T SUNliUKY AMERICAN AND SHAM OK IN TOUJINAL ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER PEPSIN! atf E TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, O R GASTRIC JUICE ! a GREAT DYSPEPSIA. ctrCSR, d from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach of tha rter direction, of BAKON I.IKUIO, tha graat iological Chemut, by J. !. HOUGHTON1, M. I., No. 11. North Elchth ftreet, Philadelphia, Pa. This is truly wonderful remedy for lNUKlKSTION, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, UVl'.It COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, ml DEBILITY, Curing after Na ture'a own method, by Nature's uwu agent, the Gastric Juics. f? Half a teasrinunfiil of this Fluid, Infused in water, will digeat or diasulve, Five Pounds uf Uunst Beef w about two hnurs, out of the stomach. 1)1(2 EST10N. DIGESTION It chicHy imrfnrmttl m tlir stnmneh fartli ! nul of ii lii ltd which I'rttely cxi tiles I'mm llic inner nmt m that orjriui. win n in u Mjtte of health, culled the Uunti i Juice. 'IVim fluid is tho tireitt rMvent of the KihkI, the I'urilyiiiK, iVre.trVHii;, ami Htiuiuluting Afftrnt of th lo nincli mill intextinea. Without it titer will be no tliirctf tin, -uu cintvcrRitm uf IimmI hit" MihhI, ttntt iu imtril ion f tlio IkmIv t but ruthcr n i'ml, torpid, uiiiiint, iinddcutrue tive cmililiun if tlie whole tliii:t;tive tirmrntuft. A wenk. hull dead, or injured utimmeli produce m gd intne Juice, uud Iteuru the dinwise, tlistreM and dclnlity wliicfa ensue. TEI'SIX AND RENNET. PKPS1N ii the chief element, or Brent Digesting Princi ple of the (iustric Juice, it is found in great idiliudnnee iu Hie aoliil purls uf the human .tnuincli alter death, und some times causes the stmnuch to digest itself, or cut itself up. It is alsi foniid in the sfunaeh of annual", us the ox, calf, Ac. It is thii uinlciitil used hy farmers in miikiiiir cheese, trailed Ueimet, the cAecl of which has lung been the specad wonder c.l the dairy. The curdling uf milk is the lirst pro cess of digestion. Rennet p issimcs astonishing power. Tlio stouiuch of a calf will enrillc nearlyinie thousand limn its own weight of milk. Huron l,iehig slatel that, 'One. part of Pepsin dissolved in sixty thousand parts of water, will digest meat mil other f.snl." Diseased stomach, pro duce n'igtod (iaslnc Jaicc. I'eraiet or Pepsin. To show Hint this want may lie perfectly supplied, we quota tha fol lowing SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! UAKON f.lKHlU, mi lit celebrated work on Anlnn. ;iiuiniir, S:iy h : "An Artiticiul DitreKtive Fluid uiiMltiy.iiit to th (iiisLric Juice, ltiuy be readily prewired from thu m ctus nieinlH-.me of tin- KiiHuitchcf til: calf, in which variuim rliclcM of fund, us ni-ait uml eirfn. will Ihj sol teued. clump ed, nud dieted, ,111st in thu uue maimer uu they would be in the hum; mi Ht ti uticti . ' Dr. I'l.HKIlt A. in lim fiimnim trrntinf on "Fwd ami Diet," pulilisliwl by Fmvlern ,V Well, New York, pugo .i5, Stat f llic (rime 'rwit htct, itnd dfasrnti:ii th mrttioii d mejwirati m. There uru few higher authorities than Di". rcn-irn. COM BR, in his valuable wrilinpson the ,( Physiology ci Unit-hiii'ii.' olisurvtl that "a diumiuiumnl lliedui! qimn- tity of llt G istrir Juice in a prniniiietit uu'l nll-previiiliiifr can He of lyapp!in and he Rlnics that "0 (listinguinhed nrtifi-Ki.r ni' iin-iliiMMi- in l.iiiilim win. v:ik PVTcI lilHi'l- d with this ompluiul. lindiiiit every thinp elfte to fail, had recourse 1 1 thu Uan'ric Unce, Hitninnl Iron, tlie siMiiani vi living HitimulK, which nroveil conipletely sacctrttKlul." Dr. (tit All AM. niilh if tf Hi. famous works Oil 'VeEe- ' tihle Diet," says: "it is n rcniarkiililc fart in physiolojiy, tint the stomachs of iwiimals, nmcurated 111 water, iuiiurt t t in Huid tlie nr.tn. itv nt' diss ilmnr varnuict urllcles u f-Kd. uud of e'Veeititir u kind 01 urlificial diifcstion of them in n wise different from tlie natural disc-stive procew." Dr. SI.UOVS prnit work, thu 'Clieinistry f Man.' rLea-1 Hlaiiflmrd. Phila. UIKL on. .Ml -2. savs: '-The dis c verv of 1K1SI forms n new era in the chemical history of Digestion. I-'roiu re-cut expei immits we know that food is dissolved as rapidly in an artificial ilijrrstivo fluid, prepared from Pepsin, us it is in the iiuturui Gastric Juice Itself,, Piofessor DlTGIIf Nf of the Ji-fTetson C-dlcce, Phila delphia, in his great work oil Unman pliysiolnfry, devotes more than fifty paires M mi t-xaminatiou of this subjet. His experiments with Dr. H-vmnoiit, on the tinstric Juice, obuinctl from the living lintinn stomach nud from animals re well known, "(u all rnss,f' he says, N,iirestinn occur red as penectly in the aitifu-ial as m the uaiuraidigestions." AS A DYSPEPSIA CUUEB, Dr. HOCGilTON'S preparation of PKPSIN has produ e.ed tlie m.'St marvelltaifi eih ets, curing eases of Debility, Kurtciatiou, NcrvoiM Deeliui1. und Dyspejitie Consumption, supposed to be on thu very verae ot tlio (irnvc. Ii is iin liossilile to give the details of ca in the limits of this ad vertisementhut aiMl,eittie;ir,d certificates lirtvs U-en given of more tlian TWO HI'NDUKD HKMAUKAUI.U CUKKS. in Philadelpliiri, New York, and Hnst-ai alone. Thesa were nearly all d'-pTate canes, and the cures were hot only rapid and woii'lerfiil. but omit, met it. It is a great NKKVOI S ANTIDoTK, and particularly meful for tendency to b,lt'us (ti Tilci, Uvcr Coiuplai.,1. Fever and Acue, or bndi 1 Mated -'ever and Auue. and tlie evil efl'ects of l(mniiie, Merenry, nud oiher druys u pott I he Digestive oruaus, aftrri u I mg siefcinfs. Ali, for excess In eating, and the t' ire' 11 so of anient spirits, it almest reconciles Health with l;itempernn:e. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no form nf OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS which it does not seem t.t reach and remove u onee. No matter hw bad they may be. ilGlYKri INSTANT Hli 1.1 KF ! A single d 'w reui ives nil the uupleusaut syuip toins, and it onivjieeds to ! repi'ated, for a short time, to make these good effects M-nn-uieut. Pl'lUTV OF BLt )OD and VIGOR' Ob" lioDV, f .11.. w nt once. It is pitrtieularly excellent hi cases of Nausea, omiting, Ciamps, roieiuv(s of the pit of the t'.ni-u-ii diffir.