0 SUNBURY AMEHICAN AND S HAM O KIN JOURNAL. X ; JESSY LIND AM) THE DLI.M) BOV. A poor blind boy, w ho is highly gifted wilh musical lalent, and who reside in the north ern part of Ihu Sttite of Mississippi, had ex. pressed Mich great anxiety to hear Jenny Lind cine, thai hi friends raised a subscription to end him to this City to giatify his wish. On arriving here, ha nccidnnlly took loiljt inpg in tho samu hotel with Mr. Kyle, the culebraied flutist. One eveninp, Mr. Kyle, hearing some very wild and sweet flute tones, listened for some lime in surprise, and as the sounds died avvuy, he said to himself. ''Well, Mint fellow thinks he can play ; but now I'll just show him what I can do. Taking tip his lliite, he played the air of the "Last Roso of Summer," wilh variations. The blind boy listened with breathless delimit, and follwin;; the sound, he came to the door of Mr. Kyle, and stood there until the last notes ceased. Wilh a feelincjof impulse he could not restrain he knocked at the door. "Come in," said' Kyle, and not recognising the lad, he saidt ' What do you want sir?" l am blind," said the boy, "and have been draw-n hither by your sweet music Do tell me who you are." " am but a poor musician," said Kyle, "and um travelling with Jenny Liud, as flu tist." "You are!" exclaimed the lad; Oh! sir, do take me to hear Jenny Mud ; I have come n luny; way to liear her siiijr, but the price of tickets is so hi".li that I am too poor to buy one. Can't yon lake me to hear her. sir:! ho continued, with great feeling; "I have heard she is so good, so pretty, and sings so mveetly. that I shall never be happy until I hear her." Mr. Kyle felt deeply for the boy, and pro mised that he would lake him to hear the lovely Swede. Accordingly, he took the blind boy that night and seated him in a chair be. hind the scenes. The sweet song of the Nightingale affected the lad deeply, produced upon him varied sensations. Rut when Jenny ang "Home, Sweet Home," he melted into tears. On her retiring she was attracted by the sound of the boy's sobbings, and inquired who he was. Mr. Kyle then told her the history of the lad in a few words, which much interested her; and sending for him lite next day, tlie poor boy left the aenerous songstress one hun lied dollars richer than when he reached the city. N. U Picayune. HINTS AllOI T RF.OKOUMS. Their small size ami their lowness render them very insalubrious, & the case is rendered worse by close windows and thick curtains and hangings, with which the beds are often so carefully surrounded as lo prevent the pos sibility of tho air being renewed. Tho con sequence is, that we are breathing vitiated air during the greater pait of the night ; that is during inure than a thin! part of our lives; and thus the period ol repose which is neces sary for the renovation of our mental and bodily vigour, becomes a source of disease, Sleep, under such ciicmslance. is very often disturbed, and always much less refreshing than when enjoyed in si weil ventilated npartment. It often happens, indeed, that such repose, inste.nl of being followed by re novated strength and activity, is succeeded by a tlegree of heaviness and languor which is not overcome until the person has been some lime in a purer utinostphere. Nor is this the only evil urging from sleeping in nn ill-ventilated ap.iitment. When it is known that the blood nndeieoes most important changes in its circulation throng the lungs, by means of the air which we breathe, and that these vital changes can only be effected by the respiration of pure air, it will be easily understood how the iicalihy functions of the lungs must be retarded by i dialing, for many, successive hours, the vitnied air of our bed rooms, and how the health must be as effect, tiully destroyed by respiring impure air us by living on unwholesome or iuniittiliiios food. In tho case of children and young person predisposed lo consumption, it is of slill mure Urgent consequence that they should breathe pure air by night as well as by day, by secu ring a continual renewal of the air in their nuiseiies, schools, &e. Let a mother, who has been made anxious by the sickly looks of her children, go from pure air into their bed room in the morning, before u door or a win dow has been opened, and lemaiked the state of the ntmosphere, the close, oppressive, nid often fetid odour of the room, and she may cease lo wonder at the sickly aspect of her children. Let her pay a similar visit, some lime after means have been taken, by the chimney ventilator or otheiwise, to secure a full supply and continual renewal of the air in their bedrooms during ihe night, and she will be able lo account for the more healthy appearance of her children, which is sure lo be the consequence of supplying them wilh pure air lo breathe. Sir J. Clwkt. i :,.Mr. Snow, I wants to ax you ona ques tion." "Propel it den," "Why am a grog shop like a counterfeit dollar." "Well, Ginger, I gib dat right up." ' Does you gib it up 1 Kase you can't pass it." 'ah: yah', nigger, yon talk so much 'bout your counterfeit dollars, just succeed lo deform me why a counterfeit dollar it like an apple pie." "Oh ! I drops de object, and doesn't know no bing" 'bout it." ''Kase it isn't current." "Oh, de Lord, what a nigger ! why your head like a bag ob dollars V 'Go'' way from me why am it 1" "Well, you always wai de brackest nigser I never eed you ulwtiya. will hub de last word." ''Kase dere's no sense (cents) in it." FoROEav by Adding a Sisuib Letter. The Exeter New Letter stales lhat at ihe ' recent term of ihe Court of Common Pleasi Noah Clark waa convicted of forgery, in al teiing an assiijnmerit of a mortgage, by the Insertion of the letter 'S" so lo read No- ' ah S. Cl.ik, instead of Noah Clatk. A Lidt in the "upper ten" cou hided a gentleman in I be arcade io New Orleans on. fha 20ih all. SnOURDS Cc COS LABOR AND FUEL S A T 1 If 6 V7ASEI1TG SOAP. Manufactured by Shoiirds !i Co. 643 CAfsfiit'if St., Phila. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. T1TARRAXTED lo wash clean In hard, toft, ' v or salt water, cold or hot, in ono third the time of any other Poap ever manufactured thus dispensing with boiling, bleaching, &e. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, ko. washed with this Soap will never shrink or have any harsh or Rummy feel, but leave them in their original soft and pliant state! which Is in itself a sufficient recommendation to guarantee its use, in all families. THE FINEST FABRICS may be washed thoroushly with it, without the least injury) giving them a lustre equal to newly imported poods. PAINT, GREASE & DIRT of any description, can lie readily removed by the use of it, without injury to the article, whether it be the finest dress or ordinary carpet. In the use of Nhourds cfc Co's Soap, the most delicate need not fear, as it will not injure or chap the hands, hut on the cuntrary act as an emolli ent, and is not only the vkut bkst waiho so r ever offered to the public, but as a TOILET SOAP cannot Iks excelled. W herever it has been used it has given perfect satisfaction, and is warranted so to do, in all ca ses where a fair trial will he given it. , SHOURDtS & CO., Manufacturers, No. 543 Chesnut 8t, Philadelphia. For Pole by Grocers generally. November 18, 1850. HOOT, OAGlfclillKiN ARTIST, No. 140, earner of Fifth ft Chesnut sts., Phita delphia.and 363 Broadway corner of Franklin Street, New York. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS can have a Bitting for Portraits or Miniatures, and rercivo them beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk velvet. Papier Muche, or other fancy styles, or sets in Medallions, Lockets, &c, in a few minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings, &o. Copied. Out door Views, and Miniatures of deceased persons, taken at short notice. For Portraits of Adults by our process, and Im proved Instruments, a eloutly day is quite as fa vorable as clear weather. Tor Children, a clear day (between 11 and 2) is preferable. CCTIit Drew avoid white, blue or I i i; I t pink. Our Gallery with its Six Prize Medals and Works of Art, is open at all hours, and Free, Whether visitors wish pictures token or not, we snail at all times be nappy to sec them. Juno 22, 1850. J. II. THOMAS, Ornamental and French Style Frame Manufacturer, 80'a Walnut st , between 3d and 4th street. PHILADELPHIA. 1" ESPECTFl.'LLY directs the attention of the public lo hie superior styles of Plain and Fancy Frames, which arc of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a handsome Frame at a LOW PRICE, has been much desired, he was induced some months since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In a short time the demand has been so great, that he has been obliged to incrcass his facilities, and new oiler at EXCl'.I-.DIXGI.Y LOW PRICES, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, c , V 1 r""8' uugucrreotypes, Cards, &e., &c, For Durability Unsurpassed, Hotels, Public Buildings, Steamboats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture, &c, decorated in imitation of carved Rose-Wood. ( IF" Please call and sco specimens. May 25, 1S30 ly IIT! I1TZC! IITK! BOUllEAU'S Indestructible and Indellible WRIII2IG INK FACTORY. No. I South Third street. T TERCIIANTS and the M"ritin(f community are requested to rull and examine this INK, which is wnrraute.-l not to corrode Metulht l'rut, nor change its Cuor. V) hoU'Niilc ami Retail, No. I South Third street, Philadelphia. A liboral discount made to Merchants and the Trade For sale by H. R. Masser, agent for Sunbury November!), 1S30. ly. PATENT JAPAN ELACKING. Manufactory, No. 50 CHESTNUT Street, MEDAL, awarded bv the FRANKLIN IJf. STITL'TE of Philadelphia in October, AND THE FIRST PREMIUM by the MARYLAND IN STIi'UTE, at ISnltiniore, Nov. 1K48 and ISI'J. l'hilailtl,hiut OctoLrrZeth, 1848. I have used J. Wellar'a Patent Japan Liquid and Paste Llackins; fur some, nine months, and am happy to say that it surpasses any blacking that I have used these twenty odd years. I lind it holds the polish and preserves tho leather bet thr than any blacking that I have ever tried. ' Asiiur.w R. Cut mb ess. No. 67 Chestnut Street, V7a, CUHREY, Manufacturer. buccessur to J. WELL A R, No. 50 Chestnut Street, above Second. November, U, 1850. ly. NOTICE TO EDITORS AND OTHERS. AVie Toil, Nuv. 2.VA, 1850. Mr. H. B. MassKr, Sunburv Pa. Dear Sin In some portions of the country where we had advertised our Sarsaparilla, in 1848, the Editors uf some of the pajiers have seen fit to take upon iiieiuseives me responsibility ot continuing the same after the agreement expired, and in some cases have had the presumption to send us a bill lor the amount. INow we have no objection to have all the papers in the United States advertise tor us for years, if they are pleased to do so at their own expense, but we cannot all'urd to pay them unless thry have our authority for the work. c wrue io you lor me purpose of informing the Editors, tlirourli you, thut they are ut liberty to advertise as lonti as they please, tut we must not be held responsible without our written authority. TIKYMI'KillV lilTltl II t xr r., ' " " - . . , . ... io,.,i.i., CV V . I No. 116, Nassau street, New York. December 4, 1850.tf. CHARLES W. II EG IN S, ATTCP.1TS7 AT LAW. 1'ottSYllIe, ia. 3 Will promptly attend to collections and all busi liens entrusted to bis care. June 16, 1849, FASHIONABLE HATS. C. J. WALTON, No. 246 Market st., between 7 If 8fc si,, (South side,) PHILADELPHIA. T'lIE Hulchher has opened a new hat store - and oilers to trader and others who visit Um city, a handsome swortment pf hats, caps, of eve. ry variety, made up of tha best material, and in the lateat and best stvle. and on Urms as reaaon hie as can be had in any establishment in Phila delphia, viz: Fine silk hats at a4,50 Good da do at $100. Persons from tha country who pur chase of him, can rely, at all limes, on letting a good article that will pleas them, aiul oil that ia uuy worm tlie money paid. C J. WALTON, rbilidvljihia, Nov. 9, 1850-ly. A CAXi TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware .loom of SE1VN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, As6 at the corner of Fawn street If the Rail road SUNBURY, PA. Thankful for the patronage of his friends and customer during the 17 years he has been in busi es in this place, lie solicits from the public a con tinuance of their- fcvnrs. During this period he has endeavored t a keep up with the improvements ot the day, and lis accordingly extended bis busi ness in every branch and variety. The public arc therefore invited lo Ihe attention of the present stock of CABINET WAUK AND CIIAIKS, MAN'JFACTVnF.n BV- SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand. Vhere in addition to their former stock of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Large Spring Seat Rocking Chuirs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Mirble- Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other . new style and Fashionable In mil inc. