Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 01, 1851, Image 3
SUN BURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOIUN JOURNAL. ... THE WORLD'S FAIR. (Jje gaihor the following items with refer ence to tuti Great Exhibition of 1841, from our foreign files : St. Helen will contribute lo the Crystal Palace three wimple of native produce, via : ono of rock salt, one of raw cotton, uud one ofCnrilln. Mr. Mitchell, an Edinburg engraver, in tends se ruling to I lie Exhibition a piece of gold an small that an ordinary pin's html will cover it ; yet it contains the wholo of the Lord's prayer. ' A very large block of lend ore, being up. wards of seventeen hundred weigh!, and of lirst rale quality, has lately been raised by the Holriibimh Milling Company, tin J is lo be placed in the Exhibition. ; A Birmingham paper states that William Laugher, a iiailtnuker of Rtootiisgrove, has received orders lo make 1000 nold. 1000 sil ver, and 1000 iiou luck?,' ten the Creal Ex bibiliou. The whole 3000 me not to weigh more than three grains, and they will be the smallest nails ever pi mi need. During' the Fair, a monster Globe will be exhibited in the enclosed area in Leicester S.jiiarc, the dimensions of which are as fol lows : 'The interior of the globe will be upwards of TiO feet in diameter, ami the w hole surface of the earth modeUed with the greatest pos sible accuracy, embracing nil the latest dis coveries, upon a scale of ten mile to the inch horizontal, ami one inch lo the mile vertical ; every mountain, river, and lake will bo laid down in a way lh:it each vi-iinr to this hiahly Interesting and scientific exhibition may be come in an hour mi entire cosmopolite," Some idea may b formed of the extent of the undertaking, when ihe reader is inform ed, that upwards of (iOi'O blocks of the size named will b! required lo complete il. A pri'.' of 100 guinea has been offered for the hst pssay on the following subject. "Ill what respect is the L'nion of all Nil" lions, at Ih" Great Kvliiliiiiou of 1851, calcu lated to fnillier Ihe moral and religious well fare of Mankind, mid thus conduce to the glory of God ; and in what manner we may a individual-', and n a nation, most effect u nll promnle this subject." Mr. I'avion, the designer of thu Crystal Palace, h:is written to Loid John Russell on the subject of admission lo the e.xhibilioir lie sa. s : ''I have to propose that, for tho fiist fort" night of the exhibition, admission shall be, in every case, by payment. And timber, thai one day in the week (and, for many ras.iu. I sl:a!l select Wednesday,) shall, for the whole term of exhibition, be reserved for the higher class of all nations who may pre fer lu pay for llin exclusive piivilege of ad mission, rallier than encotniler the incon- venieuee of a crowd. Willi those excep- j lions, the enliance sh.ill be entirely free. "Tin mn lakeii during the (irst fortnight and uu thii n ie day of each w eek, would, no dotibt., be very considerable; nevertheless, a !;irjc delieil would remain onerous upon the (loyal toinniis-ioneis. This ib-lici: I am em boldened In siiiiril your lordship to meet by a parliamentary uratr. And Ibis solicilatiou I the iimn readily fiom ih belief lliai fneti I '.in very fact of the exhihi'iou a large arfdiliuu will aeeine to the revenue of the Ctt'lirti V - an :i lilmii it is calculated Upon trustworthy niiilimily of upwards of two liiiliinns. Now of Ihese iwo millions, how small the item required to iliimv open the door of the w in Ill's exhibition to the world's ciiriwn's " It is staled, that lo make merely the eh. coil of the tables, Ihe visitor will make it journey of no less ihan twenty miles. Il is estimated li4.1t the visitors lo the exhi bition "ill bc-Foieieii and colonial '2 0:10.000; English. Wel-di, Highlanders and Irish, j.OOll' Total 7.0il.'HMl!l. They must be rated as s"porut passengers Tor each line over which lhc pass, by which h".' aggregate of the year will be nominally uerease.l In about .i'-li 000.000. The uve. age fare from ihe Board of Tiade returns is liken nl 2. per passenger pel head, and the rn- receipts at 4.200.000. The increase if goiuls linliic at 50 per ci nl.. on that if the half iir Malice December 31. WO' rives .1'1..00,0(H. The total estimate for ex libitioii receipts is .4, 700,000 A company is being formed at Madrid to onvey travellers to London during the Exhi ilioti. They are to pass tlirniiyh Fiance, nd to stay three days in Paris. Their resi enc.e in Loudon is to be about a fortnight; ml the expense of ihe whole liip will be bout 40 ($200) each person. The police is to be increased by 1000 mem lit the only increase lo the military slrpnglh f London will be, removing ihe battalion of unrds from Chirhesler lo the vicinity of the letropolis. Every precaution will, however taken by the authorities of the Horse, jards on the nc-asioti of such an excess of sitors; and buildings have been surveyed r the accommodation of additional troops, ould their services be rer-niied. The Times says that measures are in con mplalion by the Bishop o1 London tu j I lord e vast concourse of visitors which may be peeled in the metinpo'is this season, the portuuity of attending Divine worship on inlays. A circular has been issued lo the ?rgy of