..mm, ii i ii ! i l i .'.I mi ii i i JJ.U I 1UL" ' , ., iF "g?! SUNBURY AMERICAN ANDSHAMOIUN JOURNAL. A STRING OF ITKMS. Lore, and 1ot only, ii lha loan for love. Ui lw nd physio only in caaea of abso liita neoesiity. IIovses (ire said to be scarce and rents high In Lancaster. Over half the population of St. Louis are foreigners. Orses, like chikens, generally come home to roost. There is no peace-maker like a good din ner. Physical DimcvLTr. Putting a blister on a hedgehog. Dobbs says tailors would make splendid dragoons they charge so. It is eRsier to resist our bad passions a' first than after indulgence. To reform measures, there must be a change of men. Connecticut has 1700 common schools and 700 churches. A Polar whale, upon an average, yields about 120 bbls. oil. Counterfeit monet is increasing every, where possibly because genuine is so sea ice. A new variety of French watches, that run fifteen days after being once wound up, are in the market. Four-storv shirt collars are all the ragr, N. B. Ears insured at this office. Dr. Franklin's father had seventeen chil dren. He was the fifteenth. Season all your communications to an edi tor with the attic salt of brevity. He needs a large income who never reads advertisements. Iiireb of Driesbach' young lions died in Cincinnati, on Saturday night. They were but a few days old. The Bosionians are now supplying them selvas with ice, from Fresh Pond, ten inches thick. Lord Morpeth says, in his lecture on America, that "in New York every body seems to cat oysters all day long." Philadelphia pays over thirty per cent, of the whole amount of taxes raised in the Slate of Pennsylvania. Real Gi,ort Ppringl from the silent C'i(iieit of ourselves, And without tliitt, llie conqueror is nought, But the first iluve. An elk, weighing 600 pounds, and with antlers that measured over four feet, was re cently killed in Poller county, Pa. Perhaps. -A Loudon paper says thai the Pope is about to establish an order of married preachers, so as to employ married English converts. Mr. Isaac Harrison, of Harrison township N. J., killed 28 hugs at ihn Sand Hills, a few days ago, their average weicht being 5031 lbs., and the aggregated 14,091 lbs. Sudden Death. A young lady named Ad dams dropped dead in the Sharpsburg, (Pa ) Methodist church while attending divine worship, last Sunday. riUEONs. Uarge tlocks or wild pigeons have been flying over Pittsburg, for the past two or three days. Some of the oldest inhab ilanu say that this is a sure sign of an early spring. Earthlt care, wnnting sorrow, those sharp swords that pii?rri- the soul, do not kill the wonderful eerin of lift, can draw nour ishment from grief. It bleeds, it suffers lives. Thod art, O Gnd the life anil light Of all this wtmrlrniii world we lee : Iti glow hy ilny, its smile by nirlit. Are but reflections euticht from thee ? Where'er we turn, thy glories shine, And all thingl bright and fuir are thina. Lead Trade or Galena. The exports of lead from Galena for the vear ISnO were 39,781,000 lbs., valued at $1,670,S02. Tire New Oiileans Th agedy. Th name of the man who shot a lady at a hall in New Orleans, on the 2bth ult., was late and the lady's name was Sheppard. The Use op the Telegraph. A man stole t0 in Pottsville and put ofl for Phil adelphia. The telegraph, however, was ahead of him, and he was nabbed at the sta tion, and forked over the amount to the officers. He was committed. SH0URDS & CO S LABOR AO FEEL SAVING 77ASZI1TG SOAP. llenufnctarcd by Khonrdi & Co. 843 Chestnut Sr, Phil a. ' FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. WARRANTED to wash dean in hard, soft, or salt water, roM or ot, in one third the time of any other Soap ever manufactured i thus ilispendinrf with bnilinir, blenchinir, &c FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &c. washed with this 8onp will never shrink or hare any harsh or (rummy feel, but leave them in tlietr oriiritml soft anil pliant state : which is in nseu a miflicicnt recommendation to guarantee its use in all families. THE FINEST FAblUUS may he washed thoroughly with it, without the leant injury ; (riving them a lustre equal to newly imported gondii 1'Al.M, bltbnSKi K Dllil of any description, enn lie readily removed by the use of it, without injury to the article, whether it be the fineat dres. or ordinary carpet. In the use ot Miourds cc Co s soap, the most Jelicoto need not 1'car, as it will not injure orclinp the hnnils, hut on the contrary art as an cmolli' cut, anil is not only the vr.nr hkst wisiiino aoAt ever nfl'ered to the public, but as a TOILET SOAP ennnot be excelled. Wherever it bus been used it has (riven perfect satisfaction, and is warranted so to do, in all ca scs where a fuir trial will be given it. SHOUKDS Sc CO., Manufacturers, No. 513 Ohcsnut St., Philadelphia. For Sale by Orocers generally. Nuvemlier Id, 1850. Co. IMPORTERS OF "Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware, axo imacy ;oais, 112 Chesmtt St., between 3d If 4th Streets. PHILADELPHIA. CHERRY PECTORAL: For Ihn Care mt COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH 1VTA, WHOOPINO-COUOH AMD CON3UMPTIOH. This tnilv valuable Jtcmedy for all disn of the Lunp-H und Throat, has become the chief reli ance of the nlllictcd as it is the most certain cure known for the ubovc compluints, VVhilo it i a powerful remedial agents in the most desperate end almost hopelcca cases of Consumption, It is also, in diminished do--es one of the mildest and most ncrernhlo fumilv medicines for common common cnnrdis and colds. Read below the opin ion of men who nre known to the world, and the world respect their opinions. FROM PROFESHOR HITCHCOCK. "James C. Aver Fir : I have used ynur"Ciiv.n nv PacTotii.,' in my own case of deep-seated Bronchitis, und Bin satisfied from its chemical constitution that it is an adm'nnbie compound for the relief of liirvne'ul and hriiiehia! difficulties. If my opinion ns to its superior character can be of any service you are at liberty to uss it as you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK. I, L IX, President of Amherst College. From Hie "London Lancet." "AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL is one of the most valuable preparations thath is fallen un der our notice. After a careful examination, we do not hesitate to say we have a l.irc apprecia tion of its mcriisnnd the fullest confidence in its usefulness for coushs and luinri complaints." Dr. llrewstcr, ol nidhnni Co., Conn., sends us the following testimony. Dr. J. C. Aver Dear Sin I enclose vou o LIVER COMPLAINT,: JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE'. OF