Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 08, 1851, Image 3

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QuaiL'tlhsj flying correspondent of the
Bostoa Museum, in a Utter dated at Caatine,
Ma., givea the fol (owing account of the hip
trreck of, a itinrinet and hia betrothed bride :
On Monday night last, the iSrii instant du.
ting the sale, there was a vesael wrecked on
the rocka but a few milea distant from this
Tillage, (Caatine) and every pereon on board,
consisting of one lady and two gentlemen
came very near perishing with cold. H
The facts are as follow '.The veel was
owned by our worthy friend, Henry Butters,
Esq , of Haverhill, Mass., who hnd employed
a man to go as captain, and conduct the busi
ness of the vessel it being a coaster, as well
as his own judgment should dictate, and the
advice of his employer. This man, however
not attending to his duty to the satisfaction of
Mr. Butters, he received a letter at one of
these sea-const towns, informina him that his
services nfter the delivery of the vessel at a
stated port would be dispensed with, as a
man more attentive to his business would be
found to fill the station.
On rcceivinjj this somewhat unwelcome in
formation, the captain quitted the vessel, and
left the mate and one man before the mast
to deliver her at the designated port as best
they could. If the weather had bieti fair,
and the wind favorable, they probably would
have been enabled to have managed the ves
sel with but very little or no difficulty, and
the mate, no doubt, would have had a nice
happy time of it, as a yonnsr lady to whom
he was engaaed was on board, on her way
down to the home of the parents of her affi
anced lover, where the happy couple were to
be married. '
But the fates had not been consulted, and
they were intent on revenue. Bei-ig out of
Ihe Bay, Monday eveninn, they were driven
about at the mercy of the waves and winds,
until about eleven o'clock, when with a fear
ful crash, the vessel struck the rocks, and in.
lantly filled.
The younsr lady having retired for the
night, was only enabled to spring from her
berth, clap one blanket in her hand, a-d save
her life by rushing cm dck. Tho cold was
now most intense, and the entire deck of the
vessel, fore anil aft, was covered with one
hard sheet of ice, and that, becoming thicker
and thickcr--for the merciless wave were
every moment sweeping across the deck and
carrying away every light, moveable object
into the angry snigintr ocean. All hopes of
aviug the vessel were lost, and the poor, tin.
fortunate vii;tim of the merciless storm, hold-
ins; fast to the taliiail, with their dollies eve
ry few minutes covered with a fresh supply of
the briny element, became aware that unless
10 me prompt and immediate method wa
tdopled to protect themselves until trioiuiiip,
'mm the penetratim: cold, a certain and dread
'ul death would he th"ir fate. Consequently
they all laid down together, puckiug them
elves as close a possible, with the young In
ly in the centre, and covered themselves
with the blanket which she had wrapped
trnnnd her on springing from the berth. It
equired but a lew minutes for the wollnn
Blanket to become coaled, and the poor un.
"urtuiiale sufferers to b encased with one eir
ire thick sheet of ice, which, dismal as it up.
neared, whs unquestionably the only thing
'hat saved their lives.
The next morning, at six o'clock, the sailor
)roke out from his icy den, climbed over the
ressel's side, dropped into the water, it being
ow tide, and walked ashore ; but the mo.
netit ho came upon dry land, the cold over
jo we red him, and he sank helpless upon
he ground.
Persons living in this vicinity, having just
low discovered that :i vessel was wrecked
ipon their shorn hastened down to ascertain
he particulars. Finding the half-fiozen sai
or lying upon the ground, part of their number
-eturried to tho house with him in their arms
s'hile the olheis proceeded to the vessel, nud
leaiched for other sufferers, but finding none,
hey all relumed to ascertain (if Ihe sailor
:ould yet speak) the particulars of the ship
wreck. After being rubbed in cold water
tor nearly an hour, he was siillicienlly restor
ed to bo able to inform hi rescueis that
there were yet two mine persons in the ves
sel, mid that they would bu found on the
Jeck under a sheet of ice.
The gentlemen returned to the vessel,
oroke up the sheet of ice, as directed, and
wind uudei neath, locked in each other's
irms, the apparently I lie lost foims of the
rule and his atfiauced bride !
The bodies were warmly wrapped in
jlankets, conveyed to the house, and after
learly an hour's proper cuie, biouyht to life
tnd consciousness.
They are now- at the house of the mate's
parents, and the physicians think they wilj
ihortly entirely recover from the almost un
precedented endurance which they suffered.
May Heaven bless them, say we, and may
ha mate so con duct himself in after life, that
his affectionate and confiding sweetheart
nay never have to regret her journey East
with her affianced lover.
Lifting a Living Mm. One of the most
sxtraordinary pages in Sir David Biewster's
otters on "Natural Magic," is an experiment
n which a heavy man it raised with the
;reatest facility, when he is lifted up the in
itant that his own lungs, and those of the
oersona who raise him are Inflated with air.
Thus, the heaviest person in the party lies
down upon two chairs, hit legs tnppoitud by
me and hit buck by tho other. Four per.
ions, one at each leg and each shoulder, then
ry to raise him. The person to be raised
;ivet two signals by clapping hit hands. At
.be first signal he and tho lifters draw a long
full breath and when the inhalation it com
pleted, or the lungs filled, the second signal
it given for raiting him from the chairs. To
bit surprise and that of hit bearert ha rises
frith the greatest facility, if no heavier
'.ban a feather !
Jut Pkincc d t MotcowA and hit lady
aro giving aomo ooocasion for scandal. She
the daughter of Lafltte, beggarded by her
boband't extravagance, Has separated fiora
him, leaving him in great1 Wrath. ;
y ... . ; ,
No lest a sum than 49,000' hat been re.
mined to ihe port of Limerick in the last
rear, to forward emigration. , , I t
Dissatisfied A petition has been signed,
by over 200 citizens of Sussex, Delaware)
asking thoir delegates in Ihe legislature to
come home. ,
Ex-Mayor Barkm, of Pittsburg, had a
fight the other night, got a black eye,
made a speech.
