T v ARRIVAL OF THE GEORGIA. NEARLY A MILLION IN 60LD. Th United Slnlet Mail steamship Georgia Lieut D. D. Porter, commander, arrived at 1W York on Salurduy, from Chagren, via the Havana, with three hundred and fifty-five passenger, and the Pacific mails. The Georgia brings $106,000 in gold dust and 8700,000 in hands of passengers. The steamships Carolina and Columbus had arrived at Panama; the former willi three liundred passengers, the latter with three nundred and fifty. The steamer Columbia had also arrived at Panama, from the United States. The Georgia sailed from Chngres on the S8lb, wilh five hundred and seventy -five pas winters. Transferred two hundred and twenty-live, for New Orleans, to the Falcon, at Havana. Arrived at Havana on the night of the 1st, km cuuld not enter until mornm-i. Sailed again on the nishi of the 3d, nl 8 o'. clock, by special permission, and made hi-r run to New York in fuur days and three hour. The steamship Pacific was to leave Chn gres for New Orleans on the 28ih nit., with arte hundred passengers. The sH-amship Pampero arrived in Chngres on the 27lh, and Sas commenced running between that place Mid San Juan Nicaragua, to bring up nnssen jers. The rainy season was nt on enil on llie sthmus. The Gurjrotia toad was open, and leople crossing with great facility. The rail oad is progressing rapidly, and there aie ow seven or eight hundred people nt wok tl it. Chasres v;is getting moie hualihy, ut there were still some cases of fever vvheu le Georgia left. The Herald ays (he California Legislature ill be about evenly divided, politically, but mt the Deniotiia! will huve a small ma irity. Tukmwxdoi's Sxtm' Stobm in the Moon- llNS. ElCiHTKtN Mf.N FkuZKN TO DkaTII. From the lat report upon the head waters I lie Feather Kivt-r, uw has i'.iJien to the plh of II or 14 feel, and cold so intense ut eighteen out of a party of nineteen men, ize to death in one iiiyht; and sikty r euv ly innls. The snow fell so rapidly that j wood was covered, and they were obli d to bum tieir-.abiu to keep Irnui freez ;; but even titat did nut Kara them. It is own that over two hundred men have re .ined upsn lh Nuiih Fork, wilh llie de niinaliini of wintering there, and fears ure v euterl.itiied that I (icy will all perii-h. THE BEAR l.ETTI'.R lll'I II E. "he W'aidiiugioii Republic, in the course o interesting aiticle ujioii this subjec ; The w hole number of dead letters return, 'o the Department we can only vaguely mate. Thus, in one qiiurtcr lie: bulk ol tied letters equalled about 60 INI bushels, limed; each bushel ix supposed to contain 100 letteis. The number relumed in u rter is therefore about si.v jiiil'iuna, or I uly-four millions year! j nclaiiued moneys. Ics the ilis -ount, are led ever to the general treasury subject to demands of the rightful owners ; but believe fir the h til-year eu ling June , 1853, the a i n i id nl of these wm not mure about 1,700. IMPORTANT 1SVEJSTIIIX. il ufomRfOM Sfams'rtss. Mr. Allen A. .on, of Pillslield, M.issaeliuse.tlii, recently ined a patent for a machine, by which lig of all descriptions is executed in a rapid manner, mid in (incites and strength rior to hand woik. in simplicity of the mechanism, its tl tivene-s, and the iinmnnt of work which joniplishes, are truly anutiishiim. A sin lachiue occupies so little space Unit it can lit inside a men's hat, and yet by the us of a small crank, tho instrument will rn Jim's fietet than any seamstress. Il )0 used for any hind of sewing, fine or e or for embroidery. F.veiv part of a s dress, coat, vest and pantaloons but oles i'.cepted can be made by this ma. , also ladies dresses, r-hirt bosoms, raps, s. Sif., In fact, there is scarce a branch "dlework to which this Instrument can. a applied, sewing ten limes faster, finer, tronger than bv hand. c Gt.Ass PalXcC The Enslish papers lied with the minutest details of this lid and novel etl i lice, intended for the I's Exhibition. The fee now charged mission to the mammoth edifice is ten igs, (about t2,50) and when finished it it raised to a cninpa, but reduced as the I of the World's Fair advances. Jlr. n reply to a late question as to the ef f wind on the "Crystal Palace,'' said( greatest force of wind ever known is ited at 22 lbs., to the superficial foot. g 28 lbs. as the force, and assuming hey could have a cust of wind that strike the whole side of the buildinc, op to bottom, at the same moment, the orce which cocld he brnnsht against it be from 1400 to 1500 Inns.. Now lad cot a power to resist it of 6360 AIRS AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. hington, Feb, JOth, 1851 The con- for the printing of the 32d Congress boen opened, and the largest portion sd to Mr. Rives. The prices accepted d to be below those of the present Con Hamilton, of Phila. was tha lowest for the remainder. ta been decided by the Pension Office soldier engaged to serve six months lually serving four, and hiring a sub for the remainder, bath are entitled inty land according to the actual t of service rendered by each. felons confined in theHuntsvitle, Ala ntiAry. Have held an indignation meet aocoAiQl o. s, negro having been sea i to