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for tho purpose, they ore now prepareu lor undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids sikI mistresses, oitil huslnutls too, Here's furniture of every style ami line, Pants stile, ranmls down to kitrhrn lulilrs, From rocking chairs to tockiiis; entitles Wninkt you not havi the ready John lo pnv, We'll wuit awhile for a lirinrMer Mtcr tiny, Or take potatoes, onta, corn, when! mi l rye j Bark, hoop rules, atnvca, or lumber wet nml dry, Or any thing but yokes and threshing Anils, Kiom pill and turkiet down to little quails. Coine on then friends, come one nml nit, Keep trad a moving, so "goes on the Imll." fy Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850 if M. M. ROCKEFELLER, Attorney at Law. Mineral Ilie. Schuylkill Co., I'a. O U8IXE8S will he promptly attended lo in the counties of Schuylkill, Aorthumherland, union, woiumma and .Montour- Refer to : A. Jordan, II- Bellas, is H- TJ. Masser. Users Hvnbury Wm-De Haven, Edward Hui?h. t: 5-olemon iSlundcl, Minersville C. M- Hall, M Mortimer, 1'ottsville Oct. I, 18.'i0 lv. IJQUORS, WINES, &C. rPHE subscriber has just received a new supply of the bost liquors that ever came to .Vunbury, consisting in part of Superior old pole Brandy. Fine Cogniae Urandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits, New England Rum. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Common do. Superior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. ftiiprrior Port Wine, liurgundy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENKV MASSER, Vunbury, May 26 18 lit. IIIALAOELPIIU AYINl". ic I, Kit Oil M OKI- BITTING &. WATKSt.MAX, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, ATa, 220 Market street, PhiludJ film, FFER for sale, the cheapest and best assort- ment of Liquors in Philadelphia, such as Champagne, Sherries, Port, Stock, Claret. Bur gundies, Sauturn, Barsae, Ma.leiiu, Lisbon, Tenerill'e and Sicily Wines. Brandies of the choicest brands, z : Maglina, Otard, Ponet, lli nnesy, &e, Ac. Fine Holland din, Moiiongahcla, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, &c, &c. Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on tho most liberal terms. July 13, 1850 T)ROVN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GER, n excellent article. Rauwt's Medicnicd "soap for sun bums, tan, tetter, iVq, Rndway's Circassian Bulm, for the hair dand ruff .Vc. Railway's Ready Rcl:cf for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, tc, For sale bv II. B. MASSER. Suubury, v4ug. 3, 1850. TONE Ware, Earthen Ware. Raisins, AN jj! momls. P unes and Cream Nets. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN XV. FRiLINli. Sunbury, Dec. 29, 1649. T300K.S and Gold Pens. On hand several cop--J ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. For sale at this otlice. TfT" ENNEDY'S PATENT SASH FA.S SfL TENING8 A cheap and excellent arti cle lor fastening sash for sale by J. W. FRILINO unbury, July 7, 1S49. P laim, ATENT Trusses of all kinds. Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and Hps, just received and for sale bv J. W. TRILING. Bunbury, Dec. 3, 1818. ROSE OINTMENT, A fiesli supply of tint excellent article for Tetter, f, c. iust rereivcj iul for sale by HKNKV iMASSEK. Konbury, July 58, 1840.- rjOLD PENS IN SILVES CASES. A suiall lot on hunj and fur salu Iw 11. IJ.MAS8EK. Funbury, April 6, 1850. RAISINS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper annee Are. V,.w ..1. I.u I W I.MMI lv1 Sunbury, Dec. 8, ISiH. F EE BILLS.-Juslicrs atirl f'unstablrs Fee la ills hanilsuntely printcj on card u uwr. for at this otlice, TILEV'S COl lill C.iXDY. An excel- lent remedy lor cuugtis, colds. Pur sale at this otlice ADD'8 celeliftitcJ Honw ii1 Cattle MeJir cine for aU by IIICNUV MAtSsSKH buubury Jan. 27th, 184 9 jV TINEHAI WATER, from the Ouk Orrhnnl ' Acid Springy, highly valuable in chruaicdi- j tcaacJt, aim tonic remeuitu, tor mile l y MEMOT MASSER. Buiihury, June 69. 1850 if STONZ3 WARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, end other articles of stone ware just received and foi sale by JOHN W. FBILIXO, Sunhury, Juno 83, 181". ri'ISeUE PAPER. Velloxf Tissue usper 1 coeertng (Ussbss, &4, tor sale at the oltie for olliec ol tae AraanoKn. AIT tit Me An aicclUnt article for 84 1 kr HENRY MASSES. M Miliary Jaa. Tttk. 1I4S If. T)LA'K DEEU3 printed on the best quality cf psrchmsnt paper, told t tlie lowest price t this office, by whole.) and retail. BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY, PKNNSYLVANIA. city or nm.AMii.rn it. MArJSACAKMITTSl. rV II solvent iMiuks 1 dlt KHUUh: IMI.AND. All B ilvi'Ut lainks dil CONNKCTICUT. I'. . Hunk n tc 1,, dm Ail solvent hmiki jxm cousin. Ilnnk of Clminlmriburi 1 dia All solvent linka t dis llnnk of t.'liestrr Co. por lhoik of llel.Co. Chester pnr Ni;V YORK. CITY. uuiikoi (.lermuulowii It.-ink of (tcttynl.iirjr H.ink vf l.ewigrown Hunk of MiililWoun pnrl AII solvent Imnka J dis I !' 1 ill. tV'llk n 'lea under 33 ) (lis rnrxTRV. All solvents luinka 1 (til NKW JI'.ltrlf.Y. Helvidern llnuk I dia iM'-wtrouirry Co Hunk pur i:iuk ni .vtrtmwiiMjrrnd. pm nuurfoi I'litMuirj Hink of Dmivillo dia'Coiniii.Teiiil Hunk 1 dm P'lr'l- nr. Il.uik ,M,nil Holly ir l.srnne I !;,!) 1 dir'F. .V M ddMown 11. Iir Columbia D'k A B'ge Cu mriMfrluuiie' lik, Nrwnrk pnr DoyelKt'ovn llnuk pnrjMeeli. Ilk ol Hnrhtiuloii pur Kmuon Jl ink ixiHMivli. Mm Hk Trent par Krie llnuk fi dis'.Morris Co linnk Jilts xi lmnte H'k I'itHmri.' I dm 'NYu-urk IlkV la Co 1 ilia Kxelnwrr H'k, llr.inch 1 iln'l Ir.injM' l!.,nk 3 dis runners' II I, Mu.kaCo inr IVpp's rnltcr,ii J dis Pnrnicra' Ilk, Ijhii.kt tuirPrinrton II, ink pur Farmers' Ilk. Heiuliuir pnr.Silrni Hankiua- O, p ir I'nrm. Hk Sehnylkill :o pnrti-merri,t Co Hunk J ills V A I), lik WuvnrnYg t.tdis Slnte Hunk nt Cntnilen mr Franklin Hk. Wnali'ii Ijilis SliUe III! KlizuliHliton 3 ilia llurrislmrir llnnk 1 i'i Stnle H ink Nrwnrk 1 dia llonimlnte Hunk 1 dia Suite Ilk. N. Iliumwick nnr IJllieaaler llnnk pnr,S,tiw-x linnk. Newt'ill ' ilia muoii ivniK mr I renl 'n llnnk in? t'o p,ir I'liion Hunk. Dover 2 '''8 YnnllryvMeAl), IDrCo l.nlis C-T'Dk notes nniler J dia Merer,. Mull. Punk 1 (lis M dirts' li'k, I'otlaville per Moiioinrnlteln llnnk 1 dis Tnykirsv'e Del H'ir Co 15 ilia YA', at Hrnneh Hunk lM,,ut Alii;. pnr flnnk of Dclinvurc Vvotnin Ilk, Wilkenli'e pur: Y.,rk llnik. 1 ilir ryUitiff notes 1 ilia MAINE. Ttnnkof tYhetkwk dia ttinik ol" Sinvrtif, Deliovnie City llnnk Hk Vilinc,u.V llruiiilvw. pm I-'nrmiTs' Ilk St I leluwnre pur nil ii Hunk. YViliniuL'ton nnr Merenutilp Hk. Il:uitrr 10 ilia All Ivent Imnka ? dia IV fnder S.