.iiwmi liIIIIOt. SOMKUK &. MOOIIHIIAbl, k,i"Ii.iih, Mr I- aiii ii A I'" I Mpkhi su, loop V t'o.. J TU VICilT tYVrUJi'l' AU SUVA JL. Ninv (;ooi)S, AT THE STCEE OF "ba n . "r. ?.r ITT'. - " TT'HO til;is thiH mrtlmil nt iiiinrumi!; Ihr ; " frieniU mill ciisto vs. tlmt lir liws jnt n cfived mill o'riu'il n i-i'Ui.ili" ti'oilyiriil. ol v. w (; o o l) s. wUirli lie oln-rs ti llif )MiliIic .it llic liiwfitl prii-os Hii stork coiisi.N nl'fivrv varii-ly nml itii:lity. iarearv lor tin- i.i r:m-r, inri-iMiiic. liilioriT, aa well as the i.roi'ci sioii.d man, vi. : ill killilsul' ; M tMi s' A j) i:i rr i . vcm as rumi. I'.vsp.ii-.Hi.r. !-:..viti.m;tts, KS'I'INOS. ,V,-. AI..--0 : n laiv't' nss of CaHuff. i.rl.:'l.l' ! .(toios. Jlpcrra Mi.-iwi. Shnrh. ( ..:. '''r '' S; Clar s. ..iM'i.i. (Vi (.'., Cui)ihri:f. l.'ii:'- o Als.l R l.irti' II is.irlnie'it of finals mill S.'io'j, ililsnml Ciipx, oris .S'.vri's-, an A.-.-emi :iii:.i- oi' REAIiV .l vin-: Ci.U rjii.xc. i gener.ll as; e l Colfee, uetil ol (.ro."o; rn !' il, IJle'i i.i J isi'S, ll'.itliil-'llt "f .Mi Ililflirafr. .'I: If i ( (.ml iron. jl.i:m;. ;;;. Inch as I'runi'i!, Cin, Hum, U mshi-ij, .,c. , t3T I'ro.loic of nl! kiails v. i;! or I Am in r- haiigo, iimi Ihf !ii.-, in u'ket ;.-;.. ;i dd t.r llio I Mtne. I Vunl'iirv, Nov. oli, ly, NE W ('J OODS! 2Iai-kst ets-oct, va:l5i;ry, Pa., TI OHM W. 1 UlI.I.Mi resor.-t!'i.:!y inlorins .J? I'riceils i,ii,l eii-xaiers limt be .ivfj a lnr,'C nml b iini.-eioe ii-iasuneii'- ol lllB Cii) (.'oniislni of C'lotbs. ( lie i.aiiii s, Ci Ullil Mnrll :itlllere.i. li-oes. l'ltlll" . ( ioa.l. . I! on Us, ALSO : GROCERIF.S of every d. scr'r.ition, iwi iis ami n:;;i'!M -1 QUEE?:V,AIvE Al.i) K.-UISVASE. Fi..b. Null. Vl.i.i'i r mi 1 a t; rnl iis.rlini'ii! of I am h ro.!s it vil! ;i 1 I', the Far cr. Mi-i:ie.nil , I ..Im.iT u.ol vieiillri.n ii of uil oli'ssi'ii;. 'ill fiml a v irbty of a',1 sn.-li urlirlrs as ,i-v will nerl for tlir niisrnt s. nson. ilT Coniitrv pvi'liiic i j ul'. i.'oii1 tanm ill t!i l.bliri-t in n' irii'. tjun'.iiirv, Nov. !l, I s.'m. , taken in rli- Jit hv rfw ll t" 01IN lUlYEUSkCO. Market Street, Suiibury. T7H0 b is jiisl ii uml ooi nril a large us- " aortlllt-lit of new n i.i l.-s'iiotulile (,'ooils, of ' ery variety, isniliiliU' lor the fall anil winter sen- j It, for all iitsoii; uinj to vvliirli lie Cuba tin ul- ution of frli'iuU uml cm-toiiu-it;. Ilis stuck ceitr I ita in purl of hll'll AS Coft, rs.n'inci-M, SnHnirll.i, Mrrinnz, l)r Iaiuu. Ctdirar, Skuirt, llund hic'uffa, anil all .bit's of uenr i.ig tifiiunl. Al.M): IIantv.u , JiHrnsvare, groceries, lish, Salt and 1-laster, id all arlicli-s thai ueiy bo wanted by lliu coin- uiiity. The Ludit'8 'ill find, bv rallinn ut Uis sloti, tbnl be lias not an iitiiiiinilful of lai-ir wunls, uml rcspciilull vilri tin-ill to exuiiiinc bis scln-liou. Country proibu c i f all kii,ils taken in ex ange for iioolla ut the hi'licit market prirc. Suiilmry.Nov.U, 1850. !y. IE IV STAGK LINE FROM I'OTTSVILLE TO 5UAM0KIN. A new line of stagra U now running daily be ern the above lait. A romlortiililr Iwo lior' iie will leave Ml. l.'arnifl for isliuiuokiti, inline itely alter the arrival of the I'ollsville atae at at place, ami will return the next day from lainokin, ao a. to iiiict tlie 1'otUviUe uluge oil return o 1'otUville. From Sharaokin to Trevorton ere will bo e.tablislicd DAILY LINE l.yneit ring ao aa to connect with tlii. line at tSliainokin. the nuian time private conveyanrea will be in adineaa at on the arrival of patten- COXR-'VD KERsil.NEB. Sbamekin, Dec. 14. 185U tf. ML. Uuureau'a rrlrbruU'd ink, a;itl al.o Con graai ink tor utile, wlioleaale anil retail bv 11. 13- MAS6EI;. Daoember Sd, 1650 . SIILECT POETRY. OUR UNI Oil. Tin; blooil i lint Hoard it I (.lAhisildti, nml criin- oiinoil bright I 'liitntpluiii, Slronms nloiio ,. SuiiiliiTii Gulf nml by lint I.iikrs of Maim : ll IIohr in vi'i.ts "well nlinvo P:icifi-.:"s (lollllMI ."il II 1 1 -. Ami llnoL'x in html.. I lint Iuvk ntid criuvu by ilark Allaiilio's. stiuiul. tt blt'iuN in out vast bnillu'iliiiinl tli trapper ui' tlii; WY.i Willi ittiNi v lioro' i'i;ji.(i lis thontu!vci in Erie's cliioKio bifiist ; From lirn Cohiiulu.i L.iijIh lo gruft tli. Htllllitio Wt'iloin H'HVi", To uln'ii! 1'iitiiniac silis b.jiJo the I'litiitit lu'iii's o UiVi. ; And from tin, fltreatnii : e vi i irliiilfa lo lluioii's Iniilly llunil Tin kIdiv ol tin nnlinn'.s past tlirill.-t tliiouuli a kiuilii I IiIuihI 1 W'bfifvor Aruol I's tali is toM it ilyi's tin; cliei'k Willi liaint', Ami li..8 willt pu li! o'er I'nnkcr llill or Alonllne's i!ilir liinie; !.' is rt saoii'il li'itnry y " novi i can iliviili. Nor taki! 1 1 in ti village, uicliin, nor lliu rm of rily pi lib' : Xnr tlii liinili'i's wliili'-'iiiiioil fliililn-ii wlio liml a Imilfi'l liinni Wlioii iiaini'li'ss lakos lire fi'i'iklinir, nml VNiioie loni'lv ttvi'rs loam ! liUKKN (llt'W M swot i Enlaw ; nml j Soiiilinn liTt inairii ai'inss ihr l'-.