the parishes within a certain dis--,ce of the Exhibition, inquiring what addi nal services they propose to establish, ami iat assistance they require to meet ihe ne isary expense. The returns give reason to pe thai services, not Only in English but in eign languages, will be celebrated accord ; to the exigencies of the case, Vmoug the extra accommodations for visi i, is one for the working class, lo be called "Mechanics' Home" situated at Pimlico, Js for one thousand persons will be provi I, at Is. 3d per night, and every suitable nfurt and convenience will be furnished, iners, if required, 8d , breakfast, 5d., trior; shoes, Id. A leading. room will be vided, and a surgeon also would be enga . The fares by the omnibuses to the Ex ition would be Id., and the fares by the iniboats to Loudou bridge, 2d. .c it AlJermau in San Francisco i to re. e an animal salary of 64,000 ! , There are in man five hundred and twenty seven muscles, two hundred nnd fifly-seven of which are in pairs. Of these no less than one hundred are constantly used in the simple act ol breathing. CHERRY PECTORAL: For ihe Cnre of COUOHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BHOW OHXTXS, GROUP, ASTH XVXA, WHOOPING 'COUGH AUS CONSUMPTION-. The uniform success which has attended the use of this preparation its snlutury effect its power to relieve anil rurc sfl'ertiohs of the Limes, have sa:ncd for it a celebrity equalled by nr other medicine. We offer it to the afflicted with entire confidence in its virtues, anil the full belief that it will subdue anil pcniovc the severest atrncks of ilrsenso upon the thro.-.t ami Lungs. These results, us lliey become publicly known very naturally attrnct the sttenlinn of medics men nnd philnntro)isls everywhere. What is their opinion of CHE RAY PECTOKAL may bo seen in the following : VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prof. Surgery Met!. Colligr, Ann Yori-, y. : "Il gives me pleasure to certify the value niul efficacy of Ayer's CHERRY rECTOJfAL, which I consular eculiurly nilapted to cure disea ses of tho Throat niul Lungs." THE KT. REV. LOUD MSHOP FIELD, writes in a letter to his friend, w ho wits sinking under mi nii'ei'tiim of the Lungs : "Trv the CHEiRY I'F.CTOfAL nnd if any medicine can rive von relief, with tho blessing of (iod that will." CHIEF JUSTICE El.'STIS. of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks of Croup by tho ClIEi'AY 'ECTOAL." ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. The. Cauaditiii Jattritiil of lTrctirnl Fcittire states, "That Asthma and ljronchilis so prevalent in this inclement climate, has yielded with surpri sing rapidity to Ayer's C'HE'RV PECTORAL, nnd we canunt too strongly recommend this skill ful preparation to the Profession and public gen erally." Let the relieved sufferer spenk for himself: Haiiti'iiiiii, Jan. 26, 1847. Dr. J. C. Aver -Dear Sir : Having been res cued from a painful and dangerous disease by your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send you this Acknowledgment, not only in justice to you, but lor the information of others in like ulllic tion. A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected nt first, became so severe that spitting of blood, a violent couch and profuse ntiht sweats followed and fas tened upon me. I licciimc emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain through my chest, and in short had all the alarm ing svnitoins of quick consumption. No medi cine seemed at nil to reach mv ease, until I provi dentially tried your CllEA'ftY I'ECTOrtAL, which soon relieved and now has cured me. Yours with respect. E. A. ."sTEWART ' Ai.n.Nv, N. Y. A j -ril 17, 1818. Dr. Aver. Lowell Dear Sir . I have for years been alllictcd with Asthma in tho worst form ; so that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the time, being unahle to brcnthe on my bed. I had tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until my Physician prescribed, as an experiment, your CHERRY PECTORAL. A I lirst it seemed In make nie worse, but in less than n week I begun to experience the most gratifying relief from its use ; and now, in lour weeks, ihe disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, nnd enjoy n state of health which I had never expected to enjov. ("EOKC'E S. EAR KANT. I'll ::i' i n i:n nr j.c. t yku, csikm ist, lowtll, mass. r"" Sold by Henry Masser, Suiihury; Mary A. McC'ay, Northumberland Dr. (iearhart, Sc linsgrove; Dr. Dickly, Danville, und Druggists generallv. Pel.. '15, 1831 lyeeSm Vn limbic PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE Subscriber who reside in Philadelphia, offers for sale the following property In Mil ton, Northumberland county, viti The Urge M BRICK BUILDING In upper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers 8liiip. The building is 00 feet front on upper Msrket street, nnd 40 feet on Front street, and is twt stories high. Also two story BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 25 feet, on tho same promises. The lot is on tho corner of upper Market and Front streets, niul is Cti feet front, and lflt) feet deep. The premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other manufacturing purposes, and will lie sold on reasonable nnd accommodating terms by ap