confinement thaie, feioU they s a gross insult to the white eon RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF ITORTEtTKBEHLAlTD CJOtflTTT. Fiom the first day of January, A. D. 1850, to tht 3U ahy of Dtctmber, A. D. 1850, both dayt included, GEORGE K. YOUNG MAN, ESQ., TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE SAME. DR. To am't ree'd from Collectors for 1 84 6, $ 14 00 1847, TOO 1848, S49 47 - 1849, S359 14 1850, 8865 (13 " Countv tax on uns'tcd lands 147 82 " School lax do 190 12. Road lax do 34 5 78 ' tax from Coxe, on land hi Coal townships 93 14 To dividend on Northumberland Bridge stock, 80 00 To cash from .tames Buoy, fi 00 balance due George 1). Yonngman upon County funds, wul 15 $7,251 03 GEORGE B. YOUNGMAN, ESQ , TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY, RESPECTING STATE DR. To amount of State tax ree'd for 1843, $27 00 To do do for 1818, 49 52 I'o do do for 1S49, 2041 08 To do do for 1850, 9G0I 58 'i'o do tax on unseated lands, 403 28 'To balance on Tavern Licenses, 449 16 To do do do Retailers Licenses, 704 19 To To Oy ster Rhops. Beer Houses, Distillers Licenses, 8 15 On militia lines, 374 14 13.0 18 10 SETTLEMENT WITH THE Expenditures of the County of Northumberland on the Treasurer of said County during the year 1850. Constables making return to Court, Clerk's wages for 1849, in full, do do for 1SS0. in part, Premiums on Fox Sculps, Viewing sites for roads and bridges, Damages, Commonwealth costs. Building and repairing bridges, $70 61 01 47 283 62 40 00 139 00 146 00 107 67 1510 49 494 72 43 11 243 12 261 38 General and firing elections, Prothoiiolary's fees, AsHussors' pay, 8ft I'uhlic buildings, Constables attending Court and Spring Elections, 173 00 55 57 7 20 126 03 CoiiUnsciicics, Refund iug. Coroner's Inquests, County Auditors, 80 00 $3,872 92 AMOUNT DUE FROM COLLECTORS Countv Tax. flamucl Awl, Augusta, 1840, $27 96 Michael Eveit, do 1840, 40 95 John Lribic, Coal, 1848, 20 00 David tstahluccUer, Delaware. do 97 35 John Lciseuriiig, Northumberland, do 226 52 John Leibiit, Coal, 1849, 138 31 Daniel blidiliicrker, Delaware, do 209 40 Thouiaa Barr, Icwis, do 89 06 John Leweuriug, Northumberland, do 27 1 72 Jesse SSniilh, Point, do 25 81 Jacob Beck, Sunbury, do 103 39 Johu Leihig, Coal. ' 1850, 203 00 Dennis Buoy, Chilisquaquc, do 714 15 Charles Fox, Delawara, do 766 65 Martin Druuilicller, Juckson, lo 395 29 John t'lepp, Lewis, do 706 54 Jacob It. Clark, Lower Augusta, do 388 26 Havid llain, Lower Mahonoy, do 343 08 Isnac D. Kali it, Little Mahonoy, do 41 85 James liuov, Milton, do 308 SH James V andvkc, Northumberland, da 423 55 Joseph Vaukirk, Point, do 333 56 Henry K. Johnson, Rush, do 454 23 Samuel Hales, Sliamokiii, do 293 3d Conrad Kershner, Sunbury, d.i 324 33 George Kuns, Turbut, do 558 32 Jacob L'ckmun, Upper Augusta, do 343 70 .$8,262 07 j MILITIA FINES DUE Michael Evert, Augusta, Havid Stahlnvckcr, Delaware, John Leibig, Coal, Jacob Beck, Sunbury, John Leibig, Coal, 1816, 184H, do do 1S19, do do do do do do do do $34 00 1 95 10 00 35 00 21 50 35 50 41 50 7fi 00 43 00 19 00 S5 00 61 50 J l 00 29 00 38 50 43 00 David Stahluecker, Delaware, Thomas Barr, Lewis, Jacob R. Ciark, Lower Augusta, James Buoy, Milton, Jesse .Smith, Point, Wm. Johnson, Rush, Jacob Beck, Sunbury, Jacob Holla, Upper Mahonoy, John Leibig, Coal, 1850, do do Abr'ain Kunselman, U. Mahonoy, Dennis Buoy, Chilisquaque, $540 45 AMOUNT OF COUNTY AND STATE TAX AND MILITIA VINES LEVIED FOR 1850. Col-LECTOIlSi COINTV TAX. StATK TaS. MlLlTIA FlNKS. John Leibiit. Coal, $32112 5417 02 829 00 Dennis Buoy, Cliilisquaipje, 832 15 1.149 87 45 00 Charles Fox, Delaware, 968 24 1.770 33 63 00 Martin Drumludler, Juckson, 659 62J 926 03 88 00 John Clapp, Lewis, 783 541 1,118 67 37 50 Jacob R. Clark, Lower Augusta, 569 11 774 15 90 00 David llain, Lower Mahonoy, 62S21, 819 61 72 00 Isaac D. Rukei, I.illla Mahonoy, 132 15 187 25 21 50 James Buoy, Milton, 493 68 705 00 64 50 James Ymidvke, Northumberland, 673 55 699 83 50 50 Joseph Vankirk, Point, 489 35 711 04 32 50 , Henry R. Johnson, Rush, 577 01 816 49 42 00 Samuel Hales, Shamokin, 687 49 841 00 65 00 Cotiiad Kershner, Snnbui V, 464 42 836 48 69 50 Georjp Kuns, Tin but, ' 775 32 1,130 80 37 50 Jacob Eckiium, Lower Aucusta, 463 13 662 34 85 00 Ab'hum kuust'liiiuu, Up, Mahonoy, 468 69 633 80 38 60 S9.750 79 814,230 13 $851 50- We, the undersigned, Auditors of Northumberland Countv. duly elected and sworn to adjust thu accounts of the ollicers of sunt iiipiI inu voticticra ami lnul tliiil ttiere is clue to sum of nine hundred and sixty-one dollars and inumnciiaiKi one lnousitnil dollars ; also, due to Ine Mate two thousand anil seventy dollars and liity-six cents, balance upon Slate Tax, and twelve hundred and sixty-nine dollars and forty-live cents, oulatamliu!; militia lines; also, county orders yet outstanding to the amount of two thousand three hundred and (ifly-two dollars and sixteen cents, making the liabilities ol ine county amount to seven thousand six hundred and tilty-three dollars and eighty-two cents. While thine is due from collectors of Count v Tax, eieht thousand two hundred and twelve dollars