-iawan1 fitiil ih 11 111 1 .1 thu snow anil !! : Anil In! npiui lit jiaiL-liiiii'iit v.'.jrri' tin natal ivroril sliinos The biiriiioo y iL.,. of .lcrrr.u::i':; bonis 1'nANii- I.ix's r:inor lines ! Could v divide tUiil rerun' biiibt nnd le:ir the i, .imes ; part eis! were uii'len boldly there with plight ol iitid beat I ? ! t'uidil ye erase a ll.uieock's name, e'en vviih I a satire s I'llue, fi,- u-.i, ,.,,t i, -i,., i,t.i ,. r,n-w,ir i lli.nbie Jhi'i!:! ' f nit i.f Soil! li il on! edit ? e up b "r share in Hiiii r boast of Voik ml n bei it. ire nl b. n lb" Norlii yive lo'."ii' e!n-i!i I ...ill ye ill i i.- ; im "laves. ('r rend in twiiin the starry -Hag that o'er belli jnoudly WilVl'S Ciui ve e.i-l lots for Vellum's soi or ch.i.ier 'mid !a olooin, Tint bin l' in solomii lolils i,boiit our comuiou r'.iluem' Uioib ! Urcuiil.l v" ineel iiioiind bis j:arve as fiutraei- il.d foes. And wake year hiii'Mie cnises. o'er bis nire iiiiii culm repiise ! '(I '(' I 1 1 tr'M' h u.ijMi..'i(itMi li; v i J. T!i" following s,-t L'll of this eminent perused with iu- Melhodist divine will I It-rest by our iv.uicis. t is taken from a recent number of the Kudiet,' Repository : No man who ev er filled the im!' it of the ; United s has eX'-l i ised il deeper, a Inure ixiembd, a..d more lasting tidbiejice upon 1 the Ameiiciiii mind than the late Henry li. lLscom. i.o.liug the fust tilteen or twenty ye;.is ol bis caret r, more persons were reel. puWeiiui e II, "o-g..;l iu:eu, by the mllueuce ot his O'jlleiice, ll-Oiil the "World" lillll Iv eleu.eiii..," than by any other Clere-ym,i:i lli.-n beloligll.g to the JMetho.llst Kpiscupal Church of ti:e I'nion. Jt may be i tiiil gfi aler "rev ivalists" have (loiiiiah eil iiii.oug the mii.isi.-rs of that church. John .ewlaml .M.diit. no doubt, created, since wild, (hal time, a far greater sensation, a ! mid perhaps more enthusiastic ex- ! Clb'ilielit, by his iii cliiruiltlCil). I be leeling , produced by Dr. Busconi, however, was ! more rjtiuu.i!, more permanent. Those who never heard bun till recently, uld r ; j the tares ol scholastic study bail somewhat Cooletl tiie lire id his s ail, have but a faint j i idea ol whal he was lifieen or twenty years since. Ttiose who beard liiiu then will never forget the feelings that he protluced. The deej), thrilling tones ol a voice then unimpairi'd by baidsbip and over-exertion, now inciting into the soil, melodious ai cenls ol love, and now bursting foith tu thundering deuiiui iations ol the world's un cfodltuess, never failed to stamp upon the hearts of his hearers impressions lasting as lile itself. Alone moment his audience, tiiovid bv the clwriuing pictures of his pen-I cil, would be all radiant with smiles; at niioib.M- tbo r,,i!,.a; i.ou .,,1,1 he:, ri - - -,.. .. - inoving teems which he would describe, would force tears ol svnina'.hv down the cheeks ol the most obdurate : and then, in an ii.stnut, by the magic of Ilis Lin irin i eluipieute, be Would make the whole con- gregation tremble; so wondrous, si ,vU, so terrible, was bis Rembrandt-sketch ofj the doom of the impenitent, lie controlled I . . ... us auilieiice at will. Perfectly lauiiliar with all the motives i f the biimnn mind. and all the impuls.s ol the heart, he could ... cause his hearers to smile with joy, or weep with penitence, or tremble with remorse, at pleasure. No man possessed a more fruit ful imagination. His descript;ons fairly flittered with "poetic gems. Touched by his master hand every picture of life as sumed the charm and glow of beauty, or glared with the most hideous deformity, just as it suited his purpose. I will re member a discourse on the vanities of life, delivered by him some years ago; and nev er did all the charms and attractions of this world appear so little and so worthless to me ua on that occasion. His description of the dalliances ofthe world, the siren whis perings of Ambition, and the luring charms of Pleasure, surpassed in beauty and power anything I remember to have heard from the lips of man. His power, as an orator was, no doubt, greatly aided by his fine person, his open, manly, honest expression of couutemiiiie, and his keen, piercing SUMll liY, NOIiTlir.-iHI'.Ri.ANI) OOLWTY. 1A SATURDAY, MAHCH 131. j black eve. Thill eye none could describe. I A veiioialdr citizen, who knew him well, j lias often told me that wliile. Dr. Uas'.