plying cither to JACOU OARRIUAN. Philadelphia. .1. F. WOLFINGER, Esq.. Milton or H. U. MASKER, Esq , Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jnn-23, lRSI if- AMERICAN HOUSE, P0TTSVILLE, PA. MRS. MARY WEAVER respectfully informs the public and travelling community general ly, Hint she has opened this large and commodious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style. From hrr long experience in tho business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may depend on being supplied with every thing conducive to their coiiifort and convenience. Feb. 15, 18. I tf ritEEMAir, HOBOES &. CO., l.MPOUTEKS AM) JOMiliRS, 4V Llbrrlf Mrrrt. w York. (Hi t ween llnmdwny oml Nnrsan.) A UK n v rreeivins a rich nnd wit irtmjpirt n? IX. t'aitry Hilk timl MiUinvry (-siHtflu, in w lii' h we wmilri pnrticnliiriy invite the attention " nil Ci!i pnrc!u-ci, ami will iniike it mi nltjret lor ihrm lo give nn n call, n we nre ilrterinint'd (n tell mir tti rtuit'iii, fur Cuili, lower tliuu uvit belorc nll't-rnd in tliif nmrk't. Milliiicm em Rtipi-ly tln:iiwHvca witli -every nrtk-le in tli-wir line, nt iibout the t-tiMi nf inifHirtiiltin r Anethm pri c'h. M.tny ot' mtr rimhIb tun inuitiHurtnrt'd exiirfnnly fr our wn Ktlei, and lmiiivH lc snrj-UFHitl fur benuty or low riec. II icli tint unci Cop Ribbon, u large vark'ty. SilKrt untl riitum tr Unmirln. CmpcM. Ciiipti Ijuhch, TurlcloiiH nnd Illusion Laci Triiiiiiiii-ti?-M fur llutx, Cupn und Drrnti. Jrnny l.ind OipH, l'tirty nnd Oporu 1 1 cud DreBt.-P. Junlir.HtK'red i;nM8, Ciillnm. Cuff, and Clieiniw'tt. l julwiiiiWrfti KtlintfR nnd InMJilintr?, S wist mid Muslin. Tliruud, UruiMuiit, Vukmicne, Silk and Lisle Thread Kuilirnidervtl. nveinmnd Tlafn Linen Cnmbrir tlkfs. Gluvcn und MiUs, Kid, Silk, Lirtle Thre:id and Sewing SiU. S-nrtV, Cnivnts nnd Dress llki's. hwiKu, .T.icunetf, Hxik .Mucins, hihI liichp Tnwit. Kinbr 'idert'd. Jhttuntk nud Hluin l'nit 'ii (Jruuc Slmwls. A I'uli AFS'trtnicnt of Sirnw li yn. rriMH-h and Amerirun Artifirint Klnwers. Willi it liirpe Viirn-'ty n t mentitmetl nbive. AH winliinj! t'i avoid pnyini I nj prieui will innke m tiey by railing und sntinlyiiift tlicinfulvcs. New York, Jiin. ISjI 3m. AMI BOOT-TREE MAKER, S'o. 95 Race' Street. Second door below Third, PHILADR1PIHA. GREAT ARRIVAL OF WILLIAM HOOVER reseetfully Informs his friends and customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of NEW GOODS, which he oilers for side nt his new stors at Mas ter's Mill, Hollo win ir. Kun. These goods were selected with great cure, and will be sold nt the lowest prices. MIS STOCK CON818TS OP 15V Kit Y VARIETY, Vu Dry Goods, Suck ns Cloths, Cas.iimerct, Sattinfts, Muslins, Callhocn, Moumelin Dt Laiuis, Al pacca. Merinos, Flauuclt Che tics, G t n i;- ' hams, iVc. ALSO: An assortment of HATS, CAPS, PPM AND i,i:atiii;1i SllOF.S. QUEENSWABE, HARDWARE, IKON smlsTEEI., NAILS, Ac A general assortment of Oroeoiies, such us Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas- scs, Spices, &.C. Also nil assort incut of Liquors, such as ?r7t(y, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, S'C. tV Produce of nil kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Hollowing Run, Nov. 23, 1850, ly. TO PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. ritHE subscribers ol1i;r to physicians and drug A tlisls, a carefully selected stock of drugs and medicines, which they will guarantee to he of the best quality, pure and uuadidlernted ill nil cases. Their facilities for iiiipnrtiii!; foreign drugs nnd chemicals arc such, that they arc enabled to sell them upon the best terms, anil st the same time lo ns-ure their customers of their si nuiiieness. They have also recently prepared nnd now of fer for sale a superior article of ciu nni nuai sit, &c. Resembling Henry's Mnunesia, free from carbon ic acid and roughness or grittiness, almost entirely tasteless, comhininc; in an equal bulk from three to four times the strength of the common kind, and sold at about one half the price of Henry's .MuRticsia. They have nlso prepared the Fluid Mfi'nesi'i, Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, &c, at less than half the price of the foreign arlicle. 1 hey also huc on hum! ol their own prepara tion an assortment of RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES . ' OF 1T0P.TETJM3EP.LA1TD COTI1TT7, , Fiom thtjirit day of January, Jl. D. 1850, to the Slii day of December, A. D. 1850, both days included. GEORGE H. YOUNGMAN, ESQ., TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE SAME. By cash paid upon Com'ers Orders, $6671 07 J Uy Treasurer's commission upon 0671 7J 160 77 By cash paid to Eastern Penitentiary lo7 10 By cash and expenses renewing note in Bank of Northumberland, 74 21 By percentage on $178 81 st 2 perct. 