-.'s tdit (Hill). AH 'Ivent Inula 4,:ia t--Hk n M. s tin.ler .',' dis NOItTII CAIJOUNA. All solvent Muka o.lia nf.w iiAMi'smnr.. All aolveut Iviuka di VKH.MONT. Hunk of St Allans 9 dis All ilvout bunks 3 disjtvr micro's, 2) dis Toil 25 CK.Vi'S!!! mkansiif ilia Pocket Ivsi i-LAPit s, or, Uverv one i.: ii : .- :, .. . a ,n i,nii i iivKjuuii : inirit- M fill edition, witli upwards of a hundred en'ravincs, show- ,N i,ii ing peculiar disoasrs in eve- 'a ry shape and form, and mal- !, '..iK'.Vfl J lormnti mJw MJ 'yte,.i, lormniions ol Inc genivrativo HV AY .11. YOt NO. M T ;?i.yi f'' ''lc has now arrived r- '-'V' tliat persons sullcrinji l';oin secret diseases, need no more become the victim of Quackery, ns by tho prescriptions contained in tins book any one may cure hnnscll, without hitul riinro to business, or the knowledge of any one, nml with one tenth tbo usual e (icucc. In addi tion to tho Bctieiol routine of private disease, it fully explains the cniiso uf manhood's early decline, with observations on ninrria;e besides mmiv other dciancetncuU wiiiih it would not be pro per to enumerate. C7Any person sending TWKTV-ri vr. cents enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, bv mail, or live copies will be uent fur one dollar. ' Address, "DR. W. Vl)l'.(l, ,',,. Ysi M'RrC'K Street. PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. JfllK. Vt)l .'; cm be consulted on any of the Diseases described in bis diilereut publications, nt his Olike, 152 SPRU E Street, every day be tween !) and 3 o'clock. (Siiudiivs'exccplod,) Philadelphia, Nov. 9, lSol) ly. s?s.:itc- C-0CE3 iv phi Si a ' TSI SUA RPLE.SS & SONS, have ittsi revived flieir supply of SPRINt; AND SL'MM YAK GOODS of Friendly and oilier slleii, to which they invite uUentioii. SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DRESS SILKS (.'rode Rhines. C'hnme!eon, nml neat and new fancy styles India Silks and Satin"!. DRESS GOODS Lawn-. Bare;es, Mousse litis, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabric. FURNISHING GOODS Blanket, Sheetin'-s I (Jntlts, Damask, Shirtings, and ail other furnish- urn ir ). MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Casshneres, Cashma relts. Drills, Vestins of all kinds, nml Uuvs wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carriage Ma kers artie'es. T. SHARl'I.Ess - SONS, No. 3-J S. Second Street, Philadelphia May So, 1S50. lv TOXIC MixruiiE. Fou the Crnn of Fkvku a.d Aute. War- RANT KD. TIIIS tinriAiilVtl uiniifiiH' tiny lr r liri1 oiiwlifii iimr L lv (ill iuifi it!iiiitlin8 tuil. li ViiliH" in ii it cn;hfi.'iiHy knWit-tliriftnre, lliu pfnpriet f linH t-i cnlarcp the lii'UI i i' iit.-.u!tirMi jy un.iinjr kii..wn its virtues nml i ifi rufv ! ilioiiiiulB it" iiilV-teri wh 'ure U"t uhmk tlul tiit-y t-au lie t-L-viiiy aii l rmlirnily nut-d i l'KVKIl AND Afil !-:, willi'Mit tlie use "f p iiMi Mt cliujr, imii:-knn p'ii'-iii! or (lie ilflf.iM'H'iis i-:.Vvt ol (uinin' It s nil' ret. ti l tit puli ic at H I W price In pliyc it vitl:in tlif renrli it' nil. wr urwtt ixt th'nt? wli't hhb it iMTTtlinij ti ilirft-u-'iis will lit.tt U u Kevko and H-ii'tt. It in t n itiiKifHVtviUif ir.j f f:iM-.ini(l :m p'rn'p. uhlf tiitth' P:i!it!h1t";l to Trnii've t Ti - ilimtitc.iiul j;ive Iit-.tllliy aclinn t Ilie rshim ii'li lind li iw- llc. 'ipiiTvl tnly liy .4: i-isi'stj tV I1!., mi l n l 1 whi ilwitt n mi l M ill liy K".;iii'l .V S n. No. J rtlt fi'li Strt, PliiNil-lnhm. Pi ii-e SI piT bm''e Imttl, uii-l por d z. Juiifai'.i, ly SBITS d CO., IMP (HIT l'.ltS tip Ft) nr. io Looks, r;-ir.t3, Eiiravinjs, Stationary (Hit I iitiiKs niitl iiiisical iciKtri: itirtit.ii. No. 78 North 2ml St., between Areh & Hare, I lllHIH.I I'Ul A. 1 MPOllT ta on'.er nnl have constantly n tianj a verv lurne nisortiucut ofo.ids in the uh ive nuuieil lines ut wliole.snlo uml retail. 1 r i i;c-i jm 1 ly : III (icrimin, Latin, (.iron!;, llclircw, Freud), Italian Sputiiili anil oilier l;iiiiii'es ; Classics, Uietinii nries, (Initiiiiiers, Voculiuluries, S. lioul, Juvenile, J'ieturc, lUawiui; nml Mmlel Hooks tor Architects Culiini't, Carriaii ami other in iniifiietururs. MAIH,(iLt)l)E.S ami I! lank liu iks of every ileseripliuii. hiilcni'.iil Lithograpliii; utij other I'liuls. SUSICAli ISarilt'MCSTS. Accortloons, llanjos, liov.s fur all string iiiKtru incuts, Uriilse uml Tailpieces Clarinuets, Files, Flarolets, Flutes, Guitars, Octavo Flutes, l'uieut lleails for liuitnrsaiul Viulinccllos, Tauiliourines, Tuiiiiiit Forks ami lianinii rs. Violins, Violin am) ti mtar l'egi, Viulinccllos uml Stiinss for all kinds of Instruments Wholesale ami Kctuil. Accor ili ons rcpaircJ, Also constantly on haml, vvhohsa!c anil retuil, a laiire atsurtiiient of thu very liest XinONZS roWDSIl Dutch Metal, French anil Florence I.enlMeJ.il 'I'liernioinctcrs, HairiciiciU,-FalH'r ami othar Lrailpeucils, lied, White ami Uluclt Chalk Cray, ons, .Mathematical lustrunieiits, iScuiticators, JS'uriin; LaucMts Pocket Fruscriptiun uml tiolil Svales and Weights Letter, Fancy colored and gill 1'ujicr Flaying (-'ar.ls uud other French and Herman Fancy Arlieles, for tlie sae of which they ure the MAN UFACTLIHEU4 AGENTS. July 0, 150. UCADY .MA Dl! 02a0) -CP 122 12 5fCS J K take this method to inform tlie readers of s tha K, ml,, irv American. thuL should tlicv tisit, Philadelphia, in guest of Good and Cheap Clothing, and favor us with a call, they shall not 1st disap pointed in obtuining the beat of garments at the lowest cash prices. We have now on hand the largest assortment ever oll'cred in Philadelphia, among which are DRESS and FKOt'K COATS from ipS to m, PANTS and Vr'STS from 75 cts. to 5,'(JVER COATS, CLOAKS, BLSI KES3 SACK COATS and COATTEES, all of which shall he sold at such prices as to make it an object for tlie people of Suubury and the sur loundiii); country to extend to us their patronage. PERRY K. M NEILLE & CO. South East corner of 6th and Market, My 13, 1850. PHILA. AND READING ILAILB, OAS I StUl.VIKR AlirtANIJIiilENT FROM PUILADELftllA AND POTTSVILLt Office of the Phila. le Reading Railroad Ce. ) Philadelphia, March 29, 1850. J Two Passenrrer Trains Doily, (exceplSunday. fv and after Aprillst, 18.r.0 two trains will 9 be run etch way, daily, between Philadel phia and Potisville. Morning Line, (Accommodation.) Simdavs" I''","dcll',,ia ut 7i A- daily except Leaves Pottsville at 7 J A. M. daily except 8un days. Afternoon Line, (Fast Train.) Leaves Philadelphia at o'clock, daily, e xceut Sundays. Leaves Pottsvi'.Ic at 2J o'clock, daily, except Passeucers cannot enter the cars utileB nrovi. ded with Tickets. 