-ntn was preai'hino. he could never "iinlix" his giZ" from thai earnest, sotil-pep.el rating eye. Why," said he, "whenever he was t!e ni'tttitinir any mean passion or secret, uti propensity, his dark, keen eye seem ed to look right thronpli me, and Riy to my Liondouineil t)irit, 'J lion nit the man.'" lie possessed that indescribable power, that magnetic charm, if 1 may to term it, with which all true orators are ri!t''d, and which never fails to move tin souls ol men. What h' described w as ri al, and nvn saw it and li lt it as a thino; of lite. A deep, earnest soul, and resolute and brave was Henry B.'l'.iscoin. Dr. Ilascom, was, emphatically, a s-'l(-madi man, at least in all but 111 rich anil irlniious endowments with which (Jud bad jilted iimi. ilis lather was pour, anil, tie inil liles-ed with a luimerous olI':pnn, was tniiibli' In bestow mure than a very limited education on his children. 11" was a mere youth only sixteen years of ite, when lie commenced bis career in the pulpit. Not witbstaiulin'f the disadvantages under which he labored, arising both from his youthful ness and defective education, he at once at tracted the attention of the best minds wbf ii-ver be nppiand. It was not till several years alu r he had c'iiai tl in the ministry, that be commencad that t in i r. nrrli course of 1 1! in .it i oti which soon rendered ln;:i one ol the most polished -cbol.:ls ol po!i:l I Hie i liurcli. jut I. is laljor diJ not cea-e ! when he bad ji.i course of clil'si enough f.r him. tli:i.n:-b the ortbin.rv , nl sliiuy. no w is in. I . lb wits a'Jtudent throti.-!i i lib', ever s 'i kill;- to dive deeper into the ! itiv s!ei ies ol nature, and attain a higher ami j nobler view of existence. And it was to ! this constant study, this self-eh'ort, that I was j. liiilt i,. i l ied for that womb rlul knowledge nost every deparlineiit of science, which s i imicli (listinguislied him above his lellows. ibile ininis'teriiig wilu In in, s iiiie years a;:o, around the couch of a suf feriil'jr l.lotbei the lid" Alfllelts W. l.iis-- i com, Km;., of ?,!,iVsvil!e 1 was lorcib'v ! ; struck v iiii tin wonderful ktiov','!gi he I exbi.iit. .1 ol the nature and treatment of a I most d.imrerous ami mtrirate disease. lie I wa ; so perfectly familiar with its character and working;! that the attending physician cou'd not retain the expntsion of bisastoii- lshliie: Kit wi r.' Ir-uti. :-'veial years Dr. Iiascom's IiiIkts a--M."!iod to the wild and unsettled rs of Virgitiia, Kentucky amlCiit i. j I ue bard.diips and 'livations to which In wi.-- ( i,. o:l those circuits, would have ! ciu:.!n d the '-pints ot any ordinarv man. j lie I : . i ' v bad to travel Ibrty mib-s a day.thron.rli solitary forests, and, idler the I latigiie of sat li a journey, delivered u scr- moil at iiihl. The roilils, at tbilt time, I wi-iv r-cr.rcely luoken, ami there wire no j bridges ov-r the streams, which, in the j wint r, wei" uiien t.wolli'ii by r.ur.s, In - yoiid t'leir '-.auks. Kut this Mas a slijlit j obstacle to lb noble pioneer ol tin cross, j lie would lore his liors" daringly forward, ' am! swim lb" li.iinin billows. To a ;oi. ' like I. is, i. wet suit ami a few hours of chili ! Iie.-s We;o t;d!es liot to be aveidi d. On ' one occa-ioii, while swiminiiu' a s:i ;.!l i stream in'.uikv, v. hu h had been swol I l"ii lo an unusual hei-jht by recent ruins, ' the eiureiit was so rapid that he was forced some hundred yards below the ford. The drift was whirling furiously around him, and Oil fit lit r side, the bank were toosteep lo ascend. He COol self HI W lis danger, but, with ion, he clung firmly to bis fuilhful bui'se, ami tin noble auimnl, taking i a downward course, finally emerged siilely ! Inuii bis perils. What a contrast does ibis present to the smooth and luxurious life Most clergymen of tin present day ! oi The country tbroueh which Dr. !' isroni s i.i'ty h I lei!, b. lists. i; bun was The file.! He was VI mid very thinly .s t- Were once loleu witli vvii.i f.o'oW'.'.i ic'Venl -r .'e amber, which thr.-ateiieii, t every step, lo bound upon him, and Ironi which he was i'. saued by reaching, jus! at ! nightfall, the cabin of a settler. At an- older time be bad gone soni" distance born i the hulls- of a friend, w here he was" s'op ! ping, into the forest, and was lying ou'n tiv, j pt-ruaiug a book, and unconscious ol all ii.ii, I g,-r, under th, broad spreading branches ol I a tree, w hen he hear.) the voice of a man fi'Vini? to l.i.n, am! telling bun lo li" sti.l j ul " ,lu' I"''11 "'' lis li''' Qnickly gl iccing his eye in the dir-clion. whence Hie voice proceeded, he saw bis I liieml with bis rifie elevated, and p tinting . tow aid the br im b'-sol tin tree untb-r which i i,.. , ..- I,;,., p. i,. c.,..;'; ,,;ii, " ,... i, ... i , , ii i ,o ni',,1,1", i.i,,. '"iikwinds life, Dr. I'.iscoin knew that some '''I '-ii!' tiitn.g'-r v. as ho .1 in: ovt-r him,, ant!, without Ibe least perceptible motion of his '""!y, he instantly turned his gaze upward, he saw, on .a liml) of the tree, not lil"'1' twenty led above bun, a map's- I 1 , . t.. .. ,,. I.' . I - . I ... I .'. 4 1 l""""i, mu' uis tan, unu pisi r.