4 46 By collector's percentage on $147 02, st 6 per cent, on unseated lands, 7 39 By balance paid to J. M. Simpson, Esq, late Treasurer, 220 Co DR. To ain't ree'd from Collectors for 1846, $14 00 " ' 1847, 7 00 " " 1848, 249 47 " " 1849,2:159 14 " " 1850, 2865 03 " County tax on uns'ted lands 147 82 ' School tax do 196 12J " Road tax do 345 78 ' tax from Cone, on land in tCoal township, 23 14 dend on Northumberland Bridge stock, - 80 00 To cash from James Buoy, 5 00 Balance due (Jeorgo B. Voungrnsn upon County funds, 961 15 $7,251 65 A' STRING OF ITKMS. $7,251 65 J WHERE all kinds of lasts, Ac, of the latest s on reasonable terms. stvle and licst material, are manufactured NOTICE To the Heirs of Susanna Hall, Dec'd. Vt)TICi: is hereby given to Charles Hall, Ed" ward Hall. Jcreuiiuli Hall, Harriet Hall in termarried with Charles C Cook, and liliiwiheth Hall, heirs and lend representatives of l'eler II nil, dec'd. Susanna Hoey intermarried with Win. Couriid, und James Hoey, jr., by his Guar dian. J 11 Zimmerman, Esq., heirs and legal re presentatives of Elisabeth Hall, who was inter married with John Hoey, dec'd., and I'olly Hall who was intermarried with (leore Zimmerman, that by virtue of a certain Writ of i''iilitioni Fa- ririnit, issued out of the Orphans' t.'nurt of Nor- j thumherlaud county to me directed, an inquisition will be held upon the Real Estate of sai l dee'd. in Augusta township, at 11 o'clock, A. M. on Monday the 3d day of Mar?h 1851, at which time and place you are hereby warned to be uud ap pear if you think proper. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Sheriff' Office, Sunbury, ) Jan. 25th, 1851.- ti. $ AIYi:iCTlSl?HI! T Bounty Land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, D. C. TIIR unilerieiiwt Attornfv nisi (iuurrnl Agent at the City nl' Vuliiiiltm, nllVrs tit strrviees in iiruriiring liouiny IhiUn uud IV-titiuiitt lor lliosi; rnlilltHl. lJiaiui per manently l itiiteil ul ihe swit ol lioveruiiM'in, Willi a ttior iiujih anil laiuiliar ucqiutiiiUiu'i: vvilli Iht; iicrriiiry I'nrini. mill roulinu tl' humiieu, uiill hsviiu; ain'flM In ItepmlerN anil Hulls lilil ill lliu L'. H. wur ciru'r, lie p Macimi.-s liicilitirs lis llie s'fily uml Kiiuructory ailjustiueiit ol tiovoriitiicut claims ol every kind. liy n lam Act 01 i.isi'iri'sfl, H Miuty liid is 'rniited ta All orders promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, lSoil ly. NOTICE. Nortliiinibfrluiid County, ss. In the Orphans' Court at January Term. A.T) 1S51. on the 1'etition of Daniel Griiigand Catha rine bis w ife, late Catharine Morrison, one of the heirs of Samuel Morrison, late of the Borough of Milton, dec'd. The Court grunt a Knlc upon Elizabeth Morrison, intermarried with John Wor I'm. Catharine Morrison, intermarried with Dan iel (irinc, Nancy Morrison, intermarried with No ah Prentice. Samuel Morrison, since deceased : lenrins a widow Mariah Morrison (nnd no issue,) now of the Stale of Illinois. Sarah Morrison, intermarried with William Kcnneday, Charles Morrison, nnd Henry Morrison, Margnret, Mary and Franklin Morrison, heirs and representatives of said dec d. requiring them to appear at the sta ted Orphans' Court in April next, then and there to accept or rcluse the said estate at the valuation thcieof, and ill e.ise all the heirs and representa tives, refuse so to do, or to take the same, then to show cause if any they have why the said premi se should not be sold according to the act ot As seiuhlv in such case made, (ic. Certified from the records of our said Court at Sunbury, the tllh day of January, A. I). 1851. By order of the Court ) John P. Purscll, Clk (). C. S All of which you are hereby required to take notice, JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. January, 18, I S51 Gt. Fine (rocvrit-M and Teas! I) A V I 1) P V. A S K , S. W Corner Gth St Arch S.rert, Philadelphia. OFFERS for sale all kinds of choice Family lirureries and selected articles in his line of busink-ssj Green and Black Teas of all qualities ami prices; Heal Mocha, Old Java and other kinds of Culler, Sugars, Corn Starch for pud dings. Farina, Fins in small drums, Layer Rai sins, Ercneh Clarified Isinglass for jellies; Extra White Wheat Kochester and Philadelphia Fa mily Flour in Whole and Half Barrels ; 'I.atour" Olive Oil; assorted kinds of Sauce and Ketch ups. Pickles, Olivets, Preserved Ginger, &e., ec. Goods packed for the country and sent lo Rail Road Depot or elsewhere without charge. DAVID PEASE, ti. W. Cor. 6th & Arch Sts. Philadelphia. Feb. 1,1851. ly ch.M. A. '50. GEORGE B. YOUNGMAN, ESQ , TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY, RESPECTING STATE FUNDS, FOR 1850. CR. By cash paid State Treasurer ss per re ceipt, dated July 23d, 1850, $3815 00 By do do dated July 20, 50 3189 30 By do do do do 1151 18 By do do dated Sept .7, '50 8U0 00 By Treasurer's com'sion on $9045 54, 90 45 By do do on money ree'd on unseated land, 20 40 By money paid to Volunteer comp's, &c. 311 22 Balance in the hands of Treasurer, 4180 49 DR. To amount of State tax ree'd for 1843, $27 00 To do do for 1848, 40 52 To do do for 1849, 2041 08 To do do for 1850, 9001 58 To do tax on unseated lands, 4118 28 To balance on Tavern Licenses, 449 16 To To do do To do lietailers Licenses, 704 19 Oyster shops. Beer Houses, Distillers Licenses, 2 15 On militia fines, 374 14 $13,648 10 I iipo Drills in l'omlep, Neatly put up in 1, J and pound bottles, such as Aloes, Khuhiirh, Senna, Senega, Ithatany, Ki no, Gum Arabic, Serpentaria, Ext. Glycyrrh, Ipe cac, Potassa Sulph., J'otassa Nilras, Borax, Spi- gelia, buchii, Orris, Lascuilla, Canella Allia, C-va ijrsa. &c. Great cure has been taken to have these pre pared from the best selected drugs and in such a wny as to preserve the characturistits of each ar ticle without injury. They have also a variety of Cucii'ica! & S'liai'iiincvulical Preparations of their own manufacture, and add to the list all the valuable new remedies as they become known. Among ihein tuny be mentioned the following: llvilriS'Vllllic Ariil, re;sirations of I uliim. ' of Potassa, Liquor Ammonia, A(iiti, Phosphate, tl i. ' a iii-w re iiuily for KlitMiinalitmi. Iltnr MiiKn. Kxlnict of (ienlitin, ' ij;.ii!i, T:ir-!ii'tUI1. " Valerian, llniil, a new und nsetiti rnncilv-. Sps. .