, fa Nil EAT KVCITEMIiNT I BOSTON. Arrest of Another Fuizitivt Slave and his Hectic by a Mob. Boston, Kub. 15, 1851. Deputy Marshal Kilcy, nnil nssis'nnt", nr Vested nt Corn Hill Colfee House, lo-clny, o:ib Frederick Wilkins, n ncrjro waiter, on n war" rant Issued by th.) Cuitcd States Commission r, 0. T. Curtis, on a conplninl thnt said YVilkir.s is a fmrilivp. lnvi. lie was taken with no opposition, nnd carried immediately 16 lliB U. S. Court room. The new of the arrest prcad rnpidly, nnd hfl Court room was speedily filled by a Inrse rrntvil nf ralber ptited sttecrarnr.. The munition, urtivevcr, went on .p.ieiiy. "-"' 5, Thomas ppeaie.1 fur the claimant) nml 1 Messrs. Small, lxlias Grey, Coring am! ollters Tor the defence. from the documents otTered by the claim tint, it appeared that the accused was the troperty of John Hebrew fnrfVr, in the. U. S. Navy, r Virginia, and that o rsrnped in May, 18-G. Tim deposition was to the e(ft ct that the ?amanl bad seen the prisoner in Voston and tonvrscd with him, when tlie ijirisoner nvknowiedgt.'d that be had escaped Trotn Xoiiolk. The cnmisel for tlio defence iskoil for a poslponemenl in order to prepare testimony. This w.is cranted, and Tuesday Hvext, nt It) A. M., vas asfined for the ex ummniou. The Deputy Marshal then ordered the room o b denied of spectators, which was arailii kllv ilone. The prisonei remained in the ruslody of a dozen men, as, by a law of the State, lh" jail eonnot be used to imprison fu gitive slaves. His counsel wishiutr to consult with bim. ithey were redilv adinilled to the room to the iiiumber of half dozen They remained bnu! an honr, and in the meantime a hi ran crowd of negroes i;itlieieil upon the outside Udockiui up llm enlrance to the court room : nd us the door was opened to let the last lawyer leave the room, the mob from with ont suddenly rushed in, seized nnd knocked .down the ollieers in keepin?. and filled the court room. The prisoner himself was friL'lit ened at their deinoniae appearance, ami lied with a cry of murder, to tin: farther end. of rthe room He uns, however, secured by the mob: wbo had speedily silenced the opposition of 3 he few ollieers in the room, nnd taken in triumph down the stairs noil into ihe street The ollieers did not attempt in follow, and with shouts nf triumph lie' mob hurried oil Arith the fugitive and weie last seen in the vicinity of Helktiap street, where nejrioes chiefly couurvaate. 'While the mob was in the onrt room, the sword of the Maish.i!, h nejimr in the sheath over 'his o!esk. was drawn hv one of thetn and Ihiurish. il over tin- lien. Is nf lie- ollieers. It j was aflervvai'ls found in lite street. The mob i HtovveI no weapons, llt uigli a number of tin l.-n'ioes 'linnsted nf having revolvers in their vossewion. One nruro. ill his lli'ili!, dropped lis knife. There were several while persons in the noli, Iwil iliil not appear to net in the rescue. ri- rescue, fif course, cnuse l irveat ev;cite nent I hioMjIi iit! Ill ' i-itv, :s one of the inns' inriii!! ontr ions rp.ni 'aw a id onler ever en icled. it is ihoivjht i'lipoitile m re-itrrest he funitive, n-i !iis fii 'iuU have im doubt lurried l.iin oil' ere :hi-'. to 'v Canadian tonlier V. S. M.n!n;ll D -vect is absent at i'iishiiiti:i. nr. r;KiTt.r M ini t?iy vvn n. 7!" r.'i'lilie '; ' n- yi"! lit'l" know I low e 1 1 1 1 1' ia ! 1 '-.o ; Al'hoiin'i 1 1 t!i , tliev may be small, To h"l, ol' gi.n:t si..'. lit iM!t!i ! HniiL'U p'Mrlrtncc l)iy M. v sv-i v k -.1 Httii iiiini t;r ttiuc. Th h":iri m-iv w 1- Aim joy 1 im! tliiiie (wn. T-' ""utlc'! wi'Tiry li'ini- (if p:iin ;Ti wiifiiiui's Int li u-,r ; Tli'M vifl'l Iit vh:H supii'irt llinu c.iut, Ami hrr sorunvA s.r.ut R iiUlt! fur H,Mitt IlivirU At linw ni iy li:ivi oin r ) t f, Ail I'Vt'ii it! :i pt'iiiti win! M.iv "'. lo liml rt'tii'f. I5f ! ntnnr( pr-ri'Mit Tli'tn'rl iltnfrr far t listt i lir" : TIvmi. linl.ni'!. t.'ir :i t 1 r!ill furlar Hi? "!.t1tj !( ihv wifi. Tiir fnixv TitAcr.nv Tnr. Mystkuv rsiuvKM.rn. Tin? llalti ott Sim tuiravcl- llm ruyMory nf tlm trai.M- j' at tiniiicy, Mass., fo far ar lo hIiuw tlio ..1 ii'imu. i.C lliu .,i;,,- o .n ,...t..-M .., n. in.iii .ion niiuin hose dead bndie.. were found. It pays : We were yesterday called on by a gentle an, who informed u that he fully rHcoguj- the parties id this mystery, ns havinrr M-n John Grieve ami his wife Hannah Ihe st the son of Mr. 1'ctei Giiove. of Zones, lie, Ohio, ii ml the latter the daughter of r. John Ranks, of the rami' place, lie states ut they were noted for their romantic freaks d that the wifo has been known to intend ;lures dressed in male attire, where no one t male were admitted, and that they made practice of ",iit out in u boa! in ihe Mils ngum river, she altited us a male, for the rpose of lishiiig, sailing-, bathing, &.e. Tut: Statks in Respect to I'ori i.ATiox. The lollowlnir list is said to exhibit cor ;tly the order in which the several Slates nd in point of population, according lo ? present ceosus : vv York. IN'MiikVlVailia, ltl., iruiiuu, IikIuiiui, 'l'('llllil'C') Kentucky, MiiMcii'hutftUt . I 'iiruliim, UUuoii, l'i Al'itriliui, :I Mii-Huni, II H. (,,ur:.mii, l .MlllllH, l(J M ihniftxippi, 17 Miinl.Hiil, I,i'ii!kihiui, IM Nrw Jrrwy, 'Jl Cuimot-Lit-ut. V IIt.iiiHiijre, gtl riimni, -il VVim-niiMii, L'.i .V rlt.ilisas,, -Hi Texim, 7 nwn. C'nlil' iniin, !! Ktioilr lultunl, Ul Di-tnwurt', II 1'lnrnln, Ooing to Yashingtox, The venerubla her of tlie Piesiileut of the United Stales, hty year of age, has arrived in the cily J will remain a ilay or two at Joiie' Hotel, i it on hii way to YVatbiugtcn, lo pay his i a visit Fkltl. Ledger. - 5- 1 Dunop Capers, of South Carolina, has ail iiMeU the people of that State, admonishing tin of the niixliletii of attempting a tepara. 