PEPSIN, the True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric
Juice! A grent Dyspepsia Curer, prrpured
from Rennet, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox
after directions: of Baron Liebig, tho creat
Physiological Chemist, by J. S Houghton,
M. D., No. 11 North Eighth Street, Philadel
phia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy
for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver
Complaint, Constipation, nnd Debility, ouriug
after Nature's own method, by Nature's own
agent, the Gust no Juice. See advertisement
in another column.
M A U It 1 E !.
In Danville, on the 27th ult., by the Rev.
T. Keuey, Mr. J. Wabrkn Jones, of Noi
Ihnmberlaud county, to. Mis E. W. Uiffi.b,
of Danville, Montour county.
In Tuibnt township, on the 20lh ult., by
the Rev. S. R. Boyer, Mr William Wkut
man, of McEwensville, to Miss Cathakinu
Rachel Hughs, of Tuibui township.
On the 27th ult., by the Rev. E M. Long,
Mr. James Kobuins, to Miss Sarah Jank
Wiliielm, all of Milton.
On the 20th nit., by the Rev. J. G. An
spaeh, Mr. B. K. Haao, of Milton, to Miss
Sarah Shuck, of Kelly township, Union co.
On the 27th ult., by the Rev. A. B. Casper)
Mr. Hugh McCl'LLoi'i.h, formerly of Sntibury
to Miss Ellen J. Kesler, of Union county.
sasmaragnmn ni
i i i: i.
In Danville, on the 2llh ult., Mrs. JAXE
late coiifoit of John Bryan, dee'd., ngud 63
In the same place, on tho 14th nil., Mr.
JOHN TRAINER, aged 29 years, 8 mouths
and 5 days.
In the same place, on the 20th ult., FRAN
CES CATHARINE, daughter of Isatiu and
Eli.abeth Ranck, aged 8 mouths and 6 days.
In Mahoning township, on tho 24lh nit.,
ROBERT, son of John ami Elizabeth Rishel,
aged 5 yours, 10 months and 7 days.
In Cliilisqnnqiir, on the 19th nit., WIN
FIELD, son 'of Michael and Hannah Sweugle,
agod 3 years and 3 months.
In Lewislmrg, on tlio 19lh ult., MARY
CATHARINE, daughter of Charles nud
Catharine Nell", aged 1 yeat, 11 months und
29 days.
Died at Northumberland, on Saturday tliP
t-t iirst., Mrs. ELIZA THOMPSON, wile of
William H. Thunipson, Jurmoiiy of Suul'iiry,
aged 34 yeais.
On Mondnv, the 3d inst., in this place,
Mrs SUSAN KOSTIAN. wifj of WcMley M.
IJ'isriaii, ugeil 21) years.
The deceased were both daughters of the
ate Jacob Gass near this place. The wid
owed mother, has met with a double nlllic-
tion. She had scarcely time to close the
eyes of one of her daughters, in death, when
she was summoned to perform a similar sad
duty for the other. They were, both lying
at the same time, in the cold embrace of
death, nnd were buried the same day, audi
is the end of earth! En. Am.
Died, in this place, on Friday the 2Sth ult.,
at the resilience of James Covert, Em) , Mrs.
Hendersai, of Milton, irjed about 29 years.
Her remains were interred at Milton on Sun
day last.
Yet wliy shiMild dentil be liiilic.l will) iVr :
A single breath a Inw-tlrawii iph
Can luraik tlie ties thut bind ul hcie,
And wait the Spirit to the sky.
Died at the residence of Miss Ann C. Mor
ris, in this place on Thmsdav the 27lh ult.,
ISAAC TELLER, aged about' 7(1 years.
The deceased was formetly n slave of the
late Thomas Grant near this place, one of
the earliest nnd most prominent settlers in
this section of the Statu. Hu resided in lh
family of Mr. Grnnl and his descendants, un
til the time of his death, it period of fifty
five years The early history of the decease!
is r.ot without interest, nr.d leads us back to
the littio when slavery existed in Pennsyl
vania. Isaac, a broiher, two sisters & parents
weie purchased by Mr. Grant, ubont the year
I7!)C, in what is now Columbia county. They
were the property of a Mr. Roseuberry, nnd
were sold us a part of his effects, at his death.
Thu scene at the sale was a most trying one
to the poor slaves. A gentleman, who want
ed them for the Southern rnaiket, was bid
ding against Mr. Grant, and their fate, for a
lime, was uncertain, nnd when it was an.
nonnced that Mr. Giant had become the pur.
chaser, the poor creatures were almost frau.
lie with joy. Mr Grant set them all free at
the age of 21 years, but Isaac would never
leave the roof of his master and benefactor,
and remained with his descendants until the
day'of his death, a faithful, honest and trust
worthy servant. He was wise in his clinic,
for he never knew what it was to bu in want,
and was kindly attended to in sickness and in
health. Ed. Am.
Hew Advertisements.
TV OT1CE is hereby given that the several courts
of Common Pless, General Quarter Sessions
of the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer
and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and
for the county ot rortliumbrrlaiid, to commence
at the Court House, in tlie borough ot Sunbury,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 7th day ol
April next, and will eontinuo 'J' WO WEEKS.
1 lie coroner, Justices of the J'eaee and consta
bles in and Car tlie county of .NorlhuiuU rbuJ, sre
requested to lie then and there in their proper per
sons, with their roll, records, inouisitions, and
oilier reniembrunces, to do those things to their
several offices appertaining to be done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in bchulf ot Hit ('oiuniori-
wealth against auv urUoncr are also requested an i
commanded to 1 then and there attending in their
proper persens to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors ars requested to be punctual in thtir
attendance, at tilt time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my hands at Sunbury, the 1st day
of March, in tlit year ot our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and fifty -one and the In
dependence of tlie United States of America
the 16th.
God save the Commonwealth. .'
IMMEDIATELY on tli Trovorton Rail Road
to whom liberal wage will be paid.
Tworton, Jan. 4, 1851. tf.