-s after eating, low, cold, Stats of the Itl'iod, HcaviueM'. I. owucss of Spirits. Despon dency. F.inuuiution, Wealinr;., teutleuey to Innnity, Sui cide, &e. Price. ON 15 DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle will often effect a lusting cure. PEPSIN IN POWDEKS. tSEST DY MAIL. FliKK OF POSTAC.K. For convenience of s-MLli-; to nil parts of the country, the DIG KST1 V K A! ATTK I tF TIIK PI'.PSiN is put tip In the form of Powders, with direetimis to be diss olv ed m water or syrup, by the paiietit. These powders contain just the same m;i:ier as tin- b ml.', bat twice the cpianlity for the same price, nud will le sent bv mail, FIIKK OF POSTAGK f..r OXH Dol.L-XK scut (p 'St-jwiid) t Dr. J. S. ilOUGilTON. No. II North F.igluh street, Philadelphia. Pa. Six packagea for five d l!ars. 1.tv paekng and bottle ttears Ihe wnlleu siguamre of J. S. llbLGll'l'ON, M. D., aole Proprietor. S 'Id byuirents in everv town in the Tinted Suites, and by lespee.taMe dealers in Alcilieines generally. FOR SLK RY John W. Friliug, mid George Bright, bunhurv, Pa. Mary A. McCay J -Win II. Huser Huves fc McCormick, ft. J. Cr-nise, John G. II can. William Deppiu, fianburv, Sept. Uth, 1S50. 6H0URD3 & CO S ' LABOR AND FUEL SAVING WA5EX1TG TOAP. Uanufaclnrrd by Shourds & Co.- 643 Chestnut St., rhila. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS WARRANTED to wash elenn in html, oft, or Bait WBtcr, cold or hot, in one third the time of any other Ponp ever manufactured i thua dispensing with hoiling, blenching, &e- FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &o.. waahed with litis Sonp will ne-r ahrink or have anv harsh or gummy feel, hnt leave them in tlieu ori'iritiBl soft and pliant state ! which is in itaell a auirtcient recommendation to guarantee iU use in all families. . n,,r THE FINEST FABRICS mav he washed thoroughly with it, without the . . .1 1,...t-n n.,,,nt In nnuL'lv least liijurvt r?ivi"8 " ' -i. v imported coods I'Alit, unriiioij ft. luii f ,1nrintion. enn he readilv retnoveil bv Hi use of it, without injury to tlie article, wneincr it Ixi tlie finest dress or ordinarv enrnct. lit the use of Shourds lk Co's onp, the most Jclicale need not fear, as it will liotiiijure orchnp the hands, hut on tho contrary act as nn emolli ent, and is not only the vkht hkht wasiiinh so xr ever ofl'cred to the public, hut as a TOILET SOAP cannot be excelled. W herever it has been used it has given perfect satisfaction, and is warranted so to do, in ull ca. sea where a fair trial will lie given it. 8HOURUS & CO., Manufacturers, No. 543 Chesnut St., Philadelphia. For Sale by Grocers generally. November 16, 1850. JOIBN C. FA UK ifc Co. IMPORTERS OF "Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware, AXI FAKCY WOIIIW, 112 Chesnut St., between 3d 4th Streets. PHILADELPHIA. A T.WiVS licen nn hand an evccllent assort A ..ant f ilm nhovn articles, which they wilt sell on terms as low as any in the city. June 15, 1850 Cm MAHOGANY AND MAuTlLfc. STEAM SAW MILL, ANunimKu tsiior, Corner of Eleventh and Mdge Road. CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St., rillLADELl'IILV THE subscribers would call the special atten tion of Cabinet Makers and others, to their very cutensive assortment of materials in their line, consisting of ,M:ilio!iniiv Veneers, Hoards and riatik, llmr Ulotli, (Juried Hair, Ulne, Variusii, Lookinit (iliiMH Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bed osts, Marble lops, and every description ol Blnrrivrai-c TouIm, A:c. Cabinet Makers residing out of the Citv, would nud it greatly to their advantage to call at our storo to purchase micli materials as they want, connected with their business. All our poods me WARRANTED, of tlie best quality, mid at very reduced prices. Our Icrms are (. ash, (no trade.) Ve guarantee to give every man tlio worth of his money. 1 . & 1.. TIIOAIPHOA, N. B. Mahogany, Walnut ami Hand Rail Plank, and Stair Dallusteis for Uuilders, also Mailile MaulleM, alwiivs on baud, and every de scription ol turned work. June 8, 1850 ly HOOT, DAGVBIIRKAN AUTIST, No. 140, corner of Fifth If Chesnut sts., Phila dciphia,aut 3ti3 liroarfu-atj comer oj Franklin Street, New York. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS can have a aitling for Portraits or Miniatures, and receive them beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk velvet, Papier Muclic, or other fancy styles, or sets in Medallions, Lockets, &c, in a lew minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings, &c. uopiea. Out door Views, and Miniatures of deceased nersons. taken at short notice. For Portraits of Adults by our process.and Im proved Instruments, a clondij day is ijuite as fa vorabW as clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 1 1 and 2) is preferable. DC7"In Dress avoid white, blue or light pink. Our Gallery with its Six Vrizo Medals and Works of Art, is open ut all hours, and Free. Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, wo shall at all times be happy to seo them. June 23, 1850. "DEATH'S DOOR." Northutnbernlud. Milton, MrKwensville, SeliiMgrove, 1'ppcr Muliantango. Mahojioy. TO. M'CAllTY, books i: l i. i: n , Broadway, SUNBURY, PA. TTAS recently received, among other articles, a treat variety of New, Cheap and Entertain ing publications such as Coopers novels, complete or separate. HerLieita Do Korlvvell, Dumas do Trollope, Sua do Hallilnirten, Keyndolt do Marryatt, (.'cklon do Grey, Maxwell do Marsh, Jcrrold do Ainawortk, Morris do At the low price of from 25 to 50 eta per volume. Suabury, Sept. 2S, 1850 if. FASHIONABLE HATS. C. J. WALTON, No. 246 Market si., between 7 !f Sth st., (South side, PHILADELPHIA. rT,HE Subscrilier has opened a new hat store. and offers to traders and others who vicit the city, a handsome assortment of hata, caps, of eve ry variety, made up of the best material, and in tlie latest and best style, and on terms as reasona ble as can be had in any establishment in Phila delphia, viz: Fine silk hats at 2,50; Good do do at ."ji 100. Persons from the country who pur chase of him, can rely, at all limes, oil getting a good article that will please them, and one that is fully worth the money paid. C.J.WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850 ly. VH. M. ROCKEFELLER, Attorney at Lav. MlnerM ille. fctUtiylklll Co., Pa. TL"SINESS will he promptly attended to in the - eoiintiea of Schuylkill, Northumberland, I'niou, Columbia and Montour- Refer to : A. Jordan. II- Bellas, H- II. Masaer, Esqrs., Hunbury Win-De Haven, Edward Hughea, i nol.mon Slundel, Miuersvill. C, M- Jiall, M, jnorumer, rotuville Oct. t, 1850 lv- CHARLES W. HEGINK, ATTOPslTET AT LAW, a.n.- ... ' Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to hi care, June 16, 1949, J. K. THOItSAS, Ornamental and French Style Frame Manufacturer, 804 Walnut st , between 3d and 4th street. PHILADELPHIA. O ESPECTFI. l.LV directs the attention of the public to his superior styles of Plain and Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a handsome Frame at a LOW FRICE, has been much desired, ho was induced some mouths since to commence the manufacture of these Flames. In a short time the demand has been so great, that he has been obliged to inereass his facilities, mid new oiler at KXCKKDIXfJLY LOW PRlCEf, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, &c., A c. For Durability Unsurpassed. Hotels, Public Buildings, Steamboats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture, etc., decorated in imitation of carved Rose-Wood. r&" Please cull and see specimens. May 25, 1850 ly IITK! I1TK! X1TK! B0UREAFS Indestructible and Indellible WRITING INK FACTORY. Ko. 1 South Third street. JERCHANTS and the Writing community J-,J- are requested to call and examine this INK, which is warranted tiot to corrode Mctalie J'eiu, nor change its Color. Wholcsnle and Retail, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A liboral discount made to Merchants and the Trado For sale by H. B. Masser, agent for Sunbury November 9, IS50 ly. PATENT jiPAX BLACKING, Manufactory, No. 50 CHESTNUT Street, MEDAL, awardm by tlio FRANKLIN IX iSTITLTE of Philadelphia ill October, AXI THE FIRST PREMIUM by the MARYLAND FN. 6TITUTE, nt Haltimore. Nov. 1848 and 1849. rhiltutt lphia, October 20 (, 1S4. I have usrd J. Wcllur'i Putetit Jupim Liquid and PuKte Elackintr fur some nine months, und am happy to any that it surpansra any Murking that I have uued these twenty odd yeum. I lind it holds tlie polish and preserves the leather bet thr than any blacking that I have ever tried. As un kw R. Cham hi: its No. ti7 Che st nut Street. VTm. CURREY, Manufacturer. iSuecesaor to J. W'ELLAR, No. 50 Chestnut Street, above Second. November, 9, 1850 ly. How fitfUt;ntly do wo hwir this fxprrsMnn, wiirh is iniwiut to ronvt'y In thu uunti Ihti Ichl mIiiiu ol sicknt-ss tbiit n pnlitiit fun be rcbicol l.t, ;unl live. .Mrs. llnrri soti, n mrmbtT ( tin Trinity Church, wis. n she i-xpics-scss hiTsrlf, bromrlil. iliwn t 'iiMih's tl.vr," by 1 1 hen mat mm anil Ncrvims llc;ni:irh.. wIk-h, like nn Jinml nf mcicv, Hadway's HcnMy Hvlit f n-licvcil Iter of hrr severe s fintl rcsioiciUHT to hur trifiuls in pi i ui'l hciillh. io vcrv iustmit limiwny's lU-adv K'-licf is iinpbcd, lis hfuclici;!! cllccts arc experienced, it S'othes, heals, clean ses mid )unhe8 ; itiusnmily ulliis in itnti.ni, reduces in. niliumniieun ami nwrilillllP. riiicve iur lint,! bi'i:ic I'snrn- ralgic latins, gives wise t t Julius, N-nuW, .ircs, liinptnnis cures Kheuniaiisui Lumbngo. (inul, ranihsis. Sprains, Sirnins, Spitsuis, SiiflWeck, AVeakiiess in llic Side and Oirk. tres nf nil kinds, druls, Hruiscjt, t'haies, lni TlirKit, lulluenxa, JIourst'iicMS, Coughs. Cnlds, TOOTH AC111-: CUHLl) 1 ON IS SF.COXD. This torturing aifcftitm enn bo cured in nn iusuml, for the monicnt the Itebrf touches the iirrvc, the piiin is mi timited. So with Tie Hi-lrsi'iix and lleiuier;iuta, Neural- gia and Sick Headache bathe the parts where the pain is mttst severe, and in a few niihules you will Im entirely relieved, Taken imernnlty it will arrest tho most violent Spasm and Crami. stop vmuitiiuf or to much purging, in nil cases it will tfive Ktrciurth for weakness, wise for puin, health for sickness. No Itoadv Uclief is uenuine un-k-HS si? ued by KAUWAV & CO., liii l'lillou Strt. t'.I KO ANT TOIJ.CT It ISQI' ISITES. TO EMUKLMSH AND KNLIANCE THE CHARMS OK HKAL'TV. Radway's MKinrATKn Soap. Hallway's lediented S ap, so favorably known through o it the fahionuljle world lW its exlreiuely bland, pnnty inir uud S'N'thimi cll'eeis in the skin ; while by its aetiau uu the p -res und the ruinate secretory vessels tt expels all impurities from the mm lure, allnys every lemlency to in ttnimnnlion. nud etfcctunlly diitsiatfs nli rcilui-Ks, tun, pimples, spul. freckles, discooruti.iistmd other culaue;nis eruptions. The radiant hi iom it imparts to the cheek, the s.itiness ami lt hency which it nnhfe ni the If mils uuu arms, its capability nf fuliim! irrilntion uud rMiioving eu tauetais det'celB. render it indispeiii!i!e ti every toilet. Gentlemen after shaving will fn.il it nllnys all nritalion and tenderness if the hii, uud readers it soil, suiHth nud pleasiint. During thr heat otifl diut f Miinnier, nr front nud bleak winds fti winter; und in cases ni uiinburn, slinks it invects chilbliiiiis. chapped hnndrt. or iueidintiit luttnmuiatton, Ms virtues have lout; und extensively been tickitowleilgcd. Its purify iiur und refresh ins properties have obtained lis slee tit in from the ih'tuKtiids f nilier e ibinci ici, both of Kum. peuu Hint dotneslie manuf.cliire, by lh b ni t at nf till parts nt Ihe fashionable world, fr ni the buruiia; tropics to ihu frozen realms nf the )c Kmtr. The public will pleass hwir in mind tint lt;idv:iy1s cdiL'atcd Stmp. is the nuly safe prepuintion for tlie skut now in use; litis has hfn eertifird to by nur ni Kt ptomiin-nt cliemisi. Hadwaj's Soap is free from pnis'inniis, irrilalitiar and pernicious in grcdicuts. it can he used na tin- O'uder skin of the iufiitit with the same happy result as it pi mi beaut v in its prime. See that raeli cuke is enveloped in a splendid label uf steel entrnivuni and iiulher see that the si-maiurti of R. Ii. KADW A is upon e:ic!i eaks. Trie; 'S't cents, largo rakes. THIS fiROWIMi OUNAMTNT OT 1! TATTY ISA LirXTHIANT IIKAD OK fil.OSSV HAIK. KAtlwAY's CIHCAMIAX RMM. Warranted the h'st Hair Tonic in use. For Dressing ud Renin if vine the hair. il cleanses the Si-alp imni bainiruii, keeps it clean. cures j Seurvey, ilaldneiM), and S-n-s on the I lend slops the hair fnnn fulling mil , lenders il stnmy, line, stuonih, s-ift and flossy. fVrsnns win have Ittst their hair by sieknees will ! tnul a ctuupleteimtitloic in Rail way's Circassian Halm. Il j nlso gives it a dark and iiratitM'ul color, nud will prevent it i from turning grey. I'mm lis exruiisite purity, it is ttrtiui- t rubly adapted foi ihe hair m eiMl.l.i-u cf tha'nr st tender ! aye. It is s ld in Luge b otih for cents per b n'le, uud ' is warranted the best Iinir m'epaiatitin iu use, il will not i the luit. can. nr the linest labrie S e that the signa- ture nf R A JV A V A CO., is up"U each Untie no Cir- castsian Halm is jrennmu whIk-iU tl.c siytiMturo of Hud way A Co. Agkkt TI. fl. Mi-swT. Sunbury. I Aug. 10, 15)30. c-tt'Jiiily LIVBU COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA,' CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND all dianiansaritiiijr frnm a din.rilcrnl lircr or s!o mni li, micli u etmsl ipntbni, Inwiird riles. Kulliie,r MiwhI ... ,h.. l..l A..i.liiv nf tlm Htnnlsrtl. Nsliwa, HenrtLiini, cliwriirt for Fowl, fiillness or wrf ht in tlie rt'nini h, amir Enietaiiiia. aiukiin nr flutteriinr at Ihe pit "I the Ntumnoh, awillililliia; of the Iip.hI, Imrrleil nml illliu-im breathiiw, fltitteriui at tlio hrurl, trlmkinsr or mitrncntililt ensnliMii. -when in a Ivmn pnMnre, Dnniiess ol vism'h, iVnanr weba lu furethe .iitht, 1'evcr anil dull pnin in the hcnit. tti-ru-ienry ol ptTiunitnii, vi'll.wnP!iiol rue .Kin mm eve, pnin in the aide , litu'k, riwut, limbs, Ac., sodden rfasliea lU'hrat hnrnhnt in the flerti. cnn.lant iinaginilil of evil, ami great dpprt-.pinn nf pirils. CAN UK KFPKCTliALIiY CL'RKD IIY DP.. HCOPLAITD'S tXLLRRAfl l I.ISRMAN UliTtHS I'HKt'AltKU UY DR.C. M. JACKSON, AT THB GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Ko. 1-0 Art h St., Khlludelpbis. Their power over the above diseases is not xe.ellcd, if efpialled, by anv .