THE KIDNEYS, AND all ilisenM arising from a disordered liver or sto much, such ascoiislnmli m, inwiirrt Pile. Kullne,. Wood to tho head, Aridity of the Ptomnrh, Nsnxna, nsartbnrn, discust for Kod, fullness ot wnfrht In the Sunnnch. aonrfcriirtntiom, siokinit or fluttering at the pit of the rHomnrh, swimmiiij of lite hmd, luirrleil and difficult hrnithimr, rliiitrrwit t Ihehenrt, choking or mnomtiiir tmsntions when- ui a ivina nosinre, jmiiriem 01 vision, d-JtJi or wetts hefore the iinht, Fever und dull pain ill the honri, delicinnry of perspinilion, yellowness of the ikin and fyrs, pnm in the sule . imrK, rnrst, ninim, ere., stiikien fl'iishrs ol'hnnt hurniuc in the flfsli, constant imaginings ol' evil, and grr.it d:prerlon of Sdrits, CAN UK KKKKCrtlAI.LY Ctllir.D BY DP. tLLKiirtAri:i rkrmati raspxKED er rR.C. iM . JACKSON, AT TUB GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 140 Arch Sit., Philadelphia. Their power over the nbove diseases is not exeelM, if rnii;illcd, hy imy n:irr preturatiim in the Ihiitiil Sinim, ) rruiikliu l:k. WimIi'h ui rurcs uw:si, in iiiuuy cuaea alter ikiiiiui iiyiut-raiii t iwrri5linrir limiK BANK NOTE TABLE. KOOFLAITC'S BITTEKS, CORRECTED WEEKLY. TENNMYI.VANIA. 1 MASSACAUfETTS. citt o pniLAnii.Hii. All anlveiit bonks dn V. IS. Bnnk km i.i dis mioDI', INLAND. All oirstil lianka uu All aolvrut hanks dii cobhtrt. . CONNECTICUT. Jlsnk of ChnnitKrsliarf 1 (lis All aolvent hanks dil in i ncsicr :o. par Miw vukiv Hsnk Of Drl. Co. CheUar inr rITY. Uimkof nernmiikiwu isirl All solvent bunks I di Huim ol Urttyalninr 1 di t TBk notes under 83 J di linuk of Irf-wmt.iWn coiistbt. llmk nfMhldlrtown 1 ilis All l.ilveiils Imnks lilit AliaitsomeryCii Bank pnr M;V JEitSEY. Hnnk nf Norllinmhcrl'itd. sii Pelvidere Unnk d' Hunk of I'itlslinrf 1 dis'Comi-jrriul Hank J dis Hunk of Danville pnrlV'ar. Hank Mont IWly P1" Onrlislc Hunk 1 din'F. A M., Mi.ldh-tnwn I't. par Cidnnibia Il k ft It'ge Co rMliniiiis' Hk. Newark r Doyrlstown liank irlMerh. Ilk of Bnrltnrtoii pur Einlon Hank irlMncli. ft nliin. Bk Trent lir Kna Hunk 8 dis' Morris Cn Hank ! dis Kxchaiiare B'kPiltsliurg 1 dialNewnrk Hk'g ft Ins. Co 1 dis r,xelinii(te H k, Hraneh 1 dni()rnurs Hank Fanners' H'k, IlneksCn par'l'eopli-'s Hit Patterson l-'arint-rs' Hk, t4innistir purl Princeton Hank Fanners' Ilk. I(iiuliu pnnSnlt-m llunkinf Ce. , .A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS . At the Cabinet Ware ltuora of SEB'N IIOUBT & CO. Market Square, Alto at Ihe eorntr of Faint strtet If th Railroad ' SUNBUKY, PA. Farm. Hk Si hnylkill Co par Semerrnt Co Hank F ft I). Hk Wavni-I) a 1 'dis Sin liinrii I J 11 . t . i.,.. kiui A ; ; 1 , i T ' eertilicate from Mrs. Catharine K. Cady. a highly XX maitl nf i n mt'a nrtnopH. ullih tliev will I - SI. B ............. . , .. - restiectahle ladv of this vi sell on terms as low as any in the city Juris 15, 1850. Cm "WATTS 2TERV0US ANTIDOTE ANI PHYSICAL RESTORATIVE. THB SXEDXCAts WOWDBH Cr THE VT7ILL positively cure all stages of Neuralgia, Tic Doloroux, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia, convulsions; will restore mnnhood to its prcsline vigor, even after years of prostration, and the only known and cer tain cure for low spirits or mental debilty. Extract from the New York .'"'tin, Oct. 3, 184!), The ethbiatrd l)r Watson, when talking of the miraculous power of "Watts' Nervous Antidote," the question was put to him, '.Why such a valua ble remedy for all nervous nllcctions was not in troduced by the medical faculty V replied, "That if it were, there would no longer be any uso for a faculty, as all diseases originated from a disorgan ized strte of the nerves : the nervei are the main spring of the whole system Keep this in order, and both the mind and body must be. Four ounce phial. Is doses, enough fer all or dinary cases, O.Nh DOLLAR. MJLD 1JV Wm. McCARTY, Broadway, Buubury 5eptemlr, 28, 1850. tf. BOOT, DAGl'CnREAN ARTIST, No. 140, corner of Fifth tf Chemut its., Phila delphia, and 363 liroadwaij corner of Franklin Strectj A'cu). York. t , CITIZENS AND STRANGERS ran have a sitting for Portraits or Miniatures, and receive them beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk velvet. Papier Mache, or other funey styles, or sets in Medallions, Lockets, Ac, in a lew minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings, ccc, uopiea. Out door Views, and Miniatures of dcoeased icrsons, taken at short notice. for Portraits of Adults bv our process, and Im proved Instruments, a cloudy day is quite as fa vorable as clear weather. For Children, a clear dav (between 1 1 and 2) is preferable. K7In Dress avoid while, blue or light pink. ' Our Uallery with its Mx 1'ruc Medals and Works of Art, is open atoll hours, and Free. Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, wc shall at all times be happy to uec them. June 22, 1S50. v rr Ornamental THCI2AS and French Style manuiactuier, 80 i Walnut st , between 2d and ith street. PIIITAUELnilA. pESPECTFI.LI.Y directs the attention of the public to his superior stvlcs of Plain and Fancy Frames, which arc of the latost and most beautiful designs. As a handsome Frame ot a LOW TRICE. has been much desired, he was induced some months sinco to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In u short time the dvinaud has been so great, that he has been obliged to incrcass his facilities, and nrw o'l'i-r at KXCr.l'.niNfil.Y LOW TRICKS, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Puintiugs, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Uurds, etc., die. For Durability Unsurpassed. Hotels, Public Duildings, Steamlmats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture, Vc, decorated in iuiitutioii of carved l!ose-Wood. f& Please, cull nnd see specimens. May 25, lt5U y pcctablc ladv of this village, wife of Mr. Setb Cady, Deputy fclicriif, Windham Co., Connccti cut. I he cvic in her case was verv prompt, and hasattracted general attention. W. A. BREWSTER, M. 1). Wkst KiiLiYiil.T, Ct.,Kcnt. 8 1818. This mav certify that I was nlllictcd with a veiy severe rough in the winter of 47-R, which threat tened to terminate in Consumption. 