O POSTMASTERS. The advertiser, Post
Mastrtat Fleasan Grove, Alleghany co.,
Md., is the first person in the United Slates who
conceived and undertook extensively to publish
the idea of furnishing all post olhces in the coun
try with cheap sunups. All stamps made by him
aro warranted equal or superior to any others
than can be procured for the same price, and
whenever any are sent out ii: any manner detec
tive or unsatisfactory, duplicates will he forward
ed, on notico, without any extra charge. AH who
order a full set of Chang for dates, at only S3,
for 3(1 pieces, shall be kept in stamps ad Itbetum,
Full set with one change, $1.
When stamps are neatly made with turned
handles nnd screw same style as the regular
government P. O. stamps durable, ctlicicnt and
warranted. Price one or two dollars only, and
spcnal authority to send by mail free.
Address P. M., Pleasant Grove, Allegheny
county, Maryland."
tl?" Any editor publishing; athe abova (with
this note) 3 times, and sending a copy of the pa
per, dnill receive credit for S3 in wood letter, or
$ 1 0 proof press or if preferred, a wood engraving
or an engraved newspaper head, of the above
value, will he forwarded.
March 1, 1851 31.
rjIIK subscriber hereby informs nil those that
JL ore indebted to him, on Hook account or
otherwise, to call and settle the snmc on or before
the first day of April next. Persons neglecting
this notice may find their accounts in the hands
of a Magistrate fur collection.
Sunbury, March 1, 1851 4t.
V A Y U P ! !
THH undersigned hereby notifies nil persons
indebted to her, on Uook account, 5tc, that
they are requested to call and settle their accounts
without delay; us long'T indulgence cannot he
given on accounts alreudy over due.
Sunhurv, Feb. 22, IBM tf.
For Ihe Cure mt
Ti c uniform success which lias attended the
use of this prcrai alien its salutary effect its
power to relieve nnd cure atVcclions of the
I.uni". have i.o:ned for it a celebrity equalled by
no other medicine. We oiler it to the nillictcd
with eii'.i;e conf.ilenee in its virtues, and tho full
belief that it will subdue and remove, the severest
at:ae';s of disease upon the tlirn.-.t on l Lungs.
These results, as they become publicly known,
very naturally attract the attention of medica'
men nnd philantrnpists everywhere. What is
their opinion of CHERiV PEC'TOKAL nifty be
seen in the following :
Pro'. S urgent -I.Vr. CWA'jt'c, Atc i'ori, .inys :
"it t'ives nie plcasnio to eeilily tho value and
efficacy of Ajer's CHERRY PECTORAL,
which I consider peeu'.iaiiy adapted to cure disea
ses of the Throat and I, lilies."
wii'.es in a letter to his friend, who was sinking
under an aiVeilion of the Lungs: "Trv the
t.'HETTRY PECTO.'AL and if any medicine
can cive ou relief, with the blessing of God that
will." '
of I.ouisinn i, writes '-That a young daughter of
his was cured of scvernl severe attacks of Croup
by the CI I I'M n V PECTOKAL."
77' Cii:taili'in Jotrrtal of Nttlicul &t inie
states, "That Asthma flnd Bronchitis so prevalent
in ibis inclement climate, bus yielded with surpri
sing rapidity to Ayer's CHliXliY PECTORAL,
and we c.iiin .l too strongly recommend this skill
ful preparation to tho Profession and public gen
Let the relieved sulVercr speak for himself :
Haiitfoiiii, Jan. IIU, lij-17.
Dr. .1. C. Aver -Jlcur Nir : Having been res
cued from a painful and dangerous disease by
your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send you
this iiekiiowiciigiiieiit, not only in justice to you,
but the inlonnation of others m like oldie
tiu.i. A slight col.', upi.n ti e bniijs, neulectcd ot first,
1 cwiiine so severe thut suitti:er ol' blood, a violent
cough and proline nilit swe.its followed and fas
tened upon me. 1 became emaciated, could not
sleep, vtus distressed by my eoi.-jh, and a pain
through my chest, mid in short had all the alarm
ing syintiiois of quick consumption. JS'o medi
cine M-enied at all lo reafh mv case, until I piovt
denliaby tried your CHEJA'Y PECTOKAL,
wbii h noon ii licxed and now has cured me.
Youis with respect. 1". A. .STEWART
A mi aw, N. Y. April 17, 184S.
Dr. Aver, Lowell Hear Sir. I have for years
been nl'dicti d with Asthma in the worst form ; so
that I have bicn nblied to sleep in my chair for
a larger part ol tlie lime, being unablo to breathe
on my l ed, I h id tried a great many medicines,
to no purpose, until nfy Physician presrrilied, as
an experiment, your t'ilERRY PECTORAL.
At Iirst it seciiiej to make mo worse, but in
less llmii a week I began to experience the most
gratifx ing relief from ils u.-e ; and now, in four
weeks, the di.-a unc is entirely removed. I can
rlecp on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a stute
of health which I had never expected to enjov.
t'? -Hold by Henry Masser, Sunhuryt Mary
A. McCay, Morthimiherland Hr. (iearhtrt, e
linsgrovc; Dr. LiicUly, Danville, and Druggists
Feb. lr), 1F51 lyce3m
UUJi.U'K, lMU:svr "i Anirvli'jiy, Ariroit imv, Phre-
tit'l y, uutl (jc -iiuuu'y, i''mliiiift with I'OXJl'K ATloN,
d'iii Swi'ttliMi. tWw '.V. 7i i(Cl:ST rt, llnlutl-i)hia,
mriurx ins w rvtCf-.s tnU.ceiiieni il sSorltuiinlterluuil rtninty
IK- liitji hci u eoiisulteil hv nil tlie cr'iwnrd Itemltt ul Kuropr,
iiml enjovHu hipu-r n.uiuth inm un Astrtlt)(:r limn any mie
inni-. uu itii'B c;m-uiii'iMi actttnitni i i utMni4iiKv 1
ilic3 h 'iitifiiiaii iVrtttiit ul u dtntant't van have
lluut u.4iivmcsui.uw.i by ftciuitng (he dateul the thy ol their
uinn. nil i"mt eouTnimiitr the utKrve le will reeeivi mi-
metltnte ninmi m, Hint N.uiviii.i wnt to any pitrt of tlie
w'orkl wntU'ii tin ituriahle isstpt-r j und be i prcpiirui in make
us. ni Ii mu-rr l.y uijiirwiHui un imv ol' ihe Mi wiiw t--pin
: r.'iutiihip.ti.U-ipfpivni lor theauctMfut itcrimipl.sli.