-ther pruiralimi in the United States, ss the cures utttsl, in muny vuhvm utter skillful physieutus nan luneu. These liittent ore wnrthr they nttentiou of invalids. Possessinjt great virtues in the reciilieatioii nf diseases ol the Liver und lesser glands, cxercisieg the innst searching powers in weakness and idb etiens ol ihe digestive organs, they ure, withal, sale, iterttiiu and plensant. fl-'roiu tin; Rosloti liee.J , Ore. livid 'Dk. iliuiFLAMi's Cklbhwatkh Hkhmam Hittehs for the cure of Liver Complaint. .Uundiee. Dyspepsia, Chronic nr Nervous Debility, is tlcscrvislly one nf the innst popn lar inediciues nf the day. These Hitn is have been used by thousands, and a friend tit nur cllmw says he bus him self received nu edeelual und penriunmit euro nf Liver Complaint iroin tlie use nl tins remedy. e are twin uu-iu thai, in the use m these Hitters, Lhe patient constantly trui us streiiirth and vhror a fact worthy of ureal Pmiside- ration. They are pleasant in taste and small, uml can be used by persons with lhe mostdelieate stomachs with safe ty, under uny circunwtances. We are 8wakiug from tx pc. ienee, ami to lhe nliiieted we advise their use' 'JudeeM.M. Noah, n gentleman with great seieiitifir ami literary attainments, said iiiIiuv'Nuw urk ceKiy Messenger," Jauuurv 6. 1."1 : ' Dr. ilootlnud'H (ierm:iu Hitters. Here is a preparation whi'ih the le;idine nrecses in the KnitaiiiiMieur to be uiumt m-mis in rccommeiiditiE;, und the reason is obvious. It is nmde after a prescription rushed by one nf the most cele bra led physicians nf ni'.-deru tiiu-s, the. late Dr. Chr slcpher U ilhetm llnihiind, 1'mfew ir to the Vuiversity ot .le private Physician In tiie King of Prussia, and une of the greatest nied ical writers (icnnnnv litis ever nHKtiiced. If wus euiphntieally Ihe enemy nf humbug, nud theiefnrea medicine nf which he was lhe inventor uud undnrter may he cnnttdentlv relied on. He Siieeiallv recommended n, Liver C'Miinlaint. Dvsnensiii. Dchililv. Veititfo. AeulilV nf the stomach, Constipation, uud ail complaints arising from a disordered roiiditimt of the stomach, the liver and the intestines. N ine IMiiladehlhin papers express their .Mime lion nf its exeeMcuee. and several of the editors speak c its etVects fmm their own individual experience. 1'nder these eireumstanees, we fuel warranted, not only in raiting the at tent 1' ai of our readers to the. present present propite tor's (Dr. C. M. .Fucks-mi's) nrejHtralii.n, but in reutuniueutl. mg me article ut a i atnieicti " More Evidence BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. eiTT OS HILAlin.Flll v. . Hank antra j,-, All snlvent Imnks eoejiTRY. Hank of Chnniliersliurg 1 dis Hunk of Cli.'StiT Co. pur Hsnk of Del. Co. Ch-Mer r! iimiR 01 nvrmnmnwil Hunk of tlrtt-slnira ltank of fiewistovrii MAPftACAfSETTS. All snlvelll hunks dlS RHOIJK ltI-AMJ. All solvent hniiks 1 dis CONNKCTICIT. All solvent Imnks J dis NEW YORK. C1TVI . . ivir'AH aolvent Imnka I ' 1 di.A? Ilk ii..tri iinili-r W jli I pmrvT.v. 1 eis Hnk of MidiHetown 1 di. All aotvenl. Iiinik Monliomery Co Hunk nur M1W JKUHI'.Y litmk nf Nnrlhilinl)i:rrnd. ivil llelvidi-re Hunk ! dis ..r lli,.l... , .n.... ...... j.- Hank ni Dnnvillo pur. Knr. Hunk .Mont Holly pur (Jnrlisle Hunk 1 di!l'. It M..Mi(lillutown IH. nar Mwhuiiics' Ilk. N'ewurk lar .Mech. Ilk of Durliniton pnr Meeh. A Mini. Hk Trent par Morris Co Hunk ! (lis Newark Ilk'R iiln. Co j di iroiitre Hunk dia ? rii. pur dm pnr i di Cfdiimhia H'k A H'geCo rfir Dnyrwtnwn Hunk vir Kuwtnn Hunk tnr f.rie Hunk 9 di l'.xi lmnire H'kPillslinrn 1 dm l-'.xehninrr H'k. Hmufh 1 di, KHrniers H'k, Hiu-k.t.''n prl, ipli-'t Hk Pntteraon l-nrmers' Ilk, liinruter pntjl'rint'ctnii Hunk Kiirmers' Hk. ltrudiujr puriSulein Huitkinv Co, l--irm. Hk rVlmvlkill Co p.-irjSi'mnrret Co IJrmk F A 1). Hk Wii'viii-sIi'h Mdis Suite Hunk nt Cmuileii I'Tiiuklin HK. V!isirn ljiluiute UK I'.iiKuln'thton llnrrinhnrtr Hunk 1 dis.Siule Hunk rwiirk lioniflnle Itimk 1 di. Slule Hk, . Hrunnwk-k .Hr liiurustrr Hunk p.-ir,Stl!Sf'X l.Illlk. i;vtnn 3 dis tmnoii Hank par Mereh. A Man. Hank 1 ilin Minns' H'k, I'ottaville P'-r Mnnnnffahrtit Hank 1 di l rpntnn Hiiuklnir Co t.ur t'ninu Hank. Ilnvcr dis Ynrdle v'le A D. I lire., i Idiii rHk nnlrs nndrr 5 J tti. Tnvlorsv'e D.-I H'e Co 13 dis DI'.I.AWAItl;. Y eat Hrinn-h Hank purHank of D.-lawaro pur vyniiaiiir Hk, w ilkesn'e p-ir York Hank, 1 ills nrllclief notes 1 dis M AIXK. Hunk of Whetloek .'i dis Mereantite Hk. HuiiLrnr III dis aii s avi-iiT iinnKs ins IN VAW IIAMl'Slll !K. All sotvMit hanks . dis YOHMOVr. Hank of s Allnn 9 dis All solvent hanks ilis'j7-i;iiderS's ltank of rMuyrnu par lli-lnwnre Citv Hunk iwir Itk Wilmc'luV Hrundvw. inn l-'iirmtH-s' Hk St Delaware pur t'nion Hank. AVilininuton iw.r ViT 1'nder B'.'s 3 di onto. All s "Ivikt Links 2 di. If'ltk nnH-Bimd.'r 5's dis NOHTII PAIiOLINA. All S 'lvcnl hanks 'i dis til dia ECCTOa TOTOSELP ! run as i;t:Ts!tr Uv M '.K NS of Til F. I'OIKKT vtf r.srini'ii s, nr, ljeiv one Iiis nun I'livsiciiin ! tlurti etli edition, with niiwanls of i'i; l i i ..; ..i - tf-x v-.w 'V YA lSr " lW r p tiS.-i 3 ry almpc iiik Lncoierurrc The "Philndelphiu Siturdav Cm?!et1e.M the Itrst family newspaper publiilud in tho L nited Siutes, the editor suys ol Dr. Hoofland's German Milters. 'lt is seldom th it we recommend what are termed Pa tent Medicines, to the conlultaice mid patronage ot nur ream-is; snu, ineteiore, wiieu we rreomuieim in. land's (icriiiiin Hitters, v wis it to be distinctly imdei stiMid thai we are not sneaking of the u strums of the day, that are noised about font hi ief period end thru for gotten uftei thev haved-Mie Ihi ir in: ill v nice of imsehief. bntuf a nicdieine I ua established, timvei-wdtv prized, and Which has met the hearty uimroval nf the Kacuhy itself." That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint nnd Dys pepsia, ii one can doubt, afier using it as directed. It acts specifically upon the t mutch and liver it is prclTendiie tn t-nl uiiel in all billions diteafes the cttert is lumiedinte They can be tiduitnisiered lo Keiitale or Infant Willi safety mill reliable benefit, at any time. HKWAKK OK TTil NTKIlKI'IT. This inediciiie has attuned that high elmiucU-r which is necessary for nil medicines t iiitlaitito induce countcifciter to put lorlh a spurious iidiele ut the risk of tlie lives of those are inn-K-eutly deceived. LOOK AVIS LL TO TIIK. MARKS OF THIS niSNTINK They have the written sigunliire nf O. M. J ACKSON njsjii the wrapper, und ihu name blown in the bottle, with our which thev arc spuii'us. Fur sale, wholesale and retail, the (Ifr man Medicine Store, Nn. pjo Al'.CIlS'reet. nuc door Udow Sixih, (l ite r-f 2S Race street,) Plu'a.lelphia. nud by fripeclablu diialers genenilly through nit the cnnuiry. Alo: Knr ssl" by II. Masser, SmiUirj, nud M. A. M 'Cay, Northumberland. August 17 , Ii-.1U. ly AT. P. FSBBRICK'S (F.ATK PAUT.M'.lt OF C. SCIIItACK) Variilli iVIiiiinlaciory uud I'alnt Metro, iVo 78 North Fourth Street, A FEW 1H10KS AliOVK CIIKttltV, Vi:sT SlllK, riliLADELrHIA. Constantly on hand and for sale, at reduced prices, and of superior quality, the fol lowing articles, riz: V.'Wh, Cahlii.'t. Ja;iaiiu.T8' inal Oil Cfdh Varnishes ; Dlyinj: .lapan ; H'mt Had llani.