-Ether Nitron, I. S, Cubcbs, Ergot,, Ve'Kirniioii ,f Mercury, " lr.m, Zinc, 'xtraft Sifiin.1, llniil, n plreMiit fount! ut.liniiiiHli.-r to cliililrcn. tiacl of Itnel.a Com., Haul, Spiitelin, ' Sirsimrillti Com potation llniil. " ili. rt.. -lid, ' il sinlote do. Ciilocyiuli 1'oinp. il i fnutplc. $13,648 10 SETTLEMENT WITH THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Expenditures of the County of Northumberland as per orders issued by the Commissioners on the Treasurer of saiJ County during the jeur 1850. Constables making return to Court, Clerk's wages for 1849, in full, do do for 1850, in part, Premiums on Fox Scalps, Viewing sites for roads and bridges, Damages, (,'oiiinioiiwe.ilth costs, building nnd repairing bridges, General and Spring elections, Prolhonolary's fees, Assessors' pay, Public buildings, Constables attending Court and S Elections, Contingencies, Refunding. Coroner's Inquests, County Auditors, $70 51 Amount brought over, $3,872 92 6147 G. M. Vorks, auditing officers accounts, 25 00 283 62 Court Crier, 130 00 40 00 Stationery, J,i3 00 139 00 Prison expenses, 13 50 140 00 Deputy Attorney General, 28 50 107 67 Printing, 135 00 1540 49 Attorney for County, 45 00 494 72 Road tax on unseated lands, 207 27 43 14 Fees in Register & Recorders Office, 110 17 243 12 Repairing County Engine, 10 1)0 261 38 Fuel, 47 50, ng , f Jacob Holla, $210 00 173 00 ( S I Churles Weaver, 289 69 55 57 Z William Wilson, 250 00 7 20 ' 5 I. Christian Albert, 1 1 75 126 03 767 44 60 00 Juror's pay, 2441 35 $3,872 93 $7,980 65 AMOUNT DUE FROM COLLECTORS ON COUNTY AND STATE TAX Count v Tax Samuel Awl, Augusta, Michael Eveit, do John Leihig, Coal, David Stahliiccker, Delaware, 1810, 1840, 1848, do John Lcisenring, Northumberland, do John Leihig, Coal, 1849, Daniel .Siahlnecker, Delaware, do Thomas Barr, Lewis, do John Lcisenring, Northumberland, do P., Oils of Copaiva, Jesse Smith, Point, Jacob Beck, Sunbury, John Leihig, Coal, Dennis Buoy, Chilisqiiaque, Charles Fox, Delaware, Martin Drumheller, Jackson, John Clapp, Lewis, Jacob R. Clark, Lower Augusta, Havid Hsiin, Lower Mahoiioy. j Isaac D. Raker, Little Mahoiioy, ; James Uuov, Milton, do do 1850, do do do do do do do do 1V1 Citrate of Iron I ,,:"," fndyke, Northumberland, do and Quinine, Scsqui-t Ixide of Iron, nu antidote for arsenic, Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas ant cathartic medicine, put up in 12 07.. bottles, $2 per duz. Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive Plas ter , a convenient application in many surgical operations, put up in small Also CANTHAIttDAL COLLODION OR BLIS TERING LIQUID, A convenient preparation of caiitharidcs in many cases where there is a difficulty of applying the ordinary blistering plaster. A coating of it appli ed with a camel's hair brush and covered w ith oil silk or some similar substance, will produce a blister in three hours' time; or when exposed, ill tho usual lime nf about twelve hours. Physicians and others may depend upon the faithful and prompt execution of their orders at us low rales as the best quality of medicines can bo purchased. CHARLES ELLIS eV CC. 5(i Chesuut street, Philadn. Laboratory, 6th and Morris Sts. &oulhwjrk. November' 16, 185(1. tl. 'EDWIN 11VLL, (Lath or ti;i: Fiiim or Watki srx etc H411.,) A'o. 24. South Second Street, Philadelphia, I) ESPECTFCLLV informs hi old friends and ' customers, as well as the public generallv, that he bus opened an entire new slock of elegant styles of Spring & Summer Dress Goods. His assortment c nnsixts of rlic latest and most desi rable styles of English, German, French Cc Ame rican Goods. Such ns Delaines', Tissues, lieia- ges, Silks, Lawns, Muslins, Shawls, Hdkll's, (i loves, and every variety of Dress ami Fancy Goods. Philad. March lb, Joseph Vankirk, Point. Henry 15. Johnson, Rush, Samuel Hales, Shamokin, Conrad Kershner, Sunbury, (icorge Kuns, Turbut, Jucob Eckman, Upper Augusta, do do do do do do $27 90 40 95 20 1)6 97 35 226 52 138 21 209 40 89 66 271 72 25 61 103 39 203 00 714 15 766 65 395 29 766 54 388 26 343 08 41 85 308 88 423 55 333 56 454 23 293 3d 324 33 558 32 343 70 State Tax. Ah'm Kunselmnn, Up. Mahoiioy, do William Irviu, Chilisquaquc, 1843, David Stahliiccker, Delaware, 1848, Jno. Lcisenring, Northumberland, do John I.eibig, Coal, 1849, David Stahliiccker, Delaware, do Thomas Barr, Lewis, Jesse Smith, Point, Jacob Beck, Sunbury, John Leibig, Coal, Dennis Buoy, Chilisqiiaque, Charles Fox, Delaware, Martin Drumheller, Jackson, John Clapp, Lewis, Jacob R. Clark, Lower Augusta, David Haiti, Lower Mahoiioy, James Buoy, Milton, James Vandyke, Northumberland, do Joseph Vankirk, Point, do Henry R. Johnson, Rush, do Samuel Hales, Shainekin, do Conrad