-auv I 1 J b,;P i This Was a fearful mo- ! '""ut ! V'"',at ",'rv''li required to retain i. . i r : i . l . ... i i-. his self-poss'ssioii, and thus save bis life! lor the least motion on the pait (,f Dr. li is coiu would have hastened the spring ofthe panther, and sealed his bite forever! And in that fearful moment, when death seemed inevitable, with a sell control and a cour age truly wonderful, he laid perfectly quiet. till the keen crack of the ride was heard, and the ferocious beast, pierced by the un erring aim cf the backwoodsman, fell life less by his side. While on the circuit of western Virginia, I think it was, llascom stopped, at noon, ut log cabin, recently erected by the road side. He sat down, by invitation, to dine with the family. A lovely little child, about three years old, which had attracted his uttention by its sweet smiles and tare beauty, was playing in front of the door, while the family were engaged around the homely repast, when suddenly a heart piercing try was heard from without. nr.lTr.tjirmr-ta li ytn T"r"rilTir- v-n r ft tr ,ra mri-twrMiumiMM wwirt-i j-. v- " nlt.w.... '.My child! my child !" screamed the mother; and tjuitk as thought, all rushed to the door. rather of mercies ! v. hal a siivht was here presented to the gaze of a diluting molhi'f! A terrible panther had rprunj; upon In r unwary darlin;:, and was iiscendii.g a tree, baiiii tin child in his mouth. 'The gun! ijuick ! for (Imi's s,.ke, I In gun!" frauticly exclaimt d the father. Dr. liascom rushed into the cabin, and, seizin;; PI1"1 "ro'i l'e rack, rapidly re turned ; but, alas! it was too late! lie was only in time t j tee the innoceii!, I vely babe tin n to pjoccs, in the presence of ils frantic parents, bv tin infuriated Uv.s-. Completely unnerved by (be aiipallim; si.;ht, it reijitired shots l elni' Dr. Ii.isiom vi-a.; vi:ab!ed to brin:; down the ! blood thirsty animal. ' can never (""'' I tlmt nvvl'ul scene," t.iid D !.-.scou., when ! relating this incident to the writer s nne ! years since. And well ii.i-.iil be my no : I for a more deejily afl' ctin seen-' bin s' I- dom been recorded in the hi.-.'.ory of advi c- I turnns pioneer life. .o on- could ai'.minis'er a reluke more !hnppi!y than Dr. li.iscom. lie ;d ays did jit in a inanm r that worked i Ifectivelv, I without I'ivin f,(!el:re. Wbilt.' p.reach l . i "j i inj to a la I'D ani!i''nce at a country "meet ing lions"," in (iarrard county, Kentucky, I during his' earlv carer in the pulpit, lie I V.-ti tilut l.ikiti'.; a .in elJerlv but worthy cili.en .let kt . p just in f rout ( . im, while, at t! s.iiiio tin e, he was touch in. I talking of a b-vv me:) teriii.).' to the window niMi..yi il by the ""I ol (Mors. S ii' i . t t i i . . iiiuu mm, lie ev( .iiiiiii o, in a ymivii nui elev alei loud, I within. tone, ''(ieiitb'tiK'H. do le.t talk s so :! ve.u awake h::!i !n:t sleepeth 'I'lto.;. v.'ilii.ii.t were i; t.iiitlv am! Hie old man w i'bin av.-i.l He was not :i'.l iiileirnp'.ed ilur.u:: tile UI; colli In the compu-iiliuii of Dr. Ha'com then was no ciiii I or ostentatious j.ii tencc. Ih conkl never be liu um lo Wear tile IieCU liar dre copied by lorgyiuan o! Ins : b'-li'-ved that true humility e of the urn!, ami di" s no! con Church ls u l'n""l sist cither in i cceiit ricity of hal.iN or the cut of tiie coat, lie alw-.-ys I'.iessed vv itli neatness and taste. This so much (ii.- ob rised tin a I, del il-ethi-ell" that II" Will c.iiied to a I account bv a o! r-iiinr i. Alb r !it.'iiing i -. -pecti'oliy to vme the i.i cut i.i arcs.-, a iruents urgei! avrruusl l,;e laM.ior. 'in" his gar',. Dr. lia iia;; !e!i .er..!eiV , j'll'ii d t l.' the o!.noi,e.:s coat, and, ir.g il ci a, t! -.led to know ban wiicilu r it was tu ;.t illl.s that preached. His censure r;- si ditv of the arguinc-;,!, am! tt d at Cr ci. him to cress as he pleased 1 havi n was a b:av", at sav. He valorous spirit. 1 tie a'i v vv ;is tu-v i r I In " " speak it boldly," ;:t : !!',ii' " a!: ti'" t ruth Mid .in ics, or muter all ta this mm li ol po.esS,-d over men circuir.slaace;. that vvomlr -us Tern.! ,.)u cr I is to be ct'le.liti d. a I rave, ( bi a'ra: icon ui. .niaii v It : ems b) ove sess a sort i f magic iiil'u'-t'.i-i to bind our lii'iu ",s by s Miie count;, hie spell. In evi rv i .en r us, ami tr.inge,;i.i:i, v.-he- ther address'iig tin na'.io't : ( i-i .- s, or some hum'. obs-'ure c !:.-:r tin r in til" councils of tie i 1 lectin-" r torn of the college, t less bob! a-id tiutb-loving ;; r.'n-.n, wlie uii! (.' ' the .. saii.e f. ar il it was e:- bibited by Dr. llascom. II" nny bavt Ik en, and doubtless was, sometimes wrong tmt vb;it be believed he always lean asserted, lint ill no period o! bis lib IV lib did 111 n.ore a i.t lor his Cocrage and bis gem 'in : !. me I.) respb-iiileetly than while b- van ; the A uierican 'olouiatio.'i Sm b-tv Anout tiie Vsr r.