1 from the I'liion, Succession, ha ay, olve a powerful trutf!e with overty, h ti.venanJ sore hmuilmWou, AXIEFWAII HOUSE, rCTTSVllIE, PA. . ! 1)fS. MARY "WEAVER respect fully informs the public aid trnvrllinrr cnni-mmiiy cetieral Iv. thi she in msmcd this Inrrre and commodious HOTEL, form-died in a r.ipcrinr style. From her leiig experience in 1 1 1 r business of a first rate Hotel, slid well known reputation to nrconvno ilnte, her ru!on:rr may depend nn lirins supplied with every thin:; conducive to their comfort and convenience. Frh. i., ism tr NOTICE To the Heirs of Susanna HrJl, Deo'd. 7VTOTJCE is hereby pixm to Charles Hull, Ed" xvsrd Hall, Jcoanimh Hall, Harriet Hull in tcrinsrricd with ChaTl. s C, Cook, nnd Elizabeth , ,.. ,, rcprosontativ f pc jj., .. s,,,,,,,,, j,.v intermarried w l'eter ilh Wm. Conrad, ami James Ilocv, jr., hv his Gunr- ilinii, J II Zimmerman, Est)., heirs and legal re presentatives n( Elisalicth Hall, who wns inter married with John Hnry. deeM., and Folly Hall who wns intermarried with (Irnriie Zitniucrinnn, that by virtue of a certain Writ of I'.ntitwiri ' dentin, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Nor thumberland ronnly to me directed, nil iniuisition will he. liehl upon iho Ileal E.lrite of sai I ilce'd. hi Augusta township, nt II o'clock, A. M. on Monday tlie 3il day of MuHi I So I, at which time and place yen are hereby warned to he nnd ap pear if vou think proper. JAMES COVERT, HherilV. Shcrilf's Office. Sunhury, ) Jan. 25th, 1851.- ti. ) AM STimi.onY 'rut: ri:uxi:ATi:t wt. c. w. o HA civ. Prui'i'Mi ir i.l' A sir- p . Ah:iim'iii . I'hrc "I L'V. unit lnMiiirmi'v, c ni iniit Willi Cl ' It ATIU.N, I'l-'lll Swri-ili-ll. I'llicc Nil. 71 I,(J1'I Si FtrrH. I'llllmti'llillill, i iltitTF tun -itvici-s III tin-1-itii'ns i I' N.Tllii.ailirlliillil CfillllH . Hi' li:t li'-. n CMiiMiitril liy nil lli-it'im ihiI licailnul l.uruii-. unit t-i!j'inii h.-jii-r rci'icJi ii .'5 .in AsliiCoji-r ihan any one IlvillU. VlllV II il'H e.lil-Uill'vll III-i.lllll. In tM.ilTIHIIl-J ilii-sS.l, lii-icl. ai.ni S.i 1'.!..iif iiiu iliKt.ihri-H can liave lia-ir ani K i:ii s.lrinvn l.y n inline tl.i- liali-in tin il iv nt Uieir hittil. All Ifl Irt s cmi.i rtiiiiii-j 1 lii ii i . I'i'i' witt n-rri- e iia. iiicili itc mii-nii..n. tint Xaiiviui ii unit in liny i:nl nl" tlie W THI Wl Itl-'il nil llillill tlf! '! ! '" l;',ariil in iinke ll-'ii't miWi' Im f li.iin.ili.iii un am il t!i'- Uil wni-l l'i- Hli'K : 1 i'lllifcn1..iluVI.-' i ra OT tin- Kili-cr!'".. Ill lire illl.tltl lilcnl nl II wi naliy lniiii;in' ; In.- ti;n tin- jntwrr In rcilii'lil nicti nif ri-rn't:i iln- 1 , n- ,i ih,. l-.uii-; an! lr all (MUCK nt liiiz :l.. Iillfl I'nr 111. rcciMTViS Ft Hi 11 nr t-'.t prni-t-llv.anii iHi-l.:iniiii! nl' I'iIIitv ticl.cls. 'I'liMincnuti nf I lie rilinvi- li-tii ii - c;i!i -i Inn I- In i n it i:c nt mi., t in nail it vicin ity, an.l la tile I nlieil St in-fi In id" t'nll Kunnlii-tlna nl' lilt Iti.linn atlvaii-i nr HnrnM-ni-fS fi.-n-. l-i.-rn i-iti ititrinc III la-t I ar yi-us wlitli- lii-n-. I,clli-I4 will nn-wiT every inr p ise, .-iti I will il i an w i Ii as In c:itl in periinti-. iimi tlm tnuil isinw Si i S'ltV- lli:il i-i-ifi '. nenl n il V ir In Irani inmiey llir .n-rli tin; I', n iiiVu-e. linlni'k rreive Ipun .'SKilo limit Utlrrs iii'iitlil'. iin-t liiitf tii-viT iiiissi-il nuc Iti: mr- tii-ulnr In n.-ttiit' PnH- (trii-.., c ay nnil Si:i:i'. Allli-itiTs wti! In- rctii-i nis: " tit!i-ii.li.:t t-i. it' pi'i'tiaiit. 1'iir inure par. tienhts call nt tin-niii.-,; ,n iljis jiiiju-r inn i-l an Aslrnli gi ral A llll-ltcle- irr:il TI l,'.i-ns; flrcri alt ive I'.'-I 'li. Vtiitnili"li'lnn. C. . ItlMIAI li. riii.'j.ti.lj l,:a. Ti b. s. Jr.',l.-Cin. PROPERTY FOR SALE. t Jjll K Siilis-crilicr who resides in Philadelphia, S. oilers fir sale tho following property in .Mil ton, ."Northiiinljerlanil eountv, viz: The larc jri-rr p-"TTT .y-.Tj-" -.LtJ-. MiJlLX-&I I jllI ; upper .Milton, loitoerlv occupied l.y Mc.-srs PattersMts as a Carriage Makers Shop ! The huilding is 00 feet front on upper Market sln-et, and 10 leet on r rout stieet, and is two stories hi.'h. Also a two story IlKICiv: ULACKSMITII SHOP, 40 hv 25 feel, on the same premises. The lot is on the corner of uiiiii r Market and Front streets. un.l is lili H-et front, and loll feet deep. The piemiscs wind. I he vuluahlr tor a Foundry or otlier iua.!!iillictiiriug purpo..os, and will he sold on reasonalile and accommodating terms hv ap-plviii-; rilh.-r to JAC'OI) UA Ii RH i A N," Philadelphia. .1. F. V OI.n.MiEl!. Esq.. Miln.11 or II. !!. MASSEK, I'-q., Sunhury. i'l.i.a.h-l-.ht-.,, Jan- 2S, lisol If- I Eciuity land and Pe:irio:i Aeiicy, fpil!'. im:"rBi;.ii-f A 1 1--iiit y nnd (.cin-i-.l .A ;nt l 1Id i A KV I J.Sillii'll. I !!.! If. cM I A li t s 1, nr. tiii j : li.-tiii.v I.Mi-tn iii.ii To,, us 1 ir 1:1 )t- iMi! i i if,!. 1!, inc. , , in 11 i-ii iv I i i'.:.; ;il Hi-- r-t ,u ol li -v tuiiii.-n'. vi;h n lium 1 fiuii -1-1 I'ti.n.t.ir a ' in inc.' w it1 1 1 n- i-cr.iry innnn. j , .11, 1 1 !-' i.: ... I :lsuu ;il lri iiiu awt-m I i Itc-jisitTM ;iut j : K'V.m 1 Hi lli - l . .t. .liC'-, In: i sm-; ,rt'i;: n-r lm i ilh;' r.t:cil, ;i.nl m: if-.ii, t ry inljiiHuni.t i-l' 1 io (iiiitmnl 1 cliiuiN i'.' t vri'y li.inl." J ; liy -i It'o A'l - t' i' 'ii'-rrsift, JJ -nuiy ,u:nl in iifrnulvii t i ili- l'i t s :itr! s. ! !rs t!i.