1 had trie many medicines in vain, and was cured by the use of "Ayer a L harry Pectoral. CATHERINE K.CADY From Pr. Ervnnt, Druggist und Postmaster, Lhicopcc 1' alls. .Mass : Dr. J. C Aver Dear ir: hnclosed plcose find remittance forall the CHERRY PECTORA L last sent me. 1 can unhesitatingly sav, that no inedicino we sell irive such sulisl'action as voin does; nor have I ever sonii a medicine which cured so lmiuv cases of Cough ond Lung Com plaints. Our Pnisieiuns a;e using it extensively in their practice, nnd with the happiest cO'ects. Truly youis, 1). .vt. D It l AM'. enrrAiiKii nr J.c. ivtn, i iikmist,i.uwkll,iass. IV Sold bv Henry Masscr, Sunbury"; Mary A. McCay, Nortliiimberland' Dr. (icarhart, Se- linsgrove; Dr. Ecckly, Danville, und Druggists generally. July 6, 1850- lyccHin MAHOGANY AM) MAR11LK. AXSTi ti?sE ?iar. Corner of Eleventh and Ridge lluad. AND CABINET MAKERS. GENERAL FCRSlSIilXC STORE, No: 134 Sou(ft Srcond Street, below Dock St.t I'll 1 1. A ir. i.imi I a riHE subscrilicrs would call the special atten A tion of Cabinet Makers mid others, to their very extensive assortment of materials in their line, consisting of Mahogany Veneers. Enards nnd Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hnir, tilue, Varnish, Looking CUss 1'iatcs, Mahogany Knobs, Dcd Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of E3nrItvtrc Tool, &c. Cabinet Makers residing out of tho Citv, would find it greatly to their odvautage to rail ut our store to purchase Mich ma'crUU as they want, connected witli tbt ir husiues.-i. All mir roods are U'AIUIA.NTEU, of the best quiOitv, nnd nt very rrJuccd prices. Uur icrins ure cash, (no tr;uie.) W e guaraulcu lo pio ovei v man the worth of his money. V. ft TIIOMPSOX. N. 15, Mnlinanv, Wulmu nnl J In ml Kail Plank, and Stair liullutvi fir l)ui!tWs, uIru Mai hie MantU's, alwnv.s on hand, and i verv du FrEimC fccription of tunu d wurk. Juno b, ltvVJ. y huil lutlcd. rlirwi Ililtrr nfp wurlti Ihrv iittriit nil of invnluw. PdMiiratti3 prt'sit virtu--8 m the reciific.itifni of riiMmst sof the L.iver and Itwcr k!;uiIa, cxercisitd I lie nnl luurrhing p'nvcm in ttikiicnH nnd riifcclictiH ni tlifi itii-ilive organs, tltoy ure, witlml, file, ccrirnn rnwt plfflKiul. I ' I Mil tUP Ju8tll HtO.J The Hditor miif, Upp. 'l 'Oh. UnoFi.AMi'n ('F.i,m'.nTRn Ckrma?i Uittfws for l!ie pure of J.ivt'T CoiajM iint. J:ininlipe, llx-xpcfMiin, I'linmic or NcrvntiJi lpltlity, m iltn'TviMlly one "f the int popu lar nicdiciiips of tin; thy, TIipkc Hit in have txreu ukpi) ly tlitniBtiiHlx, mill n fripnil nt our tllwv ivfi lie him him- pf rrt'ci pl tin fiviti;il himI prm:iiirnt rare of Livpr Complaint tmni t ho ur'i) this reiuifly. Vp nre eonviuppd lli:it, iii Uie nee i tcv llillrru, the pnlieitt poiiftuilly iraini ttrt'Tiirlli mul viirnr n furl worthvof trrp.it potifiiilp rrifi-tu. J iity art plptwmt m tn"te mul stdpII, nnd ran 1h iy perdMim witli thetiiimt(1fUcatp atomuciis with Nile- ty, umlcr anv pircmnnltinpps. W e nro ipakiiie from t iK'fimii't:, nuif to Hip afflict .tl we iKlvwe thiar nwt," jifiire M. M. .oah. u cpiitieiiuin wiih irrprit wipmuiic Biiuiitcrnry ft(t!iitnn,i'iiiSj p.iui liihtaAcw 1 ork Wvckly iMwpnirt r," Jannnrv O. Dr. l(l')H;in(r (tpriirm Hittprs. Jfpre inn nrPDorntion wan n ilia I'jrutiiiff prpRcpn in 1 he I ni"iiair'ir l l nnnm moitf in rppoinniPiulnnr. und Hip rtiisnii in ohvioun. It ft ii iwle nftpr a nrpwriptinn runhrri hy one of the iiiort rrlp-trati--.l phyiipiitn-i nf in-xl.-rt, tiiiir-s.'thc l ilrlir. Clir ctrnhn Wilhptm Ho iiluiul, PnifpNur to the Tiiivprniiv ol .(pirn. private Phyttipiau tu Uip Ulna of Priwtnn, nml one, of the Hreittput niedicnl writers tiprinnny htm ever proriupptt. lie was emptiiilipiilly the pm-my of hununifr, nnd thtaulorc a mudipiiH of whii'li he was the iuvpntnr und ami rti;r muy he eonirkntl relipit on. He rippially rppiimnienilHl it in lavirr fJoiaiilaiiit. Dynpppsiii, l)pliliiy. Vprtnro, Aridity of ine ntninn n. (jnnsrittiiti Mi. ami all eonuilnmts nrisujr inun n disavf It-red r uniiti n of tho siiMimrh, the liver and the intpstiiips. Nine Pliil:u!etdiiin pt;HTS exprewtheir niivie ttmi of its exfpllpripe, and spvphiI of felic elitor penk of itmfflprtu fr un their own iitdividiml rxeiipiirr. I ndcr these pirp.iiinjitmir'-, we feel warnintiil, not only in Pallia the ntfiill mi of our render tn the present present proprie tor's (Dr. O. M. Jnekn n) nrirpanitioii, hul in reixunniu tid ing Die aiticle toal mllictpil 11 More Evidence. Thf "PhitailJithm Patnrday Guxette.1 the let family newspaper pulH.siicd in ihe I nited Sutcsr the editor bay of Dr. Iftinffand's German Bitters. 't is seldtnff thnt we reeoinmeiid what ore termed Pa tent .Medicnirs. In the eontideapc and natroimue of our readers; and, theidnre, wiien we ree'Minniiid tr. I lit. if -land's tierman Bitters, we wis it to he dwliiietty nndei- sli) d ttiut v.-e tirp not H'.ivikiii" itl' ltn mmiriiiiii of the ' d:iy, that are iviined nlnmt f ir h Inief period cud tlipn for l?"Mt'ii attn they haved.nip their irnilty i:iee of iinselnei', hut i a tnedirine I'tnjj pst:ilihslted, miiverwiliy nrieil, mid which litis met the heurly appioval of the I'ni-ulty 'I'iint tliis uif.Ht ine will cure I.iver ('mplaiul mat Dvs- pepin, no one r m'l'Milit, tifn-r it-inff it as directed. U art" Meili(nlly np'Mi t)ie si nii teh and liver it is prellemhle In i-al 'liif-l in nil hilli f ittit:ivp the lil.-ct is iniiiiedi:ite. 'Jlhey r;iii In? :liiinirl red t t Vniule or Infant With safety mid reliiihle )tiit'litt ut any time. Hitiipfd:ile IViiik IjnirnPter Rank l.elmnfn Ji'ink rr Merph. Mnn. T?:tnk 1 dis Miners' irk, I'ottavilte pi Moiifniriiheh Hank 1 dip TuyliTKv'e JM ll'ar Co IS dis West Uraiieh Htnik Wy-MTiit.ji Hk, Wilkesl York Hank, CF Relief not s 1 dis MAINE, Rnnkof Whellork fidls Merpnntile Hk, llaneor In dis All nlviit hnnt;s J dis nkw n.Mr.-unw:. AU solVPHt himks I din Vl'.HMONT. nrniknf Ht Artmns 3 dis J dis J dis par nnr f.iis par 2 dis dis J. FHILA. AND EEADLVO RAIL ROD A, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT FROM pHILADKfjPHIA AND POTTSVIM.E. g I 'llisiMiitP Hank at CnmrtPH I j.itit ?tatp r.n i:iimhpthtin 1 dm State Hank Newark 1 dis State Ilk, N. Hranswiek nnr pnr,TuiPX Itink. NpwWmi dm l re n i"n VfmiK insr lift pnr V nion hsnk, D-ivpt j dis Ynrdh'VV'lPADelOrC.il.