'J'he afternoon, or fast trains, do not si on at An- to, rn. Attlt.oivr.' li;.ll.nr..f I. I l r ' " . , uiio'iiuhi, jmm'i n i urn, V SI ley hone, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. IS'OTICE. Fifty pounds of ha Engage will heal lawed to each pnisenger in llieye lines; and pus, sencrers ore expressly prohibited from taliins suv- tlnii us l ne.i:a:;c but their wearing apparel, wl.ii h k in tie nt me risk ol its owner. 13y order of the Hoard of Mamrrers. IS. blJAUFORD, April IS, 1850. Secretary. XVIM.JASS' .VVi'3-EVNrr.rTIC I I XI II ia. Willi the tmoal couliilenre, ofieredta tha j -Ui Uli-nl l u:-ii:iyi,uil tin- pulilir tor lue cure of Dvinep iu or liiilyLslmu, un.1 nil ilism. anting from it, auak Nuiisin, Ilemtni-lie, Yertis i. Ilium, na ,,f Pinlit, Hili um Vomitinji, llurniujr svnkutmii at tin sit Ol til,. !.i,Hdt, t.ivt'reotiipiiout, lipprersi mi alter entinr, l'.iinitutijii of Ihe ile-.ut. Drill, ityol ihe Nerv.ma teul. llyiHu'li.'iiilrin. Jniiuitiee. I. 8ol ilp;Klilr, Yua:iiiK "I tin-Ntrenth l'.on in tlierit"! Ilie atoinaeli l-lutntcuee, with impii-ntl or lowunla the risrtit wile, Yitiuli'il i;i iriujiy ol WIIH1, 'Wiu-sa oi eomplexion, 1.111. Ilnrv.i. ....I' fl.a , Coiunilntion nml uuonsiuesal uriiuhilnv i lemnei. Xe ol me liwr!a, 11 ii iiik of dyspepata s'ruiM he uepleei. d. most lerioua I'llcan limy ensue, for it U the f, ,uil;,n ,' for, u, ,he m. Clieill ruiiaeol, unit veryin iiiuntlv teruiin.in a iiieonaunei. lion. I Willi I imprera upon Ihe'inind thai to Ii iHe wilh tlua thai-use liwylw to sp,,rt wnh ihe reason which eouali Intea una aupercinnwil nuioiiir nniiuul l,.-iua, or lo an Intter existence l,y adding a couaelousnos ol loily lu lie js'nulty of plllll. i .us iiieiueine is nmiiy nt up in hollies, wilh ample it i reel i ilia fur use mid la aolU in ni.hurv hv Ju VV tltll.lNO. J AM I'M Uil I ll-.w Tmtiiionyof Mr. Aimer Klinea, lialler, .Market MrM aliove r-LMIi. eorr ili 'rutice of tlie eti;cacy of Vi!liaia Aiiti-Uiajupne l.lmi. ,, , ... I'liiLAUKu iiiA, Octnlnr 3, 1819 Mr. Jams3 Y it.i.tAMi : Ucur sii : It itni-8 ma er,-ut pi ira to know that v ore uy.-.iu ireariii; y,u .alieiue l"-,r tl.a euro of tivsnv. I'l l. I T liluuy ol my ac'tllii tlil:lr'is Ilia . repeatnily Baked mi-where it i-ouM lie proem eil, kiiowiii); tliul 1 hud brf a . .... ... , ,.1111 mat a piinae iii-Kiiowlt'ilgiuru: tl"; itieut Iiitiw I li.nc rcc. iv.,1 ir..in the i,a f ycunaed icuir is not on.; due to you, l,ut nuiy be uaelul to ntliera, I .. ... ........ ... , ,-, w i ..curs i fiiiicr,, i irotn uysuep- i.i. winch i,ii i.:i..,I to audi n, exiem inut my heulili and ,l,l,.riTII,iy SUI.,1111; UlllllT Lt. I Uil I'ORl, pencil to restrict ,yM , ton,.. ,,,, ,-,M. 0I,4 tVf '.'". 1 ''""'I ftreugth, diamrli- niiu,.ltexeicir.e. uu.l. ns vm Imva it in lour ailvertm iiient. n irener.,1 t.c!u,;r of ilepr-an ui uu.l uletcna!il,la winrinew. In Ihe year l:!-. I.. -,ri ir !l..-ri luck r- e-"":'ieu;lill VolT A.i.lvs e, lir V.UxW, I prot-ur.d ncl nae.1 it Willi tbv mv.fi happy etteet ; under it lullnrn.. iMii.oior mill wanness gradually aw!lv d lit-returned which 1 could ,,mti:V wc.li mmiinitv. Hv y.-ara luve M.iW ch, ,, ,,ml mv ,. ,li,lei,ef in ihr ('uralica powers of your liMlu ini, !, , of rmr. iiicrmanl (, (oln;llcl,veur.,l me when I lulled loolitai,, rebel lrIB IT oui.-l aourre. Very rcspeetl'illlv voura, T. Munonyori'ihviird II. Itowlrv. Wh !,., t m...... of tl.e f Itoivlrv. As', 'in, ,,. o .1. v' . o-.... ,ept!cV'i-Mi'.r "' "r"''"'y "f U'il!iu'ms' Aiitr.Dji- rinLADsi rini, Oeioher 2u, im. Mr. J WTFa WlI.LlsM Hear " 1 lake plenaare in reeoinineuiling vonr nti. Ilyspeplie l-.:,Mr f ir the ear ' Oy-rj. ( have taken It lii)irll Ion lie dieas... rnnl hue I nurely uired. Voars reNi ecttullv l:i).viil) it Anr.NT-J(U!X V ritll.l.;,;. fJJhr .llaten "J. I.'iil. ly ItOWI.KV. , Pa. iTSii.A:r.:..s3i XvZSDICAXi HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEA US A(JO, iV Y 1K. KINK KLIN, A . II . Corner oj Third and Union Streets BKTWKBSi M'ltl'CB AND 1'INU STIlKBTs, ' PSIILArZJ.t,iiiIA 1II"ri:i:. VI-:.IIS i,f exlemive mi.l tiliiiitrrriaeteJ piaetlee apent HI ll.is eilv liuve remrr.l .r K the men esyeit uii.1 h i ul ,,r:ielil I. ,.! t.,r mul near, "' " private li-nurs. IV.UB lilllieliil Willi ulcer. u .ii l., ,,v. i !,..,, ,,, i..a '. ... il. a I... i . , h-i i-i.i . i. - n hi i n i in iiiii.il ilisi-iise iiri.-iei I'r 'in y.iiitiii'nil t-s; ss t.l. .... I. vl:,T,i.y l. e'ii:i!iiti,i,. .;; all tie.ii.-il wit !i anfi'i'sH. Mil. alni'tiiif.a. cravel. 'a mi iiiipuiitifa ut liit ee 'lue i-alei-Meil, a:e lie M !...':ii-. a Inn,,, ii ,,.;,., ,i. ,re , ,f . K-. innv re- ,'tri ni..:y e...e: le m In ly rt :y ilj. -a liin a ..( I eMl.eih iii.iiuit cuilkltit- TAKH l'.M'.'I'lt fl.AIt .voTlfl "iii'j .Men vcli , i:n-r jni.1,-,,1 .einselves l.y . e'rlaill .u .1..- Hi..,;.: ,-. in n ,.:,,.. l,-,.,.i.,iy ..1M, ,,, .,.,1 e .,;m..s . r al s-l, .. !'he . .,,.,, u hil I ell. re. ii ,vl.en al..,.,. nail ,le-n.y t. -I :, ...:,,rl .l U', a i ailil iinily ii,l,:..tiy. We.iki.er, mi I .titiiti.ii iU-l.iliiy I .i-s.,, inns.-ii!.,r energy. ni,vi,i,l i.iv.ilnle uml (ni. eml i'r .Kir .ti . irnlaSili'y ,i, i,j ,.,... at,..,.,,,,, i;: e" ' ",N',::" ' 1 1'"' II mi.l rvrry iti w.i i-..ii; r!,.,i wril Ilie ills .r.l.-r HI ll'lliB CUI'Lll. llllll tuil Vljt. r lt!l"H..I. avein ai'y .e .iiH-realiyo mi.i.. VOUTH AM) .MANHOOD, A vidimus lilo or a tiri'rii:ili-,n ileath. KlMtllLIX on st If rn-sfrvaliuii. D.M.V 23 CENTS. lust iulliahe,t;, t;i,, vv,., ,.,,.r ,fir,ll::tioii Tlns i; nil Ihe I. .ii.-;,!,, a aii.i il I Ihe l.eii.Y Hue II...... II a.lIr-j.f, f ,..ell:,l,ki AlL, illi.l hti iiil l i. i Tlie v liil il.le tiity.ei i" 'l ' Tit,. 1A.!IH1 ami tiLti arl l.y nil. "lal iniiTi-.iiivo wariiiuj it aives. WV1I pii..,i,I yea:i,.i ni; ly 'I'll 'lis in la nf l.iveh. y ainlKiiilvrin; u.i.l inn annual. Parenis l.y re .,l,... w;; ,.:ir1 low ,, trn."...ti Itt.-ir elili.l.en. pi event tha des- "A remlilaaee .,f -jr, ,..,. ,,..,. ,n-.l in a letter a.l ,re.,,.,,l!.KliK..l.l. . W e.,.,.., ,.fTilli;'i)4 I .NH. Mli'. ii. Iillwe.-ll Splliee Pi,,,.. 'i tel.hin, will eii.nre ii h ,,,k. liiiil-r em . I ,,,e. , ,-r relnrn ,.f nuuf I era .iiaat ,, ,1.1 mee umyii,l,lr,, U,. K. ,y letter. (,x,at-p-ll.l.) ami l,ee.ii,-, t I,.,,,,,.. ' " P.rKr,l.s i if Mi:i,rlFi;:s, DiliKCTIONS te UAV.'7!-l?.Vr';il'J HU"' I P - e''r.,n B-i k-sell-is. New Ai;.mi I'euhrs. fiuivnssrrs, and all others aupplieil with the uhnvc. lynrk al very low rules r eliruury V, Iruti. ly nOSH OINTSIK1M1', FOIl TETTER 1I:AU the fnllnwiua- eeililiiiite fnnii fupt. Ilavne. the Traveler )"J1V" a"J l"''ul"t Ul,,,t c'ul,li'i'i ("f li PlllLDKI.MU, tlctiihir 31, tHId. Seveml ye.