and thirty-three cents, and from collectors uf State Tax, fuur thousand eight hundred and thirteen dollar and eighty-eight cents, and twelve hundred and sixty-uiue dollars and forty-five cent outstanding mililia fines ! also, thirty-three dollar court fines, and one hundred and fifty-two dollar jury funds also, a nole held against Thomas Allen iur luiiij-scxtrii uunars, in an amounting in lourieeu iiinusanu rive nunnreu ami seventeen dollars and sixty-six cents. After deducting the liabilities, the balance in favor of the comity will be six thousand eight hundred witness our nanus tins Stb day ol January, BOUNTY la A. ft D AND TCNSION AGENCY. Tit attention of the public is called to the ad' vertiaeutent of Mr- Charles C- Tucker, Attorney and Agent at Washigton City. I'eraona hav ing claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in. formed that the subscriber has mads arrangements for tlie requisite forms, and claimants calling at hia office, can hv their papers prepared and forwarded to Mr- T acker at WashingUm. and by hisi be properly attended to before the De- puntuoul tuert. n. B. MAS8ER. Sunbury, Jan. 18,1851 SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM OKI CR. By roah paid upon Com'ers Orders, $6671 07 By Treasurer's commission upon $6671 7 16S77 By cash paid to Eastern Penitentiary 107 10 By rash and .expenses renewing note in Bank of Northumberland, 74 31 By percentage on $178 31 at 8 per ct. 4 40 By collector's percentage on $14" 82, at 6 per cent oft unseated lands, 7 !)9 By balance paid to J. M Simpson, Esq, late Treasurer, 880 63 $7,861 05 FUNDS, FOR 1850. CR. By cash paid Stale Treasurer as per re ceipt, dated July 23d, 1850, $3815 00 By do do dated July SO, '60 3189 30 By do do do do 1151 18 By do do dated Scot .7, '50 890 00 By Treasurer's com'sion on $U045 54, P0 45 By do do on money ree'd on unseated Unit, 20 40 By money paid to Volunteer conip's, &o 311 22 Balance in the hands of Treusurer, 4180 49 $13,048 10 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. as ner orders issued bv the Commissioners Amount brought over, $3,872 92 G. M. Yorks, auditing officers accounts, 85 00 Court Crier, 130 00 Stationery, 153 00 Prison expenses, 13 50 Deputy Attorney General, 22 50 Printing, 135 00 Attorney for County, 45 00 Road tax on unseated lands, 807 27 Fees in Register & Recorders Office, 110 17 Repairing County Engine, 10 00 Fuel. 47 50 . $ f Jacob Holla, $216 00 2 a J Charles Weaver, 2S9 09 5 ;1 William Wilson, 850 00 ' 2 I Christian Albert, 1 1 75 -767 44 244 1 35 Juror's pay, $7,980 06 ON COUNTY AND STATE TAX. Stat Tax. Ali'm Kunselman, Up. Mahnuoy, do William Irvin, Chilisquaquc, 1843, David Stahlnecker, Delaware, 1848, Jno. Leisenring, Northumberland, do John Leihig, Coal, 1849, David Stahluecker, Delaware, do Thomas Barr, Lewis, do Jesse Smith, Point, do Jacob Beck, Sunbury, do John Leibig, Coal, 1650 Dennis Buoy, Chilisquaque, do Charles Fox, Delaware, do Martin Druuihellcr, Jackson, do John Clnpp. Lewis, do Jacob K. Clark, Lower Augusta, do David Haiti, Lower Mahonoy, do James Buoy, Milton, do James Vandyke, Northumberland, do Joseph Vankirk, Point, do Henry U. Johnson, Rush, do Samuel Hales, Shamekin, do Conrad Kershner, Sunbury, do Jacob Eckmau, Upper Augusta, do A. Kuusclniun, Upper Mahonoy, do 283 01 70 02 46 87 48 00 130 74 207 31 110 47 862 76 69 98 872 55 606 72 970 44 54 01 tiO 78 149 10 104 29 53 79 91 15 5S5 41 436 39 63 00 260 29 57 57 32 24 $'1,113 88 FROM COLLECTORS. Brought over, Chailcs I'o, Delaware, 1850, Martin Druiuheller, Jackson, do John Clapp, Lewis, do Jacob R. Clark, L. Augusta, do David Haiti, Lower Mahonoy, do Isaac D. Raker, Little Mahonoy, do James Buoy, Milton; do James Vandyke, Northumberland, do Joseph Vankirk, Point, do Henry B. Johnson, Rush, do Samuel Hales, Shamokin, do Con rail Kershner, Sunbury, do George Kuns, Turbut, do Jacob Eckinsn, Up. Augusta, do 5540 45 54 00 bS 00 37 50 90 50 Ti 00 16 50 64 50 50 511 32 50 42 00 55 GO 59 50 85 50 35 00 t 12G9 45 county, do certify that we have carefully exam- Ueorga B. louugman, Esq., treasurer, ine fifteen cents; also, due to the Bank of Nor- and sixty-three dollars and eighty-four cents. A. U. 1851. DANIEL P. CAUL, ) WM. L COOK. Auditor. REUBEN W. ZARTMAN, J TltEVORTON HOUSE, TRttVORTON, FA. mllE subscriber resiiectfully intornis the public JL that he has opened a Public House, ill the new town ol irevorton, IM ortnuin uerland county, and that he is well prepared to accommodate hie guests in the best manner. His house is located neariv ontKjsitr C i Company's Store. He is also provided with good stabling sufficient far SO hor ses. He trusts by prompt and careful attention to business to meet a share of the public pstro. age. HENKY U WEAVER, ' Treverton, Jsn 11, 18M tf. NOTICE. Northumberland County, m. In the Orphans' Court at January Term, A.D 1851, on the Petition of Daniel Grinf snd Catha. rine his wife, late Catltarine Morrison, one of the heirs of Samuel Moifison, late of the Borough of Milton, dee'd. The Court grant a Rule upon Elixalieth Morrison, intermarried with John Wor lin, Catharine Morrison, intermarried With Dad. iel firing, Nancy