instil ol wi-ilihy niiiiriotru ; h hiu the power to rixd cm
tturliimuio uitcu to the tiu uw ol the U'tlJr; und lor all
tMst-i ol h.i. ir-l, nit li fir l!tf ifc ivtrvol" ii ili-a or I st prot
ertv, aiul piirchufiiiir o ititrv ticked. ThMiiBaiMlt of the
nlioyt) untiM'il cttaWT have beeu d ne in thia city and ita virin-
ety, mitl in tlie I nit ut r::itta to lUe lull uitiHiaciitui of all
0,uO ah un-s tir Ht)n:KL' pi' h:ive li;en rjni during the
rtsx i nir ytiusi wntic uric, j.ntfii win Bituwer every piir-
jvjite, an I will il'i an well tia lit on II in persona, and the muil
l it rtv a: i a:do t!iat peri need ut Itfir Us trust inoiitty
thr-m-jh the l"t OiUVe. iiolot It rrri-ivca irom iOO to
llHit) Ifttim in Mithiv, ami nui never iniK-d one He mr
licntur Ut irunn &.. Othte, (.'t-imty ami Hiate. All leiir
will e r-l!?t'i!y attendr-d u, u prepaid. For more par.
tiruiara tun m uie ouiceoi mih ixiyxx mhi got aa Aatrol-j;i
eul AJniana ruti.
71 i'itat streef above Kiphth, Philadelphia.
PhibidrljihH, Fab. , lh51.- in.
., Jb Selinsjrove, Pa. ' ; " ' .
C'lockH,' irutt hM ii1 Jewelry, '
T EPAIREL) in tha best manner and warranted
to iieriorra welh . . ,' .
Alt work intrusted t hia cam fill Ua sUictlj
ataeatled Ida ..,!'.-,. , , ,.
Btlinagrots, N.v. 60. 1850. tt
' ' ' ' Valuable '
'lHE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia,
JL oners for sale the following property in Mil
Ion, Northumberland county, vin The large
In tipper Milton, formerlv occupied bv
Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers fchop.
The building is 60 feet front on upper Market
street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two
stories high. Also a two story
40 by 25 feet, on the ssme premises. The lot is
on the corner of upper Market and Front streets,
and is C6 feet front, and 150 feet deep.
The premises would be valuable for a Foundry
or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold
on reasonable and accommodating terms by ap
plying either to JACOU CAKRIGAN,
.1. F. WOLFINGER, Esq.. Milton or
H. IJ. MASSER, Esq., Sunbury.
Philadelphia, Jnn- 85, 1851 tf.
j1RS. MARY WEAVER respectfully informs
-'-Mhe public and travelling community general
ly, that she has opened this large and commodious
lit) 1 Lli, furnished in a superior style. 1' ruin
her long experience in tho business of a first rata
Hotel, and wcl known reputation to accommo
date, her customers may depend on being supplied
with every thing conducive to their comfort and
Feb. 15, 1851. tf
6i Liberty Street, New York.
(Ilutwcca Broadway sad Nmma )
A RE nnv receiving a rich and beautiful araortiaeiit of
i. rum y Silk and .Millinery OiksIs, to which we would
purliculiirly invite lt.e intention of all Cash Puruliusen, and
w ill nwki; it an object for lliein to give us a rail, ai we are
determined to out assortment, for Cash, lower than
ever hd'orc offered in Una market.
Milliners can anpply thennx lvea with every article hi
their linn, at alKiul the erwt of importation or Auction pr.
ecs. Many of our ffiKKla are l nmiclured eKpreasly for
our own sales, and vuiinul he aurjiaascd lor beauty or low
It i eli Hat and Cup Ribboiia, a large variety.
Mlki unci Rutins lor Uounrla.
Crapes, Crape lasses, Ttirleton and Illusion Laees
Trituintnir lor Huts, Caps and Dresses.
Jenny Llud Cups, Party and Opera lleud Dressea.
l'.nibroiilerefl Cnpra, Cullnra, Cnlfs, and Cheiniselts.
Kinbroidered iMlfings nnd Intel tinei, Swim und Muslin.
Threud, lirunels, Valencieae, Silk and Lisle Thread
l-'mlir-iidcrpd. Tteveirennd Plain Linen Citmbrie Itkl'i.
Ulovea nnil Alius, Kid, Silk, Lisle Threud and Sewing
rv-arli, Cnivnta and Prepi Ilkfa.
Swisn, jLuvnrli, IJ tok Muttlins. and Hislnp T,awnt.
-'.mlir udernd, llumask and Pluin Canton Craie Shuwla.
A Full Assortment of Slniw tiixxls.
French and American Artificial Flowers.
With a targe variety not mentioned above.
All wishing to nvoiil payiuz lonir prices will make money
by culling and satisfying tiiciitselves.
New York, Jnn. 8.5. 1851 3m
33L y53L m?
No. 95 llace Street.
Second door below Third,
all kinds of lasts, cVc., of the latest
' ' style slid best material, are manufactured
on reasonable terms.
All orders promptly ond punctually attended to.
Philadelphia, Iov. 9, 1S30 ly.
Nortiuunlicrland Counly, s's.