- v r .-r't-i-J. un.l m' list- v-tn- i i ti -tif l:i'iiii vv-n's, unr I ;:-(. 't.tl,.iM- H'lVi-.l niiixt ' in 'ii. 'if H l nr' i-s : I-1 1 ' i nf '. :icr : itii.l l in ! vi!" sr. v r. II.-i-iJI' ll'.S i:'l I'.' il I, - ii il pi ! -fc-i ti in tliii' i ."tt ! 1 1 it- I u t w.m.inl.s. ik.iI . i-JJH'.l, (HI '.!! Ill lllto( -1 K'TVt'i! i'. nr 111 ittlil I in- t i n'li Iti ;i'u fi. "! w.llt L"ntl tiini the 'ii -in i lii.r Cnuiitry. i-f if si ic i 'I !!:'. ilriitu, when ;s I' rn ; I i i.it inont nt t i f. I'- l' !li i 'I t::u W. h Ul i 'T t:iM-s; r :,n U Ii ill , (kills; -in I I r 'in' t:.M!Mi"!i h -l ; imtiI Ijw tuti M m-mu, in tin- I'llit-M-nl S.:. rs It u l. s. I I'M !!'! in in. mt1. ift "v t ' Mn-mii'TK ' T pr ttsMi n at a ilif'.;'ti(-' ami wlit'ii ciiiui'v uj. :iiiHl liir I i - frnointt. are prt ! MirfiMiyu1 c.'l Ai;.-iil. i!i ;iti:tli on hull lux iifiutl let. ' 'I'-M iffis:iry i .mi ;iiut liMiriU'linusi. uml iiiiiriii:ttiuii u j 111! Nllliji'ClS II j IPC I !'IMim: I ' 11 CIH'l'l III pC ist'l'll, i-ll ill IS ! uiin-H. will tt. iurinlifil in iTulnr t'liri'-Mii'inilfultt willi j un' I'lniuc ' l'iris.)ns iltViriiic ii t' iiiifiti 'ii cl" lVi',inf in tln-iirutv ir inivv. will ' rwuitt i l.::;i ;it! me pirticii tin Liidwii of iheir l V HV. t- ifl!HT Willi II ti"! "I i fir- ii tlt:ir, II '-I !ir:jr ril(IH ; lit litl l'i r.''!ltt I hy r''?:i:il 111. ill. .Ml l-i1ltllllfM ! ti 'II to lC (FLItiMlO.) IIIpI n.ltrrfil t 1 t n viuj:s c. Ti;rwi:ii, j fIV-.x HIT, I1. (),) Wuhliuigt -ii, 1. C. IMIHMITKKS AM) JOItKLSRS-, .5" Liin'i t y A Li ft, New Yorlu (!! wt'fii IJf'mlw:iy anil N;i-iii ) A III! ir-w ri-.'i'ivii"' n ri-li :ik! !MMtit';il ut Ttnirut of J. V. I :trry M'i illiil M iPi!.' t V i hmi. t.i wliii'll wr WW It I l-Htticul irly in Hi- ti-n ii'tn.ii'-n i'ut.t utcli:ffleiK, miff wilt nttiU It ml i.-l -rt.i, 1 1. . I n I'tci-t I. .r tin- a t i t:ici- ii ti call, tix w.- are in i:., .iinu til, 1 1 r Cush, lower Ulan vi r l,..,.ii. i il r. I In t'. Al illim-rs i-t.li film !v tiii utM h i s wii'i c. rv iirih-le in llll-lr Itlir. Ill III, "III llu Ci.f'l I I I II ll'lll 111 1 1' II ' a Xnctli'ii pri. j ,,MV ,,,-,,,11. ....(i.siir,. m.-iii-i iVir-i or.-il ix..r.-sflv W j n.ir I'lVll I pii-.-s. un.l ...tiiii .t In; fciirjitis.'il inrlicnuly tr loi Itii-li llat mi.' l':i lti!,!Mn. a l.ir-c variety. , 8ilks run! S.an,i l.s- Until,, t,.. l'nii,, rni'.i 1, 'I'aiii-iniis jni.laKii a lieaa 'rrniiiiiinys i i lltii... l't, k mill lirrsM-s. I Jfiiny l.itlil I 'ti , I'.ilty nnil ll;i,tn llcait llrf-nnt-fi. j l-aiilirniili-reiU'ti;!-s. I 11 mm. .Vis. mi'l I Ih-iiiiki-us. j lai.iii- 'iili-rt'il C.t'.-ai-js nu t tii.i lim:, Sw.-Kimil Muilin. 1 Tiiri'tiit, liiu.sffl -v N airn, i, in-. :., uml l.lsle 'l'tir.-ii i IJM-S. f ! I'.fniirnid.-rcil, Vvv -:rv TiT.i l'i;iin !,ini-i ('amlirir llkm, an. I A I ills, IvJir't, i-i.c '1 itn-uil uml Sowing Si!'v S-iiriM, I'caviiM uihI lr FH Ill.lft. Swix, .1 .cniift!, Il Miflii:i, no'l Hiriii'p I-nwim. I'.tlt'ir ntli i'1-il. I i.tiiirir-k uti-l I'l iin t 'mil tl Tin Slukwll. A 1'n'i ts ftiiiiit rf Sir:iv ii . Ih. I'rr-ti.'.i miit AtiM'i i-'iin Arltiit inl ' vria. Willi u Inrtr vuni-iv ii"t ni' iUi.ui -.1 nlnvc. All w.fliint; to nvrti'l iviyiim I 'ul' ri.- will mnko numry t v ral In v.: uml .iti"i 11 m 1 Ih-iiim1 ck. rv Yulk, Jim. ii, 1K.11 Mm Estate cf ZiAHY N. EI3ELY, Deo'd. ('I'K'i; i lierehy iviu that letters Irstauien lary have lin n urunteil to the nuhscrilirr un the Kstato of Miny M. Kisi-ly. l.ite of enmliury, dee'd. All iersous inilclilcl to sadc Ksttiti) or haviiit. cliiiins atiainst the haiue are requested to call on the milisi ii!.cr and wlt'c the vtiine. For this purpose lie will attend at the late residence of the. ilce'd, Tuesday und Wcduesilay the 4 til and 5tU of February lievt. ' 1'ItANKI.IN A. CI.AKK, Kvri-nlor. 8haiuokiii township, Jan. J I, 1851. Ut. 52-lTJEL EETEZS, AMI B0 0T-TEEE MAKER, So. 95 Race Street. Second door below Third, PHILADELPHIA. VHEHE all kind of last, 0f the latet ' stylo und liest material, arc uiuuufuctured on reasonable terms. All order promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov.' , 1850 ly. NVKMNG nipple tub BOTTLES Dreaat pumps, and rles just received and lor sale hv JOHN YV FP.ILLNU rninbury, Ian- 18, 1851 if .SUNBUHY AMEKTOAN'AND SHAM OK ' NOTICE. i Nurlliiiiiikrlnnil County, (. In tiie Orphans' Court nt January Term, A. 1) 1S51. oil thi Petition of Daniel tiring anil Cntlin rine his w ile, h o Catharine .Morrison, one of the heirs nf Mninnel Morrison, late of the florounh of Milton, dee'd. The Court prant ti Rule upon Elijilielh Morrison, intermarried with John Wor 1 tn . Cathi.vim; Morrisnu, iutemiarriej with Dan ii I f 'rice Anncv Morrison, intermarried with No ah Prentice, Samuel Morrison, since deceased ! lenviny; a widow Mariah Morrison (and no issur.) now of the State of Illinois. Sarah Morriton, intermarried with William Kennedny, Charlei Morrison, and Henry Morrison, Margaret, MBry and Franklin Morrison, heirs and representatives of said dee'd, rcipiiring them to apiear at the sta led Orphans' Court in April next, then and there to accept or refuse the said estate at tho valuation thereof, and in caie all Ihe heirs and representa tives, refuse so to do, or to lake the same, then to show cause if any they have why the aid premi se! should not lie sold according to tho act of As temlilv in such case made, &c. Certified from the records of our said Court at Sunhury, the (tth day of January, A. V. 1851. l)y order of the Court ) John P. Piu sell, Clk O. C. ) All of which you