-iili lCt?'lik in Hcs inidi-r " ! Dr.hAWAKi;. piir Hank ot neinwjire par par mtniK oi rinvrua nnr I dis T)elnware tHy Hank nnr Hk Wihntru.Y Hrtindvw. ir Vtiriiiprs' Hk St Itclnwure ar 1'niiai Hunk. Wilniiufflim imr i$T Under Wi J dis Alt sMrenA hanks 2 dis t.t"Hk ii"''-a imdpr R's 1 dis NOKTII t;A HOhIN A. AU ! dvpiil h-inks '2 dis -2 dii All solvent luuiks diMjEV'Undera'is I'OK SS CKXTSSI! Ut mkaof tiik TocutT .fLir l.Hciurn h, or, tvery one -m' F -T. X 1 - ...... ' -4 v.i ni own j nvMcun ! Iinrti J' y4 c'l' edition, with npwurda of S Vf';- ' "ii " nunureii encraviiurs, snow ''.Vit J ' ill inr necolinr iliKPHRCH in eve. '3 ry sliaiic ami lorm, aim mul ol tlie generative Thankful for the tmtroninrs of hi friend" nnd enntomor, ilorinir the 17 yer he ha hcen in buni new in this plnee,h nolicits from the public crnv tintmnc of their fnvorn. Durinir thin period he hn endeavored to keep up with the improvement ot tlie aay, anil Iibr necordinelr extended hi bum' nens in everv hraneh nnd variety. The nuhlic are therefore invited to the attention of tho present mock ot CAMNET WAUE AM) CHAIRS, MANVFACTl'ltF.ft BV SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former Mock f the etfuhlishincnt they now iminufiicturc Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Ssat Chairs. Larcre Sprtitr Sent Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, .Marble Top Wash Stands, und a variety of oilier new style and Fasliiosjabtc E'nrRitiirc. Having necured ft llearxe nnd made the neces sary nrriinsenicnU for tho iurpo8c, they arc now prepared for Undertaking in ult its liranchcs, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye imiiits and mistresse, nnd liuslmnttfl tM), llcrc'a furniture of every Myle mul hue, From Hide lanls il ivii to kttclicii tjitlr8, 'ri)iu ritckin'j cliuim to htckiiurcrndk't Plltiuht yon not lt.'ive the leady Jnn?( to pay, "We'll wait nwliitc fr a l-rihlor tettcr day, Or tukc poiutoci", o:it!. C'irn, wiictt on.l rye ; t;irk, lump (vl.-c. Klnvcs, ni lnnd:r wet nnd dryfc Or nny ll.in but yokes unrl ihri.'s'.iing f.tiils, l'min liu'R nnd turkicn down to lillle ii'.uilp. C'lnv; on llten f.-irnd.. cnnio one nnd n!t. K' cp trade n in.ivinir, o "ye8 on tlie tvill." Cc" Ordcrn from n distance promptly atlcndel to nnd work of nil kindi delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 0, ltjjO. tf OJJkt of tlte Fhila. If Readinn Ruilroad C rnilailclpnia, Jtiarcn X'J, lBoU. Two rKffnf?rr Traiiii Daily, (exceptSunday. ON ond after Aprillat, 18.ri0 two traini will lie run each way, daily, between Philadel phia ond Pottuville Jlfrrtnjr Line, (Accommodation.) Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M., daily except Sundayn. Leaves PotUvillont 7 J A. M. daily except 8m. days. Afternoon Line, (Fast Train.) Leaves Philadelphia at 2 J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves rotlsvillo at 2 J o'clock, dally, except IMimlays. Paxsenffers cannot enter tlie cars unless provi. dcd with Tickets. The afternoon, or fnst trains, do not stop at An. burn, Althouwe's. Ii irdxlioro', liorer's ford. Val ley Korne, Port Kennedy, fprini? Mill or Kails. NOTIL'F. Fifty pounds of bouage will beat lowed to cneh tiasenecr in thee lines mul pa. rentiers are expressly prohibited from, taking any thing an bapCTrje b'.it their wearing apparel, whicb will be nt the risk of its owner. Uy order of the Board of Mannrrers. S. BP.AUFORD, April 13. 1S30. Secretary.. YOl'NO, m. r The time has now arrived that persons tulicrin from secret diseases, neel no mure become the victim of (juuekery, ns by l!ie prescriptions conlnini'd in this book nny one may cure himself, without hind rance to business, or the knowledge of nny one, and with one tenth tho usual expencc. In addi tion to the peneral routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause ol manhood's early decline, with observations on marriage beside many other deranjrcuioiiU which it would not be pro per to enumerate. ITITAiiy person sending TWKS'rr-riVE cents enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, bv mail, or live conies will be sent fur one dollar. ' Address, '))!?. V. YOIWO, No. 152 M'KUT.K Street. PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. til)H. YOr.NCJ cm be consulted on nnv of the lJiseas,-s dcK'ribcd in his ditVerent publications, at his Oliice, 1S3 SPUL'CK Slreet, every day he. tween 0 nnd 3 o'clock. (Suud.iysVxcepted.) Philadclpliia, Kov. !l, 1850. ly. lit'.WAni: or 'ot NTr.i:Fi:iT. Tliis mtHlicine ti:is nt.itiuud tlmt liiirli clmiiutir wtiili is nivcRs iry loruli iMediciiui tonllanito induce ewuiitctlVilcrs to pnl I". frill a fipurioiiK article nt the rittk of the lives of th'' nre rluvteriillv thwived. MKIK Wlil.l.TO TIIK MARKS OK THIS GF.NHNF. They luive the written ipn:iture of C. M. JACKSON np. ii ttie wrapper, mid the iirune liknvn in the b ittie, with our which thev nre sputi ui. For Bjile, wholKiite nnd rctriil, tlie rri!IS nnriAtiM'-'l nidtcinf m:iy he relied on vvlfii nenr- German AL'dicine Store. 1 i- lv nil othei icnuiiiciiiil. Its v:;iuc is n-it siulicieutiv Nn. 1-jn ARrilf)irt.et. .Inor hl.n Mmh. rlnte of ! know", lliereliire, the nii'prictor d.-sirt i rnlariid llm . lince Irn-t.l rii,l.i..'lilii. nnd bv resoccuilile dmilers niiu JT3 A USES. LIS TON'IC MIXTUttE, For the Ci'iu: op Fkvf.ii and Ague.- RANTKD. -Waii. '' V.T. 'jw ijwV I S t UV'iJ.ii.-.5i!M tll)43 VA'. V.-J Fi:---x-i ,'.-.. t r-T-'i ih'i': t r.ii:ftiv.siiiuMtiv-iuji3 Wiw.vtaiiE..-y'V'...,'Vv1rs m xxfti w'$ mmi m 1 1 m I Til nrespjitniff t' J unit pure nt' li:vi "DEATIPS DOOR." An Old Almanac, amonj other domestic recipes, has one to convert a "calm into a hurricane," which is as follows : "Help a good looking chambermaid cord a 'bed, and Jet your wife catch you at it," The Custom of singing psalms at church began ir. 1559. Sometimes at Paul's Cross inany tlipusand perrons san together. For the benefit ot those who could not read, the clerk repeated the lines three times. Cek. Houston recently stated in a public lecture that 30,000 emigrants entered the State of Texas, across the Sabine, in the course of last year, and that during the pre sent year the number would be doubled. When the Inquisition was thrown open in 1820, by the order of the Cortes of Mad rid, 21 prisoners were found in it, not one of whom knew the name of the city in which he was confined. Not a single pris oner knew ol what crime he was accused Onc of our exchanges contains a paragraph clipped Irora lb Lancaster (Pa.) Gazette living an account of a cat "sucking the treaili of a child. The child was asleep, and when discovered the cat's mouth was in close contact with the child's, who was breathing 4onvulsiely." The breath of a ehild is a sweet " outta wind breathing upon bank of violets " Of this odor puss it as fond of as she is of fish, and, when an opportunity offers, places herself in the position above described, in t which the child inhales her fisted, and poi aotiad breath, overcharged with carbon Mead of the pure air necessary to life, will account fur th convulsions. in This vr.MuiK j. i h:klxs. CITY A II IM'.T W A H F It O II M I , NO. 173 CIIESNUT STREET, (OITOIITK TnE STiTK IIOUSE.) PIIILAUELPIIIA. fFFEKSfor sale, low for cash or approved city piiiwr, a larn anil well uxsorlcd stock of CAUINET rUKXITURK, of the luu?t patterns snd ot tlie l-t workmanship. 