In the Orphans' Court ut January Term, A. D
1851, on thu Petition of Daniel (JrinE and Catha
rine hi wife, lute Catharine Morrison, one of the
icirs of Sainurl Morrison, late of the lloroiigh of
Milton, ilec'il. Tho Court grant a Hule upon
Klizaheth Morrison, intermarried with John Wor-
lin, Cutharino Morrison, intermarried with Dan
iel (irinj;, Nancy Morrison, intermarried with !Vo
uh Preutire, Samuel Morrison, since deceased :
IcariiiK a widow Muriuh Morrison (and no issue,)
now ol tho state of Illinois. Knrnh Morrison,
intermarried with William Kennedav, Charles
Morrison, and Henry Morrison, Marpirct, Msry
and 1'rankhn .Morrison, heirs anil representatives
of sniil ilccM, requiring them to appear at the sta
ted Orphans' Court in April next, then and there
to accept nr refuse tho said estato at the valuation
thereof, and in cuau all the heirs and representa
tives, refuse so to do, or to take the same, then to
show cause if any they have why the suid presii
hos should not he sold according to tho act of As
sembly in such case made, &c.
Certified from the records of our said Court at
Sunbury, the Olh day of January, A. V. 1851.
By order of the Court )
John P. I'urscll, Clk (). C. S
All of which you are hereby required to take
January, 18, 1S51. Gt.
Fine Caroceries and Teas!
1) AVID 1 V. A S K ,
S. W. Comer 6th te Arch Street. Philadelphia.
OFFERS for sale all kinds of choice Family
(irocerics and articles in his line of
husinoss; (Jreen and Ulack Teas of all qualities
and prices; heal Mocha, Old Java and other
kinds of t'ollcc, Sugars, Corn Starch for pud'
dings, Farina, Figs in small drums, I.aver iai
sins, Krciich Clarified Isinglass for jellies; Extra
Wnile Wheat Km liester and Philadelphia ra
mil)' Flour in W hole and Half II arrcls ; "I.atour'
Olive Oil; assorted kinds of Sauces and Ketch
ups, Pickles, Olives, Preserved Ginger, &.C., Ac,
I mods packed for tho country and sent to Ituil
Hoau Depot or elsewhere without charge.
S. W. Cor. Gth & Arch St..
Feb. 1, 1851 ly. ch. M. A. '50.
No. 207 Chesnut Street, front Arcade,
I M PORTER and Manufacturer of all kinds of
A Musical Inst ruments, francy Articles and Toys.
His prices arc I owcr than those of any other store
in Philadelphia- All kinds of Musical Instru
ments repaired in tho best workmanship, and also
taken in trade,
JMiilufk-lphid, May 25, 1850.-
Bounty Land and Pension Agency,
THE uuil'Tii.'ncd Attorney and lieiivml Agent at the
I. ity ul' Wut-hiiigtuii, uflert hia aervioi.a iu itrofuriug
li unity lsumla and t'entuma tor thtiae utilW'd. Bfing pot
luunmitly kM-aiml at tlie aeHt uf Gxvtrriiuieiit, with a Uior
putili und i mat I tux ucqiwuiUiuc with tU uectM.try lorim,
aiwt inuLine o( biiiiitr-wi, and having avevmt to Hcgtdera and
Ktlia lileti in tlie V . 9. war omro, ne ptMwr luciiitiea if
I ho jittcniy and autiaiucUtfy itdjuaUiieiit oi Ouvuruiiieitt
cluiiiiitiil every kind.
By a kite Act ol Coniirew. Bounty Isand ia nmntfd ta
the otlicrm mid aolUiera ul' trie wur ol I-I'J, and ot the vari
rimia Indiuii wara. ainte 1790. To tht who aerved hum
iii'ititlia UUi ucres; Ut lhau who aerved luur UHmtha Mi
ucrca; and to tli'e wno aervca tne montn w arrra.
Arrui.pifinmili have been uiade with geittlemeji nf tha
I.eul rtteasioa in diA'ereut aoiioua of tha Country, to?
the ktculioii of wumiuta, and Uia auUs ol' the patenta, when
isiiuvd, tii the nutat advanbigenua lerme; fur the payment
of taiea, retlempiioii of hiida, aW for taxes; iUcctiu of
tlebla and inr the tMuinetiuii ol goitenu Imw boat:
a ta
the uittei t'iit Mulea anq l erntoriea.
Ha lendei hie Mrvirea to inrinbart V the profeMinn at
diume, ona wiieu cluims NRuinat me uovenniMiit, are pra
rrd by a lwnf Agent, will aliatc one halt hia usual fe.
The neevaaury Idhm and luatructUHia, and iuiorinatitMi m
II atittjecla apvertaiing t a aurfeeal'ul.pruatX'Utithn oi thu
buaineaa, wtU be rarjiinlied to regular Cbrteaioudeiiu wlih
mit eharae.
Peraitna dtairinr' infiwraatln of frieuda in 'the army or
navy, will fv.trdto hi in ait tliepartwulmn kaownot' their
aervuv, logeiner ut. a te ot one fluiiar, and their eneui-
iu ...ill l.. .,..1,1 ,. 1... ... i . . 1 All
. His witi v scjiibju j ur a avuiif aaa uutu. All T"I'H'UI)n
tiiMaa u be (rkSPAto,) and addmaed to i
I " (Bi 187, p. (t Waahiiiftlm, 1). .
' Peceniber 39, loJO , , , ,
WILLIAM. HOOVfiR respeetfuily Informs
bis friends and customers that ha b
just returned from Philadelphia, with an eicellent
assortment or
which he oilers for sale nt his new Mora lit Mas
ser's Mill, Hollowing Run. , Thrsa goads . wart
selected with grcst care, and will bs sold at Uis
lowest prices. . , , :-
Dry Goods,
Such as Cloths, Cassimeres.Sattiriets, Muslins,
Calluoes, Mousstlint De Laines, AU
paccas. Merinos, Flannels,
Chi tics, Ging
hams, Ifc.
An assortment of
A general assortment of Groceries, such as
Sugar, ColTee, Tea, Molas
ses, Spices, &c.
Also an assortment of Liquors, such as
Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, Vt
tV" Produce of all kinds takon in exchange at
tlie Highest market prices.
Hollowing Run, lov. 23, 1850, ty.
riHE subscribers olTer to physicians and drug
JL gists, a carefully selected stock of drugs and
medicines, which they will guarantee to be of the
nest quality, pure and unadulterated in all cases.