-ss Vtiruivh ; Hrown, Willie und Keil Spirit dn ; Transfer d'; Arlisls', House uml Coaeli I'atMl.-rw' and Varaisln-rs' Matt-iials; ITTTY IN (it AN TI'I'II'.S. TAINTS, DltV, IN ill I.. AND PUK t'AHf D FOIt l.MMKDIATK I Sf. ; Milliners' Vnrnisli. liine and Acids: lilaek Jupiu f-.r Imn ; Adhesive do. fnr Funry Work : I'i.-luru and Window (.Iuhk; ArliHts1 (To l.ans. Dry uud in Tula- ; Xeal's 1-'mh Oil: linld, Silver, und Oniinn Leaf : liold. Silver, and V -aaa-r Hr aize : (.In. zu-r's Diniiiond.. Alao, voiy superior Sli-ie liUtekiug uud j rump Ink. June in, lisenses ill eve- nnd lorin, anil mal- I'uiiiialious uf the generative system, 1JY till, YOI'SfJ, M. P. The time lias now arrived that persons siill'erincr froui seerot ilisenses, neeil no mure lieeome lluvictim of yiiackrry, us liy (lie preserintions eonlaineil in this book any one may cure liiinsell', without liinil ranec to luis'mi-ss, or the knowledge of any one, and with one tenth the usual e.pencc. In addi tion to lhe general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause ofinniiliood's early decline, with observations on marriage liesides many other derangements which it would not lie pro per to enumerate. 10Any person sendiup; TWKvrr-riVE ckn-ts enclosed ill a letter, will receive one copy of this hook, liv mail, or lio copies will lie sent for one dollar. " Address, -1)1!. W. YOC.Mi, No. 134 .VPKi;('K street. PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. lZrr''l)U. YOl'Nt.r call he consulted on any of the Discuses described in his ditlcreut publications, at his OlhVo, IS- SPiUX'U street, every day be tween 0 and o o'chn-k. (.iiudnvsyxceptcJ.) Philadelphia. Nov. U, 1R50. ly. S??.I1TC- GCCDS i ,v p n 1 5. e k f p ii i a . r'n SIIARPLK.SS & SONS, have iistreceiel 1 their supply of Si'UlNd AN D Sl'.MM lill GOODS of Friendly and other styles, lo which they invite attention. SHAWLS All description of Silk, woollen and worsted. URHSS SILKS Uro de Pliines, Chameleons, and neat and new fancy styles India Milks and Satins. JJ15KSS ClOODS Lawns, llaieges, Mousse lins, (iiiighauis, Alpacas, Mohairs, and ull the new fabrics. Fl'liM-'SIIINfJ liOOUS Tjhmkets, Sheetinfs CJuilt. Damask, bhiitiu ,,'s, and all oilier furnish ing goods. MEN'S WEAK Cloth, Cassimeres, Cashina retts, Drills, Yesliugs of all kinds, nnd llovs wear. SHOEMAKEliS OOODS and Carriage .Ma kers article:.. T. SHAKPLV.ss .'i iO.NS, No. :IC S. Second bticel, Philadelphia May '.'5, 1M50. lv A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware llooin of SEB'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street t)' the Railroad SUN BURY, l'A. Thankful for the patrnnnjrn of Ms friends and etistotnnrs during tlie 17 years he has heen in husi ness in this place, he solicits from tho public A con tinuance of their favors. During this period lie lias endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore invited to lhe attention of the present stock of CAUIXKT AVAR 15 ATS' I) CHAIRS, MANUFArTfllKD BV SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former slock of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Large Spring Scat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Mtrble Top Wash Stands, und a variety of other new style and Fnthitmnlilc rur nature. Having secured n. Hearse and nmde the neces sary arrangements lor tlie purpose, lliey are now prepared for I'nderlnking in all its branches, in nun viciuuv or in any convenient distance. Ye UKiids Hint inUt reuses, and liuKlmudii t in, Here's fnrnilnre of every stile nnd line. From aide hoards d iwn to kite), tallies, From rockine chairs to Kiekiiur cradle. !mu!d yon not have tlie lendy Jons to pay, We'll wait uwliile fir a brighter better day, Or take mtato-s, nam. can. wheat nnd rye ; Hark, hoop poh-s. staves, or lnnibr wet and dry, Or nny Ihlup tail yokes and threshing Hails, Fimn piirs and turkies down In lillle tpiuils. Come on then friends, rnme nur and all, Keep littde a nmvhifr, Si1 4iS'es on ht- li:dl." IIP" Orders from a distance iirmniitlv atleiul to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch, iMiubiirv, March !), It-.i'J. II PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. SUMMim AHRAXJICMt FItUH riHUADKI.l'IIIA AND POT'l'SVIM.E. Office of the Phila. tf Reading Railroad C. 1 Philadelphia, March 'i'3, 1850. J Two Passenger Trains Daily, (exccplrSunday. sTN nnd after Aprillst, 18."i0 two trains will Vf he rim each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Poltsviihv Moraine Line, (Accommodation.) Leaves Philadelphia at ?1 A. M., daily exctpt unihivs. Leaves Pottsville at 7 A. M. daily except Sun- , Afternoon Line, (vast 1 ram.) Leaves Philadelphia at iii o'clock, daily, except uiidnvs. Leaves rottsvi'le at 2V o'clock, dailv, except SuiulavH. Passengers eatmot enter the cars utiles, provi- ded Avilh Tickets. The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stop at Au burn, AHhouse's, liirdsboro', Honor's Foal, Vl- lev For'ie, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. J U 1 lit, r illy pounds ol Imggago will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as bugirage but their wearing apparel, which will beat, tlio risk of us owner. liy order of the Llo.u'd of Manager. UH.VDFOUD, April 13, 18.')0. .Secretary. W1LMA.1IN' .t'fa-JU'SPIil'TIC EI.IXIU is, Willi Ihe ikl;u .H c ailiileneo, i ll.-irdto lb. Alt-itieul l-'uealtyuiKl iln- puiilie i,u- ihe cure of Dip.a- st.i or inaiestioii, uuu all uiiM-nge urnn.ij ir.au u, aua stok: A lorn as Nausea, Ileniluche, i hi . iMmncss nf Sjeht, iiebiJiiy uf ihe Aervuus Sys- U'ill. llyp htiiiilria. Jauiulice, sol a: pc'.ue. Wii;'..i.u -l tlie 5treii''tli. la'.ii."-: .,n nc;ueiit inns A'omititig, riin.L; t-euc.ii mn at tha sit uf llic (.t'liiiaet I.icreciiip:aiiii, ip.t.-Mi.it itticr cnltug, I'.i!piiatrti uf die licit. t, 1'uia in tin pu -i (ue siourjeli ' ft lowuutK the rigid side, '.:if ''IK.'-i lf(ll-Sl J) I lilj ICXIOii. 1 thu spiriss surf iiiiial ihty ti ifiiij.ei, V.s. u!ti be iiej.;lceied, most svriuus t .I.