1 he assortment emhraces every article, useful or ornamental, com prising suits of Drawing Hoom Furniture in Uoko. wood and alnut, exquisitely carved, lionewood Walnut, and Malio-rany Chaiuher Furniture; 1 a tent Extension Dining Tallies, (acknowledged to he the lent now' in use); Library IJouk Cases, and a great variety of plain Parlor and Chamber r urmture. ('urt.iins made and put up in the luUwt Taris fashions. Kprin? Mattrasses, Hair Muttrasscs, and Fea. tlier lleds, made to order. N. B. All articles purchased at this establish ment ure warranted of the best materials and workmanship, and will lie packed to carry safely to any part oi tne country. May SS, J85u, ly (LATK PAKTXKR OF C.8CIIUACK) Varuibh 5Iuiiulactory auU I'alat More, No 78 North Fourth Street, A FEW DOORS ABOVE CHERRY, WEST ftlDK, PHILADELPHIA. Constantly on hand and for $aU) at reduced pricej, and oj superior quaiuy, im jot' loteing articles viz: Cairh. Calmml. JunaiiuerB aixt Oil CkHh TarniihM Drvnig Junau ; iimd nd lUnioaa Vnruish ; browii, WbUa ira Kti Kjiirit 4f Traitafer do; Artiaut1, Huum mid &ph Paiitleri aitd Vnriii.tiera Muterlttii: PVITY IN OIJANTi ni, PAINT, 1IHY, IN Oil. AND PKK PAUCU FOH IMMKUIATE I'HE; MiiluwH1 Vamiati, Glue avurt Aeida; Black. Jan for Iron Adlieaiva k. Cur Fauojr Work : Pietur axtd Wiudow Uluwi ArtiaU' Co. aMira, Dry mild in TuIhm : Ntsut'a VimA Oil; (iuld. Hilvar, aitd Oenoau 1m( : UuM, Stiver, and Cupptsr Hrmize ; tila Kior'a Dmitmuda. ALao, tijt upariur 104 Hkoamf and Joim its, lejo II v frtHjut'iilly ili we hi'ar this cxirriou, wliicli i nuMtiL in v. i y u lulu;! tlie httt lidiue nt tfit-kiichsj lliut u patit-ni im he n-t;i ' I (, 3:.tl iive. .Mr. llnrn- iii, u iui uilcr nt' tlie Tiuu!Y iMiurt'ii, w.m. an atiie cx;ir ai'sui lityhcir, UriiuUi il vu to "bt.atfi'H tiimr," hy iUu-u-maliMti ii. ii Nit,-tia lii-aili-tir, w lit-:i, like an luij-t-i of iiii'icy, HaiUv.i lli-ady 1 .t I rrlieviM li-.r ni' hi-r vcvtiia jiniiin ami re! i 1 i-t t i lu-r i.iiru-.ls 111 wfiet hi-nlili. 'Yhe very iiitiitii Jtu i ;iy' Ut-ail Ki in.-i n Hpliuil, tti ber.fiieial eiK-eu urn .;! ncTicnl. il m hit lira, licii.s, ,-nn-rvn utitl in ifj" : it iiiK..n: ty i i In h irriiuumi, r'.iui-i'i in. tl;iiiiiiiLiii--iit lunl hwt'iin.iid, rt-lnV4-i 1 lit; iti'Vi aevtru Svu rait ie pvt s im1-:' i i ltmii, S He, Krupti-Jita eurea iiln um iiifii LimtiIki-j k (i. ut, r.ualysi. Sj.iaini., Kntina. Snaii., 11 i:i .Vvk, Weuuiu m th Sale nnj ltucU, S 'fea el' nil kiiuM, iatl, Jiruin-it, luua, Kna ThriHil. inilurnii.i, U-nrwii'-M, Cou'iiK i:.iil, tooth Ai ni; ci;i:i:i) i. o;;si:con. Tli.a (iWturina iiiVfntini e ni lie enrn! in nn itiftunt. for tlie iii-HUt iit Hi-; U' l.cf ("Ui iica Hit- in-rve, tne iin is uu- ti'jatHl. r i witli 'IV' I 'I- mul llt tiiicnim i, McumU aa untiSick Heiul iclm kiliir tliu ptirin wlifia ttie n in is iiiusl pevif, nml in a 1't'W niihiiit'ti ynu will be entirely rtlifvnl. T-ikt ii luit-riuiHy it wul uirral tlir uvat vinlfiil SitntH and I'liiuipti. ut ' Viiinitiii'j or tn niurti paruimf, in ail euHt:s it will iive aim it:, h l"f wikui, eamil'-tr puin, hwtitli fur siekiu'ii. .V Il ratty Kfiifi in iriiuiine un- blllUf' l) iiiU At 11 v v., iu. 1- u mm runt. i:m:i;aT Tili:t mail ii i TO KMiiKi.MSll AM) I.M1 AM-'tS THIi CUAKAIS Jl" in. At l . . RaHWAY'c .M gUICATKI) SoAf. Ruilwuv'a Mi-ilu-aiwl S it,i, a lavomtily known thron-jh- o H the i.itln inutile wnrll ( r its t'.xtrt-nii ly liLind, imniy inir unu milium eULclan llit-tfkiu wlnlti ty ita nt'tin mi llie pjrL'auml tlie tuiiiiile Ki-m-Uiry vcfcel it expela all iinput itirs iroin the Miii.tcr, uu na every u-uiicuiy in in duiniiiutioii, mul eirce!ualy iliwupnttn ali rwlnoa, tan, iiinpU-s, aitH, l:ei klt-8. ilifcnlinili lutuntl otlicr cuuuieoua eriijiiiixia TUc mitt. nit bl uu it iiiijkuta t'i the eheek, lha a-iiUiei uud di-lnaify whi' h it imttu-ca at tho lunula und urina. ita i-Kihiiity i4 a 'liiaK inituti n nnd removing; cu lair.ina iietix-ta, ri inli-r it HniicjR'iai ;hie l every i met. OniilenuNi alter aliavm will IuhI it nil t unit iiut-iti.a id ttnuirriieai in the akin, und rendera il il, aiuitlh und plMH.tItt. Uiiriuir hip iif,nt nun i;n."i ti im miner, or irKi mm mean witifiu oi M inler; and ineaKeaul miiihuin, aiuiK l ineeta ciiilntjiiiia, ('Implied Imiul, or inriiti utal intluiiiniti'iii, ua Virtue bave 1 nig and e&it-nsivi ly U en nckn wletttd. lia puiiiyui mul riir(-iliing jnopiTtifi Iwvt ulituinril ita adee timi iftini tb tli Mnciniia of iitber iticmHien, lutli ol Knr - ien and d nieiitte inancf u iure, bv the ln I ai ot uil imrti 1 the f:iahiiutl)le worhl, fr iu tlie hiimiitg inipici t:i lha Inien rriilina im tne lie Kiufr. the iuluc will plejiM Insir in muni lls:it ltiidw:ty'a .Mitdieuleti tSup, ia the imly a:itMre;iiiiiiti(Hi f r tlifi akin now in umi: ihii Itaa lieii ecrtilifd t' by our in Bt pioinnieiit e)itiuiiUf. Hadvvnv'a Siun i tree limn poia.Mima, irritnlintr und iternioioua in- ftrtMnenta, il ran Im uaed mi the tender tdviii ul the infant wilh Uie aame iwniw runa un ui m bujunv in ita nrutie. Seu llial earh cake ia euvei ped in u wj-lt iuIhI hlel of ti-fl rnffravniK ami inruu-r aee uuti Uif aiiiaiure ol (. li. K A D i A i la uiku tai b eake. 1'rica euiia. Ure enkea. , Tilt: CIUOWIM3 OUN'AMrXT lK BEAITY liA l.LXl ltlAVr Iir.AD OK GLOSSY IIAIU. ItAUH AXa CiaVAtUV EI.Jl. Warranted the brxt liatr Tome in u$c9 For Ureaainff and lleantil vina: the hair. Il uleanaea the Healp fnun Uundrutf, keepaitelean.i-urea eeurvey, liuulneka, aiui ioroa uu tlie itcau aioia the nair iiiaa luUiug out, remlera it atminr, fine, aiiKMith, ttt and eliiaay. Peraona wlu bnve4oat their hair by air knew will und a complete tuitukHe in Kaihvay'a Cirtuiwrnu Uuhn. It alao givea it a dark and beuutilul color, and will prevent tt iron, lurnmc a rev. r row na cxuuiaue puriiy, n ia ruuly kdanteil loi lha hair of etiiklreii ol Ui moat tender utie. It ia a dd in la r ire boltlea for eenla iirr b4ll, and ia warranted Uia beat huir ureiaiiatiou in uae. it will not il the hat, ean, nc tha 6ncat tubric. ftee that lha aigna laraol kauwav at CO., ia upon acA UMiie nu i ir euaauiM Bairn is geniuna wahoul the aigrvalura U Kadwaf cu. 4gt H. B Maaser, KunUury. Aug. 10, lftdO wsimly Ri'iirrnlly thronehout Ihe emmtrv. Also: Kor hmIc hy II. .Mtaiii, Sunbury, and M. A. M'Cat, Northiiniherlinid. Ainjnwt 17,lt.j. y & CO., IMl'OUTERS OF FORKIOX Eoolcs, Prints, ErgTavinirs, Stationary tT.ilt Frames mid ItlUNical Iustni- Xj. 78 North 2nd St., between Arch ii Iuicc, l'lllLAHKlFIIU. 