Morrison, intermarried With No ah Prentice, Samuel Morrison, since deceased t leaving a widow Mariah Morrison (and no issue,) now of the State of Illinois. Sarah Morrison, intermarried with William Kenneday, Charles Morrison, and Henry Morrison, Margaret, Mary and Franklin Morrison, heirs and representotives of said dee'd, requiring them to appear at the sta ted Orphans' Court in April next, then and there to accept or refuse the said estate nt the valuation thereof, and in case all the heirs and representa tives, refuse so to do, or to take the same, than to show cause if any they have why the said premb sos should hoi be sold according to the act of As sembly in such csrb made, &r. Certified from the records of our said Court at 8unbury, the 6th day of January, A. D. 1851. By order of the Court John Pi Pursell, Clk O. C, All of which you are hereby required to take notice, ' JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. January, 18, 1851. Gt. Fine Wroccrit' nml Tens! I) A V I 1) I K A S i: , S. W Corner Gth If Arch S.rect, Philadelphia I "FFERS for s.iic nil kinds of choice Family - Groceries and selected articles in his line of business; (.ireen and lilnck Teas of all qualities and prices; Real Mocha, Old Java and other kinds of Coll'cc, Sugars, Corn Starch for pud dings, Farina. Fii;s in sinull drums, Layer Rai sins, Eiciich Clarified Isinglass for jellies; Extra White Wheat Ruchcster and Philadelphia Fa mily Flour in Whole and Hulf Barrels ; "Latour" Olive Oil ; assorted kinds of Sauces and Ketch ups, Pickles, Olives, Preserved Ginger, &c, Ac. Goods packed for the country and sent to Rail Road Depot or clnewhcie without charge. DAVID PEASE, S. W. Cor. 0th Si Arch Sts. Philadelphia. Feb. 1, 1851. ly ch. M. A.'SO. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. T N pursuance of an order of the Orphans court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to pub lic sale on Tuesday the 25th day of February, at the Public Home of William Weaver in the town of Shamokin, to wit: Lot No. 3, on which is erected a frame Dwelling House, No. 15 fc 16. with a frame Dwelling House thereon, Nos. 74 &. 75, on which is erected a STONE MOUSE. Also the interest and right of said intestate at the time of his decease of in and to two certain lots of bud in said town now owned bv Rcr. J. Hamil ton. Also lots .os. 135, 13(1, 137, A 138) in the town of .Shamokin. Also a piecu of land lying between Franklin street and lot No. 136S, Shakes pear and Spurtr.hcim streets through which the Rail Road passes. A so a small part of a lot be ing the front part of a lot owned by Hannan Sny der,1ronting on Commerce street, situate in tho town of Shamokin, .Northumberland comity, late the estate of John C. Boyd, doe'd. Sale to coin menco at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the terms will be made known by PAUL LEIDY, Adm'r. Bv order of the Court. ) JOHN P. PUUEL, Clk. J Jan. 25, 1850 ts- CIIUIST1.4V KHlKGnirs ICKtate. TV'OTICE " hereby given that lct'ers of Ad ministration have been granted to the sub scriber on the estate of Christian Kriegcr, dee'd., late of Lower Augusta township, IS'ortliumhcr land county. All persons indebted to said estate, or having claims against the sainn, arc requested to call on the subscriber for kctllrment. SAMUEL KRIEGER, Adm'r. Lower Augusta tp., Jan. 5, 1851 Ct- A 1 US I C A L 1 X STlt U M F.NTS. CKAS. 33UMBIIG, JVo. 207 CAosmif Street, front Arcade, PlIlLtllKLI'IIIA. IMPORTER und Manufacturer of all kinds of Musical lust rumt'iits, Fancy Articles and Toys. His prices arc I ower than those of any other store in Philadelphia- All kinds of Musical Instru ments repaired i.) the best workmanship, and also taken in trade. Philadelphia, May Co, 1S50 ly. NOTICE TO C0LLECT0ES. TVJOTK'E is hereby given to the Collectors of d-v Northimilieilaiid county, that those who do not settle and pay oil' the amount of taxes placed in their hands for collection on the 17th of Feb ruary, (on which day the Commissioners will meet to make liny exonerations that may be ne cessary,) they will be dealt with according to law. CHARLES WEAVER, 5 WILLIAM WILSON. Com'rs; CHRISTIAN ALBERT.) Sunbury, Jan: 11, 1851 Gt; SELLI1TG OFF AT KKULCKI) 1'ItICES. ris.HK subscrila-r desirous of disposing of her I. stock of MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOODS, respectfully informs the public that she will sell her entire stock now o:i hand, at very reduced prices. Her stock is mtide up of an assortment of fashionable miliiiiery goods. Also a lot of fash ionable Fancy Dry Goods, consisting in part, of Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and handsome material, of various kinds, for la dies' dresses. ELIZABETH FOLLMER. Sunburv. Jan, IS, 1851. tf. NOTICE "IS hereby gircn tkat letter TMtaim'ntarr have been yranlcd to the lubucrilieri on the estate of the He. Jan. Kuy, late of the Borough of Nor thumberland, dee'd. All persons indebted to said estate or bavin; claims against the same tre re quested te cull on tho subscribers for settlement without delay at the residence of U. II. Kay, Nor thumberland, JAMES KAY, k. ' Executors. C. II. KAY Northumberland, Jan. 19, 1851- 6t. T. S. BOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT la SelinsgTove, Pa. Clocks. iVufrlivs) and Jewelry, It EPAIRED iu the beat manner and warranted to perform well. All work intrusted to his care will be etrit-lly attended to. Beliusgrove, Nov. 30. 