Kershner, Sunbury, do Jacob Eckman, Upper Augusta, do A. Kuiisclman, Upper Mahonoy, do A Lsi'iiH is worth a hundred grouns in any market. Fouls have liberty to say what thejr please. To bo fond of Brest variety of dishes, i a sure proof of a purverleil stomnch. It is rumored Ihwt the Crystul Palace wil bn lighted with electrie light. It is calculated Ihnt 2000 persons from Vienna will visit the London exhibition. Thk cWnsinfr of the slreels of NewYork, cost 8160,000 Inst year. EtGENR Sub is soon to be marrwil lo n rich widow. Ah, the vidders ! Why me two ft like hops ? Give it op 1 Because they innke beer better. Ripk Blackberries were nathered at Hastings, in England, on the 18lh ult. Tut? greatest objection to smart children is that when they commence having whiskers, they leave off having brains. Thk Scotch papers are putting in a claim for a pension from Ihe Crown for Mrs. Begg, the surviving sister of Burns. To prevent your oldest boy from walking in his sleep, all that's necessary is lo turn away your servant girls. Yot'Nci ladies ore like arrows, they are all in a quiver when the beaux conic, and can''' go off without them. Power, acquired by gnilly means, never was, and never will be exercised to promote ends. It is calculated 10,000 has been saved, during the past year, by deaths, changes, and removals, in the naval service. Ik yon wish to get rich, get married. When was ever honey made with one bee iu the hive. No man ha ever regretted that he was virtuous and honest in his youth, and kept aloof from idleness. Always bo good natnred. A few drops of oil will do more to start the most stubborn machinery than all tho vinegar in the world. To ascertain the weight of a horse-, place your toe under thu animal's foot when ho is standing st ill. A Giiate Matie There is an old maid out West so tough and wrinkled, that they use her forehead to giute nutmegs 011. do do do 1850 do do do do do do do $28.1 04 . Kr.Ep your store of smiles and your kindest 48 00 1 thoughts for home give the world only those 130,74 I 10 spare. 207 31 I 110 47; The Legislature of Illinois adjourned 011 262 76 i)e j7ih afer pugsing thu free bank bill over 69 98 ....' ...... 0 iiiu uovuruor a veiu. 272 65 606 72 976 44 54 01 60 78 149 10 164 29 53 79 91 15 585 41 436 39 63 00 260 29 57 57 33 24 $4,813 88 j.8,262 07 MILITIA FINES DUE FROM COLLECTORS. j Michael Evert, Augusta, David Stahliiccker, Delaware, I John Leibig, Coal, LJaeob Beck, Sunbury, I John Leibig, Coal, David Stahlnccker, Delaware, Thomas Barr, Lewis, Jacob R. Clark. Lower Augusta, James Buoy, Milton, Jesse Smith, Point, U'm. Johnson, Hush, Jacob Beck, Suiiburv, Jacob Hoi, Upper Mahoiioy, John Leibig, Coal, Ahr'am Kuiiscluiau, IT. Mahouoj Dennis liuoy, Chilisquaquc, 1846, $34 00 1818, 1 95 do 16 00 do 35 00 1819, 21 50 do 35 50 do 41 50 do 76 00 do 43 00 do 19 00 do 25 00 do 61 50 do 24 00 1850, 29 110 , do 38 50 do 45 00 $540 45 Brought over, Chailes Pos, Delaware, Martin Drumheller, Jackson, John Clapp, Lewis, Jacob IS. Clark, L. Augusta, David llain, Lower Mahoiioy, Isaac D. Raker, Little Mahonoy, James Buoy, Milton, James Vandyke, Northumberland, do Joseph ankuk, Point, Henry B. Johnson, Rush, Samuel Hales, Shamokin, Conrad Kershner, tSiuibury, Reorge Kuns, Turbut, Jacob Eckinau, Up. Augusta, J546 45 1850, 54 00 do 88 00 do 37 50 do 90 50 do 72 00 do 16 50 do 64 50 do 50 50 do 32 50 do 42 00 do 55 00 do 59 50 do 25 50 do 35 00 liuirorii's I'Ktatt. tlm iilVifiM'M iiimI wttdien ol llir ni 111. 11 ml ol i(ih vnri. ri uih litdntii wurii, viuce 17'.m. 'J lUtn who m-tvvi uimi ! CIIHISXI4.V in. m tlii lun ditlh; tu 111" who ftervrtl l-ur uini-ilm tHJ! . 1 11. r a 1 i "J-HJOTICE is hereby given that letters ol Ad Arruuimnt'iita linvt lieen iiiade Willi fe.iilli-iiiL-a nl the .f l':il proifKsioa iu itilh-rrat mmcudiis ol Hie t'ouiitry, lor llii l.icali 111 i t' warrants, uuu lilt sale oi tile patents, wlieu issued, tut llie lliont uilv.talueoii terms : 1" r llie payment nl' taxes, ieileaiSiou of luaiiH, aolil fir luxes; -lli-rli- in of ilelilK: unit I'or llis Iransai-li in ol genera! laiu- buiiness, iu the ililIYrrenl Soitcx ami 'l-rrit-nii-. lit! tendt-rti liu nervier In members of llie iirofeimioii at riiBUmi-e, untl wlicn claims uuauiwl the li v rinuciit. ure itfe (wired by n I "fill Apenl. will alsile one hall Ills usiuil fee. Die ni-eemwy loruis uihI iiutrtielion, unit iiilormaliuii on ull Kitbiecl ;i)er!iuiinK t ut snt-t-eiwl nl prosecution ol this busini'ss. will be iiirnislied In reunlar Corr!KiHiiuleiiis with 0111 eliunie. IVrs in tlenirini inf iimati m nf frientls in llieormy or navy, will t' u wiir.l to him tall llie particulars kiiownof their "vice, l ij'etlier with s feu of uue dollar, unit Ihtor unqili ries will Im replied to liy return of miil. All c mumilR'u tioits to be (eut-f.ill), uml u.tilreMeil to citAUi.i:! c. Tf('Ki-:H, (tins 187, P. U.) Washington, 1). C. l)eeeinl,er -2, Js.iO t STI liAl'lv. Profeiubir of Astroloitv. Aiilrim snv. Ihre. mil igy, und Uo niuuiry, eoniliineil will! CKXJI HATION, li su wtieilen, ulliee No. 71 hOlTBT streel, I'lillullelphiu, fliers lussnrvirrs lolhct-ilixcna i. Northiimbrrlinid niumy. lie hint Ik en eoiinulled by ill) the erowned lieiula of Knroe, uud enjoy iu lnilier repututioniui mi AdroUiier limn any