-S'J it wa; thought a.i- i 'I; vi.-uMo, by the b-aeing men in t'.ii-, great cause, then in ils iniattcy, lo send a ;,ecr, t a -oi.t to tli" ' 'nit 1 1 ; ami t!i,s .-ri am! arduous o'.iiee was teui!u'-d t i Dr. i'.i-" by the Hoard at b-ugton, w! icii lirom'.ily in-cci.'ed. A in ,r.- lamgei pa i;io;i ro-.ibl la.t I. live be n -:e d t.) ; ;' of the j n r. o..r,'ed linn at tbitt Inn-.. I be moveii Cob lli1'i'l-l i-' icietv v. en t.n wi;!t extreme i -entire South. ll'OUSV 111 The S.n-'u .1 i.e.: iv wi rtist bv th Cl believed to be liivlile I ) t!o ami its i-i'K.its im t i.'iS'.iim.oa, wi ;h the s'.-',ie v i ili-iit opposition, ilciiniici i'.ioii, nud I'ln-aP-nings, in the S mth. that alterwan! i-Heii lei! (In action of 111; a'.o'.ilioiiistr.. Indeed, coloui z iti. in was r.t that time, very liibe under stood, and was r g.irde.l as synonymous with abolition. The people cf tne soi.t'i w re co'iseijiieiiCy most bitterly op; o..i d toit, ar.d in a it i!e of viob-tit excitement at the liiiu Dr. lbiseom accepted bi; mis sion. Ilis instructions wire, to proceed to New Orleans, and af.i r con!, rung puvalelv wilii a 1 -vv persons who were known lo be favorable to the movement, act us be thought movt prudent. On arriving ther, ami con sulting vvith his friends, be f ,uud that it would Is a tno.t hazardous cn-leit, iking to attempt to hold a public: meetirg; and, act ing under the advic- of v.i;!i whom be consulted, be determined lo h ave lb. city without publicly announci, jei t of bis visit. II h.ul, ho'.v.-v g the oh r, sp.ikeii in several (ibices in Kcntuiky bet-ire going to jNevv Orleans, uml, his position being known, his arrival had, tberelore, created considerable t-xcitem-iil. This so rapiuly increased that a meeting was held by a number of citizens, at which several in flammatory speeches were delivered, ami a resolution passed requiring In.nto leave llie city. A committee of lurious and excited individuals was appointed to wait on him, and notify him to leave within twenty-lour hours, or take the consequences. At this time the lion. Mr. Dawson, of S'.. Francis ville, afterward a member of Congress from Louisiana, a bold, gallant, and impulsive man, was on a visit to New Orleans, lie was a man of real mettle, and no excite ment ever arose, where be was, that he did not join one side or the other, and, gan erally, he was inclined lo the weaker side. True to his nat ire, when tlu excitement After this Dr. IJascoin delivered addres (irose against Dr. Ivascoin. Dawson, although ses at a number of villages in Louisiana. lie he was, personally, a total stranger to linn, assumed u bold stand in Ins ueier.ct, nnu inu.ietliatelv set about a plan for his pro tection, iiow he succeediid we shall pre sently see. The committee called on Dr. Dascom, informed him of the excited state of pub lij I'eelinj, nml ordered him to leave the city in 2-1 hours, or take the cons 'fiiences, which, they csserted, would h.; must S"i ious. "Gentlemen," slid he, in reply, "I liad in tended to have to-morrow morning; but now, you have ni rci me lo h ave, I shall remain three days I injr.T. I run an American ciiiyeu, am! claim the re.dit guar anteed to n.e I y the Coiistilution i;f my couulrv." Tli" commiitee wei" thuuder- StriK'!: hv the t.o!ilm nl' tb's felllv. and I .j, r r. Tile committee bail scarcely disipi.enred belore loud voices and the tram) of men were heard appr 'acbin!i the room. Anti cipatiuir. s ,;iii't li i n;r serious-, Dr. liascom iii.He, approached the door, and, looking into the hall, raw ailva:)ci:i;r toward him a lar.:e cinvvil ol rou di men, led by oii-j who bad l!ie air and dress ol a vnlieinnn. Me j learh'ssl onfiunled them rind deniandeil j the object of their errand. Mr. Dawson ; for it was he w ho led this c.nco'i'li bam) ' kinliedj ami a.sured him tbnl ii- was his ! Iriem!. 'i'li.i wliole ;;rty were then invi ; ted into bis room by Dr. Ibis.-om, when Dawson informed him who he was, rras smed him of his (rienm.bip, lino! explained , the b iture of his visit. 'I'bes"," saiil be, i "are all hentnien Irotn KeCncky, Cihio, i irgiuia, Indiana, ?disso'.iri and Tennessee. M et of them have heard you preach in times past: and thus- v. !io have not heard von Ihemselves, have heard of you from , their mothers or Iriends. Vi' hen 1 heard i ol your clanger, Mr. liiscotn, I deteruijied j lo go to the levee, ami appeal t) them for ! your jiroteclion ; and you see the result. We've just met the commi'lce, and 1 told them il they d.nvd to touch n hair of your ; head if they dared to put you in piisnn, ' we wouldn't leave a stone of tiieir cala ! boo-,,- siamlin :. There's a liiou.nnd more ; rticii l-rave boys iii these at the levee, and 1 (hey all swear they'll die vou." Over ' powered by the chivalry of Dawson, and : the ic-iii'iines-,; m nllectinn ol tin hardy j boalinon. Dr. Ikisrom wept, as the brave ; ami the good c.ily can weep, :.s be return i ed his In art-felt 'thanks. Th;.t night the .'