-- inn.ni.li ii lui.mthtj is- .jlieiihy lei'imii; IIO hlhlil IL rl v.'iiiittie rcjis.ai Willi ticoimll iu nig iiniifc::: belli-w, ur to U C-otlSeitiUKiU'SS H l.illV to ill ti iiiC"Uhmnp L it ti itle wna kor .f, in:.iki.i.s, C ITY C A II I N K T Y A It K R ( O M S , NO. 173 CHESNUT STREET. (OPFOftlTtt TIIK STATU HOUSE.) PHIIVASBILFHIA. ' i ITAAS &liKNX. FASH 0A RLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. nHE subscribers respect fully call tho attention A of the public to their large und splendid assort ment of every quality and price of CArsiA'J'J t -WARE. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship nnd sph'ndid finish, made tip of tho best stock to be tuul ill the cily. No effort is , FFERS for sale, low for cash or approved city : spared in the manufacture of their wine, and the j paper, a large and well assorted stock of I subscribers are determined to keep up with tho l-AI'l-Vr. 1 r I lv. 1 1 l it fc., ot the latest patterns anil ol the best workmanship. J be assortment embraces eve ry article, useful or ornamental, coin I prising suits of Drawing Ko.im Furniture in Knar . wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved, Koscwood ( Walnut, and Mahogany Oliauilier Furniture ; Pa i tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to he the best now in use-); Library book Cases, and a great variety of plain Parlor and Chamber t urniture. Curtains made and put up in the latest Paris fashions. Spring M attrasses, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea ther lleds, made to order, N. U. All articles purchased at this establish ment are warranted of the best materials and workmanship, and w ill be packed to carry safely to anv part of the country. May U5, 1850. ly NOTICE TO EDITORS AND OTHERS. AVie Toil, Nov. 25A, 1850. Mr. H. B. Ma.skr, Suubury Pa. Dear Sir: In some portions of the country where we had advertised our Sarsaparilla, in 1848, the Editor. of some of the papers have seen lit to take upon themselves the responsibility of continuing the aauio after the agreement expired, and in some case, have had the presumption to send us a hill for the amount. iNow we have no objection to hare all the paper, in the United State, advertise for u. for years, if they are pleased to do so at their own expense, hut we cannot allord to pay them unless they have our authority for the work. We write to you lor the purpose of informing the editors, through you, that they are at liberty to advertise as long a. they please, but we must not be held responsible without our wntteu authority. THOMPSON, feKILLMAN i CO., No. 116, Nassau street, New York, December 4, 1850. tf. AY BUM. An nnbary J.n. JTth, 119 if. excrll.nt article for sal HENRY MASiSEK. many improvements which are constantly being made. i heir slock consists ot .Mahogany Sof'aN, Dl van :uul I.oiiiiii'CN, Uuvcnus, Sbccrrtnrtrs, Sttjctionrts, i SOFA, BREAKFAST AND D1M.G TABLES, i and also VENETIAN lil.lN'DS, equal to Phila- ; ilelplua iiiaiuihu'ture. BEDSTEADS, of everv pattern anil price, i CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE- ! STANDS. TOtl.F.T TABLKS AND i EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. i hey also inauulacture all kinds and qualities i of ; C II A IKS. including varieties never before to be had in Suubury, such as M,iuniAW, Black Walxi't AMI Cl 1ILKII MlCLK till l:il A N I AMI WlMISIlll CHAIRS, ami i' am y Pi a no Stools, which are of Ihe latest styles, and warranted lo lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cilies or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall he no excuse for persons to pun haw! furniture in the cities, us every confidence can be entertained hIhiu) the quality and iiuish ol their ware and Chairs. Their articles will ho disposed of on a. good terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try -Produce taken in payment for work. nr LNDEKTAKINO. Having provided themselves with a tmndsome Hbahsk, they ore now prepared for 1'udc rlakiiig, and attending fu- nenils, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. lir lhe Ware liooin n Market Street. opposite J. Young", store, and nearly opposite YVt'avcr s 1 avern. DANIEL HAAS, UEOiOiE ItENN. Sunhury, Dec. 14, 18o0 tf. iVa.AElHSilA8.Bs'!) TONIC MIXTI-'IIE, Foil TIIK Cl'RE (IK Fr.VF.lt AND AtiUK. W.tlt KANTKl). rPtIIIS unri.'.alled llu-.lieiae ulay li relied mi when lienr L lv till niliel r,-:u,-.leli fail, i Is Villa- IS II it snlneleally Itnown. therelnre. thu pi.tprielnr desires t enUiie the held nf lis usi-rniarrs !v ui.ikin known i 1 n vii'tuesund rl!i ,m.y tn lllnusaie'.s i ' sulfeiers wh'.ure II il nr. urc Liiut tile) can tit speedily and riuheahy emed of FllVI'.lt AND ,n: il, without the use cf pois-in ais elrii-is, uace-ais potions or the delelelious etr.-elsnt' (ililli.le. II m i.lT.-ril to til. pllll- ii.ut a low price In place it wilhin Ihe reach nl'ull.ussnrud hat tli-ise who use il nccrdin.. in direetinus will Hud it a ufe Hinl speeily cue lnr Kkveb anu Itaca. It i. not s dis.urrei-il.le nmiK.-utiiiK' cnniioiiiul but uu riffree llllle Innie i-aleul ued to reai.iethe disease uud give ll.'ulttiy aetinn tn the sinin-ieh met le'Wells. Picni'e,t nulv lv Marshsll ,V l" nid a 'Id wlmles-des Slid retail h,' It'iwiin.l A S .11. No. SI North Bill Street, Philadelphia. Price Sfl per single hollle, UI.U SJ! per dnz. Juuetfi, -.",! ly subscrilier would most respectfully in inn ms lneinis mill a generous public, that he Is uiaiiulactunug the best quality ot STONE WARE, in all its varieties, and is prepnred to sell a little cheaper than anv other inaniibicturer m the Linoii He is also importing uud dealing most extensively in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE which he offer on the. most reasonable terms, His Potteries are on Bund street north of Fi ette, and China store and dwelling ut No. 8, F. Bnlliinorc street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore street, I ' a i. r i m o it k, M a ry bind. February S, 1830. ly LIQU0KS,AVIN1:S,5:C. rPllE subscrilier has just received a new supply of the best liquors that ever caiuo to ."niiiliuiy , cnitir-tiirx ill pai l of IS -.perior old pule Brandy. Fine Cogniae Brandy. Superior Old .laiiiuica Spirits. New England limn. Fine llolbui.l Ciii. i SSupi-rior Old Whiskey Common do. Superior .Maderia Wine. Ei.'.ion do. do, Superior Port Wine. Burgundy Port do. .Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Clurol W ine in hottles, (.'hanipagne do. do. HENRY MAsfE.t. .Sunburv, ?.r.iv 1S1!I. in i.iii:i.t'i:i i mini: LKtroii miisi: S5I r i'LNCi & VVATKIl.MAX, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, No. 200 Market street, l'luladclpha, OFFER for sale, the cheapest and best assort- j ineut ol'I.iquors in Philadelphia, such as ( Cluiuip ignc. Sherries, Port, Stock, Claret. Bur-' guudies. S.iiilurii, Barsae, Maderia, l.isbou, i Teneriife and Sicily Wines. i Brandies of the choicest brinids. viz : . Ma:iliua, Otard. Pond, licniiesy, &e, cr. j Fine Holland (iin, M ouongaliela, Scotch and ; Irish Whiskey, &e., Ac, j Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on the nio.it liberal terms. j July l:J, 1S.