-irs sinee I was iiin.ekeil wiili n hreakiinr c.;l on my uees in the firm nf T.iier, ul ,ih I am ciivinee,! win ciilrael.-il ut Hie II .rl-r'aMi,... Il uraj.lnallv elleml eil m et my u-e mini n r.-iclnl the uper mr't nf ihe cheeks, lluriuit Ihe seveml in nii.s i;,;U Jt e uilmue,! s;ilHli.i'e. I lis.. I diilereut iipp!iiiiti,,.:a. s ,n.e nf which l.aii tlieeiieet.uppieiitlyut least, nf ini-reusnm llej ihn-use, hnl fmmuiine.il Ihiiinliil I peieeive I'm least l.-mlit un npplleilllie Itiiss OISIHUVT. Ily the use ..fnnejur ol it, I w.is puncciiy emcii ami liave reinuuied free uf the allae tmn. , nin e aiuee uaru uie lliutiaeiit, t agrfal I npilil f.rrniiph. t.r-m .., uie lu.uen.'a. e.iri;H-u nuilils. Jfce. Wua, feet suceeas. 1 have nn hrailutiiui M reeiiiii.ueudiiig per il ill JA.lh.S UI'VfcE Ajeni IIkvsv Mauser, eiuiibii.-y. Jaly l-MU. P.TZ1TT LCEDICI1T3S3. flrecn's Oxygenated Litter, price reduced, ( !lil Jacob 'J'owiiseud's Sursupaijla. ' linker's Sarsaparilla. Swayue's Syrup f Wild Cherr Kwavne's Verinil'u?e. yre's Cherry Pcctorul l)r. Drake's i'unacea. Dr. Cullen's do Tilibil's Pain Killer. Dr.' lliHillaud's Ceruian Hitlers: Indian A'ejetalilc Pilis , Horse mul Cattle Medicines l'orsalohy HEA'RV MASSEfl. r-uubury, July 14, ISI'J. TUB PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMPRISINU A COLLECTIOK OFOVKR 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, la the Useful and Interesting Arti with a few kimpls sue Terlnus Esperlairuts iu ciu:mistrv : TNCLUDINO Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, ('onfectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. tin. etc. Price 61 cts., for sale by HENRY MASSER. Bunbury, Dec. 8, 1649. UAZORS. A superior article for sale at the store of HENRY MASSER. Bunbury, Feb. 16, 1850, 31AIIOGANY AND MARBLE. STEA2: SAW MILL, aiti n.ir. smi Comer of Eleventh and Ridge Road. AND CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE. No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St., Fiiil.Anr.i.l'iHA. THE subscribers would call tho special atten tion of Cabinet Makers and others, to their very extensive assortment of materials in their line, consisting; of Mahogany Veneers, Hoards and riantt.llair Cloth, Uurleil Hair, (ilue, Varnish, Looking (ilass TUtes, Mahogany Knobs, Bed Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of IJai dwarc Tool, &c. Cabinet Makers residing out ofihs City, would find it greiUly to their advantage to cull at our store to purchase such inateriuls as t'lrv want ,-uuiiccicii winy iiieir iiu:iiie.4s. All our piiotlsnre WARRANTED,, of the best quality, anil at very reduced prices. Our Terms arc Cash, (no trade.) V e guarantee to give every limn the worth of his money. T. cc L. THOMPSON. IN.li. Mahognnv, Walnut and Hand Ituil Plank, and Stair Ualluster for Guilders, uIko Miublc Mant'ies, always on hand, and cvsry de scription of turned work. June 8, 1850. ,ly "DEATH'S DOOR." II nv friucntlv ilo wf hmir tlitfj rprt-nr-ion, wljcli in uiujim i'? v iivey in nn iiiiiki itie 1:1:1 uirii nl tm-kiiri-. tlmtupatifntr.nl he rtvhiertl (, an;l live. .Mrf. llnrri- m, u nirinbfT at the 1 rimtv Cliun-h. w.m. tin nc t xtni-st. (m.'w licrsclt, liroiijjtit tl''vii t-i "UiLh'n il.i.tr," Uy Jiliuu ni.dictui :iiit Nfiv.'iid liLMtliirlic, wln'ii, l.kiMin iiiigfi of turn-y, l.udwity's Hv j ( n-Uvvnl her uf Iht severe (Kiins tuul rrsi'irett her ti her rriiii.n in -nwt health. The very iiiBtuK KadiiMy's lie.iily Kt -ti?i is iipphnl, its Itriifticial eflttrts tire -X(itTtfiu ct, it Kiihes, lintl. rleuii ses unit jmritica : it inm;inlly nlhys irvitation, rrdiicr in. flu nnna liens inul fwrlliiifvs.'rrlit vi'P the m nuvert eu mlpiu prtinn, iriven earn; i.i Jttirns. Sciilttx. S iivm, l-irnpi ioim enres Illii-unuitiPtn, I.iiiiiI'.il'". uU ri:inlvsic. S,irain.. Strums. Spusnm. ff Nn:k, Vf?:ikiiw mi tlie tnle nnd Hack, S"n-s ( uil kimfs. (i-iHn, liruisv?, t'liuifs, Sue 'ilirtKit, liiliu'M.:i, lI'mrMiic'v, t't-nIis. ('n!ts, tooth At;m; ci'iti;i) is ti.MKcoNn. This tartiirinv nlTfeti m am lie utrei! in mi inr,t:mt, for tlie ni'unent the Ut-livf t"ui-ln s the ti'Tve, th mn is irn tii;ateil. Si with Tie Dulftciix :nl fleniieniiiin, N-nnil-Ijlii mid Sick lle:l:u i.e ti illir 111.; parSs wln're tin (Kiin is. iiN Rl sevrre iiiiiI in a f-tv iininiit-i yiHi will he enliicly retieveil. Taken mitm.itiy it witi nrrest the in -st vi ilent tSpiiMns nml CniniH;. nt 'p Vitinii mtf nr to much puriiiR, in nil i.:ih(:9 it will tfive flUeiistli f-T weakne-t, enae fur i m, health fnr piekit". .Nn Uwidv U-liet" in ir-'iniine un lesa higii il hy KAUWA V ( 'it., u Fult n flrutt. i-xka:st toili-:t 'a inn im i ks. TO EMUK1.L1SU AM) ivNHAMU-; Till; U1ARM9 oi-- ni;.t TV. ' ' R aD way MmirATi;a Sp. Hallway's Mettieaietl S mp, rt-i itivrai:y known thmugh n it the fiiHiionalile wirM f-r itK i-xiretuely hlam!, pnrify iii4f unci s mtliine etl'eeis . mi thefe.l.m; wlnle hy hs aeii 'ui en (he p rs timl the niiiiiite ttecrett.ry vrsst Is if expels ail impurities mail tlie fh Itter, ai!a s every Ifiitleney t Hi . ttaimimliiin, mid Htvlunlly tli.i'!iff i:li redneMi, t.Hi piinjiles, Kpwta. fm-k !!, di.e duaU its and tillt-T enltiii' .'iiif ernpimiiH The rattia.a hi huh it iinparis to ihe eheek, the H itm n and drlifary which it jj nl iic-j (if lUe li.iiuln unci uniiK. nn eapaiiiiny oi n ti ninir irritaiMii :iinl i.-iimvimij cu Ultieiu .leliH'lN, rentier it linliipeiiis tliie t i every tiiiie!. lientlf-iiieii tifier N.iuvnijZ will tii .i I il alhlyali iintition j H!iilteii(leriu:fi( ,i tlie f-kin, and renders it soil, s.n ulli and j pie-e.(t! . Daring thf lieal nnd ilast uf suiinii'T. or f n st and hle:ik winds ol winter; itml int.tesitt'!inh irii. stints m inreetN ehiililaintt. elcinpett haml.i, nr inritfiil:d inlJanmi.it ! n, Hn virtues nave loneinm rxteinjv lv Iii'i'ii liekii-iwli'ilyiil. lla pin 1 1 ii iiiiil ri-nvi-liin.; prniuTlies have iilitiiimil ila ae( ,r, .' ' y , . , .. . . ti.,11 i.'Ml ll:e II, ,-la .f illher emetic. I, .11, ,. Kiir,. ' m"'" 1 !" lh,lt n! ele.laeler .!, 1. pe:,,i a.,,1 , i,....lie llliMMifaet,.,... I,v Ihe l,.l t.., f aU parts ',' ' ' ' , "" '' " ll"ll'e.M-l'S..Me,ler "lllie l:,a!.,.:ll'lew-,rl,l.lr., : l.'limi,... tcpies W the I !.! ,.1 apnri.ina ft I l.-lt the risk m III. lives of fcnzell realm.. 