.reels in th" vicinilv of tb.e hotel at which i !Jr. has'run wns stopping w.-r, n!ive with i . ... , . ... . I , . i . . t r.i . i power to commit depredation. We tmdei- I the i, rave l,ono..t boatmen oftbi west, each , i one ready to peril bis life in ,!ef,.,1C(. of the I 4ii"ml ,ha,1 as s""" as,:1 ?l"'ng opens, n cam j"greiit preacher." lint no violence was i I'1"-'" lvi" l;u "vm1,! "-'y lu'lian ! attempted; ami before he left the city, Dr. j Ci",ll!ry, 'id the will be visited in i Hascom had the pleasure of a j their own hcnling iiroimds. The Seiriinoie i promising coloni.ation society, many of: chief Wild Cat is now waiting war with l'je ; the most infi'.u-iiiial citizens becoming life I'limancbes in ibe iiei-bboibood of I'd Paso. inembt r:;. Leaving N'evv Orleans, Dr. li.iscom pro ceeded up the river to Natchez. He had previously written to a friend to procure a church, in which be vvidicd to deliver a public discourse in lavor of colonization. i'ho cln, to", of Dr. Polls. M-bo afterward : bad the controversy vvith Dr W-inwii 'lit 1 i of New York, bad been secured for that 1 purpose: ami when he arrived, which was ! about the tioi'Oinlcd hour. Dr. llascom proceeded directly to the place of meeting, lb.- was met a! the door bv the leading members of the Methodist Church of that j city, and al.-.o bv Dr. Polls, all of whom j implored him not to speak. They declared I that the public mind was bigbiy incensed ! gainst bun, i tid that there were at that In number ol d men in the cbiirclt c -teriiuiled to i;.-e violence if be alt mpled .o speiiu-. 1 Ins did not in tne b-a.;t nitimi ii. tie Iiiiii ; bid, resisting all their importu nities, Dr. llascom marched directly j ti.roiign Im- church, and ascended the pul lt. i 'it. Jvtiow iug t'... it delay vva dangerous, ill, I nut till," hi, va!, but turning to the in iieiice, be leld tbeiu that lie was aware d' tiie excited itate el public b-eling '.w are of lin. atam-d violence ; but he ask- i ei! as a right, lo be heard before being con j iiemiieii lo be heiiid cue ;'.-;-, and then I he would submit to any punishment ot I vvbictl lie might bo U.'eined Ueaerving. j The words were iiitei-ed rnpidh, and were j I prompt Iv answered bv a man who arose in 1 I Ul" luidJt of the audience, ni,i! trie,!, with ! froin John, was George, i,.tt President of Iho jail oath, that he should be heard. This j I'nited Slates.. The mother of John Wash l was Hi- sa i e Mr. Dawson w ho had played J inglon, who emigrated lo iririiiin in ltiJT, so conspicuous a part in his b half at New and win vvaa vireat jjiandbitber to theGetier-Orb-aus. lie had learned Dr. Ii tsi-om's j was Kluauor Hastings, datn-hter stud heir, destination, am!, wi.h tne same chivalrous j , f J,,hu Hastings, fcraiuUou lo Francis, spirit which led bun ;it hut to 'po-.M Ins cause, hd, unknown to him, gone to Nal- j clieio'iil in his protection. And here bis voice triumphantly prevailed. He was answered by mi almost unanimous agrei inent to beur v bat CisOoui lul l to sav , at j least lor one hour. Accordingly, the ad-i dress was commenci d -, and never belor did ihe eloquent speaker labor more power fully and rli'erlively. Th" c.ciling cir cumstances under which he was placed s -em i, lu act us a fctmi ol inspiration, nun nerve iiis soul lo one oi tiie ii.bir.i t -lions ol t-lotpi -uce. 'llii wor.l, iiimifil o.'iiilcs, Tili't JUIMC'-.I lllrir i, '. :i!1 1 ttll nii-ll 111 ,11 VVOIlM tlllil An I :i:,' in won,!,-! on Uti iirl.;l,l, r". Iu.e, T..:.l witli iks-list: iiiiinti 'nils' ansM-md him. Vou t- 'iil.l livv lieurtl Tin- bcullni; of y.'ur pulnr. w hile he j.-oka." And when his hour expired, such wanders hid he wrought in the minds of his hearers, that the cry of "Go on ! go on !" was heard throughout the immense assembly. The orator proceeded for more than an hour longer ; and at the conclusion of his address took up a collection for the Colonization Society. Those who so recently were rea dy to tear him to pieces, now ru.hed ea gerly forward to contribute in aid of the great cause. The collection of that day was the largest received by Dr. llascom in any city of the south, with the single excej lion ofthe city of rv'a.hville. was accompanteil to these places tiy tne fjaiiatu Kiiignt, jvir. JJawson, vno seeintu to take delight in such adventures. Wher- ever he went lie met with hitter opposition. The whole country seemed to be on (ire. At St. Franc.isville Air. DnWson discovered tliat a plot had been formed by a lew reck less chtirapters to waylay Dr. llascom on his journey from that place", l'nt this did not intimidate either of these learless spirits. Preparing for the emergency, they, openly set out on their journey, and reached their destination unmolested. Dut it is unnecessary to follow the noble missionary ol colonization further in his travels. I consider bis achievements in this cause as entitling him to a wreath of glory asunlading as any that ever encircled the brow of the conqueror or the statesmen. For, notwithstanding the fiery opposition he encountered Ihroiig'ioul the south, wher ever he could obtain a hearing, his gonijij and his eloquence were triumphant. " 'Til tliin th" Hrit of n si'ile tliti:,! iWnki . tlmt of tniiM u l, stal-r en.