1850. tf.' 800 IAB0UERS WANTED, IMMEDIATELY on the Trovortort Hail Road to whom liberal watres will be psid. KIM 13 EH CLEAVER, Engineer, Trevorton, Jan. 4, 1651 tf. jIFE o- Chsist, Uandsoniely Whv4. P'Aot p 11 ".Bus's Histubt or Ta KsroaaaTittN, tiaK DtT-sooss isa Laiissas, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by I H. B. MASSER. . I Sunbury, July U, !Si9, N JOUHNAL. WM. M'CAllTY, BOOKSELLER, Broadil'ay, SU1TBU11Y, PA. T-jAS recently received, among other articles, a great variety of New, Cheap and Entertain ing publications such as Coopers novels, complete or sepsrnte. lierlierts 1 H.xlwell. Dumas Sue Reyndols Ceckton Maxwell J err old ilo Trollop, do Halliburton, do Marry alt, do (irey, do Marsh, do Aiusnertk. Morris do At the low price of from 95 to 30 Ms per volumei Sunbury, Sept. 2S, 1850. If. rASHIONABlHATS. C. J. WALTON, A'd. 246 Market ., bettfien 7 if Ith si., (South side.) rillLADELPHIA. 'THE Subscriber has opened a new hat store) and offers to traders and others who visit the city, a handsome assortment of bats, raps, of eve ry variety, mado up of the best material, and in the latest and best style, and on terms as reasona ble os can be had ih any establishment In Phila delphia, viz.: Fine silk huts at 2,50; Good do do at $100. Pfcrcona from the country who pur chase of him, can rely, ot Sll times, oii getting a good article that will plnasn them, and one that is fully worth the money paid. C.J.WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850 ly, Estate of JOHN II AMOR, Dee'd. "VfOTICE is hereby given that letters of admin istrntion have been granted to the subscri bers on the estate of John llamor. dee'd., late of Point township, Xorthiuiibrrlaml countv. All persons indebted to said estate, of having claims against the same, arc requested to call on the sub scribers for settlement. ABRAHAM HAMOR, ) SAMUEL II AMOR, Adm'rs. JOHN HA MO R. 5 Point township, Jan. 11, 1851. 6U n. Ti. ROCKEFELLER, Attorney at Law. Mlur-rivllle. S ImytUill Co., Ia. r USINESS w ill be promptly attended to In the counties of Schuylkill, Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour- Refer to : A.Jordan. H- Bellas, i? H- B- Masssr, Esqrs., Hunbury Wm- Dc Haien, Edward Hughes, & Solomon Siiindel, Minersvillo C. M- Hall, M. Mortimer, Pottsville Oct. 6, 1850 lv CHARLES W. II EG IN S, AT LAW, 1'uttsvSlle, ia. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to his care. June IB, 1849, "BOOT-TREE MAKER, No. 95 lime Street. Second door below Third, PHILADELPHIA. Yy II ERE all kinds of lasts, Ac, of the latest " ' style and best material, are manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended to, Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 18.MI-. ly. PUBLIC K0TICE. Puhlie notice i hen-bv itivcn, th:it the Partnership here t'il r?exiiiiiii hctweeii (jU1;I,1, fIIAV, nn C out rm: tori f r the Construction uf the PhiUdflptiia mid WtlkaUirre Telegraph lnit' ;nl the SiirVfuHmima Kiver and .North und Weil limncli 1 clt'cmmi Unk in tint lv diui ilvcd bv init tuul eminent. All us linviu nuliwribcd und paid Iur it k'l in "llie I'JiunttiMnhta unl iiksunrre 1 cli'srupu Coin- any," are respect .'.illy rciiicted t prtsent their receipt! lor sucn pnvmrmio iaa j. i-vm .iiiM'., i.hcj ,oi Aiientovrn, Lehigh county, Ph., Pri'sulr-iit of tho nun I Coiiijumy. und und receive their certificiite pruiterlv uuthentJtni?d there- f -r; nnd nil prrtonr )i-iviiitf sti'flcnbvcl ft in I paid I ir fitx-k in I hefjusmiehunna liivtrund .Vrth and V ert Branch Tele- cnij.h t.'mupniiy," tire a! respectfully rripicrrd t. present lieu remp'Mitr n,,n payments vt a. i-. 'rui-t.h, ut the America! Ilf'tel, Lhenuit btrcet, nppoftile the f".ate H 'Unn, Phi'adeli'ha, Preulent ot' mu C"iiitiiv. it tti T. O. VA.- Ahl.l'.S. Trenwinir' Dunvi!:, .M 'iitur c iinly, P.v, hii1 leeeive their et-rtitit ate tit due l' -rm therei -r. Ami All pf r .nsli;veii5 eluiumauuiKt thn-nd Partnci Mup, (.UHM.l, Jr SUA V, re lut ing t tlie c instiu i - n ( i inl litir-n wheth er ilpu pruiiiwiiy t't?. dmft, b''l-: uccotMln, or tlivrwire nre resuei tinl'y ret:iieKtit t- ;;r- - i: ctirei-t Mtiiteincnts ol' llie mine wilh ut deiiv. V. ,MtIN 'I'lTl'S, ;.. No. 12 Mi'iMiil;!