1 MPORT to ordor and lmve conslnntly on liand I vprv liivi'n imMiirtinent nf utiiwla in lh above named lines at wholrsale and retail, J'rincipallj- : 113 2D CO sl In Gorman, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French. Italian Spanish nnd other hinuvues ; Classira, Ilietinn nries, (.ruiiimers. Vocabularies, School, Juvenile, Picture, Drawing and Model Jlookslor Architects Cabinet, (hirrinire and other nianiitacturers. MAI'S, UIjOVKS nnd lllank Hooks of every rlrKi'ripliou. Splendid l.itlio.,railjie and other Print. MUSICAL INSTJtl'.'VIENTS. Aecordeoini, l.'anjos, Dows for nil Firing inlru nients, liiiilue nnd Tailpieces, Claiiiinets, 1'il'es, ; rin?eolcU, Klutes, (iuitnrj, Octavo l'iules, Paicut I Heads for Guitarsaml ViolineelliM, Tanibourines, i Tiiuiiiir Forks nnd Hiiinniera, Violins, Violin and j Guitar Peps, Violincellnsuiid Mtrinrs for all kinds of IiiMtrunients M'hulesalc und lUtail. Accor- dcoiit repaired. I Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a lari;e assortment of the very best GI3RMA.tr BKOKZS I'OWDSIl Mutch .Metal, French Bud Florence Leaf Metal Thermometers, l!airpiiicils,-Faler und other Lcadpc nc ils, lied. While and !!lack Chalk (.'ray ons, Mathematical Instruments, Scarfieatorn, .virinir Lancets Pocket Prescription und Gold Scales and Weights Letter, Fancy colored and t;ilt Paiier-.PIayiin Cards and other French and German Faiuv Articles, fir the s.ilo of which they arc the MA.N L'FACTt'UEKS AGENTS. July C, 18511 f list inteMiliiMVa hv utiL- in.r li it lU'ii itu 1'irtiicif tn.it 1-tVi c:o- n inoiiannns n ami-'PT xvnn nre iei uwure mm tnry """"j " can be ajee4.ly und mdieully cured t FKVKR AND Atil'K, without hr. tine of piinonona ilrnjra, nniiFennw potina or the di-leLerions elfeeta of quinine. It in nflVrfd tt tli pnh ie nt ii l'w pi ire lo place il within the rrarh of till, ncBiirwd hat tli-e who use it unending to ib reel ions wilt tiiiil it u ale. nnd apeetly cme for Fevm axn llr.iit. It is not a iliantrecable innaenlintr r impound but nn nerre alil tonic calculated to remvethc dic:iveund give healthy action to thf atnniaeh und bowelln. 1'iepiired only by Marshall A On., nnd a dd wholeanlt nnd retail by ltownnd Ac S.n, No. 21 N-uth flih Street. Philadelphia. Prire tfl per single buttle, nnd ft per dog. Jm.e.21, lt-6ti ly Sr 2.I1TC- GCCS3 1 PUILitttliVniA. T. 11KADV MA UK XXJ E take this method to inform the readers of ' Ihe Suiibiny American, thut, should they isit, Philadelphia, in tuust of Good end Cheap Cbtlting1, and favor us with a call, they shall not lw disap pointed in obtuiuin the best of garments at tlie lowest casli pmrk, c nave now on haml til largest assortment ever uttered in Philadelphia, amonir which are DRUSS and l'KOCK COATS from $3 to tjilH, PANTS and VF.S'i'S from 75 els. to VK COATS, CLOAKS, 11LSI NESS SACK COATS sod COATTEliS, all of which shall be sold at such pi'tcc as to make it an object fur the people of Sunbury and the sur rounding country toctteii'l to us tlieir patronage. PL'F.HV K. .M NLILLK & VO. South East corner of (ith and Market, July 13, 1S50 BROWN'S ESSENCE OF GINGER A new supply of this excellent article jut received and l.r s'.ic by H. B. .MASSER. Sunbury, March 10, 1850. "lAPS. An aaaortment just received. Also v silk HATS at tm&. (u sals by . H. MASSER. tasibvrj, Ds,t, 1141. SHARPLESS - SONS, havojiirt received their suiiplv of Sl'ltl.M. AM) M J1.MEK GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which they invite attention. SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. SILKS Gro dc Phines. Chameleon, and ;:cat Del new fancy styles India Silks and Saliiis. DKKSS (IDOLS Lawns, l!nre-is, Mousse l'uis, Gini;hams, Aliacns, Mohair.:, and all the new fabrics. FPKNISHING GOODS CI mkets, Sheetings Quilts, Damask, Shiiti::gs, and all other furnish iiur poods. MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cassimeres. Cashma retl. Drills, Vestinwof all kinds, nnd I'.nys wear. SIIOEMAEEI'.S GOOIIS nnd I'lKri'nio JIar kcrs articles. T. !S!IAI l'LlS S: SONS. No. Hi P. Second St.eet, Phi'.udelpbia May 25, 150. lv IMAI.AIll t.I'lll A WIM! LIl H STORE HITTING tc VATI'-UMAN, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, No. 200 iUiii.vf street, Plii'.wlilJta, FFKR for sale, the cheapest and best assort ment of Lhmora in Philadclpliia, such us Champagne, Sherries, Port, St!.. k, Claret. Bur gundies. Sauliirn, lhirsac, Maderia, Lisbon, Tcneritle and Sicily Wines. I)randie8 of the choicest brands, viz: MaRlina, Otard, Point, llennesy, &c, iS.e. Fine Holland Giu, Munnngiihcla, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, &c, Oirc. Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila. delphia prices on the must lilsrrul terms. July 13, leljO BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GER, an excellent article. RtliWAi's Medicated Soap fur sun burns, tan, tetter, e. Railway's Circassian Balm, for the hair dand. ruir&c. Railway's Ready Relief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, &c For s.ile bv H. 11. MASSER. Sunbury, Aug. 3, 1850. p.ihlic wilh a remriiy f.tr ttie lr.trt:.ni no tiivil.M'y is e,tl.tl. :i inirniKMs ia llie l iiiuil Miitra. wlio siul'.r I'ri.ia ?r nn-iioiis nt llit ir van,,! fi.ini, are einijullt 'I li si'. !; r ii'.u" l"r. -l .1 . tllu-r s hmci-s tUnn t'i- ium'C ili.ile irt s''ri'li 'ii . f the r'7iilar pl-ysi'Min. It Iwcni'-a theref-.re nil i.t't.-et fit" liainunity, as wH ns is' puMie iitti-r-ost. lo briiar brl'i.u iIhmii a n-ni.-iiy prei sirl t'li.tn niucl. ex IMTii'iii'e, luul wliii'ti nnv always li: u li.il up in us s.m. EFFKCTCAI., AND llAUMI.l.r Tn 'tut! rovs--ll'i;THi. 'I'l'tlt siicllisthetru.'ctiiriiili ri'f the INDIA ( IKIt.AIKIIil T is limply nlli'slt'il I.) Llie aiuverb.il siu'eAis with wliicti ll lias biMn eniplnyi-d. tV l'.xtruet fniin n cniiiiiumi'Titini) nf the H.in. AYir, Ll A m Yimujir.lLuB. nf tiiu L'. S. Senate, Uite Unvcrivs; of Michigan. Detroit, Oct. St, lslll. DnCTnn rilAV.l.K5 OsGOon. lh'.-ir Sir. I tinv rr;:il witli loiicli iatercsl. v.'nr little l ... .1 . I ....1 ., .L.. 1 il... EATi-K lll-'ii ! tiiivt, ii.-.ii :ii.-iii nun viiru ! n:i- . ... febrile il,Sl-,sl-s wU-h IriVB s.. exlrasivty ..revallnl in our I 1 I' i .' J .f. J.. 7 T hit t!i- r-ist !' tnnt'lts nn interest inrrewnl t Wrt it-mtu. hy the Ii i-t lint I drive innivniitiiify mitrereii i-i innrli t'nun them. Th ni" h 1 l"e tnynull' very ine tinpcitut lujuilu.en.