-ilirrsctien, A roll the wiitcr. to the irtt;ithiiis tt-ii.d." I have thus briely and imperfectly sketched a few incidents of the life of this great ami good man, in the hope that their perusal may interest and bent-lit the render.. These incidents are derived from uiujues tioii.ible authority ; and I am sure that they fully sustain the high estimate that has been placed upon, the genius and character of Dr. 13ascom. lie was a true man and a. true Christian. lie nobly performed his duty while he was permitted to live, and finally received the embraces of th" king of terrors with the calm serenity of an un faltering faith. He is gone forever from the field of his earthly labors! but the influ ence of those labors will never perish. He is gone, but he is not dead ; for 'i-fitl li nt liliin lie ili'-rl AVIiofi spirauii! iiillurtiri' is upon lnsii;,l ? He lues in irlory; tin,! his lyriikiii:-.- 'I''1' Jim. n.are of lint limn Imlfiit lire-ituing wouM.'' a 1'ROM TI:A. Evpr.niTioN Auainst T(ii: C.vmanciii.s. General l.rooke has at lenulh been fully con vinced lbat all dibits to conciliate Ibe Cani nnehes are unavailing, and I lint their Ireaties are only intended !o dupe the military siu- P' reilalions tntiler more liivoriilili; auspices He has tberefnie determined In punish Ihem j so cliectnaily that iicy will in future either I rr.oi'ii.i nctii to ,o.r , !. .,r lut . I.. rtri,'n,l n( tl... and he will tuobibly force the Western I'.in.l. to fall Luck toward our settlements on the Colorado. uHsfoii 7V h:n:!i, ils! Wn.i) Woman ('.u-;ivr.--Tht! famous Wild Woman of the N'avidad has been caught. A P;lllv ol nimieis win) were out boutiag deer came upon the camp ol this singular creature and captured her. Sim is an African Degress who (led to those wilds w hen the s-'ttletnentd vveio descried just af'.er Fannin's defeat, and she has been wandering like an Oiitang Outang for a petiod of about fifteen years. Her food during thai period consisted of acorns, nuts and other wild fuiiM, with such oilier foiTd as she coubl occasionally steal from the tieiglibniing sellleinents. She can not speak Dollish, but converses freely with the Africans on the neijlibariiifr plantations Thus is solved the mystery that has hitherto jjiven si roiiianlie. interest to the story of Iho WiKI Woman of llio N.ividad. llt(sttm Til- fJlsf i.u' Tun Prim. ur.i: or W.vsiiix.. rox. Tiie pedigree of General Washington, ns traced and illuminated by Mr. Mapleson, carries back bis descent to William do Ilertburii, Lord of the Manor of Washington, in the county of Durham. Falkland, l'bnm bis de scended John Washington of Whitfield, in the time of Piicbard 111, and ninth in descent second Karl of llimliniitoii. She was lue descendant Lady litintiugdon if Gringo, Duke, of Clarence, l.roiher of King Iv.lvturd IV., uml King lochai l llio III., bv Isabel N'evil, daughter and heiress of Kich ard, Karl of Warivie!;, te l ing-uiaker. Washington, therefme, as well us llm de seciiilaiit of that tcarriage, are entitled to quarter the anils of Hits'. bios, Pole. Kirl of Salisbury, Plantaaenet, Scotland. Morlimor, ,, i:iirt f M.ucb, Nevil. r.luiitiigue, licau champ, and Duveteuux. Tli r. Cow Trle On iho parched side of a rock in Venezuela "rows a tree with u dry and leathery foliage, in btr-.'8 woody roots scarcely penetrating into Ibe (.'round. For several months in the year lha leaves are moistened by a shower j ils btauehr look. us il" Ibey were dead ami withered ; but when the trunk is bored, a bland and nourishing milk flows from it. It is at sunrise that ibe vegetable- fountain flows freely. At that time llio blacks anil unlives are seen coming from all parts, provided wilh bowls to receive the milk, which grows yellow and thickens ut its aurfaue. Some empty tLt-ir veaaela on the spot, w hile others carry them lo their chil dren. Pmh'gii, or not plough, you must p,y your tout. OLD SERIES VOL. II, NO. 20. Kir" The following humorous advertisf nient, which frequently tnke.t the rounds ofthe papers, was originally published in Ibis place, about 20 years ago. It was written by Dr. Wm. M. Awl, now ol Co-, lumhus, Ohio, then no less eminent as a humourist, then he rpw is, as a Physician. A Dn i llM.lX ADVi rtTiSLMIiXT. fbmd nway or sdolen, or vyns ml rayed mine Inrigts jilncl; horse, n print lotirleen, oper lifieen hands six inches hie he has peen got four plack leas,, two pchhul nml two pe fore, and he ish pluck all over his potly, but ban p.