arc hcreliy required to take notice, JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. January, 18, laol (1U l'i -ie U rocorics a ml Teas ! DAVID PKASK, S. V Comer (ilh I)' Arch Sircel, Philadelphia. FFEKH for sale all kinds of choice. Family -' (iroccrics and selected article in his line of husiui.'ss ; (trcen anil IJIack Teas nf all ipinlitiet and prices; Ilea Mocha, Old Java and other kinds of Coll'ce. Sugars, Com Starch lor diiiLrs, farina, Fiirs in small drums. Layer Kui sins, Eiench Clarified Isinglass fur jellies; Extra hile Wheat Rochester and Philadelphia 1' a milv Flour in Whole and Half Hariris ; "Latum" j ()jvo oil; assorted kinds i.f Sauces and Ketch- tiis, Pickles. Olives, Preserved (i'in:;er, Ac, Ac. (nods packed for the country and sent to Pail Road Depot or elsewhere without charge. DAVID PEASE, S. W. Cor. Oth A- Arch Sts. Philadelphia. Feh. 1,1S51 ly ch. M. A. '50. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. 1 V ..,..,,... rn r.t..r nf It,.. Ilri.lion. nnrl nf l NorthuinlH'rlandcountv.will he exposed to puh- lie sale on Tuesday the 'ioth .iav of Felnuarv, ul the Puhlic House ,,f William Weaver in Ihe town of Shamokin, to wit Lot No. : w hich is erected a frame i"7 JJMelUii''- House ... . l No. 13 A ifi, with frame Dwelling Hoi... ! ! Iii-ri-nit Wm j -1 As 7.pi nn vvliii'li is rrc.'tril il. STONK MOL'SK .viso ine iiueresi anil rigui 01 sum uiio-iair ui inr .: ,i .i........... ..fin .,.,, . ,., rertain lots of . - .,. 1. . . ... 1 :i.i i-i ... .1.. 1....1 i said town now ..wued hv liev. J llatnil- ..... ii,,. i,lU v,,,.. i-, .-,; l-jy. I3S. in the town of Sliamokin. Also a piece of land lying nclvveen 1' rauklin stieet and lot N o. I008, Shakes pear and Spurt.heini streets through which the Rait Road passes. Also a small part of a lot hr ing the front part of a lot owned hv Harinan Sny- ' dor, fronting un Commerce street, situate ill the town of Shamokin, Northumh;rland county, late I the estate of John C. Hoyd, dee'd. Sale to eoin I inence tit 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the terms will he nntde known hv PAUL I.EIDY, Adm'r. Hv order of tlie Court. ) JOHN P. PCK-sRI,, Cl!.. i Jan. 23, 1830. Is- H.ilSTl.lN liltSJrSt'S Olitte. OTICI'. is hcreliy iven that h Iters of Ad--- miiiistratioii have heen granted lo ihe sut--scriher mi tite estate ol' Christian Krieger, dee'd.. late nf Loner Augusta township, Northumher hiiid county. All persons indehled to said estate, or having claims against. Ihe saiu.i, are requnsted ! to ci.l on the snhscriher for settli'tnent. SAM I EL KRIF.GER, Adm'r. .o'.ver Au;usta tp., Jan. 25, tiol tt- -Ml'SKWL INS't'liU.Ml'lX'rs. iYo. 207 Clr-siwt Shrrt, front Arcade, Pit 1 1. . ti'.Lcil t a. Articles and Tovs. .,( nnc .itl.er kloi His prices are I ower than tieiM in 1 hiladelphiti- All kind of f Musical lustra- mriits reji.iircd in Ihe best workmanship, and also taken in trade. Philadelphia. May 25, 1850. ly. Estate of JCEII IIAMOIt, Dee'd. ( TVyOTIC'R is hereby given that letters of admin- ' istnitiou have been granleil to Ihe suliscri i Isrs on the esttitv of John Humor, dee'd., late of I Point township, Norihmnhcrlaui! coiintv. All ' )ersons indchtcd to said esttite, nr having claims i against the same, are requested to call oil the sub ' scrils rs for n-lllement. I ARKAll A M IIAMOI!,) SAMUEL IIAMOIt, AdniV. I JOHN IIAMOI!. S i Point township, Jan. 11, 1851. Ct. AT iM'.nuri:i) 1MMCKS. rixIlK snhscriher desirous of disputing of her JL slork of MILI.INKUV AND FANCY" PRY' GOODS, respectfully informs the public that she will ell hrr entire stork now on hand, at very reduced prices. Her stock is inado up of all assortment of itishionahle millinery gomls. Also a lot of fash ionable Fancy Dry Goods, consisting in part, of Ribbons, Glove3, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and handsome material, of vatious kinds, for la dies' dresses. ELIZA HUTU FOLLMER. Suuhurv. Jan. 18, 1851. if. NOTICE ' )'"' i ; Spring & Summer Dress Goods. !S hereby (riven tl.nt letter Testamentary hav. ' His.,sti..e..t eo.isistsof ihe laU-st and most desi j bee.,, uraiiteil to iho sub.-rilM-r on the e.ute of ; ru,,le sv,,., o jj,,,, (;t.rlllllll. Krench c Aine the Kcv.Jas. Lay ..te ol the Uorouli ol Nor- ril.all (i'oods. ISueh as Delaine', 'l'issues, llcra- iminiiH-rnui,., uec ... All persons inueui-u io .m estate r hav.n- claims against the same ara re- ipu sled le cull on the subscribers lor settlement without delay at the residence ol C, 11. Kay, Nor- IlluiiiU-rlaud. I JAMES KAY", ) ,. C. H. KAY", J Executor. Northumberland, Jan. 18, 1851. 6t. T. S. BOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgrove, Pa. Ciurlii. t'at(iiii and Jewelry, 1 EPA IK ED in the best manner and warranted to M-rtorui well. All work inttusUd to his car will be drictlj attended to, tSelinsrjrove, Nov. SO. 1850. tf. 800 LABORERS WANTED, IMMEDIATELY' du the Trovorton Rail Road to whom liberal waives will be paid. KLMUEli CLEAVER, . Engineer. Trevorton, Jan. 4, 1851. tf. 1'uluable Hooka, T IFE or Cubist, handsomely bound, D'Ac aiust' llisroai or run liKroBMATiox, Blank Dai-hook aid L"uius, lull bounded. For sale at the publisher price by II. Li, MASSES, Sunhury, July 11, 1849. ' 1 GREAT ARRIVAL OF WILLIAM HOOVER respectfully Informs his friends nnd customers that ho has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of NUW GOODS, which ho oilers for alc at his new store at Ms er'ii Mill, Hollowing Kim. 