-iiY! n;n u su!tjwt hii eimrelv profeKsi'iual, yet yctir theory tn'fiii.1, l-i me well r-'its iie.i, iuhI your r un'tu Hon. iuK. nri'l I lliink withal, thnt your :iinihlet is cnlcu Intnl to tiHlti''e lunch pnietnul t, Sivrikiini tit the ih-ilifim he k : It fully jtmtified your fl'itterin; ex'wrinti' ns. ami :m n kuV. envenient. and pi-pu-kir remedy, inv own experienee. no tar, intlueflfl itw to he ieve that it will prjve n prejt pulMie hent-fit. i am phuw;! tn le trn jlint you lmve nvt-mly ttuMished feverul mr'-ncicj for itu ilisivititin ihiiii'ii I ri"i,ret thnt, with a view t a tn re jji'iiernl iliemiintiou ni it, you shout l luivt found it iipei-s.uy tn remove i'rmi jronr pwsent rwiUlenre umon us. With mucli rOfneet I huve tlie honor to he, sir, Y"ir ohliijetl servant, WW l.l.AM WOOUmtlDfrK. rP" From f T mi- Ftfpmkn V. H. Taowunun.K, of Miehi $an State Senn'e. t ihe Au-ent nt Detroit. llnoitN'inAMi Oakland Co., Dee XX IH. Sir vou witih in.: to infirm you whnl 1 know of Dr. Osgood's Intlin f'h'il 17 ine. or nnti-hilii-us tndieine. 1 du lielleve thnt if the virtue Htnl vTstMev it this in'tlicine Were Hiernlly known, the rirvKK and ai.vb wouUl di.(pfir in WlM.ttlES ATZ-OlSFEPTJC II.IXIIl is, with the ntmnst ronfidrm-c, oneTtJ t U j MediiMl 1'n.Miity hikI Hip public inr the cure f Dynp siu or InUigestiuii. and all duiuve urwuit from it, lut-l nn ' Nausea, Hendiiehe, IRdions Vonritinp, Vertijri, DiiuncsM.if SJirht, iJiiriung lenwitiou at tlta ail DrlHhlyoiilm iNervutiaSyi of the atmniich, ,,'m- ll.ivpreoTiipbiiiit, Hyp x'hondrLi. Jntuulire, Oppress) -n utter fn'.inir, li-osofnppeiu.-, I'alp.wti-ni ot'the lleuit,. Wns'iinr t the Ktrei"fh. Fain in the pit of ibe stomana riatulenee, wiih treqit'-M! or towards the nrttt ni.lt, h. ieiiiijif of wu.il, 'S-illt-wtitssi of coiiiitsiua. Vitintedt-irte, iDeprr-Msi-.n of the Hpiriitaand Conslitiitioii nnd utietuiitefi- initahihty of tamper, i of the bowels, If n chw of dyspeesia Hiiouhl he npleeted, mnit icrmu efleets inny eiHiie, lor it lan th" f unHiiti-m for, u tha ii cipent enuse of. nnd very rt iu n'.Iy tcriiimiiti in eoiiHinnf ti"ii. 1 wt ul.l iiiresj upon the imud tluit to ti itle witfe this disease may Ik- lo np-.rt wilh the r':is ni which eomii- TtHi'H i s'lpt ri'tiiiiient ainoii! urinynl hrm, r ta ta hitter e.ilenee Uy uil,iiiig n cosisc-ijumienH ot folly to tin eniity f p'liu. Tiiiii miii'icuie ia n-vntlv put up in b-ntle. witb ampli direeti iitfi f r ue, und is aultl in Sunhurv rr Jonw W Fmuw. JAMKS WILLIAMS. Testim-'nynf Mr. Almor Klmet", Inner. Market strct alwive, Mxiii, e.-rr ilrruuve of the efdoucy of VV'iUiaiH Auti-Dynpej.iie lilixir PmL.uniLruiA, October 3, 1849. Ma. Jamri Viixiam5 : lJr;ir ii : It (fivt-.t m rreat ple isnre t" knv thet to are caiu preprirnn: yi a ta.iie-ie f :r the cure of Dyitp j in. l r inany ot my :m 'iftititii'i-res h ive repe-'itedly aske nic weer- iieoniii ne pron-ft-o. kuwuii; ihai I hod ort run;.! ti it. .' i li.oi1. t i it a vu'iic iieiui iwk-tfgiuem the sri-at Jjeu 'i t 1 l,;ive rt-.'eivt d fr uu use of V"ur wet ienie is n-l o:il t y- n. r.tif uuiy hn tmet'nl to othem. U 'W nial.e it. Tor i.-veiid ytars I sntferwl irnj Uyspej whtfh iiK ifi'neil to hiwU mi e:;tent that n.y hwi.ih ai e'liiBtihition werfc n;M''!!y s'nk'ne: imi'i-r it. 1 was jb prjl-'d to rfstnt". inyeli' lo tlie in -st iniupli: fj'.-d. Quri vt that I could not dis-i'Nl. ' I tV'l u I, f ttrenptW . (Imnit! lull 'ii to e;.i i; 4se, uni, us yu h ve il iu your atlveiUk inent. n i''.i.'TL'l fee Uii!; "f d-i n-ssi n and U!U'rLuar weuriii'-b. la the yui h'-.i-ii'-f fr-n others Inh r eoin-iitai'. 'ri"ii oi vin.r Anti-lyi-ie lii:ir. I pr.-car and uf-fd it w::h i'' e tn t h:poy ell'"'t : 'tnrW it inHu'-a l.iii'.'U'.rniid M"iriMt v utii h'i..y passil nwny. ?iul mv up: tile rt-turni '1 war h I e u1..! s;r.'!i;y wilh impiuii'y. T yciirs lutvr n w elu!t'd. un'l my v, i..uU-iiee in tiie rural I powers i't" v in meilieine h:is of tiinrse iurjraseti. for ejmipletely eureti me v.'h-n I failed loontaiu relief frem i other Boureu. Veiy renpeelfullv vourn. AHNKR EIAlklg 'ivMimouy of Kdwnrd II. ItowW, AV ii-l-m.i I Merrh. of t.n linn of llow. A'liiiu'iuer 9c Co.. No J Sti Wlvirvi'n. m prmf of tit erhutry oi WdtLima' Anti-D pepti,- Kiixir. rniLArBtrHiA, (ht ber W, IHI Air n It.itSM : F)-ir sit ; I litke plcisiire m rrroiunu-iUiie vnur Ai i DvcrewM't. I have lal it tuyself lo trie die-:se, und liHve rwii entirely eured. Viuirs rei;lf'tiullv. KDWAHD" K. ROW LET Aoknt -,IO W Flldw, Sunhuiv, la. Mnreii -S ly srnu Allt'lusail. O1 BLANKS. I.ANK.S of even' ileseriiiliiiii ran be had by jP 'yiug at the oll'tce of the American. A-i;e w hite u uaxdv yow "ruE.sEit- VlXG,iut received and for sule hv II. B. MASSER. Seiit. 2S, 1S50. rj'ISSrn PArEK. Vellnw 'J'iasue riiiper fur m covering lasben, &.c, for sale at the olliec ol the American. OITOXE W'ure, Eurtheu Ware, KaUius, Al moiiils, 1' lines and t'reum Nuts. J'lanes ol ult KimlH. tfull and 1'lauter. Junt received mid for sale by JOHN W.FKIUMJ. Sunbury, Dee. 29, 181'J. IJOOrvi' and (iold Pens, On hand several cop- ies of the life of Christ, and alio a nuinlier of gcild liens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. Eur sale at this oliice. "fiTT" EXA'EDY'.S TATENT SA51I FAS U- TEXINUS A cheap and excellent arli ele for faj-tenini sash for sule ly .Sunhury, July 7, 1849. ATEXT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's wrilinz and iudellilile ink, Cotton yam and lujw, just recoived and for aale ty 5EAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin by J. W. FBILIKO. JL Tea Company, For sala by l m:rulC(l n ti-illlc in tlii" nnnc i-f I-mI. anil l.-ive Cifiil re:iHi t'i l'!ii-ve lint niy-n-Il' nml f unilj- CNC.ijH-d llc nptu lunt riisnii in f..isi7iiiii.i- it" its ur. lN-rlmps in im Hiiiiiiii.-r silii-tf tint t:Ul''lH'nt "f this fine ppniliwil.'i. lutNllie t'i'vrr Hii'l fuuti l.-'.-n an nri-va!tiil iin Hi lallt. I linw i-i ili.mi'iiilrtt ttiis ni'iiii-inti in ituuier. mis m-sinni-i-s. nti.l m li-i ttu i!i..rnw Knil lifi'.i!in' li.i.t un'l hnllied ll.i nkill nf pli-iria:iti : nml I lirivt ue cr kii'-wn il 1 ti!. I li m nmvi-licilly p'.-ii.c-il liii" ni L t-.-liy eTci-lc. uinl I Ih:1 lii'p i h-e- m-l -T l. -i-n rt"i,iii-it t.v ;;:.v li.i-.ln.-aie m rrei Vln; tli'- liili'iiiR it-i-. h n llie eanutle. Vimri. refr.-.