-eii cot some vile jpots, pon ljis pack when de skin vas rub oil, but I. pieesed rm vvid sum geese fat, nml now de vile spots is nil placl; ro.'iin. Hi; Irrnls ntid ku titers, ami paces, ami sometimo Im vnlks and yen ho vail, all his leys and feet goes on, von after minder he has two ears pon his head, both alike, pi, i, von is placker dan de. odder von be has iwo eyes, von is put out, and odder ish pon tie side of bis bend, and ven you go lt)dd-r side he vont see you ven he eats u good ileal In has a nig pelly and he has a louar dail vat hang down behind, bill I. cut it, short todder day, nml now it ish nqt so long, a it vns be i.-h shod nil urouud, put his pe liiiul shoes corned ofl, mid now he ish only got doe before ; he bolls up his head, aiid: looks gaily, and yen hi ish fi ighlen he jnomps abnni like evei y ting in de yorltl ; he vil ride tuit a paddle, or n chare, or a cart, or he vill im py himself milout nopody put a pag pon his pack vil a poy on il ; he isf, now ve. ry old, and !iis head ven be valks or runs goes pefrne, ami his tail slays peliitil, only ven be dnrm, round be gels mat, nml den hi dnil so limes come first. Whoever vill pring him pack, sbalt pay S5 reward, and if he piiiios pack the tief vat slole em, be shall pay pesides 20 and ax no ques tions. Duos which Ant: l-.ut.s An Koglish paper contains the billowing notice of a recent t-ag-. Iritolinary tliscovery in Madagascar: Some linie since llu-r discovery of gicranlic egga in Madagascar was spoken of Three, of these eggs have arrived nt Paris, one bro ken on the muIp, l!iu others, whole and M. (b-nllroy Saint ILIaire hat! laid llietn before the Academy of Sciences. They are of very, diliereiit shapes, one being rliplical, the miter having ils two ends unlike each other. They are about thirteen indies in diameter the long way and nine the shorl ; in circmn lerenee about ibirly inches one way and, twenty-five ihe nth"r. The shell is one eighth of im inch thick. nd contains about "'. gallons, or as much as tOS hen's, eggs, 15i condors eggs anil 5, ostrich's ejjg. Mr. Si Ild.iire has decided, fiom the exarnijiat9n of somo bi'iies found with one of the egg;., that they were produced by a bird. It now re mains lo discover this biggest of lha feather, ed race. KAVIIOSABLi: DAMIMi. Oil CRACKY ! WHAT IN IDEA ! An Alabama pa per'. correspondent, recent, ly on n visit to Washington, delivers himself of the following : "To see a monslached old libertine seize a young hdy by ibe waist, draw fier close up lo him with bis tighl arm, take her right, bund in bis left mid stietth her arm out its tall lengib, opening her dress from her lieclj so that one might throw a kitten or a baby down, pies her swelling chest tight tip lo him, and then, with knees and feet dovetail, ed in together, o(, whirling and jumping through a room filled wilh ladies ntid senile, men, was to us a scene of vulgarity unequal." ed by any exhibition that we have ever seen, and we coubl not help congratnlatim; our selves, when hearing (hat such exhibition: were fashionable, thai our daughters were Ion young, and our sisters too old lo go, inlo fashionably, socieiy. KYTRACT IltOM THE IRISH, Tony Cowan is advertised as having lost ,:A pig wilh a very long tail, and a, black spot on the lop of its snout that euils up be hind." A cow is described ns "very difficult lo milk, and of no use to any one but lliu own er, who had oiiu horn much lunger I ban lha other" John Hawkins is alluded to ns having "a pair of grey eyes, vviib; little or no whiskers, and a imar, mat nm u great CIIIIICUII V ui looking any one in the face." Iietsey Waterloo is accused of having :ab- i ... : , i c . . c . ' eoniieu wiiu a cuesi oi drawers uml a cock and ben, has red hair and a broken loolh none of which ure her own." l!r.M.vitK vin.E Mcmobv. IVthaps the most temiiikiilbi instance, on record of the power of ineinoiy is one related of William Lion, a strolling player of Kngland, who wagered a crown bowl ot punch that ha could repeat Ihn contents of one number of the Daily Ad- frruer, a paper then ciatnnted wilh adver tisements from begining lo end. The next muriiing iHilwilbslanding Ilia wanl of con nection between the paragraphs, the variety of advertisements, and Ihe genera) chaos which is prevalent in any newspaper, ha repeated it from beginning lo end without' (he least tuii!iiiou or mistake. To lhvivE a FiniNo Fiowia Cut the, stalk, and hold it a few minutes in the rlame)' of llie caudle, nod Iheu set the flower again in thd cold water, when it will recover ils" strength almost visibly after Ibis violent as,- i.laucu, and bloaaoiu immediately. . -. Jr...'..