'I the lee Kim:. The .l,l;e will pleas t"?! '"" UV ""'"'veil. heur in inmil that liii.hiuy'a .Meilieateil Snip, is the only i LOOK V Kl.I. ''U TNI MARK? OF TII I'. liCMt.N'i:-aali- preiiiiti,,ii fir the aUiu n.iiv in uae ; this has liivn I Tln-r linve the written v"'ii'itnre ,.f (' VI trK' eerlilie.lt., I,y nnr nn at iiineiit ehemiata. Ita.lwa;, a ! up.,,, ,. wrapper, mul Ihe ivi'n, ,.m-,, inthc li lUk'. Willi. i ia Iree lii.lil pnlB ai iif. irritatm? uu.l per i.nia in- , ,,ur which tliey ure apm una' ' greilicnts.it can lie nseil he leihlrr skill i'l I he infant I Hir aule, wjl'ilesale. unit re!i the wilh the Knite happv rr?ti!la ea iiim.ii lie.epv in its prime. V'...,... flrl.'; c., fee that each rilke is eitvel r,,l in n ,,.le,l,,l l.iU-l ..f 1 . .'j''" Mllil.,C Stare. Sleet enirr.ivi; r-Hll.l further l'i;:t the aii-imlure ,. It. j ,.7, ' . " S'Tl , T" ''""' '"'J v S".,,;' i'" "f il. It AblVA'i in un.ni eaeh cj.U. Pries 'Ji eii.ts. liru-e lr"'elA Phil:i., lpl,i, ,m, ,y ,eV, ell.k' .Idlers lliues. na- BI.At I the tiitoxyix; dii Aiir. t of ISA I.I XI lilAXT IIF.AI) I IF llt.CSSV JIAl.it. ! llWA,acilicl.t'..s ftf.M. I M'r.rrantcd the hist Ihur Tonic in rr.vc, j Fur Dreasnii; nml Ileniitil'viiiu the hatr. j It el tt.-r. the rValp I'mi'ii IjuiiiIi iiiI. keeps it clean. eiU'S Senrve) . lialituia. ini'l Sirea nn liie'llfail at'ips Ihe hair ; llnlll mlli"ii mil, remlera il Mroiic. liii.-.'jjiii'H,lh. a 'It aiit yl'iaay. Pera iua wh., h ive Inst lli. tr hair t.y hieklea wiJ 1 linil a c unpL.lfuiiliil.it.. in Itii lim . 'a t'ireussian Halm. It iiIai jjivea il a iltrk na.l hi:int.t al e -l .r. nml will prevent It ! Ir.nii t'iriiiiii: rrrey. i'r .ia lis e'.iiiie pnrliy. it la uilim. ralily ii.l nite.l t'.-l th l.nir uf eliil.li-en nt' iha'iii'iat temler i ime. It ia a 'In ic, I nee Ii ill!, a 1 ir :, eeuVi per li Mile, anil iw w-triilnlril tin-. It. at Inir pre;eilli:i..ii ii U!,'. it will ll'l '. a il (he h:lt. ea;i in the t s! tahrie Si r lhat Ihe aii: Iiireul ItADWAY TO., is ntvai rneh laittli ie I'ir. . e.nslaii lliihn is ; iuiae Willi .lit the si-nature ol ilu.lwav ' k !'. AntsT II. 11. Murjer. ss.iiibury. I Ailj. 10, le'OU. ce'Jinly "SSirOllll;! ' t'ntll flal'Sl'' i.iuum.1,,1 Jtuiu y.i;i. HAAS ecl.KXX. FASHION A OLE MAKE OF r I JA 11 U fi AMI) (J A IS. 'P11K sul'scrilvrri resjiectfiilly call the ntl of the piiWic tu their lai ire and splendid attention assort incut ol every t'Unliiy and price of which cannnt fail lo rci iiiiiineiiil itself torverv one who will examine it, on account of its ilurahh' voikiminsliii mid splendid finish, ni.iile up of the l est stuck to lie had in the city. No effort is spared in the iiiatiiilai luri' of their ware, nml the sul'scri'iers are ill leiinincil to keep up wilh the ninny improvements which are constantly being made 1 heir Wk co.iMsIs ot Malioiuy Micasi, Wlvansl nml IsOlintrcx, Lt;irrritt.5. iSCCfClwlrfrS.Sfrjrlia.trtirS. SOFA, lit. KAKFAST AM) DINING TABLES, and ahu VENETIAN 1M.INDS, ,-iual to Phila- diiphia maiiiifactiire. BF.PSTEA11S. i,f every- pattern end price, Cl'i'l'O.YUDS, W'Ulilv AXO CVMILK STANDS. TtHI.KT TABLKS AND EXTENSION TABLKS, in short, every article in this line of their Imsiness. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities ciiAnis. incluilinii vsriclu-s never In-fore to lip had in Siiiibury, such as Al time. am, Black V'ujit' ami Crii'.tiii Al.ti'LK (Iiifci ts ; ami Wimisoh CnAIKS, AN II I'ANt r I'l .1 Ml Stools, which are of the latest styles, ui.d warriinled to lie excelled by none mauufiu'turcd in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers ie determined that there shall 1 no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained about ths quality uud liiii..h of their wre uud Chairs. Their articles will bo disposed of on as pood terms as tlu.y can lie purchased elsewhere. Pun try Prmluce taken in payment fnr work. n?" LNDEKTAKlXti. Havius provided thpmsclves wilh a liiiiulyuiie IIkaiisi:, tl.,:y are now prepared for I'lidcrtakiiii;, and attending lu iitrals, in this vicinity, or ut any convuiieut dis. lutpe from ttis place. IT? The Ware Kootn is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's slnrjj, and nearly opposite Vpaicr's Tavern. DANIEL HAAS, tiEOUOE UENN. Suubury, Dpc. 1 L IS50.--II'. JACOB REED'S t i.orui uuo'ix, Southtccst Corner of Fifth and Market Streets, l'llll.ADKl.l IIIA, AAHIO always keeps on hand a lnre slixk of every variety of clothiui mado up of ood materials, and in tho luteal aud best styles. He would also inform the public, that he pays eonsi derable attention in getting up .Military Clolhin;, in good style and on reasonable terms. June 15, ItsoU.- ly n o ii t : i: v u o o i Just received at the store of HENRY MAS SER, a lot of Caiia, (juin Shoes, Almanacs, Queensware, Liquors' Ac All of which will bo sold at the lowest price, pec 4, 1850. CAPS. An assortment just received. Also Silk HATS at -5, fer sals by H. MASSER. Buabory, Pee. - tii. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OK THE KIDNEYS, AND alt diseases srtaing from s disorder tiver at sto. nineh, aueh aa const ijatl ton, inwnnl Pitea. Ftilliieaa, or blood to tho haul, Aeidity of the Htomneh, Nauann, Ilenrthiini, diaenat for FoimI, fidlueaa or wiiila iti tlm Stomach, sour Kriietntiona. sitikiisr or Ibaterins nt the pit of Ihe Aloinneh, aH'tiimiing of llir hnicl. hurried undditSedlt brRilhina;, flutteruts; at the henrt. eliokmjt or nilT'SKtiiig aenaiilioiia when in a Iving poalurc, Diimiras of vision, d.ns or welii Iwf.ire the iVht, Kover aisl dull pnm in thn hand, deficicney of pi-rspimtion, yellowtieaa of ihe akin nml evra, pnin in the ante, htiek, efieat, linilia, Ac., sudden fliiahei of hent burning in the lleah, constant iintiginini; ol evil, and gran depresaion of spirits, CAN Ills KFKKCTUAI.LV CTKED BV EP.. HOCPLAITB'S tXLEURATtl) liHtMAN lilfTERS,. rasrAusn bt 1) II . C . M . JACKSON, AT THK CEUMAN MEDICINE STOIiE, K". l'.'O Areh Sit., Philadelphia. Their power over the iihovo diauyaes ia not rseellral, if eqiuillrd, uy liny oilier preparation i tho I'niteil rtrif. nn- i iirea aiuat, in many cuaes aller akilllul pliyaieluua hud luil.