-' l.ilnnry. Pl.il.ti'.'t,-! ' 'i is Hiiih iucd to r A t cor.is, January 11, lSH. 1m. J V'.TKS 1.. SIIAW Bounty Land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, O. C. rplIK uiulcmiipK-d Att irncj and General A)ent ot the Hjunty Uimlii and I'iiirioiin it thosf entitled, liring per nut uuiilH I c:ited at the scat of Ooverumeui, with h thur uuh and luimltar atquaintaiae with the necessary tortiti. and luuline u biniiii-Rf , nnJ lnving at-Ot iiK u HtirttcfS und itolls hlt-d in the L'. S. wur ctiicc, he pti-ettkii ixcililic tor the upcedy uitd Eaiuiuctry adjukluieut ot Govurn incut claims ot ;very kiiid. Hy a late Act ( ConjjroM, IJ.tuuty I.nnd is grunted ta the I'tTicerH und soldiem ui the vv:ir oi IblJ, ttnd (he vuri ritui Indian war since 1 710. To those who served uuia m Hiths IfiU acre; to lh e rho stTvetl tmr nioiulis bU bt reS; and t J thse wln seived utie ni"uth 40 acres. Arrungfnitiits hue tieen huhIc with reillkmeii of the I.ett-d pMlcsiin In dilTereni Sections of the Country, for the locution !' warrants, und tiie sde of tht: pat emu, when Uaux1, on the must advantageous ti-rm; l'T the jiaymcnt of UiXfS, redeiiiplioil of laiuiS, sold .r tuxes; rolu-ctiii of debts; uikl lor the transmit i n o gcueial Imw business, in the different Stutes uid Territories. lie tenders his icrv ic.u to int'iiirtors of the pr.fciwion at a dist'inre, and wht-n rtuuin imiittt the Uovr'niueni, ure pre iwirt'd bv s 1 cal Aetit. wilt almte one hah his usual fee. Tlie necessary forms and inKiructmns, und infornuHivii on all subject apicrtm'iiiK t u Nici'xinl rsc('titi.ai ol this tmsineis. will be tuniislted to regular CorreSHitdeuts with' out eharpe. Persons deslrinir inf Tinnti n of fritfiids in the srmy or navy, will lorwarul him all the aruculars known ot their set vice, lupether with a Ice of one rttdlar, and liirir enquw rit will lie rphed t " by return o mail. All CJiuuiuiuca. tit'US to U; (fbEfAin,) and HdlrcM-d t niAUl.l.S C. TLTKKK, 107, p. O.) Wufchlngtod, 1). C. December 2S, 1?.;0. FRESMAIT, IIODGS3 &. CO IMPOIM'KKS AND J011I1ER8, uS Liberty Rtrerl, Mew York (lie! ween llruulway and .Numbu ) A RK 'w rwcivinp a rich nnd leauiHut ntrtnirnt of Xi. i-'uiK-y Si.it uiut MilhiitTy jMMli, to which we wHild purtiouUirly invite tke iittfuli.tii i uH l imti ltirtftiuen, and will umke it mi il,rct iur llit'iu In give n n ml(, o we art ileternniipd V tell our ti.rtmeiit, fur Cuili, lower that! evt?r uei-.rn oflt ri;d in tin uuirket. Alilitium can kupi-ly tticiaHflvca with every article in llit-tr line, at uboul lht txti of nuuortntioii ur Aurtion nn cm. Muny ot our bimh!s aru muunuicl nroJ txnreuly fur our own aulci, aitd cunhut be u(.uued for beauty or low pnera. Hic-h Hnt anil Can It i bit-mi, a largo variety. hilLa unti Kiliua lor iouneii. franc, LiajM; l.Uftet, 'i'a.U.ton and llluilon Lara Irinnuingi t r Hutu, tun tlut1 Ure'. Jenny l.iud Cupa, l'arty und Opera Head Dreasea. Kntlrf oiderrd ,'npe, CuIUira, ChiIi, and Clieiiiiftettr Kiuitruiderrd Kdiiiict and lieitihtz. bwisaand Muslin. Thread, lirusMlg, ukm icne, bilk und IMe Thread Lace. Kmhroidered. Rnvrire nA Plaia Linen Cambric HkiV OLjvea and Mm, Kid, Silk, Liale liireul and 8wui( Bilk. A-urfi, Cravuta and Prta llkii. Hwtra, Jm'vitHt, H ik Mualma, and liiihop bwm. Kinhroidfrcd. Diiiirifck am) Plain Cam m Cmpe bhuwUl. A Full Aiwuliiifut of btruw (i-Hla. Krent'h and Arneritani Arliticml Fl wera. Willi a large vunely u4 oianiioneil atx . All wiahina to avoid pavinv 1 nf i'riffea will make maury by railing and mtiaiyiug theiittclva, 1 New York, Jaii. 3t Estate o? MARY M. EISELY, t OTICE is hereby given that (otter KMtauwn- tury have been granted to the aubecikber ou the Estate of Mary M. lUtely, late of Sunbury, dc;d. AU persatie indoUed to, sode KUte or having claims again tne un0 ' requested to call on. the suheriber and settle tUe aaaus. For this ouruobe he will attend at tlie late residence of the dec'5, Tuesday a.i)i Wednesday the 4tf and 50i of FehruAiy iV FUANKWN A,.. CtAJl.iC scuWK SharsoiuQ township, Jan. U. 1WI GREAT ARRIVAL OP WILLIAM HOOVER respectfully Informs his friends ami customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of NEW GOODS, which he oilers for sale at his new store at Mas ser's Mill) Hollowing Run. These goods were selcctcTl with great care, and will be sold at the lowest prices. 1113 STOCK CONSISTS OF EVERY VARIETY, Vis Drj Goods, Such m Cloths, Casnimeref, Sa'linets, Muitins, Citllitoes, Mouffelint De Laines, At paaas. Merinos, Flannels, Cktlk s,' (J i n g hamt, !fc. ALSO: An assortment of HATS, CAPS, OCM AND LEATHER IIIOE9. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, NAILS, dec A general assortment of Grocories, such as Sugar, CofTee, Ten, Molas ses, Spices, &C. Also an assortment of Liquors, such as Urandy, Rum, Whiskey, Wineg, cVc. 7T, 15ro,'uco of all kinds taken in ezchango at the highest market prices. Hollowing Hun, Muv. S3, 1650, ly. TO PHYSICIANS AND 0lHERs7 mifE subscribers offer to physicians and drug JL (rists, a carefully selected stock of drugs and medicines, which they will guarantee tole of the best quality, pure and unadulterated in all cases. Their facilities for importing foreign drugs and chemicals arc such, that they are enabled to sell them upon the best terms, and nt the same time to assure their customers of their genuineness. They have also recently prepared and now of fer for sale a superior article of flllrltrn lllrvrcn Resembling Henry's Macnesia. free from carbon. ic acid and roughness or grittiness. almost entirely tasteless, combining in an equal bulk from three to four times the strength of the common kind, and sold at about one half the price of Henry's magnesia. t 1 hey have also prepared the Fluid Magnesia. Which is a new and valuable remedv in ael.lit of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, 5cc, at less than half the price of the foreign article. They also have on hand of their own prepara tion an assortment of Pure Drugs in Powder, Neatly put up in 1, J and 1 pound bottles, such as Aloes, Rhubarb, Senna, Senega, Rhutany, Ki no, Gum Arabic, Serpentarla, Ext. Givcvrrh, Ipe. cac, Potassa Sulph., Potassa Nitras, Borax, Spi- genu, miciin, Urns, Uuscanlla, Canella Alba, uva ursa, ivc. Great care has been taken to have thosa are. pared from the best selected drugs and ill such a way as to preserve tho characteristics of each ar tide without injury. 