-1 I rROVNS EssENC'E OF JAMAICA CJLV i - (JER, an exi-elieut article. I Rhiwas's Mi dicalid Soup for sun burns, tan, j tetter, Ac ! Railway's Circassian Buliu, for tlie hair dand ruff A". Itadwav's P.eadv Relief for Craiuns, Cholic, l). l;-!i;i.e ,n' ... j,,, Yili lle 11 ..I,-, C. ins: in Ho n nud Hue ol lhe unweis, II a ease nl djspe.sia s.. ciii-l-.s in ty eiiMie, l..r im cipenl cause ol. and vci yi U II. I W IIKI l.il .,t Up tins die:i!-L- iii-iy lie l.i sp . lates in.-iu supci-i uiiiieii am hitler t-M.-li- liy ini.l penally el' pain. i Ins i.u .iii-ir.t. is ueaiiy put up in li'iulca, with ainpla dirrci.ini. . fi,r use, und is sali! in Kualiar) liy John 1 . I'l'u.iMi. u il.l.lA.MS. 'I'esioiioiiyof Mr. .Miner Mine s, hailer. .Miiiket meet alsive Sixlti. e a r lnualli e ol' llic villuut-y ol t ilium. Anti-Dj.pepLic Jlhxir. PiiiLADELriiiA, ticlober 3, 131. .Mi:. Jamhs Vili.ivms : ll'-ur Sn : Il jiiv s iu jireat pleasure to know that jraa sre ii nn preia. ui,: .m in.-iicuie :'..r li.c cure vl llipp siu. 1 -r uniiy ..I'm. lie i.iaiiii eie h i-.'e rejiciUi-dly'i.&Ud. me where iu-i'iilil lie jii i'i!ii,ip MMWiier liuu. I lidt.a eared liy il. .'.. 1 lam 111 ii n ,i i'i.io ... -1,'unwiet.jj lucill at' Ihr 'real L en. Ii; I I;. : t- ht -im , , , , , .,n I : L- i.sk nl' y. ur med icine U ll 'l only due I i y iu. la:: may tie i.s. lal to others, I lt'iw Im.m- !l. J-'i.r & eial i -os I sull'e.eil Irian iiyspep sill, w liieh f.a-i. as.-n lo micm ua i xieui that my hcji'iii and ... uis: it ; in ii vi-. i.ii i. i ;. i.i ,i: nn, er il i wus om. pe:ied In I'l-.-l,,,-. ill. i,,., ' i I , .st ,.,.,,( Ii it .tf, and tvvM tiiat 1 e.uil.l u ,t ili (-,., .-, , .sirci.ll., ui.inou lutl Hi In e.Neir.se. inn!. u y.iu have it in ..ar ailverl i,e- ,.:i s..i -a uu I nun s -rihania ,m. 1 1 . tr i uu olhri-', inii re-s;,.-;-:ie Kli::,!'. I pr -eui'tfa: ' i ilr "i ; uu.ler ii lu.iueuea '.'i'e.l away, and my Kp--: ;.y w ::li iiiu.iiiicy. 'l ea , e u',-! ae-e in Hie caraliTa ,,.' a:r-'; uicieaseil. (v, it il i i..!ti tin rciic-riVjinaur .ctl tiilv wan-, A '.M M KI.MtS. .'iey. l ii i. s ill, M iM't-hout ..in I iV I"1 ., ,'o i rtiuln 'ey ,.: '.Viil'anria' A Hi-L), - Wi 'til'il.'i lli.,-il i : i,. I.,) . l.i:' iii ai il v.-1 1 i I- -P l yi. lit' A,!, I ! if III .1 lll'f .'. '.-:m-i,m ss "r.'ala.illy d V. !.li-:: I e .a.. I uV, u nv i ! e -.-il. in p iv.-'-is l' y nr .Il.-ni.. I -is c isi;il-'i 'v eaul nip -ja .n 1 ottlel fr i.iT'-e. riy re.-; ears hav. 'I', itcn iiv o; f ii linn 'nf !,' Wl-r.' peptic i Mr. Jauk 'll.I.lsu : !! :i ..-I la'.r ;', lK.v."l'..- K'ilir I'.n ln i'. ili.s. il' 1..I i i-l It I! ;,. At ' i 1 l'llll.- nn.: .' Ii... , (lelAei 29, I Ml. ii'tidii x yniir Auli. ', :-. t. . hv, Is'tv.u ii f.iluely cued. Aievi .1; il " C lv A,. :i II. IKlWl.KY. wrTyrf;!..,. ;ti iV. 71 J I. t Si;':., I'H 1 fi . . A. w , .,T r.,.i.!.'-;i!:!) v:-:'.is r;o r!V l-.ttun Streets. D . Curn-.'f ii,f 1 im j i.nj um v. i:i:n m'ui i. i; and .ix PiiiLi.Ji'f;:.-..!'.:; 'U"n:!:. L ir ..... V. :; tTi:i:i;r, ZA iia.i r.'iiiit-i'ruyled a leie.l i;.-. K. ih. :ive i:.r a,:d near, : :i.i:.a-. 1'srsju. ::. ' T i.'.l. p.ii.i. ut ... n' i let .. tJ, t,-sv.!. - I ii,i;..n ilics o' the ' ii! ..i.tev.'ieil, ar. 'I . K., innv ra in.: e ii.htlciil- 'i'.;:!'. 1'AliTnVi NilTIri-:. .lie I'e.iil. h-ir. ets -il ivtiir! '.' I, all ii-i:. ,iM.s UII.I , 1,1 , llEANK DEEDS printed on the best quality cf parchment paper, .old at the lowest price. i una uinee, uy wnolesale and retail. rilS6l.E PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for 1. coTeiing gl.ssea, &c., for sale ut the olliee ol in American. JACOB REED'S 1.01(1 1 m; itoo.tiii, Southwest Comer of Fifth and Market Streets, l'llll. ADIIl.HlllA, A"! 7 HO always keeps on hand a large stra-k of " every variety of clothing; made up of good materials, and in the latest aud host styles. II. would also inform the public, that he pay. consi derable attention in getting up Military Clothing, in good style and on reasonable terms. June 15, 1650. ly jioki: Aim .ois r ul- Just received at the store of HENRY MAS. - I HER, F () K F. I fi N AV AITS' KEKV0US ANTIDOTE AM) PHYSICAL lSliSl'OHATIVE. THB lVXEDXCAL. WOTOi;: OF T1I3 Y'LL posilively cure all stages of Neuralgia, ' Tie 'Dolomui, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsion j will restore manhood to il prestine vigor, even alter years of prostration, and the only known and cer tain cum for low spirits or mental debilty. Extract from tho New York Nun, Oct. 3, 1S-19, Tin eelibiutid Dr Watson, when talking of the miraculous power of "Wutts' Nervous Antidote," the question was put to hitn, ',Why such a valua ble remedy for all nervous atl'ections wa not in troduced liy the medical faculty t" replied, "That if it wero, there would no longer be any use for a faculty, as all diseases originated from a disorgan ized strte of the nerves ; the nerve, are the main spring of the whole system Keep this in order, and both the mind aud body must be." Four ounce phial, Vi doses, enough far all or dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. i-Ol.D BY Win. MeCABTY, Broadway, Hunbury. cpteinlicr, SJ8, 1S50. II. 3iL ANICST I.ANK.S of every description can lie had by applying at tlie olliee of the American. nriJE WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESER-t- VINO, just received and for sale by 11. B. MASSER. Sept. 88, 1850. lot of Caps, Gum Shoe., Alinan.es, tueensware, Liquor. Ac. All of widen will be sold at th lowest price. Dee. 14, 1850. TfrBOWN'S ESSENCE OF GINGER H 9 A new aupply of lliia eiccllent article W rceiva auil lor .ale by 11. It. MAUSER. Suubury, March 16, 1850. CAPS. An assortment just received. Also .ilk HATS at $335, fur .ale by 11. MASSER. Suubury, Dee. t, 1 818. , , . riEAS, from the New York Canton and 1'ekiu A'' Tea Company. For al by Bunhury, Dec ,2, 1841 J. W. FKILING. K NOB AND (SPRING MORTISE LAT CHES. An excellent article, for sale at hall the usual price by J W, FAILING, Suuburj, July 7. 