-il. Y ' Theae Hitters are worth? Ihey attention of invalide. . I oaaraaln gteHt virtuea In the rei-iifleiitioii of diaetiaea ot" Ilie l.iverund Maer glmiila, exerelaier the m-iat aenrehing powcra in wenknrss mid iitlectietii ot the digiative orgaiui, llley lire, willial, Kile, eerlMin and pleasant. I'liiin Ilie lluaton Uue.l The I-ililor siiid, Dee. ojil '!. HlHIIfLa.Ml'a C KI.HBIIATKD (.CRMl ItlTrSKa for the erne of l.ivi-r Comphiint. Jaimdiee, llvapepaia. i:hromc or .Nervous llehilitv, ia draerviKllv one oV the nnl popu kir leialieiiiea of ihe d.,y. Theae llitteis hnve liven uwd by tlionariuda, anil a friend ut our elbow auya be litis hint aell riieeivwl an ed'eetuiil nnd periiiatient 'cure of Liver onii!iiiut rom the nr., of tliia reiunly. We lire eouviiienl Itml, III the uae of theae Itinera, the piitieut eiinatoutly gtiliis alo-i, alii iokI vigor a fuel worthvof great eonaide mil. in. i'hey ure plnicoit in mate and smell, nnd ran Iw iiw.il ov iieraoiis with ItieminildFlieiite alouiiii lia with rife ly, miller any eireuiuatiniivB. We are aixnkiug from tx perienee, nnd lo the nlllieteit we advise their uae." Judge M. Non, a gentleman with gre:it aeirntifie and luernry ailniniiienta, said ia his '-New Vork Weekly MeBHi'ugrr," .tanunry 0. IrW : 'Dr. I v "Hand's t;.,rinnn Hitters Here i n preMirntion whioh the Icuhng preaai a in the l'nlonii,iienr lo ! uii.iui. inoua in reromiiiviulitii!, and the reaa ll is ol.vinua. It is liiuile niter ii prew riplion riisind hv one ol the moat eele hrated phyaii'inna o iii-kLtii tim. a.'llie l ite Dr. t'lir sleplier Will, elm lloolian,l, Pn.feas ir to the IniviTti! v ol'Jeiui, private I'hyaieiun to the King of I'ruaaia. nml ,'.ie ol Ilia gr.-nteat imilind writers UerilillMV haa ever pnaliiirnl. lie was emphalieally Ilie rllemy of hunihiig. ui.il theiel'oren medieaie of vIim I, he was I he"inv,'iit T and toi'loraer tli'ty he eoiilKlriitly relied on. lie apeei-illy womoii niled it ii. Liver Cotlllllailir, l)yape)i:i, llehilir-. Vertigo, Aei.lily of Uie atomM.oh. (Jonalipritioji. and all complaints ariaim; ironi a diaorile;le onilitio,, of It,,, si aell, tlie liver and tha intestines. N ine I'iniacl. lilliia p-ipera express their ..om ie. tiou nf it ex.,,.,ee, nnd aevend of the ertit ,ra speak of Its eirreta from their oWM iniln iiheil etperi.aiee. I'nder lla ae eiri iiia-ia ic,... we feel warranted, n it only in ealliug the nllelit toil of our remlera to the present present pr .prie I ir s (111. C. M. .larks mi's) prepuraliou, Iml in reeoiiiiuelid nig timaiiivie ton I inlhcted '' Mure Evidence. Tim "Phil idelphia tiitur.lav II r.,-':r " the bet family news.tijier published nillie l liitixl Slat. a. tlie c.lilor sajs Dr. Itimjland's Gcrmiui Hitters. "It is seldom that we reeomnif ad v!,i,t n:e le. nied Pa. tent Meda nii-s. to the eone.a-te.-r aii.l ;it. ia.i je of our rwulers; tiad. iheirfore. warn wv rre. .iim:ei,i i;r. I..'. land's l.ern.in lllllvrs. we wis it lo l.u ,i,.J,o, t!v mid'-l-atiaal Ihal we nr.. e n ap-okine th; u Miums . f the day. thai mo n i-fn i.i, ml I ,r u In i, j peri hI :-n,l thru lor. goueuiiitei Ihey Irivedoue Iheir vaulv tw' el imsehiel. Iml. H II llleih. iite I ,n M ililislie l. i; i .iv Ilv niiivl. and Yyliicii Ima in.et tlielivarlv nii'iv il "l" Hi., ( ai-nlu' it, i nut 1 1KB iiieilii-iiie ill enre Liver t :. .,u; i i ml mul Dya. pripin, ii , "in- eiinlnuti:. nl'.er n-ini; e, aa .Krei leil. It iii'ta iilieiliiiilly ii 'ii tlie at ii.iieli mul inn it ia prefl'eratila ti, cat .uii-l hi nil lulu ,a ,l,.t"ixe!i Ilie rttVi-t ifc iinuie.li ,te. Tltey e,ii li .nlininistere.l I" l'elii.ilu, or liit'.uu ivl'.ll Nile!)' aiil Celialile liviielit, lit nny tilllr. ,.i....r.,. .... f ireiienilly Ihr'nejlini.t the e.nnprv. Also: Fnr niilo liy II. .Ma-sct, !i.,iiliurv. nuU M. M.r4V. ..rlhiiml,eil,iMi. ' Aiujiut I7.l5.sl. ly W. F. PEIDDRICII'S tLATL' PAIITL;it OF C. st'llll Al'K) Vtiriilsili Itliinuiactati')- unit I'aliit iwrs A' 78 -ni7i Fntrl Street. A FEW UiiiH'.s Ali.i t: en Kit it v. Wi;sr li)t:) II1XI.A35ELPHIA. Constantly on hand amt for suirt at reduced 2'xiiCi, and uf anpt rior q-nilitij, the fit loiiui,: 1.1'ticlts, tu: : r.n'li, Cliliinet, Jaimiaiera' ni:.l (il I'Lilh Ynrnishea ; Hf i' wl .liitui : 11-mi ami linrneaa Vurniali, Lr.iwn. Whiia nml It eil iapirti iln: I'l mfer .1 1 : AnisiaV ll"nsei,ml , tameh Piiliilera' ami Vnrnish-ra' Al ! ih aniti'ii.s. p.m r. nuv. t iiteriiilf VI "t'TV IV 1 III!.. AMI Pill- I'.UII I) I I'll 11IMI.III 1 11, ISKj A',ilime.r Vnrniah, I Ithie llll.l Ael.la: Itliek .lilKII, pir 1 ; Ailaeiiiee .1 I. l'-,r ' Fiiney '-rk : Picture mi.l Win,, .v f;l ,a ; Ar'is:' r-i. I'lms. Ur' nml in luln v; Neni1 -'.,.,t tlii;li"kl. Silver mnl liernrin Leal' j i 'I.I. SiU-ei, uml l '-.ipi,r ilr nize ; I llii' zier'a llltini .il ls. Ai , veiy saperi .1 Shae Ulaekmg ami Writini; Ink. June 'J'.l. lifWI C. I T Y A II f X K T W A II V. II O (I M , NO. 17:i CHESSUT STREET, (iH'l'iMirK ItIK ar.lTS Unit.)..) pixrr.ADv;i.pnr FFEUSfr sale, low for cash or r,p;irnyeil city pnper, n liirje and well ns.irie.,1 stmli CAUINF.T H'K.MTl Ul'. of il, .n0t patterns iiiiil ot the la-si Wiiikniiinsliin. 'J im assortment j c,hr.ices ev rv ,t;,le. , .fuj I oroniamei prinina .nits n'f Un.v. tin; Hon,,. l'ri:ilu,-, ntal.C'iiii ill. I. urcilure lu Kiisc. woml and Waliuil. Kiiii.tt:Iy curu-.l. Hosewnul i wl"iH. mlMali.u:.uylMianil,crl'urnilnrc; 1:,. tent Kvteusi.ni Dinitn; Tallies, (ncknowlpilired to j Is liic ls-st now in uie); i.ilic.irv Book Cnes, and a (.-eat turicty of ph,i; (larlur uud Chainlier j Furniture. fiitlaius nuiU iiid, puf up in the latest Paris fashion. 1 Xpriius AUttroijsci. Hair Aluttrusses, and Fea- thnr Kcls, ii.adu o i.ider, N. 11. Al articlps purchased nt this establish ment ant warranted of the licit materials and workmanship, and w ill lie packed lo curry safely to nnv pint if the country. May fj, laoO. ly WATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE AMI . PHYSICAL I.ESTfin.VriVK. TUa MEDICAL. W0ND2K OF THE U'l'ILL positively cure all stajres of Neuralgia " 'I ic Doloroux, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions; wil restore iiisnhood to its prestine viuor, even site years of prostration, and the only know n and cci tain euro for low spirits or mental debilty. Extract from the New York Sun, Oct! 3, 1843 The ctlrbiateH Dr Watson, when talking of lU miraculous power of 'Walts Nervous Antidote, the question was put to him, '.Why such a vahif ble remedy for all nervous allrcliuns was not il troduced by the medical faculty V' replug, "Thi il it were, there would liq lunges ba any use for faculty, as uil diseases original, d from a disorgai iied strte of the nerves ; the nerves are the mui sprint; of the w hole system Keep this in orde and Isitli the mind and IhmIv must be." Four ounce dial, 1" doses, enough fer all o diuury cases, DOLLAR. MlLDllY Wm. AfcCAKTY, Broadway, Sunbury. fcpKiiiher, 28, 1S50. if. JiLANKS. f )2AKiS of every description can li had b jlP apry ing at UieoHico of the American. tJTKE WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESE" J- VlG.'iujit rtvUail .lii.l f.m ...i. is.. - , . ' a - aiuu IUI aHlir V J H. ii. MASSER. SrpL 38, 1850. FptiAS, from tho New York Canton and Pel JL Tea Company. For sale by J. W. FRILWO. Bunbury, Dee. t, last KNOB AND SPRING MORTISE LA' CUES. Ad excellent article, for sale hall the usual price by J- W. FAILINU, Sunbury, July T. 160-