'J'lii' goml were sclerted with great care, and will he sold at the lowest prices. HIHTO(;k UiNf-asci-soi' KVKHY VAltlETV, Vie J)rj (iootJs, Surh os Cloths, Cassimncs, Sntlinrln, Muslim, Calluots, Mousiu liitc )c l.nintt, Al pacca. Merinos, Fianucls, Checks, (.'tug ham. iVc. ALSO: An assortment of HATS, .CAPS, tif.M AND I.KATIItn S1K1K9 QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, NAILS, Ac A general a-isnrlinciit of Ciroccrirs, such a Sttar, Colfee, Tea, Molas es, Spices, &.C. Also an assnrtinent of Liquors, such a Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, iVc. IT?" Produce of all kinds taken in exchungo ut the highest market prices. Hollowing Run, Nov. S.1, 1K50, ly. TO PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. fllHE suhscrihers oiler to physicians and drug A gists, a carefully selected stock of drugs and medicines, which they will guarantee to he. of tin hest quality, pure and unadulterated in nil enscs. I'lu ir facilities for importing foreign driurs and chemicals arc such, that I hey are cuahled lo sell them upon the hc-U terms, and at Ihe rami tiin to assure their customers of their .genuineness. They have also recently prepared, nnd now gf fer fur sale a superior article of ( UIl i rTliC.I.MA, &.C.. RcseiiiMing Henry's Magnesia, free from carhon ic aeid and roughness or urittiness, almost entirely tasteless, cotnhining in an equal hulk from three to four times the strength of the common kind, and sold at ahout one hull' the prieo of Henry' Magnesia. They have also prepared tho Fluid Mfi'jMU'sI:). l"'h is a new and valuahlc remedy in acidity ! "f the .tmnacli.heartl.iirn. ttaujea. A-c, al less ; ""J" haH J''c prtce ol lite foreign article. i . wvc " ol "'" propara- . ani un assonmeni oi I'ni'c Drugs in Powder, j f '1"t, "V 'l.5 untl j pound hollies, such as Aloes, Khiiharh, Sentia, Senega, Pliatanv, Ki no, (uiiii Araluc, Serpenturia, Ext. tilyryrrh, I)e cac, Potassa Sulph., Potassa Nitras, llorax, Spi gelia, liuclm, Orris, Cascarilia, Canella Alliu, Uva Ursa. oi:c. ' Great care has heen taken to have thus pre pared from the hest selected driers and in uch a way as to preserve Ihe cluracturistii s of each ar ticle without injury. They have also a variety of Clx-iiiica I .V I'lmrttieict'iilical l'reparations of their own ir.anufjeture, and .Id to the list all the valuahlc new reincdirs as they become known. Among them may he mentioned the following : Ilytlrncytaiic Acid, I,rriarnli.li f Merrurv, 1 ro;H.ruiniiff in chiiiic. nf I'ntasjgi, I.iqanr Atniuniii, Aipiu, U I. Phi.sphst. do. n new re incilv fir Ultcninulttu. Bias .Mum. Kjiuspi .ii 1 1 em in a, ' (Itmsmn, " 'raruxiram. " Vuli-rtati. ihiicl, ii new and uu-l til reiimlv. Ir al, ' '.inc. Kxirm-t nf Senna, (laid, a i!rtis.inl Iia in In uihiiiinsttfr I i-littilri'ii. iCktiiu-l ul' ltui-liu Coma., ' Ihuil. Siiii-lis. Su'sijittri!1,! C'-'ai- pnAlttnti flin, I, do. il,. ihe, Ul M ill: IC ill. Cnlirymli 1'iimn. ilu sitteil. Sps. .Ether Nitros, X'.. S. P., Oils of Copaiva, Cnbebs, Ergot, 'J'ohaccc, Ac. Cilnile ol Iron and Quinine. Sesqui-Oxide of Iron, un untidole for arsenic. Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas ant cathartic medicine, put up in 12 o.. bullies, iji2 per doz. Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive Plas ler j a convenient application in many surgical operations, pnt up in small vi-.U Also CANTIIARIPVL COLLODION OR blis tering LIQUID, A convenient preparation of cantliaritles in manv cases where there is a difficulty of applying Ihe ! ,,i;ro kit.i.n. i.,.,.. i" .:.....':. .it ordinary blistering plaster. A coatui silk or some similar substance, will produce a l.tmr , ll.r,.,. I, s , .-.i ! in the usual time ol't.hoiii twelve In.urs. ' Physicians and others in iy depend upon the faithful and prompt execution ol' their orders al a low rules as the hest qua I ily of medicines can La purchased. CHAh'LKS ELLIS & CC. 5(i C'hesnut street, l'hilada. Lalroratory. (ilh untl Morris Ms. 'uutliwark. Noveinhcr 10, 1850. If. NEW TOYS, FANCY ARTICLES, "ANEs, fe. Just received, a lareaud hand some ass.irtmenl of Tovs, Kiincv (loods, Canes, violin striuus, douiinocs, stunfs, pui.lrs and tricks, niovimr lii;uies, sej.ir rases, work and fancy boxes, napkin rin-s, rallies, etc., of verv description, at the lowest prices, wholesale and re tail. Call and sen GEORGE DOLL'S NEW STORE. 10J North (ilh t., Philadelphia, lata of Sd straet. N. 1). Canes neatly inountuj, and Fauv Turnin done. Nov. tl, 1850. Jmo. " i:j)vjx hall, (Lati ar Tan Fuivi or Watkissos & 11 all,) Vo. 24 South Scrond Sired, Philadelphia, ; pESPEtTFri.I.Y" informs his old friends and customers, as well as the puhlic irenerally, I that he has opened an entire new slock of elegant . .. , es.Hilks, Lawns, Muslins, Shaw Is, Hilklls, Gloves, j , Vilril.u. D Dress ,d Fancy Good, j.ia. Marcii Hi, 1850. ly ' j . W.W VOItli. ii. l'llll.ilKLIllIA JOURNEYMEN Ilaltt'i-ts isMoclatloti, Cor. f tth aul Chestnut Srcct, J'hila.lelphia. "O.NTINTE to make and sell a finer and mora ' durable Hat for Ihe money than any other rstublishiuent in the I'nileJ Males standard prir af Hat $3 00. Gents and Uoy'a Cloth and Glazed Cap. I'nihrells, Carpet llac, Calafy Panama and Straw Hal at equally low price. May 85, ls50. ly J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Jl'SlllU OF THE l'K.it'E Sunbury, Fa. Off in Deer Street, immediately oppoaita the Public School House. fr Mniues collecltii aad all business ptoniylly and ear (ally si uml l lo. April 20, 1850. NOTICE. AS the auhscrilier intend' waking new arrange iiieuts in hi business on (he first of Janua ry 1851, all person knowing thoinselve indebted to hitii, are requested to rail arid friake ettleinent up ts that time, by paymepf of Ciug tbrir note tor tlie amount Oue. v . .. JOHN W. FRILINtt. Sunhury, Dec. S8 1850. tf. IN JOURNAL. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF 1TC?.THUK33?.L;A1T CO'JITTT, . Fiom Ihe fird dty of January, A. J). 1830, fo iUn 31.v diy of December, Jl. I). 1S50, bulk days included, (iF.OItGE H. VOfXn.MAX, Ei., TREASURER, IX ACCOUNT WITH THE SAME. DR. To ra'l ree'd from Collector for l S4fi, $14 00 " 1K47, 7 00 " " 1848, 219 47 " 1813, S3o!l 14 " " 1850, 28(15 011 " Cotinly tax on uns'led land 147 82 " Nehool lax do J2j " Road lax do 34s ;tj ' tax from Coxr, on land in Coal township, 23 Vo dividend 011 Norlhumherland liridge stwk, - . 80 00 I o cash from James Riiov, 3 no lijlanrc due (ienrgo B. Youngmaii upon County funds, - . Ofil -, !S7,2.-)1 035 GF.ORfJE VOUXGMAX. ESQ . TREASURER. tV ArcOT'VT WITH TIIE COFXTY RESPECTING STATE FUNDS. Foil 10 ' DR. To amount of State tax ree'd for 1813, Fo do 1I0 for 1I8, To do do r lsi"), To do do for lS.rit), $27 00 41) 5-J 20! I (IS UiHU 5-t 4IM 2.-j 41!) Hi 701 1!) lo .In tax on unseated land, To liaJauco on Tavern Licenses. To (lo Retailor Licenses, To do Ov iter shops. Reer Houses, Distillers Licenses, On militia l'n,c, 2 15 37 1 11 do fcl.l.Cln 1U SETTLEMENT WITH THE Evpendilnres of .he County of Northumberland as per orders issued by the f ommi.ssioners on the 1 reasuipr of soul Constaliles making return to Court, Clerk' wages fur 18 1'), in full, do do for 1850, in part. Premiums on Fox Scalps, Viewing iirs for roads ami bridges, Damages, Commonwealth costs, Building and repairing bridges, General ami Spring elections, Prothollot.iry's fees, As.scs-.ors' pav. Public buildings, Constables utientliiij Court and Spring Elections, Contingencies, Ktfunding. Coroner' Inqu-sU, County A uditors, WTO 51 Cl 47 2:J G2 40 00 l :w oo I K! 00 107 07 1510 4!) 4!M '.2 1.1 1 1 2C1 12 201 34 173 00 55 57 7 20 12(i :) K0 00 S3,$?2 02 AMOUNT DUE FROM COLLECTORS ON COUNTY AND STATE TAX. Coon ty Tax. j fsiinucl Awl, Augusta, 1840, 27 !)ii Michael Eveit, do ISKi, 40 '.15 John Leibig, Coal, lS1d, 20 Oli David Stablnetker, Delaware. do 117 1)5 John l.eisenriiig, NorthiiiiiL'erlaild, do 22 Ii 52 John Leihig, Coal, IS 10, LIS 21 Daniel Slablnecker. Delaware, do 2lt'.l 40 Thomas Uarr, Lewis, do 8(1 (ifj John l.eisenriiig, Northumberland, do 271 72 Jesse Smith, Point, do 25 81 Jacob Reck, Sunhury, do lit:! Il'.l John Leibig, Civil. " lS5n, 0U (ill Dennis liuoy, Chiiinpu pie, do ' I 1 15 Charles Fox. Dehnva;, do 7l!(l j Martin Drutnlieller, Jackson, do U!i5 20 John t'l.ipp, Lewis, do 70H 5-1 Jacob . Olark, Lower Augusta, do "s'S 20 Hav id llain. Lower Ma'.ionoy, do HFJOS Isaac D. IJjker. Little Mahonov, do 4 1 K5 James llunv, Milton, ' do 30 ! 88 James Vandyke, Nnrthumberlaiiil, do -I2H 55 j Joseph Vunkirk, Point, do ,')':! 50 Henry R. Johnson, Push, dj 451 2.) I Samuel Hales, Sium ,ki:i, dn 2!j:J :id (.'oiirad Kershner, Suubury, do U2!3'l j(ieorje Kuns, Turlttit, dr, 55,-j :J2 ; Jacob Eckmau, Upper Augn.tta, do Dlo 70 I I !S,2ti2 or MILITIA FINES DUE i Michael Evert, Augusta. lw If!. SiJl (l'i ISIs1, 1 !)5 do lii on do :).) on 1S!!I, 21 50 do 35 5(1 do -11 50 do 7li till da i:i oo do l'i 00 lltl iij Ul) do lii 50 do 2110 1850, 2!) 00 , do .'iS 50 do 15 00 $5 Hi -1) David Stahlnecker, Delji l,lln ''htg, ( '.ml, JJ,ob I.eck, Suulmrv, -,oim Leibig, C. David Slaldnecker, Delaware, I hoimis Harr. Lewi-i, Jacoh I!. Clark. Lower Augusta, James liuoy, Milton, .lessr Smith, Point, Win. Johnson, Kush, Jacob Heck, Sunhury, Jacob Holla, I pper Mahonoy, John Leihin. Coal, Ahr' ani Kunsclnuin, I". Mahoiiov Dennis liuoy, Chilisipjaipic, AMOUNT OF COt'NTY AND STATE TAX C'cii.LKCTiiiis. CoiM'Y Tax. Statk Tax, Militia Finks. .Tobu Leibio. Coal, tii'-'lli SI 17 02 SO!) 00 Dennis ll iov, Cliilistpuupie, 832 15 1.14(1 87 45 00 Charles Fox, Delaware, 'JliS 2 4 1.770 Sii (i;t 01) Maitin Drumheller, Jackson, lioll li-.'i !l2(i 05 88 00 John Chi pp, Lewis, 783 54 1 1,118 67 a7 50 Jacob II. Clark, Lower Augusta, 500 11 77; 15 DO Oil David llain, Lower Mahonoy, i'J8 2ll 81!) lii 72 00 Isaac. D. Raker. Little Mahonoy, 132 15 187 25 21 50 J. lines liuoy. Milton, 4!i:t li 705 Ol) tij 50 James Y'.imlvke, Noiihiimbeilaud, 573 55 (iHO 83 50 50 Joseph Vankirk, Point, 48;) 35 711 04 3250 Henry II. Johnson, Rush, 577 01 810 40 42 00 Samuel Ibdes, Sh.imokiti, 5S7 4!) 841 00 65 00 Couiad Kershner, Simluity, 4lil 42 :ui 4V! 5!) 50 Geo are Kims, Tnrbnt, " 775 32 1,130 80 37 50 Jacob Eektmin, Lower Aurrusta, 4ti:i 13 (ii, 34 35 00 Ab'ham Ktinselman, Up. Mahonoy, 4GS IP) 033 til) 38 50 S!l,750 7'J $11,230 13 Sj 50 Vk, the nnder-ined. Auditors of Norlhumberlaml Comity, duly elected and sworn ailjitat the ac.Munts ol the ollieers of sii I comitv, dn ceri ifv lh it w e hu va ca refuily exam- ined the youeher. and dud that there is ,,m lo G'eorn,, !. Vouuu'.m.ii, Est,., Treasiner, the sum ol limn hnuilred uml si.vtv-mu) dollars nod (ilteeti c s : ul-o, due to llm li.iuk of Nor- thumbeilaiid one Ihous;,,,,! dollars ; U, due to ihe Slate two thousand and seventy dollars and lilly-six cents, b.ilanco upnu Stain Tax. and twelva hundred and aivtvnine doll. us ami lorly-live cents, outflamlmu' llilllti.t line; ol two llmusaml ttuee hnintreil an. I hityiwii of the conntv atnotint In sovon Ihoos.