one In ins iilii'ities ruleulairtl ueiiiriliiis to lioomonev 1. iln i tf j, Uentlrliiiil i l'i-r.n ul a dosulK-es ran huvs their iiulivilirsiliuwu by srmliiigihe. dulenl the tiny nf I heir birlh. All letter contiiiniiii' the uuove fee will reeeive im. linali.ile, und Nulivitiea sent lu any purt of Ilia worU written ai duruble paier ; and lie ia ireireij lo maks uue ul his swtsl lv wsijurutiiHi on any is llie lollowiiur lo. pica: Courlhip.iulvireiveii for the aueeeaalul aeeoiniiliali. meilt of a wealthy Illumine; be tin the power to redeem such as are given In the free uae ul Ihe Isillle ; and for all eiojca of huiurd, and fof the recovery of stolen or Uial profi arly, and purchasing; of lottery tiekela. Iliuuasisla of Ihe above named cuaea liuve beeu done in thia city aiul lis vicinal)-, and iu the 1'iulcd Slates tu Uie full aalialiM-lioa of all 111,1.10 Nulivitiea or iloreaeonrs tiave beeu east during Ihe luat four yajira rlule here. Letleia will auawer every pur pose, ami will do as well as lo null in persona, and the mud la udw so sufe that persists need ist fear tu trust money Ihr niitli the Poet Offlre. Ul. Hohaek rreeivea from 6U0 lo loot! letlers uxsilhlv, and bus never miaaed on, tl par liriilur lo name Post Olfiee, County and Slate. All tellers will lie religi'iusly atteuded to, if prepaid. Foe liatre par. iH-wliire call at llie ufTics of this paper gud (at an Aruloj-i. ej AluuuuirR omul. 71 Lueult street alms Kighih, Philadelphia. C. W. HUJJACK- rtiiMclphlu, Feb. , leSISm. ministratioii have been granted to the sub scriber on the estate of Christian Krie-jer, dec'd., lute of Lower Augusta township, Northumber land county. All persons indebted to said estate, or having claims against the same, are requested to call on tho subserilier for settlement. HAML'EL KI5IEGEH, Adm'r. Lower Augusta tp., Jan. 25, 1851 -tit- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CKAS. DUMMIG, No. 207 Chesmit Street, front Arcade, PUIL1.I1KI.FH.I1. IMPORTER and Manufacturer of all kinds of Musical Inst rumeiila. Fancy Articles and Toys. II is riccs are J ower than thoso of any other stors in Philadelphia' All kinds of Musical Instru ments repaired in tho best workmanship, and also taken in trade. Philadelphia, May S5, 1850 -ly. T. S. BOEST'S AND WATCH, ESTABLISHMENT . In Selinsgrove, Pa. CiockM, Wat Uti and Jewelry, REPAIRED in the best manner and warranted to perlorin well. , All work iutrustcd to llii car will Im strictly attended to. Selinsgrove, Nov. 30. 1850 tf. 800 IABOESWANTEI). IMMEDIATELY ou the Trovorton Rail Road -sr- to whom liberal wages will be paid. KIMBER CLEAVER, Engineer, Trevorton, Jan. i, 1851. if. SELLX1TG- C7F. AT HKDUCKD lMllt'F.S. fltllC subscriber desirous ot ilisposui-j ot her Jl stock of MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOODS, respectfully informs the public that she will sell her entire stock now on band, ut very reduced prices. Her slock is made up of an assortment of fashionable millinery noods. Also a lot of fash ionuble Fancy Dry iioods, cnusialin in purl, of Eibbons, Glove3, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and handsome material, of vuiious kinds, for la dies' dresses. ELIZABETH FOLLMER. Sunbury. Jan. 18, 1S51. tf. rVr.1V YORK & I'lIiriOELI'IIIA JOURNEYMEN Hatters) 4 iatlim, Cor. of 6lh and Chestnut Sreet, Philadelphia. CONTINUE to niako and sell a finer and inoro durable Hat for the money than any other establishment in the Lulled rtate standard price of HaU $3 00. licutaand Uoy s Doth and Ulazed Caps. I'mbrelhis, Carpel Daga, Calaly Panama and IStraw llais at equally luw prices. May 25, 1850 ly J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JlSTItC OH THE PEACE Sunbury, Pa. Ofliee in Deer Street, iiniuediately opposite the Public School House, CT Monies collected and ail business piuinptly and cars fully attended lo. April SO, 1850 . A bill has passed the Legislatute of Illi nois, exempting a homestead to the value of $1000 from execution. A PEitrfCT mania for dancing is said to prevail al Vienna. All classes engage in lht waltz, old and young, atu! high and low. The first tiiul by jury look place in Vienna a few weeks since, niul a large crowd was present to see how it worked. AccotiniNO to Boerhiiave, the healthiest children ure born iu January, February, and March. Serpents annually shed their skins, which, remarkable us it may at fust appear, extend over their eyes. Of one thousand infants fed by Ihe mother's milk, not above three hundred die, but of the same number reared by wet nurses, live hun dred die. Sincerity does not consist in speakina; your mind on all occasions, but in doing it when silence would be censurable, and falsa-, hood inexcusable. The Springfield Republican is complimen. ted by the abuse of those fellows, Thompson Phillips,- and Qnincy mm whose neck 51309 45 would disgrace the rope lhat broke them. The proof of a pudding is in the eating ; The proof of a woman is in mukiug a pud ding ; And the proof of a man is being able to dine without one. Punch. If it is mean to dun a man for a small debt, it is an almighty sight meaner to wait to be dunned for a small debt. "May be wrong," but that's our opinion uu Ihe subject. The only Enclish papers admitted into Rome are the Times and the