1619 j &c GO I M 1 t) K T K It S O Books, Prints, Enrjraviugs, Stationary Gilt Frame ami MuMltuI liintt ti nt cut. N'j. 78 North 2nd ttlt between Arch & Race, FlIllAIIKLPItlA. IMPORT to order and have constantly on hand a very large assortment of goods in the above named lines ut wholesale uud retail. Principally : LO CO CO LfS. 633 In German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French. Italian Spanish and other languages; Classics, Diction aries, (milliners, Vocabularies, School, Juvenile, Picture, Drawing and Model Books lor Architects Cabinet, Carriage and other manufacturers. MAPS, GLOBES and Blank Books of every description. Splendid Lithographic and other Prints. musical iNS)Titri rvrs. Accordeous, Banjo, Bows for all string instru ments, Bridge and Tailpieces, Clarionets, Files, Flageolets, Flutes, Guitars, Octavo Flutes, Paieut Heads for Guitars and Yioliueellos, Tambourines, Tuning Forks and Hammers, Violins, Violin and Guitar Pegs, Violincellos und Strings for nil kinds of instrument Wholesale ami Retail. Accor deous repaired. Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a large assortment of the very best GERMAN BKONZ5 FOWSES Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leaf Metal Thermometer, Hairpeiicils.-Falicr and other Leadpeucils, lied, While aud Black Chalk Cray ons, Mathematical Instruments, Scarlicators, ipriug Lancets Pocket Prescription and Gold Scales and Weights Letter, Fancy colored and gilt Paper Playing Cards and other French and German Fancy Articles, for the sale of which they ore the MANUFACTURERS AGENTS. July C, 1850. UHADY MADB (23 LL30D ISlJjtSCy CS TT7E tako thia method to inform lhe reader of ' the Suubury American, that, should they visit, Philadelphia, in guest of Good and Cheap Clothing, and favor us with a call, they shall not 1st disap pointed in obtaining the best of garments at the lowest cash price. We have now on hand the largest assortment ever offered in Philadelphia among which are DRESS and FROCK COATS from $5 to 18, PANTS and VESTS from 75 ct. to 5, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, BUSI NESS SACK COATS and COATTEES, all of which .lull be .old at such prtce a. to make it an object for tlie people of Suubury and the sur rounding country to extend to us their patronage, PERRY R. M'NEILLE A CO. South East corner of 6th and Market .July 13, 1850 Cholera Morbus, ,&c. For sale bv II. B. MASSER. Suiiliury, lug. .", iH.r)0.' CJTONE Ware, E irlhen Ware, Raisins, Al moiu'.s, P unes und Cream Nuts. , 1 luiics ol nil kinds, .Salt aud Plaster. Just .received and for sale by . JOHN W. l'RII.IMi. hunbury, Dec. 50, rS-IH. BOOK.S and Gold Pens. On hand several cop ies of the lite of Christ, and also a number nf gold pens which we will sell at lhe Philadelphia prices. For sale at this olliee. 7" ENNEDY'.S P.VIVENT NA'MI FA.s YOU vioi-i me: a ceruiin ed limn wvil me uishli 1 ned ii il ", uMuuti.iui,! e te uud jrrtl- '"0 -us. iudi- UIIV '.i a ii.iio- AM) AlANi 1 1. .X)D, iio death. Ti,i 1 01 He ll a.l I.' All!:. Tin wii! i-i lv 'I'll LIN uu s; !f r;',M;n';iliii;i. (. KNTS. .i' ! w i.li i.scfu! nn". rmauji !.Y Ml ,e I i, i .'i nn o l I. u,. .i!..lll)liUu.id I'li.C ii wnrnmir it iv.s i in:? uud .v'e annual tru .1 i i UK. KiNM.tJN, Slieelr, II.-! Ween e 11 tl , under eav led TENINOS. A cln-ap and excellent arli cla lor fastening s.isii for sale bv J. W. FRll.ING bunhury, Jul7, 184!). . ATENT Trusses of nil kinds, Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale lo . J. TV. FKILING. Suubury, Dec. 2, 181S. IS ONE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this tl n excellent article for Tetter, n e., just received and for sale bv HENUV MASSEK. Suubury, July 28, 184!) pOLD PEN'S IN SILVER CASES. A small lot on hand and for sale bv 11 B. MASSER. funhury, April 6, 18,')0. currants, citron, cheese, iepiier sauce, Ac. For sale by J. V. FRll.ING Suubury, Dec. 2, 1848. EE BILLS. Justice and Cunstables Fee Bills handsomely printed on card paper, for le at this olliee. 7ILEY'.S (OI G7f C.4NDY. An excel lent remedy lor coughs, colds, r or sale at this olliee T A1S1NS, ADD'S celelsratfd Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENIJT MASSER Suubury Jan. 27th, 184'J T1 INEHAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard A'-'' Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di seases, and tonic remeuies. for sale I y IIENRV MASSER, Suubury, June 9, 1850 tf STONE milk Puns, stone Jugs and Pitcher, aud other article of stone ware iust received and for sale by JOHN W. FRIL1NG, Suubury, June 83, 1849 (Ptottun Yarn, Cotton Carja t Chain, Cotton Lap w and Wadding, Cotton Outline, iveauy niasw Pantuloona. Readv made Vest. Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettle, just received for .ale by H. MASSER. Bunhury , Dec. S, 1841. di-.. I Nil Will e I'ers .,-.,! I jsiul.) an I !.e I'Ai'K Mil f irwiirdi.l hv DWIAi.l-: nr (. I tiliisi "i . II. il:-s '...Ts. A-.-w ,v -al others supplied wmIi U. uUi 1-i-liru.uv !l, 1-jU. le ii wii; Iwi.'ii how lopleveut tit. del eael .nci in n Isttt-r, ad N. W. e ru,-r ci 'I lillill 1 l. ice ,v Pin.-, i'tidyjelpkl. ! i-e, i er retain "I" m ol, -- d.at.'S Ijr, lv. hy letter, (jio.t it h en,-. .MKllI IHiir.CTIll.NS. Ac . laid put up seem c Irjp lers, (.'aiivassci.. and a ak ul verj- low rates. "f ) I'All the following eeiilu.-u,. uuu, Cupt. Dove. Ik 1 well kii-.wu und malar Kum il. ul Ciantaiu (of ih 1 ravelier.) I'lULADKLriiiA, Oeloher 31, IMf. Several years linee I was utt n-ked witii a laruktue an on my lie,-,, ei :l ,- l inn nl 'i'ciu-r. w lueh I uiu .,,, i,. WII, e in:, .ie'.- ! a the Ji.il Is'l 's .1,. It yn u.'U ,. ed ol'er my I ua, nulll it reuelieil lhe upper purl of lb checks. Din-ins l'ie s,.,er;l ni nihs Ihat il cui inse spieudlll". I llsc.l dilleri lll ll.llle.ill.,ns. . his of wl ich bt the elleel, u.p, 'I'll, at I. u&l . el' I ,eri usiuv- ll.e dis. uan. Si from none nl Ili.-iu did 1 iKT.civc lui- l,a:.l h-.i.l'u ,,i,l npplieillhe !'ils::illM'll.T. Hy Ihe use of one l.r nl Was pvrteel.y euieil uud lull e re luuu.ud tree ol Iha.ll.i tnui. , lir r slue us.-d lhe ( limiueiit. li-'litlv ,mnlil for ....! nrsa Ol the face. I.l'.leliea. eliapm-,1 hu lids. A... U'ul I sueeesa. I h ive no lirsilull ul in rceoninieu.li,i Ii . lii alrongeiit ntanner lo the public. JAM 1.S UlIVOK. Aeeul Heiiv .Ma.sxh, Sunluirv. Julv -.', Islll. Green's OxygeuaU'd Biller, price reduced. Old Jacob Townsend'sSdi'saiaiilla. Baker's S.irsaparilla. Sway i e's Synqi of Wild C'herr Swayue's Vcrmifieie. Ayie's Choriy Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen' do Tibbil's Pain Killer. Dr. HoollauJ's tJermau Bitter: Indian Vem uihle Pills Horse and Cattle Medicine ' For sale by HENRY MASSER. ruubury, July 1 1, 1849. . THB PEOPLE'S VADE-3MECTJTtJ COMI'HISINO A COLLKCTION OFOVK.R 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, Ia iht Useful and Interesting Arts vith ft (Simple aud Curious KvperlmenU Is, tllH.MlSTIlYs I NCI.l'DlNG Medieiur, Perfumeiy, Chemi.tr Cunkrry, FUniery, Dying, Confivtionary, D meslic Economy, cti:. etc. etc. Vxu 64; ct., fv aleby ' HENRY MASSER. Suubury, Dec 8, 1849. ' . 1 AZORS A uperior article for ml al th .lore of HENRY MASSER. Suubury, Feb. 1, 1850, .visa.