-m I uiv cents. While, then) is due from cailloolor Iwelve dolhtrs ami thirtv-thri'e cents, and humlrod ami Ihirtemi dollars ami ei-'htv-ei'.hl dollar, mid forly-liv cents outstanding "milit,:, lines: also, ihiitv-thtee dollar conn' lines, and one. hundred ami f.f.v-lvv., dollars jury funds; also, a note held nptiuat Thomas Allen for thirty-seven dollars, in all amounlim; in ilollars and sixty-six cent. Afler cletlnol county will bo sis thousand eiaht hundred xv liners our iijihi inn Bin nay oi January, IXOUXTY K.ll AND PENSION" AGP.XCY, The altcntion of the public ia railed to the ad vertisement of Mr- Charlr (J. Tucker, Attorney and AroiiI at Washiqton City-- Person hav ing claims for bounty Land or Pension are in formed that thcuWriher ha made arrangement for the requisite forms, and claimant caliiiiK at hi office, ran have their paper prepared and forwarded to Mr-JlVkcr ut W.;',,;,,,,,, Rl,j by huu bo hr0lwr,y attended to before iho De- partiuent lilt-re, Suuburx', Jua. 18, 1801 H. B. MAP.SER. CK. Ry rash paid upon Com'ers Orders. 5i0fi71 07 j liy Tressiirer's cniiimissiou upon Kit! 77 107 10 74 21 4 46 Uy cash paid lo Eastern Penitentiary liy rash anil expense renewing nolo in Rank of Northiiniherland, Ily percentage on SI 78 31 at 2 perct. l)y collector's percentage on !'l IT 82, at a per cent, on unseated lauds. By balance paid to J, M. Simpson, Esq, lalo Treasurer, 7 31) 220 Co S75I C i FUNDS, Foil 1S50. un. Ry cash paid Sinte Treasurer as per re ceipt, dated July 23d, 1850, -si-asisno ,.v ,l" do dated July 20. '50 3180 3fl " 11,1 do do do 1151 18 J.v do dn dated Sept .7, '50 8il() (1(1 liy Treasurer's cum'sinii on !ji!)()45 31, 90 45 R.v do do no money ree'd on unsealed hind, 20 40 Rv money paid to Volunteer romp's, Ac. 31 1 22 llalauce in the hands of Treasurer, 1180 1!) pio.o-iu COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Comity during the year 1850. A mount brought over, S5,872 (i. M. Voiks, uudiliu"; olficers accounts, ' ' ourt 1. 1 icr, Stationery, Prison evpenses, Depiiiy Attorney General, Printing. Attorney for County, Road tax on unseated lands, Fees in Register & Recorder Offic Hcp iiring County Engine, Fuel. :)0 00 j 5 p f Jacob Holla, 3 I ('Italics Weaver, J v' William Wilson, 2 L Christian Albert, Juror' pay, 210 00 280 110 250 00 1 1 7.1 min Statk T.i.v. Ab'm Kunse'iimn, Up. Mahonoy, do William Irvtn, Chiiisiuaque, 18-13, Davitl Slahhiecker. Delaware. 1S I8, Jiio. Leiseuriug. Norlhiiinberland, do John Leihig, Coal, 1810, David Statilneckcr, Delaware, do S2S.1 04 70 02 40 87 48 Oil 130 74 207 31 111) 47 2ti- 70 00 OS 27 2 55 C(l0 72 070 41 54 01 00 78 140 10 104 20 I boinas J'tirr. Lewis, Jesse Smith, Po'nit, Jacob Reek, Sunbtuy, John l.c.tl iir. Coal, Dennis Iluoy, ( 'bilisquaqiie, Charles Fox, Delaware, Martin Druinheller, Jackson, John 'lapn. Lew is, Jacob R. Cl.n!;, Lower Augusta, David Main, Lower Mahonoy, J. lines llunv, Milton, do do do 1850 do do do do do do do 5:1 7!) 01 lo 58o 4 1 43li 3!l (i;t 00 James Vandyke. Noit'.inmberlaiid, do Joseph Vankirk, Point, do Henry R. Johnson, Rush, do Samuel Hales, Shanu.-I.in, do Conrad lversliuer, Sunhury, do Jacoli Eckmtiu, Upper Augusta, do A. Kiiusciiii.tu, Upper M uhonoy, do titi - 57 57 32 21 $1.81:1 55I0-15 FROM COLLECTORS. IJrouht over, duties Fox. Delaware, 1S50, Martin Druinheller, Jackson, do John I'ltipp, Lewis, do Jacoh I!. ( lurk, L. Augusta, do David Htiin, Lower M alienor, do Isaac 1). linker. Little Mahonoy, do Jtiutes ltuov, Milton, do 54 .'17 DO 72 1: (it James Vandyke, Northumberland, do 50 50 32 50 43 00 55 00 5!) 50 25 50 35 00 Joseph Vankirk, Point, do Henry I). Johnson, Kush. do "ijniucl Hales, Shamokin, do. Conrad Kershner, Sunhury, do (.leoftie Kuns, Turhut, do Jacob L'ckuian, I p. Augusta, do S120U 45 AND MILITIA FINES LEVIED FOR 1850. also, comity orders yel onlsl.indin lo Ihe aiiiotml ilollars and siMeeu ce ils, inakjii Ihe liabililic I .Imd i.n.1 ilfn- il.r..., .I,.!!..- 1 ..;..! - 11" , - nil l l: ikiiku. ,ui l-lHI, H VI of Conntv Tax. eiolit thoii.timl tin l.n,i.li,.il mid from collector,, of State Tax. four thousand ei"hl cents, and twelve, hnmlreil uml jivii-.iiio fourteen thousand live hundred and seventeen inir the liabilities, the balance in favor of the ami sixtv-three dollars und eihtv-four cculs. . I). 1851. . . 0r DANIEL V. CACL, ) WM. L CtKllx'. Auditors. K EL' BEN W. ZARTMAN, J TREVORTON HOU13B,. TUEVOItTO.V, Pa. ' riHIE mbseriher repeclfully interim the public I that he hn opened a Public House, in the new town of Trevorton, Northumberland eouulv, and that lie ia well prepared tn accommodate hi j quest Ul tiio best manner. Hi house is located . IlC.-iv opKvsite Ihe Company' Store. He iiin j provided with Knil atatuims uuic.ieiii mr -.j lior ae. He trusts by prompt and careful attention to businea to mret a hare of the pvdire patron ape. HENRY B Vr5AYElv Trevorton, Jan 11, 1850 tf fo reign K c vj o. ARRIVAL OF THE 5TKAMM11P . AFRICA. two vei:ks l at 1:11 mosi Et not-r. SAFETY OF THE ATLANTIC Interriliiiy New tiiilil the nnlinrnl. The Br. Steamship Alrica, Cait. ltyrie, nr rtvett at New X,, Siiinrthi v evenii from I.iveipool, which poil flic? left on Ihe l.-l in stiinl. She brings llm "liilifx inn ititidlirfrnee of lbs. mfi-ly of the Sienmship Athttilic. This will provn jr.v fill news to the many bavin:: friends nn board; an, I we may mid that llm passengers of Iho Atlantic, wero Innnnht out in Ihe Africa. It tinrmnr. .!-.. ,1... I a ' ----, --., ii. n mi- iiiiiiuui-j, iyleain-r Liverpool on ihe 58th Deprmber. proceeded on her voyage, nnlil Ihe (ilh of January, when in the midst of a foniTni storm, the mil ill shaft of the ete'ine was broken, nnd she vvas eoinnlelelyli:ilile,. Tim win,! I b"ing from ihe northwest, lendered it nnpos. sihle lo slecr for llaljfnv, as wasCnpt. Vcst' first intention, nnil Iter course was set for Rermtida, bnl on tin; lilli, Iht: wind cnrniit roiiinl lo the southwest, dpt. V. ileteimin. ed to steer for il Enropean port, ami useless as wero her eiipines, and only sli;:ltllv adapt, ed for suiliiii', ho succeeded on th,. 