1 hey have also a variety of Chemical & I'hariiinceutical Preparations of their own manufacture, and add to the list all the valuable new remedies as they Wcoinc known. Among them insy be mentioned the following : HytlrocjTiiiiri Acid, Prepamtimia of I.Nliite, Preporntions f Mercarfj iron, i " Zinc. Extract of Pmma, fluid, a pleasant ha m to admiuistar to children. Extract uf tiucha Comp.( tluul, 11 Spi(telio, " " AarRaparilluCom pofiitiuii fluid, 11 d. d. i.lid, u cU simple di. " Cuhynth Conip. ' do simple. "1 I'OttltlSU, l.Igu'ir Amm niu, Aqua, d . I'hmphnte, tf i. oneWre- niwly tor Uheuinuttsia. tJIue Mum. tixtract or.inmiaiii 14 (UU.l.tUI, " T-trnnicum, " Vaienin, fluid, n new nnd ueiil remeiijr. Sps. .Ether Nitros, U. S. I, Oils of Copaiva, Cuheha, Krjjot, Tobaccc, Ac. Citrate of Irmi and Quimnet fSesqui-Oxidc of Iron, an anlidotd for arsenic. Citrate of Magnesia, a now and pleas ant ctttliiirtic medicine, put up in 12 oz. bottle, per doz. ('olluJiuii, or Liquid Adlitsive Phis ter ; a convenient iip'lk-Htioii in ninny .lirical operations, jiut up in minill vials. Also CANTIIARIOAT. COLI.ODiON Oil BLIS TEliING LIUUID, A conveniout preparation of cmitlmrides in many caie wlirre tlipre in a ditiicully of applying tlie ordinary blistering planter. A 'coaling of it appli ed willi a oamel'H liair brush and covered witlioil silk or B)ine similar substance, will produce a blister in tlirro bours' time; or wlien exposed, in tbe uual lime ol' about twelve hours. Physicians and ulhers may depend Upon the faithful and prompt execution of their orders at at low rates us the best (jiiality of medicines can La purchased. CHAKI.ESEI.I.M&CC. .0 t'heonut slice'., i'hilada. Laboratory, fith anil Morris !Sts. Southwark. November' IB, 1S50. tf. NEV T0YC, FANCY ARTICLES, (1 AXES, &e. JukI received, a lar;e and hand some assortment of Toys, Fancy Goods, Canes, liolin strings, dominoes, games, puzzles and ti'ieks, moving figures, sear eases, Work and fancy boxes, nankin rin?s, rattles, etc... of every description, at tlie lowest prices, w holesale and fa un. I all and see GEORGE DOLL'S NEW STOIlE. 10j Xorth Cth st., riiiladidphia, late of 3d street. Ni 11. Canes neatly mounted, and Fanoy Turning done. Nov. U, 1S30. 3mo. EDWIN 11 ALL, (Lati mr tse Finn or Wtkisik tc IlttL,) b. 21 South Second Street, Fhiladelphia, J ESPECTFl'l.LY ihlbrinshls old friends snd customers, as well as the public ircnerallv. that he has opened an entire new stock of elegant styles of Spring & Summer Dress uooas. His assortment consists of the latest and mot desi rable styles of F.nirluti, tirrmun, French &i Ame rican Ooodii. (Such as llclaines', Tissues, llera gen.hilks, Lawns, M tislins, iSbavlK,lIdktfs. Gloves, snd eVerv varietT of Dress and Fancy lioods. Fbilad. March 16, I80O lv SEW YORK & rillI.4IFXlIlI.t JOURNEYMEN Ilatleia AnNurlutloTt, Car. tf tlh and Chestnut Srcet, Philadelphia. CONTINUE to make and sell a finer and more durable II at for the money than any other establishment in the United Halt standard price ef Hats $3 00. (iciits and Hoy's Cloth and Glazed Caps, L'nibrell.is, Carpet Uay. Celafy Panama and Struw Hits at equuUy low prices. May 23, l(5JU,iy J. H. ZIUMXKMANv ii'SlIl'ia Or TIIK i'EACEs Suulury, Pa. Oflllse in Deer Street, immediately oppeta the Public bcliool Uuse. (W MoalM oullcottd aa U kuii polr sod ear, (ally atiswttxl 10. Ard iiO, 18S0 NOTICE. A 8 the eubscrilier intends making new arrange nieiils in his busiiiess on the first of Jtaa.ua- rv 1851. all persons knowing UvopiselyM uukhtd to. liim. are requested to call and make aettleiuent up to that time, by oyiiien or giving thejt( nojea. lor vie stu"uni r y JOHN V. rRIUNQ, funkujy,ec.S8, ISSO.- ' ' Correspondence. Corrrtpund'tnea of Ih. guciburr American. HARRiiRvin, Feb. 8, 1851. H. B. Majsitr, Exq. Dear Sir. I arrived hpro on thp 6llrhiFt r aail yesterday nppeared before the Canal Commisskniera for the pur pose of nrginu; tlieni tut aeenre the Bank of the River at Sunburyr fmm th Norihumber IiiihI Brilrn to the Shamokin Dim, by Rip. Rapping the game. The t'aniil Commission era treated the application with rer-peclfnl at teniion, and seem to bn favorably disposed. They are authorised to perform this improve, ment by an act passed in I he Session of 1842, sue pamphlet laws of that year, page 434,J in the year 1828, the Slate built Ine Shamo kin Dam, which by subsequent addition raised the water in the Susquehanna about nine feet. Hence, after this wa done, a very moderate fresh would nnd did raise tht? water so much at the Borough of Sunbury, at a certain