Their facilities for importing forcicn druss and
chemicals arc such, that they are enabled to sell
them upon the best terms, and at tho same time
to assure their customers of their genuineness.
They have also recently prepared and now of
fer for sale a superior article of
I'll Clirmj Hirvi'mi a.
Resembling Henry's Magnesia, free from carbon
ic acid and roughness or grittiness, almost entirely
tasteless, combining in an equal bulk from three
to four times tho strength of the common kind,
and sold ut about one half the price of Henry's
They have also prepared the
Fluid Magnesia,
Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity
of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, fee. at less
than hull tho price of the foreign article.
They also have on hand of their own propsrs
tion an assortment of
ruie Drugs in Powder,
Neatly put up in 1, J and i pound bottles, such
as Aloes Rhubarb, Senna, Seneca. Rhatanv. KU
no, wuin nranic, Carpentaria, r,xu UlveyrTtl, Ipe
cac, Potassa Sulph., Potassu Nitras, Borax, 8pi
gelia, Euehu, Orris, Cascarilla, Canella Alba,
Lva crsn. ccr.
Great core has been taken to have these re-
parcd from the best selected drugs and in such a
way as to preserve the characteristics of each ar
ticle without injury.
1 hey havo also a variety of
Chemical & riinriiincculical
Preparations of their own manufacture, and add
to the list all the valuable new remedies as they
become known. Among them may be mentioned
me louowing :
Hydroeyniiie Aeiil,
l'repuruiitms ol' Iodine,
of PiiUuua,
Liquor Anunuuiu,
Preparations f Mercury,
l Iron,
" .mo.
Extract of Senna, fluid, s
pleannt fnnn u adraiuistar
to children.
Eiuuct of Bnchs Comp.,
Siugelia, '
(l BdmuiarittaCom.
potitlon ttaid,
" do. d i. a-lid,
" do simple do.
" Colocynth Comp.
do simple.
Aqua. dj.
PbuKpliatn, d . s new re
medy for Hlieumatisru.
Itlilr .Mum.
Lximct ul' Goal iuu,
' iuuastu.
" Vulerian. fluid.
new and uiel'nl remedy.
Spa. .Ether Xitros, U. S. P., Oils of Copaiva,
Cuhe'.is, Ergot, Tobacco, etc. Citrate of Iron
and Quinine, Hesqui-Oxide of Iron, an antidote
tor arsenic, Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas
ant cathartic medicine, put up in 12 oz. bottles,
$2 per doz. Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive Plas
ter j a convenient application in many surgical
operations, put up in small vials. Also
A convenient preparation of eantharides in manv
cases where there is a difficulty of sDDlvinir the
ordinary blistering plaster. A coating of it appli
ed with a camel's hair brush and covered with oil
silk or some similar suhttancc, will produce a
blister in three hours' time; or when exposed,
in the time of about twelve hours.
Physicians and others may depend unon the
faithful ami prompt execution of their orders at as
low rates as the best quality of medicines can be
50 Chesnut street, Thilada.
Laboratory, 6th and Morris 81s. Soulhwark.
November Ifi, 1850 tf.
3:i) WIN HALL,
(Lite ok thu Fibm or Witkissos eV Hill,)
Vo. 24 South Second Street,
pESPECTFL'LLY informs his old friends and
customers, as well as the public generally.
that he has opened an entire new stock of elegant
styles of
Spring1 & Summer Eress Goods.
His assortment consists of the latest and most desi
rable styles of English, tierinan, French cV Ame
rican iioods. budi as Delaine , 1 issuest Bern
ges, Silks, Lawns, Muslins, Shawls, Hdklfs, Gloves,
anil every variety ot Uress and fancy Goods.
Philad. March 10, 1850 ly
rwHE subscriber desirous of disposing of her
X stock ot
respectfully informs the public that she will sell
her entire stock new on hand, at very reduced
prices.! Her stock ia made upof an assortment of
fashionable millinery goods. Also a lot of fash
ionable Fancy Dry Goods, consisting in part, of
Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs,
and handsome material, of various kinds, for la.
dies' dresses.
Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1851. tf.
NEW YORK &. rillLADEXrillA
slattern AtMotlatlon,
Cor. of 6th and Chestnut Sreet, Philadelphia.
fONTIM'E to make and sell a finer and more
durable Hat 1'nr the money than any other
establishment in the United States standard
price of Hats $3 00. Genu and Boy's Cloth and
(ilazed Caps. Umbrellas, Carpet Msgs, Calefy
Panama and Straw Hats at equally low prices.
May 25, 1850. ly
JlSliir. UF Til 12 PKACE,
Sunbury, Pa.
Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the
. Public School Uouse.
UT Monies eollsctwl aod ail buaiuess pionptly aud esre
fully suaiHleil to.
ApiU 20, 1850 '
, .. NOTICE.
k 6 the subscriber intends making; new arrange'
meiiia in aia Dusiness on rhe rifat of Janua
r 1861, all persons knowing thorn selves indebted
to Ism, are requested to call aud make eottlemesrt
up to that time, by payment or giving their note
for the amount due. -
8unbury, Dec 58, 1150 tf.
From thijirtt datf of January, tf. D. 1850,
. '. ' ' both duy$
"fo arti't rec'3 from Collectors for ltt4f!, $14 P0
" 1847, 7 (IU
' " 1S48, 54!) 47
' ' " iftn, 2nrj9 14
" 1850, 88G5 (13
County tsx on uns'tcd lauds 147 US
School tax do )96 13)
Road tax do , 945 78
tsx from Coxe, on land in
Coal township. . 123 14
To dividend oil Northumberland Bridge
stock, - . 80 00
To cash from James Buoy, 5 00
ttl .1..- r. ! '
ua.iaiiit: uuc .it;ur;e u. I ouncmsil Upon
f ....... f...l.
wuuihj luiiun, UU1 l.