2M in ronchin? the port of ( jnoeuslowii iti safuty, lifter saiiing over l.'iOt) miles. A meetiunf insnngeis was hold on tm.ml the slcnm- in . it at wind: resolutions were lasseil in lesli- mimv f the iiiiwenrii.'d en re of (.'a plain ! T-"" 7! !'." ""11 ' 'einirim the ship safely into pott. The following detailed account of Ihe accident In the Allan lie: is fni- 02 nisheil the. AVi. Yfirk llemld by llm chief 00 : oilier of i be. Alnca : 15:) 00 1 1 no Atlantic lelt Liverpool on the 2ih Dc i: 50 cember, in fine sletimino cundilion, ;i'i,l with VVt 00 0,11 a"J !,PP,cn,'nfii"11 lllo pari of her offi. 45 00 c,'rs '" rt'-,;111' lo the voyage, It was blnw 507 27: '!,' o strong yule at tho lime of deptirture) 110 17 , from W- S. V., so mucli so as lo render it 1-I ""possible to land her pilot. On the 2!)!li Dec., ut 9 30 P. M., she pnssetl Cape Clear, and faiily commciiued her homeward pas- sago by pliingine; at once int.) a heavy head l sea, ami stemming siren:: westerly "ale.- i ' ""s "j fj....-.-, 2141 35 ' which continued without intermission for t the tinio-fiilloxviriir up to the dav of the aeci '.98 03 j n .., .,,7 .. . , , i ..v..,.. nn iiiu iui in a. tuning, iii noon, sno j was in latitude 4fi 12, longitnle 41 W., it I blowiuir strong ales from W. N. V, At 1 i 30 P. M , iha ct!L:ines were stopped, ns it . was liist supposed by Ihe engineer on ac : count of the lueaking of tho eccentric strap . to Iho sturbnaril engine nnd, nn examina ! lion, il was ilt termiued to no ahead again, working lhat eegiiie by hand: but anolher revolution of Ihe wh"el proved Iha! the ac cident was of a much more serious nudum , Ihe main shaft was found btoken completelr ; through, (in a diagonal direc'.ion.) ihe bear ing of tie- starboard pillar block, ;tt:d the ad i dilioiiul turn afler tlie first fitoppagi; caused, ' one pari of the shaft to lap over lh" other : thus fraeintins both pill.ir lduc';, and reitdi-r- "ng Ihe engines p' rlecllv useless The ship, i , , , ' i "lls at "ueo hove In under shirm carivns. llm wheels lashed, iind all hands employed dnriiii; J the uilil, and lor the billowing dav, in send. iug up her s piare yards, and snipping her vv heels of the limits a ta-k ;,t mice .biscuit 88 and diiuneiuus iti n of w i n!, im,', tho . deck covered xviih ice. but lm I n :i 1 1 . ! y ac. ' compli-hed without .I'l-i'leul. On the Till , ami 8:b ayiiiL.'-to. with the hup-.' of an ubito- tneiit of the. nale uml a chattn.. nf wind, as 'be caplain aitd al! h.tmls weio extremely 00 anxious to reach some port on our own coast. 'J! On the 9;h, the wiml hauled to the north 50 , , , , , 50 VVt'S', ami became (jttili; moderate. Iti'.me. 00 diately mud ; sail, an.l shaped a course for o0 Halifax, MI7 miles liMant, nnd New Y'mk 50 , mi i 'i-i. :.. ,. l i : i 4,tnn. 1 lin Mtitlltta . II lj I 1 1 1 1 i. .1 Illllll llieil.l- I i 1 1 of the 1 Ul li, w hen an nb-ei vation placed the ship ISO miles south and 70 miles west : ot her position at llu; lime irf the accident ' A yule now sprung up nijaiii fium tho sonlh ' west, and il became necessary to heave ihu ship lo ;. for even wiih modi-rale weather it xv.is evident lo all thai file could do imlhinn; ' by I'u; wiml under canvas. At Si A. M., of the llth, ii lar:;e t-iiip passed, bound to I hi ' East., ai d j but she either did nut s:;u or tuok ' no milieu of our Mmil of .listless. At 10 P. M., allcr taking an accinalo account of stoics on boaul, und consideiin;; the apparent ; impossibility nl leachiiii; home Willi '.he ship in her disiblt-d condition, tiio captain deter- ' mined, willi the assent ol his ollieeis ami i ' passettneis, in bear up Inr the coast of Eu i rope which was accoulmjly .bine. Fiom ' ibis time to the Iweuly-second day nnlhini; ' of impmlaitci; occurred. Wo ha I fallovviti"; i "ales and hiyh sea, aiul Ihe ship inadj an ' avorane ihsUuco ol 150 miles p.-r .biv. uml j in lh.it inteivul ran 1.400 miles. At .1 P. M i of the 22.1 tho anchored in Coik hailing which fact alone, when considerim; the im mense nize of tho ship, her small spars, liaht I canvass, and heavy muchineiy, is suliieieut i lu prove her a splendid oca boat, and mit :ullt j,, llu nM deyiee, lo tho rcpul.uion al- , , , . rou1' ilt"'l""e'1 ''' l"'r ""im.a.idet lor pr. deuce and seamrmhip. In re":ird lo Iho conduct of her paeii-ei under Mich lixinj; ciicuinstauoes, too inurli could scarcely bo -1 rl',M' Suliieo it that they born the misfor. ', 11111,1 ""'''' becomin foilitude. ami checnui- 1 ness. and lesli. ied. on le;ivini- ber al CoiL a Illm-i svmp.uhv as ll.osj win, have perma. j r ,hlJ , , .... Atlantic had on buuidSSO ions of ficinhi uml R uousiilcrabld iltiaittitv of specie, v. Inch the. Cumbria was chartered to biin:; over, and probably sailed from C01W 011 the 4 h inst., direel lor New Y'.nk. Before iheAfiica left, arrangements wore inakinn u low the Allan, lie to I.iveipool, for tbu jiurposo of being ce-, paired. This will oibly rdipiiro tlux-a months. THE FUF.NCII KElTliUC. Tho uiittislciial crisis in Fianoo i over. Atiothet new cabinet, howex' : hu t biicn V lormjd. A r.rt.ic The vt-riuie yiif vxiw'ch, the L'.to Kli phon Girard used lo ditve ulonn; our sNeeis, was sold jt'tUcrday at llm aucmm alore of Mi. Tb-'in:, i;ois, fm Ihu bum xif iiilS. V 1