low place there, ami at all the ovr grounds above the town, that it would aod did sweep through those grounds, carrying off crops and fence, and in some cases injur ing buildings. Two uf those low places have been secured, at nn expense of about $1600, and the third and hist, is al-o about to be se cured, the cilieus mid others having sub scribed about 91900 for that puiposuj whirh will be very nearly sufficient to do it. Now all we ask of the Slate, is to secure tho work we have done, and may do at our private ex pense, as well as the other part of tho Bank, ny Kip-Knpping, or paving it with stone. This may cost 83000, which is not so much by 6r'0O as the citizens have already j;i ven. tf an individual or company had done us this damage, here they would have been held clearly liable to make it good. It cannot, and surely it ought not la be, that the Btale will oppress any of its citizens, and refuse to grant them any redress. The matter is now in the hands of a Committee of the House that of internal improvement before whom 1 will appear on Monday to explain and urge our claim. After which I shall leave it in the hands of our Representative, John B. Packer, Esq., where it will be perfectly safe. You will be pleased to hear, that the Wil-Ham-port and Elmira Rail Road will now be completed almost to a certainly. The con tract is given to a Mr. Gnnder, now here. A gentleman, as I am informed, of adequate means, und great energy ; and is to be dono in two years. ours respectfully, YV. M. A Ska Attornby is Ft i.i, PRACTtcE.-'-In the Bermuda seusn shark has just been caught which measured from tip of nose to end of tail 11 feet 6 inches ; circumference of body 7 feet 6 inches; extreme stretch of 13 feet by 16. The jaws had six rows of teeth. The contents of the stomach were a sheep, two turtle, eight or ten pounds each, three pieces salt beef,onu piese salt pork, one piece suet, some pieces of lish of different kinds. The following string of puns by J. R. Low ell is going the rounds of the papeis credited to Fratfer's Magazine i THE UKATKVARD AD ITU CONTESTS. There lie levellers l.velled, dun. done up in tliriicelvei, There re booksellers finally lunt on tlieir iIii'Ivch j Horiz'jntalty there lie upright politicians, Dos-i-dot with their patients sleep taultlen physicians ; There are slave-drivers quietly whippe ct under ruuml, There b'Juk binders, dune up ill boards are fast Dound ; There the babe Ural's unborn is impphed with berth, There men wlthuut legs get their six Icel of earth j There lawyers remise, each wrapt up in his ease, There seekers of oftVe are sure of a phce There delenJunt ami pLthiliif are C'pinlly east, There shoemakers quietly sticU to their hist There brokers at length Iwcnine silent us slocks, ihere stage-drivers kleep without quilling their bol. VaJnahle PROPERTY FOR SALE. FMHK Subscriber who resides iu Philadelphia, 1. olVcrs for sale the following property iu Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz I The large BRICK BUILDING Upper Miltim. formerly occupied br Messrs Pattersons as a Curriaire Makers Shop. The butldiiijj is 60 feet front on upper Market street, and 40 feet 011 Front street, and is two stories hiiih. Also a two siory BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 85 feet, on the same premises, The lot is on the comer of upper Morket and Front streets, and is 60 feet front, and 150 feet deep. The premises would bo valuable for a Foundry or other manufacturing purposes, and will lie sold on reasonable and accommodating terms bv ap ply ins either to JACOU UA1HUGAX," Philadelphia. J. F. VVOLFIXGF.R, Esq., Milton or ' H. U. MASSER, Esq-, Sunliury. Philadelphia, Jan-'Jo, 1S51 tf- VALUABLE FA KM FOR SALE. VIZ ILL le exposed to Public Snlo na the pie ' mises, 011 FRIDAY the Slat day ei Febru ary, 1S51, in l.'pper Mahonoy lowu.dkip, Nor thuinlerlaud oounly, by virtue of Its. ltt Wilt and Testament of Frederick Trioit d-ased. THE VALUABLG FAR.M now iii possession of Ahrahuu KuuticUivau, con taining about One Hundred and; Ten Acres. adjoiniu; lands of Mii-hael ftcita, David Reiti, M irhael-Tiiim, &u On Mba-h is erected a large LOG HOUSE, a Loir Barn, snd a eood Log Spring House There is also erected on the premises a large and ciecllent TANNERY, in good order, and in a Rood neighborhood' for. business. Also a Dwelling Home coiujecud with tho Tannery. About Seventy-Five Ac-is of said land ace cleared, apd! of a quality rspable of a lugk suite- oi, ulUvatiou. About EIGHT acres o( Um alo' is excellent MEADOW LAND. The wood land is of a good quality and also caps-. ble oi cultivation- There is also on the premises Two Good Orchards. The road leadinj front Poitville to Sunbury pastes through the premises. Tho properly will l solUe wusva"ie "-rms,. only a small portion of the yurdiaM r-fiey being required to be puid down iwniedistety-. If the property is nut sow ai sue unje appoiuieu, it will he reu'e'l lr one yrN t MICHAEb TRIOX. Executor Jackson tp,Jsu. S5,W5V s- - TLTl'sWIXG BOTTLES -Breast, pumps, and -f' nipple tubes- A supply of these useful srti-. ales iul received and for sale by 1 JOHN W-FRUING 8unb vJ7, j a 19f 1851