-ir'ii'!v. i'i-'.!'iii:n v. r. TnowitutncK. Acntf T Sii'il'urv II. II. .MASi;it; ..r,l'..iin'r:nj, WITIIIVrVrOM .V'C. ; Mill m, J. II. lt.UWK.; !eliK- er'ivf. Kt.lil'.. Mnyli, I J-4 1 1 1" I STONS' 'Y7AZ1I3. " ; rjlIE fitliscrijer woulil niot rpsrertfiil'v in B. form his friends mul a penennis puhltc, that he is nianul'j' liirili'j the br-t itimlity of ill nil its vaiielies, ami is prc.i.ired to sell a little cheaper than unv oilier matin! irliirt-r inthd I nion. lie is aUo inijiortim; und ilealing most extcusivuly iu CHINA, CLAW ASD QUEEXSWARE, which lie olli-rs on the innit reasoiiutle terms. His l'otleiies are o;i li Hid street north of l ay ette, and t liina slure and uwcUiug ul Xo. S, E. liilltiinore sireet. H.VVIU PAKiv, X'o. 8, E. Baltimore street, Haltimohk, .Maryland. February 2, 1850. ly LIQITOIIS, WINES, '&C'." rl'lIE suhii'rH r has ju-t received a new supply of the best liquors that c er tmnc to Sunbury, roukisiut' iu part ot Superior old pale Brandy. Fine C'oniae Brandy. Superior Oid Jamaica tSid'.s. Xew England I'uin. l'iiie Holland C in- ) Superior Old Whiskey Comiuon do. Sup-rior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. .S'uerior Port Wine. Burruudy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Suierior Claret Wine in bolilre. C'haiiipaguo do. do, HEXliV MASSER. Sunbury, May 26 181!!. E II 1 1. AO ill A ivikbigaxj nouss, KSTAULISHF.D 13 YEARS AGO, B )K. KINKKLIN, N. II . Comer oj Third and LitiCii, Strt BErwi KS tiriatK am vinu srntm, rHIX.ADEI.FHIA I"lt-'TV'.1'. VKAII3 of vmciitive uml uninterru pi lellt-e spvi.t In ti.is city liaie rt:ii.lred Ut. K. I', t e.R-it aiui siu-i-rsMul .rii,-tiri -ncr l ir und i in ttie Irr itniMit ol all ili--ist- i a puvai: uilur. Frr ut"a-tcHl wnii iiUi-iM u. a ila- h sly. inr'iut, or leirs. pa.i ihr linulof li-iiu's. iik'.i.ui ml rt.i-i.uritiiun. strii-turrs. gr. iliM-;ise tiriMni: jr -in y .uliit'uj i-nci-.im-g or uni-unliMI o lil 'i ..I. w! i-ret.y tin- i- .iiu;uti ni Uu In;-, anc culripl'ler!. u'l l'r;ui-il Willi murs'sH. l-tr Wlio ;ii;,(.... luiimi-!:" nnilifl t wire ot' Ur. K.. !H lii;i mis;v c 'lilnlc iii uis h in. r im ii i;i.-ni;i.-jiv.n. unit c.mtii ly rtly ujioi. hi.. kill as u j,liyi;i.M.-i,. f AKi: V VSt'l'IL't't. Ml N'O't-lrE. Yo'iiw .M.-.i who ti:iv iiiin-e-l lh.itii.-.'.iv"ii by n nlHi-rii-i- iii'liili-.l ut a liaSi'. Iriu-iiu) iwirned iroui c. ni: ami-UK or at si r.o.'l I In' "in-. Ill or w I. .cii .ire ... tv'.tt tvell wnvil ii!.',-;.. unu ili-mroy I. ta lu.hii un. I vi. uij Uji'.'iy inrin..!' iu! . V ctWiii A-. r,..j 'tmitut il-.'iiitty I ss oi' mur-.tr,: p:i,T-jy. 1.10 s:c;il liis.'.nnte und i-rii ;ir .s'r .ti .11. ir. it-iniii'v ai-.l .oi v -iu uu". l-'.i. iii. I iri-nilon. n!nr:r s!iii--s ol' l'-i io'i I. nl.il fl'rrv (l;si.-itri I way coii:ii-i-o .1 w i!ii Itu it r,l r ,.i liit ,ri.irrfi.-il. i lions ciui-it. mul ln!l vi;( ir rt-!l-iril n. II I!-. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vioorouit !il'i or a premature death. KIMU'1I ou siiif Prscrviilisii. ONLY Ca CKN'TS. it P. A insl i il :t.Nrd n Kite 1 Willi iu fi'l iuf ri: Sunbury, Dee. 3, Hit BLANK DEEDS printed on the beat quality cf parchment paper, sold at tlie lowast prices at tliis uihee, by wholesale and retail. . wV NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT. & CHES-An excellent article, fur sale at halftiie usual price by J. W. F-KlLLNa, Sunbury, July T. 1849- nAY RUMe An excellent articU for aal mi- HENRY MAS8ER. Bwibury Jan. Trth, IM tf. r , -Rr-K bills.. J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1818. OSE OINTMENT. Afresh supply of this excellent article for 1 etter, ire., just received and lor sale by HENRY MA So bit. Buubury, July S8, 1849 A small rOLD PENS IN SILVER CASES, VJ lot on band and for aale by H. B.MASSKR . rwubury, April 0, 1850. RAISINS, currant, citron, cheese, pepper aeuce, cYc. For aale by J. W, FK1LLNU Sunbury, Dec S, 1848, . Justices and Constahles Fee tills ImuiUoinvly printed on card paper, for le at tins otuee. SJILEY'S VOVan CNDY. n Txcel V i lent remedy for coughs, colda. Fur sale at this oliice ADD S celebrated Hore and Cattle Meili cine for sale by 1IEXKY MASSER Suiibuo' J""- 'i7t'1. 14!) ! TIXERAL WATER, from the Oak Orelmrd Acid Spring, highly valuable iu chronic di easea, and tonic remeuien, for sale I v HENRY MASSER, 8unbury, June 29, 1850 tf STONS WAIIE. STOXE milk rain, Btoiie Jut? nd Piti-1irs, and other article of tone ware jut Teceived nJ for sale by JOHN W. FKJUNG. Sunbury, Jun 23. 1649. is;l.. IiK.u h iiu , i:,' irv-s m' Jin- l;. tit ,:)H,'f It .i'.trM-. i'.i-I;:.Ii; . Vt H lil. M AMH H l ami A''l., mil h n:n .. i- tl l y u.i. T'.f i it.ivK'f iiinl ii;i( Tf ive iiniiiiir it wilt pr-'vi-m yt' ir it' iu;.ii-ry :M muit-rini; ami mtve il ly TJi 'uwitniK ui !,u-' n. V-iyrnv.n Ity n vim-- il will Lr.srn buw tojircvrnt tli trui-ti.s.; ni ili-.ir cfiuiiiVM. ,.r- 'M-nii-i i' J fnfi. -ii'l tstril in a Ifttt rlr.fs.d t DK. KlvKI'.l.lN, N. W.crnef vi THl li(J"S Siuvtr-. ti.tv,-.! rvruci V Vnw. I'ti. Ui I' wit! "nur.t j; li uuiDT rivv!").t r return .n mn IV m hi .it a -Itsiunc in iy Vi. K. ly Ktivr. Vlil.1 ilti'l I't r'Uf.t at li liif. i'Ai-KAiii:? ok .MKiJinn:, uikixtion? f'irv:u.lml I iv M-i.',n:i; a rtuiiiuutit'. uik! lull imvcur VA.MAi.Knr t iilOSTV. lii.,-cUt'n. ..'v Ai'ius.Pll-irn, Cuuvasst'ri, m o11mt mijitilicd "nUive w irk ut very lnv rat Kebriiary W, ltOO..ly cose oiNxiirrjT. rcn ttti 1KAD the ffHtwnt',' cvit.ftc.T fntn Cm t. PTt 1 Wi ll known aiui j-'iuU( iLiiu U.mt Cupluui ( Traveller.) PnaAtUJ'iiu, Octolier 31. . iN'veral years si tire 1 wan m hifjiwl with a lirt-wki on my iif-k in ttu. tutta oi Trttcr. which 1 am ri vatt o. 'litnici'.-d at I lie .i.irlx-r'ttMioii. Ll (-ruiuluully t fl over my face inn il it ii-uriirHl the upixr jwirt vliei'ks. During tint neverul ni-'iitlii that it cm Hpit-uilmu- 1 until tlulrri'iit Ujilicatiiiti. S'ine nf wit liieril't-rt. ;trftilv at l-nst, ul' iiii.uvinii: tlm dima ltnn jiiiio oi tht-iii ilid J M;refi'" the U-atrf bene tit appliril tin loK fMKNT. Hy tin- me nf nnr ja. t was pencetly cured ami have feu mined free ot tli linn. 1 havf iiiMti used the f intinrnt. tiirhtlv annlieit for HtM nl the fat", lil.iti liM. rh:rM?U imattN, & c. ' ftttl sut-et'fw. 1 have no heM!atiit iu reoDiniueudu the sirtuigt'itl uuuinur lu the nuliic. Aeent Hkxht Mameh, Suubury, July 2, I MU. PAT2S1TT 10DICII1T3 (Ireen's Oxyeniited Hitter, price reduce. Old Jacob Towiibriid'sSaisaiJarilla. Hakcr's Sarsainrilla. Swaynr'a fyrup of Wild Cherry Swayne'a Vermifuge. Ayre's Cherry l'ectoral Dr. Drukc'a 1'unaeea. Dr. t'ullen's do r Tiblut's I'uin Killer. iJr. Hootland's Herman Bitten: Indian Yesretuble Fills Horse and Cattlo Medicines , For aale by HENRY MASS Kunhury, July 14, 1849. Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton La and Waddine;, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloons, Ready made Veata, CongreM Knivea, Porcelain lined preeervinf kettlua, iuat received for aale by n. MACOLK, an7, Dm, I, 1144. TUB PEOPLE'S VADB.MEOV I'O.MPRfSINO A COLLECTION OF OVER '. VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Uteful and Interesting Artt with kimule and Cartons Experiments Ii CHEMISTRY : T NCLVDING Medicines, Pe.fumery, Che Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionar mastic Economy, eto. etc. etc. Price 6 ct aale by HENRY MASS Huuhury, Pec. 8, 1849, RAZORS A auperior article for aale store of HENKY MA US Buuburr, Fek-1, lS50.-