Afornmg Ciron ,cc, which are permitted only to the English Club. Col. Win. Mooue, cf South Carolina, has been veiy successful in his experiment of hybiidizing several varieties of Upland with Sea It-laud collon. , , , , , ... , . , , , -r-r i.i i .1 V Schooner was launched in the Susiue. We, the nmlorsicrned, Auditors nf Northumberland County, duly elected and sworn lo ; " ' , . . ' ndjiikt Ihe accoiiiils of ihe ollicers of said coiintv, do cerlifv that we have carel'ully exam-1 haiuia al Hariisburg on Iiiesilny last, oy iued the voiii'lieis and find that there is due to Georae B. Youngman, Esq., Treasurer, Ihe Messrs. Till and Main. She is to be taken sum of nine hundred and sixty-one dollars and fifteen cenls; nlso, due to ihe Bank of Nor- j ju.,, t0 (he Chespeake. The same firm are lhtiiiibiland one thousand dollars , also, due lo the Stale Iwo thousand and seventy dollars i , .. .. r gieamboat to be used at Clark mil lilty-six cents, balance upon Slate Tax, and twelve hundred nnd sixty-nine dollars nud ; , ' u forty-live cenls, outstanding militia fines; also, county order yet outstanding to Ihe amount j l"erry. of two thousand three hundred and fifly-lwo dollars nnd sixteen cents, making the liabilities j ' n .... . , of Ihe county amount lo seven thousand six hundred ami fifty-three dnllars and eiahty-two j Death of Kev. Utl. uangtiani, oi cents. Whiie lliere is dun from collectors of County Tax, eieht thousand two hundred and Feb. 4ih, announces the death of the Rov. twelve dollars arid thirty-ihree cents, ami from collector nf State Tax, four thousand eiaht j pr Ogilby, D. D., Professor in Ihe nnn.iiHii an, inirteen uoiiar am. e gniy-eig u cents, ami nuniire. ami smj-iuuo Theolcical Seminary of Ihe Episoc . n iriiiii furl i-.fii'i ooiit unllu 11H imt ml ill, finoa . in lb rl,..lhrao ill. lira nnorl fines. "J'""""! " "'"s1""1 w and one hundred and fifty-two dollar jury funds; also, a note held against Thomas Allen j Church iu thi country, for thirty-seven dollars, in all a mount in to fourteen ihoiiRiiid five hundred ami seventeen 0,r time. dollars anil sivty-siv cenls. Alter ileiliicling the liaMlities, the balance in lavor in ino , county will be six thousand niaht hundred and sixty-ihree dollar and eighty-four cenls. Wiiues our hand this St U day of January, A. D. 1851. AMOUNT OF COUNTY AND STATE TAX AND MILITIA FINES LEVIED FOR 1850 Coi.lctmis. John Leibig. Coal, Dennis Buoy, Chilisijtiaqtie, Chailes Fox, Delaware, Martin Drumheller, Jackson, John Clapp, Lewis, Jacob R. Clatk, Lower Antrusta, D.ivid II. tin, Lower Mahonoy, Isaac D. Raker, Liltle Mahonoy, J. lines Buoy, Milton, Jurues Vandyke, Northumberland, Joseph Vaukiik, Point, Henry R. Johnson,, Samuel Hales, Shiuuokiii. Cotiiad Kershner, Sunbury, C.eorije Kuns, Turbul, Jacob Eckmun, Lower Auausta, County Tax. State Tax. Militia Fines. $321 12 S417 02 $29 00 832 15 1,1-19 87 45 00 MS 24 1.770 33 63 00 659 62 926 05 88 00 783 54i 1,118 67 37 50 569 11 774 15 90 00 628 21 i 849 61 72 00 132 15 187 25 21 M 493 68 705 00 64 50 573 55 699 83 50 50 489 35 711 04 32 50 577 01 816 49 42 00 587 49 841 00 55 00 464 42 8.16 48 59 50 775 32 1,130 80 37 50 463 13 662 34 35 00 y, 468 69 633 80 38 50 9,750 79 $14,230 13 S851 50 He had been ill a NOTICE. AS the subserilier intends making new arrange - Bienl in his business on the first of Janua ry 1851, all persons knowing thoaiselves indebted to him, r requested to call and make settlement up to lhat time, by payment or giving their note for the amount due. ' JOHN W. FRILINQ. ', Sunbury, Dec. 53, 1850. tf. - ' BOUNTY, I, A D AND PENSION AGENCY. The attention of the public is called to the ad vertisement of Mr- Cliarle C Tucker, Attorney and Agent at Washigton City- Person hav ing claim for bounty Land or Pensions are in formed that the subscriber ha made arrangements for the requisite forma, and claimant calling at hi office, can havs their paper prepared and forwarded to Mr- Tucker at Washington, and by him b properly attended to before the De partment there. H. B. MASSER. Bunbury, Jau. 18,1851 DANIEL P. CAUL, ) ,. WM. L COOK. Auditors. REUBEN W. ZARTMAN, j TREVORTON HOUSE, TREVORTON, PA. THE subscriber' rerectfully Sntorm th pulJie that he has opened a Public House, in lb new town of Trevorton, Northumberland eountv, and that he is well prepared lo aeeommodete his guests in th best manner. Hi house I located neariy opposite the Company's fltnre. He is aim provided with good stabling sufficient fr 80 hor se. He trusts by prompt and careful attention to business to meet a sbsr of th public rntron age. HENRY WEAVER. Trevoiton.Jan 11. 1850 tf ThcWay to thb Workhoi-se. Tho cele brated comedian, John Reeve, was once ac costed by an elderly female with a boitle of Ri in her hand ; "Pray, air, I beg your par Uon, "is this Ihe way lo the!' John gave a look of clerical diunity, ami pointing to the bollle, gravely aul, "No mad am, but that is." A waich consist, of 991 pieces, and in ma king it 23 trade and about 800 person. ar employed. A remarkable instance of the ef fect of labor in augmentina the value of raw material ia afforJeJ by the balanc-spring of Ibi instrument. One farthing' worth of iron will make 7,650 baUnce-piing, the mar ket value of w hicb is-abouL X'9i4 , nearly $4, 400,