$7,231 C5J
To amount of Stata tux ree'd for 1813, 27 00
To do do for 181 f, 40 52
T 1 do for 1849, 2041 08
To do do for 18S0, 9001 5s
To do tax on unseated lands, 408 28
To balance on Tavern Licenses, 449 10
Kctailcrs Licenses, 701 19
Oy3tcr shops. Beer Houses,
Distillers Licenses, 2 15
On militia fines, 374 H
To do
$13,043 10
Expenditures of the County uf Northumberland us por orders issuoJ by llm Commissioners
' on tho Treasurer of said County during the year 1850.
Constables making return to Court,
$:o 51
Cl 47
283 02
40 00
130 0(1
140 0(1
107 67
1510 49
494 72
43 U
2! 3 IS
lerk s wages lor 1819, 111 full,
do do for 1850. in uart.
Premiums on Fox Scalps,
Viewing sites for roads and bridges,
Commonwealth costs,
Building and repniring bridges,
ueneral and Wpring elections,
Prothonotary's fees,
Assessors' pay,
Public buildings,
Constables attending Court and Spring
Coroner's Inquests, ,
County Auditors,
Sol 38
173 00
55 57
7 20
120 03
80 00
$3,872 92
Count Tax.
Pamnel Awl, Augusta, 1840,
Michscl Evcit, do 1810,
John Leibig, Coal, 1S18,
David Stahlnecker, Delaware. do
John Lcisenrintr. Northumberland, do
John Leibig, Coal, 1849,
$27 I0
40 05
Cl) CO
!7 35
220 52
13H 21
200 4(1
8!) KG
271 72
25 81
203 00
714 15
700 05
3!l.) 29
706 51
3S8 2(1
343 OS
41 85
308 88
423 55
333 50
451 23
193 3ii
321 33
S.iS 32
313 70
Llaniel tMahlnecker, Delaware, do
1 nomas Barr, Lew is, do
John Leisciiring, Northumberland, do
Jesse biiuih, Foint, d
Jacob Beck, 8nnbury, do
John Leibig, Coal. 1850.
Dennis Buoy, Chilisquaque, do
Charles Fox, Delaware, do
Martin Drumheller. Jackson. do
John Clapp, Lewis, do
Jacob R. Clark, Lower Augusta, do
ilaviu Ham, Jower Mahoiiuv, do
Isaac D. Kakcr. Little Mahunov. do
James Buoy, Milton, d0
James Vandyke, Norlhumberland, do
josepn vankirk, I'omt, do
Henry K. Johnson, Rush, do
iSamucl Hales, Shuniokiii, do
Uoiirad Kershuer, iSuiiburv. do
George Kuns.riirliut, ' do
Jacob Eckman, Upper Augusta, do
$8,262 07
Michael Evert. Aucnsta.
1816, $8100
1818, ' 1 95
do 1 6 110
do 35 00
1819, 21 50
do 35 50
do 41 50
do 70 0(1
do 43 00
do 1 9 00
do 25 00
do 01 50
do 21 00
1S50, 29 (10
, do :S8 50
do 4 00
$516 45
David tahlueckc.r. Del aware.
Jonn Leitug, Coal,
Jacob Beck, Suuhury,
Jonn L,eihig, Coal,
David IStahlnecker, Delaware,
Thomas Barr. Lewi.
Jacoh R. Clark, Lower Augusta,
James Buoy, Milton,
Jesse Smith, Point,
Win. Johnson. Rush.
Jacob Beck, Sunhury,
Jacob Hoftit, ITpper Mahonoy,
Jonn L.eibig, coal,
Abr'am Kuusrlman, IT. Mahouov
Dennis Buoy, Chilisquaque,
John Leibig. Coal,
Dennis Buoy, Chilisqttaqnr,
Charles Fox, Delaware,
Martin Drumheller, Jackson,
John Clapp, Lewis,
Jacob U. Clark, Lower Augusta,
David Hain, Lower Mahonoy,
Isaac D. Raker, Littio Mahotioy,
James Buoy, Milton,
James Vandyke, Northumbuiland,
Joseph Vankirk, Point,
Henry R. Johnson, Rush,
Samuel Hales, Shniiiiikin,
Coniail Kershner, Sunhury,
George Runs, Turtiiit,
Jacob Fj'krrmn, Lower Ansusla,
XV t, the unilersiRneil, Au.litors of Nortliuinhftil;:n,l Cmintv,' duly electeil anil" sworn to
adjust the aveuuuls of tho olHeers of suid count v, .lo certifv'that we have carefully rxum
inud the vouchers ami fui.l that there is dun tn (.'eorise- B. 'Yoiinsman; Esq'.',-' Treasurer, the
sum of nine huudrej und sixly-ono dullais and filieen cents; hIso, due to Ihe Bank' of 'Nor
llrunibeiland one thoiisan.l dollars ; also, ,a k, ihe Stnte two thrmsRnil and seventy dollars
and lilty-six cents, balance upon State Tax, un.I twelve hundred aiuf sixtV-nine dollars and
forty-five cents, oiitslaiidin militia lio.'K; nl), founly orders vet miMtand'ilig' to the Hinount
of two thousand three hundieil and lifly.two dollars ami sivtep'n conls makina the liabilities
of Ihe county iiiiiouiit to seven Ihousaml siv huiulre.l nnd liftv.tree Jnllnra iiml eighty-two
cents. While there is dim from collectors of County Tax, eijht tRmisaiid two Hundred and
twelve dollars and thirty-three cents, ami from collectors of Slate Tax, folir thousand eiaht
hundred Ami thirteen dollars and eihly-e.'vht cents, and twelve hundred and sixly-riTno'
dollars ami forty-five cents oulsiandiiic militia fines ;' also; thn tv-lhree dollars court fines,
and qiie hundred ami tiftv-lwo dollars jury funds; also, a nolo hold arj.ii'ust Thnnias Allien
for ttVirty-ssven dollars, in nil amountiiiu' to fourteen thni'.haml live .hundred and seventeen
dollars and sixty-six eents. After deducing the liabilities, the balance in favor oi the
comity will be six thousand eiyht hnmlied and sixty-three dollars and ei 'hty-fotir cents.
Witnesa oiir hand this 8th day ol Janitary, A. D. 1S51. ,
"i- WM. L COOK. Auditois
noiTY L.WII '
The Attention of the public, is called to tlie a'.
vertWrhent of Mr- Charles Tucker, Attorney
and Agent at Washiton City. Perxms hav.
ing claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in
formed that tbe subscriber has made arrangements
Ijir tlie requisite forma, and claimants calling at
hia oflics, can have their psjx-ts prepared and
fotwstded to Mr Tucker at Washington, and
by bin be property attendee to Iwfors tie De-
pertinent there.
''' '
Hi B.' MAfcSE.V '
18, 1851 1
Sunbury, Jan.
to the 31si dnj of December, A. D. 185(7,'
included. ...';'
By cash paid upon Com'ers Orders, , $C671 07J
Uy ' 'J'ruiKurcr's commission upon. , ,. 1
(Ju74 7J . ..
Ily cash paid to Eastern Penitentiary
ICO 77
107 10
liy t iu-Ii anil expenses renewing note ,
in Hank of Northumberland, . , ,
Tly percentage on $178 31 at 2 per ct.
13y collector's pcrcentSKO on $147 82,
at 5 per cent, on mi seated lands,
I3y halaiice paid to J. M. Simpson, Esq,
late Treasurer,
74 81
220 C5
$7,261 65J
FUNDS, FOR 1850.
By cash piid State Treasurer as per re-
ccipl, dated July 23d, 1850, $3815 00
By do do dated July 20, 'SO 3189 30
By do do do do 1151 18
By do do dated Sept .7, '50 80 00
By Treasurer's com'sion on $'J045 54, 90 45
Dy do do on money ree'd
on unseated land, 20 40
By money paid to Volunteer coinp's, &c. 311 22
Balance in the hands of Treasurer, 4180 49
$13,648 10
Amount brought over, ,. $3,872 9?
(5. M. VorUs, auditing officers accounts, 25 00
Court Crier, 130 00
Stationery, 153 00
Prison expenses, - . 13 50
Deputy Attorney General, - ' 22 50
Printing, . j35 00
Attorney for County, 45 00
Road tax on unseated lands, 207 27
Kccs in Register & Recorders Office, 110 17
Repairing County Engine, 10 00
Fuel, 47 50
q p f Jacob Holla,
A J Charles Vca
$216 00
289 09
850 00
11 75
Charles Weaver,
William Wilson,
Christian Albert,
3 William Wilson,
3 l Uhr
767 44
2141 35
Juror's pay,
$7,980 65
State Tax.
Ah'm Kunselmun, I'p. Muhonoy, do $283 04
William Irvin, Chilisquaque, 1813, 70(12
David Slahlnecker, Delaware. 1848, 4G 87
Juo. Leisenring, Northumberland, do 48 00
John Leibig, Coal, 1849, 130 74
David Stahlnccker, Delaware, do 207 31
Thomas Ilnrr. Lewis, do 110 47
Jesse Smith, Point, do 262 76
Jacob Beck, iSiiiiburr, do 69 98
John Leibig, Conl, " 1850 272 55
Dennis Buoy, Cliiasquaque, do 606 72
Charles Fox, Delaware. do 976 44
Martin Drumheller, Jackson, do 54 01
John Clapp, Lewis, do 60 78"
Jacob It. Clark, Lower Augusta, do 14? 10
David Hnin, Lower Mahotioy, do1. 164 29
James Buoy, Milton, do 53 79
James Vandyke, Northumberland, do 91 15
Joseph Vankirk, Point, do 585 41
Henry K. Johnson, Rush, do 436 39
Samuel Hales, Shame kin, do 63 00
Conrad Kershner. Sunbury, do 200 29
Jacoh kcKinan, I. ppcr Augusta, do 57 57
A. Kunsolninii, I pper Mulionoy, do
32 24
$4,813 SS
, f546 45
1850, 54 00
do 88 00
do 37 50
do 90 50
do1 72 00
do 16 50
do 61 50
do 50 50
do 32 50
do 42 00
do 55 00
do 59 50
do 25 50
do 35 00
$1269 45
Brought over,
duties Fox, Delaware,
Martin Drumheller, Jackson,
John Clapp, Lewis,
J icon R. Clark, L. Augusta,
David H:nn, Lower Mhonty,
Isaac D. Raker, Little Mahoiioj',
James ltuoy, Milton,
James Vandyke, Northumberland,
Joseph Vunkiik, Point,
Henry B. Johnson, Rush.
Samuel Hales, Shainokin,
Conrad Kershner, Sunbury,
George Kims, Turbut,
Jacob Eckuiuu, I'p. Augusta,
Coi ntv Tax. SrATn Tax. Militia Fines.
S417 02 $29 00
15 1,M9 87 45 00
24 1.771) 33 63 00
i59 6Ji 928 05 88 00
7S3 54i 1,118 67 37 50
509 11 774 15 90 00
6-'S21.J 819 61 72 0
13i 15 187 25 2i 5t
493 705 00 04 50
5T.1 55 (i99 83 50 5d
489 35 711 04 32 50
5'7 0l 816 49 42 00-
W VJ 841 00 55 00
461 42 8.16 48 59 50
7"5 32 j.130 81) 37 50-
4:t 13 f,62 34 35 00
Y, 4(iS 69 6;j:j 8o 38 50
S9.750 79 SI4.230 13 SS5150
flIin anliscrilicr resimrtfully informs tti foWin
1 that he haa ojiened a Public Hovae ' in the
new town'of ' 1'revorton, Northumberfahd county,
and that be is well prepared to ucoemmedate his
guests in tlie best manlier. His heencls'tooated
nfaiiy opwite the Company' Htorsi He is also
p.trtide.1 with (toed stabling sullVient for 20 hor
ses. He trusts by prompt and cupful attention
to business to meet a ahare of Ihe public patron
Trrvorton, Jan- II, ISSO.-'ttV
.i . ill
.u. t
1 l!